LITERARY NOTES. There is to be a " vVhittior Birthday Book." "Cape Cod Folks" ha» reachtrd a third edition. The Index So« ¡ety has just issued an index to Mr. Trevelyan ß " Lift- of Lord Macaulay." The third ami conclueling volume of the letters of Charlea DasttSBB ? ¡? pros in London. Mr. Pia. Kao'.s "Newfoundland to Manitoba'' Will lie r< printe·«! B* (i. P. l'uti.ain's Sons. ' "A Key teiTeni.yon'sIn M.-ini.riatn." by IV. ?1- fjal Goaty, aaejoat been leaat- ¦ London. '.Tilomas Carivi-: A Lif.-lVture rend Ooldcn K.-ni.ls from His Works" is the literal morning of the till«' of « OlBsBB niciiioir li.v Dr. Bogen Oswald. Anew edition of Prosp-r Meimt-e's masterpiece, .Oiiimtba." ¡s m ,? y ready in Parla. The text lias been carefully eollal-oel With iba author's lnattu- scrii t. A collection of " Iloln-es Leitiois " is beiti« ina<b- ay Ifjaa JoswpMaa E. Hodgdea», who compiled the ..Longfellow Leal!, is.'' " 1 lie l.:;st Lcail.-t'' on th.- tree ¡s pat. "Baby Rue," the lati No Kane novel <-.f Roberta Brothers, has boon rermhliened In England as the work of " Ciarles M. Cla v.'' v. hi, li is suppostoti to bo i adonyrn ol Mr·-. Charlotte If. (lark. " ¡ir- -?nt? character,'' anyi Fane Spectator, **arae Mero weighty ti ib hi- fonino, hat ss a poet ha was fortuna'·· it: heinu-harn befare the noetica! litclp- tui · of bla country bad any well-de fined oxleteDoe." If. Taine'· votantes on " l-· '- rii ee da la Franoe Contempo! lane," .','..· «ftleaMBwai thinks sustain Lis well-know a ehar iter m asti ilo not earn for bini the nevi aud hoped for ilia- tin ·( ion of pro) ? in. 1 historical ihm itigator. An Ki ido Publio hie belief that "nom da piiiiae" is a phnteo of English coinage, thai v.as trat printed iu England. "Nom de gut.te' Ut th ??, ali Idiom, and a very a ipropriate name of |] lailat. Ion has projot tod sa ahi klged edition of tin· Wavers ..· Novela, of which each etory is t.i i>·· echi for a peany. Bhe baa alno beeat so abaorbed in pi'parit'.·.' her annual ** The Miai leto Bough" m to omit to write her bbobI tturee-roluine aerei fer tas atititiiiii pre s. Tho veraioa of Sophocle·* '<!'': ?-, G whieh waa played at the Theatre Francala, is the tran-l ?- ci ol M. .1 ule»» I.¦·. givea in ls;,s, \[. i.a,..,..\ alaoaa to tranalation· of "Mae- ??-iîi" and "King Lear," whi ? are -sai.I to be tar from saii.sfactury. "Cat'sC a lit ·," t u slating of rhymes for children, ay Mr, Edward Willett, a Rew-Yi i. (ournallat, and colorii! drawing· bj Mr. Charl· Kenel k, laantor- ite'fious and hand «me bolioa.» book, leaned by Worthingtoii & Co. An edition often thoaaand has bei ? orbite for Bui lai a, and is already half said. Th«' portrall ol Dr. .t. t:. Il· llend, which The Ci n- tur.v Companj offered in connection with subscrip¬ tions i<> tin· "TheCeuturj Magasine." ta noi tobe given away as ¦·. premium ht be Infi rred from ? recent par »graph In this column. Then guiar price of the picture, mosxnted, will be«p5, but Mbooribera may obtain it at ¦ oonaidi rabio redaction. Apropoe of the striking similarity of il··· found In ? panai. "Patty' t^nrersitiee,'·andef an earlier boi sii "h and aol forth m s letter in VTodneaeiay'fl Tribune, a lady of rtoeton, Pean., at iltea! "1 remembered to have heard a young lady friend say aotne time asjo that aha alwaya a- sociateil anmoa with color·;. ? Core showing lier the Item, 1 teed her, what .she once taid to DBS shoal ñaues - ug colora,' She implied, Crimson is always -a!.·· ,-,, ,1 1,·.· 'Nell,' and I never think of ' Prod ' vvithuit seeinga 6right Kcark-t. 1 have often called tittle ( harley «., 'l'itti,' before 1 thought, becas he wear· a red ribbon on his hai. I then showed hat the la from the Binghaoxtori rau*raaposedent of 'l'in. Tra« Bt'NK, and she said it waa the tirsi time she ever Hippos«·«.! ¡p,.» ana ala·hadanehao Imptaeaion. Can hay of your leaders Boggeat a tanrobologieal saaaa· oatiou ? »· JN Kern publications. ? IK'S LAND." GLIMPSES OP A RBW DIXIE. on ?? sot in of TO-DAT. àSERIl.-1'i l...lli.l;s ntOM AN I Nl-i'LJCUICIiU OBBXaVKB IN TRIBUNE EXTRA NO. 81. Pili e ? cent» by mail. . Adelrese THE T1UBUNB, IffatW.TOmX. ? Bali MW/ Ceri·..: .^ 11. i' ..Four W oiitau'e 1,? true lor Fiily CcuU." IT IX $ A ? D CBOCHaTX Pastime for leisure non viti Address TUL TRIBUNE, _? ??.·- Tonar. IG HT líLAÜINUr pon 81TMMER LEISURE. ??i: TRIW'VK MOVKUS the oesamg and boit scries of Beaton. Later ?«/« ? IL TWO i.ii.i.iks. By Julia Karaoarh. lacune». 18. DBirTF.D BY THE ska. By Henry vviiitaey Clove. Itllll. I'ltel.·.. 17. BEBA-ITIA!·. ANorel. By Katharine Cooper, inc. ?-. ?????;? WIVE«. Byths sutoorof LonUanJ Ladies, f ? ;u!·!'«. Prloe, : n. rsiv UENBT. By Anthony TroUopa Alsa a abort story, Annie and tier Master, to cents. LO liMli-·' ? -..a. ¡ r vV'dh in >«>sr It ,1 Uri. VI. ?? I? HIPA DOW OK «s BIS. AlwciueliU; «Ina »tory Ciloves la c -t. ·. II? KKBKLOF TUB FAMILY. A nor.-l otabtorb- tot! interest, lo rents. No. ,7. -Thi Ne»-Vto-k Tribun«, jr., Stories f,,r Tho·« Lessi ] A handsome little hook of Stipules, with Colored bordura. Prioe. lOoeuts. aval uy uiuil, μ???^??, ou roe,-i;>t of prioi. Ad '.: -ei IHK TlHliLM·;. Hew-Verte X G??? KL ADV. MADAME DK SEvTGNE. By Miss Thackeray (Mrs. Kicliruoiul T'.'.lchlo). ?ß???, fino el'ith, $1. Betos the Tailtswih Vstams ft "»foreign Classics fur BtBgttth it· adi-rs." Ft'atctt l,y Mi s. ,;,phaut. ..'ih.s Settghttol ntt'e hook doiv to Uksned to a dainty ¦Binattire- m ttbetic In interpretation, do) b< -ii»tintr to reveal the Ii · entraBOlag tostare·, but blead- hig tii» whole into a tMnir of beanty. The sue that ev«-iv \i muí wtuiuui Will road with pleubiui) ami «JttoUt.".[Boeton Travtller. IWBDXJnOBG AND Tin·: NEW a<;k. Or, "Tlie Holy ( tly, N«-w Jerusalem." V.hal it Is. und When .nil How it "Com»«« liossns from POd «at at* Hmw ~| anil Bweelenbor»; ami Ids hUaatoB in li« lution lo ii. With an aia',, ductlon on «><sl end Man. Br the lu v. K. A. lieaiuiii. aultier Of " The River of Life," Ac. 1 -ino, extra cloth, $1 50. Paper cover, ??) cents. THE TWO ORATIONS OH THE CIcOV.N. iF.»t hlnes and Demosthenes. A New Translation. By <¡co. W. Bltltl'.e. Icilio, extra cloth, +1 SO. TKKASIKY OFPAIRT TALES, In Wollt« of 'Hie Syl.'atile. Ilv ii.initli. Autlubon. illus¬ trated. Small 4to. extra cloth, yi. GRAN VILLE DE vTGNE. Or, Held In Rondara·· A Ts!« if Cue Day. By " OuicTa," author of Cutler Two H.»·;»," Struthtuore." "In s Win¬ ter City," <tc. Cheap edition, lîiiuo, pafier «aisei, SB t. s, ·.· Por «ale by oil bookseller», or will be «out by mail, BSBB> .t'e prepaid, on receipt of Btt price by J. ?. UtTTMCCfTT & CO., ruhlialierH, _71Saiid 717 Markets!,, Phllaxl.-liihln. fTMU.E USEFUL PUBUCAT1ÖN8. SL'NLAY L1NM P.S. KXi RA NU ÖU i-rtet-14 oent«. .niETRIBtNK A1.1IA.SAC KOK lattt, pnce.-a e<-ut «? iiv·· «eat«·, ·?. TllLTUiUl. M. imi:;x KUtt l*tu, laica JO ckjuu, .sfastoaa THE TRiBirX!·. New-York. ñpuj 1ÜHUXE XOVEL EXTRA, NO. 23. "LEFT IN TRUsr." A BTORT OP A LAOY AND HER LOVER. BV MRH. OLI I'll ANT. Ahm, LOVE THAT PURIFIE8. By ????????? A. DUPP. THE MAJtJlca MONKEY. TKREMINAH Vlil/.K. THAT LITTLE CUTTTf. B> MHS. OI.Il'llA.NT. All In TRIBUNE NOVEL EXTRA, NO. 23. Price H) cent«. Batakmrn THE TRIBUNE, KswYork, ? önmmcr Reecrrie. _ FEW MORE BOARDERS desired for tho Fall at a pleasant Farm House near the Cat.nk.ills; ex- ee.sliugly health ? locality; dally alago and mall; veranda, iiiiino, croquet pleiitv milk, ccirs, poultry all kinds of fruit meet parties at Unitine, terms reaauiiàtile; for reference, ? is» id Kerrie, at (Jalway's Qrocery. opposite Orami Centrai Depot MRS, ???????G, Norton Hill, «irceli.· «?., :s. V. Vt>N BEACH HOTEL. HATH, LONti ISLAVn. Fifty inimités f uu Ne«· ????. This «xoeUenl sca-sltle fatre iiv hotel will be kept open daring Bestei.r. Rne su'·» bathing, boating ami nViing. THQS. i>. VVINCTTKsTKIt, Propri(>tor._ BERKSHIRE HILLS, "Perneide,n Tyring- hum, Mass. .·, few aood rooms at this popular resort, in the love*ic«t iiart «if the tolls of o'd IV-rkseii··, can lie lis.l fiu¬ tile monili ol September «I epfrlal ratee: í-'oisl living, tluo iiii»,*, Se, Dr. .lu i.i'ií JoNKS, proprietor. BERKSHIRE HILLS. Spend ... ir vacation at the CL \fi.in FIOUBB, Beeket, Muss. No malaria aoraoaquitoes: 1,900 feet ab« re the aea. im .? »criptivi Qlroalai atldroM A. a. CitOSH, Proprietor. UERKSHIRE'S MOST IMPILAI: RESORT. M ·. !'! EWOOD HAI.!., ????.-?·? !'Ll>, ttà.ea. < ·;·.' t above the w a Co nbin· a It iln itself everj re<iu laite attraction <¦...,»e.? cic·· and ? untort. s¡, tal seaeon ratea Openfroni lone loOoi ?··?· i... (lEOItO. ? W. ???'??',?.?,?:, Men ?.·.t. ¦DOARDFOH SEPTEMBER.Al Locual Farm, J ¦ on 11 the Cateknle; good board, milk, el ? ai ?? fresh vegetable« tu>.!i groa ine, large romas, ampi spioni] 1 s,·· m ry, ?? ei id water taU. Cll eh rene« given. JOUR imi- .cairo, roenej ??? ty, t. Y. »RANCH COTTAGE, among the mom 1 f terme reduced foi I LIA8 CO ri ?- ???, Propri tor, Delaware Water Gap, Peun._ pAMPOBELLO ISLAND. V> Taeaew Hotel known "TUB OW1 tf will lie kept open till October ?. ·;· -. ilj later, to »croni. 11.- s- w ?? »,isi| li, :m ;lil KA l.l, -liiuil IMI ¦». IO Pittili The air mi tata rei tei to any une who ie tullid- il with II A V G \ ¡It, ?? ;????! : '?:? uro, e. Prof. SI v of en. et ··. Ini ..li.t that t1· e i.iiisi e tto si m ,? is. «blj «vini and woaderfully ,in-, 111 ..????.?.e tu già il ? CliSi is akil re- »mes. The abure a man] miles baa sever been explores, irlii ;.a: ii, s m li find bere a fresh li« Id for Hi or· Ill« Hotel is delightfully situated, and has aU the ap- 1··,.?.linea: m e cuittfoi ·'·' lioiuo. Arrangi iionts for rooms Can miele by addressing W. K. SPRINU, "Th« liweu," ? ??.?.|?·.:.? 11.?. ?. ?., »ia Kaatport, -.· pAPE ANN..BaasRoiik House, Good Haï S ?, Be ?. |] ,,? .: ¦", ·. ·.. I'. ci |1 ???? (.¦¦?? aoeaeri > i le cuantía e ?-', s -? ? fur litu boo« ?.«.?: na.' CapO Vu. >l'-. ¦·.. i. lui''VVN / M)RÑWALL-ON-HüDSON.----Palmi r House: V' large poema; Ha« abade ? artenaive groioads ¡ asen uní.? November._ PLBERON, NEW-JERSEY, , .? ??<· 0 i'intry, will romain up< a um.? OctoberÜU. c.T. .ion ?, / JEORGE HOTEL, Bl ich Rock Beach, Conn. ? a ?··, r iahl il Ing >Un 1. ? fier ·'¦ n. 1 ili ie cure ?. M ?? tersiti ni -. r- ; h a ?? pu Ai ilies.. ?:\\ BLI. «S WELLS, «? nui. i JLEN ItîOQE, Cormvall, N. Y..Jloiii " " Open ill Sor · -r 11 n. ? u -r. w > 1 ir ? fr m ? Irritan!. milk, ?: »?'??,-.?«. si tra«, A·.·.., ita píaos, JA.Mi.s ì H ? ·;. SS AMILTON HOUSE, Stamford, Conn.. ti .. famtl botai tao iraje aie, private plscsee, Aite abade, b eatlful drl\ ¦-. ousting, ? ????? HOUSE, J S BC HO« ILI V'fl ati ''Ni'»!\ H FRI NO fi ? .1 nun niiiiiilii. Li e urli »e, ist nil lor ? !:· a .1. \V.\ RRKN ul,; MA N-, i] QOTEL SHREVVOBl KY, 11: \ HRfOH r v. f.. vili «n·;· ? ., r LY .'. M ? t ciáis rami» ho ' st un the Atlanti· itoetont li >' luv· ;.e \ ai, an river. lawn t. unis, rrnqnel ali lu »» the boa ·¦¦- ?? U em ul.:rsn lor Ma, ?·. «? nei ai c. > im: ? »t. ? ?. I ONG BRANCH, ?. .1. ??? ?t?,?????