Media Research A2 various other genres

Media research funsize analysis

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Page 1: Media research funsize analysis

Media ResearchA2 various other genres

Page 2: Media research funsize analysis

Fun SizeComedy

Page 3: Media research funsize analysis

The opening shot is a tracking shot following two teenagers. This shot is used to establish the setting in which the characters will feature. Due to the iconography in this scene (school buses, rucksacks) we can see that the setting of this film is based around modern-day students; the mise en scene shows the audience that the era is very present. This is done through the characters clothing which is very up-to-date and what can be described as fashionable.

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In the background of this scene, a school bell sounds. This is used to put emphasis on the setting of the film. The reverse shot here shows the audience a frontal view of the two introductory characters. The character on the left will most likely be the protagonist due to the significant height difference. The dialogue used is discussing Halloween and at the same time protesting the idea of “all the lamos who come the school in costume” The use of slang here “lamos” provides insight to these two characters’ social hierarchy. This film would be used to target students around the same age as these characters, as this type of audience can relate to the characters.

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This shot is used to provide an example of a “lamo” who is being bullied by another student by knocking him to the ground, the background students who are pointing and laughing emphasizes the idea of the social hierarchy that is present in all high schools, the targeted audience will relate to this. This scene is also being used to present the genre as a comedy. Obviously the definition of what is funny or not is completely arbitrary and is a matter of opinion; critics of this movie might suggest that this scene condones institutional aggression. And so, because it is difficult to understand what is and isn’t funny, I will consider avoiding this genre when it comes to the planning stage of my project.

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The over-the-shoulder shot in this scene is used to juxtapose the stark contrast of this character and the one in the previous shot. By highlighting this difference, it is clear that this character is much higher in the social hierarchy. This is further emphasized with the dialogue building up to this shot: “Aaron Riley is crazy hot”. By portraying the lust of these female characters towards the male character has strong links to feminism and the gender roles of women in media.

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As the desirable male character leaves the shot, the two main characters are left in awe. Again, this highlights the link to feminism here as the only female characters shown so far are portrayed as submissive and emotional in comparison to the only male character shown so far being portrayed as strong and desirable. The dialogue here provides insight to the plot of the movie as the male says “You coming to the party, right?” and the protagonist replies with over-enthusiasm “We will DEFINITELY be there!” this dialogue supports my previous points about the links to feminism.

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The sound bridge used in this over-the-shoulder shot is used to show the comedic value of the film. The protagonist is narrating, referring to the deuteroganist in the mise en scene: “Well my costume’s all figured out, as for April, I’m betting sexy kitty.” This provides some element of dramatic irony as we as an audience can see that April’s costume is in fact a “sexy kitty”.

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Again, this shot here is used to display the genre as a comedy. The idea of a small child undertaking routine tasks in the way of an adult can be seen as funny and thus this scene is used. The way he so calmly holds his finger to the other character instead of shouting wait! and over-reacting is not expected of a child.

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This mid-shot presents the two primary characters, looking at or showing a mobile phone. The mobile phone is used to represent the modern era with all it’s latest technology. It also allows the audience to further relate to these characters.

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The dilemma of the movie is hinted at here when the protagonist is shown with a concerned facial expression shouting “Albert!” and “my mum is going to kill me!” Clearly the dilemma is that “Albert” has gone missing.

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Here, the audience can see Albert. The fact that throughout the trailer, he hasn’t a single piece of speech. He expresses himself through body language and facial expressions and this can be seen as funny by the audience as children aren’t usually so quiet. Albert is displayed as a very likable character, mainly because of his size and age.

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This shot shows Albert and a stranger bonding. It is an unlikely friendship and that is why it is seen as funny by the targeted audience.

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Here, we are reacquainted with the character who was being bullied in a previous scene. The deuteroganist says “nerd alert” as they approach them. This once again emphasizes the social hierarchy between these two characters. In terms of Vladimir Propp’s character theory, there isn’t a strong link to it in this trailer; there is no obvious sign of evil and the characters play very simplistic roles focusing less on their motives (e.g. rescuing the princess) and more on their role in society as a “nerd” or “crazy hot”.

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As mentioned before, Albert is performing acts otherwise seen as unlikely for his age. This is once again used to sell the film as a comedy.