Managing People in Nonprofit Organizations: Part II Thomas P. Holland, Ph.D. Institute for Nonprofit Organizations University of Georgia

Managing People in Nonprofit Organizations: Part II

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Managing People in Nonprofit Organizations: Part II. Thomas P. Holland, Ph.D. Institute for Nonprofit Organizations University of Georgia. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Managing People                        in Nonprofit Organizations:   Part II

Managing People in Nonprofit Organizations:

Part II

Thomas P. Holland, Ph.D.Institute for Nonprofit Organizations

University of Georgia

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Managing People includes

• Writing job descriptions• Preparing personnel

policies• Hiring• Delegating• Problem solving• Motivating

• Communicating• Managing meetings• Making presentations• Appraising

performance• Developing staff• Dealing with conflicts• Firing

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Defining a New Job Role

• Recognize need through problems in completing work assignments or

• Anticipate need when planning for new service or program

• Specify tasks and competencies through examination of current job roles and gaps

• Identify how new role fits with organizational structure, work flow

• Write job description• Estimate costs, including salary, benefits, taxes

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Writing Job Descriptions

• Define the tasks, functions, responsibilities expected of the position

• Specify to whom person reports• Identify the knowledge, skills, experience, and

qualifications needed to do the job• Describe the criteria and means for assessing

work performance • Set salary and benefits

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• Competencies are sets of behaviors that include skills, knowledge, abilities, and personal attributes that are critical to successful work accomplishment.

• Identifying competencies needed to accomplish organizational goals serves to – describe the ideal workforce – inform management decisions about feasible

objectives– guide employee behaviors and expectations– provide basis for job descriptions, hiring, and for

staff training and development– Identify work tasks that should be outsourced

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Personnel Policies

• Set forth the guidelines and rules governing behavior as a member of the organization, including– Classifications– Requirements– Prohibitions– Procedures, regulations

• Ensure consistency in personnel decisions• Minimize staff dissatisfaction, grievances

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Typical Components• 1. Job classifications• 2. Terms and conditions

of employment• 3. Affirmative action• 4. Recruitment procedures• 5. Compensation• 6. Benefits• 7 Work schedules• 8. Attendance and leaves• 9. Holiday schedules• 10. Leaves of absence• 11. Vacation time

• 12. Confidentiality• 13. Conflicts of interest• 14. Harassment & substance

abuse rules• 15. Safety regulations• 16. Performance reviews• 17. Staff development• 18. Termination• 19. Appeals, grievances• 20. Work products and files• 21. Forms for

– Time off– Expense reimbursement– Annual reviews

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Generating Applications

• Prepare job description• Decide if role is to be staff or volunteer• Advertise the position, starting internally• Provide sufficient information for reader to do self-

screening– Title and general responsibilities– Required skills, experience, education, limitations– Closing date for consideration– Identify application forms and supporting

documents required (ie. resume, recommendation letters, references)

– Contact information

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Screening Applications

• Examine applicant’s career objectives• Work history, jobs, dates, gaps• Competencies match those needed by organization?• On best candidates, gather and evaluate reference

letters• Get others’ views of applications• Select a few finalists for further investigation

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Interviewing Applicants

• Contact those on final list to set interview times, location, expectations

• Prepare interview questions and follow them consistently in every interview

• Questions must focus on performing the duties of the job, not about characteristics unrelated to job (ie. age, marital status, religion, handicapping conditions)

• Consider open-ended questions, such as– “Why do you thing your skills are appropriate for this position?” – “What was your biggest challenge in past job and how did you

handle it?”• Introduce them to others in organization• Ask about salary expectations and when person could begin


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• A systematic approach to providing monetary value to employees in exchange for work performed

• Forms– Base pay– Commissions– Overtime– Merit pay– Travel, meals, housing allowances– benefits

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Candidate Selection

• Get impressions of everyone who saw applicants, starting with interviewer(s)– Ask which they prefer and why– Ask about perceived gaps, problems

• Look for one with most positive recommendations• Take recommendation to final decision-maker• Inform finalist by telephone and letter

