Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement

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  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    Session Plan

    06/10/15 IBS 1

    Statistics – Introduction & Applications

    Data- Types of scales of measurement

    Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio

    Scaling Tecni!ues –

    "omparative Scaling Tecni!ues #Attitude$

    i% Paired "omparison

    ii% Ran Order Scaling

    iii% "onstant Sum Scaling

    iv% '-Sort and Oter Procedures

    Non-comparative Scales

    i% (rapic Ratingii% Itemi)ed Rating

    i% *iert

    ii% Semantic Differential

    iii% Stapel

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    +easurement and ScalingMeasurement – Assigning num,ers or some oter sym,ols tocaracteristics of certain o,ects% Assignment of num,erspermits a statistical analysis of te data%

      Assignment must ,e isomorpic #one to one correspondence$

    Same age group . same rupee figures sould ,e assigned to aouseold /it identical age0income%

      Scaling – An e1tension of measurement involves creating acontinuum upon /ic measured o,ects are located%

    "onsider an attitude scale from 2 to 233% 4ac respondent isassigned a num,er from 2 to 233. /it 2 5 41tremely6nfavora,le. and 233 5 41tremely 7avora,le% +easurement iste actual assignment of a num,er from 2 to 233 to eacrespondent% Scaling is te process of placing te respondentson a continuum /it respect to teir attitude%

    06/10/15 IBS 2

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    06/10/15 IBS 3

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    *evels of Data +easurement

    Nominal 8 *o/est level of measurement Ordinal Interval Ratio 8 9igest level of measurement

    IBS06/10/15 4

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    Nominal *evel Data Num,ers are used to classify or categori)e

    Purpose: Identification of an Object  :en used for identification. tere is a strict one-to-one correspondence

    ,et/een te num,ers and te o,ects%

    Te num,ers do not reflect te amount of te caracteristic possessed ,yte o,ects%

    Only a limited num,er of statistics. all of /ic are ,ased on fre!uency

    counts. are permissi,le. e%g%. percentages. and mode%

    41ample; 4mployment "lassification

    2 for 4ducator 

    < for "onstruction :orer 

    = for +anufacturing :orer 

    > 7e/ +ore (eneral 41amples;9ouse Num,er #23 ?anpat$ .

    Telepone Num,er 

    Smart "ard PIN

    Num,er on "ricet T-Sirt

    IBS06/10/15 5

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    Illustration 7rom "lass

    Dividing te class in tree groups; "ommerce @acground Science @acground

    9umanities @acgroundOter e1amples

    "lassifying students into +ale and 7emale

    7or +ale 2

    7or 7emale <

    Te purpose of assigning num,ers is identity or name tecaracteristic%

     If te num,ers assigned /ere intercanged data study /ill not ,eaffected

    06/10/15 IBS 6

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    Ordinal *evel Data Num,ers are used to indicate ran or order 

    Purpose: Represent Identity & Magnitude  A raning scale in /ic num,ers are assigned to o,ects to indicate te

    relative e1tent to /ic te o,ects possess some caracteristic% "an determine /eter an o,ect as more or less of a caracteristic

    tan some oter o,ect. ,ut not o/ muc more or less% No 'uantitative Properties 41cept Order & 4!uivalence

    Relative magnitude of num,ers is meaningful Differences ,et/een num,ers are not compara,le

    Percentile. !uartile. median can ,e used to analyse ordinal level data

    41ample; Raning productivity of employees

    Position /itin an organi)ation 2 for President < for Bice President = for Plant +anager  C for Department Supervisor  for 4mployee

    IBS06/10/15 7

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    Ordinal Num,ers- 7e/ +ore


    06/10/15 IBS 8


    :TA Raning of +aes @upatiI"" raning of (autam (am,ir Salary (rade7loor Num,er Performance Rating

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    41ample of Ordinal +easurement











    IBS06/10/15 9

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    Interval *evel Data

    Purpose: Identity, Magnitude and Equal Interval  Distances ,et/een consecutive integers are e!ual

    Relative magnitude of num,ers is meaningful

    Differences ,et/een num,ers are compara,le *ocation of origin. )ero. is ar,itrary