- ????? Will remain opon iluriug »monili ol II. ROWLAND, l'i «4 ¦". M ANSION HOUSE, Piermont, N. Y. ? few Inrre. :\iry raomi aft.. September 1 terms iii«sl( r., OUU '. No ? J. P. \1? .. K, Propri tor. M EARNS IlolsK. near W ? .int. open for the entire etitnniu; apeelona rroastlei Une abade n all and vcgi lai v. .- ud Mra. ?. M l.» H -. 4 limili.? id ills, .;. Y, MOUNTAIN HOUSE, CORNW M.l. <>'. ??'??·-<??. nil« froei land ruf, on î. -n,nu gin Mu-.· etui buse m Um grand puwlnm sigbtly. J. vv. Ml.A.., (h? HUDSON, «»no honr from New-York, one " ortwogeii men of refined t s;, ,, ,, a gi wife, can · tuiine loi fall and wlater. tmpl grounds and good »tabling. Addreaa lor particulars ?? ?'2? ?, N yack, .?. \. PAVILION ????'??? ? idi ?, Long Island..Re- 1 niüiii- open durili« lb J \ ? pAYILlON HOTEL, IBI i". i.'iNii fsi.Avn. _ JAafRfl BLATKR. DROSPECT PARK HOTEL, CATBKll l. ? V Flrst-eln«. Ts.ivtrin ·1 itlois .- '. ? ». Mountain ur econer] nnaurpasaed In the ·» >rl"l. L. r. u · \ an ?«, um · Proaaeot Park Hotel « omiiauy._ OPRINO HOUSE, k5 ULOCK fsi.wn. ??. r t ??,.? V MI,!.- »1 SKA. Onemvl from .lune i '.let. l'ai·., i dr r.o'ii« nie'its- ?·,?, risiila« datif «na air· Botina waler Tins aoaes * sumí·."! sitb nur·, «rater from the celebrate·! stirili·."« fro.? Wbloli ; ' I.letakeatUn nu-aiisuf hrdranllo miss and Is the «tel ? ?·· is on ? il furnished with pur« spring wa ···. ThSMenria ? are <iwn«al by ir· oropnetor, and areIsostsd sUain afewreaaoIUi ·¦ s.-nü to. a rcuUr. ,, ^ M ,,·,.,, .;M. ,..,,.,.,.,. rpHE ATLANTIC HOTEL, LO IIQ BRANO ?, ib .Si.)\V ut'^.?. Apply tour addi· ?. ROWLAND, I.Dico! Rowland a Hotel, Uoaro awis ttooma. East Side. 4 TWO LARGE. SOU A RE, ELEGANTLY ¿\ · furnlehed .is, witb bath, closets, m nei·· water, Oc., lu a pinate laiiiilj ;.: O ball G?) hi. al. it.-1, ili,· in. .,Illesi. APARTMENTS for gentlemen, handaomcly fmuislicd. siiKi.'e or en sulle, 26S Stb a»··., near 2fc BefereasM « 111 required. IiflPTH-AVE. near Union Leap^ie Cluh. S euite of rooms to reni with privati table or without meals. Reference« excbaug<ML Addr.-ss U C, Tribuni ? Iowa infle.·, ?.-j:ts Broadway. ¦ ·> GRAMERCY PLAC^.Desirable room*, I "^ ??? sun -ci alugly, with Qr«t-olaM hoard refereueae. ?/ÎKAsr .'.:ll>-sr..IN.on.s to 1«·! with M'f board) en suite, or singly; tahlo boardeis aeëem- tuodllted. *\(\ !':¦?S',, 20TH ST..Suits of roMtn ;: private *·*} aatavaoaaasi privata table, oc sitboat board] r«r- OwTH-sr., 40EAST..Eleoent floors, newly .IH tuiiniahrd, witb privat, table, by ta«year. I \{\ EAST 218T-8T.. Gramerey Park..De- I I · " u aule rooms, With ,;i'M class ??.,,????, cu --Hito or Bagai i'.-t· rasoi \*\i\ »IADI80N-AVE., corner of Slat I · ¦" 9 ? ault« of apartiiiimiK to lut with privat.« labio, thor¬ oughly tirsi .IIS«. 1 ÎïrÙn riIIRD-AVE..Eiret-class Iwiard ¡in<l J »« *?*ß'" " lud.L'iiiit for gentlemen, m |ii-¡»aie tamily, «ilio blisk Ii urn L <l«i>«jt. 4 all or address A. I! \S'. Went Sido. APIÑE PAXTiOE, anitable for party of fren- (lomen; also elegantly furrdabed room«on eoond and third ttisir«; refereacee. Ml Weel Kitli st. APRIVATE FAMILY wiaheaa few twartlertT; rootns nu third und fourth iloors. tN] »? «? t M 1 lAN'HSli.ME ,???? M.WI.V ?·?!?;.\? HI I) 1 I ROOMS, iaige and eiuaU : g'liileui.n onjj taauiypri. rat« '..i'· w .t a 1ARGE alcove room, second il«mr front; à eoutssro eipotere inr-r·· roome, raltsbl.r t»·· (¦.¦.iitie- tii.li, uu ? he tint·! Stet fourili ikhii's, t.rins iikkIi rale t alilo S_17 Nv· -? Lòth-et_ I ARGE, HANDSOMELY FURNISHED Y à ??????, emtablefor gentleman without board: dealrabl« luoaUon; farailj amali. ,\n. til West tetat-ak, between ,t:i and «itti avií«._ I PARTIES Buffering with menta] «>i nervous ciscases caii have pro|ter »tfeiitfun ami board if required. ?'???aμ L.Vl'KHlt.Nt'l , li-thuue L'pUiwn OiHte, \;¿M llmad»vay. __ PLEASANT IÍOOMS with board u> ? ai No. 1 147 Weai !:«i-«t. Bsferenceeeicttaaged. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES oan Und lare», JH. «degan! rooms, witharrivât« but lis OraVclaM table, pri¬ vat« U iloeirod, at ß? Vi'si .istii tt.; rofereuoc exehaiii'.M. ??0 LET..LaiayS, newly Inrnmli«·«! n h uns en I suit«- or Singly; al*· front hall room privat· Auierlcau family; rrfen nei- rvcliaug.sl. Wi Weat .'<, at-at. »> ¡? WEST '¿l.~Elecant parlors; ijeod leoess rW 1 uu each llnor, extra in «tr.e mut apiMiiiiUBSBM nil 111... i t-rii ???]?p·» cuieiiU« cssil rtsun« on tap (loor sumuirt attesa (tJ.lD-ST., 41 \VESr.-l)e.sir.il.l.·, well fur· »ayaaV niabril room« with beard, atoaavoaeea atvuu. n. a. (I i.lis._ .j/jTil-si., 48 and r><>, between Broadway »W« f and tJth-ave.- -Haudsoni- parlor lloor to let with Imard, siso ottici tarn·· and situili rooms Laid·· boant refer« non J·).". WEST 42D-ST..Families or «ingle -»· 9 μ, mi.-men returning tu Ititi city can find a genteel fui iiisiicd iltx.r en aitile or separate ; other single pμμ?-.s pri¬ vate table ojitiunal ; re'fert'iicee._ I ·>¦; WEST 3ß??-ß?..Tolet.twoniefly fur- I · '? 9 Btehed parlors, rntaiSlnlM hot ami OSld water; also ether daatrahle roome, wiih or without uoiu-d; référencée. '»il WEST L'lST.-Haiidwimcly furnished ¿-'.wi f aaaaBl and third floor front roouia wllb hoard ¡ table board._ *\'H\ WEST 81ST-ST..Parlor Boor fnr- tßi^>\9 nlahed, atUtabio fur phyalclau ; «ic.Jicui neighbor hovMl ; also. uUu-a· rvuuu» MINES AND MINING. FitintY. Sept. 2.p. m. There was little in to-day's minino- stock market that calls for comment. Generally the business w as elull aud the prices steady. The State Linea at «ino time math· Rome recovery from yesterday's depres¬ sion, hut later th«· pa i uh wit,· mon· than lost, and those sto les again were we blankets on any dis¬ position there was toward an improvement in tato belter ('.buss of. .-.tucks. Son. 1 BOdd rallied toî)7 cents ami «mieti ¡a 9? cents. Nan. 9 an·'. ¡5 hold up to4.lO on short biiyei 'a option, but c!«i-'"l a! ?.'.?G?, or G? cents lower than yesterday, mid Orienta! «t?? Miller faS- oUaedfresa89 to 79*381 seats, Oonaelidated Vir¬ ginia wa.s 18 conta lower al 1.80, and California was ,"¦ con t s lower at 05 cauto. The up- ningpricei of the Baa l'rynciMo markets' ahowod a general sharp ad· VauOe rtua \ t'-lc.tiay'- causili'.· ligure·, nul t lie (|ilo- tations were reotûved here toe la.e to influì noe our u, irkets. The closing Quotation , which are printed elee where, will show n' the morning's adva ice waa tusialned through the day. Hero Iron Silver, was notably strong and roae te 2.90. liibernia was ao- tire and 2 eonto lower at i'«"·· 1»< coni . i 'he other Leads liles were about steady. Miner Boy continuée to record large transactions without Uni >rtanl fluctuations, to-day's bi fcl or way being allai 19 oenta. The tnarkets olosed dull. G. .v. 7, v, v,,· IT WKSX · / i WsTaTa&M si;'ivi CALL.12 O'CLOCK si. ,? slat· ' l.iikill Ma» .:· ", :,n 1 i OU .sa 200 ».? .,<> .- ?,, -.mi .OB hua >: Mlatr Buy 2 a IH .,blO .' ·· bS.. A9 rato, .·;¦.::.--, .·" ,blO.. .06 H>" 9JSQ 1600.4'J ._ia..i;: |) ajo. .00 :-inriatti.? ???? ,«3·. ·' .'.it .".' ? Boulder Ion ¡ ,?? ,?.:. ...? u iberni Basra 1 sane! leu .SO ..??, ?.?,? .;·..?-, ·.·¦·,io ..)·; .·?·,.!,·'.?? I.SA Culli«mit BOO :-. u N'th KUnilarel ?ß??,.ß??.?.d? 100.. b8,1.00 lne...blS.4.00 ino.m mai .?.-".? Flndley ¦jeu ,a ? ion ?a loti I,-. 4.00 -:,.i'.. 'a·: 4.1? Great EuStcru 4.06 M II 100 .... t.03 ¦" .18 liai. ',!.). LIO ¡,· . Ane,· LÌMI» Chief ???) 1.05 ana ,11 au,?.?.. .88 200 .1.85 !'ia 4.05 a ..lili» < ?.? s leUte 100 SO 1100. » it'.4.0C la ''· .08 lOel . ·-'"· Navajo ¦i . a 100 .blO.I ? 101 ?.40 _I lui) 15.001 I __ THIRD CALL.-2 O'CL KCS P. at. mi. Miner oy Bout ?. 2and a .'." ·.. . !:> New 1 ttHI ,8*J lOfl 1.01 i-li 608 ,81 -? ioo.i,an. .60 Linie Ptttsb'g 60(1 ·. « 1 ou ,.. c . obla on ?.?,?.... ·¦> Beo b:t... i" ."·¦ .su loo.3.06 ???..'':!... .<' Hierra Nevada lit) ? ml.» 111, ir·, ?.; ? .·??).?G,.'..? 6000 .'-?. ai i-muli Balwer eoo .ui.,. .is .·."· .u'ü ·>?. t s.. son.te eoo.se lOt 0.'·', 600 stia |,? ¦ 1.60 bSO. s.lltl a.··' 100 ni l. ¦·"· ! 700.. bit'. LOO Virai "o. .04 ·.'!' ·. '.·> .1.00 'JlU .47 1 ' ÚO0 .".? 100...»3. .1.00 BUH DO- 1.88 la,u. .02 ??? LISI ,,',?? .481 ... .ni ISO 300. - 0., .IMI .?··,;. 100 U.BO N'tll M.iutl.ud lil. .IMI leu .?,.: ?. a. ! ju J UHI ,18 600 «¡I . «.LI , ? m Liver Alla .'¦ lOtl a LOO I I..I I.. .02 rmoiil : ·;. at 0..U10. ß.03 ». ·..!. .¡a: .'· o. s .1 ,:>.;;?? ? \ . 1XCB I VOM »ALMS. CAI 1. I" O'CLOCS ?. M. ,·. ?, ,.·??? ?.in I'M .upper Knob :- " ,76 · .,.,.. ...'¦:¦.· . ; an ? ? 100. hl« '···"·· ?.· IB ("alii ,Gß ¦ ion , ,40 .,, , ¡?? ?.,aio ... an ?,. 200...el _ I iloti_ .Lo j_ THI1 ML Viti mi ? ? ., .; a. '. .". .vi 20 .73 ¦' reek sud ? kjsck .·? 100 ¦at By« IMI ,9(1 -J'»'.47 OOptt ?. 200. ..'·? 10 bao., .?*.· I s J .? . I·. ?. sud .: BOU ..- '. ,4fl . no I, 100 I O.". ·_'.??.47 4.ISJ LOU , .????? .81 · ? 00 a? ¦ ¡.uní : ,:'J l(j bse ita.? t.s. lo·' .01 'o -.· ton .io Ch blo ¦¦ .10 lo ' |oo ,,, a.o. ; | 100 lev tii ? cu si ti roma t :?·.?μ.| S vN Pbavcisoo, Cal., Sept. 2..The ? arlo te t ire ion i" m , ff nnder shoi Rena ter Fail lefl fm the! .·. UsnatenWedn iv. Iti ? port- il thai lb« ?·'·?.? In Bank ? ill ? yt'is la ililcr be ? :·· "I nil· G?ß? un imi . , \ en per ci nt and loan to I .... Rullimi rri'e'ipt« for th·· p-.s! week: Eureka Con¬ soli n l, (li we] >·_'·;.ii'if ? 617,270; · G.,;' 0 Northern Iteli ?-? ,.:?>??; ? Uri "i. nut· Indis S, !00¡ li'licato. >'.". 1«»·». l; H.ivso',, < u!.. .-.p·. ¦_· Ih ore produci of the ....... ed mine for Ai raa 2.270 tons; gross y belìi 200,?> ?; ol miai tig, $4 25 1 »? t. ,? oro acuì m the re r\ c, 10,000 cum i-ufi Ih being iliadi liy the Robin un Cernsoli- dated onipanj with the Ho don nad Co ra o Huielteral (rgo, for 20 000 tema oi are, which will be t lotto« l ou Kepi ·¦ t I. ( un alo, Se·!. '¿..? di-pa Ich to ? he Titln lio a ..tal, Dakota Uarvelloua gold diacov- eriea are reported from the Central Rills, thirty ,,.? ibi ? vein four feei .s u|·· is said to contain morn preci ... metal than tjuartx. I' is ¦aid ilia· ii run ?$100,000 o the lou in the foundu- tíon. This mine »s; s foraoerlj tinder bond to the lit.III. slais«· t oui¡.. Bullion valued at 671,709 49 was received m this citi ,·« i-i ila) from tii« mi I hi i.'.-'iiiu ·??? ? on ohdated Mining Company has den ?¦-,! a régulai «livi, ·? .um mm», «>r 25 oenta pei bare, uud aa eatra tlivideud ol like amount, in u h pai ..ill·· «-.? .,?. ,, ,i ,. i ?.,. .-? , ItookscltHan ..n ??.·· ili n and ? on n un h loi h. ? be Au·, from the irme amounted io $ir>o,ooo. The foreman in charge ni the State Line minea re¬ porto that Nos, ·.; ??.? :? are lookinn splendidly, l w, iiiy ??·.·· wi'si ?,? the working diati the ledge is -?? h e ss uh·, aud i.s rich, li Ut ai leuiug ra] idi. m he imi neu. ?? ?- reported ai tho company' oui iu Ulis city that seven cot-loads of pipe for Lue mines have been shipped, and that the remainder w ill In- shipped in a ?·- a dai ? íUiiiKt.;. en ? ?: .