47 Davies Crescent Gooseberry Hill Tel: 9293 2800 Fax: 9293 3425 Email: [email protected] www.marysmount.wa.edu.au Dear Parents, How fast have we come to the end of Term? We always menon how quickly me travels and this term has been no excepon. I am so grateful to have taken the me to visit classes on a consistent basis over the year so that I can see first-hand how wonderful our students are and also to have the opportunity to witness the wonderful work that they produce. I thank all our wonderful students for the efforts that they have put into their work throughout this term. I also would like to thank our hard-working staff for giving so much of themselves throughout the term. It has been an extremely busy term for our staff with the introducon of new iniaves to improve student outcomes, sacramental programs, sports carnivals and the list goes on. We are very fortunate to have such a very dedicated staff. The number of parents who connue to assist and help in classrooms, sports carnivals, canteen and the list goes on, is so encouraging. Thank you to all our parents and grandparents who contribute to our school in any way. To you all, I wish you a very peaceful and resul break full of fun. STAFF I would like to thank Mrs Skrzypek for her five years with us. Mrs Skrzypek leaves us today to commence her maternity leave. On behalf of our school community I would like to wish Sarah and her husband David all the very best and Gods blessings on the arrival of their first baby. At the same me, I would like to welcome to our staff Miss Crystal Sharman. I wish Crystal an enjoyable and rewarding me with us at Marys Mount Primary School. We also wish Mr Payne an enjoyable break as he takes some long service leave in the first couple of weeks next term. We look forward to welcoming him back in week 4 next term. OPEN NIGHT/ART SHOW Thank you to all those parents and grandparents who aended the Open Night and Art Show. It was pleasing to have received so many posive comments in regard to the evening. I again thank our wonderful staff for preparing the rooms and hall for the evening. Thanks also to those parents who helped Mrs Hull-Deane to set up the hall. We were also very fortunate to have our wonderful students; choir, drum ensemble and school band who performed for us during the evening. Thanks to Mr Leeder for preparing the students for this. INTERSCHOOL ATHLETICS CARNIVAL Congratulaons to the students who represented our school at the Interschool Athlecs Carnival last Friday, 15 September. The students competed so well and with such eagerness. We finished in fourth place 4 points out of third. A very good effort indeed considering the inclement weather leading up to both our own carnival and the interschool was very unkind. Many thanks to Mr Ben Eridge for preparing the squad and again having to organise the Interschool Carnival. Ben has only commenced with us this term and has been outstanding especially with the pressure of having to prepare and organise two major carnivals. Both were professionally organised and ran smoothly. Well done Ben! Again thank you to the parents who assisted Ben on the day and also to the ladies who manned the food tent on the day at the carnivals. God Bless, and enjoy the break. Sandro Coniglio Principal 22 SEPTEMBER 2017 TERM 3 WEEK 10 Holy Family Parish Parish Priest: Father Antony Suresh Tel: 9293 1646 Fax: 9293 0240 Email: [email protected] Website: www.holyfamilykalamunda.org.au Parish Secretary: Louisa Sizer Email: [email protected] IMPORTANT DATES The full Term Planner can be found on our school website. Fri 22 Sept School Closed— Catholic Day Mon 9 Oct Term 4 Starts 9.00am Whole School Mass Fri 13 Oct Merit Assembly Sat 14 Oct P&F Oktoberfest Fri 20 October 9am Nature Play Official Opening Sat 21 Oct Busy Bee Fri 27 Oct School Student Disco Wed 1 Nov All Saints Day Mass 9am Fri 3 Nov Merit Assembly www.mmps.wa.edu.au [email protected] Marys Mount Primary School CHRIST + WISDOM + COMMUNITY + TRADITION + RESPONSIBILITY Marys Mount Goes Orange for the Finals! Good Luck Stephen Coniglio and GWS!!

