Church Address: 941 Lexington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050 Office Address: 725 Washington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050 Office: (408) 248-7786 ~ Fax: (408) 248-8150 E-mail: [email protected] Web-site: www.stclareparish.org Emergency (only for the sick and the dying): 408-904-9187 July 28 2019 ~ 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ Mass Schedule ~ WEEKDAYS - Rectory Chapel: Mon, Wed, Fri, & Sat 8:00 am ~ Tue & Thu 5:30 pm SATURDAY: Reconciliation 4:15-4:45 pm ~ Vigil Mass 5:00 pm SUNDAY: 7:45 am (English) ~ 9:00 am (English - Family) ~ 10:30 am (Portuguese) ~ 12:00 pm (Spanish) ~ 1:30 pm (Cantonese) ~ 3:00 pm (Mandarin) ~ 5:30 pm (English)

Mass Schedule - St. Clare Parish · 7/28/2019  · Isilda Costa + Romeo Jr.. And Helen Narciso – 43rd Wedding Aniversary Louis Luth—Health Alice Rose + Manuel Santos + Ana Amarante

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Page 1: Mass Schedule - St. Clare Parish · 7/28/2019  · Isilda Costa + Romeo Jr.. And Helen Narciso – 43rd Wedding Aniversary Louis Luth—Health Alice Rose + Manuel Santos + Ana Amarante

Church Address: 941 Lexington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050 Office Address: 725 Washington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050

Office: (408) 248-7786 ~ Fax: (408) 248-8150 E-mail: [email protected] Web-site: www.stclareparish.org

Emergency (only for the sick and the dying): 408-904-9187

July 28 2019 ~ 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

~ Mass Schedule ~

WEEKDAYS - Rectory Chapel: Mon, Wed, Fri, & Sat 8:00 am ~ Tue & Thu 5:30 pm SATURDAY: Reconciliation 4:15-4:45 pm ~ Vigil Mass 5:00 pm

SUNDAY: 7:45 am (English) ~ 9:00 am (English - Family) ~ 10:30 am (Portuguese) ~ 12:00 pm (Spanish) ~ 1:30 pm (Cantonese) ~ 3:00 pm (Mandarin) ~ 5:30 pm (English)

Page 2: Mass Schedule - St. Clare Parish · 7/28/2019  · Isilda Costa + Romeo Jr.. And Helen Narciso – 43rd Wedding Aniversary Louis Luth—Health Alice Rose + Manuel Santos + Ana Amarante

Pastoral Staff: (408) 248-7786 Pastor’s Notes Pastor: Rev. Tadeusz Terembula, x104, [email protected] Parochial Vicar: Rev. Guadalupe Vazquez x105, Administrative Assistant: Clara Cas-taneda, x106 [email protected] Religious Education Coordinator and Hispanic Ministry Coordinator: Paty Rascon, x102, [email protected] Facility Emergencies: Matt Dutra (408) 904-9181 Saint Clare School: Principal - Cecile Mantecon (408) 246-6797, www.stclare.school RCIA: Diane Madruga, [email protected] Music Ministry: Christopher Wemp, [email protected] Community & Service Webmaster: Perig Vennetier, [email protected] Pastoral Council: Jasmine Vu, [email protected] Finance Council: Jerome Alabado, [email protected] Serra Club of Santa Clara: Tom Bommarito (408) 243-4647 St Vincent de Paul: Mick Gonzales (408) 645-0506 Facilities: Matt Dutra, [email protected] Knights Of Columbus: Tony Colombo, [email protected] Young Ladies Institute (YLI): Dolores Wriglesworth, [email protected] Social Justice Committee: Anne McMahon, [email protected] Italian Catholic Federation: Janet Glaubke (408) 225-0743 Hispanic Community: Elania Tablada (408) 984-3519 Portuguese Community: Eduina Faria (408) 472-6739 Mandarin Community: Contact: Rev. Carlos A. Olivera, [email protected] Cantonese Community: Contact: Tony Lau, [email protected]

