March 18, 2011

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Tri-Cities, weekly, arts & entertainment magazine

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Page 4: March 18, 2011


For Notes of Interest, visit www.theloaferonline.com, and download this week’s issue.

March 15, 2011Volume 25, Issue 14

Publisher - Bill Williams

Editor - Mike Clark !"#$%&'()(*%+&,&-.$/&0(1%&234%+&5%6/*)&,&7/88&'(9&






Phone: 423/283-4324 FAX - 423/283-4369

www.theloaferonline.come-mail: [email protected] (editorial)

[email protected] (advertising)All advertisements are accepted and published by the

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will indemnify and save the publisher harmless from any loss of expense resulting from claims or suits

based upon contents of any advertisement,including claims or suits for defamation,libel,right of

privacy,plagiarism,and copyright infringement.

People who know me, know I enjoy cars, and NASCAR is a great sport! A little to commercial for

me now, but it’s still great. The Loafer gave me tickets to a few events over the years and even a

press pass to a dinner with the drivers. I was seated right next to my favorite driver ... Bill Elliot!

Oh yeah, I am a Ford man too! Anyway, I was right around the ripe old age of 19 and they decided

to serve fried chicken! They sat that big plate down in front of me, and I thought to myself, “Oh

great! Do I use a fork to peel the meat off the bone??” I should have known, NASCAR is southern

bread sport baby! Everyone just picked-up that piece of chicken and gnawed on it like there was no

tomorrow! It was a great experience for me as a youngin’. Now, on to the cover...

Some of these are getting back there in age so if I make a mistake in remembering, or stating the

facts, I apologize in advance. This cover utilizes another one of Marq’s photos, and again, if I

remember correctly, the moon was there! I had to reposition it to take the place of the “O” but it

was a great shot and lent itself to a nice, clean cover. Sometimes I like doing the opposite of what

the subject matter is. NASCAR is so over-the-top with graphics, slogans, ads and such ... you know

... like Sunday! Sunday!! Sunday!!! it feels nice to pull back and do something clean and simple.


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By Mark D. Marquette

(Editor Note: This is a reprint, of an interview story Mark did for The Loafer with Jeff, published in the race issue of March 19, 2002.)







To honor Jeff Byrd, the dynamic President and General Manager of Bristol Motor Speedway who !"##$%&"'"(&)"#*&+,*-.$/0&1--%&23*(&-45&,3")#&&*-6

day announced the March 20 NASCAR Sprint Cup event at Bristol Motor Speedway will carry a new

















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Q: V()6&$3D;8(/)&1<(1&%4%+9&U%%?&P=>2=H&$<()*%6&1<%&+.8%6J&&03&1<%&"()&/1&833?6&8/?%&;8(9/)*&"(43+/1%6&13&B/*&D3)%9&6;3)63+6&()G&G+/4%+6J&&7.1&13&P=>2=HF&1<%9&(+%&1+9/)*&13&$+%-(1%&;(+/19&(D3)*&1<%&1%(D6F&8/?%&








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Q:&=6&(&;<313*+(;<%+&$34%+/)*&7'>&"3+&D3+%&1<()&(&G%$(G%F&/1&is hard to keep photos updated U/1<&1<%&$<()*%6&9%(+&("1%+&9%(+J&&


Byrd: T%&U/88&)%4%+&613;&/D;+34/)*&1</)*6&"3+&1<%&"()6&U<3&4/6/1&7+/6138&%($<&9%(+J&&T%&D(9&B%&YB./81&3.1Z&(6&"(+&(6&6%(16&()G&6./1%6&("1%+&1<%&)%U&;+3`%$1F&B.1&U%&U/88&)%4%+&13;&1</)?/)*&3"&U(96&13&D(?%&1<%&7+/6138&%K;%+/-%)$%&%4%)&D3+%&.)/A.%J











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The Historic Jonesborough Dance Society will host the next Contra Dance of the season on Saturday March 19

at the Jonesborough Visitors Center at 117 Boone Street at 7:30 p.m.

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that occurs on or after the Spring Equinox.

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Celestial events in the skies for the week of March

15-21, 2011, as compiled for The Loafer by Mark

D. Marquette.

The waxing Moon goes to full phase on Saturday, adding to the fun that comes to our region when the NASCAR circus comes to town in Bristol.

The Moon starts the week in Gemini the Twins, moves into Cancer the Crab, then Leo the Lion. Full Moon will be in Virgo. And, Sunday is the

Spring Equinox, sure to please the crowd at Bristol Motor Speedway looking to shake the

winter blues. We are just getting used to Daylight Saving Time, the mornings are darker, but we’ve

got an extra hour of daylight in the evening.

Tues. March 15Happy 79th birthday to Apollo 12 moonwalker

Alan Bean. Also commander of the second Skylab space station effort in the 1970s, Bean

has spent the past 40 years since his November 1969 moonwalk as a professional painting artist, depicting astronauts on the Moon as only he can


Wed. March 16In the western twilight, Mercury and Jupiter are paired up about 10 degrees above the horizon at around 7:30 p.m. Daylight Saving Time. Mer-

cury actually is above Jupiter as the planets reach conjunction with the Sun day-by-day, becoming

invisible in the glare.

Thurs. March 17St. Patrick’s Day. Pinch anybody not wearing

green! And sow peas. And, check out that beautiful Moon in the night sky, between Cancer and Leo. Back to Mercury in the evening sky... NASA’s spacecraft Messenger will hopefully !"#$%&"#"'($&#)'"*%+#&,-#.'/&#01)%-&#&,$/#-2-%$%!#around 8 pm. The spacecraft has spent six years 3)4$%!#56(6/#"7#8-'9*'6#)%+#:-%*/#)/#9-1-/&$)1#3-9,)%$9/#1$%-+#$&#*0#7"'#.%)1#"'($&)1#$%/-'&$"%#


Fri. March 18On this 1965 date in space history, Russian Alexei ;-"%"2#3)+-#&,-#.'/&#/0)9-#<)14#"*&/$+-#&,-#

two-man Voskhod 2 spaceship. Leonov, 76 was &,-#.'/&#/0)9-<)14-'=#)%+#>?#6-)'/#1)&-'#&,-#@AA&,##person to walk in space recently worked outside

the International Space Station.

Sat. March 19Full Moon is today at 1:10 p.m., and will illumi-nate the night for the NASCAR fans camping out around the racetrack. The Full Moon of March is the Sap Moon, Crow Moon or Lenten Moon. Happening the day before the Spring Equinox,

this sets the stage for a late Easter. The formula 7"'#B)/&-'#C*%+)6#$/#&,-#.'/&#C*%+)6#)7&-'#&,-#.'/&#Full Moon that occurs after the Spring Equinox.

Sun. March 20D)%#<-#/)6#)#EF)11-1*$),G#7"'#&,-#.'/&#+)6#"7#

Spring, arriving today at 7:21 pm. The Sun, ap-pearing to travel along the ecliptic (because of the Earth orbiting it), crosses the equator and begins moving into the Northern Hemisphere. Daylight overtakes night, and the warming process begins.

Mon. March 21Saturn rules the night as it rises at 8 pm, while Jupiter sets with Mercury. Near the bright star Spica in Virgo, Saturn will be the showpiece of

the Spring skies, well into early Summer.


This Week











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T2j7X6&Family Focus,&2'0F&1<%&@/$?/)X&@3+$<F&TC\-X6&Cable Country,&>3)*&3"&1<%&'3.)1(/)6F&7+/6138X6&H<91<D&()G&H3316F&V839G&V%61F&()G&6%4%+(8&B8.%-*+(66&"%(1.+%G&+(G/3&B+3(G$(616J&\%X6&B%%)&(&*.%61&;%+"3+D%+&

















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Eat, Drink, and Be Murdered is +(1%G&@:&[L&"3+&(G.81&<.D3+&()G&6/1.(1/3)6J

Eat, Drink, and Be MurderedF&B9&03)9&>$<U(+1c&()G&'(+983.&=DB+36%F&1(?%6&;8($%&(1&()&dR1<&B/+1<G(9&;(+19F&U<%+%&1<%&'$-V(GG%)6&()G&1<%&!XH/8%96&<(4%&$3)*+%*(1%G&13&<3)3+&1<%&"(D/89&D(1+/(+$<F&:+()GD(&H36%J&0+3.B8%&/6F&1<%&1U3&$8()6&<(4%&









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Keep your eyes open becausesomeone will meet an untimely death at

the party, "8%&3*<#&:!&*-&*;$&":%3$8,$&


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!"#$%&'()*'!"#+%&A lot of natural signs point to the arrival

of the season of renewal.




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Watauga Valley Fifes & Drums>(1.+G(96F&[R&(JDJ&s&)33)



Watercolor Painting I)61+.$13+l&7(+B(+(&C%+)/*()



Beginners Spinning I)61+.$13+l&=D9&:(U1<+3;>.)G(9F&'(+$<&SR&[lLRsf&;JDJ&



Shape Note Singing-%G&B9&53)&T/8%9




Living History – Militia Muster at Fort Watauga>(1.+G(9F&'(+$<&SOF&[R&(JDJsf&;JDJ>.)G(9F&'(+$<&SQF&[R&(DsL&;JDJ




Northeast Tennessee Auto-harp Community & Old Time







!"#$%&'()*+%,-..%/*%).&+*0%"..%+1"1*%2&.-0"3+4%5&#%more information or to register for workshops, contact: Sycamore Shoals State Historic Area, 1651 West Elk

Avenue, Elizabethton, TN 37643. (423) 543-5808



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Group has earned an international reputation "#&-8$&-4&*;$&58$#*&"8%&>-#*&E$/#"*3)$&.39&."8%#&

of its kind in the world.

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F$!!&5*#&/39;*&into this

odd tale of Dirt - the town,

that is.

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(Rated PG) B

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M3:'N%3:%*9*$2Celebrates independent, ingenious women artists.

Minton Sparks

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Be sure to look out for the *+%(1&$831<%6&8/)%&"3+&1<%&#*.+%&(6&U%88F&%4%+91</)*&"+3D&=)G9&(6&=8"+%G&\/1$<$3$?F&13&=)G9&




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The Hemmingway of Johnson City.&>33)F&C.61/)&7%/B%+&U/88&"(88F&(6&(&U(4%&3"&Y=)G9,'(-)/(Z&6U%%;6&1<%&$3.)1+9J&&P3UF&I&?)3U&U<(1&93.&(+%&


+/%6&3)&13;F&/6&D9&)(1/3)&U/G%F&summer Batteries Are Included Tour.&E/$?/)*&3""&U/1<&(&638G&3.1&;%+"3+D()$%&(1&0<%&7+/6138&'313+&>;%%GU(9F&1<%&13.+&U/88&"%(1.+%&D9&3U)&;%+63)(8&+%(G/)*6&3"&1<%&D361&;3;.8(+&;/%$%6&1<(1&<(6&(;;%(+%G&<%+%J&I"&/1X6&()&%6;%$/(889&*33G&

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Look for a complete line of items spun-off from this column, ,->389&#--8&*-&"&*;/34*&#*-/$&8$"/&(-:D

Page 23: March 18, 2011


Familiar faces from community theater productions throughout the region will lend their talent for a good cause at a murder mystery dinner theater fundraiser at

Milligan College on Saturday, March 19, at 6 p.m.

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+%$%)189&;%+"3+D%G&U/1<&1<%&C3)%6B3+3.*<&H%;%+13+9&0<%(1+%&/)&A Christmas Carol.&\%&(863&<(6&;%+"3+D%G&/)&6%4%+(8&C3<)63)&2/19&23DD.)/19&0<%(1+%&;+3G.$1/3)6F&/)$8.G/)*&Sly Fox&()G&Into the Woods.0<%&$(61&(863&/)$8.G%6&5%B3+(<&\(+B/)F&(&83$(8&;8(9U+/*<1&U<3&+%$%)189&$%8%B+(1%G&1<%&

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+.))/)*&63.)G&"3+&1<%&SRRN&;+3G.$1/3)&3"&The Lion in Winter.&\(+B/)F&U<3&/6&(863&(&D%D-B%+&3"&'/88/*()X6&61(""F&;3+1+(96&1<%&+38%&3"&'(+/3)&E/)G&/) Karaoke Killer.5+J&H/$<(+G&-.+(F&;+3"%663+&3"&$<%D/61+9&(1&'/88/*()F&/6&)3&61+()*%+&13&'/88/*()X6&61(*%&

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Karaoke Killer&/6&G/+%$1%G&B9&'%8()/%&j3G?/)6F&(&SR[R&*+(G.(1%&3"&'/88/*()X6&#)%&(+16&1<%(1%+&;+3*+(DJ0/$?%16&(+%&bMRm&(88&;+3$%%G6&B%)%#1&=-'J&03&


Dr. Richard Lura performs in

Milligan’s production of “Treasure

Island” last month. In “Karaoke

Killer,” he will portray Lou NeTunes.



Page 24: March 18, 2011


This Week In The Mountain Empire7(96&'3.)1(/)&@(+?X6&






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Tuesday,March 15



Wednesday,March 16

C3<)63)& 2/19& ,& 0<%& W(61&0%))%66%%& >1(1%& g)/4%+6/19&'(61%+X6&5%*+%%& @+3*+(D& /)&>13+91%88/)*F& 1<%& W0>g&0(8%,0%88%+6& ()G& ;+3G.$%+p%D$%%&2(1<9& C3& C()66%)&U/88&;+%6%)1&(& >13+9& >8(D&(1&53U)&\3D%&3)&T%G)%6G(9F&'(+$<&[OF&"+3D&QlLR,NlLR&;JDJ&=GD/66/3)& /6& (&bM&13&b[R&6.**%61%G&G3)(1/3)&13&B%)%#&1&1<%&C3<)63)&2/19&53U),13U)&28/)/$F&(&).+6%,D()(*%G&<%(81<& $%)1%+&3;%+(1%G&B9& 1<%&W0>g&2388%*%&3"&P.+6/)*J&0</6&/6& 1<%& C3<)63)&2/19& G%B.1& 3"&(&)%U&YB+()GZ&3"& 613+91%88/)*&1<(1& /6& 6U%%;/)*& 1<%& $3.)1+9F&"+3D&P%U&j3+?&13&5%1+3/1J&0<%&>13+9& >8(D& /6& ()& (G.81& %4%)1m&613+/%6&D(9&)31&B%&6./1(B8%&"3+&$</8G+%)J53U)&\3D%&/6&83$(1%G&(1&LRR&


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Wednesday,March 16

C3<)63)& 2/19& ,& 0<%& W(61&0%))%66%%& >1(1%& g)/4%+6/19&'(61%+X6&5%*+%%& @+3*+(D& /)&>13+91%88/)*F& 1<%& W0>g&0(8%,0%88%+6& ()G& ;+3G.$%+p%D$%%&2(1<9& C3& C()66%)&U/88&;+%6%)1&(& >13+9& >8(D&(1&53U)&\3D%&3)&T%G)%6G(9F&'(+$<&[OF&"+3D&QlLR,NlLR&;JDJ&=GD/66/3)& /6& (&bM&13&b[R&6.**%61%G&G3)(1/3)&13&B%)%#&1&1<%&C3<)63)&2/19&53U),13U)&28/)/$F&(&).+6%,D()(*%G&<%(81<& $%)1%+&3;%+(1%G&B9& 1<%&W0>g&2388%*%&3"&P.+6/)*J&0</6&/6& 1<%& C3<)63)&2/19& G%B.1& 3"&(&)%U&YB+()GZ&3"& 613+91%88/)*&1<(1& /6& 6U%%;/)*& 1<%& $3.)1+9F&"+3D&P%U&j3+?&13&5%1+3/1J&0<%&>13+9& >8(D& /6& ()& (G.81& %4%)1m&613+/%6&D(9&)31&B%&6./1(B8%&"3+&$</8G+%)J53U)&\3D%&/6&83$(1%G&(1&LRR&


Page 26: March 18, 2011


D(1/3)&3+&6;%$/(8&(66/61()$%&"3+&1<36%&U/1<& G/6(B/8/1/%6F& $3)-1($1& C()66%)&(1& hf[fi& dNQ,ffRN&3+& `()66%)J$(1<%+/)%q*D(/8J$3DF&3+&1<%&W0>g&>13+91%88/)*&@+3*+(D&(1& hfSLi& fLN,QORO&3+&613+91%8q%16.J%G.J&

