McPHERSON COLLEGE BULLETIN U(< anti Lrgbt-/olm I :4 BIENNI AL CATALOGUE VOL XXXII APRIL, 1943 No.2 Publlihcd by Md'.,.,_ Colt- and Prlnred by The M<Pk•""" R•publloan, MePherson . Kon50:1

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U(< anti Lrgbt-/olm I :4

BIENNIAL CATALOGUE VOL XXXII APRIL, 1943 No.2 Publlihcd by Md'.,.,_ Colt- and Prlnred by The M<Pk•""" R•publloan,

MePherson. Kon50:1

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\ ' I

Lilt Olttl Lig/11-Jolon 1:'1


vo1... xxxn APRIL, 1948 NO.2

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Adnuno\trcM:"' off•c£'\, chop-Pl. \ l vd.ent un•on, st~nt osse1nbly. O'lddCil\'~·

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Calendar 1942-19•13

lloy 27-W l'dnuday. Rtgiruatlon, Summer St .. ion. Aqr. &-Wedncld.oy, Commencement, Summer S«:Nion. Sept. 8-9-Tut1Ldtty und Wtd.nesdny, R('gi.Jtratlon, f int -1k!mt.-tu. S..pL 10-Tbunda)·, 7 :60 A. ~- Clnasu convene. Sept. 10-Thunday, 9 :40 A. -&!., Openlng Add--. Nov. ZG-Tbur.U.,., Tb.anbC'i..U.a; Day. Dtc. 18- Frtday, 12:00 Noon, Chri1t.mnt Re(:_e&a beatna. Dec. 30-W<dn .. day, 7:60 A. M .. Christm•• Recc•• end•. Ja•. 12-16-Tucaday, WodMIIday, Thunday, and friday, Final Eum­

ndona, tint Je"mea:ter. Jan. 14· 16 and 18--Thunday, Friday, and Mondoy, Rcgi•tratlon, lieCOnd

"emt?:a-ter. Jan. 18--Monday, Orllclal Opening or lieCOnd .. m.,ler. Jan, 19-Tuellday, 7 :50 A. at., Cl~•- con•tne. April 23-FrldAy, 12:00 Noon, E"'ler Recno beg!rs. April 27-Tuesday, 7 :50 A. ll .. Easter RecH& ends. May IG-Sah.1.rd.ay, Reception to Sottior"' May 11!-21-Tueada)', Wedneoday, Thu roday, Friday, Final Examin-

