M-DCPS Framework of Effective Instruction Part I: Dr. David K. Moore

M-DCPS Framework of Effective Instruction Part I: Dr. David K. Moore

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M-DCPS Framework of Effective Instruction

Part I:

Dr. David K. Moore

Shifts to Tiered Support

Tier 3 (78)ETO supported

Released (39)OAT /Division of

Academics Support

Tier 2 (38)Division of Academics


Tier 1Watch Schools (68) OAT/Division of Academics Support

Tier 1- (121)OAT/Division of Academics Support

Schools that are identified by the state as Lowest 300 Elementary Schools Focus and Priority Schools (Differentiated Accountability (DA) Schools)

Priority Year 2 Schools Priority Year 1 Schools Focus Year 3 Schools Focus Year 2 Schools

The lowest 25% of schools when applying the DSF

All schools within Tier 3 will receive the following support from ETO Staff:◦ IS/CSS Intense Support

Bi-Monthly support from content specific instructional supervisors in literacy, math, and science Weekly full day support from literacy, math, and science curriculum support specialist

Allocated Support◦ 2 Administrative Directors◦ 1 Executive Director◦ 12 Instructional Supervisors◦ 61 Curriculum Support Specialists◦ All schools will have a minimum of 1 literacy and 1 math coach◦ All K-8, middle, and high schools will have 1 science coach

Total of 78 Schools

Criteria and Support for Tier 3

Schools that were provided support from ETO the previous school year but as a result of improved student performance no longer qualify for ETO support.

All Newly released schools 2 will receive the following support from District Staff:

◦ IS/CSS Support Weekly full day support from literacy curriculum support specialist Bi-Monthly full day support from math curriculum support specialist Bi-Monthly full day support from science curriculum support specialist

◦ 2 Instructional Reviews by OAT and Regional Staff

Allocated Support◦ 11 Instructional Supervisors◦ 23 Curriculum Support Specialists◦ All schools will have 1 literacy and 1 math coach

Total of 39 Schools

Released Schools

Schools that have been identified as scoring 50 percent proficient and under in Reading and/or Math and are not supported within Tier 3 or Released schools.

All schools within Tier 2 will receive the following support from District Staff:

◦ IS/CSS SupportWeekly full-day support from a Literacy and/or Math CSS for the content area(s) that was under 50 percent proficient

◦ 2 Instructional Reviews by OAT and Regional Staff

Allocated Support Two Instructional Reviews by OAT and Regional Staff will be held to review school

data for the content area that is receiving support. These reviews will ensure that support is aligned to the needs of the school and will clearly define expected outcomes, as well as the roles and responsibilities of all school-site support personnel (September and December 2014).

Monthly content specific professional development for instructional coaches and school liaisons focused on literacy and mathematics.

Instructional coaches (if applicable) will participate in the OAT iCADS.

Total of 38 Schools

Criteria and Support for Tier 2

Schools that have been identified as scoring 51-60 percent proficient in Reading and/or Math and are not supported within Tier 3, 2 or Released schools.All schools within this tier are assigned to their geographical Region Center.

Allocated Support:6- Curriculum Support Specialists (10 months)Bi-monthly full day support from a Literacy and/or Math CSS for the content area(s) that was between 51-60 percent proficient on the 2014 FCAT.In order to maximize support, OAT will work with each Region Center at the end of each interim assessment window to determine if schools need to be added or released from the Watch List. The total number of schools for each region will not exceed the initial number of schools placed on the initial Watch List. Regional Level DATA COM will be held at the end of each assessment period.Monthly content-specific professional development for instructional coaches and school liaisons focused on literacy and mathematics.Instructional coaches (if applicable) will participate in the OAT iCADS. 

Total of 68 Schools

Criteria and Support for Watch List

Schools that have been identified as scoring 61 percent proficient or higher in both Reading and Math. All schools within this tier are assigned to their geographical Region Center. Allocated Support:5- Curriculum Support Specialists (OSI) - Schools will be provided support by the CSS within the Office of School Improvement in the development of strategic action plans that maximize the available resources at each school.

These action plans will be reviewed and updated at the end of each assessment period.

Monthly content- specific professional development for instructional coaches and school liaisons focused on literacy and mathematics.

Ongoing professional development aligned to new instructional materials and resources and monthly content-specific principal instructional rounds. Instructional coaches (if applicable) will participate in the OAT iCADS.

Criteria and Support for Tier 1

Total of 121 Schools

Tiered Support

South Tiered Support

Instructional Rounds

Instructional Rounds

5 Dimensions of Teaching and Learning™/IPEGS Alignment

M-DCPS Instructional Rounds

• Principals will be placed in groups of 7-10 participants, grouped primarily by grade level configuration and support level.

• These groups will be led by an instructional round lead principal accompanied by a district expert.

• Principals will participate in seven instructional rounds which will allow them to apply the tenets of effective instruction through the combined lenses of the 5 Dimensions of Teaching and Learning, IPEGS, and Florida Standards through an action planning process.

• Principals will engage in debriefing sessions after each round, and will walk away from each professional development offering with a clear understanding on how to lead teachers in a reflective and facilitative dialogue in the spirit of instructional coaching.

M-DCPS Instructional Rounds

M-DCPS Instructional Rounds


Content Time

Norms 5 min

Pre-Briefing and Purpose/Action Plan Review 40 min

Observation of Instructional Practices 45 min

Debriefing of Instructional Practices “Noticings” 30 min

Debriefing of Instructional Practices “Wonderings”

15 min

Reflective and Facilitative Dialogue/Action Plan Adjustments

30 min

Closing 15 min

Action Plan SIP Development Timeline

Action Plan SIP Development Timeline contd.

M-DCPS Framework of Effective Instruction

Part II:

 Data Driven Dialogue (Action Plan)

Phase I: Predictions

Guiding Question:What components do you expect to see in the action plan?

Starters:• I assume... • I predict...

Using the Action Plan

Phase II: ObservationsGuiding Question: Are there any components of the documents that surprise you or that bring about questions and/or concerns?

Starters:• I observe that... • Something I noticed... • I’m surprised that I see...

Using the Action Plan

Phase III: Inferences/Implications

Guiding Questions:

What actions and shifts at my school will have to take place to create a powerful action plan that will drive the work at my school?

How is this different than what I have done in the past?

How will the shift affect the way of work at my school? 

Using the Action Plan

Application using Building Effective Action Steps

Choosing a strategy and developing comprehensive action steps based on the strategy.

Putting it Together

Exit Slip:

How can I ensure that the Action Plan will be a guiding document for school improvement in my building?

Next Steps