ILASFAA Annual Conference April 16-18, 2008 Make It Count Student Finance Training Department

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Make It Count. Student Finance Training Department. Objectives. Attitude Preparing for the call It’s show time! Communication Listening Phone Etiquette Angry Customer. Your attitude tells the world what you expect from life and you will receive exactly that. Attitude. Be positive - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

Make It Count

Student Finance Training Department

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

Objectives• Attitude

• Preparing for the call

• It’s show time!

• Communication

• Listening

• Phone Etiquette

• Angry Customer

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

Your attitude tells the world what you expect from life and you will

receive exactly that.

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

Attitude• Be positive

• Act like it’s your first time

• Don’t take it personally

• Brush bad experiences off

• Have fun and be yourself!

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008


What are some ways you can stay in

control of your attitude?

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

Attitude Temperature Check

1. Would I want to be serviced by me?

2. Did I make a difference or give resolution?

3. What could I do different on the next phone call?

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

Preparing for the call• Set-up your environment

• Remove distractions

• Be organized

• Do your homework before the call

• Temperature check

• Posture

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

It’s show time!Opening:

1. Don’t be generic, show your character

2. Get personal and find connection

3. Two way conversation

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

It’s show time!During the call:

1. Fact finding

2. Temperature checks

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

It’s show time!During- Fact Finding:

• Open-Ended Questions

• Closed-Ended Questions

• Probing Questions

• The Echo Question

• Leading Questions

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

Fact Finding Cont. • Open-Ended Questions Who, What, When, Why and How. Helps you gather more information and encourage a continued conversation.

• Closed-Ended Questions Simple statement of fact, Used to direct the conversation.

• Echo Questioning Using the last part of the students phrase in your sentence using voice inflection to convert it to a question.

• Leading Question Directing the conversation with suggestive nudges toward a desired answer.

• Probing QuestionsSpecific area of focus

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

Fact Finding ActivityAlways have questions prepared

to help gather as much information


1. Open-ended question

2. Closed-ended question

3. Probing question

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

It’s show time!


1. Set expectations

2. Restate and summarize

3. Action plan

4. End with a winning phrase

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

It’s show time!Temperature checks

• Does the student understand what I am saying?

• Am I clear and concise?

• Does the student understanding what is expected?

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

It’s show time!Set expectations

1. Let the student know what role you play and how you will help.

2. Set guidelines so they know what they must complete.

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

It’s show time!Restate and Summarize:

• Repeating information more than once will help the student remember things.

• Helps keep the conversation on track.

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

It’s show time!Action Plan:

1. Firm deadlines

2. Firm follow-up times/dates

3. Being firm at the start of your contact with the student removes any questions and builds credibility.

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Come up with a winning phrase to use

at the close of your conversation.

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008


• Be clear• Keep it simple• Watch your tone• Smile

• Be energetic • Be friendly• Have fun

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008


1. Acknowledge the student

2. Use words like “aha, hmm, yes.”

3. Pause at points during the call to get the students response.

4. Mixed messages create tension and distrust between you and the customer.

5. Active listening keeps tension, frustration and distrust at a lower level.

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

Phone Etiquette

• Greeting for customer service answering the phone:– Good (morning, afternoon).

This is _____ University.– My name is: (first name).– How may I help you?

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

Phone Etiquette: On Hold Lead with a benefit

statement. Ask permission. If Yes…Place caller on

hold—check back every 30

seconds. If No…Ask for their name,

number and convenient time

to call.

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

Phone Etiquette: Warm Transfer

Lead with a benefit statement. Give name, department and number of connecting party. Announce the transfer to the caller. If possible introduce the caller to the connecting party. Close with an upbeat phrase.

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

Phone Etiquette: Taking Message Use legible handwriting. Ask for name, company name and telephone number. Verify information. Ask caller for best time to call back. State that you will give message. Conclude call.

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

General Phone Etiquette

• When should you answer the phone and when should you let it go to voicemail?

• How quickly should you return voicemail messages?

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

Handling an Angry Customer

Emotions don’t solve problems—

facts do Allow the customer to talk Listen closely and take notes Interject with, “aha, hmm, yes.” Verify facts Show care and concern Know your threshold

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

Get angry yourself

Tell them to calm down

Defend yourself


Fail to acknowledge their anger

Never Do These Things with Venting Customers

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

Checklist Do I understood the situation? Do I understand how the customer feels and am I reacting

appropriately? Have I investigated the issue sufficiently to provide answers? Have I confirmed the problem/situation? Do I know enough to find a solution or do I need to escalate

things? Do I have clear accurate notes? Have I been positive all the way through?

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

The greatest opportunities and the highest rewards go to those who take it upon themselves to create value to Others.

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ILASFAA Annual ConferenceApril 16-18, 2008

Make It Count!