MATWORK PREREQUISITE EXERCISES FOR BALL, CIRCLE, BAND …s3.amazonaws.com/images.thewebconsole.com/S3WEB581/... · of the stretch or exercise, in terms of how much they will feel

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Exercise details 6

Cueing Formula 7

Pendulum 3-4 8

Rollup 1-2 11

Half rollback 15

Corkscrew 1 19

Controls front 1-2 21

Grasshopper 23

Supine abdominal series

Plank series

Prone lying series

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Exercise Details

Difficulty levels and intensity levels

Each exercise has been given a rating in terms of difficulty and intensity. These ratings can be very

useful when programming both a class or studio session. The intensity rating refers to the intensity

of the stretch or exercise, in terms of how much they will feel the muscles working or stretching.

Difficulty level refers to how difficult an exercise is to perform, in terms of strength, flexibility, co-

ordination, balance, stability and hence safety. The levels range from 1-4, 1 being the easiest, 4

being the most difficult or intense.

For example and exercise which has a difficulty and intensity level of 1 is very safe and basic, not

working anywhere very hard, suited to basic programs and rehabilitation. Difficulty level of 1 but an

intensity level of 3 is an exercise which works or stretches the muscles really well, but is simple and

easy and safe to perform. Exercises which have a difficulty level of 4 but an intensity level of 1 are

difficult to perform perhaps because they are a series of complicated movements that require co-

ordination, but don’t work or stretch anywhere intensely. Exercises that are level 4 for both difficulty

and intensity are advanced, difficult to perform and hard work.

It is important to remember that this is a general guide, and every person is different; every person will find different exercises more difficult or intense based on their particular strengths, weaknesses, flexibility and injuries

What and or where it works

This describes the main aim of the exercise and the most important muscles and joint movements

which are being worked, stretched or targeted. There will also be many other muscles working

throughout each exercise to stabilise or move the body, but only the main ones being targeted are



Each exercise will have a list of prerequisites required to have achieved before attempting the

exercise. This will consist of both exercises they must be able to perform and also specific physical

requirements. This helps when programming for the clients – if they can achieve all of the

prerequisites then you know the exercise will be suitable for them to do (also taking into

consideration the injury/caution section). It also helps to build up the client’s specific strength,

flexibility and co-ordination required by doing the prerequisite exercises before attempting the more

difficult exercise.

Verbal set up This outlines a detailed description of the starting position of each exercise, and should be verbalised in as much detail as possible to the clients so they perform the exercise correctly from the start. Breathing and movement

This includes a step by step description of the breathing pattern and specific movement sequence

for each exercise. The descriptions are written exactly as they should be verbalised, as these

particular words have been found to achieve the best overall client understanding of the exercises.

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The concentration

These are the key points to give to the clients to concentrate on after you have cued the set up and

breathing and movement. They give the clients key points to focus on to increase the effectiveness

of the exercise.


Most exercises will have several modifications that can either make the exercise easier, harder or

safer for the clients. Modifications are very important tool when taking a group class as you can

have people doing the same exercise but different modifications. They are also very important for

people with injuries. Using different modifications create variety – clients think it is a whole new

exercise when you add a new modification in.

Corrections/common mistakes

This lists the most common mistakes that people make for each exercise. The best way to instruct is

to pre-empt this by cueing so the clients don’t make these mistakes. If they do, then you can correct

them right away.


A comprehensive list of what to be aware of for each exercise: the conditions/injuries which make it

unsafe to perform the exercise at all and how to modify the exercise in the case of pain and injury.

The Cueing Formula

Name of exercise

What and or where it works

The set up

T- zone

Breathing & movement

The concentration

Corrections/common mistakes

Permission to continue

The challenge

Encourage & inspire

Remind & recycle

All in demo and first

two reps

Recycle these points

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Pendulum 3-4 Intensity= 3 Difficulty=3

What or where it works

Strengthen the abdominals, particularly the obliques

Works spinal rotation mobility and control


Ability to correctly maintain T-zone and imprint in tabletop position

No lumbar disc injuries

Hamstring flexibility

Verbal set up

Lying on the back with the knees squeezed together in tabletop, arms out to the sides with the

palms facing up, imprinted spine, T-zone.

Pendulum Modification 3 – Over with bent knees, extend both legs and return back to centre

INHALE: slowly lower the legs over to the side rotating the spine, one hip lifts off the floor slightly,

then straighten both legs up to vertical keeping the knees together

EXHALE: return the legs back to the centre using the abdominals, then bend the knees so that both

legs are back in tabletop position

Start position Inhale legs over to the side...

and straighten the knees Exhale legs back to centre, then bend knees

Supine abdominal series

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Pendulum Modification 4 – Straight legs over and back

Verbal set up

Lying on the back with the knees squeezed together in tabletop, arms out to the sides with the

palms facing up, imprinted spine, T-zone.

