12 THE FARMER: DECEMBER 30, 1910 FINANCIAL Lxaai 3 BOOM CITY BY CHAMBER PLAN Gas, Water and Electric Light Companies Take Some of $100,000 Stock to be Raised fffll P OBSTT (LOIiMBIllPOBTr SpeoM tor atar4 day, lee. IL GBirotDiafli mm: b i CDC lltDo OF BRIDGEPORT, COHN. JL,etttteirs oil Credlltt If you contemplate traveling in this or foreign coun- tries, we invite you to avail yourself of the Travelers' Cheques or Letters of Credit issued by this Bank which affords a safe and convenient method of obtaining funds in all cities of the United States and abroad. OFFICERS Charles G. Sanford. President; F. N. Benham. Vice President; O. H. Brott'well. Cashier; II. C. Wood worth. Asm. Cashier Mm IK x OUR GAJPE COD SALTS ON THE SHELL H e SUNDAY OR MONDAY nTIT.TVTIT?.V f Week Beg Ne.w Haven, Dec. 30 A most auspi- cious start was made yesterday in se- curing subscriptions toward the capi- tal stock author-ze- by the( Legisla- ture for the , New Haven Chamber of Commerce Commercial corporation when the three big local public service corporations, the New Haven Gas Light Co., the New Haven Water Co., and the United Illuminating company each subscribing to fifty shares at a total of $5,000 each, making $15 000 pledged. The authorized capital, which it is desired to secure, is $150,-00- 0. The subscriptions are made , conditional upon the secu-in- g of $10,-00- 0 par value in total suDscription Subscription papers are now to be circulated for the purpose of secur- ing subscriptions in addit'on to the $15,000 already pledged. The purpose of the organization is to promote the industries of the city and the money, ia to be used to arive temporary as- sistance to firms desirous of locating here and to enable the association , to add to the bus'ness of New Haven. As trustees, H. C. Warren. John T. Manson. George H. Scranton. Wilson H. Lee.. Rollin S. Woodruff. 'Edwin P. Root and' Colonel Isaac M. XJll-man- . have subscribed to 493 shares of the ins ' w - " W WAV HAYES FISH CO. 529 WATER STEEET TEL. 412 FRATERNAL MEWS LOWE'S LAUNDRY 1000 SEAVIEW AVE. WET WASH, ROUGH DRY AND MANGLE WORK THOMAS L. LOWE. Prop formerly of Wells & Lowe Phone 15-- 4. Delivery Free T 17 tf for Cash on onr entire magnificent new stock of WOWOMPOX TRIBE. "The following: chiefs, elected at a meeting of Wowompon Tribe, I. O. R. M., last evening:, will be raised up by District Deputy Great Sachem J. A. Hubbell.of South Norwalk on Jan. 5: Sachem, William E. Clark; senior sagamore, Howard P. Bodurtha; jun- ior sagamore, J.A. Bundock; prophet, R..A. Kolb; chief of records, William Lounsbury; keeper of wampum. D. A. Parker; collector of wampum, J. W. Schwerdtle; trustee for three years, J. J. Belrne; musician, Frederick Ber- ber; medicine man, J. H. D. Budau, M. D.; representatives to the great council, Thomas Hungerford, Clar- ence W. Eddy, S. J. White; alter- nates, G. A. Rajotte. C. H. Roder, J. W. Schwerdtle; captain of degree team. S. J. White. The traveling tepee .will' be brought to this tribe by Hammonassett tribe of New Haven on Jan. 26. SMOKE stock and of these 150 shares have now been subscribed as a start. It is confidently expected that with- in a short time the subscriptions will be secured and the organization will be able to accomplish definite results. n jvJ TRAVIS INN STRATFORD. CONN. $ Boston Post Road. West Side of Washington Bridge. Telephone 1407-- 3 Special Arrangements for Automobile Parties. Special Order Cooking at all i Times. Game In Season. Steaks. Chickens, Chops and Ovster AUTOMOBILE ATTACHED IN DAMAGE ACTION OVER LAD'S DEATH 1 RA'I FORI S ' ON THE BOSTON I1ST UUA1 Private Dining Rooms CTF.ARS. CHOPS. LOBSTERS. Itta, Officially Annotated A. C. A. Rotal of every description. Our great new line of Rugs' at 20 per cent, off. Older patterns at 1-- 3 off from the regular prices (WhitalFs excepted). ; That brings the best $39 9x12 ft. Wilton Rugs down to $26. The best $25 9x12 ft. Axminster $16.67 and otner sizes in proportion. These reductions also apply to our en- tire beautiful new line of Lace Curtains, Poitieres, Couch Covers, Carpets, Matting, . Linoleum, Oil Cloth, Go Carts, Baby Carriages, Pictures, Refrig- erators, Parlor Heating Stoves, etc. In fact about eveything in the store at 20, per cent, off and close-o- ut patterns in all departments at 33 :1-- 3 off in 'or- der to turn our enormous stock into cash before In COURT PARK CITY. Court Park City, F of A., chose the following officers at a meeting last evening: Chief ranger, Andrew J. Britt; sub-chi- ef ranger, James Red- den; treasurer, John J. Hope; finan- cial secretary, William H. Galbronner; recording secretary, Stephen B. O'Brien; senior woodward, Clifford Berger; Junior woodward, Daniel Mahoney; senior beadle, William Mc-Aulif- te; junior beadle. Leonard Clark; third trustee, Louis Wildman; lectur- er, Frank Finn; board of manage- ment. Patrick J. Carroll; physician. Dr. Robert ,B. Keane. City Sheriff Hamilton yesterday lev- ied an attachment upon a new Chal- mers Detroit car" owned by Carl H. Page and .Charles Ridgeway. former partners in the automobile ' business of C. H. Page & Co.. rln behalf of Daniel Lynch of New Haven, fa.her of the late John S. Lynch, a school boy kill- ed , in" Chapel street. New Haven. March 12. 1908. when run down by an automobile driven by Vance Shearer, ain automobile salesman of this city. ' Judgment for substantial damages was returned against Shearer in a civil actfon brought by ,he father as ad- ministrator of the lad'si estate against h fT",TTm 'J TC3 THAT SATISFY NOTICE For forty-lou- r years te have bf conducting business at the same old location corner of Main and John Streets Bridgeport Conn-- , and on Private Bank has been established there continuously. We hae receUea and paid out on demand without no tiro millions of dollars of money de- posited with us and we continue .to receive money subject to depositor's check at slant, on which e allow three per cent, per annum, crertitea to each account ironthly. We oIict the accounts of Individuals, business aoen. firms and corporations, and aU who want a bank account where they can deposit money, checks or oralis, and leave It for one day. one week.one month or one year, and draw on it'for any time It Is left with u. We alve to the bnslness onr carerul personal attention aa the oldest arm vf private bankers In this state. T. L. WATSON ft 00. Pcoplo'o Sovincs Danlr Marble Building 014-92- A MAIN STREET 101st Semi-Annu- al Dividend December, Suth, 1910. The Trustees of this Bank have this day declared the regular dividend for the six months ending- - December 81st. lSlO.at the rate of FOUIl PEK CENT per annum, payable on , and after January 3rd, 1911. 'SAMUEL. W. BALDWIN. President. I EDWARD W. MARSH. Treasurer. - Deposits made on or before Janu- ary 7th. 1911, will draw Interest from Jnoary City Savings Bank One Hundred and Third Semi-Annu- al Dividend The Trustees of this . Institution have declared .the regular semi-annu- al dividend at the rate of ' percent j-- p per Annum on all amounts for, the six months ending December ,31, 1010, payable on and after January 3, 1911. WILLARD S. PLUMB. Secretary. Bridgeport Savings Bank; COR. MAIN AND STATE STS. .o matter trhat yem pmy Cnr cicr at D. D. Smith's yoa ir rertaln of getting greater alae han rlwewhere. Goods are always fresh, as stck In moved qnlckly. Biggest line tn the city and prlees the most reasonable. JUix trade a specialty. Fine line of Pipes, CVrar Holders. To ha poop In Tins and all Smokers Accessories. the automobile salesman. Shearer ventory; ' V. . - r r- - A Limited Number of D. D. SMITH, OPP- - Poli,g Theatre, Fairfield Ave. drove " the car. But when It was found that there was no property in