Dear Parishioners, We live in a world where the internet has become an essential communication method. Friends and family members no longer have to wait days or weeks to receive a letter; communication is almost instant. Although the ease and speed of internet messaging is a blessing, it may also reduce the intimacy and sensitivity that generally comes with face-to-face conversations, making it easier to be less tact-ful in our internet dialogue. When Jesus teaches his disciples to pray, he is giving them something much more than a speedier form of communication. He is providing them with an intimate way to communicate with God, and he spells out the expectations that come with this new way of relating with God. Consider for a moment the words Jesus suggests we use when we pray. Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread and forgive us our sins for we ourselves for-give everyone in debt to us, and do not subject us to the final test. In these few words, Jesus is teaching his disciples, and all future genera-tions who make this prayer, that God is our Father, who loves us as a parent and seeks an intimate relationship with us. Whereas past generations relied on patriarchs and prophets to speak on our behalf, through Jesus we dis-cover that we can communicate directly with God. Even though we are sinners, we, too, can presume to speak to God. Even though we may have done dreadful and terrible things, God con-tinues to love us, forgive us and draw us closer. But the Lord’s Prayer also reminds us: If we are children of God who have experienced the Lord’s forgiveness, we are expected to forgive everyone in debt to us. This call to forgive is challenging. It begins with simple acts of kindness and a desire to forgive our neighbour when they have offended us. Our resolve to live the Lord’s Prayer will be tested, but the same Jesus who taught us how to pray also gave us the Eucharist, his body and blood, so that we are nourished and strengthened for the daily challeng-es we will face.

Fr Tad

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Mass Intentions July 27th ~ August 3rd 2019

Calendar of Events

____________ Monday, July 29th _________ ♦ Hispanic Rosary Group, 6:00 pm, Rectory Chap-

el ____________Tuesday, July 30th _________ ♦ Second Harvest Food 8:00 am. North Hall __________ Wednesday, July 31th ________ ♦ Hispanic Charismatic Prayer Group, 7:00 pm, Lower Church. __________ Thursday ~ Aug 1st____________ ♦ Hispanic Sharing the Faith, 6:00 pm Rectory

Conference Room ____________ Friday ~ Aug 2nd __________

Queridos feligreses, Vivimos en un mundo donde la Internet se ha convertido en un mé-todo de comunicación esencial. Los amigos y familiares ya no tienen que esperar días o se-manas para recibir una carta; la comunicación es casi instantánea. Si bien la facilidad y la ve-locidad de los mensajes en Internet son una bendición, también puede reducir la intimidad y la sensibilidad que generalmente acompañan a las conversaciones cara a cara, haciendo que sea más fácil tener menos tacto en nuestro diálogo en Internet Cuando Jesús enseña a sus discípulos a orar, les está dan-do algo mucho más que una forma más rápida de comuni-cación. Él les proporciona una forma íntima de comunicarse con Dios, y explica las expectativas que vienen con esta nueva forma de relacionarse con Dios. Consideren por un momento las palabras que Jesús sugiere que usemos cuan-do oramos. Padre, santificado sea tu nombre, venga tu Reino, danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día y perdona nues-tras ofensas, puesto que también nosotros perdonamos a todo aquel que nos ofende, y no nos dejes caer en tenta-ción. En estas pocas palabras, Jesús está enseñando a sus discípulos, y a todas las generaciones futuras que hacen esta oración, que Dios es nuestro Padre, que nos ama y como los padres busca una relación íntima con nosotros. Mientras que las generaciones pasadas dependían de patriarcas y profetas para hablar en nuestro nombre, a través de Jesús descubrimos que podemos comunicarnos directamente con Dios. Aunque somos pecadores, nosotros también podemos presumir de hablarle a Dios. Aun cuando hayamos he-cho cosas espantosas y terribles, Dios continúa amándo-nos, perdonándonos y acercándonos a Él. Pero la oración del Padrenuestro también nos recuerda que si somos hijos de Dios que hemos experimentado el perdón del Señor, se espera que nosotros perdonemos a todo aquel que nos ofende. Este llamado a perdonar es un reto. Comienza con simples actos de bondad y el deseo de perdonar a nuestro prójimo cuando nos ha ofendido. Nuestra determinación de vivir la oración del Padrenues-tro será probada, pero el mismo Jesús que nos enseñó a orar también nos dio la Eucaristía, su cuerpo y su san-gre, para que nos alimentemos y fortalezcamos para los desafíos diarios que enfrentaremos.

