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Sanskrit Seed, SA = Infinity, Universal Energy

This teaching manual is compiled from Mikao Usui Sensei’s teachings on

Reiki as a path to Anshin Ritsumei, and from Yogi Amrit Desai’s Integrative

Amrit Method teachings on Reiki in the Light of Prana Awakening.

Avalokitêśvara reference


Avalokitêśvara is a Sanskrit term, masculine in gender, which

translates as Lord Who Regards All (witnessing consciousness)

(Avalokita = observe, iśvara = unimpeded). Īśvara, another name for Siva,

Mahêśvara, or Īśvaradeva (the king of the deva), is a likely component of the

name Avalokitêśvara. The Sino-Japanese term Kannon 観音 literally means

watchful listening, (witnessing consciousness) and is often translated as "one

who sees / hears all." This is indeed the task of the compassionate Kannon

— to witness and listen to the prayers and cries of those in difficulty in the

earthly realm, and to help them achieve salvation. Another Japanese name

for Kannon is Kanzeon 観世音, the one who constantly surveys (Kan 観)

the world (ze 世) listening for the sounds (on 音) of suffering. It was later

shortened to Kannon.

Kannon is a Bodhisattva (Jp. = Bosatsu), one who achieves enlightenment

but postpones Buddhahood until all can be saved. Kannon is mentioned in

numerous Mahayana sutra (religious Sanskrit texts), especially the Lotus Su-

tra 法華経 (Hokekyō), which was translated into Chinese by Kumārajīva

(Jp. = Kumarajū 鳩摩羅什, 350 - 410), who rendered Kannon's name as

"One Who Observes the Sounds of the World." Kannon also appears in the

Kegonkyō 華厳経 (Skt. = Avatamsaka Sutra) and Hannya Shingyō 般若心

経 (Skt. = Prajnaparamita Sutra; English = Heart Sutra), as well as in scrip-

tures of the pure land school like the Muryōju-kyō 無量寿経, and in tantric

(esoteric) texts such as Jūichimen Kanzeon Shinju-kyō and Senju Sengen


Although depicted with masculine features in the earliest representa-

tions, Kannon later appears with attributes of both genders and eventually

becomes a symbol of the divine feminine, the divine mother in both China

and Japan. Popular feminine versions in modern Japan include Koyasu Kan-

non (child giving), Jibo Kannon (loving mother), Gyoran Kannon (carrying

fish basket), and others. Kannon's Śakti is Tara Bosatsu, who is sometimes

depicted as Kannon's wife; Śakti is Sankrit for "female personification or

avatar of the male." Feminized forms of Kannon also exist in Japan's Chris-

tian and Shintō traditions, notably Maria Kannon (Virgin Mary) and the


Shintō Sun Goddess Amaterasu (often paired with Kannon in Japan's Kami-

Buddha matrix).

In Hinduism, the goddess Tara)(Sanskrit: Tārā, Devanagari: तारा) meaning "star" is the second of the Dasa (ten) Mahavidyas or "Great Wis-

dom [goddesses]", Tantric manifestations of Mahadevi, Kali, or Parvati. As

the star is seen as a beautiful but perpetually self-combusting thing, so Tara

is perceived at core as the absolute, unquenchable hunger that propels all

life. Shakti

Tara (Sanskrit: तारा, Tārā) or Ārya Tārā, also known as Jetsun Dolma

(Tibetan language:rje btsun sgrol ma) in Tibetan Buddhism, is a female Bo-

dhisattva in Mahayana Buddhism who appears as a female Buddha in Vajra-

yana Buddhism. She is known as the "mother of liberation"

Permission to share as teaching tool via Copyright Mark Shumacher




“You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it.”

Albert Einstein

“Most of us try to solve our problems with the same mind that created them.

With Reiki you find solutions by transcending the linear dimension of logic,

reason, and memory. You shift to spirit (consciousness) which exists beyond

the confines of the intellect. Reiki allows you to resolve karmic patterns by

going directly to the root of fears, beliefs and habits to regain freedom.

Stress arises in the body/mind when we are so attached to our idea of how

things “should” be that we cannot allow things to be as they are. Attunement

to Reiki awakens the mystical, integrative power of the third eye thereby en-

hancing spiritual transformation, activating the healing processes in the

body/mind as it boosts the immune system”.

“Nothing happens in this world without a seed event. This is the Universal

Law of Cause and Effect. In this current lifetime, we all experience the ef-

fects of what we caused somewhere in our distant or recent past. The pur-

pose of the Law of Cause and Effect is to make us recognize that the way we

experience life is a direct result of what we have caused even when we don’t

remember creating it. When we experience pain and suffering or ecstasy and

fulfillment, we are experiencing the effects of the cause of our karma” Reiki

frees you from old karmic patterns with speed and ease through pure ener-

getic release rather than from hard work and struggle.

“Reiki reconnects you to the source of your own power, manifesting a life

that is consistent with your highest truth” Yogi Amrit Desai


Usui Reiki Ryoho was founded by Mikao Usui Sensei and was brought to

the West in 1938. Now, through travel and communication technology we

have direct lineage links to the sacred art of Reiki from the source country

Japan, and the Japanese Reiki path is now known to the West. Japanese Rei-

ki focuses on the Spirituality in Reiki whereas the Western Reiki Path has

primarily emphasized the healing aspect.

This manual focuses on both

Reiki Master Devdasi Audrey Pearson looked to Yogi Amrit Desai Founder

of Integrative Amrit Method Reiki for guidance deep into the spiritual

depths of Reiki (which in his Kundalini Tantra lineage is called Prana

Awakening). Yogi Desai known as Gurudev by his students shares the Inte-

grative Amrit Method to liberation through “awakening to prana” with spe-

cific energy purifying techniques making it a clear pathway for enlighten-

ment for everyone. An additional initiation to awaken to the evolutionary

source within is Reiki Awakening; this unique Path that is a compassionate

Presence that heals the disturbances in the mind that block the transforma-

tional evolutionary life force. The result is Peaceful Mind. The Way of An-

shin Ritsumei



By Reiki Master Devdasi Audrey Pearson

I met Gurudev Yogi Desai at Kripalu Cen-

ter in Summit Station Pennsylvania in the

late 1970’s. By the recommendation of

friends, my partner at the time and I regis-

tered as guests in the Health Center for

some needed R & R.

This meeting was a critical catalyst to

finding what I had been seeking since childhood. Yogi Desai became my

guru, teaching the meaning of Christ’s message I AM That I Am which I had

so long searched my mind and heart to understand.

A few years into my Kripalu Experiences, learning the ancient technology

and practices of yoga, I was introduced to the healing benefits of Reiki. This

would have been the mid 1980’s in New York City where I lived at the time.

Friends had come forward to support me with a Reiki session, a new and

mysterious hands-on healing practice. The results were even more mysteri-

ous and I received a profound healing.

I began my experience and practice of Reiki in 1989. I was so immediately

impressed with the results of my own subsequent Reiki healings that I una-

bashedly began to teach Reiki to as many people as appeared interested. I

taught Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, Hospice Nurses, Hospital Nurses, Danc-

ers, Mystics, Parents; pretty much people from all walks of life. Teaching

Reiki became the vehicle for my own awakening.


In 2007 I shared Reiki I & Reiki II with a small group of Gurudev’s close

disciples at his Ashram in Florida. It was during that small and intimate

training that I recognized Reiki Awakening in the same light as my experi-

ence of Prana Awakening. That awareness of the resulting sameness

changed the face of my Reiki Trainings. I continued offering the training at

Amrit Yoga Institute in Florida, ‘soon collaborating on the teaching philoso-

phy with Gurudev; resulting in this manual. Gurudev immediately recog-

nized the healing and evolutionary dimension of Prana Awakening in Reiki

Awakening., so that by 2009, the empowering recognition of the awareness’

of Reiki consciousness and Prana awareness merged and Integrative Reiki

Awakening was conceived.

Over 100 people came through the Reiki trainings at the Amrit Yoga Insti-

tute that first year. As a result of recognizing Reiki Awakening in the same

Light as Prana Awakening I immersed myself in Reiki as a path to enlight-

enment. I began to realize that Sensei Usui was sharing the same knowledge

of the internal path leading to enlightenment as I was experiencing internally

in Morning Darshans with Gurudev. This spiritual dimension of Reiki as a

path to enlightenment was hardly ever integrated in to the Western ideology

of Reiki at that time.

In 2010 I took a trip with my family to Japan. Since I was now my own

student of the spiritual depths of Reiki I set off to find the root of the Usui

Reiki Ryoho to integrate for myself. That trip confirmed my own intuitive

knowing that Reiki Awakening and Shakti Awakening are one and the

same. I returned with an even deeper commitment to share Reiki as Sensei

Usui intended, a path to enlightenment.


Things progressed quickly after that trip. I returned to Japan on several occa-

sions to study Usui Reiki Ryoho from world famous Japanese Reiki Master,

Hiroshi Doi, the founder of Gendai Reiki

Ho; and a member of the original Usui

Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, the closed Reiki so-

ciety formed by Sensei Usui before his

death. Doi Sensei shares the Reiki teach-

ings as Usui intended, as a path of en-

lightenment, not just for the few, but for

the whole world. Through my Japanese

Reiki experiences I quickly learned that

Sensei Usui teachings and his realization shared in Gendai Reiki are the

same Shakti Awakening that Gurudev shares in Integrative Amrit Method

teachings. This lit the flame for Integrative Reiki Awakening and thus the

tradition linking Yoga and Reiki was born.

