J.LMMI1 it -- -r I'l IM.IMIKIl U KKKI.l l!V f III. MCI M. U HI1.NKV. i the p-a.ci- ric Coiiimorcial Advertiser. (ilvrr llitllrlu jith. XT Th- - f-- i ' ri.i- -' is tFi-- r i.f !r war 'rifr. n Li. ij-i- r. th- - in i u! ir Am-n-.t- . In -- ul.m'y is 'i,u.f t-- i .ni:iir inti-i- c t- - ! Ii it is at.-- which i ii l t ; tr , it II !. If ar it. Irui-i:- .- its t r. r -- UN by 5 yJ ' ! ! . in m hir..r t;,rouh llr-.-- t I v.iy, N- - or by n. iirn.v ? n.ir In i::t- - N rf ;k. Th- - so . Was or illy c ri.p - I in I.I -- " r'h's : ry, and r- -1 1 l, s .1 in 'il l'ri-.,- " Ac. Tit- - alu-io- ti to tin: -- t lambs" ill the i is ais- - to K.l-t- .r.l.'s . ij.iv.-- . J. .,il Itr. .n's Ily Ii' - a moil 1'rin.r i th" fnv", .1 .ha I r .'.vi.'s body a xit I'rinif in tin- - irrave, J or; lir 'n' U-- ly Ii- s :t 111 'iM'riii; in the fvr, lilt .ui'-- i marci.it..; 11 ! horut. Glory, lil-.ry- li...l-.!- . ! li'.-ry- , i..ry, ll.1ilrl.1-- j tli ! il ry, lory, II luj 1I1 ! lii- - sai4 fu:ir-tiii- on ! II- - ' ? '- "Mn r in th: art y f tliO I.'T I, Ili-'- en- - t- - :i - I ) r in tli- - army f tli- - I rl, Il'.-'.- t ij: ! I" a i.li- -r in th- - tm.y of the Isjt l, Hit juI"s in ir. liiiii; on ! filory. il .ry, ll.ilMuj.tli ! JI ry, ilory, Il tlUIu-jtii- r til-.ry- . il .ry. II j.i ! H: SoiiTj i. .r :t,i on ! .''.u Itr.ixn t Ii ; r i 'I I i:"n liit Lark, J' li'i Itr.'Wi,. I, i.i".u k !!ra.I uj.oii hi;4 Ia k, J l.!i Ilr-.in- ki H'- u k i -- tr.!o -- ,l upon li. Lao', lli i.'.uiN in.if i.ii K on ! t h'tru . Gi .ry, !! .ry. Ilall-li- ij .li I i! .ry, Olory, H tlitrlu-- j i!i : ry. H -- ry. Il.tll- - I.ij tli .' II 4 so.il't m.irv ointf ii ! II.-- . t li:nl- - w.il in---- t Iiiin .n ti? tray, II. it I.iiiiI-- iii-- it liim tin: way, lli-- t l.iii.l-- wi I ni. il l.im on the way T':'. v p- - iu:iri. tiiii4 011 i'florui. Ill ry, ;! ry. II i!l-!- uj ,h i! ry, Glory, II.iJVU:-j-t- ?i '. il..r, ;i ry, II illi luj.th : Th-- y m.ir-l,in- on ! Th-- y wili li in JT Ii.tvis t a palm tt- - tre ! Th y w.ll h.inj J-i- T. Ivis t' a pahr.ett tree They l li.tn T. I:vis t a palm-U- o tree ! As th-- y a!-- . iij; ! i "nn u n. I.I .ry, I lory. l.'a'l-I-ij.- tli .ry. C. ry, II.io.Iu-- j th .' i:ry. lil-.ry- , II j ih ! A th- - y iiMrch aloitx ' Now, tl.r-.- i le.-- i rt for the I'nion ; thr-- e r U'in eh-- - r the I'nioti ! N ihree roii'in ehei-r- s f.-- r the I'nion ! A we are ni.trehi.-- i on ; t'ltitrut. U'.ory, filory. Hail. lujah : fJInry, (i!- - ry, Halk'.o,-- j th : CI. ry, iioiy, II. ill luj ih Hip. II p. Hip, Hip, Ilurr.li ! V A III FT V. Br clieckinfj ilie Uiplit of cxpcctatl.u, we c!icit d: ioHit riient of ic j.aiii. ye emleirk in the cr i.lle fur a long vojage in llie CoHn f.r :i fir lunger one. If 3r.n1 win! kwine a gre w conqueror, begin with ic'i-rir- over yotireif. The firiiie-- ? I r i i nre furrne I in n Ivrrtif y, j'lat its) iron 14 WrMol in tiie fcercrt tl.nie3. Svee :eiinx cue's cotTce is generally the first sdir-ri- n event f the d jr. F ist iw y the !t i;r of d.ity. ?n 1, like the prophet's y i'l I. it ch iiife to :i -- ri ike. The Ur !j-te- m hn a I irge ftmily, tut only cne V'hy N a fiVU f pra-- - Tk- - a person elder thau it i pt ur-ag- e. ! t!ie I ir,irt in iu ? The lover; he is a fellow cf troiiieild.-ti- s i;!iw. I'kknt'-- k ov Sh .v j. A (Iergi paper tint 'iriicrti ..ll eid cm alwiys Mtiid tire. ' ! ; i ' t of ih if, at.-- I he .eee-ii- n Iei-lers- , inos un- - ilt!i:ii y can ?t m I hie in I . I i- that the nth I'.nolin t PoMier d. n't p- -t en uh !i r it. Tney mtieli like tea rf ore. Cin't they c.m k tlu ;r p ii:n.u..s :u rattle mi ikes? Jvc-.-ioni- si:i in Virini imw t- in the rfi ii je f ihe li'it-Ii- e le i Wi-- e an-- the light tiuger-- r 1 I :..y 1. Br.hirii Yoii t- - ii I ti f a leau tn aa lut it ' WoijI iti't I easy f;1 eoUM h:sj r ' Mr.Sj.rirr.il C'h irleffti. s iy th at t!ie .ulhern rofire 1 r icy w.!I never its true po--u:o- ii until, ly i.'ii;..rr itioTiis fr.Hn Atiici, tne number of sltvei t e ; !e t f''i i! t- - the uurutier tf unit is. !.'e i:i-!