Saturday,March 19



Petey is a 1 year old pit

mix. He is very sweet

and loves kids. He

make someone a great

pet. He is neutered

and is current on his

vaccination. To adopt

Petey call Regina at


Page 27: March 18, 2011


Page 28: March 18, 2011




Wednesday,March 23


Thursday,March 24



Friday,March 25





Tuesday,March 22




Page 29: March 18, 2011




Spring Sports0<%&C3<)63)&2/19&@(+?6&()G&


Umpire/scorekeeper meetings!+*()/c(1/3)(8&D%%1/)*6&


Up & At ’Em youth co-ed kickball registrationH%*/61+(1/3)&/6&.)G%+&U(9&


Youth girls teeball and softball registrationH%*/61+(1/3)&U/88&B%&<%8G&


Page 30: March 18, 2011


G$'&5)>&E$/#3-8&of The Tempest is this '$$C<#&7/*#&7//"(&5)>&#$)$,*3-8&

=&)%U&#8D&4%+6/3)&3"&The Tem-pest&B9&%K;%+/D%)1(8&#8D&()G&1<%-(1+/$(8&G/+%$13+&C.8/%&0(9D3+&/6&1</6&U%%?X6&=+16&=++(9&#8D&6%8%$1/3)J&I1&U/88&B%&6<3U)&3)&'3)G(9&()G&0.%6G(9F&'(+$<&S[&()G&SSF&(1&f&()G&QlLR&;JDJ&%($<&G(9&(1&1<%&=B/)*G3)&2/)%D(88J&C.8/%&0(9D3+&"3$.6%6&<%+&$+%(1/4-

/19&3)&><(?%6;%(+%X6&D961/$(8&1<+/88-er The Tempest,&B+/)*/)*&(&"%D/)/61&G9)(D/$&13&1<%&613+9&B9&$<()*/)*&1<%&*%)G%+&3"&1<%&63+$%+%+&@+36;%+3&/)13&1<%&63+$%+%66&@+36;%+(&h;8(9%G&B9&\%8%)&'/++%)iJ@+36;%+(X6&`3.+)%9&6;/+(86&



%K;%+/D%)1(8&#8D6&Frida, Titus,

()G&Across the Universe,&()G&(6&(&1<%(1+%&G/+%$13+&0(9D3+&G%4%83;%G&1<%&6.$$%66".8&7+3(GU(9&</1&The Lion King.><%&<(6&B%%)&1<%&"3$.6&3"&$3)-

1+34%+69&1</6&U/)1%+&6.++3.)G/)*&1<%&)%U&7+3(GU(9&;+3G.$1/3)F&Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark. 0<%&;+3G.$%+6&#+%G&<%+&8(61&U%%?&()G&6<.1&G3U)&1<%&;+3G.$1/3)&13&B%&+%,U3+?%GJP3U&/)&/16&f[1<&9%(+F&1<%&=+16&







On Coal River documentary to be

shown and discussed in Abingdon

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NOTE: In commemoration of this publication’s 25th anniversary and in anticipation of the upcoming Jeff Byrd 500, here is a column - not yet “vintage” - originally published nearly three years ago (June 3, 2008). When this column went to press, gas prices were topping $4.00 a gallon and I was beginning to wonder if our love affair with the road was nearing its end. Deja vu? This column appears in its original form with only minor editing and updates, plus a 6*,%(6".%7"#"8#"724





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Stagecoach,&U(6&D(G%&/)&[NLN&B9&C3<)&V3+GF&()G&U</8%&/1&G/G)X1&"%(1.+%&(&6/)*8%&(.13D3B/8%F&/1&G/G&/)1+3G.$%&.6&13&(&)%U&($13+&U/1<&1<%&6$+%%)&)(D%&3"&C3<)&T(9)%&h[R&;3/)16&/"&93.&$()&/G%)1/"9&</6&+%(8&)(D%iJ&V3+GX6&"3883U.;F&The Grapes of Wrath&h[NfRi&G/G&"%(1.+%&()&(.13-D3B/8%F&()G&<(6&B%$3D%&/)&1<%&D()9&U(96&(&1+.89&A./)1%66%)1/(8&#8D&


Used to be the open road was a symbol of freedom and endless possibilities

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=D%+/$(J&'9&+%$3DD%)G(1/3)&/6&1<(1&93.&U(1$<&Rebel Without A Cause as (&G3.B8%,"%(1.+%&U/1<&Thunder Road h[NMdiF&H3B%+1&'/1$<.DX6&G/66%+1(1/3)&3)&613$?&$(+&+($/)*&()G&D33)6</)%&,&()G&(&D34/%&#8D%G&/)&()G&(+3.)G&W(61&0%))%66%%&()G&T%61%+)&P3+1<&2(+38/)(JI*)3+/)*&1<%&U(9,133,D()9&W84/6&

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is Bullitt&h[NOdiF&(&;38/$%&D%83G+(D(&1<(1&D(?%6&4%+9&8/118%&6%)6%&B.1&G3%6&"%(1.+%&1<%&*+%(1%61&$(+&$<(6%&%4%+&#8D%G&,&6%$3)G&3)89&13&The French Connection&h[NQ[iJ&T</8%&U(1$</)*&/1F&93.&$()&G%B(1%&U<3&1<%&+%(8&61(+&3"&1<%&D34/%&/6&,&>1%4%&'$u.%%)&3+&1<%&'.61()*J&=)G&U%&G3)X1&U()1&13&"3+*31&>1()8%9&E.B+/$?X6&D.81/,


1<%&(.13D3B/8%F&(6&U/1)%66%G&B9&1<%&"3883U/)*&D34/%6l&Vanishing Point h[NQ[F&61(++/)*&(&4%+9&"(61&[NQR&53G*%&2<(+*%+&()G&()&/D;36/)*&>3.1<U%61-%+)&8()G6$(;%iF&Duel&h[NQ[F&1<%&#+61&"%(1.+%&#8D&B9&>1%4%)&>;/%8B%+*&()G&61(++/)*&(&D3G%+)&D3)61%+&/)&1<%&"3+D&3"&(&D%)($/)*&6%D/iF&Two Lane Blacktop&h[NQ[F&()&34%+833?%G&D(6-1%+;/%$%&61(++/)*&C(D%6&0(983+F&T(+-+%)&!(1%6F&7%($<&739&5%))/6&T/863)F&()G&(&[NMM&2<%49iF&American Graf-!"#&h[NQLF&1<%&D34/%&1<(1&8(.)$<%G&:%3+*%&-.$(6X&$(+%%+&()G&1+%(1%G&(.13D3B/8%6&(6&69DB386&"3+&1<%&8366&3"&/))3$%)$%&/)&8(1%,V/"1/%6&=D%+/$(iF&()G&Smokey And The Bandit&h[NQQF&(&D34/%&1<(1&6<3.8G)X1&B%&$3)".6%G&U/1<&Citizen Kane,&B.1&3)%&1<(1&G/G&$(;1.+%&1<%&$+(c9&G(96&U<%)&27,/)*&B%$(D%&1<%&#+61&D3G%+)&"3+D&3"&1%K1&D%66(*/)*F&1<%+%B9&$+%(1/)*&(&1+.%&+3(G&<(c(+G&()G&(&4%+9&61+3)*&(+*.D%)1&(*(/)61&[NQR6&)361(8*/(&/)&()9&"3+DiJH3.)G/)*&3.1&D9&8/61&(+%&The

Blues Brothers&h[NdRiF&(&D34/%&(B3.1&1U3&U/8G&()G&$+(c9&*.96&$(++9/)*&3.1&1<%/+&D/66/3)&"+3D&:3G&/)&(&[NQf&53G*%&'3)($3m&National Lam-poon’s Vacation&h[NdLiF&61(++/)*&1<%&/)"(D3.6&V(D/89&0+.$?61%+m&Crash h[NNQiF&(&+%(889&<(++3U/)*&D34/%&B9&5(4/G&2+3)%)B%+*&(B3.1&63D%&+%(889&U(+;%G&;%3;8%&U<3&*%1&3""&3)&$(+&$+(6<%6F&()G&)31&13&B%&$3)".6%G&U/1<&1<%&D3+%&+%$%)1&D34/%&U/1<&1<%&6(D%&)(D%m&()G&Cars&hSRROiF&1<%&B%61&()/D(1%G&D34/%&(B3.1&1<%&3;%)&+3(G&()G&()&%K$%88%)1&1%61&;(11%+)&"3+&93.+&)%U&\/,5%"&-25&0]&v1</6&61(1%D%)1&+%(889&G(1%6&D9&$38.D)F&G3%6)X1&/1_wJIXD&6.+%&IX4%&)%*8%$1%G&13&D%)1/3)&



Page 33: March 18, 2011
Page 34: March 18, 2011


By Glen Shoemaker









25 Years of


Page 35: March 18, 2011









The Kodak team

in action. Photo by

Mark Marquette

Page 36: March 18, 2011


Race Winners in the last 25 Years:Year Race 1 Race 21986 Rusty Wallace Darrell Waltrip1987 Dale Earnhardt Dale Earnhardt 1988 Bill Elliott Dale Earnhardt1989 Rusty Wallace Darrell Waltrip1990 Davey Allison Ernie Irvan1991 Rusty Wallace Alan Kulwicki1992 Alan Kulwicki Darrell Waltrip1993 Rusty Wallace Mark Martin1994 Dale Earnhardt Rusty Wallace1995 Jeff Gordon Terry Labonte1996 Jeff Gordon Rusty Wallace1997 Jeff Gordon Dale Jarrett1998 Jeff Gordon Mark Martin1999 Rusty Wallace Dale Earnhardt2000 Rusty Wallace Rusty Wallace 2001 Elliott Sadler Tony Stewart 2002 Kurt Busch Jeff Gordon2003 Kurt Busch Kurt Busch2004 Kurt Busch Dale Earnhardt, Jr.2005 Kevin Harvick Matt Kenseth2006 Kurt Busch Matt Kenseth2007 Kyle Busch Carl Edwards2008 Jeff Burton Carl Edwards2009 Kyle Busch Kyle Busch2010 Jimmie Johnson Kyle Busch



























Terry Labonte, 1996. MarQ photo.

Page 37: March 18, 2011



6T'F66C'9SPC'QI'P4!6F'4-'/0FWith spring set to debut during

H/3#*-)&A-*-/&@!$$%'"(<#&:!,->389&March race weekend, Carl Edwards will have two chances to park his

Scotts EZ Seed Ford in victory lane.










Carl Edwards (MarQ photo)

Page 38: March 18, 2011


Rusty Wallace won nine times at Bris-

tol Motor Speedway during his illustrious NASCAR Sprint Cup

career. Needless to say, each one of those wins has a very special place

in his heart.

















Photo by Mark Marquette



Page 39: March 18, 2011


Backstretch stands construction. 2002. MarQ photo.















Photo by Mark Marquette

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Photo by Mark Marquette

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Page 42: March 18, 2011






Popular event returns March 18 at the speedway











Photo by Mark Marquette

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Juan Pablo Montoya. Photo by MarQ

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Page 47: March 18, 2011



9Q65C'S9'CPQK6PF'QI'F!S--F'6T'F66C'WXXDale Earnhardt Jr. once again competes in both the Scotts EZ Seed

300 and the Jeff Byrd 500 Presented by Food City at Bristol Motor Speedway March 19-20 as he tries to mirror ;3#&IJJK&7:9:#*&#'$$!&"*&*;$&L-/)%<#&1"#*$#*6M")46A3)$N








B+/61381/KJ$3D&3+&$(88&1<%&7'>&1/$?%1&3"#$%&(1&fSL,7HI>0!-&hSQf,QdOMiJDale Earnhardt, Jr. (MarQ photo)

Page 48: March 18, 2011


Vintage NASCAR at BristolAbove, Dale Earnhardt in victory lane;

below, Richard Petty climbs into his famed #43.

Page 49: March 18, 2011


Vintage NASCAR at BristolAbove, Dale Earnhardt in victory lane;

below, Richard Petty climbs into his famed #43.

Above: Alan

Kulwicki’s hauler

leaves BMS

after the driver/

owner’s death

in a Blountville


Schrader (right)

talks to a young

Clint Bowyer.

Page 50: March 18, 2011


Page 51: March 18, 2011


Thurs.,March 1710 AM - NNS Haulers Enter11:30 AM - NNS Registration OpensNoon - NNS Garage Opens6 PM - NNS Garage & Registration Closes7 PM - NSCS Haulers Enter7 PM - Shine & Wine Tasting With Junior Johnson Fri., March 18 - Ford Fan Friday 6:30 AM - NSCS Registration Opens7 AM - NSCS Garage Opens7 AM - NNS Registration & Garage Opens8:30 AM - Spectator Gates Open8:30 AM to 10:00 AM - Scotts EZ Seed 300 NNS Practice10:30 AM to 11:50 AM - Scotts EZ Seed 300 NNS Practice11 AM - Suite Level OpensNoon to 1:30 PM - Jeff Byrd 500 NSCS Practice2 PM to 5:30 PM - Scotts EZ Seed Cornhole Classic1:40 PM to 3:30 PM - Scotts EZ Seed 300 NNS Practice3:40 PM - Jeff Byrd 500 NSCS Pole Qualifying4 PM to 9 PM - Food City Race Night (Hospitality Area)5 PM to 6 PM - Scotts EZ Seed 300 NNS Final Practice5:30 PM - NSCS Registration Closes6 PM - NSCS Garage Closes6 PM - NNS Registration Closes7 PM to 11 PM - Richard Petty Driving Experience Ride-

Alongs8:30 PM - NNS Garage Closes Sat., March 19 – Scotts EZ Seed 300 6:30 AM - NNS Garage & Registration Opens9 AM - Spectator Gates & Suite Level Open9 AM - NSCS Garage & Registration Opens9:40 AM - Scotts EZ Seed 300 NNS Qualifying10 AM - 1:30 PM - Scotts EZ Seed Cornhole Classic10:45 AM to 11:30 AM - Jeff Byrd 500 NSCS PracticeNoon - NNS Driver & Crew Chief MeetingNoon to 1 PM - Jeff Byrd 500 NSCS Final Practice1:30 PM - Scotts EZ Seed 300 NNS Driver Introductions2 PM - Start of the Scotts EZ Seed 3002:30 PM - NNS Registration Closes4 PM - NSCS Garage & Registration ClosesOPQJ&RA&&7!!/-SN&6&@!$$%'"(&2;3)%/$8<#&2;"/3*3$#&T/",C&

Walk Sun., March 20Jeff Byrd 500 presented by Food City 9 AM - Spectator Gates & Suite Level Open10 AM to 11:30 AM - Scotts EZ Seed Cornhole Classic11 AM - NSCS Driver & Crew Chief Meeting12:30 PM - Jeff Byrd 500 NSCS Driver Introductions1 PM - Start of the Jeff Byrd 500 presented by Food City1:30 PM - NSCS Registration Closes


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Fans and the stands. MarQ photos.

Page 53: March 18, 2011


Fans and the stands. MarQ photos.

SHINE AND WINE WITH JUNIOR JOHNSON ON TAPFew people get the opportunity to sit down to din-

ner with an authentic racing legend but on March 17 at Bristol Motor Speedway, fans will have the chance to

do just that with the one and only Junior Johnson.











Page 54: March 18, 2011


Our thanks, as always, to Lori Worley

and the folks at Bristol Motor Speedway,

for assistance with this issue.

Heartfelt sympathies to Mark Marquette,

who’s brother passed away this past week.

His photos always enliven these issues.


Any NASCAR driver will tell you that while simply seeing Bristol Motor Speedway in person is breath-taking, a bigger thrill is

getting to actually drive around it.















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Any NASCAR driver will tell you that while simply seeing Bristol Motor Speedway in person is breath-taking, a bigger thrill is

getting to actually drive around it.















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Page 57: March 18, 2011

ArtsLooking for someone to hand quilt a quilt top. Please call in Kingsport @ 423-863-5911 or email [email protected]

Scrapbooking Classes! Learn about exciting new ideas and techniques whether you’re a beginner or not! Individual classes, workshops and crops available. Contact [email protected] or call (423) 383-2897 for more information.

The Art Gurls, who are a group of creative women who get together once a month at the Wild Flour Restaurant in Abingdon, VA. To eat, drink, exchange stories and ideas, and to hatch out art projects. For further information call Barbara Carter at (423) 239-5757 or (423) 943-7505.

Ceramic Classes, Fridays 5-8 p.m., Drop-ins welcome. All day on Thursday, Friday & Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Call (423) 426-1027 or (423) 257-5117 for more information.

Wednesday Morning Painters meet at 10 a.m. each Wednesday at Abingdon’s Arts Depot for a few delightful hours of painting and artistic interaction. All persons interested in painting in an informal, relaxed atmosphere are encouraged to attend. All skill levels are represented and there is no fee. Contact the Arts Depot at (276) 628-9091 for more information.


Art Life will offer a Creative Arts Program for children featuring workshops in creative writing, drama, play writing, are and photography. Workshops will be held Saturdays throughout the year. Cost is one-time (per year) fee of $40 per student, $60 for two in one family, and includes all workshops, art events and subscriptions to an arts publication featuring stories, poetry and other works by students. Call Kim at (423) 245-4711.