Introduction to Integrative Reiki Awakening

Japan’s Usui Reiki-do, like Japan’s Aiki-do, like Amrit Yoga, like Gendai

Reiki Ho, is a Path of Peace, where focusing on the state of enlightenment

through conscious awareness of universal evolutionary energy transforms

the reactive mind. This is the first priority.

Everyone can awaken to innate Reiki. The evolutionary energy is dormant

within us all as our potential, until through attunement its being-state is real-

ized (The Awakening initiation)

When you come for Reiki Awakening and Professional Practitioner certifi-

cation you quickly learn that you are not enrolling in a seminar to learn how


to heal the symptoms of physical, mental or emotional pain for yourself and

others, though that is the natural by-product. Rather you will learn that the

symptoms are there to prompt you to look deeper, to a past reactive event; to

the original wounding when you blocked the flow of your own Shakti out of

resistance to what was happening in your reality. This recognition coupled

with the acceptance of the presenting Effects of the Cause, is both restorative

and transformational. Then the sadhana becomes accepting the physical,

mental or emotional disturbances of your presenting reality. It’s the ac-

ceptance of all that is as is that transforms misery to happiness. Being in ac-

ceptance of yourself as you are (not how you wish it were) and acceptance

of your life as it is; is being enlightened. Anshin Ritsumei

Reiki Awakening is taught in 4 Levels or Degrees, beginning with Reiki I,

and progressing through Reiki Level II, III and Reiki Sensei Degree IV, fol-

lowing in the Japanese Gendai Reiki tradition. Each Level or Degree of Rei-

ki initiation following Level I is a pre-requisite to proceed to the next level

or degree. Each progressive Degree of Awakening innate Reiki reveals more

and more of your divine inborn potential.

This manual explores and provides specific information on the techniques

and teachings for the unfolding of the divine potential inborn as I AM, lift-

ing the veil to reveal the original intention and realization that Usui Sensei

called Usui Reiki, and Gurudev calls Prana Awakening. Gurudev, a Prana

Tantra Master, has spent the past 50 years dedicated to Prana Awakening as

a link to returning back to the source of Prana which is I Am That I Am.

Gurudev teaches of Reiki in the Light of Reiki Awakening


The inborn sense of I AM born within us is the formless soul. It is the omni-

present presence we call Reiki. Reiki Awakening trainings guide you in the

re-discovery of your Divine Self, uncovering the truth inherent in Reiki

recognition. This advanced stage is reached when you enter the state of

swasthya, established in the field of Reiki itself, just as when you enter the

state of I AM; then you have reached the Source of Reiki, the union and

deepest level of integration. Gurudev calls this level of integration “The

Reiki Zone”. “In the zone the vast untapped part of your consciousness

opens and you receive teachings from the depths of your subconscious. You

are like the flower that has bloomed, and its fragrance spreads spontaneous-

ly. Just as when you reach into the deepest level of integration and harmony

through Reiki, the energy naturally spreads spontaneously. In the Reiki zone

nothing is required, no doing, simply being. This formless state of being re-

quires no-thing”. Yogi Amrit Desai

Once a certain level of awakening is reached we realize that we no longer

need attunements and symbols or practice to merge with the Divine Energy

that Reiki Practitioners call Reiki and Yogis call Shakti. Symbols and attun-

ements, like first learning yoga postures and meditation are excellent train-

ing wheels we use as purification tools to transform our reactive ego-self-

image from fear to love; and thus reveal our Oneness with the Great Uni-


“Integrative Reiki Awakening” takes us beyond symbols to the formless

Reiki state of being I AM That I am, the formless Self, Swastiya. Gendai

Reiki practitioners begin their journey using the symbols as a medium to

connect to the divinity within; from where we transmit Reiki as the healing


and transformative evolutionary energy. The spiritual dimension of Reiki is

accessed via universal consciousness of acceptance of all that is manifesting

via sacred life energy. “Practically speaking you cannot enter the spiritual

dimension through the medium of the mind. You have to first learn how to go

to Super Conscious Witness State that allows you to disengage from the pre-

programed self-image. Once disengaged, you can liberate your self-

conscious prana body with the super consciousness. And the moment the

prana gets liberated you are in touch with the cosmic intelligence (Reiki)

through the medium of the non-mental, non-linear and non-rational intuitive

dimension” Yogi Amrit Desai

Integrative Reiki practices harmonize stress-producing, conflicting forces

played out through the physical, mental and emotional bodies. They quiet

the reactive mind and you enter the state of integration. These Integrative

principals are shared in Reiki Awakening, empowered by Gurudev’s in-

session presence when he is in residence.

Reiki Trainings are presented via Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai’s own Hiroshi

Doi sensei’s Gendai Reiki. Reiki attunement and Giho ceremonies are

demonstrated and performed by Gendai Reiki Masters Devdasi & Mohan,

Audrey and James Pearson. Certification as Gendai Reiki Practitioner fol-

lows the Official Gendai Reiki Manuals from Japan written by Hiroshi Doi



History of the tradition of Usui Reiki

“Reiki” was founded as Usui Reiki by Usui Mikao Sensei in 1922.

Mikao Usui was born in 1865 in Gifu Prefecture Japan. He sought counsel

from his superior monk who counseled him to “Die One time” in order to

find the Satori, the state of enlightenment he was searching for.

March 1922: Sensei went to Mt Kurama in Kyoto to follow his Spiritual

Advisors guidance to “die one time”. Willing to surrender everything and

literally die, he sat in meditation and fasted. At the end of week three he ex-

perienced his Spiritual Awakening. He “awoke” to realize his Oneness with

the Universe, beyond time and space in the presence of Be-ing. He had

merged with everything. On his way down the mountain he stubbed his toe

and ‘automatically reached down to nurture it. In this simple response his toe

healed. He realized his merging with the universe held an inherent healing

capacity and he called his awakening “Usui Reiki”. He made his five Gokai,

the Reiki Principals to live by and established Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai the


original Reiki Society. Along with the five Reiki principles, Usui based his

Reiki system on three other practices; Gasshō, Reiji-hō, and Chiryō which

are all practiced in Integrative Reiki Awakening as Gendai Reiki

September 1923: Sensei & his students healed many victims of the Great

Earthquake in Kanto district with his Reiki healing system.

March 1926: Usui Sensei was acknowledged for his healing treatments and

for training 2000 Reiki Practitioners. He gave Shinpiden Level to 16 Mas-

ters, one of whom was Chujiro Hayashi. Hayashi sensei was previously a

Captain in the Japanese Navy, serving as an active doctor. On Sensei Usui’s

direction Hayashi sensei opened and ran a Reiki clinic in Tokyo. After

Usui’s death, Mr Hayashi left Usui’s Reiki Society the Gakkai, and estab-

lished his own Reiki Research Center differing enough from Sensei, to be

called “Hayashi Reiki Kenkyu-kai

It was at Hayashi San’s clinic that in 1935 Hawayo Takata a second genera-

tion Japanese woman from Hawaii received healing from a serious illness.

She was so impressed with her recovery that she stayed in Japan for a year to

practice Reiki as a working student at Hayashi’s clinic. After returning to

Hawaii, and on a subsequent visit from Mr. Hayashi she became one of the

thirteen students Hayashi-sensei gave the Shinpi-den level to from his new


1940: Hayashi’s death.

After Mr. Hayashi’s death, Mrs. Takata shared Hayashi’s lineage Reiki sys-

tem with the Western world. Hawayo Takata initiated Barbara Lincoln

McCullough as a Reiki Master, who initiated Judy-Carol Stewart as the 35th

Western Reiki Master. Judy-Carol initiated Libby Barnett. Libby Barnett ini-


tiated Audrey Pearson (Devdasi) into Takata, Hayashi, Usui Reiki in 2002. It

must be noted that Mrs. Takata felt it necessary to embellish Sensei Usui’s

background, presumably to appeal to a Western population. Without the

World Wide Web to verify the stories this was of course possible at the time.

For example it has been spread throughout the West that Sensei Usui was a

Christian Minister, this is not true. Sensei was a Shinto/Buddhist all his life.

Other incorrect information is that “Chujiro Hayashi and Hawayo Takata

were grand masters and succeeding Presidents of the Gakkai. ‘Also not true.

Hayashi was not the 2nd

President of the Gakkai. Takata was not either. Mrs.

Takata’s emphasis was on healing, perhaps as a way to reach westerners

who at the time would not have been open to receive spiritual guidance from

a Buddhist/Shinto perspective.

Sensei Usui did not search for healing. He was interested in Satori. In Hiro-

shi Doi Sensei’s ‘Iyashino Gendai Reiki Ho” (translated into English in

1998 and unfortunately no longer in print) Doi Sensei shares the following

“Usui Sensei created Gokai as the base of Reiki and established Usui Reiki

Ryoho Gakkai in April 1922. He started to teach Reiki in Tokyo after that.

According to “Reiki Ryoho Shishin (policy), it is stated that “to heal the

heart and soul first, then heal body second”, “to create good human rela-

tionship”. Healing diseases was not the first purpose for Usui-sensei since

he established the Gakkai. In addition, Usui-sensei also wrote “to promote

happiness for all people” in the “Reiki Ryoho Shishin”

Note: Since the First Edition of Iyashino Gendai Reiki Ho: 1998. Doi sensei

has released an updated edition of his Book; available on



It is important to credit Sensei Usui and Usui Reiki with the correct history

of Reiki, and to clear up previously incorrect “histories” spread throughout

the Western Reiki Communities. Perhaps in the day when Mrs. Takata was

teaching she did mold Reiki to suit her American audience, perhaps believ-

ing Westerners and Japanese were too far apart in spirituality and politics at

the time. No blame. She did what she felt was the way to get Reiki to the

West and she succeeded, spreading Reiki throughout the Western world

reaching many cultures who subsequently embraced Reiki. Mrs. Takata’s

Reiki was so prevalent in the Western world that it eventually returned to

Japan via a Western Reiki Master! After Mrs. Takata’s death in December

1980 Western Reiki veered in two major streams of Reiki paths. Mrs. Taka-

ta’s granddaughter Phyllis Furumoto established the Reiki Alliance. Barbara

Ray established The American International Reiki Association, later re-

named The Radiance Technique. Reiki quickly spread throughout the world.