Extend both legs straight up towards the ceiling keeping them together

Breathing and movement

INHALE: slowly lower the legs over to the side rotating the spine, one hip lifts off the floor slightly

EXHALE: return the legs back to the centre using the abdominals

Exhale Inhale

The concentration

Use the abdominals/obliques to control the movement both directions – to control the legs going

over to the side and to draw the legs back to centre

Maintain an imprinted spinal position throughout


Squeeze the knees together

Only go over as far as can be controlled


Can use neutral pelvis if strong enough or suits better

Add a circle between the ankles to challenge

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Pendulum - Corrections/Common mistakes

Legs dropping away from vertical

Arching the lower back

Lifting the tailbone off the mat/posteriorly tilting the pelvis

Losing t-zone, gripping and using the back muscles or leg muscles (hip flexors) to bring the legs back

to the centre

Pushing through the arms and tensing the neck and shoulders

Laterally flexing the spine rather than a pure rotation – hitching one hip up towards the ribcage

Losing contact with both shoulders on the floor


Back pain – check t-zone, obliques and imprint position, make the ROM smaller, place a ball under

the calves or discontinue

Danger for anyone who has any disc issue or LBP.

Neck pain – head should be on the mat, neck relaxed, don’t push through the arms

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Rollup Intensity=2 Difficulty=3 What and or where it works

Abdominal strength and control through spinal flexion

Spinal flexion mobility

Modification 2 also stretches the hamstrings and works on neural mobilisation


No disc bulges or sciatica

Half rollback

Reasonable spinal flexion – not great for a rigid lumbar lordosis

Good abdominal strength

Verbal set up

Sitting up tall with legs straight out on floor in front, neutral spine, arms reaching forwards at

shoulder height, shoulders down and back

Breathing and Movement

Verbal set up

Sitting up tall with legs straight out on floor in front, neutral spine, arms reaching forwards at

shoulder height, shoulders down and back

Breathing and Movement

Modification 1 – Rollup

INHALE: t-zone

EXHALE: sink backwards and tuck the pubic bone towards the belly button, rolling the spine

backwards towards the floor vertebrae at a time until lying flat with the arms towards the ceiling

INHALE: t-zone

EXHALE: tuck the chin to the chest and roll back up using the abdominals, peeling the spine off the

mat vertebrae at a time until sitting tall

The Concentration

Use the abdominals to control you rolling down, keep tucking pubic bone towards the belly button

and let the feet slide along floor towards you.

Slowly roll back up, keep the knees squeezed together, shoulders down and back.

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Feel the abdominals working, t-zone tight to keep the abdominals flat and scooped.

Roll down only as far as you can keep it controlled, aiming to be lying on floor. If you can’t do this

then do half rollback instead.


Can place a towel or pillow under the lower back to counteract a large lordosis.

Can do with bent knees, a circle between the inner thighs, holding a circle in the hands or holding a

band around the feet to make it easier

Corrections/Common mistakes

Hunching the shoulders

Leaning and hinging backwards rather than rolling backwards vertebrae at a time

Lifting the feet and using the hip flexors too much – press the heels into the floor and squeeze the

knees together to help this

Going too quickly and using momentum

Not tucking the chin in and lagging the head behind

Arching the lower back/letting the abdominals relax when lying on back


Lower back - Avoid for disc bulges, sciatica and large lordosis, make sure the abdominals are strong

enough to control the movement, no jerking and using the hip flexors

Neck – keep the shoulder blades down and back, chin tucked in

Inhale Exhale roll backwards... to the mat. Inhale and hold

Exhale and roll back up... until sitting tall

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Modification 2 – Rollup with hamstring stretch

INHALE: T-zone

EXHALE: Sink backwards and tuck the pubic bone towards the belly button, rolling the spine

backwards towards the floor vertebrae at a time until lying flat then continue to take the arms

overhead to rest on the floor

INHALE: t-zone and take the arms towards the ceiling

EXHALE: tuck the chin to the chest and roll back up using the abdominals, peeling the spine off the

mat vertebrae at a time until sitting tall

INHALE: sit tall

EXHALE: flex the spine forwards from the hips and reach the arms forwards towards the feet to

stretch the hamstrings

INHALE: return to starting sitting position

The Concentration

Use the abdominals to control you rolling down, keep tucking pubic bone towards the belly button

and let the feet slide along floor towards you.

Slowly roll back up, keep the knees squeezed together, shoulders down and back.

