An Irish Blessing May the road rise to meet you May the wind be always at your back May the sun shine warm upon your face The rains fall soft upon your fields And until we meet again May God hold you in the palm of His hand. Word From the Pastor Calendar Play Day Missions World Changers Parent Link

March 2014 e newsletter

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March 2014 Cowboy Fellowship E-newsletter

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An Irish Blessing

May the road rise to meet you May the wind be always at your back

May the sun shine warm upon your face The rains fall soft upon your fields

And until we meet again May God hold you in the palm of His


Word From the Pastor


Play Day


World Changers

Parent Link

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Word From The Pastor

As of late I have been mixing up my devotional times with the Lord somewhat. It’s not because I am

board, or feel constrained by my usual routine; but instead it’s an inward restlessness that stirs deep in my soul

to grow ever closer to Christ. This desire has caused me to look at many different resources as I spend time

with the Lord. One such resource is called Amazing Grace: 366 Inspiring Hymn Stories for Daily Devotions.

Worship through music is powerful and I absolutely love the way our band leads us on Sunday. But there are

hymns from my youth that I find myself singing, silently throughout the day that really speak to me. One of

those hymns is called “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” by Robert Robinson, 1735–1790. Here is the

devotion from the book I mentioned above concerning this text. I pray that it will shed light on the words of

this familiar hymn. Pay close attention to the final verse in the song. That is the one that gets me every time! I

pray that you have a great month, and I hope to see you at Cowboy Fellowship as we study 1 Corinthians 13

during the month of March.


O Lord, You are my God: I will exalt You and praise Your name, for in perfect faithfulness You have

done marvelous things, things planned long ago. (Isaiah 25:1)

It would be enlightening if the people in the pew could stand on the platform and observe the congrega-

tional singing during an average church service. One would soon concur that there are many who appear to

have attended church without the express purpose of having a personal encounter with God. Comparatively

few people reveal evidence of losing themselves in worship and praise or of appropriating the great truths

about which they sing.

How different would be our times of corporate praise if each of us would heed the apostle Paul’s teaching

of “singing with the Spirit and with the understanding also” (1 Corinthians 14:15). Not all of us are able to

sing tunefully, but everyone in whom the Spirit of God dwells can and should respond with joyful praise when

the opportunity is presented.

During his early teen years, Robert Robinson lived in London, where he mixed with a notorious gang of

hoodlums and led a life of debauchery. At the age of 17 he attended a meeting where the noted evangelist

George Whitefield was preaching. Robinson went for the purpose of “scoffing at those poor, deluded Method-

ists” and ended up professing faith in Christ as his Savior. Soon he felt called to preach the gospel and subse-

quently became the pastor of a rather large Baptist church in Cambridge, England. Despite his young age,

Robinson became known as an able minister and scholar, writing various theological books as well as several

hymns, including these words written when he was just 23 years of age:

Come, Thou Fount of ev’ry blessing, tune my heart to sing Thy grace; streams of mercy, never

ceasing, call for songs of loudest praise. Teach me some melodious sonnet sung by flaming tongues

above; praise the mount—I’m fixed upon it—mount of Thy redeeming love.

Here I raise mine Ebenezer—hither by Thy help I’m come; and I hope by Thy good pleasure safely

to arrive at home. Jesus sought me when a stranger wand’ring from the fold of God; He to rescue me

from danger interposed His precious blood.

O to grace how great a debtor daily I’m constrained to be! Let Thy goodness like a fetter bind my

wand’ring heart to Thee: Prone to wander—Lord, I feel it—prone to leave the God I love; here’s my

heart—O take and seal it; Seal it for Thy courts above.

Pastor Pete

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The following are reoccurring

events that take place each

week/month at the same time

unless otherwise denoted.

Discipleship Classes Sunday

morning before Church at


Church Services - Sunday at

10:45 AM

Baptism Sunday mornings

before service church

Children’s Play Group Every

Tuesday from 10am -


Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

3rd Sat. 8-9 Call Bob Byrd

for info at: 210-896-5525

CFY - Every Wednesday @


Pre-Teen Ministry Every

Wednesday @ 6:30pm-8

Bldg D

2nd Sat. Cleanup 8 am-10

2nd Thursday Helping Hands


Please Go To Our Website For

Times And More Information! www.cowboyfellowship.org




Play Day



10:45 a

Sun Morning

Worship Serv.



