RECONCILIATION Saturday ........................ 3pm to 3:45pm Wednesday ............... 6:15pm to 6:45pm BAPTISM, FIRST PENANCE, FIRST COMMUN- ION AND CONFIRMATION Contact our Faith Formation Director, Chris McCormick, (321) 269-7785 or [email protected]. MARRIAGE/MARRIAGE CONVALIDATION Call the parish office six months in ad- vance to schedule meetings with Fr. An- drew, pastor, and Joe Marcellino, Music Director. If you weren’t married in the Catholic Church, consider an appoint- ment to discuss Marriage Convalidation. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Hospitalized, ill, or awaiting surgery? Call the parish office for anointing at home or hospital. Fr. Andrew also anoints the sick or those scheduled for surgery; join him after the 11am Mass in the chapel on the 3rd Sunday each month MARCH 20, 2016. FUNERALS — DEATH/BEREAVEMENT After a loved ones’ death, call the parish office, (321) 269-2282 to speak with Fa- ther Andrew. Our bereavement counse- lor will contact you to arrange the Funer- al Mass and all that it entails. SACRAMENTAL LIFE Holy Spirit Catholic Church Mims, Florida (321) 269-2282 holyspiritmims.com Welcome to Holy Spirit in Mims, the “Friendly Town!” Opportunities to live and grow your faith abound in our little parish with the big heart. “Come, Holy Spirit. Come now. Come as you wish!” FR. ANDREW WOJTAN PASTOR Add your name to the Guest List or Helper’s List for this year’s Seder Supper 3:30 p.m. Sunday, March 20 Ticket sales: March 5, 6, 12 & 13 The ritual Seder meal commemorates the events of the Exodus. It’s as Christian as it is Jewish. This is the meal of the Last Sup- per that Christ celebrated with His 12 Apos- tles on Holy Thursday. Parish Mission Reminder Father’s of Mercy Father Joseph Aytona, CPM 7:00 p.m. Sunday, 3/6 Monday, 3/7 Tuesday, 3/8 Lenten Reconciliation Wednesday, 3/9 Thursday, 3/10 9:00 p.m. Monday, 3/7 Tuesday, 3/8 Wednesday, 3/9 Thursday, 3/10

March 6, 2016 HSCC to to subscribe! - Holy Spirit Catholic …holyspiritmims.com/bulletins/20160306.pdf ·  · 2016-03-05Contact our Faith Formation Director, Chris McCormick, (321

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Saturday ........................ 3pm to 3:45pm Wednesday ............... 6:15pm to 6:45pm



Contact our Faith Formation Director, Chris McCormick, (321) 269-7785 or [email protected].


Call the parish office six months in ad-vance to schedule meetings with Fr. An-drew, pastor, and Joe Marcellino, Music Director. If you weren’t married in the Catholic Church, consider an appoint-ment to discuss Marriage Convalidation.


Hospitalized, ill, or awaiting surgery? Call the parish office for anointing at home or hospital. Fr. Andrew also anoints the sick or those scheduled for surgery; join him after the 11am Mass in the chapel on the 3rd Sunday each month — MARCH 20, 2016.


After a loved ones’ death, call the parish office, (321) 269-2282 to speak with Fa-ther Andrew. Our bereavement counse-lor will contact you to arrange the Funer-al Mass and all that it entails.


Holy Spirit Catholic Church Mims, Florida

(321) 269-2282 holyspiritmims.com

Welcome to Holy Spirit in Mims, the “Friendly Town!” Opportunities to live and grow your faith abound in our little parish with the big heart. “Come, Holy Spirit. Come now. Come as you wish!”


Add your name to the Guest List

or Helper’s List for this year’s

Seder Supper 3:30 p.m.

Sunday, March 20 Ticket sales: March 5, 6, 12 & 13

The ritual Seder meal commemorates the events of the Exodus. It’s as Christian as it is Jewish. This is the meal of the Last Sup-per that Christ celebrated with His 12 Apos-tles on Holy Thursday.

Parish Mission


Father’s of Mercy Father Joseph Aytona, CPM

7:00 p.m.

