Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Maslows theory of needs

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Maslow's hierarchy of



Physiological needs are our most basic needs and the things we cannot live or physically function without - breathing, food & water, sex etc.

This could be enhanced into my school magazine by a page on the school food, and how it could be improved.


Security of a stable career, healthy life style a loving family with these things in place we feel safe and secure in our life’s.

Healthy lifestyle falls into sports, I could incorporate a page with sport notifications.

Love and belonging

Friendship, family and sexual intimacy are the things that make us feel like we are loved and belong in a unit, that may be friendship unit, family unit or something else.

Boarding life is a home away form home with a family life and feeling about it, this could be used in my school magazine to fulfill the safety needs of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.


Confidence, achievement, respect for your self and others.

All of these things come In to daily life and are extremely important, maybe a column on one of these subjects.

Self actualization

Creativity, spontaneity and problem solving, all these things are things that can be put into my school magazine.

An art page including achievements of pupils in art and other departments like English.