All the Marketing Strategies from the Denver Digital Summit (Without The Travel Bill) By Heidi Haskell

Marketing Strategies from the Denver Digital Summit

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All the Marketing Strategies from the

Denver Digital Summit

(Without The Travel Bill)By Heidi Haskell

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The Denver Digital Summit Is:

A premier digital strategies forum

transforming the future of the digital commerce


Topics include: Marketing, UX & Design, Search, Content, Mobile, and more.

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Matt WallaertBehavioral Scientist, Microsoft

Closing Keynote• Focus on inhibiting pressures

(remove barriers)• If you focus on promoting pressures,

you’re competing with everyone else’s tail feathers.

• Every marketer should get inspiration from science fiction. It’s a world where inhibiting pressures are removed.

• The most successful companies are those who address the customer’s need to feel unique & part of a group.

• We need to break down the walls of UX & marketing to create a customer experience that markets well.

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More Takeaways from Matt Wallaert

It’s important to remember your long term customers. Continue to find ways to surprise & delight them.

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More takeaways from Matt Wallaert

Think of a world where everyone uses your product.

What needs to happen to make this true?


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This imaginary world is where you find your natural partnerships that encourage people to use your product.

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Example: Uber & Nightlife. Uber needs people to go out, so they partner with party spots. Leverage your own natural partnerships.

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More takeaways from Matt Wallaert

Now, think of a world where nobody uses your product.

What needs to happen to make this true?.

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This imaginary world should tell you who your competitors are.

Example: Uber’s competitor is Netflix. If you’re staying in, you don’t need a lift!

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Christopher LesterVP of Sales, Emma Email Marketing

How our brains rule when & why we click

• Our brains love food, danger, sex, wide open spaces, faces, and buttons

• Buttons give you the opportunity to experiment with color psychology

• Our brains may love buttons because of the Von Restorff Effect. We scan for anything different.

• Images should either support your value proposition or direct the eye where you want to go

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We used subliminal advertising in the 80’s & 90’s.

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Ineffective Email Effective Email

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Arnie KuennCEO, Vertical Measures

Content Marketing Strategies

• Best way to decrease expenses & increase revenue

• Produce 15 pieces content per month

• Interviews are great content for SEO

• Website should not take more than 2 seconds to load

• To speed up Google Indexing process, tweet it!

• Pinterest is becoming worth your time

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Make sure to optimize all content!

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Rohit BhargavaKeynote Speaker

Author & Founder, Influential Marketing Group

7 Trends of 2015

• Unperfection: Embrace your humanity

• Everyday Stardom: personalized experience for customer

• Branded Benevolence: Give back in unexpected ways

• Reluctant Marketer: Be Useful• Reverse Retail: fluid experience

in store & online• Experimedia: Launch & Share

social experiments• Create Glanceable Content

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Dan TyreExecutive, Hubspot

Inbound Marketing

• Educate prospective customers to help solve their problems

• Smarketing is the new Sales & Marketing

• Diversify your content to bring in leads

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Matt HertigCo-Founder, Alright Analytics

Marketing Analytics: Big Data

• We are often making decisions off of 1% of the data we have on customers

• Customer decision journey has become complex and our marketing data ecosystem has become fragmented

• Tools like Tableau & ChannelMix can help

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Michael BarberFounder, Barber & Hewitt

Email Marketing

• Don’t mess up your email marketing because soon the inbox will be the cart

• Buttons must be at least 44px in diameter and fonts at least 15 px

• Tools: reallygoodemails.com, targeted.io, litmus, emailonacid

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Rob HumphreyAccount Executive, LinkedInSocial Media Trends

Michael KingFounder & Digital Marketing Consultant,


Laura WilsonDirector of Digital Engagement & SocialMedia

Georgetown University

• Use Keywords on Social posts

• New panda algorithm update in next couple of weeks

• Use assisted conversion in Google analytics to tie social campaigns to spikes in traffic

• Use Pay With A Tweet in addition to collecting email for gated content

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Chris BroganKeynote Speaker

Author, Journalist & Business Advisor; CEO of Owner Media Group

Value Velocity

• If you can’t tie analytics to revenue, who cares?

• In a world where we can buy anything from anyone, why buy from you? Tip: Help people to feel smart.

• Email marketing is not dead. Bad email marketing is dead.

• Value velocity – bring value to the customer faster – Food truck mentality – show them what they want to buy

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Leela SrinivasanMarketing Leader, Open Table

Structuring Your Marketing Team

• In a marketing team there must be role clarity, specialization & ownership

• Play to strengths – give room & tools to grow

• Everyone picks 2 goals per month

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Dan TyreExecutive, HubSpotThe Future of Content

Rebecca LiebVP, Content Marketing, Teradata Applications

Melissa Joy KongFormer Head of Consumer Content,


• Get more creative with your KPI’s – shouldn’t just be a volume metric, should also include how it saves money

• Shadow a member of your

audience for a day to really understand them

• Create content, then share it multiple ways

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Kecia BenvenutoContent Curator, Facebook

Cultivating Connection Through Brand Essence

• Create content according to 5 friend archetypes:– Uplifter– Teacher– Risk Taker– Challenger– Connector

• If you’re in someone’s social media stream, you better bring benefit & value

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