Making Technology Work for You Jane5e Toral h5p://www.ecommercephilippines.com h5p://www.bloggingfromhome.com h5p://www.digitalfilipino.com

Making Technology Work For You by Janette Toral

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Talk given at the 11th Regional Conference of Philippine Association of Secretaries Cebu Chapter (July 16, 2010) at Montebello Villa Hotel, Banilad, Cebu City. Topic outline focused on e-commerce, social networking, opportunities online, and trends to note of.

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Making  Technology  Work  for  You  

Jane5e  Toral  h5p://www.e-­‐commercephilippines.com  h5p://www.bloggingfromhome.com  


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•  IntroducDon  to  E-­‐Commerce  •  Building  benefits  through  social  network  •  OpportuniDes  in  the  world  wide  web  •  Trends  that  will  impact  your  future  

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What  is  E-­‐Commerce?  

•  E-­‐Commerce  is  the  exchange  of  informaDon  or  transacDons  using  any  form  of  electronic  communicaDon.  

•  Covers  both  commercial  and  non-­‐commercial  transacDons  (Republic  Act  8792,  The  E-­‐Commerce  Law)  

•  The  Internet  is  the  informaDon  highway  or  public  network  where  e-­‐commerce  and  various  forms  of  communicaDon  take  place.    

•  E-­‐commerce  that  takes  place  over  the  Internet  is  oUen  referred  to  as  Internet  Commerce.    

•  Mobile  Commerce  -­‐  transacDon  takes  place  in  mobile  devices  such  as  cellular  phone  and  personal  digital  assistant  (PDA).  

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Ways  to  accept  payment  

•  Cash  –  person  to  person  •  Bank  deposit  •  Remi5ance  service  

•  Credit  card  •  SMS  

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Social  Media  101  

•  Content  created  by  regular  Internet  users  for  each  other  using  publicly  accessible  technologies.  

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Social  networking  101  

•  TradiDonal  or  in-­‐person  acDviDes  done  online.  

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Types  of  Social  Media  sites  

•  Blogs  •  Microblogs  

–  Twi5er  •  Social  networks  

–  Facebook  –  MySpace  –  Friendster  –  LinkedIn  –  Plaxo  –  Ning  

•  Media  sharing  –  YouTube  –  Flickr  

•  Social  bookmarking  /  voDng  –  Digg  –  Delicious  –  StumbleUpon  

•  Review  •  Forums  •  Virtual  worlds  

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Social  influencers  

•  People  who  have  influence  on  their  peers  heavily  influenced  by  the  quality  and  volume  of  content  they  share  online  to  their  peers.  – Referent  influencers    – Expert  influencers    – PosiDonal  influencers  (peers)  

Source:  Social  Media  MarkeDng  for  Dummies  (Shiv  Singh)  

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Twi5er  stream  

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Internet  Search  emerges  as  the  top  online  acDvity.  

Ac#vi#es  showing  significant  increase  at  95%  confidence  levels  Base:  Past  month  Internet  users  aged  10+  across  Na#onal  Urban  Philippines    Source:  Yahoo!-­‐Nielsen  Net  Index  2010  

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What  people  Search  for  on  the  Net  

Base:  Past  month  Internet  users  aged  10+  across  Na#onal  Urban  Philippines  who  have  used  a  search  engine  in  the  past  month  Source:  Yahoo!-­‐Nielsen  Net  Index  2010  

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Do  you  know  what  people  say  about  you?  

Social  media  is  changing  the  rules  of  engagement  

Base:  Past  month  Internet  users  aged  10+  across  Na7onal  Urban  Philippines  Source:  Yahoo!-­‐Nielsen  Net  Index  2010  

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Building  Tribes  

•  Tell  a  story  – Who  are  you  upsebng?  –  Challenge  the  status  quo  

•  Connect  a  tribe  – Who  are  you  connecDng?  

•  Lead  a  movement  – Who  are  you  leading?  –  Establish  a  culture.  

•  Everyone  is  important.  

–  Being  a  leader  gives  you  charisma.  

•  Make  change  –  Commit  

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•  Rank  Higher  In  Google,  Yahoo,  Bing  •  Find  interested  buyers  by  hibng  the  right  market  •  Increase  conversion  rate  •  Increase  brand  awareness  •  Personalized  online  strategy    •  Viral  MarkeDng  /  CreaDng  a  buzz    •  Control  what  people  see  online  about  you  •  Engage  your  target  market  

Managing  your  internet  image  -­‐  Will  people  search  for  you?  -­‐  Will  people  write  and  talk  about  you?  -­‐  Will  people  share  informaDon  about  you?  -­‐  Will  people  contact  you?  

The  Needs  

Source:  SearchProfileIndex.com  by  4thMediaCorp.com  

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Thank  you!  

h5p://www.e-­‐commercephilippines.com  h5p://www.searchprofileindex.com