i,»», - s, ,V ,.J1. * ' :• 1 4 i ' / i. it ****** •>*l 8* fp|T- TyVENTY-SECON0 YEAR. <*. ^^^M-tfO^JfeXP^^^-i^^ioafi* ^.SeflfliaE? that he would recover from'His nervou? .,hreakiiow,ii- ; it^tcii f'li rmi~oOnRwwit VniqutM •". y^i'i^i":. ^ •:. '!;.''•• J &Vh Suniiior.Uas.sell A. Alger-at-ffitittissjiii ^fSmn&LJii^plH'y^ttt WilT. .wnTiVHw-ai ei?Hp-<i«eHtt^d- Trjjtf^tff&pfr-for C&unty-epnrtr Charges similar to those against the directors, of the'New York Ljfi? IiisOT-J-S^rtfr-^Jc^lT^uW „ Jj^fUe»iaiJaMa"b^'-Audre-ir---MimT[ Trmr trustees of the Insura nee. JWDJUUW-JJX- Mutnal Life _agp"f or tlw-Ahtht7tt-^trrl.'ieJds, who" Jsjll^atjiis -lionifjuJQfliilia Forty, N. Y„ -charges thF~Trusteos~w"ith being "fully cognizant ,ot* the purposes for."-w-hleit "company-Vs-money w-as speritT Tie dofliesjjapiifcJlirlluiil anybody. Ctrarles" A, Peabady. president of the Mutual- Life, declj'ife'd 'that he had' DO connec- tion with I® 11. liarriituui. ,T. P. Mor- gan or the Standard Oil company. A fourth suit against Menard A. McCur- dy, former presldeBt_o£-tbe*^Mtrttral -Lif^iraEdJ&d^OTP^^ begun by the company. The amount asked is ftjmMlM.' paid "to the younger Mot 'nrdy in exorbitant" com- missions. Suit-has-been-begun by"the company .against fields for an ac- counting. -• With a flat refusal to arbitrate any but two of the less important demands- of the union miners the anthracite coal operatorsj "now"~rt* B iTrT>VrfiMl_:lu—llu.<3in- -fcuvw-mr real coiHiciiiiiu with ihc people. The proswt-ffqy('Hnin>rrt .of 1ftrsMirr,."Bb^sHJd 7 JSIuLP£apoKl- -aBd-tweTrfyTnTles on cotiiitry road's. l5fi;oTj/olni Mitchell'to refer .the con- troversy to tlie"board of conciliation for arbitration. A counter proposition was made to the effect that the anthra- cite coal-strike coiranissioii of 1003 be reconvened to consider whether any new issues have arisen since their award. The proposition 7 was that this colnmission deal with hvd ^ue^ioni-. namely: ..aJualxeji-UHWw^f^-shtmtri -far ' modified, first,^jjsj[o_jvjLj££s_oithw~l)3' "•\rify^fTiiero;ise un reduction, and ser-- "oM^jis to adjustment of complaints through- the conciliation >boarfl or dflier- wise. ^Tlfcfsfipulaflohs attachod-tw-th.is propo9ition_wei-e tliaL^^rie-siittfebengeT at.once and that th ,-4903-pWiirTTOmulieTFeffect until April ^^r^90^f^"Wln?uYirrabTnBcations^s : th is commission shall decide iipon. <&ftrglM*f4tasHMF£mjr Leopold of Bel- p- gium. lujs-innrdj^ed-fitpui, (SjmpSO to t 10,no0',pn(r-o"r i>M i so'hs T!; ur.#ie'''Kougo Free Kto.fe.in the pasT-fifteen years, pastor of t)u v Wrirren_Avej - clnire'ht=-itQgrtu^Ts^^^tin'g three > months of fiis= tirLte tqj a'ddres'sihg-meet- ings on ihe Subject. •* An pffieial state- the United States, having neither pos- sessions or protectorates in Africa- will disclaim any'-intention to inter- fere in the Kongo country. BishopjJhjutes^Q^leeabe^saTcrin a serfflmrfiellorethe Neiy'Yjjri^jjaitiicjShl' '. fexoace in' Brougjyu^gaFlrischurch. Iioscsil "to labor unions as they now exist and would, use its influence to-wipe them out "or reform them. The Methodist- Boole Coucern - is involved in flis)>utes with labor unions. The cou- lej3mc^d(»hired-^e-!?em3OTlr^^ sympathy witlitffe toilers.. This sympa- thy, however, was -extended-as much ' to' mior^aiiizedja Upheld, as it was to tfie: \vprlcmpn afiili- §—n±ed~A¥ltli uiii.ons. . • Theodore Horstmah of Cincinnati has announced his. candidacy for thVeon- gressionaljsea-t-of Nicholas Longworth, the president's son-in-law.. In. jm .ad- dress in Chicago Mr. Longworth called 'certain "attacks on public:j»ejo. Jiyster,- ieal K^nd declared that they are un- founded. He said, "If^ou bglieve all you reart-anrt lrfjnji-Soii* might--weittjfe^ TTeve that politics means graft and that graft means politics." He-'-extolled the as^wi-eppOTient- : af~^raTt~ana*" dishonesty.. - - ' • - - ""~~~ is anaivh,v._iiiu—oigw^ : F=vYtrrp~ts~TTr aii'd devoid of talent, f-iorlcy will be more flghling in Rus- uttuiiied. will be the sincere saj's theri 1 sia"beX(Jry rwil freedom is ..That U'-illiiini. ,1. Bryan 4-QSU3U XfeiuaiiWAiti.-candidate tin -1!)0.? is a belief that i« finding expression among prominent members- of tha Democratic chib of New York. To dis- cover sentiment throughout Hie coun- try and fortify their party against w £'iL t h( y describe as "dang(il»us-^'j- JiaUstie nwvwiwHteg-tiipy lia\e daeided- .to niake their orpiutscaiion a ualioual oiia.,_ - The automobile bill passed the Xe,w -Jersey- liptise. The bill provides for the expiration of licenses on July 1. N'ew licenses are,to' be'granted on "the basis of the'borsepower of tlie machines. No license is to be granted to any person under sixteen years of ape. The speed imit is aix_to twelve iniics-Jji^d.Ues I persotty •The(interstate coininerce commission, acting tinder ,a resohrtion of. congress approved by President Itoosevelt, be- gan an investigation -in I'hilndelphia^to ascertain whether railroads IfaveUny interest in the coal or oil which they transport-as common carriers. Alany facts •. damaging to the roads were brought out.. ^ _ _ . '• —-= ..VJr^fiiiJa is to s'end_ils commisfiioner sjf .agritxiiit-im>-Trf>f(>ttti^~to sfe-m«e-» xl«i- TdrsrWe fnrfii 7alnTr"lar.ii w »tate; ' - A "movement Jo....(siLwilii-fUl -tfee-J'ew Tsli orttaniKatiojiB of this' cdimlry was set oil foot iu New York city. Speaker Camion in a private ietcei, declared that tariff revision wis cer- tain, but not for KQHIO tiuu). - jVceoi-'dlH£-fo oilirijil, adTtce^THTruiTrii" anart-UisJit ijjyjrr.t.vlng- in i±ie~xriiitc>d Wine^^d a J^uU"a©pl«iTd-^5OTrrerF'fank -givrrfiri^gms^Ha't^it"^ n,-fa^ffrrrnimiIfVT," j ^^ Lltamont-f-Geerg-e-^ iMrieii, ft—Sflrfifin- library building. August Belmont .has purchftsed the English racing stallion Hock Sand for $12."5,0(iii. At the age of V2& years jfrs. Pbilo Kogers, a negro woman; died iu Chi- t-ago. A woman suffrage bill was passed by the Rhode Island senate. •" • FOftEtGrT - Jfewsrftoffl India savs "that owing"tp the fail nre of rain crops are NOTES that "famine is imminent. Bnsrland is anxious To avert a famine of the his- toric sort, such as has Visited .India in years past. Lava from Mount Vesuvius and earthquakes accompanying violent ac- tion of the volcano de^riygd-^SMOft o t ^ t h e i r EoTnes"~in fhe-_tnwwa- ff —-^^he-lpi\p^:\^)^VL%^^^&f^Wn from Jtfexcoiintry to"wnifo4er've' : fisguf6rs at .the county court .o;n presiding: rregtFTj John Reidsville. . Bernard Stoneburner was at home ojrer S n n d a j , ' ,. ^-' . ^OTBtSa HOtfry^publia ^^The^diMiiiiion^ferj^hi^Enejrr of the TTCHristian church netted S4V.S0. - - ^apTOSTJilder- lana,-: Theodore G. Bell, Delanson; Titus Decker, Preston Hol!ow:;JEioh.ard- F. Prout, Dunnsville'; Levi Nickerson, Indian J FieldsV_Manley W, Conger," ClarksvilJe;JohnC. Ten Ey£kJRayjena^|-' VredrJon^f^ffi^KvOT&TGal-vinlBramd; Potter's Hollow; -WlIHama^fi» sr&vgrtp, Oreerrrslaiid wJSfFJolTTr riday, Fullers; Robert-Hilton, Wes- terlo; Charles W. Robertson,; Coey- mans Hollow; Garret Winnie; Selkirk; Sanford Sisson, XVest I5erne; Alexan- der •Flansburgh, Voorheesville; Wil- liam Fryer, Meadowdale; Arthur Hem- stead, Westerlo; E. Dayton Joslin, Voorheesville; Hiram J. Warner, East Berne; Addison Pemberton, Green- ville; Frederick—Fuller; 3"er"usaTem7 Jesse Cotton, Guilderlarid; Jasper-LS&ath-^erne^ - "Whitbeeifr' Inaian Fields; Adelbert Galdwell,_ Indian Fields; William L'.« Timothy seed $1.60 & upwards. Sands South Berne. Pearlo Northrup spent Sunday after- noon with his friend, Earl W. Carl. .The Misses Jlav and EfGe->El-»g--lpr- -bnglffe5s-tri5~tgglgany last week^- aTTSfgltie S m i t h s t h e n a s t - a a a - ..----- Mrs. Leonard _Stpne,bupner is ser- iously ill atrthe home of her son, Dora Engle 1 s. ' Miss Eva <rardjjer_js i g|i3slwg^M-r-s. Daniel Loclcwooa-^at Westerlo for a "few-weeks^— Fred F?n^h is at thp_Alban-v-hosptfc»l- Hfhere-iie uhderwentai] operation. Etand-wifer-ef—Sehenec- tady, spgfft Saturday atad-^Sunday with relatives here. •-~~^ Mrs. W. E. Slocum was. called here by the serious illness of her father, Mr. Patrick Sftay. Miss Maria VanD'euseh, of Rens^ selaerville, is spending- a time wTtfi her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albertus YanDeusen. Mrs. A. L. W. Stevenson and Mrs. Morgauza Brayman were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Furman at IfefSoyiiship. -- ~ Mrs. B. Barber is on the sick list. Mrg£jij2ijSeman^^ .tsTETChaMler, last^week. Mr^JKJ&o&e has=*een-entertrtin-- IngfvJsi'forsI from -Schenectady, Mr. and '^^r^^^-- _c Eary_JnJldit*_ _b on |he improve.. The trial of Will Squires for destroy- ing- the front door owned by Will Truax will ..be .held at this_place»-- ThliCsday-.— :; : ~ JMrs^ Jumes- Taylor has—rghrrnffd ? "WfrS" nTfTlrrn n n^-ff-^hxss^jii a t ^pwynr" \_ "' "- " 31st_by_ unite3~in marriage! _MaTch RevT^J. VanDeJiseti. ofjCentral-Bridlfeir jThose who have hired for the com- ing season are:' _G, Henion, who wilt work for Grant Truax Fanning Fmoh for I. TruaS, to work on road, Fre4 Finch for E. Sturges; _ _B^'QrfiUlie'hou'se-.cohimitteC^aSirjs" cousidea'ing^fhii^sTiijriuTiiWy bill A. J Coekran of .Bath, ijDe.j testifie^djtha. while engaged iiirepaJrinjg_trii.uspor.ts- ^^^mm^mrnmeW^mami war ^f^rmMyHrf-WAlleeu^^ ence. He is said to have vetoed th&: eijrnef $ during: OieSpanjslk d-s<HHe : ^)f-ihTr-rfm^uTlFso rot- ten that hammer _Mow^_jurnctured: them ' V * if izi^-Lca-*>* f'-\. , ,, . .. In a ^conipetitJon, Columbia uri'iver-- ^ity's highest oratorical honors-went thIs.