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Charmaine Lynden NP; Cindy Quinton MD, FRCPC; Sarah Rauth MD, FRCPC

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Faculty: Dr. MD, with the Mississauga Halton/Central West Regional Cancer Program: “Primary Care Oncology Day” Relationship with Commercial Interests: No affiliation (financial or otherwise) with a pharmaceutical, medical device or communications organization.

Faculty/Presenter Disclosure


Quinton and Rauth

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• Recognize potential and expected side effects of radiation and systemic therapy

• Learn to manage treatment related side effects • Discover available resources

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Case Study – Mrs. A

• 60 yo female• OBSP• Mammogram• Biopsy – DAU• Surgery – Lumpectomy

and Sentinel Lymph node• Pathology: pT2pN0M0• Receptor positive, HER 2


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Case Study

What would be an expected post-operative complication you would potentially see in your practice?

A. Seroma B. Cellulitis C. Hematoma D. All of the above

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Post-operative Complications

• SEROMA– Collection of fluid in potential

space– No intervention necessary

• CELLULITIS– Painful, warm, erythematous– Can have fever, chills and rigors– Treat:

• Pain control• Antibiotics (Keflex)• If no improvement in 48-72

hours involve surgeon

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Case Study

• Mrs. A presents to her family physician 2 weeks post-operatively complaining of a large swollen breast. It ispainful and tender to touch, however, she is afebrileand there are no erythematous changes to her skin.As her family physician you are concerned she hasdeveloped a post-operative seroma. What would beyour next steps?A. Observation and F/U in one week B. Ultrasound C. Contact surgeon

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• Radiotherapy Timing• Radiotherapy Dose

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Side Effects of Radiation Depends On

• The area of the body beingtreated

• The size of the treatmentarea

• The dose of radiotherapyprescribed

• The fractionation oftreatment

• The general health of thepatient

• Previous or concurrentchemotherapy or surgery

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Side Effects of Radiotherapy

• Skin reaction• Hair loss• Diarrhoea• Mucositis• Sterility• Frequency of passing urine• Fatigue• Anorexia• Psychological effects• Nausea and vomiting

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Radiotherapy Side-Effects Acute - Fatigue

• GENERAL FATIGUE– physical (marrow suppression)– Emotional– Combined effect with co-morbid conditions– Occurs in 80% of patients during treatment– Occurs in 30% of patients after treatment

• MANAGEMENT OF FATIGUE– Identify and treat any functional causes eg. anemia– Physical activity– CBT – coping– Chemical – psychostimulants, dexamethasone (last choice)

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Case Study

• Mrs. A returns to see her family physician 1 week aftercompleting her radiotherapy with a brisk skin reactionto her entire breast, with moist desquamation in theaxilla and inframammary fold.

• How would you manage this presentation?1. Observation2. Debridement3. Saline soak compresses4. Antibiotic ointment

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Radiotherapy Side-Effects Acute Skin

• RADIATION DERMATITIS– Erythema– Swelling– Discomfort– Desquamation (Moist/Dry)– Worst about 7 days after XRT– Complete resolution 20-30

days after xrt– (re-epithelialization)

• TREATMENT– Saline soaks– Glaxol base, Polysporin,

(flamazine)– Analgesia– Loose clothes

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Radiotherapy Side-Effects Late

• Hyperpigmentation, telengectasias of skin• Lymphedema• Fertility issues/sexual function• Second malignancy (younger than 60)• Chronic fatigue• Changes in bowel and bladder habit• Swallowing difficulties• Chronic nausea and vomiting• Increased shortness of breath

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Toxicities of Chemotherapy

• Nausea and Vomiting– Newer antiemetics – palonesetron, aprepitant

• Fatigue• “Chemo- fog”• Mucositis• Cardiac- ischemia, vasospasm, cardiomyopathy• Hand foot syndrome• Growth factor related pain• Taxane- related neuropathy, edema, pneumonitis• CCO SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES

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Case Study

Mrs. A starts on FEC- Docetaxel chemotherapy with a year of adjuvant Herceptin. What chemotherapy related side effects might Mrs. A experience?

A. Pain B. Vomiting C. Shortness of breath D. Fever


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Taxane induced pneumonitis

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Case Study – Mrs. A

After completing chemotherapy Mrs. A starts on her hormonal therapy with Anastrozole (Arimidex) an aromatase inhibitor. What are the expected side effects Mrs. A may experience?