Sunday, 3/6

Monday, 3/7

Tuesday, 3/8

Lenten Reconciliation

Wednesday, 3/9

Thursday, 3/10

9:00 p.m.

Monday, 3/7

Tuesday, 3/8

Wednesday, 3/9

Thursday, 3/10

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Deceased Special Intention

Saturday, March 5

4:00pm .............. For the parish

Sunday, March 6

8:30am .............. Levi G. Polvorosa

11:00am ............. Frank Mulich

Monday, March 7 — Parish Mission Mass/Talk 9:00am ..............

Tuesday, March 8 — Parish Mission Mass/Talk

9:00am ..............

Wednesday, March 9 — Parish Mission Mass/Talk 9:00am ...............

Thursday, March 10 — Parish Mission Mass/Talk 9:00am .............. 7:00pm ..............

Friday, March 11 — 5th Friday of Lent

8:00am ............... 6:00pm ............... Matthew Haggerty

Saturday, March 12

4:00pm ..............

Mass Intention ($10 recommended donation). Mass Intention cards are available for:

▪ Healing ▪ Happy Occasion ▪ Special Intention ▪ Repose of the Soul


Aaron Brown, Alfred Monfette, Alyssa Ellison, Angelo Minerva, Anna Mason, Anne Marie Kohler, Anthony Yula, Audrey Moore, Arthur Moore, B.J. Shelton, Barbara Williams, Bernie Zilka, Beth Cunningham, Bill Mitchell, Brandon Bestwick, Brian Rogers, Bonny Floyd, Charles Comunale, Charles Rogers, Charlotte Robinson, Charlotte Short, Cheryl Gebert, Chris Beigler, Christine Collins, Colby Halley, David Alvarez, David Peterson, Jr, Debbie Harrelson, Denise Johnson, Derrick Ko-vacs, Dolores Thomas, Don Fuller, Donna Shoemaker Teuscher, Dorothy Paschke, Duane Dubbs, Ed Helm, Ed Karr, Edward Hudick, Eileen Yersavich, Elaine O’Connor, Eleanor Puma, Elsie Staufenberg, Floyd Goddard, Frances Reinsch, Frances Spear, Francine Reynolds, Frank Cirii, Fred Decker, Gambel Smith, Sr., George Schyi, Geraldine Arthur, Gil Geddes, Grayson Cole, Hank Gillooley, Huguette Peterson, Jack Blankenship, Jackie Miles, Jamal Hussein, Jan Walling, Jean-Claude Tippit, Jeanne Kozain, Jeannie Patti, Jennifer McKee, Jennifer Miller, Jerry Clavin, Jerry Garver, Jesse Chenevert, Jesse Pippins, Joan Amato, Joanne Gillespie, Joanne Waugh, Jodie Peacock, Joey Whiting, John Barnes, John Crafton, John Hoden, John Michael Knight, John O’Connor, Joseph Garity, Joseph Kleinschnitz, Josephine Brunell, Karen Hicks, Karen Reshel, Kenny LaPlant, Kevin Learn, Kevin Short, Lenore Thiel, Leslie Simmons, Lin Perrine, Linda Ken-ney, Logan Miller, Lucia Chaves, Lucille Alves, Lurlon Buckner, Lyn Cafferty, Mani Gordon, Manny Medina, Margaret Racine, Maria Garcia, Maria Ruiz, Marie Schyi, Marilyn Bissell, Mary Ross-High, Mary Wojtan, Maxine Valunas, Michael DaBose, Michael Eaton, Michael McDaniel, Michelle Dembowski, Mike Durian, Nan Gaffney, Nancy Augustine, Nancy Myers, Nicholas Gehlman, Nicole Rojas, Noc Nazi, Norma Pringle, Owen Ryley, Pat Heward, Patricia Birkhead, Patricia Tippit, Paul Wise, Ray Erickson, Raymond Musser, Richard Komar, Rick Musco, Roland Carpentier, Ron Hartman, Ronda Mullins, Rosalie Carey, Ruth Ellison, Ruthie Carpentier, Sherry Kinsey, Sue Williams, Tamara Bauer, Terry Hughes, Thomas Keogh, Tookea Lynn, Tracy Kern, Tucker Wright, Valerie Crouse, Veronica Koehn, Walter Hitesman, Wanda Andrews, Wesley Szanyi, William Snow … and those not listed here today. Please contact the parish office—(321) 269-2282 or

[email protected]—when someone is able to be removed from this list. Thank you!