Doi Sensei founder of Gendai Reiki Ho was first trained in Western Reiki by

Mieko Mitsui, a Master of the Radiance Technique and in 1993 he was

granted membership to Usui Reiki Ryōhō Gakkai.

After a 2010 trip to Japan walking in Sensei Usui steps up Mt Kurama and

after a visit to the Usui memorial in Tokyo, Devdasi set her intention to

study and practice Reiki in the Japanese origins.

August 2011: After merging the best of Western and Japanese systems with

Raja Yoga, Integrative Amrit Method of Reiki was established as a Prana-

Tantra Practice where we draw on the spirit of both Western and Japanese

Reiki lineage studies as well as the spirit of Swami Kripalu’s Prana and Raja

yoga. As a lineage Carrier of Shri Kripalu’s legacy, Gurudev teaches prana

awakening from his own experiential awakening, and he supports Gendai


Reiki as a direct path to awakening, emphasizing Reiki Awakening in the

same light as Prana Awakening as a way to realize spiritual consciousness.

In that, Gurudev teaches that attunement to the Reiki degrees is just the be-

ginning of your self-study. Yogi Desai joins other Yoga Masters like Osho

(Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh) in Osho Reiki and Reiki Centers like Reiki Bless-

ings Academy (Yogananda Institute) Reiki based on the teachings of Para-

mahansa Yogananda and Swami Kriyananda, as evolutionary spiritual disci-

plines. These are among the first Yoga Masters of many to come, to include

the ancient mystery teachings in Reiki that were born from the Bud-

dhist/Shinto influence, enriching a deeper understanding of awakening to

Reiki for the modern day spiritual aspirant.


Biography of Gurudev, Yogi Amrit Desai who’s teachings on Prana

Awakening greatly influences the recognition of Reiki Awakening and

together with Devdasi Audrey Pearson Gendai Reiki Master, wrote this

manual for Reiki Practitioners

Gurudev, Yogi Amrit Desai, is recognized as one of the pioneers of the au-

thentic teachings of yoga. In the ‘60s, a handful of gurus came to the U.S.

from India and thus began the appreciation of yoga that has grown year after

year into the massive and diverse yoga communities we have today. He is

one of the earliest arrivals and is the last living Guru from that initial wave.

He arrived in the U.S. February1960 and began spreading the ancient teach-

ings of his Guru, Swami Kripalu.

Gurudev has been repeatedly honored for following in the footsteps of many

of the great spiritual Masters such as Paramahansa Yogananada and Swami

Vivekananda. After addressing an audience of 7,000 at the World’s Parlia-

ment of Religions in1893 in Chicago, Swami Vivekananda returned to India

and founded the World Religious Parliament. This esteemed organization

bestows recognition to only five eminent spiritual teachers who have played


significant roles in disseminating the ancient heritage of India worldwide.

This prestigious organization honored Gurudev with the title of

Jagadacharya, World Teacher, in New Delhi in 1986.

Establishment of Centers for Personal Growth and Transformation

Gurudev began teaching in the U.S. at a time when yoga was virtually un-

known. His practical presentation of authentic yoga was so well received

that the Yoga Society of Pennsylvania, which he founded in 1966, turned in-

to one of the largest yoga centers in America. By 1970, more than 2,500 stu-

dents participated weekly in his in-depth teachings of yoga trainings.

In 1971, he opened the Kripalu Ashram Program Center in Sumneytown,

Pennsylvania, which offered deeper teachings and lifestyle training for resi-

dent staff and guests. In response to an ever increasing interest in yogic

teachings and ashram life, Gurudev opened a third center in Summit Station,

Pennsylvania. Five years later, in 1983 it had grown into the Kripalu Center

for Yoga and Health in Massachusetts. This unique facility became an ex-

pansive holistic health program center, offering a wide range of personal and

professional trainings with a fulltime volunteer residential staff of 350 per-

sonnel. In conjunction with the main Kripalu Center were approximately 75

Kripalu-Affiliate Centers, covering most of the U.S.

Along with these program centers, he continued to travel throughout the

U.S. and the world (Canada, Europe, Japan, South America, China and Rus-

sia) bringing this message of yoga and holistic living through conferences,

seminars and workshops. Gurudev was repeatedly invited by the European

Yoga Teachers associations to train more than 700 yoga teachers annually in

Switzerland, providing authentic inner teachings of yoga.


In 1991, the late prime minister of India, Shri Chandra Shekhar wrote to In-

dia’s then Prime Minister, Shri Narasimha Rao: “I visited the Kripalu Center

during my recent visit to America and was deeply impressed by the dedica-

tion of the Yogacharya in his programs by which teachings are being dis-

seminated… (he is an) internationally renowned authority in the field of yo-

ga and an exponent of the spiritual heritage. He has dedicated his life, not

only to the in-depth study and practice of yoga, but to spreading the ancient

wisdom of India and its universal teachings throughout the world. I feel

Yogacharya Shri Amritji deserves honors for his work, therefore, I recom-

mend Padma Vibushan for him as a special case.” This request received a

positive response from Prime Minister Rao. Gurudev has been repeatedly

recognized both in the U.S. and abroad with rare titles such as Doctor of

Yoga, Maharishi and the Vishwa Yoga Ratna awarded by the President of


Lineage of Kripalu and Lord Lakulish

Lord Lakulish, the 28th incarnation of Lord Shiva, taught the secrets to his

chosen, beloved disciple Swami Kripalu when he was only 19 years old. He

initiated him after a 40-day fast and 15-month training in the hidden secrets

of Tantra or Kundalini Yoga. Swami Kripalu was told he would be able to

access the hidden techniques of yoga that had vanished centuries ago and

was given specific yogic pranayamas which would awaken within him the

secrets of kundalini yoga.

The life of Swami Kripalu, lovingly known as Bapuji by his followers, is an

amazing story of unswerving devotion, marked by 12 years of silence and

more than 30 years of sadhana practiced 10 hours a day. Swami Kripalu


reached to the highest state of Nirvikalpa Samadhi and is known as one of

the greatest yoga masters of the 20th century.

After many requests to visit America, Bapuji accepted Gurudev’s invitation

due to the special bond of love they shared. The love, devotion and service

he experienced in the U.S. ashram inspired him to stay 4 ¼ years, during

which time his teachings and presence blessed thousands of seekers.

Three months after his return to India in 1981, Bapuji left his body. His leg-

acy of love, service, and surrender continues today through thousands of dis-

ciples and practitioners of Kripalu and Amrit Yoga. These principles remain

the driving force of the Integrative Amrit Method teachings (I AM).

Carrier of the Lineage

Gurudev met Bapuji when he was just a boy of 16 and instantly became one

of the closet disciples of Swami Kripalu, the founder of one of the largest

Shiva Temples at Kayavarohan Tirtha near Baroda, India. He has followed

Bapuji’s teachings for the last 64 years. As a lineage holder, he was the first

disciple of Swami Kripalu to bring the legendary Lakulish Lineage to the

West. Subsequently, he has captured and presented the spiritual essence of

the tradition of Kundalini (Tantra) Yoga in an applied and practical way for

others. It had dramatically changed the way Ashtanga yoga is practiced.

In 1970, Bapuji bestowed upon Gurudev a rare and special blessing, em-

powering him to impart the energetic experiential transmission of yoga. In

Bapuji’s letter of October 18, he wrote, “I will sit you in front of me and of-

fer you the blessing to give shaktipat…” And upon his visit to India, sitting

at his altar, Bapuji said to Gurudev: “I thought to prepare you by giving you


this Shaktipat Diksha, so that you could give it to your students and your

worthy mission will become very easy.” The mystical teachings of this an-

cient Kripalu lineage is not just intellectual and philosophical, but a living,

breathing experiential medium of energetic transmission that is silently and

informally transmitted along with the techniques and teachings.

Bapuji’s gift allows Gurudev to instantly enter a state of deep meditation,

during which he steps out of the time-bound dimension of body and mind.

This presence enfolds everyone in a palpable field of stillness and peace that

is a catalyst for energy transmission. It creates profound shifts in conscious-

ness in those who are open and receptive.

On July 26, 1980, Gurudev received the age-old secrets of yoga directly

from his guru, Swami Kripalu bestowing on him the prominent title of

Yogacharya with this heart felt message:

“I have known Amrit since his earliest childhood. I have considered him as

my son and disciple as well. Thus, I have whole heartedly given him the edu-

cation of yoga, both in theory and in practice. I have known him as a skilled

Yogacharya. The message of yoga that he has spread in such short time is

really extremely appreciable. His devotion toward the guru also deeply

touches my heart. It flows naturally and spontaneously from him.”

The initiation Gurudev received from Bapuji led to an awakening that totally

transformed his life and infused his teachings, making him the carrier of this

ancient, mystical Lineage of Lord Lakulish and Swami Kripalu. The unique

approach he called Kripalu Yoga, Meditation in Motion, shattered the notion


of yoga as solely a physical discipline and opened a way for practitioners to

access its liberation of consciousness.