Shearer's name, the new action was begun. , It is alleged that the owners of the car under attachment .were likewise owners of the seven passenger Peerless touring car that Shearer drove as their employe when he killed the boy. The action Is returnable to the February term of the Superior court. , I Ol 111 P. T. BARXUM LODGE. Officers of P. T. Barnum lodge, K." of P., were elected as follows last evening: Chancellor commander, R. C. Hands; vice chancellor, J.H. Lash- er; prelate, Peter Burns; master of work, John Cave: keeper of records and seal, Emanuel Cave; master of flanco. J. J. Walker; master of Henry Eales; master at arms, William C. Baer; Inner guard, W. L. Lockwood; outer guard, Noah Lee; organist, Ernest Audley; trus- tee, J. H. Schmidt; representative to grand lodge at Waterbury, Henry Tales. " JI1 " M U II . V Jr UJr 3 Si BBOGH DELICATESSEN u ANn nFCT&iTffmviT KOEPTIOfML At 10 per cent, off for cash during this sale. ' VftllMJ PFftPIF furnishing a new home can easily save enough on agood outfit in this sale to'furnish One or two rooms free. - . . Your purchase will be held for later delivery if necessary. It will do you no harm to look and it may do you a , heap of good. Ansonla Camp, No. 79 of the Wood- men of the World was organized In the Council Chamber of the City Hall. Ansonla, by State Manager Col. A. C Garvin of West Haven, and Deputy George P. Farley of Bridgeport. The new organization was favored by visiting Sovere'gns from Bridsreport, MilfordNew Haven, Derby and Gibson's AAA Whiskey. ,85c bottle . . ,. . . . Elk Eidge Whiskey 90c bottle Lalley's Three Star Whiskey, full quarts. .95c bottle Mark Rogers' Whiskey, full quarts $1.00 bottle California Wines ; . . .35c bottle Special Dinner Daily in Our Restaurant, 25c G. BROCH & SON 870 Main St OPPOSITE JACKSON'S THEATRE , j Delivery Telephone Attenton BARGAINS In Diamonds Watches and Jewelry Come ana Bee How Well We Can Serve You A very little lard used with butter In frying tomatoes cannot.be detect- ed and will make burning less likely. Large clam shells thoroughly scour- ed, make very handy scoops for su- gar and flour, and will not become caked. ELEVATOR TO AIL DEPARTMENTS 1C69 Main St. and 135 Fairfield Ave. 1 J. The Reliable Jeweler 48 FAIRFIELD AV., Near Middle St. WANT ADVS. ONE CENT A WORD, j w P. 0. NEWS STORE CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES ! Can in no way be duplicated elsewhere. . Numberless tastefully se- lected new articles for gifts of distinctive character, that rawt meet with inspection to be appreciated are at 11 Arcade, where only treasonable prices are placed on holidays or other goods. ' 4 . ISGth Gonsocutivo Semi-Annu- al Dividond . .. i - The Trustees of this Bank have this day declared a dividend for the six months ending Dec. 31st, 1910. at the rate of 4 PER CENT, per annum, payable, on and' after Jan. 3rd. 1911. Deposits made on or before Jan. 6th, ! 1911, will draw interest from Jan. 1st, 1911. , - ;..T. B. DeFOREST, Prest. .. ALEXANDER HAWLEY, Treas. JOHN F...FAY, .SatKK Higa class furniture, Drapenea and Novelties, and reftnishing furniture, Shades and Curtains is great variety. . AH kind r hetttns made so orgsr mmB nade mwm. Tte nly stre of m In Vm Fne1snd. Tetermi TM.S. AND UPVARDS TO HOUSEKEEPERS AN1 WORKINGJ1KN You . will find the AMERICAN a surprisingly different, Institution from the ordinary loan company you hear or read tbout. Confidential dealings, quick service, courteous employes, bright cheerful offices, considerate treatment, rates you can afford to pay, make us different. If you have never borrowed, or 'If your experience with other companies has not been entirely satisfactory .please call on us. Let us explain the AMERICAN sys- tem. It will-pleas- e you. CAIX, WRITE OR "PHONE 2018 American Loan Asso. 9 GOLDRV HILIi ST. Of er Cae Misch New Store S LuE PEOPLE'S