n&lon•. second aemett.er. May 22-Saturdoy, 10: 00 A. M., Cl• .. Day Ex•••••~· May 22-Saturdl)', 6 :30[ M .. Alumni Reunion. ).IJt.y 23- Sunday, 10:45 .. M.., Baculaur.ate Se"ftt. May 24-Mondny, 10:00 A. M .. t 'l fty-fifth Annuol Commonccmtnt.


~~~'Y 2&-Wedn~ay, Resrrstratlon for Sun'lmtr ~ttion. Aug. 4-WflclnC!ada)", c~l"_rncnc:cmont, Sumnler ScAllon. ~pL 7-8-Tut:lday anclJ!ednHdA)', Rt'4~atrauon. tiuA •c.a1e•l•r­S•pL ~-Thunday, 7:30 A. ::.L, Cl.uan tonY•no. S.pt. 10-'fhurllday, 0 :40 A. M., Opening Add"'"'· Nov . .26-4'hurodoy, Th•nkogivinlf Doy. Dee. 22-IVtdncaday, 12:00 Noon, Chriotmu Rtc.., belfino, J•n. 4-Tueoday, 7:~ A. M., Chrutm .. Roce .. enJ•. Jran. ll· U-TuC!Jday, Wednt!,sdRy, Thur-JdAy, nnd Friday, Fin•l Examin·

atJon.s. firtt Mmf'.aWr. Jan. 13-t.a and 17- Thurday. ,.~riday. and Monda)', ~R"W:rat.ion, tc!'COnd


Jan. 17-Monday, OCficial Optnlng of Second Sem~ter. Jan. 18--Tue&day, '7:60 A. M., CIM~& eonvene. April 7-Prlday, 12:00 l'oon, Eaat.r n ..... bei!••· April 11-Tueaday, 7:&0 A. 111. , Euter Roceos tnda. May 13-Saturdny, Ue!e~ption to Seniors. May 1~19-Tuuday. Wtdnooda y, Thu-rod•r. Friday, Final Examln·

atlon&. J«<nd se.mette:r. May 20-Saturdoy, 10:00 A. M .. Clau Day Exer<iaeo. !.lay 20-Saturday, 6 :30 P. M .. Alurhni R•union. May 21-SundAJ', 10:46 A. M., 9aceuloureote Se.rvlc'fs. May 22-MondAy. 10:00 A. M .. Pifty·ol.-tb Annu al Comm•noemonL

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Board of Trustees ' CLASS or 1943

EAlu. FitANTZ, Chainnon _ Grundy Center, lown EAltt. GoUCliNOUR _ -- 1306 East Sb•ridan, Des &foin<S, Iowa GU!NN K.uuus ... -··-- --- Jennin", Looisiann R. E. LOSRBAUCB ---- -·· FrWonia, Kansas



0 . A . MILLER .. _ F . A. WAGNER


DAL2 SnuCXLER, S.urelaJ'fl

E. T . POCK CLASS 09 1946-


Thomn3, Oldahoma Norborne, Miaaouri

Minot, North Dakot.a Waldo, Kamuus

Nompo, Idaho llcPherson. Kan.sns

Fnlls City, Nebraekn.

Conwny Sprint.rs. Kansns

J. J. WAAIPLF.R -------·-··-··-- - ·-·-· Warrensburg, Missouri CRARU'..S A. ALBIN I 18 S. Moore St., Ot.1umwo, Jown J. J. YOD&R --- __ _ McPherson, Kansas

CLASS 09 19~7 P. L. FlKE w. A. K1NZlE -..--···-.. B. F. STAUF.'ER - --··-­

E. A. WALl., Viu·Chairnum CLASS O>' 1948

HAROLD BCAlol ------ __

R.F.D. No.2, Wcat Plnins, MiuourJ Morrill, Kan"''•

Rocky Ford, Colorado McPherson. K.ansat

McPber oon, Kan .. s L. B. CRUMPACK.Eit McPherson, Kanus

HOMER FERGUSON ---- ------·-·- McPherson, Kan5811 ALUMNI TRUSTEE

Mas. J. 0. BRIGHT ·- --- 1718 Collins, Topeka, Kanl!lls I EX·OP'PICIO

W. W. P!'TERS -----



--· --_ -- McPherton, Kanus

&.tcPhcrson, Konsos

Standing Committees of the Board EXECUTIVE: Yoder, Wall, Str-ickler, Crumpacker, Beam, (Peters, ex·

oUieio). PINANC~ AND INYmT>lENT: Yoder, Wall, Strickler, (Fries, ._...,tfieio) . EnuunoN.u.: Frantz, Kinde, Cru_mpacker, (President and Dean of

Coli ego, ex-oUicio). BVJJ.DlNCS AND Gaoo-soe: Stauffer, Beam, Ferguson, (Friea, e.J:--)fficio) .


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• CATALOGUE ' OHicers of the Faculty

W. IV. P&rtftll, I .L. D. J. W. lkHTSotT, Ph. D. J IJ. Faits, A. 8

Pruidtnt Oca11·Rrvittror

tr.,;,~N .v ... ,,,. IDA SIIOCIU.EY, A. M. S. Al. DELL, l f. S.

D••• of w.....,. D~o" of M•"

Standing Committee; of the Faculty ., • ••• q~

ADllli'IITit.AT10~ · Pekn. BoitDott, Frees. Hf"N. MobJer

CUIUIJCULU>I : 8oo1nou, Ht,., Mohler. Ol•on. ,

ADMI.IOSS. ADVANCED STA..'-;DISO. ASr HOSOL~ : llo1tnotl. Mortin. 8it,.


PtiiSOSI<&L: Ullll.lloll, DoRn of the Cofi•K•: Dell, OeAn of )len; Shockloy, Dun of Won>cn and Dl....,tor or Sxiol A<ti•ir.J .. : Hoyden, Dlrottor o! u .. lth p_..,..., Staehlfnl[, Di re<tor of PhToiul Ed~~eatloa

l t r \\'omen: Melder. Dirft:tOr of le.U«iou• ArtlnttM..

CAl..El'CDAA A:m ruuLIC EveNTS: ShCK'klt-y •• 1rcet, Ltbmt~n.

l.JRIWtY: Lohman, Henboy, Wayland, H<ekethom, Winkler. ATJILtT'ICS: ~ame aa admlnlalrttlluu plu_. ll•7dc-n.

LoAJ<a: Mobl<!r, u..., MiliA>n !la wkluon (bualn ... man), !Fri.., ox· otncio).

APPOtHTMWft : ) lohler, Boitnoll

PUa:u<:ATtO.NS: Breon, Fries, Bowman.

FACilllrY REPRI':eKNTATIYIOI o:< ST\IDBNT Cou~<coL : Bollnou, Doll, Shock· lty.

ClL\T£1.: Meuler, Mobltr, ~man, Flaher, (t.wo eludc.nls) . Nato: The P-ld~at ,. a .... mto.r (ex-otr~io) of all ....,_,.IUOH.

General Education Board of the Church of the Brethren

v. F. Scow.u.w, Cl\oi"""" W, W. Pft'ala, VU..CI\oi,_~ A. c. S..OC:IlD, S•q,THO&. J . I . 8 AUGJID - - ----

North )laneh .. ~r, Indiana lokPb<noD, Ka,...

EIW.bethiA>WD, Ptnnayl....a RtrtheJ , Ptpft171Youlia Brlde-wa~r, Vlrr!nla PAUL a. lklwM.u< _ _ ____ -

R U'f'US lklWMAN - -------- Cblcap, llllnolt LaVune, Callforula

Buntlnrclon, P.....,.l•anla La V <nit, CaUforn!a

Clll .. p , lllloola

c. a.....,.D...,ta C. c. Ewa D. 'IV. Ktnml B..- S. WIU.

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The Faculty WOODFORD W. PETERS, A. B., A. ~I., LL. D.

freoiiUnt of the Colltge and Profr~•or of Edurol.iou a>1d P•v· cl&ologv. (1941).•

A. B., Man.etMt.t.-r Colkife~, 191£: A. a.t., Ohio Sut.to Unlt>enh.7, 1PH: Colcunbla Unlvll"nltY, •umrn.:r, 1921; P""ldent.. Mount Morrb Collf1ZII", 19!.~»-tr...s: UnfVl'nity of IJUaol.t, Ltf.S..ISI3' ; Dean, Drury Coli~. 193&.-1939: Hud of ~t of Education, )ll.uc.h•W Collut. 19!,.1141; l,t... D., l!lll.OC:b~"".- CoUt:te. 10:41.

HENRY JACOB t!ARNLY, B. S., A.M., Ph. D. , Pro/tiiOT Erncrit-u• of Biolosnt and Cttrnt.or of the Muteum (1934, 1892).

U, 8-. IIIH : A. )J. , 119! ; Ph. 0 .. 1901, llllaolt~ W~I(')'An ; A, IJ .. Jlarnrd, lSit2: J ... t.nd Sc.anford, IIUO-tUll : World Tour, 1!121-lOU.

J. BOWARD FRIES, A. U. BuaintBt Manog~r and Trcasurctr ( 1938, 192fi, 1916).

JOHN W. BOITNOTT, A. B .• A, M., Ph. D. Dean-Reoutrar and Profouor of Educatio" (1989, 1036) .

A. D .• Orld.r-~tn Cotl~e. 1926: A. )L 192& : Pb. D •. 1936. Uni7tr.hy of Vl:yinia,

_,)l0BERT ELLSWORTH MOHLER, A. B., M. S., Sc. D. >/.. A••r.tanl to l'r.,ldent and Pro{e8Bor of Biotogv. (1935, 1913),

A. 0., lit\.. Morrb Collort'~. tilt : M.S •• IC&MM State CoUes-~. ltt'7: MklJlaan St.ate Colt~. 1011 : Ualven:ity of W5.eon.in, 19'25: Uaiv~rll\;1 of Kusu, •ummer, 1927: Mllftll~r &mfnu, Na.tional Unh·~nitJ". ~1exlce CH.y, 1tZ9; St. D .. La Verne CoUrge, 1~41.

SAMUEL MILTON DELL, B. S., M. S. Dean of Mn. and Pro/IUOr of lndoulrial Ari-B Education (193i. 1981).

U. S.. Mcf'ht-noa Collft•, ltU: M. S... lo•a S tatc Coll~n. 1914 : Cn.lnt Mh· 1011rl SLate Tutbtn Coiietr~. •u.mmr.r, 1(127: Unlvon:h,J' of Chluco. •uJDmet, lUG.

lOA SIIOCKLEY, A. B., A, M. , r Doan of w ........ and ProfoBBOr of P•vchol.oiTV (193:).

A. D •• Manr.hnter Coller•. ltu : A~ M •• UnfY~rtit1 of Chlu!c• lU1: Unt""-rtlti of WuhtnaLOn. HteG-.1t21 ; aM aumnwn, 1911, 1!132, 1\lfO : Cdu,mb•• Unlnnlt.y, IUinrM!' 19!8.

JESSIE BROWN, B. M. <../ Profeuor of Pi41U> ( 19151. ,~ DIDJont.a_ Uc:t.huy Coftw.r~·•l0f7, HI07: b . M.., HllO : I, itt no tnn~r. 190J..UH3 U.tlutny Call~· : etutknt, no,.., Con&ttVatOry, Leipotiz; qrrm ... , , 191S.l914 : tl)ef!laJ tt-udu.t., Cbkqo. IUJIU:noer, 19U. f ---


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J. WJLLARD HERSHEY, B. S~ Ill. 8, Ph. D. Profu•w of Cfltmu try (1918) . n. a . tNt : )(, 1.. ttto. Oettnbu,. eon'"""": Ph. o.. Unl~to or C.IUIO. 1011& 1 li......,.Pd, a•tl,, l . llll, •Um!l!l~l' If" ! Job~ HuQklu, ltiO.IIIl.

liAURICE A. BESS, A. B., A. ld. Proft.,O'f •I Englul\ ancl L<Uin (1925, ID19) .

n~:=::ttt ~·;::~~1"~:~~~~;~u~.~'!~;, 'l) ~"'t!'=':.~~:.··.u~: 1tt't ..... JOSEPH L. BOWMAN, A, B., H. S.

Profu•or <I MntlwMiico and PAuli .. (1026) . A.&., MePbtfton Colll«<t. lttl: M. I., Unl..u.l\7 et Chk .... lt!f.; 0'-'-l• Co._ ._,.. IJIS.ltlt : Yllh U•lft.ftll,7. ltl ... ln.: U•l~tr ol K• ......_ ••-· 1,1,

" DELLA LERMAN, A. 8., Jtt. M. Prof•••'" <I Enqluh (1027) . A- -c M..oc.btlt.... Col~, I I'll : A. M .. l t'U; ••~r. lfll, Uoh"fn itr .t Soa1Jt..

ti:r..-.~-~~~:.17:, '! t~.~~ou-~::i~;.1'!:~!~~·~nv: 0~~!-a~':l:.: •UIIUDfl', ltlt.

BURTON METtLER, A. p., B. 0 .. Tb. B., Ph. D. ProJ•uor •fl' hilo•op'lr• and Rtllglon (1037).

~n!;.!:~~1~~~::;.: ~~~~·;.:'~1.!',1~~~n!:'~r1t:..1•!!!i .. rtr!J: "· "'· tttl.

WALTER NAUMANN, Ph. D. Prof•"'"' of ~od<rn /fl)ngvoq .. (1939) .

OSCA.R A. OLSON, B. S .. A. M .. Ph. D. Profc••or >/ Bcottomfct oJtd Bw1irer1t Adm"'i.-trohcm (1939) .

8 . S., North«-r~ &ta~ Tt:Ub.r'• Collf'll' fSou.tb O•lt:~c..J , l t21, A lt., ttU , Pb. D., 1ht, Uulwn.II.J of lcowa.

FRANCIS WAYLAND, A .• B .. A. ~~~ Ph. D. Pro/tiiOr of Hift<Jr,~ aMd Politlwl Sd•M« (1939) .

~-~~r~r=-~~!';t· ~~':.: ; A. M-. Unlt'•r-llJ' of Vlrwi•t.s.. IOU . Ph. '0,.

DESMOND W. BITTINGER, A. B., A. M., Pb. D. Projouor of Sociolow and Edut:aUon (1940).

A. 1 .. 12b-l'-~~a c..n.r., 1nt ; A. .M . U•l,..nltt ot p.,.....,-tn.ftt.. UU: P,, 0 .. UaJ...,...ItJ ot Pf•UMJh • nla. lt.._

NEVIN W". FISHER, B. lot. Auoei<>L< Pr of•.,•r of Vok• (1986).

G,...,...,W. t~ Coow..--\Of7 et Mule, IHJ : •biiSnL JehM lf!J'fWu U•l.. 'Hftl\7, 1JU. lUI : 8. M .. Z...c...aa ......_. el lll .. .ko 1t.._

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THOMAS C. BA YDE!\, B. S., A. M. At,.c:iate ProfeBI•r of Phyoiro/ /:.'ducaHon c•rd Director of Ath­

ldiu (1940). ' B. s.. Unl,.crRh¥ of lllinob , 1Piii : A, :Ot .. Unh·~l"ffft.r ot Iowa. IFn . _ ... ,

MARGARET HECKE'IBORN, A. 'B. Senior A"ociah1 /,il:»-orian (1924). A. 0 ,. Md'h•~• Coli ~:••· 102t 1 •'-"'•"'• C.lo•~do Ct•t..o A OJ"C""h·n,..l r!-.u .. .,,., 10mmrr, 19:6 : Cohlmbl• UniYC'f"fitJ, •u.mm«ts. 11!'7, lt31 ; Unlvi!!nlty c.t Chleawo, 11'.111llnt'r, 1911.

CLARA COLLINE b .. tru<lor in Atl (1927). Art.ls\. Certlnea~. lk-tba.ftJ Colle«~. 1921: •tudt'tll, Cblruro Ar' l,_thut.c. l~::t.

ALICE B. ~lARTIN, B. S. A.,Utant Regift-ror and Jnatructor in Stenogrophy ( 1938). U. S.. Mc.Ptwnon <AUt'$t', tts8: K. S. T. C., Empoda. lfll-1~11 and tumm«r, .....

RALPH STUTZMAN, A. 8 . /notructor in Orgn (1938).


GULAH HOOVER, A. B., B. M. lnotn<ctor in Public School Mtuie end PiaM (19~0). 8 . »., lt:l.t : A. 8 ., lW, Wt'Pbenon Collnt« : Gr-aduatfo T'rt.loiQI Nortbwtt~tf'l'tl UalqMIIlJ, Ifill, Hilt, 19t0, U:IU.

HELEN ANN BLAIR, B. S., At. S. /n.atrurtt>r i" Ho111e Eco11omic·• and Collcqe Dift.ic'iott (1941). 6. S.. tOll, ll, !5., Hill, Kanu• S~UJ Col~.

JEAN ST. CLAIR STAEBLING, B. S. llt4lnu:tor i" Ph111ical Education ( 1941). U. S., Unlve.NI\7 o f llllnob, Hll':.

PAUL W. \0,:1NKLER, B. Ed., B. S . in L. S. Librarian (1941). 0. Ed., llll.not. Stat. Nonrwl Unl••nlt)t, lU9 : B. S, 1ft L.. S.., Uafnn1\F • f llllnoi., l t n .

FRANK FORNEY Superintendent, Building• and Groundo (1920).

W. C. HEASTON, M. 0 ., F. A. C .. S. CoU•g• PA~'~" Craduat..- Norntal O..,.rtme-nL, ~kPh.41nno C011tl~ tt05 : W. 0 .. £uwortb Mtdlul Col~ ... 1"-5: YetUow Anwrlnn Collq:• o t SllrltoOru, lilt.

W. EARL BREON, B. S. L., A. B.,. B. D. Fwtd R•pruentcti•• (1937). B. S. t... , 19!4 : It~ 8 .1, 1915, )JlcoPbtnoo• Coli•_!(• : 8, D., Bv.ha.nr Orhlic.al S.mln&rt, ~:n_:1~~wotern \.lnlv~ltJ', 192fi..Hl!l: Unlnr.lt.r of Ch!e-.o, a~r. 19%•;

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BERNARD N. KING, B.S. 8. D. C•ll•v• Pallor {1938) . 8 , l.. J\l-ll.l.ata Ce1t.,x ... tnt, R. !),, (ktliluy Oii.lluJ fi.f"mJna.rr. lhl.

CJ.A YTON R. ROCK, B. S. Aui.tJnnt in Butin~u 01/ice and DirUIOf' oi Studf"KI £mplovmt:rd (19•Z, 1938). 8. I >kJ>b"..,.. Ce~Jkw•. lf)l

EDNA E. NEllE II, A. IJ. Hou•• MotA<r .1mold /loll (1940) . .\ II , WC'Ptlr,_.~t c .. ~ ltr:4: C ... •ottr ..t~t•••t Ml Ka,_. fit•..., ~l(s•, ,. ._,.._ .. u-•o ... _,.. U•lt, _ , ...,_ 1n1.ns ....

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comprising th~ Cac:ulty. S. Z. Shnrp. whu hGd bt--cn mo!t. l>tumbent in tbe roundinJ uf the school, waa the fi rat prt!aidcnt.

Bccaus~ of a financral critis, a 1'('-{lrg-anlutlon took pl•tt" I: 189&. Ou.utandint; ln4t:btedr.en ••• aoon r3ncelled and in 18!»J th~ Sharp

• AdmhtiMr-alion '"'ildins: wa11 complncG. The name ••)l¢Ph•r.-on C,llap,"

WAJ adopted In l&!US wb~n " n~w t:harter Q.'U t«urtd Crum the State of Knn!J,Os.


S. Z. S H ARP, A. )1... . 1888· 11,6 C. E. ARNOLD, A. }1. .. • . ••• IS!IG·I~2 EDWA IW FRANTZ, A. M., D. D ... .... . ......... ltl02·lt l 0 S. J . MI LLETt. A. ll .. L. H. ll. (Actin" l'r .. ident) .. 191 0· 1911 JOHN A. CLEME:'<T. l'b. U. .. . . . .. . ... .. 1911-Uia II. J. IIAIINLY, Ph. U. !ActinG l',...ldcnt) 1!113·UH U. W. IWIITZ, A. M .. IJ. 0.,0. D. . ........ 1914-U1!7 \'. r. SC II IVALM, l'h. J). . ... 1927-ltll W. W. PETt:IIS, A. ~(., Ll .. 0 . .. ...... _. .. 1941·


In the sprm& of 1932 l .1t. Morn~ Collf~. located at )lt. l forri1, llllnob, annoon1,."f:tl nn ncadt•mlc merger \ltith Ma lK'hntn Coltt-·g~. ller truaten luttr r«"omm(l~d thnt the ttrritor)' once C'()ftStitutlng the Mt.. Morrl11 Cotl(!ge arta~houhl IJc Ul vill~:d bll!tw~~n Ml'lnc h,·atc r nnd lltPbl".raon Col rae• with the llbaissippl aa the dh·idin.: line. Durin(f tbeo aummt"r •of 1932 t~ four d1.nrirts • 'Hl uf tbt lliu.lu.fppl ~ot~ t.o

alfil1ate " 'ith .\IC'PhC'r&cm tulh . ..-t>. ThHt lhatricu art 41, ~orth ~akota and f.onern Montana; (:t) :o-:onhern lowft, llinn~lot&, and Sou Lh Dakota ; (~q Middle luwa.: and (<L) Southern lown. The nnnuity a.nd endowmenl funds of Mt.. Morrill Colltrce wert dividfd equally be~ twH-n Manrhc:ILc!r and Md'he.rson Colltgea.

.lit. ltorr• Colle-ge hu bad gt'C'•t intlu•n« in the li fe of U.e Cbureb of the Brethren. . ,.rom hert o_.r pioneer nuulonarif't to IndJ& Itt forth, Brother W. D. Stover and wift. Ma ny other tuden ol the Church wuro tr~&ined hero. The influent(! of thie Coli('Rt will rontinut In many llntt. M~Pherson Collttct b !ltr ivln.g to be • worthy eucccaiOT of M.t.. Morrit CoUegtt and to thr Pf'Ople who oow look to [email protected] for t tain in« and tea dt.nhip.


1887-Sehool t:ommintc~ appointed at Annual Conference \eld at Otta•a. Kans.aL

L88$-Fa~lbek lh11 hnilt,. and foundation laid for Sharp Adninietration Bufldin«.

1888-Sthool openfd. 1895-.Reorga ni:.ution.

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.£ '

General Information Location And Accessibility

,McPherson, not far from t.he c:enter of the stat.e of Kanaaa. is in a rich •KTicultural area whkb h11 been made Cam.OU$ b1 the quantltr and qgaUty of wheat produeed. l:lo~ recenth• it hu ~me notf'd tor ita produetion of oil and P L The town is a thrlrinK city of about el~ht lhou~and people and b lht ae:at of gc:r..~ernmtnt of McPher-on Countr. It ia a city of proeperoua merchant&, beautiful ho·met, parka, and •~ade trHs, and ia surrounded by flt.lcb of wbe.at, corn, and aJfaltL The dlmatt Ia mild and honlthful.

Four railroads and t-wo national hlghwa.ys nmke Mel)herlJon eutl)' acceatlble (rom all dir~tlons. Tho El PAID division of the Rock lslnnd IYiltm brings J:cvcrnl fost tralna da.lly. A branch of the SantA ft f'Onne:t.J the e.ity with the main Hne at. Floren4jt and Ellinwood. A brant.h or lhe Union Pn.cific runa to Salina, 3ftd another ot the Missouri Paclli< to Newton and El Oorad<>. U. S. Highway 81. from Canada to t~e Calf, and U. S. 60N both pa .. through tho dty.

History tn 1887 the contract w .. 1cl for tbe building of Fahntlll('!Ck Jlatl,

the~ first concrtte atep toward the developnwnt of what is now McPher· aon Collegt. Tht< action followed A ~'~feeLing of the Annual C6nfnrnce h~ld In May of that year nt OUA'WA, KanAoa, AL which time It waa dedde<l to e.atabllsb a Brtthren ColleJ..~ in tht- atate of KantAt. So enthualaath: waa the ruponl!lt to thi• dccl•ion that anenuen locations throughout the ata.te .. ·en o'ffered 11 altu for the new achool.

Plainly enough it would not do to e:alablish so many Brethren Coil-: whueupon a oommltlee compooecl of S. Z. Sharp, Enod> Eby, Ill. IIJI. Eahdman, J. S. Mohltr, Mo- T. Baa, Goorze F.. Studobakor, and Goorwe G. ~r took lho matt<r of locatin1r lh• Coller• undu conalderation and onnounttd In the Got~ll\1-enger of Auruet 25, 1887, that McPheraon wa1 their unanlmout choic:e. A charter wa• obt.alntd from the Secret.aey of State, authorl&lng them 1<> .. tabllah tho Mcl'her· aon College nnd lndu11trial lnatltu.to.

Attuo1 tonttnletlon of lhe College did not begin until October 19, whe:D the 1od was b:rokeh for tho tln.t buUding, which WJUI to bo dlvlded to acoommod•t• both men • nd wome:n ltv.d•nU with -.>ae• ld't for clua rooll'.a, dtapel, and rec:rution pa rlora. Scrpte:mbe:r 6. 1888. aaw tbe o·peniPI of t'l.o flr11ttum of atbool with al•ty studtnts onrolltd and oc•on ~1'11011.1


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Accreditation :Ucl'htr&>n Coll•~rt lo a«rodited by the State Departmtnl of E<lu­

(:ation of Ka,.aa.s, by tht: Unh~enhy of Karusa!, and is a member oC the North Centrnl Assoclntion of Collcgoo and S..Ondary Schoolt. Tblt 8ccredit.nt-lon by the North Crrllnl A•aocintion ne.surcs the graduates ut Lhe Collccc o.f tho recognjdon of th•i..r uodlt• th.rou,ghout th,. United Statu. The College 11 also a member of the Au«iatlon of Amenun Coll•e •• and lh• Confontnc:c of Church-Related Colleges.

Purpose and Aims McPhtrJOn Coll•ge I• prim•rlly 4 liberal aru tollegc conducted

undor tho tJ'J&Uices of the Church of the Orethrcn. While the college opens it. doors to •H who can qualify for entrance. h aervu particul•rly tbf! membera of th Church of the Brethren in U.e Centr&l Wenern Arita (roughly ~tween the )l ississippi Ri\'et and the Rock)' Mountain•) And the reoneral publit> in Kansas, eapeciaUy tbnl pnrL ln nnd 41u rrounding the city of McPhcr10n.

Jn ita e-ffort to sen·c thf!t t .aentde. ltt"Phtrson Coll~~e Mrives to attain the lollowinr ahm:

A LmtAAL f}uvcA'\"IOK

A libenl educat1on focuses ill attention on the lcdlvldual student and hi~t relaLion to aodety and in terests it~rlf in prcparink him to lh·e well In aU his r~lat1onship•. h &Mb to hf"lp bim learn what the good U!e '' and how to discover It lor hin1JeiC; h. ainu to gh•e him both brcmdth and depth of hunmn underst.andlngj il mter<lati Itself In making ol the •tudent n JCOCd dtlz.en and N"ives ~im b•ckgrounds of undertt.anding and outlook to Jmrprare him for his vCM;atlon or p,_. t .. •ion..

To do ~hla the college offer• to tht student train·ng in the major field$ of human experience: lhe art.J, the naturtal ackl.m:e", the aodRI ocion<H, pbilooopby, and religicn. Breadth of outlook Is developed by requlrin~t tbe •tudent to nrv-t)' m a gtntral way the ,·arioua large flelda of knowledft, chiefly during the ~orly yurs of hlt courae:. Depth and Intensity of undentnndlng is auured by rc:quiring the student to 1clec:t some field in w:hlch he exp~ta to d1 n1uch lntA.maivb work.

As an· outtome of liberal tthacateon tb~ college aima to dtvelop in ita gr•duntes a mfl'Aiurc of IK"holarly attAinment.s. some mastery of the t.echniq'JCII nnd tUftfe or further hu.rninJ:, the nhilitr to th ink clcatly, logically, and critiully, to devt:Jop profounder lnaighu, finer moral diecemment and aHihede sensitivity. aDd a toyaJty to trulb in an1 rtatm "'or lifo.

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1898-"llcPberaon College" is newly ebose= name. 1901-5borp Administration Dudding complelt'd. 1906---Carnt(ie Library. 1m-co11"ge Farm boughL lOll-Alumni Gymnasium. 1912- Bonrd of Trustee• lncrc•!e<l to CICteen. 1013-Eiec-tion or Trustee& by Dhn.rJc:t CunC.:rcucca. 1915-New Henling Plant. 19111-Arnold Flail. 1911-Complelion or $225.000 ••dowment. 1919-Ereclion or Kline Ball. 1921-Accreclilt'd with !'lortb O!ntral Aosociation or Colleps

( 19ZI·I921) . 1922-Ha:nly Ball. 1921>-N•w r.nllrp C:hurch ded~atcd. 1927-~lember&bip in the Auodotion of American Colleges. 1928- Cbftpcl enlarged And remooeled. 1935-5tndlum built nnd athletic field mooernized. 1931>-Studcnt Union Room. C.rculnr drive with hard mnt. 1937-Goldcn Annivel'l!nry. 1938-Phyaical Education and ll ealtb Building. 1 9~G-Ad'11itted to North Ccrtrnl Auoeiation or C..llell<"' • ~d

S«ondAry Schools. 194 1- AdlpUon of Ttachol' Jtc&Jnment Plan.

19~~Dedication of New Fahnestock Hall.

Control of 'the College MePhcrson College is the prop<!l'ty oC the Church o! the Brethren

and Is under the control or n Donn:! or twenty-four Truoteee elected u followa: alxtccn are eleclt'd by 111 many &tate dist ricts ) I the Church; one Is elccteci by the Alumni AuoelatJon ; the Gen.,..! 'l'ruatee Board tlocll five frcm MePberaon, who ol•ng with the Prcaident of the \Allege. constitute an Ex..,utive Board; one Ia tl..,t~ from the general citi~n­ablp oC MeP.enon by the Elr..,utNo Board; and the President or tb• Collece Ia a lrustft ex-officio. The alumni trustee ond the trustee tloci<MI from the ciliunsblp of McPhcroon need not b.- members of tbt Broth,..,n Chueb.

Tbo atale diatricll electing ooe trusteo eaeb a re: S. W. Kanus ; N. E. Kansas; S. E. Kansae; N. W. Kansas ; Nebraska; Norther11 M ln t)Ut"1: Mlddlt M ha-.ourl: Southnrn Mlnourl ~ OldR'hnnu• : tdaho and Wosu rn ~lontana; Louioiana an~ Eaatcrn Texas; Colorado; North Dalrota and Eastern lllonllna; Northern Iowa, Minnesota and South Dalrota; Middle Iowa; •II" Soolllcm Iowa (See page 4).

Tba Ceaeral Educa'*'n Board of the Church of U e Brethren bot • auporTioin;r eontrol o\'er aU the eollcca of the Chureb.

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pbyololoaT and healt-h, and providt.a a varied pro...-am of ..,.,.,.tlonal aetivttlea.

Social Oompetente: Since the ltappinea an.d e.ffec:tivaneaa of tbt , ind!Yidual Ia aUected b:r hia -lal compe&enc9, t.ht CoUoco -a 14

aid etud~nu to OTtrcome eocial handicaps throu.rb ,.e:neral lnatructloo, peraonal contueneet, and opportul'lftlu for aoclal participation in variod. acllvitiea. ,

Social R .. ponolbJJJt:r : It ia tbe aim o! the eon..- to UU\<1 wil.bln f t. •tvdenta a Mn•• ot ~i-1 ohlla:•dn.n anti of 80CW (Oneem for the welfare of humanity. Tl'lt whole life of the CoUtee is pumea~ witb the Chrieti11n ideal of a.ervfee as the worthiest atp1rAtio[l as welt u tbe deepest aource of aaUtfac:tJon In li fe. Cuursea In religion and the .humanitiu up«ia lly tend to at.....agtbr:n lhit purpoR. The reco·rcb of m.an.1 of ita vaduatts iaapire to tbat J)UrpoH.

Ptraonal Chuac~r : The Collttre aims to dt•tlop within Ita etudent.s and guduat.e~ the dt slre for Cine, clean, noble, und unael!lah HYing. Poiat, ult..control. aelt..C~J)Iint, a w~ll ordered llfe, devotion to truth, btauty. and podneu •~ perwnal idea ls upheld Jn a elusroom, chapel,.. •nd faculty student relationships br teachers ca.rdufly aelec:tfrd be­cau.se they arc e.xemplifications of tthcae attribute..

Material Equipment Sharp Hall

Thb building houaa the administrative ortJc-es. chapel , student union room. the book tto~. tom~rdal hall. a nd K"Ve:ral rteitat:ion rooms. It Ia a thtff.atory building, O.C b7 117 feet, complet~ in 1898.

The Library Tbe llbru-:r i• bouaed iD a two-atA>r:r building ae<* In 1006,

•• a rift of Air. Androw Carnegie. The librar:r lo wei - lpped witb a yaJuablo store of boob, arranged In nc::cu&ible ttackt aec.onUng to the Dewey decimal claulfieation. Ne·w addition• are earefully &eleete<l taeh 1ear, thua keeplnf lhe colleetlon up..to-date and suited to eurrlcu· lar nceda. Encydoptdlaa, didionarit"t, a nd oltler rrnual tdertl'let. worb an- -.bc.lvcd on Ua• w..U. er th,. TN.dlal' roobl wber• they can bt •••lly eonou!*·

Current maguJn.. Include many journala wbkh deal directly with aubjocta covered In <be currloulum. In addition ID perlocllcalo of reneral lnt.trut. The R<ader'a Oulde to Periocll<al t.itaratu"* maltn the mate.rtal iD bac.k numbers of I'ILapxinn "adllt •"ailable.

A &'TOOl d<al of pamphlet material is utaloped and kept In t-he Vertical Fllo. Eaeh atudtnt it Introduced to the llb:ary and holped to btcome tully aequaln* with tho library reaourc... Tho llbrar:r

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pbr•loloty and hulth, &lid provtd .. a .. rlod procnm of ....,reatlonal &rt!Yitln.

Sodal Competence: Sfhce tho happinua and eftectlveneu of tb• . Individual il aflect.d bJ hla aoclal compttA!n<>e. tho CoUeco eeeb to

aid at-udenta to overeome toclaJ hand.lcap.a through ceneral lnttruc.tJon, pen.oaal coufttrtn.eu, and op·portuniria for aodal participation in varied activitie..


Social R .. pon1lbility: It io the aim of the Collep lb c:r•ate within h• lt\ldC!:nU a 1on11o ol. eoel•l ohllc .. dnn "'"d of IMJdal «>ncern for tbe wtltaro of humanity. Tho whole llfe of tho Colltco Ia ptrmtat.d with the Cbrl1tian ideal of aervlee as Lht worthitll. atplrAtior. aa well •• the d~peot oour«! of aallofoetlon in 111.. Cou~• In ...,lgi4n and the .humanities etpec:ially c.cnd t.Q 1tremgthea thlt purpoac. The rMorda of many of ita jfraduatell Inspire t-o that purpose.

Penon.al Cbar-act.tr : The Colltge aims lO dt\"t.lop within ha atudenta and RTiduatn the deaire fo·r fine, dea.n. noble. and unaelfbb UYing. Poise, Mlf<ontrol, !ltlf-di~line. a well ordertd li!e, dcwotion to trut.h, beauty. and l'oodne:ss are ~non41 ideals upheld in a elunoorn, chapel,. and fawlty atudtnt relationJ-hipa by tuchert carefu!ly Mlected be~ cau..e they art ~xemptif•utfone c.( llheae attrlbutn.

Material Equipment Sharp Hall

Thia buildlnR bousu the ndminlstrativo otrlc~•. t.bapel, atudent un.ion room. the book store.. eommerd•l hall. and le\'eral r«ltatJon rooma. h is a three.atory buildina. 9"' by 117 feet. completed tn 1898.

The Library The llbrur il houaod in a two4torJ building ·~ In 1906,

u a lift of Mr. And"'"' CarnoJCi<. Th• library io _. equlppod with a •aluable storo ot boob. arrangtd in aC(:UJible t1t.acka according to the D•wey dedmal claul!l•otl<>n. N•w addltlont oro CJOrefully Hl~t.d eaeh Jtar, thua kMpinc the collection up-to-date and nlted LO currieu. lar nHG.. EncydopediCta, dittlona riet~, and other etnual reference worka a N ahdvod on t.b• wa..U. of t;h .. ru_dlDtr room where they ean be eully contult«d.

Curnnt maculno lncludt many joumala whld> deal dir~tiJ with aubjacta covered in the curr1~1llum. In ~t.dditlon &o periodJeal1 of coneral lnurat. Tbe R .. d.ra Guide to Ptriodleol Lluraturt makea the m.atu:lal in bac.k numbe.n of ntapzina rudity a,..llable.

A &Teat deal of pomphlet moterial lo eataloeuod and kept in the Vertltal File. Eath atudtnt 11 lnt'f'Odutod to the llb,ary and helped to become fullr acquainted with tile librarJ ,_....,. Tho llbralJ


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Ia open daily during the O<hool /~a.r. A well trained librarian i• In


Arnold Hall The women'l!l donnitory, erected in 1916, is o substantial atruet.u.re

of pres)ed bric:C, trimmed in Bcdfo:rd limestone. It is 32 by 70 feet with n wing 32 by 40 r..,t, three otoriea and bnsoment. There nro kitchen and dining toc.ilitica for a_ll Jl-udent.s on the. campus, reception rooms, the-house mQt.her'a rooms, and tbirty·five &tuden~• rooms. This idtoal home for womt:!n is in chors:c or n comrJetent houA.C mother, who de\·otes her tin:e to their comfort and wel!l.\re.

Kline Hall Tbio dormitory, erected In 1919, Is a three-story briek building

containing senn suites of two rooms ea~h. eight single rooms for women, and three kitchenettes for use of the single women. A head resident is in charge.

Harnly +-tall HarnJy B t.11, e.reeLed In 1922, h o fifty roorn, four-s-tory edifice,

128 by 64 CC<!t, built of roinfor<ed concrete and brick. All of the science departments are housed in thtJ commodious structure, 88 are nlso the departments of ll'ane Arts, Modern Languages, ~oeJal !)c.lences, and the Mu•eum.'

Athletic Field McPherson College completed a new modern athletic field dur­

ing the aummer ot 1935. It is JC>tat.cd in the north port of the campus and is composC!d or a well drnined, B«!rmudll trrnsnd footbnJl grid· iron. a quart« mile tr-a(.k with n 220 yard atrnightnwn)~: ond D\'nil· able space for playrround hn11, y«e.r, nrc.bcry, and many other g-roup games. The field ia equipped with A splendid lighting ayat-em for night football gnmes nnd trnok •nd field m<-cto. A. new atndium Lype stAnd, locat-ed on the west 1ide of the field, will nceomodate 1200 apcc· tatore and b)uthcrs nnd extra M!:nb, located on the cn.st, side nnd end1 will lncru~e the seating capuiLy to more thnn 2000. The con­atTuclion of &dcquate tcnnia courts ia planned.

Physical Education and Health Building During tbc oummtr of 1938 a new Pbyaieal Education and Health

Bllildinr was erecte! by the college. The buildin~• nutoido ~lmonaiona a.re 102 by 153 feet- The interior eonsiota of large, well-lighted, beautiful maple floor with gray, unalat.ed tile walls; a modern, well-liahted clnss room; offiees for direct4tBi ahowera; loc.kera; d_ruaing rooms; o. lRrgc room for indiviclualaporta; and an a:nfiniahed room.

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wlllclt en lat.tr bo «>nnrt..t inl<> • owimm!~ -a. nu. modtr11, p~,.tcal tducatloD balldiar often uctlltn~ opportunit)' for a tboroucb , ........., of pbrokal tdacadon for a U nu<knt.a.

New Fahnestoc.k Hall Tht me:n'a new dormitory wu dtdlc at.fd February 24, 114!, and hat

ad.tquatt accomodatlon• for tM hf:nd ,_,dent and 62 mea. A dHeriptlon of tho home It found under the plcturo or tho bulldin~ Ap~earlnr flrll In lho pi<turo ucllon of lhla ut.oiOII\It.

The Museum McPhtr.on CoUtee poa.ca~ra an rxctUent coU<'P mt.uat.um. ManJ

f rM:nd.J of the inttJtutio:n ha'"• contnt.ut.ed or ~ned .-peameftt. The coll«UOU Include- rar-. artd ¥aluabkl foaila. h wban rehct. btrdt a lkl bnd ~ra. and a large c-olltc"tion of mcteont~tt bnida a '"•'7 larre: JHtrnbrr of blatAJr-ic: re-ltc::$ and eou\·~nl r11 h t1 hou.Hd or Lhc fourth noor of !lamb' 11&11.

Ptr•ona who know o:f •l•t!t'lmt-nl wh ich 11huuld lw pr•RrvHI in aUtb o~on ln•tltutlon 11huuld communlenlc: whl\1 Prof. Jt. E. Mohltr, c.urnl(lr.

Laboratones 8101.0C\"

TIM ,..,.,.,,., -.pupnvnt ~nt.Ult~ of Modt-rn nucnM~C•PH· projec-­tion nuc::I"'OC''pet, ater~phro.n. baloph«"'ft, m.J~rotonW. parsf'fin ktb.a. t.lft'trlt' \ncuMtor and strrillter, miu04topk and lan~rn slid'tll. latta:t 0\alJf an•J charu.. collm.•on• of' btnh. mammal•. and lntKU for J)'.,.

tt-n..atk' atudy. Mrbanum. a fNOCI ~Ur<tlon ef lreyidopten. and <v~ oplua. a reft.rence llbra.ry. etc. •

l Sc-Phttraon QJu nty ha" h l.'lHi.,t)' u( !lurA o.nd fauna. sint"a fn It there art- four or (av• J:'t'O io~•c for-nUUhJ'"'· Thr bu-in a~A is •~•P«"fnlly r'ch ln protozoa. wh11t' two rivera, 1evrral running atrraft"a. and mnnr IJ'rlnif'l pruvldt! cryptogam• nnd lower I:U'IImnl forma.

CIIDl ll1'1ttY

Th.t lkparlmCtllt of CM•l.Jtry otc"Upia ~ firat Oo.r of Hamly Uall. Thla Ooo-r tontaina a teNure room with a ratad Ooor. Maun-~: ODt baod rtd falt7 ttu<knu ; a laboraiOry lor KU<ral and qUJOII· t.aht'e an.at,Jala. With indi.UNI dft-h for t If atudnata: an adwan<'C'd laboratory with de-W for G8 atudtnta: a atore room: & Ia,... atoek room: a prlvato laboratory; an oUite: and a balance rcom. All the l1boratorM. ~r-t fully equipJNCI for the couraea oUt.red: lhe-y are pro-­Yidtd wilh hood• with ron:-ed draft., water, a:u, air under pru~ure. •nd dupl•• pluap to r oiN<t ,.iu.l experimenta.

CIXII.OCI'It T b .. d•partment po- a <Ompleta N'l of <IY'tal .....S.Iolmporttd

f roiD Guma nt a nd • collection of '"lncr&lo, rocb. and f...U., tulll<i<rnt

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t.o illustrate tkr> lund•mtntalll! of the &<:ienee. The coUectiona a_re ,._,,. peclaUy rich In loeal minuala, roeb, •nd fo•ails.


The dep11.rtme.nt 'is ettulpped for ge.neraJ class and laboratory wo1'k. The eouraca of lnatructioJ\1 given a.re plsnned to meet the need.s of thote who desire a knowled.re of "the facts and general principlu ot home eeonomiea, and of those who wiJb t o major in home etonomita for the purpose of teaching t.hc eobjeet in secondary ae:hools.


The lndtfstrial Arta Education Department is equipp~d with all the tools, benchet, t iniahes. hardware., machinM, und ot.b~r nece!l~orl~s which make for adequate mastery of bench work, machine wor"k, cnbir.et making, and wood lurning, Sufficient f'qUipmcnt b mnint.n.ined to provlda worthwhile expe-r-iences in rneehn.nical, machin~. and arebi­t.eeturat dNt.wing. Equipmi!nt ba..a re<enUy Men Addfd whh•h pl'twides activities snd experience In sheE't metal. ~ld iron, concrete. pattern­making, foundry, and home meehnnic:S.


All the n~euary apparatus Ia at hand for the courses offered in physics. The laboratory is equipped with an rxcellent 4-ineh utro­nomieo.l t..eleacdpe and o a.et of 100 tUitronomicnl •lide!' including the best and lattsL ui~Ual photograph> !rom tbe Yerkes Ob5ervat.ory, These lend intuest to work in a.Atror.omy and mBke poAsible an inten· tivc atudy of the heavent..

Personnel Service The Personnel Servi«:~ is provided for the purpose of assi!ting and

guidJng atudtnta through the importAnt t-nnsitions from t.he time they leave home and anlc!:r co11(8t. unttl they later mowe from eollegt! into bu.sineas and profesaiona) lire. Tbia &ervice follows tbe general policy of dealtn~ with atudentt oa individun,l&.

Stholarablp, u it is unsually interpreted, is not enough. Health, e.motional balance, penonality adjuatment. teonomic intelligence, re­liarion, and voc.ational purpo50 a;re blgh value~ in any indh·idual. A per&Onncl program with complete counselling aerviet l.s imperative in modern coUege education.

ln order to a&aiat atudent.a duri ng their colJege eareora_ MePhenon College prov!d .. a oyatem of student coun .. llinr whlcb includca the work of the CoD..- Dtm, the Deon <>f Women, the Deon of M<n, Faculty, atudent leaden, and health o!ficer.a.

Freshmen aud sophomore stude.nte couueel with the member. of the • l;'e.HOnncol Comm.ittee ~·~~~:•dally. However, they are f!'H to CO!JDMI with any faculty member. Jun3or and senior etudenta are expected.

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to eountnl f reely with t.h~ir major pro!tssor, eapec:h,IJy with refere.oc~ t.o attsdemlc matter&.

Health The ~l.'altb aen·lcr ia undc.r the IUpervitJon ol lhc Dlr«-Lor of Health

"bo Ia aalated by thr Collt!I"'PhyalotJan. Studon<& pay two dollllra p~r ' ll'mester beallh fed. Thc ecop~ of the health •~rvicc it Rl follow•:

t. T(t s:we C\'try 1.tud~nt n health exaoinatlon ench year at tbe- time o.f b.is eocoUmtnL. '

2. Tt Advi1e a nd r·cfer to &JH~Cifthttd atdlc-al car(! any student n~td· '~g sueh n.ttcnt.,on.

3. To pay for thrtco eaUt pt"t at.udtnt at the ph)'akh'n•s oUicoe and OM rt~ldtn~ tall. All callt muft be IO.PP""'ed In odvanu by tb• Director of HeAlth. (AH medicine~ X•nys. rand! tpedal treatn'k"nta must he paid by • t~ .Atnr:ltnL )

• · T• pro\;.dt. fr~. the uae- of a nguf•r room for thfft'-dayl ho•pital­ir.ation at the McPhenon County Hospital.

6. T) gh•e rir.-l-aid trt.alment..

• G. To provide infonnatJonal hy.-ie:ne urvke- through a cour&e ~v­\lring pbysieaJ, ment.al, and 10ei.al h)'tnent..

1. To provide an applit'd bygien~ prorram consist ing of retr<!ltional

pb)•tical education to meet thcjndivldual need11 of lhe ttudenta..

8. To ~rive qdvlc~ in matt.ers t"Onc:ernins: peraonal health and byarftne.

9. To su pt"rvlae and maintain atcceral aanllary rondltions and health ln.fluencs

Testing Service During the ~riod of reJittration, EnJ;Iith. ps)'thulol:"icul. and penon·

ality C..Otla •re JuJmlniatndl...J.o 1-1!1 tro.:hi"Nn, •noli rn all ~phqmoru e·n· rolled fc:r the flrat time in Me:Pherao n CoUegll, Rt!~tulu Cr·om thete tHt.a

an: made avAilable to all counselor• to ~ u•cd at thei r discrttion In «>un .. llhll: •tudcnta.

Stud~nt.s i nteresUd in exploring thei r C'Apacitl('l and In M"Cllring voc.ationoJ, tducnttonal, or pro(ect ii)JlOI ~ldnnce will bl! ~ve.n •uitable lata aad inUrpretation• of tht r~s"Uft.l br me1clna 3PPII<:ation to

tb~ Penonnel Committe-e.

Moral and Rel igious Influences AI a CbriaUon «~lltgo jlnder clbun:b oupervision, M~bo,..n Col·

leg<J io vitally lntereetod ilt tho religlouo life and de .. l.-pmut of ita otu<lonto. It deaireo for eaeb atudmt an ln!4111g<Jnt, living faith In Je.,. Christ, wbi<b will i.ute&T•te panonality ond U'P<HI itKif in noh1'l Chril'tian c.hauc.ter and wort!rwhflc work~

An e.nvironmtnl fovornblc to t'bt-tc olmt ia providt'd by the city

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of McPho.raon with its many live churchetl, it.a Y. M. C. A .• and ih empba.sis on things culturAl nnd r eligious.

Furthermore, various ortanization• ond nctivitin which are- help· ful in the apht.rt of religious life are functioninS~: at tht coLqe. o .. votional urrcisea for tho mt..ire eehool are eonduct.cd at tlle ch:at.>.tl. A chapel choir aubt.a in thtae ~er\•ltH. Able Chriatlan lcadtn art' brought t.o the campus fur tiddresses und pertonol eontcrrncta.

Another outstanding event <>f tho a<hool year Is the R•~tJOnal

Confe.renee at whkb timf' atudents may contact in1piring and in· forming Cbri1tisn leaders of nadonal reputation. The Student Christian Movement, in iu ~neral aa~mhJies, di&eus11lon J,:"roups, und other "activlti~a, gives OPiH>rtunity for expression nlonsc relif.{ious hrttl. This cosmopolitan or;raniution is doing much tu ml\kct r(lli.gion felt on the campu.s.

TM. R..,..ation Coun<:ll Is tompo~ or • ir'OUP of •tud•n .. Hl .. t·'<l from th<! vorioua ~hurth dllnricta. Ita JlUrpOAO is to atudy rec:rention prub· lema in rdation to t,be chu1ch lJiu.,;,uuu uml t.o gt!t. c.:t~()~rlcncc In dJrecllun.

Tho teachers. who nlways dtoormine t he rcllgJoua tune of an educational Institution. are Chrbtian men nnd women: their daily work is ptmltat.ed by tht- Christian apl rh~ Many 1tudent1 di~euu their relirlou• problema with theu teac.hcrt in penonal iatt"rvle• ·a. The Col1ege Church. adjoinh11: tbtJ CAilll•ua, t.ogether with the chu.«httJ of the city, provldu opporlun!ty for Sunday Scbool, preaching eer­virt-s., and young p~ple's meetings ea.cll Sunday. The morn1 tone of tM •tudcnt life Is of a high order.

Employment Services Student. employment. Is lptcrJ,reteJ t o mean any nctlvity en~tlj.(ed

ln by the 1tudent tor remu;,eratlve purposts. To be Gf thl ,:tr('Alt2tt Ya)ue. ft ahould be of educatlon.aJ or voeadonal aiplf1canee. It Is to be UpH"IM that thCM:e •tudent:a who find it necc...,.ry 10 c-nl("l'S't In ~mploymtnt must curtAil their Kholutie load aecordtng1y. It lo tell that higher quality ethool work cnn be nehieved by engnl\'ing only In achola.atlc: work; htn« loan !unds have been created for lhe uppe1 elaumm. The student tmJ)lo,.-ment is divided into campua er.ployment and oU-<.ampua ~ployment.. Camp~.aa employme.nt conSists of kit,. ehm and dining room, janitor, .... iat8nt. office, and Natioul Youth Admlniotratlon work. It h secured by making application to tho Employment Office. A eommitteoe docldoa on the •PI>IIcatlons and nt.­tempts t<> grant the work i! application merit& lt. Tho o!f-c:ampua W'Ork ('OnlitU of rqular part-time work in the city, work in hornet for room and boa.rd. or board, or room. and irt"t'CUlar part,.time work oU the campu.. It lo uoually S4!<:ured by making application to the Employment Offite, whoeo auietont.a aid 'lpplieant. to eecurc work. Me.Phenon Coli- haa been fortunalA! In being· able to aid tile maJOr· it7 of atudenta whn ?~-d work to f ind It~

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Social Life MtPb"'fMm OoUC&"C' • ime W t,..ln >"""" p.opf• fnr mflmbenhlp

and ludtnlup in a Cbriauan JOC'tal •rein and to c.l"'f'ate in tbern a ..... of tbeJr 10e1al obliJraiJono and roopolllllbllltin. The ooclal p,.... gram It '"" limited w partie•. or t ralnlor on nd .. of etlquett•; but in a widtr atnM, Jt sedl.a to admulate atudtnla t.hrou'-.-fl a:tudy and dirt'Ct exrerienc:t. to gain tot thftnftlY(I:a • pattern of valun which will givo WIO"aninl! and di...,t lon to llf~.

Duldu Lh• caaual aoc•at b3nt.ncll on U~ ampus, a beautUul toc:lal room hat beu proolded. u wdl u ~., .. In th• don~ntories, ln w~l<h atudtnU men their fritndo durlq l•lnre hours. l!Jllly Informal pan'" •~• planned. and • few formal acthitiu in order that atu· clnlta "'aJ fttl oultu rally at l'Ue In a ll tr,.. or ~al lift. Tht -·al h fe '- utdt.r thf' ,..ne.ral adminit.tration of the Social Dirtetor, who la •a.•lat.ed by a iltudent eomn,ittce.

Placement Bureau The Placen•cnt Bureau aSIIat.a a tudenta a nd s:raduaU!s t o aecure

poslllona. Rer!otratlon blonb may be obtained on •PI>Il<atlon. ll'hon· '"'' a ,.,-adu.ate co·nr.emplatn: a cMn1~ of potation,. ~ration ahout.d be rt!'ntw«<. A nomina l fee of two dolara ($2.00) 11 charKtd for onrolhnerl. and fivto doU.n ($S.OO) more when tho plottmont 11 -urtd throucll thlt Burtau. ~lony Md'henoa Coli~ vaduatn find It ad· •ant.aK"UI to kt~p tbt:ir uedentlal1 up.to-date.

Extra-Curricular Activities Ext.rA curricular activhies arc JUnd(.ll'at.ood to btt those orgMnned

attlvhl .. in whl<h atudenta participate ouuldo or the tiAIIroom. The purpoM le to pl'bvide oppartunltiet Cot epo:ntaneout Mlf..f-aprn,ion ou th• p•n ot th• •tudenta i n (i• ld• ,, 'pH'IaJ fntC!'n-ft. that are rorrdat.ed with an4 • upplomentary to tho eurrleulum and in harmony with the lft'D•ral tducatloaal pu.-- of tho col .. rt. The Puann<l Committ.M of tho faouhr Ia the (t'tleral ""I'O"llillC alr<DQ". In addition, .. dl orpnluUon haa a faculty aponaor who afds in planning tht Jear•a pro&Tam. budavtlnk Iundt, and l n kHph.c accurat~ aarounta and rec:· ordl. At tho doN of tbo .cloool '""' an auditinlf «>mmittet audlu all trtaJuro.n• boob. The book• of all t«eret.ariea and lrtaJurtra are filed In the buolncu office during the eumanar. ,

All otudoata art urcad to partlelpau Jn utra-aarrlcular aetlvltlot: Jet thoy abould eonokler wiady, Ja I(Jht or their intor<~ta and need~, the nal\1" and numbe.r of activhlet. The Perwonne.l Commltt.H ltuditt tht aea4omic: and u tra..aarrieular toed Jf ea<b atude:nt. bi1 wor·k for letf..,.pport., tott"Othor with tho data <"O-rnlar health and ether Ia· tt:reat.a, and pakn whateYe-r adjuatlMnU lft.lll a..K'UM'7 c.o auure tb• •~u., .. uf the atude.nt aftd the or«•t~lubon

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GOVERNMENTA L ORGA NIZAT ION S t\.._ Tbt Student Counc-il, ~mpoaed o f a Pruide:nt •nd a Trea.urer.

tlieled by the ttudent bodr. one man and one woman f rom tach of the tout cla,.ts, one mAn And one • ·oman reprt.Mnt.in, the t.X'lrA"(Ur·

ricular 11cth·itles, the O~an of the Co11eJ{e, t he Dean of Wonten, and the Dun of Men. b the governing pow~r of the student body. The council l~ouea th...., publicntiono: the Student Handbook , R compondlum of Information for Studr nta ready for the eptninK of tho ~tool renr; the Spectator, a campu1 nowapaper: and t ho Quudrnnglo, a •tudent yearbook.

The orpniz.ation direet.ly admlnlsten: an• su pc_rviaa th~ S:tu· dont Urlon Room. diotributn the Income from the Student A<thitr F ... an4 tooperates with t~o Pe,...,nnd Commi:tee of tho Faculty on all matters of roMem to both.

S \ud•nt& living i n the 4orndt.oriea have a. ln.rG'<! tn~a.ou~"C" of ~If­

government., administering mUttre and donnitory regulations wilh the advke and assiatance of the Head Rt eldent.s, and Deans of Women and Men.'


I. Cnuu'.ntY CLU11 Thlt il an organiz.alton of atudente l nterestrd in ~htmlatry h

is lponmr~d by tbe bead or the depnrt,ment • •d meeu reg\l)a rl)· bi· • ccld7. P r-ovama conai•t o r 11\<0\hm t'ictur-o. dcmun•t-r•\lunt, a.nd l«lUrH.

2. I :<TD~<Anos.u. Rc:.AnoNs CLu• The club opera tes undtr the ttuapiCfa of tht Cn.rnegte l~ndowmenl

Cor lnt~rnndonal Peac:C!. whk:h makes avalltt.ble n.nnually !or U.s mt m· ber~. bcoko on current lnternotlonol toplca, the Fortnightly Sum· mary of lnto.rnational AJC.i rs, and lho,Fo reign Policy Reportl. Tho aim of the <"lub i" to slimula~ intelligent diacuution of in lernalional aftal rL


·Mtmberahip in this orraniutlon ia opton to "U atudent.a. Pro-rnm• art va ried and offt r opportunitJ for partidpa tlon lOr the leu UJ)«rle·n:ec:J mcm~rs in nadnp, music, short JJaya, dt!batu, orator)', and parliamtntary p~urt.

~. DtnA'IY; AND 0R.4TORY

OpportuJ>IIy Is given for tbo•e who d .. l..., ID develop lholr •P••k­ln' u.l,.ntt . Men'• a n.d wo::nen'e debate Leam8 uuU urall"l cunh::tla oo J)t.l te and anU·tobacco art apon_aored.

6. Tlli:Sl'LUI CLU11 Tblo dub lo ~ ofrieial :lramatic orpniution of tbt coiJop. Mem­

boralllp •• p lntd by tryouL The orcanlt.atio> IDJiuallr p...,. .... dlapd programo, •hort •ntertalnrMnu , and aeveral on,..a<t and tb.­act l!I&JI.

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e. lolu11e Ooc.uuunos

A. Tile A Cappella Choir. Tlll1 Ia cne of the ucellont IWuakal orpnlutlont of I~ ldni. Tile -mben aN d•-n by tryouto.

8. \'•nit-, Men's and Women'• Qu&rteu.es. The membera are ~lt<t<d from the A Cappella Choir.

0. Choral Club~ Th41> membenhl,p eon1lttt of thoae who are Inter· utod In tlnl({ng but wbo are not In the A Cap~~tlla Choir.

D. Chapel Choir. Th• &'l'OUP Ia .. lO<t.od by tbe vO<al l .. tructor to sin1 ill tbapet


E. Orchestra. The membtublp tonolau or all tb011e who <loolro u· pt_ritnoN In playinr in an orchestra

P Band. Tile -henhip eo......U of lboM who lriab npori•- In ba•d muok.

ATlfl,£TlC3 1. '')l .. C'Lu•

lnt.fr.roU~tpAtc aporta are m11fnulned In ttnnb. tr&(k. bukt-tball, I(Oir. end football. Any mn!) who lo a wordod o letter in An)' of thoH apurUI may be<omo a m<mbtr of th• "M" Club.

2. W. A. A. 'rho Womtn'a At.hletie AaiOCIAtJon f• OSW'h to all womtn 1tudrnll

wloo pan~lpate In atn<tuTkular opon. actl-.ltl... Tba p~am .. broad tn IC'Op. and a im. 1.0 p~ori4Mt a n.l.-.ti.c ad.aottd to :he llHd.A aod lntorn~ of aU lltad~nto. Demon•tratlons, IOdal funcllono, and ploy dare a,.. Include<! i n tb• proll'l'am

3. PCP CLU11 .r.te~ber1hip consiatt nf atudenLI in~ere11ttd in prornotiiK bttter

orcanll«l cheerlnsr and ac.hool •pirlt. The club assl•t• the ch(!n ludcra •

• • ll<'l'llA.IUilAL CoUI'Cilo

Mtmbc!rahlp b rompoa<d of ""'" w>o do not participate In tbt varalty 1poru.. 'l"he purpo~e la to C'l'tt•tc 'nterte•t amona th- ,.,..lrwe men i• aporta &Ad to a!t•nf men wbo Aft ntt vanity atblet.o Ute oppor· tonit7 for leadenbap ill l.be field of athlttlto.

MoPhtraGn Coil- ofrera phyalcal oducation ond athle:k actlt1-lloa of a wide •llrl~IT. £rtl'}' otvdmt w1Lhln Lhe a<bool io offered •• opporw.nltr for whttesome r«rullon and pbr-aical u:t.rdN andt• <Omp~nt loadtNhip.

Tilt con..., 11 a member or tbe Kanan lntercolleglote Atbletl< r,.nf~rf'nMt. ln. wh.lda the followfnr IPOrtl are r«<~rniRCI ! football, buketball, traok and field, leMit, and aolf,


Tile Doan or Women and Lha Duo of M011 ucla aeloc: a l'f'OUP d Npr.Mntat!rt otadmta LO a01iat tb<m In promotinl' coocl rtllow· ohlp amonr atudenta and underatandlnl' botwoon ofUdtn~ nd facvlt7. 'Mie CTOQpo ,_ f'01Piarlr and d l..,.u probltlltl of atodont Wf lhrt.

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Community Service Regional Conference

The Regional Conference, h~ld !or a wm, usually during tho lat­ter part ol f'ebruary, i8 a conftrence for ministera, Sundoy School workere, young people's directora, and nil others intercatcd in relhcloua work. Outstanding spcokera ond leaders o! national n!putatlon are b·roueht to the campus. It eorvea also as a period o! religious em. phaals !or !acuity and atudt nll o! the college.

_ __ High School Visi tation Earh yur during the spring months, members o! the student body

1nd faoalty via.it aurrounding high JChooJa lo bring to thtir aUC"ntion the opportunities which the college o rtordo, •nd to consult with tho~ interuted concerning their educ11tional plan&.

The Booster Banquet Cooperation of communit.}' and college was the primury ll)')tivt

!or lnatllutlng the Booster Banquet In 1931. Each year I<!Voral hun· dred o! the I<Adi~e citiuna or the community hn•·• mingled In a lcllow· abip banquet a.ad as a token of thoir intcreat have voluntn ri)>• con· tribu~ sevoral thoas.and dollara to the .,ppon of McPheraon Colle.:<. A apeabr prominent in the political, social , or religious !leld provides lntplration for a program aupplr.mtnted by music..

\" I High School Senior Festival

Ench Ytllr McPh~raon College lnviLCI the ••nior clo .. ea from the high achoola ol the turroundlnK territory to vioit tile cnmpu•. l)urlng the day tennis tournament$ arl· h<!.ld In which nny high Achool stu~

dtnt I& e llgibla to enter. Mu•le contests in piano, voice, violin. and ctllo art allo aponaortd !or both adult and younger atudenu. In the •~cnlne all high achool .. nion and their aponsort II,Tt Invited to a banquet given by the collego.

McPherson Concert Series Through the PTO!.'T<'81ive enterprioe of citizens of McPhcraon nnd

toaobtra and atudeou o! McPhtraon College, aome o! the world's grutcat mualul artist. nre broullht to McPherson each scl\aon. By a r eciprocal nnangement wltb Llndabora, which Ia only !i!t .... n mllu away, atvdent.s have the opportunity of heoring, Cor an extremely tow Cte, a half doun ~nttrta by musicians of national and intcrnotJonal roputallon.

McPherson Choral Union Tblo lorn chorua, conalatlnr o! well oou a hundred vol .. a, is

compoltd of ai~n !rom tho various church choirs o! the elty o!

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llePbenon and from tho A CappoJia choir and tho Choral Club of lolcPhuoo• Coli~ After a aerl<a of bi-monthly Nhoaraall culml,.. aUJ>« ia the lauu pan of Ma~h. tlw Cboral Uruoa prounu ~p~ tentative oratorio..

Extension Department McPheroon College Is rudy to bo of ,.rvlco In a larger war to

high ~~ehoolo, to communltiea. and to c~heo. It Is Prtt>Rrod to aul.st In ttachen' institut~.s. parenl·leat'.h@rs' assoclationt. lt<C'lure couraea, tntonalnments, and In pr .. ehlnc . All thoao inttr ... tod Ill ... urlr.c tho bolp of coll•fl" r tpr-ntatlvtt will pltate alldrtu tht PrHidtnt of ldcPbonon Colloce. Evening duse• and lhort tourNt oro available lf dwr. Is sufficoenl demand.

General Regulations Aa a ChrloUan Institution, ~tePhenon Coli<!!" tt•k• to UJ>hold

high ldt • ls of t>ereonlll and 110<lul lifo. It It •••unwl that otudent• who apply for admluion dedaro It their al n«,.t intention to fit In· to au.ch an atmo•phe.re.

A11 ttudent.a are expere:~ to exercise selr~ntrol and to put therft· 101• .. undu tho rntraint.a wblcb are M<HAOl')' to maontaln tbo die· nlty and pu.._ or tbo Coli-

The UH or t.obaeco and alcoholic bonra1u on Colloce ~undo or In Colltga bulldinga it forbidden, u are o liO dancinc. gambllnr. and the ultten« of -n-t socletlea. It tono ... that these aame mattero art not to be lnduhrtd In off the campuo by otudonto while ond .. tho jurlt· diction of the Coli~. We believe card 1•loyln~e may be a wasteful hoblt, and tht proctice Ia discouralfOCI.

The College reH rvu tho richt of uklnc ttudtnt. •h- lark of oppllcatlon or conduct it aurh •• to mo~e their ol.ay In collc~ee inod•looble to withdraw.

Stadent.a are u p«Ud to atund Sundar Sdaool and proachinc '""'I<H tach Sunday. Atttndanc. at <e>ll- chapel iJ roquirtd, unl ... aoloquata reaaono for abtm<n are approved br tho Chapel Commlttoo.

Studtnt.a who with to arrange tor -law, dap partift, or gather· lnga of any kind lhould firot obtain ~>Umluion from the Social Di· rector ond provide and aceeptnble chaperon.

87 order of the Board of Tntst«a. the ofJitial atudy houu on ocbool doya ara no folio.,. : 8 :00 A. ~1. to 12:00 M. 1:15 to 4 :00 P. &1. and 7 :30 to 10:00 1'. M. Srudent.aohould rotlre notlator than 10:30 P. M.

Durtna • r.aUons and bdwten ~~tmr•ter• tho eloa:in;: bou_r in the dorm· ltoriea Ia 12 :00 mldni~rbt u tept that on the l.ul a~bt of the vacation It it 10:00 1'. )1.

Tho <e>nduct of women atudenta I• under the aupomsion of tho DuD of Wom•n. Pe:rndu:lon for out-of~town tripa oLhf'.r th•n for evtnta

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aponoored by the eollegt! muat be ...:u:red from the Dean of Women. All out-of·l<>wn atudenta are required I<> room in tho dormltorle'l,

unlcs• permi.uion to room outside l:e k'faDted by t.hc Manaarcment of the ColiPre. Jn no eaae will wome n etudcnts b4J p.e_nnit-ted to room where a.atiafector)' Arrangcmente f01r a bouse mother have not been made.

Students living with (omilies are subject to the aame rules a!J students Jiving in the c-ollege dormitory in regard to study hours, at.t.endance at chapel nnd Sunday &e:rvices, receiving contpany, and ntl matte.rs pertAining to tb4!ir depOrtment. Men and women may not room in the same house. Familiu wishing t.o t.ake atudcnta At roomers or boarders muat nr-ron.Ke with the College Management in advnnce and agree to see that rulu. and regulations nre obse.rved.

Parents are urged to kt-cp in touch with the school, and to ouist the faculty In bringing about tho be•t reaulta possible in the edu<a· lion and dlroetlon of their <hlldr<n.. A atudent will do better work if not. fornlahed ";th too much money.

Viaiton are alwnya wctcolnc. Guuta of the institution should report at the busineu office. Guests of the dormitorie-s should re­port to tho bouse mother or head re.sident so that entertainment may be provided.

An otrlelal emblem and oeal has been adopted by the College, and it Ia expected that all ciAUCS and orguniz.ot-lona aball restrict thern­aehea to Ita ua.c.

/"' Policiee concerning deputation work must be approved by the Ad-miniltration.

Students representing the Colleg~ both on and off the eampua mu•t be approved bJ the faculty.

Agotnt.l and aoHcitar& nrr not permitted to ope.rnte amonr the etudentl on tha eolltge eampus without permission from the Buainua

l "" lalo.n~r. Student. abould Inform their oorreopondcnts that nil letters and

other mail intended for students of the~ll<iri! should be plainly marked "McPherson College." giving the atreet number or the name of the ball and number of the room, ainc:e there are t-wo colleges in McPbe.r­aon.

All artklu necenary for the atudent's comfort except aucb 11

. ,.., Uated in the expenae lt.ema will bn !urniahed by tho at~dent him· ••lf. The otudcnt abould bring quOte, comforts, blanket.e, ab~ts. pll­lo~ pWow caaea, napkins, ruga, etc. Single hecla are provided In An~old and Fabn.,.l<>ek Balla.

The Alumni Association Tho Alumn.i Aaao<iation of MePhenon CoUtee Ia composed of all

renono wbo have ncelved dlplomu from any department o! MePber­aon Coli~. At the pruent time it numbers approximately 2300. The

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purpose or lhe Association is to bind elot~cr together those that were at one Umc lll(lmbe.ra of tbCI .-chool but are now e_ngnged In the neUv~ dull .. of llf•. The Apociatlon alt•mp .. as far u pouible to keep cht addTUit"l 71 all m('mben itnd ,everal timra durine tht year to tnCornt All c:tJn~e}nlng the ttcth•ltlt'a o f' t.he College. The affairs of lha

~iAtion Ar·e eonducted by an ext'Cutlve board eompost'd of fittt'fn mt"mban. Tho A•JOCiation h.u represe:nt.ation on th~ BQ.IIr~ o( T·nat· tt-tt. F:\·er)' few yeAn the Aat()("lation publt.!het the Alumni Directory ••

Summer Session A a·umm~r union ill conducted annunlty by McPhtraan Collert.

lt be.~hts lmmediatC'Iy aft~ tht eloAe of th(! regular tcuion ond contln'uu for t. period of ten •~U.. The faculty, with few t xt.e-ptions. i!ll madt up of membera of th~ re«Ular tollct5te tt.Aff. The eourtu offered •re 11ttected from the regular progrnn' or •n.udiC'!. for the molt PIHt. and tbe quallty o"f work is equal to the work ot thi:1 r~gui•H ethoo1 )'t'lllt. Fur&.her information regardinc the tummtr •fN.Jon rna)' bt aecur~ f ro·m tbt' Dlroet.or ot lh<~ Summer Se!!.alon. J

Semester Expenses ~uition

Rt"p.l.ar Colll•I(C!' Cour•~. per eerne-ster hour . . . . . . . .. .•.... . • S 5.26 Prh-.ate leaons i n Mutic :

Pinno. Ott:cn.n. Voice, o r Vlulln, one hmson p~r Wf't'k Elementary and high achool atudtnts , • . . . . . •

. Bo~d and Room t Hhnestoe.k or Arnold U al1 .•. ...... • ..•••. .. ' .. ... a .

Klint Hall :




Light hovaf:!k~ltlng rooms pet Mudtnr. . . 40.00 Sult~s of two rdoma pt1r month . •.• .. • ... • , • . • • • • • . • • • . • • 18.5()

Matriculation To eotter t.xpen.,. of re<orda. n«HUf')' fiiH. ttc .. UC'h tludent. when

Cint enrolling for regulnr dnn l'lttandtmc:e. h1 charged a fee of fh·e dollars. Spec:la1 stude.nta taking fhre hour. or l~o J)AY two dollon and the ~ainder when thtY beco.me refUl&r stuclent.t.

Incidental Tbe lncld~ntal (H ia cluir~ each regularly onrollod eollcgo JLud•nt

and lndudH tho following items: SbJdent activitloa . • . • • • . . . . • . • . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . •..• . • ; 3.76 Llbra17 f.. . • •.. ..... ... . .. ... . ... .. , • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 u .. ltb r.. . . ... . .......... . .. .. . .. ....... . .... , • . . . . 2.oo

$ 8.7>

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Semester Laboratory Fees Aotronomy .•.•...•.. •• .. • .... · .• · • · • · • · · · · · ••· • · · · · ... · · · . $ .&0 Biology ..... , . . . . .. . .. . . • . . . . . . • . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . 2.00 Chemistry . . . . . . . .. • .• . .. .. ... . . . • .. . ... . ...... ... . .. . . . . . G.OO Drnmatle Art .. . ... . ....... , • . . • . . . • . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . • . . 2.00 G~neral Shop . • . . . . . . • . . . . . .. . . . • . . .. . • .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . • . . 2.00 Home. Economics Laboratory Cou.r:ses, per semester hour . . . . . . . L .00 Foods and NuJrition . ......... . ...... . .... .. .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . 6.00 Office Prnetiec . . .. . . . . . • . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . • . . .. . . . . . . .. . . • • . 2.50 Organ .. .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . 12.so Piano practice, one hour n dny . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . il .OO Physics ......................... . ...... .. , ......... .. , . .. , 3.00 Physieai--Edifention . , .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . • . . .. .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . 1.00 Practice te-aching, per semuter bour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 Typewriting . ....... , .. , , ......... , .. .... . . . ... . . .. . . •• . .. . &.00 Woodwork, Wood and Metnl Finishing, Genernl Shop,

or Farm Shop ......... . .. . ...... , .. . . .. .. . . . . .. 2.00 \Voodwork a.nd De•ign, advAneOO JU)(l

Special Fees ApJ)Ointment Bureau enrollment ...... . .. .. ..... • . . . . . - . ... . $ Aeeeptanee of appointment ............. . .. ...... . .. . ...... . Auditing coune•, per aemca:ter hotJr ................. • . . . ~ ... . Chemistry breakage deposit .. . ... .. . . ....... . . ... . .. .... ... . Fe<! for t.!nebera certificate .... . .. . ..... ... ..... . .......... . . Fe-e for renewlll of tuebtra ~,rdficate . . . . . ...... . . . .. .... , .. . Grndontion . . . . . . . . ... . .. ~ . .. ...... . .. . .. .. . •. . ... . • .... . . Late registration . .. . .... .. .. .. ..... . . . .. .. .. ... . . • .. . . . .. .. . Special eJ<nmlnotion , ....... . ...... . ......... ! ... . ... . ... . . , Tron_s.cript o·f credits

Estimated Expense

:!:oo 6.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 3.00

10.00 1.00 t.OO 1.00

The following o1:imote IndicAtes tho probable exponoc to tho ovorngc student including tuitioo, board att1d room, and fees for the school year. It does not include dnas dues, Quadrangii.'S, and miseellnneous personal exptnat.a..


Tuition .... . .......... ........ ......... .. ......... , .. . .. , .$167.50 Incidental !eo . ............... . ............. , ...... , ..... , • 17.60 Laboratory f«t ... ..... . ............. ..... .. ..... .. . , 6.00 to 12.00 Boob and auppUea .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . . • . . .. . . .. . . 16.00 to 20.00 Board and room . .. . ..... : .. .. . .. ...... . .... . ........ . .. .. . 210.00

Total for the sebool ye.a.r .. ........... .. ... $406.00 to $417.00 Leu 2~ for eaab In ten days •....• •.• .. . . . $397.88 to $408.66

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Tuition • .. • . • .. • • • .. .. .. • .. • .. .. .. .... $167.60 lneldtnt.ol fet ........................ , .. .. .. • . .. .. .. . .. .. 17.50 Laboratot7 feeo ............... . ................. . .. SG.OO 10 12.00 ll4ob and aupplln • .. .. .. .... ........ ...... ........ $16.00 10 20.00 Room "'"' • . . .. .. • .. .. • .. • • .. • .. . .. • • . • .. .. • • .. • 80.00 CoopernLivo boordln11 ....... ....... .. . ............. 66.00 1<> $06.00

Total for the ..hoot ,._, .. $»1 .00 to $3$2.00 Leu 2~ for cuh In ton daya .......... .... $321.118 to $34~.96

B«au~ of pnurble fluctuation& ln prleH the manft.gement reo. """ th• rlghL, If nectunry, to chantro tho abo•o prl<tt during !he year.

Tbt Coll• r e. In ccopenttlon w1th ntorby rtoldtnta, auloLt tludonLt further Wlth Mlf-htlp and rooming and botrdlna tpportunltl ...

Term s E'~"'"""" mutt bt paid for or arra ncod for w th the Bualnua Man·

tl!fr during the "'lrlttralion dara of each ... muter At laut on ... baU of tht J<tme.;Ur attount mus·t be paid at the beg~nnanr of tacb MDJnter aDd tho remainder t1 the t nd ot nine ... Hb. Clau aclm.iltantt oardo will be luutd onl7 whon this baa boon don.e, and failure to -.1 a n7 t~rm•

arranKtd with t.he Dulnou Manager will .-.ault in uncollnlion of tho lhKitnt'l enrollmtnt until PAJme_nt. "hat t~n made.

No """'"'' who is d.Unquent in tht pa)'""'nt of ••1 fM, acc<H~.nt, or DOlt due the collor- will be lflnn a d ipiCNIIA of graduation or a tra,_ acr lpL showln.: acholastJc atandlng until tuch lnd<'btt!dnoaa hu boon f ul-

ly ~··~-


A di-unt oC two per crnt will be ginn If the ~ntue bill Ia paid In oasb within u n daya foUowing reC>ttntloa. Thit dltt011a.L will ;,ot AJ!ply whet o uodlt h&B beon iasut!d on work, aaslatantaMpo. Kbolanhlpo. tit. Partnta or guudiana ohould atnd tho requirtd paym<nta in Rd­"a.nct. or promptl)' at tiJM of tnrolJJlM_ut and al miO..mutt.r in ordu t.o avOid delayed d aaa ott.-Dda...._

WMk ratta will be charged when • .., .... .,. to makt adjual.,.nLt of ac.count duo to etc.koea or wlthd.rawal from ecboul tor rco . ..one eon .. aldtnd Juallfiablo b7 the manaJIU!tnL Boa rd and room In dormitory and tuition per we<k will bo tweoiJ per Mnl hl1bor than Mmet~r nttea. No refund or adjuola'>ellt will be rude unleaa auttorizt!d by tho Pruldtnl or Deaa. No deduction will be taade in board or ,...,... .-.nt for a eon· tlnuou• abHnce of Ita~ than two wtf=b, or for tH tint two or taat nro Wotka of a semeater.

Dlatancr dl-uoLt are ollowtd for studonta tomlnc from lbo .:root· •• diota-.

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t, Semester Laboratory Fees A•t~omy . ... .. . .... . . .... .. . .... . .. .. ... .. ... ... ... .. ... $ .r.o Biology ..... . ... .. . . ... ... · • · · ... . . · · • ··- · · ..... · ..... · · · · 2.00

Chcmlotry ... ... . ........... • · · .. . · • · · · .. · · .... • · • · .. • · · · · u.oo Dramatic An . . . ... . . ...... . .. ·. · ...... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 2.00 General Shop . .. . .................. . ...... .... ... ... ..... . ~.00

Home Economlu Lnborntor)' Counes, per semester hou r ...... . 1,00 Foods and Nutrit-ion . ... .... .. . , ..... . .... ... .... ... .... . 6.00 Office Practice . ...... . .... . ...... .. .... - . .. . ... • .. ..... . . 2.50 Orgnn ........ . .............. , .... ........... . ..... , .•... . 12.60 Piftno pruc.tic:e, <>nc hour n day .. . - ..... .. . :1 nn Pbyaics . ...... ... .... .. ........... .... .. .......... . .. . . .. · Physical ~~ducntlon .. ... .... .... .. .. .. .... , . .............. , Practice teae.hing, per H mt-ste.r hour . .... .. .. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.00 1.00 2.50

Typewriting .. . ... ... ... ..... . ...... . ..... . ....... . . ... . 5.00

Woodwork, Wood and Metal l'ini•hing, Gcn•rnl Shop, or Fnrm Shop .. .... ... .. . ..... .... .... . ..... ... ..... . . 2.00

Woodwork nnd Design, ad\'Uf'lced ... . . ........ .. .... .. - .. .. . 3.00

Special Fees Appointment Bureuu enrollment. .... .... .... . . . .. .. . .... . ... $ 2.00 Acceptance o( appointment . . .. . ... .... . .. . . .. . .. . .. ... .. . 5.00 Auditing counce, per f!emester hour ..... .. . • . . ..... ...... , .. . 1.00 Chemistry bre•knge deposit .. ....... . .... . . .. .. ......... . .. . 2.00 Fee for teachers certificate .. . . . .. . .. .. .... . ... . . . . . .. - .. .. . . 1.00 Fee for renewal of teachers c:ertHieate .. .... ... ........... . . . 3.00 Gr~duation .. . . . . . .. . . . .. ................. ...... . ....... . . 10.00 Late registration . . . . . ... .. . . . . . .... .. ... .. . . .... .. . ... . .. . 1.00 Spec:i.al examination . , , , , .... .• ... '"', .. .. . , .,, .. , .. , ..... ,. 1.00 Transcript of credits . .. ..... .. . . ... .. ..... .... ... .. ... . 1.00

Estimated Expense The followi ng estimate indicates the probable expense to the average

student including tui~ ion, boArd nnd room, •nd fee& for the ~(:hoot ycnr. It dou not include C:nas dues, Quadrongl.,, and miscellonoou• pcnonnl upen!ies.


'j:'ultion ........ .... .. .... .. ....... .. .. ............. .. $157.60 InCidental fee . . . .. . . . . .. .. • . . • . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . !"7.60 Laborato!-y fees .. .... . ........ . , ........ ... .. ..... .... 6.00 to 12.00 Books and supplies .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. . • .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . 15.00 to 20.00 Board a nd room .... ......... . ...... , , ... .. . .............. . 210.00

Total for thr sc:bool year .... .. ........... . $406.00 to $417.00 Leu 2% for cash in t•n dayo •. ..•.. , •.. • .. $397.88 to $408.06

I '

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Tultloa ....... . .... .. . .... ............. . .... ....... 1167.60 locicltntal 1ft .. .. .. .. • .. .. • • .. .. .. • .. .. . . . . 17.50 La bon toT]' r- . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. u 00 t.o 12.00 Boo,b and IUf>pliu . .... . .. • .. .. . ................ 115.00 lo 20.00 Roona real .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. • .. .. • .. .. . .. .. .. .. 80.00 Cooporotive boardlniC . .. . . .. . .. • • • 66 00 to IG5.00

Total for the ~~:hooJ yNr •• lA1a 2'1 for c::u.h in tt"n days

. . $!81.00 t.o 1352.00 •• S3U !Ill t.o 13~4.96

B«AUU of f10"slblt fluctuation!! 10 pr ietA lhe man"K4!ment re· ~"'''" tht: rivht, if Ul'Cf'l.llRT)'. t,o ~hAnKc the• nbov,, pricet dunnR" tha year.

Thf Coli~~. in C'OO~rauon wiLh nearb.) ""'d!·nu. aNuta thacknt.s further with Mlf·httlp and rooming and board1nc (ipportunttiH..

Terms Exl•ttn•u mutt b. p1id ft~lj 6r arran~ for with the 0\ltint'N )_I an·

l.l:t'r clurinc lht ,.Ktatration d•t• of c.'OCb wmHl.(or. At l~.aal on ... hal f of th. H:mHC..r • C'C'OUnl mvs t N paid at th« Mt::tnDt"IC of nc.b HtDt:Jt.er aDd the rtm•und•r at the md of nin(l wtrtkL Cl•• ad:11iU..Me rarda wtU ~ luutd only whC!n thlt hn• been done. and fallur~ tQ nteet any terms arranged With the OuaiJ)eu Ma.nac c.-r will ""uh In cancellation of tht ttuUtnt'a e:nrollmtnl 1.1ntil p~nt hat bHn madt.

No s.tudent who Ia de.11n\t"\"-nt in the paymrn! of an1 fee, a~ubl, Clr DOle d1H the col~t wtll be ~riven a diploma of (Taduatlon or a traa. ttrlpt ahowinrr echota.nic ttand1n1 until s:och nuS.JtednHs ha• betn !ul· ly p.Ud.


A d1~nt ot t wo ~r ctnt will bt E"'·en If t.bt ~nure biiJ lt paid In ~ah within ltn day• followinc rc.U,tration, ThiJ diKOunt -.rill not apply whu• <rodll h11 bocn lllllod on work, auiatsnl.lhlpa. acholanbipt, •••· Parents n .. «"'••rdiant ahouJd tend the reqtiN'd pa,yme.nta In ad· vance, or pro·mptl)• at time of enrollment and at mid·se.meater Ht order 1.0

avold ctda.,ed clau attenda~ Wftlc ratft will be char~od wl>M .-1'7 10 maQ adjvJtm<nl.l or

Atc'Oant doe t:o elclaeu or withdrawal {rom IC.bool for muona eon­•ldtrtd Ju1U finble br the mnnnrt!nHmt. Board and room in dormitory and tuition per ·~lc will bt twentr pe_r cent hfcher than HI"M.ItAr rat.o. No ~fund or ad)utlnent -.rill be mad• uniH1 autboria:od b7 lho PJUid•nt or !nan.. No dtduc1ion W111 bt mad• in board or room rtnl for a COD•

tJbu.oa.a abte~ ot lta than two WHitt.. or for tJrt" fiq:t two or laat tw'O wMU of a aemt~~t.er.

Dlt~t•nce d iiCOUhb are allowed for ttudent. rominc {rom tht g-reat·· e r d.lata n«L

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A contingent r~ of $5.00 Is ehuged each atudent rooming In the dormltoriCJI. At the end of :ho school year, aft<lr chargCJI are dedueteo for anr unnecesury damage to the room or furniture o.nd for exceuivt u80 ot electridty, the balance will be n:lumletl.

Students who preaent a re.:eipt indicating registration and pay. ment of fl* of $5.00 prior to July 1 wiU re.:elve eredlt for thla fee and an addi~onal diaeount of $5.00 on settlement o.f aeeount fo!lowinr en· rollment in Septembor. This appliCJI only to new students who enroU for a minimum of fifteen semester hours.

Students may "t'tserve rooms in the dormitories in advance of tbt openl.nc doto by dopo1it:ing a foo of $3.00. Cr:o<Ut will be ~von nn ronm rent for thio amount at the time of enrollment. The f0<1 will be refunded If the atudent doea not enroll, provided he notifies the school at least one month before the opening of school.

Students planning to place rAdios in dormitory rooma arc required to reeisler their ra.dios with the BusinO!Sf Manag\lr and secure his per­minion for their use. With such permission a charge of $1.00. pe.r aemCJiter will be made.

Student Aid The College makes an effort to g'lve help to deserving atud¢nt.ll "Ito

are unable to meet. aJI tho ~gulnr chnrgt"S. There are. !our forma of such aid: (1) scbolor$hips, (2) assistontshil>• , (3) loan fund&, (4) em· ploymeqt oppertunit.ies. Aid can be continued to students only when aeholarahlp and conduct arc aatfstactory.

Scholarships I. Honor Graduot• Sch<lorthipo

McPherson College offers annually a limilied number of sehclar· ships to high ranking graduates of high schools and junior colleg~ Application blanks may be ""cured from the President upon request.

Th• Collr11o aloo offers acbolauhips to two McPherson Colle~:" aopDomores and two junion each yenr for the succeeding year in Me· Pherson College. These are valued at $50 each.

2. ll!iaistm..l Seho14rol\ipt

Minlaterlal scllolarabips amounting to $25.00 per &emester on the tuition are granted by the College to students who are preparing dcfi. nite.ly f(lr the miniatry or mtnlnn fiPlrl. Rtohnlar•hiru• nf thA umP amount are aloo given to children of active pastors of the Church of the Brethren within the districts suppe~ng the McPbert~on Colleg1>. No student is entitled to more than one aebolarahlp at the same time.

3. Univerait11 Seholorahipt

Lead.ing universities o!.fer annually scholarships wbich vary in

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.alue fn>m $200 to $600. Memben of t.be oenlor dua -..Ina proper quali[ieation• will be ....,.mmtnded for those.

Assistan tships So•tr•l d~~artt~tent. of tbe colleae employ •tude.nt aaaittan~ for

labotatory aervlce, for readlnr and ebecldnll' papua, etc:. The atudento are UJUali:J Mltded from tbe upper elatKt and must be e'ludenta of high ac.holuUc atanding. Th< library baa alao in the put uled aome otudont auiatanta.

All appointmenll a~ made Cor ono year and are condltloned 'on aatia.­fac .. ry .. r.;ce and tbe approval by tho Exi'Cutlve Board of t.be Collero.

Loan Funds L .. n funds have been ear..bliobed al Me?herooo Collere b7 a nu.mber

o·t people and orgaoiution.J to a.sallt younr men and womtn who are preparing for suvree in dfttlnedve a.oclal ••d ehureh work.

Elder and Mra. E. B. Hoff Fund available to men nnd womtn. Mlaa Della Boerner Fund available 1.0 wom•n. John Samuel Evans Memorial Lo.n Fund available to womtn. Mrl. E11ubet.b K"•tm:r Lonn Fund avalloble to wom•n. Mra. Sarah W. Bomly RoiAry t'und avaUable to women. Btat.ric:e AaHmbly Youn~ People"• Loan Fund. North Dakota Younr People'• Loan Fund. MIMeaota Young Pooplo'a Loan Fund. c. E. Davia Loan Fund.

The General Educational Board of tht Cbun:b of tbt Brtthron bu • alud\.'111. •vt.aty loo.n f!Jild made AYoiJ.able lor worthy Atnde.nt.a. APDii• cation tor a loan from !lila fund muat be rr.ade through tbo CoUop.

The Kanaaa Fedentlon of Wqmen'o Ohlba and varloua dvio orpnl­zatlooa of McPberaoo offer to worthy student. toano wbi<b may be 'Ob­tained on reaaonable term.a.

The Younr People"a Departmtnt of S.Ut.b Eut Ka11.1u haa .. tab­lined a loan fund for worthy otudtnta of that dlatrlct. Tbla t. • II"J"owlnw fund. Each •••• t.bc young people of the dlotrict odd to tho amount of t.be fund.

Tha oollep bu now eat.abli•hed 1 atudent l""n fund of coDOlderablo prcpo·rtJoD.a !rom wbleb atudt:nta m.ay a«urt reatonable aunu pro'ridtd the;v c.an ai•o adequate aec.urlty.

Employment Opportunities There Ia aomo oppo.rtunlty for atttdent.l t4 earn money both at the

coD~ and ln t.be towu of Me.Pheraon. •Jhe 4lnt.na b.J.t Jin" 'llf'Otlt to a •umbt.r of w:men a.1d a few men. Thtre Ia janitorial work for aome fifteen or twe'ftty ttudtnt.l motti.J m~.. A number of atudenla rind c.ltri~ cal work In t.be colloro offlcea, and • tow are uaed In the library, Tbe ft<Jual ro .. rnmo.nt bu olded manJ of our atudonto t.bn>ufh t.bt N. Y. A. Tb ... otudenLo are aaed to do .. ,. ldn4 of -ally u..tul work. In

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addition to this tnnny or our •tudente find some work in privotc hotttes, atores;-.gar sl.arlons, garages, and re!ltAurants in Me.Pherson. Tht- Col· lege s tands ready lo cooperate wltb the sLudcnt in securing employment. bul s trongly urgr~. the atudent \.0 S("E!k only enou~h employment to meet college expenses a..nd to reserve all t he time possible ror studic.s.

The College Requirements For Entrance

Admission to McPherson Collcgto mar bt grunted upon prese:n..ation or a ccrtifiente of graduation from an nccredited senior high ~hool of Kansas, ot Crom u high achoo1 with "quiva1cnt necrediw.tioa from another state. Tha admissiOn procedure includes the following alep$:

1: An appUcat.ioD for admi53ion JJhou1d be filed with the Coll~c on en official blank secured from tho Rtgistrar.

2. An oUieial transcript of the neadtornie rl"COrd of the &tude-nt in bigh sc:bool must bel presc:nt.ed.

3. While McPherson doe-s not. pr..ucribc ddinito requiremtnta in Clntrance subjects, it iS strongly recommended that the s.tudcnt le pre­par~ to prnent at leaat thrt-e unilJI in EngHsh, two unit" in forcign language, two unita in mathematics. tl"O in hi"tory or social telenct. and one or more unit& in laboratory tw.'ience. The remaining units mtt)•

bo elective.

~s . Saddactory r 9C:ommend.adons from tho prindpal o,. S..lp,.Mn· tc.ndent of a.choola nnd at least one other as to cbarttcter, nbility. •P· plication, and acholarahip of thr g'raduate ur~ f«lUired.

6. Paychological, ac.hicl•cment., and J)Qt'&onality test&, and a physical examination are rrquirt'd befort!: regislrmlion ia completed.

6. Gradu•te• of high schools not fully &C<'redited mny enl<r the college through apeelat entrance examinations ; or thay may ent.er as unclasolfled studeot.a until they demon•trate their abllll:)' to do sati .. factory coUtgiate work.

Advanced Standing Candldatea for admlaaion !rem other colleges musL pruent a cer·

ti!iute of hororab1e dlt miss.al and on official transcript sbowinc a pauing grad~ on llt l<:n3t two--thirds o( the courees in whic;h last en-­rolled. Students from Junior colleges will receive credit for no more than sixty-four aeme.ster hours. Work do·ne in n junior college cannot be atc.redited •• the equivalent of ·~·ork done in tbe upper diviaion of McPhen~on College.

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Registra tion A atudont ia eompletoly r<Jriolt,..d whon he hot pro,•idt<l all in·

formation rtquir-ed on the ofltcial ~btration form prnt-ntfd to hlm by tM Colt«!{(e and hu aeturrd the •lv-naturta of aU tht adm•nl1trative officbJJ dHipot.td on the otr.c:iol c:ard ond In c:oH of flrat rtgllllrotion hu c:omplot.td all odmlalon pi'D<tllu...... Rr l(lttratlon muot bt eom• pltttc: on the dayo dtllgnoted (or !hot pur- In tho u ludar of tho Collop Failure to do ao wlll rt~ult In o lote I'OJ:'illrotlon f .. of ono dollar.

Requirernents for the A. B. Degree The A. B. d•IC" .. w;u be eonrorrro on otud•nto who m .. t tho rul·

dtn«, uNit, grade point, dlttributlon. and t'ORnntratlon requiremeu , all of wbJc:b aro d ... ribtd brlow.


In order to qualify •• a eandfdato for n colt~ dtt..~ee • auaden' mua.s IPf'nd • minimum of Ollr Tt•r ol· ruldence in McrhuMn Cou ... Tblt entolla thirty l<!meller bou,... The Stnlt Dtpart.,..nl of Educa· tlon further "'!uiru. for Ka111a1 eoll-. that t,..ntr·Cour ot tho ian thirty ho11n or fi ftJ of the latt olxt; boun noc:tuarr to c:omplott work lor a dtR'r.. be c:om?t..tod In ffilidon.. In tbt eoUt'go luulna tho dt'gT ...


Gr-ad·uat.es mu.at eomplot.e a minimum of o~ htndted twtnt)·four ••tnt"t••r hnun, forty MmtaU:r bou"' of wbkh mu1t be in Juoior· Senior eourMS. Jvnior-..SctnSor courMJ lncludt! aU ccuru1 tn th• uaLct·

to.,. aJid oc:bedule numbo~ (rom IOO.ZOO lndUilvo.


Candldai:e. for a dfPtt mud havt a.a mant grllde point. •• cHdlt hour• required ror rradoatlto. Gradt paine.. are earned •• followa:

A-th""' i'l'ade pointt for eaeh hour or erodlt. B-two grodt polnto for uc:h ltour of c~lt. C----on• anti• paint for N~ hour of utdlt. D-no grade polnta.


Ddo,. endu.atlon, tA<h stlldtnt rnutt c:omplol« at lt11l lfft<o Ml:IOSltr hourw In the Dl...to .. n of LaliiU•CtO· Ultrature, Art&; olab...., omost.er houn In the Dl•lolon of Soc:lal Selene .. : and nlnt'-n 10m10tor boon In the Dhrlolon or llat~>ral Sc:lto«L Tb.ese dl•lolonal ttqolre­...., .. ohall iDdude th• tpclri< ""lUiremonto alated btlow, all of wbida

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abould be completed in the Fr~shman and Sophon,ore )'tara, unleu otherwise st.otl•d:

Semester Hours

1. Phy&ica l Education . ... •• .••....•. • .•.•...... . ..•..•... • .. •

2. Natural Science ( Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics) . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . • . . .. . . .. . .. . 8

Si.x hours of this requirement must be met in a laboratory a.clence.

3. Soei"J Science ( B lotory, Politlcnl Science, or Economical .... 6 This requirement must be met in European history unless two

senior high sebool units in bistory are presentec..l tor entrance.

4. English (Oral and Writtt n Compoll tion ) ............... .... G

5. Lltcrfttur~ . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . • . . 6 Three boun of this requirt'ment may be met in the Ju nior

or Senior year.

6. f'orcisrn LanJIUage . . . . . . . . .. . .. • . • . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . .. 12 Thia rcctuircmont must be mt't in Lntin, French, GC!rn1nn, or Sp.-n·

ish. Each unit of foreign language presented for entrance reduee~ this requirement b)' three semeste.r hours, provided the anmc language is continued In coli ego.

7. Fine or Appli~d Artll (Art, lluMic, Speech, Rome Economi~. or Industrial Arts) .. . ...... . .. .. ..... ....... 3

8. Bible .. .. . ..... .. .. . .................... .. .. ........... 6 Three hours ot thla requirement mAy be met in the junior or

acnior ycnr. It mu.at be met by tAkin.g counca ni the Department of Philosophy ond Religion :numbered 21, 22, 23, 166, Ill, or 116.

!J.:I' 9. Or-ientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . • . • • . . . . • . . . . • . . . • • . . . . 1

10. Electives . ....... . .. . ... . .. . .. , ... . ... , • , . .. , , .. , .. . .. . 18 Not more than aix aemtst.tr tours may be elected from pny de-­

partment excep·t music, home e«:Onomics, and industrial arts. Fi1teen hour s may bo elected in music. Nine houre meay be ek-ct· ed In home economica And i ndustrial art.l, provided tho credit it not applied t.o an A. B. degree,

To meet the dis'ttibution require.mcnte for general education i_n the moat &atla!act.ory manner, the a.rrangoment o! couneo listed below 11 aucguted, The courlea marked 'lritb an asterisk " '• recommended; other eounea mo..., in k .. plng with tho atvdcnto' purpooe m&J be auJ>. ~tuted. Students expecting t.o teach ohould elect psychology.

Ptm S....ur •

