mango tree info

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  • 7/27/2019 mango tree info..


  • 7/27/2019 mango tree info..


    Mango seeds are considered useful in certain disorders connected with womens reproductive

    organs. A teaspoonful, of the paste of the decorticated kernel of mango is applied inside the

    vagina to cure leucorrhoea, Vaginitis, and relaxed walls due to multiple pregnancies. Its use halfan hour before conjugal union gives a virgin feeling and acts as a safe contraceptive. This has

    been tried many times with gratifying results.

    Juice of the fresh mango bark is also valuable in heavy bleeding during menstruation, i.e.menorrhagia, leucorrhoea, mucus and pus discharges from the uterus and bleeding or

    haemorrhages from uterus. The juice is given with the addition of white of an egg or some

    mucilage-a kind of vegetable glue obtained from plant and a little opium in these diseases. In thealternative, a mixture of 10 ml. of a fluidextract of the bark and 120 ml. of water is given in

    doses of a teaspoonful every hour or two.

    Other Uses:

    Seed kernels:After soaking and drying to 10% moisture content, the kernels are fed to poultry

    and cattle. Without the removal of tannins, the feeding value is low. Cuban scientists declare thatthe mineral levels are so low mineral supplementation is needed if the kernel is used for poultry

    feed, for which purpose it is recommended mainly because it has little crude fiber.

    Seed fat:Having high stearic acid content, the fat is desirable for soap-making. The seed residueafter fat extraction is usable for cattle feed and soil enrichment.

    Bark:The bark possesses 16% to 20% tannin and has been employed for tanning hides. It yieldsa yellow dye, or, with turmeric and lime, a bright rose-pink.

    Gum:A somewhat resinous, red-brown gum from the trunk is used for mending crockery in

    tropical Africa. In India, it is sold as a substitute for gum arabic.

    Medicinal Uses:Dried mango flowers, containing 15% tannin, serve as astringents in cases ofdiarrhea, chronic dysentery, catarrh of the bladder and chronic urethritis resulting from

    gonorrhea. The bark contains mangiferine and is astringent and employed against rheumatism

    and diphtheria in India. The resinous gum from the trunk is applied on cracks in the skin of thefeet and on scabies, and is believed helpful in cases of syphilis.

    Mango kernel decoction and powder (not tannin-free) are used as vermifuges and as astringents

    in diarrhea, hemorrhages and bleeding hemorrhoids. The fat is administered in cases ofstomatitis. Extracts of unripe fruits and of bark, stems and leaves have shown antibiotic activity.

    In some of the islands of the Caribbean, the leaf decoction is taken as a remedy for diarrhea,

    fever, chest complaints, diabetes, hypertension and other ills. A combined decoction of mangoand other leaves is taken after childbirth."

    Mango is considered the undisputed and uncrowned king of all fruits. Mango is found all over

    India and many regions of the world. Mango's taste is sweet and little sour and is verynourishing. Mango is mentioned in ancient scripts for its great nutritive value. Raw Mango is
  • 7/27/2019 mango tree info..


    sour and stringent ripe Mango is extremely tasty and nutritive. According to Hakeem Hashmi,

    reputed unani physician, a normal size Mango is more nourishing for the human body than butter

    or almonds. It strengthens and invigorates all the nerves tissues, muscles in the brain, heart andother parts of the body. It cleans the body of the filth within and is an ideal antidote for all toxic

    effects inside the body. Mango also provides sufficient resistance to fight any gems and

    afflictions. Every part of Mango tree root stems barks the blossoms; raw and ripe Mango andseeds all have curative and medicinal properties.

    Curative Properties of Mango:

    Taking Mango pulp mixed in milk or drinking milk after eating Mango imparts energy, strength

    and vigour to the body.

    Drinking Mango juice regularly in the evening eliminates physician weakness and improvesnervous system.

    Mental Weakness:Taking half cup sweet Mango juice with 25 grams curd and itsp. Ginger

    juice 2 or 3 times a day controls loose motions. Boil 20 grams powder of Mango bark in a litter

    of water and reduce it to 250 gram. Taking this decoction with 1 gram of black salt curesdiarrhoea.

    Dysentery:Taking half teaspoon of ground powder of Mango leaves dried in shade with water 2

    or 3 times a day stops dysentery.

