Finding Topic and Main Idea Introductory Lesson

Finding Topic and Main Idea

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Introductory Lesson. Finding Topic and Main Idea. What do these groups of things have in common? If you had to title each list, what would you call it?. Warm-Up. Title: Pencils Pens Crayons Markers. Title: Lion Tiger Leopard Panther. Title: Ring Necklace Earrings Bracelet. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Finding Topic  and Main Idea

Finding Topic and Main Idea

Introductory Lesson

Page 2: Finding Topic  and Main Idea

Warm-Up• What do these groups of things have in common?• If you had to title each list, what would you call it?









Page 3: Finding Topic  and Main Idea

Warm-Up• What do these groups of things have in common?• If you had to title each list, what would you call it?






ChickenGeckoPlatypusRat Snake



Page 4: Finding Topic  and Main Idea

Warm-Up• What do these groups of things have in common?• If you had to title each list, what would you call it?




January 1February 14July 4December 25




SaladsSkim MilkWhole WheatFresh Fruit

Page 5: Finding Topic  and Main Idea

Today’s Standards

LA. Determine the main idea or essential message in grade-level text through inferring, paraphrasing, summarizing, and identifying relevant details.

LA. Locate, use, and analyze specific information from organizational text

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Learning Objectives

Students will:• Learn how text is organized as topic, main idea, and

supporting details• Understand the difference between topic and main idea• Be able to identify the topic sentence in a paragraph• Distinguish the difference between a stated and an

implied main idea• Determine the main idea when it is implied, not stated

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What is the Topic?

Topic is what the text is generally about. It is the general subject of the text.


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What is the Main Idea?

Main idea is the most important idea in a paragraph or selected text.

It’s what the writer wants you to know about the topic.

How to Bake a Pie

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What are Supporting Details?

Supporting details help to explain each main idea.

A great pie begins with a tasty crust. Some pies have a graham cracker crust, while others have

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Topic, Main Idea, and Details

Topic: Clouds

Main Idea: You can use clouds to predict the weather.

Main Idea: Clouds are relaxing.Main Idea: Clouds are made of tiny particles of moisture.

Main Idea: Clouds affect mood.

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Topic, Main Idea, and Details

Topic: Clouds

Main Idea: You can use clouds to predict the weather.

Supporting Details: Fluffy cumulus clouds signal sunny weather.

Towering cumulonimbus clouds mean storms.

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Guided Practice

Dr. Jane Goodall is the world's leading authority on chimpanzees. Most of her life has been spent living with the chimpanzees of Gombe National Park in Tanzania. For 40 years she has observed and documented the chimps’ behavior. Before her work, no one knew that chimpanzees make tools and eat meat, just like humans. Goodall is still in Gombe today, continuing her research.

Page 13: Finding Topic  and Main Idea

What is the Topic? What is the paragraph generally about?

Dr. Jane Goodall is the world's leading authority on chimpanzees. Most of her life has been spent living with the chimpanzees of Gombe National Park in Tanzania. For 40 years she has observed and documented the chimps’ behavior. Before her work, no one knew that chimpanzees make tools and eat meat, just like humans. Goodall is still in Gombe today, continuing her research.

Page 14: Finding Topic  and Main Idea

Dr. Jane Goodall is the world’s leading authority on chimpanzees. Most of her life has been spent living with the chimpanzees of Gombe National Park in Tanzania. For 40 years she has observed and documented the chimps’ behavior. Before her work, no one knew that chimpanzees make tools and eat meat, just like humans. Goodall is still in Gombe today, continuing her research.

What is the Main Idea?What does the writer want you to know about this topic?

Page 15: Finding Topic  and Main Idea

Dr. Jane Goodall is the world's leading authority on chimpanzees. Most of her life has been spent living with the chimpanzees of Gombe National Park in Tanzania. For 40 years she has observed and documented the chimps’ behavior. Before her work, no one knew that chimpanzees make tools and eat meat, just like humans. Goodall is still in Gombe today, continuing her research.

Dr. Jane Goodall is the world's leading authority on chimpanzees. Most of her life has been spent living with the chimpanzees of Gombe National Park in Tanzania. For 40 years she has observed and documented the chimps’ behavior. Before her work, no one knew that chimpanzees make tools and eat meat, just like humans. Goodall is still in Gombe today, continuing her research.

Find the Supporting DetailsWhat details help to explain the main idea?

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Group Practice

Jeans have a long history, unlike most fashion fads which tend to disappear quickly. The fabric was developed in Europe in the 16th century. By the 18th century it was being produced in the United States. Jeans really caught on in the 1930’s when people wanted to imitate their favorite cowboy movie stars. In the 1950’s they became a symbol of teen rebellion. Today, people of all ages enjoy wearing jeans.Circle the topic. Underline the main idea.

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Group Practice

Different cultures have very different ideas about dating. Dating is usually a group event in Europe, where it’s not uncommon to have as many as 30 teens going to a movie together. In Japan and Korea, most teens spend their time studying. There, dating doesn’t usually begin until college. It is against the law to date in Iran. Teens are separated until they reach marrying age, when their parents introduce them to each other.Circle the topic. Underline the main idea.

