Edition 2013 Enjoy your new life Pregnant? How did you share the news? Which stroller suits you? Car safety, what do you need to know?

Magazine 2013

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New magazine 2013

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Edition 2013

Enjoyyournew life

Pregnant?How did you share the news?Which stroller suits you?Car safety,what do you need to know?

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Wish list: dear Gran & GrandadNews & TrendsYour first ride homeCreating a new styleWhich stroller suits you? Emma’s first ride homeEnjoy your stroller

Dad’s story: shopping bluesEnjoy your first months Breast, bottle or bothEnjoy feeding your babyWhat you need to know about car safetyEnjoy your car seatFor toddlers onlyAs your child grows

Bill, Emma & Olivia

Emily & Damian"Being 3 is the best thing ever!"

Amy & Karl

Anna"I hope I am going to be a great mum"

Peter & Chris

Belle & Peter


Eline Flora

Annabelle & Jules"I hope our daughter will be as cute as her mother"

Elisa, Lea & Jeanne



Laura & John"We hope to always be there for our child when he needs us"

Elly"I wish I could have Gisele’s

post-baby body!"

Clara & Paul

WelcomeFantastic news:

You’re expecting a baby! You have 9 months to prepare for the most

exciting event of your life.

Nine months. It can feel like a long time, yet so short. A state of grace, where people kindly consider your situation:

no standing in line and you gladly accept the seat offered to you on the bus. You are pregnant!

Clearly you will also have your doubts. You may have trouble dealing with your mood swings. And yes, the arrival of a baby means you need an entirely different daily routine. But don’t worry! Millions of parents have been there and are doing the

parenting thing - successfully.

In this magazine, real parents share their experiences and practical tips. You will find truly useful information, to help you

get ready for what’s to come in just 9 months.

Enjoy your new life. It starts now.

Pregnant! How did you share the news?


Page 3: Magazine 2013

Dear Gran and Grandad…Ever since you’ve heard that you were about to become grandparents, you haven’t stopped asking what you could buy us to help out. While surfing the web we came across a few ideas-the Bébé Confort wish list.

The safest car seats

Check the website for your favourite designs, then create your own wish list on bebeconfort.com/wishlist to share it with family and friends!

Top rated safety and one-click fitting. We only need a single FamilyFix base unit to fit the Pebble and Pearl car seats. This will give us a total of 4 years of Isofix safety and ease of use. We like that!


wish list

Being pregnant is a big thing and announcing the news to your family and friendsevokes happy, surprised and touching emotions. How did you share the big news?

Pregnant! How did you share the news?

Peter & Chris

Emily & Damian

"I told him in January, we’ll be three."Florence & Nicolas

"It was at the restaurant, when I gave him a tiny little baby shoe."Emily & Damian

" We spoke about it during Thanksgiving, all the family was here, and we found it perfect to announce the big news before enjoying a good meal."Jacqueline & Baptiste

" I just showed him the pregnancy test results."Sonia & Michael

"After 4 pregnancy tests in four days, we were convinced that we were pregnant."Fanny & Cyril

"I told my love I had something itchy on my belly and asked if he could take a look. When he pulled up my T-shirt, he saw written on it ‘Hello dad! See ya on 14th of August"Annabelle & Jules

"We announced it to our friends and family into the fourth month, when it became impossible to hide."Sabrina & Jorge

Annabelle & Jules



Nursery bag Footmuff Elea strollerDoesn’t this bag look great when we – or you - go out with baby? It has lots of space, a removable changing mat, 2 isotherm bottle holders and a zipped pocket to keep soothers clean. And extra space for our own stuff!

This footmuff will keep our baby snug and warm and comes a range of colours to match the car seat and stroller. Other accessory ideas? A summer cover, rain cover, parasol… the list goes on.

This stroller looks so comfy and switches easily so baby faces towards us or away from us. It also has a regular and a super compact fold, so it fits in our car without any problem.

your story

Pebble FamilyFix basePearl


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First convertible Isofix seat


More than just a convertible 2-in-1 seat from birth to 4 years, the MiloFix is an Isofix seat that is first used rearward-facing, then turns forward-facing. Isofix means top safety and easy one-click installation without seat belts. Perfect for parents on the go!

