Magnetic Resonance Imaging Ho Kyung Kim Pusan National University Introduction to Medical Engineering (Medical Imaging) Suetens 4 The Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology in 2003 Paul C. Lauterbur – the first NMR image in 1973 Peter Mansfield – the math theory for fast scanning & image reconstruction in 1974 MRI Measures a magnetic property of tissue Based on the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) NMR studies the behavior of atomic nuclei with spin angular momentum (J) and associated magnetic moment (μ) in an external magnetic field (B) NMR (i.e., the property of spin angular momentum) can be described by the quantum electrodynamics (= the special theory of relativity + the quantum mechanics) What happens when human tissue, which contains a huge quantity of particles, is placed in an external magnetic field? 2

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Ho Kyung Kim

Pusan National University

Introduction to Medical Engineering (Medical Imaging)

Suetens 4

• The Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology in 2003

– Paul C. Lauterbur – the first NMR image in 1973

– Peter Mansfield – the math theory for fast scanning & image reconstruction in 1974


– Measures a magnetic property of tissue

– Based on the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)

– NMR studies the behavior of atomic nuclei with spin angular momentum (JJJJ) and associated

magnetic moment (µµµµ) in an external magnetic field (BBBB)

– NMR (i.e., the property of spin angular momentum) can be described by the quantum

electrodynamics (= the special theory of relativity + the quantum mechanics)

• What happens when human tissue, which contains a huge quantity of particles, is placed in

an external magnetic field?


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• Classical mechanics (i.e., the laws of

Newton and Maxwell) can describe an

orbital angular momentum

• Quantum electrodynamics can only

describe a spin angular momentum

(shortly, spin) with an associated magnetic


– electrons, protons, neutrons

– net spin is the vector sum


Nucleus Spin �

































No spin, no NMR sensitivity

• � = ��– � = gyromagnetic ratio (constant)

Magnetic moment

• The interaction between � and � yields a

precession motion and a potential energy


��= � × γ�

• Solution:

– Transverse term: ��� � = ��� 0 !"#$�

– Longitudinal term: �% � = �% 0

– &' = �('

• The motion of � is a precession about the

z-axis with precession freq. &'

• In a rotating reference frame, the effective

� perceived by � is zero


) = � × � (torque = distance × force)


d�= )

= (0,0, (')

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Space quantization

• Potential energy

– . = −� · � = −�(' cos 4 = −�5(' cos 4

– Minimal if � || �

– Classical mechanics says that 5% ∈ [−5,+5]

• Quantum mechanics says that the outcome of a measurement of a physical variable is a

"multiple of a basic amount (quantum)," so-called quantization

– . = −:�ℏ(' with : = −<,−< + 1,… , < − 1, <

• ℏ = ℎ/2B

• < = spin quantum number

– e.g., proton (nucleus of H�� ) with < = 1/2

• .↑ = −�


• .↓ = +�


• Proton can occupy only two energy states!

– Spin-up state: �% � > 0

– Spin-down state: �% � < 0


• A proton in the state.↑ can switch to .↓ by

absorbing an energy:

– .↓ − .↑ = ℏ�('

• Resonance condition

– &GH = �(' = &', called the Larmor

(angular) frequency

• Depends on molecular structure

– e.g., If (' = 1 T, the Larmor freq. is

approximately 42.6 MHz for H��

– Radio-frequency (RF) waves suffice the

typical resonance condition

• MRI visualizes hydrogen-containing tissues

– muscles, brain, kidney, CSF, edema, fat,

bone marrow, etc.


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Dynamic equilibrium

• For IJ spins in a voxel, the net macroscopic magnetization vector in a voxel is given by

– K' = ∑ �"MN"O�

– More the spin-up states, more net polarization in the direction of �

– Larger �, larger K' & signal

– On average, the net transverse magnetization of P��= 0; hence K' = (0,0,P')

• Longitudinal P' cannot be measured

• Transvers P�� can be measured

• The net magnetization precession about the axis of �:


��= K' × γ�


Disturbing the dynamic equilibrium

• Apply RF wave (EM wave with the Larmor freq.) by sending AC current along the x and y


– Transverse component: (��� � = (� !"#$�

– Longitudinal term: (�% � = 0


��= K× γ(� + �� � )

• In the rotating reference frame, K precesses about �� (not �) with precession freq. &� =�(�


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• Flip angle:

– Q = R �(�dS�

'= �(�� = &��

– Any flip angle with an appropriate choice of (� & �

– Halving the up-time of the RF field requires 2× (� or 4× AC power!