-- fs t!i it eery white in in. Woman, au l chill, !".i ill have hi-4- , her. ar. 1 ;t- - nter. A e. :iretn r iry ivs. ttie riith''rn repu'-Ii- orois u-.- -it devil ui-1 llie deep Vs. ar. 1 fill i i f the one. it will run ':o!ei.tly down a ve:. pl-ie- inio ti.e t rher. I tie Moirhern g vet ii'uei.t. it is sat-I- , intc n Is flying i:s A", i.'f i a luii-i- n country. ;.ni I.l . K S in-- ' tn.Mi t iik i ho lit luck, i .1 luck i. r. et t MX o'cl-c- k m the morning; g i l l ies, it ji ti li 1 1 en.) a Miming a weeii. is to hve upon ricveri pence :ii I ave a penny ;g . 1 luck is t., fr.-ilhl- your he wit:, jn.ir on tit.,; ,....,. ,w, 1 !.-- t y.'iir iiei.'lili ir's iletu-- ; .u uato other people .is we wi-ii- i rhr-- id- ur.to us. Thry mut ii..t only pll. l.ur ptr-e.er- e. 1 ence irj'i-- t he t iken cire of leci'je thev vre Hit welol u'lincisi. 10 jret on in the sv.-i- l J. t'lev :init take c ire f r sFoe-- their own inrwriy- clean, try ami Indp oflier avi-i- i temiitaii tis. ;:i 1 hive t ait fi in truth au i Gj-J- . Ike wa reilinz t''e rvoiu-- i piper, wlien he sn-I- ien!y p.d lime I. ..n tver !" an l rea l us fol- lows : "The sr-c- il police arresfeil rt ymin; nitn -- ter lay for walk:n i n t'n borlers in the public K ir len." 5Ir- - I'lrttntoii !. oke 1, up. " Well, it .Lm't mizni'v iri'i'a wlure ?.nie i n!e Loinl. Lut I np- - r---. the hfel must te tu'.l to ilej-le- t ton if they've C'-- t ff faking boar-iers- i in tnieh expose-- l situ- - nti ;i- - Mr. (iilrin. I.O ili tlbr. makes g.nl Le.Is tor theai in his . b-e- rv itoiy. llur wh-i- t Ji I tney J, with the cilrrit?" "It Jon't mV replie.1 Ike. tut 1 tic-- s tliey male him tikeanoaih not to .1.. it :Uii:i,nti 1 let him e- - " Ike raise 1 llie Direr Iiefi re his fioe. nu l c'iuj!..!. he nienta!lv AIaim.-.- l li H thing cn the ci II ly." ' CKKES, ANOPASTRIES I rRMIE IM)i:islfj ;KD. IIEfiS LEWETO a in t II. i., tin i th. a he is. fr..m this .l.tv-- I r- -t ar-- .l t.,,v-f.i:- .- ..!: , r , r- - r It f Ultl Mi an-- I HRIs . C.A ." ; r.,rt.... l;.i'.is an I I'rtViti- - fiir.iu.. - opi-.tr- l on n.osi with all ki'i.ls o F r- -: . h 0- - ri...... Ko.-u.I- .. Amenc.i'i l'A TNI f.S ill great V tn. ty. ''" "r I'-- r "l prom, i!y a. i.de.i Ii by F. HoRN. "rn- - r K;rj an-- Ma inak- -i s:r.-s- . I. IVt, r iiriit;,- - J.-- ,,, r.tr.-i.- , 1; ai aiiii- - and P- has -- !. t. ..... .. . 1 - J. Blark and I'Lie Broadcloth. EXTRA FINE UIMI.ITV. "f iVile ai 4 !!.: MI I.CUKRs 1 Co '. 1:. lIOFr.MANN, M. I., rhviicuui ari l urjfi.on. Miiir ' l'.l'-ck- . corner yue-- n an-- K.ta Iijiiiiinu :t0-l- y J. Y. A rsTi.v, ATTOKNKV ASM CiM AT LAW. ():T:f-- r in IJ..1-1-- . f.v- -r the Tost OSii-t:- . 3J0-l- y O. F. EHLERS, I:il4r In Ii' ;! . illc-- i. V .'iO'-l- Ki.rt Ftn-et- . Il ii'.lu'n, ..l,u. II. I. HOOT iifi,l Sllt)KV.tK till, 1 1 .t.-- I .tr.-t-t- l.it-vee- Xnmnu ill. 'I M tUtl'lni' i 're CHUNG HOON, WllOhr.SALK AMU II UTAH. vt:nriA.T, Iir.l-.rt- -r of I'hina au l ;r - I. .- 1- 1'1- -r in siii trn. in .l -- . rie- -. fiiMiiu-t- , ,.c., on Kinj; street, next liur 10 -r. fa l!e it C-'i.e-. Uoo-i- f ALEX. CAMPBELL, MKICCM M- - r A I l.i 'IC. mi t Sir I!nre-- s Saloon, K n- -' a Sir -- t. Clo'h-- , f ii"iin r- - a:ul always oil hanil, sn! ch'tli-- j in ilia.!." li in t'.- - t ?tyl- -. JV'.i-- ly ! JtHI.N II. IVVTV, ' ! XOTAKY PL'DLIC, ii..)M i.r, K- - f ,ih-i- , Jl.iH ili 111 IIOVOI.l'I.I! STKAM FI.OIJK 3IILI, Co. ' Proprietors. O. V. Jl l'V. S. S AVII-liK- , an 1 C. II. LKWEHS tt. P. .Ii nr.. t'lireh i' n.' A, nt. S. Svii...r. A''-i.t- . f. II L;.n f.n-i- . Tre r. S191y WILCOX, RICHARDS & CO. Ship f'h ai-- 1 ' 1:1 Men-liant-- , flealrr in r il K- iT,t!y o:i Ii i'i I a fu'.l f ipercli.t.i'lie, lor l!.e upply of V hal-- rs l Merchant Ai:xTs foij Tin: Regular Divpilch Lim of Pachcls, i"; HONOLULU & SAN FRANCISCO, Hark Coiim-- i ( iipi. .In- -. Smilli. Sm iIi !l." apl. Ii.lin nil !.. C'sl Ii. . Clatloii. , One of th. h'h.v- - ieS'. wih he every three w.eks. or nf:-r- nr. I I"r ijl.t an-- I I'., ssen-.