Classes/WorkshopsBreastfeeding Support/LLL Johnson City Meeting – NEW Second Sundays 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Munsey Memorial United Methodist Church, 201 East Market Street, Johnson City, TN 37601. Meets in the lower level, room LL14.Call Samantha with questions at 423-956-3525

Parenting Information and Support - Johnson City Meeting – NEW TriCities Parenting, API Second Sundays 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Munsey Memorial United Methodist Church, 201 East Market Street, Johnson City, TN 37601 Meets in the lower level, room LL14. Call Samantha with questions at 423-956-3525

Parenting information and help – NEW TriCities Parenting, API Second Wednesdays 10:00 to 11:00 am Java Js coffee house on State Street in Bristol (501 State Street, Bristol, VA, 24201) Students from King College will have something for older children to do - this is optional and for your convenience, as desired. More info: Samantha, 423-956-3525

Breastfeeding Cafe – NEW Second Wednesdays 11:00 am to 12:00 p.m. Java Js coffee house on State Street in Bristol (501 State Street, Bristol, VA, 24201) Meeting style is casual, come get your questions answered, encourage others, etc. Students from King College will have something for older children to do - this is optional and for your convenience, as desired. More info: Samantha, 423-956-3525

Breastfeeding Support/LLL Bristol Evening Meeting Fourth Tuesdays 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. YWCA Bristol, State Street, Bristol, TN Call Katherine with questions at 276-466-4860

Breastfeeding Support/LLL Bristol Day Meeting First Fridays 10:00 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. Avoca Branch Library, Volunteer Parkway, Bristol, TN Call Katherine with questions at 276-466-4860

Preparing for 2012-Before, Then & After Workshops are ongoing and held in Gray, TN. The 10-week workshop series explains the 2012 phenomena and provides the information necessary for students to understand what is happening on our planet and what they must do about it. Students learn to prepare themselves and their families mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually to effectively endure these occurrences. These workshops are not about fear, panic and desperation; they provide comfort, awareness, and knowledge of the truth during times of *%9-'&)$%&6I#N'I#8$&O$#P61-/#$%&*$&$2-16#'-9-$2-+#&,$/#2$&)1#$%7"'3)&$"%=#)%+#$&#$/#/9$-%&$.#9)116#/*00"'&-+#&,'"*!,"*&#the series. Contact Dr. Pyles at 423-467-3302 or visit www.PreparingFor2012.com for more information or dates and times of upcoming workshops.

An Introduction to The Heart of Huna: 7 steps to a whole-hearted life. Meets the 2nd Wednesday from 6:30-9:30p.m.. Imagine living your perfect life! This introduction to Hawaiian Huna and Aloha offers simple principles to live in harmony in relationship with oneself, each other and the environment. By applying the ancient principles of Huna you can achieve a life centered in love-for a more meaningful, whole-hearted life. For more information contact Kaleo Wheeler (423) 926-1648 or www.kaleowheeler.com

Magic Classes. Classes for beginners and up. Weekend workshops also available. Call Andrew Hyder for more information or to set up a time. (423) 213-9312

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Learn to get what you want out of life. Personal Empowerment Workshops, Meditation and other new ongoing classes are now being formed. All of these workshops and classes offer powerful, practical techniques and tools &,)&#)'-#/0-9$.#9)116#+-/$!%-+#&"#,-10#-%,)%9-#)11#)/0-9&/#"7#"%-R/#1$7-I#T"'4/,"0/#)'-#,-1+#-)9,#8"%+)6#%$!,&I#8-+$&)&$"%#91)//-/#)'-#,-1+#"%#&,-#.#'/&#)%+#&,$'+#T-+%-/+)6#"7#-)9,#3"%&,I#U&,-'#91)//-/#)'-#"77-'-+#)/#%--+-+I#Dr. Mitzi Pyles facilitates them. For more information call (423) 467-3302.

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Interested in fostering or adopting a Child? The Tennessee Dept. of Children’s Services is currently offering a FREE Foster/Adoptive Parent Training. Classes will be offered in Johnson City, Greeneville, Rogersville, Elizabethton, and Blountville. Please call 877-DCS-KIDS (877-327-5437) for more information.

Therapeutic Yoga. To manage & control Parkinson’s Disease. Learn concentration, techniques, to neutralize, daily stresses & increase focus & memory. For more informa-tion call (423) 246-3805 or (423) 246-5149

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Trinity Baptist Church announces the start of two new programs for children. Daughters of the King is a class for young ladies in 4th-6th grade where they will explore &,-#()/$9/#"7#(-)*&6I#X,'"*!,#!)3-/=#+$/9*//$"%=#2$/$&$%!#9"%/*1&)%&/=#)%+#.#-1+#&'$0/#<-#-[01"'-#&,-#<"'1+#"7#(-)*&6#)%+#&,-%#&,-6#<$11#1-)'%#)("*&#<,)&#^"+#+-/9'$(-/#as beautiful. Sons of the King is a program designed to build Godly character in young men grades 4-6 through Bible study, games, skill building and adventure. Both groups meet on Mondays from 3:30-5 p.m. separately at the church located on Headtown Road in Jonesborough. Transportation may be available. Call the church at (423) 753-4394 for more information.


Magic Classes. Learn to do amazing magic tricks with everyday items. Tuesday nights at “Top Hat Magic Supply” in Bristol, TN from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Limited space. All ages welcome! Call Dave Vaught or Ryan Robinette for further information at (423) 968-3200.

Spanish Classes. John Arredondo & Associates is offering a variety of Spanish classes including Basic Spanish, Spanish II, Spanish for Building Trades, Spanish for Healthcare Workers, Spanish for Home Schoolers, Spanish Tutoring. For more information call (423) 483-4650.


Knit Too Together (Regional knitting guild) meets the third Tuesday each month at 1 p.m. at Christian Fellowship Church off Interstate 81 at exit 63. Johnson City knitters carpool to meetings. Call (423) 232-0644 in Johnson City for further information.

Blue Ridge Quilt Guild, Johnson City – meets 1st Wednesday of month. Social 9:30 am, meeting 10 am. Our Savior Luthern Church, Sunset Dr. Meeting times/locations /*(`-9&#&"#9,)%!-#0-'#9*''-%&#0'"!')3#/9,-+*1-I#V/4#)&#1"9)1#a*$1&#/,"0/#7"'#/0-9$.#9#9"%&)9&#$%7"'3)&$"%I

First Frontier Quilters, Kingsport – meets 3rd Tuesday of month, 10 am at Bethel Presbyterian Church, Warpath Drive. Meeting times/locations subject to change per 9*''-%&#0'"!')3#/9,-+*1-I#V/4#)&#1"9)1#a*$1&#/,"0/#7"'#/0-9$.#9#9"%&)9&#$%7"'3)&$"%I

Holston Quilters Guild, Bristol TN – meets 3rd Saturday of month, 10 am at the First United Methodist Church, Vance Drive, Bristol. Meeting times/locations subject to 9,)%!-#0-'#9*''-%&#0'"!')3#/9,-+*1-I#V/4#)&#1"9)1#a*$1&#/,"0/#7"'#/0-9$.#9#9"%&)9&#$%7"'3)&$"%I

Sycamore Stitchers, Elizabethton – meets 2nd Thursday of month, 9 am. At Sycamore Shoals State Park. Meeting times/locations subject to change per current program /9,-+*1-I#V/4#)&#1"9)1#a*$1&#/,"0/#7"'#/0-9$.#9#9"%&)9&#$%7"'3)&$"%I

Appalchian Heritage Quilters, Gray – 1st Thursday of month is stitch-in, 3rd Thursday of month is meeting/program. Gray Community Center. 6 p.m.. Meeting times/1"9)&$"%/#/*(`-9&#&"#9,)%!-#0-'#9*''-%&#0'"!')3#/9,-+*1-I#V/4#)&#1"9)1#a*$1&#/,"0/#7"'#/0-9$.#9#9"%&)9&#$%7"'3)&$"%I

Unaka Piecemakers Quilt Club, Erwin – 1st Tuesday is business meeting, then working on projects. 3rd Tuesday is stitch-in. Social, 9:30 a.m., meeting 10 a.m. at Grace b%$&-+#8-&,"+$/&#D,*'9,=#c"94#D'--4#c+I#8--&$%!#&$3-/d1"9)&$"%/#/*(`-9&#&"#9,)%!-#0-'#9*''-%&#0'"!')3#/9,-+*1-I#V/4#)&#1"9)1#a*$1&#/,"0/#7"'#/0-9$.#9#9"%&)9&#$%7"'3)&$"%I

Quilting Classes. Sponsored by Tennessee Quilts in Jonesborough. For additional information phone at (423) 753-6644.

DanceWest Coast Swing Classes! Thursdays at 7p.m.. Only $10 per class! Held at Stardust Dance Centre. 321 E. Sullivan St. Downtown Kingsport. Call (423) 292-9512 for more information.

Dancing Divas Class for Women! Ladies, learn Hip Hop, country and western, salsa, line dancing, belly dancing and more. Great workout. Lots of fun! Thursdays at 8p.m.. Held at Stardust Dance Centre. 321 E. Sullivan St. Downtown Kingsport. Call (423) 292-9512 for more information. Group discounts available.

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Tumbling, ballet, hip hop, tap classes available for ages 2 through 14 in Kingsport, Johnson City, Blountville, Allandale. No registration fees or contracts. Parents observe in the classroom. For more information phone (423)288-8346

Monthly Ballroom Dance: Fourth Friday of each month at Virginia Ballroom at 300 Senior Drive Abingdon - a relaxed way to practice your skills or hone them at the lesson before the dance. Lesson 7p.m., Dance 8p.m. - 10p.m.. Alcohol and smoke free. No partner or experience necessary. A $5.00 donation to the Senior Center and a snack to share will be appreciated. Beverages will be provided. Call 276-623-4400 for more information.

Latin Dance Aerobics Class – Salsa, Cha-Cha, Swing, Samba, Merengue, Hip-Hop, Belly Dance, Pasa Doble. Loose weight, tighten and tone. Fit into that new bikini or little black dress! Learn a new dance and make new friend. This class is an exciting and fun way to get in shape for the summer. Just $10 per dancer. No pre-registration or partner required. Just show up! Classes are every Monday at 6p.m.. 321 E. Sullivan St. Kingsport. Call 292-9512 for more information. Beginner Belly Dancing - $10 per dancer. Mondays at 7p.m.. Classical, Egyptian and Tribal styles. Lean basic belly dance movements and mini routines. Dress in beautiful costumes. Fun way to tone target areas. Low impact but full body workout. Bring your friends, family and co-workers. Call Sharah for more information at 292-9512.

Page 58: March 18, 2011

FREE Summer Hip-Hop High School Class – Tuesdays at 5p.m.. Hip-hop / cha-cha / salsa / lyrical. High school students only, no exceptions. 321 E. Sullivan St. Kingsport. Taught by Brooklynn. Call 292-9512 for more information.

There will be Line Dance Lessons held every Tuesday at Fanatics Sports Club in the DoubleTree Hotel. Beginner lesson is at 6:30 and intermediate is at 7:30. Dance to the latest dances being done nationwide to country, pop, latin, tango and hip-hop music. No experi-ence needed and no partner required. Located at 211 Mockingbird Lane, Johnson City. For more information call (423) 282-1848 or [email protected].

Lyrical for Children and Adults! Learn to express the lyrics of a song withmovement! Children Thursdays 5-6p.m., Adults Thursdays 6-7p.m.. Pre-registration required. Call (423) 292-9512 for more information.

Toddler Dance Class! 18mo’s, 2’s and 3’s. 1 parent must attend with child. 10 student maximum (so hurry and reserve your child’s spot.) Learn rhythm, movement and get some socialization. Pre-registration required. Call (423) 292-9512 for more information. Saturdays 11am.

Youth Ballroom! Waltz, Rumba, Tango, Cha-Cha, Foxtrot, Swing and More!

Dance lessons being taught for couples and singles every Friday night at the Elizabethton Parks and Recreation Center, 300 W. Mill St. in Elizabethton. Class begins at 6:30 p.am. and includes a one hour lesson and 30 minutes of practice. Cost is $10 for singles and $15 for couples. Dances includes Two-step, swing, waltz and more. You do not need a partner to attend. Call 547-6441 for more information.

Line dance lessons every Tuesday at The Doubletree Hotel, Johnson City. Beginner lessons from 6:30-7:30 and Intermediate from 7:30-8:30. $5 for one or both lessons. Learn the latest dances to Music including Country, Pop, Waltz, Tango and Swing. No partner or experience needed. For more information contact (423) 282-1848 or [email protected]

Monthly Social Dance for couples and singles. There will be a Social Dance held for couples, singles and line dancers on the second Saturday of each month at the Jonesborough Visitor Center. There will be a brief couples lesson and a brief line dance lesson at each event. Cost is $5 at the door and includes the lessons and the dance. Everyone is welcome. No dance experience is needed. Come and learn to dance or just enjoy watching in a friendly non-smoking atmosphere. 117 Boone St. Jonesbrough. For more information call (423) 928-2786 or email [email protected]

The Bellydance Company is offering a promotional free of charge into to belly dance classes. Youth groups ages 14 to 25. Classes 9"2-'#2-$1#+)%9$%!#)%+#,"<#&"#+)%9-#<$&,#.%!-'#963()1/=#()/$9#/&-0/#)%+#9"3($%)&$"%I#H"'#)++$&$"%)1#$%7"'3)&$"%#9)11#K>@LM#@A@ZL@AgI

Bellydance workshop now offering at The Broadway Café, Kingsport Saturdays from 5-6:30p.m.. Also, sponsoring a FREE to the public, International Language Club every Sunday from 11am – 2p.m.. Any level of language skills. Students, instructors & bilinguals of French, Italian, Portuguese, Hindi, Arabic, Spanish, German, Japanese, and Chinese, Tagalog, Hebrew and Latin are welcome. Call (423) 246-4666 for more information.

C,$33-'$%!#U)/$/e#X,-#.'/&#(-116#+)%9-#/9,""1#$%#&,-#X'$ZD$&$-/#,)/#'-1"9)&-+I#V%%)#Y'"61-/#K)4)#UO3)M#&-)9,-/#V3-'$9)%d8$++1-ZB)/&-'%#Dance or belly dance at Shimmering Oasis. Learn the ancient form of belly dance while toning your body. An excellent core workout that engages the entire body. Classes run Beginning through Advanced. For anyone regardless of age, size or previous experience. Try &,-#.'/&#91)//#7'--e#^$7&#9-'&$.9)&-/#)'-#)2)$1)(1-I#V1/"=#+)%9-#&'"*0-#FhP%"&$9S#X,-#^60/6#i*--%/#$/#)2)$1)(1-#&"#0-'7"'3#)&#1"9)1#-2-%&/I#Contact Ozma at (276) 591-9736 or email: [email protected]

New Dance Class for Children at The Rose Center. The Rose Center is extremely pleased to offer new dance classes for children. We have an excellent teacher in Tammy Plasencia who will teach ages 3 and older in ballet, tap, jazz, hip-hop, modern and lyrical dance as <-11#)/#)9'"()&$9/I#D1)//-/#)'-#"77-'-+#8"%+)6#&,'"*!,#H'$+)6j#9"%&)9&#c"/-#D-%&-'#7"'#&,-#/0-9$.9#/9,-+*1-#7"'#6"*'#9,$1+I#H--/#')%!-#from $30 per month for pre-school 30-minute classes to $60 for advanced student classes; substantial discounts are offered for more than one class per week. Call Rose Center at 423-581-4330 for more information and to register for class. In the Introduction to Ballroom Dance class, students will start with the four basic movements used in ballroom dancing. Three to four dances will be taught with 3 to 5 patterns used in each dance. A native of Knoxville, Kennedy has been teaching and competing in ballroom +)%9$%!#7"'#"2-'#@A#6-)'/#)%+#$/#)#9-'&$.-+#)+`*+$9)&"'#$%#)11#.2-#9)&-!"'$-/#"7#9"30-&$&$"%I#F-#,)/#&')$%-+#/"3-#"7#&,-#.%-/&#&-)9,-'/#$%#the country and has worked with some of the world’s top champions. He teaches the American style of dance. Private lessons are also available at $50 per session. Contact Lynn directly at 865-455-6975 to schedule private lessons. Kennedy would also like to offer a call to those who would like to become dance instructors. Contact Rose Center if you are interested in learning to teach ballroom dance.

Contra Dances are held twice a month in the Historic Jonesborough Visitors Center, 117 Boone St. Live music in a smoke/alcohol free environment. For more information and schedule visit www.historicjonesboroughdancesociety.org or call David Wiley at (423) 913-3246

Mountain Empire Shag Society dances the Carolina Shag on Monday evenings at 7 p.m. in the lounge at the Holiday Inn on N. Roan St., k",%/"%#D$&6I#H'--#()/$9#1-//"%/#)&#g#0I3I#P'$2)&-#1-//"%/#)2)$1)(1-#(6#)00"$%&3-%&I#D1*(#Nk#Y$!./,#D)1,"*%#01)6/#&,-#(-/&#$%#/,)!=#'J(#and beach until 10 p.m. For more information call Carl Edwards, VP, (423) 878-5877 or Larry Calhoun, DJ, (423) 239-5906.