PREPARE FOR NEXT SUNDAY, MARCH 13 FIRST READING—The LORD does something new for the chosen people (Isaiah 43:16-21) or Ezekiel


PSALM—The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy (Psalm 126) or Psalm 130. Second Reading -- The supreme good is knowing Jesus as Lord (Philippians 3:8-14) or Romans 8:8-11.

GOSPEL—A woman caught in the act of adultery is brought to Jesus. He challenges anyone without sin to throw the first stone (John 8:1-11) or John 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45].

The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.


12 MEN—Are you a CONFIRMED and ACTIVE Catholic man? 12 men are needed to imitate the first apostles in the Foot Washing ceremony during the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, March 24. The sign-up sheet is in the vestibule.

SEDER SUPPER—Join us at 3:30pm on Sunday, March 20. We’re selling tickets for $5 to offset the expense of the lamb. Buy your tickets after Mass this weekend, next weekend, or at the parish office during the week. Volunteers are needed for prep and clean-up; sign-up sheet is in the breezeway. Call Chris for more information, (321) 427-6965.

LENTEN FRIDAYS—Bring meatless soup, bread or beverage to Emmaus Hall, 5:45pm to 6pm: Mar 11—Life Teen, Edge, Faith Formation, Bible Study Participants Mar 18—Music, Altar Servers, Acolytes

RCIA PRAYERS—Pray for all catechumens and candidates preparing for full initiation into the Catholic

faith this Easter, especially: David Conger, Ethan Smircich, Michael Rivera, Jonda Erwin, Laura Cap-pola, Dallas Stover, John Hubbard and Samantha Vera.

2015 ELIJAH CUP—Give our Elijah Cup a place of honor in your home and pray daily for voca-tions. If a schedule change is necessary, PLEASE call the parish office ! (321) 269-2282.

This week: Saturday, March 5, 4pm — Leila Lee-Pow Next week: Saturday, March 12, 4pm — Shiela Etheridge

HSCCW DAY OF REFLECTION—This March 12 event has been cancelled.

SCHOLARSHIPS—Catholic seniors can apply for a Southern Deanery Council of Catholic Women scholarship; due Tuesday, March 15. Application & criteria can be downloaded from holyspirit-mims.com, document folder on Life Teen page.

Church in Florida Statistics—2016: Catholic Health Care

13 Acute Care Hospitals; 4 Rehabilitation Hospitals

8 Nursing Homes; 1 Hospice Organization

Information based on 2015 Official Catholic Directory and reports from Conference staff.


God of love and consolation, You always draw us closer to Yourself. You ask us to trust You and You make us always more like Jesus Your Son. Through His cross, You give our human suffering divine mean-ing and purpose. I pray today for all my brothers and sisters, and especially for those most in need, the children living in their mothers’ womb.

Father, I offer my sufferings for them, in union with the sufferings of Jesus. Through my weakness, may they be protected, through my pain, may they be safe, through my loneliness, may they know the joy of life. God of Life, bring an end to abortion in our world, and bring peace and healing to me and to all who are sick. I pray through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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Fourth Sunday of Lent Page 3 March 6, 2016

HOLY SPIRIT OFFICE Carpenter Hall 9:00 am to 5:00 pm — Monday thru Friday

2399 Holder Road (321) 269-2282 ... Parish Office Mims, FL 32754 (321) 269-7785 ... Faith Formation (321) 269-2252 ... Fax Websites ........................ http://HolySpiritMims.com ........................................ http://AtticShopMims.com Flocknote ....................... Flocknote.com/HolySpiritMims Facebook ....................... Facebook.com/HolySpiritMims Twitter ............................ @HolySpiritMims

CLERGY & OFFICE STAFF Pastor ................................................. Fr. Andrew Wojtan Bookkeeper/Manager......................... Dianne Sweeney Facilities / Maintenance ..................... Mike Gutman Faith Formation Director .................... Chris McCormick Music Director .................................... Joe Marcellino

E-MAIL [email protected] Church Business ................................ Info@... Communication .................................. Bulletin@... Life Teen, Edge, Faith Formation ...... FaithFormation@... Music Liturgy ...................................... MusicMinistry@...