DAIRY, 130 STATE STREET. FRESH FROM THE CHURN Teleplione-GE- O. A. RUUKRI SOX-- M9 130 STATE STREET IFFEB BE 1 per " UP - TO - THE - MINUTE CREDIT DEPARTMENT STORE Now, when you have spent your ready money for, holiday gifts, is the time to take advantage of our Cheerful Credit.! Come here,-selec- t whatever you want,, have it charged, then pay for it in small convenient weekly or monthly sums. 3C cent "SAYS THE MAKER TO THE WEARER" "Tarry thou no longer, Oh Man" "Winter is upon us in its full rigor and ferocity, while many a man of thrifty disposition is still holding out on that inevitable purchase of an overcoat' Men's $20 Overcoats In black, fancy gray and brown mix- tures. A very high-grad- coat at a gTeat value giving- - price. Year End Special at '8M Ladies' and Misses' Tailored Suits The smartFt stvles of the season rtividd into hree lots for the convenience ow our patrons. These lots Include suits that have regularly sold for as high as $42.50. Year End Specials at $8.98 $9.98 $16.98 Ladies' and Misses' Cloth Coats for himself or the boy, waiting for that so-call- ed "MARK DOWN SALE," when M n Men's $20 Suits First Mortgage Loans m Denominations of $200 to $10,000 We assume all care as. to the col- lection of Principal and Interest when due, payment of Taxes, attend to Fire Insurance and all details, without charge to Investor. t The Investor has the Benefit of Our 38 Tears Experience For further information inquire) of BURR & KNAPP 923 MAIN ST. Bridgeport, Conn. m Dependable wearing fabrics to a big variety of fancy mixtures. Year End Special at Latest models Regular $16.75 value. Year End Special at... $7.98 he will buy a "MARK DOWN QUALITY" at a "MARK DOWN PRICE," which he could easily have done at any stage of the season and saved many a cold in the back and a doctor's bill. . 1 , At the OUTLET STORE AT BRIDGEPORT, there won't be much of a MARK DOWN at no time Ms winter, for we have marked down THE LIMIT owing to our late opening this season. . ' Others would have to do some pretty tall marking down to beat our prices as they are now. We still have the overcoat for you. - A light weight light coat, Boys' $5.98 Overcoats A big variety of styles in cood wear- ing fabrics. Year End Special at... $3.90 Full Length Russian Pony Coats Lustrous skins, made up in the atestOnf Rfl styles. Regular $75 value. YearVJuaUU End Special at . w w T It Is not too late to make that gift you Intended for Xmas. Select a New Year's grift for him or her from our complete Jewelry Department. JAMES S1AFLE5 & CO. Men's SOo Xeckwear Tear End Special... C30 $2.9$ Ooat Sweater Year End Special $1.M Men's $2.50 llats Year End Special. . $2.00 Men's $2.00 Fancy Vests Year End SpexJal. .$1.25 Bankers and Broken A light weight dark coat, A heavy or medium dark or light coat, A silk faced black top coat, A Chesterfield, a Presto coat, A light top silk lined coat, A genteel dressy winter . coat, . At 1J J. - J J.' VI 11 . SIMILAR REDUCTIONS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS FIRT5 IKSTTlrB Hltm iUAU lUuU,: KSTAlti Bcogbt .' and sold on Commlasloa . Luuu nude on Approved Cty Real Estate .. Lio:ii Uktib-- We re reive deposits subject to check and low Interest on baia.ioea o4 S&uo and vvur. Ue will act as Trustees aud Athpinistrators of Batata. ii neavy winter storm coat, i great convertiDie coiiar coat, ; 'A gay fantastic swagger coat, A rich pompous fur-line- d coat. In fact, any style, shade or weight. In any size, at any price, and a $5.00 saving on any, coat. We also show SOME suits. Hie ManufackUcs, Outlet Clothing Co. ol New York CLOSEST TRADERS ON EARTH MAIN AND GOLDEN HILL STREETS Bridgeport Branch BRIDGEPORT, CONN. V. T. sTTAPT.Ea P. L. ITOTKKR AS WELL AND AS MUCH ' No merchant ever failed Main, Golden Hill and Middle Streets if he advertised as WELT., and as MUCK ca se could Hi 4 1 ;