    41ample; 7areneit Temperature # "entigrade conversion$

    "alendar Time – All days are for

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    Interval ScaleF% Numerically e!ual distances on te scale represent e!ual values in te

    caracteristic ,eing measured% It permits comparison of te differences ,et/een o,ects% Te location of te )ero point is not fi1ed% @ot te )ero point and te

    units of measurement are ar,itrary%  Any positive linear transformation of te form y 5 a G ,1 /ill preserve

    te properties of te scale% It is meaningful to tae ratios of scale values% Statistical tecni!ues tat may ,e used include all of tose tat can ,e

    applied to nominal and ordinal data. and in addition te aritmeticmean. standard deviation. and oter statistics commonly used in

    mareting researc% Time displayed in te class vis a vis in time on your


    06/10/15 IBS 11

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    Ratio *evel Data

    Purpose: Identity, Magnitude, Equal Interval &

     Absolute ero 9igest level of measurement

    Relative magnitude of num,ers is meaningful Differences ,et/een num,ers are compara,le *ocation of origin. )ero. is a,solute #natural$

    41amples; 9eigt. :eigt. and Bolume

    +onetary Baria,les. suc as Profit and *oss. Revenues. and41penses

    7inancial ratios. suc as P04 Ratio. Inventory Turnover. and'uic Ratio%

    IBS06/10/15 12

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    Ratio Scale contdF%

    Possesses all te properties of te nominal. ordinal. and interval scales%

    It as an a,solute )ero point%

    It is meaningful to compute ratios of scale values%

    Only proportionate transformations of te form y 5 ,1. /ere , is a

    positive constant. are allo/ed%  All statistical tecni!ues can ,e applied to ratio data%

    +ars scored ,y te students in a test% 9eigt of te students of te class

    @ot te a,ove cases. mean can ,e calculated%# +easure of "entral


    Standard Deviation can also ,e found #+easure of dispersion$

    06/10/15 IBS 13

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    Interval and Ratio scales- A "omparison

    06/10/15 IBS 14

    >Interval Scale employs ar,itrary )ero point

    >Ratio Scal e employs a true )ero point

    >Scale of Temperature measured in celesius is Interval Scale%

    >9eigt as measured from floor as ratio scale

    > Apart from difference in te nature of )ero point .interval and ratio

    scales ave same properties and ,ot employ cardinal num,ers

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    6sage Potential of Barious

    *evels of Data





    IBS06/10/15 15

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    Data *evel. Operations.

    and Statistical +etodsData Level





    Meaningful Operations

    "lassifying and "ounting

     All of te a,ove plus Raning

     All of te a,ove plus Addition.Su,traction. +ultiplication. and


     All of te a,ove






    IBS06/10/15 16

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    Types of scales

    06/10/15 IBS 17

    Zone Code No. Sales(Rs. n Million!


    Nortern 32 CH= =

    :estern 3< =H 2

    4astern 3=

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    Types of scale- anoter e1ample

    06/10/15 IBS 18

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    % &'

    Primary Scales of +easurementScale

    Nominal  Num,ers Assignedto Runners

    OrdinalRan Order 

    of :inners

    Interval Performance

    Rating on a

    3 to 23 Scale

    Ratio Time to7inis. in









    '.) *.+ *.,

    +-.) +.+ +&.

    06/10/15 IBS 19

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


     Anoter IllustrationF%

    Nominal Ordinal Ratio

    Scale Scale Scale  Preference  J spent last

    No% Store Ranings= monts

    +. Lord / #a$lor 

    ). Mac$0s

    &. 1mart

    . Rich0s

    -. 2.C. 3enne$,. Neiman Marcus

    %. #arget

    '. Sa"s ifth 4venue

    *. Sears




    2- 22-2

    I IK D 2D 3


  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    'ui) 2 – "lass Participation

    2% A supervisor is ased ,y management to ran er five employees onteir value to te company on a scale from 2 to % Tis is an e1ample of/at level of data

    a$ nominal ,$ ordinal c$ interval d$ ratio e$ e1ponential


  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    06/10/15 IBS 22

      Scales of Measurement - Applicability &Usage

    Particulars Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio

    Properties Identity Identity Manit!de Identity Manit!de "#!alInterval

    Identity Manit!de "#!alInterval $%&ol!te 'ero


    ,o!nt Ran- Order $ddition S!%tra)tion.ivi&ion M!lti+li)ationin )ertain )a&e&

    $ddition S!%tra)tionM!lti+li)ation ivi&ion


    etermination o"#!ality

    etermination oreater or le&&

    etermination o "#!alityo interval&

    etermination o "#!alityo ratio&

    &ae ,la&&i)ation Ran-in *reeren)e*&y)(oloi)al ata

    Inde N!m%er& evel onolede $%o!t


    Sale& vol!me !nit&+rod!)ed n!m%er o

    )!&tomer& and )o&t&


    Mode Mode Median RaneStati&ti)&

    Mean Mode MedianRane :arian)e Standardeviation

    Mean Mode MedianRane :arian)e Standardeviation


    Non *arametri),(i S#!are

    Non *arametri);riedman $NO:$S+earman )orrelation

    *arametri) t te&t ' te&t$NO:$ *ear&on,orrelation

    *arametri) t te&t ' te&t$NO:$ *ear&on,orrelation

    4 Summar$

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


     Attitude +easurementF

     Attitude measurement plays an important role in researcF%

    #Attitude of customers to/ards te products0services$  Attitude cannot ,e measured directly% +any psycological varia,les form an integral part of