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Orienting Newcomer• Go over in greater detail the position, expectations,

limitations, policies and procedures, resources, questions

• Take to office and provide keys, supplies, important documents, and individual copy of personnel manual

• Tour facility and introduce staff, including executive, supervisor, mentor

• Invite group to meet for lunch, encourage other social interactions

• Schedule any needed training• Meet with person regularly to resolve questions

about position, performance expectations and reviews, common challenges

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Make use of Volunteers• Traditional “busy-work” not interesting or motivating

to most people• Begin with workforce needs and identify tasks at all

levels that may be done by volunteers• Must engage staff in planning• Follow similar steps of preparing job description,

recruitment, screening, orienting, training, supervising, firing

• Monitor performance and satisfactions, make adjustments to retain good volunteers

• Recognition and appreciation are essential for retention

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• Assign responsibility for accomplishing a goal or objective to a member of the staff

• Allow that person to formulate activities needed to accomplish assignment– Builds motivation– Increases competencies

• Risk of assuming “Why bother? I could do the work in much less time.”

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Steps of delegationGive whole tasks to individuals/ teamsSelect the right person/team for tasks, matching

skills and interests with tasksClearly specify results expected, not the methods for

accomplishing themMake sure recipient understands and agrees with

assignmentAgree on criteria for monitoring progress, times for

reporting & feedbackMaintain open lines of two-way communicationSet up means for addressing problems/ barriersEvaluate and reward successful performance

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Problem Solving • Problems inevitably arise when people try to work together• Impulse is to react in ways that have been used before• Satisficing: looking close to familiar solutions, selecting easiest

one (fewest demands) to apply• Instead, seek to understand why you and others think there is

a problem• Ask what do we see, where, how occurring, when, with

whom, why, own role in it?• Seek to frame the issue in ways different from past• Engage others in examining definitions and potential solutions• Set priorities in addressing components

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Further steps in problem-solving

• Examine potential causes for the problem; ask for views and advice from staff, peers, managers, outsiders

• Brainstorm to identify creative alternative approaches to solving it in long term, including asking others views, opinions

• Screen alternatives for feasibility, likelihood of long-term resolution, risks and benefits, potential consequences

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Staff Motivation• Motivating others starts with motivating yourself.

Enthusiasm is contagious. What energizes you?• Find out what motivates other individuals (ask, listen,

observe, recognize differences, honor them)• Note important distinction between satisfiers and hygiene

factors• Link assignments and rewards with individual motivations,

and keep fresh on this as work and people change over time• Align tasks with mission and goals of organizations, and help

others stay clear of those links. “Here’s why you and your skills are so essential for our success.”

• While positive relationships are important, make sure policies, assignments, and procedures are clear and fair to everyone

• Recognize and celebrate successes in variety of ways

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• Everyone should submit periodic progress reports to supervisors; each is crucial audience for other

• Hold regular meetings with staff to discuss progress on assignments, with individual/team summaries, open feedback

• Learn to listen actively; ask for clarification, check to see if you and others understand one another’s points

• Demonstrate practices of open communications, asking for and giving feedback

• Encourage staff to initiate discussions when tasks accomplished or barriers encountered

• Solicit views of ways to deal with barriers; invite others to help solve problems.

• Spread news of successes; show appreciation for others

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Managing Meetings I

• Meetings are costly in staff time, so must be productive• Decide specifically what should be accomplished with

meeting• Identify who should attend, based on purpose of meeting• Decide on meeting agenda and work plan (structure, format)• Make sure agenda engages participants early and actively.