MINISTRIES — (321) 269-2282 Adoration ............................................ Faye Smith Altar Servers/Acolytes ....................... Tony Eckhoff Attic Shop Thrift Store ........................ Gay Hoskinson 3234 W. Main St, Mims, FL .......... (321) 269-1699 Bereavement ...................................... Sheila Etheridge Bulletin/Website/Social Media ........... Monica Benninghoff Council of Catholic Women ............... Hazel Gillooley Edge ................................................... Sarah Rodriguez Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion ...... Leila Lee-Pow Hospitality/Coffee & Donuts ............... Fred Moos Lectors ................................................ Trudy Martell Life Teen ............................................ Michelle Fischer Ministry to the Sick ............................. June Costello Pantry Outreach ................................. Jim & Bobbie Brown RCIA ................................................... David Tipton Technology ......................................... Cindi Cimorelli Ushers ................................................ Marc Lamb

BULLETIN SUBMISSION For next Sunday, March 13, 2016

Submit before 9am Monday, March 7

Online: http://holyspiritmims.com/bulletin-submission-form (Send hi-res photos to [email protected])


(321)269-7785 [email protected]

Persons ministering to children and/or the infirm are required to be fingerprinted (Diocese of Orlando) and pass the Safe Environment Training. Call the parish office for details, (321) 269-2282.

EDGE AND LIFE TEEN—Parish mission this week with Father Aytona. Teens will enjoy a special mission talk Sunday night (check your email for specific time/location). Friends are always welcome!

BIBLE STUDY—Return for Session 20 the week of April 4: Messianic Fulfillment—Part 2.

CONNECTIONS BETWEEN MOSES AND JESUS Homily Summary — Fr. Andrew Wojtan — February 28, 2016

(Dt 18:15-18) Moses heard he was starting a prophetic office and it would be culminated in a Prophet like him. The more we know about Moses, the more we know about Jesus.

Moses was born to a poor mother in very poor circumstances; yet the woman who would be called the Queen of Egypt raised him. Jesus was born to a very poor woman, who at the end was declared the Queen of Heaven and Earth.

Moses’ life was in danger; Pharaoh wanted to kill all the boy-children of the Israelites. Jesus’ life was in danger; King Herod wanted to kill all the boy-children of Bethlehem.

Moses spent his childhood in exile from his family, living in a pagan palace. Jesus spent His exile in Egypt; living in poverty.

Stephen (Acts7:22) said: ‘Moses was taught all the wisdom of the Egyptians.’ St. Paul (Col 2:3): ‘In Jesus all the jewels of wisdom and knowledge are hidden.’

Moses wandered in the wilderness for 40 years to learn how to be a son of God and a Savior of his peo-ple. Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness deciding what kind of Messiah He would become.

Moses’ ministry began with a meeting with God on Sinai. He was able to go back to Egypt. When Jesus came out of the wilderness, He brought the heart of God to the world.

Moses fought the power of evil in Egypt. Jesus fought the powers of evil that were holding the human race in their spiritual bondage.

Moses gave them manna from heaven. Jesus gave them Eucharist. Moses’ manna lasted 40 years. Je-sus’ Eucharist will last until the end of time.

Moses opened the sea. Jesus walked on the waters.

Moses led the people through the Passover; Jesus through the fulfillment of the Passover.

Moses led the people into the Covenant with God; Jesus became the Covenant with God which was carved in His own flesh.

Moses saw God ‘face to face’, but Jesus is God. (Jn 1:17-18): ’The Law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.’

Multiplication of the loaves – the sign of manna. Immediately afterwards Jesus is walking on the water - a sign of Moses. Later the transfiguration of Jesus. Moses was transfigured on the mountain. Gospels show us that Jesus is a prophet like Moses and encourage us to go back to the OT, to read the prophecies that are there. It will open to you the spiritual meaning of the Gospels.