~~~~ Otnu.a, or MaUa. __ : •asw. --------..... ·---- a Biolc,7, Cbl!aiJ.t17, w PhTalca _ ___... .PU.kai Zdua Ucn ---·---·· 1 Orin.tadoo -----·- - - - 1 ,_ ... -----··-- ... 1·2

• TMAl _ _ _____ u:n To<al _ _____ .. _ l._,lT

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... t

- ·' ... Tetal


1. The ('()Oiplttion of a major o f cot Ina thaD twentr·four Jot"rnat.er houn in b1ology, ehtmtatry. econoaua aDd buaaDH• adnUnlatra. lion. Enallsb, German, history, home «onomi.ca, 1ndustnal arll, mathematla, muale, or phlloaophr and rollcion. A minimum •f tweiYe hou.rs of thi1 rtquirtment muAt be met in C'OUI"N'A OptD to junioro nnd sen lore ol\ly.

" 2. Tbe COI)1Pietion of A minimum of fi f~.een aemuter houro In tupporttn~ eour..-. nlat..:l to the mojor. but not in tho aamo department as the major.

3. Sat.atfattory pe.rform&IKf on a compnh~nsive u.aminatlon cover .. Inc the work of tho .,..jor and tbe aupporunc eoa.- Thla

examination will be jp two par\a, written and oraL It will be ad· mlniatered in April~ a eommltl.., composed of tno bud of tht department in wbkll the otucknt bu majored. tho D .. n of the Coll<ge1and at lout one other uomlnor oel..,ted br tbow momben

4, A eomplot.e tentative pro~ernm of • .,. , .... fo r tho junior ond a.tnlor Jt'ara, inc:orpor-atina t.ht requlrt:rMnt. llaltd above. de-­tlped by the atudont and approved by the at.ud~nt'a major proftU'lr and the Dean or tht Colloge not later than tho be­ctnnlnr of the atudent'a junior y .. r.

Note· Requl,...mmts one and cwo are li•ted in more c!ttaU undtr the depar·t.me.ntal requirementt.


The 0. S. dtiiT"" wiU be con f~rred on atudento ,.ho meet all tht rtqulrementa for the A. B. dtfrl'«! u o\a~ed above, ex«ptlnrr tho con· untratlon reqolremuts which. in t'.AH e>f the 8 . S~ de:cn«". mutt ~n•l•t ot a major ot at least. twenty- four boun, In biolol)', cht:ml1try, eto-­nomJea and butin~u adminittration, mathematta, home economltt. or in· danrlal ar\a, and supportinc eou ,...... doael>• nlated to the major. aiiiOUIItlnr to at tu.t L:tRniY·fO<Ir houro. TM l&nl\lalf" HqUin-nt mar be waived for tho otudent who pr<Mnta to tbo Currleulum Com· mittee an ac-.ptable 111botltul< for tbe lancua~ requirement,

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Other Requirements and Regulations STUDENT LOAD

The avernre student load is fifteen hours a semester. AD •tu· denta are limited to seventeen hours except by special pcnniaaion from the Curriculum Committee.

Requests 1or extra hours. special or additional etedit for c~ursea taken ~nder the personal direction of an instructor, nnd offering' of courses not eatalogued must be approved by the Curriculum Com­mittee. Under no elreum•tances will the Committe<! feel obligated to allow~t or rJWgttlte work taken under any o'tbt'r arrange.mcnt.

Students doing lUI murh as fifteen hours of nu latontship1 or nny work entniling fifteen houra per week, are limited to fifteen cours.e hours. It II recommended that for eve-ry fiv(! hours of extra-curricular working activity durinr the five school tin)'!, nt lc.ast On() hour b<! subtracted from the eevcut..een maximum.

CHANGES IN ENROLL~fENT Changes in enrollment should be made within two weeks after . the

beginning of the aemuter. Chong .. later than this should be very in· frequent. AU chnnget must be approved by the D(!lln and the lnstruct6r conc-erned.

WITHDRAWAL A !Student mA)' withdraw from a course provided n valid ~eason

lor withdrawal can be given./ Consent to witbdrow J:rust be sec:ured from the Dean. Failure to secure pernission to withdraw will result in a graae of F In the course. A student who fails to do sat isfactory work Sn 4 courl(! mA)' be requ1rM t..o withdraw.

SCHOLARSHIP A student who fail• to make thr~fourtbs aa many grode points

as semestu hours for whieh he is enrolled on the regular report issued at the end of each nine we<!ka period will be placed on probation ond his parents or guardian will be noti!ied of the fact. U an average grade of C Ia not attained by tho end of the second report period followiag the ona In .;bleb the abortare oec:ured, the •tudent may be advised to with· draw from th• college.

CLASS ATTENDANCE ~ar class auendanee is required of aU students extept those

on the Dean's Ll1t. Absences incuned for valid reasons may be ex­cused in the Dean's otfice. Class work missed, for which there is ex­cuaed absence, mult be made up at once. Unexe.used absenee.s are penal· ll<!d by the loaa of honor points. One honor point will be deducted for thne unu.cuaed class absen«a, or fraction thereof. Double cuts a.re lnourred for abooneea from elau Immediately preceding or aubMqu~nt to .. ch vacation. Adjuatment of honor polnta Ia made on the permanent neord by tbe Rea-iltrar wben nade~~ ara Y'f'lt"Orded.

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A)J ~tUIMnt who •-•Yt<l a fT'acM of B, or bottu, in all counn In which be wu enrollod during the pn!Ct<llnr Mmeat.er (with a mini· roum of twelve hours), will bo placed on the Ooan'• Lltl

A auaiMnt .., the Dun'a 1Jat Ia required to at~nd at luot two.

thirdo of the et.u loc:turH arul to do aalldaeton1y a ll rtqnlrt<l ...,TIL Out lu! Ia otb•rwl•e exempt from rorulationt affeclln& ahaenee from c.l.a.axt.. A • tud•nt on the Ottaa'l LJtt who faitt to maln~a.tn a IT&de ot B, or -••· in all bio ...., .... will t.. ro-•t<l from tho Uat at aud· semat.er.


o .. of the valuable footv:n o f a ehu"'h rolltp lo iu cbapol Kr· vJce. Chapel AUcndcmce iJI tl'C'~ui-rtd of nil tltudcnta nnd mcmbera of tho f..,.lty. Chapol Ia held an ll•nda)', Wodnuda)', and t'tlday mornlnc-. Tbe "'"'k .. vroally ..,.. or a tdiclo .. ·-ractu tllou(lt at thn .. othu fnspirntlonal or lntormntlona.l toplc:t &r1:\ ~n.alder\.o;J, Sometimes the program Is chftlly muw)uJ. Th" e.hapcl .. rvi~e '• mually I~ by a facul:y ""'mbu. thottrb CKillidt o~alt~ro are allo often llMd. Stvdtnt orp•luliona lud chapel OT> occulon. Alumni of tiK collrp t..Ufy to tho abiding value of tho ehnpel pro~rrnmo durinK their collO(IO dRys.

STUDENT CLASSlPICATION In order to clauify Rl a .aphornorc tho 1hadent mutt prOIOflt twen•

ty-f'"'r houro of acadtmlo ~rodit at the ~lnnln~r of lhe T<ar; as a S~taicr, lif~Y·four hottra; and as a o«nlor. tlrb!J'·four hottrs. All o:tll• de:nt. tnu1t lccop t.helr flrtf •l..mf!ater clautllc:ation throughout the year ueept thOR juniora who will bo canclidaw for rr•duatlon 11 tho end of tle aumma ..,;OD.


A-loclicata high honor and J. reouvt<l for YOfJ dlatlnKUiohC'd work.

8-lodiuc.o.a very rood work of much more thnn • '"eraae <1ua1it:J.

~lndlcatea tlaat the worli: -. botn of good aver~ qlllllhy,

D-ind'itata that \be • or., ba• "'"-" t iN Jow,. .. t in a-u.aUt1 that will enable tho atudent to ••••• the cour..,,

1-lndkataa .....n Ia U.comJ>Itte. WP-witllclr•- pualn&'.

P-lndicatu failuro. WF- wltbdrawn falllnr .

1- may 1M ehanaN to a grade by completing the ift<lllnp/eto work co U.. NtW/&cti• o/ fA• Ct.cad«r. An utra uaminac.ba or utra wor'k may bt requlrad by tbt teO!htr for a puolng ~t<aolt AD lnromplt~ mwt be tlnlahed the ••motor following the one In whleb It wu made If the atudeat Ia In aehottl. In no cuo mar an lnoompl<t.t bo made

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up more than a year aft.e_r lt baa been rcc.e.ived. Students desiring to satisfy nn incomr:tetc more thnn four wceka after the opening of the next umester shall pay a fee of $1.00; aftu nine weeks a (eo. of $2.00. Grade F •••Y be removed only by re-<:nrolllng In tho eourac. A fee of $ 1.00 is eharged for all extra exami:-tations. This tee is

to be paid al the BuoineS8 Office.

HONOR ROLL To be e ligiblt fc:r lhe honor roll, Mtudcnts . muat earn a minimum

of for-ty g-rade points dur·ing the previous .semester. A list of honor roll s tudents shall be compiled nnd nppropriat.<ly advertised at the eloac of each aemesc.>r. Tbia list shall be known 01 tho Honor Roll of McPherson College.


McPherson CollcJe gives eonAideration for extcllem~y in scholarship durinc tbe colloge couroo by ~rnduatlng otudenlo with the following buuun;

Studenta who ~nrn n minimum of fort}' p<1r tent of A grAdes rmd not more than a maximum of ten ptr eent of C gradu are cited for honorable mt'.ntion.

All atudtnts wh~ earn during tbci't eoll~gc :our&e a minimum of s ixty per e:ent of A grades and not more thon a maxhnum o! eight percent of C a-rnde.s ar~ r·ccommcndcd for the honor roll .

._,All students whose college reeord' ohows a min imum of eighty per cent of A ,rradQ& anC no grade below B sbn11 b<! graduated with highest honor.


A student in his junior or senior year who bas made an avera~ grade of B or bette r on twelve or more semute.r hourt' of work during the cu rrent semester moy enroll for :ndependent 6tudy in hia major department for the en&uing ""me,.ter. The' problem or pro­ject on which the student is to work and 'the amount of credit to be feceived for the work must be approved by the student's major y ro­fepor and by the Curriculum Committe<> prior to the enrollment for the work. One to three· ""mester hours credit mAY be CJU'Iled during a given aemt 1tor, but unde-r no circumst.anee will independent work ba approved that o•crlaps with work that can ba gotten in regular c~ .......

.Problema or pr>jeels worked out in indep<ndcnt •tudy must be writt..n up in thesis form acceptable to the atudent's major pro(eS$0r and tho Curriculum Commitlcc. At tho d!oer etion of this group, tho etudent may al10 be ""!uired to sta.nd a writt~n eXamination, as well •• an oral c.ompreh!!naive e xntnino.tion belore a committee of faculty mombe.n headed by lbe major profeasor.

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Tilt (11tnoula 011t:ined OD tht followlnfl pagu are preaen~ for the 1111ldanoo or atudtnta. Tbty ,..prHO.ol tho he., Jud!t"'tnt of the collego In ooeh cuo. However. it Ia r""o.ICnlled uat ad)Ul!tmentt will nftd u. ~ madt In some ee.u:t Mc:auH of eonllitla, il\tt-rta\.1. and needs. The eo~~ra.. markod with .. rorl•k ( • ) ore or!ortd every other r•or only. 10 it will be n..,_ry for tbe ltudont "' plan hi• procram 1n advanc:ct in order to J{t-l lht eourllit• indir:attd.

• llUIIWr.&"' AO.MlNIS'T1lA"nO:rt Tblt euniculum l11o been planned to give tht atadent a broad eultural

tdueation •• we.ll •• adtqul\te aP«Ializatton in HOnomlu and bta:l­..., admlnblratlon. Upon eomplellon of this eoui'U. tho •tudt:nt wUI be qualified to enter bu.i)'OU or to f(O on to o unlvoralty lA> do .:ra.duat..e work in ec»nomltl lo r buain~ adm(niJtratiort. UnJna tht otudnt hat attained reatonable profloney In ohol1band and tJptwritln~ before entering eollqe. eou,_ In tbue fUb)totU should be eltetod . .,_ peei5Uy for eertaln trl"'• of work.

""' .. ....,., u - tnt........u.o w l.lt•t"'ltV"' ·-~. Gr"f1D.&ft. Of ·~~ ~-~~, _ A«c-.nllft6_ 11-0id ,.. • .,....at I ~e..t UI:I~BU...


Pln, .. •tlllln •tt1~bU.u •tu-..._t ... o,... ... P'lo• Mt a- u. e..~,...., t~PriiM-1,._ of S.~ ~~'- 11111•~ el u_ a.


,.,_. • • ,. y_., s ... • - . • • • I


2-~"'' ,_ . ......., ,,__,~ ... o.,.. •. ......... , •-~-... ,.,~w. •t-P~-.1 ttrwW•• 1- Plll,...kaJ O!•u' .. "

&.pt. ... -. YH r lin. • • • • • I

Oto. - I • • - .

I 1 ..


&.r.M .... , .. , lt--ln~U.. WI l..twr.t.,.., ·-~llt..a. ............... t.dt.l! ._g,. ...... ~ A~llt'-r e-Trl..,..~ tl'-!'l•• ~ ... ~ •- f'11:11"..a U.UU.&o•

T ... l

......... y~ Hn. ~ ......

• tJ~hWII tra..._ - I I • • ...


• JJo-........ La• ••• - ltt-Sodo..., .,.. ....


u~ ·.;

• • • ' I


Un. • • • • • I


u ... - .

I • _, .. IJ.o-lt

Bo~ -. • I _ ... ... ..

Studonu wbo rompleto tbll e11rriculum otould bt able to enkr mo&t -.neultural ~lleau aM complet. a four 1~•r •trricultoral toniee ltadiftc t.o a B. S. «!e:vee In two ynu or two )'tan and a 1-ummtr.