In 1994 he felt forced to resign from the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health

under scrutiny of impropriety. He then entered a long period of seclusion for

deep restorative contemplation and meditation. In 2001 Yogi Desai re-

emerged as the powerful spiritual master he destined to be.

He continues his invaluable contribution to the world community through

the depths of his commitment to his own growth and expansive work in the

world. Gurudev’s Integrative Amrit Method teachings have a transformative

impact on all who resonate in the synergistic energy field.

Deepak Chopra noted, “The challenges he faced in the past have taken him

to a greater level of self-discovery. This inner work is reflected in his pres-

ence and in the quality of his teachings, which has infused him with height-

ened insights.”

In 1996, Gurudev returned to his original Kripalu Ashram in Sumneytown,

Pennsylvania refining his teachings into what is now known as Integrative

Amrit Methods. Gurudev has refined the core principles of Yoga into the

Amrit Method®, an innovative, experiential and synergistic system that al-

lows practitioners to use the challenges of modern life as opportunities to

awaken consciousness.

The meditative approach to the system of yoga Gurudev developed is taught

by more than 10,000 certified teachers in 40 countries. Gurudev has au-

thored many books, articles and essays and continues to teach actively, con-

stantly refining his approach to make these practices easily accessible to all.


It is a rare and special privilege to study with a living yoga master, to be so

close to the source of this powerful lineage of Shaktipat Kundalini Yoga,

and to perpetuate its potential in our own sadhana and service.

In 2001, he founded the Amrit Yoga Institute and later incorporated an

Ayurveda Wellness and Education Center in Salt Springs, Florida, which to-

day continues to be a thriving spiritual and health center. In 2007 Gurudev

recognized Reiki Awakening in the light of Prana Awakening.

Gurudev’s Unique Contribution to the Authenticity of Yoga

Gurudev’s legacy is his work of restoring the authentic practice of Patan-

jali’s classical Ashtanga Eight Limbed Yoga. He has revealed its hidden,

core principles and secrets of Kundalini Yoga and built them into a holistic

practice of Eight-Limbed Yoga. The body of Eight Limbed Yoga is repre-

sented in the Amrit Methods of Yoga, Yoga Nidra and Quantum Breath

Meditation as the combined practice of Hatha and Raja Yoga thus creating a

holistic practice. These concepts have been published as Kripalu Yoga,

“Meditation-in-Motion”, and later as Amrit Yoga: Explore, Expand and

Experience the Spiritual Depth of Yoga. These writings have completely

changed the popular notion of the practice of the Eight Limbed Yoga from a

step-by-step linear model to one of integration of physical, mental and spir-

itual disciplines that are missing in the popular practices of yoga today.

The Integrative Amrit Method

Those who practice Integrative Amrit Methods, can experience the sponta-

neous transformative power of I AM within, returning to the Source, and tru-

ly experiencing “I AM THAT I AM.” These Integrative techniques are pow-


erful tools that instantly and effortlessly connect you to the inner most core

of being. This is where all healing happens through synergistic merging with

the Presence that is carried within.

“Lead me from unreality to reality – ‘From darkness to Light - Lead me

from the time-bound state of consciousness - To the timeless state of being

that I AM”

On Usui sensei’s memorial stone in Saihoji Temple in Tokyo, Japan, is en-

graved “Usui Mikao's teachings were realized automatically, during a medi-

tation in 1922”

It reads further … “One day, he climbed Kurama Yama and after 21 days of

a Sitting discipline without eating, he suddenly felt One Great Reiki over his

head and attained enlightenment and Reiki Ryoho. The efficacy was immedi-

ate” (Edited from translation)

“When receivers go beyond the boundaries of their own body and mind, they

become the spontaneous receiver of the energetic transmission.”

Yogi Amrit Desai


The following questions are answered in collaboration between PranaTan-

tra Master Yogi Amrit Desai and Gendai Reiki Master Audrey (Devdasi)


Q. What is Reiki?

A. Universal Reiki can be described as the witnessing consciousness and the

life energy of the great universe. It is the living breath of creation. “Reiki” as

a methodology is entering that state of being where witnessing conscious-

ness and life energy are aligned.

Q. What is Reiki Awakening”?

A. It is a Prana-Tantra Practice. The practice aligns Amrit Methodology with

Usui Reiki Ryoho; healing first the mind that creates the disturbance in what

can be called the shadow self-image. In practical terms you realize the exter-

nal source of your painful circumstance is actually from within your own

Karma Body.

Consider …

God, the un-manifest creator manifests through all of creation. Miner-

al, plant, animal and human consciousness becomes I AM and I AM

can only create its own creation. It cannot create anyone else’s.

Pre-programmed “newness” gets old quickly. Reiki taught with

PranaTantra awareness teaches how to relax and accept what is

Connect with Reiki for yourself first whenever you teach or facilitate

any Reiki practice for another

Spirituality is moving from “known” to “unknown”.

Reiki is about being what you are doing it for (releasing power strug-


gle and embracing happiness)

The power struggle is the shadow-self fighting another shadow-self.

Instead intend “Thy will be done” “Forgive them for they know not

what they do” This is a Quantum Leap guided by Source/God within.

God, the super conscious prana soul manifests through polarity,

primal male and primal female. Each of us has a choice to go

against the super conscious and choose unconscious prana. Ego-

mind then manages the subconscious prana, the energy body.

When prana is under the influence of ego-mind it goes against po-

larity and into duality. Then it is in perpetual discord with the su-

per conscious.

Life’s polarities occur when opposite are in harmony and co-creation.

When you accept reality, you enter the unity of all. This is Reiki

When you choose one side of polarity, you create unhappiness.

Reiki Awakening “seeking the kingdom of Heaven within”. It is for

you first.

Pure Reiki is empty of thinking, empty of images, empty of symbols.

It is the Witness of the manifesting energy body

“Witness” means I do not choose. I observe

The purpose of the Integrative Reiki Awakening self-healing tech-

niques is to heal the source of the wounded self-image first, and then

the presenting symptoms heal. Then you are in a clear space to facili-

tate the Reiki healing for your family, friends, clients

What is the Integrative Reiki Awakening practice? The practice is to

dismantle your own reactive buttons. Remain in Witness. When you

are in Witness you can see the Button Pusher’s role in your life; and


the Button, and your own reaction. This powerful ownership releases

the reactivity that blames, shames, guilts yourself and others because

you as the creator of the reactive mind set will now see how through

Reiki Awakening your mind can change. (Heal)

Reiki is beyond time and space

Reiki is the state of omnipresent presence

Enter the true Reiki zone…where you reunite with the source that is

your soul.

Q. What is the shadow self-image?

A. The shadow self-image is that reactive-self called the individual karma-

body, built from being in resistance to life as it is and from being in conflict

with the cosmic innate intelligence of the prana body. This means that the

prana or life energy, which is your connection to that I AM, the soul within,

is now separated from its Source, and lives in perpetual stress-producing

conflict creating mental and emotional activities. These activities resurface

as disturbances in your mental body from the pre-programed body of the

conditioned karma body. They resurface in the form of reaction to what you

are facing in any given moment in the external world. This means that the

karma body which has been composed from living in reaction to what is pre-

sent, has also been turned into the unconscious body of self-image that is in

perpetual conflict with the presence that I AM.

The moment you identify with your ego self-image, all the negative mental

and emotional activities; arrogance, pride, fear, jealousy, judgement, etc.

begin to feed on your life force energy to use as their negative fuel. As a re-


sult the prana that we need to carry out the self-healing homeostatic process-

es gets used to fuel the shadow self-image instead.

For Reiki Practitioners it is fundamental to recognize that the Source of the

energy they are connecting to for healing comes from that I AM within. In

order to evolve to the higher levels of Reiki Master, one has to learn how to

disengage from the reactive patterns that act as a parasite and suck your

“life-blood” from your life force.

So as you learn to access the inner Reiki Practitioner you must first practice

integrative Reiki self-healing protocols. These self-purifying Reiki tech-

niques will heal the blood sucking reactive patterns. As you apply the self-

healing protocols you will deepen your connection to the Source of energy

that is I AM, the Reiki Presence within. If you miss this point of connection

to the inner infinite source of Reiki, you the Reiki Practitioner are in danger

of being connected to the ego mind as a source of energy rather than real

Reiki as the source.

Q. Can you explain that I AM for me please?

A. I AM is inborn within each one of us. It is the infinite source of energy

that animates our body, our mind, our heart, our very being and the very

universe. Most people who learned Reiki in the West are less aware of this,

so very often Reiki as originally intended gets compromised by not under-

standing that Reiki as Sensei intended is primarily to connect with the power

of source within, for your own awakening. It is written that Sensei awoke to

realize the whole universe was within him. At that level there is no separa-

tion. Then you are in the flow of reality in acceptance of all that is as it is.


Then you can affect healing. When you reach this state of being you are in

communion with the entire universe

Q. How do I start?

A. The first teaching in Reiki Awakening is how to disengage from the ego

mind. You learn how to disconnect from the shadow self-image. If this fun-

damental teaching is missed when you learn Reiki, you will become more

like a “Professional” Practitioner rather than a Cosmic Impersonal Reiki

Master, which is the path of Integrative Reiki Awakening. The shadow-self /

ego-mind will siphon the subconscious energy from the pranic energy field

and then ‘moves the energy downward and outward from the first 3 chakras.