A. Pain B. Hot flashes C. Dyspareunia D. Insomnia


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Toxicities of Targeted Agents

• Trastuzumab: reduction in LVEF, reversible

• Anti VEGF- agents: hypertension• Bevacizumab-perforation, proteinuria• Sunitinib- cardiac impairment, nephrotic syndrome, pancreatitis

• TDM-1: trastuzumab emtansine (DRUG-ANTIBODY CONJUGATE)• LVEF, myelosuppression, hepatotoxicity, neuropathy

• EGFR- inhibitors: erlotinib, gefitinib, panitumumab, cetuximab RASH – clindamycin lotion, hydrocortisone cream, oral clindamycin DIARRHOEA- immodium

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Selected adverse events (% of patients)

Vemurafenib, n=337 Dacarbazine, n=287 Adverse events All Grade 3 Grade ≥4 All Grade 3 Grade ≥4

Arthralgia 56 6 – 4 1 –

Rash 41 9 – 2 – –

Fatigue 46 3 – 35 2 –

Photosensitivity 41 4 – 5 – –

↑LFTs 26 10 1 6 2 –

Cutaneous SCC 19 19 – <1 <1 –

Keratoacanthoma 11 10 – <1 <1 –

Skin papilloma 28 <1 – <1 <1 –

Nausea 38 2 – 45 2 –

Neutropenia <1 – <1 12 6 3 Discontinuations due to AE: 7% vemurafenib; 2% dacarbazine

8 patients reported new primary melanomas in the vemurafenib group

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Ipilimumab irAEs Requiring Immediate Treatment

Immune-related adverse events that should be addressed


• Diarrhea, blood in stool, constipation, fever

• Headache, visual-field defects, fatigue/weakness, coma

• Muscle weakness

• Elevations in liver function tests (eg, AST, ALT,

total bilirubin) in the absence of clinical symptoms

ALT: alanine aminotransferase AST: aspartate aminotransferase GI: gastrointestinal irAE: immune-related adverse event

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• Liver function tests, thyroid function tests, and electrolytes should beevaluated at baseline and before each dose of ipilimumab

• Monitor patients for signs and symptoms indicative of immune-relatedadverse reactions including, but not limited to:

Monitoring and Laboratory Tests

• ↑ Transaminase and bilirubin levels• Eye pain and visual disturbances• Mental status changes• Sensory alterations• Hypotension• Paresthesia• Muscle weakness (unilateral or bilateral)• Headache• Fatigue

• ↑ Frequency of bowel movements• Diarrhea• Mucus or blood in stool with or without fever• Unusual bowel habits• Peritoneal signs• Abdominal pain• Ileus• Pruritus• Rash

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Combined Modality Treatment

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Concurrent Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy

• Provides more activity on tumour cells resulting in a greaterdegree of cell death

• Effectiveness of treatment is increased• Often used for locally advanced, un-resectable solid tumours or

neo-adjuvantly• Radiosensitizers – 5-FU or Xeloda, Cisplatinum

• Chemical or pharmacologic agent which increases radiationdamage to sensitive cells when given in combination withradiation

• Given to enhance damage to tumor cells while minimizingtoxicities to normal tissue

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Rationale for Using Combined Modalities

• Improve:o outcomeso overall survivalo loco-regional controlo quality of lifeo functional status

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Combined Modality Protocols At PRCC

• Stage III A/B NSCLC• Limited stage SCLC• GI

o Rectalo Gastrico Esophageal

• Pancreatic• Anal canal• Gynaecological (cervix only)

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Treatment Related Toxicities

• Toxicities can be increased with concurrent protocols• NCIC grading system• Most common

o Skin reactions (moist desquamation)o Nausea and vomittingo Esophagitiso Diarrheao Fatigue

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Skin Reactions

• Prevent or minimizeo Application of Cavilon No-Sting barrier twice/week at the

start of treatment• Treatment

o Comfort measureso Saline soak compresseso Loose fit clothingo Mild soapo Flamazineo opiods

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Radiation Dermatitis

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Radiation Dermatitis


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Radiation Esophagitis

• Usually occurs 2-3 weeks into radiation treatment• >50Gy and volume of esophagus receiving treatment• More common in concurrent

Chemotherapy and radiation(CCRT)

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Radiation Esophagitis

• A Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) analysis found thatconcurrent chemotherapy increases the risk of esophagitis 12 fold

• CCRT was significantly associated with a risk of Grade 3-5 esophagealtoxicity

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Clinical Manifestations

• Dysphagia• Odynophagia• Pain• Substernal discomfort• Esophageal fistula

o Wet cougho Empyema

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• Radiation Esophagitis Drinko (lydocaine, nystatin and fruit drink)

• Opiods• Diet modification

o Bland, soft or pureeo Smoothies

• Tracheo-esophageal fistula (TEF)o stent

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Radiation Proctitis

• Approximately 75% of patients who receive pelvicradiation >50Gy

• More common in concurrent protocols• Acute or chronic

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Radiation Proctitis

Pale mucosa and telangiectasis Ulceration, bleeding and fibrosis

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Radiation Proctitis

Acute • Begins 3rd week of

treatment and may lastseveral weeks followingtreatment

Chronic • Can occur months to year

following XRT• Impacts quality of life

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Clinical Manifestations

Acute • Diarrhea• Tenesmus• Mucous discharge• Abdominal and rectal pain• Bleeding (less common)

Chronic • Diarrhea• Mucous discharge• Fistula• Tenesmus• Pain• Urgency• Incontinence

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• Focused on symptom management• Steroidal enemas or suppositories• Pain medication• Imodium or Lomotil• Alter diet

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• Feel free to contact the Oncology health care team if youhave any questions or concerns regarding treatmentrelated side effects.

• Cancer Care Ontario - https://www.cancercare.on.ca/• PDQ –

o www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq