Marketing Evaluation When explaining our marketing plan, our feedback had some really positive things in it, and some negative things that we could change to improve our plan. We had planned to pay a review site to check out and play our game, and then give it a review, and this idea was received well. This idea would make our app look professional, and well made, but there is a negative side to having your app reviewed by someone. They could give it negative reviews and do the app harm. We planned to have it reviewed by CrazyMikesApp.com, on his YouTube channel. This was a realistic plan, because his channel wasn’t a huge channel where he had hundreds of thousands of subscribers, he only had roughly 25 thousand people and got around 10 thousand views on most of his videos. Our next move was to put our banner ad on an app website which suggest good apps. Putting an ad for a app on a app website seemed like a good idea as the right target audience would be on that kind of website browsing the website for new apps to discover. For our main way of promotion, we planned to go to Center Parcs and set up a stand with some iPads and games, and some chairs and comfy seats where people could come and sit and play our game, and see what they think about it. Center Parcs is a very family friendly place, so there would be lots of children and teenagers there. Teenagers and older children would be our main target audience so we thought this would be fitting. We would set up a competition and there would be a chance for someone to win a free T-shirt. We had originally planned to sell our game for 0.69p. We thought that it wasn’t a huge amount to ask for, but it would bring in a good profit for us and help us develop the game further for the future (More levels, new features. etc.) But when presenting the idea to Dave, he thought it might be better to make the game free. There are many games out there being made by big teams of people that are giving there games away for free. There is also a way to make money from a game if it is free. We could have adverts on out game, but then I was worried that this would bring the quality of the game down, because no one likes ads when playing a game. Our main problem that we overlooked when devising the plan, was where we were going to sell our T-shirts that we designed. We need to get into contact with a T-shirt manufacture so we can see how much it would cost to have our shirts made, and then we could sell them for a bit more and make a small profit.

Marketing evaluation

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Marketing Evaluation When explaining our marketing plan, our feedback had some really positive things in it, and some negative things that we could change to improve our plan. We had planned to pay a review site to check out and play our game, and then give it a review, and this idea was received well. This idea would make our app look professional, and well made, but there is a negative side to having your app reviewed by someone. They could give it negative reviews and do the app harm. We planned to have it reviewed by CrazyMikesApp.com, on his YouTube channel. This was a realistic plan, because his channel wasn’t a huge channel where he had hundreds of thousands of subscribers, he only had roughly 25 thousand people and got around 10 thousand views on most of his videos. Our next move was to put our banner ad on an app website which suggest good apps. Putting an ad for a app on a app website seemed like a good idea as the right target audience would be on that kind of website browsing the website for new apps to discover. For our main way of promotion, we planned to go to Center Parcs and set up a stand with some iPads and games, and some chairs and comfy seats where people could come and sit and play our game, and see what they think about it. Center Parcs is a very family friendly place, so there would be lots of children and teenagers there. Teenagers and older children would be our main target audience so we thought this would be fitting. We would set up a competition and there would be a chance for someone to win a free T-shirt. We had originally planned to sell our game for 0.69p. We thought that it wasn’t a huge amount to ask for, but it would bring in a good profit for us and help us develop the game further for the future (More levels, new features. etc.) But when presenting the idea to Dave, he thought it might be better to make the game free. There are many games out there being made by big teams of people that are giving there games away for free. There is also a way to make money from a game if it is free. We could have adverts on out game, but then I was worried that this would bring the quality of the game down, because no one likes ads when playing a game. Our main problem that we overlooked when devising the plan, was where we were going to sell our T-shirts that we designed. We need to get into contact with a T-shirt manufacture so we can see how much it would cost to have our shirts made, and then we could sell them for a bit more and make a small profit.