Machala Festival Report

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In the month of August the JA Pérez Association embarked to a long anticipated journey to Machala, Ecuador. This four day project including the two day festival at the Banana World Fair gr ounds was filled with a little of everything, from equipping leaders at the close of the School of Creative Nationals participated in the cultura exchange during the festival (Machala Ecuador 2013). Evangelism (the day before the festival) to the variety of outreaches taking place at the main venue, from clowns and entertainment for children to social services including medical help and education designed to help families and bring them to Christ.

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God’s manifestation of power has no boundaries or geographic confinement. In the month of August the JA Pérez Association embarked to a long anticipated journey to Machala, Ecuador. This four day project including the two day festival at the Banana World Fa i rg r ounds was filled with a little of everything, from equipping leaders at the close of the School of Creative Evangelism (the day before the festival) to the variety of outreaches taking place at the main venue, from clowns and entertainment for children to social services including

medical help and education designed to help families and bring them to Christ.

In the morning before the main event began there were groups composed of associated evangelists Paul Durham, Christian Holst with their respective translators, plus members of the JA Pérez Association and Capellanes (Chaplain) accompanied by the locals doing a final walk through the streets surrounding the event, where teams encountered several spiritual needs. Some people were in need of prayer, others were ready to give their life to Christ at that moment and there were a few who openly welcomed us into their homes to pray for very specific needs such as cancer.

Every morning the event would begin at 10:00 AM with 10 tents, each offering different workshops to cover needs from

Nationals participated in the cultural exchange during the festival (Machala Ecuador 2013).

Many people came to Christ, during the day

in each outreach and at the main

proclamation calling...

FIESTA MAYOR MACHALAby Daisy Cummings August 31st 2013

Invasión del Amor de Dios

Marriage, Youth, and Family to Medical and Dental needs. Followed by ministry for children with Christian Holst, Brenda Holst and several children’s ministries from the city of Machala, with a combination of fun, games, prizes and choreographed dancing, communicating a message in a language this generation can relate to.

After that, the platform would adapt to tailor the youth. Subsequently the night turned into a “Fiesta”, filled with musical presentations from the nationals, colorful parades of dancers and vivid dramatizations praising our Lord. All these powerful inspirational representations opened way for the night’s anticipated closing… featuring the music of Berenice (from U.S.) and Luigy Delima (from Colombia) among other national christian artists.

To close each night JA Pérez took the platform and shared the message of salvation with the crowd. During the calling he shared the microphone with his fellow

associate evangelists and after the calling people were still hungry for more and so the interminable concert would continue.

Many people came to Christ, during the day in each outreach and at the main proclamation calling. Those coming to Christ, after receiving materials to grow in the faith were ministered to by the national counselors to be integrated to the local churches.

On the day after the festival, JA visited old friends at the center called ‘Promised Land’ where the team was received with much love

and an event dedicated to believers took place. Evangelist Paul Durham addressed

the crowd with his powerful testimony and JA Pérez delivered a message of healing and hope, ministering to the needs of the body of Christ including praying with all those who participated as part of the team at the festival.

Taking back home the kind memories from the wonderful people of Ecuador who made us feel at home from beginning to end. The Team leaves the city of Machala with grateful hearts, privileged with the opportunity to serve.

(From Left to Right) A choreographic dance presentation. Team member José Ortega praying with new believers. Berenice (from the Association’s team) leads the program and sings before the proclamation. Luigy Delima (from Colombia) sings during a festival concert.

Evangelist Christian Holst praying for a person diagnosed with terminal cancer (during pre-festival street evangelism).

...the night turned into a “Fiesta”, filled with musical presentations from the nationals, colorful parades of dancers and vivid dramatizations...

To read more and visit our photo gallery of this and other projects please go to: www.japerez.us

It’s all about team workJA Pérez Association’s Festivals bring the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ to thousands of nationals in every nation where the events take place, but this is not the work of one man. It takes a team of many to be able to accomplish such a giant task.

Ecuador was no different.

JA Pérez’s team, accompanied by partners and working together with the nationals, labored hard for months and even harder the few weeks before the event.

Humanitarian Work

A humanitarian mission unites those who have been very successful with the less privileged in society. Hereby, we focus on the poor in each city or region. Those who have been affected by a disaster, or simply have grown in an environment lacking opportunities.

The outreach is not only for the fast relief of an imminent need. It also organizes programs not only to help the hungry, but to empower them and place tools in their hands, so they can provide for their families.

Serving the people of Machala

In Machala the outreach created an environment that would allow women from

the team to minister to other women while offering several basic services for free such as manicures, pedicures, haircuts, and other beauty related works.

A Big Fiesta

This two day Festival was filled with a little of everything, from clowns and entertainment for children, to painted faces to music for different age groups in different tents.

Evangelist Paul Durham (with JA Pérez) leading many nationals to Christ (Machala Ecuador 2013).

This two day Festival was

filled with a little of everything,

from clowns and entertainment

for children, to painted faces to

music for different age groups in

different tents.


...this is not the work of one man. It takes a team of many to be able to accomplish such a task.

This two day Festival was

filled with a little of everything,

from clowns and entertainment

for children, to painted faces to

music for different age groups in

different tents.

Ministry for children with a combination of fun, games, prizes and choreographed dancing and for adults in the form of workshops and counseling and there was also the Medical and Dental tents bringing education and attention to several kinds of needs.

Training the Nationals

The day before the festival JA Pérez held a meeting to close the School of Creative EvangelismTM and to minister to the whole team that would later participate in the event. With a message of unity and encouragement to do the work of

evangelism, the team was really motivated and ready to take the city for God.

Pastor Orley J. Torres Muthre (Associate of JA Pérez for Latin America at the closing of the Fiesta Mayor Project, Machala Ecuador 2013).

JA & Anabel Pérez during the Humanitarian Mission (part of the Fiesta Mayor Invasión del Amor de Dios Festival, Machala Ecuador 2013).

Doctor José Luís Martinez serving the people of Machala. Dr. Martinez has traveled with JA Pérez to other festivals to serve in humanitarian and social work.

Taking back home the kind memories from the wonderful people of Ecuador who made us feel at home from beginning to end.

Behind the Scenes (From Left to Right) Raquel Aréchiga (Administrator), Luisa María Pardo Honores (Ground Logistics), José Ortega (Technical Team), Berenice (Artist / Team Communications), Mirna Rodriguez (Media), Daisy Cummings (Publications), Enrique Rodriguez (Head of Security Far Right)

Paul said: “I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. 1 Corinthians 9:22”

“At the end of the night, when the lights go off and the music stops... what matters is: How many came to

Christ?” - JA Pérez

JA Pérez equipping and motivating the team at the close of the School of Creative EvangelismTM (Machala Ecuador 2013).

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P.O.Box 211325 Chula Vista, CA 91921