Marine Core Service MY OCEAN For Marie: A compilation of some “nice-coloured” slides on IBI Validation I Workshop Técnico de Usuarios Españoles del Servicio

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Marine Core Service IBI On-line Validation: examples… CLASS2 (moorings & Tide Gauges)

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Marine Core Service MY OCEAN For Marie: A compilation of some nice-coloured slides on IBI Validation I Workshop Tcnico de Usuarios Espaoles del Servicio IBI-MFC Madrid, 13 Noviembre 2012 Marcos Garca Sotillo Dinmica Costera y Portuaria rea de Medio Fsico Service & Operations IBI- MFC Manager Marine Core Service IBI On-Line Validation n Several Metrics (on daily, monthly & quarterly basis) computed by MO & PdE n Outputs organization & visualization through dedicated web pages Marine Core Service IBI On-line Validation: examples CLASS2 (moorings & Tide Gauges) Marine Core Service IBI On-Line Validation: Examples... SST (IBI Vs Odissey L4 Marine Core Service IBI On-Line Validation: Examples TMP & SAL (IBI Vs ARGO) Marine Core Service Productos IBI-MFC (Verificacin exhaustiva) RADAR-HF Corrientes Scientific reporting for V3 n Example of IBI Sci Val metrics provided in QUID MyOcean2 V3 Acceptance & V4 Product Design Workshops Madrid 28,29th January 2013 Winter 2012 SST(C) CLASS1 IBI-Vs-L4 MF ODDYSEA Time period IBI mean SAT mean BiasRMSE ANNUAL DJF MAM JJA SON Scientific reporting for V3 n Example of IBI Sci Val metrics provided in QUID MyOcean2 V3 Acceptance & V4 Product Design Workshops Madrid 28,29th January 2013 Summer 2012 Surf Cur(C) CLASS1 IBI-Vs-PdE HF Radar- Galicia Scientific reporting for V3 n Example of IBI CALIBRATION metrics provided in QUID MyOcean2 V3 Acceptance & V4 Product Design Workshops Madrid 28,29th January 2013 Calibration (IBI-V2 vs IBI-V1) Residual elevations (tide-gauges) SST (moorings) T&S (ARGO) IBI CAL/VAL improvements n V3 System changes (according V3 Acceptance Review): n Improved CalVal capabilities n Noticeable upgrade of the IBI-MFC Validation capabilities: Launch of NARVAL Tool (On-line & Delayed Mode) MyOcean2 V3 Acceptance & V4 Product Design Workshops Madrid 28,29th January 2013 Validation of daily IBI forecast cycle. Statistics covering longer periods ( monthly, seasonal and annual reviews) MyO Quarterly Validation Reports IBI CAL/VAL improvements n NARVAL continuous developments. Working lines: 1. To include new OBS Sources n SMOS, ARGO (in D-M: automatic generation of nc files for WP17) MyOcean2 V3 Acceptance & V4 Product Design Workshops Madrid 28,29th January 2013 RMSE BIAS RMSE February, 2012 IBI CAL/VAL improvements n NARVAL continuous developments. Working lines: 1. To include new OBS Sources n SMOS, ARGO (dm metrics) 2. To automatize extra metrics computation n Annual, seasonal & monthly basis (plots, tables & indicators) 3. To provide automatic feedback to MyO CALVAL n Already sending quarterly nc files to MyO WP17 4. To integrate visualization of both IBI Pus (MO & PdE) metrics/plots 5. To explore new metrics (i.e. triple collocation statistics, skill scores based indicators, etc) 6. Finally, keep an eye to decisions on MyOcean2 V3 Acceptance & V4 Product Design Workshops Madrid 28,29th January 2013 System Updates in V4 n IBI Scientific VALidation in V4 n Upgraded automatic procedures to generate IBI validation metrics n More IBI metrics sent to WP17 for further dissemination n Updated of the IBI validation Tool (NARVAL) n More metrics (on-line & Delayed mode) available through WWW n More observational data sources included n Research in new metrics for further operational application. n Triple collocation, skill scores statistics, contingency table, MyOcean2 PCs and CIS status meeting Paris 24 th September 2013 Previously (IBI-V3): -Comparison: SST -Sources: IBI vs L4 ODYSSEA (MF product) -Region: only IBISR (full IBI service domain) -Forecast horizons: HC01 (IBI best estimate) Current State: -Comparison: SST -Sources: IBI vs L4 OSTIA (through MyO) IBI vs L3 (MyO product) -Regions: 10 different regions -Forecast horizons: HC01 / FC03 / FC05 ICANA IRISH GOBIS WIBSH CADIZ GIBST WSMED NIBSH IBISR ECHAN Update of monthly statistics provided to WP17 MyOcean2 PCs and CIS status meeting Paris 24 th September 2013 Previously: -Comparison: SST -Sources: IBI vs L4 Meteofrance product -Regions: only 1, IBISR (full domain) -Horecast horizons: HC01 (best estimates) Current State: -Comparison: SST -Sources: IBI vs L4 OSTIA MyO2 product IBI vs L3 MyO2 product -Regions: 10 regions -Horecast horizons: HC01 / FC03 / FC05 -* Reprocessing backwards to make the files consistent in shape Also for V4 (in short-term future) Inclussion of automatic 3D SAL & TMP metrics (using ARGO floats (by regions, levels and horizons) Update of monthly statistics provided to WP17 MyOcean2 PCs and CIS status meeting Paris 24 th September 2013 System Updates in V4 NARVAL Progress More obs sources : Argo floats, SMOS, Gibraltar strait HF Radar. More metrics, both delayed & on- line mode MyOcean2 PCs and CIS status meeting Paris 24 th September 2013 Triple collocation to determine relative error ranges of MyOcean products TC method is used to compared data sets of the same geophysical field TC gives an estimation of the error associated to each data set and allows the calibration of the data sets. The errors are generally supposed to be uncorrelated with each other and with the geophysical field. Application: one year of SST data (Aug 2011-Sep 2012), Bay of Biscay region. Data sets: multi-sensor L3 observations (taken as reference), IBI and NWS forecasts (1-D averaged). Calculation performed for grid points with at least 200 valid obs L3 obs IBI MFC NWS MFC Variance of errors MyOcean2 PCs and CIS status meeting Paris 24 th September 2013 BIAS LOCATION RMSE CORRELATION TEMP: IBI vs ARGO FULL-PROFILE (AUGUST 2013) BIAS LOCATION RMSE CORRELATION TEMP: IBI VS ARGO 0-5 m LAYER (AUGUST 2013) BIAS LOCATION RMSE CORRELATION BIAS LOCATION RMSE CORRELATION TEMP: IBI vs ARGO FULL-PROFILE (AUG 2013) TEMP: IBI VS ARGO m LAYER (AUG 2013) AUG 2013: BIAS TEMP AT DIFFERENT LAYERS (AVERAGED OVER THE WHOLE IBI SERVICE AREA) NUMBER OF ARGO STATION AVAILABLE PER DAY IN THE IBI SERVICE AREA USED TO COMPUTE STATISTICS AUG 2013: RMSE TEMP AT DIFFERENT LAYERS (AVERAGED OVER THE WHOLE IBI SERVICE AREA) AUG 2013: CORRELATION OF TEMP PROFILES (AVERAGED OVER THE WHOLE IBI SERVICE AREA) BIAS LOCATION RMSE CORRELATION BIAS LOCATION RMSE CORRELATION SALINITY: IBI vs ARGO FULL-PROFILE (AUG 2013)SALINITY: IBIvsARGO m LAYER (AUG 2013)