Master Thesis Bjorn Sponberg Stockholm University 2012

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  • 8/13/2019 Master Thesis Bjorn Sponberg Stockholm University 2012.


    A new model argues againstJust

    in time synthesisin M phase

    Student:Bjrn Sponberg

    Supervisor:Erik L.L Sonnhammer

    Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics,

    Stockholm University, Sweden.

    Start date: 2011-09-01

    inish date: 2012-11-27


  • 8/13/2019 Master Thesis Bjorn Sponberg Stockholm University 2012.


    !a"le of #ontents

    Table of contents........................................................................................................................2


    1 Introduction............................................................................................................................4

    1.1 The eukaryotic cell cycle....................................................................................................................................4

    1.2 Translational control in eukaryotic cells............................................................................................................4

    1.3 A new regulatory model.....................................................................................................................................5

    2 Methods...................................................................................................................................6

    2.1 Methods of gathering data and experimental design..........................................................................................

    2.2 Training and !inary classification with "#Mlight..............................................................................................$

    2.3 %lastall................................................................................................................................................................&

    2.4 'T(scan............................................................................................................................................................ .)

    2.5 Type of control...................................................................................................................................................)

    3 Results and discussion..........................................................................................................10

    3.1.1 The three principal arguments ......................................................................................................................1*

    3.1.2 +esigning the expected plot..........................................................................................................................12

    3.1.3 ,otential clusters of homologs in the cell cycle............................................................................................13

    3.2 SVM and Blastall analysis on the !"TR# 3!"TR and intron $heels..........................16

    3.2.1 The fi-e prime untranslated region 5/'T(0.................................................................................................1

    3.2.2 The three prime untranslated region 3/'T(0...................................................................................... ........1$

    3.2.3 ntron..................................................................................................................................................... .......2*

    3.2.4 "hort summary..............................................................................................................................................21

    3.3 "TRscan...........................................................................................................................22

    3.3.1 'T(scan on 5/'T(............................................................................................................................. .........22

    3.3.2 'T(scan on 3/'T(............................................................................................................................. .........24

    3.% Su&&ary results...............................................................................................................2% 'onclusion.............................................................................................................................26


    A))*+,I-*S /I All sixteen wheel positions /II ist of 'T(scan motifs.


  • 8/13/2019 Master Thesis Bjorn Sponberg Stockholm University 2012.



    To clarify as many details as possi!le in the human cell cycle is of great medical interest. t is

    an initiati-e to eliminate cancer disease. A new regulatory model for the eukaryotic cell cycle

    has !een launched. The new model !uilds on three e-olutionary principal arguments which

    com!ined will lead to the alternati-e regulatory solution suggested !y the new model. More

    specifically the model hypothesies that as the chromosomes enter their stressful states in M

    phase transcripts will !e supplied from ,!ody -esicles. 6or this reason these special

    m(7A/s are referred to asP-body transcripts. 8onse9uently the ,!ody transcripts must !e

    transcri!ed and transported into ,!odies !efore M phase. According to the new model this

    happens :ust after the restriction point in ;1 phase.

    4* genes from the 0 and Upstream Open Reading rame u?(60 are potential regulatory

    candidates in the ,!ody transcripts which can control their uni9ue temporal storage and

    release -ia cytosolic ,!odies.

    n conclusion these results can lead to further in-estigations in the wetla! to clarify if and

    how the new model functions in -i-o.


  • 8/13/2019 Master Thesis Bjorn Sponberg Stockholm University 2012.


    1 Introduction

    1.1 The eukaryotic cell cycle

    The eukaryotic cell cycle is usually di-ided into four phases= !" S !#andM phase@1. The

    time it takes to complete one cycle -aries from organism to organism what type of cell it is

    and at what de-elopmental stage the cell is in @2. To complete one successful cell cycle

    many different types of proteins are needed continuously. The pool of genes that are needed to

    complete one cell cycle are either constitutively e$pressed orperiodically e$pressed@3. The

    constituti-ely expressed proteins are a-aila!le to the cell during the whole cycle. n contrast

    the periodically expressed genes are expressed at a certain time point in the cycle and

    immediately degraded after use.