    Teeth Problems:Using the powder of dried Mango seeds as tooth paste, strengthens the gums

    and helps in curing dental problems foul smell pyorrhoea.

    Beauty Aids:Taking Mango regularly makes the complexion fair and skin soft and shining.

    Gall and Kidney Stones:Taking 10 grams, finely ground powder of Mango leaves (dried inshade) with water (kept in a glass tumbler overnight) daily helps in breaking the stones and

    throwing them out.

    Diabetes:Taking Mango juice and Jamun juice in equal proportion is good in controllingdiabetes.

    Children's Eating Soil:Feeding the powder of dried kernel of Mango seeds with fresh watercures the habit of eating soil in kinds.

    Fever:Paste of Mango roots applied on palms and soles cures fever.
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    Fire Burns:Burnt ashes of Mango leaves, applied on the burnt parts give quick relief.

    Dry Cough:Roast a ripe Mango on hot sand in a pan. Sucking the juice of this Mangoeliminates all the bronchial congestion and gives relief in cough.

    Food Uses of Mango:

    Mangos should always be washed to remove any sap residue, before handling. Some seedlingmangos are so fibrous that they cannot be sliced; instead, they are massaged, the stem-end is cutoff, and the juice squeezed from the fruit into the mouth. Non-fibrous mangos may be cut in half

    to the stone, the two halves twisted in opposite directions to free the stone which is then

    removed, and the halves served for eating as appetizers or dessert. Or the two "cheeks" may be

    cut off, following the contour of the stone, for similar use; then the remaining side "fingers" offlesh are cut off for use in fruit cups, etc.

    Most people enjoy eating the residual flesh from the seed and this is done most neatly bypiercing the stem-end of the seed with the long central tine of a mango fork, commonly sold in

    Mexico, and holding the seed upright like a lollypop. Small mangos can be peeled and mounted

    on the fork and eaten in the same manner. If the fruit is slightly fibrous especially near the stone,it is best to peel and slice the flesh and serve it as dessert, in fruit salad, on dry cereal, or in

    gelatin or custards, or on ice cream. The ripe flesh may be spiced and preserved in jars. Surplus

    ripe mangos are peeled, sliced and canned in sirup, or made into jam, marmalade, jelly or nectar.

    The extracted pulpy juice of fibrous types is used for making mango halva and mango leather.Sometimes corn flour and tamarind seed jellose are mixed in. Mango juice may be spray-dried

    and powdered and used in infant and invalid foods, or reconstituted and drunk as a beverage. The

    dried juice, blended with wheat flour has been made into "cereal" flakes, A dehydrated mango

    custard powder has also been developed in India, especially for use in baby foods.

    Ripe mangos may be frozen whole or peeled, sliced and packed in sugar (1 part sugar to 10 parts

    mango by weight) and quick-frozen in moisture-proof containers. The diced flesh of ripe

    mangos, bathed in sweetened or unsweetened lime juice, to prevent discoloration, can be quick-

    frozen, as can sweetened ripe or green mango puree. Immature mangos are often blown down byspring winds. Half-ripe or green mangos are peeled and sliced as filling for pie, used for jelly, or

    made into sauce which, with added milk and egg whites, can be converted into mango sherbet.

    Green mangos are peeled, sliced, parboiled, then combined with sugar, salt, various spices and

    cooked, sometimes with raisins or other fruits, to make chutney; or they may be salted, sun-dried

    and kept for use in chutney and pickles. Thin slices, seasoned with turmeric, are dried, andsometimes powdered, and used to impart an acid flavor to chutneys, vegetables and soup. Green

    or ripe mangos may be used to make relish.

    In Thailand, green-skinned mangos of a class called "keo", with sweet, nearly fiberless flesh and

    very commonly grown and inexpensive on the market, are soaked whole for 15 days in saltedwater before peeling, slicing and serving with sugar.
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    Processing of mangos for export is of great importance in Hawaii in view of the restrictions on

    exporting the fresh fruits. Hawaiian technologists have developed methods for steam- and lye-

    peeling, also devices for removing peel from unpeeled fruits in the preparation of nectar. Choiceof suitable cultivars is an essential factor in processing mangos for different purposes.

