MA1101R Linear Algebra I 2013/2014 Semester I Lecture Hours (@ LT27): Tue 4.005.30pm/Fri 4.005.30pm IVLE WEBPAGE: https://ivle.nus.edu.sg/ Lecturer: Dr Ng Kah Loon Email: [email protected]; Office: S17, #0720; Tel: 65162751 Assessment: Final examination 70% 29 th November (9.00 – 11.00am) (2 helpsheets) Midterm test 20% Week 7 during either Tue or Fri Lecture (1 helpsheet) Lab Quiz 10% Week 13 Aims and objectives: This module serves as an introduction to the most basic concepts in linear algebra that are routinely applied in fields like science, engineering, statistics, economics and operations research. The vector spaces within which the general ideas are developed are all real vector spaces (actually R n ). The objective of the course is to inculcate a facility in both the algebraic and geometric viewpoints of linear algebra. The course will develop basic skills in computing with vectors and matrices. Main topics: Systems of linear equations. Matrices. Determinants. Euclidean nspace. Subspaces. Linear independence. Basis and dimension. Rank of a matrix. Orthogonality and orthonormal bases. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Diagonalization and orthogonal diagonalization. Linear transformations from R n to R m . Applications. Textbook: The textbook Linear AlgebraConcepts and Techniques on Euclidean Spaces (by Ma S.L., V. Tan, Ng K.L. published by McGraw Hill) is available for purchase at Coop (Science). The lectures will follow the textbook closely. All 7 chapters in the book will be covered. Students are expected to work through the exercise sets in the books. There is no need to hand in the answers of the exercises. Selected problems will be discussed during tutorial sessions. Tutorial sessions: There are altogether 11 tutorial sessions, starting from week 3. Each week, selected exercise problems from the textbook for topics that have been covered in lectures up to the previous week will be discussed. Students may be asked by their tutor to present solutions.

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MA1101R  Linear  Algebra  I  2013/2014  Semester  I  

Lecture  Hours  (@  LT27):  Tue  4.00-­‐5.30pm/Fri  4.00-­‐5.30pm        

IVLE  WEBPAGE:  https://ivle.nus.edu.sg/    Lecturer:                                  Dr  Ng  Kah  Loon    Email:  [email protected];      Office:  S17,  #07-­‐20;  Tel:  6516-­‐2751    Assessment:                          • Final  examination  70%  -­‐  29th  November  (9.00  –  11.00am)    (2  helpsheets)  • Mid-­‐term  test  20%  -­‐  Week  7  during  either  Tue  or  Fri  Lecture  (1  helpsheet)  • Lab  Quiz  10%  -­‐  Week  13      Aims  and  objectives:  This  module  serves  as  an  introduction  to  the  most  basic  concepts  in  linear  algebra  that  are  routinely  applied  in  fields  like  science,  engineering,  statistics,  economics  and  operations  research.  The  vector  spaces  within  which  the  general  ideas  are  developed  are  all  real  vector  spaces  (actually  Rn).  The  objective  of  the  course  is  to  inculcate  a  facility  in  both  the  algebraic  and  geometric  viewpoints  of  linear  algebra.  The  course  will  develop  basic  skills  in  computing  with  vectors  and  matrices.      Main  topics:  Systems  of  linear  equations.  Matrices.  Determinants.  Euclidean  n-­‐space.  Subspaces.  Linear  independence.  Basis  and  dimension.  Rank  of  a  matrix.  Orthogonality  and  orthonormal  bases.  Eigenvalues  and  eigenvectors.  Diagonalization  and  orthogonal  diagonalization.  Linear  transformations  from  Rn  to  Rm.  Applications.    Textbook:                  • The  textbook  Linear  Algebra-­‐Concepts  and  Techniques  on  Euclidean  Spaces  (by  Ma  S.L.,  

V.  Tan,  Ng  K.L.  published  by  McGraw  Hill)  is  available  for  purchase  at  Co-­‐op  (Science).    

   • The  lectures  will  follow  the  textbook  closely.  All  7  chapters  in  the  book  will  be  covered.  • Students  are  expected  to  work  through  the  exercise  sets  in  the  books.  There  is  no  need  

to  hand  in  the  answers  of  the  exercises.  Selected  problems  will  be  discussed  during  tutorial  sessions.  