Ballroom Dance. Learn the waltz, swing, cha-cha, rumba, salsa, tango, foxtrot and more in your choice of a group or class or private lesson. Both male and female instructors make learning easy, fun and exciting. A national champion offers Competitive and social instruction available and ongoing classes. Couples are welcome but no partner or dance experience is necessary. Friday night parties are offered to practice what you’ve learned. Classes conveniently located in Johnson City. Group class and parties $10/person. Please contact Amanda at (423) 833-5093 for more information.

EducationTobacco Education programs. Tobacco Education Group (TEG) offers a positive alternative to suspension from school for students in trouble because they have violated their school’s policy on tobacco use. This 8-week program motivates students to reduce tobacco use, make healthier choices, quit tobacco on their own, or join a voluntary tobacco cessation program. Tobacco Awareness Program (TAP) helps students with information, motivation, and support to quit using tobacco. Each student designs his or her approach by choosing a suitable quit date and cessation methods. Both programs, available in Lee, Scott, & Wise Counties, and the City of Norton, are fully funded by the Virginia Tobacco Settlement Foundation (VTSF), Planning District 1, and Frontier Health. For more information, call 276-523-8360.

TRACES Foster Care. Frontier Health’s TRACES Foster Care Program needs therapeutic foster parents in Northeast Tennessee. TRACES foster parents receive free training, 24-hour support services, and tax-free reimbursement for care. Caseworkers are available 24-hours a day, seven days a week for emergency needs. Call 423-224-1043, for more information on becoming a foster parent.

VALUES Foster Care. Frontier Health’s VALUES Foster Care Program, a child-placing agency licensed by the Virginia Department of Social Services, needs therapeutic foster parents in Lee, Wise, and Scott counties and the city of Norton. The program offers training, guidance and links to services needed to maintain foster care placement. Caseworkers are available 24-hours a day, seven days a week for emergency needs. To become a foster parent, call 1-888-443-1804.


required areas of study and meets from 8:30am-4:30p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month. The CSAC and CSAC-A are the baseline 9'-+-%&$)1/#7"'#$%+$2$+*)1/#/--4$%!#&"#-%&-'#&,-#.-1+#"7#)++$9&$"%/#&'-)&3-%&#$%#:$'!$%$)I#H"'#3"'-#$%7"'3)&$"%=#9)11#B'$9#̂ '--%-#)&#K@_?M#]@LZgLAAI

Federation of Families: Lee, 2nd Monday 6:30 p.m. Jonesville First United Methodist Church Federation of Families meets monthly to provide support and education for families dealing with the challenges of raising a child with emotional, behavioral, or mental health issues. The group meets the 2nd Monday of each month from 6:30 to 8:30. Registration is encouraged. For more information and to register, call Brenda or Theresa at 276-431-4370 or 888-443-1804. Children are welcome. Calling 888-443-1804 can provide transportation assistance.

Federation of Families: Scott, 3rd Monday 6:30 p.m. Holston View United Methodist Church Federation of Families meets monthly to provide support and education for families dealing with the challenges of raising a child with emotional, behavioral, or mental health issues. The group meets the 3rd Monday of each month from 6:30 to 8:30. Registration is encouraged. For more information and to register, call Brenda or Theresa at 276-431-4370 or 888-443-1804. Children are welcome. Calling 888-443-1804 can provide transportation assistance.

Federation of Families: Wise, 1st Monday 6:30 p.m. Presbyterian ChurchFederation of Families meets monthly to provide support and education for families dealing with the challenges of raising a child with emo-tional, behavioral, or mental health issues. The group meets the 1st Monday of each month from 6:30 to 8:30. Registration is encouraged. For more information and to register, call Brenda or Theresa at 276-431-4370 or 888-443-1804. Children are welcome. Calling 888-443-1804 can provide transportation assistance.

Lee County Suicide Prevention Coalition 4th Thursday, 2 p.m. Lee County Behavioral Health Services. The Suicide Prevention Coalition, formed to raise awareness and determine the available resources in the Lee County community for suicide survivors, will meet the fourth Thursday of every month. Anyone interested in helping support this cause, please contact Bill or Phyllis Russell at (276) 346-1641.

Moral Reconation Therapy Group, Wednesdays, 2-4 p.m. Wise County Behavioral Health Services. A Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) Group meets each Wednesday from 2-4 p.m. The group will be ongoing and juveniles ages 13-17 may join any time. Pre-registration is required by calling Jessica Williamson at 523-8370. MRT is a group designed to help juveniles on probation or who have a criminal or substance abuse history to make good choices by doing what is right.

“Children in the Middle”. Frontier Health offers a SAMSHA Model divorce education program titled CHILDREN IN THE MIDDLE. This program is a skills-based curriculum that helps parents deal with their children’s reactions to divorce. Classes are offered each month in Lee, C9"&&#)%+#T$/-#D"*%&$-/I#X,-#'-!$/&')&$"%#7--#$/#l\]#)%+#0)'&$9$0)%&/#<$11#'-9-$2-#)#<"'4(""4=#!*$+-(""4#)%+#)#9-'&$.9)&-#"7#9"301-&$"%I#H"'#more information, call Tracie Johnson at 1-888-443-1804.

American Sign Language. The Communication Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing teaches several classes in American Sign Language, including Level I, Level II, Level III, and Level IV. When scheduled, the six-week classes are scheduled on Tuesdays at the Victory Center, Johnson City. Each Level class is $75 and will be taught by CCDHH instructors. For more information, for a schedule, or to register, call 434-0447. The Communication Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is a division of Frontier Health and provides communication be-tween people who are hearing and people who are deaf or hard of hearing. CCDHH is a community service center providing services under contract with Federal and State Government Agencies, Businesses, Industries, Hospitals, Service Agencies, Courts and Individuals who are in need of assistance in communicating with people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Services are available in Carter, Claibourne, Cocke, Greene, Hamblen, Hancock, Hawkins, Johnson, Sullivan, Unicoi, and Washington. This program is funded in part by the Tennessee Division of Rehabilitation Services.

Job Corps has a limited number of openings for eligible youth between the ages of 16-24 in NE Tennessee area. The program helps young people complete their high school education and obtain skills training in high demand occupations. The program has been in existence since 1964 and operates 122 full-time residential training centers throughout the country. Training will last from 6 months to 2 years + there is an opportunity for advanced education following completion. If eligible, there is no cost for this training. To obtain more information contact Patty Sausser at the Northeast Tennessee Career Center located in Johnson City at (423) 610-0222 ext. 222.

Upper East Tennessee Human Develop.m.ent Agency’s Head Start Program is currently accepting applications 3 & 4 year old children for the 2009-20010 school year. Head Start is a comprehensive educational and nurturing program which also addresses the emotional and physical needs of each enrolled child. Children must meet the eligibility requirements of the federal income guidelines and local Policy Council standards. The Head Start program also provides services to three and four year old children with disabilities. All this is totally FREE to the family. In addition, transportation is provided except for the two Full Day/Full Year classes. Slots are limited. Apply today. For more information about )%#)001$9)&$"%#"'#a*)1$.9)&$"%/#9)11#8-1$//)#c")'4#)&#K>@LM#_?>Z_L?]#"'#9"3-#(6#_AL#H1"'$+)#V2-I#Y'$/&"1=#XmI

Venture Crew 1861 now seeking young men and women between the ages of 15 and 21 who enjoy scouting and outdoor activities but want an added twist of adventure and living history. VC 1861 is a co-ed Venture scout group portraying civilians and military, Confederate and H-+-')1=#7'"3#&,-#D$2$1#T)'I#T-#+"#1$2$%!#,$/&"'6#$%#"*'#)'-)#)%+#'-Z-%)9&3-%&R/#)&#3)`"'#()&&1-.-1+#/$&-/#$%#"&,-'#/&)&-/I#h%&-'-/&-+#$%#`"$%$%!#or want more information? E-mail us at [email protected] with your name, age, address and telephone # and we will get back with you with more information.

Patricia Freedman Literacy Academy offers help with GED preparation, remedial reading and math, English as a second language, English for Speakers of Other Languages, military entrance test/ASVAB, and college entrance exams. The Literacy Academy also offers computer 91)//-/#7"'#T$%+"</=#h%&-'%-&#b/)!-=#Y)/$9#B[9-1=#4-6(")'+$%!=#'-/*3-#<'$&$%!=#)%+#)//$/&)%9-#.1$%!#7"'#.%)%9$)1#)$+I#X,-'-#$/#%"#9,)'!-#7"'#this assistance, but donations are always appreciated. For more information, call (276) 645-8790. Patricia Freedman Literacy Academy is located at 701 Goode St. inside the Bristol Public open Mon-Fri. 10 a.m.-6 p.m.

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Toastmasters: Learn to develop effective communication and leadership skills! Participate in a self-paced program designed to improve your speaking, listening and thinking. The Mission of Toastmasters Club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in <,$9,#-2-'6#3-3(-'#,)/#&,-#"00"'&*%$&6#&"#+-2-1"0#9"33*%$9)&$"%#)%+#1-)+-'/,$0#/4$11/=#<,$9,#$%#&*'%#7"/&-'#/-17Z9"%.+-%9-#)%+#0-'/"%)1#growth. Wednesday Orators Toastmasters Club meets every Wednesday from 12:05-1 p.m. at the Toy F. Reid Eastman Employee Center on Wilcox Drive in Kingsport. For more information, contact Kathy Padgett at (423) 247-7983 or email at [email protected].

Toastmasters: Learn to develop effective communication and leadership skills! Participate in a self-paced program designed to improve your speaking, listening and thinking. The Mission of Toastmasters Club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in <,$9,#-2-'6#3-3(-'#,)/#&,-#"00"'&*%$&6#&"#+-2-1"0#9"33*%$9)&$"%#)%+#1-)+-'/,$0#/4$11/=#<,$9,#$%#&*'%#7"/&-'#/-17Z9"%.+-%9-#)%+#0-'/"%)1#growth. Twin City Toastmasters Club meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month from 5:45-6:45 p.m. at the Central Christian Church located at 424 Melrose St. in Bristol, TN. For more information contact Wanda Earp at (423) 764-2288 or email at [email protected].

YMCA Elementary After School Care. Kingsport YMCA is currently accepting applications for enrollment in the Elementary Age After School Child Care Program in the following schools: Jackson, Kennedy, Lincoln, Jefferson, Rock Spring, Indian Spring, Kingsley, Miller P-''6=#F"1/&"%#)%+#C*11$2)%I#H"'#7*'&,-'#$%7"'3)&$"%=#01-)/-#9)11#&,-#n8DV#"7.9-#)&#K>@LM#@>_Zo?@@I

GardeningP1)%&#C<)0I#8--&$%!#)&#8$O-#H)'3#J#^)'+-%=#o@o#TI#T)&)*!)#V2-I#kDI#X,-#.'/&#C)&*'+)6#"7#-)9,#3"%&,#)&#\#0I3I#X')+-#01)%&/d/--+/#6"*#have in excess for something you don’t have. Have fun and meet new friends. For information call Sarita at (423) 434-1800.

Page 59: March 18, 2011

Health/FitnessColor My World Healthy classes at Carver. Come and learn how you can keep a healthy heart after by-pass, stent, or other cardiac /*'!-'6I#X,-#91)//#<$11#(-#&)*!,&#(6#3-3(-'/#"7#E8-%+-+#F-)'&G=#)%#V3-'$9)%#F-)'&#V//"9$)&$"%#)7.1$)&-+#!'"*0I#k"$%#*/#X*-/+)6#morning, 10:00am – 12:00 noon Feb. 9th at Carver Recreation Center, 322 W. Watauga Ave. Johnson City. Space is limited so call and reserve your seat. For more information call (423) 461-8830.

An introduction to Jin Shin Do Bodymind Acupressure. The Neck & Shoulder release. 3rd Mondays of the month from 6:30p.m.-8:30p.m. at Waterfalls of Wellness Healing Center. 739 Bluff City Hwy, Bristol.

An introduction to Free Your Voice – Free Your Self. 3rd Tuesdays of the month. 6:30p.m.-8:30p.m.. Kaleo Wheeler (423) 202-3862.

Gentle Flow Yoga Classes. Tuesday evenings from 7:15-8:15p.m. at Piney Flats United Methodist Church (fellowship hall). Suitable for all levels of students. Please bring your own mat and blanket. Only $5.00. Call Wendy @ (423) 220-0552 for more information.

Come and learn how you can take simple and affordable steps to improve the health and quality of your life. This series of work-shops will present a variety of ways to improve your personal health, the health of your home, manage stress, deal with change, and more. The workshops will be held every 4th. Thursday of the month starting at 7p.m.. at Wellness Way Chiropractic: 103 Keystone Dr. in Blountville. Space is limited so call and reserve your seat. For further information please call 423-646-4038 or email us at [email protected]

Aikido in Johnson City! Classes held Mon and Thurs in downtown Johnson City. 103 W Market St. All skill levels welcome. Traditional Hombu style. Directions and more information at www.jcaikido.com

Roller Derby – Are you female, over 18, and need to get out some aggression? Come try roller derby! Strap on some skates and join one of the fastest growing competitive sports in the nation. The Little City Roller Girls are currently seeking new skaters and referees to expand their roster. No previous experience or special skill sets necessary. Women of all shapes and sizes welcome! Men can join in on the fun as referees. Stop by our practices held every Wed 6:30-8:30p.m. and every Sun 12-2p.m. at the Johnson City Family Skate Center to get more info. The JCFSC is located at 930 W Watauga Ave at the corner of State of Franklin and Watauga. Check us out on the web at www.littlecityrollergirls.com

ZUMBA – The hot new aerobic workout. Zumba is inspired by Latin dance and music, Zumba uses a variety of styles in its routines, $%91*+$%!#9*3($)=#3-'-%!*-=#/)1/)=#'-!!)-&"%=#,$0Z,"0=#0"0=#3)3("=#'*3()=#5)3-%9"=#)%+#9)160/"#)%+#C)1/)&"%I#8*/$9#/-1-9&$"%/#include both fast and slow rhythms to help tone and sculpt the body. Anyone can do it..beginners to advanced. Only $7 per class Mondays & Wednesdays at The Muscle Factory, 2318 Buffalo Rd. Johnson City. For more information call (423) 929-7471.

Yoga Classes – Iyengar Inspired yoga classes offered at New Paradigm Health Center, 113 E. Unaka Ave. Johnson City on Fridays at noon and Saturday s from 9-10:30am. Call (423) 928-9394 for details.

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Mountain Yoga, inside Mullins Shaolin Kung Fu on Springbrook St. in JC, offers yoga classes. Class times are Monday s & Wednesday s at noon and Tuesday s & Thursday s at 6:30am. First class is free. After that, there is a $10 drop-in fee, or $50 for a month of unlimited classes. Contact Jennifer Chisam at (423) 262-9551.

Learn to maintain a healthy weight naturally. Programs individually crafted by holistic nutrition and healthy living consultant Marie Browning. Sessions provide the information, guidance and support your need to improve your own health and well being. For informa-tion call (423) 367-1396 or visit www.healthiersolutionsbymarie.com

Learn to maintain a healthy weight naturally. Programs individually crafted by holistic nutrition and healthy living consultant Marie Browning. Sessions provide the information, guidance and support you need to improve your own health and well being. For informa-tion call (423) 367-1396 or visit www.healthiersolutionsbymarie.com

Take Yoga with an experienced Yoga Teacher and leave class feeling calm and refreshed. Yoga helps with pain management, Fibro-3)1!$)=#Y)94#0'"(1-3/=#C&'-//#3)%)!-3-%&=#)%+#!-%-')1#<-11#(-$%!I#C&'-&9,#6"*'#("+6#)%+#'-1)[#6"*'#3$%+I#D-'&$.-+#<$&,#V/,-2$11-#School of Yoga. Beginner and advanced classes available. Call (423) 384-6440 for times and locations.

Yoga-Pilates classes on Tuesday and Thursday s at 6:30p.m. at Science Hill ALC. Call (423) 434-0206 ext. 1 to pre-register.

Pilates on the ball class at Breastfeeding Essentials. Monday nights at 5:30p.m.. Stroller Fitness classes Wed. & Fri. at 9am. Meet at Warriors. $5 per class. Call Lorie for more information at (423) 299-4014.

V$4$+"#p#X')+$&$"%)1#V$4$+"I#h%9'-)/-#6"*'#()1)%9-#)%+#9-%&-'=#'-.%-#6"*'#3"2-3-%&/=#)%+#-%`"6#)#2$!"'"*/#0')9&$9-I#D1)//-/#&)*!,&#"%#X*-/I#J#X,*'/I#N"`"#$/#$%#+"<%&"<%#k",%/"%#D$&6#)("2-#V1(-'&R/#P)<%I#VCb#)7.1$)&-+I#V11#)7.1$)&$"%/=#')%4/=#)%+#/4$11#1-2-1/#)'-#welcome. Adult classes only. Call (423) 232-9600 for more information.

