Media Homework

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Media Analysation Question

A) In class we have studied the text Shawshank Redemption. Shawshank itself varies in tone, ranging from depressing and hopeless to happy and motivational, but for the majority of the film it displays a serious and hopeless tone. For example, in the 'Welcome to Shawshank' scene, we witness a very serious and hopeless tone. By using mesmorisingly haunting music and little to no colour, we receive a hopeless and cold tone as an audience.

B) One noticeable technique in the 'Welcome to Shawshank' scene is that all the prisoners costumes are grey, connoting hopelessness, depression and restriction. As I stated previously the prison setting is also grey, which also tells us that after a certain amount of time the prisoners become part of the prison, which makes it extremely difficult for any one prisoner to leave, which foreshadows the death of Brooks. Finally, (similar to what I mentioned in the previous question) the dull, hopeless music conveys a very hopeless and serious tone, as it's written in a minor key and contains very little notes, making the short yet memorable piece quite haunting.