^yeat^ r to^V f «I.trblpp4ed X^rfcffff prince, who won the annua'ij;6ntest_f6f the-George WIllianT tSirtls "medal d'EHT^a^son Of the_ line of chiefs, thaf-formeYiy, ruled Zululand.; .ff^rnos • Jld^vard McLaugbiin, a. %by gitlJof_ r Tjrejdd3m,-NT--J7r-^^ mMvtjDy_tJ)&itat6ai«tfortnient-RT^^ changed to Hazel SleLaughlin by the legislature. The doctor attending at the baby's birth told thp grandmoth- er that it was a tine chap, and the grandmother had tlie child baptfeed befor^ t ^eSete^=wfrs discovered. ._ —Tiie-disrepulab'le~id called "Raines The Hungarian-crisis has- been pass- c,ed by a coniproniisesbjet^een^thethrpna; And .the cwiHth>i06j£c^^^S-^^?nNto r " aPunion with) Aaistiriavis assured •untii'jUnT. "''-. . Irish emigration in 1004 readied 3Q,- fiTOV the smallest since 1851: America absorbed three-fourths, of 1904's emi- grants. 4 -• ; ^^.—— -^^— -»S!peakirig-fo theYaJe^tudent.s-a»t»>Ba1?' •^eH-n^rapnTKev^rtcSns of New Haven commented on the attitude of the young man, toward the church St-tegjL\ r ._and_de(?iafed--tlitrt -tf-^tBe" must boldly commit herself to a,new cru-- uade. He declared that the new cause would be a thing of schools and hos- pitals, concern itself with thejiiajterial welfare of the"TTities - arid^deinaud that tile'poor havenioro aiid the rich less. • "The Carnegie kiss leaves' 1 nothing to bo; desired.".aiiys iUrs, J. H.Jiiehberg Ip 9 ^ Atlanta, whose lips wefef glued to those of the master.'of Skibo castle for ~bi;ief_hjdery:a L kt-tt^^ E Mr. fjarnegfe wlieii he %vas-in At- lanta.. '?Ir..OtonegieaCa:itisseiM^ttn- ^SMleiVV-eotrtluiip: Mrs. Elchberg, who was kissecHyfifiihihotta Pearson' . ^bbson " several >ears: ligb, ~-*8h$ de-' Ichu'es that tlie C&megte kiss> far ex- I c«iis the Hobson article. If' llJLJJJaas-jneetihg. every man, wo-* Invjvn and chiia fu'jjidii dijty,"/lllj'G,O00' | In nuhiber, pi-oml^A 'Overseer Vbliva ; ithat John Alexander .-Bowie .would be Wg?Hfl|aiei|^iuhi^*t.ju4r^ t-Wrs. Dowle has: jpilied the "movement, ;<?hnrgiiig the "pi-bpiief Wltii polyga-' i»«phs ijitentioiis, Extnivagiuiee, inis- ^itnagemeiit,. iiypdevisy; ntidiiatijv^tu- f«; ehnrgea: M^"nTTille"?ifaiWDd#e tivt- :hte former fojio^ei's. Aiaxim Gorliy^'tlie fAmong ttu&slan JajK^J^tel»-^f--tfae-3gmTn^e_Stgg~tog doomed, according to theTntent of the hill of Assemblyman Prentice, which was signed by Governor Higgins im ; mediately after its passage by <a party j^t^Ju^thfi-senate;—Itrpassed^tlre^as^ semblyrecently .- In New' York city,. John D. - Kocke- f^hjTj^JiuJli-addressing his Bible class declared itji greatly misfaben idea tBat greaf wealth : produced great happiness. It is. Understood that the three John t). Boekef ellers will -be iunder-one roof-at- Pocantlco Hills for a time. , Partial success has attended the ef- forts of Washington surgeons to restore sight to L Wilton JIeina?<L bE grafting theTnembraue and cornea of a rabbit's eye to his. He 'can now .distinguish ferfedressr^' " To Bermuda onions is attributed the recovery from--consumption3gf__Mjs& -Jehiistoner-Bennett, a-; well "known ac- -tres}i., The- alleged curative properties oJUJk^niGri--were-^iscoT^^ GolinsKy, a scientist. " Ttiskegee institute, Booker T. Wash- ington's negro school at Tuskegee, Ala^ ;celebi«.ted-it9 silve^ttWreeT" "Aadl-eis- =^=TPTCiraefiT~BnW^f Harvard, "Andrew Carnegie and other distinguished men. The jiidiciary committee of the New Jersey senate, which Investigated tint charges of extortion against Senators Shinn arid Martens, reported that tlie -charges are not sustaiued by'fbe testi- mony, ..<'--".- • By advertising in the newspapers theTittl-actions of its young men's Bi- ble class tlie First GumbejjAadJEr_esb.v terian churdh\ of Kuoxville,- Tenri., in- creasedjthe attendance one-third. •A"chufeh ''courting parlor" fpr'the use of,.,j)poS Without eenifdrtabI6 boines is tiife -latest idea of- the Kev. Dr. Baton 3 pa^tof of John i). Rockefeller's ehureh In Cleveland.'.'- , ', ^. 'Dela^a^;0.^as..a^en~which~-lays- ejggs thftf tfre Inside ont. First coip.es th^ Inneip yiiite skin, then tlie white of tlie egg, then the regular shell and last di^pi^-^-^--^^-^^—---*--—• TiSTafry S, Pfflsbu'ry, tlie famqus.chess arid ciiecker"espert, is insane. Playing blindfold multiple chess Is said to be the-causei :• • • < • . i»&pfenio^ Apostles Mattiiias F, Cpw> fey »pd irpliti #* Taylor, poiyganiists, v^<|JitPp^pjja-1!ronj_the iisiof twelsrcH aDOStles — and country nearJS'aples. The-city it- Russia has concurred with the de- sires of the United States and the South American republics and" will jigregjfcft a pastiKaieriient of _ tlie time, the last two Weeks of July, originally set for The JSagBcpeaee-ednferenee. - Chinese pirates held up three boats fourteen miles from •SaiislurL~not-f r ar.- -i^£&S£J§S. -Qnderdonkv -outlZpopHIar ,.-., _^ . "store keeper, has moved his family and -H0baTn5?T|; Hager, : ,-4g Arnerican mis-. large stock of store goods to his house fiojxi^aJiton,-andjrabJ3edrJlre4tev. : -DK- sionaijy;, elbthesj' cash jfecrid stifgiibal sari^teuments.'i^^i- '-^hr^-r-: A ^k- ,-b;' and store which he^rebently.purchased of GePrge'lJorthrup. Charley did not —Emperor Wil!iMiJ^jriyiflriea^G^e4#^ ^ srdergd^jijJOjWljalay^r^JM^^ -Qrrackenljush •wplfecrup \\t twa^ ,r^?Lli|ed» he had as ntriny**kirigs *<al the'liiexi: ^ine and- -a -plaee-to-^mdVKffr-r *J>i"op,osea.n loan .-to ^Russia, ,by »Gernjari Dr. lshigami, a famous Japanese bac- teplplogustv anyp-unGepV^ljat^he, had r disr cbSered'ftn a'htitoxlrijigainSt j£hercnl6V "slsj:^ But" hat' applicable in advanced S,tflg<es of tlie disease. gKeTUorQccaii. canventien—was-stgn=" ed, .and the conference adjourned sine •dier——i * _i ' . : Parkers Corners.*: - •• 7 "MPs. Chase and two sons, of Mt. Pleasant, Jiaye_-maved_ in -Ghctrles LoebcF's house. Cornelia'Ward is spending her Eas- ter vacation with hrer parents, Mr. and Mrs. "Wm. W a r d . ,-^- .. M r . and Mrs. Robert-White, of Schenectady, spent Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles White. _,__ ""MissTjizzie Witherwax spent a few days last week with-'Mr. arid Mrs. Irv- ing 'Witherwax in Schenectady. J-, Mrs, Maria Chappell ,-jias returned home after spending a few weeks" with •tier brother, Emery Pang-burn,_ of Knox.^ ' " _ JEar^^T[Carrjias_ J retu.r-ned T -home- "yHd". commenced hisZschool-in the-vH-- "IageT~ ' . " . Mrs. John Lawson, Who has had a •shockr, w a s "moved to the. home of her daughter, Mrs. Winfield Murray, last Saturday. .'• - Mrs. Melvih Crocker has returned from Altatnont_jKhere—she—has been caring for her mother, Mrs. Charles ®. .Wright. - gpimothy seed$1.60.& upwards; Sands A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES kcUinn BlindV^BleediBBi-^rttisalaej^eaeif! „D^Bgii^ar,e3«irthpriatfJ^IrcfSSaji-mpfiiy i)t Pazo OintcoeBt fails to cure in 6 to i^ days. 50c LJ^naa Ma±liia^Jia*-riiov^d-f-rotn-the- -CTTbrher, of ^Jbariy^^KypJBi^^au., T'osburg farm into the2iou^e_oLWai&an- -of^^^rts3eta^iT1^~lPp"itner>; pjiS|Erpy-j: ,n ~ __4 ~~ Jt ""'^ Leo Forner, Mrs. S^,-i^s0^; : '^^, if. Reinhart add George?; Reinh!f rtj of Abfams, Mr. and Mrs. J,: B;;!&fan.i ville, Mr.;gndMrs A. ienntugs^-Mr. BerneT '•jMjrs, Lizzie AcKer;is much imprWed;. ii-^ndrew^J'l^aFisrTTOpk-ingf-! foi;SDr. 'W'/-0- Deitii-,,.*; •"• u :.':'.' <;•;•• „"' ' k Howard El Settle has recently been very" ill with la grippe. Floyd. Brunk has been on the sick list fpr the past few days. ^Edward-i'itclieT is spending- a few the - Rev. R. E. Jenkins will preach an Easter sermon next Sunday." This wUlbeJiisja5t^ejandn^efor«-gorng^tBr "coiaf^rericeT -MoKdwriirffler-—^~~' Mrs. Elizabeth. Helirie is visiting her son, Charles Helme* at NewtPnville. ' Mrs. Weller,"'of Greenv?ichj_recfintly. .visited'heT'slsteryMrs.^W. J. Knowles.. 'A nd'mber from tnis place attended the Abrams-Forner nuptials^at New- tonville, last Wednesday. " u " . Mr. and "Mrs. W. • Strope, of Al- s bany, spent Sunday with' his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A M. Strope. . Mrs. E. Carhart and daughter Stella have ,been spending the past week at the home her sister, Mrs. W.- Heime: Mr, J. B. Winne has presented his daughter, Mi's. Benj. Winne, with a new upright piano, purchased'.at Cluett & Sons, Albany There will be an entertainment given by the children of the.JVfi EiS,- S.» in the M. E.: 1 church,^-Fr]day'evening, April 27. The entertainment will con- sist of choruses, solos* dialogues, reci- tations and a bo peep drill. It is well worth the small price of admission, 10 •eWfsT?"*"" April has usheted in the usual num- berof changes in this place. We.notice ^ he foilow'"yi__,jMr' P- yarjdefbilt "hlES°^5vW~TfoTn~^nT^^lle^intp tlie lower part of Wymari r s~Tiouse; Mr. Riley, from some yyhere near Roches- ter, has moved Pii^ Mr. -A. C. Abram's. farm, and will work it on'snakes tKe^ domittgf year; Mr; French, of Albany, h?as moved on the* Scpft" farm which he i&s bpught, and Mr.; Hine diir bakeri, *ar.Tnwetd irPffi thisplagestp SiuHdeV* land. ^Andrew. Adams has moved, in CharlesBall house on Jug street. Mrs.