Karate/Yoga/Tai Chi for mind, body conditioning. $25/mo or $5/drop in. Call (423) 335-3903 for more information.

Learn the ancient form of belly dance while toning your body. An excellent core workout that engages the abdominals, legs, arms, /,"*1+-'/#)%+#()94I#X'6#&,-#.'/&#91)//#7"'#7'--e#H"'#)%6#<"3)%#'-!)'+1-//#"7#)!-=#/$O-#"'#0'-2$"*/#-[0-'$-%9-I#Y-!$%%$%!#&,'"*!,#)+2)%9-+I#^$7&#9-'&$.9)&-/#)'-#)2)$1)(1-e#V1/"=#+)%9-#&'"*0-#^60/6#i*--%/#$/#)2)$1)(1-#&"#0-'7"'3#)&#1"9)1#-2-%&/I#D"%&)9&#UO3)#)&#(276) 591-9736 or email: [email protected]

Attend a free workshop that will help you to create greater levels of health and wellbeing in your life. For more information call Will at (423) 646-4038.

American Cancer Society’s Look Good…Feel Better is a free program that teaches beauty techniques to women cancer patients in ac-tive treatment to help them combat the appearance-related side effects of cancer treatments. Class will be held at Wellmont Outpatient D-%&-'=#\LA#TI#C&"%-#N'I#q$%!/0"'&#7'"3#\@0I3IZ@0I3I#&,-#.'/&#8"%+)6#"7#-)9,#3"%&,=#)&#;)*!,1$%#8-3"'$)1#F"/0$&)1=#\>@A#X*/9*1*3#Blvd. Greeneville from 10am-2p.m. the second Monday of each month and at American Cancer Society, 508 Princeton Rd. Johnson City from 1p.m.-3p.m. the third Monday of each month. Please contact 1-800-ACS-2345 for more information.

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The Kingsport Diabetes Association meets the second Tuesday of each month at Indian Path Hospital Bldg 2002, 2nd#5""'=#c""3#r@AL#across from the emergency room. All are welcome. The KDA helps diabetics, parents of diabetics and their families to deal better

with the serious disease of diabetes. This help comes in the various forms of informative meetings, events and personal support. For more information call Jim Smallwood at (423) 288-4576.

Pilate’s Classes. Beginning Pilate’s mat classes offered Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30 p.m. Wear comfortable clothing, mats are supplied or bring your own. 112 W. Main St. Kingsport, TN. For additional information call (423) 392-4325.

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Want to quit smoking? Lose weight? Reduce Stress? Improve your performance at school, work or sports? Healing Energies can help you 3--&#6"*'#!")1/#&,'"*!,#F60%"/$/I#P1-)/-#.2-#*/#)#9)11#$7#6"*#<)%&#&"#9,)%!-#6"*'#1$7-I#K>@LM#@]_ZL]@\I

The Johnson City Judo Club offers beginning classes in the sport of Judo for adults only at Girls, Inc. every Tuesday at 7 p.m. Classes are $2 per session. You will need to purchase a uniform. Visit www.johnsoncityjudo.com for more information, or call Brian Rowe at (423) >LoZ@A>_#"'#Y$11#P-'4$%/#)&#K>@LM#o_]ZA\_\=#T-#)'-#)#%"%Z0'".&#"'!)%$O)&$"%I

Christian Life Center at Munsey; indoor walking track, exercise room (includes Body Solid Weight Machine, Nordic track/elliptical cross-trainer, treadmill, stepper, rowing machines, stationary bike, etc.) Annual Fees: $25 - adults; $15 - youth/college. Also offered (some additional fees): Tai Chi, Scottish Country Dancing, Volleyball, Badminton, Yoga, Basketball, Softball, Ballroom Dance Lessons/Dances, Upward Basketball. Open Daily, Mon-Thurs. 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m; closes at 4p.m. on Fridays. Call for additional information (423) 461-8070 ext. 213.

The YWCA Fitness Spa invites members and non-members to participate in our Group Fitness Classes at our new 106 State St. facility. We are offering both Classic and Specialty Classes. All classes are appropriate for beginners. Please call (423) 968-9444 for more details and scheduling.

“Secure Plus Medicare Seminars” are held every Monday at the Slater Community Center from 11 a.m. -1 p.m. by John Deere Health Care. Call the Bristol Tennessee Leisure Services at (423) 764-4023 for more information. Strength Training is offered on Tuesdays at 10 a.m. and Thursdays at 9 a.m. for adults 55+ at the Slater Community Center. Becky Harris is the instructor. Call the Bristol Tennessee Leisure Services at (423) 764-4023 for more information. Seniorcise for adults 55+ is held Monday through Friday at 10 a.m. at the Slater Community Center. Shirlene Coffey and Anna Horne are the instructors. Call the Bristol Tennessee Leisure Services at (423) 764-4023 for more information.

Therapeutic Touch/Energy Healing. Learn to use bioenergies to heal you and others. Limited size group for intensive learning experience. No experience needed, only an open mind and heart Call Liza (423) 247-6765.

Aerobic classes. Held at Johnson City Seniors’ Center on Mon, Wed, & Fri. from 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Teachers provided by students at ETSU. Classes are $1. per class. For info. Call (423) 434-6237

Reiki Clinic and Classes. Experience the profound healing effects of the Reiki System of Natural Healing. Clinic is open to the public, free of charge, 1st and 3rd#8"%+)6#-2-%$%!/=#_Zo#0I3I#D1)//-/#)'-#,-1+#3"%&,16#7"'#.'/&#)%+#/-9"%+#+-!'--/I#H"'#$%7"'3)&$"%#)%+#)00"$%&3-%&/=#call Reiki Master/teacher, Sylvia Lagergren, (423) 928-0747.

T.O.P.S. The Take Off Pounds Sensibly Club meets every Monday at 9:45 a.m. at the Harmony Baptist Church Fellowship hall. For more information call (423) 349-7239.

Science of Deliberate Creation study group. Meets each Wed. night at 7p.m. to listen to and discuss the “Abraham” tapes. Contact Dan at [email protected] or (423) 741-1566.

MeetingsInterested in amateur (HAM) radio or are you a ham that’s looking for a local club? Come visit Johnson City Amateur Radio Association at their monthly club meeting held at the North Side Hospital on every third Tuesday at 7p.m. in Johnson City. For more information, please visit www.jcara.org or call Dick, N4ARO, at (423) 929-1256.

Chanting Circles for Healing and Peace meets the 2nd & 4th Friday of the month from 6:30-8:30p.m. at Waterfalls of Wellness Healing Center, 739 Bluff City Hwy. Bristol. For more information contact Kaleo Wheeler (423) 202-3862

Wolf Hills Fan Club is a gathering for seniors, 60 plus, with a Free lunch, starting at 10am at Abingdon Senior Center. For information, please contact (276) 628-5859.

Tuesday Morning Breakfast Club starts at 9:00am on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month. Breakfast, fellowship, and so much more at the Abingdon Senior Center, 300 Senior Dr. Abingdon, VA. For information, please contact (276) 628-5859.

The Quilting Club meets every Tuesday at 9:30am at the Abingdon Senior Center. You can learn, work on existing projects, or help with a community project. For information, please contact (276) 628-5859.

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More information about the National and TN State FOP is available at www.tnstatefop.com.The General William Campbell chapter of the Virginia Society of the Sons of the American Revolution meets on alternating months at the Abingdon Senior Citizen’s Center located at 300 Senior Drive just off White’s Mill Road. The meetings begin at 11:30 on the third Saturday of Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, and Dec. Programs are presented primarily on historical subjects by interesting and informed guest speakers. Interested men are invited along with their friends to visit and explore membership in this organization which is dedicated to promoting education of America’s Heritage and the values esteemed by the founding fathers of our Nation. For further information please contact Joe Alexander at 276-494-6079 or [email protected], or Jack Butterworth at [email protected] 423-652-2240, or Sydney Wike at 423-878-3474 or [email protected]

A monthly women’s circle, 4th Wednesday of the month at 7p.m.. Come together, share stories and discover commonality with other women. X,$/#D$'91-#"7#T"3-%R/#:"$9-/#!$2-/#<"3-%#&,-#"00"'&*%$&6#&"#9"3-#&"!-&,-'#$%#9"33*%$&6#&"#,-10#.%+#"*'#/&'-%!&,=#$%+-0-%+-%9-=#/-17Zesteem, and satisfaction with ourselves and who we are. Through talk story, informal and interactive dialogue, we rediscover our own stories and realize our commonality. For more information contact Kaleo Wheeler (423) 926-1648 or www.kaleowheeler.com

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New Moon Gatherings. As the moon regularly moves through its phases and the year moves through the seasons, so human life has cycles and phases. This is an oppor-tunity to come together in sacred space and celebration to experience the lunar cycle in action – setting our intentions for what we choose to create during this particular month and phase. For more information contact Kaleo Wheeler (423) 926-1648 or www.kaleowheeler.com

Ex-Pats of Great Britain and Ireland are meeting the 1st Saturday of each month from 6:30-7p.m. at The Celtic Cupboard in Jonesborough. Come and meet others from your homeland. Refreshments served. Call (423) 948-9076 for more information.

The Newcomers Club of Kingsport is a women’s club that provides a fun, friendly, informal venue for both current residents and new residents to gather for social activi-ties and to meet others in the community. Meetings of the Newcomers Club of Kingsport are generally held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, Sept. through May, at the MeadowView Marriot Resort and Convention Center, 1901 MeadowView Dr. Kingsport at 11:00am. The meetings will feature a social half hour, a cold buffet lunch for $11, a guest speaker, and discussion of events and activities in the great Kingsport area. Log onto www.newcomersclubofkingsport.com for more details.

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Same-Sex Fellowship is an alliance of men 30 and older. This is a newly formed group which will engage in bi-monthly social activities with emphasis on strengthening a social support system. For more information email Shayne at [email protected]

Friends of Nature. We are now looking for new members to come join us in promoting both parks and nature programs. Meetings are held every 3rd Tuesday each month )&#T$%!#N--'#P)'4I#P1-)/-#`"$%#*/#$%#&,-#(")'+'""3=#(-,$%+#&,-#3)$%#"7.9-#)&#?0I3II#h7#6"*#,)2-#)%6#a*-/&$"%/=#9"%&)9&#Y')+#k"%-/#)&#K>@LM#@gLZ]g@\#"'#-3)$1#9,`<[email protected]

The Happy Hillbillies Volkswagen Club, a newly formed club for all VW enthusiasts in the Tri Cities area, are meeting each second Saturday of the month to caravan to a local eatery and discuss events for Volkswagens. We welcome anyone who would like to come meet with us, learn more about our club and fellowship. Call for meeting places and times or for more information at (423) 743-0341 or (423) 735-2577.

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Center for Light and Healing invites you to attend their “Opening to the Miracles” Natural Healing Group from 12 to 6 p.m. on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, except on holidays. Join us for a wonderful afternoon of meditation, healing, enlightenment, and fellowship! When healers come together with the same intent, our collective energy is increased manifold. We are delighted to have more than two dozen healers from our area working together, and the healing energy of our group is simply amazing! Group healing is a powerful way to manifest miracles! If you are an experienced healer or simply have an interest in healing yourself or others, join us as we open to the miracles! We meet at the Round Table Conference Center, 1104 Tusculum Blvd., in Greenville, on a love-offering basis. For further details on our group, services, or other activities sponsored by the Center for Light and Healing, visit our website at www.centerforlightandhealing.com or call (423) 638-2461.

Beaver Creek Storytelling now meets at Java J’s the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. with storytelling program at 7:30 p.m. Contact Mimi Rockwell at (276) 669-8358 or [email protected]

T$%-#;"2-'/#$%#&,-#X'$ZD$&$-/#)'-)I#X,-#X'$ZT$%-#Y*%9,=#)#%"%Z0'".&#!'"*0#"7#7'$-%+16#7"14/#<,"#/,)'-#&,-#1"2-#"7#<$%-=#7""+=#)%+#!""+#7'$-%+/#$/#,-)+$%!#$%&"#$&/#?th year. Wine tastings, wine dinners, charitable events with wine and food themes are regularly held in the Johnson City area. Please visit our website, click on the buttons and become more familiar with us, and if you are interested in attending our events, just send an email to the address given on the website. www.sites.google.com/site/triwinebunch

“The ARC, Alternate Realities Center”, is a internationally recognized research and membership organization dedicated to the philosophical and scientifc study of 0)')%"'3)1#0,-%"3-%)#$%91*+$%!#^,"/&/#)%+#F)*%&-+#P1)9-/=#Y$!7""&=#bHU/#Z#"'#b%$+-%&$.-+#H16$%!#U(`-9&/=#V1$-%#V(+*9&$"%=#P/69,$9#V($1$&$-/#)/#<-11#)/#,"<#&,-/-#-[&')"'+$%)'6#-[0-'$-%9-/#)77-9&#&,-#,*3)%#0/69,-I#X,-#VcD#/&)77#"7#D-'&$.-+#^,"/&#F*%&-'/#0-'7"'3#0)')%"'3)1#$%2-/&$!)&$"%/#"7#,$/&"'$9#/&'*9&*'-/#7"'#&,-#1-2-1/#"7#spiritual presence. We offer monthly special interest group meetings to discuss personal experiences and hear about those of others. Local meeting times and locations may vary. In addition, through our public awareness tour company - Appalachian GhostWalks - we offer guided haunted history tours of the Historic Districts throughout our region and these operate nightly, year round. Our tours showcase the rich history and heritage of the Appalachian Mountains dating back to the Cherokee occupation "7#&,-#)'-)#&,'"*!,#&,-#H'"%&$-'=#c-2"1*&$"%)'6=#)%+#D$2$1#T)'#-')/#"7#"*'#0)/&I#X-%#0-'9-%&#"7#"*'#)%%*)1#0'".&/#!"#&"#/*00"'&#C)$%&#k*+-R/#D,$1+'-%R/#c-/-)'9,#F"/0$&)1I#Please visit our website at www.AppalachianGhostWalks.com for more information, or call (423) 743-WALK (9255) to schedule one of our haunted historic walking tours, or attend one of our local monthly group meetings.

The Moms Club of Bristol TN/VA Chapter Moms offering moms support. Are you a stay-at-home mom or just new to the area? Come on and join the fun and meet other 3"3/#`*/&#1$4-#6"*#Z#01)6!'"*0/=#0)'4#+)6/=#.-1+#&'$0/=#9"33*%$&6#/-'2$9-#)%+#/"9$)1#8U8C#%$!,&#"*&#)'-#/"3-#"7#&,-#-2-%&/#<-#+"#3"%&,16I#H"'#3"'-#$%7"#9)11#8)'6#Johnson at (423) 391-8818 or Veronica Hurley at (423) 383-5473

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The Kingsport Gems and Minerals Society meets the third Monday of each month at 7 p.m. Normally, the meeting place is in the Eastman Toy F. Reid Employee Center, room 219. Some meetings will be in member’s homes to see their collections. Show and Tell will begin at 6:30p.m. followed by a seminar. Bring things you want to show off or get help identifying. If you are interested in gems and minerals, come join us! Visitors are always welcome at our meetings. Contact Jim or Anne Small at (423) 357-1509 for more information.

The Iris Chapter of the American Business Women’s Association meets the second Tuesday of every month at 5:30p.m.. Meetings are usually held at Peerless Restaurant, 2531 N. Roan St. Johnson City. ABWA offers great networking opportunities for professional businesswomen. Come join us for friendship and community involvement. H"'#3"'-#$%7"'3)&$"%=#01-)/-#9)11#Y)'()')#Y)'.-1+#K>@LM#go]Z\_@?

The Newcomers Club of Johnson City meets at The Johnson City Country Club, 1901 E. Unaka Ave. on the third Thursday of every month. Social time begins at 10:30 a.m., and business meeting at 11 a.m. A buffet lunch, at the cost of just $14 all-inclusive, will follow. For luncheon reservations, please contact Bonnie Tuttle at (423) 477-3646. If you are interested in joining The Newcomers Club, contact Benita Turner at (423) 283-7217 or (423) 202-1679.

Women Social Group meets every Thursday at Hibbert Davis Coffee Gallery at 9:30 a.m. 1459 E. Center St. Kingsport. (423) 245-0443. Women, come and join us and learn to play mahjongg.