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F'r8h••n y._...,. ""t a.-... ·tn II ra.

1-E~:~cti.tb ___ ··--··---·- a !4i!-"t:f~; ~.~~~~try ____ ,::::· _ .. _.- ;

r-~~:k:1 ·~on-::-.. = --- ~ El«t.lvc .,, __ .. _,.._.,, 1·$


Ill"\ a.•Hter u,., 1-Elfmen.u...,. .&c-ooomtc:. -·-· I ••t- ·bc.t.any .... .,_,. __ ,., , . - ·-- t t-~-t~eral Ph.l'!ll<a ·-···-·- ·····-·····- 4 U - Onc•nf.: Cbt'IOI'lr1 • st- P·rtadph!to or Spt.K.b 2

Total - -· 16

s.c ... a. .. 8tu nn. ! - Eqlbh ._. .... ----····· -···-··-··-- 1 2-lnorsr•nle ChMniJ.trJ ' !- Genf'raJ Pqcbolop -··· .. -···- ···- S •u-ZotMocr --- ---·· • 4.!- PeNOaal fbr&et~oe ···-- __,., ! t-Phnltal Education . .......... - ···--· 1

ToW ___ ti

~n4 S...•ln lln . 1!-FJftl.'l~t.arr EdootDka ··-- ·····--··· _ 1 ··~ 8ot.."y • .... ,.,_,,_,.,.., - -·, I $-Trlaoaoft'lottr)' ·····--·· ··-· ·- --·······- 1 22- lotf'Ocfuction Ul Ut.eutur. _ n - Prindplet of SP<tfth ·-- --- ._ £k-e;tiT~ .,,,, •••-·--··-···· • ··-~·-· ) 4

Total --- -----15·1'

PR&.DENTAL The minimum entrance r«tuiremcnt of dental c:c)lleges it slxty

umcst..c:r hours, Including twelve hoora of chemistry, aix houra of Engliah, alx hours o! biology, nnd elx hours of ph yaic1. HowQver, completion of e. four year curtic.ulum lending to o bachelor's degree iK recommended~

Students who complete three years at McPhor~on College and enter a dental a<hool requiring ninety hO'Urs for admission may transfor thirty hours of credit ofter the first y~nr in dentAl school lind get the bnr:hclor'ta degree, proTidCld aU requirementa for grnduntion have been met. If tbe p~d.en:ai &tudent eleeu to do more work :than is neccssarr to meet the minimum entrance requi rements, the pre-medical curriculum Is recommended.



Tbi.$ currie·uJum ia planned to give student. n thorough li'Mral education and to prepare them to do advanced work leading to chemical englnee.rlng or to research in eh:cmistr).'. While we recommend lour yeara of liberal training bcloro e.n~ring upon tho •Jl"clallzed training for cnginO<!rlng, atudent.. mny transfer nl- tho •nd of the oophomoro year to a ~ebool offering the engineering degy~ with little. if any, loss of time.

f'fflh•an Y ... _, On.

1- Encl.lab h -·· ~-· -- •

1- loornak Chfml,trJ ' '-A1tcdM... -- ·---·- I 1- Noeh•nl<•t o,.whur _...., ••.• . : 1-<;.oft'SI ParelloiOCJ _ ·----·- a 1- t"ht1kll.l U-oeauon _ J

Tot.t ---··- ··- ·~- 111

To<al - - - - .. -

Jln. 2- Eni'lUb . I t-taorr•nh~ Cbtmbl:r7 ··- . -- • 4-Qv:a.lltath•e An.l,..il --·-·····-·····-- ! t--'rrlaononM"l"1'7 ... ·---·· " .. - ···-- a li-·:::::::r .. l~::t~· ---- ==- ; t-Pbnlca.l £d.ueallon -·· .. --···· -··~··- 1

1'oc:aJ ·--- 11

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Pint tk•·•tt•r ' 0.-Qoanlh..tl.-., Aa&l71b I II-Cak1lla. - -~-­• UI-Ad•. O,.aalc Pf'rO&f•llo•

;;~':Z Jf:'::t u. s. Tot• I ~··- ·· ·~



Ja•Jor Y' .. _,

llr•. ~ .. !k.•''" I \06- Qu.antU.atf.-.. An.al)'11.11 4 102-Cah:ulu. • "lat A.t ... orc-~e ,.,.....,.,..._ ' 't-El~, &c.eoetio -I lH or 116--PhlL aad R..ll•1o•

17 Toc.al

.&e.l•r Tn.r o ... • • -- . • _ ...



tChll. Ektlr&uJ. a ad llkdau iu h



• • • • • "

u ... • • • ..,


Tbia curriculum is planned for A major in mathematics t nd atrong mloon in physics .nnd chemistry. S'Ut.b a curriculum provldoB nn ex­c-eUtnt found•tion for civil, elec.tric•l. or mechanical tnglnHYing. Al­though we recommend the completion of lbis ~urrkutum befo~ lrans· ft rring to n achool offe ring on ~nainecrin~r dcg-rC"'f. tronttfn tllln ~

mode nt the end of the frcthmo.n 10r .. uphomC'lre )'L'tH without much lou of time, If any.

1- t:aallib I lt~o..-••tc 0 hfmWII'7 t - MH.bankaJ Or•wlnw 1- Al,t'bN n - GtM,.I ,.,,choJon 1- f b,.-.k.al FAwetioo


T ... l

,..,... ~.-... , ... 101-c:.tcvl\tt . , ·-IOt~-Qcaa.nUt.atlv. AoabtJ$ , 11- CcoaOMI• Uiel.Ot? of lJ. & t11- LU4! a nd T~•th1na-• o r ,;r ... l .. Cl«tJ..- -



Un .. • • • ' I I


.., ......... , 2-F.rwt!Jh

~~':.71:.~1~,. c~'=r,~'i!' -1: 10 E•clftfllth111f Dr•winc

~T~=:--';r,_. ..... 2 - P . J"':ia.l ,....,_. ,,_


8op)lolllliOI'lt \ ' HI' u ...

r • • I r I


u ... • ··- s • • .... 1$-ll

84tnfoer Efn. • • • I .. , ... u

s.t•M Sra,...tn U - Aa•l1tk C..at1,. 1-Gr-MtU Ph,.6n -

it-~~1.. ~L~tu ... 12 Prlt~Cfp$8 ot ! J)MC:h •- rhJloiHI Y.,twutl"n tu~u .. "

Tot.• I

k•M S.a .. ur •tu - llll:kt Al• ellrs -•au - .utroao•J •a_U-At4Dtk TbHtJ' •JM--A ....... ,..,..b Elo<t ....

R•L • • • - . • I

••• 1~11


' • • • .... 15-ll

D•L • f • I ,.. l~U

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Thl• turrirolum is planned lor the stud~nt lfrbo e.xpec:La to enter journallam aa a profealon UIJDn g-rac!uation f rom coll~•u·. or for the etudent who cxpocts to take work in journalism a t the grad ual< level. Jt Incorporate& an English rnujor with strong support In t.he &M:Inl HC:Iencct. Sueh nn arrangement i11 nr,proprinte bccnuAa thr journAlist eo orten hat to write about. n••d l"ei)Ort on, political, economic, and ~~Kial atrafra. The student wh.o d~alrea more technical courtea In journallom at the rolleg• lc•·el ma y transfer at the ond or tht oopho. more year with little. if any. lost of time.

r,......, ... ,. y,. , Pt nt &c..atu ,., ... 8~ &n-•&.r

I Eflrl .. ._ • ' F'..nr ti•h 1- £1•. P'Nnr.ll.. Q..,.a n. or s.,.,!l.tt • :-Er-. Fre.,;;h:- Germ• •· or 8 P .. ifh 1- lno ... anle Cbem !stey • !-lnnrpni~ c .... u..,. .. f:ll•...,..-.n H'-•tn1'1' • 4 - l:uN,..•a .. ....... -ti- Pt,...,nal lltlllfllot • 1-a~ ... ,.., P•l'cholo., t-rt~,..k• ' Education I ! 4'b"i<al Eduutlon

T• t•l 14 Tcnal

s-........ .. y, ..

Plm s. .• etttr 21- lnt ..... «l... ~ Lltnatillh' I Sf.tol't4 YNr Uqu,..,. 1- BS.klo - --._ltt,...•t.rr Jouru.l.._ 1-~ta, ~b 1-Ph.,.lnl JWocltatN.a f(lf't'tlve


Ptht ... Nttt 1~1 or ltT- Uun toM _ u - PThw:lplft of Sodolop I U or 116--lott..t Pu~boloet Ill LU,- ancl Teuhl.M;. of Jeo• • LC.,.J:. 111-RlAt.Or7 _

..... , "nt S.anur

Ul or lti--UWratllt'e . _ Ill • r l li- EtMonala _ 101 •r lll- P'-JioMplu ao.t ltt.UtiOIII 111 or 1U--RIItol"7 D.rtlv.

T ... l

""'" • • • • • , ...

s.a-4 s.. .. ,,., ft f•UMottion W LU,rt~t•,. 4-Jc-d Yar lAIJ...,... •-3._., ---t --coP7 ~dfnc t - ltt'1Nll\.al'7 Ecal!loll!llka. 4-.-?h,.k aJ Echaeatioe Do.u,.


Junb r Yu..r ...... • • I I

• ~·

8 • Akr

lin~ 3 • • • ...

u •. a-:


~,.... .. ,., lt1- S"'-ake!!PN.I'e • l 11'1. t M. Ot IIG-&tCinotnl~• 1 U or lZ%-HhterT 100 or UO-Pollt.ical Selene. ~d~



""· ' • • ' ' 1

" n ... • • • ' • I ... 1'-1'

Urt • • • • • . ..

...... • • •• • • . ..


Many law acl!ools now noqulre four years of eoll<gc training Cor adml11ion.. The following curriculum has been p lanned with this noqulreontnt In mind. Stud<ntoo follo'l<lnr tbi• eurTiculum would be abl' to t nttr aom• law acl!oolo upon eomplttlon of tho junior year. The Cllniculum b11 bf.eo plannNi with • m.ajor in eeonomlce, end • minor In blotory. This anangoment may be reversed if the 1tudent duirts.

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Pint S.Mf'lflt'f

a- £nelilb ,_. ···--··· r.-£Urt1JIIt&D B ilt.c.UT 1- Eif'ft'lf'DtA,.,. Ec!onomle11 J- B1o10:aY .... _ ..... 1- C\-nf'nl P~1t.bolo..1 1 Phy»ltal Ed~atl~


PlNt Stt~~H-ttr 21- hll.rochletloo tO LttA-,.tuN }- E!tm~tDUJ'7 Aetocotlnr 7- U. S.. Hl.ttoq J- Fortlrn Wnro•at ~ •u- Af'a'\1-menUtJon and O.bl.t.e •-Phr•k•l EduU;ticm f;lK-tlve



P1,..1 S.mr•lrr •a u-n~.t,-ln"' Or..-:anh.Atfbn •1fl-)htke.tln~ Ill- Lite and Tc:o~~;~hJn•- of J,..u• F'.Jtd lve



F"•"-•a:~~ Yu_r Urs . s..r-.ad &n.•t•·r

3 2-E'Dclith .. ~ &-lWroJW<an J-lltLOI')' 3 2-EJ.m .. n\AI')' Plt,~nOmle•

- ! 1-bil)loll')' - · -3 42- P•1"114•MI Hnl~n" I 2-J'hlt~IC'al F.l:tunu'on

--. 16 Tvo~.al

8opilom_... y._, On.

a a 3 • 2 I ...



llu. 3 • 3 • I,J


Sud or Hr .. • 2 •

(. ..•

- J$-l'1

8todftd Suuttn 22- lnlf'Odoctlon to Ukraturt 6-Dnntoru•rJ At«>UctJr~e s-c. s. HbtofT t - Fo"'lln Lannaa« ! 4- AppU..d P•yrbolottT 4- Phr&ieal Eduutl(:m


R""nd BnDMIU • J30 P\lbiiC' f'lna.nee •tl0-(lu.l•-• LAw 4-Fcmrhrn l.arurua~re • to~En«lkh l-l lrtonr.,-,.. lftltrn•tl•>n• l n .-ladon• tlf'Cd~

T• lal ...... 8f«!nll St-•"1"

·uo ........ w:.r •::r~~tn.mle. • J0-1)- ComlQrat iV'f' Ge>vunlT!Irft1 •JJ %- Crhnfnolono lOG or l ICI- PMitMClPh)' .tt(j R; IJQ'iott •t 00-Comp.atattvt" 0 0¥ernlllen t.e £te:ttiY4t


LllH~AR\" WORt\


II~ l 1 I I

' I II

n .... • • I 1

' I

" n~

1 • I

• I .. ,

u •.••

""' • • ' • I.J

1&· 11

The fOllowing curriculum is suggested for ~tudents planning tc become librariana nnd desiring to e:nte r R Hbrnry school nftcr g-rndu· lltion from colle-ge. It provides a major in English and a minor in t.he soeiaJ aeien«:a. However, the mnjor tmd minor may ~ r t,·erscd. if the student prefers. Two years o-f n foreit.rn tangua.ge ore provided; thla should be r-egarded ns o mirimu m, since " f(~ndlng knowl@<lge o ( Rt

least on€! language is necessary fl)r library work, Hnd sinee many Jibrory . a.ehools requir~ thitt amount, or even two lnngunges, Cor t>ntrance

Toto I

n~. • • ' • ' I

t - FAclhb

f-~rn"~,.,.u;,::~b or Gto·raun 2-IMrcanl~ Chembtry 2- Gra .. ul P.,cbol(lw-J' ! - Pbhleat F.duutiCin

16 8o.ptomo,.. Yt-.r


8..-• rwl s ..... ttr tZ- I fttn>dYtU(II\ 10 ( ,tlf'rstvre ~ u. $. J-lb torr

,{!..S::!~~~rp;: .. ~t ~=~ .or._OOmn 1--ruok'l(y _ t Ph,..;.,.J Edut"•tl-:ofl

T otal

Jln.. • • • • • I

" n ... • • 2 • • I


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• ToUJ



Ju. .... y_,

nra. a.c.,.. S..•t•,. u,.. I 104 or 11&--Lft.trature -·· ., ... __ ,_ 0 1 108 or 111-lllit.oJT .. --·- - ·--- 1 • 1-Piu'tlu -- --- - __ t s 1M or n&--Pb.UO...Iu' &Od U.lcioct a

,... £t«th·· - .......


Tota l

a-. .. s...ur u,..,. 14%-S~~--Pft.R - - - I t6t-NlrGDOftl7 •. ····-- ---·- · .. ! •1&~.-JIItt.o,. ud AttP,.IaO.n of Art .. 1 a 10 or I t6 Sodol..,. s r.JKLJ... a..1

Ptt..r ... JC&DICAL

Thla curriculum hu l>Hn planned to providt a broad liMral tdu· eation with a major in btoJogy and a minor in r.bemte'lry. The student abould complete It and reeolve the baccalaureate de~rrce before entering a medkal ""bool. Rowt''""• on• may enter a medical aehool at tbe end of tht junior ye-ar, transltr thi rty hours batk at the end of lh~ tint rear in medical school, nnd rQC:elve the boeealnurcnt.e degree. pro. vided all requfi"ements for srraduntion have been meL

,.. ... -----


"' .. I I • • I I


l-EqiU. t -c.r..nl awo.., 2- lMrcMk caw-l•\1'1 ._ ............... ;!:p~~=~.J~~-~r: ..

Total -

S..ho• • • Tor

.. ... • • • • 1 I ____ ..

flt.. 8ft'Oftd S.••ttr On, I t!- latrodut'tloa &e Lhcra ti.IN -- I I t - Jtlt-m..tatat7 F'f'tMt. or g.,,,.... I

1 ··~ - a • tt-O,.aale a-naut,. t I 12- Nt• Tntam~"' I I t - Pb.nkal Edu.uHo• 1

n Total II

Jaaler Yru

9fnt lf.•NU.r Orto. • tOI-oCo•IMin tl•e Aaatom.r .. -·· I lOs-QIII IItiLa\1\'e' AAalJwil -- ... a.--a..r..• Y• r l"tndd. o:r Gtnu.- _ 1 111- u r. aM Tcac.b1aD or J,.. a llf or 1"-Hldo17 - ----- .. 1

Tetal _


1 .. 11

" ... • I - I

I ... - 1t·1T

Tot.. I

Tou l ..

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PJ!E-MEDICAL T'DCDNICJAN Completion of tbio curriculum prepares the •tudent for admission

to hospital training tor medical technicians.

Fr•llmu Ytu J'l rsc S.• .. t•r

1- EDI:Jitb - ·-·­t --IM'f1r-..oiC CbnablrJ S.-A.Iat bl"& • •• -t l P,-raoaal BrKk'nc t-Gf'floeral BJotop ....• - · 1- l"h.J'•tul Educ:•tlon -·


lin. • • • 2 • 1

... Ul

t -EcrHah - - ···------1-lo.o~•nlc Cb.MI•t'7 ~-Qu.alltatln A.ca.lttb _ .. _

f~!:'e0r'!TO'~(,., . 2- f'hFiiUI tduc.aUon

· ·-;:······

Total ..

On • • • • • I 1

. ..... 1&

Sopbcuaore Y "" f'lnt S••e•hr

H - OJ¥aatc Chem.inr)' .,._,...,...,. •.. .. 1- 0-e ral- l>h·,..le~~ ... ) 1- Ph J aio lCJU IO~aatJtaUvot AnaJ,...I• s-Phyaiu.l Educ-•tion



• ' • • 2 1


8eHIUl S.mMt•r II". •2-0rnnle Cbnttlttt'J . • •.at-1.ootoY:·,. 0 ,_MO ·-- ·~- •

Z~neral PhY•Iu .... 4 106-Q~antlt.ath·e Ar.a.alpb - ··-- 2 110 or 1' 4-0tototu ' ' .t·- Ph.nical EduutJott J



Vorying omount.l' oC trnin[ng ore r equirt d fo r admission to hoapitalB to train for nursing, A live year program. three years in coJJegc and two rcnrs in a hospit<•l. cx:eurs with frequency and is the type that McPher­son College rceornm.,nd~. In keopif1g with Lhi• Jlrinciplc the following curdoulum is suggested:

flf'«<lhman llrar Flnt St•utrr Un. 8«-eftd Snaett.u On.

1- i;arlith - -· a t.-Enallfh t 1- l nofll.•n(e. Cbftftlstrr 4 2-hlOI"Ca niC' Ch.-mUtrY 4 1&- Poodt .. _ .... __ , __, ___ I lG- t'OQ!b 2 i t-old T~t~nt a t ! - New Tetta mf'fl t 11 ' ' - P .. n oca l H1~tlconet _ ·--····-···· 2 2-Gcnr-n:J P•J<hniDIO' t I J)hyw,eat &ch•"-•Uon 1 2-Ph~Jul £dllt·aUon I

TotAl ..... 16 ,.

8ophoroor~ y,., Pint 8t.aHiu

ta - lntrocfrueUon to I.Aterature u - onr.ale Ott'mbtry . . ~ 1-.Freneh. Gtnt'J.a.n.. or Sp.at.b 1- Biolorry (or 1.oolou ) U - P.,.,IolOD -----1- PbJt leal 'Eduu.Uon


Un. • ' • I • . I

·- 11

8r-An.d S.muter 22-lntl'Odu~tJ.on to Lll*ralUJ't t2- 0t1tan lt Ch~ml,trY 2:-Prvoc..h, <;.nnan. Ol" Spa,nlth t - Bioola.J for 7.aotowrl ! 6-So<'-1 P roblrau 4-Ph,--k • l Eduutlon


lhl. • • • • • l


Jaalor Y.-•r • 8f!C'end tkmt!l1er - u,.. J'lnt 8t~UIIU fir.,

l Ot or 18~Biolon ··--· · .. -·-·--- t 117 or H 1- lfomc IA;onomlu .... ····- . t 1-Y~ncb, Gt-.rman. or Spullb , .. - ·· S - &:onotlllea or Hl1tor1 - -··--···"-··· 3

t!lttcU.. .,_ . ., •. 1·6

Toe.. I

110 or U-4- 0iolot'f I 101 or 116- P•rdloiOI'J' • . .. _ ..... - . ··- I ut or 1 u - Sodolon .... - .... - I 4-~h. O.rman, or $pa_ol.s.b .. 3 Elt'ltth~ , I..A

Total - 16--17

S&CR&'TARIAL CURRJC UJ. UM Tb.is curri~ulum is intended especiaUy fo·r the student wbo cannot re··

main in eollege four years, but who desires to secure In two years the trllin· ing necenary to b<!come a ae<!retary, bookkeeper , or other cJe rit.al worke r. One who'" has hod ns mu~b a.s one unit each in shorthand and ty-pe­.,,-r'iting may omit the first semester of theM eouraea.

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, ..... ~.1!1 y,_.,. . ,,., .. ,."."' nr .. BK•" e .. .. ,., ., ... r- Ett• U.tl -- - - -- I 1- Eaalltla I 11-S..Iralna Sho1't.llaM I 14-.YoraDftd..,-rth-;;i • ll-O..tr.at•l' ~,.., ... I tt- A.d•ut+d .,.,.,._,.U•• J 1- !kftw,·~arr a .. omlb I !-£1twlut.rY F..toM,.k. I ll- KntftM.IUC ll .. \bf'? 4.d U, 8, I &J- Pen011al n,a .. n• ' 1-Ph,.. lc.l l:d'o.catt.o I t - PhJ"tka.l Eclo<:a Uon I

, ,..l&l II T ... l " S.phlo•ono Tau

Ptnl lk•"'" .. , .. BK•NI 8-t••l•~ ..... U-lot,_-.cdoo \0 Ut.rrat1.1ro. I U - lotl'Otfa.etloD to LbnlV,_ • n-s ..... n ' J*.-BM"MII - ' 6-a.e.."•'*fY At~at.tu I 1-·f'.k.tllUIT Af~ft-:,1"'11 I ._u .. Jn ... Blllll•• • t&-om.. Prac:1J« 2 1-G.Mr• l T'tJcboh•J I flec:tJ"e ,_, 1-PhJ•It•J EduutJon I IJ'f'Ctl.-. l ol

ToW l$...11 TOUI ar..n


OpporlunitiH to do &«ia) work are becoming lne~A.sing)>• attrac-­llve. Tile following nrri<ulum fa plannod to !tiT• tho trAining noodod for lhl1 type of wor,k or t o pre>par"" the Jtudent Cor graduat'tt wurk

in thla field.

Pint 8t1Dnt"' 1- En•ll•tl .. 1- C«-••r• DlobrJ 11- 0W "t.staa'"'' 1-'"'-«h. C.U...... •r Spouh)l 41-P~l Bntm. 1- Ph,..Mt l l':ct.utJet~


Fln1 8tJUtlrt 11- l llt.tCNI..H-t-l.ct.• to LUo~~r~~t-u,. 15--Prf" el) iftl of SoorloiWJ t-F,..Mll. c.,..., or !Juaeh h ,,_,.,.. .. .,. - Hirlo'1' t-Ph.r•lc .. F..d'oc.atAon

'l'<&al -

Ftnt fkoMf't t" • to:.-Na nc.. .. • nd U. F' ... lb • lfJ-AhtnMl Ptrt-~ 111-&d•lllllloul ,..,,.....,. 1-U. I.~t --1- IAHMMary &c.-.mln IU-Tet~ • nd Me-uurtm~nt.l

T ... l

T ... l

Frnh••• Y••r nr. . Bf.cor~4 8_.,,.,

• t-&n:l ll•h I t - CfMra.l 8 iolff7 I tf- t-=- T .. ~""' • t - f'fti!KA. o.n.. .. . , S'p ... hh t t - Wft•ftl P~boktff t ! - P'h1'1t:• t Cotuudon

l l 'htaJ

&tfiM• • • .. Y..-ar ...... I • I • I I


Seronll S.a"l'' t!- lau octu.u .. t.o Lltn-•t~o~ft .__al Bodo..., • ''-SMIIJ P...Wmlll t.--.Frt..oc.h., Otnaan. or Sr~ao'-h - Jfl•to'7

._..P .. Jtful Edu.:aUa n


JuWr \ "h r

Hn. 8~on4 8,...,.,., I "lU-crt.lnoloc-.t - -I • Jl6--UI• .. .,. or Sorelal ThouM I f:!-QU4 Pmf',lo1Je7 I • tfO-Co•JJa-taU..-• Coorn-n ... Ht 1 t - Etffn,ni.Ary f:e6no~Wf·• 2 UG--IAbur FA=ci·Mmk•

n Total _

St'fd.r y..,, 11,.. .._ .... <»- .. ••• a •tt.._U r\An Sod._,. _

1 · u~lto:tal A•Q;fOPdoo I • t&6-1Dw-a.doo.al lt•t.t.looc:. I ltl.ectin

1 ..

l$ ·l1 Total

IJrt. • • I • • I

" l h •· • I

I • • I

" nn.

I I • • • ~

- " u~ • • I ...


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Completion of th~ followint curriculum will enable the lltdent to entn n school of ,~eterinary medicint and rini!th the five ytar \'fter·

inary currku lum In three to four years.

1 &n.rJitt. l .,.lluu ... aalt ChtmLUrt J~ntoR-1 IUolotrY -~ I C.nt:re.J Pt Tfi'IO_., r.trcth'll!

Fl.n t. .,._,..,. II Orp.alt Cbt•lttrf ... ZooloorY 31-Prlndplu of S~h 1 f!.l.,_ ..... ,., r,. .. ml::l Ekofthe

''"h .. • n y.,., lin. . '

' • ' •••

l ... lt

l - f)qoll,h l l"ncank Ctwmiatn t.-Q11alltat.lvt Aru.J,..Jj 1--~tw,.., Ulole«Y U Pt-"-o•• l llnlttnll 2-Pit.,..lellll &dotatioft £-

T ... l ........ eff y .. ,

Hn. • • l • ...

Stnrwl s.. .... , tt- Orwank a...-t.u, "ti-Zwl .. , 11 l'rlne:letirl of SPf'ftb t - Dtm!$fl~r'f t.;,on.umiu Elrctlnr

11r•. I • • • I I


Tol•l U ·l1 Total 16· 1':


n. Elemt.ntnry School Tt.•at:h;ng Completion of the following curricula will onablo tho student to

-u•e a certificato •alid In the elementory Atboola or Kanuo. AIUAltlllh • four )'tar curriculum is not outlinC!d for elementary teacher•. lhe tcmplotlon or suet Is d .. !rable, and MePberaon College will fladly ad•loe with otuduta on • ouitable tcuno•. ~ tho oection <alltd "Teaeher Training• beginning,..cSn pare stxt)··four of tbts eatatogue for a})feifie requirements on ~crtifl~atlon.

Pl." . a. ... ,,., t-Ena~llah , 11- Einnentary Mtlbodt l fl ChiW"n'• Lft•Ntur.. 11- fl'l•fi'"'Und Ae\l•hlr.

- Social Scknc. t i - PrtMaal n,..._,M t-P~,..kal Uvc.''-


Pint S.autn 1- EDililh • .. J6-CbU4Nn"t l .. twntw. 11-Pia.nrou~ Att.IYI~ 1-Centnl P t}'f:holotrJ'

-&lf'neo or Bittle . U - Prrtr(lnal UyJ'I.t.ne 1- Ph,,lul Edut..t.Uon

TotAl -


1'1tllt7 Jl•• r Cl• l'rk•l•,. Prf'thman Ynr

lin. , • 1 I • 2 I

z f:n.u~h -· 10- Prlndp.l.p of Ctw'raphJ 11- Sc.huol ll l"alt.b FAt3ut$on ' Chtlf' l"'l l p , ,,.hohlCJ S:a-&u '"'""lN-d T~aehhl• z- Pitr•lol f".dllk&lloo Ehe'-1,..

16 T.UI

!1.1:'1:7 ,. .. , C.n'k.J •• ,,....._., . Tf'tlr

f.ln. lw-en4 a,.-........ , I l - Eftl'lltb ... ·-t IO-Pr1ntiDIM of ~,...Ph1 2 12-stboool Jll'aJth &duntlo• I 5c.t(lno. .,, Blblt

, $-4 t - Pht•lt'•l &duulloa ... .. 2


u.n Total .......... Rn. • • t

• • I ...


llr• . I • • I • I •••


''"" I

' • ••• I


Un.. • • • • • I ... II-• IT

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b. lllgh School Teaching

The biJ;:h tcbOOI UA<hOT nood1 It lu•t four yean Of colleae edu. cation. The curriculum for the ttudent preparing to teach In high aebool ahould provide n broad con1prehenalve tralni ng, conaidnable apeclaliutlon in one or moN tuchlng fielda, and adequate profcuioa&l knowledge. Coneentration requl~emer.ta may be met l:"neraUy in the f ield or tho student's choice. S..• tho section called " Toaehcr Training" !><ginning on pa11e sixty-four of thia cataiope for certification reqoire­monta and for other information about teacher training.

t•lt&TJI &OI.OCJ'CAl.

Tho American AaiOCo_.lon of TboolOflical Schoola and Bethany BibliuJ Seminary recommtnd a broac and comprehensive eollege edu­eatlon na • baala for theological nudy. The curriculum ahouid indude at leaat twelve um .. ter houra In ecmpo•itlon aod llurnture, aix io philosophy, six in Bible. eix io hlaiOry, three in psychology, tw .. ve to •lxtft'n ..,n ro;elgn language, sLX ln Mtural ec:iene:t, nnd six In aoclal acience. In keeping with this recommendation, McP herson Collgee urges the completion o.f a four year .-uree leading to the A. U. degr ... with a major in any of tho dcpartmenta offering n mojor.

Courses of Instruction The counea or instruction, ducriptiona of whl<h appear In the

followina pacu, are an>u!*l in~<> divlrlou and dcpartmenta •• !ollowa:

The Division of Na~ur•i Sciences. Biology, Cbemiatry, Homo Eoonomles, Matbematks, Pbyaiea, and Pbyaieal Education and lleaitb,

The Divi•iun of So(Jal S(ienetl. ' Economlee and Buosjn ... Adninistratlon, Education and Psy­chology, Biat<>l')', lnduatrlal Arta, P biloeopby and RcliP>n. and Sociology.

The Dlvialon of Langu•I:"B, Litcrsture, Arts. Art, Enrllah, Fr.neh. German, Latin, and Muelc.


The COIU'Se! of iastructlon an n~ aceorcllng to the follow· lnr ayatem:

(a ) Coones numbettd 1·99 inclulive are Junior Collcp, or "B" counes uaually designed tor F .... hmen and Sophomo,...._ All f our cla.uu will rarely be admitted to the umt cour ... , If n u 0" count Ia open to Senlora, Fn:shmen will be denied tnrolment. If Fruhmen en· roll 1D a "B" couru. as Ia uaual, the ~nlora will be denied admluion

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(b) Courses open to Juniors and Seniors. the &CH:"aUed .. A ,. cours-.s u.- numbered 100·200 indu,l\·e

(e) Odd numbers indicate first semest~r courus. (d) Even numbeu indicate second semester ~oura.u.

(e) Bypl1tmatcd numbers indieat~ continuous courses.

( f) Numbers 'cparat.ed by a comma indicate r(!peatlng cour&'!S.



To mak.e and use college Hfe m.ost cftt'Cth•ely from the beginni•g. in it& academic s.chedule and social practice. is lht purpost of tllia course. It is required of nil freshmen.

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The Division of Natural Sciences

Helen Ann Blnlr Tbom .. Hoyden

FACULTY J OS£1'11 L. JloW)<AN, C.Winn4M

J . Willard flerabcy Robert E. Mohler

J tan St. CIJIIr Staebllnr

Object ives To provide the ~ulwral valutt that a k.nnwledgt of natural sdence.s

ahould ,;ve 10 the liberal orto atud•nt. To me<:t t,he prclimlrtAr)' T\:QUI remenu Cor thoae pcraona who wiah

to fit thtn>Jclves for V<ork in tho 1\pplied adenrco. To get aucb a tomprt:bension of tht f itld of natural &eiencn that

the atudent will be in a position to do graduate work In the field, or to teach In the:: elan1cntary nnd H<:Ontb ry acboola.

To brine to each studtnt the- bt:t-t poniblt nate of vigorout hf'alth s.s a bAaU. for aucce.sfuJ Ji.-ing.

Biology 1\.t:;QUUtCMENTS roa A MAJoR: A mlrumum of twenty-four tttmestu

houra lncludinsc courle!a 1-!!; 31-32 or .a &.-~IG; 101-102 or 109 und llU: 164; 183.

- Rp.An:D S~PPORTlNC CO~'liSr.s R&QUiltW:

.J/ m .. ter bouro must he completed In couf1!cl iatry, and Mathematit-a. /

A minimum o f fifuen !e· induding Pbyoica. Cbem·

R~UIR£l,lL~TS FOR A )hsoa: A manimum of fifteen &eme•ler houn Including eouron 1·2: 104; 183.

1·2. Blol.OGY-A aennal coura.(! dui.ped to acquaint lhe a:tud~nl

with the f undamental principles or hotb plant and animal hfe. Two rMlt.atlona and two houra laboratory per week.. Three Aourt. 2:15, T .. Tb.

31-3!. BOTA:ro.ry- A ttntral IUr'f'ey of bot.ankat Kien~e and the bto­l~eal principl .. illustrat<d br plo nta. The tollowlng main topi<l are considered: tbc pa rts o! seed planta and tb~ir life proeeuea: tho natul"\1 ooqutn<:o and rtlatlou of the gnat plant graupo {rtJm alpe 10 IIHd plants; field atudr or the t""s, ahNbs. and hor ba or the aprinr Oora, Including their fteognition, distribution, and economic lmporta• ce. Two reelt.ations and two boura laboratory per w~k. Alttrnau yearo : given 1942·1943. Tlr .. """"'· 8:45, 1'., Tb.


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45-46. ZooLOGY-In this cou""' an atumpt I• made to give a broad 'law ol tbr princlpl .. or liCe as app lit<! to tbt animal killgdom. Both a laboratory and a fit!d ltUd)~ are made of the fauna of thit region In order that tho otudcnt may be abl• to ldentlly t hem. (ICe hia· torlu. bretding habits, dhuributlon. and t<onomie lmportan~e of tho ltadiag aalmal forms ar~ (:ANtfully atuditd. Two reclt.alions end two hours laboratory per w~k. Altern•te year!': gi\•('n 19·13- 1944. Tltru

h"""· 8:46, T., Th.

&1. PtiYSIOLOGY-(S~ Ph!'1•ul Edacauon 61) TA••• Aourt.

101-102. CoMr.utATI\'); ASATOMY- An anatomical atud)• of rt:presen· CAth'"e verttbratH. This cour~ includes a diKuuion of the- homologies •nd a.naloc\es of the \'erlf!brAte sr.stem. Thia \a fl.cc:ompanted b7 appro­prlote u<treloes In the laboratory. Th is courso Ia required or pre-mtdlcat •tudeats 11nd i.e rceomme.ndcd for biolOgy ma.Jora.. One recitalion and lour houra laboratory per weok. Prol'ftluloltr : Blololf)' 1·2 or ZooiOf!:Y 45-46. Altamote yeura; l(lvon 1943·19~4. TAro• ho11ro. II :10, W.

L04. C£Owc:;Y-A t tudy at the m.ate.rials •nd s u_rfAte fearuc-e:s of the rarth and tho agencies produoh{g and oban21ng thrm. laboratory and hold trlpL Prcroquialtc : Biology 1·2. Alum•to yoars. given 1942-19·13. Thrt< ho"'*· 10:15, M., T., Th.

109. EMBRYOt.OOY-A otudy ol the earl)• •tag-es or dovetoprnent ol the ven.cbral.P 1tnln'u•l•, Ulu,tra_t i·ng tht fundamenta) pr1nciple. of ~m· bryololo'1'· Prerequisite: Conery Biology 1-2 or Zoolon 46-46. and Com· parative Anatomy. Alt~rnatNear.: given 19~2·1943. Tltrte Aow ....

I :20, M .• W., F.

I LO. BAfT&RI~l.OCY-A .:cneral course ln bnttcriology. Preparation ant! use of media and stalna. S~lal atUntton 11 CJ.Vt.n to thon forms of bact~rla eau_sing dinaH in ma.D &nd low~r anlmala.. and to immunity from it. Two reeit.Btlon.a nnd two houra laborator)' per wetk. Pre· roquioito: Twel•• bours ol l>ioiOf!:Y. Alurnou ycoro ; lfiven 1943·1944. n ......... 10:16, w .. P.

120. ADVANCt!D IIYGIENt:-(See Pbyaicat Educnt.ion 120.) T wo ~oura. 164. tttSTOLOOY- A (()Uh«t in tht m'croxopk atudy ot animal tluuu

and tbt UM of the mitrotomf', mltroscope. and at«~ttotiH· One rtci· latio·n and four boure laboratory per week. Ahernate yean: given 19-42~ 19·13. Th••• Aou... I I : 10, W.

I i$. F[£U) BIOLOGY-A taxonomic and ecoto~cal atudy of the nora and launa of typlcnl reJ:Iono. J>re.-..qulalle : Blolo~n· 1·2, •nd one oddi· tiona! courae in botany or toololl'!' depending upon tho li~ld In which otudy' ia to be madt. Summer ochoot. fAre• Aour•. By a ppointment.

183. Ce:•ETIC&-A oludy or beredlt)', variation, tnheritan .. or ftC•

qulred charaeterl•tlca. Mendellom, m,utatlon, aex linked, ux limited. and ~ondary auual eharaet.ers. Special attt-.ntlon i1 cive_n to the lawa or


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bettdity aa applied to man. Prer rtulall4: Blolo&Y 1·2 or equlvaloot. Three hO•'~· 10:16, M., T., Th.

189-190. PtoautMs IN BtOLO<lY-Prtrequiaite: Twelve bouro of bi­ology. Two houn. By appoint.m C!lll.

199. 200. INOt:l'ti'IOtNT STUDY IN BIOLOCV-Seo pogo 38 for TCIIIJ·

latlona gonmlng Independent atudy. One lo In roc Aovrt.

ACRIC ULTURE z. l>.ORICULTUu-Thia eour11<1 lo upooially dcalgned for tbosc dHirlng

• gt'neral knowledge or the field of •t~riculturo. Tho purpoM of the eou...., ia to face the praetiral problvns of the farm and farm manogo­ment. Alternate yi!ars; F,rivcn 1943·1044. TArtt h.oura. 11:10, M., M.,

and 1.20 Th. 62. AcaiCULTUu-This ooune is 1110re teebnlcal and more advaooecl

than Agriculture 2. It it highly dc•lrnble tbol stutlcnta taking this courte have had aome agriculturnl work~ Prerequisite~ Biology 1·2 and Cbemlatr,- 1-2. Alternate J'"&ra; !finn 19·12·1943. TAr« Aoort. 11 : 10. ~1 •• W., and 1 :20. Th.