    1.2 Translational control in eukaryotic cells

    The detailed residue!yresidue transfer of se9uential information from %eo$yribonucleic

    acid+7A0 -ia messenger ribonucleic acidm(7A0 to protein is referred to as the central

    dogma@4. According to the central dogma synthesis of m(7A transcription0 takes place in

    the cell nucleus. The initial transcript -ersion precursor mR&' is modified !efore it is

    transported out of the cell nucleus for translation in cytosol @5. 6urther many regulatory

    factors !ind the m(7A molecule in the cell nucleus to influence its future fate in cytosol.

    These (7A !inding regulatory factors mature the m(7A into a messenger ribonucleoprotein

    m(7,0 @. This finalied -ersion of the m(7A molecule is what e-entually lea-es the cell

    nucleus for translation. The regulatory factors that !inds m(7A to create the m(7, complex

    regulates= translation subcellular location or degradation control. The two most important

    m(7A regions that function as !inding sites for these regulatory factors are the three prime

    untranslated region3/'T(0 and the five prime untranslated region5/'T(0 @$ &. The next

    process after transcription in the central dogma is to translate the m(7A into a functional

    protein. 6irst ri!osome su!units assem!les on the 5/'T( end of the m(7A se9uence. An

    initial ri!osome complex scans down the m(7A until it reaches the first A'; codon @)

    1*. At this stage the unfinished ri!osome complex !ecomes a fully functional

    ri!osome !y association with the 4*" ri!osomal su!unit. The complete ri!osome complex is

    now competent for translation of the downstream m(7A in the 5/ B 3/ direction.


  • 8/13/2019 Master Thesis Bjorn Sponberg Stockholm University 2012.


    (ust in time synthesisis a phrase that is used to descri!e the classical way in how a cell

    responds to a stimuli. The phrase Cust in time synthesis can !e interpreted as= that the cell

    initiates transcription and translation immediately after it recei-es a stimulation to do so @3.

    1.3 A new regulatory model

    The current -iew is that the periodically expressed genes in the eukaryotic cell cycle are

    regulated in a (ust in time synthesis manner. The new cell cycle model 9uestions if Cust in

    time synthesis really takes place in all phases. P-bodies or processing !odies are small

    -esicles in cytosol that got its name from their in-ol-ement in mR&' turnover@11. (ecent

    studies ha-e shown that these small -esicles can ha-e other functions as well such as

    temporal translation control and m(7A storage.

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    2 Methods

    2.1 Methods of gathering data and experimental design

    A!out 4*

  • 8/13/2019 Master Thesis Bjorn Sponberg Stockholm University 2012.


    should !e 1**E filled with p!ody transcripts was M phase. DThe wheelD was supposed to

    turn gradually) click !y click to e-entually complete one full turn see Appendix 0. To make

    sure that all the potentially p!ody transcripts were isolated in at least onewheel position

    during a full turn cell cycle0 the wheel was split into two e9ually sied datasets red and

    !lue datasets in figure 20.

  • 8/13/2019 Master Thesis Bjorn Sponberg Stockholm University 2012.


    3. >ach kmer com!ination fre9uency in a se9uence was annotated as a feature in a sparse

    encoded file. After scanning all kmer com!inations o-er a se9uence that se9uence

    was represented as a sparse encoded file. A se9uence from the red dataset was

    annotated with /G1/. "e9uences from the red data set looked like this with its kmer

    fre9uency !ehind num!ersF

    G1 1F*.**2 2F*.*345 3F*.)11 etc....

    A se9uence from the !lue dataset was annotated with /1/. "e9uences from the !lue

    data set looked like this with its kmer fre9uency !ehind num!ersF

    1 1F*.**2 2F*.*345 3F*.)11 etc....

    4. >ach sparse encoded file was used as input data in s-mHtrain which !ased on this

    created a training model. After training the training model was used !y s-mHclassify

    to separate potential red dataset genes /G/0 from potential !lue dataset genes //0 from

    a group that was left out from the training process.

    5. To set a -alue on s-mHclassify/s classification performance Matthe*s correlation

    coefficient score +M88 score0 was calculated !ased on com!inations of true positi-e

    T,0 true negati-e T70 false positi-e 6,0 and false negati-e 670.

    6. Totally 25 parallels were run on each of the sixteen wheel dataset positions. >ach run

    was run as a lea-eoneout cross-alidation with fi-e datasets. 6inally the a-erage

    M88 scores for each of the sixteen wheelpositions was plotted. To sa-e time only

    eight were actually ran in the "#M tests. The reason for this was that at 1&* degrees in

    the wheel it all started as from * degree again !ut this time the same se9uences had

    changed datasets. To the "#M classification a!ility this meant approximately nothing.