- Warren Wood has been on the sickjisthutis npw-.mueh improved. Myron- filkins and Birton Wright ^attended the uniform examination ,at Wgsterlo last Wednesday and Thurs- day '"' . ' 4 > '•"•-" - Intelligence has reached-us that the genialTinmates- of -Brookside" are ,on tlielF'way homeward from the_sunny_ soufHern land. Miss Maria Hochstrasser, pf White Sulphiir .Springs, is spending a time at -Thomas Borst's. Mr. Borst is suf- fering with~a-ver-y bad cold. "• Among the many who are moving in and around our village "this spring are Frank^Bfate in part of .nis father's hotise, Barney Lavery artd'vifife into the Cumm:iigs .house which William Winnie and family vacate, the latter to reside on his own farm; Elmjer -Fil-_ kins and family- in part of the fiousj wjth_CQnrad Lee; Wil.ltam" wife vv^ll_pcajipy^-the-- -house—thfey""va- catedjnd Mrs,. Ellen Condon -<bn—the Tafmihe recently purchased. >^ "Fullers. - 1 George Chamberlain is. finishing John Friday's house. __ - Fred Quackenbush, who has-been ill for some time, is improving. Mr. Van Patten has moved his steam saw: mill to John Gifijird's. in_Rptter^ —HewtonyiUe- —~Rev.Tofrnl3carle,t preached at Jeru- salem, Sunday. ^ .—— j -Mi« _ BtiSb"S'fiiSeto^!fiOSE£BSwfe^ vi'lle, is spending a few days^wifh'- bee son, Ira L, Helme. <• .•'; Mrs. A. V. Wilkins, of Sehenecfady, has returned home after a visit',wl'tlife her brolhetyJjyJi..X._Ab>rariiS . ... . •'»' dami Vpprhees Van Allen,is assisting.the openator at the depot and learning- telegraphv. A very pretty Jivedding- took-plaSje-^ April 4th at the. honie of*pjri arid Mrs,! H. C. Abram's when fbj&i'r daugittpi? Jennie Elizabeth was united" in ipaW riage to Air. Andrew IT:' Fprnef Loudon v i l i & ^ — G a t d e n e c — _,_ officiated: HSsrsT2__H«_Keinp r -jiijr ^^3flS4JKv-^VBrew5ter7 - or^N¥wtpnville,. S. H. Denison and, R. -A. ©pye, -jr., dft Loudonville, were ushers. The ^gidfe'r wore a handsome gown of,, vKhitetaffetia. sillc trimmed with appifcrue*,:' Ltttlt-' Iris Leona Helme, cousin of ithe Bride* was flowergirl. ' Miss Daisy GpjoriprsL pr.esided at.th.e pjanoi;. T#e5hp"fee§B!a^I; prettily decpfated witli' ferns, : -p^pited-. plants and cut flowers." - Many Sand- soirie presents wpre recejrvedi ' a?n» bride's,going: away-.go^ja wais- " -gith- hafe^ojgniatehTgs^f^Smn , 'dfg TForner r are-*p>ndirig..their-t-*hMeyMo!^i > f Mr. and'Mrs. R. I. Bouck and daugh- fc^abxneid^a^pspeBr^ua^ayat S. j1^. : Dearstyne's. .TthP 1 residents of this place.are in hopes of getting a. better train service on 'the West Shore. . . I ... ?s,Rr-B.-Van Al.len has purchased the 'store property _and^iaasUiagMHMeiiF'j= mg,. now occupied by him, of the-pther heirs of his father's estatg. ^_ —•Winter grain is coming out much better than-.was at first anticipated, in spite of the supposed unfavorable con- ditions during the winter. Eli Van Wagenen is to remain with Henry Gilbert another year; William Chism with Henry Ellis, and E. .Wol- for'd with Charles Quackenbush. "Were I to, make an. offering to-the 1 .„, _ . _ T _. . > devil," said Adam ClarkeTfhe Metho- days with Fred = P^^^strassen_ rz ^; i - H;OT ^^ stuff it with tobacco, and offer it to him Roasted." Holy communion will be celebrated in the Lutheran church, next Sunday jnoraings—PreparatoTy^ervTces^ atu r- day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. —Baster-^ervie^|~^nn&e™h^Tin"the Reformed church, Sunday evening, April 15th. A very interesting pro- gram has -been' jirepared. AlLcpme. - Married, on Wednesday, April 11. = f5&6, at the parsonage ot the Lutheran .church, by the Rev. M. L. Tate, Miss Reth'a Celick and Mr. Henry Wood-, cock, of Middleburgh.. <«> Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bassler enter- taiued at tea, Thursday, Mr. and Mijjs. Jacob Hilton -and daughter Grace, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur ; Shultes,\ Mr. and MrsI Leslie Cook and son. The detachment of the maffia, fifty ^rpng-j^sonsjoiLSunny Italy) hake_ar^. riyedto begin the-Season!s_work.on..the State"'Road, for Joseph Walket. I. suppose in a' sriprf time, we vVill be able to walk over the Berne bridge without wet feet, impossible as it may seem. About Rheumatism. There are few. diseases that i.fliot more tortajeJh^a.Aeumati8m-and4h6re-i.8-prob^ ably nodisease.fpr which sudha variednnd upeiessjofr'of remedies have beSn sugsested JCa-8^—^thatuSt^ari-be^ured-tejrtheWBfbre-t a bold statement, to make, but Chamber- lain's Fain Balm* .whiohefijoys an eWen-. »,i»8 *»l e > li>8 Jriet with great aupoesg iri the treatment of this disease One Application of Pain Balm will relieve'the ptirivand hundreds of sufferor8i|baV.e w testiQ^id td per- manont cures by $fe use Why suffer 'when Pain Balm affords such guibk;.relief'and oost^but'ft triflel* i Fbf,s^eby*| , .Tn^n- detse .*' .';"' ''' '. - '• n^ctady - v-ia^Ehis—place will;- if "estab- lished, start from- Fullers. The route" from Scheriectad3' was objected to by the pbstdfilce inspector. Building permits to the number of 41 were issued in Sche'riectady last, week, and -totaled over $119,00,0. Real es- tate mer^pejlevef he population of 13clie-' riectady has reached the 65,000 mark. Snow-fell-here all aftefrioonTSbnday and had it not melted, considerably-as 7 it come would' pfobablyJiave~teached a " depth of' four or five inches. As it was the ground was covered at night by^about two inches ofcvery wet snow,- and it -looks as^jfj. ay ortwol It is proposed by the railroad coni- 4sany-Jx>--change-tl^-p^Tt-pfrthe7lrtgB^ way from the Hollow to this village, now on the west side of the rajXrs&iL t6-the-e^rersrdSrWuf^pjngTa^ay_with two dangerous crossing^. .The land required for the' change will be given by James Malcohn, it is said. Mr. Elvla Wolford is.a possessor of iAgphenogcaph^g •Mr. G.. C. Klemme spent Sunday with his parents at Sprakers; Clarence Wood, of Williamsburgh, spent Sunday with his parents. Mrs. -S. *Coss is spending a few days with her son, Mr. David Coss. • -Mr. Lloyd Cos's spent a few days last week with friends at Castleton. Mr. Jackob Blessinghashired Damon Huff to work for .him the coming^yearj. ^-Mrr artd^Mf^TTIenTy~Van Patten _spgnt Sunday at Mr. ^eiberts at Haga- mans. ", Mrs. David Coss spent a few days ISst week with her sister,'Mrs. Spurr, of Schenectady, Mr-, and Mrs.' W. D. Cummings and children spentSunday with her parents, Mr._Alleh Wood. . " Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ogsbury and- Mrs, Charity Spawn, spentSunday lw-ith^-iv4Pr4I-r^uackewrjfeh.T"—~^~~~ Rheumatic Pahis Quickly Ketleved. The exornoiating- pains oharacteristioof. rheumatism and aoiatloa are quickly relitivea by applying Chaniberlains Bam ,0aini thfi great pate relieving-; ppterothlhiiiiriiin^liife has been the surp:tfee^ia^eligiy|siK*n'6ri^ rinds" of 6ufferexs j! r^el^p^^liet£frM 'pain which it. affprdMi s a'ten'e^|f||^Sny^ ItimesitscoiJt. ' ; P ^ S ^ I p J | i ^ ; ^ i | l | g ^ •iri Washingjtpni:'" "%he; fdllciwiii^ ;.%rpri> among the out-of-town ^esSs5Mis"s : '"<S; S. Younjg,. ca^-Nfi^^^0^i^moik'- land. Miss: Ha^gietgHollalsa?#ri%^ifi ; r' and Mrs. D. Jennings, -Misses Lauras .- M. Jennirig^,. Florence..feriniggSi^anC-^ Mary-Jerininjrs "anpT Mrs. EHrabft&r Helme, of McKpwnyille.' Ifelmar.-—"- John Durfee is not so wett Mrs. again. Mrs. Lydia Fleglar is confined b» the house by illness. , . Frank Turner 1 _w.ho—has—typnotar fever is some"better at this writing/ visiting relatives in ATOaliy^tins'weSI Mrs. Maude Cozzens Has-been?spqf<jfc ing a week with her aunt in Albarijt. Mrs.. Kate McKnown^ of Albany, v j The, proposed mail route from:Sche--|^P en,: Sunday w^ith,J»Ixs-WiWram Brit- ton. Miss Laura Wilson-left Friday fot Lake Placid, where, she, will-sjpeiia~*7~ month. . Mrs. Ida Frink has r^ej^entertaiaiajf- -her daughter, MrsT'Shultes, of Leeds,. ' fpr a few days. - ' V ^Phe Standard Bearers held theitr monthly meeting iri the -M. E. phurcl*," Tttesday evening—---—~~ r T~."". ' . Landlord Henry Weyricfc has mpvesjl his family - to Unionville hotel. Jvhich- ^ remaia-a.-(-hBTreiSntTy _ pTr?^lrased. Some twenty friends of) Miyagd_Mts^_ aye -them a sutrv. »" W prise party at their home Pn 3Eagie jtr^tHAinajayt^atnrda^^vlning^r; j _ ~^heSIingerIaldsco^esppndentbet{eit' write,Slingerlands^news and pot;be so! fast"" to _ go^ b^orj^wjngj).tber^ coBFo^ppn?- ; dents riews,..fpr he may see trouble. * ^ Mr. Ch.arJjas_JEdjKiarjl^^ r CT^-^^— bride nee Anna M. Dake, of GaivVay*'' who have been spending - several day* at the Oliver homestead, left Mondays for North Adams.' Mr.^Carris a cou- sin of Mrs. Oliver. Several. from K here wfent,|P Schene^ tady, Saturday, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Annie Winne Visscher, a.for- mer resident of this place. MrsX Visscher^ was^a^J^gltter-PWhe-Iate-- J o h n TDewjis W i n n e and her. tnarii? friehds here were pained to hear of h<efy death. __rL_- " . ""'•-.-•' . Mr.andMfs. P. Z. Allen entertaineti at tea recently, Rev. G . Ww S i s u m i Rev; CohfPd Rowe and wife, ^e^,„ Sherman Rouse .and wife arid da^ighv ters, Mr? arid Mrs. J. S. Merrifieldv* Mr, and Mrs. Cbas. Allen, Mrs. Sarah, Page, Mr* knd Mrs. R. R ; Alien aritL .s.ous,„R.alph-and.Rodman,— Living indpdw somiieh4urtnp'<iUe'4irit*i' months; oi*«te8 « sort rif a gtti%, waut^of*. :bi!Qne condition in the blood ami systijlB^. ' ;*eper«tlly.>. (Jlean »>np and fjtt Kadv it&. *lianrltTsEe™aTe>: Ewly lifeeifs,. .The8«,l W^JHjULti^pilliJJleftBse-theli-VBr, stbmaQ^ , r « m .bciWfiils -iMs'gtve thB;blood a ohnnee «£• .: jpri v w||'#itselfr-:f'i^y^ehWe^^ C-1P; SSiit? «^ . *.zp4&3£,CZ > "\ \