Keep your baby close while enjoyingfreedom of movement. The Physical Cocoon design of the Easia baby carrier emulates the natural fœtal position to ensure baby’s absolute comfort. The Dorsal Support System transfers baby’s weight to your hips, relieving the pressure on your shoulders. Your baby feels twice as light to carry!

The bottle of happiness


The natural way to carry your newborn in style


MiloFix NaturalComfort


What a nightmare to find the right bottle? With Natural Comfort, no more troubles, baby will accept it whatever your feeding choice (breast or bottle). In addition, the bottle is eco-designed so less impact on the environment.

The useful tips:When carrying your baby, always keep an upright posture with your shoulders back and your head straight. This will help prevent back ache!

new product stories & quotes

We at Bébé Confort are inspired to innovate through technology and trends. But more importantly, we are inspired by your lifestyle. What do you need to make your life with your child easy and enjoyable? Take a look at these (new product) suggestions to start your new life.

News & TrendsTaking your newborn baby home from hospital is a moment to remember: your first trip as a family. What was it like for you?

Your first ride home

Bringing our baby back home wasn’t stressful at all, we were ready.

When my partner was done with the few trips between the hospital and our home with the various luggage and gifts, the three of us stepped outside and we felt like it was the start of a new life. The weather was great. We were so proud just going around the neighborhood as a family. We had chosen a Bébé Confort car seat for the first few months, I found it more comfortable for the baby, and for our first car trip it was very easy to set up, I have to admit we had done some serious practicing beforehand."Jean & Joyce

I was so happy! Becoming a parent it’s the start of a new life! I knew how to use the stroller.

The Bébé Confort Elea is very easy to use, especially since my  sister already had the same model."Paul & Prune

It felt almost surreal to bring our baby back home, we were so excited after all that time

spent doing and undoing the infant car seat, making sure we’d be ready for D-day. This time there was really someone in that seat, our baby looked so small in it, it’s at that moment we fully realized we were parents."Matt & Jenny





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stylestyling fashion car seatstyling fashion

Every year, the Bébé Confort stylists create a new collection, taking in the latest trends in colours and fabrics. What are the actual and developing trends, what is suitable for babies, are there any new textile technologies that are child- and environmentally friendly? Our styling experts share their secrets on creating the perfect collection for your baby.

Global inspiration"To create a new style – one that appeals to customers - we start by immersing ourselves in the latest trends,” says Constance Gerris, styling consultant. “We survey and investigate trends in design, in fashion, art, architecture, and more. Books, magazines, webinars and blogs are all source material. We also sharpen our understanding with analysis from full-time trend forecasters and, of course, with looking what are the best-selling colors today. You must saturate yourself with all this input. This and our experience make us trust our feelings and choose a selection of thosetrends that apply most to the customer of Bébé Confort."

Bébé Confort closer to nature"The new Pop Violet collection is inspired by a trend which is increasingly important for new Mums and Dads,” explains Marlies Snels, Lead Stylist. “Parents realize it’s relevant to retain the valuable natural resources and the beauty of nature for the next generation and after. Impressive rock formations, the endless colour Monique Borsboom and Marlies Snels:

"We were inspired by an ongoing trend that is emotionally relevant to young parents."

This is how Pop Violet looks like at the Elea

The Windoo Plus in Pop Violet

The Créatis.fix in Pop Violet

variations found in forests and meadows inspired us to create the colours and shimmering designs of the Pop Violet collection.”

“We need to be creative, but we also need to closely monitor the quality of the fabrics”, Monique Borsboom stresses. “The fabric needs to be comfortable and safe for children and be a perfect fit. A car seat cover should retain that perfect fit after you’ve cleaned it. And if there’s a way to produce the fabrics in an environmentally friendly way, we are only too happy to pursue this option! "


Creating a new style

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Loola Streety Plus

From pram to pushchair, from city to countryside: your little explorer will enjoy the all-day comfort and lie-flat option of the Bébé Confort Elea. Choose from two unique folding options: compact for daily use or ultra-compact storage fold.