DIOCESAN & COMMUNITY NEWS CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES (CRS) COLLECTION—”Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did it for me” (Mt 25:40). Today, we’re reminded that Jesus identified himself with our poorest brothers and sisters. The CRS Collection serves Jesus in the victims of human trafficking, those who suffer from unjust laws, and those who need pastoral care and humanitarian assistance across the globe. Through supporting today’s collection, you help Jesus in disguise. Thank you for your generosity!

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ST. PATRICK’S DAY DINNER DANCE—Make it a “date night” on Saturday, March 12, at the Knights of Columbus Hall, Kilmarnoch Rd, Titusville with corned beef & cab-bage dinner & dancing. Bar opens at 6pm, dinner at 7pm, dancing 8pm to midnight. Tickets are $14/person from Pete (321) 269-6850, Jack (321) 720-7842 or at the KofC lounge. Ticket sales end Monday, March 7.

SPEED ARTIST—UCF Catholic Campus Ministry presents a performance by Michael Israel, Sat-urday, March 19, 7pm—11pm, the Catholic Center at NorthView, 3925 Lockwood Bl, Oviedo, 32765. Proceeds benefit CCM at UCF. Ticket info: [email protected] or (407) 246-4887.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS DISTRICT 29 1ST ANNUAL CLERGY & RELIGIOUS APPRECIATION NIGHT—Enjoy a spaghetti dinner and express gratitude to our clergy & religious’ dedication in serving God. Bishop John Noonan and clergy from seven churches will be in attendance on Friday, April 1, at Divine Mercy Catholic Church Hall, 1940 N Courtenay Pkwy in Merritt Island. Four Knights of Columbus Councils are sponsoring this event. Cost is $20 per person; buy your tick-ets at the Knights of Columbus Hall, St Teresa Church Religious Articles Store or Rectory.

All Volunteer Positions Cashier, Stocking, Pricing

Holy Spirit Attic Shop Thrift Store 3234 W. Main Street, Mims

Tue · Thur — 10am to 5pm Wed · Fri · Sat — 10am to 3pm

Closed Sunday and Monday.


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© Copyright 2016 Success Publishing & Media, LLC

Four ways to build a special relationship with Jesus

What do Catholics believe are the Four Marks of the Church?

Discovering hope and joy in the Catholic faith. March 2016

The Marks of the Church are that it is 'one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.' The Church is one because all the members are united in Christ. The Church is holy because it shares in the holiness of Christ, who founded it.

It is catholic because of its universal mission to spread

the Gospel to all people. Finally, the Church is apostolic because it is founded on the teaching of the Apostles, which was handed on to their successors the bishops.

St. Casimir of Poland Born a prince of

Poland, St. Casimir was endowed with

a strong conscience by a great teacher, John Dlugosz. He was recognized for his holiness and integrity. He slept on the ground and spent nights in prayer. When his father sent him to take over Hungary, Prince Casimir assessed the odds against winning the war. Seeing he was outnumbered, he turned back out of concern for his troops, and resolved never to go to war again.

Act from Within Sometimes we can do the right thing for the wrong reason. For example, do we follow the Ten Commandments because we are afraid of being punished, or because it’s the right thing to do? Today, make a commitment to follow your conscience and act from within.

“We even boast of our af�ictions, knowing that af�iction produces endurance, and endurance, proven character, and proven character, hope, and hope does not disappoint”

(Romans 5:3-5).

Scripture clearly says that God wants to have an intimate relationship with each of us. Yet it can be challenging to feel close to one we can’t always see. It may help to remember that Jesus is a living person, still accessible and available. “Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things which you have not known” (Jeremiah 33:3). Picture him in detail. Imagine his clothing, his face, and the color of his hair and eyes. Recall that image whenever you talk to him. Learn his background. Read his biography (the Scriptures). Find out about his mother and father, his

friends, neighbors, how he spent his time on Earth and what he does now. Discover his likes, dislikes and qualities he looks for in his friends. Spend time with him. Imagine he is

sitting next to you. Tell him about

yourself. Share your struggles, what you hope

to accomplish, what makes you

happy, what saddens you. Ask

for Jesus’ help to get through your

day in a way that is pleasing to God.