^^^M-tfO^JfeXP^^^-i^^ioafi*nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031266/1906-04-13/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · proswt-ffqy('Hnin>rrt .of 1ftrsMirr,."Bb^sHJd7 JSIuLP£apoKl- -aBd-tweTrfyTnTles

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#« <*.

^^^M-tfO^JfeXP^^^-i^^ioafi* ^.SeflfliaE?

t ha t he would recover from'His nervou? .,hreakiiow,ii-; it tcii f'li rmi~oOnRwwit VniqutM •". y^i'i^i":. ^ •:. '!;.''•• J &Vh

Suniiior.Uas.sell A. Alger-at-ffitittissjiii ^fSmn&LJii^plH'y^ttt WilT. . w n T i V H w - a i

ei?Hp-<i«eHtt d- —Trjjtf tff&pfr-for C&unty-epnrtr

Charges similar to those against the directors, of the 'New York Ljfi? I i i sOT-J -S^r t f r -^Jc^ lT^uW

„ Jj^fUe»iaiJaMa"b^'-Audre-ir---MimT[ Trmr trustees of the

Insura nee. JWDJUUW-JJX-Mutnal Li fe

_agp"f or t lw-Ahtht7t t -^trr l . ' ieJds, who" J s j l l ^ a t j i i s -lionifjuJQfliilia Forty, N. Y„ -charges thF~Trusteos~w"ith being "fully cognizant ,ot* the purposes for."-w-hleit

"company-Vs-money w-as speritT Tie dofliesjjapiifcJlirlluiil anybody. Ctrarles" A, Peabady. president of the Mutual-Life, declj'ife'd 'that he had' DO connec­tion with I® 11. l iarrii tuui. ,T. P . Mor­gan or the S tandard Oil company. A fourth suit against Menard A. McCur-dy, former presldeBt_o£-tbe*^Mtrttral

- L i f ^ i r a E d J & d ^ O T P ^ ^ begun by the company. The amount a sked is ftjmMlM.' paid "to the younger Mot 'nrdy in exor bitant" com­missions. Sui t -has-been-begun by"the company . aga ins t f i e lds for a n ac­counting. -•

Wi th a flat refusal to a rb i t ra te any bu t t w o of t he less important demands-of the union miners the anthraci te coal o p e r a t o r s j

"now"~rt*BiTrT>VrfiMl_:lu—llu.<3in- -fcuvw-mr real coiHiciiiiiu with ihc people. The proswt-ffqy('Hnin>rrt .of 1ftrsMirr,."Bb^sHJd7