Chemistry R&QulaUtENTI roe A M.uoa: A minimum of twtnty·•ix a.emtst.e.r

hours including coursea 1-2. 41-42, 105, 161. 131 or 100 and 100. RtLATED SUPP08TII<G CoU8S£S Rr.QUIR£D: A minimum of filteen ...

m.,ter bo01n seleeled from Mathematiea, Pbysko, and Biology. REQUia&•mNTS Ill~ A l!INOa : A minimum of !l!Leen oemeslc!r hours

Including courses 1-2, 41-42. •

1-2. h<ORCA.•:tc C HEMJSTitV AND Qu.u.rr•TMt As.u.vtu!I-Tbla course Is n prerequisite to all touruo In ehcmlllr,.. Moat of tllo limo of tho ncond aemeattr ia cltvotecl to qunlit.adve anai,.IL Four hour• credit wtll bo glvtn thO<e who tllnnol. continue or do not need the teeond se,.... Wr or tkr.mlltry, L«:turta nnd quiuea, three bounj rour houra labora .. tory work. Four hourt. 8:46, M •• IV .• F.

4. ADYANC£'1 QuAL.ITAn-nt AI<ALYS!li-A laborator,. eoune dealped for thOM who need mo"' qualitative annlyois than is provided in Chem­hrtr,. 1-2. Two lloun. By oppoin·t.mcnt.

41-<12. ORCA.•nc CREM1$Tt"/ •so Fooo A:<.u.Yitli-Theoc eounea an duicned 11 ~ntral orpnic chemistry and food analyab. The latl. teD weeko oro devoted to food analyoil, which indudeo clan and labor&· tory work on plant,and anim1l producl&. Clan work, three hours; three boura laborat.or,.. Four 1\oura. 10:16, M., T., Tb.

10li-106. QuAN~ITATI"fl: ANALVSIII-Theu courses oro ol>le!ly lab­oratory work In volumetric and galvimetrie dmrmlnat.iona. Such lee­turoa u aro deslhlble wtll bo ctnm. A«uraey and apeed art huialed up­Oil. Laborator,., four to Len boun a week. Two lo fivt houra. Dr appointment.


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ISI-132. AovANcm ORCANIC PROARATION-P~requislu: Chem.ialry 41-42. Laboratory, tiaht bo•na. Alternate :rears; ai••n 1942-1~43. FoHr Aoun. 11:10, T., Th..

161. HISTORICAL CllE)IISTRY-Prerequisite: two years chemistry. Alwrnate years; given 1943-1944. Touo Aoura. 11:10, M •. W.

160. PHYSICAL C IIEMISTIIY-A gcnornJ <Ourso In phyoieal and theo­"'tlcal ehemlstry. Lecturu and qulu..o. three houn o week. Labora­tory two bou.-.. Prerequisite: pbysiea and two rears chemistry. Alur­nat.e yeare; given 1943-1944. Four It our<. 11:10. T., T h., F

' IGS, 166. ACRJCULTVkAI. CmatiST11Y-Analytlcal chtmlst.ry appll..t to analr•i• of farm produda, etc., IU('h ••CTains, rertiliztors.aoils. daJry pi"'a ducts. water, et..e. Prcrtquislte: Chemistry 105. Laboratory six or ten boura a WHk . Tllree or /iut Aoun. tl : lO, w.

199, 200. IND&PENDENT STUDY "' CIIEMISTRY- S.c P•K• 38 for reg· Ullltiona a;overn ing lndependcnt study. One to l hret hou"3.

Home Economics R£QUlR.£)f£NTII f"'R A MAJ~R : A minimum of tw~nt)•-four Hn1Mter

bou .. lncludinr .•ourses 3, 4, 15-IG, 112, 114, 125·126. 1.11.

Rta.AT£D Slll'I'ORTU<C COUII-<f.S RI:QUIRDl: A minimum or fifteen ... mesur boura aeiMtcd from t.he followtnv cuu~. Chernbtry 1. ·U-1:!: BioloJO' and SocioloiO' 105.

R&QUUtt;MF.NTS FOR A M I SOR: A minimum of JG t;Cmttster houn with

at Jcatt alx hour-s in each of Cooda a11d clothing.

3. D~t~ION-A rundnmontal ...... in tho Aludy o r color. form, lin!. and texture, and the application of their principlca to daily livinr. TN.·o lounr. 10 :16, W .• F.

·t CoSTtJau:: DESIGN-Line.. color, form, texture in co.tume detiJft and aelection ._. related to the requiremonc.. of the indi\·idual. Ttco ,\ottn.

10: 16, T., Tb.

16-16. Fooos-A study of ohe fundomontols of tlemtnlary nun-Ilion and food economir.s. Meal plannln~ and ser,~•c~ and prac.tice In food preparation. One recitation and four or two hour& laboratory per week. 'I'Aroe O>Jd two h-our~. 8 :45, T.

24. INTI!liiJOn O&CORATlON- A study of th• princiJ>Iet govornlng the K"leetlon of f urniture, textiles, J)ictu l'(!t., and other furnisbinp for the home, and theiX- arrangement with appropriaU backgrounds. Alter· nate yeare; e>••n 19~2-19~3. T wo ~o....... 8:46, M., F .

112. Sc1100~ LUNCJJ Roo>l MA.'<.U:C>IENT-Orpniution. admlnistra· tion, equipment, food buying, food ~•ta. end menu planning for the &e-hool

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lunch i banquH service !or HCOndary ackools. One r«itation a ad two boura laboratory per weolt. r- lioore. 8 :46. w.

114. TUTIUS-A study of the otructu..., and finishes of ribera and yarnaj and the cona'lruetion. dt•ign, aelection, and car. of fabrtca.. Two recitatJona and two houn. laborotory per week. Thrc~ houra. 10:15. W., F.

116. FA1t.HLY ftNASCt-A study of tome of tho economic problem! Involved In the efficient manntct'ment of tu famil.y'a financial rea.ourttt, and a consideration of tb~ problema a consumer most fac:-e in pu r~~atine pruen\. day romrnoditiea. Alttmalt! ytan; rtven 1943·10.&4. T wo It ou r•. 7:60, T., Th.

111. FAMILY REALTH- J."'a.:to rM ronduct ve to f antil)' and comr.un1ty bullh; physical dt'Velopm•nt And care of the child; simple first-aid and home.nunlng procedures: how fan\11)' mt.mbera mAy • ·ork together to­ward healthy personalit ies. Al~n1at~ yean;i given 19-43·194-1. Tlt,.u Aoltrt. 7:60, T., W .. Th.

123. TU£ Bous&-A !ludy of Lhe housing needs of tbc fomily ; man· aaement of time and dfC»rl, Important factora in pro"idln~t and main· talnlnr family life in the ho""'; ehoi<o of equipment for the home. AI· tcmato years ; eivon 1943-1944. Tllru A .. ro. 8 :45, M .. W., F.

126-126. CLo'rHL>;G Fl)lt TilE lNDIYIDUAL-A Study of lhe clothing nKt!~ and the C"Onnruc tion of costumta lh4t t XJ)rtu individuaUty with ernphaala oa pattern desiping and alt.erinrc. One recitation and Lwo h.ou,.. Jab·

.J./~ oratoty per weok. Two Aourt. 8 :4~. Th.

141. Huw.N NtJTRmoN-Tho che91l•try of food ond nut:ition. Special emphaala on the food nutrlc11 11, dlgeation, and molftbollan>. ThrH redtatlono a~d tbree houn loborotory per week. Prercqui•ite: f ooda, Pbyelulogy, and Organic Chcmlllry. Alternate yean; !riven 1042·1043. Four Aow-r1. 8 :46, H., 'V., F .

lOll, 200. hlllU£l<OENT STIIOY II< HOM£ ECOI<O>U~Se<! P•I!C J8 for Mgulationa COYerning inckp~ndent study. ONe to three A.otlN.

Mathemat ics R£QVIREMI:N1'S FOR A M.AJOJt : .A mlnimurtl of t¥.·~nty.four 1Kl111tlttr

boura Including <>1US4>s S. 6, 51·62, 101·102.

llr.LATIW SUPI'OR1'1NG COUII8tll JlK(IUIIlEO: A minimum or fifteon ... meator boun, eight of which must b(l from Physics 5-6, and the r• mainder from Chemiatry ond/or Biology.

REQUlll£N.£N1'S FOR A lhNoa: A minin.um of fUtee:n nmt.ater boun intludJnr counH 6, 6, 51-52.

6. AU:£11114-funct lonal ""Prn~ntallon, rates of change, llneor fun<· tlona, afmult.aneous equation&. dtl.frminnnts. \~a.riation. ~eitntlfic no-

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tat ion. Joaarh.hma, power Cunctiona. discriminant, JIOlut.ion of · quad· ratics, faetor theorem, tyntbet:le di·viaion, Horner'a tnt"t-1od, elementary dirtenntlatlon and lnl.<'gr•llon. TAr .. AauN. 11 : 10, T. Th .. F.

G. ToJGOHO)IETRY- • Icthadt of mtaaurlnr diJIAil<'ft by th• ••• or angles. Solution of triangles. v~tor•. circular motion. U!e of logarithms, and oolut lon o f equation•. Prerequisite : Algtbro 6. TAru AOIH'I. 11 :10, T .. Th., f' .

51-l;2, AI<ALYTIC CllOJ4£'Tn-Coordinate •Y•IOIII$, lun<lloDJ and graph' loci and conks. Prerrqui11te: Trigonometry 6. Tw-o h.CA~rl. 10:15, W .. F.

IOf-102. CALCt1LUII-Differrntiatlon of alrebraic. trii.'"Onomtlric. and uponmtia1 functions, nuaxima and mln1ma. problems m\•olvln.c areas., Jengtht, tur!acee, and volumes solvtd by inttjfration. Serie~. ~nl~r of grnvitr, mom~nts of Inertia., and am introd uction to differentiaJ equa­tions.. Prerequisite: Annlyti~ C¢'metry. ,..~"' #Lou,... 10:15, M .. T., Tb .. F.

121. M ATilEMATICAl. TUFkkY OF EL£CTll1ClT'Y- Tbt applieation of talcuh:¥ to problema In cl~trlehy. AI1Nru11lt1 >'~" • "'· l(h·~n 1043·1044 . Thrca houro. 8:46, T., Th.

132. HICBEB ALc£1111A-AI~J>ra of Mts. eordmal numben, probabll. lty, th:orema about groups, pu'-..mathematk::•. Alte!rnatt yean; given

10<18·1~H. Throe ~OIIrt. 10: 15, M., T .. Th. lf9, 200, lNJUtPESDENT SlUOY "' liATRE>IATics-S .. pogo 38 lor

rt-rularion• coveming lndtptnclent atudy. 0"' t• t4ru .\o14r•.

Physics RtQUIR~WENTS FOR A MINOR : A minimum of tift~n sf'nlCJter hours

lndud.n~r cou....,, 6·0.

6-6. GENIERAL PnY81Cs-f'irot H mest•r a thorough •tudy of force, work. pruaure. rotary and \1bratory motion, and ht'nt. Second umf'stcr , theory of Uabt. aouod, tlt<tric;t)•, m..apeti.!:m. motor1. Jt"tntraton. radio, and oamerou.a practical probi~MS. TbrM reclutlons and one tbree-bour laboratory period per w<.-ek. Prerequl1ite : All(tbra o. Fo11r Aour1.

8:46, M., W., F.

105-10~1. AoVAI<CilO PHYSics-Advanced laboratory pracli .. In flOC·

trlcity, meehanlea, heat. and lirbt. Prerequisite: Ph>•ia Hand Caleu­tua. Given on demand. One hour.

121. MATUE:o<ATIC.U. Tu mRY o r EL£C'I"'IICITY-(5ee Mothematlco

121) TAru Aourt.

12:3. ATOlUC THEORY- Theory of dtctronl, a toms. iaotopa, ior.iu­tlon, I-raye, crystal structure. radioactivity, and the formation of spM·

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tra. Prerequisite: Physico 6·6. Alternate year&; given 1943-1944. Two hoO<rl. II : 10, M., W.

162. AB'nOSOYY-A otudy of eon.tttll&tion!, plnnets, 1110\eors,

eomeu '\nd tbt> olu. eornpotrtlon, and motions of the oun and atan. Alternate yeoro; given 1942-1943. Trco Ao""· 11 :10. M .. W,

Health and Physical Education -- , ROJiatratlon In phyaical ~ueation activity couro.. Ia requlr~ of

ff'Hhmcn and aophomore oudenu. Thole eourses may be elect..d bJ juniors and ~niors. but no mo~ thnn four bouu or 8Uch ercdit moy be applied toward thQ bAC:<Ainureutc dtgroo. One acmcster of per~ aonal hygiene 11 strongly urged for all fre1bmen student&. Complete phyaieal oxamlnatlons are given annually t.o all rtudenta. Follow-up treatmmt and pt>riodic .....,b,dts are made thrvogh the year A r•ru· lotion uniform is reQuired fer all phyalcal education ncUvlty claues.'

REQUmKMENTS Foil A Mrson : A mi nimum of 15 acmcst.er hours ex· cluai ve of eouraea 1-2, 3-4 includln(l eounca 61, 71, and 73 (women). 02, 103, 104, and 150 (men) .


Tbe program is interNted' in education by menns of pbyolcal activity and lnJtruetion. It Ia concern~ with all the related hctoro wbrc.b influence the development of the otudent. The prOJfam pro­vide~ opportunitlea for wbolroome oxprt'llion of fundamental sklliJ and natural lnternll, for correction and understanding of tlle proper functioning of the bumnn body, ond for the development of •killt In actlvltleo thut mny Rrve as rccreallonnl Incentives during leisure tlrne In later life.


1-2. PnY81CAL EDUCATIO:<-Required of frtahmen. 011• h11r. 10: 16, T., Tb. or W .. F. or 2: 16, T., Th.

3-4. PUYIICAL EDUCATIO:<- R<Quired of aopbomor ... 0•< lleur. 10:16, T ., Tb. or W., F. or 2:16, T., Th.


42. Pt1180NAL HYGIENE-A foundntlon course in personal care of tho body 1nd tbo Iowa o( btalthful II vine. Two houre. II : 10, M .. W.

101-102. THEORY OF MAJOR ATUJ.J:Tica-Tbe fundamentals of foot­ball •nd baaketball th., firot ~tmeattr, and baaebaU and track tllo .... ond aemesttt Alternate rears; given 1943-1944. Two hour~. 11 : 10, T., Tb.

160. Gnu<ABTJca AND FLOOR PnACTICII-Study of nom~nclature, the praetlee a nd construction cf gymnaatlc exercises. Practice in march· inr, apparatu•. tumblinr, rhytbmi~. gym.naaium pmu, and iatramural (lamea. Alternate yean; gi•tn 1943-1044. T1eo lrouf"J, 8:46, M., W.

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The following c:our8cs arc designed to develop interest, appreciAtion. and ski11 in physieal activitie!ll nnd to improve the he.nlth and physicol efiicie.ncy of the participont.


Seetion A: Bnsie courses in teeb:.iquel!i ond t~am plar of field hoe key, baskctbl\11, voll~ybnH, nnd aoftball. Ou<­hour. 2:10, M., W.

Section 8: Corecrcntional Sports At'tivitir~o-t.ennis, urchery, volleyball, badminton (nut OJJen to freshmen). Out hour. 1 :20, M., W.

Section C: Gyrnnn.stie&, tumbling and scU-te:sting aeti\·ities. 011c h our. J I ~JO, T., Th.

Section 0 : Rhythmi<' form and annly~is-a coorAe in funda­ment.ul body moveme:lt.s and rhythmic for-m. Ollf

ho1.r. I I : 10, M., IV.

Soetlon E: Romcdlnl Physic.nl Educ.atlon-O!len to s tudents on ndvice of in.structor. Jndude~ 8p\lcifie cxer· ci~~' for Individual needs nod modifi4!'d sports me· tivitio•. Ot~• llour. ::20. T .. Th.


41. P&RSON'AL HYCIEN&-A foundation courM in personal care of bOOy and tbe laws of healthful living. Tt•o ho~<n. 7 :60 T ., Th. '

73. Tt:CliNIQO&S IN TE.AM SPOR1"8-This course includc!l practice (or the development of skill. t!tlKiy or rules, tencbing methods, nnd oftlclating in tbe following SI>Orts : speedball, volleyball. basketball . and softball. Alternate years; glven W42-1943. Two aou... tO : IG, W .. f'.


room, playground, and gy'mnasium. Their org-aniwti<m and super·

viaion. Ttuo honrt. 8:46, M., W., F .

82. SCHOOL H&ALTII EDUCATION-A course tor elementary teachers. dealing with tbe.more important health problems of the individual school child and his environment. Thru hour•. 8:4!;. M., W., P .

61. PBYSIOLOCY- A scientific atudy of the functions of the human

bOOy. Tllree houro. 8 :45, M., W .. f'.

62. RECR£ATIO:<AL L&ADERSUII'-Organization and lead•rship of community ~reation. For students contemplating socJo.l work. religious edueation work, teaching, or active memberahlp in a rommunlty. Al· tcrnate )"lars; given 1943-19·14. Thr•• hcura. 10:16, M .. T., Tb.

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02. FtUT Arv-Eme~nry tt<eatmeet of injuriea, wound.a. hcntor· rbag-K, bumt, u.d po.i!50n.s, and praetlce in bandaging. Red Crou ~r­tiflcat.el awarded for utilfftttory completion of counr ~x.aminat~'Jn.

Ooto~our. ll:lt,F.

71. T&cltNIQUES IS REC.IU!.ATION AL SI'OR~A course for dcvtlopmtnt

of •kill•. the ••udy of ruleo. teaching methods, and officiating in •poru lhnt ore Individual and dual; aporta ireludod nrc tMnlo. bodmlnton, archery, golf, table unni&, and hnndball. Alternate yonro; given 10~3· 1944. Two ltouTI. 10:16, W., F.


tUII'O PliY81C.U EDUCATIOI<-Princlplo• and general molhoda II>Piied to phyolcal education and apocial problor... Pby1ical education and 111 biatoric:aJ background. Probl~m• of ort;aniution and adminllt·n.non. Alternate y .. ra; gi'~" 1042·1913. T~ru ~ours. 1:20, ~1 .. \\'., ? .

120. AUYANC:tn HYCIEN&-A etudy of pe:sonaJ and communit)' hulth. Alternate y•ora; (livon 1942· 1!>•13. TAr<< houro. 7 :60, T ., IV., Th,


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The Division of Social Sciences


OSCAR A. Ot.SON, ChooM"'"' Dcamond W, Bittinger Burton Metzler J ohn W. Boitnott W. W. Pol.tra Snmuel llilt.on Dcll Ida Shockley

' Alice B. ~lnrtin rrand• W. Wayland

Objectives To weigh and widen vl•..-polnta, analru <ritically, and to hand!•

soda! data akiUlullr.

To afford a practical nnd dtvotional intup retatio11 o f relieion u an ett•ctiv_p moans to pcroonal faith nnd lite.

Tc develop alrlll commen11rate with the abillt.y ot tho individual.

To encourage adequntc inttgrAtiOll of the intellectual lite.

To lay a foundation for tAro integrated edue.ation o: thou studtnt.a

who t:lpect to punue graduate work or for entry into vecations, IU«'Ha

on wbO<b <ella for a high de!n' .. of ~·nora! tulturo. I

To rulde the total cxperitnce of the J .. rner into tht propeui•t a(hievtment of peno:nolity.

Economics and Business Administrat ion

RtQtJIR£MENTS F'OR A 'MA-J~ m.lnimum of twenty-four s~mcst.f'r houn intluding eoul'l!ee 1-2. 1M!. 125 or 126, 130, 151.

Ra.An:o SUPPOIITISC Couua RtQUJUD: A mini•um or fiftttn ltmttttr houre inc:luding Soc:iolocr 25. mutt 1M! eomplttcd In <Ount > from at lout Lh~ of the !ollowng department.: H:story, Political Seienc<, Poychology, or Sociolorr.

RF.QUIREME.NT8 rvR A MtN08: A minimum of fifteen aemt~ur houra including courses 1·2, 101.

NCITE: Students expecting to do grodualt work In >m....,rco ahould tak~ forty hours in ec-onomics and bu1inet.s adm.itaJJtration: i f in tco•omitl, twuaty·Cour boun ate suUicienL Stude.nta expecting to Leub ~lrb atbool commercial robjttta a,.. ad•iud to prepare to teocb both shorthand an~ typewritinc. See p. G6 for the otate'a roqulrement.l.

1·2. £LEM£STARY Ecosmucs-The work or th• firat ••mtolu


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deala .nth reneral economic pr!ndplea and lays a foundation tor · molt eour••• In the field of buaineu. The work of the second semesw deals .nth an application of the prindples to everyday eeonomic problema. So<M of the problems diocuased are: banking. mot ey, inter· national t.radt, !oreign excban~. tranlportation, ••Re problt.JN, population aod lmmlrratlon, taxation, and lnduotrial unru~. Three hour'f. II: 10, T., Th., F.


6-G. Et.EME.NTABY Aceoutt:TJS~Fundament.a.l princ:ipko of ac· counting , theory of debit and credit as applied to the k....,ping or double entry boob. Preparation of 1imple financial 1tntements aad method or ebrlng the ledger. Partnutblp and eorporation nocounting. The ue<~ or columnar books nnd eootrolling accounts. Th~<e Aoo~ra.

I :20, M., W., F.

17. EcoNO>ttC HISl'ORY OF THE UNITED Sun::s-A general survey or the d~op~~~ent o! agriculture, manufacturing, transporll.tion, and exchang-e o f g-oodsi economic criJK"t, land, capital. lnbor, and tbt interploy or C(;onomie and political ro:<es. Three hour•. tO: IU, M .. T., Tb.

30. PRlNCIPL£9 oF Groou.PnY- Tbc rclat1on oi man to his environ· ment. Physical farton and their .Ueeta on man's activities. Regional infiuencea. Primanly a content count which will satisfy the geograpbr f'«!Uiremcntl for an elcm~ntary t~aeber'a certificate. Thro• hotol. 10:15, W., F. and II :10, M.

110. BUl iNt:Sll LAw-survey of the bacl<ground of lnw. Con· trad:s, sales, as:enc:;y. bailments, Mgotiabte instru:ment.a, pnrmenhips. and corporations are among the sabjccts discuued . Emphasis on the rolation of Jaw to ordinory buainc:aa trnneacL.ivua. Alt.~r1111t.IJ )'CIIni:

given 19•12·1~43. TAru houro. I :20, T., Th. and 7:60, M.

121. M.uu:nsc;-A otudy or tht !unctiona of marketing and tilt a~ncios 'performing those runetlons. Elimination or mlddlemtn hr co-operative marketing and direet marketing. Tbe retai: system. problema of pric:e setting, priee maiatenonce, un.fa.ir competition. and relation of government to marketing. Alternat-e reara; given 1943-1944. TIH Aoun. 11: 10, 14., W.

125. DUllNESS ORCANttAnoN .u<o FtNANc&-Forms of businuo orpniu.tiont, f in.andal MUc:le•. method• of niainK uplt.aJ, forn1a of securitico, theory of plant locatioD, equipment of tbc plant, deter· ..Unalion or coats, scientif ic mana~:nent, and employment problema. Altenuate )'t&n; ciYtD 1943··1944. T!tru Aourc. 7:60, T., \V,, Tb.

126. IN1t:lliUDLln; ECONOMIC Tuoav-Deai~ed to aeqaalnt tht apperoluamm .nth impartent theories of recent and contemparary economlatl and with the relation of economic activities to th• general soda! ftlla.., , Open to studente •~o bave bad a eourse i• el.,men· tory economlea and other upperclaumen 'With the conaent of th• lnatractor. AJ~mate yean; liven 1943-1944. r- Aou,.., 7 :liO, T., Th.

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130. PUIILIC FIHANC-Publlc (!l[pendlturea, public revenues, public detl, and the tax problem are cons idered. Special emphasis is placed uptD shifting and lneidenet> of taxation, and upon tho present tax s}..Un> in the Unite<! States. Alternate years ; gi~eo '942·1943. TArtl """""· 7:50, T ., W., Tb.

131. BUSU-1&$8 STAn8Tlcs-Mcthoda or ln¥01tlr ot1on in the -lal odon«l lneludlng eolleetlon, nnolyzln~t, preaenlln", und lnt••l'rttatlon of eoonomle datu. The oo•rae will atroas the uaca und Interpretation ol otatlatics and mlnlmlu the mathematical asp<ets of aueh ln•u· ligarion. Alternate years; given 1942-1943. T ,.,., /tour.. 2:15, T., Tb.

140. LABoR EOOI<Oloiii:S-Development and anolyois of tbe Amu­lca1 labor problem, ·~neies. the relation or government and labor , and on examinntion of wage theory. Alternate yc11ro; s,-iven ~943-

IU44, TWD hour~. 8 :46, T., Th.

161. MoMr.Y AND OANIING-Nature and funellono of money, re­lation t.o prices, monotary ayatem of U. S ... funetlona of banks, bank sto:ement.s, bank eredit, the American banking ·~•tern, bank organ­ization, foreign exehange, nnd foreign banking ayslems. Alternate yeara; given 1942-1043. Thr .. houro. 7:50, T .. IV .. Th.

199·20<1. INI11J'I:NPINT STliDY IN ECONOMICS. See page 38 for reeulatlons governing indopendent atudy. 0•< Co Cltrte ho•n.


I I. EL&M£1<'1'ARY TYPEW&ITING-A eoursc for students who bave.bad no previaua trAining 'n t.yp~wriUJ•If· The purpose II to obtain a work· lng knowledg.! of the keyboard. A minimum apeed of 25 words a min­ute Ia required. Credit will not count on requlrem<nta for graduation. Thrc• ho•rw. 2:16, M., W., F.

12. ADVANCED TVPEWRinNo-Thla course ia intended ! or students who wisb to prep••• for dericnl or seerctar inl positions or for tbe tca<her wbo will teoeh lyJ:ewriting. A minimum a peed of 45 words. a nlnute is required. p.-.,""'u iaite: Secretar ial Science ll, or Its <qu val~nt. Tllr .. Aourt, 2:16, M., W., F.

t8, EU:Id.r.HTAIIY S IIORTIIAND-A bcclnning eoureo In Gregg ~rt­band. Funetional Method. The courae eovers Do>k I. A minimum epetd of 60 words Ia required. Credit does not count on roquirementa for graduation. Tllree hou... 3: 10, M., T., W .. Th.

14. ADVANCED S DORTHASI>-Fu netional Method. Book II u complrted, and additional work In rapld dictation and transcription is given. A •PHd of from 100 to 120 warda o minute is ~1ulred. Pre""'ulaltc: Secretarial Sclcncc JS or Ita <qulvalcnt. Three horm. 3 : 10, M., T ., W., Tb.

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Education and Psychology Rt:QUUtPIL~TS FOR A loSL"'iOJl I~ £DUCAnON A.'"D PSYCUOLOCY : A

minimum of tightea oemeoter boun including Psychology I or 2, 116, and Education 126 or 136. 160, 165 or 156. Two more hourt muoL be eloc:ted in Education.

R&QUIR&M&NTS F'OR A MINOR IN JlSYCHOLC)GY: A minimum of fjf. tten 1emeater hours ineludhur counc l or 2.


11. :).lr:nlo03 or TE.AeJttMc IN tuc EL.EML,"TAAY ScuooL - Tbt batic prindpln of te:a.ching and luminr are atudi~ in thla eo\lnt..

Conalderable emphasU is put on the aims of tuebine taeh subject. bow to motivate inl.cn!lt in the eubjec·t, bow to dirKl the pupi1'1 learning of the oubject, and how 10 evaluate the learnln.K product. Thro• houro. 10:15, M .. T., Tb.

10. PHH'fCIJ'LCS OF E~t&NTARY EOUCATIOl'I"-ThiJ courwu cxa•ninet tho hi11orlc devclopmento which lio back ot the elementary ochool and tho o•olving philosophies wbicb have controUed it. The mnchinery of our Khools. the learning PI"'C'f'IM:I, and the acientific method in tdue:a­tion are <ar..tully studied. Finally, the tuchu i• considered f rom tb• aLandpolnt of bu prepantion, ber penonalil:}', a.nd bu opponunllles aa ohe belpa develop tbt elemont.ary achool o! tomorrow. Given oo demand. TArr• A.,.,..,

20. EU:HE.NTABY ScHOOL MANACEMENT-Variouo prinoiplu and practlcca of elementary school mnnagtment. are atudied tn tble course. Conatderable atU!ntlon ie given to discipline, e.rtra-c:urricuJar nctl\'·

1 l ' IUu, .rommualty relatio·n,, and proteulonAl '!thlca. Glve~n on demand.

'f. Two A"""· 22. EIUNTt.w! or R£A.Ou<o-ln tbla course tbe pupllo will atudr

tbo ob)oetlv .. of reading, th• oelocllon of reading makriala, way• of mollvallnr pupil& in reading, wayo of di,...ting pupil lurnlnr In read.lnc, t.he mra•urement of pupil prorrua, the d.la,gnosle of pupil dlrtieuiLiu In readinr, and tho application of remedial moaourea. TArtt AoMrt. 10116, l\1., T" Tb.


T.UY SCUOOt,-ln thia COUf'l(! the •tudenta obterve and do .cct.unl teacb· lnJr, under oapervision, in the public elementary oeho61o of tloo city of McPhonon. T .. o or tloru hoMro. By appointment.

121. MrTIIODS <>P TL\CIIINC lN TUC 81011 SciiOOt.-Thil cour•e 11 de•lrntd to riva tbe •"!d<nt aome knowltdp of tbe btal mona~ menl and teeebin~r tec:huiqu<o. ao well aa tbe belt motbodt to uee in order to lead pupils to a lull reallullon of desired goaiL Thre• AooN. 2:16, M., W., F .

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126. PRINCIPLES or SEroNDARY EDUCATION- Tbio course Ia do­olgned to give the student some knowledge of the alms and objective• o! aecondory education and the pl!'ce of the '"arlou• subjects in the allAtnment or tbest'. Some attention is also given to the problemo o( arceuibility of aec.ondnry education nnd articulation with elemt'.n .. t.ary and higher school•. AIIA!rnate years; given 1943-194-1. Three. hourr. 2: 15, M .. W., F.

136. HISTQI<Y OP EouCATtON-T he essential cducationt~l pbilosophiO$ ttnd th:vclUJJUUJtltll ft'UIH ciD.t~~lcul t.iiU~It t.Q the! present are lltUdl~d.

with special emphasis on a comparatiYe study of cur-rent. educational J>raetlce and thought Jn Europe and Amcr·ica. Alt.emntc years; given 1 ~42-1943. Three hours. 2:15, M., W., F.

l·ll. T~TS AND M£A.SUR.£M£NTS-.A critical evRlunti·>D of objK-1h·c lA:':atlng and tralnlng in elementary Rt.atiRtica at rel ated to

education .are oftered In this c<>urse. Alternate years; given 1943-1944. T'"o hourt. 8:46, T .. Th.

1-13. PROBLEMS IN EDUCATIO>i-A careful study of several current Jlroblcms will be made in thlo course. The problema ••lceted Cor •tudy wiJI depend somewhat upon the needs and interests of the studtnte. Problems In curriculum confttrue~n, extra....:urriculnr activities, unit teaching, and guidapc:c mny be lonsidered. Gh·cn on demand. Tv:o houro. By appointment.


LAw- Practices and theories of pu blic school organiution, adminislra· tion, ond aupe·rvision t\rc studied in this count. Special attention Ia .g,ven to Kansas School Law os jt bears upon thcac practices .and prin~ C>pleo. Thrc• Aoura. 11: 10, n _ Th., F.

IGG, 156. SVl'EliVIS£0 OBSERVATION AND T&ACUING 1:< Tilt: limn Scnoo.,_ln this «1\1rse students observe and do actual w•clllng, under 8uperviaion, i'n the public second.ary acllooll of the city o! McPherson. Four hours. By appointment..


1, 2. GllNERA.L PsrcnoLOGY-Thla cou...., Ia dcolgned to g ive "the student a general knowledge of adult human psychology, including au& topica aa the norvoua ay•tcm. aenaatlona. omoUona. perception. lea_min«. intelligence, and personality. This coune i.s a p ... requisite for all other payebology cou.nea. Threo Aourt. 10:15, M., T., Th. or 11 :10, T ., Tb., f' .

24. AI'PLII:D Psvc&OLOCV- Payebolo!rieal prinelplea are comidered In their applieation to Individual difforen..,a, medicine, law, pers<>nal effleleney, and buai.neu. Varloua atllndord.lzcd testa ore given to aid the student In the choice of a vocation through ael!-analysls. Thre• ilouro. 8 :46, M .. W., F.

42. CBIU> PSYCBOLO<lY-A scientific study of the physical, men~,

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-ial, a nd puaonality growth and development of the child up to ado­lracenee is preaenled in lhis eou~. Tlt r., hou.-.. I :20, M., W., F.

103. ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY- This course ia dc1igned to aid tbe 1lude.nt in an undtratanding of '.h-e more common weakneaaea in human nature to the end lhat characttr and ~raonalily doCormltlea may bt avoidod. .\l~ma~ years: lrl•en 19~S-1944. Tllru 'oure. 711:45, AI. W., F.

105. SI>CIA!. PSYCHOLOGY- In this course an attempt is made to .,.. plain group behavior in terms of psychological Ia.,. and princlplta. Special emphuia is placod on tht ~fleets of environm<nt on personality davolopmut. Ahema~ yean; gaven 1942·1943. TArte hour.. 8:~$.

M .• \\'··~-116. EDUCATIONAL PSYCROLC<:Y- Tbe development of young people

nf uhnnl IIC('I in rhysique, h(!_olth, Interests, coeial hab.ta, omotiona, ond Intelligence Ia atudied in this <1111rse. Emphaoia Ia also placed upon lumlng ond Corcettine, evaluAtion of learnine. tho hygiene of work, and transfer of training. Tllru laouro. 11:10, T., Th., F.


Studenta who show phyalcol f itness, de(ini~ edloiRBlic in~r~sts

and aptltudea, and oatiofactory peroonnlity and character lralll for leacblna will be recommended for eertltleation, provlck!d they meft 1M academic and auvCcuiunal requtre.menta made by the atat.e. Requtre­m~nll differ in various states. Students who d .. lre to teach should conoult the Department of Education In the state in which n certifiute will be aourht for certifiention requi rements.

Stude•ta who upect lO teach In Kanaas muot qualify for ono of tbe following ctrtllicaru: the 'l'wo Year Elementary Certificate, tbe Tbl"ft Year Certlfica~. or the Three Yur Speclal Certifica~.

1"111'0 YUit D.£11110/TAAY C£RTIFICATI:

Ba .. d on a TAir llf Hour Curri<:ulum

Thla certificate Ia vnlid In th01 elen~ento ry ocboola of Knn11111 for • period of two years. It may to renewed for a two year period by eamlne at leaot efgbt aemeatcr hours of college crodlt after tbe dou of the certlfiea~ &lid prior to Ita upiration.

Crodit, with an average grade of C or be~r, must be obtained on the following couraea:

Ptycholou . .. • . . .. . . .. • . . • .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . Throe houro Met.hodo of Teacbfn&' Elcme""''7 S.:bwl SubJecll , Two ltouro Oboervatlon and Participatlcb .... , .......... ... Two lloMro Enellob: PriDdplea of Composition . . . . . . . . . • . . Tllre• llootn Cblldrtn'a Literature ..... ..... ... .. ... ........ Two Aootr• Prinelplea of Geography ....•..... ...... ...... Thr•• '"""' Social Sci<.nce or Social Studies ... . .. . ......... Titre• ltouro Health Educallon : Personal llyglenc nnd

Community llulth . ........... .... . . ...... Til reo Aourt

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Play&'roullll Actl,i tiea ..... .. ... .. . ... ....... , .. Two Aour'f Elective ..... .... .. ......... .. ... .... ...... .. ... Siz Aour'f

Total . • .. .. • .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . T4 trill hoW'11


Doud •• o Sizt11 Hour Curriculu m Tbi• «trtificate io valid In th~ elementary ochoola of KJonou for

n period of t?ro yeare. It mlky be renewed IUectaatvt.IJ Cor twv--,e•r periods provided the holder ac>eures two yearo of full ·tlmc teaebln&' ex· l'"rience durir.g the period the certifieat'<! U. valid, or prcoenta tirbt oemeator houn of colleg<> credit aec:llt'ed ou~uent to tht dote the cer· tifi<at< .... !Silled.

Credit with an nver•lfC ~rrndc o f C or betttr rnuot he ti!Cured on tho following counea:

Poycholocv . .. • .. . .. .. • .. .. • . .. .. .. • • • .. .. TArte Aouro Methods cf Teachi ng El~mentary School Subject.a n-.e Aouro Observation nnd Pnrtici1u~tion . •... . ..... . ... . . . . I' ius Anure Engllob: Prlnclplca of CompoaitiOn .. .. .. .... . .. flu• Aourt Ch ildren's Lftenture .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. ....... .... Toco Aourt Principl.,. o! Geography • . . . . • . • • . . . • • . • • •.. TAree Aoura Soelo l Scltnce or Social S tudle.. . • . . . . .•.•... ..•. , , Six Aourt Health Education: P eroonal Hygiene and

Community Health • .. .. • .. ............... T\re• Aouro Playrrou ad Actovitiea ... ... ..... ..... ..... ..... Two houro Essentia!J of Reading . • . . . .. . .. . . . . ....... ... TArot Aou,.. Elcment.a!')' School Mualc •••.••...• . •• •••.....•. rwo Aour1 Elementary School Art ........ , .. . .. .. .. . . .. • Two hottrt Eloc::tlve •••• . .• • .• .••••.. •. . 0. . .. 0 0. ... . r~.,, ""H"

Total ... .. ........ .. .. ... . .... .. SiziV to SI~IV·Iwo Aour1


R•ne,...bl<! /or Life Th it e~rtifiC"a te, vntid in any eeh oo1 in Kftnus n nd renewable for

lifo, may lx! obtained by • tudcn ta who bave comt>leted • coll•1. .. curriculu m leading to an A. B. or B. S. degrt't', provided no mo~ than fort)' Hll>eater houra aro lndudod in any ono dtpertnt4'nl. and providt4 tht following profensional couroea have be<>n Includ ed :

Ccnt:r.o1 Poyah oJogy •• , , .. . .. ~. . • , , , • . • . TAren hom·• Eclucatioaal PaycholoKY ••••• .•• •••. . .••...•••.• TAro• Aottrl SuperviStd Praetiee Toaching . • •. ... . •..••.•• .. Tltrtt hun

Ti.rft Jf'• n ot tldl·tfm. c.n.hJn• • .-il'(-riew• u"'*'" ret'\lhr• con\rM:I. rn• y be •ut.Uut..e tor lha ~aulrwmcnl. ..