    2.3 %lastall

    Blastallis a program that aligns two input se9uences and gi-es the alignmentpair a similarity

    score "core!it0 in return @13. %lastall was used to measure general se9uence similarity

    among the se9uences in the red dataset in each of the sixteen wheel positions. All possi!le

    se9uencepair alignments in each dataset is scored indi-idually then they are summed up to

    gi-e the dataset one total se9uence similarity score in "core!it0. The similarity scores was


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    plotted in a wheelplot as with "#M. This score will tell something a!out the general

    se9uence similarity within each dataset.

    The word sie parameter I0 was for 3/'T( set to ) nt 5/'T( & nt 8+" 11 nt and intron 5&

    nt. The general parameter settings wasF D!lastall I 2* e 1***** - 3** p !lastnD.

    ,arameter meaningsF p J "pecifies the type of search I J "pecifies the word sie e J

    "pecifies >xpectation -alue cutoff and - J "ets the upper limit of one line description.

    2.4 'T(scan

    'T(scan scans 5/'T( and 3/'T( regions with 4 known !inding profiles @14. f one of the

    4 !inding motifs found a match in a particular dataset wheel position0 a count was added to

    that particular profile. After scanning all se9uences in the red dataset the matchcounts foreach motif was summed and registered. %efore the wheel mo-ed to the next click all counts

    was eroed again. After all the sixteen datasets in the wheel had !een scanned all scores were

    plotted to make the 'T(scans -ersion of the wheel plot. The plot showed how each of the 4

    !inding proteins scored in each of the sixteen datasets each wheel position0.

    2.5 Type of control

    To make sure that the script nor "#M generated any systematic error two measurement was

    taken. 6irst the script was tested with a randomied gene list randomied genewheel0. This

    was to check that it did not classified noticea!ly on the randomied gene wheel. To check this

    the 3/'T( wheel was used as input. The approach in the pro:ect was a ro!ust one see 3.1.20.

    The resulting plot from this test ga-e an approximately flat wheel plot which indicated no

    noticea!le response in the support -ector machine.

    The second control was to test the datasets with %lastall. f the M88 scoring peak from the

    support -ector machine method was reproduced with the %lastall method no systematic error

    should ha-e influenced the result. The two methods was run from two independent python


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    3 Results and discussion

    3.1.1 The three principal arguments

    The new cell cycle model is !ased on three e-olutionary principal arguments. n sum these

    three principal arguments are supposed to force the new model to e-ol-e under the

    e-olutionary condition suggested.

    10 The first principal argument focuses on the e-olutionary pressure the first eukaryotic cells

    experienced. As a group these are usually referred to as protist cells @15. They existed o-er 1

    !illion years ago and are the earliest ancestors to fungi plants and -erte!rates @1. The protist

    cell was unicellular and pro!a!ly relati-ely nonmo!ile. +ue to their nonmo!ile life style

    com!ined with a limited supply of food their cell di-ision mechanism should experienceintense pressure on maximiing di-ision speed. According to the first principal argument they

    should only ha-e one gear in life fast for*ard with no !reaks. n conclusion the first

    principal argument claims that all eukaryotic cells earliest ancestors was forced to de-elop

    the fastest di-ision process a-aila!le to them.

    20 t pro!a!ly exist se-eral cell cycle model designs which in theory could increase the cell

    cycle speed in eukaryotes earliest ancestors. n principal the next le-el of fitness after rapid

    di-ision should !e on e-olutionary ro!ustness. That is in a scenario with many solutions that

    pro-ided e9ual cell cycle speed the least complex solution would pro!a!ly win. The less

    complex solution would pro!a!ly !e more e-olutionary ro!ust and conse9uently gi-e a

    higher net num!er of progenitor cells due to the higher sur-i-al rate @1$.

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    30 The third principal argument gi-es the new model its !iological ali!i. t states that the

    crucial regulatory mechanism in the new modelP-body storage is a realistic design. That is

    the literature pro-ide e-idence of that eukaryotic cells are capa!le of importing transcripts

    into ,!odies @2* 21 22 and also to !ring transcripts !ack into cytosol after storage inside ,

    !odies @23 24. Least cells also ha-e the important ,!odies @25 2 2$ 2&.

