Manitoba Military Scholarship Program

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  • 8/20/2019 Manitoba Military Scholarship Program




  • 8/20/2019 Manitoba Military Scholarship Program



    The Manitoba Military Scholarship is a

     joint initiative proposed by the Government

    of Manitoba, Manitoba Public Insurance

    (MPI) and the CAF. The objective of this

    initiative is twofold: encourage the retentionof currently serving CAF personnel, and

    a recruiting tool to attract citizens to a

    career in the Regular or Reserve Force by

    providing financial assistance in the form of

    scholarship monies to alleviate the cost ofpost-secondary education.

  • 8/20/2019 Manitoba Military Scholarship Program


    WHO IS ELIGIBLE?1. Available to Primary Reserve members and

    dependants of all CAF members

    2. Recognized post-secondary program in


    3. Applicants must be a resident of Manitoba atthe time of the application

    4. Primary Reserve applicants need to meet the

    basic eligibility as per the CBI 210.801 for

    Primary Reserve Educational Reimbursement,

    Primary Reserve applicants include members

    serving in one of the three classes of Service A,

    B and C;

    5. CAF family members would need to meet the

    CAF family definition as per the NPF Programs

    Services Eligibility Matrix. CAF family members


    a. The member’s spouse or common-law partner

    who is normally residing with the member at

    the member’s place of duty or who, if living

    separately, is doing so for military reasons;

  • 8/20/2019 Manitoba Military Scholarship Program


    b.  A relative by blood, marriage, common-law

    partnership, adoption legally or in fact, whois normally residing with the member and

    for whom the member may claim a personal

    exemption under the Income Tax Act;

    c. A child who is normally resident with the

    member and for whom the member would havebeen eligible to claim a personal exemption

    under the Income Tax Act if the child were

    a relative by blood, marriage, common-law

    partnership, adoption legally or, in fact for

    whom the member has accepted full financial

    responsibility as has commenced adoptionproceedings;

    d. A child or legal ward of the spouse or common-

    law partners and the member who is single and

    in full-time attendance at school or university

    and is under the age of 26 years; and

  • 8/20/2019 Manitoba Military Scholarship Program


    e. A family member who is permanently residingwith the member, but who is precluded from

    qualifying as a dependant under the Income

    Tax Act because the family member received a


    6. Applicants must be enrolled in a recognizedpost-secondary program in Manitoba;

    7. Applications to the Program can be submitted

    until end of June of each year;

    8. Applications will be reviewed by a Scholarship

    Board in early Aug;

    9. An announcement regarding the successful

    candidates will be made by end Aug; and

    10. The overall goal is to help CAF Primary Reserve

    members and CAF family members to upgrade

    their education and provide financial aid to

    personal who need the help. Two separate

    scoring matrices need to be used.

  • 8/20/2019 Manitoba Military Scholarship Program



    Dependants of Canadian Forces Members

    1. The scoring matrix will look at the CAF family member

    applicants. The criterion will look at the Civic Engagement,

    Extracurricular, Volunteer and Work Experience, Essay,Letter of Reference and Financial need.

      a. Civic Engagement, extra-curricular, volunteer and

    work experience which will be covered by a current


    b. The essay, which is to be a maximum of 500 words,will examine the applicant’s understanding of the

    impact of the military on his/her life and identify the

    financial need of the applicant for the scholarship.

    The essay will be evaluated as per the CAF family

    member scoring guide.

      c. Letter of Recommendation supporting the application

    from an academic advisor or community leader.

  • 8/20/2019 Manitoba Military Scholarship Program


    Primary Reservists1. Rank will have a reversed value to award more points to

    those members with lower rank;

    2. Completed Education will have a reversed value

    to award more points to those members with lower

    educational levels. The lowest to be defined as a Mature


    3. Operational tours will have a value reflecting

    the member’s dedication to the military as PrimaryReserve Members would have volunteered for these


    4. Awards/ Commendations/Domestic Operations will

    have a value reflecting the dedication and quality of the

    work Primary Reserve Members have for the province ofManitoba;

    5. Documents required include a current updated copy

    of the member’s EMAA MPRR, a copy of any awards,

    commendations, Class C contract showing Domestic

    Operations, proof of enrolment in the program or aletter of acceptance from the college or university in

    Manitoba. In the absence of a Class C contract, a letter

    from the Commanding Officer attesting to the members

    participation on Domestic Operations is required;

    6. Unit Certification of Members Employment Status inaccordance with CBI 210.801; and

    7. The essay, which is to be a maximum of 500 words, will

    examine the applicant’s understanding of the impact of

    the military on his/her life and identify the financial need

    of the applicant for the scholarship. The essay will be

    evaluated as per the CAF family member scoring guide.

    Deadline of scholarship applications is 31 July at 2359 hrs

    of every year.

  • 8/20/2019 Manitoba Military Scholarship Program


    Manitobans can now show their pride andsupport for men and women currently servingin the Canadian Armed Forces by purchasinga special licence plate unveiled June 7th byHealthy Living and Seniors Minister DeanneCrothers, special envoy for military affairs, and

    Attorney General Gord Mackintosh, ministerresponsible for Manitoba Public Insurance.

    "We introduce a special licence plateto honour veterans and it is fitting

    that we offer a plate to honour servingmembers of the army, navy and

    airforce. We know that Manitobansare proud of the dedication and

    sacrifices made by members of themilitary, and we expect this new

    specialty plate will be well received." 

     - Minister Mackitnosh

    Available for purchase at $70, with $30of that to be used to fund scholarships

     to qualified participants.

  • 8/20/2019 Manitoba Military Scholarship Program


    For more information, visit our website

  • 8/20/2019 Manitoba Military Scholarship Program


    For more informationplease contact 

    Deadline for scholarship applications 

    31 July at 2359 hrs of every year

    Canadian Forces Moraleand Welfare Services

    Scholarship Administrator

    [email protected]


    For more correspondence please refer

    to the Manitoba Military Scholarship program