μ? μ \<; <??,??{*. o. s ? ON ?? ? ?·. KUej A Nil «ROI» ???, HEUBRRB ?. ?. MIAI i ìtwik BZCRAltOM , S). i.e. iti , , ,, , i , a,.,.- 1111(1111 e ???,·!'.· ?. I30ST0N AND SI 11.Kl' Mol NIA ? ? ???¬ ?* INO CUMPA!» Y. ..lui,.- ..e,.¦u,..o.· the ¡.ui> limon uroap, at Tea MiU, Dlairk u < uiorado. BDWAUIJ H i.'ii'i. ?-,»-idem. HIl AH ?.? r.N:.V, \ Ice f e.ut. li. ?. n vi ' -.¦'·'. rea nror. ?·., e. ,si.i aio. I idi l'.'al. ..ai .u,!.·. 20,000 ,,· off, red ut 78 OciiUeeeh louefraj the ·?· B«es of the develounicol ssoÌu inai uree lion ,,? le,? il li.,..uerj As · speculati? ibla «teck a good parchase tathe mie«· may adva t ou ih«· tiesas of a strike of thl Oll loe ? in sa au, tv li el, e ? I*-nils up nUj linaio li IM* property. Apply to UuKK, iia ii.v;:- ,«. n, al Devimahirs s'u. _ boston, .Muas. WM.. MLARas. JUI1N it. BOTUWEI 1. pLAUK it BOTHVVBLU V^ I'll DIVIDEND l'A YIN HI NINO HKOCRl rrga, ^ ifr »rasas ills·,·,· -li ut, : ;,, <w Mini» ¡ers a? il ir notti *11VuG ·? mia ' ?., i/cui. ( ila·· a Betemo Ootil Unarti Co., .s os a se,,na. _unie·· so. J siH.H ?-·!., ¦., ·,· ?, ?'all, \>wV.irV pOPFKU QUEEN MIM NU tii.Ml'A.W, V> III .liée, l'ai!,?.e l'i,ui.lv, AllSOM. Iiii'orivirnte,! ????? ·¦', lísXl, lu v'esv Y ¦¦.rit. Cull paid ??\? non a'-i¦ .«.? -in,a,. Capital, 12,600,000. 280,000 sharea Pur viilu«·, BIO. Iru-lrf-s A. A. Ilay.-s, )i. Albert A. Levi, !../eoU-ndorf cu starila, Alonso KnlUitt. New-York ¡ Bilwarü Helllv ino san, Arlsona¡ ani! w. n. Usrtln, sun rranelsoo.- ia -? .?«, ni nn Trust nnmptiir TTss V?ra ? ? (SBoa 11 and HU TIiobiiis U., .N ess York. /Mil'l'Kic, ZINC, 8IEVER.--Valuable ruining V^ propi itiesl-r »al«. Inquire of A. U. IllCII AitlilSoNa No. 1 Wutcr-al , :N. V. _ fROlS BONNET" SIEVEH MINING co.. 1 ? n ?',,??-,?,?. ral ¡aa or toe m ti tteseiajtineiit « of high graS· arata Um Ir·· Boa··) Bino«. It Is, ss>amm1 lo wiitnlrnw for the are.al the «al« of tteamri itoek »t no· piioa uaretofur« .vrtveitiseil. The rcfiul'Uily. «Xtent, and rliiuie»» of tie· on, Iiiistf lie n.- «Xtraeted fit nu tau li ni Hut Nos. 1, ·» unti '? Inclinée ilciiioiisliute thai the Iron Ittmiiet Oroun are lutrlnalcally valuable. Alan early dale lti.-st.ick will be Usted on Ulé Nets \ tyi i. ami lai-imi Minai;: Bosnia «»itici· «? Naaaau-tl ?. 0, BROWN ELI«, I'ruaiilei'iL A. O. HUTe ??ß??, Beoretory. B u IBTAKT for tho West in a few (lavs to visit some inlnliiK properties. Would allelui to Any buaUu-a« ami visit and report on mines In ( uloratto, Dtab, Nfsu,in und California Have hael large experleuie in mine·, both in Lulled atete« and Mexico ¡ refer lo ilio liest Uouaeia In tliu city for particular». Address li. li. w. ??«? G.?, Titbune. V1NU BEE M1.N1.NU COMI'ANY. K1 BTill'KlloLIJEilS wlshinx to exchantv their Block for shares In the new com. puny must make snuUcation to tim trnderstgnMl before ilio f> I li sKlTKMRKIt, lHrt", OU ss lu, h date till« ell· ? svili >.|.?? ,·. A. T. BEACH. Agent, No. IH VVaU-sL, lUxiru 83. rriIE CHEYENNE CON. MININO CO«. A.Utenied m the lilack Hills, li. G. CAPITA L ???« ?, ????,????». l'Alt VALlIlt, ít. COL.U. ?. G?????, l-.-es'L ?. ??'? A t tl If 1, Mic'y ut'ElLKNu 06 liltOAUWAV. and I'rcjd M mining. OULTOrf MINING COMPANY. still farther developments?G tho MOCLTON MINK have Induced the owners U) withdraw their offer to sell the stock at #4, Mud from this date the price is advanced to *4 GO por share, at which Ügure it will be held until further noti««. DONNKLI* LAWKON AKIMPÖON, Fiuaucial and Transit* Agents. O ED DOMINION COPPER STOCK lie urbi and Bald. S. If. I! AM LTON ?·, OO., 01 Rroiuiway, lluotas _:« and 33 »a -V. Y. «??-.?.¦:¦: e. Tin: G??.?.?:μa COKsoubatbd Mim.no Co..) 11., "'il' inWAT, ROt>S_ ftS TO St. 5 THE STOCKHOLDERS meetin- Atirnist .de b on adjouriiod to Uondar,.- ··. -·? r .". «? ? ?. m; 11 i- expected each and every Stockholder will ? tto.-on ·,· rOBof ?????????·,' Hie mine, lor lulUl'c dewtopmeut. a. t. GoitMAN, lesreaary, CiitiuUioito iVm\UÒ--£emtde*. "*. PHOTEST VN i' SEHVASTS' BUREAU! _!_.·.Al i'it ?. ?,..min il nini other useful girls tor city oroountryi also, male help »ml eoi m-! rants. At tho ir --. ol '.·· r ah PltO ?: TANT UOatE BUREAU, 13ß «jth-av«- loiiria baaeeaatoeve lolh-st. CHAMBERMAID and WAITRESS..By ß \ / tiiiv ! willlrj ,. ,.. v, ry ii· el hi set ;¦¦ bin ¡ citi or g ?? .. ry. in aire Cor U., !Mr_ Bth· avi., m ai IPth-at. pHAMBERWORK, HOUSEWORK, WAIT- «WlNOor NURSE», tc. - By AoicrlcAn sud Protest for city ? '. VI ?" d '.;;·:.».'.! '. t. t ..' -)·.. (tOOK..By :t young*, able Scotch woaian aa I iii-Mt .-I..S-. .-.. .\ lia . \- -a.· it i"-f' dessins, etc.; »Voting to a-.. » im:Ii WMhiiia If ? lull Innuin· G..?- J V.NK, _:i_ (H)0K, fee.By a thorough, Protestan! cook; en 11, eoupa, p'a rbvi, id ·. i-oitiitrv, private or nubile. Ready at the PROTESTAN! ROM !¦'. 1,1 Kl AU, li.s ia leave. /? ?»?, WASH, ????'..?',? Grcrman help; ? or ,?.-ii',-. (tan bo u *t th ? PROTEI HOME BUREAU, IMS Uth-avo,fourth ho itu-it. Sbl'ES.iM AK El.'..Children's waists ; !¦··' 9 «rill do any kind of meudlnt; city or country oi D; SI al iy. Box J. ·-., I I.. I ·. li · ' IAUNDRESS,(colored ?.Wit !? nnaui^essed f;t- i e |: ce! ni -t Clase rei 'om ut a few famille« and gentlemen liberal arrangements xi a ¦ dn ?? ß ? t) ai ... ? ell or a.l » u\ E. iJORDON, lité Weal W th-efc I roUSEWORK.. By ¦ oapsble G fi e Protestan l giti, fer et tv or coun ti rood cook and «?¬ wore and kind to children. Call ;>' _".·- tubavo, i-at a- forMAUY._ IJOUSEWORK..By ;i neat, tidy, intel I Pi »ling ffirl ; will be - fui In s ... ... «rasher au« ' ot rooomai Dioden ?··, ..·· las ? ..? ??¦ ·. -·;·? ·., ist Boor NURSE..By ß competenl woman; can take entire ehanre .>' an I?fea .. font '...us· ¦» flour, back. tVTURSE, HP-STAIRS, or LIGI1T~H0USE- a « WOBK. B] a neat, ;..··. a roun« irhose '. ill ad ; Citi ¦.: |?( ? ' '? (,? titan iu.i ?. ear 18t ? ??». \\ ' \>?\ I \«..-i M.lored wo- f V man, a , , ,.s; g(«*l i'st. Ö'iltrttlOitO UÍ.l!ltCI--íU,l¡Cj. k PROTESTANT young man and wife to xa. can al drive; n fer· ¦-, ?»_ ·..· I ·, al.. Ad» 4 8SISTANT ÍÍ<K)KKEEPER..By a young; À \ ??«· La« eud reliable and li ¡,?, itomi it, x. V. IM ? ER. \\. ,? young nutrrie l man (2 l), ? i| .... i.r or ?. et 'hartan DA NIKI. i.t U ?. ,ii, »?. IlOOK KEEPER..In vvholeetde ho. » ., s anil pASHIER or SALESMAN] By a rnnart, re- ... a P. Jr. ...? in. I.i> '¦¦ / CORRESPONDEN G, Beokketi|s r or Oflioi ....·:' IIKNUÌ ? ?-· :i ?..·,, .? i IARDËNEK und FLORIST..Bj è ·· « ? Basirai »ionaaa ; open far «Muri before Ooto. l>,.¡ ? ; has ¦ «? I«, l'J year with vat. -?·! cil .,, leti establishments; \ I. referents I . OT «I M_ii_atl.,il I.. I. ITALIAN LESSONS. !'.·. r very well «<!n- l ,.(. ·,.:·." ret il, inai; ·' i's ?···| il. in« ih rekly. A.IUieseili- .. \ r. · ?., Oeaeral ·> ill · >. JANITOR.By a mechanic of 20 \< ire' prac- «" tlcal eaperteueelu tb« rmtairlng ? u.ldingsi ; .:.· ASdrcM >i » - - Ibum _ IANÌTOR, W \ rt'IIM VN or Í'ORTER. *> mart, inöal « ? erba is »»Hing ?·· «city g.MMi di «a W, ?., IVI ? ¦" i.Ctly. M\N \ciM. 1 .RMER..Twent) ·¦¦ ra' ei Miii-ricin wuntsa Brat-rlaaa turto t<· w.irk ,,-i -, ir· ?? to niaajof.· tb« »tuee-, uederatasde the rentieuian'e piace artfe agood aaatcs- i.'kinz eaitic char.·.. ·>? hens.·, osa (riveflnK-eUae QauoraddreM PA KM ES, La« Caritos-ave., ... NURSE..By young man (colored), atre 24 ; tu,.·., ..·,·...?., ?'..' LI. UARBIB, De Kalb- èva, r.i ».μ ? ?. OFFICE ASSISTANT. \n Englishman, age «4; in mn'um,.· -i.n n ,.· ·.i paaisaa a:id ··.? tuve red nei ai r.· er. -i >. »·? aoih si à |FFI( 1'. ASSISTANT..By n young unni, Vf II 'lu ;. I rapi e- '.m m en com« ¦. itasi a .-? ,. Hau« ili ?- aiaal ». ? ?'., i.'.iai-si. Ì PORTER.- ? bright, intelligonl colored me ?, ?, ala ? .',· ?-.- ,. ,? .s «? ??.? good e;·'. lUOM » ·. ilOli !.'·¦ young; Amefieuii, iu_n> "'. wtehes ..s ;..?. .,? botai BOI er lui, ,? III IVI ul -?'·' ¦· el' '? im Ih lu SI. I;·,s ?.-','.',??G. ?. .? ,?·'·? »s -Il ?. Il ,·. »7 ?. liti'. IbORTER. Bj e steady, reliai »le, well ? un nd ,, ,? : baa e rida ??.,??-, ·, «trletly tauiperat) and Caller .. mesa ?. u.. We«l ?·.··? st. 1I0RTEK Ate..A young Irishman, aged is, just ?.??,?', «t, sa [,··'¦ m us ful man: ?, - e ? II«»- ? ????.'? Uli .. ,Ululi.lille t. .stljltl- p. ., » ... μ ?.?,?·, 1ß1 ? la ·. Ik· \l\ EH OH DRIVER. Bj ;t »ñn ni .vieni- ??, ,? »· ,? !,"..ai In the .;. «ad :. ici-en ·.,.·! ; is sober, Bteadj and truaiwoiUiy. AddreaaJ. TIERNEY, ...·<? ^d ..»·-, top loor, froul. ii: G?? or PACKER..By an American, sge I :, expel encad M · arju ??,?, is laduitl'lous ?·:.?.·« ? it.·, quiet and a.-iiTi" ; can fur-nfah gotal referen««. Pli «. rail m ...nit· ss ?:, li. ?? i: . I -·»¦ L ?? *;., Ji , ? ,?» SALESMAN IN GENTS' FURNISHING k_l ???,· »e \ in-- .. ?. SO. ?·\|?.·? ¡.-a. ,- furnlabiug; caa furnlab r«ferenc·«ol Un· Luibeat ckaraontr. Pimm μ (?? adilrea ? MEYER HI tt ; ? .? .·., ·.· ?.... l^h .-.: ksJA!.r-MAN or PORTER iïi clothing house.. i 5 Uj a young Cerros«, a| I yaara axpetleaoai epeeks.?., ?, :. 11. i.ne,,.?, a ululali ,,.. omaaend«. líen... Pítate« call or addreM UE iRUE H. WEPPLER, t77 U t., i:i,Mi*iyii. GTABLEMAÑ or PORTER..Young man, tun Lo ?' sa itableman, liorter or iteefui man ; unui .taiidathfl .,,· ,.| ho: s. S, ,S (III. Ill II,. 1'. ..Ml le., il lU.lldltt ???, M. HERN A RU 1)1'? 1.1. A il Y. ,1» Mnual., 11 p...U Un. W'-VTi HMAN'.- lly .? p-,,,-,?a?.!.' colored vv m.ni, a«,· jr·; li trsetwoTthy, ober and reliable, sud MB give the liit'.hc.t n-tri, ? I, Addi · .1. III. »NI», 105 W«M -Vlli-st «lly. \\G??'<?1??? or PORTER..By a Bwede, »t age 90] a. tl»··, tei)i|ier.ii-, sin,nu, reliable, willing, aa watchman or porter,' ...n give good «a «n. «·-.. Addroaa BWEDIBH U???-?????, Boa !.;, Pribun« .i.ii·«·. íiclu iXJiuiki. ? THOROUGH business lady, oompctent t<» Mil) .t fund« for s Aral cIqm charitabl·· s..i.iv .uns.-. eure iirrnuiiieiit fUiplnymeiil. Addi, ss ACTIVITY. ? illume (Itlii'e._ \lrANTED.A married man to work ß VV fruii fou. Hhairv,. To »tie who understands tils hitslnem, a p.M.d «???.??·?.??11.? For nail hula re, a.l,.?«, FUI IT, <aie)·:. IH'N.N, Newuk v. .), Newark, N..I. .«VET NURSE WAN TEI »-Musi be perfectly VV Inaili.., vmiui!, cood tempered, With ?. «i l city refer «nee« aao fteab breast of milk] «uod wagt«, mi wwt Sttb et. Galea bn QVnction. AUCTION SALE of Coiidemned St«»i«-s. Navy ear orpica, > .JÍ» rnuïABWAI, MSW-YOBB, Auguet 'Jl!. IHMl. By order of « ommodor,. George it. Cooper, G? afeasri JtiH.N II. I'llAI'K.rt a CO. will sellai fi |;Lic All'in'! at the Navy V ititi, Brooklyn, N. Y, «Ml PBJÜAY, Haptealu-r U, lhS!. lit 11 «I'eleck a.m.. ii(|iiauuty of ('i)N 11KM.N i ? PROVIlsKCS'SANll i:i^)THINti. * " Lista of the nilicle» to be sold «'an be seen at «he Navy Yard and at thia onice. THOMAH T. 1'ASWKI.L _ Paymaster V. B. Navy. Jt< Cream. J^ FACT. HtmTON'S ICE CHEA M ifclMADEFlvOM PURR ORANOE COUNTY CREAM. ALWAYS RICH, HKLICIOUH AN 11 RELIARLE THY IT AND YOU WILL UME NO OTHER. Depots, »Oft ith-ftve., 1.