Easy maneuvering that’s what the Loola is about. Perfect for city life or when you take public transport a lot. It folds up quick and simple, the ergonomic handles can be adjusted to several positions, giving a more relaxed ride.

Featuring a fresh design, dreamlike steering and fast fold, the versatile Streety Plus stroller makes going out with baby a breeze.


Your stroller fits your lifestyleDid you know that in baby’s first year, you will walk a total of around 1,000 kilometers? So it’s important you choose a good quality stroller that will not let you down. Also take into consideration how you use your stroller: in or outside the city, do you travel by car or use public transport? What is your housing situation? When you live in an apartment building without a lift, it makes more sense to go for a lightweight and compact stroller.

How do you use the stroller?Strollers with suspension and large wheels are great for off road walks. Urban life is best taken on in a (compact) stroller with smaller swivel wheels to maneuver around the crowds. A good stroller will have swivel wheels that you can lock.

If you’re a frequent user of public transport, you’ll need to lift and (un)fold the stroller very often. A compact, lightweight stroller or buggy is your best choice. One that folds quickly to a selfstanding unit, to store out of the way on the bus. If traveling by car often, make sure the stroller folds flat and the wheels can be removed easily to create extra space in the car.

Make it easy on yourselfThe stroller is an item you’ll use every day, so choose one that’s most practical for you. Is it easy to steer?

Is the pushbar adjustable in height to fit you and your partner?

For your child’s comfy afternoon nap, check if the stroller has a soft padded seat and a fully-flat recline A good stroller will enable you to switch the seat within seconds, so that your child can face you or away from you.

Which accessories do you need?A sun canopy, rain cover, baby seat adapter, footmuff and carrycot are the essential accessories for your stroller.


Which stroller suits you?

You’re looking forward to it already: the long and leisurely walks with your baby. To go out for some fresh air and coffee with your best friend; see the world through the eyes of your child, who’s curious about his surroundings. For all these wonderful plans, you need a stroller that best suits you. But which one should you choose? Here are some tips.

On the next page we have high-lighted some of our top selling strollers.

How tall are you and your partner?If there is a big difference in height between you and your partner, you are going to need a stroller with adjustable handle bar height.

What accessories are available?After considering what you need (and want) and listing all the requirements you have, it may be difficult to find the exact stroller that is completely perfect. That’s where accessories come in. Obviously there will be parasols and rain covers, but what about bumper bars and nappy bags?

Tip:Looking for matching accessories like a footmuff? Get the accesso-ries when choosing your stroller. You adon’t have to wait on that matching accessory to be back in stock when it’s cold out and you need it immediately.

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I never expected it to be such a moving experience. But for me, the car trip home from the hospital was an unforgettable emotional rollercoaster. And although it was more than three years ago, I can remember it as if it was yesterday.

As we walked to the car, the nurses waved and it seemed as though we were still under their expert guidance. Everything was right in the world. We had a beautiful little girl. I was taking her home. And my husband was by my side. But the instant I closed the car door, it struck me like lightning: “Wow, I’m taking this tiny human home with me. I’m responsible now. Responsible for feeding her, changing her nappy, bathing her, dressing her… But I’ve had no training! No one has even asked if I am capable. Yet I’m totally responsible!” The clunk of the car door shutting seemed to have disconnected me with the hospital, and I was overwhelmed with a totally unexpected feeling of being alone. Fortunately, my husband Bill was, as always, perfectly at ease with everything. And as we pulled out of the car park, Bill turned and smiled at me, he put his hand on my knee and said: “It’s just you, me and Emma now.” “Exactly!” my brain screamed. “It is just us. And you’ve had no training either! What are we doing?” “Get a grip!” I tell myself. “This is so unlike you. Everything is going to be OK. And how hard can it be anyway? You don’t need training. Everything will come naturally.” I go over all the self-reassuring arguments that I have

thought-up over the past months. I remind myself that I’m probably better prepared than most other first-time mothers. I’ve read all the books. I’ve seen the DVDs. It’s not so hard. Slowly, confidence returns.