School Orgnnlutlon, Administration, and Ka nsu School Law . . • . • . • .. .. .. .. ... . .. Two hurt

Cndlt .. .... HIO.,.,. lll.lbl .. N"C"Ured •• • K.--. c.ISrc• El ~tlve ...... .. . . ... . , ...... , ... . . .......... . S.vtn hurt

All O.CM~• .-lftdv" anu&. -. \allen In D.lt~u\Jon


Thia ccr:ifit#tt, vnlld In an)' 8chool in KAnoaa lot teaeb>nr auell •ubjecta •s t:~ualo, nrt, phyalcal education, manual tralalng. home eco­nomics, and commerce. may be obtained by etudcnt.a whose tTanae_ript ohowa 120 • ..,..ter hou .. c redit distr ibuted u followo :

General eultural courea ... ... . ... .... J ... o,.tJI umtd~r Aou ra P•y<hology and Education • • . . • • . • EivAicnt .,,..,1,. Aouro

Tht. l"f'Q'IIIt'C'm.at Lt UN ••m• '* thllt ·~Led lot \k Tbtft. Y'ftr· CutUJQ.·t.

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Courwo in tht oubj.ct or deporUMDt t.o ~ 4ft,ipated Ia the «n•ficat~. ,.-..,.., or m.,.-c- tf''""f<'" A...,,-,

tor tPKI~!.;.~z~• t:::~tn'h~~W":'~:!,a"'.!:.~~,.,.,nt •'• Tbo profesalonal r,qul,.....mu for the Iauer l.., eertirotatq ..,.

~ mtt eH<CltftiJ bJ takin11 tht """'""' wr;cHud bd.w and In tho order lndlcni...S.

G.,ntral Paycbolou--Sophomore Ytar • . EotAer S<rMLIIff Edu:allonal P•J<bololi)'-Jwaior Yar • Fonl Snr~or.rr HloiOrJ of Education or Pnndp1., of S.condary

F.ducMion-Junlor Yur . ...... .....• . • Stcoml s..,..,,., Mtt.~od. of Teaching In th< lligb School-Senior

v .. r • • • . . • .. . • • • •••••.••• Firol Seat•~<• School Organ•&ahon, Admn•otratlon. and Ka,.....

kbool J~••-Senlor Ytftr . , , • , . ... , .• . Snoml Strmt•ter ProC!II<• Tcaehlna- Scnlor Yenr • Eirhr s.,..,,., Student& wbo dal~ to , ...,, in th• Ch•u A big-b a<h oola of Kanou

mun t.alct A minimum of fl(to'n •~melter houn P••l'nrntlon In ••ch eub)cct 11o t they upeet to ttoch. Tho followln& •r.,.ltlc n(llllotlo~~t ro•tr inll :.hlo point •••• adnp«d fro,. the Ha...U..OS. •• OrguLZillitw

r ou Proctl<fl /or dlf s • ..,""", S<l•...U of HaiUfU.

Cn• ll r.Ju ,lll.e<ln ••....,.lfr btNf"o fll( <'VI·~~~~ c-....Sil fNm lht ':. .. It t:n-.lbtrl f(IQrte t• C"'mPt•l•a.. rbnctrK. u4 lll•r•t•,. lA .-u.n ht U. .,.., .. llflit llftw,. h-·<.~~ • I M ... t c..u .. 4'011"* W6tb." .. 1 ......... ,..,..ta. •M .t ... ,....... •hal ._.,. ..... ·~· ..... .... ~l .... h __., ..... • , t.r-Mt liw ........wr ... ft .,

-~--' Pen:i&'a I.At~na...,a F~a ~ hou•• i.tt thr t.r~t1•._• u-... ._ ~t.u .. w ·•llt• f fiJtif'l'• -..m"'"' "~"4 Dflfutt~• In u.. tlHOt of ,.,.., . _, t.a••w ... ...,.. ••~ _, W .,..,_,..

M - • • tnt .t , ........ '"' ._.,_ I n _.;. _. .. ,.. .. ._.. ._..,..._ .._ w. o · .... . ......... lip .c .u ~ ... nr..

~~ J'\ltrtoo ....-:\c't '-"'" .t col~ troal!t In ....._ ..d4tnc• _.kc"- •hkh • " rt'f (t,.... lfll the: Kau,._ hhrh Mhwf• fqr er...:ln. with • t. lH..t flv11 H'tnO~r hQ\Ir. rur t a<h wntt tubiHt t..tu.tht and th,... Mm,.•t•r ....,,.. tor , -.ch tn•·h• .ll u\c. -'•b.J«t \eu.ahl. n,.. fallowtu UJtl tn4.J' k elfer-..1 I• ~ifl Gt~ .. ......_.. I . ,._,..tu.a a.. ....... , \6. OrMnl Arric:ta~Nt? I Pt,.....,a.., ...... a....., &. ......,., 1. c::aw.._.U? I. ,..,,~ ... .

._..... .._«l FU..... ........,w• ~ _,, ..u.-c. ~NII:II. lu t.hoH toel&J "''"'" t11bJKta •h.,fll •re of.frred ib t.h, ~.IU&II hl•h todlool.. for tA'Ciil. wllh at leu\ fn~ t4"mfitlA'r hMirt for u otb uah •ubJ~t uu~ht • od t..Ju-t.e t.r'NftLrr • ..,, fa .. ..,b ...,.. kif ualt ••llttct l-eu•_.'- n..- foUo•Lu .alto. .., ._ •U..., ._ -tel "'--• Cl.u.­.W. \4. Veu\IMq '4 11'.-M 11»:...., •· w., .. \o4!1111n'11,., 1. ~"'M.......-•1 ,. .. ..,. •• ~,. "..... •• ~. .. .. .., ... C....."-:tl6• ~~ ....,., t'rlft ~- '""""'" .. u... •• ...,..,.,.... ~ ~ ~ .... ,. "'-• Ptfd,o..., "'4

11•-. S....•la 1 "''"'" M<mfllt.t"' howl'l, • ftb not ,,.., than t~~l• hOan e•eb ln r~ • nd cJ•·..htrue4

....... rtal Artu nr'". kWU!!to&t• ~Qq,.. ., ............. , .. "-- .~ ..... .,... ...,._." • Udl • nr •''*"""' •• tht • ..,.. ••• ... ....._ rw ~ • tU. .. ...,., l'lw .... """ ....._ ., ...... .-....- .. "" • ..,.,.,. ....,, tM.Ut.. Tht ,.....,.._. ••r• -.r t.. .tt..,... .. lD'-'ttLI Ub' Dr-1"• ... Oe .. a t er t, Wood.,.rll: I ~ I. ..,_• lwo$ I • t. PrtotJa.• I to 2. A•~U. l4K-t.al'llca 1 or 1., C.n~r•l Shop t or 2.

c ... ,.,._., PUten llolu~ of -'"- c..r.dlt. la tAoM ~lal .U,fH_Lt • ._leta: a.N olfe:.-.4 I• U.. X...... br..b ec.a....... lor .. ,......, witb u., r.oor-tw tped.llot •W«t • ..,....- no.,....... ....... oft ....... - · - .. ~­~~ ~l!tt4w ~ • ' ~-..~uw a. ........,..,., '· ~- ""· ,_,..

tU ... , '-C:Iill"• ....,. lid a.ad ,,.,,.,, ""' tt mo,.. ....... ·wr ~:~w,., 1111 •Kh .ullJ4'1C·l taqt.t.. A ded-.U.. of ••• ....tt1r hou.rt tot ••• o# _,.. uiY •t W..h ... c.Mef uYIUt p,...t:b.t.4 Ia tad nWwt Ia ~ ntr&~~oM. .. t. ..,..,. two ~

t l• F• ...., ..... ....,., ..,_. ........,.. ~~ 0.. • _.. ~ ...._,_.. .._ ·~ ., rd .............. _,. r.rcrwl,...., H. ~ ~ .,.,...~ ,_ s..tWtc ........ ll ntt ... .,~..,_ u.,.,.. or .. ,. ooiJ.,... ....._ .,,.. r.qvt,..S..

II) No • .. .UMina Liea fot nrtJOtau. or contt.M"LI .. , m• r '- •Uo•~ In U.u ot ttll~• c-,....1& al\41r S..'--•' 1. ltt t .

fill-~~~ "'-a ~ kraua c:..- la -.k witll IIPl't-'W ~U.. ta the oWen

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Ar1 1 t'UtHft MNftler hiJUn t"f'dlt In lr\ •lth tllftl.ll .,.._., ,&lion In tht tub~\ t.A.Qhl.

Pt~T .. al lt4.Mt.U.. t Flf"'"' ...-e.~r t.cu." crMit Co Phf'lnJ f'Ct~Kat.IM, Ln ...,.. et ••wt~ t:a:bt k t. lbP O.W of he&Jtla.. ""'~· fJ"t aH, or ..ao.l ..,-......_

u •rariaa t Bllrh-4<hool U~rarfiu• 1b&Jl ha.-. ~S. .. • lltk...tloQ cqal~t to t.M~o• ~I'*' ol cac.hen Ia 01- A h lb tcbeotl. u.d 0.. ~lfk-t.... tbll ll'lrhui.- aot feWH c.hab ellb\ Mftlof!*W:r boun >t C'OIIt'l"f' eft'dll. lA JU,,.,.,. toCkoce. (Elf"'" :~ ~;:h~;.. 11~,Jbra!.~ ~.:=,~mMded tht t<ach •'•dr·hall '«• e.Mr llbn.rian ba-

\ Although thHe rcqulremtnUI apply lb •tudonu oxpee:in~ lb teaeb

In Clau A birb ochoolo of Kanoas they should be! met by all atud011to

( d .. lr lng to tueb in any high oc:l!ool m KanSAa. StudoaUI uptetlnr to te•ch In other atntet ehould c:greolt the Dopartmcmt of Edu~:ation for nquiremento that might arr~ them.

Students are advised to prepare t.o tt:a(b ln more t.h~n one ot Lhe floldo llated a'>o~t. While the moat dfoetivo tombinotiou un not be! prtdicted with anuran<"t, lhere i.s. tome ev-idenrt that tbt~ 1u~ted below would be wise.

ENCLUIII with languAg-e, tine ar:a, or social st.udtt4.

FoRmCN LANCUAGC with E~i•b, eocial studir1, or fine arct.

MATHE.JATlCI with "icnce, eocl•1 atudiu, commeree. pbyaiul tdu· catioh, ordndust riat arts.

Scu:xcE with mothema t1ca, indu&lrial a.ru, or physi:al education. HO"£ ECONOMICS with English, lkial studios, or o<iooee.

lsooSTRw. AJt1S with phyoiul cCiuution, math•rnat.i:o, oeltnco, or ooelal otudiea.