Padre Tadeo

Notas del Párroco

Sat 5:00 pm

Sun 7:45 am

9:00 am

10:30 am

12:00 pm

5:30 pm

Mon 8:00 am

Tue 5:30 pm

Wed 8:00 am

Thu 5:30 pm

Fri 8:00 am

Sat 8:00 am

Isilda Costa + Romeo Jr.. And Helen Narciso– 43rd Wedding Aniversary

Louis Luth—Health

Alice Rose +

Manuel Santos + Ana Amarante + Joao Ferreira + Manuel Jeronimo + Joao Sousa Silva + Maria E. Coelho + Vidalia Gaspar Rocha + Joao da Rosa Silva + Matilda P. Silva + Margarida Rosa Silva + Afonso da Rosa Siva + Francisco da Rosa Silva + Rosario Lobatao Delgado +

Marcelino Martinez + Teresa Galindo+ Almas del Purgatorio

St. Clare Parishioners

Lavina Freitas Hogan +

Rev Guadalupe Vasquez -Health

Susane Thompson +

All Souls in Purgatory

Alvaro, Alberto & Beatriz Bo-tero Health All Souls in Purgatory

All Souls in Purgatory

Page 4: Mass Schedule - St. Clare Parish · 7/28/2019  · Isilda Costa + Romeo Jr.. And Helen Narciso – 43rd Wedding Aniversary Louis Luth—Health Alice Rose + Manuel Santos + Ana Amarante

Sunday Children’s Program “Finding God”

Continuous Faith Formation Program

“Faith Formation is more than a subject to be taught, it is an invitation to a way of life” Joe Paprocki.

Prayer Lord, may your word grow in our hearts like the grains of

wheat and the mustard seed, so that we may help your kingdom grow.

We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Office of Faith Formation at Saint Clare Parish provides religious instruction for children who attend pub-lic schools. Through our Finding God program, we seek to increase children’s awareness of the presence of God in their everyday lives. Our program partners with parents in strengthening Cath-olic identity through regular religious instruction and par-ticipation in the life of our Catholic community of faith. Registrations for 2019-2020 continue, registration forms are available in the entrances of the church and parish office. In order to serve you better and prepare all the re-sources we need we are asking you to register your child before July 31st. when the regular registration period ends. Completed registration forms can be turned into the Parish Office, or mailed to:

Saint Clare Parish 725 Washington Street Santa Clara, CA 95050 Attention: Paty Rascon, Faith Formation.

Also, you can put it into the Collection basket just make sure you write on the envelope “Finding God Catechetical Program” Attention: Paty Rascon. Paty Rascon, Catechetical Office 408.248.7786 X 102 [email protected]

To give, and not to count the

cost to fight, and not to heed the

wounds, to toil, and not to seek for rest, to labor, and not to ask for any

reward, save that of knowing that we do

thy will” ― St. Ignatius of Loyola


St. Clare School News Summer 2019

28 July 2019 Dear St. Clare Parish Community, With your help, our very important work continues. We extend a warm welcome our new faculty Mr. Jon Ishii and Mr. Edouard Fortez. Mr. Shawn Gallagher, former 5th grade teacher is also returning to teach math in Middle School and Ms. Irene Kim and alum Ms. Taylor Payton are returning with expanded roles as classroom teachers in Grades 5 and Kindergarten, respectively. Ms. Mary McCormick, our Middle School science teacher will join our Campus Ministry team to enrich our prayer experience with retreats and service oppor-tunities. Together with those continuing on, we are charged with educating young minds and inspiring their spirits to live out gospel values. We are excited to open our doors to welcome the Class of 2020--our TK students! We welcome our new families to St. Clare School. We are excited to share the blessings of this community with them. This next week will be the last week of our CKZ Sum-mer Program which offered academic enrichment and fun summer activities including weekly field trips and water fun days. Our dedicated staff served our school community and other non-St. Clare families to provide an environment where students learn and grow while having lots of fun! Our school theme this year, “Come! Live in the Light”, highlights our commitment to Vocations--vocations to priesthood or religious life, to married life or to the single life--our call to live out our Baptismal promises. Starting with our Faculty and Staff retreat, our focus will be on listening for the invitation and ac-cepting our call as children of God. School begins in earnest on Wednesday, August 14. We ask you to pray for us and continue to journey with us in the faithful formation of our students and families. Many blessings to you, our constant companions in this ministry. To help St. Clare School continue its mission through your gift of time, treasure or talent, please contact me ([email protected]) or the school office at 408-246-6797. With gratitude and thanksgiving for walking this journey with us,