Mary s Mount Primary School...Mary’s Mount Catholic Identity Look Closer God’s Generosity. The story is not about fair wages; it’s about the Kingdom of heaven. The message is

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Page 1: Mary s Mount Primary School...Mary’s Mount Catholic Identity Look Closer God’s Generosity. The story is not about fair wages; it’s about the Kingdom of heaven. The message is

47 Davies Crescent Gooseberry Hill Tel: 9293 2800 Fax: 9293 3425

Email: [email protected] www.marysmount.wa.edu.au

Dear Parents,

How fast have we come to the end of Term? We always mention how quickly time travels and this term has been no exception. I am so grateful to have taken the time to visit classes on a consistent basis over the year so that I can see first-hand how wonderful our students are and also to have the opportunity to witness the wonderful work that they produce. I thank all our wonderful students for the efforts that they have put into their work throughout this term. I also would like to thank our hard-working staff for giving so much of themselves throughout the term. It has been an extremely busy term for our staff with the introduction of new initiatives to improve student outcomes, sacramental programs, sports carnivals and the list goes on. We are very fortunate to have such a very dedicated staff. The number of parents who continue to assist and help in classrooms, sports carnivals, canteen and the list goes on, is so encouraging. Thank you to all our parents and grandparents who contribute to our school in any way. To you all, I wish you a very peaceful and restful break full of fun. STAFF I would like to thank Mrs Skrzypek for her five years with us. Mrs Skrzypek leaves us today to commence her maternity leave. On behalf of our school community I would like to wish Sarah and her husband David all the very best and God’s blessings on the arrival of their first baby. At the same time, I would like to welcome to our staff Miss Crystal Sharman. I wish Crystal an enjoyable and rewarding time with us at Mary’s Mount Primary School. We also wish Mr Payne an enjoyable break as he takes some long service leave in the first couple of weeks next term. We look forward to welcoming him back in week 4 next term. OPEN NIGHT/ART SHOW Thank you to all those parents and grandparents who attended the Open Night and Art Show. It was pleasing to have received so many positive comments in regard to the evening. I again thank our wonderful staff for preparing the rooms and hall for the evening. Thanks also to those parents who helped Mrs Hull-Deane to set up the hall. We were also very fortunate to have our wonderful students; choir, drum ensemble and school band who performed for us during the evening. Thanks to Mr Leeder for preparing the students for this. INTERSCHOOL ATHLETICS CARNIVAL Congratulations to the students who represented our school at the Interschool Athletics Carnival last Friday, 15 September. The students competed so well and with such eagerness. We finished in fourth place 4 points out of third. A very good effort indeed considering the inclement weather leading up to both our own carnival and the interschool was very unkind. Many thanks to Mr Ben Ettridge for preparing the squad and again having to organise the Interschool Carnival. Ben has only commenced with us this term and has been outstanding especially with the pressure of having to prepare and organise two major carnivals. Both were professionally organised and ran smoothly. Well done Ben! Again thank you to the parents who assisted Ben on the day and also to the ladies who manned the food tent on the day at the carnivals. God Bless, and enjoy the break. Sandro Coniglio


2 2 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 7 T E R M 3 W E E K 1 0

Holy Family Parish

Parish Priest: Father Antony Suresh

Tel: 9293 1646 Fax: 9293 0240


[email protected]



Parish Secretary: Louisa Sizer

Email: [email protected]


The full Term Planner can be found on our school


Fri 22 Sept School Closed—

Catholic Day

Mon 9 Oct Term 4 Starts

9.00am Whole School Mass

Fri 13 Oct

Merit Assembly

Sat 14 Oct P&F Oktoberfest

Fri 20 October 9am Nature Play Official Opening

Sat 21 Oct Busy Bee

Fri 27 Oct

School Student Disco

Wed 1 Nov All Saints Day Mass


Fri 3 Nov Merit Assembly

www.mmps.wa.edu.au [email protected]

Mary’s Mount Primary School


Mary’s Mount Goes Orange for the Finals! Good Luck Stephen Coniglio and GWS!!

Page 2: Mary s Mount Primary School...Mary’s Mount Catholic Identity Look Closer God’s Generosity. The story is not about fair wages; it’s about the Kingdom of heaven. The message is

Woolworths Earn and Learn! Last Call for Stickers!

If you have any at home still, please pop them into the school letterbox by next Friday 29 Sept.