CoMlolr.RCIAL with ooclol studieJ, English , mathemotico, or pb)•sica l

~~~ < MUSIC wilb English, Or oocial atudi«.

AAT wltb English, muaic:, o r home economic-.

Pu-YSICAL EDUCATJON with aocial •tudica, eciencc, or hduet.rial art.a.

History R&QUJJI.£N&NTS roR A MAJOR: A minimum of Lwenty·four Mmeoter

boura including coun~eo 6-0, 7-8, 111 or 112, 117.

REI.I.rm SUPPORTINO Co11RS£S R.E:QUIRED : A minimJm of filteen eemu:ter bour1 including Political ScleMe t, abc hours or Etonomlca (touroco 1Uif(1Uted: 1, 2, 110, 15: ) , ond from three le oix bouto In IL leaat two of the followlnr departm•nl$: Enrllah (courses aurruted : 142, 104, 105, 106, 107) ; Sociology; PhUoaophy and Re,Ug;on (couraeo IUQOI\ed : 107, 131).

Rr.qouu:.we:NTB roR A MINOR: A minimum of (ift.tocn Je.mener hou.n

lncludln.a courau 6-6, 7 or 8.

~. £ UJOOn.u< H lBTOttY-lat •mtoter: Fall of Ro~ to 1660; 2nd aemoater: ainee 1660. Thio wn•J' Is rec:ommend~ u tbe bule biatory cou.ne. Beglnninr wttb the docliae o! tho Roman Empire, It conoldtra the medieval inotituliono, Idona, ond otruggleo; tho period

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of the Renaluanco and Reformation: the riM of atronc monarcblto : the WutlrlatJlevohn:ion: the ninrtanlb~tnlury natlonoiUom. llberol-1&111, and lmperiallam; lbe World War ( 1914-1818), tbt IA!mporary pea~ and tho prount nn.orglr biltwoon dlctatorehlp and domocrney. Thre• houra. 7:60, T~ W., Tb.

'1-l!. UNitED STATI:S HlftO«Y- bl semu~r : l4n-186S: ~nd oe­muw: olnce 180&. A survey of tho polltkal and social growth of tb• Ameriean peoplo from colonial tlmu to the preKJ~L Tllru Ao11n '0:1:;, M., T~ Tb.

17. EOOI<OMtO IIIITORY nr Til& Ul<tTEV STAT£&-(5 .. Economic• und Bu1ineu Adminialrftllon 17) . Tllru hun.

107·108. ENCIWR B l81'01lY-htl at-r : until 1688; 2nd eemes­tor : alnco Ui8S. The political, economic, and aocial development o.f tbe Encll•b people from tho earliut time•. with particular emphasis on Eneland'a plate ID modttll blatory AlttrnaiA! :rtotn: giftn l!loi%-184S. Tltr~• lu>Mrr. 8 :45, )I , W . , •••

Ill. Guu lllftO«Y-A nudy of the political, -lal, and cuJ. turol devtlop-nt of aDcient Greece aftd ita lepci .. to the Ocddental world. Alternate ytara : given 194S-Ie.4. TAru Ao1mo. I :20, M., W ., F.

112. ROMAN lit.roiY-A atudy or th• political, aoclal, nnd cultural d .. elopment of tho aDcient R4noaot and their contribvtlona to wu~ d•llhaiJon. Alt»l"tt•t• ,--rat ~ .. .,. 1&4&·1944. Tllr., hrth. I :20,

M., w~ •·· 117. TW&I<TUTU CL'<TVII'I' E uaor&-A study of the backcTolln4

of tbe World War (191ol-1918), the peace aettlement, tbt oontravenlng lactora durinc tbo next two decade.~, and the new world war sinoo Stp­tembe?, 1939. PrerequWte: Uiatory 4 or Ita tctuivaltnt.. Alt.~mate roara; ~nn INS-Ie.4. Tltrt• Ae•ro. 2:15, M., W., F.

118. LAnl< AlolllltOA.'< BtiTORY-From the eoloniutlon by tbo Span­lab and PortuJHO to the pruonl. Tho Institution& of the old rtrl­tbt ware of todepeadltcce, d .. tlopmt'lltt and problHM of tho new ll&·

tiona, a nd their relations with the United Statu are ocmphaalud. Al­tematt ytara: riven 1843·1944. Thr., Aoun. 8:45, M., W., F .

122. Tu Aaualc:AH F110J<TU:a~A aWT.,. of tbe wutward upat>­alon of tbt United Stota &Dd tbe aipltlcance of tho frontier In notional

• dtvtlopmtnl. Alternate :ve.,..: rl••n 1042-IBd. Three llottn. I :20, w., w~ P.

1~. AlllliJC:Ut Dlri.OliUoTIC 8 dTCHIY-A etudy of tho diplomatic relaUou of tho Unl~ Stot• ftom tho Rnolutlonary period to the prownt. Prerequlalto: Blatory '1-8. Alternato yeara : ~·en 114!­IN&. TA,... .U..n. 1:20, ll., W., P.

11111, 200. IHDIP&HDII!MT STVDY IN RtBTOav-Soe P•¥0 88 for r<JIII· l.aUou JDYiflllnc Lodtpendtnt 1tudy. 0..• to IArcc loan.

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I. UIIIT&O STATES GOVERNM&IIT-A critical study of the organiza· tion and operation o£ tbe federal, state, and local governments. TAr~•

houn. 11:10, T., Th., F.

100. CoMPARATIVE GOVDIN MENT-A comparative study of the go, .• ernmental structures. principles, and practices of the chief European states, with COill!t4nt reference to the government or the united St.atea. Alternate years; given !943·19H. Th ree hou r~. 11 : 10, T., Th .• F.

150. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONs--A study of the origin and charac• ter of the modern state system, twcntietb-centufl• nationnlism, imperial­ims, militarism. international law, lnternationnl orgnni1..ation and co­operation, and contemporary political problems.. Prerequisite : six hours of collega history. Alternate years; given 19·12-1943. Thr•• houro. 11 :10, T .. Th., F .

Industrial Arts Education REQUlR£MENTS FOR A MAJOR: A minirnum of twenty .. four semester

hours including courses I, 5!..S2, 53 or >4, 106, 130, 141, 175 or 122.

RELATED SUPPORTrNC CoURSES REQUIRED: A minimum of fifteen hours selected from Phyaiea 6-6; ~lothematice 5, IJ; Economics 1-2, 110.

I. AI£CUA.NIOAL DRAWING-A ourvey course which emphnsizu correct drawing practices and princ-iples. Ue<tuired in enginecrlng courses, and should be taken belore any of the other COUI'1!0$ in Industrial .Arts. One recitation and two hours laboratory per week. Two hours. 7:50, M:

tO. ENOJNEERINC DRAW ING-Requirement Cor Prercquill te : lndustriol Arts I or its equivalent. two boura laboratory per week. Twt> hour•. 7:60,

engineering eoune. One recitation and

M. 51·62. GENERAL SHOP INDUSTRIES--A survey course of the industrial

arts field. Emphasizes the scope, value, and importance und gives ex· perience in the various phases of industrial arts work. One recitation and four hours laboratory per week. Thr .. houn. 10:15, W., F.

58-64. WOODWORKliiO Paoou:us--Emphuia ia placed on the tool prweu and learning unita Involved, aa well aa design, eonatrucUon, and t!Disbine wood; aloo, the use, care, and o])C!r aUon of tho woodwork· lng maehlnea. One reeitatlon and fou r bouro laboratory per week. Three hourt. 11: 10, M.

55. FARM SuoP- Emphuia is placed on those activities commonly performed on the farm in the maintenance, care, and upjeep of f&rm tQuipmoot. · ,.Designed primarily for those who expect to live on the farm. One recitation and four hours laboratory required ~r ' week. Thru Aowr1. 10:15, F .

103, 104. REED BABta:ntY-(See Art 103, 104). Two Aouro.

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106. AI>VMICEO W6oawoaoc AND DESIGN-A lpt'Cial ~ru l n ad. nnced woodwork for major student& Advanced woodwork and wood. turning are combined wilh lectures on theory of dc.l!liH"n, con•truc:tlon, and finishing. One rocit.DIIon and four houre laboratory per WC<!k. r ..... Ao•••· II :10, W.

122. AROIIITUTURAL DRAWI:<c-Course lncludco standard con'·••· lion plana nnd apecifie~otlono for n modern home. Al ao brief study or t rends in modern architecture. T\O'o reclt<•tions nnd t wo houra lot>. orntory per week. Alternate year.; given 1943-194•1. Prer<quisltt: Mechanical Ornwlng. TArtt Aoun. 8 :4&, T ., Th.

123. T uE lloun-(Sce !lome E<onomlca 1~) . TAreo "•""· 130. HISTORY OP INoUBTIII.U. ARnt-A course doallng with the hit•

tory, pblloaophy, teaching methods, nnd trends in industrial urts <du· cation. Alte rnnle yeare; JCiven 1942-1943. TAr .. Aour•. 8 :4&. M., W., F.

141. \ \tooo ASD METAL f"JSISHIN~A e.ou~ tiHignl'd to givo t r-atn• lng, expuienco, and unden~tanding of finishing. One r""itation and two hours lnboratory per wC<!k. P rer<qulsite: Industrial Arts fi8·~'·

Alternate ycnra; givtn 1943· 10•14. T wo Ao11ro. 8:46, T., Tb.

175, f!6. PROIIU!MS Ill li<DUSTRW. AHS-D01igned for major IIU• dents who have aome apt"Cial interest or problem on which they desire 10 work. One to lAn e Ao11n. By appointment.

181. INOU8TIIIAL 0CCIIPATIONB-A eourec dealing with man'• work. OriJrin, typu, and developments of induotrial occupations, c>«upalional trenda, and occupational pouibilities. Alternate years; gi ... en Ul42· 18, 8. TArtf Aou,.._ 8 : 46, M., W., F.

199, 200. IND£PEND&NT STUDY IN "'NDUS,. tAL AnTs~ pnl!'l 38 for regulatlono governing Independent study. On• to three Aourt.

Philosophy and Religion RI:QU1REMKNTS FOR A M.voa: A minimum of twenty- four semester

boun including courses 21, 22, 106, 107, 111, 116.

RELATED SttPI'OaTINO CoURSES Rt.QUUl&O : A mlnlp>um or fif~Hn .. meater boura eonlilting of t"- ~" from eaeb of the followini d~partmento: PoJchology, Sodology, Hiatory l lll, U2), Literature (105 or 142) , and Economics.

Rt<IUUU:MENTS roa A MINOR: A mlnlmunt of fi!teen semester boura lneludlng eounea 21, 22, 111.

21. Ouo TESTAlllLNT L~ AND Lm:Jt.\Ttmr.-A study of Old TetiA· ment"biatory, social lifo, and erutive literature from their orildno un· lU the Cb.rUtlan era. Spoc:Jal attention 10 the baclqrrounda, purpoeet. and major eontrlbutio111 of the va.rlou booka with.ln tho attting of the

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rimu .,hie.b produced them. Three hounr. 10:15, M., T., Th. o~ 2:16, l! .. W., F .

22\ N£W Tf;STA)Sf;NT LtF"J; ANn Ll'r~TtiUf,-A preliminary ""r"CY

of the ancient civilization from which Christianity developt•d, followed by a careful study of the literature which the church produced. Caro­{ul at~ntion to the &OClal setting, nuthonhlp, purpose, t1nd \'ital con· tributlon of each book, with first-hand &tudlt•a In each. Thn• houro. 10: 16, M., T .. Th. or 2: 15, M., W., F.

23. PSAL>IS AND WISOO~I Lm:rtATURE-This cour"" covers the books of Psalm•, Job, Proverbs, Eecleaiaste&, and tho Song of Solomon, These writlnf,."i are s tudied in the Hght of the-ir ancient R tting with n \'icw to the 'di$COvery of their l)rac:ticn1 and de\·otional v,due for present day experience. Alt(}rn ote years; given 1942~ l!H3. Three hom·a. 11:10, T., Th .. F.

24. 11 ts:TORY OF' TIH: Cnu•c tr/ IQ'F' TH.: RIU':'I'RRir.S-Tht• t'nnr•()' i.lll

designed to gh·e an elementary stin•ey of the main facts of the history of the Church of the Brethren. It include• the study of the orilfin of the church In Germr~ny, the formative per iod In colonial Amcric•. u-panslon into the we.st, d~velopment of education. the mi$$ionary movement&. dh·isions, and present oppitttunities. Alternate years; ghren 1942-1943. 11:10, T., Th.

106. PROPIJET•ST4TESM&N O~II E OLD 1'r.STA>U~'11'-A otudy of the great prophetic charaders o! Eebr~w religion in relation to the social problems and political crises of their times. Cardul wurce studioa in Amo1, HoSea, isaiah, Jorcminh. etc .. show t.be aen8it.ivity of the~ leaders to lhe messagc of God, nnd the ereoti\'C impulse of thcir thought and action to the life to the world. Alternate years ; given 1943-1944. Tbrco boun. 10: 16, W., F .; 11:10, M.

107. INTRODUCTtON TO P UILOSOPJIY- Approach 11 mndc W ~h..: Ci\:)d

of philosophic thought in term• of its history, leading oystems, oncl most vital problems. The courst surveys the meaning, scope, and metb· odt of philosophy; considers the most (H!rsl•tent que&tions about tbt unh'·cne; in troduces the variou!l ll1eories of reality. tho problems of kno~ledge, and the status of volue-_s, Altcrnnte years; giv•n in 1942· 1943, Three hours. 8:45, T., Th.; 11:10, W. ·

Ill. LtF& AND TF.ACIUNCS cr Jt:sus-A cnreful study of J eaus' li!t and tese.bi11gs in relation to Hi! aoeial environment, and in th• light ol the Gospels and o! other primary s.ources of Christian literature. Em· pbasls upon the practical implicotion of His life ond teachings fo,

, preoent day living. Throe ~ourt. 1.1:10, T., Th., F .

llG. PAULINE LIFE AND LITERATURE-This COIIT$C otressu tbe sig· oifieance of the Graec:o-Romon enYironment out of wbie.b Paul gn>w, the rise ood development of the emrly Christian Chureh, and the con· trlbutlone of Paul's life and literary efforts to early Christian and lolA!:


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Umea. Cardul nttutlon 14 historical bnekground and to the aocial liCe of the times is assoclnted with source studies in Paul'• own writ· lnp. Thr<t Aourr. 2:16, T. Tb.; 11 : 10, W.

126. Cnuacn BISTOKY- A survey or tlle origin•, evolution, and widening funetlona· of the C3ristian Cbureb in its developm~t !rem an nnclont voluntary aasodolion to the most powerful Institution and ,I lnOuon;o or ooclal liCe. Attention to the onvironmont from which Chr istianity arose, the organization developed, viW leadenbip VCU·

deed, literature produced, ord the place occupied in modem liCe. Alter· nate yult-;" lfivon 1942-1943. Throe hurt. 10: 15, W .. F.; II :10 M.

131. ETntcs-A course in moral philosophy which examine& the na· lure of human conduct and the n1oral ru•on• underlying it. Conscleneo and duty aro studied in rolalion to practleal peTOOnal and IOCial prob­lems, with the eonstant objcct.ive to give worthy dir..,tion u dnil)• ur •. Altunote yura; given 1D43·t&44. Thr., houro. 8 :46, M., W. F.

141. W ORI.O R£t..IGIONII-A critical appreciation of the great llving faiths of mankind with ngud to their historic connection•, ooeiol in­tearration, and roliciou• vita lty. Special attention Ia accorc!ed Taoilm, Contuclanlom, Hinduism, B•ddhism, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Alternate years; given 1942·1943. Thru hottra. 8:46, M., W., F.

160. PtHLllSOllftY tW Rn ICION-An lntroduct-ion t.o the moat. vital prob!un& of religious thought, in relation to the working hypothesis O( enryday roligi001 livinJ. lnv .. ticallon into tllo r•lationtbipl Of pblloaopliy, religion, and ocltnce is followed by a careful consideration of faith, God, evil, prayer, and immortality. Alternate y•an; givoo 1943·1944. Thr .. hourt. 8:15, M., W., F.


page 38 for regulations go•eming independent study. o ... to tAre< ~oura.

NOT!l: By action of tho State Board of Education rlrtecn hours In Religion may be prt!Saltod toward tbe requirement& of graduatel apply· Inc for the State Teacbcr'• Certi!icate.


I . Creditl allowed in McPboroon CoUcce.

1. On her Co/logo Cowr11 lllcPheroon Collece

(a) will crtdjt thirty Kmeswr hours of atriclly theological work, and thirty aemeoter hours of other couf'R&, auch aa Greek:, ooei· OlotrY, etc .. taken in Bethany Biblleal Seminary provided the atudent Is not an applicant for a Kansas State Teacber's Certificate;

(b) or wiU aUow tor twelve oemcater houra of otrict\y Biblical and theoloctcal work, and thirty aemoater boura of other coura<>o. for example, sociolotr7, etbies, Grftk, etc., if a Kanaaa State Cor · tifleate lo d.,.ir<d..

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Non: LD th~ former cao• IC u 1111cll u thirty .. _.ttr hours o! •""It an allowed, tht ohodmt nuut a>p a blank form W&lYIDI!

hit rtrht to too an applleant Cor o Kansas Statt Tnther"• Certln­catc u•ltu be fulfiUt completely the tlato ffi!Ulrementa.

11. Credlta allowed by Bethany Blbllc&J S..m1nary.

1. On her Sem;narv Courteo Bethany wll: credit work done in ~lcPher­oon Ct·llege to tJw extent ol twenly ll<:meoler bourt provided

(a) that this work i! strictly or a pro!....,o-1 cban•t•r: (h) that It It taken in the Junoor and aenlor year or eoUere. Pro­reuloul theolol(!eal cou,._ In excw of tht' Sorth Ccntnl Auo­dalW• tequiremcnta for th. A 0 •irft'l" .,. .,..,..,..rd l.a fuJt it tho work b don~ under standard eon<!itlon•

! h ~" Traiaon11 Sdlool llethany Bltllcal Stminary woll credit all theolo,ci(ol <Our- takon In Md'htrom Col\rge.

Sociology Rt::Quuu:~u: .. ~TS roa A lllr-tON : A rnlnlmum of firtt'f'n •cmHtfr hourt

1ncludint: courH:I ~6 and t«m.

25. l'liNCJJ>U:S OF SOC:ICILOCY- Tluo "'"""" off us a K<Mral ltudy o!maa u he In-n wotb hll Ccllown><n. Tlo. Culldo,..atal• of.,..,. •• ba•o< toelol lw<hvlor are analyud and Jtudltd. War• and nwan.t or bYine more aat.lafac:tDrily ••ith tMt.h other and <1! attaininll! art~n~r•l t«ial P-• are aourht Tllr .. h • ••· I :U. Ill. II' .• P.

30. Ruow. Soc:oo1.001'-A atudy or rural hfo, Ito compaoitlon, chorac· t«'rlttlcll, JHOblem", trenda, reercution1, orKnnfz.ntions, r•'li(CiOt.UI, edu· t attonal, and tpfflul intert"l~. The lmpor1anrt (){ rural Amt'rica and itJ attra('tlvttnnt '" a wa)• of lift ar~ ltreut'd and WI)'J are Nught, In which It might m .. t itt prt,...nl d•y ] rohl<t,... Tlorrt ho•ro. I :20, M., II'., Jl.

36. Soct.U. "-at.£.\&S-Thb <OUF'H -ko to fond liM! cau- for haole lilt. malodjustmento, and patholol(!cal e<ndotlont in modnn - loty. to an.alyu end undtntand th~m. and to di.JtOver intelllg-l'nt mtana of IOIYint: our _,., p~ .... In the lnteruto or • ~tttr Iuman _, .. ,.. TAru hart. 7 :&0, T., W •• Th.

105. MARRIACl: AND TU& F UIILY- fhlo I• U otudy Of the bnek· eroundt out or whkb marrlog• and f•mlly ,...lotion• ba•• develoJifd, tho devt«opmenu nnd nrlatJono throu~h whlcb thcr havo corM, and the dlrt'<tlon and trend• In which they ""' movin11. All or tblo lo with a vi41W to• more complete undtrttondlne: or tho modrrn baoio or <OVrtohlp and marriage and the dl...,...,ry of noeano •h•rt'by family Yalu.. nay ~ appnciated and conoorved. Alttrnote y .. n; &i«ll 19~·1941. T~r .. AoMro. 10: 1&, H., T., Th.

107. C~'t.TWAI. A:."TIIJIOPOLOCY- Th:o ...., ... ...U to d•••lop an

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u.nderata_nding and appnd.ation of our debt to our prorenitora from the aundpolnt of our b<lloh. ecooomloo, art, muoi<, lanaun~. <UI•

toms, mores, lnvantiona, aU of our eulture pa tterna. It e~oe.ka. to under. ound aod evaluate tho pr<!Ailnt in the lfgbt of the pu\ and to aho,. the continuity of <Uitural development and aecumulatlon. Altemot• years; given 1042-1943. Thr.• hur~. 7:fi0, T .. W., Tb.

11.2.. CJUMISOLOCY- A etudy of the cau.sea and c:barac:te·r istics of tho criminal and bit cr ime. The cou~ Interest.& llJ!clJ more in lll• in­dividual, tho orlminol, and hi• relation to hia fcllowa, thnn In lnatllu­tlona; but It alao ..,., ... to onalyu and understand tho legal and penal­octal UP«"- oC erlme. <"rimfl pre,~enhon, and ~riminal trtatrMnt Alternate yeora; gi\·en 1943-1944. Thrrc howr<. 10:15, M., T., Th.

114. URBAN S«:IOLOCY- Thl• <ouroc trntta the growtl• and the growing importan~ of <ities from early neolillli< limea, through 1he several world ch•Uir.atlon• that de,·elopt.-d, to our ~eat cities of tO· day, crowd(\() with human beings and conditioned by new mores ond cuatom._ Tho city and ita rotation to Ute probl•m• of povcrl)', de· Unqueney, and disease are studied. Rcrtnt trtnds and progreu In houoln~;, tonlnJC, a.nd city pinnnio~;, looklnlt forward to o better dty of tomonow. are anlll)'ud. Alurnate ytars; given 1942~1943. TAr~,

h urt. 10:16. M .• T .. Tb.

115. HISTOftV OF SOCIAl. TIIOUOUT- 'I'hls course Bt•eks to trncc man•&

gTowlnr reollutlon of his aodallty, and the ai"'ilicance of hio -i•l rdatlon.thipa trom dn: dawn o t his soe.ull ron.sclousn~u.. It traC'ft the evolution of gr~t peopl .. in t.ol'11\.l of thtir great oocial thlnkera and annlyus our prCRf-nl clashcK of social thought pnrt.iculnrly 1u; reJ•rc· ae.nted i n gove rnmental and ~ligious Corms in lhcht of thejr origfnt1 ond devtlopmento. Alternote ycara; given 1943·1044. TAr•• huro. 7:60, T., W., Th.

ll~ 'f. 11'1. SOCIAl. C4!1l Wou-Thla courae oUor1 a general •urvey

of the field of social worlc, including a oWdy or methoda and or a pJ>Ii· catlona. Family and child welfare will ho 1tr .. ...t In light of the preo• ent e.mergeocy and growing needs. It Ia d .. i~~:ned for educationol, relicious, Prt'·profualonol, and aooial workus. Recommended pre· l't'qulaite : S«lal Probl•-· Alternate yoara; givon 1942-1943. Thrro hom .. , 10:16, M., T., Th.

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The Division of Languages, Literature, Arts

JtAk> }Jrown Claro Colllno ~e,·in W. Fisher Gulab lloover

Facul ty MArRit'-1! A. II Q;S, Cluur'"""


Ot'lln l.t'hm•n WaiU:r Ktmmnnn Ral ph l;tuumnn Paul W. Winklor

T o runtributt! to the cultuul lntluen~cfll of n con~,r t-ducatlon by d•,·~Joping an appruiation for lih•:tature and th~ a.rt.a.

To d>Yelop &kill In the effe<'tivo uu of En~rliah. Fron<h. Gorman. and l.atin.

To· enable studtmts to &«"ure Lh.e basic ru•tvarntion needtd for \•()('•~ tion.al wort and for eontinued work ln gr~tduot.t achool1..

~rt REQUIAE~U!.NT8 f'Oit A MINOR ! A. minimum of fiflttn lt'MH~r houn

JncJudlng cour sea in drawing, fHtinun~:, tngrrwlng, ancl hiat.ory and a p. Pt'ff'iatJon o·f nrt.

1·2. PAtNTtNo--AnnngtmcnlA of atill Ufc in wattr tolorJ, .. oi1. And

pastel. One or 11110 h 011ra. Byt""pl'nlntm~nt.

6-8. DIIA..,NG-Drawinr f'rom euto. Study of form and •aluor. and principles of '\t'TaP~tivc. Development in handlinto: su~ncil. C'ha~aJ. ond ink. Original composition. One or two llou,... Ry nppointn'H!nl.

26, 26. EL&MENTUY ScnooL Aa,.._Projfo(ta in drawing, lettering. modclin.r, Q\rving, W\!aving. li nol~um block-1, and p3pt'r cutun.r. Prin· c1pltta and praetieo of design and eolor ha rmonies usinx pastel, cra)·on, and ,..a~r <Olon. TVJo.,. thrtt hou..,, 8:46, M_ T .• Til .• f .

31-32. POSTEll DESICN-Prootloo in lottorlng. Study of a lphabell tuitable for po$t.en. Advanced colore nnd designs. Alternate year": rtven 1042-1943. o .. or lwo houroc By appulntmont.

101·102. PAll<TfNc-LandKape painting. A study of color and P•8· mtnt.a. One or two hot4rt. Dy nppointment..

103, 144. RI!ED B..s~v-All<'rnate yeara; given 1 9~3-1944. Two A...,... By appolntmenl.

JQl;.J06. DRAWING-Third year drawing. 011~ (U' ttl'O Aou,.t. By appointi'S'\ent.


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107, 108. ENCRAVlNG-Stucly o! principlea and practice ot engraving on wood blocko. Alkrnalo y•ara: ci•en 1942·1843. Two h•rt. By appointment.

109, 110. LITilOCRAPIIY AND ETCIIING-Aiternatc yean; given 1943· 1944. T14oo ••uro. By appointment.

151·162, RUI'n!RY AND APPRECIATION OF AliT-Alternate Ytart; l!'lv•n 1943-1944. Two Aoura. By appointment.

English REQ\!IR&M&NTS t'OR A MAJOR: A minimum o! twenty-lour ocm03ter

hours Including tour..,. 21-22. 104 or 106, 106 or 161, 123 or 125, 142.

RELATED Couascs R£QIIIREI> to SUPPORT A )!AJOR: A minimum ol tlf~n selnatCr hours conslallng of from two to olx hours in ut lout throe or the following dep•rtmenta : Speech (Courou &Uggelll< • ..t : I I, 26, 31-82, 110 nnd 161) ; History (C<lunH sugg•ted : 6-tl, or 107-108); Music Educstion (Coones suggested : 20: IO·Il; Art (Courses •u~:ges. k..t: 151-162); Philosophy and Religion (Coursn su1:11ested : 26, 107, 116).

REQUUtEM&N"' f'OR A MINOR U< ENOLUIII : A minimum of fi fteen hours, Including courses 1·2, 21-22, loll!.

REQUUIDI&~~ F'OR .. MINOR L'< Srucu: A minimum or flflf<'ll ... mesur houn including 11 or 25, 20 o r 120, 31-32, 151.


1·2. &NCWSH-A study of the !undomtntala o[ composition through their proctlenl applle•tion In oral &nd wrltt~n themes and In eln .. room discussion., Required oi all frethmon exapt those wbo can qualify for Encllllh 3-4. TAru Ao11ro. 1 :50, T., W., Tb. or 10:15, M., T., Th. or 11:10, T .. Th., F.

S-4, ENCJ.tsu-Open to those frubmen wh- ranka In prt,llmlnary Englilh lata lndlCRte that they ean carry work in adnnoe of English 1·2, TArt~ Aouro. 7:50, M. and 8:415, T ., Th.


15. CuW>u!<'a LtTERATUlt&-A atud)• or traditional and modem lit­oroture for children from kindergarten to high school , including tho mak· lng of elualfleatlono accordlnr to ~. agea to which mourial Ia suit· ed, autbora, and lllultratora; and ·the ruding of boob, stories, and potD\1 for tho devolopmont or no appreciation or good llurature for children. Two Aouro. 8:45, T., Tb.

21-22. l:<nooucnos ~ LrrELt.TVR£-An lntrndU<:tory course de· alped to develop a '""'oe o! •aluea and an appreelatlon for the heot in literature througbX~" stud,. of repr .. entat lvo wriun. TArt< Aoura 11: 10, T~ Th., P. o \'20, M., W., P.

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104. Til£ ROM.L'<nC liOYEl<&NT- A atudy of lb PI"'M and I'Ol'li'J' of lht fh•at t.blrd of the Din-nUl ~niUI'J'. AltorMlO )'Hn; cnen 19~Z· 1943. TAro horo. 10:15, W., F. and 3: 10, M.

lOG. Tnt VICTORIA:< ERA- A aludy or u.. major dovolopmcnll or Ill· eratare rrom 1836 to the doat o r tho Clmllii'J'. Alternate , ..... ; liTen 19~3- 1 9H. Tllrtc Ao"""· 10:16, W., P. and 3: 10, Y.

10~. AMI!IIICAN POI:TRY ASD EIIJOAV- A atudy of ~ <hl~f American

writ<"' In those forma. Alt~rnau yea"' ; g;ven 1942-I!N:I: Thrr• At"" · 7:60, T., W., Tb.

107. Aa.u:atCAS FICYIOS AND DLU&A-A atudy of the moat alpiri· caat A111«rican writora •n tbtM llt""'I'T forma. Altornatt yean. ,. ••• 1 9~3-1044. Tllru llown. 7:60, T~ W., Tlo.

122. Tw: SHOIIT STORY- A atudy of tho t .. hnique of tho abort IWI'J' (rom rep..-ntative types. Altornatt y .. rs; ttlven 1942-194,. r .... ,. ....... 1:20, T ., Tb.

12&. 'fiiC DI:YELOPMEST Of TIIJ: 01\AMA- A atUd)• of th< dcvelopmcnl or the drama from the early myatc!I'J' and moralil)" playa to U.. lwtntl· eth ttntUI'J'. Alttmato y.._ra; jCiven 1943-19H . TA rtr Ao•rt. 2: 16, M., W., t'.

IU. Tns Drra.oi'>IENT or TllJ: E'<CLIIII so,~A •tudy of tiM d .. nlopraeM of th.a novd, "'it.b a detailed atudy of tb&' tlaara<ttn<ttt typ&'l

of the nineteenth centurf. Alternate yoan; Jliven 1912-19·13 Tlru lloora. 2 : 16, M., W., P.

142. S ILAK.DI'EAitE-A atudy or S hakeap ... ro'a plar• ond or hlo pla<t In thc•dcvelopment uf the drnmo. Tllru hou ro. 7:50. T., W., Th.

140, CoNTE)It'OlWl'f LITERATU.-A aurvey of recent literature In Enrland and Amerloa. Alternate )'tara; gtvon 1943- 19U. TArtt 4ooro, 2:15, ll., \V., F.

l ilt, 200. I"OEI'E>•DJ:ST Sruov u< &NCLI•u-see P"lf• 3H for rti<U· lationa IO>omu>r ind-r>ftnl otudy. On• It lAne • ..,, ..

SPEECR II. AIIGIIW&.'ITATIOS Al-"11 DellA 'IS-A atudy of the prin<tplea of arj!ll·

monutlon wit.b practiee In application by writlln brltfa and oral arp· mentaUon. Important publle qucallona nrc oludled and deba ted II cl•ll projeeta. Alternato yean; given 11148·1944. Two Aowro. I :20, T., Tb.

20. P&ACYICAL DEBAn:.-Th la clus Ia lnLtndtd for froabmtn and aopbomorea who have qualllltd In tbt annual debolt II'J'OUlL Tuma f rom t.b1a claaa rtprtRnt the con..., ID Junior tolleco debate tourn.aOMnla.

r- ""'"· 8)' appoictmnt. 26, Ouroa-ln tbia c:ourae aP«Ial attention ;. !rlven to the atudr

of orallona aa to c:ompooltlon, at.ru<tun, otyle, loci<. and tbouabL AD original o raUon Ia nqairod to ba wrltt~n b7 ea<h student. Tbla oraUoD

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may be uoed In ln~rcolltaiat.e cont .. u. Alttrnate yuro ; rl••n 1942.. 184~. Two houre. 1 20, T., Th.

81-32. PRJNOU'US OF SPEECJJ-A ..,urae in general apeech education and fundamental• of Interpretation , tocether witb opportunity for pra<­Uc- in various apeecb situation• . Thrtoe boun rtcitatloo each W« L T,... M>un. 8:45, M., W., F.

llO. LITERARY lh"1'ER1'111.'1'ATION- A cour"" deailrfled primarily for atudonta wbo bnvo co:n)>let.ed Sptotch 3 J.S2 and who doalrc expcrlcn,... In the application of tho principlet of apeech to tho lnterp...,totlon of drama and poetry. AJttmatt yura: rl«n 19~8- 1944. T~eo Aou••· 10:16, !4., T., Th.

120. ADVANCI:D Oll!Am-Open only 14 Junlon And aenioro who ore membe.n of the men's or women'a varsity debate t(!nma. Practkal es~ porJence in coaching and judging o! teams. Tw• hour•. By appoint­ment.

161. Pl.AT PROOUCTJOI'- Tho atudr a nd applio•tlon of the prinelpln and 1tandards or adinr. t:ha racter inte:rpretation, and play.s.taging. Pre­"""lulaJte: S~b 3 1...&% Alternate yean: gtven 1Yt2· 1943. Tltree ltourt. 10:15, M., T .. Th.


8. EUM£NTARY JOUR!<ALISM-Sourc .. ond 11\t thoda of obtolnlnc newai news valuts. Interpretation. and style. Alternate rurs; fri\·en 194S-1944, Two ~own. 3: 10, !4., W.

4. CoPT RJIADING-Correotlon of mnnuacrlpla, proofreading, helld· lfne Wlitinr, and makc-up. Altern•le years; rJven 1943-44. Two hour• . 8:10, !4., w.

6. Rnoan:<e>-Thoory and prutlc• of gathub c and writing newa; compoa reporting witb tmphaala on aoeunacr and atrle. Al~rnate yean; cl••n 1942-1948. 7'wo1oon. S: 10, M. W,

6, 1. EDI'I'OtU.U. PRACTIC!r-For the edit<>rial otoff of the Sp<ci<Jtor. j:dlwrial writing, atntf management. 0•• Aour. By oppolntment.

il. ' . French ,

RcQUD.£.ME:NT1J F'Otl A MINOit : A minimum of tiftetrn semeste.r houn In proper aequon<t.

1-2. EI.&MSNTARY Fru:NCII- Grammar and proctloo in l.earln~r. wrltlnc, and apealclng Freneb, ~<>cethor with aotlid tnt readinc to pro­•ldo a baai< • ..,abulary and worldnr lmowled~ of the lanjpl&~. AI· temate Joan; ri•en 19~3-1944. TA,. .. A.,,., 3:10. M., W,. F.

8-t. SJX;OND YLU FR£Noii- Review of grammar and oompoaltion. Conve,rsation and extensive reading of modern Fren:b flotlon. Tbe obiH-

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l.Y to read French for pl easure IJ the goal or tht ttJUnt\ Alternat~

rtan; given 1042-IP48. TArte Aot<r•. 11 :10. M., and 10: 16, w., P.

101-IO'l. SUIVJ:T OP FUNCIJ LITDATUI&-A broad Iurvey of general movrment.a and sigalrlcant Clgurea In French llteraturf!. with definite rrocllng oiSicnmenu In tho prlndl>• l fields. Prcnqulsit<: f' r•neh 3-1. AJte·rnatc years: giv<'-n 1D.t2-1943. Tl\,.·tr Aou''· Br appointment..

121-122. RJtAntHO CovRSt:-lluU•nr of .. l .. t..S works In 11>ecial field; unff~r aurdoDCr of Instructor. intendttl h) IH'e •tudtnt facility an rapid reudinJ(, Prerequisit.e : French 3-4. Two hour•. lly apPQint­


Germ<1n R~Ul.Ril)U!NTS roa A MAIOR : A mlnimu.m of twent)•-four Hmesttr

hours in IJropcr sequence. Including courses l0J-. l02, 105. 100.

RELAttn SUI.,..M'rii<G CoiiKSI:S REQUIRY.Il : A minimum of flftt'<'n semester houre toruisdng of from lhrce to aic hour• ln •• h.•att thf'ff of the following department•: Hittory (Coune1 sun~sted : 6..0) . Frent'h, Latin, En~rhah (t;ovsell auggestcd : 1~1 ur 102. tO.a v t 10;; or 1-1!! or 1•1·1)

Rr.QUIIUU•I &NTS t'OK A MtNOR: A minimum or fift een IK'M<'Jlft hQUrlt

In pro~r JW!qUCn«.

1-2 . Et.t:MENTARY GERMAN-Grammar. ccnvenation. And drill, to­

r etber with eoordiaat.ed readinar& syffldent to gh·e a basie vocabulary and .....,rkinr knowledge of t.be lang([age. T~r<' Ao• r.. II : 10. T ., Th .. P .

3-f. SECOND Vult G£R:.tAs.-Crunmar n:;iew. ~mposition. eonvf' r­lfttion and rendinK of maste.rpiecet~ in Germnn drama an•l prose. rr~ requlsltc: German 1-2 , ur t.'\~Uival~nt. TA,.c<' Ao''"•· 8:-l&. M . W, F.

10 1·102. SuRVEY OF OEJL'\fA...."' LJn:k.ATUR&-A re''JfW of t.ht gentral -movement And a.igaifica nt Cigu.rp: In G~rman llttratun. Prer-equi..site: Gtnnan 3.·4~ AIUrnate years!--civ«n l943-19·14. TAru AI)N"'· B·y app.olntment.

105. 0Ea.)JAN SoVJI!t-.Reading of mas.ttrpleces. discu••ions, and re· poru. Prenqulaito: Corman 3-4. AlternAt.r yean; JP''en 19~2· 11'43 . TAr .. Ao""· By appointment.

lOG. GDtr.tAN 0 RA)IA- Read1ng ot masterpiece-.1, dl11euaaiona, and re­potta. Prerequtatto: German 3· -4, AltArnalt ,.~.,.... giv• n 194?.-1943.

TAr., ADN" · B:r appolntmenL

108. CI:IIMAN Suon SToav FIIOM CoETll£ T KaouaJJ TK£ Ntt<r­n:&NTH CI:HTURY-IIeadlnga, di11<uulons, Aftd report& Prerequisite : G~.rman 3·4. Civtn on requeat.. TArn hourt. 8)' appoinonenL

121, 122. Rt:Alli><O CoURSI:-IItadlnr of selected works in apeeial field& under 11\Jidon« of lnllruetor; intended to gin otudent facility In rapid reading. Prerequlalte : Ccrmon S-1. T"o Ao""· By appointment.

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Latin R£QUIJlDIENT!I FOR A MINOR : A minimum of fifteen •~metter houra

In proper sequence.

1-2. EU:li ENTARY LATis-\Vritren and oro! work. Accuracy in pro­nunciation is e'lrHMd. Constant drUI of fonna, Toeabulary, dtrh•ativu; and qnt&x. Transla tion or eonn""U<I diJCOurae from Caosar and other aut.bora. Alrernare yoare; given 1943-1944. Three hourB. I :20, M., \V., F .

~1·22. CICUCO, Otv.TIV!'i~The four orations aga1n1t Catiline. )Jani· llan Law, and Archiu. Latin composition nnd p-mnmoticnl dr ill. A otud1 ot Cieero'1 etyle and polltleal background. AltorMre yoara; given 1942-19~8. TArte .bu;-t. I :20, M., W., F.

31-32. VtROII, TilE A&NEID-Firat alx 00ok1. Caroful s tudy or acnn­aion and Roman mythology. Al t.unate yean; gh'eD 194S-l944. Three

""""'· 2:1~, M., W., F.

GO. ROMAN PRlYATE L1F'E-John aton'1 Private Life of the Roman•. auppl~mentm by ltcturea and auipm rudinga in English of lh• more important aut.boro. No Latin requ irm; doeo not oatlaCy l&nl'l•~te r~

qul...,menL Alternate years; given 1942-1943. (),. or '""' houn. I :20 Tb. .

106. Ctcao, Dt ~ESECTtmr-A critical onalysia or t.bil delightful euay, with a thorough review of th~ grammar. Alternate years; given 1942-1043. Two houra. 8:45, M., \V,

110. LlYY, Boot< XXI-History of t.be Punic wara. Supplemented by a careful atudy of Maekail, L<ltl11 Literorur~. Alternnte yean ; given

·1942.1943. Tllree lloun. 2:15, a!-, W., F.

115. HpRACE, Ona-Careful pr actice In metncal reading. Allen· tion lo gi~en to geographical, hhtori<al, mythological alluelons of this "people's pool." Alternate years; given 1943-1944. Thrtc hour.. 8:45, M., \V., F.

120. Pl.AUTUS, CAPI'tVI- History or t.be rise and development or the Roman drama. Peeuliaritics In form and oyn tnx o1 the colloquial Lntin of t.be period aro obaervtd. Alternate yean; givtn 1943-1944. Tllrto A"""'· 8:45, M., W~ P.

145. ADYANCED LATIN Co~tt>osmot<-Study o! grnmmntlcal prln· ciplu ae applied to tranelallon of connKtod dlseourse to Latin. Courae may bo reputod<ilfit.b aew material. Alternate yura; giv•n 1942-1943. o ... hour. 8:46 F.

Non:: On auUicieat demand, additional tOill'MII may be of!Hm •• outllnocl In eataloeue of teas.

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1·2 Et.&M.&NTARY SPASISR-Pbonttit and f,:"r.-mmstiC'nJ drill; rend­Ing or t.'AflY idiomallt tcxtl to provlcle e bua5t voeabuiAr)' and working kaowledgo of the larcuag«. Thr'" A.ovnL IO: IE. M .• T., Th.

3·-1 SecoND YeAR SPANISH-Slmple eonv~nation and tA$}' trans· lat.iont tn\0 Spanish. and nading of di1frr-tnt t.inda of Spanlah prose. Tbt sWdt·nt wiU ftC'~ire tht •bility n:o n·ad and undtntand any Span· llh text, with the h~lp o! n dictlonnry. Pr~requl.a:.te: SpAruAh 1 .. 2. Tllrce laourt. 2:16, M .• W., F.

121-122 R&ADISG COVIIS&-Rtllding or .. J .. ted ,...,,ko in • fl•ld of tpC'dal interest to th atudent. undf'r guidante or ins:truetor. Prtrequl· tite: $pftnis.b 1·4. Two hourtt. By nppointment..

Music Thla departmenl is malntalntd to furnish lnn:rut-tion in 1\U hrn-nth~

of muaie 10 that. ttudtnt.s may bfcom~ capable te.J.cbera ""d .aC'tompliMtd eolalst&i to o!le.r inttru~t.ion to profasion•l stade.ntt: and to C'Ombint mutit' with rqull\r tolleg-e work.

R£QUIR£)1"£ST8 FOR A MAJOR 11"1 APP'Lir.D MUSIC : A minimum of thirty-•l.x and • madmum of forty tt:melt~r houra including courtH 7-S. 9-10, 101-102, 103-i04, Th<Ory I, 2. 3, 4, IOi. 10"2, )luai< Eduution 2tl1 I U4, And tWO to IIX bu~.Jt'lll Ae.ltctt!d Cton1 !tl, JOG. 108. JO!I, EnJKmbie, or Applied llutie.

REL.nt:D SuwcrttrtSG Co1JRS.I:$ Rcqt;UtEn : A mlnamum of fih~n ae·mest.er houra con1isting of f rom thre-e to eh: houn in Al. leAi t thr~ of tbe following dopart.monll: EngU.h (Suggoal«< c:our..,. : 142, i06, 107, 101, 105); Rbtory (SUJr8\'ltod <Our .... : 5-6); Pbilooophy (Sul;li<"Stod C'OUr5e: 107) i and Ctrmnn 1\nd 1-~renc.h.

R£QUJWDI&NT8 J.'Ol A lol.UOJt IN )fliSJC [OUCATIOS : f'orty ftmt-ster houra including eouriiCo 11, 20, 101, 10<1, 108, lOP. EnHmbh: 15-IG, Piano 7-3, 9-10, Volee 7-8. Tboory 1-2, 3-1, 101-102.

RI:LATED SUPI'tlRTINO Co~"ltl\t:B ltnQUUUlD: A minimum of CiCto<n oe­mes-Ur boura con lilting of from 1lu H to eix h.-urs in •t l"'l'''t thi"H of the following depnrtm<nto: Engll•h •Coon .... gg .. ted : lOb. 100. 107, 142),. tl latory (Cour ... ouggoot•d: 6. G) , Philosophy nnd R•ligion (COunu auggeslfd: 107. 131); and Fno:nck or Grrm.on.

R&QUI:Jt%li£NT8 FOR A MINOR: A minimum of !ifl.C'fn nmnter houn

c:onsiaUng of four boura in Applltd muBic, thrtt bour1 in musie appre­datJoq, t.bret: boura 1n mu&ic methods, two h3urs in condutUng, end three houra ole.:~ from tho lielda of applied mnsk, musle oduution. theory, or entembie.


Each at·udent. t~baU conftr with the ad'tfaory cornmiUH d10H:n

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from the muatc faculty Nn«tnlng: tOUrtfl tD be taken. Stu4enta are oot allowed to arrange for p\.blic enp~men·t.a without lht pnmluion of lbe faculty.

All atudent.l ar6 required to atudy with the head of the dt"PAtlment

In whkh they major during lhe rear or graduation. All p repautory eourstt mutt\~ completed belore the tnudcmt it

ollatblo to t.•nter advaneed eout~tea. •' A aeritl of ree.ita1a i$ Riven durln.K the year in wbic:h musk etudent.a

art required to participate nt. the diiCrction o·f tho ~achcr. All mut1c student.l mutt attend at leut thr~fourtht of tht- rt<ital.t &ivtn.

In Apphtd .\lute h\•t- bourt prattlce each wH.k for a ptritd of OM Mmtater Ia requif"fd for one hour credit.

Whtn Violin is c.bOHn •• the field of eoneentradon, tbtt •tudtnt ahovld baYe acquired the ab•IHy r..o per'form works or the difficulty of t be Vtotti Concerto No. 22. the Spohr Concerto No. 2 and tbe ea!l(lr Da('h aonat.aa for violin and piano. The atudent ahould a lso give evidcnct of hi" llblllty to reAd at aighl C'OPl))OIIition" of modcrole difficulty and ehould demon1trate au!Ciclenl Jtbllity in an&emblc to t"k~ part In tht' performance or tt~.&ier atring ltaort.ets nnd aymphonlc vrork1. lie !'ht;tuld have a~ulred auffident pl-nl"lt ablllty ro play simple accompanlmenu.