I pick-up Bill’s phone. There are already plenty of photos of Emma on there. I flip through. Mostly, she’s sleeping and sometimes crying. But always beautiful. A warm glow of satisfaction and pride builds up inside. Flipping through the phone photos there’s a close-up of Emma’s hand clutching Bill’s finger. Such a tiny, little hand. “What if it gets trapped in something? What if I didn’t secure her properly in the baby seat and one of the buckles is loose and she inserts a finger in it and it gets jammed and… What-the-heck am I thinking? I’ve never been hysterical in my life,” I tell myself. “Get a grip.”

I ask Bill to stop the car so I can sit next to Emma in the back. Her face is that of a pure angel. I can’t stop staring at her. Just looking at her makes me feel happy. I’m no longer thinking about anything – just looking.

She was asleep the whole time during that trip back home. I, on the other hand, had experienced my first ever (and until now only) mild anxiety attack. But after talking to other first-time mothers, it’s not uncommon to feel a range of emotions when you take your first born home in the car. So be prepared, and if it happens to you, just get in the rear seat and stare.

Emma’s first ride homeTaking your newborn baby home from hospital is a moment to remember: your first trip as a family. What was it like for you?

Bill, Emma & Olivia

your story

LoolaEleaEven more comfort from baby to toddler thanks to its rigid outer shell with spacious padded seat.Your little explorer will enjoy the all-day comfort and lie-flat option of the stylish Elea. Perfect to go shopping thanks to the large shopping basket and great suspension.

Compact, quick folding/unfoldingThe Loola is designed to fold to a compact size for easy, convenient and discrete storage. When out exploring, it offers the flexibility for infants to face their parents or the world.

High TrekAll-terrain pushchair with its adjustable suspension, air tyres and its collision absorber.Whether tackling the road less travelled or negotiating bumpy streets, the High Trek rides over everything with ease.

Enjoy your stroller

StreetyPlus TrioOne-handed fold and unfold system.The Streety Plus Trio can handle every situation because it’s a complete travel system with every-thing you need for a safe and comfortable ride, whether it’s in the car or in public transport.

MilaLightest ‘from birth’ buggy.The Mila is uniquely designed to be used with a Bébé Confort baby car seat. For older babies (from 6 months) easily switch to the Mila seat unit, which adjusts to a fully flat position. Easy fold from the pushbars.

Loola UpCompact, quick folding/unfolding.The Loola Up comes with adjustable suspension to make the ride even more pleasant, a protective sun canopy and a one-piece height adjustable handle.

A good stroller is essential. It’s used every day, so the stroller must be comfortable for you and your child and perform without any problems. From the first to the last ride, from baby to pre-schooler.

Choose your fave from more than 7 great designs and look forward to leisurely walks with your baby… and admiring glances at your stroller.

bebeconfort.com/strollerSee the next spread for the available carrycot to fit a stroller


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dad’s story

I really don’t like shopping. I always manage to say the wrong thing at the wrong time – especially when my wife steps out of the fitting room. As a result, I try not to speak. And I try not to think about what I could be doing. I just hang around until she’s done. I call this feeling the shopping blues. So when she asked if we could go shopping for baby things, alarm bells started ringing. . But fortunately, it didn’t turn out so bad.The first time I entered the baby shop, it gave me quite a start. All these women with their huge round bellies running around the shop. Like they could give birth at any moment…The men were invisible at first, but looking again, I noticed they followed the women at a short distance.Slowly and tentatively. Listening and nodding. Like they were just hanging around. The shopping blues were written all over their faces. It is good to know that you’re not alone. I also noticed couples who were only just pregnant. Their child-like innocence, their euphoric mood, as they sauntered along the shelves.That’s how we were too, my wife and I. Walking hand in hand, like equals, gazing in wonder at the multitudes of baby products. Laughing about the cutest baby clothes. Have you seen these baby sports shoes? So touchingly, endearingly sweet. I know they’re not meant for running the marathon, but just try to control yourself when you’re

holding these tiny Nikes in the palm of your hand? I’ll tell you, I couldn’t. Despite fierce protests from my wife, my first purchase was a little dog. It had the cutest brown eyes and lovely long soft ears and the cuddliest face you’ve ever seen. I can just picture our child dreamily sucking on its smooth black nose. Lightly, like a woman, I run my fingers through the baby clothes. At least, that’s how I imagine myself to look. In fact, it’s a little more complicated than that. For instance, last week, I came home with the cutest little baby summer suit. And by the time, our baby would fit into it, summer would be long gone. Luckily I’d kept the receipt. I should have kept the one for the nappies as well. A nappy’s a nappy, you would think.Well, think again.