Thank you to everyone who came along to the Art Show and supported our Performing Arts evening. It was a great evening and I know our students enjoyed showcasing their


Art Show / Open Night / Performing Arts Evening

Mental Health Week Activities

Page 3: Mary s Mount Primary School...Mary’s Mount Catholic Identity Look Closer God’s Generosity. The story is not about fair wages; it’s about the Kingdom of heaven. The message is

Athletics and Interschool Carnivals

A HUGE thank you everyone for your support at the school Athletics carnival and also the Interschool Carnival over the past two weeks. Thank you to the teachers, parents, grandparents and students—all who helped and contributed in so many different ways. The students were excellent at both carnivals and represented Mary’s Mount Primary School with pride. I hope all of our students are proud of their efforts and the team work and great sportsmanship everyone displayed. Ben Ettridge Phys Ed Teacher

MMPS Uniform Shop—Term 4 Opening Hours

Don’t forget, Term 4 is the start of summer uniforms again. All summer items including new stocks of summer dresses are now available from the Uniform Shop and can be ordered online through the online canteen website at www.ouronlinecanteen.com.au PLEASE NOTE the new opening times effective from next term. I will also need some help in the Uniform Shop from time to time. If anyone can assist me on one or both days, it would be gratefully appreciated. Please let the

school office know. TERM 4 NEW OPENING TIMES

Tuesday 8:30am – 9:00am Thursday 8:30am – 9:00am

Tracey Hollis Uniform Shop Co-Ordinator

Page 4: Mary s Mount Primary School...Mary’s Mount Catholic Identity Look Closer God’s Generosity. The story is not about fair wages; it’s about the Kingdom of heaven. The message is

Not long to go now! Pay for your

tickets over the school holidays!

Transfer the funds into the P&F account below.

Email the P&F email to let them know

you have paid online [email protected]

Account Name: Marys Mount P&F Assoc

BSB: 633 000 Account Number: 140136037

OKTOBERFEST—P&F Event Saturday 14 October

Open Fridays Orders can be placed online via www.ouronlinecanteen.com.au

Contact: Shirley Shaw—Canteen Manageress M.0418 927 177 [email protected]

I would like to thank all of my helpers from Term 3. I enjoyed working with the team and the good times and laughs we shared.

A special thank you to the sports carnival canteen crew - Adrian, Ben, Bettina, Eugene, Gloria, Lyn, Leanne, Natasha, and Sarah. A busy day, made easier by a great team work and good spirits.

Looking forward to seeing you and working with you all next term. Shirley Shaw

Nature Playground Official Opening! Friday 20 October @ 9am—All Welcome

Special Guest : Maggie Dent!

Page 5: Mary s Mount Primary School...Mary’s Mount Catholic Identity Look Closer God’s Generosity. The story is not about fair wages; it’s about the Kingdom of heaven. The message is

Mary’s Mount Catholic Identity Look Closer

God’s Generosity. The story is not about fair wages; it’s about the Kingdom of heaven. The message is this: Some will hear God’s call as children, young adults, or in old age. No matter when a person hears the call, if they respond, their reward is the same; eternal life in heaven.


Symbol: Prize Ribbons

Father in Heaven, you love all your children equally. Help us not to be jealous of one another. Amen

Did you know?

Angels are an important path of Catholicism, but often misunderstood. They are not chubby toddlers with wings. Angels are beings that are pure spirit created by God. They have no bodies, no gender and are made up of an intellect and will. Whilst angels are immortal spiritual beings, they are not all-powerful or all-knowing. Angels are God’s messengers and are a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms.

You are where you are meant to be! Earlier this week I came across the above quote from John’s Gospel. It reminded me that we cannot always plan where we are going to end up in life. I mean, this week I was going through some of my teaching stuff at home and I found a note that my good mate Mr C wrote to me when I got my first Assistant Principal job at St Dominic’s. It said, “Don’t worry, God takes you where you need to be”. Wise words!! It’s funny how nine years later I have found that same note just as I am heading off to a new venture at Our Lady of Mercy in 2018. There is no doubt in my mind that we are where we are meant to be.

We cannot determine everything that happens to us in our life, in fact, there are many parts that we cannot control but we can influence it through our attitude, commitment and willingness to serve others. This was so evident as I watched many of you with your children at our recent Sacraments. The influence you have now will reap in benefits later in your children’s lives. The way you attended our recent carnivals, not only to support your own kids but also the other students filled the staff with much pride. This is what makes our community special, that we support all our kids and the effort they put in.

So does God put us where we need to be? I can think of a number of examples that point to yes. Firstly, there was Mr Woodman and Mr Martin putting up our new entrance to our Adventure Playground. A job that was being planned for just happened from these two being in the right place at the right time and the teamwork was wonderful to watch. God must have made their paths cross that day! Mr Perrella, Mr Martin, Mrs Ierace, Mrs Griffiths, Mrs Roughsedge and Grandma Shirley all being there to ensure our children had their sausage sizzle on time. Another example of God putting people where they need to be.