• Increase temperature in tissue

– The 90° pulse

• K = (0,P', 0)

• K rotates clockwise in the transverse plane in the stationary reference frame

– The 180° or inverse pulse

• K = (0,0,−P')

• K rotates about –z axis; all the individual spins rotate in phase (phase coherence)

• Relaxation: return to dynamic equilibrium when the RF field is switched off


Spin-spin relaxation

• Causes dephasing process (i.e., disappearance of the transverse component of the net

magnetization vector)

– P�� � = P' sin Q !�/VW

– P' sin Q = the value of transverse component immediately after the RF pulse

– X� = the spin-spin relaxation time

• dependent considerably upon the tissue

• X� ≈ 100 ms for fat while X� ≈ 2000 ms for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)


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Spin-lattice relaxation

• Causes the longitudinal component of the net magnetization vector to increase from

P' cos Q (the value of longitudinal component immediately after the RF pulse)

– P% � = P' cos Q !�/VZ +P'(1 − !�/VZ)

– X� = the spin-lattice relaxation time

• dependent considerably upon the tissue type & proportional to �

• X� ≈ 200 ms for fat while X� ≈ 3000 ms for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) at 1.5 T

• for the same tissue, always X� > X�




The RF pulse creates a net

transverse magnetization due to

energy absorption and phase

coherence. After the RF pulse, two

distinct relaxation phenomena

ensure that the dynamic (thermal)

equilibrium is reached again.

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Inversion recovery (IR)

• For an inversion pulse, the longitudinal

magnetization becomes "null" after the

inversion time (TI)

– TI = 70% of X�

• Proper choice of TI can suppress the signal

of particular tissue type

– STIR (short TI inversion recovery)

• suppression of fatty tissue

• short TI

– FLAIR (fluid attenuated inversion recovery)

• suppression of fluid (e.g., CSF)

• long TI


Signal detection

• P�� in each voxel rotates clockwise at the precession freq. in the stationary reference

frame and induces an AC current in an antenna (coil)


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• For Q = 90°– Detected signal in the stationary reference frame

• ] � = ]� � + ^]� � = P' !�/VW !"#$�

– Detected signal in the rotating reference frame

• ] � = P' !�/VW

• If the experiment is repeated after a repetition time TR,

– P% TR = P'(1 − !ab/VZ)

• After a new excitation with a 90° pulse,

– ] � = P'(1 − !ab/VZ) !�/VW

• Tissue-dependent parameters: the amount of spins, X�, X�• System- or operator-dependent parameters: (', TR, �


Slice or volume selection

• Superimposing a linear magnetic field gradient along the c-axis onto the main �:

– d = e� , e� , e% = 0,0,fghf%

in dimension of millitesla/meter

• 1000× smaller than �

– Larmor frequency: & c = �((' + e%c)


• Thickness of the selected slice or slab (volume)

– ∆c =∆#




• RF pulse bandwidth BW = ∆& = �e%∆c

• Table motion is not required for the slice selection!

• Limitations for very thin ∆c– e% < 50–80 mT/m for safety

– Difficulty in the realization of a very small BW

– Small SNR in a thin slice (due to few spins)

– ∆c (FWHM) = 2 mm or 1 mm for 1.5 T or 3 T

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Position encoding

• After a 90° pulse, the transverse component of the net magnetization stands still:

– P�� o, p, � = P'(o, p)(1 − !ab/VZ) !�/VW

• If e� is applied, P�� rotates with a temporal freq. &(o) = �e�o


• For � ≥ TE (i.e., moment of the measurement):

– P�� o, p, � = P'(o, p)(1 − !ab/VZ) !�/VW !"�js(�!at)

• Receiver measures a signal from the excited spins in the whole op plane:

– ] � = ∬ v o, p (1 − !ab/VZ) !�/VW !"�js(�!at)dodpw


• v o, p = net magnetization density in (o, p) at time � = 0 ∝ the spin or proton density

• ](�) describes a trajectory in the Fourier domain of the image y(o, p) to be reconstructed:

– ] � = ℱ y(o, p) = {(|� , 0)

• |� =�

��e�(� − TE)