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X-%%-//--#c$!,&#X"#;$7-#$/#&,-#/&)&-R/#"1+-/&#)%+#1)'!-/&#0'"Z1$7-#)+2"9)96#"'!)%$O)&$"%I#T-#)'-#)#%"%Z0'".&=#%"%Z/-9&)'$)%=#2"1*%&--'Z()/-+#"'!)%$O)&$"%#)7.1$)&-+#<$&,#the National Right to Life Committee in Washington, D.C. Local chapter serves all counties of Northeast Tennessee. Tennessee Right To Life is an advocate for protec-tion of human life through educational outreach, protective legislation and the develop.m.ent of an active grassroots movement statewide. Members of Tennessee Right X"#;$7-#)//$/&#$%#0'"2$+$%!#+$'-9&#)%+#&)%!$(1-#'-/"*'9-/#&"#<"3-%#)%+#7)3$1$-/#7)9$%!#+$7.9*1&6#"'#*%-[0-9&-+#0'-!%)%9$-/I#H"'#3"'-#$%7"'3)&$"%#"%#<,)&#6"*#9)%#+"#to participate or to attend our meetings call (423) 282-9621.

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For Love of Words, a writers group meets the third Thursday of each month at Hibbert-Davis Coffee Gallery, 1459 E. Center St. Kingsport at 6 p.m. Anyone interested

in writing is welcome to attend. For more information call Donna (423) 245-4711.

Sullivan County Genealogical Society meets on the third Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Sullivan County Archives beside the courthouse in Blountville. Those researching ancestors from any area are welcome. Call (423) 323-1477 or www.scgs-tn.org

SEEKING TRI-CITIES PARROTHEADS!! The Hillbilly Parrot Head Club of the Tri-Cities TN/VA invites all interested persons who would love to “Party With A Purpose” to join in on the fun each month. Meeting dates, events, and times are always subject to change. For up to date event/ meetings schedule, visit us online www.hillbillyphc.com OR email [email protected]. Our club supports several local charity & environmental causes while occasionally living the life that Jimmy Buffet sings about.”

State Line All Scalers Model Railroaders Club meets the second Saturday of every month. Please contact Richard Armstrong for locations and time, (423) 538-6578.

WAND. Tri-Cities Chapter now forming! Tri-Cities WAND (Women’s Action for New Directions) is a part of a grassroots organization working to empower women to act politically to reduce militarism and violence, and to redirect excessive military resources toward human and environmental needs on both the local and national 1-2-1/I#8--&$%!/#)'-#,-1+#&,-#.'/&#X,*'/+)6#"7#-2-'6#3"%&,#)&#&,-#P'$%9-&"%#V'&/#D-%&-'=#@]\?#U)41)%+#V2-#$%#Johnson City. For information or directions, please call Wendy at (423) 926-5116.

What is Altrusa? It is an international organization of business & professional women and men who want to 3)4-#)#+$77-'-%9-#$%#&,-$'#9"33*%$&6I#T,$1-#$&#<)/#.'/&#"'!)%$O-+#$%#m)/,2$11-#$%#\o\_=#$&#$/#7)'#7'"3#(-$%!#)%#old fashioned ladies group.” The Johnson City club is involved with the Elizabethton Emergency Child Shelter, the International Students at ETSU, and scholarships for women improving their lives by returning to school )7&-'#(-$%!#"*&#$%#&,-#<"'4#7"'9-I#8--&$%!/#)'-#,-1+#"%#&,-#.'/&#X*-/+)6#"7#&,-#3"%&,#)&#?SLA#0I3I#H"'#7*'&,-'#information call Susan Miller at (423) 833-3449 or email [email protected]

Kingsport Bicycle Association has rides year round. Those interested in this social/touring club can call 239-4406 or link to www.kba.tripod.com.

Christian Motorcyclists Association. Rays of the Son meets the 1st Saturday of the month at Mama’s House Buffet, 2608 N. John B. Dennis Hwy, Kingsport (across from North Highschool). Guests welcome. Call (423) 239-4921.

Book Review Group meets from Noon-1 p.m. at the Women’s Resource Center, Panhellenic Hall, basement suite 2 (ETSU campus). Participants in this Book Review Group for women at ETSU discuss published works by and about women. Participants are welcome to bring their lunch. Regular meetings are planned for the third Wednesday of each month. For more information, call the Women’s Resource Center, (423) 439-7847.

Tri-Cities Metaphysical Study Group meets each Thursday at Holston Valley Unitarian Church, Interstate 26, Eastern Star Exit #10, Gray, TN. TMSG is a group dedicated to love, peace and wisdom and provides a place to share information for those interested in new age sciences. For information call Peggy at (423) 477-3339.

The First Tennessee Regional Group of the Mustang Club of America meets the fourth Thursday of each month excluding November and December at 7 p.m. at Mama’s House Buffet, 2608 N. John B. Dennis Hwy. Kingsport, TN. Open to all Mustang enthusiasts. Call (423) 323-8345.

The Phoenix Group plastic modelers. Meetings held the 1st Thursday of each month in Bristol, TN at 7p.m. Modelers of all ages and abilities are encouraged to attend. Workshops available. For additional information, please contact Jerry Hughson at (423) 968-9699.

Mental HealthTennessee Suicide Prevention Network meets at 10:30 a.m. on the 4th Tuesday of every month at Boone’s Creek Christian Church, 305 Boone’s Creek Rd. in Johnson City. The network is a grassroots collaboration of Tennesseans and organizations working to eliminate the stigma of suicide, educate the community about the warning signs of suicide, and ultimately reduce the rate of suicide in our state. For more information, contact Harold Leonard at (423) 857-5231.

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Does it feel as if life is too much to handle? Do memories keep you locked in the past not letting you move 7"'<)'+W#V'-#6"*#a*-/&$"%$%!#6"*'#/0$'$&*)1#(-1$-7/#<"%+-'$%!#̀ */&#<,-'-#6"*#.&#$%W#F-)1$%!#B%-'!$-/#9)%#)//$/&#6"*#$%#'-+*9$%!#6"*'#/&'-//=#,-)1$%!#0)/&#-2-%&/=#)%+#.%+$%!#)%/<-'/#&"#6"*'#a*-/&$"%/I#P1-)/-#!$2-#*/#)#9)11#$7#you want to change your life. (423) 257-3521.

YWCA girls after School Program. The YWCA girls after school program will meet after school, Monday through Friday from 2:30 ñ 6:30p.m..This program is designed to meet the individual needs of each girl to assist her in maintaining good grades in school, to increase her knowledge in technology and introduce her to potential career choices. The State of Tennessee Department of Education funds the YWCA girls after school program. Girls who participate in this new innovative program are selected through the Bristol Tennessee City Schools by referrals (only) from the School Counselors. Visit our [email protected] or for more information call for details @ (423) 968-9444.

Tennessee Mental Health Consumers’ Association (TMHCA) is a statewide advocacy and education organization for mental health consumers. For more information please call toll free (888) 539-0393.

Problem solving. Learn how to solve problems in life and create success in daily living. Call (423) 246-3805 or (423) 246-5149.

The Depression/Bipolar Group of Bristol VA/TN meets each Fridays from 1-3 p.m. in the meeting room of the Y'$/&"1#P*(1$9#;$(')'6=#_A\#̂ ""+-#C&I#c""3#@@#!'"*%+#5""'I#h7#6"*#%--+#&"#)''$2-#1)&-'#&,)%#\#0I3I=#"'#1-)2-#-)'1$-'#that 3 p.m., that’s OK. This is a meeting only of people suffering from these illnesses, and not for family members "'#"&,-'/=#)1&,"*!,#)%6"%-#3)6#3)4-#)#'-7-'')1I#V11#%)3-/=#)%+#)%6#"&,-'#$%7"'3)&$"%=#)'-#4-0&#/&'$9&16#9"%.+-%&$)1I#

Attention high school and college students: Do you want to earn recognition towards scholarships, or build up your resume? You can, as a Care Companion or Hotline Worker at The Crisis Center. Be a part of an agency that’s been helping neighbors for over 30 years. You can even volunteer from home! For more information contact Darlene at (276) 466-2218. The Crisis Center serves Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia as well as several national hotlines. Be a part of our volunteer team!

Post Abortion Women’s Group. For women struggling with a past abortion. Group meets weekly at the Crisis

Page 61: March 18, 2011

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CONTACT. Troubled? Need someone to talk to? Someone will listen and talk to you about any problem at all. D)11#DUmXVDX#9"%.+-%&$)1I#N$)1#K>@LM#o@?ZA\>>I

Adult Children of Alcoholics. Meets every Monday at 7:30 p.m. at Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church on Princeton Rd. in JC. For more information call (423) 926-0144.

Grief counseling. By Medical Field professional. Modest fees for individuals by Parish Nurse (RN) Call (423) 753-6182.

MusicSinger for former show band needs musicians. Bass, Key Board, Guitar, Ect. To appear in up coming movie. Serious inquiries only. Contact. Earl 423-232-1938, 423-737-1162.

Female Back Up Singer Needed For Corporate Band. Must be able to singsoprano harmonies, move well on stage, have positive attitude, and beavailable for weekend gigs. For more info call (423)483-8001

Girls Vocals needed for a girls band. No instruments needed. Top 40’s and 80”s songs. Please contact (423) 202-3208.

Experienced keyboard looking for funky drummer with good r & b and jazz chops. Needed immediately for bookings. Funk, jazz, disco, rock. Experienced keyboard looking for funky drummer with good r & b and jazz chops. Needed immediately for bookings. Funk, jazz, disco, rock apply to [email protected].

Appalachian Express Men’s A Cappela Chorus. The Appalachian Express Men’s A cappella Chorus meets each Monday evening at 7:00 p.m. in Suite 203, Building 2002, at the Indian Path Medical Complex, Kingsport. Visitors and prospective members are welcome. Call 423-384-9992.

Seeking Male vocal talent for on-going studio session work located in Bristol, TN. We seek top notch Nashville calibre vocal talent, country, country cross-over a plus, but not limited to. Permanent, steady part time contract work for the right exceptionally talented individual. (423) 878-3535 e-mail: [email protected]

Nashville Label, looking for lead guitar player for artist. Contact (423) 534-3909.

Lead Guitarist looking to join/form band. Mix of classic and new rock and blues. Plenty of experience and equip.m.ent. Call Wayne at (423) 737-8724.

:)%+-'($1&#0-'7"'3)%9-#3)`"'#"77-'$%!#)77"'+)(1-#5*&-#)%+#0$99"1"#1-//"%/#7"'#&,-#/*33-'I#\\t#6-)'/#"7#-[0-'$-ence. Call (423) 341-1872.

Band in need of guitar player and keyboardist for local hot cover band with booked gigs. Must have experience, work ethic, good attitude, and be on time. Weeknight rehearsals and weekend gigs possible at any time. Call (423) 833-8178

A new Beginning Guitar class will start at Rose Center on Saturdays .The group class meets from 11 AM to 12 P.m. each Saturday for ten weeks. Beginning Guitar will cover all the basics to lead into any style of playing. Basic chords, strums, notation reading, and basic music reading will be taught as well as physical technique - how your hands work to play guitar. Craig Carroll is the instructor for this class. The fee is $50 for the 10-week course. Students must provide their own guitar and will purchase a chord chart and music book from the instructor at a cost under $15. Group size is limited to ten students. Call Rose Center at (423) 581-4330 or 586-6205 for more information or to pre register.

New Tri-Cities Contemporary Christian band is looking for a Guitarist and a Keyboardist. E-mail or call for more information. (423) 202-8416, [email protected].

Christian Musician available. Experienced with church music. I play piano, organ & direct church choirs. Call Susan at (423) 542-2911.

The Zonkers, a dynamic 4-piece group featuring sax, keyboards, Tropical rock, Buffet, classic saxophone rock, “limbo rock”. “We’re Bonkers for Zonkers” available for all events both corporate and private. Contact Zane Wooten at (423) -5554 or www.thezonkers.net

Keyboard Player available. 30+ years professional experience. I play all styles/good references. Call Bruce at (423) 323-9378

Have an open night on your entertainment calendar? Don’t worry at all, call “Wail’n Perry Show. The live music specialist with the lowest rates! Free Audition/CD (276) 646-3680

The Civic Chorale is an auditioned volunteer choir drawing its members from throughout the Tri-Cities region. The choir offers a concert season featuring a variety of musical styles at area venues. Audition information, concert schedules, and repertoire listings can be found at www.thecivicchorale.org or contact the conductor, David Hendrickson at [email protected] or call (423) 247-1147.

Drummer – 40 years experience playing many styles-seeks R & B, Funk, Jazz type gig. Also do BG vocals and play congas/bongos. Call Bob at (423) 946-5294

F"%46#X"%4#P$)%"=#YLZ/&61-#4-6(")'+#01)6-'#%--+-+#&"#.11#&,-#7"*'&,#/0"&#"7#)#%-<#1"9)1#U'$!$%)1dc"94#()%+I#Please, professional players only! Please call (423) 943-5552 for an audition and more information.

With a voice like that, you should be singing! Singer’s Network connects singers with ensembles and venues for performance. Madrigals, Classic 40’s & 50’s, Vocal Jazz, Celtic, Americana and beyond – Celebrate the human voice and the gift of song. (423) 542-9799 or [email protected]

Wanted: Lead Guitarist w/ experience to join working Rock-n-Roll cover band. Background vocals a plus. Contact J.R. at (423) 677-3702

Seeking Saxophonist and vocalist for Tri-Cities jazz ensemble. Call (423) 483-3243.

Glenn Body and The Blues Cruzers, a top notch pro styled band plays the best of 50’s, 60’s, Motown soul, R

& B, Jazz style, ‘70s funk, classic rock and original music for any event. We play for private parties, company parties, special events, nightclubs, car shows, reunions, country clubs, etc. Do you like good music ya, ya? Call (276) 782-1842

Up-to-date information about Drum circles in the Tri-Cities area is available online at www.FairyDrum.com or by emailing [email protected].

Need Keyboard Player for 4 to 6 person Jazz Band. Call Chuck McVey (423) 245-6932.

Violin Lessons - All ages and levels. 30 minute and 1 hour lessons available. Call 534-5359 for more information.

Piano Lessons – Beginner to adult. In your home or mine. It’s never too late to learn. Contact [email protected] for more information

Piano Lessons - beginner to intermediate. Free orientation. Contact David at (423) 538-4486.

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The Hills are Alive! Chorus of Sweet Adeline’s International meets each Tuesday from 7-9:30p.m. at the Carolina Pottery Outlet Mall, Suite 247, located on Interstate Hwy 81 at Exit 66. New members are placed by voice range and trained in their particular parts. For more information contact: Jane McKamey at (423) 247-5465 or Jean Miller at (423) 926-5572.

ParentingParenting Classes, Wednesdays, 10 a.m.Develop.m.ental Services, Big Stone Gap, Va. Free parenting classes for parents and guardians of children age 5 and under are offered every Wednesday from 10 to Noon for parents in Lee, Scott, Wise counties and the City of Norton. Siblings are welcome to attend any class. Call to schedule at (276) 523-8376.

Parenting Wisely. Frontier Health is offering a program for parents of children ages (8-18), titled Parenting Wisely. There is no charge for this program. Pre-registration is encouraged. For more information, call Tracie Johnson or Amy Bledsoe at 1-888-443-1804.

Parents as Tender Healers. Children in foster care need adults willing to look out for their best interests and put them on the road to healing. Adults who think they may want to be foster parents can explore that option through “Parents As Tender Healers” (PATH), an intensive training program for prospective foster parents. Frontier Health, Planning District One Behavioral Health Services and VALUES Therapeutic Foster Care sponsor this event. The program is free; participants’ interest will determine location and time. For more information, call Jon Holmes at 1-888-443-1804.

P)'-%&/#T,"#D)'-=#8"%+)6/=#o#)I3I=#V++$%!&"%#F)11=#N*7.-1+=#:VIFrontier Health and PD1 offers a program for parents of teen-agers in Lee, Scott and Wise counties and the city of Norton on Monday mornings from 9 to 10:30. There is no charge. Pre-registration is requested. 1-888-443-1804.

Attention Mothers of Preschoolers: MOPS is a program designed to help mothers with children from infancy to kindergarten be the best moms they can be through teaching, +$/9*//$"%#)%+#9"33*%$&6#<,$1-#9,$1+'-%#)'-#9)'-+#7"'#$%#&,-#0)')11-1#0'"!')3#9)11-+#8UPPBXC#7"'#&,-#3"'%$%!#3--&$%!I#V($%!+"%#8UPC#<$11#3--&#&,-#.'/&#T-+%-/+)6#morning of each month at Abingdon Bible Church, 9:15am to 12:15 p.m. MOPS offers two night meeting times: the third Monday night at 7 p.m. or the third Wednesday night at 6:45 p.m. Both night meetings will study the 5 Star Family Curriculum, which includes segments of Love, Fun, Loyalty, Faith and Growth. For more information on MOPS, call Christina Moore, MOPS Coordinator, (276) 356-8225.