Feel the abdominals working, t-zone tight to keep the abdominals flat and scooped.

Really stretch forwards over the feet to stretch the back of the legs.


Can place a towel, small pillow or the hands under the lower back to counteract a large lordosis.

Can do with bent knees, a circle between the inner thighs, holding a circle in the hands.

Corrections/Common mistakes

Hunching the shoulders

Leaning and hinging backwards rather than rolling backwards

Not rolling up/down vertebrae at a time

Lifting the feet and using the hip flexors too much – press the heels into the floor and squeeze the

knees together to help this

Going too quickly and using momentum

Not tucking the chin in and lagging the head behind

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Arching the lower back/letting the abdominals relax when lying on back


Lower back - Avoid for disc bulges, sciatica and large lordosis, make sure the abdominals are strong

enough to control the movement, no jerking and using the hip flexors

Neck – keep the shoulder blades down and back, chin tucked in


Exhale roll back... vertebrae at a time... and take the arms overhead

Inhale arms to ceiling Exhale roll up to sitting Inhale sit tall

Exhale stretch forwards

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Half Rollback Intensity=2 Difficulty=2-3

What and or where it works

Abdominal strength into spinal flexion


No lumbar disc bulges

Good t-zone and oblique activation

Verbal set up

Sitting up tall with legs straight out on floor in front, neutral spine, arms reaching forwards at

shoulder height, shoulders down and back

Breathing and Movement

Modification 1 – Arms out to front

INHALE: t-zone

EXHALE: sink backwards and tuck the pubic bone towards the belly button, sinking through the

lower back and rolling the spine backwards towards the floor vertebrae at a time as far as can


INHALE: t-zone harder

EXHALE: and draw the ribs towards the hips and roll back up to sitting

The Concentration

Only roll back as far as can keep the back rounded, the ribs towards the hips and the obliques and t-

zone tight

Let the feet slide towards you as you tuck the bottom under and roll backwards

Keep the knees squeezed together

Shoulder blades down and back

Eyes looking straight forwards at all times

Maintain the spinal flexions at all times

Modification 2 – Arms overhead

INHALE: t-zone

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EXHALE: sink backwards and tuck the pubic bone towards the belly button, sinking through the

lower back and rolling the spine backwards towards the floor vertebrae at a time as far as can

control. Maintain the spinal flexion, lift the arms overhead.

INHALE: return the arms to shoulder height

EXHALE: draw the ribs towards the hips and roll back up to sitting


Can do with bent knees, a circle between the inner thighs, holding a circle in the hands or holding a

band around the feet to make it easier

Corrections/Common mistakes

Rolling back too far

Leaning rather than rolling back, arching the lower back

Overusing the hip flexors and hinging back up or lifting the feet

Hunching the shoulders

Letting the t-zone go and the abdominals pop out


Lower back – avoid for disc bulges. Keep the t-zone and obliques tight to support the back, don’t roll

back too far, try both the bent and straight knee variations.

Neck – keep the shoulders down and back, sit up tall and lengthen through the crown of the head,

chin tucked in

Modification 1

Inhale Exhale sink back

Inhale hold Exhale curl up

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Half rollback plus rotation Intensity=2.5 Difficulty=2.5

What and or where it works

Abdominal strength into flexion and rotation, particularly the obliques.


Half rollback

No disc bulge

Verbal set up

Sitting up tall with legs straight out on floor in front, neutral spine, arms reaching forwards at

shoulder height, shoulders down and back

Breathing and Movement

INHALE: t-zone

EXHALE: tuck the pubic bone to the belly button, rolling back and rotating the upper body, arms

straight out in front of the chest

INHALE: rotate back to the centre

EXHALE: and curl the ribs to the hips to sit back up tall

The Concentration

Only roll back as far as can keep the back rounded, the ribs towards the hips and the obliques and t-

zone tight

Pure rotation of the spine- don’t lean to one side – the shoulders will rotate but will stay directly

above the hips

Let the feet slide towards you as you tuck the bottom under and roll backwards

Keep the knees squeezed together

Shoulder blades down and back

Eye line follows the body’s rotation


Can hold a pole or circle with the hands, or holding a band around the feet to make it easier

Can do with the knees slightly bent if hamstrings are tight and a neutral pelvis can’t be maintained in

the sitting position, can also put circle between the inner thighs in this position.

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Corrections/Common mistakes

Rolling back too far

Hinging rather than rolling back, arching the lower back

Laterally flexing the spine and leaning the body over to one side

Overusing the hip flexors - hinging back up or lifting the feet

Hunching the shoulders

Letting the t-zone go and the abdominals pop out


Lower back – avoid for disc bulges or sciatica. Keep the t-zone and obliques tight to support the

back, don’t roll back too far, try both the bent and straight knee variations.