What do you want them to do and why?• By each agenda item, indicate the type of action sought

(decision, vote, brainstorming, assignment) and time estimates for each item

• Conclude with brief evaluation of meeting

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Managing Meetings II

• Invite participants, providing clear statement of meeting purpose and expectations for participants

• Make sure that agenda and background materials are distributed to participants well in advance of meeting

• Open meeting with summary of purposes, making sure everyone understands expectations and goals

• Clarify ground rules (such as participate actively, stay focused on topic, maintain momentum, get to closure)

• Make sure someone takes notes and distributes them• Clarify own role in meeting; model the behavior you want

others to follow

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Managing Meetings III• Manage the time carefully, keep the process moving• Make sure that extraverts don’t crowd out the introverts by

calling on silent ones and reminding those who have spoken• Ask participants to help you keep track of time• If time gets out of hand, ask participants for input on

resolution• Do periodic checks on satisfaction, suggestions• Check your conclusions with group on conclusions and

delegated tasks• Leave 10-15 minutes at end for open evaluation• Try to end on time and on positive note

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Presentations• Identify the goals and purposes of your presentation, what

you want to accomplish with this audience• State clearly the top 2-3 things you want these listeners to

hear and take away.• Start presentation with brief overview of the purposes and

plan of the session, why topic is important for them.• Maintain positive tone, engagement with audience, use

humor when possible, give examples of key points• Make sure that handouts or slides address key points, use

consistent format. Check out computer in advance. DO NOT read slides or handouts.

• Maintain eye contact, talk a bit louder and slower than usual in conversations, stand still, use gestures, smile

• Invite questions and feedback.• Conclude with restatement of the major things you want

audience to take away.

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Performance AppraisalsProvide informal feedback on performance when first

noted in work. Don’t allow negative build-up.Design formal appraisal method based on job

description, assignments, and expectationsUse standardized forms, available to everyone in

advance (many are available on Internet)Include closed-ended ratings and space for commentsAnnounce schedule to everyone, then stick to itRemind individuals of scheduled reviewsInvite individuals to offer changes to job description

and to evaluation forms

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More on Performance Appraisals• Record accomplishments, exhibited strengths and limitations,

recommendations for improvement• Use observed behaviors of that employee, not hearsay or

rumor• Invite employee’s input, self-assessments, accomplishments,

needs for improvement• Provide honest, constructive feedback based on own

observations• Disagreements are acceptable; note them• Nothing should be surprising if you have given informal

feedback as work has proceeded• Allow employee to add own statement at end of form• Conclude with next steps for improving performance,

resources, and expectations for demonstrating change

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Many Ways of Staff Development

• On-the-job experience• Formal or informal learning• Apprenticeships, internships• Career counseling• Coaching, mentoring• Continuing education• Professional conferences• Job rotations, cross-training• Peer learning, feedback

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Forms of Learning for Individuals• Training: helping person learn specific knowledge or skills.• Coaching: guidance on mastering skills or solving interpersonal problems

(using, for example, 360 assessments, Johari’s window, Myers-Briggs, stress management techniques)

• Goal setting: helping people formulate goals and priorities for improving their own effectiveness

• Performance appraisal: modifying ways of assessing employee performance more carefully and using feedback to improve.

• Job descriptions: useful when job duties are ambiguous and expected results unclear.

• Cross-training: rotating individual to other positions in organization• Career planning: for individuals who have outgrown their roles and want

new skills and challenges.• Procedures manual: formalizing the approved methods for handing

common problems in work.• Process improvement: steps to improve the effectiveness of ways

people do their work and interact.

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Andragogy vs Pedagogy• Addresses current, real-

world problem• Person highly motivated to

solve current problem• Involves actual applying

new ideas and materials• Exchange ongoing feedback

about trial experiences• Self-directed, learner

centered• Based on competence and


• Addresses pre-formulated problems

• External motivations by rewards and penalties

• Involves applying ideas already provided

• Periodic feedback via tests • Learner is dependent on the

teacher• Based on power and control

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Requirements of Adult Learners

• Must be willing to grow, take risks, face new experiences

• Openness to ongoing feedback from trials of new ideas

• Trust instincts, engage in self-directed learning

• Requires high internal motivation to pursue growth, mastery of new skills, self-improvement

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Requirements of Supervisors

• Include learners in development planning to build engagement and ownership

• Schedule regular times to discuss progress and concerns

• Provide ongoing feedback and support• Maximize opportunities for feedback focused

on successful applications of new ideas

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How Supervisors Help Staff Learn