- r taken at th- - tow.-- l rates. ! All of the a.ve vess is Inv- - sup-ri- or accomm.-latt-.n- s for ! l';.-- s tiir-r- s. f.-- whom every comt.-r- t will b- - a!T..r-l-d- Thro'i-- li I'.ii!-- . I.ii.lin.'. will lie jriven at Honolulu, f. riner. han- - j ili-- - lo Ne-- rk or th- - ir-i.- -nl . inir rohippe.l at til I r.tnei '. ., on lirs; ii..-- - hoi.-r- s wuho-i- t ena e.i i.se ''."- - .. ...... , : call lire ai i. or n-rt- . i'ir-u-- : Pol. .i.i:-- '. f r liiiiht sl.ij via Sin I r.iii.-.se..- . of M. rs. I (ih ld-- ;i ,V Wi'.ii mis. in. 1 M -- S W.T. t'nlelnan ,V I o., j N rk ! "rs - Ams for iirp:it..l- - Line, at M.i 1 r.inci'co. 'Ji'7-I- y j WOOli! ' I'OK NA I.F FltOM N'F III'NT- - I ir.-- lo oo- - hn.i.tre.l and tw.-m- co.l, ..uiu!, can. Ii jl:l v I . y r.. Ir.-i.-- i l t. iy.-ar- ol.l. C :) M"!'! ! ! !' j POWDER. KFf:s iiic:iii.i L.tzr.n nnviiKii, C.iv.s lull. in K.tiv. I'owler, rp-.rii- F".o- - sale ( U- in) f . i;ui:vf.K .t co. SCALES I I'llll Ml. . FA I It ISA N l SI LATrUK.M i l.l, on whi !s I ir'e Me lat. Iv reeeiveil. i tors.il- - by o'.l'.-:'.i- n ) I'. liKKMI.K i Ct). . j ; ir i i c 11 1 1 ii I a I I hi I c iu n ( s. j RON I I.IIWS, HAY ITTTKRS. m okt -- . - d Plan:, r- -. t Cane I'll' l'TS. i.ra-- ""r.olle. O.u-.b-- I'l ir.t- rs Hi s. .'ultiv.t:-.rs- ' T .h, I irii li tr-- 't U,ik s. For sal- - bv l.'-C- C. IlUttt Kit .C CO j i For Sn5i. KIVKI) AMI FOR SALE It Y )I'ST u:: I. rs.ned 7.1 IJb Is Hawaiian I?eef. Wvrr t''.t--I- . I'.tcke-- l .i-- l Cured i:i Turk's I'.itnd S lit j ol oiu CIIAS. P.KKWKIt. 2r i "" j Siijrar and Svrup Siejxs. ! J N'I S i; t i I'.MPTV KF.f.'s. J I . .i- - l.y . 1 . im ; f. i.kkwi.i: CO ; ClI-'M- r! nrT!li tl'C0 ! : 1 1 "'B!t 11 ' 4 '' CKTF.K HAS HFKN" THIS , '' 'l!";U'11 l- -r i. r , ,.Ur h "- -. .... : H nol.i'u. Ju'v 1. ls".. "Ji-.-.- '- - . Tire Hric'kS and Cement. i o,ooo ,,R,r,, f,kk R(" L"iO I $11- - OnuMil, W trr.trittd the '"tst t'.e in.iri.- - t. F t s.i.e by GJO-li- II. HAi'KKKI.D A: C'o. (h)Son rwMl k I' Nil E Rs MJ V El O FFE It CO It s I. K '" rr;v trm ( my A. Vi.i ..i.i lia:.c.sco, p..r lar Cu - nrt. J. :th, M.t'i-- r. .TOO I)ilC olljll III' Olllllll"- - ,M,l""f Tl'l ' AC I.l I.LI CV , QUOAD A l3 ft It I ACCCC ' fROM TIIK .A I ETC A LF PLANTATION. F.-- sale I v -- -l orn At.t-KlUl- . HALKEIl A CO. ! SUGAR AND FvlOLASSES, TITCOMIJ'S PLANTATION. SROI Irs t,v UJ1 ALI'RIt ll. UAI.KKR & Co. FRESH KB. k c. Hams ! Haiuv ! Dams ! SOME VERY CHOICE CALIFORNIA Hams, ju-- t reci.e.l jt Ct.i.i.-t,- and for at th- - Fttii.ly (Jr--- r and Fed More. A D CtRTWRIC.HT Vi v A HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN fi,ok i:.s staim:miokst, A-- nt l!i-- : Itr-in- on an-- Ir--U-- lof All awraptr claims 4 gainst t!i- - ?ait I 'mU-r- rit-- r. wournnir in or hImjui this Kiiifl'i-'iu- , will have i te certilicj l.im. 31 CALIFORNIA Mutual .Marine hKiiraiifc Compaiiv, j SIN Kit A C I XO. I rplIK .. l'MKKSIi: VKI IIAVI.Nfi JIF.KV j s t.uc- - ii.-. i'T 111'- - t li'l' ,v j j inform the th- - punlic, Ih it th-- y are j t- - ae M A It INK 1 N S I it A SC U I l t. 1 J I F.S j on Carg , Fr--I:!- anj Treaur . II. HACK KKLT) CO. lloriol iiu, Mareh, 16J. OJ-l- y 11 a i:irK; 11.1t u i:.m i: FIUK INSURANCE COMPANV. rilHK I'N f th- - e Coiu- - fl' puny, are prepared to insure riaks acuiu.'t tire in an-- I ul.out II For particular apply at the office. MKI.CIIK11S .t TO. Ilono ulu Oct. 1 1, 1SD7. JJO-l- CALIFORNIA LLOYDS. j orriCI-:- : Soutlin rorncr of Wnshing. ! I Son and liattrry sirTt. j 'UIK INPFIlSIf; i:i A It F FltF.PARF.n i m 10 i'ii---.nari- 'ie iii'iira!ii-- j) - teii i iti re-po- n- I fZitrl"l1f'' iVl'r aSi,S,"t i", own I,uu,e , oni. I others or any lollV I'AkR-iTr- . .lAMK liS!!tK. . .IoIIV'oN, A I A .1 K. IJAr.KoV, N. 1.1 SITIi, ,I.U1K' IITIS. , .1 IMK Pile I IV, .1 wits I!. II ;i;:v, j Lafavlttk Iavsai:l, J. MmtA Me.-.