Lxaai SpeoM mm: lee. IL...the best $39 9x12 ft. Wilton Rugs down to $26. The best $25 9x12 ft. Axminster $16.67 and otner sizes in proportion. These reductions also apply to our en-tire

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Page 1: Lxaai SpeoM mm: lee. IL...the best $39 9x12 ft. Wilton Rugs down to $26. The best $25 9x12 ft. Axminster $16.67 and otner sizes in proportion. These reductions also apply to our en-tire




Gas, Water and Electric LightCompanies Take Some of

$100,000 Stock to be Raised

fffll P OBSTT (LOIiMBIllPOBTr SpeoM tor atar4day, lee. ILGBirotDiafli mm:


CDC lltDo


JL,etttteirs oil CredllttIf you contemplate traveling in this or foreign coun-

tries, we invite you to avail yourself of the Travelers'Cheques or Letters of Credit issued by this Bank whichaffords a safe and convenient method of obtaining fundsin all cities of the United States and abroad.OFFICERS Charles G. Sanford. President; F. N. Benham. Vice President;

O. H. Brott'well. Cashier; II. C. Woodworth. Asm. Cashier



Ne.w Haven, Dec. 30 A most auspi-

cious start was made yesterday in se-

curing subscriptions toward the capi-

tal stock author-ze- by the( Legisla-ture for the , New Haven Chamber ofCommerce Commercial corporationwhen the three big local public servicecorporations, the New Haven GasLight Co., the New Haven Water Co.,and the United Illuminating companyeach subscribing to fifty shares at atotal of $5,000 each, making $15 000pledged. The authorized capital,which it is desired to secure, is $150,-00- 0.

The subscriptions are made ,

conditional upon the secu-in- g of $10,-00- 0par value in total suDscription

Subscription papers are now to becirculated for the purpose of secur-ing subscriptions in addit'on to the$15,000 already pledged. The purposeof the organization is to promote theindustries of the city and the money,ia to be used to arive temporary as-sistance to firms desirous of locatinghere and to enable the association , toadd to the bus'ness of New Haven.

As trustees, H. C. Warren. John T.Manson. George H. Scranton. WilsonH. Lee.. Rollin S. Woodruff. 'Edwin P.Root and' Colonel Isaac M. XJll-man- .

have subscribed to 493 shares of the

ins' w - " W WAV




THOMAS L. LOWE. Prop formerly of Wells & LowePhone 15-- 4. Delivery Free T 17 tf

for Cash on onr entire magnificent new stock of

WOWOMPOX TRIBE."The following: chiefs, elected at a

meeting of Wowompon Tribe, I. O. R.M., last evening:, will be raised up byDistrict Deputy Great Sachem J. A.Hubbell.of South Norwalk on Jan. 5:Sachem, William E. Clark; seniorsagamore, Howard P. Bodurtha; jun-ior sagamore, J.A. Bundock; prophet,R..A. Kolb; chief of records, WilliamLounsbury; keeper of wampum. D. A.Parker; collector of wampum, J. W.Schwerdtle; trustee for three years, J.J. Belrne; musician, Frederick Ber-ber; medicine man, J. H. D. Budau,M. D.; representatives to the greatcouncil, Thomas Hungerford, Clar-ence W. Eddy, S. J. White; alter-nates, G. A. Rajotte. C. H. Roder, J.W. Schwerdtle; captain of degreeteam. S. J. White. The travelingtepee .will' be brought to this tribe byHammonassett tribe of New Havenon Jan. 26.

SMOKE stock and of these 150 shares havenow been subscribed as a start.