But when you invoke Reiki the indwelling I AM, the subconscious energy

moves into upward movement towards the heart and integrative centers of

being. This ascension leads toward the ultimate union with I AM, the cosmic


Q. Awakening Reiki is like Awakening Prana?

A. Yes. Until the evolutionary life force energy is awakened to from within

it lays lies dormant and suppressed under the domination of ego mind. The

ego-mind also called shadow-self or self-image as said before, steals the life

force from the subconscious autonomic nervous system and uses it for un-

conscious behavior and habit patterns that get formed by living, thinking and

acting against the omnipresent presence of the Cosmic Reiki Field. Reiki

awakening can only happen by connecting to the Reiki within the body.

You cannot heal your problems by the same ego mind that created the prob-

lems to begin with. So if for example Reiki is performed from ego mind


merely as a technique, even though it may even “work” for the client, it in-

variably fails to work for the healer because the healers healing activity is

arising out of the separated ego-self-image. In such a case the body is main-

tained sustained and fed by the Practitioners ego mind.

Q. How does Reiki heal me as I extend it for the healing of my clients?

A. In awakening to Reiki, whatever you do in the form of healing others is

always done with an intention to engage with the source of energy within

yourself, so that as you heal others it heals you at the same time. The same

source of energy that feeds the healing power of the Reiki within you heals

the other.

Q. How far must I progress before I can perform Reiki?

A. You don’t “perform Reiki” you allow Reiki. You can begin your journey

immediately after the attunement procedures. Through the Reiki trainings

you will learn how to enter into the resonance with the power of the cosmic

Reiki Presence. This is attained by being in integrative intention in the name

of Reiki. The moment you are integrated in undivided whole, you are con-

nected to Reiki. But, the moment your actions arise out of reaction you are

connected to your ego-self-image and therefore disconnected from Reiki.

Whenever your actions are accompanied by thoughts and feelings like doubt

or arrogance, or any disturbance in the mind, you immediately disconnect

from the cosmic Reiki field. Connection comes from faith, trust and convic-

tion in the power of Reiki, I AM. You will learn how to establish your con-

nection with Reiki through the purification techniques and philosophy which


gives you the tools to remain connected to this infinite source of power that

Reiki is.

When what you are intending is for integration, and who you are being is al-

so for Integration, your intention is established in I AM, so outer and inner

are established in One-ness.

Too often the “healer” or Practitioner “performs” a so called spiritual work

like healing with Reiki without establishing themselves first in the intention

to draw upon Reiki. Instead they use their own object time bound conscious-

ness where they are seeking certain results, in this case changing the object

that happens to be the client’s health.

Once Reiki is awakened you learn that there is no separation between you

and the other. Within the integrative intention whatever healing energy you

intend for the other is omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent power of god,

which comes from the God power within.

Q. Within Reiki practices I hear people refer to past life wounding

showing up in their present day life. Can you speak on that please?

A. The concept of reincarnation is directly related to the body of karma that

must be integrated until all the separation is resolved into Oneness with the

omnipresent presence that Reiki is. Just as I AM within is the omnipresent,

omnipotent and omniscient parts of god within us as a soul, so the pranic

Reiki, through which the I AM manifests into our individual human body, as

well as the cosmic body of the entire creation, is also omnipresent Reiki; alt-

hough they appear as two separate worlds, they are in-separately one.


Q. How does Reiki manifest in my human life?

A. Reiki is the fundamental unit of the entire creation, so the creator that is

cosmic I AM manifests through the cosmic body that is animated by the

Pranic Reiki. Whereas, that I AM in human beings is the seed of the entire

body of creation. Therefore I AM within us allows each human being to be

the creator of his own world.

Q. What makes Gendai Reiki, Reiki Awakening, different from Takata

sensei’s Usui Shiki Reiki?

A. Takata sensei’s Reiki teachings were diluted to appeal to a 1930’s West-

ern mentality. Up to now Reiki in the West has most often been known as

the biological healing power of Ki which is both restorative and regenera-

tive, though Gendai Reiki, Reiki Awakening, when understood as a Spiritual

Practice, is infused with spirit healing power which initiates the transforma-

tional path to enlightenment, healing first the mind out of which the physical


In practicing Gendai Reiki as a spiritual practice for example, we enter a di-

mension and depth of Reiki (Witnessing awareness aligned with Life Force

Energy) that is accessed beyond the usual Western understanding of Reiki,

thus transforming the Reiki Practitioner from the ordinary understanding of

“healer” to in-depth, transformative self-discovery and ultimately enlight-


Q. How do I learn Reiki?

A. You awaken to innate Reiki through a series of ritualized synergistic “At-

tunements” facilitated by a Reiki Master. The Presiding Reiki Master ener-


getically aligns with sacred presence and merges with Reiki. From this place

of integrated presence, an energetic relationship emerges where the receiver

of the attunement synergistically enters the same vibration. As all the ener-

gy channels of both Reiki Master and Recipient open to sacred Reiki-

Presence, the initiate becomes attuned to Reiki.

There are four levels or Degrees in Gendai Reiki.

Level l (First degree) Gendai Reiki Shoden Attunement to Reiki l opens the

Reiki channel, awakens the initiate to the very presence of witnessing

awareness and life energy. The Initiate learns how to connect with the innate

Reiki source to heal them with Reiki and how to treat others, including the

plant and animal realms. The emphasis is on the physical plane.

Level II (Second Degree) Gendai Reiki Okuden ~ Prerequisite Reiki I. At-

tunement to Reiki II empowers the Reiki Practitioner to initiate healings on

the mental and emotional levels. The Initiate receives the first group of

Reiki Symbols from the original Japanese Reiki Archives and learns how to

use them for self-healing and for integration for other people, places, and

events. Reiki II Initiates are empowered to send healing beyond time bound


The first two levels are “healing levels”

Level III (Third Degree) Gendai Reiki Shinpiden ‘pre-requisite Reiki II.

This is the spiritual dimension. Initiation to this Reiki Degree is to the

deeper realm of heightened Reiki resonance within, where you synergistical-

ly connect more clearly to the heightened resonance of the Cosmic Reiki

Realm. Unless you are called to teach and attune others to Reiki you can stay

at this level and continually raise your inner Reiki resonance to match the

resonance of cosmic Reiki via Reiki Self-Healing and healing others


Gendai Reiki Shihan: Pre-requisite Reiki III. After an appropriate period

of practice as a Reiki Practitioner, the Initiate can receive attunement to Rei-

ki Mastery and so begin the deeper self-transformation and awakening to

witnessing consciousness and sacred life energy. The Reiki Master Degree is

taught in 4 consecutive modules in.

Reiki Master Module I –training where you review the Reiki I curriculum

and learn to Attune and teach Reiki I

Reiki Master Module II – training where you review symbols and curricu-

lum to Attune and teach Reiki I Practitioners to Reiki II

Reiki Master Module III – training where you review Shinpiden curriculum

and learn to teach and attune Level III Master Practitioners to Reiki Master

Shihan Level IV. Learn how to attune Master Practitioners to Reiki Master

Shihan Level. Learn what it means to be Reiki Shihan.

Now your inner Reiki continues to teach you, the sincere Master Practition-

er, the Mastery of Reiki. Be patient and Practice and eventually you will be

sensei and find yourself in Anshin Ritsumei

Q. How does Reiki work?

A. Reiki simply is. The power of Reiki manifests and blooms fully when

witnessing consciousness is aligned with manifesting life energy, Ki. This

integration begins in the attunement ceremony and can thereafter be actively

invoked by the Reiki Practitioner


Q. Is it required to ask permission of the client/patient to offer Reiki to


A. Permission is not necessary to send distance healing. Legally you may

need permission to place your hands on another, and possibly a license, so

please check with your local town office. You can offer Reiki hands-off your

client’s body. This is as profoundly synergistic a healing relationship as

hands-on, and remember you are not doing anything. There is no manipula-

tion of energy and no ego attachment in Reiki. You are being a compassion-

ate Reiki presence for the integrative healing of your client/patient

Q. Is it necessary to be attuned more than one time?

A. You do not need to be formally attuned to each degree over and over.

However, it’s not enough to just be attuned to Reiki and not use the gift. You

must continually merge with the Presence of ReiKi, Consciousness Itself and

Life force energy through Reiki Practice. It is the perpetual merging with

Reiki that keeps the Attunement nourished. It is a mistake to assume Attun-

ement is all you need and then expect to stay awake to all that is revealed

within you without the perpetual nurturing of the realization.

Q. How do I practice Reiki?

A. With a reverent integrative intention. In PranaTantra-Reiki you will learn

traditional Usui Reiki techniques as well as mystery school techniques to en-

ter the sacred realm of the source of Reiki within you. As you practice Reiki

in a session, let go of all ego expectations, all your attachments to outcome,

your own insecurities, doubts and fear of failure. Simply merge with the

awakened felt sense presence of Reiki and let go into it. The Reiki will take


care of the rest. Be a compassionate, conscious companion where you as

Practitioner enter a level of communion with the Reiki frequency. This

merging with innate transformative energy synergistically invites the recipi-

ent to move into the same energy frequency.

Q. What are the contraindications for Reiki?

A. There are no contraindications for Reiki

Q. How soon after attunement can I start practicing Reiki?

Begin immediately. Practice Reiki self-healing every day to expand your in-

ner Reiki resonance. Practice hand healing others immediately after attune-

ment. This will empower you to be a channel for the light of healing the

shadows of dis-ease in all forms, whether physical, mental or emotional

Q. So I can use Reiki to transform & heal myself?

A. Yes. Reiki self-purification is the most important application of Reiki.

The more you enter the Reiki Presence; the more able you are to be a Reiki

Presence for yourself and others.