-;. AI.Mi It'll, WALK Kit & CO. A c- -t ts. oiS-l- y Honolulu, il. National ilote!! j ; WTIIK r.MIKUSKJXKI) II A V I i I.K ASKI) j ffQ the thove well known ami popular lintel, hai npeneU it j "J . a. in the j IT'iiv-- it r.IiiBi ! ; I I Asa FIRST ( .A!S IJOCtK. The lions., has .nt in repair. Tli- - ro'ir" and , ami ma le as comf-rt- a- ; j l'uliJZ j " ,, wil1 'vays Ih- - found the bet the tnark- -t a'T rds. , 11- 1- I ropri-t- or is determined t e'-ii.- l such .tions to those who v ill patronize him, as will jrive the w.i:io,t i.i.islac- - tiotl. A. THOMPSON", Proprietor. X. I!. I.a.1i- - may upon Mrs. Tl II M I'SO.N -- riirinj l".u i" " il.j t.io JOH ROOERIOK'S .!m:stai;ha3.'t : .ANI. dining saloon, .1. ItOIIFKK'K lir.CS TO NOTIFV his fi ieii.U :ip-- th- - public g-- ir rally that in ad.lt'ion t his i.lr. a ly conv- :ii-- i.t and mmo.li-ui- nm- - j 1 in S;r-- t, near to th- - I'o't oilice. he his now a.l led r-- tns I. r pi.vate j i....rri.-4- . wb-r- e tb.-- lt- - orovi l with eV'-r- luxiirv the a- .n ntT--r 1 at li- - most m.hlerafe l.i ie- - . As a well known old pion-- er in his line ..f ihe Islan 's. h- - trusts that hi- - fri-u- us and ; the public ! ii.u.- - t tavor bun with tl.eir usual .at aii'l wh.ch 1 will, by iitteiition, h pe lo merit their aipr-b;it- i n. 011-ili- u olice o Suar Planters. rfllir: I''lF.KMfJN'F.I. Af.KNT FOR I. f SUGAi: M.UVIIIXKRY, Well adapted to the w nits of p'anters on t!i- - Islands, would nsict fully call the attention -- f all iu want of new Machinery t- th- - s line, as h-- is eotiti lent thill h- - can suoi.lv all oei.ia i.ls a? i.ric.s wbie . will i.l ie.- - su-'a- w rks w.'lmi of all. i All M.ichim ry iiu-- l articles or.l-r.- -d throu-.'- him. will be puar- - and w:uri"fd "I th- - very b -- t jual rt v. ;in-- I having r- - its . tel--ra- ph ord--r- s from San Kritiicisc-.- . rasta-d- , ( th-- y Will I.,' f;ll- d in the short- -l p..- -, it.;,-tim- - un-le- Mr. M .s j ! ton own supervisi 'ii. terms of pavnient 111:1 - ea-- oU-on- i 1. l:llTI.KTT. j i lie . j PER "SPEEDWELL" ..AT TIIK nr f f ! ill A CHOICE LOT OF TEAS (.'oiin't" O..l,moj Tea, r.isk. t ti-.- 1 IU., Knlifi l.ri'akf.ist tea, 'uri his l'rtikfat tea, i.i. nl in.-'liui- n I'l.ipni .1 salail oil, Haiaaln i salail oil, 1 t !l IT.iC K"I, I 'ionic or lokr. .s .da Jonnv LinJ cakes, ("ream c!ucso. No. 1 Ciiina rie II unlin a- - r.akor.-- Oystera. Kxrra li.iviiiT tohacii , i Kits No. 1 M .okcrol, tne talt. lS-"- m A r. rARTWRItJIIT. Pii PILOT & WAVY BREAD. IIAVD AND FOIt S l I.K, Frr.li l!.-.lt-- l ON li i.e. and Nov lb a! ; S l.i. .".i-.r- . I: it:-- and Wat-- r Cr ick-r- s. in v .pi inr.ty at. ! at tie- - h n-t rit.-s- I" ir: prvi!:ria th-i- r Hour, w;i; it l.ak-- d upon Mr. a!, tn- - rr r l :p br a I r a. 1. Mil IKK S HAKKRY, in : 1 c r r t . 1 Ui tr 1 trc - wi:h tie oF ALL TIIK the Olsiimx Aav:i i11 f Y TIIK I.IMI COM M isslON I N" OA III', i SlM HAW MI. am KM U. one .;;me pr, ;J on. T ! .,oi a' ti.-- - oo;.-- - of t;i ri6-'.t- n INTK'M'iR PKPAKllKNT. Tamarinds Wanted ! 1 i 4i POINDS TAMARINDS 1 VFa9.Ft?t will be purcl-- I by th- - un.l-rsit-- ne 1. F- r th s- - m th- - .!::. th-- y wdl t ay a . --r ;. vm l; iiiioat ; 1I the '..:!. 5 c I ;s i. r iiound. 310- - tn FRF.Iir.I'.ICK HORN A- - CO. Picture ltE VINEGAR IN IMMKT IOTTLE. Ill in.i-- fi :i. P. ir.it:...- -. I v Mr- -, -. k iht.i. TOMATO Ki:T'IH P. iii it. IIOTTLF.S, I f - e i i i4'J v Pjf .'ir. . I ! I t iiiin, I'T I ly i S. SAVIIU'K. ! : N. B. Tre iv tcht-- p ar. 1 iu nr. ir.s ie bv Mrs. Morris, are iaei h :f: th m k"y ;r jo ISLANJ)S, AUdUST II, Hwclliiuis anil ic;il estate. Pleasant Slimmer 1'iidi'iice ! j TO LKT. TO I.F.T. Kl ItN IS KI. THE whole j or I'AKr if Man-- C t;. ootitaiiiiri; i r'ii.-- . J Lniiuire m" Mks. Iiikcm. on th t- T. . Til III M, .'JlS-'.'- At A. D. CartwrihtV Kurt Street. TO LET. Tllo It KSI HK.VCH I N N" I I A X I 4 A I.- - j f rm-ily e. ii.ieil tjy Mr. Kott-r- t I". Janion. Ki r I'articalars ai n y to AV. L. lilLKKN. i JlJ-oi- n oII:jc To I.t t ! I'l.F ASA NT T V it - II III) IK I MTIIK Ceutr illy ioat- -i on lou t -r- et-t. I.tt.