• y o, p = v o, p (1 − !ab/VZ) !at/VW, the weighted spin density

• Similarly, nonzero p (thus, |�) component signal can be reconstructed by applying a

gradient in the p-direction


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• For 3D functions

– Angular frequency: &(}, �) = �d � · }(�)

– Measured signal: ] � = ∭ v o, p, c (1 − !ab/VZ) !�/VW !"� R d � ·}(�)���$ dodpdc



• The �-theorem states that the time signal ](�) is equivalent to the Fourier transform of the

image y(o, p, c) to be reconstructed:

– ] � = ℱ y(o, p, c) = {(|� , |�, |%)

• �(�) =�

��R d S �S�


• y o, p, c = v o, p, c (1 − !ab/VZ) !at/VW, weighted spin or proton density distribution

– Weights

» (1 − !ab/VZ) = the growth of longitudinal component

» !at/VW = the decay of transverse component

» Short TR ⇒ X�-weighted images

» Long TE ⇒ X�-weighted images

» Long TR & short TE ⇒ v-weighted or proton density weighted images



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• Breakdown of phase coherence due to different spin vectors of individual magnetic

moments with different Larmor frequencies, hence resulting in a small and noisy signal in

the receiver

– Dephasing by spin-spin interactions (irreversible)

– Dephasing by magnetic field inhomogenieties (reversible)

– Dephasing by magnetic field gradients (reversible)


Undo dephsing of inhomogenieties

• Applying a 180° pulse at � = TE/2, thereby creating the spin-echo (SE) signal at � = TE


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Undo dephsing of gradients

• Applying another gradient with the same duration but with opposite polarity to make the

phase shift [Φ TE = R �d � · }(�)d�at

'] be zero, thereby creating the gradient-echo (GE)

signal at � = TE


Spin-echo pulse sequence

• 2D Fourier transform SE imaging is the mainstay of clinical MRI

• SE pulse sequence (to sample the �-space)

– Apply a slice selection gradient e% with a 90° & a 180° RF pulse

• To avoid dephasing of the first e%, use the longer second e% (the same effect of using the

negative first e%)

– Apply a phase-encoding gradient e� (= :��) with a temporal phase shift � p = �e�pX��, and

which results in |� =�


• Dephasing of e� implies position encoding

– Apply a frequency-encoding gradient e� to measure the signal ](�)

• To avoid dephasing of the e�, apply a compensating gradient before the 180° pulse

• Perform the inverse FT

• Note that the gradients encode by means of the angular frequency and initial phase of the

magnetization vector during measurements

– e� causes an initial phase shift dependent on p, � p

– e� yields an angular frequency & that depends on o


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Gradient-echo pulse sequence

• SE imaging requires long imaging times

• Primarily used for fast 2D & 3D acquisition of X�-weighted images

• Difference of the GE pulse sequence compared with the SE sequence

– Use a flip angle Q ≤ 90°

– No spin-echo because there is no 180° pulse

• Rephasing is done by means of gradient reversal only

• Signal characteristics are influence by X�∗


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3D imaging

• Further encode the z-position by a second phase-encoding gradient ladder I�%, hence

� p, c = �(:��pX�� + I�%cXJJ)


Chemical shift imaging

• The Larmor frequency slightly depends on the molecular structure the proton belong to

• This frequency difference is called the chemical shift: &J ≡ 2ByJ• Perform multiple imaging for different frequencies yJ ⇒ chemical shift imaging (CSI)

• Require two phase-encoding gradient ladders for e� & e� in 2D and three ladders for e�,

e�, & e% in 3D imaging

• Acquisition time for CSI is an order of magnitude larger than for regular imaging


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Acquisition time

• Acquisition time TA = # excitations × interval between two successive excitations

– TA�� = ���TR

• ��� = # in-plane phase-encoding steps

– TA�� = ����JJTR

• �JJ = # phase-encoding steps in the slab-selection direction

• e.g., X�-weighted 3D SE imaging with TR = 2000 ms

– TA�� = 256 32 2000 ≅ 4.6 hours!!!