Mrs. Cecile Mantecon, St. Clare School Principal

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The Beatitudes praise the poor in spirit. One characteristic of those who are poor

in spirit is their ability to ask for help; they know when others can provide what they lack. Today’s readings encourage us to practice poverty in spirit by asking God for what we need. What could be more natural than to ask God for good things? God

is, after all, the inventor of goodness and the giver of all good things. Asking God for help puts us in conversation with God. These conversa-

tions take many forms. The reading from Genesis shows Abraham bantering with God like a skilled negotiator, while Saint Paul’s letter to the Colossians praises

God for answering us even when we don’t deserve it. In Saint Luke’s Gospel, Je-sus not only gives us words to use in our conversations with God (the Our Father),

but also promises that God always listens to our prayers. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


This past weekend I read a sign that said, “Horses leave hoof prints on your heart.” Well, yeah if you’re standing in front of a stampede. Come join the Knights and may-be we can show you how to leave prints on hearts with-out a horse.

Contact: Tony Columbo [email protected]

RCIA NEWS Adult Baptism * Eucharist *

Confirmation Are you or someone you know interest-ed in the Catholic faith? Interested in completing the Sac-raments of Initiation? If so, you are in-

vited to participate in the RCIA Program. We meet on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 – 9:00 pm in the St. Clare Rectory. Classes will begin in September. All are welcome. Already Catholic? If you love your faith and would like to help mentor someone on their journey, sign up to become a sponsor or join the RCIA Team. For more information please contact:

Diane Madruga at [email protected] * Cathy Parshall at [email protected] * St. Clare Rectory at 408-248-778


The pilgrim experience of going by foot to Santiago de Compostella, the shrine of St. James, reached its high point this week at the feast of the Apostle, with tens of thousands of pilgrims on the road. Typically, they cover twelve to twenty miles a day through rough territory. The difficult journey and the often primitive lodging facilities are made bearable by the joy of the pilgrims, their songs and prayers. When their journey is documented properly, they receive the scallop shell, a reminder not only of James the fisherman, but also his call to fish for human beings and to baptize the nations. In the Middle Ages, those who wore this badge on their hats were granted lodging and hospitality wherever they went. Next to the palm, the sign of a Jerusalem pilgrim, the scallop shell was most highly prized. In the Middle Ages, some people so enjoyed the pilgrim road, although it was filled with discomfort and danger, that they spent most of their lives on the road. Today, some people take up the route for exercise, but are drawn gradually into the spirituality of the journey. As you make your summer travels, always fold in an element of pilgrimage: a long walk through beautiful countryside, a visit to a church, a prayer of gratitude for your journey through life’s hills and valleys. —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.



Catholic Charities of California is excited to be hosting walking pilgrimages in Spain along the Camino de Santia-go and in Italy along the Via Francigena, as well as non-walking pilgrimages visiting early Christian monastic sites in Ireland, colonial Catholic churches in Cuba, and follow-ing the footsteps of martyrs in Mexico! These pilgrimages will change your life and support the work of Catholic Char-ities of California. Please join us for an information meeting on Saturday August 3rd, 10:00 am, at St Joseph of Cuper-tino Parish, 10110 N DeAnza Blvd, Cupertino CA.

To RSVP for the meeting or for more information regarding the pilgrimages, please go to our website at www.Catholic-Pilgrimage.com, contact CCC at [email protected], or call (916) 706-1539 Ext. 12.