It is confidently expected that with-in a short time the subscriptions willbe secured and the organization willbe able to accomplish definite results.



Boston Post Road. West Side of Washington Bridge. Telephone 1407-- 3Special Arrangements for Automobile Parties. Special Order Cooking at alli Times. Game In Season. Steaks. Chickens, Chops and Ovster




Private Dining RoomsCTF.ARS. CHOPS. LOBSTERS. Itta,

Officially Annotated A. C. A. Rotal

of every description. Our great new line of Rugs'at 20 per cent, off. Older patterns at 1--3 off from theregular prices (WhitalFs excepted). ; That bringsthe best $39 9x12 ft. Wilton Rugs down to $26. Thebest $25 9x12 ft. Axminster $16.67 and otner sizes inproportion. These reductions also apply to our en-tire beautiful new line of Lace Curtains, Poitieres,Couch Covers, Carpets, Matting, . Linoleum, OilCloth, Go Carts, Baby Carriages, Pictures, Refrig-erators, Parlor Heating Stoves, etc. In fact abouteveything in the store at 20, per cent, off and close-o- ut

patterns in all departments at 33 :1--3 off in 'or-der to turn our enormous stock into cash before In

COURT PARK CITY.Court Park City, F of A., chose the

following officers at a meeting lastevening: Chief ranger, Andrew J.Britt; sub-chi- ef ranger, James Red-den; treasurer, John J. Hope; finan-cial secretary, William H. Galbronner;recording secretary, Stephen B.O'Brien; senior woodward, CliffordBerger; Junior woodward, DanielMahoney; senior beadle, William Mc-Aulif- te;

junior beadle. Leonard Clark;third trustee, Louis Wildman; lectur-er, Frank Finn; board of manage-ment. Patrick J. Carroll; physician.Dr. Robert ,B. Keane.

City Sheriff Hamilton yesterday lev-ied an attachment upon a new Chal-mers Detroit car" owned by Carl H.Page and .Charles Ridgeway. formerpartners in the automobile ' business ofC. H. Page & Co.. rln behalf of DanielLynch of New Haven, fa.her of thelate John S. Lynch, a school boy kill-ed , in" Chapel street. New Haven.March 12. 1908. when run down by anautomobile driven by Vance Shearer,ain automobile salesman of this city.

' Judgment for substantial damageswas returned against Shearer in a civilactfon brought by ,he father as ad-ministrator of the lad'si estate against


NOTICEFor forty-lou- r years te have bf

conducting business at the same oldlocation corner of Main and JohnStreets Bridgeport Conn-- , and onPrivate Bank has been establishedthere continuously. We hae receUeaand paid out on demand without notiro millions of dollars of money de-

posited with us and we continue .toreceive money subject to depositor'scheck at slant, on which e allowthree per cent, per annum, crertiteato each account ironthly. We oIictthe accounts of Individuals, businessaoen. firms and corporations, and aUwho want a bank account where theycan deposit money, checks or oralis,and leave It for one day. one week.onemonth or one year, and drawon it'for any time It Is left with u.We alve to the bnslness onr carerulpersonal attention aa the oldest armvf private bankers In this state.

T. L. WATSON ft 00.

Pcoplo'o Sovincs DanlrMarble Building

014-92- A MAIN STREET101st Semi-Annu- al Dividend

December, Suth, 1910.The Trustees of this Bank have this

day declared the regular dividend forthe six months ending-- December 81st.lSlO.at the rate of FOUIl PEK CENTper annum, payable on , and afterJanuary 3rd, 1911.

'SAMUEL. W. BALDWIN. President.I EDWARD W. MARSH. Treasurer.

- Deposits made on or before Janu-ary 7th. 1911, will draw Interest fromJnoary

City Savings BankOne Hundred and Third

Semi-Annu- al

DividendThe Trustees of this . Institution

have declared .the regular semi-annu- al

dividend at the rate of '

percentj-- p per Annum

on all amounts for, the six monthsending December ,31, 1010, payableon and after January 3, 1911.


