Queen City Yacht Club May 2007 Starting another fine season at the QCYC! C LIPPER Photo by Sandra Wood

May 2005 Clipper - Queen City Yacht Club · 2016. 3. 26. · clipper so Ihave noth-ing to else to write but: 1.Welcome back! 2.Hope you have a great year sailing! 3.Thanks again for

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  • Queen City Yacht Club May 2007

    Starting another fine season at the QCYC!



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    Q C Y C Board 2007

    Board Update/QCYC Info

    CommodoreTony [email protected] 416.360.0624B 905.614.4272 x 2201F 905.614-1430

    Vice CommodoreJim [email protected] 416-322 5209

    Rear CommodoreGraham [email protected] 416.233.2277 voice/faxB 416.478.4044

    Fleet CaptainGary [email protected] 905.471.5492

    TreasurerPat Whetung [email protected] 416.366.2345F 416.366.5678

    SecretaryViolet [email protected] 416.698.7077

    House ChairKen [email protected] 905.567.7224

    MooringsRichard [email protected] 416.483.8970

    GroundsMike [email protected] 416.856.4263

    MembershipJacqui [email protected] 416.828.2503

    PlanningMary PartridgeR 416.203.9975

    EntertainmentSusan [email protected]

    CommunicationsGlen [email protected] 416.203-1029B 416.423.8492F 416.423.8298

    Learn to SailTerry [email protected] 905.723.1809

    Yard [email protected] HillsR 416.203.1032


    The Clipper is publishedmonthly from May toOctober. Contributionsmay be submitted to thepublisher via e-mail, fax orletter. While an effort willbe made to publishsubmissions, the publisherreserves the right to editmaterial for length andsuitability.

    The QCYC FLASH e-mailsare sent out on a regularbasis, detailing upcomingevents, last minute changesand items of interest.

    To receive and to placenotices in QCYC FLASHcontact [email protected]

    Clipper Glen Newbury R 416.203.1029B 416.423.8492 E [email protected]

    Website Martin Snelgrove R 416.276.0222 E [email protected]

    QCYC FlashLaurence Concannon E [email protected]

    Algonquin IslandBox 401, Terminal A Toronto, ON M5W 1C2

    Tel 416.203.0929Fax 416.203.0931Website www.qcyc.ca

    E-mail [email protected] 416.203.9007Junior Club 416.203.8274


    Queen City Yacht Club

    Past CommodoreDwight Hamilton

    [email protected] 416.406.2064

    The Clipper offers members and non-members of QCYC a cost-effective way to reachan audience of avid sailors. Classified Ads Ads of 20 words or less are free for QCYC members.Ads should be submitted as digital files: Mac quark, eps, pdf, tiff, jpg (for tiff/jpg ensure 300 dpi if type, 200 dpi pictures). For information on placing ads for The Clipper, please contact GlenNewbury at any of the numbers listed.

    Rates for Business Card size (3.5 x 2”) Annual (6 issues) 1xMember $110 $25

    Non-member $220 $50

    CommunicationsGlen Newbury

    There’s a lot of readingahead of you in thisclipper so I have noth-ing to else to write but:

    1. Welcome back!

    2. Hope you have agreat year sailing!

    3. Thanks again for thehonour of serving onthe board for anoth-er season!

    4. Seasonal advertising deals are still available in theClipper. Email [email protected]

    5. The Clipper is in needs of writers about Sailing.Please contact me!

    New Members Night!

    Be sure to come out and welcomenew members to the club at

    New Members Night on May 26!

    577Queen StreetWest 416.869.9889

    Rather be Sailing?

    handbag by Anne Taintor

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    Board Updates

    Well, the 2007 seasonfinally got launchedafter delays due tocold and inclementweather! This was thecoldest April that Ican recall. Thanks toSteve Hills, the YardChair, for a wellorganized and safelaunch.

    Queen City’s social season got off to a great startwith the Commodore’s Ball that was held at theRoyal Canadian Military Institute on February 10.This function was a chance to dress up and I thinkthat everyone had a great time enjoying good food,good company and great dancing.

    At the AGM last fall, I articulated my personalgoals for this year. They are as follows:

    • Finalize the planning process and develop aconsensus on the short and long term plan forQCYC;

    • Rebuild the trust within the membership;

    • Agree on the future mooring options for the club;

    • Continue with environmental improvements;

    • Represent the club in the community.

    Obviously, these goals will be achieved throughthe collective efforts of everyone on the Board ofDirectors.

    The Board Chairs have already been working veryhard and their reports will be covered in thisedition of Clipper. We will be monitoring the budg-et very closely and capital projects will be focusedon improving essential infrastructure. In particu-lar, the engine in the ROBBINS was refurbishedover the winter. Other projects that are high on thelist include a temporary refurbishment of themen’s showers and an early assessment and stabi-lization of the Rapids Queen. There are other proj-ects that are identified in the short term plan andthese will be prioritized and implemented as fundsbecome available.

    There is one other project that I would like torecognize and fully support – this is the South

    CommodoreTony Pitts

    Balcony Project. Some members may question whywe are proceeding with this self-funded project.This is an opportunity to enhance the appearanceand character of the clubhouse. It would not berealized in our regular capital projects in the shortterm. I thank Mary Partridge for her leadership inmoving this project forward and I thank the fundraising team – please support this project andcontribute to it!

    This June, the club will host the Council ofCommodores meeting. This is an opportunity toprovide some profile for us and to contribute to theimportant business of the Lake Ontario SailingCommunity.

    So, let the boating season begin and I look forwardto seeing everyone soon. Let us enjoy Queen Cityfor all the reasons that we joined for and value!

    Vice Commodore Jim ThorndycraftWelcome back to theClub and anothersailing season.Winter was latecoming, but when itcame, it didn’t want togo away. Frozen pipesin the Snug, ice in thelagoon at Easter, latelaunching of the Clubvessels as well as thedelayed launching of members’ boats. Hopefullythat is all behind us now, and we are able to enjoyour Club and sailing hobby.

    The Club is here for its members. TheManagement Committee, of which I am the Chair,is responsible for its day to day operations. Wewould like your feedback, good or bad. I’d behappy to respond to your questions or concerns.Let’s keep an open dialogue.

    QCYC is a self -help club. We rely on its membersto carry out many tasks. So Saturday May 5th andSunday May 6th will be our annual spring workparty. Many projects have been scheduled. LynnKaak has again accepted the task of marshallingyou into the various tasks. Please give her and the

    Club your support.

    We also have a new Safety Officer who is planninga Safety Day on Saturday June 16. Peter Ashby hastaken over from Ken Rodmell who is recoveringfrom surgery on his achilles tendon. Thanks Kenfor your efforts over the past years. They wereappreciated.

    I would also like to acknowledge and thank TomKing for looking after locker assignments for thepast few years. This year, I have asked Tom if hewould use his construction expertise in looking atwhat we need to do to with repairs and mainte-nance of the locker blocks and cabins. Currentlywe are trying to figure out what can be done withthe old managers cabin. Current thoughts are tomake it in to more lockers or possibly into a JuniorSchool Clubhouse.

    I will take over the administration of assigninglockers. So if you want a locker, please either letme or the Club manager know. Every seniormember is entitled to a locker. However the realityis that we currently have about 100 of them and135 or so senior members. That means somemembers will need to share and the only fair wayof doing this is based upon seniority number.Hence members with higher seniority numberswill be asked to double up when the need arises. Ialso plan on posting locker assignments. Just to letyou know, the Planning Committee is also lookinginto the feasibility of constructing new lockers.

    I would also like to remind members that theyshould not admonish the staff. If you have a prob-lem or concern with any of our paid staff pleaseadvise me or another member of the ManagementCommittee. And in the same vein, when you havean issue or concern about the Club, any of its offi-cers or members, please refrain from using deroga-tory or inappropriate language. Disagreement onvarious things is expected and healthy, but weneed to respect each others point of view. We areall here to have fun and enjoy ourselves.

    Health, happiness and an enjoyable summer ofsailing to all.