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Tradiciones de Nuestra Fe

Las Preguntas Persistentes de la Vida Muchos de nosotros probablemente imaginamos (o recor-damos) las asombrosas preguntas que un niño hace con su inocencia y curiosidad. “¿Qué es el aire?” “¿Cómo vue-lan los pájaros?” Para después seguir preguntando con un “¿por qué?” Ninguna respuesta a esa pregunta es sufi-ciente, por lo que el niño continúa preguntando “¿por qué?”, “¿por qué?”, “¿por qué?” “¿Una búsqueda por co-nocimiento?” Desde luego, pero la persistencia del niño solo puede mejorar en una relación de confianza. Estas conversaciones entre el niño y, típicamente, un familiar adulto tiene la facilidad de profundizar la confianza y la intimidad. ¡Esto se parece a la oración! Los seres humanos son frágiles. Tenemos preguntas, mie-dos, necesidades. Por eso rezamos, pero, ¿cómo? ¿Cómo hablamos o nos relacionamos con el Señor de la vida eterna, el Dios de nuestra salvación? — Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

¿Le gustaría Compartir su Fe con los Niños? La Liturgia de la Palabra para los Niños y nuestro progra-ma dominical de formación en la fe “Encontrando a Dios” necesita de personas deseosas de compartir su fe a tra-vés de la enseñanza. Esta es una forma no solo de ense-ñar a los niños sino también de profundizar el entendi-miento de nuestra propia fe y devoción. Si usted siente este llamado por favor comuníquese a la oficina y deje sus datos., Paty Rascón se comunicará con usted para mayor información.

Intenciones de la Misa Si desea ofrecer una misa por un ser querido enfermo, difunto, cumpleaños, etc., debe ir a la oficina con un míni-mo de dos semanas de anticipación para anotar el nombre de la persona en la fecha deseada. Si lo hace en la misma semana, el lunes es el último día para que aparezca en el boletín y el martes para que solamente se mencione el nombre en la misa. Donación mínima $10.00 por cada nombre/intención.

Oración por la Mañana Señor, Dios todopoderoso, que nos has hecho llegar al comienzo de este día: danos tu ayuda para que no caiga-mos hoy en el pecado, sino que en nuestras palabras, pensamientos y acciones sigan el camino de tus manda-tos. Te ofrezco Señor, todos mis pensamientos, obras y traba-jos de este día. Bendícelos a fin de que no haya ninguno que no sea hecho por tu amor. Amén

Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos Se sigue invitando a las personas que quieren completar sus sacramentos de iniciación (Bautismo, Confirmación y Primera Comunión) o desean ser católicos a las clases de preparación en inglés. Para mayor información pueden llamar a la oficina al 408-248-7786 o con Diane Madruga [email protected].

Bautismos Las clases de preparación en español son el 1er. lunes de cada mes, el bautizo se celebra el 3er. sábado del mes. Para mayor información llamar a la oficina.

“Por el bautismo fueron ustedes sepultados con Cris-to y también resucitaron con él, mediante la fe en el poder de Dios, que lo resucitó de entre los muertos.” — Colosenses 2:12