    8om!ined these three principal arguments should force forward the most perfect solution

    a-aila!le in the protist cells more than one !illion years ago figure 30. +uring development

    and *ound healing the same perfect di-ision mechanism should ha-e !een fa-ored and

    therefore conser-ed in modern multicellular organisms as well. The mechanism should also !e

    fa-ored in human cancer cells since in that particular state they practically li-e under the

    same e-olutionary principals as unicellular cells do. n conclusion it would therefore !e

    sensi!le to look for the predicted p!ody transcripts in

  • 8/13/2019 Master Thesis Bjorn Sponberg Stockholm University 2012.


    3.1.2 +esigning the expected plot.

    t was also useful to design if not exactly !ut approximately how the plot from analying the

    se9uencewheel should look like if the p!ody transcripts existed in -i-o. The new model is

    rather diffuse !oth in terms of how many p!ody transcripts there are and how they are


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    6urther if all se9uences in the dataset that peaks contri!ute e9ually the scoring -alue should

    decline with a linear growth rate until the plot antipeaks. "ince each wheel position 22.5

    degrees0 represents a!out 3* se9uences the signal should lose approximately 3* p!ody

    transcripts per wheelclick.

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  • 8/13/2019 Master Thesis Bjorn Sponberg Stockholm University 2012.


    To homology reduce the dataset @3 and there!y making sure that the homology signal was

    diluted was not done. To pin point exactly how much or how little a potential homology

    signal affected the other gene regions was of minor interest. t was the plot pattern from the

    regulatory regions that was of most interest and making sure that this pattern was not

    dominated !y a potential homology signal figure 50.

  • 8/13/2019 Master Thesis Bjorn Sponberg Stockholm University 2012.


    3.2 SVM and Blastall analysis on the !"TR# 3!"TR and intron $heels

    3.2.1 The fi-e prime untranslated region 5/'T(0

    n mammalian cells 4>T is a 5/'T( !inding protein that is known to !lock m(7A

    translation. t also has a decapping function inside ,!odies which protects the transcript

    from degradation. n addition it has !een shown that 4>T accumulates together with

    m(7A/s inside ,!odies @3$. This should make 5/'T( a likely candidateregion to !e acti-e

    in the new model. f so the plot from 5/'T( should !eha-e similar as to the expected plot if

    the model is correct. t is therefore interesting to o!ser-e that the M88 classification and the

    %last similarity scores are similar as to their respecti-e expected plots in figure 4. The M88

    classification score peaks at 45 degrees %lastall peaks at $.5 degrees figure $a and $c


    6igure $. a0 "#M plot from 5/'T(. !0 5/'T( region. c0 %last plot from 5/'T(.

    n summary the "#Mlight and %last scoring plots on the 5/'T( wheel !eha-e approximately

    the same as to their respecti-e expected plots in figure 4.


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    3.2.2 The three prime untranslated region 3/'T(0

    3/'T( is known to !e in-ol-ed in associating m(7A/s with ,!odies -ia the general

    repressionKdecay machinery. The repressionKdecay machinery is a!le to mo-e m(7A/s in and

    out of ,!odies @23. The literature mentions at least three candidate (7A !inding proteins

    which can recruit the repressionKdecay machinery to the transcript -ia 3/'T(. These three

    3/'T( !inding proteins are= ,'65 'pf1 and the +8>( complex. n addition the 3/'T( is

    known to !e acti-e in temporal translation control in general @3&. This should make 3/'T( a

    likely candidateregion to !e acti-e in the new model.

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  • 8/13/2019 Master Thesis Bjorn Sponberg Stockholm University 2012.


    6igure ). a0 "#M plots from 8+" !lue0 3/'T( red0 and 5/'T( green0. !0 The %last plot

    from the protein 3/'T( and 5/'T( wheels. c0 llustration of where in the cell cycle

    homology and the p!ody transcripts should ha-e their signal impacts in !lue and red colors



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    3.2.3 ntron

    6rom the literature the regulatory regions that are !est known to regulate temporal translation

    control are 3/'T( and 5/'T( @$. n theory the intron region should not ha-e anything to do

    with the new model. The reason for this is that the intron region is remo-ed from the

    precursor m(7A in the cell nucleus !efore the m(7A is transported out to cytosol @3) 4*.