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    Board Updates

    The winter wasextremely busy tryingto get both tendersready for the upcom-ing season. TheRobbins was indesperate need of anengine rebuild and, aswe were to find outlater, the transmissionwas in even worseshape. In December, we relaunched the Robbinsand removed the engine. There was some concernabout whether the engine was too far gone for arebuild. However, once it was determined that theblock was not cracked and the head was machin-able, we decided to go this route because it wasultimately cheaper than purchasing a new diesel.In addition, we didn't have to worry about makingany structural changes inside the Robbins toaccommodate an engine that might be configureddifferently. The old motor was then disassembledand each of the major components refurbished intowhat is now effectively a new engine. The trans-mission, however, was another story. It was noteconomically viable to rebuild, so after some time,a replacement was eventually sourced andinstalled. None of the success of this entire projectwould have been possible without the help ofDavid Pitcher. He knew exactly what to do andalways had a back up plan whenever an obstacleappeared. His knowledge and patience were great-ly appreciated by myself and the Club is deeplyindebted to him. So, on behalf of Q.C.Y.C. David,Thank You.

    The Algonquin Queen also had major improve-ments installed over the winter. The entire rubberexhaust system which was damaged by the fire lastyear was removed and replaced with stainlesssteel piping. A high temperature safety system was

    FleetGary Hoeg

    With Queen City’s118th season fastapproaching, here area number of key datesin the first months:

    • Wednesday, May 9 -Participant'sMeeting

    • Tuesday, May 15 –1st EducationSession on the “Starting Sequence and otherRace Management Signals”

    • Wednesday, May 16 – 1st Wednesday Night Race

    • Saturday, May 19 - Sailpast (see Sailpast articlein this Clipper) andwww.qcyc.ca/sailing/racing/sailpast.htm

    • Tuesday, May 22 – 2nd Education Session“Everything you wanted to know about sails and wereafraid to ask” by Greg Bratkiw of Quantum Sails

    • Tuesday, May 29 – 3rd Education Session –“Cruising Update” (Tentative)

    • Sunday, June 3 – Lake Ontario Single/DoubleHanded Race at QCYC

    • Tuesday, Jun 5 – 4th Education Session -“Racing Tactics” (Tentative)

    • Tuesday, Jun 12 – 5th Education Session“Potpourri” (Tentative)

    More information on club events will be posted atthe Club, on the Club’s web site and distributed byThe Flash. I would encourage to you visit the siteslisted above for information on the outside events.In particular, if you are interested in participatingin either the LORC Open Regatta or OffshoreSeries, please go to the LORC web site, as there aresubstantial changes for this year.

    There is a time penalty for not having a validPHRF-LO certificate so make sure you renew orobtain a certificate.

    As ways, we are looking for volunteers to help withall the aspects of the Sailing Program for both onand off the water activities. If you are interested,please contact me. And, of course work hours areawarded to Sailing Committee volunteers.

    Rear CommodoreGraham Dougall

    also installed to help prevent the problems wefaced last season. In addition, sound insulationwas installed in the engine room to help reducecabin noise and vibration throughout the entirevessel. Craig Robertson took the lead on theseprojects and deserves the credit for seeing themthrough to the end, although he did get some helpwith the sound insulation from John Heath whohelped him to finish the job.

    Both vessels were also prepared for launch withthe application of proper bottom paint. TheRobbins was wired wheeled to bare metal andPrimecon applied to help slow down the build upof rust on the hull. Instead of using Tremclad onthe bottom as in past years, Bottomkote wasapplied to reduce the accumulation of growth onthe hull which is evidenced at haul out everyyear. This should help reduce drag on the hull andthus improve fuel economy and help the vesseltrack better in the water. Similarly, theAlgonquin Queen was sanded and painted twicefrom bottom to top. As most of you know, this is noeasy task and given the weather we had, it wasmade even more difficult. Thanks go to BobMountjoy and Felipe Cruzatt for perseveringunder these adverse conditions and to DonFerguson for supervising and providing extra helpwhen needed to complete the job.

    We are hoping the vessels have been given a goodstart to the season and we will be instituting arigorous maintenance program to ensure we don'thave a repeat of some of the troubles we have hadin the past. While we are tying our best to avoidproblems, I'm sure they will come up from time totime. When they do, a little patience and under-standing is greatly appreciated to help make theexperience much more pleasant for everyoneinvolved.

    Here's to a safe and trouble free sailing season!

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    Board Updates

    Compared to last yearwhen we reengi-neered the Planningprocess at QCYC, thisyear’s Planning activi-ties have been rela-tively quiet.

    As reported in theFlash in March, theShort Term Plan v.4was adopted by theBoard as a statement of intent, or GUIDELINE, tobe used in the budgeting process. This does notmean that any specific project is approved. (In factthe only capital expense approved so far is up to$15,000 for the Robbins engine rebuild.) Nor doesapproval mean that the Board is committed tospending any of the items on the short term plan.

    All it means is that the Board has come to a generalagreement on the priorities for this year and nextyear. If you would like to see the Short Term plan inall its detailed glory, please check outwww.qcyc.ca/Flash/Short_term_plan_v.4.pdf

    The Long Term plan which was published as adraft document last spring will be updated in timefor the spring meeting in order to reflect projectsalready accomplished or underway, as well as newinformation and changing priorities. It will still bea “draft” inasmuch as it won’t have been through areview or approval process.

    The Planning committee still intends to addressthe issue of how the plan is approved, such as:What role does the membership play? What roledoes the Board play? How often should it bereviewed and updated?

    Also, the Planning committee is working withmembers of the Board of Directors to help definethe requirements and options for certain projects.

    monitor financial activity to our budget, we recog-nize it is a useful tool to be used as a guideline. Assuch, it can be and is adjusted when necessary.

    The board has yet to set a capital budget. We arewaiting on an evaluation of the Rapids Queen.Any needed repairs and maintenance has beengiven the highest priority and the cost will deter-mine the remaining budget for other prioritizedcapital projects.

    There has been lots of activity through the wintermonths! You have an energetic group of Directorsagain this year. The board members have steppedup with lots of positive energy, co-operating inplanning and coordinating efforts to provide uswith another great season. Entertainment hasenthusiastically planned a busy social schedulewith a new ticket policy. The fleet has been serv-iced with a refurbished engine in the Robbins, theshort term plan received approval, there are plansfor locker improvements, the clubhouse repairswill continue, new members have joined, a groupof long-time members have initiated a south deckredesign and the fundraising project to implementit… the moorings chair has measured, consultedand re-measured the seawalls, Learn to Sail hasalmost filled a few sessions already…..and on itgoes as it has for over a hundred years.

    After all, it’s all for and about, we the members,enjoying our favourite summer activity. How doyou best serve and preserve our dear club?

    PlanningMary Partridge

    HousePat Whetung

    After the frenziedactivity of reconstruc-tion, additionalimprovements to theclubhouse and otherimportant capitalprojects last year, westarted this fiscal year(October 1, 2006) inthe same financialposition as the yearbefore. This was confirmed by John Warren in hiscomments at the Annual General Meeting.

    Our club remains financially sound and this boardis working hard to balance prudent expendituresin the delivery of services and within our revenue.

    I have provided monthly activity reports for eachdepartment. Reports on revenue and expenses todate, comparisons to last year and comparisons tothe budget help each director monitor theperformance to targets. This time of year our bankaccounts are hitting the high water mark for theyear. Anytime now, the tide will turn and the cashoutflow exceeds the income.

    In February, the board approved the operatingbudget. Both revenue and expenses for 2007 areless than in 2006. The projected surplus is lessthan 20 thousand dollars. Although this is scant,the numbers will be reviewed again in June andthe numbers may need adjusting. Although we

    Our furry friends are already excited about a new season at the QCYC...or are they eyeing those dock piles?


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    Board Updates

    souls bought their Cal 30 on eBay.

    Michael Victor and Patti Coyne are looking forsome peaceful escape from their successful busi-nesses. Avid fishers, Patti bought Michael aRinker 250 for his birthday.

    Dana Beeton, formerly of OYC, visited QCYCduring Pig Roast. Our location and the friendlywelcome of our members made him fall in lovewith our club.

    Roger Petersen and Laura Fairweather are return-ing to Toronto after several years in Vancouver.Their Mirage 33 has now crossed the continenttwice. They are expecting a baby in August.