Q. Does Rei-Ki manifest differently in the Reiki Master than it does say

in the Reiki I or Reiki II Practitioner?

A. Reiki is unchanging. What changes is the Practitioners ability to recog-

nize their deepening connection and awakening to Reiki. You awaken to

deepening recognition of innate Reiki, sacred consciousness Itself and sa-

cred life energy from within attunement to all the Degrees of traditional Rei-

ki and committed practice. The Attunement ritual acts as a connection point

allowing the mind to exit and the Presence that is always there as Reiki, to


be realized.

Q. What role do the Reiki Symbols play?

A. They are a teaching and practice tool. In the beginning the Reiki Symbols

represent the vibratory lineage based language of the intention held in the

application of Reiki.

For example, when we chant and draw the master symbol: - we are

communicating with our higher self, setting the intention to merge with the

sacred Presence, invoking Reiki where the integrated One in me, recognizes

the integrated One in You and in all living beings. You could also say Reiki

in me recognizes Reiki in you, ‘recognizes Reiki in everything. Integration

happens within that recognition and merging with Presence.

In the case of the distance symbol, we are broadening our perceptions be-

yond the time-space dimension into the timeless state of being. So when we

create and chant the distance symbol we intentionally enter being-presence

beyond time and space, where energy or Ki that was held frozen by fearful

mind in the past, damn the flow of life energy due to fears of the future.

When sending distance Reiki we come into sacred Reiki presence and trust

and faith that the fearful mind that created the blocks in the energy flow can

dissolve into the balance and harmony of peaceful mind and energy can

again flow freely.

In creating and chanting the name for the power symbol we set our in-

tention to invoke the sacred Presence, empowering our intention to harness

scattered energy and be present with what is as is. That firm intention creates

opening for being Presence to manifest and healing to restore homeostasis

Creating and chanting the name for the mental emotional symbol sets


the intention to harness the scattered energy of the time-bound men-

tal/emotional dimension so that focus can be placed in the stilling integrative

state of being. Once you are established in Reiki you no longer “need” the


Q. How does polarity, the male and female principals, relate to Reiki?

A. Reiki is the pulsating continuum of life made manifest everywhere in the

feminine and masculine principals, the sacred masculine witnessing con-

sciousness and the sacred feminine, Shakti.

Q. How does being attuned to Reiki affect our experience in everyday


A. Consciousness and energy permeate every level of existence. When in

alignment, they present as inner peace, relaxed happiness. In Reiki we begin

to recognize who we really are, being-presence, which manifests as a deeper

experience of fulfillment in our life. We make better decisions for ourselves

as we acquire clearer perceptions of reality. When we awaken and realize

that we are witnessing consciousness and energy, there is a compassionate

intention in our thought selection, in our attitudes, our actions, and respons-

es. This caring presence-of-being spreads throughout our personal and pro-

fessional lives and manifests as more fulfillment, more success and relaxa-


Q. Does it matter what Reiki lineage you connect with?

A. Lineage is important because it carries forth vibratory support from the

Masters who came before. It is through lineage that we are now the recipi-


ents of these esoteric teachings. .In Reiki, Lineage is carried forth from Reiki

Master to Reiki Master.

Q. How do the Chakras relate in Reiki?

A. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel”. Each Chakra or energy cen-

ter pulsates sluggishly or energetically according to the energy level of one’s

body/mind system. Chakras are located along a central column from the base

of the spine to the crown of the head. Reiki brings balance to the chakras and

balance and health to the related organs and glands. The Western Reiki hand

positions cover and treat all the major chakras or energy centers. The chak-

ras are related to the physical organs and glands in our body and as well as

the subtler levels of being.

Our chakras are parts of a large network of unseen subtle energies.

The root chakra: Located at the base of the spine is related to the large in-

testine and the rectum. The root chakra also relates to the adrenal medulla

gland which is surrounded by the adrenal cortex. Associated with “fight or

flight” survival

The sacral chakra: Located in the pelvic area of the body is related to the

reproduction system, the testicles and ovaries and also the urinary bladder

and kidneys. This chakra is also the center for sexuality and spirituality.


The solar plexus chakra: Located behind the navel is related to the liver,

gall bladder, stomach, spleen and the small intestine. It is also associated

with the pancreas and adrenal cortex. Also the mental and emotional center

for will and will-power

The heart chakra: Located in the center of the chest is related to the heart

and the arms. It also regulates the Thymus gland. It is the center for compas-

sion, love, relationships

The throat chakra: Located at the pit of the throat is related to the lungs

and the throat. It is also associated with the thyroid gland. Communication

and intellect

The third eye chakra: Located between and above the eyebrows in the

forehead relates to the brain, face, nose, eyes etc. ‘Also to the pituitary

gland. Insight and clarity of vision

The crown chakra: Located at the crown of the head is related to the whole

being. It is often focused on in relation to the pineal gland. ‘Associated with

enlightened state of being

We apply chakra knowledge to Reiki from the understanding that physical

problems are the result of disturbances in the mind that create blockages in

the flow of life force energy flowing through the system. The blockage in

the life force energy flow causes the organs or glands to malfunction. The

Reiki hand positions cover the chakras and thus cover the major organs and

glands. Energy blockages form from dis-ease in the mind and ‘are released

in ease of being where the flow of life giving energy is unblocked. The Reiki

energy flowing throughout restores peaceful mind from where healing in the

body, mind, and emotions occurs. Both client and Practitioner reap the bene-



Q. Are the hand positions necessary to promote healing?

A. Hand positions are not “necessary”, as healing happens beyond doing.

The hand positions promote stillness, synergistically providing a focused

nurturing intention for the energetic transmission of Reiki. The hand place-

ments facilitate a deeply open and relaxed state of being. This synergistic

stillness between giver and receiver is where healing is available. The hand

positions can be considered an external vehicle of the more significant inner

alignment, which is the experience of complete inner stillness, balance and

union – which is Reiki Being-Presence. The inner stillness or meditative

state of being remains constant bringing about balance even though the ex-

ternal events like hand positions constantly change

Q. What are the hand positions?

A. Though there are 12 basic hand placement positions that cover the chak-

ras; ‘though anywhere on the body that you place your hands with integra-

tive Reiki intention is a Reiki hand position. In Reiki 1 (Shoden) we teach

the 12 basic hand placements and then acknowledge that with developing

sensitivity you will respond intuitively to Reiki guiding the hands. This is

called Reiji-ho

Photographs for Reiki Self-healing hand placements and hand placements

for treating others with Reiki follows this Q & A section.


Q. What is the difference between healing and transformation?

A. Reiki when understood to be a spiritual practice is primarily about your

own awakening to what is as Is. Western Reiki Practitioners have been less

aware of this as Sensei’s Usui’s original intention for Reiki and more often

come from the point of view of “Healer”. When aligned with consciousness,

life force energy is a powerful catalyst to transform not only your physical

health, but all aspects of your life. It is accessible and available to everyone

equally yet few practice the esoteric secrets of Reiki awakening to fulfill

their highest potentials. Inherent in the transformational benefits of Reiki is

the natural balancing that occurs with aligning consciousness with natural

life energy.

Q. And the question of terminal illness?

A. All of life must surrender to the natural polarity held in life cycles of birth

and death. Reiki will not disrupt that balance. Rather Reiki supports the nat-

ural transitions of birth–death with ease and peaceful relaxation. Reiki is a

nurturing Life gift for application from Birthing Centers through Hospice

Q. Some clients might fear surrendering completely to Reiki. How do I

assure safe and sacred space to optimize Reiki for them?

A. By letting go of your own ego mind expectation, and by setting your own

clear intention for integrative being-presence. Your responsibility is to set

your own professional and personal boundaries. Once your boundaries are

clear and uncluttered from selfish need, insecurity and expectation, you enter

the Reiki zone, and then the infinite power of healing presence will naturally

flow. The client will resonate with Reiki and a felt sense of safety is assured.


Q. I know your main focus in sharing Reiki is to Awaken and realize the

eternal state of being, but I am a professional healer, I am a hospital

nurse. How can I learn more about Reiki from the perspective of nurs-


A. Remember that the natural benefit in merging with Reiki is healing, re-

storing harmony and balance, always. So no matter what setting you are in

when you set your intention to merge with Reiki, Reiki Is. Healing happens.

Reiki awareness is rapidly spreading through hospitals as a complimentary

healing modal. Michaela Dragut, M.D. Physician Advisor at Shands Jack-

sonville Florida Hospital, who was trained in Integrative Reiki Awakening at

Amrit Yoga Institute, states it thus: -

“Reiki has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and mala-

dy and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with

all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and pro-

mote recovery”

Q. What exactly does it mean to be a Reiki Sensai?

A. Reiki Sensei is a being-state of one who holds the intention to be uncon-

ditionally present with what is as it appears in the field of their awareness.

Consciousness is shifted from choosing controlling ego, “I like it/I don’t like

it” to the choice-less sate of witnessing consciousness. More simply put, the

Reiki Master ceases choosing for or against what is present and accepts life

as it presents. There is no performer of the practice. The Reiki Sensei allows

the energy complete freedom to flow, beyond the usual conditioned filters,

likes and dislikes of the ego mind.