    investigation made ,y te researcer   Attitude is derived from perceptions%

    06/10/15 IBS 23

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


     Attitude – Tree components – !ognitive. Affective And Action #@eavioural$

    !ognitive co"ponent# Tis represents an individualLsinformation and no/ledge a,out an o,ect% Includesa/areness of e1istence of o,ect. ,eliefs a,out tecaracteristics or attri,utes of te o,ect and udgments to/ards


    4gF% If respondents are ased to name te companiesmanufacturing pressure cooer. tey may remem,er 9a/ins.Prestige etc% Tis is unaided recall a/areness%

    +ore names are liely to ,e remem,ered on te prompt of teinvestigator% Tis is aided recall%

    06/10/15 IBS 24

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


     Attitude – Tree components – "ognitive. Affective And Action

     Affective $ Summarises a personLs overall feeling or emotionsto/ards te o,ects%

    4gF% 7ood cooed in pressure cooer is tasty. taste of orange

     uice is good or taste of ,itter gourd is ,ad% If tere are num,er of alternatives to coose from. te liing is

    e1pressed in terms of preference for one over te oter%

    06/10/15 IBS 25

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


     Attitude – Tree components – "ognitive. Affective And Action

     Action $ %is is te beavioural co"ponent of Attitude

    Reflects a predisposition to an action ,y reflecting teconsumerLs ,uying or purcase intention% It also reflects a

    personLs e1pectations of future ,eaviour to/ards an o,ect%

    Tus favoura,le attitude to/ards a product may not mean teintention to ,uy% Intention to ,uy as to ,e ,aced ,y tepurcasing po/er of te consumer% 4gF% If Birant is aving afavoura,le attitude to ,uy Audi . may not mean e is going topurcase it%

    06/10/15 IBS 26

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


     A "lassification of Scaling Tecni!ues- Attitude+easurement

    *iertSemanticDifferential Stapel

    Scaling Tecni!ues






    '-Sort andOterProcedures

     "ontinuousRating Scales


    Rating scales

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


     A "omparison of Scaling

    Tecni!ues Comparative scales involve te direct comparison ofstimulus o,ects%

     In non7comparative scales. eac o,ect is scaled

    independently of te oters in te stimulus set%

    06/10/15 IBS 28

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    Li"ert Scale

    Te Li"ert scale re!uires te respondents to indicate a degree of agreement or 

    disagreement /it eac of a series of statements a,out te stimulus o,ects%

    Strongly Disagree Neiter Agree Stronglydisagree agree nor agreedisagree

     2% SS sells ig !uality mercandise% 2 < = C  

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    *iert Scale contdF Te total score can ,e calculated Te stimulus o,ects aving ig correlation can ,e


    06/10/15 IBS 30

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    Semantic Differential ScaleTe semantic differential is a seven-point rating scale /it end

    points associated /it ,ipolar la,els tat ave semantic meaning%

    SS IS;

    Po/erful --;--;--;--;-M-;--;--; :ea

    6nrelia,le --;--;--;--;--;-M-;--; Relia,le

    +odern --;--;--;--;--;--;-M-; Old-fasioned

    Te negative adective or prase sometimes appears at te left side ofte scale and sometimes at te rigt%

    Tis controls te tendency of some respondents. particularly tose /it

    very positive or very negative attitudes. to mar te rigt- or left-andsides /itout reading te la,els%

    Individual items on a semantic differential scale may ,e scored oneiter a -= to G= or a 2 to scale%

    06/10/15 IBS 31

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    Stapel ScaleTe Stapel scale is a unipolar rating scale /it ten categories

    num,ered from - to G. /itout a neutral point #)ero$% Tis scaleis usually presented vertically% +easures te direction and intensity of attitude



    G G

    GC GCG= G=

    G< G

  • 8/21/2019 Measurement, Scaling, Attitude Measurement


    06/10/15 IBS 33

    8asic Non7comparative Scales