• e.g., X�-weighted 3D GE imaging with TR = 40 ms

– TA�� = 256 32 40 ≅ 5.5 minutes (acceptable)


Very fast imaging sequences

• Multiple echoes per excitation & sampling within the same excitation

– TA�� =���ab


• ETL = the echo train length (i.e., # echoes per excitation)

– To reduce TA��:

① Decreasing TR (e.g., GE pulse sequences)

② Decreasing ��� (e.g., truncated & half-Fourier imaging)

③ Increasing ETL (> 1)

– Filtered version of signal �� |� , |� = � |� , |� �(|� , |�) due to the dephasing effect

» �(|� , |�) = the signal with ETL = 1 (without dephasing)

– Degrading the spatial resolution


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• Examples

– TurboSE & TurboGE

• e.g., TurboSE sequences for 256 × 256 X�-weighted brain imaging with 4 echos/expiation

– TA�� =���ab



�= 160 seconds

– Echo planar imaging (EPI)

• The fastest 2D imaging sequence without 180° pulses

• Typ. 128 × 128 image size & TA with 100 ms or lower

• Functional MRI

• Diffusion and perfusion imaging


Imaging of spin motions

Motion type Velocity range



CSF flow

Venous flow

Arterial flow

Stenotic flow

10 µm/s – 0.1 mm/s

0.1 mm/s – 1 mm/s

1 mm/s – 1 cm/s

1 cm/s – 10 cm/s

10 cm/s – 1 m/s

1 m/s – 10 m/s


• In practice, the spins move due to various

human body motion

• Motions in the human body (see the Table) can

be visualized by imaging spin motions

• Since moving spins experience a change in (,

the total phase shift and signal respectively

given by

– &(}, �) = R �d � · }(�)dS�

'spin position depends on time

– ] � = R v∗(}) !"   } ·¡Z � ¢£ } ·¡W � ¢⋯ !"}·¡$ � �}}

due to spin motion

• v∗(}) = v } (1 − !ab/VZ) !at/VW

• ¡¥ � ≡ R �d ��¦


', ¨ = 0,1,2, … the ¨th order gradient moment

• Motion-induced dephasing

– Smaller and noisier signal

– Position artifact (e.g., ghosting) if phase shift is small and coherent within a single voxel

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Magnetic resonance angiography

• Obtain hyperintense vessel signals for blood flowing at a constant velocity by rephasing the

motion-induced dephasing:

– ] � = R v∗(}) !"   } ·¡Z � ¢£ } ·¡W � ¢⋯ !"}·¡$ � �}}

• Time-of-flight (TOF) MRA

– GE-based sequences

– Enhance vascular contrast using the signal difference between the inflowing spins of the blood

and the stationary spins of the tissues


• Phase-contrast MRA

– Additional bipolar pulse and reversed bipolar pulse sequences

– Derive the blood velocity from a phase difference image of moving spins by subtracting the phase

images of the two subsequent acquisitions


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• Contrast-enhanced MRA

– 3D GE sequence with short TE & TR

– Use a contrast agent in the blood

• Paramagnetic, superparamagnetic, & ferromagnetic substances

– e.g., chelates of the rare earth metal gadolinium (superparamagnetic)

• Disturb the local magnetic field

• Decrease X�∗

– Hypointense for a X�∗-weighted sequence

– Hyperintense for a X�-weighted sequence



• Spin-echo EPI sequences (or pulsed gradient spin-echo, PGSE)

• Visualize molecular Brownian motion by emphasizing the

dephasing caused by random thermal motion of spins in a gradient


– � © = �' !ª�

• �' = signal when no diffusion

• © = ��«� ∆ −¬


• e = the gradient amplitude

• « = the on-time of each of the gradients

• ∆ = the time between the application of the two gradients

• ­ = the diffusion coefficient (mathematically, a tensor)

– Covariance matrix describing the displacement of the

Brownian random motion in each direction

• Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)

– Visualize both the principal (diffusion) direction and its anisotropy by

color coding the hue and brightness respectively


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• Blood perfusion of tissues refers to the activity of the capillary network, where exchanges

between blood and tissues are optimized

• Investigate perfusion by visualizing blood flow using a contrast agent such as gadolinium


• X� or X�∗ sensitive EPI sequences


Functional imaging

• Visualize the brain function using the dependence of brain tissue relaxation on the

oxygenation level in the blood

• BOLD (blood oxygenation-level dependent) effect

– Influences the MR signal

– Oxyhemoglobin

• Oxygen-rich hemoglobin in the arteries

• Diamagnetic

– Deoxyhemoglobin

• Oxygen-poor hemoglobin in the capillaries

• Paramagnetic (causing magnetic field inhomogenieties)


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• Signal for a SE sequence (with Q = 90°) is proportional to v(1 − !ab/VZ) !at/VW

• Parameters affecting the image contrast:

