Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is… It’s NOT THE TOPIC. But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea. Finding the topic

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Page 1: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic
Page 2: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

Main Idea 101

Page 3: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

So, you want to know what main idea is…


But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.

Finding the topic sentence helps.

Page 4: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

Can you find the TOPIC in this paragraph?

Ladybugs are colorful beetles. Most ladybugs have red wings with black spots. Some ladybugs have orange or yellow wings. One ladybug even has black wings with red spots!

TOPIC = Ladybugs

MAIN IDEA = topic + details

= Ladybugs can be many different colors.

Page 5: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

Let’s review. MAIN IDEA is…


But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.

Finding the topic sentence helps.

Page 6: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic


Page 7: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

Which sentence has the main idea?

A.) Sometimes, an invitation will have the letters R.S.V.P. at the end. Next to these letters may be a telephone number. The letters R.S.V.P. mean “please answer”. They tell you that the person sending the invitation wants to know if you can come. The telephone number is the one to call with your answer.

Page 8: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

A.) Sometimes, an invitation will have the letters R.S.V.P. at the end. Next to these letters may be a telephone number. The letters R.S.V.P. mean “please answer”. They tell you that the person sending the invitation wants to know if you can come. The telephone number is the one to call with your answer.

Which sentence has the main idea?

Page 9: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

B.) The clouds were growing dark. Big drops of rain started falling. A cold wind blew across the flat land. Tom pulled on his mittens. He walked on, wrapping his coat around him. It wasn’t a good night to be outside.

Which sentence has the main idea?

Page 10: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

B.) The clouds were growing dark. Big drops of rain started falling. A cold wind blew across the flat land. Tom pulled on his mittens. He walked on, wrapping his coat around him. It wasn’t a good night to be outside.

Which sentence has the main idea?

Page 11: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

C.) Stand by an open window when the curtains are moving. You feel the wind blow through the window. The wind blows the curtains. It blows on you. You can catch the curtains and hold them still. You cannot catch the wind. You cannot touch the wind, but you can feel it.

Which sentence has the main idea?

Page 12: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

C.) Stand by an open window when the curtains are moving. You feel the wind blow through the window. The wind blows the curtains. It blows on you. You can catch the curtains and hold them still. You cannot catch the wind. You cannot touch the wind, but you can feel it.

Which sentence has the main idea?

Page 13: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

D.) Stephen and Gail found some paper and paint in Stephen’s room. They decided to paint a picture for their mother. They worked all morning. They left the picture to dry while they ate lunch. When they came back, they were very careful not to touch it.

Which sentence has the main idea?

Page 14: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

D.) Stephen and Gail found some paper and paint in Stephen’s room. They decided to paint a picture for their mother. They worked all morning. They left the picture to dry while they ate lunch. When they came back, they were very careful not to touch it.

Which sentence has the main idea?

Page 15: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

E.) Long, long ago, the earth was still soft. In the village, there was a girl who took care of the turkeys. From morning to night, she looked after the turkeys. She fed them. She gave them water. She took very good care of them. Because of this, she earned the nickname Turkey Girl.

Which sentence has the main idea?

Page 16: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

E.) Long, long ago, the earth was still soft. In the village, there was a girl who took care of the turkeys. From morning to night, she looked after the turkeys. She fed them. She gave them water. She took very good care of them. Because of this, she earned the nickname Turkey Girl.

Page 17: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

Are you ready to begin?

Page 18: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

On your paper, write down the sentence from the text that shows the main idea.

1.) While Billy and I were making pickles, we asked each other lots of questions. I think he’s interesting. He thinks about a lot of things, just like me. He wonders why his cat’s tongue is so scratchy. He wonders why some plants grow from seeds and some do not.

Page 19: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

On your paper, write down the sentence from the text that shows the main idea.

2.) The alarm rang, catching Lin’s attention. She uncovered her head, moaned, and looked at the clock. It was unwise to stay in bed much longer. She had to rejoin the workers at the barn today. They were going to repair the barn door. Lin jumped up, put on her clothes, and left the room. She hoped there would be no questions about her unmade bed.

Page 20: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

On your paper, write down the sentence from the text that shows the main idea.

3.) Long strands of corn silk sprout from the main stalk. The silk strands are tightly wrapped in green leaves called husks. At the end of each silk strand is a kernel. Inside the husk, the growing kernels make up an ear of corn.

Page 21: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

On your paper, write down the sentence from the text that shows the main idea.

4.) Today, corn is grown in many places. There are new kinds of corn. Some kinds do not need much water to grow. Other kinds grow quickly. There is corn that is good for people to eat. There is also corn that is good for animals. Now, there are better ways of planting and growing corn.

Page 22: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

On your paper, write down the sentence from the text that shows the main idea.

5.) Grandmother was about to give the signal for them all to pull at the turnip. Just then a bird flew down to help. “Now, all together!” cried Grandmother. They all pulled with all their might. They pulled and pulled and pulled.

Page 23: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

On your paper, write down the sentence from the text that shows the main idea.

6.) Each day, the three men worked hard. Each day, they pulled weeds. Each day, they carried pails of water to the field. Each night, the three men were tired from their day of hard work. They lay under the tree and fell asleep.

Page 24: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

On your paper, write down the sentence from the text that shows the main idea.

7.) Tracks are good clues for a nature detective. There are other clues, too. A nature detective learns to look, listen, and to smell. A detective can find clues in a backyard, in the woods, or in a city park.

Page 25: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

On your paper, write down the sentence from the text that shows the main idea.

8.) It was a hot night in the quiet village. Jackie was having a dream. In her dream, the whole town was going to a picnic down at the river. Jackie and her friends were going to ride their bikes to the river. It had rained the night before, so the river was full of water. Of course, the water was full of mud and dirt. But that was why it was called Big Muddy River.

Page 26: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

On your paper, write down the sentence from the text that shows the main idea.

9.) Jackie and Caroline couldn’t believe their eyes! They discovered the river was gone! The dirt was dry. The river bed was clean. It was as if the river had never been there.

Page 27: Main Idea 101 So, you want to know what main idea is…  It’s NOT THE TOPIC.  But, knowing the topic will lead you to the main idea.  Finding the topic

On your paper, write down the sentence from the text that shows the main idea.

10.)The next morning, Kumi carried Momo against her back. She walked along the short streets. She walked past the pearl farm and turned to climb up the hill. She walked beside the river, on and on. She came to the quiet, deep pool.