More than one who has received the Reiki Master Attunement, the Reiki


Sensei embodies the union of consciousness and life energy, both which live

in the now. A Reiki Master in training begins to understand that the mind

which lives in the past and future is an obstacle to being present, and so the

Reiki Master is practicing mastery over the mind to awaken the inner Reiki


Q. What does Mastery over the mind mean?

A. When you totally and unconditionally embrace the present, you have

mastery over the mind. When you react with resistance to the present, choos-

ing for or against what is present then the mind has mastery over you. When

you are unconditionally present, in acceptance awareness, you have crossed

the limitations of mind & time. When you access the power of the Light that

witnessing Presence (Reiki) is, the grip of the reactive wounds from the past

instantly dissolve and you enter the harmonious interaction with what is pre-

sent. In Reiki-presence your separated ego-self-image merges into omni-

present impersonal presence. Now you are present with what is present.

Now your future is shaped by how you are living in the present rather than

how you are being in reaction to a wounding event in the past.

Q. If I feel unresolved with something from my past can I still enter


A. Yes. Like all spiritual practices Reiki is a practice. You begin from where

you are, moving into acceptance of everything as it arises in the field of your

awareness. You begin to recognize that your identification with your reac-

tive perceptions to what you are facing now is unreal, and that only what is

present is real. Then you become realized. You recognize that you have been


spiraling into the same reactions over and over in the time bound self-image

you identify with, only to repeat the same self-destructive reactive patterns

in a future scenario. Mastery over mind ends this cycle of unreality and

moves towards realty, Reiki.

Q. I hear you speak of Reiki as Sacred Presence. I have always heard

Reiki described as Universal God Consciousness and Life force.

A. Reiki is that Consciousness Itself, Rei-God, Great Universe, Brahman, in

unity with manifesting Shakti, life force energy-Ki. Reiki is omnipresent.

Presence is omnipresent. It’s the same teaching, different recognition. If you

continue to resist your reactive patterning to whatever is happening in the

present, you will continue to re-experience it and repeat it as a disruptive

pattern in the future. This is a core reality. Now instead, each time you revis-

it a disruptive reactive button; recognize that you have the opening to be pre-

sent with what it externally presents. Now you can recognize your reactive

patterns and untangle them by accepting what is, because after all, it is! The

omnipresent consciousness that Reiki is heals and harmonizes all the centers

of the body and mind. Embody it and share it in your Reiki practice. Rei is

the masculine polarity God Consciousness and Ki is the sacred Shakti femi-

nine polarity, life energy.

Q. Can you share more about Reiki as a non-reactive presence and how

it relates to health and wellbeing?

A. As you live in non-reactive presence, you disengage from your pre-

programmed conditioned past. The more you can detach from the time-

bound disease causing toxic burdens, (shame, blame, judgments, self-


rejection, etc.) the more you live in harmony with the timeless presence of

Reiki, your spirit body. The more deeply you become connected (being pre-

sent in unconditional acceptance of what is as is) there is a significant slow-

ing down of the aging processes in the body. When your mind and attention

is dominated by the time-bound reactive past that lives in the fears, hopes

and dreams of a non-existent future, your reactive toxic thoughts and feel-

ings are metabolized into your body chemistry and cellular body structure

and your body goes through degenerative processes. As you learn to live in

harmony with what is as is, your interactions with life situations are no long-

er dominated by the fearful time-bound self-image, which is the cause of all

illness. Now you reap the harmonizing benefit of natural healing life energy

which flows with the timeless part of your being in response to the accepted


Then you’ve moved beyond the “doing levels” of Reiki Practices and expe-

rience the possibility of a life greater than you could ever imagine. This next

step is into the unlimited potential of Divine Energy.

You will be an even better teacher with an experience beyond study and

practice. Here you will affect the transmission of Divine Energy from the

very breath you breathe, every movement you make and every word you

speak. This state of being is demonstrated in the Reiki Precepts.

Q. And what are the Reiki Precepts?


A. Probably the least understood and most important part of the Reiki

protocol. Yes. They are “The secret art of inviting happiness” Here is

where you mindfully affirm on a daily basis your intention to accept

what is as is, “your spiritual medicine for today” or here and now.

Sensei Usui the founder of Usui Reiki says for today state your

prayerful intention to be present each day, one day at a time

Be aware and thus free of anger

Stay out of worry and trust the Oneness of the Great Universe

Be in gratitude for all your many blessings

Do your work honestly

Be kind to every living thing.

You can turn them into affirmations, affirming that I Am.

Example I am worry free – I am grateful for my many blessings – I work dil-

igently – I am kind to every living thing.

If you have a personal affirmation that leads you from your shadow-self to

your Reiki Self then add that. Let it begin with I am and keep it positive. For

example, mine is I am Reiki

In Usui Sensei’s own words: - “For improvement of mind and body - Usui

Reiki Ryōhō. The secret art of inviting happiness - the miraculous medicine

for all diseases, “every morning and evening, join your hands in meditation

and pray with your heart. State in your mind and chant with your mouth …

Do not be angry: Do not worry: Work with diligence: Be Grateful: Be kind

to every living thing:”


(Anger is resistance to reality, resistance to reality = dis-ease)

(Worry is mistrust of reality, mistrust of reality = dis-ease)

Amrit Methodology aligns with Usui Sensei’s intention for Reiki Ryoho.

Living the 5 Reiki Admonitions are the keys to healing and to transfor-

mation. Practice them to the best of your ability every day.

Begin by raising your hands/arms overhead. Feel the universal Reiki energy

between your hands, moving through your arms and intentionally connect

with witnessing consciousness. Feel the Reiki presence as sensation between

your hands and as it enters through your fingers and palms to your heart cen-

ter. Bring your palms together in prayer position. Draw your hands down

through the center line to just above your heart center and firmly intend the 5

Precepts … follow along with Audrey (Devdasi) in this 10 minute Reiki

self-healing on YouTube.



Q. How does the practice of praying my intention to practice the five

Reiki admonitions every day transform my past thinking?

A. ‘By bringing you into the presence-of-be-ing’ this is where neither the

reactive past nor the unknown future can live ... And then you live in peace

and happiness. Send Reiki to your reactive memory to heal all causes of cur-

rent distress and send Reiki to accept the effects of that which appears as a

result of your reactive past and present. Acceptance in the Light of Reiki is



It is through Amrit Yoga that I recognized my own inner Reiki Awakening and ‘initiation

in Gendai Reiki Ho is how I recognized my own prana awakening. Audrey (Devdasi)

Honoring my Gendai Reiki Lineage

Honoring my prana awakening Lineage Dadaji, Bapuji and Gurudev

with a special acknowledgement of Yogi Amrit Desai (Gurudev) who em-

bellished the answers in the Q & A section and embellished the philosophy

herein in accordance with his deep insights resulting from his Prana Awak-

ening experiences and recognition of Reiki Awakening and his complimen-

tary philosophy in Integrative Amrit Methodology (I AM) TM

After Attunement to Reiki: begin all Reiki practices by standing, or sitting,

feet hip width apart, raise arms overhead drawing in the Cosmic Reiki

energy in to and between your hands. Bring palms together in prayer

position, then place or direct your hands to transmit Reiki for yourself or




Reiki Self Purifying Hand Positions

Close your eyes. Place your palms up, floating just above the knees. Focus

consciousness on the palms. In your mind recite “I invite Reiki into my

Heart, Mind and Soul to bring healing and balance to (myself and or my cli-


1.Fingertips at hairline 2. Fingertips over eyelids 3. Over ears or forward of ears

4. Fingertips touch at crown 5. Occipital and back of skull 6. Throat-fingertips on jaw


Self-healing contd.

7. Hands over shoulders 8. Little fingers touching 9. Heart/Thymus

10. Heart Chakra 11. Solar Plexus + 12. Sacral Chakra

Move your palms from the heart chakra to the solar plexus chakra under the chest and at

the waist, at the sacral chakra place hands fingertips touching over the front body all the

way to the root chakra: See drawing. End with root chakra

Root Chakra Hand Position-front body


Self Purification Hand Placements – Back Body Chakra locations

It is important to be comfortable so adjust the positions of your hands as needed. One

hand over the shoulder palm down and the other palm down at the waist is a comfortable

alternate hand position for the back body.

1- 4. Slide the hands down the back body, fingertips touching over the chakra

locations reaching as best you can reach. Pause at each position for a few minutes

or as you are guided and move to the next. Finish at the Root Chakra

Root Chakra Hand Position-back bo


Reiki Hand Positions for offering a Reiki Session to others

Close your eyes. Place palms up floating just above the knees. Focus consciousness on

the palms. In your mind recite mantra: "I invite Reiki into my heart, mind, body and soul

to harmonize, heal and balance (Clients name) according to his/her highest best

Begin in Prayer Position Raise your hands above the head to begin on chair

Place or direct your intention through your hands on the near side of clients solar plexus

(or head when seated) to enter synergistic relationship. Then move to position 1.

Connection Position


1. Heels of hand at hairline/over eyes 2. Heels of hands together at crown

3. Hands over ears or forward of 4. Both Palms under head/fingers


5.Throat/little fingers at collar bone 6. Heart/Right hand across Thymus/left

through ctr


6. & 7 & 8 Place hands side by side under chest and over solar plexus and sacral chakras.

Then move both hands across the body and cover the same locations on the far side.

Finish front body by adjusting your hands to direct the Reiki to the root chakra.

These hand positions are not rigid, you can switch their progression as you

proceed through the body. Just be sure to treat the entire head first before

moving to the torso


Treating Others-Back Body Hand Positions

9.Heart chakra-back 10. Solar Plexus 11. Sacral Chakra 12. Root Chakra-Back

One hand in front of the other for the back body. Over heart chakra, solar plexus

chakra, sacral chakra and root chakra. Fingertips of rear hand at heel of front

hand. Position hands to form a “V” for root chakra.