 Tutorial  sessions:    • There  are  altogether  11  tutorial  sessions,  starting  from  week  3.  • Each  week,  selected  exercise  problems  from  the  textbook  for  topics  that  have  been  

covered  in  lectures  up  to  the  previous  week  will  be  discussed.  • Students  may  be  asked  by  their  tutor  to  present  solutions.  

 Lab  sessions:  • There  will  be  5  lab  worksheets  in  total.  They  will  be  distributed  during  weeks  4,  6,  8,  11  

and  12.    • There  will  be  one  lab  quiz  in  week  13.  • Students  will  be  using  MATLAB  to  complete  their  worksheets.  • There   is  no   formal  class  structure   for   lab.  Students  are  allowed  to  go  to   the  Computer  

lab  (S17-­‐03-­‐02)  anytime,  during  the  stated  times  below:  o Wednesday  9am  –  11am  o Thursday  11am  –  2pm  o Friday  12  –  4pm  

• Once  a   student   completes   the   lab  worksheet   for   that  week,  he/she  will   be  allowed   to  leave  the   lab.  No  attendance  will  be   taken.  There   is  no  need  to  submit  any  completed  worksheets.  

• During   the  above  time  slots,   there  will  be  a  Lab  Assistant  stationed   in   the   lab   to  assist  students  who  may  have  queries.  

• If   a   student   is   unable   to   go   to   the   lab   in   any   of   the   time   slots   given   above   (due   to  timetable  clashes),  he/she  may  go  to  the  lab  at  a  time  convenient  to  them,  provided  the  lab   is  not  being  used  by  another  module.  However,  there  will  not  be  any  Lab  Assistant  present  during  other  time  slots.  

• Availability  of  computers  in  the  lab  is  on  a  first  come  first  served  basis.  The  Lab  Assistant  will  resolve  any  disputes.  

• There  WILL   be   formal   class   registration   for   the   quiz   in  Week   13.  More   details  will   be  available  in  due  course.  

 Signing  up  for  tutorial  groups:  • NUS  students:  Through  CORS  balloting:  16th  –  20th  August  • NUS  students:  Manual  registration  (with  lecturer,  if  failure  to  obtain  a  group  through  

CORS  balloting):  21st  –  22nd  August  • Exchange  and  all  other  non-­‐graduating  students:  Contact  lecturer  between  13th  to  20th  

August.  • Contact  lecturer  as  soon  as  possible  for  any  problem  with  tutorial  group.  

 Online  discussion  forum  • An  online  forum  has  been  opened  for  students  to  post  anything  (queries,  thoughts,  

comments,  suggestions  …)  about  this  module.    • Access  through  module  webpage  or  IVLE.    Consultation  booking  • Lecturer  is  available  for  consultation  on  an  ad-­‐hoc  basis.  Prior  appointment  (via  email)  

can  be  made  to  see  the  lecturer  for  consultation/clarification  of  concepts.  • All  students  are  encouraged  to  seek  help  early  if  they  have  difficulty  with  the  module  

and  not  wait  till  the  last  minute.    •  Reference  Books:  

Title/  Authors  (Remarks)   Publisher  

Elementary  Linear  Algebra  /  Howard  Anton    (For  understanding  basic  concepts)   Wiley    

Linear  algebra  with  applications  /  Steven  Leon  (With  MATLAB  exercises)   Prentice  Hall  

Schaum's  outline  of  theory  and  problems  of  linear  algebra/  Seymour  Lipschutz    (Plenty  of  solved  problems)   McGraw  Hill  