Boletim Paroquial Português Boletín Parroquial Español

28 de Julho de 2019 – Domingo XVII do Tempo Comum – C

Reflexão; João Pereira Arruda Quantas vezes temos vontade de nos comunicar com Deus e não encontramos as palavras adequadas para falar com Deus? Assim estavam os discípulos de Jesus quando Lhe pediram para os ensinar a rezar. Jesus de um modo simples lhes ensinou como se dirigir ao Pai tal qual Ele o fazia durante o tempo que humanamente viveu entre nós. Quantos de nós se preocupam em encontrar as palavras eruditas para se dirigirem ao Pai sem estarem habilitados a nehum meio de educação erudita? Sera por receio que o Pai não percebe ou desdenha a simplicidade de comunicação? O Pai sempre entende e recebe com agrado a boa vontadeque temos de o louvar e agradecer, como a necessidade de Lhe pedir ajuda para a cura das nossas enfermidades. O importante é termos sempre a vontade de nos dirigir-mos a Ele com frequência, seja em casa ou no campo, no trabalho, a caminhar, no lazer, no barulho e no silêncio. Não é tão importante que procuremos formulas de Lhe rezar mas é sim importante que a Ele se nos dirigimos e O reconheçamos como Senhor e dono das nossas vidas. Jesus (Deus com o Pai) deu-nos na oração do Pai Nosso o modelo perfeito de nos dirigirmos ao Pai. Por assim ser, sempre que rezamos essa oração que não a usemos com as palavras a sairem das nossas bocas falhas de sentido ou meânicamente como os robots. Começamos o Pai Nosso louvando Deus Pai: “Pai nosso que estais no Céu santificado seja o Vosso nome; venha a nós o Teu Reino e seja feita a vossa vontade assim na terra como no Céu” . A segunda parte é uma petição ao que é basico nas nossas vidas: “ O pão nosso de cada dia nos dai hoje e não nos deixeis cair em tentação e livrai-nos do mal”. Não se torna uma prioridade a quantidade de Pai nossos rezamos; mas sim, do modo sentido e vindo do coração porque Deus e Pai na Sua omnisciência sabe tudo incluindo tudo o que vai no nosso coração Assim como tiramos tempo para trabalhar, brincar, cuidar dos filhos e tantos mais afazeres, também que criemos espaços para falar com Deus Pai. Foi por Sua vontade que Ele nos fez seus filhos e por assim ser Ele nos ama e quer o melhor para as nossas vidas; porque é esse o resultado daqueles que amam os filhos e os irmãos.

Notícias Missa Portuguesa: A situação actual que se nos apresenta neste momento não é a ideal pois que o padre Tad está um mês de férias e o padre Guadalupe que iria ficar no lugar do padre Prosper está doente e regressou ao seu país. Por assim ser a comunidade deve dar todo o apoio necessrio ao Conselho Paroquial Português pois este grupo que representa a nossa comunidade nesta paróquia está a esforçar-se para minimizar essa lacuna procurando padres que falam a nossa língua para presidirem á nossa missa. . Como comunidade peçamos ao Senhor que nos envie um sacerdote para orientar e serivir a nossa comunidade nas nossas necessidades espirituais. Que o Espírito Santo continue a nos abençoar e nos dar um espírito de unidade e amor fraterno até que essa nossa situação se normalise.

Um Santo e Alegre Domingo para todos!!

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Upcoming Second Offerings:

8/11 Pastoral Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa

8/25 Juan Diego Organiza on Helping Pregnant Women

Please become a good steward of St. Clare Parish.

Jul 20—21 2019

Sat 5:00 PM $ 624.00 Sun 7:45 AM $ 914.00 Sun 9:00 AM $ 1,456.00 Sun 10:30 AM $ 551.00 Sun 12:00 PM $ 898.00 Sun 5:30 PM $ 879.00 Mail Collec on $ 225.00

Total: $ 5,547


If you’ve never donated online

before, signing up is easy! Visit our website at;

https:stclareparish.churchgiving.com and click, Make a Donation on the collection you wish to donate to, then Click Recurring Donation, enter your donation amount and frequency.. Once you’ve added your account in-formation, donations will automatically deduct from your account. It’s that easy!

Questions? Please contact the Parish Office


Contact the Parish office to arrange for Baptismal prepa-ration, and to sign up for Baptismal Class.

Spanish Prep Class: 1st Monday at 7:00 pm;

Baptism: 3rd Saturday at 10:00 am English Prep Class: 2nd Monday at 7:00 pm;

Baptism: 4th Saturday at 10:00 am


Registering in a parish is a declaration of your desire to be part of a Catholic community and a commitment in all its dimensions brings you advantages,

recognition, and responsibilities of many kinds. Being a registered parishioner makes things much easier when it is time for infant Baptism, weddings, when

asked to be a Baptismal or Confirmation Sponsor and even funerals. We are often asked to provide affidavits for Baptismal and Confirmation Spon-

sors. We can only do this if a person is a registered, active and contribution member.

So, are you a registered parishioner? If not please consider registering. Registration forms are available in the Parish

Office and in the Church vestibule.