    The Food Research Institute of the Canada Department of Agriculture has developed methods ofpreserving ripe or green mango slices by osmotic dehydration,

    The fresh kernel of the mango seed (stone) constitutes 13% of the weight of the fruit, 55% to

    65% of the weight of the stone. The kernel is a major by-product of the mango-processingindustry. In times of food scarcity in India, the kernels are roasted or boiled and eaten. After

    soaking to dispel the astringency (tannins), the kernels are dried and ground to flour which is

    mixed with wheat or rice flour to make bread and it is also used in puddings.

    The fat extracted from the kernel is white, solid like cocoa butter and tallow, edible, and has

    been proposed as a substitute for cocoa butter in chocolate.

    The peel constitutes 20% to 25% of the total weight of the fruit. Researchers in India have

    shown that the peel can be utilized as a source of pectin. Average yield on a dry-weight basis is


    Immature mango leaves are cooked and eaten in Indonesia and the Philippines.

    Health Benefits and Toxicity.:

    Revered not only for their exotic sweetness and juicy quality,mangoes are known for their many health blessings. They contain an enzyme similar to papain in

    papayas, a soothing digestive aid. These proteolytic enzymes that break down proteins areeffective meat tenderizers regularly used in tropical countries where mangoes are grown. The

    enzyme list continues with magneferin, katechol oxidase, and lactase that not only protect the

    mango from insects, but help humans by stimulating metabolism and purifying the intestinal

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    Studies have shown that foods containing phenolic compounds have powerful antioxidant,anticancer, and anticardiovascular abilities. Mangoes possess the phenols quercetin,

    isoquercitfin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid, and methylgallat.

    In India mangoes are used as blood builders. Because of their high iron content they aresuggested for treatment of anemia and are beneficial to women during pregnancy and

    menstruation. People who suffer from muscle cramps, stress, and heart problems can benefit

    from the high potassium and magnesium content that also helps those with acidosis.

    One lab test turned up rather startling results that raised mangoes to the "highest perch." Mango

    juice was poured into a test tube that contained viruses. Shortly, the viruses were destroyed.

    Cosmetic Uses:Mangifera Indica (Mango) Seed Butteris a material derived from Mango

    Seeds,it can remoisturizes and provides highly antioxidant actions, promotes skin regeneration

    and healing.


    The sap which exudes from the stalk close to the base of the fruit is somewhat milky at first,also yellowish-resinous. It becomes pale-yellow and translucent when dried. It contains

    mangiferen, resinous acid, mangiferic acid, and the resinol, mangiferol. It, like the sap of the

    trunk and branches and the skin of the unripe fruit, is a potent skin irritant, and capable ofblistering the skin of the normal individual. As with poison ivy, there is typically a delayed

    reaction. Hypersensitive persons may react with considerable swelling of the eyelids, the face,

    and other parts of the body. They may not be able to handle, peel, or eat mangos or any food

    containing mango flesh or juice. A good precaution is to use one knife to peel the mango, and aclean knife to slice the flesh to avoid contaminating the flesh with any of the resin in the peel.

    The leaves contain the glucoside, mangiferine. In India, cows were formerly fed mango leavesto obtain from their urine euxanthic acid which is rich yellow and has been used as a dye. Since

    continuous intake of the leaves may be fatal, the practice has been outlawed.

    When mango trees are in bloom, it is not uncommon for people to suffer itching around the

    eyes, facial swelling and respiratory difficulty, even though there is no airborne pollen. The few

    pollen grains are large and they tend to adhere to each other even in dry weather. The stigma is

    small and not designed to catch windborne pollen. The irritant is probably the vaporized essentialoil of the flowers which contains the sesquiterpene alcohol, mangiferol, and the ketone,


    Mango wood should never be used in fireplaces or for cooking fuel, as its smoke is highlyirritant.

    Safety and Acute Toxicity:Mangiferin
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    LD50-Lethal dose,50 percent kill.Intraperitoneal.Rodent-rat.365mg/kg.

    Toxic Effects: details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value.

    Reference:JPMSAE Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.(American Pharmaceutical Assoc.,2215Constitution Ave.,NW,Washington,DC 20037)V.50-1961-Volume(Issue)/page/year:


    LD50-Lethal dose,50 percent kill.Oral.Rodent-mouse.2300ug/kg.Toxic Effects: details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value.