    (ecruitment of m(7A/s into ,!odies takes place in cytosol it is therefore unlikely that the

    introns are in-ol-ed in this process. t was therefore surprising to o!ser-e that the M88

    classification score on the intronwheel matched that of the expected plot similar as to 5/'T(

    and 3/'T( 3/'T( if not distur!ed !y the homology signal see 3.2.20. That the intron

    region peaks in the same wheel area 45$.5 degrees0 similar as to 3/'T( and 5/'T( could

    not !e neglected as a coincidence figure 1*a0.

    6igure 1*. a0 "#M plot from the intron region. !0 The intron region in a eukaryotic gene.

    +id the literature say anything a!out introns role in the cell cycle n -erte!rates a

    phenomenon called minor splicinggi-es the intron region a conser-ed role in the cell cycle

    @41 42. The minor splicing system targets a rare class of introns called minorclass introns

    carrying distinct and highly conser-ed 5/splicesite and !ranchprotein se9uences @43. n

    addition the minorclass splicing takes place in cytosol instead of in the cell nucleus. This

    piece of information can explain the result in figure 1*a and opens up for introns possi!le


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    in-ol-ement in the new model. n -itro experiments ha-e shown that minorclass splicesome

    acti-ity takes place in M phase. 6urther down regulation of the minorclass splicing systems

    splicesomescauses lethal phenotypes in human cancerous

  • 8/13/2019 Master Thesis Bjorn Sponberg Stockholm University 2012.


    6igure 11. "ummariation of the results from "#M and %last analysis on the cell cycle genes.

    3.3 "TRscan

    'T(scan is a software tool that scans 3/'T( and 5/'T( regions with 4 different !inding

    profiles which are stored in the 'T(scans data!ase @14. This approach was an attempt to

    add !iologic information to the p!ody transcripts and there!y the new model. f one of

    'T(scan/s 4 !inding profiles is acti-e in the p!ody transcripts its fre9uency score should

    peak similar as to the expected plot for the red dataset. "ince the 'T(scan scans allse9uences

    in the red dataset similar as to %last its plot should !eha-e similar as to the expected plot for

    the %last output scores.

    3.3.1 'T(scan on 5/'T(

    ?f the 4 possi!le candidate !inding motifs see full list in Appendix 0 only Upstream

    Open Reading rame u?(60 ga-e a meaningful pattern on the 5/'T( se9uencewheel

    figure 12 left0. The fre9uency pattern was reminiscent of the expected plot shown in red in


  • 8/13/2019 Master Thesis Bjorn Sponberg Stockholm University 2012.


    figure 4. This should not !e neglected as a coincidence. The u?(6 motif peaks at $.5

    degrees and ha-e its glo!al minimum at 24$.5 degree on the 5/'T( wheel.

    6igure 12. 'T(scan plot from the 5/'T( left0 and 3/'T( wheel right0.

    nterestingly from the literature u?(6/s function in 5/'T( is !elie-ed to regulate

    temporal translation control @45. This can ser-e an important purpose to the new model.

    That is it would pro!a!ly !e !eneficial to the cell if the ,!odies released all of its p!ody

    transcripts in one !urst instead of /handpicking/ them indi-idually as they are needed. The

    easiest solution would !e to release all p!ody transcripts at once and then let u?(6 fine

    distri!ute their temporal translation. Iithout a mechanism like with u?(6 this would !e

    difficult !ecause all the transcripts would !e translated at the same time. f the ,!ody !urst

    all p!ody transcripts should associate with the ri!osome complex and !e translated.

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    3.3.2 'T(scan on 3/'T(

    Musashi binding element M%>0 ga-e a meaningful plot on the 3/'T( se9uencewheel

    figure 12 right0. M%> is known from the literature to ha-e the same function as

    ,ytoplasmic polyadenylation element8,>0 in 3/'T( @4. Ihat is interesting a!out this is

    that 8,> and M%> are !oth represented in the list of 4 !inding profiles in 'T(scan list in

    appendix 0. does not gi-e any meaningful responseKplot only M%>. t is a

    discussion in the community to understand the exact roles to 8,> and M%> in temporal

    translation control @4$. ?ne paper has shown that M%> regulates the temporal order of

    m(7A translation during oocyte cell cycle progression @4&. Mutational analysis in this

    work indicates that M%> rather than 8,> directs cyclin % translational acti-ation in the

    cycling oocyte cells. 8yclin % is a key regulatory gene in the cell cycle/s M phase @4).