-.SH Broivlwuy and 76 Chatham-«_ ile»-Y«u'k; Wo FiilUiu-eU. RrtHiklyu. ^ THE MONEY MARKET. 8«*34 s, 10-» -??'-j ao-t, aoV XIV :-;,.i 2«·« .. 1 I 1 80 .. I SB I SB 14 H V 14-*« 1 !»V - ¡a*·«, .as 1rs 1 eS'V U 2J lau 180 ,; ;*¦· .1 h US'« » n-V ''«"s iti» ..I ..,-·: «? izSlJ <-·>7» ¦-¦'·'« U7 ? ? ?·\ .<·?-μ ai b0-«j «?». ai ut v uii4¡ so ? ¦1 a 2 BOO ,??,? '.¦?»«, ¡it's 'na ,40 , SB»« 88,410 u 3 e" ni I «al 'îa. W la7J«i il ino SALES AT THE STOCK EXCHANGE. SEPTEMBER 2. 18SL THE GENERAL LIST. «lt«>n * i ?.. Do prof., Beisi.Air Line Cenar ran» entrai l'acme, t'aiutila »soutli'p '.., t a ·?·?. 'CAI C. alni, «t um, il IUO!. Holst uret-.. ?. ,. ?;.? c. m. ß ? <? ns ? la ?- Alton.... C. St )' ài .i ?. Hu nn'f. Clu ? ? SV.... Do HM. . Tu. M a *l P.. c ¡s«n a I. Oel. Latok «t w ? ? II Canai... tu ? ili.. ? leu Va «X «Ja Ho |ii er. il,,as ? lex«·.. !·«!! ? »SI J.I.. no uref. Il, lien trai_ L C et e e-: ? Laug islam!... Laxe Et ? ?.,, tn .'. U ? A iure_ M su ICw.is·_ M «. l'in ,st lt! Ilo a Me, itali war.. ?? .s: la e. Ha o ??. ? fas·. Mom» A: h'asoi .¡.??, ,·.·una*. Mil. ?, s ,v SV... Nasa, ? ,v si ; ? ·? "ili I_ M Y C A H .? \ 1-1 > V ?. I. .V SS ?? lint:. .' faci ne_ la. e"!. \ Y. Sa w pia.. "Il. .? ? il_ Il I. .1 Mas.. ou·· a ,r .. ?'?μ ,s lica-1.. ua ??. i.e. il ,v. Pitta.. SI Ca., -II..· suir... Isopra o! |.i .Clair, tA4 I'" -lit« l'a aa, v. ai ,8t btfc c. lio creí. ? ni lu A le,_ Villini V -?. ft in ?', s. ? _ SS ? , ?'?????? Mail ... vi ? roi '.ini. ou Marsa». S, « ell ait alili. ? itti il ·. 1 .Sil ?. sun.. ? ulver... lins.lav.20«,S*0 ulti., ios«, ,186 · ¦ G·-'* I'.··· g ', ,", lg .', ·'- 70 46"μ «to*· ? *·*· <.t·..' l'i .I OlaJ ??**\ hi»J l««t tft-y 1%\ itaviuv« U8 ii-a incita ?.?·· o I' O ? .·· u TIW io ite 1,400 uni uro con 17 .115 oup IS0Î . 11(1 H." lt). . Usi !" s :!>.j I.' ...MI*» . Ila7*, BOHDS LSD ? t in ?-, a,» < 111.')'» s'. .?.? aud Mult ,? 7"· h Che · ami uhm ist ...Bin .O.liOHi M J 1st -1 P«ul 1st s Min din 10,00 Ulti G_· O'CLOCK G0 '-" · ·¦¦'"!. · '-.'. VI CO Ml II ,t- 1, lei ,., ,. le.ms» SS*· l.OOs» l'I Bure RapA n ist 8.000 lui -Kin 11 .v: I! 1-, ? ? 16.000 Hu t . nti-, ,' I IP| Ito Isaii a Ten ou ? ? I. '. a WoHt 101 ???·"! Ohio «' l.jte nhorc lat M ·?.?<»? ISS ria«· 1st Lnoo.. Te« lac In l 7^ a.taci.7«', O de ,s .Kl r. Osi Mai It's M ??,??,? .mi«. 2- 1st \V C 11 t" .ad G. 1st io,; .¦.A Naali IM sii: ¦«t W C Ici lie* 100 I Ne». " 1 ,I| .100·«] Iti.uae» lin:, nu u ( losinû PBiOMê or i ? stetWfssB, G:. la.. S.-P'. a- ? Y»«t!· -, «Sj "·. V A N'Eut ·..-... - , 1 ·.'·_' , ila nidi',.,. I M ... I M'a I 1 -S, 1! I 00 .s '... a·. !.. lt. IC 1 '..« .1 1'1'j ?'» t im t * Hi ?, · eta.llü IM ( »cupa. « M.J * ?' 0????"«7«. llO 110 . S'j ? ,? R'kA ? s7s lll'-j 1 ? '.· ?. ?_ ? S s \ .11 ? ¦·!.·. r ? Ltg n'wst'ki 12 1 .·.: ? lisi,' r ... 4! ?'.? Wim fu It l'ait S ?' M ? I Water Po ?:. s .MO Isa. i«a.. la,· .i ? <v I.,.?,? A H ? l'a.« ? M u n «li L'I l'ii'il Vlin. -»1 Kaslern Itlt 10 i·?:«? a Pere Mar. aa Lu ICI«., il.-ai,lu 7«i KL 21s' I»j 11" IS ta 4? ,,? 1 t7.ds7.Y-; PBlÛMêOi nu.. Sapor - i ? ? I ' is I is/.-t .. · V BM, Aakel. ? BM i"itt ßs. new, ?..1 N'erti.ai Pac. pi··'.. Uuitad ti t. m Nj.i.'a -, I-eoo R. R. «4-t ?'? Lehisch N*> ??- , , :. LehlKh \ tue· SI 'm ti2 Piula aud -s. a4 Noiti.-u fae-Oom PBtDAVa Sept. S.T. ». Toil ' nek iiiarUet epaaii «l i, | ol' uciis ity, and early asaaiiBga tnaritad tnstieriaJ «?·- li'iifs ?????? ?,-:.·?· la.v'.t l:isi igBtaa. The SttolBBing tendency of prima Boeoauy ss:·.-. hcekotl. !u.t ? advance eras ealabliahed by ¦ sv««ii-«-ii·· ??!;»?,·,? report that tho Secretary ol t!i· ??,.?-uis ¦ras In town ami in consultili i«m it li satani ol the »Tfpl'ng liantaa a reiattve lo Uh pautolsaaB al a Iu ge ,????????? ol hoiitls. Alter the rally, thB par io¬ nia teauuv of the mar'iM-t ss,is tuai of ai dolneaa. Waenttwaeleataad tesai it \sas % 11U<. take abtun the Baereiaij'a Basttaj la toss ? tin- pivsa- loiit report was thai aa oaTar t«i purchuM·.-»;,-,,rjoo,w«W I bonda ss ill be is.su«si in a f«w tl«ys. Vtleiilas's «leht tìtatemeiit shows that the actual avallaba» oaata over nml saarva eie- maml liabilities was ^lñü, ic.s.r,?:», t evoluit¬ imi accrued but unniatun-el stasStsMsa ? hat sum la <|ß,291,3ß0 lc^s than the avaiìahlc bjj ance ol'September 1, lMSO. Il fresal tins bbBB ol as ai a'?? lia lau. e if Sept oui her 1. 1881. BS tleiiuclisì the f+ceriieel intereet «»n tho fuuel.ii el«-bt, the r al available ha lance is about .fi:P.».<M*i.(NKi. 1 he lHet- iiaiiit-tl amount is onlv '.Hi \ ? per BBBl i-e-serve on BBS .aatSyOOOiOOO (»f e»ut>lantli:i..,' I.¦ ¦al-tender BattBS. In this viesw it is sBaaatoBsaalS to aBBBsMB that the amount of b-tiuU to Iks hereafter purchasod will donenel ujíoii tho revenues that BBS colicelo«!, aiullhut for purcha«··« of lion.Is and all other paynn-nts, other than lor the ssassStl alnaily culled, the TreaMirv will fust, aassaTajl momy bastare disbursing its It should I»e mentioned that of the :?ß l-2|»er cent rese r venutile outMlaneluig legal-temlor note» about ff«8r».00t).(nJ0 e-onsnus of silsor dollars ami irus Uoual coin. Tho market cIoskmì dull uiiu ii regular. Government bollila were dealt iu to only moderate amounts, but there were stiles of all the goltl issues, except the continued 5s. l'rices worn not ne linn, the linai bills l'or Ilio continued Os showing a «le¬ dine of 't, ami for tho l'as «if iN per oent. the market closing steady at tho auuexeel limitations : Kid. A»k'd ma_ Asked CA4Viv'!>Lrex..lia'. 118 C.S. cur ß*. 1*07..! li ?,?<a· H.H. 4'et'ttl. c ..lia«, ???'? I ,s. eur s·. Mis. MS U.S. 4». lu >..?·?«??.·? ????» .»s. cur. «a, lfij-.i. Ht! ça 4a loov.c....no no·« es. cou. «a.... nut» îaïV. OJt.ear. <»». ITO«.. 180 ? ?. ??. 6«, .'. ini loi2 L>.fiii lawS.Ui .... ilAat.of esoi, ¡mia. 107 liw^ * Ex niel, st. Stato homla were neglected, but about steady aa to i|iiolatiotis. Tho busiuoss waKcosoi«·,! Ky niKv, of Mihoouri tin, lbbtì. at 11U>, uud Vkgiiiia tin, do ferrod, at 15%. No business v. as done in city l__«_i etoeka. Railroad bonds were excessively dull. The asan sal«»«, embracing rweaalj amen diflVreat ßßßßßß* amounted only to $341,000. Priées were rfregajgj Erie second eons.«Ih were *_¦ higher at 101. and iju eonri, Kansas and Texas first consols «u higBee~g_fl' 1RR%, BaaResh HerBfeed aasl I-lrie firsts were 1 w cent lower aft ß?>, and Romo. Waiertowa nal Ogdcnebnrg firsts fell from M la · *·>*ß«?» un«i Ohio curn-ncy dont« were »« lower ? ", ausi Metro nuit as ßß??ß«ßß í'cll to S_"_- 4QJ Nashville general «.- delitti 1 to 103 ir \<>ftJ In-siay. Tex.« ami I^uifo aaUBBBaeed«. .-<J _a 78<_- 781*, and firsts Hio Graudc divisiou hoM at ¿j «avOcJ*gfar esitili amt'iiiiK The baetaeee of the 8ah-Treasiirv for the w««*k· endi'nr to-nig':t iu 'IneeS the re-ceit»t of $1·:.. ; i.iet|; BBBl BBS payment of §22,1 : rr*rrwntl t- s ',·-«· lo She Ret ¡t al $»?>.4.?(..«?1?? ? T1.S particular chauajee of the week BSBSeBSB 'saasVl 8_,aHî->.( )."._' an..' a cuti ? lui m «îidj.. h,,»»,.» ?. i/.il.l Osa_BBBB]fl I ranci·-, o. So se offrmfiaff the local iu»*nasj ? market the Snh-?p a-ury* jta.x monte for taw WSBbm- lB**B ' -utn of ¡r*· i. ??-oav lie Sal.-'l ?,-asury wa«0x»Ui«r ¡it the (V*e» I >. bul its pet ; 1 frote esa r ajr*g ¡.?, oa Balance 1 .i-m BBS ' aBB irga v-as done at above per 4 ?.·!· ? and 4 pot wit. ? us* loaras, keajfl aaaaRaVfa it ß Kl 1 ^ «lay's « BBLs-' s in Hi ' V«uk BsWBsBBslvaaBBSBl ? · lu«" ?<· μ? «-> . .ira. c<«tiiif, ami a «ledine ut Bosion 1.· in». TtaO ÖBBSad States Ir?????·rSa io« to-«lr : -ir«; redemption : ili«· the r. irrng; 1 (.uis«o statemi ti sas iollow §163, . ;-ac- tasaaS ut th> ? «1 : !... fAL, 1 i:«,«l 7 : «vanente, fjEJ.t.l ? ano«. fRsj ..¡71,«· Stanimi t ni the UaenaaSaasi rea. Sent. 1, 1v>-1 :, li.ink bbSjos and BBaaBajal 111·-. BBaBBBBl ni l I luueBR, 1^7!. with the nmoui and ihe_a> ?ßßß? Sote«. ?t?«pt?? o·.·' .«es ? ... -j Ain. m: «ai .S ; «i J taiurv 11, t.. M t :i<i»ti.-v .ear me-«arrr «a l_e Bg ein ala¬ ti -. » I · ,, »< In al gold ba. bat ¡a tes The foreign exehswRB ass ·-an? dull, but rathe» ;i tinner 1. What < «a for bankei « ami W and' %4\ : nuil· . i In London, 1 h it idi console were again weak, acal ?-it; la ;i~ Basas·/ aast frees 90 5-16 to 99 for account, 4 per cents w ti advance of ? rn-r oreafp au'ltli. "steady aid nay «batic« ?.'' aaeorit an reirwa s vere du!' ai ·? 1 'war. ?". I 4 assi s.,,;,,i- i,, was steady at RlBg aaa] anace. ef £2ti3,000 was anthairawB from tin Hank <·? Ktitrta:ii. ar «t it it il thai n is -»«1 ai »35.40 l^otidoii '.- -, An a.ivertiaeiiient in another column calls assoli t ?·-1? ¡S· lil« '.'II .«'St!. !.. Boston.a ne« an« mainai in ? with »were t-> ti banking l»n«incRs and the ? s r. tional :>? ¦··.··* . if ir;|si it!.Ml··!, ? _- eoaneetBUn boned of managy«menl is »ve', known l tee cenn: r», ,?? ·? will eonimand j».. ».·>. earnings of the follow.n£ BBtSBBa * are r> ? uitAsd: IBBBB. ists). Ine tfOIJBf I.- ¦· ..· Id - AM» si Alunna 1 toi«. S3«'.J61 S&NVJI Ine. eâB.aaB The following ahcwaSBB raafaatl the jsurt <·? »s Y,irk forth.· w.ick. ending ? date ·¦ U-ciittii ? wit.i 1.1»· c<irrc*poii«lmg ¡»> n st> ..i \<t r-, Thrown ou mt.rket. ... « ? al iba san -t -j ? ??«· n .. Atlanticptñrte il.is _* l day al BsbbsbÍ N * Vor«- 1 Flour, boia... ... 11.7SS 1 y .o S i ·?» 4?.» «s..a» liier· aleute at and iiwoB Bo itaas- By u. Flou:, bids . 2,'-¦ 4 Toi WlM-at, tutsh .. «-o· J «tils, 1.us . Bag , ?·..«? SUO Total tuiKli. :¿\S«JS* The foUowhaR wore t' ,t lay : BBaapi.. Luke. Raalraviv , ¦·< Flour, hl»l« ..1 ¦ BW Wheat, buaa. ui« :,ir_s :.»« t.alis. b t.<v. Rye, bust) 1 ¡_a_ ·.·· To.al bush. s . , s{ ««VJIS rjBT r »M I t ¦¦ R Livi iti· ni. Bead 11 «Mat ap; M.' %r»-, ,lf I export *·«0· r a 1.» el » I. « » niniys'.e-, «i »s.!., «u«. M tus h ;.??·? .. Jabj deh vi . 7i,«d ; i rl*_.h-. Lo« ..muaag MMMt w·. S.e ti. m fm ?,» rale« af the wa__ »UM'k. , i, · \ ee. «.psaaiaf .i, «: ..i-u. s ? . otaoa ete-sj.« BuSi '·»· ? 641 tM.1»·. Khipuietil*. tljosti Babas: bOn, Ses Balea stMt. -.««.«? Ale», aliipuietol«. i .'»i Mm« eaaegj N'i"«t aac. ''_¦_! In ? -;vta» s 1 l.ai.-s , », ',,? ... aalrx. e »¦ pi.ri^. ris pata«, aal..,, .'.«as* balea. ..«i». >Uun «i-aai'. KrnsMUM. 1B> I.)·»« Mit,i* mi «·)· ivipla, l iut««w«,«.V,Wi<«,UitS·· Mt.iuui, i* t.l ; a:eady afvedtaaux, 10W_ aSjaV] ,- bule« ?_?·,,? .s « s .? -< bausa, experta roasSaeBs'i ..lea-, «ate«, LSel balea. ? ? ivi ?a ? ,u steady; MUkUiiia. I'«e Low Mietami«, 1«'.. or« iiiuMSb .H..U4 Uak->, ¿rue«, M. «lo aaltw, «ttu lialaa. I.Kt . ¦· balea: etui k. TH. V7 bale*. «ees-kty ? n^-elvta. 1 l.RBI easaBJ evporu. coaatwaea, U,e*W bala«, m Oreau. Bntaua, luJeW aale«, ~.41?? baio«.. rcrto«! roaa. Aiy.·. ??. ???« |.iU«>wta_t «re Ue total Mlg«««« tassa«· al tito belsw l>« 1, lKfi; J\>ru. Rale«. · .».-u -ton. -. . irtreaa a««« ¦"-"-¦u'rS*T stabile. ni«' Mavauuaa ._ A<*>>1 Krauxri-t t'liariaani«. IjßSl l'ait au-vat ^loa . Nurtoia . 1««· in ..oiuia.. ItaMâaanre. Rew-Yattu. «Si Total. itoatou. Pt>, _l aa TB.TBJ rara ìtauL Taa