3 4


Play Group

Kid Nation



5th & 6th

Grade Youth

6:30p-8p CFY



CF band


6:30 p–8p


7 8


2nd Sat

Clean Up







Sun. Morning

Worship Serv.


Leadership and

Lay Pastor Mtg.



10 11


Play Group



5th & 6th

Grade Youth

6:30p-8p CFY

7p-9p Adult Riding Group






CF band


6:30pm– 8




8a-9a Men’s Fellowship Breakfast



Saddle up


Sun. Morning

Worship Serv.






Play Group



5th & 6th

Grade Youth

6:30p -8p CFY



CF band


6:30p – 8




23 9a Discipleship 10:45am Sun. Morning Worship Serv. 12pm-1 Elders mtg. 1:30 GriefShare

24 25


Play Group



5th & 6th

Grade Youth

6:30p-8p CFY

27 6:30p-9p CF band 6:30p – 8 Judo

28 29





Sun. Morn.

Worship Serv.





Of Events

Proverbs 16:24

Gracious words are a

honeycomb, sweet to

the soul and healing to

the bones.

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The Arena Ministry

Adult Riding Group 2nd Wednesday of every month

7pm - 9pm Contact Liz Powell 830-426-9391

Youth Riding Clinic 4th Wednesday of the month 7pm-9pm

Contact Liz Powell 830-426-9391

Ladies Riding Group 2nd Sat. of the month 10am-12 noon

Contact info.: Marian Knowlton phone 210-831-6079

email [email protected]

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March Church Events

March 2nd Play Day - after church service (see flyer page


March 2,9,16, 23, 30 GriefShare 1:30

March 4th Play Group at Kid Nation 10-11:30

March 8th Second Saturday Clean up 8am-10am

March 13th Helping Hands 10:30 - 12

March 24th Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace (See flyer


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Grief Recovery Support Group

Your Journey for Mourning to Joy

GriefShare is a special weekly seminar/support group for people grieving the death of

someone close. It is a place where people understand how you feel and the pain of your

loss. At GriefShare you’ll learn valuable information that will help you through this diffi-

cult time in your life.

GriefShare group will meet every Sunday at 1:30 pm for 13 weeks at Cowboy Fellowship

If you have lost someone close to you or know of someone who has please call for more


Church Office 830-769-3733

George Hannah 239-218-3377

Marinan Keeling 830-570-0267

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In January - Amy Bennett–Kielman came forward to

be baptized professing she has accepted Jesus Christ

as her Lord and Savior.

In February -David Douglas, Clyde Schuchart, Jonathan

Gasner and Lanessa Harlan came forward to be baptized pro-

fessing they have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and


Elder and Lay Pastor

At the Town Hall Meeting on Jan. 26th Mike Dickmann was

again voted in to serve as Elder for a second term. It was also

announced at the meeting Mark Weatherston will serve as

Lay Pastor and will be over the Arena Ministry.

3rd Annual Chili Cook-off

The 3rd annual chili cook-off was

held on February 2nd.

The winners of the event were:

1st place went to Brenda Wiley -

Guerrero winning a $25 Gift

Certificate donated by City Cleaners

2nd place winner was Mike Saldivar

who received a $15 HEB gift card.

3rd place went to Connie Walker

who won a $10 Sonic gift card.

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Pushing the grocery cart down the aisle Friday, Craig received a flurry of phone calls from our real es-

tate agent, Liz. Up to this point, we had seen at least 25 apartments and several caught our eye, but for

varying reasons God closed the door on each one we tried to rent. On Friday morning we decided on

another tiny and very economical (for here) apartment and made the appointment to reserve it. An

hour before that appointment while we were buying groceries the phone calls came one after another

while pushing the grocery cart up and down the aisles. Apparently, the owner of the economical

choice (we'll call him Pablo) tells Liz that he is suspicious of us because we are Americans and began

asking all kinds of unreasonable requirements to even consider renting to us. We were a bit surprised

but told Liz we would comply and to proceed. A few minutes later Liz called saying another landlord,