Become comfortable with silence. Good friends don’t always

talk. Sometimes they sit in compan-ionable silence just to be together. Using your image of Jesus, spend time in silence with him, just for the sake of being together.

Holy Spirit Catholic ChurchFr. Andrew Wojtan

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March 2016 Page 2

How could God send his only Son to die?

Success Publishing & Media, LLCPublishers of Growing in Faith™ and Partners in Faith™

(540)662-7844 (540)662-7847 fax http://www.growinginfaith.com

(Unless noted Bible quotes and references are fromthe Revised Standard Version and the New American Bible)

To provide practical ideas that promotefaithful Catholic living.

© Copyright 2016 Success Publishing & Media, LLC

Because Adam and Eve sinned, we needed a Savior to pay the price and save us from sin and death. “For God so

loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life” (John 3:16). While it was not

easy for God to send his Son to die, he did it because he loves us and wants us to be with him in Heaven. However, this does not mean God the Son was forced to die for us. Jesus said, “No one takes [my life] from me, but I lay it down on my own” (John 10:18). Jesus’ sacri�ce was freely offered to the Father on our behalf. “Indeed, out of love for his Father and for men, whom the Father wants to save, Jesus freely accepted his Passion and death” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, No. 609). The love of the Father and the Son for us was proved to the end on the Cross.

March 6 - St. Colette (1447). St. Colette was born in Corbie, France. She was orphaned at seventeen and gave her inheritance to the poor. She later became a Franciscan Tertiary and lived in solitude. St. Colette was told in a dream to reform the Poor Clares. Despite opposition, she founded seventeen convents under the reformed rule. March 19 – St. Joseph (1st century). Jesus’ earthly father and husband to the Blessed Mother, St. Joseph is a model of fatherhood and a protector of families. We know little about him, but the Bible

tells us he was a “righteous man” (Matthew 1:19). He is the patron saint of a happy death, because he died in the arms of Jesus and Mary. March 17 – St. Patrick (493). Born in Scotland, St. Patrick was kidnapped and brought to Ireland as a slave. He escaped a few years later and became a priest. He was ordained the bishop of Ireland. He is credited for having established the Church there.

Easter is a Second Chance What if we could go back and undo all the misdeeds we regret from our past? Wouldn’t it be freeing not to just be forgiven for our mistakes but to be able to make things so right it is as if they never happened? That is actually the nature of God’s mercy. When Easter morning dawns, our new life begins and we start as new creations. Here’s how to make the most of your second chance: Start off on the right foot: Go to Easter Mass and renew your baptismal promises. Take to heart your vow to renounce evil

and embrace new life. Make an Easter resolution: Be a truly new

creation. Keep all your good Lenten habits going after Easter.

Take advantage of God’s bad memory. God’s perfect love means he does not bear grudges, keep track of wrongdoing, or hold

onto ill will. When he forgives, he forgets. Stay close to the Sacrament of Reconciliation

(Confession), and be con�dent that you are restored to full friendship with God.

When Mary Magdalene told the Apostles what she saw at the tomb, John and Peter raced to see for themselves. When John saw the burial cloths inside the tomb, he may have recognized his friend’s habits in how the cloths were arranged because “he saw and believed.” John realized that Jesus was resurrected as he had promised. On Easter morning, many truths were revealed to John. It was con�rmed that Jesus is the Christ. Jesus is the one anointed by God to reconcile us to God, and Jesus was raised from the dead and is now “judge of the

living and the dead." John was there after the Resurrection when

Jesus created the Catholic Church and commissioned

her to preach and bear witness to Jesus and to

God’s love for us. As followers of Jesus, we know that our love and our devotion to him will eventually reveal the truths of many mysteries to us.

Following Jesus as John did will help us to understand the beauty of God’s plan. The key is to love Jesus as his "beloved disciple" did.

John 20:1-9, The Resurrection of Jesus

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