M BaaResh higBee~g fl' Ogdcnebnrg BERKSHIRE O BERKSHIRE › lccn › sn83030214 › ... · boisii "h and aol forth m s letter in VTodneaeiay'fl Tribune,a lady of rtoeton, Pean., atiltea!

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Page 1: M BaaResh higBee~g fl' Ogdcnebnrg BERKSHIRE O BERKSHIRE › lccn › sn83030214 › ... · boisii "h and aol forth m s letter in VTodneaeiay'fl Tribune,a lady of rtoeton, Pean., atiltea!

LITERARY NOTES.There is to be a " vVhittior Birthday Book.""Cape Cod Folks" ha» reachtrd a third edition.The Index So« ¡ety has just issued an index to Mr.

Trevelyan ß " Lift- of Lord Macaulay."The third ami conclueling volume of the letters of

Charlea DasttSBB ? ¡? pros in London.Mr. Pia. Kao'.s "Newfoundland to Manitoba''

Will lie r< printe·«! B* (i. P. l'uti.ain's Sons.

' "A Key teiTeni.yon'sIn M.-ini.riatn." by IV. ?1-fjal Goaty, aaejoat been leaat- ¦ '¦ London.'.Tilomas Carivi-: A Lif.-lVture rend Ooldcn

K.-ni.ls from His Works" is the literal morning ofthe till«' of « OlBsBB niciiioir li.v Dr. Bogen Oswald.Anew edition of Prosp-r Meimt-e's masterpiece,

.Oiiimtba." ¡s m ,? y ready in Parla. The text liasbeen carefully eollal-oel With iba author's lnattu-

scrii t.

A collection of " Iloln-es Leitiois " is beiti« ina<b-ay Ifjaa JoswpMaa E. Hodgdea», who compiled the..Longfellow Leal!, is.'' " 1 lie l.:;st Lcail.-t'' on th.-tree ¡s pat."Baby Rue," the lati No Kane novel <-.f Roberta

Brothers, has boon rermhliened In England as thework of " Ciarles M. Cla v.'' v. hi, li is suppostoti to boi adonyrn ol Mr·-. Charlotte If. (lark.

" ¡ir- -?nt? character,'' anyi Fane Spectator, **araeMero weighty ti ib hi- fonino, hat ss a poet ha wasfortuna'·· it: heinu-harn befare the noetica! litclp-tui · of bla country bad any well-de fined oxleteDoe."

If. Taine'· votantes on " l-· '- rii ee da la FranoeContempo! lane," .','..· «ftleaMBwai thinks sustainLis well-know a ehar iter masti ilo not earn for bini the nevi aud hoped for ilia-tin ·( ion of pro)? in. 1 historical ihm itigator.

An Ki ido Publio hie belief that"nom da piiiiae" is a phnteo of English coinage,thai v.as trat printed iu England. "Nom degut.te' Ut th ??, ali Idiom, and a very a ipropriatename of |] lailat.

Ion has projot tod sa ahi klged edition oftin· Wavers ..· Novela, of which each etory is t.i i>··echi for a peany. Bhe baa alno beeat so abaorbed inpi'parit'.·.' her annual **The Miai leto Bough" m toomit to write her bbobI tturee-roluine aerei fer tasatititiiiii pre s.

Tho veraioa of Sophocle·* '<!'': ?-, Gwhieh waa played at the Theatre Francala, isthe tran-l ?- ci ol M. .1 ule»» I.¦·. givea inls;,s, \[. i.a,..,..\ alaoaa to tranalation· of "Mae-??-iîi" and "King Lear," whi ? are -sai.I to be tarfrom saii.sfactury."Cat'sC a lit ·," t u slating of rhymes for children,

ay Mr, Edward Willett, a Rew-Yi i. (ournallat, andcolorii! drawing· bj Mr. Charl· Kenel k, laantor-ite'fious and hand «me bolioa.» book, leaned by D«Worthingtoii & Co. An edition often thoaaand hasbei ? orbite for Bui lai a, and is already half said.Th«' portrall ol Dr. .t. t:. Il· llend, which The Ci n-

tur.v Companj offered in connection with subscrip¬tions i<> tin· "TheCeuturj Magasine." ta noi tobegiven away as ¦·. premium ht be Infi rred from? recent par»graph In this column. Then guiar priceof the picture, mosxnted, will be«p5, but Mbooriberamay obtain it at ¦ oonaidi rabio redaction.Apropoe of the striking similarity of il··· found In

? panai. "Patty' t^nrersitiee,'·andef an earlierboi sii "h and aol forth m s letterin VTodneaeiay'fl Tribune, a lady of rtoeton, Pean.,at iltea! "1 remembered to have heard a younglady friend say aotne time asjo that aha alwaya a-sociateil anmoa with color·;. ? Core showinglier the Item, 1 teed her, what .she oncetaid to DBS shoal ñaues - ug colora,'She implied, Crimson is always -a!.·· ,-,, ,1 1,·.·'Nell,' and I never think of ' Prod ' vvithuit seeinga6right Kcark-t. 1 have often called tittle ( harley«., 'l'itti,' before 1 thought, becas he wear· ared ribbon on his hai. I then showed hat the lafrom the Binghaoxtori rau*raaposedent of 'l'in. Tra«Bt'NK, and she said it waa the tirsi time she everHippos«·«.! ¡p,.» ana ala·hadanehao Imptaeaion. Canhay of your leaders Boggeat a tanrobologieal saaaa·oatiou ?

»· JNKern publications.


on?? sot in of TO-DAT.

àSERIl.-1'i l...lli.l;s ntOM AN I Nl-i'LJCUICIiUOBBXaVKB IN

TRIBUNE EXTRA NO. 81.Pili e ? cent» by mail. .

Adelrese THE T1UBUNB,IffatW.TOmX.


BaliMW/ Ceri·..:.^ 11. i'

..Four W oiitau'e 1,? true lor Fiily CcuU."

IT IX$ A ? D CBOCHaTXPastime for leisure non viti

Address TUL TRIBUNE,_? ??.·- Tonar.


81TMMER LEISURE.??i: TRIW'VK MOVKUS the oesamg and boit scries ofBeaton. Later ?«/« ?

IL TWO i.ii.i.iks. By Julia Karaoarh. lacune».18. DBirTF.D BY THE ska. By Henry vviiitaey Clove.Itllll. I'ltel.·..17. BEBA-ITIA!·. ANorel. By Katharine Cooper, inc.?-. ?????;? WIVE«. Byths sutoorof LonUanJ Ladies,f ? ;u!·!'«. Prloe, : n.

rsiv UENBT. By Anthony TroUopa Alsa aabortstory, Annie and tier Master, to cents.LO liMli-·' ? -..a. ¡ r vV'dh in >«>sr It ,1 Uri.VI. ?? I? HIPADOW OK «s BIS. AlwciueliU; «Ina »toryCiloves la c -t.·. II? KKBKLOF TUB FAMILY. A nor.-l otabtorb-tot! interest, lo rents.No. ,7. -Thi Ne»-Vto-k Tribun«, jr., Stories f,,r Tho·« Lessi] A handsome little hook of Stipules, withColored bordura. Prioe. lOoeuts.aval uy uiuil, µ???^??, ou roe,-i;>t of prioi. Ad '.: -ei

IHK TlHliLM·;.Hew-Verte


MADAME DK SEvTGNE.By Miss Thackeray (Mrs. Kicliruoiul T'.'.lchlo). ?ß???, fino

el'ith, $1. Betos the Tailtswih Vstams ft "»foreignClassics fur BtBgttth it· adi-rs." Ft'atctt l,y Mi s. ,;,phaut.

..'ih.s Settghttol ntt'e hook doiv to Uksned to a dainty¦Binattire- m ttbetic In n» interpretation, do)b< -ii»tintr to reveal the Ii · entraBOlag tostare·, but blead-hig tii» whole into a tMnir of beanty. Thesue that ev«-iv \i muí wtuiuui Will road with pleubiui) ami«JttoUt.".[Boeton Travtller.

IWBDXJnOBG AND Tin·: NEW a<;k.Or, "Tlie Holy ( tly, N«-w Jerusalem." V.hal it Is. und When.nil How it "Com»«« liossns from POd «at at*Hmw ~| anilBweelenbor»; ami Ids hUaatoB in li« lution lo ii. With an aia',,ductlon on «><sl end Man. Br the lu v. K. A. lieaiuiii. aultierOf " The River of Life," Ac. 1 -ino, extra cloth, $1 50. Papercover, ??) cents.

THE TWO ORATIONS OH THE CIcOV.N.iF.»t hlnes and Demosthenes. A New Translation. By <¡co.

W. Bltltl'.e. Icilio, extra cloth, +1 SO.TKKASIKY OFPAIRT TALES,

In Wollt« of 'Hie Syl.'atile. Ilv ii.initli. Autlubon. illus¬trated. Small 4to. extra cloth, yi.

GRANVILLE DE vTGNE.Or, Held In Rondara·· A Ts!« if Cue Day. By " OuicTa,"author of '· Cutler Two H.»·;»," "· Struthtuore." "In s Win¬ter City," <tc. Cheap edition, lîiiuo, pafier «aisei, SB t. s,

·.· Por «ale by oil bookseller», or will be «out by mail, BSBB>.t'e prepaid, on receipt of Btt price by

J. ?. UtTTMCCfTT & CO., ruhlialierH,_71Saiid 717 Markets!,, Phllaxl.-liihln.


i-rtet-14 oent«..niETRIBtNK A1.1IA.SAC KOK lattt,

pnce.-a e<-ut «? iiv·· «eat«·, ·?.TllLTUiUl. M. imi:;x KUtt l*tu,

laica JO ckjuu,.sfastoaa

THE TRiBirX!·.New-York.





????????? A. DUPP.THE MAJtJlca MONKEY.



Price H) cent«.Batakmrn



önmmcr Reecrrie._

FEW MORE BOARDERS desired for thoFall at a pleasant Farm House near the Cat.nk.ills; ex-

ee.sliugly health ? locality; dally alago and mall; veranda,iiiiino, croquet pleiitv milk, ccirs, poultry all kinds of fruitmeet parties at Unitine, terms reaauiiàtile; for reference,? is» id Kerrie, at (Jalway's Qrocery. opposite Orami CentraiDepot MRS, ???????G, Norton Hill, «irceli.· «?., :s. V.


Fifty inimités f uu Ne«· ????. This «xoeUenl sca-sltle fatreiiv hotel will be kept open daring Bestei.r. Rne su'·»bathing, boating ami nViing.THQS. i>. VVINCTTKsTKIt, Propri(>tor._BERKSHIRE HILLS, "Perneide,n Tyring-hum, Mass. .·, few aood rooms at this popular resort, inthe love*ic«t iiart «if the tolls of o'd IV-rkseii··, can lie lis.l fiu¬tile monili ol September «I epfrlal ratee: í-'oisl living, tluoiiii»,*,Se, Dr. .lu i.i'ií JoNKS, proprietor.

BERKSHIRE HILLS.Spend ... irvacation at the CL \fi.in FIOUBB, Beeket,Muss. No malaria aoraoaquitoes: 1,900 feet ab« re the aea.im .? »criptivi Qlroalai atldroM A. a. CitOSH, Proprietor.

UERKSHIRE'S MOST IMPILAI: RESORT.M ·. !'! EWOOD HAI.!., ????.-?·? !'Ll>, ttà.ea.< ·;·.' '¦ t above the w a Co nbin· a It iln itselfeverj re<iulaite attraction <¦...,»e.? cic·· and ? untort. s¡, talseaeon ratea Openfroni lone loOoi ?··?· i...

(lEOItO. ? W. ???'??',?.?,?:, Men ?.·.t.

¦DOARDFOH SEPTEMBER.Al Locual Farm,J ¦ on 11 the Cateknle; good board, milk, el ?ai ?? fresh vegetable« tu>.!i groa ine, large romas, ampispioni] 1 s,·· m ry, ?? ei id water taU. Cll eh rene« given.JOUR imi- .cairo, roenej ??? ty, t. Y.»RANCH COTTAGE, among the mom1 f terme reduced foi I LIA8 CO ri ?-???, Propri tor, Delaware Water Gap, Peun._pAMPOBELLO ISLAND.V> Taeaew Hotel known a« "TUB OW1 tfwill lie kept open till October ?. ·;· -. ilj later, to »croni.

