Managing people and work remotely Leading practices during COVID-19

Managing people and work remotely - EY

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Managing people and work remotelyLeading practices during COVID-19

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Managing people and work remotelyPage 2

Enabling safe remote working environments for your people has been a critical shift for most organizations recently. Now, your people face a bigger shift — in behaviors and mindsets — to sustain business operations from home.

For most workforces, navigating processes, interactions and activities usually completed in person takes more than a new technology or additional meetings. While offering greater flexibility, work and life integration, and teaming, the remote working experience also can be isolating, silencing and confusing.

How you connect, enable and lead remote teams now sets the trajectory for your next success.

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Managing people and work remotelyPage 3

As workforces adjust to working remotely, focus on these four areas now to enable critical behaviors and mindsets that elevate the experience

The business needs to continue

and adapt.

People need to be enabled to focus and

work safely.

We want to matter.

We want to define and shape our work experience.

We want our voices to be heard.

Support | Purpose | Freedom | Achievement

Respect | Fearless advocacy | Authenticity

Safety | Happiness | Belonging

Support and focus

Listen and collaborate

Connect and personalize

Lead by example

An enduring desire for an extraordinary work experience in extraordinarily challenging times

Same business-centric demands, now with more people needs

A new imperative to make remote work productive and engaging for as long as it’s necessary

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Connect and personalize nowPeople want to matter

After you have safely moved your people to remote working, it is essential to help them navigate their new environment, while supporting shifts to new behaviors and mindsets. It starts by intentionally increasing connection and communications that focus on relating, empathizing and belonging.

Foster relationships Communicate clearly and often Relate and empathize

• Get close to your team with brief, weekly one-on-one check-ins

• Identify disconnected team members and make targeted introductions via conference call or virtual meeting

• Match individuals for one-on-one mentoring or work-from-home buddies

• Create small cross-functional teams with clear objectives aligned to priority business goals

• Schedule virtual moments, such as morning coffee with a colleague, a lunch catch-up or a team happy hour

• Create a single source of truth wherein all pertinent information is housed, such as a site or community page

• Focus targeted communications on discrete actions and behaviors that recipients should take

• Use links across multiple communications channels to direct people to informational updates from your single site

• Create consistency through repetition, such as a daily summary alert or biweekly all-hands webcast

• Use videos to connect or virtual meetings to humanize updates and requests

• Ask open-ended questions, starting first with your people’s well-being

• Use pauses and playback to increase reflection and confirm their understanding

• Avoid moving to solutions too quickly; instead, empathize, probe and validate for a better understanding

• Invite codevelopment of solutions and confirm the next actions to address opportunities and issues

• Reserve time for office hours and “open-door” sessions

Schedule and create the connections that previously

happened in person

Streamline and increase communications, with a focus on

relevant actions

Start all interactions with a focus on the person, their well-being

and needs

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Listen and collaborate nowPeople want their voices to be heard

Adjusting to remote operations necessitates the evaluation and optimization of key processes, policies and meetings. People need to be seen and heard as they navigate the new challenges of working from home. Active and passive listening approaches and tools, followed by timely responses and recognition, can mitigate risk, identify opportunities and increase virtual teaming across your business.

Sharpen meetings and facilitation Gather feedback constantly Responsively manage

• Reschedule existing meetings to accommodate new remote working environments and obligations of participants

• Set timed agendas to allow additional time per topic, in addition to an open dialogue

• Assign a virtual facilitator who has mastered the meeting technology, sets expectations and manages participation

• Build rapport by asking probing questions and through storytelling

• Use videoconferencing ifavailable, with a dedicated technical contact and backup plan in place for potential difficulties

• Use pulse survey or mobile communities to monitor sentiment and emerging issues

• Create a teamwide group chat for quick personal updates, check-ins and celebrations

• Conduct randomized check-ins with team members to identify emerging issues

• Routinely request feedback about processes to mitigate any sustained or new bottlenecks

