Lynn Legacy 4.2.1

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Lynn Legacy


Lyndsay London Lynn

Lyndsay London Lynn! Ha! That's so much fun to say! It's almost like a tongue twister! And now my initials are LLL! Anyway, Fir grew up looking quite fine if I do say so myself.

He would've called for me sooner but he got a job in the athletic career, and his new boss wanted him to report for work immediately. On the up side, he's already at the top (that's what a college degree, a lot of friends, and the right skills will do for ya). That means that since we're filthy rich by now, he can always call in sick or quit... which means he has more time for me!

I'd just come back from graduation, so I was still in my robe and hat when I got to the Lynn house.

Luckily he had some clothes for me.

We got married right after, though, and threw an awesome wedding party.

The honeymoon was great, too...

But the best part was afterwards, if you know what I mean.

Unfortunately, being in a legacy means having babies, and our night together had some consequences.

Still, the time seemed to fly...

And soon I was popping out my first kidlet!

We decided to name her Amaranth, which means fidelity. We thought it was sort of ironic and funny since we have an open relationship. Neither of us really wants to be tied down, so the open relationship marriage worked well for everyone- we got a party, cake, rings, made his parents happy, and still get to have affairs. The truth has come out, too, that I die my hair- it's naturally red. That's why Amaranth is blonde.

I stopped dying my hair, and I've gotten a lot of compliments. I'd forgotten what a great redhead I make!

Fir seemed to like it too, wink wink.

And with the first one barely out I was already pregnant again.

Luckily Fir had maxed his skills, so he'd be able to care for me and Amaranth.

Amaranth grew up! She has my nose (thank god), but otherwise looks a lot like her dad facial-wise. Her coloring is more like me, just blonde.

She's absolutely adorable!

Still, adorable or not, I'm glad Fir, Cactus, Chrysanthemum and Ocean are all willing to take care of her. They're all permaplat with max skills, so they're happy to have something to do so I can work on my own skills and caring for the baby growing inside of me.

That baby is almost here!

Cactus quit her job. I told Cactus she didn't have to, but she did anyway. We didn't need the money, it's true, but we have three other adults with nothing better to do than care for Amaranth and any other babies Fir and I have, and we have a butler to clean up, so we don't need Cactus around the house, either.

And it's not like I'm not doing anything to take care of Amaranth. I taught her how to talk, after all.

And even if I wasn't doing much, can you blame me? Pregnancy is exhausting, which is why it's no wonder I was trying to sleep when I was woken up by the baby.

We have another blonde, green-eyed baby girl, but this one's blue. Her name is Arbutus, which means Thee only do I love. Another ironic name!

I don't think she'll be the last of our kids though...

At the Flynn house...

Tristessa and I wasted no time getting changed, of course.

Yeah, let's just say I wasn't ready for the camera...

We didn't waste much time getting those clothes, off, either, wink wink.

Afterwards Tristessa finally remembered the servo Keiko had given her.

His name is Shrub, and he'll help out wherever he can- at the business, as a butler since the Flynns didn't hire one... He mostly stays out of our way.

He'll probably be even more useful soon, though. Shrub will probably turn into a live-in nanny since Tristessa is pregnant.

It wasn't long before she was in her third trimester.

Realizing that the due date for the baby was fast-approaching, Tristessa and I decided it was time to get married.

Just in time, because soon after Tristessa went into labor.

She named him Keiran. I looked it up later- it means dark.

Tristessa went upstairs to put Keiran in his crib, and I heard her screaming.

I raced upstairs and found her dead, and I'll admit I started crying.

Otieno had warned us this might happened, but we thought since Tristessa didn't have green or red skin it'd be safe. Apparently her eyes had been enough.

Keiran grew up quickly. Luckily he looks more like me than Tristessa. I've heard stories of families where one of the parents dies, and the kids that look like that parent become painful reminders.

Of course, there are others where all the kids are painful reminders... Hopefully that won't happen here.

At the other Lynn house...

Opal came back from college and grew into a beautiful young woman.

Then she initialized the servo she'd built.

That'd be me, Bush.

I thought like all servos I'd be nothing more than a maid, nanny, maybe a family friend or the manager of their business, but Opal made it clear she had other uses of me in mind.

I was happy to oblige.

And Opal didn't stop there... she even proposed to me!

We got married in the living room so her parents could watch, but neither did.

She said she wanted a child, and that she could make one for us. One that we could both say was ours biologically.

Finally she came out of the lab, and said she'd nearly completed it... There was just one more thing we had to do.

Whatever she did to make it possible for me to have a baby, it worked.

She was pregnant, and was quickly going through the trimesters.

Soon the day had come where our child would be born!

Opal named him Liam. I never knew my hair color was black, in fact I never even knew I had a hair color, but apparently it is and I do, as I cannot otherwise fathom why Liam would have black hair...

These humans grow so quickly. It makes me sad. I will outlive my great-great-grandchildren.

But for now, I simply enjoy the miracle that I can have great-great-granchildren and will be able to meet them.

At Hummingbird and Peacock's house...

Peacock decided to tone down her clothing now that she's an adult, for which I'm happy.

I matured my look, too. Instead of braids I have a nice bob, and I added some make-up.

Peacock wasted no time having us married._____Sidenote: I find it hilarious that Kara, who's the one who dresses professionally, is the one who'll be the stay-at-home mom and is a family sim, and Peacock, who is going to be the pregnant one and dresses more casually, is the fortune sim with the job in the business career. :P

We didn't waste any time with our wedding night (more like afternoon) either.

