Manitoba Alpine Home of Ski Racing on the Prairies Officials Update 2012 / 2013

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Manitoba Alpine Home of Ski Racing on the Prairies Officials Update 2012 / 2013. November 9, 2012. Agenda. Introduction Race Quality Review A few case studies from last year What makes a great race To-do lists for Jury. A Few Case Studies. Loveland NorAm protest Bromont runaway gate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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November 9, 2012

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IntroductionRace Quality Review

A few case studies from last year

What makes a great raceTo-do lists for Jury

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A Few Case Studies

Loveland NorAm protestBromont runaway gateAlpine Rogue RefereeMont Ste Anne SG Snow SeedSki patrol with telemark skisKerouac sanction


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What was the best event you were at last year or this year?

Why is that?“I enjoyed the World Cup and the Nationals, but that K1 Slalom at

Asessippi may be it…”

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1. What makes a good event?2. What are the benefits of a good

event?3. Who is to be the beneficiary?4. What needs improvement?5. How do we improve events?

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1. Supervises Event

2. Represents FIS

3. Advisor to ROC

4. Chairman of Jury

5. Recommends Race to Score

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1. Monitors adherence to Rules2. Responsible for Technical

matters3. Unbiased and fair to all4. Decisions on all issues not in


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Jury & Course Setters

Race PlanningRace ManagementRace Timing & ScoringRace Course SettingRace Communication

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Essential Equipment

AltimeterMeasuring tapeRangefinderDye Pack – GS and SGStop watchesRadiosShovels and rakesCamera

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Chief of Race – Pre Race Ski area Calendar & Points Listing Meetings / Volunteers / Assignments Equipment Start List Pre Race Jury Meetings Secretariat – Program of the Day / Entry list Safety – Plan & medical Radios Grooming Weather forecast Medals Schedule of the day Secure Forerunners

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Chief of Race – Race Eve Volunteer Meetings – Duties and program Safety Set-up Bibs Tickets and other admin Communications – Area & Ski Patrol Equipment testing Back-up – plan and equipment Weather forecast Forms package Review rules Course setter instructions Radio plan

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Chief of Race - Instructions

Chief of Course “Lunch is during inspection”

Chief of Gates “Be quick and be right”

Chief of Timing & Calculation “ Yes, we need a TDTR and hand timing”

Secretary & Registration “Any more scratches?”

Coaches “Here’s a shovel use it”

Forerunners “You had better finish or you will never see my daughter again”

Jury “I am taking the position where I can get the best video of my kid”

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Chief of Race – Race Day 7:00 - Control the start 7:00 – Instruct Chief of Course 7:15 – Collect Jury and inspect during course set 7:45 – Review course with COC and make sure the start area is secure 8:10 – Relax – go for pee / grab a snack 8:25 – Coaches meeting 8:30 – Jury positioning assignments 8:35 – Check on status of timing & communications 8:40 – Review final start list 8:45 – Cycle around 9:00 – Sync timers and watch start list loaded / open – close wand 9:10 – Go to position 9:24 – Clear from bottom 9:25 – First Fore-runner 9:30 – Racer number 1

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Chief of Race – Post Race

Tear downHang out and watch tear downEnsure results get postedThank you

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Technical Delegate – Pre Race

Communicate with COR Check the Codex and Calendar Read the rules – ICR, National, Local Review your job duties Review the safety set-up Look at last year’s results Review program Find out where to get your lift ticket and radio Find equipment to bring to race Review the start list and compare to National Points list Print off a forms package

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Technical Delegate – Race Morning

Meet the COR Talk with the course setter Meet the Jury Follow the set Review safety and set Meet with the Jury to “Open the Course” Coaches’ meeting Meet with Timer and confirm timing and scoring is working Open and close the wand Determine when Sync will take place Review volunteer numbers with COR Confirm course maintenance strategy Confirm radio protocol – clear and start stop Meet with finish referee and start referee Cycle Take position Clear the course

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Technical Delegate Post-Race

Referee’s ReportResultsScoringUploadReports

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Race Quality - CORs

Know your dutiesPlan your raceStick to itAll those people work for you and you better

know what they are doingThere are only five people you give

instructionsStay off the radio

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Race Quality TD’s

Know your dutiesKnow your rulesYou are not the CORBe fast but not furiousStay off the radioGet your reports done and submitted

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Race Quality – Coaches

Coaches meeting “Hi, I’m the Chief of Race. Any questions?”

Schedule for the day Inspections Rules Volunteers Athlete management Tear down Results

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Racer Quality - Referees

Know your rights, duties and rules Talk to TD and COR during the week Be there early and get a radio Bring your drill, screw tool and ICR Communicate with Jury and other coaches Communicate with the Chief of Gates

Use time effectively. Be mobile and use your radio. Do your report correctly – follow the audit trail Always stand equal in jury meetings Be professional – you are the only paid Jury member

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Race Quality – Course Setters

Know the job Know the rules Communicate with Jury Come prepared Know the day schedule Set for the athlete Set to the safety Bring friends Set fast Be decisive

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Jury Positions

Referee gets 1st pick to go to coaches corner. If big team then they are treated like any other jury member.

COR – two spots – near the start or big trouble spot. TD – Four spots - put him in a harmless spot to limit

damage, trouble spot, coaches corner or in the sun and out of the wind.

Jury Advisors must be available to step in.