• Help person identify needed improvements in performance• Encourage person to see knowledge as contextual, created

together• Create partnership via learning contract• Foster atmosphere of trust, openness• Offer ideas about inquiry, critical thinking, making decisions,

personal choice, self-assessment• Recognize individual learning styles• Use job experiences as opportunities to learn• Promote learning networks, learning exchanges

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Roles of Coach and Mentor• Coaching focuses on a

specific job skill• Agenda set by supervisor• Short-term engagement• Provides specific feedback

to improve skill– Tell person how to do task– Watch as she tries– Give feedback to fine-tune– Person tries until she gets it


• Mentoring focuses on overall career development

• Agenda set by mentee• Long-term engagement• Provides more general, non-

directive interactions– Explore work issues together– Discuss options, possible

consequences– Offer suggestions, support,


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Styles of Learning

• People have different approaches to learning, such as– Visual, auditory, tactile– Reflective, experiential

• Explore the differences by searching the Internet for “learning style.”

• Make use of several of the questionnaires to identify your own style and to understand those of others.

• Identify the implications of these differences for the performance of work teams.

• Identify approaches to staff development activities that would take into account the differences among participants.

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Steps in formal, systematic staff development

• Assessing what knowledge, skills, abilities are needed by learners

• Designing the learning activities, including goals and objectives, methods for implementation, and criteria for evaluation

• Developing the training methods, materials, schedule, budget

• Implementing them• Evaluating whether goals and objectives have been

reached (and may address the quality of the training itself)

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Self vs Other Directed

• Self-directed development: learner decides about goals, what experiences are to be sought, and how to do so

• Other-directed: Supervisor responsible for setting goals, planning activities, applying criteria.

• Mixes are common.

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Planning for Staff Development• Determine goals, based on assessments, gaps in performance

or job requirements, participants’ interests• Identify competencies needed, set goals • Specify knowledge, skills needed to reach goals; formulate

each into learning objectives• Identify resources, activities, methods, and persons needed to

complete each objective• Formulate learning activities for learning styles of participants• Specify criteria and procedures for assessing completion of

each goal and objective• Set out the sequence steps for implementation, timetable• Identify the costs for each step; formulate into budget

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Times and Ways of Evaluation

• Before training: What evidence is there that identified methods will really result in participants’ mastery of needed knowledge and skills?

• During implementation (formative): monitor engagement; collect feedback from participants; use short tests

• After completion (summative): compare current skills with prior levels; supervisor observes work performance; use outside expert evaluators

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Handling Conflicts• Definition: when two or more values or perspectives

are contradictory in nature• May be internal (within self) or external (between

two or more people).• Conflicts are problems when they hamper

productivity, lower morale, cause inappropriate behaviors if poorly handled.

• Conflicts are useful when they– Raise important but unaddressed problems– Motivate people to attend to them– Help people learn how to recognize and benefit

from differences

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Things that provoke workplace conflicts

• Poor communications, employees surprised by new decisions, don’t understand reasons for decisions, come to distrust supervisors

• Alignment of resources doesn’t match work expectations, disagreement about who does what

• Personal differences, conflicting values and actions, dislike of aspects of others (that we don’t like in ourselves)

• Abuses of power, authoritarianism• Inconsistent or uninformed leadership, passing the buck,

repeated poor handling of an issue, managers don’t understand the jobs of subordinates.

• Organizational culture of blaming others for problems

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Ways People Deal with Conflicts

• Avoid or ignore it. May worsen conflict over time.• Accommodate: give in to others. May be useful when you

know you will have a better opportunity in the near future.• Compromise: mutual give-and-take when you want to get

beyond the issue• Collaborate: seek ways of working together for mutual goals

without trying to solve issue• Compete: Try to get your way, expressing strong convictions

about your position, seeking to persuade others. May include efforts to discredit opposition.

• Warfare: polarizing the conflict, using formal and informal power to undermine opposition and gain control of organizational resources.