-l- iru ieil tm-l- i l'o?se?yion u'iveii innn-iiiat-lv- . Terms low ; nji ly to II M. WHITNKV. to ici: i.b:t : I 9 Wi I I i 11 f I ltlln I Sl'JTAIJLi: FOR LARGE FAMILIES.' ji AMFJtICA IinrsF. ON" ItFIt KTA NT A Street, l.itt ly in eiipit-.- l hy Ca t '.in iir.-e- n ami his I i ily, with or without the two cjitajies in front. ALSO Th-- ' iipariim II e on Waikiki I'lains. lately Mr. J.irietf. with it- out-lio- K ati l lar'v encloure-- . Knfi-- iiiiine.liately. Apply to f. f. I1AKKIS. oJi ;;m Attorney at Law. CHOICE LAMJ l ROM, HAWAII ! ;k THK LA I) (INSISTS (IF TWO fcvr Tr-r'- -i r v.-r- ri.-t- . soil. Ii:il ni!f lli-r-- on .. ' T J' - - -- - ' - . . . . th.)i;s.ui 1 " 1 M '.'My in full hearing, ami proini-in- i: a heavy crop; also a large number of o ii a :n Cm- - i -- r 1 1 i: s-- s : Al-- in '"anr,: the Hi;:lit having entirely ilisappe.ire.l from tl'"'"- - Tl""' S l"' "ls, i- -' : Kl,1;l ALSO N-- itr the is a r r.n tli-m- mail with a stone h'.ut.-- , a fr;iine hous- - an l . . I i r . tr a .m1 husi- - j ness, l.eintr well locate. I in the center of the coif. - districts, r M.- - lo.llo-- u li.'iv kl.it.. o. til to or toiii llic ra i be al.vavs made. ALSO Throe II )iv LoU for sale ! The proprietor bein in ill health, is the only re isnn for his Wlst,j(l), ,., appose of some of the finest pr--p- . rty in South f. .i r ., rtii-u'ar- -- in mire of th- - or n.rietor of this i,u,-- r. r to fai.t. P. 'umminirs. Kealakeku Ilav ; or the uuderiiruvd. Ttrnis eav. and po. es-io- u eivt-- when desired. J. LAZAKI S. Jliin iunau, South Koti i. II l.vaii, 1S0J. ol-i-o- i j LOiBEB ! LUrtlBER!! i just Received ex ''Comet!" Ah! for safe the Lumber Yard ( F- - I a . DOW SETT, raiU N" (i I'K I V- - 2KOOVKI IKIAKHS, ' il KOI Gil I1F.I WOOD HO A K OS. ; sntritK uoAitns, am Jni SUING I. F.S. DOORS, WINDOW SASH, BLINDS! 'VUk DOORS. ASSORTF.I) SIZKS, WITH i nioul lines au l r.iise.l oanvl. i So ash Poors, as sorted siz-- s ClIO pair Win. low Sah. ass- i t.-- siz--s- . Jiill i.:.ir with i.o.l wirboiit swi.-l- s. n.s .1 sixes. ,1 -- vt.r. '!v for i Lis an.l fm s.ile low l,v loi.--.,. " lil'iiinil.' .1 n".iVI." j - LUmBER. iUtYlSEn - I j riiltll viiLiicvinuiuth lirnpuv 1 pive notice to his an-- the public generally, that is prepared to sell every description ot North Wes-- t lumber in j ipia'itin . or by ma II lots. ;is cheap or cheaper than any other . ers"ii in the market. In other words, he wants to sell, and i won't be beaten. (:!20 :lm) ('. II. I.KWKlls. j JUST RECEIVED ! j M SHAVED WHITE EASTERN 300 si.incies, warr.inte-- i to cover luu mpaitre .eit to t'le M. j A new of the favorite cottaire siilinir lxat Is. Pine clapboards, '..Meet lone and 7 inches wide extra lliick- - f mss !,) A small lot of pan-lie- d ceilm- - boams, . men, a new and very j R.,x desirable article and Jl'it ft an tixsortir.tnt of White an l Col' if Paints. l'-o- m For sal-l- .y C. II. LEW Ell. DOORS, WINDOW SASH, DLI.NDS ! gX LATE ARRIVALS tL-- J 4vu l .rs. iiil - s and kin. Is, -- 'no Win. low Sash, all kin is, j loo j.air loin Is. all siz, s. 12 (Has- - and Plin.'.i, etc.. com pi-t- f. ! For sale at th- - lowest market prices, by Cl'.'-ot- C. II. l.KW F.R.. j BOOK-BENDIN- G! j ; erpi jsv. sa:o. w. a olli.il .?.ifrrf;vfn!?" 'V'VJ'i1 ixe.r'in j H iii;)il-t- . I II ui rn lrl n r, I Mnniiiir., M uic. ! Old Hooks. vVo. P.irt-.r- .ir afentiin piil to M ard c!,r.,.-- ' having h id many years evpern-i.c- iu boik-bindu- u in its s. I. .j- - . to revive a share of the bu-in- e ' and lloti--iu:'i- - -r. f ..n t' - rt'.- - r i'l.tn -. should be ;.ccrtnpa;.i- - I with cl ul.ir dire-i.on- s. as to th- - stvle. and. if th- - work to volumes previously l.ouu,, a simple should e sent j be K ft nt tr,- - h k f -- e of H. . Wh:tr-y- . a, I'.it.-lery- in ti e rear ot lUv. Mr. Clark's r- - si - i.ce. S: n- - "hi;r'-h- . wlT-oi- n PITOSMFHIC"" MfflY ! li fl A Next Door to the Post-Offic- e, A Stair Over the Alvertirr Ollicc. 3JORTRAITS AM) VIEWS TAKE X OX India Ilubter. A.c. I.SO ir!