The ltudtnt will continue tht study of applied muaic tbroucbout tht­four yean of hi• courM a f "t•tlJ w .. ,.,,..,." o r not piano I• , ... major lntlrume.nt, tht ltudt:nt should acquire a thorough pract~al kaowledce of thla lnatrumenL


J'JANO 1·2+-4·6-G. PR£l'ARA"roRY CoURS£8-

7·8. Easler composition!! tf Uaeh and Handel; ('1l S)' 50nAliU b)" Haydn and Moz.art; Hlectlona from rcmandc and modern ronpoefn ; t«hnlc, coneerts. and rt'Cital&. r~o A:Oflr.t. By appointment.

0 .. 10. Bacb•a two and t.brtt part Inventions; sonata! by Uardn and Mozart; aeltetlon• !rom roountic and modern composers: technic. conHru. and ~talL Ttco Aoart. By appointmt.nL

Jf IOi-102. Baeh'a Frtneh an4 En(lliah suites, sonatas by MoUITt and Beatho·ven ; more dl!ftcult stlt:tione froJV roman tie and modern com· poeen; technic, concert., 1nd recltala. Two Aou,.... By appointment.

103· 104. Bach'• WeU.TemJ)or<d Clavichord; sonata. by Boothoven a nd other muter composers; mor~ &d\•anc&d work by romantic and mod~rn compoten; ttchnique, cone-ert.e, and reeilalt.. TWG ,\qu,... By appo.ntment..

YOlO& The atud•nt sboulcl ha ve acquired. by the time of graduatbn, out·

flclent know!~ of the piano to enable him to play almpJe acc>mpanl· mont.a.

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7-8. Cornel phy&ioal poloo; prlncipltJ of dlapbrasrnuuk: ond oo1tal brtathing; atudr of vowete: artlcu1alior : .. lementa of yo1ce plac•nl': rtlaxado•: a:tudlu for lntonatlona: folk·'W>nirJ and • bnple tonrs In &nclloh; work from Pn<tll and ol~r <OmpoMn of th• Old Enkh•h School. o .. hour. 87 appolntmonL

9·10. Development of breath control: voice placinK IUl d focusinfr:; tmpbu.ia on taM of production and natualne.u of ton~: tJ.e~lu; tGr ru:re of YOice artd tor attadirwu of tont; *'DC'I of dUftrtltt t lJ)t'l fo.r lnterpret.ation; oonp of I~ OhL l tahan S.hool; .. p•r•~ oonoro from HAydn, Hourt, and B~tho•on. On• Ao•·· By oppolntmenL

101-102. Further dtvtlopmcnt o·f breath control: tJerTi~n for mnt'a.Hd ruon•nc:e; the produrtion ttad •uttain1nw of b\rth tonu: tquallutiora of vowels and regu~,...: atudlt"J fur enundath•n: advan<"t"'C.I 10<11-;,k In ocalu, arpcnioo, IU10ato aod lttralo. th• tnll, m .; tome Cvrman tied~r. •ndudin~ worb of Sdrukrt. Schumann, t'ranx. aNI OtahllUI: solos frcm th~ beat cantntas ""rl from the he•t lc~ulAr tourct • : publlr preaentatlon• in t burrh, eonttrt. • nd o,·er ud1o. T tt·tJ len•u·•· Br oppointm..nt

lOS·lo.&. OHI) breathinsc And t onAl "uppon. thruu.,h hn-a th n:1n· t f'Ol; JPK:h•l study of tJEt~ndfll phrat~: v«alhatlon for str~'-nK1h :

Otxib•lity· artd tndu~""S..D«: atudlet for r••«t . pow*-r. and btaut)' of torw : the development or a muolelonly otyle or olnl(lnl( and • cultlntlon of th• appropr ate at)'IU of tho dlrr~re.nL hiN.orlc- JPeriocha th• Nvu·rtin.ation of f"'ltur9 and facial expreiiOlOn to sinrinsr : mod•rn l'rt!Xb oonp In· dading th• repretentallYt worh or o.. ...... y and others ; rocltator. ud rt.rina from &tandard opera• nnf:l, oratorloa: 10n~ in r.n.ellah br moJern rom1~rs auch &a Mac:Dow('lli/ Chamlnndt. l:lcru:h. Rua:t·r~, Hadltty. Jtnd Car·~nlA:!r. T~~e• • .,.,.,, By appoint ment..

VIOL.IJot 1·2.."1-t..s-6. PttUA114ro«Y C.ou.sts-

7-8. lntroducUon to aO.oncflf otutfi .. of F'i..,htl; «>ntinuod s<ale atudy with Introduction ol' thirds nnd •llllu; 1>it'<•• by Dando: co-rt b)' Aoooloy, DeBoriOr: oontinurd work In So•clk. 0"• A•••·

t .. JI). S tudi•• by l1a.t.at atld Dont: .-litH an tt.rH- Clll'1M•u • .aJ•r and minor, bowtd and alurr~d in all Tui•tlon.s: introduttaon of arpt'l· jlioa In aU po<ltlons; concerto• by DeBoriol ••d Vioul ; pit~eto by Dorow. tkl. Roo.told, and others ; <Ontlnuod work In S.vdk. O•r Aour.

101-102. Stud ies by Kntutur; .,.ntlnuod study o f "'"" octa•t sal .. In all forma Including lhlrdt, ol•tho, oct&• ... fonRtrod octa•"M, and w.tha; ar...,~ In all forma: <OIItlnuod ..,rk in S..•cik; ron · c•rtoa by Vlolll. Spohr, Bach; aona"'• by Handel, Voraelnl, Carelli, lind otllen. Two ~lours.

IOS-1~. Ccmtlnuation of Kreatte. ad.,.DCiD& to l'lorlllo and Rodt, It I>OOiiblt: oontlnutd ... 1. otadr In all fonu; ad•ancflf s..-clt atadr

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with emphasis on the dc,·elopment of a oeauu!ul trill; sonataa by Beethoven, Mourt, Brahma, and Gricl{; concertos by Ouch and Bruch; plee .. by Vlouxwmps, Schubert, aad Saraallle. 1wo ltollro.

Note: AU Yloli~udenta are ~ui~ to play in the string choir If their playtnr ablllly warranla membonblp . ...


1 .. 2. C.ELLO- (ht year) Scnles, major nnd minor, one odavei nut position exerct... for establishing correet band and tin~r position; exerc:t ... (or frHC!om or bowing. Simple solo work. Orchestra piA)'· inc~ Two Aourt. By appointment.

3·4. Ca:Lt.v--ScuJa, n1njor nnd minor, two, Ulrco, 1\0d four oct.uvca. Thumb positiona, linger exercises. Soloa of moderate difficulty. Or· chutra u~rience. ftco llour1. By appointmecL

J•tr£ ORGAr:

1·2. Preparatory couraca. A study o( the fondnmcnl.ft ls of pedol t.echnlque, mnnual touch, indcpcnd;ence of hands and feet, and r<gis· tration. Sp<lelal attention to hymn pla)' lnJC. Eu'er Bach preludos and !usues. T~)L.,.r•. By appoi ntment.

3-4. lntermedlnte COUI'l!H. Continuation Of manual nnd JM!dnl t .. h. nlque. Sp..lol attention to l<lrvlce playing. Easier •onolns of Germ1111, English, Italian, and Am~rican ac:.boola. Important works of mod~rn Khool. Bach preludet and furues. 1'1Co Aour•. By appointment.

101-102. ORCAS- (3rd ycor ). Continuation or the t""hnieal Jl<!d•l atudt .. ; the larger workJ of Bnch: the .:hornls of C..nr Franck ; thr sonatas of Guilmant; repf'C&entative works from the Modern Amerlcnn Sebool. A reeital lo required. Two .llouro. Uy appointment.

l!USIC EDUCATION 5-6. PIANO CULTUil£ AND REPDtTOuu:-An orranized elass for the

atud)' or the technical and lnterprmve problem• of plano playing and the atudy and J><!rformanee of lh} bast plano literature. Open to 1ill piaDo otudents. One llDur. By appointment.

t. Muaoc F UNUA>IV<To\UI-Tius eourae In the tboory and practke ot the fundamentals o( music is desiped for studenUI who desire an ele­mentary mu1ie ooune. It will Include the etudy or tone, ata!f, notca. re-sts, seale~, rhythm, intervals, transPOsition, tria'da, c.hords, cadenc.ca, dynamles, form, and molody Wl'illng. Pre~ulaite tor the Music Educn· Uon major, 11 needed, but mull bo taken without c~lt toward maJor. TAru AOKrt. •

11. EunutNTARY Mauoos IN TEACIIINC Musoc-lneludes kind· erprten method• and presentation of role, observation, and study oonl!ll: mu1lc appreciation for tho grades. TArtt !tours. 8:45, M., W., F.

13-14. VOCAL RI:PmroWt AND PmroawANCl:. The pur~ or thlt

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toUrH 11 t.o a:upply !or tbe volre ttudtnt t.bt Mrte$$8ry uatnlng In pubUt prrformonce lllld appearanoe wb..,h lit or lbt IIMdo, in ord«r IAI he MJC'Ctt:dU1 tn torl«:rt. raclio. and e:harc:h •inawtc- T'be reprrto1,.. and lnterprotl•o powon or tho atudont will he mlargod. Tho clue will IIIHt ono bour o .. ~ throughout tbt yfOr. Tilt ..,..,.. It opon co 111 vo'c-e student& An tnrollmtnl of at ltast t11"tntr atudtnu ••II be nort"tllnr)' in orde-r to mlkt it moat effM:th•t!. Alternntr )'Ut't: gh•t'n 1D43· 1U44. Ono·~a:t howr.

16-10. ENII:MIL£-EI\lltmble crodlt _,be otCUred In tho A Cappello Choir, tho Choral Club, tho o"'hutra, and tilt band. A lludtnt may ~1:\" In tather n all of thew attiHt:ies u long a.s practltahlt. but not ... ,... \han four hou:n c.:rcdi\ Ma7 b. aprlt.t' t-ctw.nf • ,.~ rf\OO&tu. It ollo,.cd •• folio"":

A Cappello Choir. Ooc·MI/ lloor.

Choral Club. 011~/ooriA A•••· Orchootra. Ou•·Aol/ hour.

Uond. o .... f <»<riA ho1<r.

20 M USIC AI'I'RECIATIOt<- Thlo tou- pruup_. no formal knowltdsre of musk on tho JNlrt of the ttudmt. The tourse dovtlor• cl<arly lha '1a...,.oge or mu•ic" 10 that ol tho d- of the term tho otadtnl It Lll tntolligent llsttt~er. Willa oaHocotnt lcDo•~ of ,..,.,...1 form. to tnab.te trim to eondnuw Ute •l~dy o! mn~K- In mor• •d"""",..,.,' ....,,.... or indopoadtnlly, TAr« ~ON .... 1:2(, M., W. f .

2 1 EUUL~TAKY CoNDUCTING; UH of bato,;. fo..ndam~talt of rllytbm and dynnmica: c:rganiutlon, dbclplin~. an·l manAI(t!:mtnt of mu••~

aroupJ. Thit tour~e is duhcnl"d primaral)' ror those who may be nlltd upon tu leAd community or t hureh aintrina and who ue not mu1ic

majora. Two Ao•n. 8:4&, T., Th.

101. llocu :!;:uoot. ) IETUOIII IN T£ACIII~G 1h181c-Cianlflutlon of ,~ •• ~,.. musk app..-ecbdon. and eutlioa f• teac::hinc aU mv•k-al at·

d'l'!tltt for junior and .. nior h ll(h Khool r .... ···"'· 10 1$, )!., T .• Tb.

104. lthlWIC H tSTOIIY-A otudy of oil OttUUtnoble fan.. • •J"•rd· u tc muaic:al •fforta wherew-er found, from the ea.rUut tJnwt to tM Pf't:Mnl. and rar~ging from tho cohlldith atttmPll of the ''' •rrt to the monument.al achievement. of !the lf't'lttSt civili~ arti1ta. Twt.t ~ •• ,.. 1:20, T., Th.

l08. Ottcllt.,tltAI. CONOUCTIN'H-Slud)' of thf orehntrul lnttrumenta br choleo, ltdtnlqut or tht baton, baton ••lila. •tudr of orchtotrol ....,...., actual pooctke in conchoctlnJ with tho orc.lttltro and otrin« choir. Pru.cjuhito: Tbcory, ltluelc Hlstoor. and ol l•ut o....!loiC of tho roqulrcd number of houro In Applied lluoic. r ... h•eo. 1:20, IlL, w.

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10'.1. CUOIIAL Co:<OiiCT~'<G-Study of the prlncipleo of organizauon In rderence to the ebonu: arudy of the eblld voice, tbt boy cho>r. and choral music in the ~rtadta; ltud)• of the adol01<:ent voi•• and \lot­mature voiee; o\"trtones in ~elation t.o t.he various cboirsi stu~y of C'hokt llt.c:raturo; actual practical work with college A CAppella Choir. l're­requlalt.c: : Theory, Music Hi•tory, and at least one-hall of the required numbu or hours in Applied Muoi<. Toco hours. I :20. M .. W.

11 1·112. INB111UMENTAL METUO~A practieol oludy of the acul c, lone production, and tone valur• of the vurloua lnatrumtnta of the modern orcbtstra and band. Tu.-o Aoure. By appointment.


1·2. EAR TaAINtNC·StCIIT·StNCtNG-Solfeggio, oinging >y oyllable, number, and note. Ear trainin.r : mefodir:, rhythmic, and hAn nonic dicttttlon. Some knowlt'dsrt of harmony i11 necessary. Prtrcqujtite : Mu•l• Fundamentals, Toco hooort 10: 1 ~ . ~! ., T., Th.

3-4, HAJtMONY-Part-wriling and keyboard harmony, F undnmen· t.nlw ot key; stale ; int.e.nnh1: ehord!l In root p-osition, firtt Inversion, and aeeond lnvenion. Diac:ord, harmonl~a. figured and untfgued boulft. Empbasla Is placed upon training the otudent to be&r what he writes. Muaic Fundamentals a prenquisit•, If needed. Two hourf. I :20. T .• Th.

101·102.-Harmony-Part-wroting and kty board haroony. The atud)' of modulationt altt-rt'd and mb1ed c:bord:s, and enha nuuuh.: har­mony. lntroduc:tion to a.aolyaiL Emphasis is placed on t,rnining the ttudent to bear what bt write•. Two burs. 11 : 10, )1 , W.

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f'ruu .. Edward. D. 0., ' I&

)IIUt~ , Jamu~l J ., Lt.. D., ' 11 CNmpadu·r. F'. R .. D. 0 ., T i

T~. He.I'U1' F~. D. D .• '!1 f ':by. t: .. M h, H •• D. D .. •n

Cllbtrt, J._~ z .. D. Sc., ' l iJ

Hamly, Andr.w H •• D. 0., '20 llutf, l';m•tH1tl 0 ., D. D. '27


Edii.IH', G<KC~e l ,.,-uef\~t

lt..tl"" P Lon("fr mi»io1nan fn

China Colleolte Te..e!M'r t'otmfT ra-.totJary

1n India p.rttrMI lNii"l~r

\ttnl.t~tr Co-f~nd,..r d Bt\ha.oy

Ulbliul Semlaa tY


110 ~. Co.mmon.-~alth

t!., '~.~~o&ur. Pine Tina Cbow.

llhan.t. Chln.a Hilbboro. Ka..ea.u J5to0 W. MIIJPOI!! Avf' Chlt.aao, lllhu1l• J!IOI) N, Crifltn l..oJ• """"':.. •• Ca11t, D..:c.-u.-d Dcocotuco.t

f.:.t~au•, W~trnl'l D .. !Q, Sc., '27 ~tud•b&C~tr, ~lilt lll.,; D . D., 'tT

l'"lt\e11 •n\omo1owf•t Dte...-~ s.,~· L. u t Dtt.hal'7 n .... vh~t ••to w . v.u 0• "'"·

Vod~tr, ' · J •• r.1 .. o .. '2'1

RIC"hrd.t. n. f',. D, o .. ·n Tbom~n. H. Waltn. LL. D •• ' t1 S~nfotd Uol.,.tttltr

Profeuor lncall, ROk'Oe 0 .. Ll... D .. '!1 J u tor Coll'-'l' pra1den:

NininJC«, H. H.., [), S.C .. '31

Ou~. ~. Jt. D , 0 ., 'lUI M~o~ lr, Gladdn. Litt, 0 ., ' '1

Cllratot" for th .. Denver ~tu.eum

Coii<:'K(' J)~rt~nt )),.,(~par o f Hi.toi'J',

t.. \'•rn<t Collnt•

CUHMf!Nt..:t:)tt::S'I UONOK$

H ..... t •~"'r" reah)

Donor Jt.U

llc:lm, J ullm.a Jaa.u

Schurm•o, Clua

B~nu. ftrwla DiviM. Ellu

Chtc.rv. Ul. )td•t.cn.oe, Kan,u

Ut:l MlamJ St ~SGutb Odld, lndlua

~~··'f'll ; ·u S . El~tr'c A"·· Alharnhr•. Calif, C.2!. t'i.llmon-lkn\'er, Cctl..,r••1" L• Y4>tM>. Caltf, lA v.rn~. C•li C,

Ka rt'•. Ylrtrlnla Hoffman, O~al

'Thom"""· Wllllaal P

Sbdter. Win.ton

And~Non., Ma~;~rio c Stud7. D•l•

Page 95: McPherson College Archivearchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/MCB1943-April.… · M

College Students 1941-42

SENIORS Achltlcrt, l,.eola·nd --··M·· McPMMIOn. Kan. Albrlvht, Lyle .•. --- Eldora. Jo•• AlbrlwM. Rowtna ·- l4cPIM1"10n, Kan. AUuo. Coruu.lo __ Baubhuoa. Kaa.

· Uowk.r, Jac:Jc - WtPbtnoon. Kaa. Bowman, Uarold -- Qvlnwr. R-o. r.lr&IUC'r, VIJ¥11 .... ·-- a-a,tnr, Iowa HrunU)n, Mu Lcan~•ortb, w .. lll. Oullln~&cr. Wilbur .... __ Ca.aton, kan , Uurtr•r. Rlc.hatd Udc:ll, Iowa Danot1WJ. Paul _ MtPiwt'IIOn. Kaa, Davh, Jldf'O -- Wl1n. CoJo. Dnh, Mu'l.&trl --- Mc.Ph~non, K•a. Dtnny, Bt!rnttt.a ----- E"ZliM, Kaa. EI"HI, lAm -· .••• ~- Md'hnMD, Kan. Franklin. Woodr9w - ·- Eldon.d~ Ark. f"ranu. Robert --- Bo~•Ut., Nifbr. Frif,, Ramou Mt.Phcnoo, Ka.tL lhtmm, M&rlil'*-rt"t Ccl\at"ll.do Sprl.ftb. Cole. Hoo\'•t. Huold Ablknf', Kan. Uorne~r, LucU~ _ ·-· _ Ft. Worth, fuu.

f1tt"bc'r-t7. E.c.M-1 ...... Jwaf"t'&., SantM .. ·­Juhnke. a.,moad K.trllo, Vlrylnla Lou. Or"~ll Ma~tn, LJ·~ , , )(f1,.q~r. P.ul M•"'· Ra.7mOnd ·­McCo7, UOtl --/... Otwfn, Lc:n.a lkiV On. Rould ­P«"Ct. -r.ua -­PtLe·rwon, Rub)> Sltf~r. Ola-a

.. Dhckl,.on. Kar1, McPhr"'fln, Kat1,

•. Me!Pho!"'on, Kan. TwJn •••11•. ld• hc.

HO"PC". Kan. MePhtr.on. Kan.

Iowa Loul, lan• lr1nuu1, K•r1,

.• MtVhtr.011, Kan, \\tarrou.llt.1Urw. 111,

Butrttcr, N~br. Mt"111, Man

M"-PhtnM, Kftn, .• HIUtb(ltO, K111n.

Sfnh.b. Jo7 ., l'bompeoD, 1\C'ontlh Va..ndinau, &'mll:':ll Va..MU. Sara 14&7 Vdtn, Jatk - ­V~ll. DoN - ­Yln.pt, Ken.net.h

Whh~n. Iowa St. ~Joefph, Mo. ri•U~bu~. Mo.

01tawa, Hu. . .. McPber.on. Ku.

McPhfNion, KM1.

Pa>~tll:', l.tabo

JU:-IIORS Akt'n, Ldand - - -- C<ICW"&J, KaA. B.arr<"u. Dorothy --- Yc.rbcnoo-a. K.a.Q.. Oronl«••· Robn\ __ Fredot.rk.k, 1tu.. Dn.~b-.kf'r, 1\:athl~n -·--- Nampa. Idaho Dunyan, Clannee -·--· .. _ Wld!.lta., Kan. Durkholdc:r, Robert --- Oetaria. N•br. Cal"n• Rkhant _ lk..Pbenoc, Kaft.. Ca~rt. Ar-len~ ,. )(rPhrnoa, Kan. Crist. Wa.yae Qa_IJI.tn, Kaa. Drll, Jo. ·····-·- llotme.-.me. Ne-hr. Ebbert, ~UrU _ Quhatn. Kaa..

P&lil' ett, Melvin -·-·· .. -· -- __ Pnu., K.aa. FNnl-.. M•rJira Orvr.dy Cenl.t"f', Iowa "'rin, )tlldr.d _ )trPiwf'Wtl., Kaa.. "'ruin, C..\Mrina ~ N.., York. N. Y. C11hm. WilHam _ Coaa,u Blatt... Iowa Hill, Lau,..nf:t ----.. - Calf'&, Kah. Hoffert. J o.epb , , 8hklll~. Nt:br. Ka .. ,, U.u7 •. MePbt'non. 1\ao. Llnwllk, WUbn- ... - wn,-,, Colo. Lou. r .. ,.w - WltiDOrt', kaa . Nlna•nt.ck. J ohn Kc.PI>fry,oo, KaL

,.,n •• lt~tllu .. Fet01u ...... l<•n. )kAalq, RoT Wir.bit.a, Kan. Nichobon, Ra!J)b Norburn(', Mo. Obt·nt, Jt:a.n -·-· Mc.Pht,-.(lll, Kun. Pfl'lersoft. E.mut C•nton. Kan. • -ttonon .• Paul ).fe:Piwn~on. Kan. Pott-Wr. Lot-1la ~ Monill. Kan. P.-tma n., Loto Nt-w York. N, V. Rdrt«hr. Krith MePhn..on. Kan. Sehap.an•k7. ' CIIrtotd MePbfnon. K•n, Sehvbut, A,.hur ,_ ... ~.. Ra:o ona, Kan. Shoemaker, (Aoora We n.atchf(', W~~.J~h ,

Slltn, O.C:a.r Co:.rad, Iowa Sloaa. Kf"llh -- McPb<rJ.On, K11.n. SJ'".Urd.. Mat7 Pal"t rldu,., J\an, Vocb. C"...of'l:e -· PJ,,.,,., K1m, Votll, llarOid -· 0 t4!Uf!l, K•ut. Wuh"'-"'· 1'('(1 Jt+fePh{1"1l0n, Kan, WetJIA.. Vlrx-11 )tci•I'M!t'lt>n, 1\an, WUJ&am,.. Aa.tJtt SlMtlnw, C41o. W'1tkotf, Gtuto"~"'' l..ut-aJ, Kan.

SOPHOMORES Alll•on, Anne Jantt. - McPhe.-.on kaA. An<k..-.on, Paul ~··-- Wc.Pheno:n, Ka.D. lkn.l{t loo .• C&lt'n JltPbtncu.'t, Ka.L ~nr. lJJI'Iu JlcPbtnoo., Ka.~a. 81a lr, Maurlaf' - Mc.Pbn.oo., Kaa, 810UJ:h, Lue7 ___ ., .. -· Wat..doo, Iowa IJow·man, Ua.rlan. --...-- ~ial.t".t, Kaa. Bo7t•, Atkc: Mu -- - Catltoo, Kap,


O~nt>maa, 01')'~ , Mcl>htr,.OI'I, Kan. DNC.kv, .rune - Mutdlan, Maho Dru:t.Jtu, Do1l• PnlrW CH.1. Iowa Druba.k.t'l', MnUn rralrff Clt.r. low• Bruntoo.. Dtlbttt _ Lra,"C'nworth. W.uh. B1uy u, Settt ..... -..... . .... _ Wiley. Colo. 8o.ran, Ja~ Wih:7, Colo. Ctanc, &mm.7 -.~... .... McPbn .. on. Kan.


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::.lldl. " ....... crw.,...\•r.. lt&lltJ C'ul'ffr, Darwta Oat., Cr1WNl D.rrtr. Jw•Jot n.,,.,, w., .. 'lorr. Arlrfte t' rou'a. t:Mn __ ,,, fr.•tt:h. J11nMr n.l\:......_ UUia.n CrWr\. w._,... Gltll. )hiHhM .. O«rl .... \l .. t& c....., Aka Manto IAcllo HUT, •• , a.. tf .. ltr, WI•..,_ Iota._..., &d.MI Kaprtu, WlUill K..-r. Cwl KIGU. AMn Knacfut•dl, Duark! l(,..ltur, lAt. W•"'· Wtrttl t.o. ....... Quo Lo•Mr. lAWI"nnet Lun-. ... ,.. Ch-.rkl Mlltr-r, AtWrt K-k, C&tt XJ.M.r, .,._... .......... lkt..r4 ... ,..,. 1!.--....._.

Albrlehl, Oa.W Arwo. Wlllodfta~ luu\la, IIIII .,.,,,....,, c....t Ba"""'· llt....U BH:k•IO., Ja...t.r OoiH,.rr, va.a. low..-,.. W. e,..... a .... ht·htl'~-. On111r hiJ,tr, WaJtn c., ..... , Ju•._ C.ra.u..,.n, v..e .. '-~• \.a ,.., Cla rk_ If•""• C1•rla:, Wuf"fec Cot1n~, O.l"'lnHH• Cook,-. ...... .... c.o.n..nr, c..tJo., era~ b n1ctl. c ...... "•""' Dlf'b. Abo DtrQ.. ,., ..... 01-.., l!loolo 01\I!Mft, , ... OMn .. w. s..... I!IJ.U., OouJ. , .. ,...... 0.. . -. ....... ,...._, A.n.llo• ..


Jkl'........_ La. lilc,.....,...._ La. M~n. Kaa.

C..CO. K,u !lc.P ........ Kaa Huc.r:W-... lteL Lo ... ltt.r, K ..

Hohnl'nlll~. Ntbr. Me.Phtrwon, k a n, ., c Plaot ,. .. , K.a.

a.. •. K­Coa•ay, Ku.,

lkPhrnoon, Ka l'l , •• "' leta.

- -·c.. "'-"'· •­M~.K .. Brktrrtort. La. B:IJ\dt .... ft, K,a• Kd' ....... Kaa.

,.~rfc~,. .... . lanu•n, Kan,

S•blth•. J\a n, v.·u .. ,, c.a..

Mcrkhoa. Ka.a. N-pa, J.._

- Oltvmwa, t ow-a - w ...... ... ._ ~~~~~ .....

c. •• ,. ea.. Mc. ......... a. C..•

""~-"'-"'· ....

~e.,.. t..l--=rd ....... -. llarfn Mdlkol, J" " .. ~.... Kat.htTft Nkk-91, Aau )IM ~( .......... C....tn ltatT!t, W~ae Pra&L, lla"lett R.Lht'Vn, 1\Mt\,y ............ 11•"7 ~~r. auu.dl ~. Lealilr ltM·h"m, MuiM ....., ... ..,..,... ·~· A.nllii ­Oth"-r• e--n .... Arh .. S.U.n, Ehoa liN.. Wa.l'l'ft

~ ........ Qo.ta&#'r, Ka"­

t ... t .,,, ... , Ka .. Ramo-. K.a.ft

]llcPk,..., K.aa. Me:~ La

Waur- •-• Klna•l•J. Iowa £11.-worlh, Ka n.

o.,. • .., ~· Wcrtw....._ lt.aa

Coni•• · I••• MrPhr....-. Xn MrPtr.-......_ Kn JUn.......,. C.a.. M .. ...__ La. Mc...,n.a, Ku

Ca l .... Ku

a-IU., Mr-.C~a Lorn(~ La. .................. . ........... .....

t'Nd•rif••lMitlt. low• ....... , ..... , lt.l'tl, ltu ..... J Sh•th·. Du.a

~-."~· .:. . ..,.. n..a.t, l.orwU l"''wd... ,.... -­UIInfh, r.111u Uan.h, au-. -v .. ...,,.l. ve.u v.a.. lillhri ..... ..._ t.ow.U 7.-k. wur.,..

W:l rrla, Kllh t'1111la ..-, MH tatla ......._ Vfrw*•t. ~'ld. • ...._ Kaa.

l.thl1ll. Kaa. eo...tL Xall.

Kfal'llo ....... l..kdr &I....,. KA•

l'l·~~ ..... Larfl.f4, Ku


a.,.., .... a .. :.,, LoN Odurt. Blucbe Cllf,n, Cn.c:e

.............. .... Morrill, Kan.

lhPJu,twn. lha, Hard,, N..-k,

Mc. .. IMfMft.. X.a. Frvf\kad, ,..._ ... ,"', ... ...... lhk \:..,., ,.,,., ~ Kaa.

p,..irit CkJ • ..._ t ...... Ita•

MtP'a.-.Gn, Ku - Do ........ Ka .. Uuh IUu•r, te ....

Mtn.,..... Ita .. MtPI'l""""e, K.u. MtPher.on, lba ••

-- a.una. ~e .. . - "'".....,..., .... .

MtP''-"'*· Xa"" Ke,......NOD, Xaa

Moo ... ..w.~. Ka.a. ......., ........ w..-."""' w ............ ....

-- a...n.-. . •••. -- Walla, T.ut

_ Mc"-:rwa, ltaA H_ .....

McrtllorrMn. &&a.

CW. W••rtot G.mnl . lf.a.rie. Get,,.., c~ 0..1bno•r, J-~" Orul, U. I. c..:. ­~ ........ .......... &..ft:M Heclt... Grtaldlrw ...... t..laaoi -

II~ K• n. Rod;r rord. Coli),

C.n••.1· Kaa • Elrr'- Kaa

M• rto.. Ka,.., Waurl-. low•

ahP"•,..._ Ka n

-- Kaa. -c. .. ... ...., .... o,.._..._ Otlla

N•• Pt,.ovtk., 14alto Mat t'lf•... Cal ..... ICa n tt.llrt•• 7· J.... ...... . .... ... ... u.._ ... ,., Oaf.! A.n.W.. ... ... lhurnln, Roth Ar~4 K• n.. It\:•. Jhna. DtJlM C.ntn, towa tM-t.trr. Dot'b Dilh\ea., ~e .. . J........ a..-d1 - P'«oal6. .. . .. ] .. , .. ,., JAM Me:-""',..._ Kiln. J.-., tfathA .. Mt1Mr.oa, K• • · J.-.. WaJur -- McPtM,..._ C.a. ~, .... Ltt.b .,..,...._ Caa.. ·-- .. ._ .. """' Kk·...._ .. .,., ................ a .aa.. K........ IAOoa.rd - Mc.Pht""'- ICa a. -.ut.. Jedl "•"'' ....... a .... wa- a...- au. c. .. """--...&. ......., -- - ..... a.rw.. .. ..

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Lo••. VlrwJnla )h~¢-kll.a , W UbUr ... , .,, Bob -M.a,., Jlc,~rt

r.t:r1te1, Edna Mf')'•r, Albert H IU•r. ~ ·- -MUI...-, Oort. )(liJel', R1.2th _ Wlnn.,..n, &.rb.u Mllbler, Pl\7111• -Mohln, Mllflu, Mumfcml, Dar""ll Mrtn, L&u1"& r.­llc.t>o-tU, Eldon NqtiJ, Jama Pn1-. Walt.n­Pttel"'tOfto Ellu beth hl.«..-on, Kdth Po.t.lu, LJD• Qolrtna, Robert ·­R.d:n. Oladr­Rc7MW., Arllto:nl! Robhaoa., Mary A an Ronk, fl•ri.M!rt ,., R<1throdt, Darton Rothrodc, Sbfrl~r

Sane.,.. llerrlU -

Cha pma n, Kaa. C.atoo, KaA.

Mf'Pht~. Ka e, Den"•'. Colo. Cordf'U, Okla. UUIItOft, Kan,

lJttle Rl,.t'T, K&8. Po, C.\Qwn, Pa. W~tiMr. lta.ho T u.«rtt.. K&A. Ccln••.1· Kaa.

David City, N•br. • , Inman, Kan. Wladocn. KllA.

Kfpp, Kae . C.rlton, K..._

Inman, "••· \lt'el....,.,, lll•ho

McPbtonon. K.o. Inman, Ka.a.

r.tePt.f'll.l)n, Kaa. O~m. Kao.

toian...., Chy. Kaft. Mef"lw:t'NJn, Kan.

Twin Tall•. t•l•bo DAVtaPQn, N.-llr. McPht:n~un, Ka&

Svric•Urld. Mao

$elt1, JJ.eulat. IMII••Uie, K.•n Shell" · lftl<l.kan ···- EldoH, lo.a Sbonnall~r . Ruth Wf'ca t(t-, w..,lt., SUter, lh.rr •. ·- -··- Connd,. lowa SPtn«:, Avd:"7 - McPb~rwon, Kan.. St.amt.~a.ach. Lo._. • . Paxk:o, K•n. StoY~r. Harold MePM""n. Kn . Swa ruon. RodM7 Mc.Pbtrnon. 1\aa. Swlnnr, GIRn. - f'"""Jl· Mo. Ta.mnw1, Ca71f' P""to11, Mlnn~ hJ"Jor, Ji"ln)q ·-- O.Jivie.r, Nt-w M .... Thuriqton. Ge.raJdlne -- Caldwt.U, ldUo n ron.-. Ma.rfl7n Ct.~ld. lt.ocr\, Nebr • nnk~r. &ma.rd ..... C_n,.,ufft, Ku. Van DG~nf'D. Viola C...tltt<l'n, K.aa, Voth, P aul ----· - - Inman. Ka:~.. Wa.Uen·tedt. Jadt _ MeP~non, Kao. Wampler, Ke-nneth MeP'hf'rton, Kaa , W~bu, Ollbt<m ··- . But.ebln &Oft, Kan. We-"1"'• O.Jmar , LorrahM, K••· Wnt. llelen ... .. ~ePMI"'IOQ, haa.. Wlt.on. IJw.lyn Wllf'7. Colo. WllltMU~, Llo7d Lornlhe-, Kaa. Witmo rt", AM Rkb 8111, Mo. W«~lttt, Orr'll\ , Wau-rloo, lr,wa \\'ood•rd. J u:n Natoma, J\••· Wllf(lotn. RaTmOnd Rock.y Fard. CoC'J!to. Younl', Howard lnnnn. Ka.n..


And•,.•"· M . ._,. Mo-Vt... .... ,.,n •.. IJC.,..k, &!"'.,. ...... C'•to'-"11111 •• )(.._ .. , (lausb, , .. - ··-· MePh•non, Kan, l..l:ndqu•t. MariiU'C't Mc:Ph .. n.on, K••· B..attr, BIIHt -· J.,.lttle R.ivn. Ka.o. r.uu~. &!lith Con..,..)', Kan. Otorhr. Walt•r Md'h.n.o• • .... IAnkleJ', Mrt4 R~ll• Otn.m••. It>•• Bl.&dun.u. Ktrr-0 Mc.Pbc:n-on. K•.o. Ma rcha nd, Op.a1 _ MePbtr'50n. 1\aa , Bra.haw, Vl ralnla Lt-« Lltll• IUv.r. lr\an. McuJ•r. Anne MePhtonon. Kan. Bramer. Mn. MuSe ...... Mc:P"'""on. Kan.. Miner, t.t ... Ella MePbC!reoa. K•n. B•lln. LaWauda MePh""'C)n, Koo. Mftt.h.r ll, ..... .... r.tc:Phe,.on, K•n.. CUrrier, Ar.h Noe-l ...... MePhe"a:n, K ... M(_N~. !!lma "· ·- Cantbft, Kall. &uh. Ru\hto ---- ...... - Conway, Ka.ll. Neher, Edna lkPMnot~. K ... ~lnatoD, lAO .WePIM'non, )t 111 a , Nf1'.l.nt.t.liwandn, Dcn~r MePherMn, J: • tL. 4,.. a. l:athn ...... ,,.,___ Inman, K~ Oldham.. UIJia1'1 _ ... MoeP~n. Koo. RrlcJuo~t. Ro,. . ... - llc.Phtnvn, f.: an. Olt.on, Lorrllln• - MePknt.on. Ka .. ~hom. &II ... M Wlndoom. Ko" P•alt.~ Ct.U Peu - - .. -·-- Mc:Pheh<to, K~ Ewut. Elvin. M(Pbtrwn. Kan. Ptalt. • Jlmmit P & , . Mc.l"hereO<n. Kan. ,. ..... u. M,.. Nt•ln ,.,_ McPIM'non, Kan. ll«a'Ser, Marlon - McPhenon, Kan. Fn.nt.s. Mn.. All~ _ .. _ W~benqn, K.aa, Saocb , Oo..ua -- ..... MePbt:n CI'D. K~ ,.,....bJ, .,,..,. lh ri• - ... Mc.Pbttnon, Kaa. Sthrq, >Iorio - ·- WePls•"oa, Kart, F'l><ba, ADfta - -·-- Wc.Pbrnoll. Ku. Schraa:. RaLlo MePhtr.oD, JUn. Cotrfns . M&l'7 »t.MJ ·- llo<aMrl.ds~. Kan. Sot:U~a. Mra. Apm ,.,._ Mc,Phcr111o11. Kan. Good•h .. Utr, .lft.ft --- Mc.Pbt19on, Kan. 91tt., Jean _,,., .. __ ,,_ MePbe..-, ,., "-•-Cf't'<tnwood, Fruee -· .. ·- Me.Pb•Tt~~.u:• . Kan. Stuc:b. IIJrtJ. ··--- MePbeno-a. Ka.a. c;;,...,wood, ateftda - .... McPlwnon. Koo. S-wt.hcr. A) La Me.P.twnofl, Koo. Halo. liJ'rtle - ---- ...p ......... K..._ ·ratbou. LOdll< llcPI!<non. K~ Raw).,., ..... LowtU - M.t.Plwno.,, Ka n, ....... ....... ___ .... C.nt.o-... x . .... Rmkle, Oorot.br Windom, K.._

, .. - --·- Wqnu, Ua.rold _ , ............ Wa1do, Ku.

Btnold. liiiUM ·----- Ca.utoo. K ... Wfllel, M.arlto. -··---· .. ,., 0 •1Y'l;. K•n. Rob..,.,., Ma17 J o ......... We-Phtnon, Kan. WCOtt, t, 8u•l• -····-- .... M~henoa, hllln.. Roo'Yfl'. ltra. Geraldine _ ,. Abllfne:, Kan. Yow._lt, Lola --· .. ·- JdePheno~ K ..._ loaao, .. ,. - --· lJttJe ltl'l'fT, K•.n. Zta• , 0,...-al -· - Wladom. Koo.

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F INE AHTS AtukrtOn, Aftlta McPbenen-. Y.aA. Kaul..-n, Nt.ny Mu Mooadridr ... Ka n. A n."'"nr, Jod7 ,,_ M.t.Pb•non. Kaa.. Loh,...nu. IUrold MePbenob. Kan. Olt.tlncer, Patriela MtPhtr.on. K•CL. l..Qh rtnU, Loh MePh•r.on. IUn, UoltnC'U. Joho MePhf,,.qn, K.,, Marchand, f'~trle Mf'Piwlr.on~ Kan, ~an, Jo Ann - !lt:cPhenon, Kan. Min« , Warre:D -··- - MeP~n1on, Kan. bra~aw, Ja.nn~ W~Ph.ton10n, Kan. ~loon, ~ ... -···- McPber.on. "-"•· llrab-, llet tJ' J Hn WePIMrMn. KaCL. M~. Joan _ Oal¥"a,. 1\an, Uro.m, J'hJlUI JUDe )te.PhfJT'toOA, ll:a.n., r rttfW.fl. )IU7 VJota ~nton. Ku. Uulllaaer, Mate~ Canton.. K._n. Prib..,., MoJ'bt AD.b MePMr.on. K••·· Uurk•. Marii.Jo McPh.«non. K a.n , Qulrln 1, l!hrkrrl• Mci'Mn10n, Kan, Chrkman, Aau'a _ McPher.on, Kan, fl('Uf, Owetwkan MeP"'1PMitln, Kan. Crun:~.pa.eker, Dor-1• McPh•non. K11n, Rump, Arl•n• Inman. Kan, CnMI*(keT, B..ath MePhertOft, Kan. Rump, Can~l lnm.an, Kan,

Ora.k•. Jan• )fcPh•f'Oa, K .. , Sa• R.om.aot. c .,.mloa ~rP~non. Kon &II .-clOd. Gartb MePh~r.oa, Kaa. Sdudu, ~mt.dlne Mlt-Pbtewn. "•"· rr,...,..on, Jim MePht'r-oa, Kan. Sthr-.. MUdftd McPhcnwo, 1\an. F~r~n. Ward , )I~Phi'I'IIVill. I ( an , Sht•t.. eo .. Lou MePh•l"fl(ln, Kan ,

Fln'k ... MAry Ann Me Ph•·~. Kan. Sh~. Ounna t.... ~tPber.on, .::.11. f'llcknu, Anita J~.n !11CIUft(irld•• · Kan. Smith. Anita ).JcPtw~on~ l\.an. f Of1M'J', ......... )!cPI'ur ... on, Kan. So~o. ~.o .... MtP'!Mnooc, Ran. F·n ur, ,...,. fh.l.ta MtPhtrMn, K.an. S t udty, f.JdHtl Moua.thidJrl"', Kaltt.

Gill ... (;.t-rald.Jn-e M C"PhtnoD, Kan. Stuum.an, Conlon Conw&J', Kan. GotrhtiC. Ell .. El:rri• , Kan. Wa•t.rvm. Doona )ttPb'Clr$011., Kan, C'.o .... t.ht.rUtw Mt:PbtROft, Kan, W~~o1tn.r . 'EIIt"o McPht l'll(ln, K~~on ,

c~r. Milford - Gah ·a. Kan. Wtnd\,. M.a.rt.ka Con•ay, Kan. Hf"C:Ut.burn.-. llattl~ McPhen.on.. tcan. Woodhou.llf", Aoa McPMI'IIOn., Ku. Hf'ihaan, M ary A 11« Oa.1-. Kan. '?.otn:n. ""'"'" Mowutrllk•. Kan. Hrnvld, o.to ... McPb,.,r.oa, K)•· Zt-I"Ri't. ll<ur Mouodridte, Kan.

H if>brtt. Dorothy MeF~BOD, J'•n. 7..tr«r, !lonnie MoudMd~. Kiln.

Hu\t'h•n()n. Mny LooofiW M~Ph,.r-on, Ka., Z•nrf'r, ~·~Trl MooadNd.n. K• n.

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Summer School Students 1941


Aftdn.on, Jtoth ,.tPbnMn. lt1ut Brudt, Kowna ----~· B·otthiMOO. Kan. EJ.ckr. Do...., ---- 0fft'blf&f, x ....

$omel't, Ahda lti&J'

S.W,., Aud...,. Galva, Xu, Calva, Xan.

SOPHOJ\IORES 8a..Ar, B'UW __, U\0. ltlnr, a ........ u. Lo ----- or.awtw. B.f"UIIIDel, lllldf'eod • __ Ou.wlll•. Ooow, Jn.MUe ·- 0..\0"• CruhH, Boward -··· ,_ Jla.I'IIIO"M, Ga.rfttl.l, Vlol.a --· ··- )(~b6Sttl'l. O.ltnft, Wlldrfd Wl.ndom, JfelMmer, .Waf)' Jo -··- MePhrrte~n. UGolrwa rth. Ceorc• - ~· . W:e:PMrw.n, J IM"C'-etn. V•n•ll• -. Und•borc,

Kaa. K•o. Kn. K•o. Kaa. Kaa. K ... .c . .. Kaa. Ku.

KkWII, tlf•lea K..tlb&rl. Aa.M Lawson, Lot. - -·· L.h.Lifl, F.dllh -~­IUc•. C.rl Rayln0n4

Tdngot~l SutiJ, Wa.ribnn

IPfturcl, * "' -­Van-non*l, Sylvia tfnlil, M•kl --

JtlfPhtl"'loon, Kan, llloah4rlda•. Jean. Me~oa, Ka n. M'ePM,..m, Kan.

Natal, SouLh Altlta MePIMr.on, Kan. J' ant(d_.•, Kan,

KIQI'.IIIOJ, Iowa lnaMn, Kau••

J UNI ORS AtUJ., Ldaad --- Bon10A, Ka .. A11uo. c....m.lo _ Ba.k.h~. Ita.. a..-an. Ruol4 - O.Jotu, Kaa. B,......r, Merit -- Crqt 8foad. Kaa. Clad, lktU - Conw.,- Sprio&-1, Kaa. Cla.t\:, L\Mr -· lii~Pbuloft, Kaa. ,Oot.rtq, &daa - Etrrla. Ku,

An*ft.On. MarJorie. --- G)'llllllm, K.u.. 8o.._n, Ja.tk -- W:~Pbt:noo, Ka .. Oa.W..o, O.OaU ----~. X.aa. Dorio. P-.1 ---- lO<Pbonoa. Ku. 0...., Dorio --- .. eu..._ Ku. &I...._ Lt. --- M~P'knoM. Ira., haUUn, 1foodi'Dit -- Eldonde, Kaa. Hal~ UttU7 WiD._, Kaa. M.au.oa. o..l --- lorda•. Mon\a ..

J.a.-.. LaVc:aa _

t::-t.t.tH.. l'trft"""'-'" ­........ "'-dd. Johg N7er., Ua.ro1d Kf'tth . MeCo7. Don - - ··· P~nooa. Una ­Sloan, X•hh --

l'to\, ,..,_,c M~P~n. Kaa.. Mt,..non, Ita•. Mt.PtM:I'Hn-. Ku. Mt.PtMtMa. Kan. MePIMnon, Ka n. WtPb.ftOn, Kan,

W,.,er, RaJlftond ,,; Iama n. Kan. PfU,.on, Rub7 _ )1ePltot,...n. Kan. ft.at;alatf, llDMT _ Mouabtd.a•. Ka n. Shfoopata(,.,, 111..,., Jazw _ Md'l~HN•. l:aa. Vt'Un, J.-111 --- Kaat.u Cl\7, a. .. 1V&Mpk?, Jt.owtaa a.tc.P_,_n, Xan. Wa•oaaala:IU', ltoJUa Watc.nill~. Ka n. r1_.., 4 Kl'•n~ Pu_;rttt, W.h~

SPECIALS D•"•· Narwar-.t - ....... Md'htnon, x .. . Df'fthotr, C. 8 . _..,,, __ Kc.PO.rwon, Kaa. &1_,., O.rot.hy ---- Oal.-a, Kaa. OUL Lot. -- Jrldl'bttMo, Ka.a. Kaw . ... •nu ____ w~. x.a. ~~&AM. lAO --- Xc..Phonw., 1Ca a. ...... 0.. c....._ La. M.eW.r. wu .... \1. __ IIW'~ x-. .. .,....., .._,.,. U... --- G.J•a. KAa. Mc.lhal-, Ll.brf .. - Jte.P......._ Jtaa. N-.. DoaM 0tu --- W- l(u.


Ot.on, LornJne --··- M~l>btrton, Kan. Pnrrton. Clara -··.,, McPli4NOn, Kan.. Jl.a.•kln, Co1UlADft att.Pht"on, Ka n, ltot!IMO-. Jluy Aoa __ Mt.PJM:n.on. Kan.. R.-l!Jn, Muift4' -- llcPMfton. Kaa. '-""''· Alita• _ ML.P...-non, IC.n • awn.. Fonat --- atdMnoa. llaa. ewc•:r. lkn.ba --- ·~· ~tart • T..tttr. Ml .. l• --- Me~. lt&a. 9f .. J, Jldt D - -- lilouotrid,aiP, l(an.

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Atlu•l'f!llln, Norm.a

IM••· Royce Dt..• t · o.u Wtaou , Joha ......... o.. •• .._.,.H: a,_,, BUlk --­lblllht:•~r. )laq if' C'nl~~r~o•c:lc.er, Dori• c,. .. .,.tktr, tt.all• Du\~. J • tu __ !lr \., Dl-to,_ -D ...... Gartll. f"1Mk. ac •. ,. A .. ,fct.IWr. Aftita c ... w~. ,.. ,.....,,, O•h. Gualdial ~tll\ll, lkuy

Wc.Pbf:nofl, Ka ft, Mc.Phr,...r~, k aa , w~P~-. tt . .... MrP..,......, K• • M~PilflM:-. ac ••. lrkP~. acaa..

Caaton, K ... )IC"Pb•~n. Kaa. WcPb•,..."· l<u. MePl.t,..a, "''"· WePhe,..._ K.a,

_ Mc.Pr.-. .acaa. )t~. K-.

Mft'ndridp, Ku. McP....,._ft, 1taa, McPbf'r.on, Ka ft. ldtPMr.tUl. Ka n.

Gotr lrtlf, Ellf'a

~'"•· v ... a ll«kf'tlle" RattiP

EIJ'rla, KaA, ,. .......... Kaa.


u ......... Bttt7 Udlrutt, Mary All'• tlt r rol1 •• Ot!-lOTW llldlofrt. Doorut.b.r ~

Me:P~. Kaa. Wc.Pfwft.M,, ICa "­

C.nton. K•.a. MtP~non, l<an. MtPb«-rHn, I< an.

Hutd1U11Gn, Ma.r,. Lou K• u.rm • . n. (;ltoan

K•~•~ ''"•·• ll.-rtfa. .... w li....U-. .... f't lt-t.. F.ltl.t ~lf'r, A"""'

Mittt"f''lbiMII, t.lllt.n MIX!"· l..oll

MT'"' J"" Ob.rnt.. Ana P~. MurV..._

P"rriiWWt. .Mar- Aaa ~...... ffft)' -­Sclul<!!r, lkrfl&dt iM _ 5&\lt\J', M&rJ l.llt'n • sc.-tt,., Orlln Su•&.unu, 0.r4o• -· VolA. Vna 1\~alt-. Kllell ~l', lt...U7 7A"ntl"t', .......

""'"'"'· ~lrn Z...nrf', h•nfl

Md)bt,.•. Kan. Moundrtd"', Ku.. .WtP1t.t1"JJID. K.n. MtPkrKa. hL Mc.Ptw....._ X.... McPhne~ K• n. !MtPh.,..,., K•.._ Mt P!wrncn.. Ka . ..._ •ltPbf,.Oil, 1\an.

C.J...., Kao. C..••.r. Jean. C.awa. K.a.-.

W-e ,..._,.._ X• a. ~.t P!MrMft. ICa.a. M~PfMnca. Xaa.

M.un.dri*"•· Kan.. M011Mridaol', K• n.

CoftWIO', K• l'l· &:It,... I<•"· w.n.,.... x ...

)4-~ Ku. ,..~. te-­

MOIII•drldn. K-. ¥011nllrld••· K• n.

Summary of !:>tudent Attendance Llk~l Aru M .. w.~

,...,, ....... u IT .. l•·--- .. II .. - .. .. " P~lmwa .. .. Ill

T ... l Ill , .. 111 "' lllf"(la l " •• .. l'laa Art. " II

- ......, " " Itt ... ...... , Sdlool-lt41 .... ... __

T<UI ....... - II I II

J'ulilon ' ' II ........... - I If It ...... _. - • • I

~""' - - IT " Fl~~oe AJ'ta -- - --- .. .. T ... l II .. ... ...

ToW fo:r , .. , _.:.

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Accreditation Activitite, Extra·Curricular Advanced Standing Alumni Associntion Aid, Student Art, Courscte in Asaietantsbips Athlrtlu

Banquet. Booster c.he Band _ Biology Board Bueine.u Admini.st r-Ation

13 21 32 26 30

- 75 31 23

2~ 2S

11. GO 27

~9. 61

Calendar _ _ _ 2, 3 Ccllo .... _ -·----- ..• . .. 8~ Certlfieate ·-···- _ ---··· 04, 67 Chnpcl .. ....,... ----·-- 37 Chemiotry ..,._ . 17, 62 Choir

Cliftpd .. - - ... -­ .... 23 23 24

A Cappella • ··-····-­Choral Union, McPherson ..... Church of t.he Brethren, Bosrd

or General Edueation ·- 6 ~ Cla01 Attendanoe ---· SG!ii · Clauifieation, Student _ 37 Club

Cbcmlotry 22 Choral -- .. .. .. • 24 Forensic _ 22 International Relations 22 "M " ------- --- ·--····-- 23 Pep ______ ..... ___ ... _ .. 28

Thespian -·- 22 CoHere

Control or .. 12 Mt. Morrie • t 1 Students .. _ ............ __ 88, 91

Commencement Honon -· 87 Community Service ----- 24 Composition _ • -- _ 76 Concert Seriea, McPberaon • 24 Conference. Regional ___ _ 24 Council

lnt rnmu.ral _ Penonnel -·

23 23

Datea, "'mportant ___ .. lJ

Debate ------- ·--- 22 Degrees. Honorary .... - ....... _ 87 Discounts and Retunda ·- :!9

Economic: Admini.strnlion Education .. - · ... • Education and Payebology Employment Opportunit(('A F;mp)oyment Service Engll• b .. _

G!:MH 62, 63

62 3 1 20 76

Expcn..~es E~timated _ lncidcntnl Semester

-·----- 28 2~

EXlcnslon Department 27 2~

Fnculty for lg,12-l944 ... &-!• Officers of the ......... -.. 5 Swnding Committees of the 5

Fo<a 28 f.'ield. Athlet ic ------- . 16 French . ------ 78, 79

German ··--­Geology --·­Governmental Grnding, Seolc of


79 17. H


Ar~old .... _ IG NC\\' Fahneat«:k _ _ 17 llnrnly .. ·- ...... -----· lG Kline ----··----·- I & Sfiorp • .... .. -· •. 15

flealt.h 19 fliotory .. -·---- 67. 69 Rome Et onomieA 18, 63 Honor Gtaduatel!l 38 Honor Roll --· . .. __ 38

Independent Study _ _ __ 38 Industrial Arts Education 18. 69.70 lnformn\.ion. Gem•ral ~ -· 10 Instruction Couraes·'o( .. 48


Laboratories _ ---·--· Langua~. Literature, Ar-.s.

DhrJ.sion of -· _ ··- . .. Latin --··· .. -··--·- --·



76 80 15

76-77 - 31

Library, The _ ·---­Litc:rature -----··--·--· Loan Fundo -··-· .. Locat ion and Acc<!lloibility - .. 10

Material Equipment ··---·- ... 16 Mathematlce -·---·- .... 6•1

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Index Continued

ttintriculotion 1'.1oral a•d Religious

Influences Museum, The Mut~t i('

AJ>plie:l Pcsllval, II igh School Thoory of Education

~umbc_ring Couut>a. S)-utcm of


19 17 81 82 24· 86

84, 86

Ort he1tra Organization~. Or11tor:>'



23 22

P~nonne! Servie<! Pbilot1>0phy l!nd Iioligion Phyl'ical £ducntlon

Hcnlth Building Physics Piano P ipe Organ Phu:cment. Burenu Pre-Protessionol and

Prof~asionol Coursn Business Administtatio.n Pre-Agriculture Pu:·Dental Pre- EnKine(lring

Cheflital Civil. Electrlc,.l, and

22 /

I 18 10, 73 6fo, 58

16 18, 55

82 8·1

(. 21

39-4R 39 39 ·10

·10-<11 40

Moc:hanlu l 41 Prc.Joarnalil'm ·12 Prc-Lelal 42 Librnrr Work 43 Pre-Medical u Pre-Medical Technician 45 Pre-Nursing 45 Secretarial _ 45 Social Work 46 Pre-Vet~rinnry 47 Teachiog ··- -·····-·-- ··· 47-48

Elementary School -·· _ 4i High School 48

Pre-Theological ..... . 48 Presidents

or McPherson College Probation Psychology __

II 36


Purpo5.e and Almfl

RegiJtratlon ltegLintion~t-.

Gt11ernl M 18cetlnncouJII

lt~1tu renu!nh Co:tcentration Crrdit Degre-es f)ia.tribution Entrance Grade Point (:raduatfon Jh·~idt'n~l'

Roorn Dt•po.s:it a.nd RC".SCT\'ation

s~ho1o~r~hipt 1-1 oaor Graduat,(' Unh·<-rsity Mlri•ttriftl

Science :-.fnlural, Di\'ision of Pt~l .t.icnl Secretarial Social , Oi,.·ision of

Socinl l~ite Sociology Spani:lb Speech Student

Atte ndance, Summary of l,ond, SpeeiR I



25 36

35 33

33, 35 33 32 33 33 33 27 30

30 30 so 30

50 6~ 61 o9 21

73, 74 8 1

77. 78

D3 30 27, Sumt~~cr SesslonR, The

Students -·- - - -· --· --· 92, 93

Tracber Tr·aininR 64 Terms 29 T .. tlog Service t9 T ru&bJcA, Board of 4 !uition 2'7

\'a r8ity Men'& and Women's Quartette& 23

V!oli" 83 Vioitr.tion, High School .. 2<1 Voice .. _ __ 82

Withdrawal 30 IV omtns Athletic Auoc:iation 23

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Preliminary Application To be mailed to th• cuU<·~•

McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas


I ht•n•hy tn;•k.: prc.•lirninur)' apr•lkutii)n fur udmia,-iun to ~ld .. htnon • Ct•llco"e-.

Addreu Loco I

l'ilrt-nt •u Gunrdlan

, I


(GI\'C' ruJdrf'~ nl ~~uum of pftJt~ 1f thfft"rt·nt (rum )"O\Ir~)

High S<h .. ,J (Yuur of (:rndu,.thn)

H you ftn,·e l~n tmllluyt'((, ..:wr thr namt":~t and addn"!'"" of y.u r



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