J S I u L P £ a p o K l - -aBd-tweTrfyTnTles on cotiiitry road's. l5fi;oTj/olni Mitchell ' to refer .the con­

t roversy to t l ie"board of conciliation for a rb i t ra t ion . A counter proposition w a s made to the effect that the anthra­c i te coal-str ike coiranissioii of 1003 be reconvened to consider whether any n e w issues have arisen since their a w a r d . The proposition7 w a s that this colnmission dea l with hvd ^ u e ^ i o n i - . namely : ..aJualxeji-UHWw^f^-shtmtri -far

' modified, first,^jjsj[o_jvjLj££s_oithw~l)3' "•\rify^fTiiero;ise un reduction, and ser--" o M ^ j i s to ad jus tment of complaints through- the conciliation >boarfl or dflier-wise . ^Tlfcfsfipulaflohs attachod-tw-th.is propo9ition_wei-e tliaL^^rie-siittfebengeT

a t .once and tha t th ,-4903-pWiirTTOmulieTFeffect until Apr i l ^^r^90^f^"Wln?uYirrabTnBcations^s : th is

commission shall decide iipon. — <&ftrglM*f4tasHMF£mjr Leopold of Bel-

p - g ium. lujs-innrdj^ed-fitpui, (SjmpSO to t 10,no0',pn(r-o"r i>M iso'hsT!;ur.#ie'' 'Kougo

Free Kto.fe.in t h e pasT-fifteen years ,

pastor of t)uv Wrirren_Avej - c l n i r e ' h t = - i t Q g r t u ^ T s ^ ^ ^ t i n ' g three > months of fiis= tirLte tqj a'ddres'sihg-meet­ings on i h e Subject. •* A n pffieial state-

the United States , having neither pos­sessions or protectorates in Africa-will disclaim any'- intent ion to inter­fere in the Kongo country.

B ishopjJh ju tes^Q^leeabe^saTcr in a serfflmrfiellorethe Neiy'Yjjri^jjaitiicjShl'

'. fexoace • in' B r o u g j y u ^ g a F l r i s c h u r c h . Iioscsil "to labor unions as they

now exist and would, use its influence to-wipe t h e m out "or reform them. The Methodist- Boole Coucern - is involved in flis)>utes with labor unions. The cou-

lej3mc^d(»hired-^e-!?em3OTlr^^ sympathy witlitffe toilers.. This sympa­thy, however, w a s -extended-as much

' to' mior^ai i izedja Upheld, as i t was to tfie: \vprlcmpn afiili-

§—n±ed~A¥ltli uiii.ons. . • Theodore H o r s t m a h of Cincinnati has

announced h i s . candidacy for thVeon-gressionaljsea-t-of Nicholas Longworth, the president ' s son-in-law.. In. j m .ad­dress in Chicago Mr . Longworth called

' cer ta in "attacks on public:j»ejo. Jiyster,-ieal K^nd declared t h a t t hey a r e un­founded. H e said, " I f ^ o u bglieve all you reart-anrt lrfjnji-Soii* might--weittjfe^

TTeve tha t politics m e a n s g ra f t a n d that graft means politics." He-'-extolled t he

as^wi-eppOTient-:af~^raTt~ana*" dishonesty.. - - ' • - - ""~~~

i s anaivh,v._iiiu—oigw^:F=vYtrrp~ts~TTr aii'd devoid of talent, f-iorlcy

will be more flghling in Rus-uttuiiied. will be the

sincere saj's theri1

sia"beX(Jry rwil freedom is . . T h a t U'-illiiini. ,1. Bryan

4-QSU3U XfeiuaiiWAiti.-candidate tin -1!)0.? is a belief that i« finding expression among prominent members- of tha Democratic chib of New York. To dis­cover sentiment throughout Hie coun­try and fortify their party against w £ ' i L t h ( y describe as "dang(i l»us-^ ' j -J iaUst ie nwvwiwHteg-tiipy l ia \e daeided-.to niake their orpiutscaiion a ualioual o i i a . , _ -

The automobile bill passed the Xe,w -Jersey- liptise. The bill provides for the expiration of licenses on July 1. N'ew licenses are , to ' be 'granted on "the bas is of the 'borsepower of tlie machines. No license is to be granted to any p e r s o n under sixteen years of ape. The speed imit is a ix_to twelve iniics-Jji^d.Ues I persotty

•The(interstate coininerce commission, act ing tinder ,a resohrtion of. congress approved by President Itoosevelt, be­gan an investigation -in I'hilndelphia^to ascertain whe the r railroads IfaveUny interest in the coal or oil which they t r anspo r t - a s common carriers. Alany facts •. damaging to the roads were brought out.. ^ _ _ . '• —-= —

..VJr^fiiiJa is to s'end_ils commisfiioner sjf .agritxiiit-im>-Trf>f(>ttti^~to sfe-m«e-» xl«i-TdrsrWe fnrfii 7alnTr"lar.iiw »tate; ' - A "movement Jo....(siLwilii-fUl -tfee-J'ew Tsli orttaniKatiojiB of this ' cdimlry was set oil foot iu New York city.

Speaker Camion in a pr ivate ietcei, declared that tariff revision w i s cer­tain, but not for KQHIO tiuu). - jVceoi-'dlH£-fo oilirijil, adTtce^THTruiTrii" anart-UisJit ijjyjrr.t.vlng- in i±ie~xriiitc>d


-givrrfiri^gms^Ha't^it"^ n,-fa^ffrrrnimiIfVT," j ^ ^ Lltamont-f-Geerg-e-^

iMriei i , ft—Sflrfifin-library building.

August Belmont .has purchftsed the English racing stallion Hock Sand for $12."5,0(iii.

At the age of V2& y e a r s j f rs . Pbilo Kogers, a negro woman; died iu Chi­t-ago.

A woman suffrage bill was passed by the Rhode Island senate.

•" • •

FOftEtGrT - Jfewsrftoffl India savs "that owing"tp the fail nre of rain crops are NOTES

t h a t "famine is imminent. Bnsrland is anxious To aver t a f amine of the his­toric sort, such as has Visited .India in years pas t .

Lava from Mount Vesuvius and ear thquakes accompanying violent ac­tion of the volcano de^riygd-^SMOft

o t^ the i r EoTnes"~in fhe-_tnwwa-

ff • —-— ^^he-lpi\p^:\^)^VL%^^^&f^Wn from Jtfexcoiintry to"wnifo4er've' :fisguf6rs a t .the county cou r t .o;n

pres id ing: rregtFTj John

Reidsville. . B e r n a r d Stoneburner w a s at home

ojrer S n n d a j , ' , . ^ - ' .

^OTBtSa HOtfry^publia

^^The^d iMi i i i i on^ fe r j^h i^Ene j r r of the TTCHristian church netted S4V.S0. - -

^ apTOSTJ i l de r -lana,-: Theodore G. Bell, Delanson; T i t u s Decker, Pres ton Hol!ow:;JEioh.ard-F. P rou t , Dunnsville'; Levi Nickerson, Ind ian JFieldsV_Manley W, Conger," Clarksvi lJe ;JohnC. Ten Ey£kJRayjena^|-'

VredrJon^f^ffi^KvOT&TGal-vinlBramd; P o t t e r ' s Hollow; -WlIHama^fi»

sr&vgrtp, Oreerrrslaiid wJSfFJolTTr

r iday , Fu l le rs ; Robert-Hilton, Wes-terlo; Charles W. Robertson,; Coey-mans Hollow; Ga r r e t Winnie; Se lk i rk ; Sanford Sisson, XVest I5erne; Alexan­der •Flansburgh, Voorheesville; Wil­l iam Fryer , Meadowdale; Ar thu r Hem-stead, Westerlo; E. Dayton Jos l in , Voorheesville; H i r a m J . Warner , E a s t Berne; Addison Pemberton, Green­ville; F reder ick—Ful le r ; 3"er"usaTem7 Jesse Cotton, Gui lder lar id; Jasper-LS&ath-^erne^ -

"Whitbeeifr' Ina ian F i e ld s ; Adelber t Galdwell,_ Indian F i e ld s ; Wi l l iam L'.«

Timothy seed $1.60 & upwards . S a n d s

South Berne. P e a r l o Nor thrup spent S u n d a y after­

noon with h i s friend, E a r l W. Car l .

. T h e Misses J l a v and EfGe->El-»g--lpr- -bnglffe5s-tr i5~tgglgany l a s t w e e k ^ -aTTSfgltie S m i t h s the nas t -aaa - . . - - - - -

M r s . Leonard _Stpne,bupner i s ser­iously ill a tr the home of her son, Dora Engle 1 s . '

Miss Eva <rardjjer_js ig|i3slwg^M-r-s. Danie l Loclcwooa-^at Westerlo for a "few-weeks^—

Fred F?n^h i s at thp_Alban-v-hosptfc»l-Hfhere-iie u h d e r w e n t a i ] operat ion. H «

Etand-wifer-ef—Sehenec-tady, spgfft S a t u r d a y a tad-^Sunday with relatives here . •-~~^

Mrs. W. E . Slocum was. called here by the serious i l lness of her father, Mr. Pa t r i ck Sftay.

Miss Mar ia VanD'euseh, of Rens^ selaerville, is spending- a t i m e wTtfi her parents , Mr. and Mrs . Alber tus YanDeusen.

