Here lies Harry Meet Harry who died from Prostate Cancer PhotoCredit: M.Works Clip Art (both Photos)

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Here lies


Meet Harry who died from Prostate Cancer

PhotoCredit: M.Works Clip Art (both Photos)

He was always at high risk because he ate a lot of saturated fat, was physically inactive, and had a family history of prostate cancer.

PhotoCredit: http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0090009/photos/oddsock/267206444/

PhotoCredit: http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0098009/photos/visionarycancerresearch/3749413727/PhotoCredit: http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0097009/photos/nickdamico/1510673967/

He didn’t have his first digital rectal exam until age 60, nor was he getting blood tests done every year.

He noticed in his 50’s, maybe even 40’s that he was experiencing pain while urinating. He also overlooked the pain he had in his lower back and hips.

PhotoCredit: http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0091009/photos/mkmabus/2910025091/

He should have worked out physically most days of the week and not watch as much TV.

He also should have gone to the doctor when he first felt pain, and should have had yearly rectal exams along with blood tests done every year once he turned 50.

He could have been enjoying Bryce Canyon with his now widowed wife, Betty.

Had he taken care of his health a little better when he was younger,

PhotoCredit: http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0096009/photos/pearbiter/4060285580/