Treating Others Sitting in Chair

Offering Reiki when client is seated.

Can place hands front and back over the Chakras


Additional suggested Reiki Hand Positions

One hand at shoulder-other on hand Hands “cupping” the elbow

Hand on high hip and other on foot Both hands “Cupping” the knee

Ankle hold on back body foot hold foot hold

As you become more comfortable with the hand positions, let your intuitive

connection to Reiki guide you. Listen to inner prompts and sensation under


your hands and stay on that position until the sensations shift and Reiki

guides you to the next hand placement. This is called Reiji-Ho.

Q. What will I learn in Integrative Reiki Awakening trainings

that I can’t learn by reading this manual and practicing the


A. The attunement process is the initial connector. It opens up

your channels to receive the invitation to awaken to Reiki. Read-

ing alone will not activate your connection, and practicing without the con-

nection will not be Reiki. Immediately after your first attunement in Reiki I

your channel opens, your vibration heightens and self-purification begins

where certain reactive vibrations from childhood wounding will no longer be

able to sustain in the awakened healing energy. Reiki I attunement initiates

you on the physical level. (Beginner level) Level I attunements and self-

healing techniques promote the opening of your channel, through which en-

ergy trapped in your unconscious karma body starts to release. When that

happens try not to judge, analyze or identify with it. For the first 21 days af-

ter attunement to Reiki 1, you enter a period of Reiki self-healing to support

the initial cleansing stage. This practice allows trapped energy to be freed as

you prepare for the next stage of Reiki Awakening.

Q. What should I expect immediately following initiation to Reiki II?

A. Give up expectation and Observe how you feel. After initiation to Reiki II

you are given the first three traditional Reiki symbols which act as antenna

to connect you more directly with universal energy. The symbols hold shape

with energy resonance and have mantra sounds or sacred voices. The sym-


bols and their mantras connect us more powerfully to the resonance in the

Reiki dimension.

Q. What can I expect immediately following initiation to the Reiki Mas-

ter Degree?

A. Again expect no-thing. Observe yourself. In the first part of the Master

training you are given the traditional Reiki Master symbol. Using this sym-

bol with integrative intention connects you to the highest vibration of uni-

versal consciousness. At this level after receiving Shinpiden attunements,

drawing the Master symbol and chanting its mantra connects you to Being-

Presence. In subsequent modules of the Master level training, you are em-

powered to teach Reiki I, II and III to others and receive the Integrative Rei-

ki Sensei attunement. Then teaching becomes your learning. You are em-

powered to embrace deeper acceptance of yourself as you are and the world

as it is. Miracles can happen for your students and yourself as you accept

yourself exactly as you are. As your sensitivity develops you will value

more and more the benefit of your own self-healing and purification with

Reiki. The more you practice your own self-purification and release your

own reactive patterns, the better teacher you can be for others... You will

value the 5 Reiki Precepts and live by them and be a Beacon of the Light

that Reiki is. As you purify yourself the Reiki Master in you is revealed. Not

one who only attunes others but one who realizes the spirit of Reiki and who

lives their life resonating with the vibration of the highest dimension.

Q. How do I enter the highest vibration?

A. The highest vibration is already within you as I AM. In Integrative Reiki

Ryoho we will teach you Reiki Techniques that automatically draw you in to


Source. You will be guided beyond the mind center, beyond the ego, to the

current of love which is your Reiki Body. You cannot enter this state of be-

ing through thinking about it. It is a vibration of trust and faith to which you

will be attuned.

Reiki is consciousness and universal energy, Shakti, from the highest vibra-

tion. Reiki can be described as healing of body and spirit. Prana Shakti can

be described as healing of body and spirit. Awakening, Realization, is the

intention held in both. It was the realization that Reiki Awakening and Prana

Awakening results are the same that birthed Integrative Reiki Awakening.

When you choose your Reiki path there is an initiation to that particular lin-

eage and an immediate connection to Universal life force energy. In Reiki

Awakening we have the traditional Reiki teachings and techniques for align-

ing with Reiki through the Usui Reiki tradition and the guidance from

Gurudev on how Reiki is accessed and how it transforms the practitioner as

it transforms the client. The initiating Reiki Master is Gendai Reiki Shihan

Devdasi Audrey Pearson who is both a 15+ year Western Takata Reiki Mas-

ter and a Reiki Master in the Japanese Gendai Reiki methodology as well as

being a 40+ year student of Yogi Desai. The spiritual body of the Reiki

training inherent in Devdasi combines the direct kundalini lineage energy

from the Prana Tantra Kripalu lineage of Lord Lakulish (Dadaji) to Shri

Kripalvandji (Bapuji) to Yogi Desai (Gurudev) and – from the Usui Reiki

Ryoho energy transmission and teachings that come direct from Mikao Usui,

through Kan'ichi Taketomi, Kimiko Koyama, Hiroshi Doi.

Prana Tantra Master Yogi Amrit Desai shares the way in to the spiritual di-

mension of Reiki fulfilling an evolutionary contribution to the World Reiki

Community. Devdasi’s background in Amrit Yoga serves as an intuitive


knowing and initiated experience of the inner workings of Reiki. Couple that

with the energy lineage of Doi sensei’s Gendai Reiki and the Dento teach-

ings, and there is no mistaking the transformational power of Shakti.

In Gurudev’s words “You cannot enter the spiritual dimension through the

medium of the mind. You have to first learn how to go to Super Conscious

Witness State that allows you to disengage from the pre-programed self-

image, and ‘impregnate your self-conscious prana body with the super con-


Only when this happens is the prana completely liberated from the entrap-

ment of the ego mind; trapped in the unconsciousness body of the self-

image. And the moment this happens you are in touch with the Cosmic Intel-

ligence (Reiki) through the medium of the intuitive dimension that is non-

mental, non-linear and non-rational.

In Summary

Integrative Reiki Awakening in the Form of Gendai Reiki Ho shares the

spiritual dimension and techniques from Usui Reiki Ryoho and is unmistak-

ably influenced by Amrit Yoga’s energy, teachings and complimentary

alignment of Prana Awakening experienced by Devdasi as his disciple.

Chakra knowledge is not included in Usui’s Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, but Doi

sensei and Devdasi recognize the inherent wisdom in the Yogic Teachings.

Doi sensei studied Osho Reiki so no doubt he incorporated the chakras into

Gendai Reiki as a result of his receiving chakra knowledge.


As you balance your whole being, mind, body, soul with Reiki you continu-

ally raise your resonance to match that of Cosmic Reiki. You enter the Reiki

zone where you are empowered to heal and transform yourself and transmit

the empowerment for others to heal themselves

Balance your Chakras and You Balance your Life

Chakra is a Sanskrit word which translates as "wheel”. Chakras are energet-

ic power centers that both take in and distribute energy throughout the body.

There are seven major chakras that correspond to the nerve plexus and endo-

crine glands in our physical body.

Chakras or nerve plexus in your body are perpetually affected by the way

you interact with life’s situations, people and places on a physical, mental

and emotional level. Thus, your chakras collect and absorb energy. The

chakras are the medium through which you feed your body with health and

balance; or deplete your vitality, health and well-being, depending upon how

you live your life.

The innate intelligence of the life force or prana (Reiki) flows through your

chakra system unimpeded when you are deeply relaxed in meditation or in

deep sleep. Whereas our self-conscious, ego-mind dominates our subcon-

scious, biological life force during the waking state. Our life force energy,

instead of healing, gets expended by conflict and stress created by our ego

mind. The major block to the free-flow of energy is our mind.

Your ego is constantly creating and re-entertaining your pre-programmed

perceptions of the past. This impedes the flow of energy throughout the


chakras, and deprives the body of the self-healing, self-balancing power of

the life force energy.

Our health issues are created at the mental and emotional level. This

registers energetically in our body in the form of psychosomatic blocks in

the flow of life force. Our chakra system is aligned with the nerve centers

and endocrine glands in the physical body, an energetic replica on a very

subtle level. Chakras cannot be located in the physical body as they exist as

energy centers having a transformative impact on the body’s physical well-


Each chakra, like each nerve plexus nourishes and sustains the healthy func-

tioning of the different internal organs it connects to. The location of the

major chakras and their corresponding neuroplexus are listed below: The

basic hand positions in a Reiki session cover

Basic (Muladhara) Base of the spine, sacral-coccxygeal plexus

Sex (Swadhisthana) behind the pubic bone lumbar plexus

Navel Center (Manipura) at your navel center solar plexus

Heart (Anahata) at the level of the heart cardiac plexus

Throat (Vishuddha) Pit of the throat cervical plexus

Third Eye (Anja) between the eyebrows

Crown (Sahasrara) At the crown o the head

Again, our pre-programmed, unresolved, traumatic experiences create inner

conflict and stress. These are registered as psychosomatic blockages in your

chakra system. All the physical, mental and emotional health problems are

caused by this blocked energy in the chakra system impeding the flow of life



Cleansing, balancing and dissolving energetic blockages from your chakras

is fundamental to maintaining optimal health. This also helps eliminate that

feeling of being “stuck” in your “core issues” repetitive “stories” of the past

that create stress, disharmony and illness.

Chakra energy vibrates at a very subtle level. This is why the energy of the

chakras is not readily felt. All the disturbances and conflict we experience on

a physical, mental and emotional level convert our biological subconscious

life force energy into our unconscious body of karma. This is the fundamen-

tal cause of all human suffering.

Reiki restores harmony and balance to all the centers of being


Jai Bhagwan

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