Mrs . A. L . W. Stevenson and Mrs . Morgauza Brayman were recent guests of Mr. a n d M r s . Freder ic Fu rman a t

IfefSoyiiship. - - ~ M r s . B . B a r b e r i s on the s i ck l i s t . M r g £ j i j 2 i j S e m a n ^ ^

.tsTETChaMler, last^week. M r ^ J K J & o & e has=*een-en te r t r t i n - -

IngfvJsi'forsI from -Schenectady, Mr. a n d ' ^ ^ r ^ ^ ^ - - _ c E a r y _ J n J l d i t * _

_b on | he improve.. T h e t r i a l of Wi l l Squ i r e s for destroy­

ing- the front door owned by W i l l T r u a x w i l l ..be .held a t t h i s _ p l a c e » - -ThliCsday-.— :; : ~

JMrs^ J u m e s - Tay lo r has—rghrrnffd ? "WfrS" nTfTlrrn n n^-ff-^hxss^jii a t ^ p w y n r " \_ "' " - " 31s t_by_ uni te3~in m a r r i a g e ! _MaTch

RevT^J. VanDeJiseti. ofjCentral-Bridlfeir jThose who have h i red for t he com­

ing season are: ' _G, Henion, who w i l t work for G r a n t T r u a x F a n n i n g F m o h for I . T r u a S , to work on r o a d , F r e 4 F inch for E . S tu rges ; _

_B^'QrfiUlie 'hou'se-.cohimitteC^aSirjs" cousidea'ing^fhii^sTiijriuTiiWy bill A. J Coekran of .Bath, ijDe.j testifie^djtha. while engaged iiirepaJrinjg_trii.uspor.ts-

^^^mm^mrnmeW^mami war ^ f ^ r m M y H r f - W A l l e e u ^ ^ ence. H e is sa id to have vetoed th&:

eijrnef $ during: OieSpanjslk d-s<HHe:^)f-ihTr-rfm^uTlFso rot­

ten t h a t h a m m e r _Mow^_jurnctured: them ' V * if izi^-Lca-*>* f'-\. , ,, . ..

I n a ^conipetitJon, Columbia uri'iver--^i ty 's highest oratorical honors-went th Is .^yea t^ r to^V f «I.trblpp4ed X^rfcffff prince, who won the annua'ij;6ntest_f6f t h e - G e o r g e WIllianT tSir t ls " m e d a l

d'EHT^a^son Of the_ line of chiefs, thaf-formeYiy, ruled Zululand.;

.ff^rnos • Jld^vard McLaugbiin, a. % b y gitlJof_rTjrejdd3m,-NT--J7r-^^

mMvtjDy_tJ)&itat6ai«tfortnient-RT^^ changed to Hazel SleLaughlin by the legislature. The doctor attending a t t he baby 's bir th told t h p grandmoth­er t h a t i t w a s a tine chap, and the grandmother had tlie child baptfeed befor^ t^eSete^=wfrs discovered. ._

—Tiie-disrepulab' le~id called "Raines

The Hungarian-cris is has- been pass-c,ed by a coniproniisesbjet^een^thethrpna;

And . the cwiHth>i06j£c^^^S-^^?nNto r" aPunion with) Aaistiriavis assured

•untii'jUnT. " ' ' - . . Irish emigration in 1004 readied 3Q,-fiTOV the smallest since 1851: America absorbed three-fourths, of 1904's emi­grants . 4 -• ; ^^.—— -^^—

-»S!peakirig-fo theYaJe^tudent.s-a»t»>Ba1?' • ^eH-n^rapnTKev^r t cSns of New Haven commented on the a t t i tude of the young man, toward the church St-tegjL\r._and_de(?iafed--tlitrt -tf-^tBe"

must boldly commit herself to a , n e w cru--uade. H e declared t h a t the new cause would be a th ing of schools and hos­pitals, concern itself with thejiiajterial welfare of the"TTities- arid^deinaud that tile 'poor havenioro ai id the rich less. • "The Carnegie kiss leaves'1 noth ing to bo; desired.".aiiys iUrs, J . H . J i i e h b e r g

I p 9 ^ Atlanta , whose l ips wefef glued to those of the master. 'of Skibo castle for

~bi;ief_hjdery:a L kt-tt^^ E Mr. fjarnegfe wlieii he %vas-in At­

lanta.. ' ? I r . .OtonegieaCa: i t i sse iM^t tn-^ S M l e i V V - e o t r t l u i i p : Mrs. Elchberg,

who w a s kissecHyfif i ihihotta Pearson ' . ^ b b s o n " several >ea r s : ligb, ~-*8h$ de-'

I c h u ' e s t h a t tlie C&megte kiss> far ex-I c«iis the Hobson article.

If' l l JLJJJaas - jnee t ihg . every man, wo-* Invjvn and chiia fu'jjidii dijty,"/lllj'G,O00' | In nuhiber, pi-oml^A 'Overseer Vbliva ;

i t h a t John Alexander .-Bowie .would be W g ? H f l | a i e i | ^ i u h i ^ * t . j u 4 r ^ t-Wrs. Dowle has: jpilied the "movement, ;<?hnrgiiig the "pi-bpiief Wltii polyga-' i»«phs ijitentioiis, Extnivagiuiee, inis-^i tnagemeii t , . iiypdevisy; n t id i i a t i jv^ tu -f«; ehnrgea: M^"nTTille"?ifaiWDd#e tivt-:hte former fojio^ei's.

Aiaxim Gorliy^'tlie fAmong ttu&slan

JajK^J^tel»-^f--tfae-3gmTn^e_Stgg~tog doomed, according to theTntent of the hill of Assemblyman Prentice, which was signed by Governor Higgins im ;

mediately af ter i ts passage by <a party j^ t^Ju^ thf i - sena te ;—It rpassed^ t l re^as^ semblyrecent ly .-

In New' York city,. John D. - Kocke-f^hjTj^JiuJli-addressing his Bible class declared i t j i great ly misfaben idea tBat greaf weal th : produced great happiness. I t is. Understood tha t the three John t). Boekef ellers will -be iunder-one roof-at-Pocantlco Hil ls for a t ime. , Par t ia l success has at tended the ef­forts of Washington surgeons to restore sight toL Wilton JIeina?<L bE grafting theTnembraue and cornea of a rabbit 's eye to his. H e 'can n o w .distinguish

ferfedressr^' "

To Be rmuda onions is a t t r ibuted the recovery from--consumption3gf__Mjs& -Jehiistoner-Bennett, a-; well "known ac--tres}i., The- alleged curat ive properties oJUJk^niGri--were-^iscoT^^ GolinsKy, a scientist . "

Ttiskegee inst i tute , Booker T. Wash­ington's negro school a t Tuskegee, Ala^ ;celebi«.ted-it9 silve^ttWreeT" "Aadl-eis-

=^=TPTCiraefiT~BnW^f Harvard , "Andrew Carnegie and other distinguished men.

The j i idiciary committee of the New Jersey senate, which Investigated tint charges of extortion aga ins t Senators Shinn arid Martens , reported that tlie

-charges a r e no t sustaiued by'fbe testi­mony, . . < ' - - " . -• By adver t i s ing in the newspapers theTittl-actions of i ts young men's Bi-ble class tlie F i r s t GumbejjAadJEr_esb.v terian churdh\ of Kuoxville,- Tenri., in-creasedjthe a t t endance one-third.

•A"chufeh ' 'courting par lor" fpr'the use of,.,j)poS Without eenifdrtabI6 boines is tiife -latest idea of- the Kev. Dr . Baton3

pa^tof of John i ) . Rockefeller's ehureh In Cleveland. ' . '- , ', ^ .

' D e l a ^ a ^ ; 0 . ^ a s . . a ^ e n ~ w h i c h ~ - l a y s -ejggs thftf tfre Inside ont. F i r s t coip.es th^ Inneip y i i i t e skin, then tlie whi te of tlie egg, then the regular shell and last di^pi^-^-^--^^-^^—---*--—•

TiSTafry S , Pfflsbu'ry, tlie famqus.chess arid ciiecker"espert, is insane. Playing blindfold mul t ip le chess Is said t o be the-causei :• • • < • . i»&pfenio^ Apostles Matti i ias F , Cpw> fey »pd irpliti # * Taylor, poiyganiists, v^<|JitPp^pjja-1!ronj_the i i s i o f twelsrcH aDOStles —

and country nearJS'aples. The-ci ty it-Russia has concurred with the de­

sires of the United States and the South American republics and" will jigregjfcft a pastiKaieriient of _ tlie time, the las t two Weeks of Ju ly , originally set for The JSagBcpeaee-ednferenee. -

Chinese pirates held up three boats fourteen miles from •SaiislurL~not-frar.- -i^£&S£J§S. -Qnderdonkv -out lZpopHIar

,.-., _ ^ . "store keeper, h a s moved h i s family a n d -H0baTn5?T|; Hager, : ,-4g Arnerican mis-. l a rge stock of store goods to h i s house

fiojxi^aJiton,-andjrabJ3edrJlre4tev. : -DK-

sionaijy;, 6£ elbthesj' cash jfecrid stifgiibal sari^teuments. 'i^^i- '-^hr^-r-: A ^k- ,-b;'

a n d s tore which he^rebently.purchased of GePrge' lJorthrup. Char ley did not

—Empero r W i l ! i M i J ^ j r i y i f l r i e a ^ G ^ e 4 # ^ ^ • srdergd^jijJOjWljalay^r^JM^^ -Qrrackenljush •wplfecrup \\t twa^ ,r^?Lli|ed» he had a s ntriny**kirigs *<al the'liiexi: ^ine and- -a -plaee-to-^mdVKffr-r

*J>i"op,osea.n loan .-to ^Russia, ,by »Gernjari

Dr. lshigami, a famous Japanese bac-teplplogustv anyp-unGepV^ljat^he, had rdisr cbSered'ftn a'htitoxlrijigainSt j£hercnl6V

"slsj:^ But" h a t ' applicable in advanced S,tflg<es of tlie disease.

gKeTUorQccaii. canventien—was-stgn=" ed, .and the conference adjourned sine •dier——i — * _i • '

. : Parkers Corners.*: - •• 7 "MPs. Chase and two sons, of Mt. P l easan t , Jiaye_-maved_ in -Ghctrles LoebcF's house.