    Senior Status Changes:

    - Bruce Beyers and Lynda Creore to OOT- Rob and Marg Harris to OOT- John Finch to OOT- Kees and Donna Huismans to Dry Sail- Ian Hunter and Deidre to Dry Sail


    - Ted and Dawn Martin – Seniors- Mark and Jane Garscadden – Seniors- Eric and Merike Jakobson – Seniors- Keith and Susan Farnsdale – Seniors- Dave Craddock – Dry Sail- Richard and Carmina Murray – Out of Town

    - Rick and Carolyn Murray - Senior Associate

    The following people have applied for member-ship at QCYC in 2007:

    – Bruce Smith and Mary Tevlin with their sonsPeter and Graham have applied for Seniormembership.

    – Nina Nakajima and Jonathan McGuire andtheir daughter Joni have applied for Seniormembership.

    – McGregor Small and Diane McElroy haveapplied for Senior membership.

    – Manfred Sparr has applied for Senior membership.

    – David Winter and Ida Confetti have eachapplied for Dry Sail membership.

    – Roger Pots has applied for Dry Sail membership.

    – Sarah Currie and her sons have applied forSenior membership.


    New Members Night – Saturday May 26th

    Gunning In of New Boats – starting at 5PM

    New Members Night – Beginning at 7PM

    Watch the Flash for More Information

    MembershipJacquii Cook

    Meet Some of OurNew MembersSpring is always atime of change in ourmembership. Someof our old friendsdecide to pursuesomething new. Andour new membersjoin us and begin tolearn the ways ofQCYC. The recruitment of any member is theresult of teamwork. On the team this year are allthe members who worked the Boat Show andevery member who has greeted visitors andspoken proudly of their club. Each of youcontribute to the success of membership recruit-ment. Thank you.

    I am pleased to introduce you to some our newmembers for 2007.

    Joining Late in 2006

    Russel Sergiades is a good friend of theVeenhuizens. A long time sailor, I understandthat Russel is also a good piano player. He hopesto have his Contessa 26 at the club beforeSailpast.

    Ina Povarchuk first became a sailor in QCYC’sAdult Learn to Sail program. While looking forsomeone to sail with, she found a fiancé – DaleWhittington. They brought their Tanzer 26 intothe club last fall and are getting married thisspring at the club.

    Robert Eckersley practically grew up at QCYC.He and his wife Teresa have been SeniorAssociates for a long time. This spring they aretaking delivery of their new J 109. And a newgeneration of Eckersleys will learn about sailingat QCYC.

    Alison and Whit Webster are also not so newSenior members. They have been Dry Sail andAssociate members. This year they have bought aC&C 25 and are looking forward to cruising.

    Joining in 2007:

    Deb Francey and her fiancé Andy Oakes are alsogetting married at QCYC this year. These brave

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    Board Updates

    Old Man Winterseems to have finallyreleased his icy gripfrom our beloved clubhouse leaving us witha few projects to getthings back in shapefor what we all hopewill be a long andpleasant sailingseason. Along withthese repairs, the Board’s immediate priority in thehouse is to renovate the men’s washroom andshowers to a standard on par with what the ladiesenjoy. Through the ongoing efforts of the PlanningChair, Mary Partridge, and her hard workingcommittee, we will be bringing to the membershipa proposal based on the consultations that tookplace last year. With the refinements that havetaken place over the winter, I think we are veryclose to a solution that will meet the needs ofmembers and guests alike. Once a final plan hasbeen adopted, it will be put in the hopper with allthe other capital priorities and funded at the earli-est opportunity.

    In the meantime, a sprucing up of the showers tomake them presentable for the upcoming season isto be carried out. It’s one of the projects on the listfor the work party weekend in May – all offers ofassistance are greatly appreciated!

    I’m also excited about the efforts under way by avery enthusiastic group of members to raise fundsoutside the Club budget to carry out a much need-ed facelift to the south face of the club house. Theplan calls for a new stairway, balcony railings and

    HouseKen Owen

    a clean up of the area where the AQII boards andlands. If you haven’t seen the concept get in touchwith Glenys Squires or Mary Partridge – you’ll beimpressed by how it improves the area and I’msure driven to make a donation.

    As you all know, the club house is the jewel in thecrown of QCYC and probably our most importantasset. It’s the centre of our community and ouroasis. One of the most difficult jobs of the HouseChair is to find the right balance between puttingthis asset to work for us to help support club oper-ations and having it available for the members’enjoyment. I think we’ve been able to strike thatbalance this year with a busy weekend schedule ofClub events, courtesy of your EntertainmentChair, a number of special occasions for individ-ual members, their friends and families and to fillin the gaps, a few bookings to outside groups.Remember, Club policy is that even if the GreatHall is booked to an outside group, members haveaccess to the bar in the Great Hall after 9:00 pm.

    This still leaves lots of dates available during theweekdays. To encourage use of the facility duringthe week and to give members an added benefitfrom their fees, the Board approved a price sched-ule that offers the use of the club to seniormembers for free Tuesday to Friday during theday. So if you have a business event looking for aspecial venue or a family party to host, take advan-tage of your Club facilities. Silke and the All SetCatering team would be happy to help out withyour food and beverage needs.

    Do we have a greatsummer planned foryou. I hope that youare all well rested fromthat very long winter,because we're allgoing to need someextra energy. EverySaturday night fromSailpast to theMilestone event is foryou, Queen City. That's eight weeks straight ofQueen City style fun. We're back – the best partyclub on the shores of Lake Ontario.

    We're going to start off with Sailpast, Saturday May19th. Don't miss this one, it's a great way to kickstart your season, and meet up with old and newfriends at the club. It's always a hit, with anoutstanding and elegant dinner hosted by ouramazing All Set Caterers, along with a great danceafterwards. Party late into the night, and sleep overon your boat, so that you can enjoy the best tastingcoffee in the morning.

    I have added two new events in addition to theannual events which we are famous for, such asLobster Fest and the Pig Roast. You'll think you'reon Bourbon Street, when you hear the “Sounds ofBlues and Jazz”, this June 9th. We are also going tocelebrate Canada's birthday at the “Canada DayWeekend Bash”, a two day event starting June 30th.

    There is also a special event called the “MilestoneDance Party” on July 7th, generously organized andsponsored by “The Milestoners” - those of us whoare enjoying a milestone in our lives.

    Tom King has offered to organize some Fridaynight activities, and of course there is Geoff andLesley Heathcote's annual pot luck karaoke night,on June 16th.

    I will keep you informed via the Flash, Clipper,website and email, and don't forget to look for theposters detailing each upcoming event.

    There is a new ticket policy, which will be in thenew member's handbook. It will also be on all theevent posters.

    Let's all get together and make Queen City theplace to be, for members and visitors alike.

    EntertainmentSusan Veenhuizen

    Papa needs a new sailboat!

    Texas Hold’em NightSaturday June 2 is QCYC’s first Texas Holdem night in the Great Hall!

    Buyin $20/Beginner’s Table $10 (i.e. the most you can lose is your buyin!).A great for both men and women!

    Texas Hold’em is a very simple fun game that is enjoyable for all players!Registration 7:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Training for new players 7:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.

    Game starts at 8:00 p.m.

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    H E Y Q U E E N C I T Y !

    I t ’ s P a r t y T im e !

    May 19: Sai lpastMay 26: New Members Night:

    June 2: Texas Hold'Em June 9: The Sounds of Jazz and Blues

    June 15: Inna and Dale are gettin hitched! June 16: Karaoke Potluck

    June 23: Lynne and Ken are gettin hitched!June 30: Canada Day Weekend Bash

    July 7: Mi lestone Event

    Every Saturday night from Sailpast to Milestone is for you! Come out build on our

    reputation as the best party club on the lake!

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    The View from the Lagoon...by Lynn Kaak and Ken Goodings

    When it rains, it pours…. And when it doesn’t rain,it still finds a way to make it interesting! For those who were at the first weekend of Launch, youknow what I am talking about, and for those whomissed it, you weren’t there to witness QCYCingenuity at its’ best.

    We were blessed with incredible weather for the firstweekend of launch – sunny and warm. Then the firstglitch of the weekend hit – the gasket for the exhauston the winch was blown. The diesel engine couldfunction, but losing the drivers to carbon monoxidepoisoning would have seriously slowed things down.Fortunately, Gabe was able to fit a new gasket in –manufactured from a beer can! The 10 cent gasketheld all weekend, and may hold for quite a whilemore! There, Launch wasn’t held up at all!

    I don’t know if it was a record number of cross-haulsor not, but there were quite a few of them. Everythingfrom major bottom work to not having hull waxingcompleted prevented a number of boats from gettingsplashed. Remarkably, Steve kept the flow goingpretty well - until IT happened….