Bridgeport Savings


.o matter trhat yem pmy Cnr cicr at D. D. Smith's yoa irrertaln of getting greater alae han rlwewhere. Goods are alwaysfresh, as stck In moved qnlckly. Biggest line tn the city and prleesthe most reasonable. JUix trade a specialty. Fine line of Pipes, CVrarHolders. To hapoop In Tins and all Smokers Accessories. the automobile salesman. Shearer ventory; ' V. . - r r- -

A Limited Number ofD. D. SMITH, OPP- - Poli,g Theatre, Fairfield Ave.

drove " the car. But when It wasfound that there was no property inShearer's name, the new action wasbegun. , It is alleged that the ownersof the car under attachment .werelikewise owners of the seven passengerPeerless touring car that Shearerdrove as their employe when he killedthe boy. The action Is returnable tothe February term of the Superiorcourt. , I

Ol 111

P. T. BARXUM LODGE.Officers of P. T. Barnum lodge, K."

of P., were elected as follows lastevening: Chancellor commander, R.C. Hands; vice chancellor, J.H. Lash-er; prelate, Peter Burns; master ofwork, John Cave: keeper of recordsand seal, Emanuel Cave; master offlanco. J. J. Walker; master of

Henry Eales; master atarms, William C. Baer; Inner guard,W. L. Lockwood; outer guard, NoahLee; organist, Ernest Audley; trus-tee, J. H. Schmidt; representative togrand lodge at Waterbury, HenryTales.

" JI1 " M U II . V Jr UJr3




At 10 per cent, off for cash during this sale.

'VftllMJ PFftPIF furnishing a new homecan easily save enough

on agood outfit in this sale to'furnish One or tworooms free. - . .

Your purchase will be held for later delivery ifnecessary.

It will do you no harm to look and it may do you a, heap of good.

Ansonla Camp, No. 79 of the Wood-men of the World was organized Inthe Council Chamber of the City Hall.Ansonla, by State Manager Col. A. CGarvin of West Haven, and DeputyGeorge P. Farley of Bridgeport. Thenew organization was favored byvisiting Sovere'gns from Bridsreport,MilfordNew Haven, Derby and

Gibson's AAA Whiskey. ,85c bottle. . ,. . . .Elk Eidge Whiskey 90c bottleLalley's Three Star Whiskey, full quarts. .95c bottleMark Rogers' Whiskey, full quarts $1.00 bottleCalifornia Wines ; . . .35c bottle

Special Dinner Daily in Our Restaurant, 25c


Delivery Telephone Attenton

BARGAINSIn Diamonds Watches and

JewelryCome ana Bee How Well

We Can Serve You

A very little lard used with butterIn frying tomatoes cannot.be detect-ed and will make burning less likely.

Large clam shells thoroughly scour-ed, make very handy scoops for su-gar and flour, and will not becomecaked.


1C69 Main St. and 135 Fairfield Ave.1 J.The Reliable Jeweler


Can in no way be duplicated elsewhere. . Numberless tastefully se-lected new articles for gifts of distinctive character, that rawt meetwith inspection to be appreciated are at 11 Arcade, where onlytreasonable prices are placed on holidays or other goods. '

4 .

ISGth GonsocutivoSemi-Annu- al Dividond

. .. i

- The Trustees of this Bank have thisday declared a dividend for the sixmonths ending Dec. 31st, 1910. atthe rate of 4 PER CENT, per annum,payable, on and' after Jan. 3rd. 1911.

Deposits made on or before Jan. 6th,! 1911, will draw interest from Jan. 1st,

1911. , -

;..T. B. DeFOREST, Prest... ALEXANDER HAWLEY, Treas.

JOHN F...FAY, .SatKKHiga class furniture, Drapenea and Novelties,

and reftnishing furniture, Shades and Curtains isgreat variety. .

AH kind r hetttns made so orgsr mmB nade mwm. Tte nly stre of mIn Vm Fne1snd. Tetermi TM.S.


WORKINGJ1KNYou . will find the AMERICAN a

surprisingly different, Institution fromthe ordinary loan company you hearor read tbout. Confidential dealings,quick service, courteous employes,bright cheerful offices, consideratetreatment, rates you can afford to pay,make us different. If you have neverborrowed, or 'If your experience withother companies has not been entirelysatisfactory .please call on us.