Neck – keep the shoulders down and back, sit up tall and lengthen through the crown of the head

Inhale Exhale roll back and rotate

Inhale rotate back to centre Exhale roll back up

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Corkscrew 1 Intensity=4 Difficulty=4

What and or where it works

Abdominal strength and control


No back problems

Very strong abdominals

Verbal set up

Lying on the back with the legs extended up towards the ceiling, legs squeezed together, toes

pointed. Hands resting by the side, palms down, shoulder blades down and back. Spine imprinted, t-


Breathing and Movement

INHALE: take the legs out to the side

EXHALE: circle the legs down and around as far as can be controlled, take the legs over to the other

side complete the circle by returning the legs to vertical

Then reverse the circle

The concentration

One hip bone at a time will lift off the floor slightly

Maintain the imprint at all times through the movement

Keep squeezing the knees together

You should feel the abdominals working

Maintain the t- zone


Do with the knees in tabletop or with the feet on a ball to make is easier, add circle between legs

Corrections/Common mistakes

Tailbone lifting off the floor when the legs get to vertical

Back arching when the legs are at the lowest part of the movement

Twisting the pelvis

Injuries/caution: Not suitable for anyone with back issues

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Start position Inhale legs to the side

Exhale lower legs down... around to the other side... and back to vertical

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Controls front Intensity=3 Difficulty=3

What and or where it works

Abdominal strength

Shoulder strength and scapula stability

Buttock activation into hip extension



Strong abdominals and shoulders

Ability to weight bare through the wrists

Verbal set up

On the hands and feet in the full push up position, arms straight and hands directly underneath the

shoulders. Body is in one straight line, t-zone and abdominals tight so there is no dip or arch in the

back. Shoulder blades down and back against the ribcage, chin tucked under, eyes on the floor.

Breathing and Movement

Modification 1 – Static hold

Hold this position and continue to breathe

Modification 2 – Lift foot

Hold this position and

EXHALE: lift one leg and pause

INHALE: lower the leg

EXHALE: lift the other leg

INHALE: lower the leg

The Concentration

Lift the leg as high as you can whilst maintaining a neutral spine.

T-zone and check the lower back to ensure that it is not dipped.

Keep one long line between the head, shoulders, hips and feet.

Keep the hands directly underneath the shoulders.

Draw the shoulders down and back.

Plank series

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Can do on the elbows instead of the wrists.

Corrections/Common mistakes

Sticking the bottom up in the air in a pike position

Arching through the lower back

Sagging through the whole torso

Winging the scapulae

Letting the t-zone and obliques go

Hunching the shoulders

Eyes looking forwards


Wrists -if the wrists are straining try turning the hands out and placing them a bit wider apart, or do

the modification on the elbows.

Neck and shoulder – shoulder blades down and back, chin tucked in, thoracic spine lifted up against

the scapula. If this doesn’t work or is too difficult then discontinue.

Lower back - t-zone and check the lower back to ensure that it is not dipping.



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Grasshopper Intensity=1.5 Difficulty=2.5

What and or where it works

Lumbar spine extensors, gluteus maximus and hamstrings


Good flexibility in the quads and hip flexors

Verbal set up

Lying on the stomach with the palms of hands on the floor underneath the forehead, legs extended

straight with the legs slightly apart and turned out. T-zone engaged and lifted slightly off the floor.

Breathing and Movement

INHALE: squeeze the buttocks and raise the legs up off the floor keeping them straight

EXHALE: bend the knees crossing the ankles whilst keeping the thighs up off the floor

INHALE: straightening the legs keeping them high

EXHALE: cross the ankles again, this time swapping which leg is on top, maintaining the height of the


INHALE: straighten fully again and

EXHALE: release the legs to the floor

The concentration

Keep the t-zone off the floor

No pain or hyperextension in the lower back

Squeeze the thighs to really straighten the legs

Keep the thighs high off the floor until releasing back down


A folded towel or hands under the pubic bone

Can be done with circle between or around ankles, a band around ankles, or lying over a ball.

Corrections/Common mistakes

Dipping through the lower back and letting the t-zone touch the floor

Not straightening the legs fully between each movement

Prone Lying Series

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Letting the legs drop down when they bend


Lower back- Not suitable for anyone with SIJ problems, lumbar instability/spondylolisthesis or a

large lordosis with overactive lumber extensors

Inhale legs are raised and extended

Exhale cross the ankles keeping the legs up

Inhale straighten the legs

Exhale cross the ankles the opposite way