    IT was a combination of overworked butterboards anda big boat being crosshauled; apparently this kind ofincident hasn’t happened before, either… Initram felloff the ways. The inside cheek of the sternbutterboard was busted (as opposed to broken) andshe went a little too far south and fell off the ways.Nobody was hurt and fortunately the cradle is solid,so the boat remained (mostly) upright. David Kent,Steve Hills and a number of other members withgreat ideas worked out a method to get the boat andcradle back onto boards and onto the car. Two hoursof methodical and careful teamwork got her back up,and nobody was hurt (neither was the boat). Thewhole thing was remarkable to be a part of, as themost elaborate technology used was some hydraulicjacks, unless you count the manual come-along aswell. Throw in a long 6x6 for a lever and it isamazing what can be done. Well, that concluded thefirst day of Launch!

    The second day was just as remarkable, weather-wise.Did somebody not tell the weather-gods that this wasour Launch, and the weather is supposed to be

    Puttin some back into it at launch!

    by Lynn Kaak and Ken Goodings The View from the Lagoon...

    terrible? I’m glad they didn’t know, as launchingwithout foulies and wet feet is rather pleasant.

    Sunday was less dramatic, but it still provided anuisance – the car was derailed in the water. It wasdragged up on dry land, then the pry-bars and shimsworked to get it back on (with a cradle on it –thankfully a fairly light one!)

    This was only the fourth Launch I’ve been involvedwith, but it was the most complicated I’ve seen…. butthe weather was the best yet! Personally, I’d ratherdeal with this stuf f and not freeze than have anuneventful Launch in a downpour. And as always, itwas nice working beside other members and catchingup after a long winter.

    Club Membershonoured

    in their fields!Stuart McLean

    wins for the third time !http://www.leacock.ca/

    Allie Baxter JAFSThe Ontario Chapter of the National

    Kitchen & Bath Association is theleading association working to raise

    standards of service in the kitchen andbath industry in Ontario. Allie Baxter

    AKBD won first place for her design inthe Small Kitchen category and ThirdPlace in the Large Bathroom category.Many of her designs are featured onHGTV. See Reno & decor Magazine,

    April/May issue pages 86 and 87.

    Chris Borgal SLOOP DU JOURwas honoured with quite a prestigiousAmerican Institute of Architects Award

    for Architecture. Apparently, this awardis seldom given to anyone outside theStates....and his company Goldsmith

    Borgal and Company Limited Architectswere recognized for the National Ballet

    School on Jarvis Street.

  • 10

    The Best Kept Secret on the LakesKeeps on Getting Better!by the LOSH Organizing Committee

    The Lake Ontario Short-Handed Racing Series beganin 1975 as the Lake Ontario Single-Handed Seriesand for 28 years this dedicated group of JoshuaSlocum followers has enjoyed a special camaraderieas it has competed on Lake Ontario.

    Building on the success of the single handed series, adouble-handed fleet was added in 2003 and thenumber of registrants has steadily grown to over 85boats during the 2006 season.

    The racing is awesome with 10 very tight and closesingle and double-handed divisions. The growth inspinnaker racing has made LOSHRS an exciting andchallenging series both for participants and spectators!

    Each event in the series begins with a pre-raceskipper’s meeting. During 2006 there were over 25valued sponsors that have helped these meetingsbecome not only informative, but wonderful socialevents.

    by the LOSH Organizing Committee

    The Best Kept Secret on the LakesKeeps on Getting Better!

    Short-HandedRacing Dates

    Picture of theMonth Contest!

    1) QCYC Course Race - Sunday, June 3 -skippers meeting prior at QCYC

    2) Youngstown 2-day event – June 23 & 24 -Skippers Meeting at PCYC Friday June 22

    3) 100 miler – August 25- Skippers Meeting atPCYC Friday Aug. 24

    4) Port Dalhousie 2-day event – Sept 15 & 16 -Skippers Meeting at PCYC Friday Sept. 14



    o by





    Join us for an even greater 2007 series!

    For more info please visit our web page at:www.pcyc.net. Click on: On-Water-Activity, then onLOSHRS

    If you have any questions or comments, you arewelcome to contact Ian McAllister [email protected] or Jonathan Vinden [email protected]

    The cost for the entire series is only $100.00, whichincludes one Awards Dinner ticket to the November10th Awards Presentation, with many thanks to ourvalued sponsors.

    5 Senior QCYC members enjoying a pre-Christmas lunch at Queens Quay. Photo by Jeff Imai.

    Picture of the Month

    Do you have a Picture of theMonth that represents the spirit of

    the club, at its best, its worse, itsfunnest, its most beautiful?

    Starting the June Clipper the winner of the photo of the

    month will receive a FREE pitcher of Beer.

    The best of the Picture of theMonth will be the winner of the

    Annual QCYC Best Photograph!Please send photo with a description to

    [email protected]. Make sure it is at least a 500K jpg.

  • News



    QCYC members winter south!QCYC members winter south!

    Ted Doyle and his daughter Trish chartered a 37 foot Beneteau from Sunsail out of Oyster Pond,

    St Martin. They sailed around St Martin and then down to St Kitts,Nevis, Statia & back to St Martin. St Bart's was full up.

    Bruce Beyer & Lynda Creor checked out the wildlife in the Bahamas!

  • 12

    Board Updates

    Learn to SailTerry Hofkirchner

    Thanks to the efforts ofpast chairs LyndaChubak, JonathonMoles and headinstructor SteveCutting the junior clubprogram is well under-way to being the largesuccess it was lastyear.. We currentlyhave commitments forover 40 sessions butthere are still more sessions to fill. Please spread theword to anyone you know with children that thejunior club is one of the best value camp experiencesToronto has to offer. As an added incentive, thecamp will qualify for the governments’ newChildren’s Fitness Tax Credit.

    We have once again taken responsibility for theadministration of the Adult Learn to Sail Program.We are planning to run 4 sessions with 3 studentseach. The course is taught to the CYA Basic CruisingStandard and is recognized internationally. Thecourse provides a valuable opportunity for would beskippers to begin their sailing experience. It alsoprovides a great venue for spouses wishing toexpand their sailing experience by learning fromCYA certified instructors. For more information andapplications please see the QCYC website.

    In the spirit of a self help club, there will be a call forhelp on some Junior Club projects that require ourattention in the coming year …. specifically thejunior club building and dock. Details will follow ata later date.

    I urge you once again to spread the word of theprograms we offer. It is easy to overlook the goodwork being done at this level of the club. Rememberthat future QCYC members may very well comefrom this segment of our club activities.

    YardSteve Hills

    Well the weather isfinally looking morespring like and evenwith the cold weather,rain and some snowleading up to Launch,practically all of theboats have beenlaunched successfully.A total of 66 boats werelaunched over thethree days amidstnumerous cross hauls, a couple of challenginginstances when a boat slid off the ways and then thecar was pulled off the railway while submerged.

    Thanks to everyone who helped make the Launch sosuccessful. I also noticed that I had less problemreminding people about safety boots, probably toPeter Ashby’s rather graphic photographs of whatcan happen when things go wrong at Launch! In anyevent, other than Gib Speight’s pointed reminder tolook out for propellers, no one was hurt and therewere no problems with any of the boats.

    As many of the masts are in the process of beingstepped, I want to remind everyone to be careful andto work safely around the mast crane. If you areunsure of anything ask questions of the moreseasoned members before lifting your mast. For thenewer members, make certain you have someonewith experience giving you a hand.

    There are no major projects planned for the Yard thisyear just a lot of smaller, maintenance type of workto be done over the course of the Summer.

    So I’ll see you on the lake and enjoy the season.

    Steve Hills, The Yard Guy

    GroundsMike Darnborough

    Thanks to the work ofpast committees andmembers, over the lastcouple years, thegrounds are lookinggood. With the excel-lent work done on thegarbage andhazardous waste area,the new water system,and the fountain area,there would seem to belittle else to do. Never the less there are a few itemsthat need attention.

    Firstly, it has been suggested that a fence, perhaps oflattice, should be built on the lakeside wall of thegarbage compound, to improve the looks from theharbour. This is a low cost, low time commitment joband we hope to do this early in the year.

    There is still a small section on the American sidewhere the new water system has to be completed. Ifthis affects you, perhaps you would consider doingyour work hours this year on this project. Please letme know as soon as possible if you can assist, as weneed to get this done.