Laura, owner of a beautiful apartment we loved but didn't consider because it was above our budget,

called to ask if we were interested in being her renters. Craig told Liz even though Laura lowered the

price to the rejected amount we offered we wanted to stay with Pablo's which was still less expen-

sive. Laura then lowers the rent another $100. Craig tells Liz we would only consider it if Laura would

freeze that rent in a two year contract. We were not at all surprised she rejected our terms. We were

fine to live in Pablo's more economical apartment with his ridiculous requirements. A few minutes

later, Liz calls back telling us that Laura will accept all our conditions if we would be her renters. So we

said YES. Then we find out that Pablo had decided he didn't want to rent to us. Craig then called Jose,

owner of another small apartment, to cancel our appointment to look again at his apartment (that we

considered our fall back if we could not find something else). Jose told Craig he was glad he called be-

cause he had just rented the apartment. Another of many confirmations from God. Thank you for join-

ing us in praying that God would make it very clear where we should live. We have already met several

of the residents and are praying God will use us to bring them to the Great Realities of Jesus Christ!

Denise posted the following on facebook last June while living in Uruguay:

"I will extol the Lord at all times His praise will always be on my lips. My soul will boast in the Lord; let

the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the Lord with me, let us exult His name together." Psalm 34:1-3

What a glorious morning! I woke up sensing the presence of the Lord calling me to walk with Him. As I

went out on the River Walk the Sunrise was absolutely beautiful! It was like God wanted to reassure

me of His ALMIGHTY POWER and WONDER. I walked and praised Him, sat and prayed for Uruguay, our

future, HIS will to be done... As I walked back there was a splendid partial rainbow full of color and

promise. I don't know all God has ahead of us but I do know He promises to be with us and as we abide

in Him He will produce HIS fruit for HIS gory! Praise the Lord!

Denise said that as she sat and prayed that June morning she told God how hard it would be for her to

move to Uruguay sharing all her doubts and reasons. As she poured her heart out to the Lord she felt

like God wrapped her in His love and said "Trust Me, I have this." As she then turned to walk back she

saw the beautiful partial rainbow, it looked like it was shooting out the top of a building by the

sea. That building is visible from our new living room window as a continual reminder to trust and

abide in God, He's got this!

That may sound eerie and subjective, but we know God is awesome, mighty and can do amazing things

just like when He parted the Red Sea for Moses and Israel. There is a great sense of God's powerful

presence with us and we know He will use us as we walk in dependence and in the power of His

Spirit. Thank you so much for all your prayers! It has already been an amazing journey.

Craig & Denise Williams In Uruguay

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We pray that the Christmas season and holidays were good to all of you. We definitely missed so many of our friends and family during that time, but we have had a blast here. We enjoyed having the Robinsons, our friends from Colorado, here with us as well as Josiah, a videographer from Seattle. God really blessed us with a season of rest, enjoyment and great fellowship. We climbed a mountain, went 4-wheeling down a river bed, took a trip to Kidepo National Park in search of animals, played lots of soccer, ate some questionable food (no details, Josiah), and enjoyed a number of early morning runs with the most beautiful sunrises. We celebrated Christmas day with a goat roast and an assortment of great food made by the ladies. It only took us 7 hours to kill the goat, clean it and cook it all on our little homemade grill. Thanks, guys, for coming to hang out with us!

The kids are doing great. They are back into the swing of school after 2 weeks off and are working hard. Nevaeh and Rikot play house, sew clothes for their dolls and bead bracelets, necklaces, and other things. Ezra and Zion grow daily in their love and skill for soccer. Izzy is fascinated with bugs, chameleons, lizards and all other moving or crawling things. He really has a soft heart for animals. Selah and Acuka mostly just run around getting into trouble. The boys make their own slingshots and bows and arrows and go hunting. Ezra shot a bird the other day (incredible shot) and Izzy cried in-consolably. We told Ezra that if you shoot an animal you have to eat it, so the kids plucked the feathers, cleaned it and cooked this little bird and ate it. Everyone got half a bite.

It has been an exciting month for us in the areas of church planting and discipleship. As I shared last month, Wari has really grown in his passion and knowledge for making disciples. He has been traveling around in a number of different villages sharing the gospel and looking for men who have a hunger for the kingdom. He is now actively discipling 11 men from 4 villages. In one village he has moved to the “watch” stage in the “Model, Assist, Watch, and Leave” (MAWL) strat-egy we use. A couple of guys are now leading a small church in the village of Lolelia and they have begun to move into another village with the gospel as well. We constantly pray for these leaders and other potential leaders. We pray that they will grow into “faithful men who are qualified to teach others” (2Tim. 2:2).