MOMS club of Johnson City - Expecting Mom? New Mom? New in town? Just a mom that needs support? We have activities to keep you busy throughout the month /*9,#)/#01)6!'"*0/=#0)'4#+)6/=#1*%9,-"%/=#.-1+#&'$0/#)%+#3"3/#%$!,&#"*&I#T-#)1/"#+"#/-'2$9-#0'"`-9&/#&"#(-%-.&#"*'#9"33*%$&6I#D"3-#"%#)%+#`"$%#&,-#7*%#)%+#3--&#"&,-'#mothers just like you! For more information visit www.geocities.com/momsclubjohnsoncity or call Janice at (423) 753-3891.

Breastfeeding support and information. La Leche League meets every fourth Tuesday at 6 p.m. at the YWCA of Bristol; TN. Mothers-to-be and nursing mothers are all welcome. For further information, please contact Samantha at (423) 878-8359

Do you have room in your Heart and Home - for a child? Holston Home for Children has been serving children and families in East Tennessee and Southwest Virginia /$%9-#\go]I#T-#)'-#9*''-%&16#1""4$%!#7"'#$%+$2$+*)1/#)%+#7)3$1$-/#&"#(-9"3-#0)'&#"7#&,$/#2$&)1#3$%$/&'6#&"#9,$1+'-%#)%+#6"*&,I#X"#.%+#"*&#,"<#6"*#9"*1+#"0-%#6"*'#,"3-#to a child in need please call 1-800-628-2986 or visit our website at holstonhome.org

D,$1+'-%R/#D*1&*')1#V'&/I#P'"2$+$%!#0'$2)&-#/-//$"%/#$%#/9*10&*'$%!=#+')<$%!=#0)$%&$%!#)%+#.(-'/=#<,$9,#7)9$1$&)&-/#6"*'#9,$1+R/#)'&#<$&,#,$/&"'6#)%+#/9$-%9-I#X"#!-%-')&-#more interest, excitement and creativity, call for your appointment with Marty King at (423) 239-3104.

X'$ZD$&$-/#X<$%/#)%+#8"'-#D1*(=#)%#)7.1$)&-#"7#&,-#m)&$"%)1#U'!)%$O)&$"%#"7#8"&,-'/#"7#X<$%/#D1*(/I#T-#"77-'#/*00"'&#)%+#-+*9)&$"%#&"#3"&,-'/#"7#&<$%/=#&'$01-&/=#-&9I#Meetings are every fourth Monday of each month at 7p.m. in the Cafeteria of the Johnson City Specialty Hospital, 203 E. Watauga Ave. Johnson City. For more informa-tion, call Jill at (423) 257-2177.

ReligionSt. John’s Episcopal Church is seeking singers to assist our choir with the Christmas season. For more information contact Kyle Osborne at [email protected].

Jonesborough Prayer Shawl Ministry meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at 2p.m. at Jonesborough Presbyterian Church. Contact Zel Hester at (423) 913-1214 for more information.

Light House Ministries of the Tri-Cities, Inc. An independent, alternative Christian Community. We welcome ALL of God’s people! With NO exceptions! Sunday evening services at 7 p.m. 136 Bob Jobe Road, Gray, TN. (423) 913-2715

Young adults and college students are invited to the Upper Room CoffeeHouse, every Wednesday at 9 p.m. at First Assembly of God, 2213 Brandon Lane, Kingsport. For information please call (423) 247-1169

Musical Seeds Ministry is a faith-based ministry promoting Unity in the body of Christ. We encourage people to discover their gifts and talents and use them for the Kingdom of Heaven. We are also establishing a Unity Quest – a gathering of God’s people. For more information please call Robert and Susan Hawkins at (423) 542-2911.

Looking for like-minded people who believe in Protecting the Earth, Elimination of prejudice, Equality of men and women. There are spiritual solutions of economic problems. Check our web site at www.bahai.org or call (423) 232-6254. Give us a call and let’s get together.

St. Anne Catholic Church invites anyone who is interested in learning about the Catholic Church, is Catholic but no longer attends Mass, is curious about what Catholics really believe, to come talk with us on Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m. in the Parish Library. St. Anne Catholic Church is located at 350 Euclid Ave. Bristol, VA. For directions to St. Anne’s or for more information, call Jim Yencha at (276) 669-8200 ext. 23 or email Jim at [email protected]. We’re here to listen and answer your questions.

Trinity Baptist Church is offering a scrapbooking Bible Study titled “Fruits of the Spirit.” Participants will enjoy 10 weeks of a two-hour class, which incorporates a bible study devotion with the hobby of scrapbooking. Each class member will complete a 20-page album. The class is open to novice as well as experienced scrapbookers. Classes will meet on Saturdays from 10am until noon. There is a $16 fee for the class book and some supplies will be necessary. Please call (423) 753-4394 for more information or to register.

The Oasis Church has moved to 1109 Old Gray Station Rd., Gray, TN. And is meeting Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. and Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. Are you dried up from boring, pointless sermons, sad, lifeless music, cold unloving people and powerless services? Well, come to the Oasis and get a drink of the Living Water! It’s full of 1$7-=#1"2-=#0"<-'=#*01$7&$%!#3*/$9=#)%+#$%/&'*9&$"%/#7"'#1$2$%!I#n"*R11#.%+#/"3-&,$%!#7"'#-2-'6#3-3(-'#"7#6"*'#7)3$16I#H"'#3"'-#$%7"'3)&$"%#9)11#K>@LM#@o@Z>_@g#&"#&)14#<$&,#P)/&"'#X"%6#8)'/,)11I#T-#)'-#)7.1$)&-+#<$&,#&,-#V//-3(1$-/#"7#^"+I

Page 62: March 18, 2011

Christ’s Church United of Northeast Tennessee holds services at 7 p.m. every Sunday evening. Communion is held on the third Sunday of each month. The church meets )&#\L?#Y"(#k"(-#c+I=#^')6=#XmI#K)&#F:bbD#7)9$1$&6MI#D)11#&,-#9,*'9,#"7.9-#)&#K>@LM#o\]ZA?]]#)%+#1-)2-#)#3-//)!-#"'#/-%+#*/#)%#-Z3)$1#&"#7')%45)%$!)%s-)'&,1$%4Inet for more information.

Trinity Kid Express, the children’s ministry division of Trinity Baptist Church, announces the return of the Daughters of the King class. This class is for you ladies ages 10, 11 and 12. The group meets every Monday from 3:30-5 at the church to learn about beauty tips, fashion tips, etiquette, and more. They also study what the Bible teaches about Godly beauty. Crafts and visiting consultants are also included in the curriculum. Interested young ladies should call (423) 753-4394 for more information. Transportation may be available to those who need it.

Unity Church of the Tri-Cities – A “Spiritual Home” where ALL ARE TRULY WELCOME! Please come see us at 703 S. Roan St. in Johnson City. Warm, loving people, great music, great messages, and None of the guilt! Sunday church service start at 10:30am, adult and children Sunday school. A Course in Miracles class Wednesday nights at 7p.m.. Rev. Sharon Davidson, Minister. Call (423) 975-9159 for more information.


Johnson City Senior’s Center serves all adults 55 and over. The Center hosts card groups, computer classes, a varied sports program, art classes, regular health screenings and much more to keep you active and healthy. Please call (423) 434-6237 for more information.

X,-#q$%!/0"'&#C-%$"'#D-%&-'#"77-'/#)#2)'$-&6#"7#-[-'9$/-#91)//-/#7"'#)11#.&%-//#1-2-1/I#8"%+)6#p#H'$+)6=#$%91*+$%!#)-'"($9/=#/&'-%!&,#&')$%$%!=#6"!)=#P$1)&-/=#+)%9-#)%+#stretching using resistance bands. Call (423) 392-8400 for more information.

q$%!/0"'&#C-%$"'#D-%&-'I#X,-#'-/"*'9-#7"'#/-%$"'#/-'2$9-#$%7"'3)&$"%#)%+#'-9'-)&$"%e#U0-%#&"#)11#)+*1&/#]A#)%+#"2-'I#X,-#D-%&-'#"77-'/#"2-'#@A#-[-'9$/-d.&%-//#91)//-/=#as well as computer, art, basket and woodcarving classes, a fully operational woodshop and clay studio, weekly jam session for area musicians, plus much more. City residents pay $15. per year and county pays $60. For additional information call (423) 392-8400.

Omnbudsman Program. Volunteer to assist residents of long-term care facilities by mediating and resolving concerns and problems. Training is required and provided. For more information call (423) 246-1650.

Sports;$&&1-#D$&6#c"11-'#^$'1/#$/#)%#)11#7-3)1-#5)&#&')94#'"11-'#+-'(6#&-)3#$%#&,-#X'$ZD$&$-/#)'-)I#D*''-%&16#'-9'*$&$%!#7-3)1-/#\g#6-)'/#"7#)!-#)%+#*0I#T-#,"1+#0')9&$9-#"%#T-+I#from 7-9p.m. and Sundays from 12-2p.m.. Practice is located at the Johnson City Family Skate Center located at the corner of Watauga & State of Franklin. For more information visit our website at www.littlecityrollergirls.com.

The Barracuda Swim Club is multi-level youth swim team for children ages 7 through high school. New swimmers are always welcome. We have practice locations for Johnson City and Kingsport. A free trial can be arranged with the coach. For more information call (423) 833-5595 (Johnson City) or (504) 231-9941 (Kingsport), or check us out at www.BarracudaSwimClub.org

The Kingsport Judo Club will be offering free Judo classes to girls who are of 8-9 years of age. For more information call Mr. Collier at (423) 288-6862. Visit us online at www.kingsportjudo.com. We are located at 2305 Ft. Henry Dr. Kingsport.

Pickleball, Thursday evenings, 7-9 p.m. at Munsey Memorial UMC (Christian Life Center); Roan/Water St. entrance. Call (423) 461-8070 ext. 213 for more information.

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The Mountain Empire Tennis Association (META) is forming junior and adult social and competitive leagues. Membership is $10 for juniors, $15 for adults and $20 for families. Visit us on the web at www.meta-web.org or call (423) 282-4727 for info.

The East Tennessee State University Cycling Club meets regularly on Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m. and Sundays at 1:30 p.m. at the dual slalom course at ETSU, gathering in the same area where the challenge will be held. Area cyclists with any level of experience and any bike, including mountain, road, BMX, trials or any other type are invited to ride with the group. For further information contact McIntyre at (423) 433-2294. 3-01

Co-ed Ultimate Frisbee with the Tri-City Ultimate Club. For information, please visit www.tricity-ultimate.tripod.com or call (423) 929-1446.

Christian Bass Anglers Association. Meets the second Monday of every month at the Blountville Court House in the upstairs courtroom. Meeting begins promptly at 7 p.m. All are invited to attend. For more information call (423) 246-7764.

Come join us for some fun! The East TN Mashers Ski club does more than just ski. We are a year round club engaged in a variety of activities for socialization, friendship, and charitable cause. Visit us at our website for the latest event/meetings schedule at etmn.net. For more information, email [email protected] or call Barb at (276) 275-3061.

The Senior Basketball league for adults 55+ will be held on Mondays with practice starting at 7 p.m. at the Slater Community Center gym. Fred Overbay is the coordina-tor. Call the Bristol Tennessee Leisure Services at (423) 764-4023 for more information.

Kingsport Bicycle Association has rides year round. All adult riders are welcome to this social / touring club. Call (423) 239-4406 or link to www.kba.tripod.com

Support GroupsYou don’t have to wait for an overdose or jail sentence to get help from N.A. It is possible to overcome the desire to use drugs with the help of the Twelve Step Program of Narcotics Anonymous and the fellowship of recovering addicts. For more information call (866) 360-4929 or mana-e-tn.org

Support Group for Individuals Experiencing Divorce. This support group is for anyone in the Tri-Cities area who has experienced divorce and/or the challenges of co-parenting. For more information please contact Diana Puckett, BSW at (423) 737-4695 or (423) 952-2612.

OA – Overeaters Anonymous – A 12 step program for those with food problems, meets every Thursday at 7:30pp.m. at First Church of God in Bristol. Corner of E. State and Georgia Ave. For more information contact Christy at (423) 383-3541.

MidSouth Lupus Support Group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at WellCare, Ft. Henry Mall/Kingsport Town Center, 2101 Ft. Henry Dr. Kingsport at 5p.m., light refreshments provided. For further information contact the Lupus Foundation of America, Mid-South Chapter. www.lupusmidsouth.org, or (877) 865-8787. Email: [email protected]. Volunteers are needed!!!

A new meeting of the peer group BRIDGES (Building Recovery and Individual Dreams and Goals through Education and Support) will begin at 7p.m., at Wesley UMC, Room 107 every third Tuesday of each month. BRIDGES is a self-help program, facilitated to provide a safe atmosphere of respect, honesty and encouragement for 0-'/"%/#3)%)!$%!#3-%&)1#$11%-//d-3"&$"%)1#9"%5$9&I#H"'#3"'-#$%7"'3)&$"%=#9)11#k-%%6#c"3)%#)&#Kg?]M#]ooZA>g\I

Do you know someone who/you had an abortion? If you are experiencing symptoms of Post-Abortion Syndrome, there is hope for healing and reconciliation. If you )'-#'-)+6#&"#+-)1#<$&,#6"*'#)("'&$"%=#)#a*)1$.-+#1)6#9"*%/-1"'#9)%#,-10#6"*#&,'"*!,#&,-#/&-0/#"7#,-)1$%!I#X,-#PVDB#KP"/&#V("'&$"%#D"*%/-1$%!#)%+#B+*9)&$"%M#0'"!')3#ministers to women who have been victimized by abortion, and is designed to lead them through the healing process of God forgiveness and love. PACE is a 12-week

course offered by Pregnancy Resources, Inc. PACE allows a women the openness and encouragement she needs to work the healing process. The PACE groups are lead by trained volunteers, many of whom have experienced an abortion themselves. If you want more information on PACE for yourself or a friend, please call Elaine Wallen at (423) 276-9070.

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Wee Remember Support Group, Every Quarter, 7 p.m. Wellmont Lonesome Pine Hospital, Big Stone Gap. A parent support group for families who have experienced the death of a baby is held every quarter. Call (276) 423-8641 for next meeting date.

Wise County Suicide Prevention, 10 a.m. Wise Trinity United Methodist Church TBA. The coalition formed to raise awareness and to determine available resources in the Wise County community for suicide survivors. Anyone interested in helping support this cause, please contact Jean Layell at (276) 328-6825.

SAFE House Domestic Violence Support Group. Weekly in KingsportFor information on the location and time of meetings, please call 246-2273.

SAMSON Support Group. Mondays, 7 p.m. His Ministries, 407 Wood Ave., Big Stone Gap.SAMSON Support Group for people with addictions meets weekly on Mondays. SAMSON, or Steps and More Strength Overcoming Narcotics, helps individuals face everyday life situations, overcome their addictions and create purpose through a step process, education, life skills training and most important, unconditional love. Call (276) 523-7447, for more information

Scott County Suicide Prevention Coalition. 3:45. Addington Hall. The coalition is working to raise awareness "%#&,-#$//*-#"7#/*$9$+-#)%+#&"#.%+#"*&#3"'-#)("*&#)2)$1)(1-#'-/"*'9-/#$%#&,-#C9"&&#D"*%&6#9"33*%$&6#7"'#/*$9$+-#survivors. Anyone interested in helping support this cause or wishing to attend meetings, please contact Amy Bledsoe at (276) 431-4370.

Southwest Virginia Regional Suicide Prevention Coalition, 11 a.m., Develop.m.ental Services, Big Stone Gap. The regional coalition is working to coordinate suicide prevention efforts in local communities. For more information on upcoming meetings, contact Ken Taylor at (276) 523-8300.

Survivors of Suicide Support Group – Virginia, 1st, 3rd Monday, 6 p.m. Lee Regional Medical Center. A support group for Survivors of Suicide is being held every 1st and 3rd Monday of each month beginning at 6 p.m. The group meets in the Medical Plaza West Wing classroom. For more information, call Bill Russell at (276) 346-1641.

NAMI “With Hope in Mind”/Bridges Support Groups, 7 p.m. Harrison Christian Church, Johnson City. Journey of Hope is open to family members and friends of those who suffer from a neurobiological brain disease. Bridges Support Group meets with “With Hope in Mind” before breaking off into a separate meeting. It is for mental health consumers of all diagnoses. For more information, call Shelby Ward at 543-4315.

In-Fuze Support Group Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Lee County Behavioral Health Services Support group members will learn the signs and symptoms of substance abuse; what to expect in the recovery process; and how sub-stance abuse and dependence affects mental, physical, and spiritual develop.m.ent. The group will teach how to encourage recovery, about relapse and how to help maintain recovery, and will show family members how to care for themselves during their loved one’s recovery process. Call Frontier Health’s Martha Davis or Kathy Rowles at (276) 346-3590.

Lee County Foster Parent Support Group. A new support group is being formed for foster parents in Lee County to provide education, support, and information. Call Frontier Health’s Eric Greene, (276) 523-8300.