    The only other project, which by the way is becominga safety concern, is the repair of some of the lockerblocks. This includes demolishing and rebuilding ofthe stairs on several of these blocks as the wood isrotting and becoming unstable. There was mentionfrom other members of sinking and leaning over ofsome of the lockers.

    Tom King, with his construction background, hasgracefully agreed to undertake a review of the needsin this area and once the necessary work and costshave been identified, steps will be taken to remedythis issue. It is hoped that those members havinglockers, in the blocks identified for repair, will stepforward and use their work hours for this endeavour.

    A little off topic, I would just like to say that out newEntertainment Chair is very capable and enthusias-tic and its beginning to look like a fantastic year isjust around the corner, in terms of events. I encour-age all members to support these functions this yearand hopefully we will have a return to, ‘The Good oldDays’.

    Lastly, I offer a gentle reminder about cleanliness. It

    goes without saying that as members of the club weshould attempt to practice the old, “Boy Scout” policyof leaving ones campsite cleaner then it was whenfound. By this I mean that if you or I are entertainingor working in the yard, we should feel a sense ofresponsibility to clean up after ourselves so that thenext member can also enjoy the club grounds.

    Looking forward to a really super summer,

  • 13

    Board Updates

    MooringsRick Hardy

    It’s Decision Time atQueen City

    This past winter was avery busy time. Anumber of Mooringissues had to be dealtwith, ranging from thesilting south of theRapids Queen, toexploring variousoptions on reposition-ing the AQII dock in order to free up space for docksin front of the Clubhouse. We also correspondedwith our dock manufacturer regarding the feasibilityof installing docks in the rock section and we initiat-ed ongoing correspondence with the City of Torontoregarding any expansion into the rock section.

    Spring however has finally arrived and this report isbeing written on Monday morning, April 23rd, 2007at the end of our first Launch Weekend. I am verypleased to report that by the end of the 1st. weekend,with the aid of Dale Whittington, John Carroll andEricks Rugelis, all the docks ladders were installed,the docks were put back into position with the use ofa come-along, all the pins were installed on the docksand all the ramp spacers were put back.

    With the help of about a dozen members, the float-ing Learn-to-Sail dock was put back in the water andagain with the aid of Dale Whittington and JohnCarroll the ballast was installed. With thanks toDwight Hamilton and Jim Thorndycraft, the olddinghy dock was towed back into position in front ofthe Club and the Mooring Barge was towed out ofFred Mayerhoffer’s slip and put back alongside theRapids Queen. We even managed to haul awayward dock section back up the lagoon to theother side of the bridge from whence it came. Withthe guidance of Frank Bush, the winch on theMooring Barge was greased and ready for use. Avery busy weekend.

    Thanks to Jacqui Cook, the lagoon is almost full andby the time you read this, we may be down to only 1or 2 moorings (or none?). Wendy Hardy (the personI share my life with) has done a great job of allocatingmoorings considering the jig-saw puzzle it has beenwith all the new members and all the existingmembers who have changed slips.

    The most important item of this report however,

    SecretaryViolet Couch

    I'd like to welcomeeveryone to the startof what promises to bean exciting season atQCYC. As a newmember of the Board,I want to share withyou how impressed Iam by the effort anddedicat ion shownover the past fewmonths by everymember of your Board of Directors. I believe youhave elected a great team with the energy andcommitment needed to serve the best interests ofour Club.

    In the spirit of open communication betweenmembers of QCYC and the Board of Directors, wecontinue to make the Minutes of the monthly Boardmeetings available to all Senior members of the Clubin good standing. If you are interested in receivingthe Minutes of the Board meetings and are not yeton the distribution list, please let me know by send-ing an e-mail to: [email protected] and you willbe added to the list. Similarly, if you have anycomments or concerns that you'd like to share withthe Board, we are very open to hearing your sugges-tions and welcome your input.

    Reciprocal invitations have been mailed to neigh-bouring clubs around Lake Ontario and beyond, andwe have been receiving similar invitations to visitour kindred spirits from as close as Island YachtClub to as far afield as Southwestern Yacht Club inSan Diego, California! (Definitely not a weekendcruise destination!) As a reminder, "reciprocal priv-ileges" means that when we visit clubs on ourReciprocal list, they honour QCYC's visitor policy.Similarly, we offer the same privileges to our visit-ing boaters as their Club offers us. A complete,up-to-date list of all clubs with whom we have recip-rocal privileges will be kept in the Reciprocal binderjust outside the Office of the Clubhouse.

    So let's have a great season full of fun, frolic, food,friendships and...oh yeah, a bit of sailing too!

    concerns our up-coming 5 Year Lagoon Plan. Overthe last few years, many members both on and offthe Board have contributed a great deal of time andeffort in an attempt to formulate a workable andaffordable plan for the future of the lagoon at QCYC.

    In order to bring closure to this ongoing effort, theBoard will be presenting a Questionnaire at theSpring AGM for all Senior Members to take homeand complete. If you do not attend, you may pick-upa copy of the Questionnaire at the Club office theday after the Spring AGM or alternatively, you mayrequest that a copy be mailed or e-mailed to you atthat time. This Questionnaire will form in part, thebasis of our 5 Year Lagoon Plan.

    The Questionnaire will be broken down into 4 parts,covering the 4 mooring areas, Blue, Yellow, Green,which includes the rock area and Red, whichincludes the area in front of the Clubhouse.

    Regardless of whichever section you are currentlymoored in, you will be asked for your comments,concerns and suggestions regarding the future ofeach of these 4 mooring areas.

    Every Senior Member is encouraged to complete theQuestionnaire and return it to the Club office within10 days. At that point, a committee consisting of across-section of Senior Members will review yourresponses and present their findings to the Board.

    Shortly thereafter, a Moorings Meeting open to allSenior Members will be held to review the results ofthe Questionnaire and to further discuss any validconcerns or suggestions raised. The 5 year LagoonPlan will then be finalized and presented to theSenior Membership for a final vote hopefully withinthe week following.

    As the header of this report indicates, “It’s DecisionTime at Queen City”.

  • Background:The charrettes conducted in May, 2006 to initiatediscussion of a comprehensive renovation resultedin wonderful ideas from some of Queen City’sdesign, construction and architectural talents as towhat the south end of the clubhouse could look like.More attractive roof-lines and sleeker, more usefulbalconies overlooking the lagoon were among thekey recommendations that emerged. Not surpris-ingly, given that cost was deliberately ignored aspart of the “blue-sky” nature of the charrette exer-cise, the expense of implementing all the ideasproved prohibitive for QCYC. The process wasuseful, nonetheless, in that it pointed to a projectthat can be undertaken this year.

    Although more modest in cost and scale than thecharrette designs, the current proposal will greatlyenhance the general welcome area that includes thetender waiting area, the south stairs to the diningroom and the south balcony. The guiding principle

    of the project is that the look, feel and use of spaceat the club can be greatly upgraded through simplerenovations. Especially affected will be a visitor’sfirst impressions of our club as they arrive on theAQII. Further, while the proposed modification willgenerate immediate benefits, it will also serve as afirst step for future changes that can be undertakenon an incremental basis.

    Here is what the project entails:• Redo the south balcony railing and stairs to

    match those of the north-east balcony

    (i.e. steel stringers and spindles, wooden steps andhand rail)

    • Open up the area under the south balcony byremoving the lattice enclosure and relocatingthe pop and ice machines

    Below are images which dramatically illustrate thedifference these simple changes will make, both inthe use of space and in the first impression that



    From Glenys Squires (Runcible), Michele Macartney-Filgate (Manx), Ron Mazza (Mazzarati), MaryPartridge (Assignment), Allan Rae (Enkidu), BrianChung (Nereida)

    Dear fellow members,

    Our venerable club, QCYC, has many wonderfulfeatures including a spectacular location onToronto Island overlooking the harbour, and amagnificent clubhouse featuring the Great Hall.Less impressive, however, is the south side of theclubhouse, where the main entrance is located. Ithas long been a candidate for renovation that willbring it up to the aesthetic and functional standardof the rest of the historic property. Several of ushave thus come together with the common goal ofimplementing modest yet significant changes tothe south balcony area, using funds specificallydonated by Queen City’s membership. We are writ-ing to ask for your help in this project.