• Set up a virtual ideas box using an online form or generic inbox so people can submit feedback and improvement ideas about working remotely

• Specifically identify in your communications when decisions or changes are the result of workforce input

• Regularly provide meaningful updates about outstanding decisions and programs

• Set multiple meaningful milestones — one full week of all virtual operations — for building moments of pride and momentum

• Use digital badges or mentions at the beginning of calls to recognize those who are role models of new ways of working

• Prepare communications and protocols for potential scenarios so you can act with speed as conditions change

Review all meeting times and agendas, designate a singular


Set up channels and meetings to gather ad hoc feedback formerly

received in person

Communicate decisions and changes readily for alignment

and transparency

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Managing people and work remotelyPage 6

Support and focus nowPeople want to define and shape their new work experience

Remote working removes many of the environmental systems and elements that help structure workdays — placing greater emphasis on setting the right expectations and behaviors with your workforce. Priorities and productivity should be redefined as team members try to successfully integrate and manage their personal responsibilities with the new demands of virtual work.

Clarify and prioritize work Structure productivity Support the whole person

• Review workload with team members, identifying essential tasks and their prioritization

• Regularly connect to review and revise prioritization, particularly following major business decisions or changes in environmental conditions

• Avoid the need to justify remote presenteeism, instead encourage quality essential work completion to meet deadlines

• Protect your files by sharing frequently with colleagues and uploading to sites

• Model and encourage others to set working hours that account for their most productive times and personal commitments while working from home

• Minimize distractions by creating separate spaces, practices and times for working remotely

• Update your calendar as often as possible

• Increase digital tool and app usage by letting organization “experts” regularly share tips and tricks in meetings

• Allocate time or resources to periodically check new ways of working to make certain work is delivered without creating any unintended issues

• Schedule and fully take breaksthroughout the day to refresh, get some activity and eat

• Encourage the use of freed-up time (e.g., from commute) for self-development and well-being

• Repeatedly remind people that their health and well-being are top priorities

• Expand coaching and feedback to include taking care of mental, physical and emotional states while working from home

• Support the integration of personal lives while working at home with virtual moments to introduce kids, partners and pets

Remove nonessential work and more actively set teams’ priorities

with them

Redefine remote productivity to focus on essentials, minimize

chaos and manage expectations

Repeatedly remind teams to take a step back, care for themselves

and protect their people

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Lead by example nowPeople want to retain humanity in remote work

Leaders serving as role models will have a greater impact on shifting mindsets and behaviors in remote work settings. In uncertain times, leaders should not avoid tough conversations from behind a screen, but visibly lead with authenticity and a focus on putting their people first.

Answer tough questions Authentically share Generate goodwill

• Courageously ask for the important questions on your people’s minds

• Conduct remote all-hands meetings or webcasts so leaders can directly respond to submitted and real-time questions

• Identify where you still may have questions and how you are making decisions

• Use video in meetings when possible and virtually connect

• Share personal stories and insights from your own remote working experience

• Use tools, apps and new ways of working to lead others

• Set aside unstructured virtual meeting times so teams can connect and share personal updates

• Proactively listen to identify personal needs that can be supported by the organization or your employee benefits program

• Encourage support among colleagues, including financial support for those most impacted

• Remember to recognize birthdays and work anniversaries through virtual celebrations and messages

• Send a note of kindness or recognition daily to surprise and delight a virtual team member

Use each connection to identify top concerns, address needs and share a collective path forward

Model behaviors using remote technologies and new ways of


Deliberately take action to show kindness and offer support to

colleagues virtually

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EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory

About EYEY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.

EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. Information about how EY collects and uses personal data and a description of the rights individuals have under data protection legislation are available via ey.com/privacy. For more information about our organization, please visit ey.com.

Ernst & Young LLP is a client-serving member firm ofErnst & Young Global Limited operating in the US.

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This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for specific advice.
