AX LANCK ÖRDERSTIFTUNG OUNDATION M P F „Achievement is powered by knowledge. Facilitating excellent research is a source of satisfaction, but also a duty for private sponsors.“ Dr. Stefan von Holtzbrinck Max Planck Foundation Chairman of the Board of Trustees RESULTS. Max Planck Foundation sponsors have Projects Your contribution to the future You too can make a commitment There are many ways in which to sustainably support research in Germany. If you are considering now or later, during your lifetime or through a bequest in your will, to promote fundamental research, support a specific cause, make a long-term capital endowment, or set up a foundation of your own under the auspices of the Foundation, please contact the Max Planck Foundation. In line with your preferences, we will provide the information you request either by telephone or in writing, or arrange a perso- nal meeting. We will also gladly arrange a contact for you at one of the 80 Max Planck Institutes. Put your resources and your ideas to good use by increasing the foundation capital, by financing specific projects, or by making an endowment to be used over time. When it comes to cutting-edge research: We offer you information, advice and support. Contact us, if you prefer via a confidential agent. IMPRINT Max Planck Foundation Kardinal-Faulhaber-Strasse 10 ∙ D - 80333 Munich Tel. +49 89 24240 - 610 ∙ Fax +49 89 24240 - 997 [email protected] www.maxplanckfoerderstiftung.org enabled Prof. Theodor W. Hänsch, winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics, to continue working in Germany. Upon his retirement, he received several attractive offers from the USA. However, private funding has allowed Prof. Hänsch to continue his work at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Munich to 2011. enabled outstanding students with Bachelor degrees to join a doctoral program. The Foundation aims to underscore the attraction and competitiveness of Germany as a venue for scientific training. enabled the Max Planck Society’s best Otto Hahn Fellow- ship holders to work at institutions abroad after receiving their doctorates before returning to Germany to set up a research group of their own. Entry into the program is financed by the Max Planck Foundation. TASKS. Additional funds allow the Max Planck Society to maintain its leading position by making attractive offers to top international scientists, by safeguarding the outstanding working conditions available to excellent researchers, by supporting innovations at the interface between basic and applied research, by promoting projects that range from research into cancer and aging to energy generation.

M P AX LANCK ÖRDERSTIFTUNG FOUNDATION · Prof. Peter Gruss, President of the Max Planck Society Prof. Wolfgang Schön, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public

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„Achievement is

powered by knowledge.

Facilitating excellent

research is a source

of satisfaction, but also

a duty for private sponsors.“

Dr. Stefan von HoltzbrinckMax Planck Foundation Chairman of the Board of Trustees

RESULTS. Max Planck Foundation sponsors have

Projects Your contribution to the futureYou too can make a commitmentThere are many ways in which to sustainably support research in Germany. If you are considering now or later, during your lifetime or through a bequest in your will, to

■ promote fundamental research,■ support a specific cause, ■ make a long-term capital endowment, or■ set up a foundation of your own under the auspices of the Foundation,

please contact the Max Planck Foundation. In line with your preferences, we will provide the information you request either by telephone or in writing, or arrange a perso-nal meeting. We will also gladly arrange a contact for you at one of the 80 Max Planck Institutes.

Put your resources and your ideas to good use ■ by increasing the foundation capital,■ by financing specific projects, or■ by making an endowment to be used over time.

When it comes to cutting-edge research:■ We offer you information, advice and support.■ Contact us, if you prefer via a confidential agent.


Max Planck Foundation Kardinal-Faulhaber-Strasse 10 ∙ D - 80333 MunichTel. +49 89 24240 - 610 ∙ Fax +49 89 24240 - [email protected] www.maxplanckfoerderstiftung.org

enabled Prof. Theodor W. Hänsch, winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics, to continue working in Germany. Upon his retirement, he received several attractive offers from the USA. However, private funding has allowed Prof. Hänsch to continue his work at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Munich to 2011.

enabled outstanding students with Bachelor degrees to join a doctoral program. The Foundation aims to underscore the attraction and competitiveness of Germany as a venue for scientific training.

enabled the Max Planck Society’s best Otto Hahn Fellow-ship holders to work at institutions abroad after receiving their doctorates before returning to Germany to set up a research group of their own. Entry into the program is f inanced by the Max Planck Foundation.