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Conflict Managementin increasing order of difficulty

• Recognize that some differences are useful and always present

• Prevent initiation of conflicts by developing clear policies and culture of shared responsibility for solving problems

• Set limits on ways conflict may be expressed• Help individuals understand triggering factors and

alternative responses• Help individuals find different ways of coping with

consequences of conflicts• Resolve basic issues underlying the conflict

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Supervisory Actions to Minimize Conflicts

• Keep current on job descriptions, making sure that roles don’t conflict and no tasks fall into cracks

• Build positive relationships with staff, meet with them regularly, ask about accomplishments and challenges

• Get regular status reports, including needs and planned next steps

• Provide staff development opportunities on key aspects of work

• Develop procedures for handling challenges, drawing upon employees’ input

• Hold regular meetings to communicate status of projects, resources and challenges, new initiatives

• Foster culture of shared responsibility and mutual problem-solving

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Steps in Managing Conflicts• Know what you don’t like in yourself, and recognize that we

react negatively to those things in others.• Stop arguing, move to discussion between adults• Manage yourself in interactions. Speak calmly even if other

doesn’t. Maintain eye contact.• Move discussion in private room.• Allow person time to vent without reacting or interrupting. • Check to make sure you have heard their concerns correctly.

Ask clarifying questions as appropriate, making no judgments about responses.

• Clarify where/whether organizational policies touch on issue.

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Further Steps• Identify points where you agree and disagree.• Address the issues, not the person. Rule out personal attacks. • Keep focus on the mission and on the future, not the past• Listen carefully, respectfully• Seek mutual solutions. Ask “what could we do to fix this

problem?” If more complaints, go back to previous steps, then ask question again.

• If possible, identify at least one action that can be done by one or both of you.

• If not, ask for a cooling off period before meeting again. Could we “agree to disagree?”

• Seek advice from manager.• Consider inviting in mediator if appropriate.

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Firing• Should come only after several attempts to change

behavior, with documented feedback and warnings to employee and based on specific personnel policies

• Take time to talk with supervisors and managers about step, gathering ideas and suggestions

• Meet with employee promptly and speak clearly, constructively, avoiding blaming

• Document decision in letter to employee with copy to personnel file

• Restrict employee’s access to organizational files and resources

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Firing Specifics

See SHRM handout for overview Issues to consider:• Last paycheck—no statute in GA regarding

when to provide. • Last paycheck=last leverage– Suggest providing last paycheck when you receive

all company-owned property.

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Firing Specifics Cont’d• Vacation and other pay—no GA statute since

no requirement to provide– Pay per company policy, if any– If no policy, suggest following company precedent– If no precedent, suggest using vacation pay as

incentive—e.g. for not being disruptive as they leave the building.

• COBRA—GA has “mini-COBRA” statute– Companies with 2-19 employees must cover for

remainder of month plus offer COBRA for another 3 months

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Firing Specifics

Severance Pay• No requirement to provide but can be used as

an incentive similar to vacation pay

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“Immediate” Termination

Egregious policy violation or behavior• Suggest sending employee home for 3 days—

paid. Important “cooling-off” period.• Gives you time to– Investigate fully– Make an informed, rational decision– Plan termination meeting if needed

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Things to Remember

• Firing should not be a surprise• Do not humiliate or disrespect the employee• Do not debate the decision• Do not apologize for the decision• Tell the other employees that:– The employee is no longer with the organization– You will not be providing any details– They should not make any assumptions or

speculate about what happened

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Internet Use Policies• Consider adding to your employee handbook• The Internet is a double-edged sword– Can exponentially increase productivity

• Email, research, your organization’s Web presence

– Can exponentially increase goofing off• Surfing, social media, etc.

– Other dangers• Illegal downloads• Viruses and spyware, even if you’re “protected”• Unauthorized software that conflicts with authorized applications that

are critical to your operation • Video streaming and gaming that hogs bandwidth and makes the

entire network sluggish

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Further Resources

• www.managementhelp.org• www.mncn.org/infocentral.htm• www.rileyguide.com• http://hrweb.berkeley.edu/guide/conflict.htm• www.hg.org/employ.html• Search Internet for any of the topics on slide 3