These are the small setbacks I’ve suffered. But I am refusing to slip back into the blues. It’s just too much fun. So I decided to take the best of both worlds and combine an old hobby of mine with a brand-new one: wheels.In this case, wheels for the baby. Although it’s early days yet, I have examined every available option. Carefully, I check the carriage work. How many wheels? Three or four? I weigh up the pros and cons of all options. How fast can it go? What’s the maneuverability like? I carefully check the tire profiles. How will it handle in the woods? Or on sandy beaches? I take my new role very seriously. I travel far and wide to visit test courses. I take buggies for a trial run whenever I can. And all the time, my wife says nothing. She just looks at me with a vacant stare. In fact, it looks rather like the shopping blues.


Bill & Emma

CompactSafety Carrycot



Safety Windoo Plus

Carry your newborn in style and in the best physiological position possible.

Folds flat in seconds. Offering great sleeping comfort as well as a very compact fold, this carrycot saves space in the car and at home.

Designed to be used as a carrycot and as a car safety bed (Group 0).The Compact Safety Carrycot is ultra-light and compact. The ergonomic handle makes it’s easyto carry and fixing the carrycot in the car or on the pushchair is simple.

1 carrycot for 3 usages: • Carrycot on a

Bébé Confort stroller

• Car safety bed (Group 0) while on the road

• Bassinet at home or on the go.This carrycot has all the advantages of a real bed with a comfy mattress and ventilation system that eliminates the moisture from a baby’s sweat.

Enjoy your first monthsThe equipment best suited for the baby’s well being.

bebeconfort.com/carrycot 1514

Page 9: Magazine 2013

"It seemed inconceivable for me not to give

David my own milk, but since I was so tired

I needed to rest and share responsibility

with his dad. So I decided on breastfeeding

combined with bottle feeding with my milk. My

husband was thrilled to be able to give him his

bottle, while I had an opportunity to rest; it was

perfect for all three of us!" Mel

"I was in labour a very long time and ended up having a C-section. It was very draining both physically and mentally, so my breasts didn’t produce enough milk for my little glutton of 4270 gramms! But thanks to breastfeeding combined with formula feeding, I was able to give her the little milk I had – which is better than nothing! – and with the formula, I was reassured that she was getting enough to eat." Pilar

Breast PumpFor a comfortable nursing : adjustable suction & soft silicone protection to completely fit your sensitivity and mimic baby’s sucking rhythm.

Dental SafeSoothe baby’s needs to suck with complete peace of mind. Healthy dental development, clinically proven.

NaturalComfortThe bottle of happiness. The bottle baby will accept whatever your feeding choice (breast or bottle)

" She picked up right


KeyoVersatile Moduloclip system: all-in-one solution to sit, sleep, play and eat from birth.

Easy ClipThe ultimate no leak bottle closes in just one clip approved by 9/10 mums.

"It makes our life easier"


Enjoy feeding your baby

If there’s one thing for sure, breastfeeding is something visceral and will have important repercussions for your relationship with your baby. The basic idea is to feel at ease so you can create a strong and serene bond with your newborn.

Breastfeeding, which is strongly recommended by most professionals and various organizations, helps you create a unique bond with your baby. It’s the best way to ward off infections and the most natural way of developing a baby’s sense of taste. Future mothers tend to picture it as something innate that will happen instinctively. Indeed it can be that easy! Or not; it all depends: a lack of milk, for example, engorgement, cracks, or a baby who refuses the breast. There are all sorts of situations. Make sure you are as informed as possible to avoid too many surprises. Always keep in mind that this is all as new to your baby as it is to you, and that you will both need three to four weeks to find your bearings.