-e- j;: Rir.p5, l'.reast Tiiis. Ac . Jl.'-Ja- i II. I.. CilASK. ! j otk:k : j v i him IITOW OF' L A II A IX A IS M V nes author. z- -d ai.-ei- it ar.J m,, l. l.OM'. ,21 x ( rf U H II I jiUclKUiiral. I THOMAS C. THRUM, i STENCIL CUTTER, COPYIST, AM).... Ornamental Foil Letterer, F01-- Sirci, ooilf Hit- - 0ll F'lloi.' Hull sjir.in W. BENNETT, f S Boot and Shoe Maker, sfti sJt Xuiianu S: , wes; si.le, ahoTe Hotel St. ' All Orler9 en'.rds't-- J to us will Ik- - atten.leJ to with neatness ami sO-- y HENRY A LLEN, Carpcnler, liuililcr. Fiulrrlakrr and DSALER I SECQUi FUEXITUEE ! (a TOrr n T-- j ' Call and Fvnniiue my Stock, before Iu rcli;ti iiir i:ieuherp, I At my !ioi. optilr Ciirlu rihU F l Store, Foi l Slrri'l. S12 0ui j CHARLES O'fMEILL. I cwn ..a j 11KCS I.F.AVi: TO INFO KM hi hit ii. Is an.l the public gem-rally- , that Vv",""""Jr-li- liits oiM-i- il the almve hue of liusiiios. an. 1 th'-- a sh;ir,-o- f i.nliiic natronaee. Fii-iiiliii-- of all kiinls ma.le, iin.l oM furniture repairel i or I'leaticii. j t'litlcrlii'tiii;; attetvleil t. with dispatch. Fi-'m-!- i an-- Vnriiih loli.liiiij; done in the tet styi- A I.SO On IiiiimI GOLD k KOA MOULDINGS, Suitahl- - for j.iclure and other frames. Praclical House and Ship Plttniher. ft II VMIl.tl'l.ir ItAMS. l.lKTINf; Foree Pumps. It i'U Tubs, Wash Water L'los-t- s, etc.. fitted up in the best, manner. All work done at the Very lowest rates an-- (.cri-c- i saw.siaci;on warrani.il. -- ii Km,? S;reet, in Same building with lleo. C. Si.lcrs. olJ Gin f. is. . srAn i:lkb:, Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, MANT'F K Tl'KKKS AN O DKALERS iT' S I.-- Tin Elicit Iron, f'ntitii r Mini Zinc Ware. A I.SO Li:.iD pipes mid i.mi iii:p.iii!i:i). 2T Ship Work promptly executed. JO JTvly LOCK AND G- - TJ SIM 1 T IT. JC TIIK I VDKUSICXKI) HFOS LKAVK ("'j to state, that he has taken the shop fermerly orcupied y by i- - Sid-r- s, and is reaily to execute all orders in his line wilhneatti'-s- s un.l dispatch. p. si. Particular alt paid to rep:-irin.- ?ewinp lnch!ries J A M KS A. HOl'Pl.lt, 2S3-l- Kaahumanu street. WSV1. H. WRIGHT, OF KOLOA, JvVXJXT, WOl'LII RKSPKCTFI LLV INFORM THK public that he is prepared to Manufacture Turbine or miy oilier hind of Wnler Vlirel, and warrant them, at reasonable rates. Orders for any kind o; 31 i 11 wri t Work so!:cit-- .l an.l promptly attemlcrt lo. K"L'"' ct" U' HONOLULU t IROKT WORKS flMIE rNDERSIGNEO IS PREPARED TO furnish IRON at d URASb CASTINGS, and all kinds of Machir.erv and Smith "a Work at the Shortest Notice and CBKAPK'T Ratks. .......... ............ . . . ...... I SIL.IJI LillllAljS AAV liUILLLN MAIJK TO ORDER. ITT CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A supply of Anvils. Cr F,,re itaoka. r,.ain Stooir.. Sash Weights. Store Plate I. initios, Dutn' liehs, kc, A;c., .Vc. 2SJ-- H- TIIOMA3 HL'OHKS. Honolulu Soap Works! W. J. RAWLINS. rjMIK PROPRIETOR HAVIXf: MA HE considerable improvements in the above b- -. 1. iv- - to aiinoiinc- - to his Cust m-rs and the Pul-li- in pei.eral, that he is to supply th-- tn with genuine YELLOW SO A P I d, iT t S'lperi- - r to the b-- st imported. X. R SOAP tilt EASE WANTED. 303-l- y A i All A S 0 IP F A ( T (l IU ! in WSVi. HL HUDDY! ttJi?.o ! AVIXfi RECEIVED A LAUKE AND FIT.L B stock of ir. tt. ria'. is -d to supply his customers th- - with !- - Alllovv, lir own mil WhitoSOAP. M.S- O- I"T AI rIT SOAP, In 'artr or small rjuartiti-- s ro suit. 1". S. S np aiv- ays want-.- t. TS-l- Cabinet Maker and Turner. Ml E OLD STAND. HOTEL STREET, NF.AR th- - r of Fort. Furti'tur- - of iill kit. .is tnad- - and repair- - !. On ha-.-- l anl sale. 11 K A DY MI'K FI'RNITt'RF. K-- Hoards. .Ioit and I'lank; (.'e.lar. Iliac k 'Walnui and Cherry jards; R. s. w.i an.l Mah neeritie. larje as .rtni-i- it of MouMinj, and lar.'e sir.e 1 Glass. varc ty ot R- i kin'. It n i livr, Othce and Children Chairs. IMished Cotor.s oti haii-- and mi., to order. 