TASKS. Additional funds allow the Max Planck Society to maintain its leading position

■ by making attractive offers to top international scientists, ■ by safeguarding the outstanding working conditions available to excellent researchers, ■ by supporting innovations at the interface between basic and applied research,■ by promoting projects that range from research into cancer and aging to energy generation.

The Foundation Objectives

Excellent research deserves excellent support.To achieve this, exceptional commitment is called for. The Max Planck Foundation has decided to support cutting-edge research in Germany. To ensure a future of outstanding achievement for the benefit of all.

Without fundamental research there is no future

The Max Planck Society already enjoys huge esteem as a re-search institution, both in Germany and abroad. Its scientists achieve outstanding results in their search for new knowledge. It is therefore important that society should in future be able to add its contribution to the pace of innovation in the country and in the world and thereby safeguard Germany’s position as a center of business and industry. However, the demands made on science and research are growing. It is no longer enough to meet the challenges of tomorrow. Our thinking must range much further into the future. Without the support of private sponsors who are willing to make a financial commitment that reflects their passion for fundamental research, such advances will be neither sustained nor sustainable. Where public-sector funding reaches its limits, sponsors open the door to fresh opportunities.

Private sponsors support cutting-edge research

Organizing such sponsorship is the primary goal of the Max Planck Foundation. The non-profit Foundation is underpinned by a nation-wide private initiative. Its objective is to provide funding speedily and flexibly in support of cutting-edge research. The Foundation aims to train outstanding junior scientists, promote scientific eli-tes and attract scientists of the highest caliber in order to safe-guard the ability of the Max Planck Society to prevail in the face of international competition. The renowned publisher Stefan von Holtzbrinck has dedicated himself to this cause. He heads the Max Planck Foundation as Chairman of the Board of Trustees. The Ma-nagement Board spokesman is attorney-at-law Reinhard Pöllath.

The Max Planck Foundation is supported by, among others:

Martin Brost Dr. Alexander Dibelius Dr. Klaus Neugebauer Prof. Heinrich v. PiererProf. Jan Philipp Reemtsma Randolf RodenstockDr. Albrecht Schmidt Prof. Martin WinterkornMax und Ingeburg Herz-Stiftung Hermann-Neuhaus-Stiftung BDO Deutsche Warentreuhand AG Dr. Carolin Engelhorn

Board of TrusteesDr. Stefan von Holtzbrinck (Chairman),Georg von Holtzbrinck Publishing GroupProf. Peter Gruss, President of the Max Planck SocietyProf. Wolfgang Schön, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance

Management Board Prof. Dr. Reinhard Pöllath (Spokesman), P+P Pöllath+PartnersDr. Andrea von Drygalski, P+P Pöllath+PartnersDr. Barbara Bludau, Secretary General of the Max Planck Society

Excellence supports excellenceCutting-edge research comes at a price. There are many research institutions competing for the best minds – science in Germany, as elsewhere, is exposed to competition every day. The Max Planck So-ciety therefore needs additional funding to maintain its place among the world’s best research institutions.

Responding quickly and flexiblyGround-breaking research is an ongoing dynamic process. Scientists are constantly required to respond flexibly to new questions. To do so, they need funding that can be deployed quickly, unconventionally and unbureaucratically.

Preserving the freedom of researchIt cannot be the aim of fundamental research to reap a rapid financi-al reward. The freedom of research and the autonomy of researchers are among the major factors that determine success. Additional fun-ding helps to defend this principle.

Responsibility for one and allKnowledge is public property: For this reason, fundamental research must be facilitated and supported by the state. As budgets shrink, however, the state can no longer fulfill this task unaided. The com-mitted sponsors of today are as indispensible to the common good as were the patrons of the 19th century.

Supporting research – safeguarding prosperityPatrons enable the Max Planck Society to continue its work and op-timize results. They help to attract top scientists who bring skills and creativity from across the world. They also help to ensure that Germany remains a leader in science and research.