Linear  Algebra/  Stephen  H.  Friedberg  (Advanced  reading)   Prentice  Hall  

Week   Lecture   Tutorial  /  Lab   Remarks  

Week  0  5th  Aug  –  9th  Aug  

 No  Lectures  


   Orientation  Week  

Week  1  12th  Aug  –  16th  Aug  

Lecture  00  (Introduction)    

Lecture  01  (Chapter  1)  




Week  2  19th  Aug  –  23rd  Aug  

Lecture  02  (Chapter  1)    

Lecture  03  (Chapter  1)  



Week  3  26th  Aug  –  30th  Aug  

Lecture  04  (Chapter  2)    

Lecture  05  (Chapter  2)  

Tutorial  01    

Week  4  2nd  Sep  –  6th  Sep  

Lecture  06  (Chapter  2)    

Lecture  07  (Chapter  2)  

Tutorial  02    

Lab  01  


Week  5  9th  Sep  –  13th  Sep  

Lecture  08  (Chapter  3)    

Lecture  09  (Chapter  3)  

Tutorial  03      

E-­‐Learning  Week  

Week  6  16th  Sep  –  20th  Sep  

Lecture  10  (Chapter  3)    

Lecture  11  (Chapter  3)  

Tutorial  04    

Lab  02  


Recess  Week  21st  Sep  –  29th  Sep  

Week  7  30th  Sep  –  4th  Oct  

Lecture  12  (Chapter  3)    

Mid  Term  Test  

Tutorial  05      

Mid-­‐  Term  Test  this  week  (date  to  be  

advised)  Week  8  

7th  Oct  –  11th  Oct  Lecture  13  (Chapter  3)  

 Lecture  14  (Chapter  4)  

Tutorial  06    

Lab  03  


Week  9  14th  Oct  –  18th  Oct  

No  Lecture    

Lecture  15  (Chapter  4)  

Tutorial  07      

15th  Oct  (Tue)  is  a  Public  Holiday  

Week  10  21st  Oct  –  25th  Oct  

Lecture  16  (Chapter  6)    

Lecture  17  (Chapter  6)  

Tutorial  08      


Week  11  28th  Oct  –  1st  Nov  


Lecture  18  (Chapter  5)    

Lecture  19  (Chapter  5)  

Tutorial  09    

Lab  04  


Week  12  4th  Nov  –  8th  Nov  

Lecture  20  (Chapter  5,6)    

Lecture  21  (Chapter  7)  

Tutorial  10    

Lab  05  


Week  13  11th  Nov  –  15th  Nov  

Lecture  22  (Chapter  7)    

Lecture  23  (Revision)  

Tutorial  11    

Lab  Quiz  


Reading  Period  16th  Nov  –  22nd  Nov  

Examination  29th  Nov  (Friday  AM)  

Tutorial  Problem  Sets  

T1:  Chapter  1   Exercise  1:  Questions  4,  12,  15,  24,  27,  30  

T2:  Chapter  2   Exercise  2:  Questions  3,  8,  10,  17,  21,  23  

T3:  Chapter  2   Exercise  2:  Questions  26,  32,  39,  44,  51,  52  

T4:  Chapters  2,  3   Exercise  2:  Questions  54,  60.  Exercise  3:  Questions  5,  9,  11,  15  

T5:  Chapter  3   Exercise  3:  Questions  21,  25,  27,  30,  32,  33  

T6:  Chapter  3   Exercise  3:  Questions  34,  36,  37,  39,  40,  42  

T7:  Chapters  3,  4   Exercise  3:  Questions  43,  46,  49  Exercise  4:  Questions  2,  3,  5  

T8:  Chapter  4   Exercise  4:  Questions  9,  11,  17,  21,  23,  24  

T9:  Chapter  6   Exercise  6:  Questions  5,  8,  11,  15,  17,  20  

T10:  Chapter  5   Exercise  5:  Questions  7,  10,  14,  17,  19,  21  

T11:  Chapters  5,  6,  7   Exercise  5:  Questions  24,  26,  28  Exercise  6  :  Questions  24,  28  Exercise  7  :  Questions  2,  3