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Group Practice

April Fools Day is a fun holiday where people play good-natured pranks on one another. A common joke in our home was filling the sugar bowl with salt. If you don’t mind spending a few dollars, you can buy whoopee cushions, disappearing ink, or other items made for joke-playing. Businesses even get into the spirit of April Fools. Burger King once unveiled a “left-handed whopper” on April Fools Day, and Taco Bell announced it had purchased the Liberty Bell and was renaming it the Taco Liberty Bell.Circle the topic. Underline the main idea.

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Finding the Main Idea

The main idea of a paragraph may be either implied or stated.

What is a STATED main idea?A writer usually states their main idea directly in a topic sentence.

What is an IMPLIED main idea?A writer may only suggest their main idea without directly saying it.

What is a TOPIC SENTENCE?A topic sentence states the main idea of the paragraph.

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Finding the Main Idea

Where will you find the topic sentence?


A. the first sentence in the paragraph.B. the last sentence in the paragraph.C. in the middle of the paragraph.

ANSWER: All of the above




All of the paragraphs we looked at included a topic sentence. Can you find it?

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Stated Main Idea

Jeans have a long history, unlike most fashion fads which tend to disappear quickly. The fabric was developed in Europe in the 16th century. By the 18th century it was being produced in the United States. Jeans really caught on in the 1930’s when people wanted to imitate their favorite cowboy movie stars. In the 1950’s they became a symbol of teen rebellion. Today, people of all ages enjoy wearing jeans.

Hint: The topic sentence is usually either the first or last sentence in the paragraph.

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Stated Main Idea

Different cultures have very different ideas about dating. Dating is usually a group event in Europe, where it’s not uncommon to have as many as 30 teens going to a movie together. In Japan and Korea, most teens spend their time studying. There, dating doesn’t usually begin until college. It is against the law to date in Iran. Teens are separated until they reach marrying age, when their parents introduce them to each other.

Hint: The topic sentence is usually either the first or last sentence in the paragraph.

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Stated Main Idea

April Fools Day is a fun holiday where people play good-natured pranks on one another. A common joke in our home was filling the sugar bowl with salt. If you don’t mind spending a few dollars, you can buy whoopee cushions, disappearing ink, or other items made for joke-playing. Businesses even get into the spirit of April Fools. Burger King once unveiled a “left-handed whopper” on April Fools Day, and Taco Bell announced it had purchased the Liberty Bell and was renaming it the Taco Liberty Bell.

Hint: The topic sentence is usually either the first or last sentence in the paragraph.

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Stated Main Idea

Circle the topic. Underline the main idea.

Most teens and young adults do not know what they want to do for the rest of their lives. It is a big decision. There are a number of things you can do to narrow your choices. For example you can take an interest test, attend a career fair, or research careers on your own. You might volunteer in the field that interests you or shadow (tag along with) someone already doing the job you are considering. These are just a few ideas that can help you in choosing a career.

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Americans love dining out. As a result, all kinds of restaurants have sprung up. McDonald’s is the king of what’s commonly known as the “fast food” restaurant. More than 31-thousand McDonald’s restaurants, with more than 1.5 million employees, serve more than 62 million customers every day! And, they are still growing, opening new restaurants at a rate of one a day in China alone. Chances are there’s one near you.

Stated Main Idea

Circle the topic. Underline the main idea.

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The United States calls its basic unit of currency the “dollar”. The money in Great Britain is called the “pound”. Korea uses the “won”. In Russia you spend “rubles”. Mexico and the Philipines use a “peso”. The country of Zaire calls its currency “Zaires”.

Implied Main Idea

What is the topic? Can you figure out the main idea?

Hints for Finding an IMPLIED MAIN IDEA:

• Identify the topic of the paragraph.

• Ask yourself, “What is the writer trying to say about this topic?”.

• Confirm your guess by reading each sentence again. Does each major detail support your main idea?

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The United States calls its basic unit of currency the “dollar”. The money in Great Britain is called the “pound”. Korea uses the “won”. In Russia you spend “rubles”. Mexico and the Philipines use a “peso”. The country of Zaire calls its currency “Zaires”.

Implied Main Idea

What is the topic? Can you figure out the main idea?


Money -or- Currency


Different countries have different names for their money/currency.

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Some sneakers have a tread that keeps boaters from slipping. Basketball shoes also grip the floor to help players make quick turns. Jogging shoes have arch supports and springy soles to cushion the impact of running. Some sneakers are built for looks alone.

Implied Main Idea

What is the topic? Can you figure out the main idea?

Hints for Finding an IMPLIED MAIN IDEA:

• Identify the topic of the paragraph.

• Ask yourself, “What is the writer trying to say about this topic?”.

• Confirm your guess by reading each sentence again. Does each major detail support your main idea?

Page 29: Finding Topic  and Main Idea

Some sneakers have a tread that keeps boaters from slipping. Basketball shoes also grip the floor to help players make quick turns. Jogging shoes have arch supports and springy soles to cushion the impact of running. Some sneakers are built for looks alone.

Implied Main Idea

What is the topic? Can you figure out the main idea?


Shoes or Types of Shoes


Sneakers are designed for different purposes.

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Exit Slip

Essential Question:What is a utopia? What is a dystopia? Which

applies to the community in The Giver?