Women’s low self-esteem/social anxiety/shyness/domestic abuse support group. The purpose of the session is to provide support & healing through sharing common feelings & ideas. FREE. Please call (423) 794-8909 or (423) 929-7575. 100 W. Maple St. Johnson City.

F-0)&$&$/#D#C*00"'&#^'"*0S#%-)'#X'$ZD$&$-/#)$'0"'&=#X,-#D-%&-'#7"'#N$!-/&$2-#T-11%-//#3--&/#&,-#.'/&#X*-/+)6#from 6:30p.m.-8:30p.m.. The group is for people with Hepatitis C or B. Guest Speakers monthly. 10461 Wallace Alley Dr. Kingsport, TN. Contact Tracy Luther, FNP at (423) 279-1400.

Lupus Foundation of America Kingsport Area Support Group meets the 3rd Thursday of the month at 914 Broad St. West Park Professional Bldg. Classroom #1 (Take elevator to lower level) Kingsport. For more information call (877) 865-8787.

Social Anxiety Disorder/Shyness support group meeting at the Bristol Library study room every Saturday from 10:00-11:30am. We are a group of individuals dealing with social anxiety who have come together to share our stories in a mutually supportive environment. You will not be ‘put on the spot’ or expected to join in. Feel free to just come and listens. Contact Tracy from more info: (276) 429-2338 or [email protected]

A.W.A.K.E. – N.E. Tennessee A.W.A.K.E. support group for people with sleep apnea, their family members, and friends. The group will be part of the American Sleep Apnea Association (ASSA) A.W.A.K.E. (Alert, Well and Keeping Energetic) Network. The purpose of these sessions is to provide support through education and sharing of ideas and information among person affected by sleep disordered breathing. Together we can help each other with similar interests, problems, and solutions. Meetings held every other month in Johnson City and Erwin. Call Michelle at (423) 283-1003 for more information.

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Celebrate Recover. Every Sunday Evening. 6:00 p.m. Refreshments, 6:25 p.m. Celebration Service, 7:15 p.m. Open Share Groups: Life Hurts for Women and Men, Issues for Women, Issues for Men, Chemically Dependent Men, Chemically Dependent Women, Codependent Women, Divorce recovery for Men and Women, CR 101 for those who are wondering how to get plugged in? What group is best for me? 9 p.m. Recovery Cafe. First Baptist Church, Kingsport, Fellowship Hall. For more information call (423) 247-4122

In a custody battle over your children and feel discouraged? Need a listening ear and support? I’m starting a

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support group for people going through this. Please call Camille at (423) 773-5862 if interested.

The “Young and the Breathless” a support group for persons with chronic lung disease, their friends and fam-ily are invited to attend our monthly meeting on the 4th Thursday of each month, at Wellmont Holston Valley Hospital, D-bldg., 4th level at 6 p.m. A featured speaker will present at each meeting. Light refreshments are provided. For more information, please contact Pulmonary Rehab at (423) 224-5800.

24-Hour Hotline! Do you need to talk to someone? Someone who will listen without judgement, gives options instead of telling you what you should do? There is no “crisis” too big or too small. All you have to do is give The Crisis Center a call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Walk-ins welcome from 9am - 5 p.m. weekdays. Celebrating 31 years of compassionate response to your needs. Volunteers welcome and all training is free! Hotline: (276) 466-2312 or (276) 628-7731 Business Line” (276) 466-2218.

The BRIDGES program is based on the belief that those of us living with psychiatric symptoms can and do recover a new and valued sense of purpose by accepting and overcoming the challenges of a disability that has affected every aspect of our lives: physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual. Support groups are being held in Johnson City, Kingsport (2), and coming soon Bristol. For more information please call (888) 539-0393

Widowed Persons’ Service Support Group. Monthly meetings, persons who have experienced widowhood are invited to attend the meeting. Call (423) 926-9101.

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NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) - Johnson City area, meets second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m., at Harrison Christian Church, Browns Mill Rd., JC. A support group for families and friends of those who suffer from mental illness. For more information call (423) 543-4315 or (423) 282-0676.

NAMI (National Alliance of Mental Illness) of Kingsport for families who encounter mental illness meets on the 1st Thursday of each month at 7p.m. at First Baptist Church, 200 W. Church Circle, Kingsport (Room #304 in the Welcome Center located off Holston St.) Contact Connie Whaley at (423) 234-2516 or (866) 337-3291 for more information.

Tri-Cities Survivors of Suicide Support Group meets every 4th Monday at Johnson City Medical Center, 5th 5""'#D"%7-'-%9-#c""3#7'"3#?Zg#0I3I#H)9$1$&)&"'S#N"'"&,6#^'-!"'6I#H"'#3"'-#$%7"'3)&$"%#9)11#K>@LM#@@>Z\LAAI#We welcome family, friends, or anyone that has been affected by a suicide of someone they know and love.

SAFE House, Kingsport’s Domestic Violence Shelter, has a weekly support group for women and children who )'-#2$9&$3/#"7#7)3$16#2$"1-%9-I#H"'#3"'-#$%7"'3)&$"%#9)11#K>@LM#@>?Z@@_LI#V11#/-'2$9-/#)'-#7'--#)%+#9"%.+-%&$)1I

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Crohn’s Disease and Colitis Support Group. Meets fourth Monday of each month at Colonial Heights Baptist Church. For more information, call Kathy Cassidy at (423) 224-5197.

Abingdon Resource Center, sponsored by Hospice and Palliative Care of Virginia, is holding a Caregiver’s Support Group. The group will meet the fourth Tuesday of every month at the Abingdon Resource Center from 1-3 p.m. This group is designed to provide information and support to those in the community who are taking care of friends or family experiencing long term illness or disability. The Abingdon Resource Center is located "%#&,-#/-9"%+#5""'#"7#&,-#B11$/#P'"7-//$"%)1#Y*$1+$%!=#@\\#T-/&#8)$%#C&'--&=#V($%!+"%I#c-7'-/,3-%&/#<$11#(-#provided. For more information call (276) 628-4343.

Crisis Center is organizing several new support groups for victims of sexual violence. If you are an adult mo-lested as a child, an adult rape survivor or the friend, spouse or other family member of someone who has been /-[*)116#)//)*1&-+=#&,-'-#$/#)#!'"*0#"'!)%$O$%!#%"<I#X,-'-#$/#%"#9"/&#&"#)&&-%+#)%+#)11#3--&$%!/#)'-#9"%.+-%&$)1I#If interested contacted The Crisis Center, (276) 466-2218 or (276) 628-7731.

VolunteersWant to help people in your community while learning valuable life skills? Volunteer as a Hotline Worker for the Crisis Center’s 24/7 Crisis Hotline. Volunteers assist callers with emotional and personal crises, with crisis intervention along with information and referral to community agencies. 40 hours training offered in interactive classroom atmosphere. Must be over 18 and NO experience is necessary. Contact Micah Morris at (276) 466-2312 or email at [email protected]

Amedisys Hospice Care is looking for volunteers in Kingsport, Bristol, Blountville, Church Hill and Fall Branch. We have volunteer opportunities to visit patients and provide companionship (no patient care). Our patients are wonderful people. Please call 423-288-9777 and ask for the volunteer coordinator. We would love to have you join our team!

Appalachia Service Project Tri-Cities is seeking individual or group volunteers for home repair projects in the Tri-Cities area. ASP is a Christian ministry, open to all people, that fosters human develop.m.ent by addressing the housing needs of Central Appalachia. Projects range from wheel chair ramp construction to roof repair, prior construction experience is not required. If you or your club/group is interested in volunteering for a Saturday or a week long project please contact Amanda at (423) 854-8800 ext. 239 or email [email protected].

DVCV#KD"*'&#V00"$%&-+#C0-9$)1#V+2"9)&-/#7"'#D,$1+'-%M#$/#)#%"%Z0'".&#2"1*%&--'#"'!)%$O)&$"%#+-+$9)&-+#&"#ensuring that abused, abandoned, and neglected children have a voice in court. In many cases only stability in the lives of these children comes from their volunteer Advocate. We have a great need for more volunteer advocates to serve the children in our community. For more information please contact CASA of Northeast Tennessee, PO Box 1021, Johnson City, TN 37605, (423) 461-3500 or (423) 741-3181

Big Brothers Big Sisters are seeking volunteers who live or work in Washington County, VA. You must be 18 years of age or older. Being a Big Brother or Sister is a great way to make a difference in the life of a child in 6"*'#9"33*%$&6I#n"*#<$11#(-#3-%&"'=#)#7'$-%+=#)%+#)#9"%.+)%&#&"#6"*'#1$&&1-#('"&,-'#"'#/$/&-'I#D"%&)9&#C&-0,)%$-#at 276-628-7053 or email [email protected] to get started.

Give back to those individuals that have given so much, THE VETERANS. The James H. Quillen VA Medical Center has numerous volunteer positions available like visiting, assisting with the feeding, and escorting patients to and from other areas of the Medical Center as well as parking lot shuttle drivers. Other administrative/clerical 0"/$&$"%/#)'-#)1/"#)2)$1)(1-I#F"*'/#)'-#5-[$(1-#)%+#%"#-[0-'$-%9-#$/#%--+-+I#X"#.%+#"*&#3"'-#"%#,"<#6"*#9)%#^h:B#YVDq=#01-)/-#9"%&)9&#&,-#:"1*%&)'6#C-'2$9-#U7.9-#)&#K>@LM#o_oZ@go\I

CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) volunteers are desperately needed in Bristol and Sullivan County to advocate for alleged abused and neglected children in the juvenile courts. CASA volunteers conduct investigations that help judges make the best decision for the safety and future of a child. Do you have a passion to help 9,$1+'-%#.%#)#/)7-#)%+#/-9*'-#,"3-W#DVCV#$/#1""4$%!#7"'#6"*e#DVCV#2"1*%&--'/#'-9-$2-#-[&-%/$2-#91)//'""3#&')$%$%!=#3-%&"'/,$0#<$&,#"&,-'#2"1*%&--'/#)%+#/*00"'&#7'"3#DVCV#7"'#q$+/=#h%9I#/&)77I#X')$%$%!#91)//-/#)'-#7"'3$%!#7"'#8)6#7"'#&,-#Y'$/&"1#)'-)j#&"#.%+#"*&#,"<#&"#(-9"3-#)#DVCV=#9"%&)9&#k)%#8)'/,)11#)&#K>@LM#?]@Z\\_\I

Adventa Hospice of Kingsport is in need of Volunteers. We currently need volunteers to visit patients and provide Companionship. Our patients are wonderful people and would be so happy to have somebody visit. Please call, Desiree Saunders, Volunteer Coordinator, at (423) 288-9777. We would love to have you join our team!

Volunteers needed at local domestic violence, sexual abuse and homeless shelter program. Training provided for crisis calls, administrative assistant, direct services. Marginalized underserved populations encouraged to apply. Call (423) 276- 386-1313 for application. EOC

Hope House “Women’s Shelter” of Scott County, Inc. is seeking dedicated individuals to volunteer their time and assist with the Sexual Assault Specialist and Outreach P'"!')3/I#:"1*%&--'/#3*/&#'-5-9&#&,-#9"*%&6#+-3"!')0,$9/#)%+#<$11$%!%-//#&"#)//$/&#<$&,#&,-#&')+$&$"%)116#*%+-'/-'2-+#0"0*1)&$"%/#"7#C9"&&#)%+#;--#9"*%&$-/I#h%+$2$+*)1/#of color are encouraged to apply. For more information call (276) 386-1373. EOC

CDUcB#KD"*%/-1"'/#&"#V3-'$9)R/#C3)11#Y*/$%-//M#D,)0&-'#]g>#)'-#1""4$%!#7"'#2"1*%&--'/#$%#&,-#m"'&,-)/&#X-%%-//--#)'-)I#CDUcB#$/#)#%"%Z0'".&#%)&$"%<$+-#"'!)%$O)&$"%#staffed by active and retired businessmen and women who volunteer their time and services to offer free individual counseling in all areas of starting and improving a small business. Responsibilities of counselors include meeting with new and future business clients, to guide them on their way to starting or continuing with their business. As a SCORE member, training in our policies and procedures is provided. New counselors will team with an experienced member. Volunteers also support out efforts */$%!#9"30*&-'=#9"30*&-'#3)$%&-%)%9-=#!')0,$9/=#)%+#<-(#0)!-#9'-)&$"%#/4$11/#)%+#<'$&$%!=#0'""7#'-)+$%!=#0,"&"!')0,6#)%+#!-%-')1#"7.9-#/4$11/I#h7#6"*#)'-#$%&-'-/&-+#$%#(-9"3$%!#)#CDUcB#2"1*%&--'=#01-)/-#9)11#"*'#"7.9-#K>@LM#>?\ZgA]\#8"%+)6#p#H'$+)6=#oSAA)3#p#\@SAA#%""%I#U*'#<-(/$&-#)++'-//#$/#/9"'-&%I"'!#)%+#&,-#-3)$1#)++'-//#$/#[email protected] Northeast Tennessee SCORE, 2203 McKinley Rd. Johnson City, TN. 37604

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Volunteers to Touch Your World at King Benevolent Fund, a 501(c)-(3) ministry located in Bristol, VA. That serves the hungry, hurting and neglected here at home and around the world. We are looking for volunteers to help with cooking onsite meals, sorting various donations and packing items for ship.m.ent. Call our volunteer supervi-sor, Audrey Lambert, at (276) 466-3014, ext. 255 for further information.

Volunteers Needed: Tipton Haynes Historic Site, Johnson City. Our upcoming fall season has several opportunities for individuals interested in various activities. We are looking for people who have skills/abilities/interests in sewing costumes, portraying living historians of the antebellum era, gardening, and working “behind the scenes”. For more information, please contact Penny McGlaughlin- director Tipton Haynes at (423) 926-3631

Hope house of Scott County, Inc. is in need of some male volunteers to help families that move from our shelter into independent living. For more information call (276) 386-1313

Volunteers are needed at a local domestic violence shelter. Answering the 24-hour crisis line, providing transportation, childcare, light housekeeping, yard work, minor repairs and assisting with residents’ needs. Training provided. For more information, please call Ann Jones at (888) 250-HEAL.

Have you always wanted to be a hero? Ever wonder how you can make a difference in your world? If you have just 10 hours a month to spare, you can be a hero by making a difference in a child’s life. Each year over one million children are abused and neglected and these children’s futures are put at risk. As a CASA you can stand *0#7"'#&,-/-#9,$1+'-%#)%+#/0-)4#"*&#7"'#&,-3=#,-10$%!#-%/*'-#&,-/-#9,$1+'-%#.%+#/)7-=#0-'3)%-%&#,"3-/#p#/"3-&,$%!#-2-'6#9,$1+#+-/-'2-/I#Y-#)#,-'"I#:"1*%&--'#)/#)#D"*'&#Appointed Special Advocate and change the world; one child at a time. Call (276) 642-2344. Training classes are forming now.

Adventa Hospice Care is looking for volunteers in Kingsport, Bristol, Blountville, Church Hill and Gray. We have volunteer opportunities to visit patients and provide companionship (no patient care). Our patients are wonderful people and would be happy to have somebody visit them. Please call (423) 288-9777 and ask for a volunteer coordinator. We would love to have you join our team!

Volunteers needed. Can you give an hour a week to assist with parties, or bingo? Do you have a craft demonstration to share or a performance that would entertain? The ^')%+#D"*'&#$/#1""4$%!#7"'#2"1*%&--'/#&"#)++#)#/0)'4#&"#'-/$+-%&/R#1$2-/I#h7#$%&-'-/&-+=#9)11#K@_?M#??oZ\\\\#)%+#)/4#7"'#;$((6#Y)$1-6#&"#.%+#"*&#3"'-#)("*&#,"<#6"*#9)%#,-10I

Abuse Alternatives, Inc. of Bristol, serving victims of domestic violence is presently in search of volunteers to be trained to take Hotline calls and monitor the shelter/clients on occasion during M-F, between 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. and on Tues. 5:30 p.m.- 8 p.m. Also registering individuals & small groups for “on-call talent bank”, consisting of 2"1*%&--'/#<$&,#/0-9$)1#/4$11/#/*9,#)/#91-'$9)1=#3-%&"'$%!=#0)'-%&$%!=#&*&"'$%!=#($Z1$%!*)1=#(*+!-&$%!d.%)%9-/=#"'!)%$O-#+"%)&$"%/#J#/&"')!-#)'-)=#)($1$&6#&"#,-10#&')%/0"'&dmove clients into new residences, etc. For more info, please call (423) 652-9098.

Volunteers are needed at a local domestic violence shelter answering the 24-hour crisis line, providing transportation, childcare, light housekeeping, yard work, minor repairs and assisting with residents needs. Training is provided. For more information, please call Ann Jones at (888) 250-HEAL (4325).