Corne l ia 'Ward is spending her E a s ­ter vacation with hrer paren ts , Mr. and M r s . "Wm. Ward . ,-^-

.. Mr . and Mrs . Robe r t -Whi t e , of Schenectady, spent S u n d a y , with Mr . a n d Mrs . Char les White . _ ,__

""MissTjizzie Wi the rwax spent a few d a y s l a s t week with-'Mr. arid Mrs . Irv­ing 'Witherwax in Schenectady. J-,

Mrs , M a r i a Chappell ,-jias re turned home after spending a few weeks" with

•tier brother , E m e r y Pang-burn ,_ of K n o x . ^ ' "

_ J E a r ^ ^ T [ C a r r j i a s _ J r e t u . r - n e d T -home-"yHd". commenced hisZschool-in the-vH--" I a g e T ~ ' . " .

M r s . John Lawson , Who h a s had a •shockr, w a s "moved to the. home of her daughter , Mrs . Winfield M u r r a y , l a s t S a t u r d a y . • .'• -

Mrs . Melvih Crocker h a s re turned from Altatnont_jKhere—she—has been c a r i n g for her mother, M r s . Char le s ® . .Wright. -

gpimothy seed$1.60.& u p w a r d s ; S a n d s

A GUARANTEED C U R E FOR PILES kcUinn BlindV^BleediBBi-^rttisalaej^eaeif! „D^Bgii^ar,e3«irthpriatfJ^IrcfSSaji-mpfiiy i)t Pazo OintcoeBt fails to cure in 6 to i^ days. 50c

LJ^naa Ma±liia^Jia*-riiov^d-f-rotn-the- -CTTbrher, of ^ J b a r i y ^ ^ K y p J B i ^ ^ a u . , T 'osburg farm into the2iou^e_oLWai&an- -of^^^rts3eta^iT1^~lPp"itner>; pjiS|Erpy-j: , n ~ _ _ 4 ~~ J t "" '^ L e o Forner , Mrs . S^,-i^s0^;:'^^, if.

R e i n h a r t a d d George?; Reinh!f r t j of

A b f a m s , Mr. and M r s . J , : B;;!&fan.i ville, M r . ; g n d M r s A . i e n n t u g s ^ - M r .

BerneT '•jMjrs, Lizzie AcKer;is much imprWed;.

ii-^ndrew^J'l^aFisrTTOpk-ingf-! foi;SDr. 'W'/-0- Deitii-,, .*; •"• u :.':'.' <;•;•• „"' ' k

Howard El Settle h a s recently been very" ill wi th l a gr ippe .

Floyd. Brunk has been on the sick l i s t fpr the pas t few days .

^Edward-i ' i tc l ieT is spending- a few


- Rev. R. E . J en k i n s will p reach a n E a s t e r sermon next S u n d a y . " T h i s wUlbeJi is ja5t^ejandn^efor«-gorng^tBr


-MoKdwriirffler-—^~~' M r s . Elizabeth. Helirie is visi t ing her

son, Char les Helme* a t NewtPnville.

' M r s . Weller,"'of Greenv?ichj_recfintly. .visited'heT'slsteryMrs.^W. J. Knowles..

' A nd'mber from tn i s p lace at tended the Abrams-Forner n u p t i a l s ^ a t New-tonville, l as t Wednesday. "u" .

Mr. and "Mrs. W. • St rope , of Al-s bany, spent S u n d a y with' h is pa ren t s , Mr. and Mrs . A M. Strope. .

Mrs . E . Ca rha r t and daughte r Ste l la have ,been spending the pas t week a t t he home her sister , M r s . W.- Heime:

Mr, J . B. Winne h a s presented his daughter , Mi's. Benj. Winne, with a new upr ight p iano, purchased ' . a t Cluett & Sons, A l b a n y

T h e r e will be an enter ta inment given by the children of the.JVfi E i S , - S.» in the M. E.: 1 church ,^-Fr]day 'evening , Apr i l 27. T h e enter ta inment wil l con­sist of choruses, solos* d ia logues , reci­ta t ions and a bo peep dr i l l . I t i s well worth the smal l price of admiss ion , 10


A p r i l h a s usheted in the u s u a l num-berof changes in this place. We.notice ^ h e foilow'"yi__,jMr' P- yar jdefbi l t "h lES°^5vW~TfoTn~^nT^^l le^ in tp tlie lower p a r t of Wymari rs~Tiouse; Mr. Riley, from some yyhere nea r Roches­ter, h a s moved Pii Mr. -A. C. A b r a m ' s . fa rm, and will work i t on ' snakes tKe^ domittgf yea r ; Mr; French , of A l b a n y , h?as moved on the* Scpft" farm which he i & s bpught, and Mr.; Hine diir bakeri, *ar .Tnwetd irPffi th i sp lages tp SiuHdeV* land.

^ A n d r e w . Adams h a s moved, in C h a r l e s B a l l house on J u g street.

Mrs.- W a r r e n Wood h a s been on the s i c k j i s t h u t i s npw-.mueh improved.

Myron- f i l k i n s and Birton Wright ^attended the uniform examination ,a t Wgsterlo l a s t Wednesday and T h u r s -

d a y ' " ' . ' 4 > ' • " • - " - Inte l l igence has reached-us tha t the gen ia lT inmates - of -Brookside" a r e ,on t l i e lF 'way homeward from the_sunny_ soufHern l and .

Mis s M a r i a Hochstrasser , pf White Sulphi i r .Springs, i s spending a time a t -Thomas Bors t ' s . Mr . Borst i s suf­fering with~a-ver-y bad cold. "•

Among the m a n y who a r e moving in and around our village "this spr ing a r e Frank^Bfa te i n p a r t of . n i s f a t h e r ' s hotise, Ba rney L a v e r y artd'vifife into the Cumm:iigs .house which Wil l iam Winnie and family vacate, the l a t t e r to reside on h i s own fa rm; Elmjer -Fil-_ k ins and family- in p a r t of the fiousj wjth_CQnrad Lee ; Wil.ltam" wife vv^ll_pcajipy^-the-- -house—thfey""va-c a t e d j n d Mrs,. E l len Condon -<bn—the T a f m i h e recently purchased. >^

"Fullers. - 1 George Chamber la in i s . finishing

John F r i d a y ' s house. __

- Fred Quackenbush, who has-been ill for some time, i s improving.

Mr . Van Pa t ten has moved h i s s team saw: mill to John Gifijird's. in_Rptter^

—HewtonyiUe-—~Rev.Tofrnl3carle,t preached a t J e r u ­sa lem, S u n d a y . ^ ..—— j -Mi« _ Bt iSb"S ' f i iSe to^ ! f iOSE£BSwfe^

vi'lle, is spend ing a few days^wifh'- b e e son, I r a L , Helme. <• . • ' ;

M r s . A. V. Wi lk ins , of Sehenecfady, h a s re turned home after a visit',wl'tlife her brolhetyJjyJi . .X._Ab>rariiS. ... . •'»'


Vpprhees Van Al len , i s ass is t ing . the openator a t the depot and learning-telegraphv.

A very pre t ty Jivedding- took-plaSje-^ Apr i l 4th a t the. honie of*pjri a r id Mrs,! H . C. Abram's when fbj&i'r daugittpi? J e n n i e Elizabeth w a s united" i n i p a W r i a g e to Air. A n d r e w IT:' Fp rne f d£ Loudon v i l i & ^ — G a t d e n e c —

_ , _ officiated: H S s r s T 2 _ _ H « _ K e i n p r - j i i j r ^ ^ 3 f l S 4 J K v - ^ V B r e w 5 t e r 7 - o r ^ N ¥ w t p n v i l l e , . S .

H. Denison and, R . -A. ©pye, -jr., dft Loudonvil le , were ushers . T h e ^gidfe'r wore a handsome gown of,, vKhitetaffetia. sillc t r immed with • appifcrue*,:' L t t t l t - ' I r i s Leona Helme, cousin of ithe Bride* w a s flowergirl. ' Miss D a i s y GpjoriprsL pr.esided at.th.e p jano i ; . T#e5hp"fee§B!a^I; p re t t i ly decpfated witli ' ferns, : -p^pited-. p l a n t s and cu t flowers." - M a n y S a n d -soirie p resen ts wpre recejrvedi ' a?n» br ide ' s ,go ing: away- .go^ja wais- " -gith- hafe^ojgniatehTgs^f^Smn , 'dfg TFornerrare-*p>ndirig..their-t-*hMeyMo!^i>f

Mr. and 'Mrs . R. I . Bouck and daugh-fc^abxneid^a^pspeBr^ua^ayat

S. j1^.: Dears tyne ' s .

.TthP1 residents of this p l ace . a re in hopes of ge t t ing a. better t ra in service on 'the West Shore. . . I ...

?s ,Rr-B.-Van Al.len h a s purchased the 'store property _and^iaasUiagMHMeiiF'j= mg,. now occupied by him, of the-pther heirs of his f a the r ' s estatg. ^_

—•Winter g r a i n i s coming out much better than-.was a t first ant ic ipated, in spite of the supposed unfavorable con­ditions d u r i n g the winter.

E l i Van Wagenen is to remain with Henry Gi lber t another y e a r ; Wil l iam Chism with Henry E l l i s , and E . .Wol-for'd with Charles Quackenbush.