And last but not least Mrs Skrzypek finishing up her time at Mary’s Mount! This one creates mixed emotions in me as I have personally seen Sarah evolve from a shy graduate teacher into an important link in our team here at Mary’s Mount. Sarah is definitely one of the happiest people I have ever met and it is infectious. Her positivity and genuine concern for others has been evident in time at our school, and personally I think God

The Word

Jesus said, “The Kingdom of heaven is like this. A farmer goes out at dawn and hires workers. He promises them one silver coin each for the day’s work. Later he sees some more men and he hires them, and more again at lunchtime. At the end of the day, he pays each worker one silver coin. Those who worked all day were angry, but the farmer said, “Are you jealous because I am generous? I paid you what I promised.” Jesus concluded, “The last will be first and the first will be last”.

Page 6: Mary s Mount Primary School...Mary’s Mount Catholic Identity Look Closer God’s Generosity. The story is not about fair wages; it’s about the Kingdom of heaven. The message is

Mary’s Mount Catholic Identity could see these gifts developing in her so He has put her right where she needs to be! Sarah, you are going to make a fantastic mum because of your commitment and willingness to serve. We as a community wish you and David all the best during this very special time.

If I do not see you before the end of the term, I wish you a wonderful holiday break with your families. I know most parents are still at work during the holiday break, but hopefully not having to worry about lunches, school uniforms and the routines and demands of school life will give you some time for rest.

Have a blessed holiday.

Clinton Payne

Assistant Principal

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who came to help at our busy bee on the

weekend. We achieved so much and couldn't have done it without you! Our last job to complete the area and make it a true nature playground is planting. We are also now ready to stock up our loose parts shed. Loose parts play allows kids to use everyday items for open ended play, which develops their skills in problem solving, creativity, mathematical thinking, language and vocabulary, motor development, team work, resilience and more! Please see the attached flyer with the newsletter

for items we are looking for and bring to the area outside the art room after the holidays or contact us at [email protected].

Nature Play Update

Can you spare a rock of two? We are in need of some

more coffee rock—around a football size. One or two from everyone’s house will add up. Let us

know if you can donate a rock.

Page 7: Mary s Mount Primary School...Mary’s Mount Catholic Identity Look Closer God’s Generosity. The story is not about fair wages; it’s about the Kingdom of heaven. The message is

Community News

Summer Soccer – Junior 7-a-side Forrestfield United Soccer Club will be holding our annual 7 A-side Junior Summer Soccer competition commencing on Friday 13th October which will be running for 10 weeks

finishing December 15th 2017. We would like to invite any interested teams to register. Please find attached the information poster and team nomination form for 2017, details on how to register are listed on the information poster. This competition is social and suitable for new players of all skill levels. Registrations close 6th October 2017 If you would like any further information you can contact Jesse Smith the Summer Soccer co-ordinator via email to [email protected].

Start learning an Instrument at school in Term 4!

Enrolments are now open

for Term 4 Instrumental Lessons at Mary's

Mount Primary School...

Lessons in Guitar, Piano, Singing, Violin and Drums are available for MMPS students aged Pre-Primary to Year 6. Lessons run for 30 minutes, once a week during the school day. Parents can choose to

enrol their child in individual or group lessons. MMPS also has a Band Program which is run straight after school. For further information please click here to view our Parent Guide or contact the Program Coordinator, Daryl Eagle on 0434 362 902.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend! If you would like to rekindle the sparks you felt on your wedding day! You’ll like the difference a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend can make. Marriage Encounter is a weekend where married couples can get away from everyday responsibilities, including sport, children and phones — and focus only on their relationship. Enjoy the chance to talk and listen to each other. THERE IS NO GROUP SHARING. We invite you to join us on last Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend for 2017 to be held at the Atrium Resort Hotel in Mandurah on 13-15 October 2017. For more information for 2018 dates or bookings contact: 0424 220 625 – George & Monica or  Email: [email protected]  Website – www.wwme.org.au .

Applications for the Year 7, 2020 enrolment intake close in Term 4 on TUESDAY, 31 OCTOBER 2017

For further enrolment enquiries, please contact Lyn McDonald on 9291 1532.

Mazenod Year 7—2020 Intake

Save the Date—Holy Family Parish Fete—28 October