    Open letter to all QCYC Members:Fundraising for theclubhouse!

    Open letter to all QCYC Members:Fundraising for theclubhouse!

  • participation in this project through a donation.Your contribution can be large or small, in yourname or in another’s. You may wish, for instance, tohonour a current or past member whom you feelhas made a contribution to Queen City, or todonate in memory of a relative or friend.

    Our setting is gorgeous, our members friendly, andour attitude cooperative, “can-do” and innovative.Let’s create a welcome area that reflects those attrib-utes and that is worthy of the rest of our club. Let’sprove, as in so many other ways at Queen City, thatwe can work together to make this happen.

    Please support this project by writing a chequepayable to Queen City Yacht Club, indicating“South Balcony Project” on it. Mail to QCYC, Box401, Station A, Toronto M5W 1C2, or drop it in theoffice mailbox. All money donated will be held sole-ly for this project. The names of donors will bepublicized, but the amount donated by each individ-ual will be kept confidential. If you would like tomake a donation in honour of or in memory ofsomeone, please tell us. For more informationabout making a donation, or to indicate yourcommitment to this project, please email GlenysSquires at [email protected].

    Below is a “Question and Answer” section. Shouldyou have any further questions, please contact anyof us. Thank you for your support, and a specialthank you to David Kent and Ian Trites for theirassistance in working out the technical details ofthe project.

    South Balcony Fundraising Project – Questions &Answers

    Q. What are the key changes?

    A. `Replace the railing on the south balcony withrailing that matches that on the north balcony.Replace the existing stairs with stairs that matchthose on the north balcony and which conformto Ontario building code. Move the icemachines, the pop machines and the latticeenclosure to elsewhere on the grounds.

    Q. Will the south balcony be altered?

    A. The footprint of the south balcony will notchange. But the usable area will increase due to amore direct circulation route between the doorand stair. Will likely be able to add anothertable.

    Q. Will this project encompass additional mainte-nance to the south balcony (support, new deck-

    ing, membrane)?

    A. We have determined that no additional mainte-nance will be triggered by these changes or willneed to be undertaken to implement them. Thedown pipe connection to the balcony floor drainappears broken and needs repair and could bedone now but the only other issue is wood rot ofthe existing balcony support columns, whichwill need to be replaced down the road. Othermaintenance, such as repaired waterproofingwould be undertaken on an as needed basis inthe future.

    Q. What is the total cost of the renovation?

    A. $15,000 will cover the cost of the wood (treadand railing cap), steel fabrication and miscella-neous expenses.

    Q. How will the stairs and railing be installed?

    A. Senior member, Mike Veenhuizen, the spouse ofboard member Susan Veenhuizen and who hasbeen building and renovating upscale customhomes for twenty-five years, has offered himselfand his company to install the railing and stairs.Members may be called upon to help in workparties.

    Q. What materials will be used for the treads andrailing cap?

    A. Either Mahogany or Douglas fir.

    Q. Did you consider any other options for thestairs?

    A. Yes. Several other options were examined.Please see Stair Options above. Concept “A” wasselected over the other three concepts.

    Q. How about the steel?

    A. The steel stringers and spindles will be the sameas those used on the northeast balcony exceptthat they will have a powder coat finish, todecrease maintenance requirements in thefuture.

    Q. Do the attached images accurately reflect thedesign?

    A. Very close but not in every detail. For example,the bottom of the stairs will be on top of theexisting catwalk, and the hinge on the diningroom/balcony door will be switched from thewest to the east side to provide a safe measure ofspace at the top of the stairs.

    Q. Will the new stairs impede the main clubhouse



    members, visitors and potential members will haveof Queen City. The final picture shows how theproposed changes may be integrated with futurechanges, such as relocation of the office to thesouth-east corner of the ground floor.

    Why this project?In making this proposal we are aware that there arearguably more pressing projects at Queen City andthat discretionary funds are in short supply in theclub’s budget. We recognize that clubhouseredesign is not atop the priority list that currentlyincludes, among other things, washroom renova-tions, Rapids Queen maintenance and re-poweringthe Harold Robbins.

    At the same time, however, imagination has been aQueen City hallmark for almost 120 years. Wesometimes need to take on projects that will makeour club more attractive and comfortable.Furthermore, we believe such projects can be fund-ed innovatively, through voluntary contributions,without affecting overall club finances.

    What we are proposing will:• Complete the balcony and stair upgrades

    (already made to the north side)

    • Make the club more architecturally unified andgive it a more pleasing aspect from the water

    • Provide a more positive first impression of theclub, attracting new members and supportingexisting members

    • Create a more direct circulation route fromgrade to dining area

    • Allow for better utilization of the south deck,creating room for an additional table

    • Adapt the space for possible future relocation ofthe club office to the more visible south eastcorner location

    • Bring the stairway up to current code

    Note that several configurations for the stairs wereconsidered. A summary of the options we looked atis presented below. Concept A was selected.

    Where you come in:We have determined that the project will cost$15,000. Because we feel strongly about this proj-ect, we have already pledged 20% of the total cost.

    We hope that you share our view that smallerinitiatives can contribute to the quality of our livesat Queen City. To that end, we are inviting your

  • whereas this “entrance” project will take lowerpriority. These other projects, which are viewedas basic club maintenance, have exhausted theclub’s financial resources in the near future. Wefeel that these visual and functional improve-ments to the club’s main entrance area will domuch to improve the very important firstimpression of Queen City to potential newmembers and the ongoing enjoyment of the clubto present members.

    Q. Are donations tax-deductible?

    A. Regrettably, your donation is not tax-deductible.

    Q. How will donors be recognized?

    A. The names of all donors will be published (butthe amount of the individual donations will bekept confidential.)

    Q. What is an appropriate amount to donate?

    A. Any amount is appropriate. We hope that mostor all members will contribute something so thatit is truly a “members-funded” project.Donations, to date, have ranged from $50 to$1,000.

    How does one donate?Please write a cheque payable to Queen City YachtClub, indicating “South Balcony Entrance Project”on it. Mail to QCYC, Box 401, Station A, TorontoM5W 1C2, or drop it in the office mailbox. Allmoney donated will be held solely for this project. Ifyou would like to make a donation in honour of orin memory of someone, please tell us. For moreinformation about making a donation, or to indi-cate your commitment to this project, please emailGlenys Squires at [email protected].

    How can I get more information about this project?

    Contact any members of the team:Brian Chung (Nereida)Michele Macartney-Filgate (Manx)Ron Mazza (Mazzarati)Mary Partridge (Assignment)Allan Rae (Enkidu)Glenys Squires (Runcible)


    News/Restaurant Hours


    A. No. The eastern half of the clubhouse door thatleads to the lobby is in fact a light and a doorthat is rarely opened. There is adequate space atthe bottom of the staircase.

    Q. Please describe the new stairs.

    A. The stairs will be a direct run, like the northbalcony stair and like the original stair in thislocation when the club was first built (in 1921).They will be 4 feet wide and have a 7 5/8” riserand a 10” tread. This is in accordance to build-ing code. This will be less steep than the exist-ing stairs which do not meet building coderequirements but more steep than the newnorth balcony stair. There is not enough room toreplicate the slope of the north stair in this loca-tion.

    Q. Where will the ice and pop machines and tele-phone be moved?

    A. There are 3 options currently under considera-tion: a) in front of the dinghy shed (south-eastcorner); b) in or near the “manager’s” cabin; c)to the west of the winch house. The telephonewill remain where it is.

    Q. When will these changes be implemented?

    A. The ice and pop machines can be moved in thespring. Ideally we would like to install the newstairs and railing in the spring, before Sailpast.But we cannot order the materials until all ofthe funds are collected, and the fabrication maytake 6 weeks.

    Q. The letter above implies ‘future changes’. Whatdo you envision?

    A. For one thing, the club may decide to move theclub office to the south-east corner of the groundfloor of the clubhouse. Installing new walkwaysand/or paving stones is another example of apotential future change.

    Q. Does the Board support this effort?

    A. Yes. The Board has been informed of thisfundraising project and supports it.

    Q. Why are you raising funds for this projectinstead of other important projects such as themen’s washroom?

    A. We believe that Queen City’s budget will coverimportant, high priority projects such as themen’s washroom, the Robbin’s engine, etc.

    MAY 9 - MAY 17Restaurant Bar

    Wed 5 pm - 10 pm 5 pm - 10 pmThurs 5 pm - 9 pm 5 pm - 9 pmFri 5 pm - 9 pm 5 pm - 10 pmSat 9 am - 9 pm 12 noon - 11 pmSun 9 am - 8 pm 12 noon - 9 pmHolidays Sunday Hours Sunday Hours

    MAY 18 - SEPT. 3 (HIGH SEASON)Restaurant Bar

    Tues 4 pm - 9 pm 4 pm - 9 pmWed 4 pm - 10 pm 3 pm - 10 pmThurs 5 pm - 9 pm 4 pm - 9 pmFri 5 pm - 10 pm 4 pm - 11 pmSat 9 am - 10 pm 12 noon - 11 pmSun 9 am - 9 pm 12 noon - 9 pmHolidays Sunday Hours Sunday Hours

    1:00 am bar closing on nights when functions are held

    Restaurant and Bar Hours

  • 17


    QCYC 2007 SailpastThe Annual Sailpast and Review of the Fleet by Commodore Tony Pitts marks the official opening of the Club.

    1205 Skippers Meeting1345 Review of the Fleet1600 Sailpast of the Fleet in the

    Lagoon accompanied by the pipes1700 Commodore’s Punchbowl Reception1800 Formal Dinner1810 Head Table Piped in2030 Head Table departs for Flag Lowering Ceremony2040 Sunset and Flag Lowering Ceremony2100 Dancing

    Saturday, May 19, 2007QCYC 2007 Sailpast

    For more information on Sailpast, contact the Rear Commodore at [email protected] or see http://www.qcyc.ca/sailpast.htm

    The Review Ship is the Commodore’s yacht, Abigail III. The fleet will gather at the east end of the harbour at 1315 hours. At 1345 hours, theFleet Captain will lead the fleet past the Commodore’s yacht and will be followed by the Past Commodores, the Fleet and then the RearCommodore.

    The fleet will assemble in the marshalling area upwind of the Commodore’s yacht. The Race Committee vessel, The Harold S. Robbins, willsignal the start of the Review with a warning, prep and start signals at three intervals with the warning at 1340. When you have sighted thevessel you are to follow, fall in behind in as orderly fashion as possible. Pass the Commodore’s yacht maintaining an interval ofapproximately two boat lengths and salute in the following manner.

    Yachts wearing an ensign dip the ensign. Yacht not wearing an ensign, luff the foresail

    The salute should commence one boat length before reaching the Review Vessel and continue for boat length beyond. Where possible theskipper and crew should stand and face the Commodore. Only the Commodore salutes by hand. Afterwards, return to the moorings anddress ship.

    The Algonquin Queen II will be participating in the Review of the Fleet and can accommodate members and guests who wish to participatein this event aboard her on a first come basis. To reserve space, please contact the Club office.

    In the event of foul weather, upon instructions from the Rear Commodore, the fleet shall remain at the moorings and the Commodore’s yachtor his designate will pass through the lagoon.

    The Commodore subsequently hosts a reception on the front lawn. In the event of poor weather, the reception will be held inside the Club onthe main floor.

    Dinner follows at 1800 in the Great Hall

    Dancing to Silmaril

    Proper formal attire is required for the dinner.

    SAILPAST MENUSeafood Bisque

    Lobster, Conch, Tiger Shrimps and Baby Clams, Simmered withSweet Roasted Bell Peppers, Chardonnay, Californian Tomatoes

    and Topped with Scallion Whipped Cream

    Prime Rib of BeefDijon & Garlic Rub, Slow-roasted with Rosemary,

    Thyme and Oregano. Served with Morel Mushrooms Simmered ina Red Wine Reduction, Mini Chateau Potatoes,

    Seasonal Fresh Vegetables Medley

    Luscious Tall New York-Style Cheese CakeOn a Chocolate Cookie Crust, finished with a Delicately Combed

    layer of Chocolate Ganache Coffee & Tea Service

    The ticket price for Sailpast 2007 is $60.00 per person inclusive of all taxes and service charges. The price for tickets purchased by theend of business day, Tuesday April 15th is $55.00, Payment by cash, cheque, and credit card or from Minimum Billing is required by thetime of reservation.

  • News

    Commodore Boycotts the Airport!Commodore Boycotts the Airport!by Brian IlerThere is a major issue that is looming over ourwaterfront – the impending drastic expansion by

    Porter Air (and Air Canada, if it can get back in tothe airport) of commercial flights out of the IslandAirport – a planned 60 take-offs and 60 landings perday, and 650,000 passengers per year.

    For the waterfront, that means:

    • A lot more noise: the Q400 plane being used byPorter is even noisier, according to itsmanufacturer, Bombardier, than its regional jets.Our Club, and National Yacht Club, and theMusic Garden will be seriously affected, as well asthose thousands who now live nearby. Add to thatthe screeching sound airport staff regularly use toscare birds away, that’ll become much morefrequent.

    • Nasty pollution: we already get a fair amount ofsoot on

    our boats - some from aircraft exhaust. That’llincrease dramatically. Already, residents inBathurst Quay are noticing the smell of aviationfuel in their homes. And airports produce veryhigh levels of toxic emissions, including knowncarcinogens. The more flights, the more our healthwill be affected.

    • Traffic congestion: there is little parking availablefor such an increased volume of passengers,placing great stress on Stadium Road, LittleNorway Crescent, and lower Bathurst Street,which runs between a park, a school, communitycentre, and daycare centre.

    We do know that the safety margins for the airportare far smaller than those required in the U.S. – therunways are too short, the “runway safety area” at theends of the only runway the Q400 can use are far

    shorter than required in the U.S, and the presence ofthousands of birds creates a significant hazard.

    Bottom line – the expanded airport is utterlyincompatible with the recreational, cultural, andresidential uses our waterfront is ideal for.

    While there are reasonable expectations that Porter,like many others who have tried before, will fail toachieve financial viability, we can’t count on that,without some effort on our part.

    There was some hope that the Conservatives inOttawa would choose to embarrass the Liberals(responsible for establishing the Port Authority, butalso for cancelling the bridge), by shutting the airportdown, and turning over the port’ s operation to theCity. That turned out to be naïve on our part, anddidn’t happen.

    There’s some considerable potential, given theimproved powers of the Mayor and his allies onCouncil, and the election of Adam Vaughan asCouncillor for our ward, that the City will be morevigorous in using the powers it has to constrain thisexpansion. Community AIR is working closely withthe City on a number of issues.

    But most important, at this time, our task is to ensurethat commercial service on the island does notsurvive, by boycotting the island airport. Tell anyoneyou know who might be tempted to take advantage ofthose cheap flights that it’s not the way to go.

    Community AIR has a brochure promoting theboycott – you can download it fromhttp://www.communityair.org/


    Printed versions are available – e-mail me, [email protected], or Community AIR at

    [email protected]

  • 19

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    Special Promotional Offers Available for QCYC Members & Referred Clients*

    Departure times shown are from city side at the foot of York StreetDeduct 15 minutes for Departure time from Club House

    Last-minute changes will be posted on the Flash, time permitting. Check with the club office at 416.203.0929.

    Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Holiday AM 8:15 8:15 8:15 8:15 8:15 R 8:15 R 8:15 R 8:15

    * 8:45 * 8:45 * 8:45 * 8:45 * 8:45 R 8:45 R 8:45 R 8:45R 9:15 R 9:15 R 9:15R 9:45 R 9:45 R 9:45

    R 10:15 R10:15 R10:15 R10:15 R10:15 10:15 10:15 10:15R11:15 11:15 11:15 11:15

    PM R12:15 R12:15 R12:15 R12:15 R12:15 12:15 12:15 12:15R1:15 R1:15 1:15 1:15 1:15

    R2:15 R2:15 R2:15 R2:15 R2:15 2:15 2:15 2:15R3:15 R3:15 3:15 R3:15 R3:15 3:15 3:15 3:15

    4:15 4:15 4:15 4:15 4:15 4:15 4:15 4:154:45 4:45

    5:15 5:15 5:15 5:15 5:15 5:15 5:15 5:155:45 5:45

    6:15 6:15 6:15 6:15 6:15 6:15 6:15 6:15R7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15R8:15 8:15 8:15 8:15 8:15 8:15 8:15 8:15R9:15 9:15 9:15 9:15 9:15 9:15 9:15 9:15

    9:45R10:15 10:15 10:15 10:15 10:15 10:15 10:15 10:15

    10:4511:15 11:15 11:15*** 11:15

    AM 12:15 12:15** 1:15

    Tender Schedule

    * 8:45am. Weekdays begins Tue. Jul. 3. ** 1:15am Special Events only. ***11:15pm Sun. when Mon. is a holiday. R = Robbins in service.

    Cash Fare return trip $ 6.00 available from the tender captain. No one way fares.10 Tickets - $ 50.00 available in the office. Members: Please present your Membership Card

  • Sat May 05 Work PartySat May 05 Marine Emegency Response Council (MERC) Safety DayMon May 07 Summer Bird Tender ScheduleWed May 09 Participant's Meeting @1840Tue May 15 1st Education Session (Starts etc.)Wed May 16 CC1-1Thu May 17 Board MeetingSat May 19 Sailpast/DancingSat May 19 Start of Safe Boating Week until the 25th Sun May 20 LORC Paul J.Phelan Memorial OffshoreMon May 21 Statutory HolidayTue May 22 2nd Education Session (TBD)Wed May 23 CC1-2Wed May 23 Clipper Issue 2 Submission DeadlineFri May 25 Spring AGM @1900Sat May 26 1630 Salute to New Yachts

    1830 New Members' Night (MBE)/DancingSat May 26/27 LORC ABYC Open & One Design InvitationalTue May 29 3rd Education Session (TBD)Wed May 30 CC1-3Fri Jun 01 LORC Susan HoodSat Jun 2 Texas Holdem Night in the Main HallSun Jun 03 LOSHRS Race 1 @QCYC/LOSHRS Race 1 @QCYCTue Jun 05 4th Education Session (TBD)Wed Jun 06 CC1-4Sat Jun 09 Cajun Food and The Sounds of Jazz Dining and

    Dancing to Chuck Jackson and his 7 Piece Band (MBE)"Sat Jun 09 LOC Star Fleet QualifiersSat Jun 09 LTS Adult Session 1 (09,10,16,17)"Sat Jun 09 LORC RCYC Open including LOC Star Fleet RegattaSun Jun 10 LOC Star Fleet QualifiersSun Jun 10 LORC RCYC Open including LOC Star Fleet RegattaTue Jun 12 5th Education Session (TBD)Wed Jun 13 CC1-5Sat Jun 15 Inna and Dale are getting married!Sat Jun 16 Potluck/KaraokeSat Jun 16 QCYC Safety DaySun Jun 17 Blessing of the FleetWed Jun 20 CC1-6Thu Jun 21 Board meetingFri Jun 22 NOOD TorontoSat Jun 23 Clipper Issue 3 Submission DeadlineSat Jun 23 LOSHRS Race 2 @PCYCSat Jun 23 NOOD TorontoSat Jun 23 Ken and Lynne are getting married!Sun Jun 24 LOSHRS Race 2 @YYCSun Jun 24 NOOD TorontoWed Jun 27 CC2-1Sat Jun 30 Canada Day Weekend Bash, Dinner and Dance (MBE)Sat Jun 30 C&C Owners RegattaSun Jul 01 Family Fun Fair and Barbeque Sun Jul 01 C&C Owners RegattaMon Jul 02 Statutory HolidayTue Jul 03 Learn-to-Sail/Junior Club Session 1 startsWed Jul 04 CC2-2Sat Jul 07 Cruise-out to FBYC

    FBYC Cruise-inSat Jul 07 Easter Seal RegattaSat Jul 07 Milestone eventSun Jul 08 Cruise-out to FBYC/FBYC Cruise-in"Sun Jul 08 Star Informal RaceWed Jul 11 CC2-3Sat Jul 14 LTS Adult Session 2 (14,15,21,22)Sat Jul 14 OYS Cruise-inSat Jul 14 LORC PCYC OpenSun Jul 15 OYS Cruise-inSun Jul 15 LORC PCYC OpenMon Jul 16 Learn-to-Sail/Junior Club Session 2 startsWed Jul 18 CC2-4Thu Jul 19 Board MeetingSat Jul 21 BPYC Cruise-inSat Jul 21 Lake Ontario 300Sun Jul 22 BPYC Cruise-inSun Jul 22 Star Informal RaceMon Jul 23 Clipper Issue 4 Submission DeadlineWed Jul 25 CC2-5

    Sat Jul 28/29 Youngstown LevelsMon Jul 30 Learn-to-Sail/Junior Club Session 3 startsTue Jul 31 LYRA Founder's RaceWed Aug 01 CC2-6Wed Aug 01 LYRA Cenntential RaceWed Aug 01 LYRA Freeman RaceFri Aug 03 LYRA Day RacesSat Aug 04 Cruise out to DYC/DYC Cruise-in"Sat Aug 04 LYRA Day RacesSun Aug 05 Cruise out to DYC/DYC Cruise-inSun Aug 05 LYRA Day RacesMon Aug 06 Cruise out to DYC/DYC Cruise-in"Mon Aug 06 Statutory HolidayWed Aug 08 CC2-7Thu Aug 09 CORK Offshore until Aug-12Sat Aug 11 Women Skippers RaceSat Aug 11 LTS Adult Session 3 (11,12,18,19)Sat Aug 11 AHMEN 1 (AYC)Mon Aug 13 Learn-to-Sail/Junior Club Session 4 startsMon Aug 13 CORK Optimist until Aug-15Wed Aug 15 CC3-1Thu Aug 16 CORK Youth Fest until Aug-17Fri Aug 17 Deadline to return trophiesSat Aug 18 Bob or Doug's Lobsterfest (MBE)/DancingSat Aug 18 Star Informal RaceSat Aug 18 AHMEN 2 (NYC)Sat Aug 18 CORK 1 until Aug-22Wed Aug 22 CC3-2Thu Aug 23 Board MeetingThu Aug 23 Clipper Issue 5 Submission DeadlineThu Aug 23 CORK 2 until Aug-26Fri Aug 24 Junoir Club BanquetSat Aug 25 Potluck/KaraokeSat Aug 25 LORC EYC Open & EYC LevelsSat Aug 25 LOSHRS Race 4 @PCYCSun Aug 26 LORC EYC Open & EYC LevelsWed Aug 29 CC3-3Fri Aug 31 Kids camp out/Corn & Weenie Roast (MBE)Fri Aug 31 Deadline for Award nominations Sat Sep 01 Pig Roast Afternoon/Pig Roast Night/DancingMon Sep 03 Statutory HolidayTue Sep 04 Fall Tender ScheduleWed Sep 05 CC3-4Sat Sep 08 LORC NYC/QCYC Open @ NYCSat Sep 08 LTS Adult Session 4 (08,09,15,16)"Sat Sep 08 AHMEN 3 (EYC)Sat Sep 08 Shark Gold Cup @NYCSun Sep 09 LORC NYC/QCYC Open @ NYCSun Sep 09 Shark Gold Cup @NYCWed Sep 12 CC3-5Sat Sep 15 Cruise-out to ABYC/ABYC Cruise-in"Sat Sep 15 LORC Argsoy Rose Bowl (NYC)Sat Sep 15 LOSHRS Race 5 PCYC to DYCSun Sep 16 Cruise-out to ABYC/ABYC Cruise-in"Sun Sep 16 AHMEN 4 (MCC)Sun Sep 16 LOSHRS Race 6 DYC to DYCWed Sep 19 CC3-6Thu Sep 20 Board MeetingSat Sep 22 LORC Donald Summerville (ABYC)Sun Sep 23 Champion of ChampionsSun Sep 23 Clipper Issue 6 Submission DeadlineSun Sep 23 AHMEN 5 (TS&CC)Sat Sep 29 Last Chance Cup/Awards Banquet/DancingSun Sep 30 Star Informal RaceSun Sep 30 AHMEN 6 (QCYC)Mon Oct 01 Late Fall Tender ScheduleSat Oct 06 LORC Boswell (RCYC)Mon Oct 08 Statutory HolidaySat Oct 13 Haul-out/Daily flag raising stopsSun Oct 14 Haul-out Thu Oct 18 Board MeetingSat Oct 20 Haul-out /Pot Luck"Sun Oct 21 Haul-out And/or Work Party"Mon Oct 22 Snow Bird Tender ScheduleThu Nov 15 Board MeetingFri Dec 07 Annual General Meeting

    Events 2007