Lolelia is one of the villages Wari has been traveling to and sharing in. It is about 10-15 miles from our village of Kaceri and is actually considered a “camp”, a temporary community where people live part-time in order to farm. They clear land, set up a small hut, and farm that land while having a more permanent residence in an established village some-where else. Lolelia is on the border between Jie and Dodoth, two Karimojong sub-tribes that have been raiding and kill-ing each other since probably before the United States was a nation. Needless to say they are long-time enemies. There is currently a big army presence there as they are trying to stop this insecurity. As Wari has been sharing the gospel, the army has really appreciated it and seen the value of the words of Christ and their ability to bring peace to our region. They asked us to come back and conduct peace meetings in the context of the Bible. The second week of January, Andrew and I accompanied Wari to Lolelia to show the Jesus Film, share the gospel, and speak on the peace found in Christ. The whole village of Lolelia showed up for the Jesus film that night and heard the gospel. We slept there in our hammocks, ate some boiled potatoes provided to us by a family, and spent some more time the next day sharing the gospel and the peace that Christ has to offer. We invited the villagers, beginning with the elders, to share about what they had heard and their responses. There was an overwhelmingly positive response by many people, but at the end a man stood up. He had been sitting with 2 others, separate from the rest of the people. He and his brothers were the only Dodoth in the midst of this Jie camp, and had come to hear what was going on. They lived in the first Dodoth camp across the border a couple of miles away. He shared that he was amazed at what he had heard about Jesus. He and his brothers wanted to follow Jesus, they wanted the peace of Jesus in their lives, and they wanted to be at peace with the Jie. He was the elected leader of his village and he wanted to go home, back to his village, and share all that he had heard about Jesus, but was afraid his people would not believe him. Wari talked to one of the guys he had been disci-pling from Lolelia, a Jie. This guy, Achilla, agreed to go back to the Dodoth village with these new believers and begin discipling them and sharing the good news of Christ. This week we got a report that he is there now, sharing and disci-pling a people that have been his enemies, raiding and killing his own clan. We can do nothing but be in awe and praise God for what we are seeing happen before our very eyes among His people. Please keep praying with us. I believe there is so much more the Father wants to do here and there's nothing more valuable we can do than get behind it in fervent prayer, “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” We pray that God would bring His kingdom down.

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Thanks for journeying with us. Here are some prayer requests

that you can keep lifting up:

1. The Moses Project. Keep praying for God to provide the funds for this

work. We are being brought new cases of babies who have no mother

or mother does not have milk to feed the baby with. We currently have

three sets of twins with mothers who don't have enough milk, and four

grandmothers raising their grandchildren. We will soon be starting a

Bible study with these women, led by a Karimojong women our team-

mate, Elise, is discipling.

2. Wari. Pray for protection from the enemy over him as he labors for the

gospel tirelessly. Pray God will raise up disciples for him that can

share the work with him.

3. Pray for Kristi as she goes through pregnancy here in Kaceri. Pray that

she can keep up with the demands on her energy and time.

4. Pray for the Spencers, a family that are looking to come and serve

with us in Karamoja. Pray that God will make paths straight for them.

5. Pray for the new believers in the Lolelia area, and especially

for Achilla as he disciples the believers among the Dodoth village.

6. The Akiru Project. Pray for God's blessing over the women's work and

for their maturity as disciples. Five women and one husband were

baptized last month. They will soon be starting a Bible study for new

believers, taught by the more seasoned believers of the group.

In Christ,

The Williams

Kenneth, Kristi, Nevaeh, Rikot, Ezra, Zion, Israel, Selah and Acuka

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On Thursday February 13th the Helping Hands met at Cowboy Fellowship to put together the bible bags

and to restock the tables around the sanctuary. There was a good group today. Everyone was happy to

see the sunshine and warmer weather. After the work was done the group went to Café Chris for a good

lunch and fellowship.

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The Helping Hands Ministry Team met again on February 20th to help Adam Shelburne Cow-

boy Fellowship’s Children’s Pastor put together literature for the Children’s ministries’ classes.

Afterwards they met at Café Chris for a nice lunch and fellowship. If you would like to be a part

of this hard working ministry please contact Marty Pryor.

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