The expert tips:For breastfeeding, I recommend you to be well prepared and to ask your midwife for advice as you prepare for the birth. The first time you breastfeed is especially important and you should get help and guidance right from the start, and don’t hesitate to continue this assistance once you leave hospital.

Sylvette Rambaud, Midwife, Bébé Confort partner

Breast, bottle or both!


Breastfeeding + bottle feeding with breast milk

Economical, effective, unique in terms of nutritional quality, ready-to-use.

Rest, shared responsibility.

Rest, shared responsibility.

Baby benefits from the nutritional qualities of your breast milk, ideal in cases of painful breastfeeding, shared responsibility.

More freedom for mum and dad.

Engorgement, cracks, pain, doubts: did the baby get enough to eat?

More organisation and equipment.

Less economical, more equipment.

Less economical, requires more organisation and equipment.

Finding the right formula!

Manual breast pump, breast care accessories.

Electric breast pump, breast care accessories, teats for easy transitioning from breast to bottle (and vice versa), bottles, equipment for preparing, sterilising and cleaning bottles.

Electric breast pump, teats the baby will readily accept bottles, equipment for preparing, sterilising and cleaning bottles.

Manual breast pump, teats that the baby will readily accept, bottles, equipment to prepare, sterilise and clean bottles, infant formula.

Teats the baby will readily accept, bottles, equipment for preparing, sterilising and cleaning bottles, infant formula.

Bottle feeding with breast milk

Breastfeeding + bottle feeding with baby formula

Bottle feeding with formula

Combination feeding :

Bottle feeding :


Here are five different ways to feed your baby:Advantages Disadvantages Equipment

baby feeding

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You’re off on your first trip with your baby. Exciting?Maybe, but these tips will help you keep the travel enjoyable – and safe.

Longer rearward facing travelFor the first 12 months (to 13 kg) your newborn travels safest in a rearward facing seat. In an accident, the baby car seat and seat belts will take the force of the impact while fully supporting baby’s neck and head. Tip: keep a sun canopy at hand in the car, you’ll need it more often than you think. A low weight and a good handle makes a baby car seat easier to carry.

Car installation made easyIt sounds easy, but it’s easily done incorrectly: installing the seat in the car. Research has shown that 80 percent (!) of parents make mistakes in installing the car seat or fastening their child into the seat. 20 Percent of these mistakes endanger the life of the child in an accident.

This is why Bébé Confort seats are designed to make installation and use as easy as possible. Some of the innovative safety features are:• Isofix fitting (no need for seat belts)• Intuitive belt route (indicating on the seat the correct

and logical belt route)• A harness system that stays open (no twisting of belts)• Belt tensioning systems for an extra solid fit of the car seat

Isofix car seat: easy, simple and safe to installIsofix is an internationally standardised system to install child car seats in cars correctly without the need for car seat belts. An Isofix car seat is fitted with two extendable connectors which simply click onto the Isofix fitting points in the car. You’ll find these points in between the backrest

and seating area of the (rear and passenger) seat. This creates a rigid connection between the car seat and the car chassis. All Isofix seats and base units by Bébé Confort (except RodiFix) have a support leg which prevents forward rotation.

FamilyFix base: one-click correct fitting without car seat belts for 4 years of the best Isofix safety and ease of use

An Isofix car seat or base needs to be installed once, after which you can leave the restraint in the car, ready for use on every trip. The LED lights-and-sound display on the FamilyFix clearly confirms the correct fitting of the base and seat. Extra check for extra assurance! The base also offers an extra upright recline position, which effectively

means your baby can travel rearward facing for longer in the Pebble. A single base is needed to fit the Pebble and Pearl consecutive age car seats so your child enjoys the best Isofix safety and comfort from birth to 4 years.

After the first 12 months By the time you celebrate your baby’s first birthday, you will probably need a larger child car seat. But it is highly advisable to keep your baby in the rearward-facing position for as long as possible. Industry experts advise that all babies younger than 12 months old (or 13 kg) must have rearward-facing seats, but that does not mean that babies must change to forward-facing seats at this age. So as long as your baby’s head is positioned within the seat shell, rearward-facing remains the safest way to transport your baby.

