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Media evaluation question 2

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The magazine will be featuring following artists; they are the sort of artists that target my audience by their music. Their music is aimed at the type of audience that my magazine will representing. These are famous artists so people will identify them easily rather than featuring unknown artists it will ne hard for readers to spot what target audience the artists is aimed at. These are just one of the few artists that wll be featured in my magaizne.

Usher Lil Wayne50 cent

Page 3: Media evaluation question 2

The main images used in my magazine were an ideal representation towards my audience, the images used were specifically taken to target the right audience according to the genre of my magazine. The reason I chose this image as my front cover as I felt the front image is important as it targets the audience you are after therefore this could represent mytarget audience. I felt that my target audience could make the link between the model and the backdrop background the dark colours represent the genre and therefore the target audience would be able to identify what genre this magazine belongs to.

The main image I used in the contents page was from the same model but different shot, I also included other type of images that relate to my genre I felt that it was important for the readers to see the models and how they represent each other. My target audience is mainly people of young age and therefore to show what these models are wearing I think Is important as readers tend to follow just not because of Their music but also what they wear.

The image I used in my dps where taken in a photography studio I had the decision to choose from a white back drop or black. I went for black as I felt it suited my genre as well as followed the codes and convention which enables me to target my audience specifically. I felt that they were a traditional and more conventional type of images that bring and edge to the page. The picture taken of this model is very important as this same model is on the front page of the magazine as well as in the contents page. He represents the target audience well due to his style; casual clothing and aggressive look targets the audience.

Page 4: Media evaluation question 2

The language used in this magazine as I planned is not formal. I believe that a magazine being too formal may lose the attention of the reader and therefore makes the magazine not enjoyable and catchy to read. The Language used in the dps journalism is friendly and the back story of the artists isnt to formal either. The text used is humorous to make the reader feel welcome. The target audience that will read the magazine will mainly look forward to a friendly manner. The dps I would say would be most informal. This was structured on purpose as the interview was conducted in a casual manner. So therefore the response my artists gave wasn’t to formal either allowed him to speak freely as if it was speaking to the reader itself, the informal text allows the reader to identify the artists background freely and confidently. I think the language used in this part is correct and I believe is the way to write especially target at this audience. Young people enjoy to read humorous friendly texts. I did not want to write too formal as I have not aimed at a specific age group, this is because the target audience is large group to be target at so I did not want to exclude any part of it.

The society we live in today has changed it has become more technological and more modern. I believe that the type of music shouldn’t be associated with a specific ethnic group or gender. This allows my target audience not be restricted, it also allows the reader to explore with freedom. Altogether, the costume and the type of photo shoots done should be useful to the target audience and should allows an inspiration to take place.