" W e r e I to, make an. offering to-the1

.„, _ . _ T_. . > d e v i l , " sa id Adam ClarkeTfhe Metho-d a y s with F r e d = P ^ ^ ^ s t r a s s e n _ r z ^ ; i - H ; O T ^ ^

stuff i t with tobacco, a n d offer i t to him Roasted."

Holy communion will b e celebrated in the L u t h e r a n church, next Sunday jnoraings—PreparatoTy^ervTces^ atu r-day afternoon a t 2:30 o'clock. „ — B a s t e r - ^ e r v i e ^ | ~ ^ n n & e ™ h ^ T i n " t h e Reformed church, S u n d a y evening, Apr i l 15th. A very interest ing pro­g r a m h a s -been' j i r epa red . AlLcpme. -

Mar r ied , on Wednesday, Apr i l 11. =f5&6, a t the pa r sonage ot the Lu the ran .church, by the Rev. M. L . Ta t e , Miss Reth'a Celick and Mr. Henry Wood-, cock, of Middleburgh. . <«>

Mr. and M r s . Les te r Bass le r enter-taiued a t tea, T h u r s d a y , Mr. and Mijjs. Jacob Hilton -and daughter Grace , M r , and M r s . A r t h u r ;Shultes,\ Mr. a n d MrsI Les l ie Cook and son.

The detachment of the maffia, fifty ^rpng-j^sonsjoiLSunny I ta ly) hake_ar^. r i yed to begin the-Season!s_work.on..the State" 'Road, for Joseph Walke t . I. suppose in a' sriprf time, we vVill be ab l e to walk over t he Berne br idge without wet feet, impossible a s it may seem.

About Rheumatism. There are few. diseases that i.fliot more

tortajeJh^a.Aeumati8m-and4h6re-i.8-prob^ ably nodisease.fpr which sudha variednnd upeiessjofr'of remedies have beSn sugsested

JCa-8^—^thatuSt^ari-be^ured-tejrtheWBfbre-t a bold statement, to make, but Chamber­lain's Fain Balm* .whiohefijoys an eWen-. »,i»8 *»le> li>8 Jriet with great aupoesg iri the treatment of this disease One Application of Pain Balm will relieve'the ptirivand hundreds of sufferor8i|baV.ewtestiQ^id td per-manont cures by $fe use Why suffer 'when Pain Balm affords such guibk;.relief'and oost^but'ft t r i f l e l* i Fbf , s^eby* | , .Tn^n-detse .*' .';"' ' ' ' '. - '•

n^ctady -v-ia^Ehis—place will;- if "estab­l ished, s tar t from- Ful le rs . T h e route" from Scheriectad3' was objected to by the pbstdfilce inspector.

Bui ld ing permits to the number of 41 were issued in Sche'riectady last, week, a n d -totaled over $119,00,0. Rea l es­t a t e mer^pejlevef h e population of 13clie-' riectady h a s reached the 65,000 mark .

Snow-fell-here al l aftefrioonTSbnday a n d h a d it not melted, considerably-as7

it come would ' pfobablyJiave~teached a " depth of' four or five inches. A s i t w a s the ground w a s covered a t n igh t by^about two inches ofcvery wet snow,-a n d i t -looks a s ^ j f j .

a y o r two l

I t is proposed by the r a i l road coni-4sany-Jx>--change-tl^-p^Tt-pfrthe7lrtgB^ w a y from the Hollow to th i s vi l lage, now on the west s ide of t he rajXrs&iL t6- the-e^rersrdSrWuf^pjngTa^ay_with t w o dangerous crossing^. .The l a n d requi red for t h e ' change will be given by J a m e s Malcohn, it i s sa id .

Mr . E lv la Wolford i s .a possessor of iAgphenogcaph^g •

•Mr. G.. C. Klemme spent S u n d a y with his pa ren t s a t S p r a k e r s ;

Clarence Wood, of Wi l l i amsburgh , spent S u n d a y wi th h i s pa ren t s .

M r s . -S. *Coss i s spending a few d a y s w i t h her son, M r . David Coss.

• -Mr. Lloyd Cos's spen t a few d a y s l a s t week with fr iends a t Castleton.

Mr . J ackob B le s s inghash i r ed Damon Huff to work for .him the coming^yearj.

^ - M r r • ar td^Mf^TTIenTy~Van P a t t e n _spgnt Sunday a t M r . ^e ibe r t s a t H a g a -mans . ",

M r s . David Coss spent a few d a y s ISst week with h e r s i s t e r , 'Mrs . S p u r r , of Schenectady,

Mr-, and Mrs. ' W . D . Cummings and chi ldren s p e n t S u n d a y wi th her pa ren t s , Mr._Alleh Wood. . "

Mr , a n d Mrs . F r a n k O g s b u r y and-Mrs, Cha r i ty S p a w n , s p e n t S u n d a y


R h e u m a t i c Pahis Quickly Ket leved. The exornoiating- pains oharacteristioof.

rheumatism and aoiatloa are quickly relitivea by applying Chaniberlains Bam ,0aini t h f i great pate relieving-; ppterothlhiiiiriiin^liife has been the surp:tfee^ia^eligiy|siK*n'6ri^ rinds" of 6 u f f e r e x s j ! r ^ e l ^ p ^ ^ l i e t £ f r M 'pain which i t . affprdMi sa'ten'e^|f | |^Sny^ ItimesitscoiJt. ' ; P ^ S ^ I p J | i ^ ; ^ i | l | g ^

•iri Washingjtpni:'""%he; fdllciwiii^ ;.%rpri> among t h e out-of-town ^esSs5Mis"s : '"<S; S. Younjg,. ca^-Nfi^^^0^i^moik'-l a n d . Miss : Ha^gietgHolla lsa?#ri%^if i ; r '

a n d M r s . D. J e n n i n g s , -Misses L a u r a s .-M. Jennirig^,. F l o r e n c e . . f e r i n i g g S i ^ a n C - ^ Mary - Je r in in j r s "anpT Mrs . EHrabf t&r He lme , of McKpwnyille. '

Ifelmar.-—"-John Durfee is no t so wett M r s .

a g a i n .

Mrs . L y d i a F l e g l a r is confined b» the house by i l lness . , .

F r a n k Turner 1 _w.ho—has—typnota r fever is some"better a t th is w r i t i n g /

v is i t ing re la t ives in ATOal iy^ t ins 'weSI

Mrs . M a u d e Cozzens Has-been?spqf<jfc i ng a week with her a u n t i n Albarij t .

M r s . . K a t e McKnown^ of A l b a n y ,

v j

T h e , proposed mai l route from:Sche-- |^P e n , : S u n d a y w^ith,J»Ixs-WiWram B r i t -ton .

Miss L a u r a Wilson- lef t F r i d a y f o t L a k e P l a c i d , where, she, will-sjpeiia~*7~ month.

. M r s . I d a F r i n k h a s r^ej^entertaiaiajf--her daugh t e r , MrsT'Shul tes , of Leeds, . ' fpr a few d a y s . - ' V

^ P h e S t a n d a r d B e a r e r s he ld theitr monthly meet ing i r i the -M. E . phurcl*," T t t e s d a y evening—---—~~rT~."". ' .

L a n d l o r d H e n r y Weyricfc h a s mpvesjl h i s fami ly - to Unionvil le hotel . Jvh ich-


Some twen ty fr iends of) M i y a g d _ M t s ^ _ aye -them a sutrv.

» " W

p r i s e p a r t y a t the i r home Pn 3Eagie j t r ^ t H A i n a j a y t ^ a t n r d a ^ ^ v l n i n g ^ r ; j _

~ ^ h e S I i n g e r I a l d s c o ^ e s p p n d e n t b e t { e i t ' wr i t e ,S l inger lands^news and po t ;be s o ! fast"" to _go^ b^orj^wjngj).tber^ coBFo^ppn?- ; den ts riews,..fpr he m a y see t roub le . * ^

M r . Ch.arJ jas_JEdjKiar j l^^ r CT^-^^—

br ide nee A n n a M. Dake , of GaivVay*'' who have been spending - severa l d a y * a t t he Oliver homestead, left Mondays for Nor th A d a m s . ' M r . ^ C a r r i s a cou­sin of M r s . Oliver.

Severa l . from K he re wfent,|P S c h e n e ^ t ady , S a t u r d a y , to a t tend the f u n e r a l of M r s . A n n i e Winne Visscher , a . for­mer res ident of t h i s place. MrsX Visscher^ w a s ^ a ^ J ^ g l t t e r - P W h e - I a t e - -John TDewjis W i n n e a n d her. tnarii? f r iehds he re were pained to hea r of h<efy d e a t h . __rL_- " . " " ' • - . - • '

. M r . a n d M f s . P . Z . Allen en ter ta ine t i a t t e a recent ly , Rev. G. Ww S i s u m i Rev; CohfPd Rowe and wife, ^ e ^ , „ S h e r m a n Rouse . and wife arid da^ighv t e r s , M r ? arid Mrs . J . S . Merrifieldv* Mr, a n d M r s . Cbas . Al len , M r s . S a r a h , P a g e , Mr* k n d Mrs . R. R ; Alien aritL .s.ous,„R.alph-and.Rodman,—

Living indpdw somiieh4urtnp'<iUe'4irit*i' months; oi*«te8 « sort rif a gtti%, waut^of*.

:bi!Qne condition in the blood ami systijlB^. ' ;*eper«tlly.>. (Jlean »>np and fjtt Kadv it&. *lianrl tTsEe™aTe>: Ewly lifeeifs,. .The8«,l W^JHjULti^pilliJJleftBse-theli-VBr, stbmaQ^ , r « m .bciWfiils -iMs'gtve thB;blood a ohnnee «£• .: jprivw||'#itselfr-:f'i^y^ehWe^^

C-1P; SSiit?

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