11.- s- w ?? »,isi| li, :m ;lilKA l.l, -liiuil IMI ¦». IO PittiliThe air mi tata rei tei to any unewho ie tullid- il with

II A V G \ ¡It,?? ;????! : '?:? uro, e. Prof. SI v of en.

et ··.Ini ..li.t thatt1· e i.iiisi e .· tto sim ,? is. t« «blj «vini and woaderfully,in-, 111 ..????.?.e tu già il ? CliSi is akil re-

»mes. The abure a man] miles baa sever been explores,irlii ;.a: ii, s m li find bere a fresh li« Id for Hior· Ill« Hotel is delightfully situated, and has aU the ap-1··,.?.linea: m e cuittfoi ·'·' lioiuo. Arrangi iionts for roomsCan miele by addressing W. K. SPRINU, "Th« liweu,"? ??.?.|?·.:.? 11.?. ?. ?., »ia Kaatport, -.·

pAPE ANN..BaasRoiik House, Good HaïS ?, Be ?. |] ,,? .: ¦", ·. ·.. I'. ci |1 ????(.¦¦?? aoeaeri > i le cuantía e ?-', s -? ? fur lituboo« ?.«.?: na.' CapO Vu. >l'-. ¦·.. i. lui''VVN

/ M)RÑWALL-ON-HüDSON.----Palmi r House:V' large poema; Ha« abade ? artenaive groioads ¡ asen uní.?


, .? ??<· 0 i'intry,will romain up< a um.? OctoberÜU.c.T. .ion ?,

/ JEORGE HOTEL, Bl ich Rock Beach, Conn.? a ?··, r iahl il Ing >Un1. ? fier ·'¦ n. 1 ili ie

s· cure ?. M ?? tersiti ni -. r- .¦ ; h a ?? pu Aiilies.. ?:\\ BLI. «S WELLS, «? nui.

i JLEN ItîOQE, Cormvall, N. Y..Jloiii" "

Open ill Sor · -r 11 n. ? u -r. w > 1 ir ? fr m ?Irritan!. milk, ?: »?'??,-.?«. si tra«, A·.·.., ita píaos,JA.Mi.s ì H ? ·;.

SS AMILTON HOUSE, Stamford, Conn..ti .. famtl botai tao irajeaie, private plscsee, Aite abade, b eatlful drl\ ¦-. ousting,? ????? HOUSE,J S BCHO« ILI V'fl ati ''Ni'»!\ HFRINO fi ? .1

nun niiiiiilii. Li e urli »e,ist nil lor ? !:· a

.1. \V.\ RRKN ul,; MA N-, i]

QOTEL SHREVVOBl KY,11: \ HRfOH r v. f..

vili «n·;· ? ., r LY .'. M? ?· t ciáis rami» ho ' st un the Atlanti·itoetont li >' luv· ;.e \ai, an river.

lawn t. unis,rrnqnel ali lu »» uà the boa ·¦¦- ?? Uem ul.:rsn lor Ma,

?·. «? nei ai c. > im: ? »t. ? ?.I ONG BRANCH, ?. .1.

??? ?t?,?????- ?????Will remain opon iluriug »monili olII. ROWLAND, l'i «4 ¦".

M ANSION HOUSE, Piermont, N. Y.? few Inrre. :\iry raomi aft.. September 1

terms iii«sl( r., OUU '. No ?J. P. \1? .. K, Propri tor.

M EARNS IlolsK. near W ? .int. openfor the entire etitnniu; apeelona rroastlei Une abaden all and vcgi lai 1« v. .- udMra. ?. M l.» H -. 4

limili.? id ills, .;. Y,

MOUNTAIN HOUSE,CORNW M.l. <>'. ??'??·-<??.

nil« froei landruf, on î. -n,nu ginMu-.· etui buse m Um grand puwlnm sigbtly. J. vv.Ml.A..,

(h? HUDSON, «»no honr from New-York, one"ortwogeii men of refined t s;, ,, ,, a giwife, can · tuiine loi fall and wlater. tmplgrounds andgood »tabling. Addreaa lor particulars ?? ?'2? ?,Nyack, .?. \.

PAVILION ????'??? ? idi?, Long Island..Re-1 niüiii- open durili« lb J \ ?

pAYILlON HOTEL,IBI i". i.'iNii fsi.Avn.



Flrst-eln«. Ts.ivtrin ·1 itlois .- '. ? ».Mountain ur econer] nnaurpasaed In the ·» >rl"l.

L. r. u · \ an ?«, um ·

Proaaeot Park Hotel « omiiauy._OPRINO HOUSE,k5 ULOCK fsi.wn. ??. rt ??,.? V MI,!.- »1 SKA.

Onemvl from .lune i '.let. l'ai·., i dr r.o'ii«nie'its- ?·,?, risiila« datif «na air· Botinawaler Tins aoaes * sumí·."! sitb nur·, «rater from thecelebrate·! stirili·."« fro.? Wbloli ; ' I.letakeatUnnu-aiisuf hrdranllo miss and Is the «tel? ?·· is on ? ilfurnished with pur« spring wa ···. ThSMenria ? are <iwn«al byir· oropnetor, and areIsostsd sUain afewreaaoIUi ·¦

s.-nü to. a rcuUr.,, ^ M ,,·,.,, .;M. ,..,,.,.,.,.


ib .Si.)\V ut'^.?.Apply tour addi· )»

?. ROWLAND,I.Dico! Rowland a Hotel,

Uoaro awis ttooma.

East Side.4 TWO LARGE. SOU ARE, ELEGANTLY¿\ · furnlehed .is, witb bath, closets, m nei·· water, Oc.,lu a pinate laiiiilj ;.: O ball G?) hi. al. it.-1, ili,· in.


APARTMENTS for gentlemen, handaomclyfmuislicd. siiKi.'e or en sulle, 26S Stb a»··., near 2fcBefereasM « 111 b« required.

IiflPTH-AVE. near Union Leap^ie Cluh.S euite of rooms to reni with privati table or withoutmeals. Reference« excbaug<ML Addr.-ss U C, Tribuni ?Iowa infle.·, ?.-j:ts Broadway.¦ ·> GRAMERCY PLAC^.Desirable room*,I "^ ??? sun -ci alugly, with Qr«t-olaM hoard refereueae.?/ÎKAsr .'.:ll>-sr..IN.on.s to 1«·! withM'f board) en suite, or singly; tahlo boardeis aeëem-tuodllted.

*\(\ !':¦?S',, 20TH ST..Suits of roMtn ;: private*·*} aatavaoaaasi privata table, oc sitboat board] r«r-

OwTH-sr., 40EAST..Eleoent floors, newly.IH tuiiniahrd, witb privat, table, by ta«year.I \{\ EAST 218T-8T.. Gramerey Park..De-I I ·

"u aule rooms, With ,;i'M class ??.,,????, cu --Hito orBagai i'.-t· rasoi

\*\i\ »IADI80N-AVE., corner of SlatI · ¦" 9 ? ault« of apartiiiimiK to lut with privat.« labio, thor¬oughly tirsi .IIS«.

1 ÎïrÙn riIIRD-AVE..Eiret-class Iwiard ¡in<lJ »« *?*ß'" " lud.L'iiiit for gentlemen, m |ii-¡»aie tamily, «ilioblisk Ii urn L <l«i>«jt. 4 all or address A. I! \S'.

Went Sido.

APIÑE PAXTiOE, anitable for party of fren-(lomen; also elegantly furrdabed room«on eoond andthird ttisir«; refereacee. Ml Weel Kitli st.

APRIVATE FAMILY wiaheaa few twartlertT;rootns nu third und fourth iloors. tN] »? «? t M1 lAN'HSli.ME ,???? M.WI.V ?·?!?;.\? HI I)1 I ROOMS, iaige and eiuaU : g'liileui.n onjj taauiypri.rat« '..i'· w .t a

1ARGE alcove room, second il«mr front;à eoutssro eipotere inr-r·· roome, raltsbl.r t»·· (¦.¦.iitie-tii.li, uu ? he tint·! Stet fourili ikhii's, t.rins iikkIi rale t alilo

S_17 Nv· -? Lòth-et_I ARGE, HANDSOMELY FURNISHEDY à ??????, emtablefor gentleman without board: dealrabl«luoaUon; farailj amali. ,\n. til West tetat-ak, between ,t:iand «itti avií«._IPARTIES Buffering with menta] «>i nervousciscases caii have pro|ter »tfeiitfun ami board if required.?'???aµ L.Vl'KHlt.Nt'l , li-thuue L'pUiwn OiHte, \;¿Mllmad»vay.


PLEASANT IÍOOMS with board u> ?« ? ai No.1 147 Weai !:«i-«t. Bsferenceeeicttaaged.RESPONSIBLE PARTIES oan Und lare»,JH. «degan! rooms, witharrivât« but lis OraVclaM table, pri¬vat« U iloeirod, at ß? Vi'si .istii tt.; rofereuoc exehaiii'.M.??0 LET..LaiayS, newly Inrnmli«·«! n h uns enI suit«- or Singly; al*· front hall room privat· Auierlcaufamily; rrfen nei- rvcliaug.sl. Wi Weat .'<, at-at.

»> ¡? WEST '¿l.~Elecant parlors; ijeod leoessrW 1 uu each llnor, extra in «tr.e mut apiMiiiiUBSBM nil 111... it-rii ???]?p·» cuieiiU« cssil rtsun« on tap (loor sumuirt attesa(tJ.lD-ST., 41 \VESr.-l)e.sir.il.l.·, well fur·»ayaaV niabril room« with beard, atoaavoaeea atvuu. n. a.(I i.lis._.j/jTil-si., 48 and r><>, between Broadway»W« f and tJth-ave.- -Haudsoni- parlor lloor to let with Imard,siso ottici tarn·· and situili rooms Laid·· boant refer« non

J·).". WEST 42D-ST..Families or «ingle-»· 9 µ, mi.-men returning tu Ititi city can find a genteelfui iiisiicd iltx.r en aitile or separate ; other single pµµ?-.s pri¬vate table ojitiunal ; re'fert'iicee._I ·>¦; WEST 3ß??-ß?..Tolet.twoniefly fur-I · '? 9 Btehed parlors, rntaiSlnlM hot ami OSld water; alsoether daatrahle roome, wiih or without uoiu-d; référencée.'»il WEST L'lST.-Haiidwimcly furnished¿-'.wi f aaaaBl and third floor front roouia wllb hoard ¡table board._*\'H\ WEST 81ST-ST..Parlor Boor fnr-tßi^>\9 nlahed, atUtabio fur phyalclau ; «ic.Jicui neighborhovMl ; also. uUu-a· rvuuu»

MINES AND MINING.FitintY. Sept. 2.p. m.

There was little in to-day's minino- stock marketthat calls for comment. Generally the business w aselull aud the prices steady. The State Linea at «inotime math· Rome recovery from yesterday's depres¬sion, hut later th«· pa i uh wit,· mon· than lost, andthose sto les again were we blankets on any dis¬position there was toward an improvement in tatobelter ('.buss of. .-.tucks. Son. 1 BOdd rallied toî)7 centsami «mieti ¡a 9? cents. Nan. 9 an·'. ¡5 hold up to4.lOon short biiyei 'a option, but c!«i-'"l a! ?.'.?G?, or G? centslower than yesterday, mid Orienta! «t?? Miller faS-oUaedfresa89 to 79*381 seats, Oonaelidated Vir¬ginia wa.s 18 conta lower al 1.80, and California was,"¦ con t s lower at 05 cauto. The up- ningpricei oftheBaa l'rynciMo markets' ahowod a general sharp ad·VauOe rtua \ t'-lc.tiay'- causili'.· ligure·, nul t lie (|ilo-tations were reotûved here toe la.e to influì noe ouru, irkets. The closing Quotation , which are printedeleewhere, will show n' the morning's adva ice waatusialned through the day. Hero Iron Silver, wasnotably strong and roae te 2.90. liibernia was ao-tire and 2 eonto lower at i'«"·· 1»< coni . i'he otherLeads liles were about steady. Miner Boy continuéeto record large transactions without Uni >rtanlfluctuations, to-day's bi fcl or waybeing allai 19 oenta. The tnarkets olosed dull.

G. .v. 7, v, v,,· IT WKSX · / i WsTaTa&Msi;'ivi CALL.12 O'CLOCK si.

,? slat· ' l.iikillMa» .:· ", :,n 1 i OU .sa 200 ».? .,<>.- ?,, -.mi .OB hua >: Mlatr Buy2 a IH .,blO .' ·· bS.. A9rato, .·;¦.::.--, .·" ,blO.. .06 H>" 9JSQ 1600.4'J

._ia..i;: |) ajo. .00 :-inriatti.? ???? ,«3·. ·'

.'.it .".' ? Boulder Ion¡ , ?? ,?.:. ...? u iberni Basra 1 sane! leu .SO..??, ?.?,? .;·..?-, ·.·¦·,io ..)·; .·?·,.!,·'.?? I.SA Culli«mitBOO :-. u N'th KUnilarel ?ß??,.ß??.?.d? 100.. b8,1.00lne...blS.4.00 ino.m mai .?.-".? Flndley

¦jeu ,a? ion ?aloti I,-. 4.00 -:,.i'.. 'a·: 4.1? Great EuStcru4.06 M II 100 .... t.03 ¦" .18liai. ',!.). LIO ¡,· . Ane,· LÌMI» Chief???) 1.05 ana ,11 au,?.?.. .88 200 .1.85!'ia 4.05 a ..lili» < ?.? s leUte 100 SO1100. » it'.4.0C la ''· .08 lOel . ·-'"· Navajo

¦i . a 100 .blO.I ? 101 ?.40_I lui) 15.001 I__

THIRD CALL.-2 O'CL KCS P. at.mi. Miner oy Bout?.2and a .'." ·.. . !:> New1 ttHI ,8*J lOfl 1.01 i-li 608,81 -? ioo.i,an. .60 Linie Ptttsb'g60(1 ·. « 1 ou_¦,..

c . obla on?.?,?.... ·¦> Beo b:t... i" ."·¦.su loo.3.06 ???..'':!... .<' Hierra Nevada.· lit) ? ml.» 111, ir·, ?.;

? .·??).?G,.'..?6000 .'-?.

ai i-muli Balwereoo .ui.,. .is .·."· .u'ü·>?. t s..son.te eoo.selOt 0.'·', 600

stia |,?¦1.60 bSO. s.lltl

a.··'100 ni l. ¦·"· !

700.. bit'. LOOVirai

"o. .04 ·.'!' ·. '.·> .1.00 'JlU .47 1'

ÚO0 .".? 100...»3. .1.00 BUH DO- 1.88la,u. .02 ??? LISI ,,',?? .481... .ni ISO

300. - 0., .IMI .?··,;. 100 U.BO N'tll M.iutl.udlil. .IMI leu .?,.: ?. a. ! ju '¦ J UHI,18600 «¡I . «.LI , ? m Liver

Alla .'¦lOtl a LOO II..I I.. .02 rmoiil

: ·;. at 0..U10. ß.03».

·..!. .¡a:.'· o. s

.1 ,:>.;;?? ? \ . 1XCB I VOM »ALMS.CAI 1. I" O'CLOCS ?. M.

,·. ?, ,.·??? ?.in I'M .upper Knob:- " ,76 · .,.,..

...'¦:¦.·. ; an ? ? 100. hl« '···"··

?.· IB ("alii ,Gß ¦ion ,

,40 .,, ,¡?? ?.,aio ... an ?,. 200...el_

I iloti_ .Lo j_THI1 ML

Viti mi ? ?., .; a. '. .". .vi20 .73 ¦'

reek sud ? kjsck.·? 100¦at By«

IMI ,9(1-J'»'.47 OOptt ?.200...'·? 10 bao., .?*.·

Is J .? . I·. ?.

sud .: BOU ..- '. ,4fl. no I, 100I O.". ·_'.??.474.ISJ LOU ,

.????? .81 · ? 00 a? ¦

¡.uní : ,:'J l(jbse ita.? t.s. lo·' .01 'o -.·

ton .io Ch blo ¦¦.10 lo ' |oo ,,, a.o. ;

| 100

lev tii ? cu si ti roma t :?·.?µ.|S vN Pbavcisoo, Cal., Sept. 2..The ? arlo tet ire ion i" m , ff nnder shoiRenater Fail lefl fm the! .·. UsnatenWedn iv.Iti ? port- il thai lb« ?·'·?.? In Bank ? ill ?

yt'is la ililcr be ? :·· "I nil· G?ß? un imi. , \ en per ci nt and loan to I


Rullimi rri'e'ipt« for th·· p-.s! week: Eureka Con¬soli n l, (li we] >·_'·;.ii'if ? 617,270;· G.,;' 0 Northern Iteli

?-? ,.:?>??; ? Uri "i. nut· IndisS, !00¡ ?· li'licato. >'.". 1«»·».

l; H.ivso',, < u!.. .-.p·. ¦_· Ih ore produci of the....... ed mine for Ai raa 2.270tons; gross y belìi 200,?> ?; ol miai tig, $4 25

1 »? t. ,? oro acuì m the re r\ c, 10,000cum i-ufi Ih being iliadi liy the Robin un Cernsoli-dated onipanj with the Ho don nad Co ra oHuielteral (rgo, for 20 000 tema oi are, which willbe t lotto« l ou Kepi ·¦ t I.