320-- y Cooperin J.13IES .1. BI DDICK ; IX RE.MOVIXCJ HISRFSIXESS ! i his t C ..... OoPKRAoiK on the . KsplrmaJe, l s i' ? .' 1. Iljto fjF''. t st take? this ()f return-- - '' - b'1 'ifcere thinks to his friends and the j - r- pu' i" i' i ine supi.n an.l patron a.'- - wh.ch thev have been rl-as- ed to irrant f ir the past teu years. a:id ho-e- that by attention to nusi- - an-- promptness in the Ti f all orders intrute.l to he wid m-- r:t a continu:inc- - of tl.-- ir favors. 11-- - has q.j hati l lor s.ile ui.a xaj t.1 11 o SIX nill.I. 11S I'KR ANN'l'M. ) VOL. VII. No. 1. 1IOI.I-- . No. JZO. It)bfrtisn:unt5. HKNHT HART. JiS. VkWSQU. f I j CLOTHING EMPORIUM ! ' j II. II ART A: Co. ! nVAi ItKsi'KCTFILia TO INFO KM frien.U un.l the pul-lic- , that they hav (hi, tly couimLiu-e.- l the clothing huines4 in the tore formerly occupinl l.y W. Ita-H-- they inteiul ke pin a rhoioe assortment f the nest cl.ithlnc miiH.rt.-.- i lir.-c- t Ironi the Kait-r- n Slate, ; frrrat irchaser, ai.d hooe to merit a hbare ot the .iil.hc p trroiiace. ' Honolulu. Jan. 9, l62. 320-Cr- n JUST RECEIVED ! KX I. AT AltltlVAI.S, AM) FOR SALK ift the f heap f lothinK Knu.rium. a large variety of Hats, fap?, HiM.ti anJ Shins an.l flothinr, iu a great variety. For oale ly 3J0-.1I- II ART t, CO. i new TEAS! new TEAS ! i Jut Ifocciveu ! IUO,M CI1IXA-VK- RV IIIOICF OoUuf IfU. - - - - - O IU. IHJXI'S Vory Clioioe Oolong Toa, - 4 Supvrior t.'uloiij; IVa, S 10 Ciittios Htvakfast Consul, -- SuiM-ri 34 ir Itaj-kft-Ti'- - 1 Ih Very Choice Jaji.tnmi Tea. uneoloml. (lood Medium 'lea, - - 30 lb. boxes Ci)iniiKn 30 44 N. II. The attention of f onsiimerit is particularly railed to the above assortment of very Hue Tca, for pale hy f. SAVIIKJK, oJl-l- lort Stnrt. isrni goods! FOR THK FALL SEASON. The Bark " Laura &. Louise ! " T I.KAVK II A MIll'KC; ON THK loth ot May, with a well selected cargo of Uood adap- - kxpkctkdto akkivk ifk comet, VIA PANAMA. hi.-- will be np-- n r inspection when received, and sulci made to arrive, ty :iin II. 11 ACKFEL1) ii Co. Ilhlr, ioal Skins, T.i I low, Old Copper nnd Coinpowilion, e jfik ii asfi at tiik iuuiifst mar M. KKT I'KICK, by .T 19 .tin C. IlltKWER ir CO. Have Ji;st Received Per British Steamer "TIHIAIiviilESP BAKES PIXK AM) YELLOW PRINTS, checked prints, Bales purple prints, Ilales fancy printa, Kak-- s printed regatta hirt, Ilaie hickory shirts, Iialea prit... 1 shirts, Hales pink shirts, Uah-- s white cotton shirts, tales denim frock and paoU Hales white shirtiiift, Hales black an l id"? orlrans, Cas-- s Victoria lans. Cases white mo-jki- n. Cases cotton velvets. Case cotton pact stuff. Caes Mack n. white linon tt.rtaJ, Flat pointed spikes, French i.ails, Steartne candles. Window glass. Zinc, A.C- -, Ac, kr., Kc. 31-2r- a mrHALIXtt CRAFT AND GEAR. T Cin-r- ' Tools, I'Ht-- nt IHo.-k- , Tarr.il an-- Manila ordake. Hunting Powd- i , in and 1 lb. tins. Linseed Oil, in I'emijohns. For sal- - at ( :i21-:j- m ) M KLCn F.RS V Co.': IL A HC E FIRE PROOF SAFE. Two small Fire proof Safes. On- - Iron Moiiev Chest. F-.- r saieat ( 52l :hi. MKLCIIERS fc Co.V mriISKY. in IO Knllon CIC;.N'AC, in 10 and H jralloti k-- p. J A M A IC A It I' M . in 5 and 10 gallon kf g s. I A LE A LE P.ass r Co.'s, in mtiru, J. C. Man- tli Hon', in II. Deetjen's, in quarts, A LCOIIOL, T0 percent., in d.rn j .tins. "or saie at C21-3- MKLCIIERS k CO'S. PEAWUT 0IL! npiHS ()ILA RE l SED FOR AN Y KIND M- - of Lamps, burns, with a While ami Itrilliitul Lihl, niid rmlls mm Smokr. In rpiantitics to su'.t, for sale at 32i :?m MKLCIIERS r Co.'s. OKIMIAX ALE! I SCPFRIOR A RT I CLE, in qunrls. L JM-2- ME LCI I EIIS it Co.'s. "WATER SOAP. SALT " h:::n- - Match?, HOLLASD GLVK F"or snle at SlV2in MEI.CIIKR5 A. Co.'s AM) PINK ORLEANS. BLI'E and blue silk for dresses. Black and color vi silk neckties. Black silk cravats. Black il i umbrellas. Black silk velvet. Black velvet ribbons. Colored velvet bracelets. Colon. d velvet riblmns. Asst. cotton s.iclt'and stockings, French sipndr