Let us explain the AMERICAN sys-tem. It will-pleas- e you.


American Loan Asso.9 GOLDRV HILIi ST.

Ofer Cae Misch New Store





Now, when you have spent your ready money for, holiday gifts, is the time totake advantage of our Cheerful Credit.! Come here,-selec- t whatever you want,,have it charged, then pay for it in small convenient weekly or monthly sums.


cent "SAYS THE MAKER TO THE WEARER""Tarry thou no longer, Oh Man"

"Winter is upon us in its full rigor and ferocity, while many a man ofthrifty disposition is still holding out on that inevitable purchase of an overcoat'

Men's $20 OvercoatsIn black, fancy gray and brown mix-tures. A very high-grad- coat at agTeat value giving- - price. Year EndSpecial at '8M

Ladies' and Misses' Tailored SuitsThe smartFt stvles of the season rtividd into

hree lots for the convenience ow our patrons. Theselots Include suits that have regularly sold for ashigh as $42.50. Year End Specials at

$8.98 $9.98 $16.98Ladies' and Misses' Cloth Coats

for himself or the boy, waiting for that so-call- ed "MARK DOWN SALE," when Mn Men's $20 Suits

First Mortgage Loans mDenominations of

$200 to $10,000We assume all care as. to the col-

lection of Principal and Interest whendue, payment of Taxes, attend to FireInsurance and all details, withoutcharge to Investor. tThe Investor has the Benefit of Our

38 Tears ExperienceFor further information inquire) of


Bridgeport, Conn.

mDependable wearing fabrics to a bigvariety of fancy mixtures. Year EndSpecial at

Latest models Regular $16.75 value.Year End Special at... $7.98

he will buy a "MARK DOWN QUALITY" at a "MARK DOWN PRICE,"which he could easily have done at any stage of the season and saved many acold in the back and a doctor's bill. . 1 ,

At the OUTLET STORE AT BRIDGEPORT, there won't be much of aMARK DOWN at no time Ms winter, for we have marked down THE LIMITowing to our late opening this season. .


Others would have to do some pretty tall marking down to beat our pricesas they are now. We still have the overcoat for you.

- A light weight light coat,

Boys' $5.98 OvercoatsA big variety of styles in cood wear-ing fabrics. Year End Special at... $3.90Full Length Russian Pony Coats

Lustrous skins, made up in the atestOnf Rflstyles. Regular $75 value. YearVJuaUUEnd Special at . w w

TIt Is not too late to make that gift you Intended

for Xmas. Select a New Year's grift for him or herfrom our complete Jewelry Department.

JAMES S1AFLE5 & CO. Men's SOo XeckwearTear End Special... C30

$2.9$ Ooat SweaterYear End Special $1.M

Men's $2.50 llatsYear End Special. . $2.00

Men's $2.00 Fancy VestsYear End SpexJal. .$1.25

Bankers and BrokenA light weight dark coat,A heavy or medium dark or light coat,

A silk faced black top coat, A Chesterfield, a Presto coat,A light top silk lined coat, A genteel dressy winter



Hltm iUAU lUuU,: KSTAltiBcogbt .' and sold on Commlasloa

. Luuu nude on ApprovedCty Real Estate

.. Lio:ii Uktib--We rereive deposits subject to check andlow Interest on baia.ioea o4 S&uo andvvur. Ue will act as Trustees audAthpinistrators of Batata.

ii neavy winter storm coat, i great convertiDie coiiar coat,; 'A gay fantastic swagger coat, A rich pompous fur-line- d coat.

In fact, any style, shade or weight. In any size, at any price, and a $5.00saving on any, coat. We also show SOME suits.

Hie ManufackUcs, Outlet Clothing Co. ol New YorkCLOSEST TRADERS ON EARTH



AS WELL AND AS MUCH' No merchant ever failed Main, Golden Hill and Middle Streets

if he advertised as WELT.,and as MUCK ca se could Hi

4 1