( un alo, Se·!. '¿..? di-pa Ich to ?he Titln lio a..tal, Dakota Uarvelloua gold diacov-eriea are reported from the Central Rills, thirty,,.? ibi ? vein four feei .s u|·· is saidto contain morn preci ... metal than tjuartx. I' is¦aid ilia· ii run ?$100,000 o the lou in the foundu-tíon. This mine »s; s foraoerlj tinder bond to thelit.III. slais«· t oui¡..

Bullion valued at 671,709 49 was received m thisciti ,·« i-i ila) from tii« miI hi i.'.-'iiiu ·??? ? on ohdated Mining Company hasden ?¦-,! a régulai «livi, ·? oí .um mm», «>r 25 oentapei bare, uud aa eatra tlivideud ol like amount,inu h pai ..ill·· «-.? >· .,?. ,, ,i ,. i ?.,. .-? , ItookscltHan

..n ??.·· ili n and ? on n un h loi h. ? be Au·,from the irme amounted io$ir>o,ooo.The foreman in charge ni the State Line minea re¬porto that Nos, ·.; ??.? :? are lookinn splendidly,l w, iiiy ??·.·· wi'si ?,? the working diati the ledge is-?? h e ss uh·, aud i.s rich, li Ut ai leuiug ra] idi. mhe imi neu. ?? ?- reported ai tho company' ouiiu Ulis city that seven cot-loads of pipe for Luemines have been shipped, and that the remainderw ill In- shipped in a ?·- a dai


en ? ?: .µ? µ \<; <??,??{*.o. s ? ON

?? ? ?·. KUej A Nil «ROI» ???,HEUBRRB ?. ?. MIAI i ìtwik BZCRAltOM

, S). i.e. iti .· ,, ,, , i , a,.,.-1111(1111 e ???,·!'.· ?.

I30ST0N AND SI 11.Kl' Mol NIA ? ? ???¬?* INO CUMPA!» Y...lui,.- ..e,.¦u,..o.· the ¡.ui>limon uroap, at Tea MiU, Dlairk u< uiorado.BDWAUIJ H i.'ii'i. ?-,»-idem.HIl AH ?.? r.N:.V, \ Ice f e.ut.li. ?. n vi ' -.¦'·'. rea nror.?·., e. ,si.i aio.I idi l'.'al. ..ai .u,!.·.20,000 ,,· off, red ut 78OciiUeeeh louefraj the ·?· B«es of the develounicol ssoÌuinai ureelion ,,? le,? il li.,..uerjAs · speculati ? ibla «teck 1« a good parchasetathe mie«· may adva t ou ih«· tiesas of a strike ofthl Oll loe ? in saau, tv li el, e ? I*-nils up nUj linaio li IM*property. Apply to UuKK, iia ii.v;:- ,«. n,

al Devimahirs s'u._ boston, .Muas.


^ ifr »rasas ills·,·,· -li ut, : ;,, <wMini» ¡ers a? il ir notti *11VuG ·? mia ' ?., i/cui.( ila·· a

Betemo Ootil Unarti Co., .s os a se,,na._unie·· so. J siH.H ?-·!., .· ¦., ·,· ?, ?'all, \>wV.irV

pOPFKU QUEEN MIMNU tii.Ml'A.W,V> III .liée, l'ai!,?.e l'i,ui.lv, AllSOM.Iiii'orivirnte,! ????? ·¦', lísXl, lu v'esv Y ¦¦.rit. Cull paid ??\?non a'-i¦ .«.? -in,a,. Capital, 12,600,000. 280,000 shareaPur viilu«·, BIO.Iru-lrf-s A. A. Ilay.-s, )i. Albert A. Levi, !../eoU-ndorfcu starila, Alonso KnlUitt. New-York ¡ Bilwarü Helllv inosan, Arlsona¡ ani! w. n. Usrtln, sun rranelsoo.-ia -? .?«, ni nn Trust nnmptiir TTss V?ra ? ? (SBoa 11 andHU TIiobiiis U., .N ess York.

/Mil'l'Kic, ZINC, 8IEVER.--Valuable ruiningV^ propi itiesl-r »al«. Inquire of A. U. IllCII AitlilSoNaNo. 1 Wutcr-al , :N. V._fROlS BONNET" SIEVEH MINING co..1 ? n ?',,??-,?,?. ral ¡aa or toe m ti tteseiajtineiit « of high graS·arata Um Ir·· Boa··) Bino«. It Is, ss>amm1 lo wiitnlrnw forthe are.al the «al« of tteamri itoek »t no· piioa uaretofur«.vrtveitiseil. The rcfiul'Uily. «Xtent, and rliiuie»» of tie· on,Iiiistf lie n.- «Xtraeted fit nu tau li ni Hut Nos. 1, ·» unti '? Inclinéeilciiioiisliute thai the Iron Ittmiiet Oroun are lutrlnalcallyvaluable. Alan early dale lti.-st.ick will be Usted on UléNets \ tyi i. ami lai-imi Minai;: Bosnia «»itici· «? Naaaau-tl?. 0, BROWNELI«, I'ruaiilei'iLA. O. HUTe ??ß??, Beoretory. B u

IBTAKT for tho West in a few (lavs to visitsome inlnliiK properties. Would allelui to Any buaUu-a«ami visit and report on mines In ( uloratto, Dtab, Nfsu,in undCalifornia Have hael large experleuie in mine·, both inLulled atete« and Mexico ¡ refer lo ilio liest Uouaeia In tliucity for particular». Address li. li. w. ??«? G.?, Titbune.V1NU BEE M1.N1.NU COMI'ANY.K1

BTill'KlloLIJEilSwlshinx to exchantv their Block for shares In the new com.puny must make snuUcation to tim trnderstgnMl before iliof> I li sKlTKMRKIt, lHrt",OU ss lu, h date till« ell· ? svili >.|.?? ,·.

A. T. BEACH. Agent,No. IH VVaU-sL, lUxiru 83.rriIE CHEYENNE CON. MININO CO«.A.Utenied m the lilack Hills, li. G.CAPITA L ???« ?, ????,????». l'Alt VALlIlt, ít.COL.U. ?. G?????, l-.-es'L ?. ??'? A t tl If 1, Mic'yut'ElLKNu 06 liltOAUWAV. and I'rcjd



OULTOrf MINING COMPANY.still farther developments?G tho MOCLTON MINK have

Induced the owners U) withdraw their offer to sell the stockat #4, Mud from this date the price is advanced to *4 GO porshare, at which Ügure it will be held until further noti««.

DONNKLI* LAWKON AKIMPÖON,Fiuaucial and Transit* Agents.


S. If. I! AM LTON ?·, OO.,01 Rroiuiway, lluotas _:« and 33»a -V. Y.

«??-.?.¦:¦: e. Tin: G??.?.?:µa COKsoubatbd Mim.no Co..)11., "'il' inWAT, ROt>S_ ftS TO St. 5

THE STOCKHOLDERS meetin- oí Atirnist.de b on adjouriiod to Uondar,.- ··. -·? ?» r .". «? ?

?. m; 11 i- expected each and every Stockholder will?tto.-on ·,· rOBof ?????????·,' Hie mine, lor

lulUl'c dewtopmeut.a. t. GoitMAN, lesreaary,

CiitiuUioito iVm\UÒ--£emtde*."*. PHOTEST VN i' SEHVASTS' BUREAU!_!_.·.Al i'it ?. ?,..min ilnini other useful girls tor city oroountryi also, male help »mleoi m-! rants. At tho ir --. ol '.·· r ah PltO ?:TANT UOatE BUREAU, 13ß «jth-av«- loiiria baaeeaatoevelolh-st.

CHAMBERMAID and WAITRESS..By ß\ / tiiiv ! 1« willlrj ,. ,.. v, ryii· el hi set ;¦¦bin ¡ citi or g ?? .. ry. in aire Cor U., !Mr_ Bth·avi., m ai IPth-at.

pHAMBERWORK, HOUSEWORK, WAIT-«WlNOor NURSE», tc. -ByAoicrlcAn sud Protestfor city? '. VI ?" d '.;;·:.».'.! '. t. t ..' -)·..

(tOOK..By :t young*, able Scotch woaian aaI iii-Mt .-I..S-. .-.. .\ lia . \- -a.· it i"-f'dessins, etc.; »Voting to a-.. » im:Ii WMhiiia If ? lull

Innuin· G..?- J V.NK, _:i_

(H)0K, fee.By a thorough, Protestan! cook;en 11, eoupa, p'a rbvi, id ·.i-oitiitrv, private or nubile. Ready at the PROTESTAN!ROM !¦'. 1,1 Kl AU, li.s ia leave./? ?»?, WASH, ????'..?',? Grcrman help; ? or

,?.-ii',-. (tan bo u e« *t th ? PROTEIHOME BUREAU, IMS Uth-avo,fourth ho itu-it.

Sbl'ES.iM AK El.'..Children's waists ; !¦··'9 «rill do any kind of meudlnt; city or country oiD; SI al iy. Box J. ·-.,I I.. I ·. li · '

IAUNDRESS,(colored ?.Wit !? nnaui^essed f;t-i e |: ce! ni -t Clase rei 'om ut afew famille« and gentlemen liberal arrangementsxi a ¦ dn ?? ß ? t) ai ... ? ell or a.l» u\ E. iJORDON, lité Weal W th-efc

I roUSEWORK.. By ¦ oapsble Gfi e Protestan l giti, fer ettv or coun ti rood cook and «?¬

wore and kind to children. Call ;>' _".·- tubavo,i-at a- forMAUY._IJOUSEWORK..By ;i neat, tidy, intelI Pi»ling ffirl ; will be - fui In s

... ...«rasher au« ' ot rooomaiDioden ?··, ..·· las ? ..? ??¦ ·. -·;·? ·., ist Boor

NURSE..By ß competenl woman; can takeentire ehanre .>' an I?fea .. font '...us· ¦»flour, back.

tVTURSE, HP-STAIRS, or LIGI1T~H0USE-a « WOBK. B] a neat, ;..··. a roun« irhose

'. ill ad ; Citi ¦.: |?( ?' '?(,? titan iu.i ?. ear 18t? ??».

\\ ' \>?\ I \«..-i M.lored wo-f V man, a , , ,.s; g(«*li'st.

Ö'iltrttlOitO UÍ.l!ltCI--íU,l¡Cj.k PROTESTANT youngman and wife toxa. can al drive; n fer·

¦-, ?»_ ·..· I ·, '¦ al.. Ad»4 8SISTANT ÍÍ<K)KKEEPER..By a young;À \ ??«·

La« eud reliable andli ¡,?, itomi it, x. V.

IM ? ER. \\. ,? young nutrrie l man (2 l),? i|.... .· .· i.r or ?. et 'hartanDA NIKI. i.t U ?. ,ii, »?.

IlOOKKEEPER..In vvholeetdeho.» ., s anil

pASHIER or SALESMAN] By a rnnart, re-

... a P. Jr....? in. I.i> '¦¦

/ CORRESPONDEN G, Beokketi|s r or Oflioi

....·:'IIKNUÌ ? ?-· :i ?..·,, .?


« ? Basirai »ionaaa ; open far «Muri before Ooto.l>,.¡ ? ; has ¦ «? I«, l'J year withvat. -?·! cil .,, leti establishments; \ I. referents I

. OT «I M_ii_atl.,ilI.. I.

ITALIAN LESSONS. !'.·. r very well «<!n-l ,.(. ·,.:·." ret il, inai; ·'i's ?···|il. in« ih rekly. A.IUieseili-

.. \ r. · ?., Oeaeral ·> ill · >.

JANITOR.By a mechanic of 20 \< ire' prac-«" tlcal eaperteueelu tb« rmtairlng ?

u.ldingsi; .:.· ASdrcM >i »-

- Ibum_IANÌTOR, W \ rt'IIM VN or Í'ORTER.*> mart, inöal « ? erba is »»Hing ?··

«city g.MMidi «a W, ?., IVI ? ¦" i.Ctly.

M\N \ciM. 1 .RMER..Twent) ·¦¦ ra' eiMiii-ricin wuntsa Brat-rlaaa turto t<· w.irk

,,-i -, ir· ?? to niaajof.· tb« »tuee-, uederatasde therentieuian'e piace artfe agood aaatcs-i.'kinz eaitic char.·.. ·>? hens.·, osa (riveflnK-eUaeQauoraddreM PAKMES, La« Caritos-ave.,...

NURSE..By young man (colored), atre 24 ;tu,.·., ..·,·...?., ?'..' LI. UARBIB, ?» De Kalb-èva, r.i ».µ ? ?.

OFFICE ASSISTANT. \n Englishman, age«4; in mn'um,.· -i.n n ,.· ·.i paaisaa a:id··.? tuve rednei ai r.· er. -i >. »·? aoih si

à |FFI( 1'. ASSISTANT..By n young unni,Vf II 'lu ;. Irapi e- '.m m en com« ¦. itasi a .-?,. Hau« ili ?- aiaal .· ». ? ?'., i.'.iai-si.

Ì PORTER.- ? bright, intelligonl colored me ?,?, ala ? .',· ?-.- ,.,? .s «? ??.? good e;·'. lUOM »


ilOli !.'·¦ -À young; Amefieuii, iu_n> "'. wtehes..s ;..?. .,? botai BOI er lui, ,?

III IVI ul -?'·' ¦· el' '? im Ih lu SI. I;·,s ?.-','.',??G. ?. .?,?·'·? »s -Il ?. Il ,·. »7 ?. liti'.

IbORTER. Bj e steady, reliai»le, well ?un nd ,, ,? : baa

e rida ??.,??-, ·, I« «trletly tauiperat) and Caller.. mesa ?. u.. u« We«l ?·.··? st.

1I0RTEK Ate..A young Irishman, aged is,just ?.??,?', «t, sa [,··'¦ m us ful man: ?, - e? II«»- ? ????.'? Uli .. ,Ululi.lille t. .stljltl-

p. ., » ... µ ?.?,?·, 1ß1 ?· ? la ·.

Ik· \l\ EH OH DRIVER. Bj ;t »ñn ni .vieni-??, ,? »· ,? !,"..ai In the

.;. «ad :. ici-en ·.,.·! ; is sober, Bteadj andtruaiwoiUiy. AddreaaJ. TIERNEY, ...·<? ^d ..»·-, top loor,froul.I» ii: G?? or PACKER..By an American, sgeI :, expel encad M · arju ??,?, is laduitl'lous ?·:.?.·« ? it.·,quiet and a.-iiTi" ; can fur-nfah gotal referen««. Pli «. railm ...nit· ss ?:, li. ?? i: . I -·»¦ L ?? *;., Ji , ? ,?»