That’s all for now, more safety tips in our next issue.

Yoann Brunetière, Dorel Europe Safety Center Manager

Notes:It may feel like it costs quite some time to install your child car seat and your child correctly in the car but if you have an accident it can safe your child’s life. Yoann


safety car seatsafety

What you need to know about car safety

Bébé Confort PebbleGroup 0+(0-13 kg)

Bébé Confort PearlGroup 1 (9-18 kg)

FamilyFix BaseGroup 0+ and 1(0-18 kg)

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Notes:All Bébé Confort car seats

meet and exceed the

European test standard for

child restraints ECE R44/04.

See our website for further


Iseo Neo +1 car seat suitable for 2 consecutive ages. Happily, every baby is unique both in looks and character. Some babies are born a little smaller or bigger than others and the Bébé Confort Iseos Neo+ is ideal because it adapts to all sizes.

Enjoy your car seat

Créatis.fixEasy installation when used with Créatis belt base. Easy and safe fitting when used with Créatis.base. The Créatis.fix is designed to connect with all Bébé Confort strollers.

OpalConvertible 2-in-1 car seat from birth to 4 years. Enjoy longer rearward travel (to 13 kg), then switch to forward facing (9-18 kg), simply using the same belt routing. The seat heigh, width and seat position can be adjusted to fit your child perfectly.


The highest ratings in independent safety tests clearly show that Bébé Confort car seats guarantee the best safety for your child, in any age category.

The Group 0+ baby car seats are compatible with and colour match Bébé Confort strollers to create a smart (looking) travel system.


Streety.fixSimply fit the Streety.fix infant carrier in your car using the vehicle’s safety belts or in combination with the Streety.base, installed in your car with the car seat belt.

One-click fitting without seat belts on FamilyFix base. The harness conveniently stays open to get your child in

and out of the seat. The extra recline on the base creates more legroom, so your baby can travel rearward-facing for

longer. The Pebble car seat is officially approved for use on the plane.


More than just a convertible 2-in-1 seat from birth to 4 years, the MiloFix is an Isofix seat that is first used rearward-facing, then turns forward-facing. Isofix means top safety and easy one-click installation without seat belts. Perfect for parents

on the go!



Page 12: Magazine 2013

TrianosAxissLong lasting value: 1 car seat for 2 consecutives ages:• Toddler

(Group 1 -> 9-18 kg)• Child

(Group 2/3 -> 15-36 kg).

Iseos IsofixIsofix installation with indicators of correct installation.


NoaFor the ultimate in compactness and a comfortable reclinable seat.

PearlCompact Isofix seat to use with FamilyFix base. LED-lights and sound signals confirm the correct installation of the base and Pearl. Excellent safety from 9 months to 4 years.

RubiEasy and intuitive belt based car seat.

Unique: turns towards you for easy access and seating of child.

RodiFixOne-click, solid Isofix installation. Features AirProtect® in headrest for the very best side protection. Relaxing front access recline position.

Rodi AirProtect®

AirProtect® in headrest reduces risk of head injury by 20 percent! Front access recline position. Easy seat belt installation.

Rodi XPComfy safe seat, adjustable in height.

All Bébé Confort car seats meet and exceed the European test standard for child restraints ECE R44 /04. See our website for further information


As your child growsFor toddlers only

ChildToddler car seatcar seat

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In the car, your baby is safest when travelling in a rearward-facing seat until 12 months of age (13 kg). Keep your baby in a rearward-facing seat as long as possible. Switch to a toddler seat only when the top of your baby’s ears reach the top of the baby seat. You’re spoilt for choice in Bébé Confort’s range of toddler seats and strollers. And don’t forget to take your car along when purchasing a car seat, to make sure your favourite seat fits your car!

It may seem a long way off, but time flies! Around your child’s 3rd birthday, you will still want your child to be well protected on trips to school, playdates, football club, ballet class and many more outings!

The lightweight child seats of Bébé Confort are easy to switch between cars. For your growing child’s seating comfort, the seats are adjustable in height and width. The cool designs are geared to school-age kids with a mind and style of their own.

Page 13: Magazine 2013

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