And by some miracle, Peacock was pregnant.

However it happened we were thrilled. I'd always wanted a child of my own, and had assumed we'd have to adopt.

The day finally came when Peacock would give birth.

We're now the parents of a beautiful boy named Roadrunner!

They grow up so fast, and before long our little boy wasn't quite as little.

I couldn't be more happy about our life!

At Owl and Bluebird's house...

Bluebird was finally back home.

And of course he brought me with him!

We didn't have the big, perfect wedding party I'd always dreamed of, but I was happy.

And maybe we didn't get to go to a tropical paradise for our honeymoon, but we still had fun *giggle*.

And even if I didn't get a gazillion kids, I'd be getting at least one- I was pregnant!

I couldn't wait to meet our little baby!

The day came faster than I expected, and Bluebird was at work so he couldn't help me.

Nevertheless I gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Finch.

Our little boy grew up so fast!

Bluebird says Finch looks like me, but I think he's the image of his father. He has his father's ears, nose, and eyes, and mouth- even the same hairstyle! The only thing missing is the blue skin.

At Poplar and Chickadee's house...

I'd waited for this day for a long time.

The day Chickadee and I would finally graduate and be able to start our lives together.

We got married quickly, which was good because...

Chickadee was already pregnant!

She was a bit on edge when she found out.

I have no idea what she was thinking about that made her so nervous, but I tried my best to comfort her.

Her due date was fast approaching, and it was almost time to meet the new baby.

. . .

Loon looks like his mother, but as he grows older maybe he'll show some of my features!

Chickadee wanted another child, and I was willing to oblige...

We were successful!

Loon became a toddler, and he doesn't look at all like me.

But I still love him.

Anyway it was almost time for our second child to come.


And we have two sons! We named our youngest Oriole.

Loon was growing up so quickly!

I'm starting to wonder where he gets some of his features. It doesn't look like they all came from Chickadee, and I still don't see any from me.

Oriole does have a couple features from me- for instance his blonde hair. In fact, I think Oriole favors me more than Chickadee.

Though they may look different, Oriole and Loon do have some similarities- for instance, they both like playing with the sink.

At Brooke and Mockingbird's house...

Mockingbird and I moved into his childhood home to take care of his parents.

We had a tight budget for the month, so we couldn't throw a wedding party...

Or go on vacation for our honeymoon.

And it looked like the budget might continue to be tight to take care of the baby if Mockingbird didn't get a promotion soon.

I managed to survive through my pregnancy, and now the day had come.


We have a beautiful baby girl, Wren.

She looks like her father.

Normally she's sweet, but sometimes she can be a pain. Hopefully that will end when she's a kid!

At Daisy's house...

Daisy and I were home.

We got married...

And Daisy got pregnant. Well, she already was pregnant, but we only found out after the wedding.

She was a bit worried at first.

Not sure why...



It was a girl; Quail.

Now that we had one child we decided to have a second.

Daisy was a lot more at ease with this pregnancy- probably because this one hadn't been unplanned.

Meanwhile Quail was getting older.

I love her to bits; she's a Daddy's girl!



We named our second daughter Nene.

Quail's grown up so fast! Before I know it she'll be in high school wearing makeup and dating boys.

But for now she's still my little girl.

And when she grows up we'll have Nene still.

Everyone loves Nene. She has everyone wrapped around her little finger!

At Rosemary's house...

I look around my house. Our house. I smiled.

We'd made it official, and I couldn't be happier.

We even had a little one on the way already.

She's been acting a little weird about it, though. And I did the math, and I don't think it's mine.

I haven't brought it up, but it's driving me mad. Who could the father be? Ian, her ex? Whoever it was, I now know she cheated on me.



It's a girl, Pheasant.

I decided I wanted a child who I could know was mine, so we tried for another.

Pheasant's older now.

I'm trying my best not to hate her just because I'm not her real father.

But I will be a real father soon.



Rosemary gave birth to another girl, Lark.

Meanwhile Pheasant is growing fast.

She's a good combination of smart and girly, like her mother.

Lark is growing up, too.

Now I have a new challenge; trying not to play favorites.

. . .

That slut. I knew she'd been cheating on me with Ethan! Ian could feel his blood boiling.

He continued walking and came to another window.

He got even more angry when he looked in and saw Rosemary's kids playing happily with each other. Rosemary's life was just so... perfect! It wasn't fair! She'd cheated on him! Why should she get to be the one who was happy?

Well, if karma won't give her what she deserves, I will.

A taxi pulled up at Aria's house. Her visitor was here.

Jamie stepped out of the taxi and shut the door behind her.

So? What do you need that's so important I had to come all the way here? Jamie asked Aria.

I was wondering if you could make me a townie. The creator here has some odd rules, so you're the only one who can.

Sure. But can I get some sleep first? It was a long trip and...Of course. I'll show you to my guest room.

Once I'm legacy legal, nothing can stop me.

Aria played happily with her toys. Opal spoiled her with toys and clothes, though otherwise she was strict.

Opal looked down at the little girl she'd raised. She was growing up so fast. Soon she'd be old enough...

Opal's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

Only seven years and she'll be ready for college.I know. We're so close. We might actually make it!

It's foolproof. No might about it, it'll definitely work.