– Tissue-dependent parameters

• Relaxation times X� & X�• Spin or proton density v (actually net magnetization density)

– Technical parameters

• Repetition time TR

• Echo time TE


Type TR TE










• Signal for a GE sequence (with Q < 90°, e.g., FLASH sequence) is proportional to

v !at/VW∗ (�!®¯°±/²Z) �³´ µ

�!®¯°±/²Z ¶·� µ


• In the Fourier space


o p

Nyquist theorem ∆|� ≤1



FOV�∆|� ≤


2p̧ ¹�=



�-theorem ∆|� =�

2Be�∆� ∆|� =


Resultant restriction e�∆� ≤2B

�FOV���X�� ≤



• In the image space

– Note that "the PSF defines the highest

frequency |¸¹� available in the signal"

– |�,¸¹� ≤�



– |�,¸¹� ≤�



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• I↑ − I↓ ≈ IJ�ℏg$�¼½V

= 3.3 × 10!�IJ

– IJ = I↑ + I↓– I↑ & I↓ = the number of spins with energy .↑ & .↓, respectively

– |g = Boltzmann's constant

– X = the absolute temp. of an object

• P ≈(ℏ�)WMNg$


– Typically quite small (vulnerable to noise!)

• e.g., 1-L water at X = 310 K & (' = 1 T ⇒ IJ ≈ 6.7 × 10�� & P ≈ 3 × 10!� J/T (very small


• Thermal noise in the patient and in the receiver part of the MR imaging system



• Due to 1) technical imperfections, 2) inaccurate assumptions about the data, & 3)

numerical approximations

– System failure, inappropriate shielding of the magnet room or interaction with unshielded

monitoring equipment

– Assumption that � is homogeneous (to avoid unnecessary dephasing, which causes signal loss

and geometric deformations)

• In real, inhomogeneous �⇒ inhomogeneous RF field ⇒ spatially varying Q⇒ low-

frequency signal intensity modulation (called the bias field)


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– Assumption that the data are independent of X�• If this fails (e.g., multiple echoes per excitation),

the spatial resolution decreases

– Assumption that tissues are stationary

• Motion yields dephasing artifact

– The magnetic susceptibility of tissues or foreign

particles & implants yields dephasing

– Truncation errors during digital image reconstruction

may produce visual artifacts

• Truncated FT yields ripples at high-contrast

boundaries (known as the Gibbs artifact or ringing


• Inadequate sampling yields aliasing, known as the

wrap-around artifact


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– Phase cancellation artifact

• Dephasing in voxels that contain both water and fat elements (due to the chemical shift

between water and fat)


– Chemical shift artifact

• Mutual spatial misregistration due to a phase difference between water and fat


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MRI systems


• Magnets

– Desirable with compact designs with higher field homogeneities

– Superconducting magnets

• Higher field strengths, higher SNR

– Permanent & resistive magnets

• Lower field strength (poor homogeneity), lower SNR


• Interventional MRI

– Open MR systems for MR-guided procedures (e.g.,

surgery or therapy)

– All surgical instruments must use MR-compatible


– RF radiation from electronic equipment must be

shielded from the RF of the MR system and vice


– Electrical leads with the RF field can produce hot

spot; hence causing skin burns (preferred to use

fiberoptic technology)

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• Gradient system

– Linearity for correct phase-encoding

– Maximum amplitude & its rise time for fast imaging

• RF system

– For sensitivity & in-plane homogeneity of signal detection


Clinical use

• Anatomical imaging

– All parts of the human body that contain hydrogen (e.g., soft tissue, cerebrospinal fluid, edema, …)


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– Better contrast (using a various v-, X�-, & X�-weighted images) between different soft tissues than

with CT


– Tissue characterization due to the availability of v-, X�-, & X�-weighted images


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– Imaging with contrast agents

• Gadolinium compounds (not captured by cells)

• Iron oxide (taken up by specific cells)


– Statistical image analysis


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– Perfusion imaging

• e.g., after brain tumor resection

to exclude tumor residue or


• e.g., after myocardial infarction

to assess tissue viability



– Diffusion imaging

• To investigate microscopically small

displacements of hydrogen-

containing fluid

Page 29: Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Pusan National Universitybml.pusan.ac.kr/LectureFrame/Lecture/Undergraduates/... · 2016. 9. 2. · Magnetic Resonance Imaging Ho Kyung Kim Pusan National