Marie Curie ITN ‘QuanTI’ Supervisory Board Meeting 1 Maynooth, Ireland, 30 August 2013

Marie Curie ITN ‘QuanTI’ web...Marie Curie ITN ‘QuanTI’ Supervisory Board Meeting 1 Maynooth, Ireland, 30 August 2013

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Page 1: Marie Curie ITN ‘QuanTI’ web...Marie Curie ITN ‘QuanTI’ Supervisory Board Meeting 1 Maynooth, Ireland, 30 August 2013

Marie Curie ITN ‘QuanTI’

Supervisory Board Meeting 1

Maynooth, Ireland,

30 August 2013

Page 2: Marie Curie ITN ‘QuanTI’ web...Marie Curie ITN ‘QuanTI’ Supervisory Board Meeting 1 Maynooth, Ireland, 30 August 2013

Agenda Welcome and introductions

Overview of progress in network recruitment

Report by each partner on advertising, interviews and recruitment

Recruitment rules, payments and documents to keep

QuanTI Fellows registration at Participants Portal (PP)

ECAS and SESAM access

Upcoming training events and first Annual meeting

Review of next training events timing and scheduling;

First Training events: time, days, attendees, format and responsibilities;

Timing of the First Annual meeting and Supervisory management meeting

Website, logo and newsletter

Contents of the Website and secured authorization pages

Format and execution of the QuanTI newsletter

Logo suggestions

Project Work program

Milestones and Deliverables due by year 1

Concluding remarks and AOB

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Recruitment progress overview Partners Positions Recruitment Starting date

UNILEEDS 2 ESRs 1 Recruited

Luis de la Higuera Romero 23 September, 2013

Imperial 1 ESR No


University of Utrecht (UU) 1ER Recruited

Aridaman Pandit

UMCU (The Netherlands) 1ESR No


NKI (The Netherlands) 1ESR Recruited




Charite 1ESR No


IP I ER Recruited

Sary EL DAKER 17 June 2013

INSERM I ER Recruited

Pedro Filipe Fernandes Goncalves 01 August 2013

NUI - Maynooth 2 ESRs

NUI - Galway



Yaxuan Yu 01 January 2014




Selected: Julio Lahoz Beneytez

Not announced

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Recruitment rules and payments Employment contract

Salaries (Cost category 1)

◦ Base annual salaries before deductions

ESR = 38,000 EUR

ER = 58,500 EUR

◦ Corrected for each country by correction coefficient

UK- 1.344

The Netherland – 1.041

Germany – 0.948

France – 1.161

Ireland – 1.091

e.g. ESR (UK) = 38,000 EUR* 1.344 = 51,072/12 = 4, 256 EUR per month

Can not pay less because it is a breach in the contract

Mobility (Cost category 2)

◦ With family charges – EUR1000* country correction coefficient

◦ Without family charges – EUR 700 * country correction coefficient

Documents to keep

◦ proof of employment contracts;

◦ proof of payments to fellows salary including payments of any obligatory deductions

◦ evidence that the fellow worked on the project: this can include lab books, conference

abstracts, library records etc.

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1. Each beneficiary creates ECAS (European Commission Authentication Service) account: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/ecas

2. Login with ECAS User ID and password to Participants Portal (PP) http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/appmanager/participants/portal

3. With ECAS login/password you can access SESAM, FORCE, etc.

4. Login PP>My projects> QuanTI> RD> Documents> Declaration on Conformity

5. Select your institution and fill in the Declaration

6. Will be send to coordinator to verify and submit

7. After submission .pdf will be generated

8. Print and sign by the MC researcher and LEAR (legal representative)

9. Keep one original copy in your QuanTI documentation and send one original to the Coordinator

QuanTI fellows registration

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Review of next training events timing and scheduling

Main training events and conferences WP







Inaugural Meeting 10 NUI Maynooth (1) 4

Summer School 1 7 NUI Galway 9

Complementary Skills Workshop 12 Leeds 13

Summer School 2 8 DKFZ 21

Industrial Workshop 1 15 Bayer 23

Complementary Skills Workshop 13 Microsoft 25

Summer School 3 9 Unilever 33

Complementary Skills Workshop 14 Unilever 37

Closing Conference 11 Leeds 45

Industrial Workshop 2 16 AstraZeneca 47

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First training event Summer school on quantitative immunology and stochastic

modelling (NUI Galway)


Number of attendees planned - ?

Number of days -?

Preliminary programme themes

• Mathematical modelling with Markov chains: number of days?

• Exit times and passage times in Immunology

• The immunological synapse

• Modelling repertoire dynamics

• Modelling V(D)J recombination

• Thymic T cell development

Invited lecturers


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Annual meeting

Planned to coincide with the 1st training

event at NUI Galway, Ireland

timing –?

presentations by ESRs and ERs

accommodation and travel,

attendance by associated industrial


Invited speakers – visiting scientists

Supervisory board meeting

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Website Information on the website:

Logo from each partner with permission to use; people, associated partners, background of research group, fellows, research projects

QuanTI fellows : brief CV, details of project and research progress

Training events; schedules and content as downloads, next training events

Annual meetings, timing

Contacts lists of people, email addresses and phone numbers

Secure pages, which require login: reports, milestones and deliverables, work programme, presentations at annual meetings, lectures (handouts) at training events, agendas and minutes from supervisory board meetings etc.

Vacancies (if any)

Publications ?

Links to Participants Portal (PP); ITN management; Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, the European Charter for Researchers etc. useful links

Any suggestions?

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Example: under construction

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Suggestions for Logo

1/ 2/ 3/




8/ 9/


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How frequent - annual or every 6 months?

To be edited and written by QuanTI fellows?

Rotating editorship?

Short articles on training events and


Coming conferences and abstract deadlines

Articles by QuanTI fellows e.g. on exchange

visits (secondments), their research

Create as pdf and upload onto web site

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Work Programme

Milestones and Deliverables due by year 1

Milestones: WP1-WP6 by month 12

M1.1 Recruit ESR1, ESR2 and ESR3

M2.1 Recruit ER1 and ESR4

M3.1 Recruit ER2, ESR5 and ESR6.

M4.1 Recruit ESR7.

M5.1 Recruit ESR8 and ESR9.

M6.1 Recruit ESR10 and ESR11.


WP10- D10.1- Inaugural Conference - by month 1

WP7 - D7.1 Summer School I – by month 9

WP12 - D12.1 Complementary Skills Workshop I – by month 13