SALESMAN IN GENTS' FURNISHINGk_l ???,· »e \ in-- .. ?. .· SO. ?·\|?.·? ¡.-a. ,-

furnlabiug; caa furnlab r«ferenc·«ol Un· Luibeat ckaraontr.Pimm µ (?? adilrea ? MEYER HI tt ; ? .? .·., ·.· ?.... l^h .-.:

ksJA!.r-MAN or PORTER iïi clothing house..i 5 Uj a young Cerros«, a| I yaara axpetleaoaiepeeks.?., ?, :. 11. i.ne,,.?, a ululali ,,.. ?· omaaend«.líen... Pítate« call or addreM UE iRUE H. WEPPLER, t77U t., i:i,Mi*iyii.GTABLEMAÑ or PORTER..Young man, tunLo ?' sa itableman, liorter or iteefui man ; unui .taiidathfl.,,· ,.| ho: s. S, ,S (III. Ill II,. 1'. ..Ml le., il lU.lldltt ???, M.HERN A RU 1)1'? 1.1. A il Y. ,1» Mnual., 11 p...U Un.W'-VTi HMAN'.- lly .? p-,,,-,?a?.!.' coloredvv m.ni, a«,· jr·; li trsetwoTthy, ober and reliable, sudMB give the liit'.hc.t n-tri, ? I, Addi · .1. III. »NI», 105W«M -Vlli-st «lly.\\G??'<?1??? or PORTER..By a Bwede,»t age 90] a. tl»··, tei)i|ier.ii-, sin,nu, reliable, willing, aawatchman or porter,' ...n give good «a «n. «·-.. AddroaaBWEDIBH U???-?????, Boa !.;, Pribun« .i.ii·«·.

íiclu iXJiuiki.? THOROUGH business lady, oompctent t<»Mil) .t fund« for s Aral cIqm charitabl·· s..i.iv .uns.-.eure iirrnuiiieiit fUiplnymeiil. Addi, ss ACTIVITY. ? illume(Itlii'e._\lrANTED.A married man to work ßVV fruii fou. Hhairv,. To »tie who understands tilshitslnem, a p.M.d «???.??·?.??11.? For nail hula re, a.l,.?«,FUI IT, <aie)·:. IH'N.N, Newuk v. .), Newark, N..I..«VET NURSE WAN TEI »-Musi be perfectlyVV Inaili.., vmiui!, cood tempered, With ?. «i l city refer«nee« aao fteab breast of milk] «uod wagt«, mi wwtSttb et.

Galea bn QVnction.AUCTION SALE of Coiidemned St«»i«-s.Navy ear orpica, >.JÍ» rnuïABWAI, MSW-YOBB, Auguet 'Jl!. IHMl.By order of « ommodor,. George it. Cooper, G.ß ? afeasriJtiH.N II. I'llAI'K.rt a CO. will sellai fi |;Lic All'in'!at the Navy V ititi, Brooklyn, N. Y, «Ml PBJÜAY, Haptealu-rU, lhS!. lit 11 «I'eleck a.m.. ii(|iiauuty of ('i)N 11KM.N i ?PROVIlsKCS'SANll i:i^)THINti. *"Lista of the nilicle» to be sold «'an be seen at «he Navy Yardand at thia onice.

THOMAH T. 1'ASWKI.L_ Paymaster V. B. Navy.



Depots, »Oft ith-ftve., 1.-.SH Broivlwuy and 76 Chatham-«_ile»-Y«u'k; Wo FiilUiu-eU. RrtHiklyu. ^


8«*34 s,10-» -??'-j ao-t, aoV XIV

:-;,.i 2«·«.. 1 I 1 80.. I SB I SB

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? la ?- Alton....C. St )' ài .i ?.Hu nn'f.

Clu ? ? SV....DoHM.

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t7.ds7.Y-; PBlÛMêOi nu..Sapor - i ? ? I ' is I is/.-t .. · V

BM, Aakel. ? BMi"itt ßs. new, ?..1 N'erti.ai Pac. pi··'..Uuitad ti t. m Nj.i.'a-,I-eoo R.R. «4-t ?'? Lehisch N*> ??- , ,:.

LehlKh \ tue· SI 'm ti2Piula aud -s. a4Noiti.-u fae-Oom

PBtDAVa Sept. S.T. ».Toil ' nek iiiarUet epaaii «l s» i, !· |

ol' uciis ity, and early asaaiiBga tnaritad tnstieriaJ «?·-li'iifs ?????? ?,-:.·?· la.v'.t l:isi igBtaa. The SttolBBingtendency ofprima Boeoauy ss:·.-. hcekotl. !u.t ?advance eras ealabliahed by ¦ sv««ii-«-ii·· ??!;»?,·,?report that tho Secretary ol t!i· ??,.?-uis¦ras In town ami in consultili i«m s» it li satani ol the»Tfpl'ng liantaaa reiattve lo Uh pautolsaaB al aIuge ,????????? ol hoiitls. Alter the rally, thB par io¬nia :· teauuv of the mar'iM-t ss,is tuai of aidolneaa. Waenttwaeleataad tesai it \sas % 11U<.take abtun the Baereiaij'a Basttaj la toss ? tin- pivsa-loiit report was thai aa oaTar t«i purchuM·.-»;,-,,rjoo,w«W Ibonda ss ill be is.su«si in a f«w tl«ys.Vtleiilas's «leht tìtatemeiit shows that theactual avallaba» oaata over nml saarva eie-

maml liabilities was ^lñü, ic.s.r,?:», n« t evoluit¬imi accrued but unniatun-el stasStsMsa ? hat sumla <|ß,291,3ß0 lc^s than the avaiìahlc bjjance ol'September 1, lMSO. Il fresal tins bbBB olas ai a'?? lia lau. e if Sept oui her 1. 1881. BS tleiiuclisìthe f+ceriieel intereet «»n tho fuuel.ii el«-bt, the r alavailable ha lance is about .fi:P.».<M*i.(NKi. 1 he lHet-iiaiiit-tl amount is onlv '.Hi \ ? per BBBl i-e-serve on BBS.aatSyOOOiOOO (»f e»ut>lantli:i..,' I.¦ ¦al-tender BattBS.In this viesw it is sBaaatoBsaalS to aBBBsMBthat the amount of b-tiuU to Iks hereafterpurchasod will donenel ujíoii tho revenuesthat BBS colicelo«!, aiullhut for purcha«··« of lion.Isand all other paynn-nts, other than lor the ssassStlalnaily culled, the TreaMirv will fust, aassaTajlmomy bastare disbursing its It should I»e mentionedthat of the :?ß l-2|»er cent rese r venutile outMlaneluiglegal-temlor note» about ff«8r».00t).(nJ0 e-onsnus ofsilsor dollars ami irus Uoual coin. Tho market cIoskmìdull uiiu ii regular.Government bollila were dealt iu to only moderate

amounts, but there were stiles of all the goltl issues,except the continued 5s. l'rices worn not ne linn,the linai bills l'or Ilio continued Os showing a «le¬dine of 't, ami for tho l'as «if iN per oent. themarket closing steady at tho auuexeel limitations :Kid. A»k'd ma_ AskedCA4Viv'!>Lrex..lia'. 118 C.S. cur ß*. 1*07..! li ?,?<a·

H.H. 4'et'ttl. c ..lia«, ???'? I ,s. eur s·. Mis. MSU.S. 4». lu >..?·?«??.·? ?» ????» .»s. cur. «a, lfij-.i. Ht!ça 4a loov.c....no no·« es. cou. «a.... nut» îaïV.OJt.ear. <»». ITO«.. 180 ? ?. ??. 6«, .'. ini loi2L>.fiii ,« lawS.Ui .... ilAat.of esoi, ¡mia. 107 liw^* Ex niel, st.

Stato homla were neglected, but about steady aato i|iiolatiotis. Tho busiuoss waKcosoi«·,! Ky niKv, ofMihoouri tin, lbbtì. at 11U>, uud Vkgiiiia tin, do

ferrod, at 15%. No business v. as done in city l__«_ietoeka.Railroad bonds were excessively dull. The asansal«»«, embracing rweaalj amen diflVreat ßßßßßß*amounted only to $341,000. Priées were rfregajgjErie second eons.«Ih were *_¦ higher at 101. and ijueonri, Kansas and Texas first consols «u higBee~g_fl'1RR%, BaaResh HerBfeed aasl I-lrie firsts were 1wcent lower aft ß?>, and Romo. Waiertowa nalOgdcnebnrg firsts fell from M la · *·>*ß«?»un«i Ohio curn-ncy dont« were »« lower ? ", ausiMetro nuit as ßß??ß«ßß í'cll to S_"_- 4QJNashville general «.- delitti 1 to 103 ir \<>ftJW· In-siay. Tex.« ami I^uifo aaUBBBaeed«. .-<J _a78<_- 781*, and firsts Hio Graudc divisiou hoM at ¿j

«avOcJ*gfar esitili amt'iiiiKThe baetaeee of the 8ah-Treasiirv for the w««*k·

endi'nr to-nig':t iu 'IneeS the re-ceit»t of $1·:.. ; i.iet|;BBBl BBS payment of §22,1 : rr*rrwntl t- s ',·-«·lo She Ret ¡tal $»?>.4.?(..«?1?? ? T1.Sparticular chauajee of the week BSBSeBSB 'saasVl8_,aHî->.( )."._' an..' a cuti? luim «îidj.. h,,»»,.» ?. i/.il.l Osa_BBBB]fl

I ranci·-, o. So se offrmfiaff the local iu»*nasj ?

market the Snh-?p a-ury* jta.x monte for taw WSBbm-lB**B '

-utn of ¡r*· i.??-oav lie Sal.-'l ?,-asury wa«0x»Ui«r ¡it the (V*e» I

>. bul its pet ;1

frote esa rajr*g ¡.?, oa Balance 1

.i-m BBS ' aBB irgav-as done at above

tì per 4?.·!· ? and 4 pot wit. ? us* loaras, keajfl

aaaaRaVfa it ß Kl 1 ^«lay's « BBLs-' s in Hi '

V«uk BsWBsBBslvaaBBSBl ? · lu«" ?<· µ? «-> . .ira.c<«tiiif, ami a «ledine ut Bosion 1.· 1« in».

TtaO ÖBBSad States Ir?????·rSa io«to-«lr : -ir«;redemption : ili«·the r. irrng;1 (.uis«o statemi ti sas iollow§163, .

;-ac-tasaaS ut th> ? «1 : !...fAL, 1 i:«,«l 7 : ;· «vanente, fjEJ.t.l ?ano«. fRsj ..¡71,«·Stanimi t ni the UaenaaSaasi rea.

Sent. 1, 1v>-1:,

li.ink bbSjos and BBaaBajal111·-. BBaBBBBl ni l I luueBR,1^7!.with thenmoui and ihe_a>

?ßßß? Sote«.?t?«pt?? o·.·'


... -j

Ain. m: «ai.S; «i J taiurv 11,

t.. M t :i<i»ti.-v.earme-«arrr «a l_e

Bg ein ala¬ti -. »

I ·


»< In al gold ba. bat ¡a tes

The foreign exehswRB ass ·-an? dull, but rathe»;i tinner 1. What<

«afor bankei « ami

W and'%4\ : nuil· . i

In London, 1 h it idi console were again weak, acal?-it; la ;i~ Basas·/ aast

frees 90 5-16 to 99 for account, 4 percents w ti advance of ? rn-r oreafp

au'ltli. "steady aid nay«batic« ?.'' aaeorit an reirwa s vere du!' ai ·? 1 'war.


I 4 assis.,,;,,i- i,, was steady at RlBg aaa]

anace. ef £2ti3,000 wasanthairawB from tin Hank <·? Ktitrta:ii. ar «t it itil thai n is

-»«1ai »35.40 l^otidoii '.- -,

An a.ivertiaeiiient in another column calls assolit ?·-1? ¡S· lil« '.'II .«'St!. !..Boston.a ne« an« mainai in ?with »were t-> ti

banking l»n«incRs and the ?s r.

tional:>? ¦··.··*. if ir;|si it!.Ml··!, ? _- eoaneetBUn .·

boned of managy«menl is »ve', known ltee cenn: r», ,?? ·? will eonimand j»..-¦ ».·>. earnings of the follow.n£ BBtSBBa * are

r> ? uitAsd:IBBBB.ists).

Ine tfOIJBfI.- ¦· ..· Id- AM» si

Alunna 1 toi«. S3«'.J61 S&NVJI Ine. eâB.aaBThe following ahcwaSBB raafaatlthe jsurt <·? N« »s Y,irk forth.· w.ick. ending ? n« date

·¦ U-ciittii ?wit.i 1.1»· c<irrc*poii«lmg ¡»> n st> ..i \<t

r-,Thrown ou mt.rket. ... «

? al iba san -t-j

? ??«· n ..Atlanticptñrte il.is _* l day al BsbbsbÍN * Vor«-

1Flour, boia... ... 11.7SS 1


.o Si ·?» 4?.»

«s..a»liier· aleute at and iiwoB Bo itaas-

By u.Flou:, bids . 2,'-¦ 4 Toi

WlM-at, tutsh .. «-o· J

«tils, 1.us.Bag , ?·..«? SUO

Total tuiKli. :¿\S«JS*The foUowhaR wore t' ,t

lay :BBaapi..

Luke. Raalraviv , ¦·<Flour, hl»l« ..1¦ BWWheat, buaa.

ui« :,ir_s :.»«t.alis. b t.<v.Rye, bust) 1¡_a_ ·.··

To.al bush. -· s . , s{ ««VJIS

rjBT r »M I t ¦¦ RLivi iti· ni. Bead 11 «Matap; M.' %r»-, ,lf

Iexport *·«0·



1.» el » I.« »

niniys'.e-,«i »s.!., «u«. M tus h ;.??·? .. Jabjdeh vi


7i,«d ; ?· i rl*_.h-. Lo« ..muaagMMMt

w·. S.e ti. m fm ?,» rale« af the wa__

»UM'k. , i, · \ ee. «.psaaiaf .i,«: ..i-u. s ? . otaoa ete-sj.« BuSi '·»·?641 tM.1»·. Khipuietil*. tljosti Babas: bOn, Ses Balea stMt.

-.««.«?Ale», aliipuietol«. i .'»i Mm«eaaegj N'i"«t aac. ''_¦_!In.» ? -;vta»s 1 l.ai.-s , »,',,? ... aalrx. e

»¦pi.ri^. ris pata«, aal..,, .'.«as* balea.

..«i». >Uun «i-aai'. KrnsMUM. 1B>I.)·»« Mit,i*mi «·)·

ivipla, l iut««w«,«.V,Wi<«,UitS··Mt.iuui, i* t.l ; a:eady afvedtaaux, 10W_ aSjaV],-

bule« ?_?·,,? .s « s.?-< bausa, experta roasSaeBs'i

..lea-, «ate«, LSel balea.? ? ivi ?a ? ,u steady; MUkUiiia. I'«eLow Mietami«, 1«'.. or« iiiuMSb.H..U4 Uak->, ¿rue«, M. «lo aaltw, «ttu lialaa. I.Kt . ¦·

balea: etui k. TH. V7 bale*. «ees-kty a» ? n^-elvta. 1 l.RBI easaBJevporu. coaatwaea, U,e*W bala«, m Oreau. Bntaua, luJeWaale«, ~.41?? baio«..

rcrto«!roaa. Aiy.·. ??. ???« |.iU«>wta_t «re Ue totalMlg«««« tassa«· al tito belswl>« 1, lKfi;

J\>ru. Rale«. · .».-u-ton. -.

B« . irtreaa a««« ¦"-"-¦u'rS*Tstabile. ni«'Mavauuaa ._ A<*>>1 Krauxri-tt'liariaani«. IjßSl l'ait au-vat

^loa.Nurtoia . 1««· in ..oiuia..ItaMâaanre.Rew-Yattu. «Si Total.itoatou. Pt>,

_laa TB.TBJrara ìtauL Taa