    Therefore cyclin % should !elong to the pool of p!ody transcripts in the cell cycle.

    +uring em!ryo de-elopment 8,> and M%> has !een shown to play a role in a silencing

    mechanism known as /masking/ @3&. This translation control mechanism hinders translation

    !y pre-enting el64>/s interaction with el64; which is crucial for translation initiation. As

    mentioned in 3.2.1 .-T is a 5/'T( !inding protein which is known to !lock m(7A

    translation and to ha-e decapping functions inside ,!odies @3$. This is interesting !ecause

    4>T ha-e also !een known to take part in some forms of /masking/ !ut in the 3/'T( region

    figure 130 @5*. t is there!y indirectlycoupled to the M%> !inding element figure 130.

    6igure 13. 4>T are known to interact with 8,>% which !inds to the M%> or 8,> !inding

    element in 3/'T( @5*.


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    3.% Su&&ary results


    reion Su&&ary results


    Analytic dataF "#M and %last plots on the 5/'T( se9uence wheel performed

    similarly as the expected plot in figure 4 3.2.10.

    "uggested role in the new modelF 6ine tuning of temporal translation -ia u?(6 to let

    the p!odies !urst and release all of its content at once. "upportF 'T(scan plot on the

    5/'T( wheel 3.3.10. 4>T !locks m(7A translation and protects the transcript from

    decapping inside ,!ody.

    u?(6 reference @45]

    4>T reference @3$


    Analytic dataF #ague M88 classification plot. "trong %last plot shape on the 3/'T(

    se9uence wheel. 6igure &a and &c 3.2.20. ,erformed similarly as the expected plot in

    figure 4.

    "uggested role in the new modelF DMaskingD with 4>T of m(7A/s to protect against

    decapping while it is stored inside ,!odies. "upportF 'T(scan plot on the 3/'T(

    wheel connects M%> !inding element to the p!ody transcripts which o-erlap with

    the function to 8,> !inding element figure 12 right0.

    M%> reference @3&].

    4>T reference @5*.


    Analytic dataF "#M plot on the intron wheel performed similarly as the expected

    plot. 6igure 1*a 3.2.30.

    "uggested role in the new modelF

  • 8/13/2019 Master Thesis Bjorn Sponberg Stockholm University 2012.


    % 'onclusion

    Ie systematically analyed the fi-e prime untranslated region 5/'T(0 the 8oding +7A

    "e9uence region 8+"0 the three prime untranslated region 3/'T(0 and introns in cell cycle

    genes from

  • 8/13/2019 Master Thesis Bjorn Sponberg Stockholm University 2012.



    @1 8ooper ;M 2***0. D8hapter 14F The >ukaryotic 8ell 8ycleD. The cellF a molecular approach 2nd

    ed.0. Iashington +.8F A"M ,ress. "%7 *&$&)31*.

    @2 %al!ach "T >ste-es T8

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  • 8/13/2019 Master Thesis Bjorn Sponberg Stockholm University 2012.


    @35 Al!erts % Cohnson A ewis C (aff M (o!erts P Ialter , 2**20. D8hapter 5F +7A

    (eplication (epair and (ecom!inationD. Molecular %iology of the 8ell. ;arland "cience. "%7 *


    @3 i I Carosewski ;odik A. 8lustering of highly homologous se9uences to reduce the sie of

    large protein data!ases. %ioinformatics. 2**1 Mar=1$30F2&23.

    @3$ 6erraiuolo MA %asak " +ostie C Murray > "choen!erg +( "onen!erg 7. A role for the

    e64>!inding protein 4>T in ,!ody formation and m(7A decay. C 8ell %iol. 2**5 "ep


    @3& Puersten " ;oodwin >%. The power of the 3/ 'T(F translational control and de-elopment. 7at

    (e- ;enet. 2**3 Aug=4&0F23$.

    @3) Curica M" Moore MC. ,rem(7A splicingF awash in a sea of proteins. Mol 8ell. 2**3Cul=1210F514.

    @4* 7ilsen TI ;ra-eley %(. >xpansion of the eukaryotic proteome !y alternati-e splicing. 7ature.2*1* Can 2&=43$2&*0F45$3.

    @41 PQnig

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    Appendix F "#M !inary classification red-s !luedataset. %lastall reddataset only.


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    Appendix F u"8A7 !inding profile list 40.