l'uliJZ - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/36906/1/1862081401.pdf · Jvc-.-ioni- si:i in Virini imw t-in the rfi ii je f ihe li'it-Ii-e le i Wi--e

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Page 1: l'uliJZ - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/36906/1/1862081401.pdf · Jvc-.-ioni- si:i in Virini imw t-in the rfi ii je f ihe li'it-Ii-e le i Wi--e

J.LMMI1 it -- -r


the p-a.ci-ric

Coiiimorcial Advertiser.(ilvrr llitllrlu jith.

XT Th- - f-- i ' ri.i- -' is tFi-- r i.f !r war 'rifr. n Li. ij-i-

r. th- - in i u! ir Am-n-.t- . In -- ul.m'y is 'i,u.ft-- i .ni:iir inti-i- c t- - ! Ii it is at.-- which i ii l t

; tr , it II !. If ar it. Irui-i:- .- its t r. r -- UN by 5 yJ ' ! ! .

in m hir..r t;,rouh llr-.-- t I v.iy, N- - or by n.

iirn.v ? n.ir In i::t- - N rf ;k. Th-- so . Was or illyc ri.p - I in I.I -- " r'h's : ry, and r- -1 1

l, s .1 in 'il l'ri-.,- " Ac. Tit- - alu-io- ti to tin: -- t lambs" ill thei is ais- - to K.l-t- .r.l.'s . ij.iv.-- .

J. .,il Itr. .n's Ily Ii' - a moil 1'rin.r i th" fnv",.1 .ha I r .'.vi.'s body a xit I'rinif in tin- - irrave,J or; lir 'n' U-- ly Ii- s :t 111 'iM'riii; in the fvr,

lilt .ui'-- i marci.it..; 11 !

horut.Glory, lil-.ry- li...l-.!- . ! li'.-ry- , i..ry, ll.1ilrl.1-- j

tli ! il ry, lory, II luj 1I1 !

lii- - sai4 fu:ir-tiii- on !

II- - ' ? '- "Mn r in th: art y f tliO I.'T I,Ili-'- en- - t- - :i - I ) r in tli- - army f tli- - I rl,Il'.-'.- t ij: ! I" a i.li- -r in th-- tm.y of the Isjt l,

Hit juI"s in ir. liiiii; on !

filory. il .ry, ll.ilMuj.tli ! JI ry, ilory, Il tlUIu-jtii- r

til-.ry- . il .ry. II j.i !

H: SoiiTj i. .r :t,i on !

.''.u Itr.ixn t Ii ; r i 'I I i:"n liit Lark,J' li'i Itr.'Wi,. I, i.i".u k !!ra.I uj.oii hi;4 Ia k,J l.!i Ilr-.in- ki H'- u k i -- tr.!o -- ,l upon li. Lao',

lli i.'.uiN in.if i.ii K on !

t h'tru .

Gi .ry, !! .ry. Ilall-li- ij .li I i! .ry, Olory, H tlitrlu-- ji!i : ry. H -- ry. Il.tll- - I.ij tli .'

II 4 so.il't m.irv ointf ii !

II.-- . t li:nl- - w.il in---- t Iiiin .n ti? tray,II. it I.iiiiI-- iii-- it liim tin: way,lli-- t l.iii.l-- wi I ni. il l.im on the way

T':'. v p- - iu:iri. tiiii4 011

i'florui.Ill ry, ;! ry. II i!l-!- uj ,h i! ry, Glory, II.iJVU:-j-t- ?i

'. il..r, ;i ry, II illi luj.th :

Th-- y m.ir-l,in- on !

Th-- y wili li in J T Ii.tvis t a palm tt- - tre !

Th y w.ll h.inj J-i- T. Ivis t' a pahr.ett treeThey l li.tn T. I:vis t a palm-U- o tree !

As th--y a!-- . iij; !

i "nn u n.

I.I .ry, I lory. l.'a'l-I-ij.- tli .ry. C. ry, II.io.Iu-- jth .' i:ry. lil-.ry- , II j ih !

A th- - y iiMrch aloitx '

Now, tl.r-.- i le.-- i rt for the I'nion ;

thr-- e r U'in eh-- - r the I'nioti !

N ihree roii'in ehei-r- s f.-- r the I'nion !

A we are ni.trehi.-- i on ;

t'ltitrut.U'.ory, filory. Hail. lujah : fJInry, (i!- - ry, Halk'.o,-- j

th : CI. ry, iioiy, II. ill luj ihHip. II p. Hip, Hip, Ilurr.li !


Br clieckinfj ilie Uiplit of cxpcctatl.u, we c!icitd: ioHit riient of ic j.aiii.

ye emleirk in the cr i.lle fur a long vojage in llieCoHn f.r :i fir lunger one.

If 3r.n1 win! kwine a gre w conqueror, begin withic'i-rir- over yotireif.The firiiie-- ? I r i i nre furrne I in n Ivrrtif y,

j'lat its) iron 14 WrMol in tiie fcercrt tl.nie3.Svee :eiinx cue's cotTce is generally the first sdir-ri- n

event f the d jr.F ist iw y the !t i;r of d.ity. ?n 1, like the prophet's

y i'l I. it ch iiife to :i -- ri ike.The Ur !j-te- m hn a I irge ftmily, tut only cne

V'hy N a fiVU f pra-- - Tk- - a person elder thauit i pt ur-ag- e.

! t!ie I ir,irt in iu ? The lover; he is a fellowcf troiiieild.-ti- s i;!iw.

I'kknt'-- k ov Sh .v j. A (Iergi papertint 'iriicrti ..ll eid cm alwiys Mtiid tire. '

! ; i ' t of ih if, at.-- I he .eee-ii- n Iei-lers- , inos un- -ilt!i:ii y can ?t m I hie in I .

I i- that the nth I'.nolin t PoMier d. n'tp- -t en uh !i r it. Tney mtieli like tea rfore.Cin't they c.m k tlu ;r p ii:n.u..s :u rattle mi ikes?

Jvc-.-ioni- si:i in Virini imw t- in therfi ii je f ihe li'it-Ii- e le i Wi-- e an-- the light tiuger-- r

1 I :..y 1.

Br.hirii Yoii t- - ii I ti f a leau tn aa lut it '

WoijI iti't I easy f;1 eoUM h:sj r '

Mr.Sj.rirr.il C'h irleffti. s iy th at t!ie .ulhernrofire 1 r icy w.!I never its true po--u:o- ii until,ly i.'ii;..rr itioTiis fr.Hn Atiici, tne number of sltvei

t e ; !e t f''i i! t- - the uurutier tf unit is. !.'ei:i-!-- fs t!i it eery white in in. Woman, au l chill,!".i ill have hi-4- , her. ar. 1 ;t- - nter.

A e. :iretn r iry ivs. ttie riith''rn repu'-Ii-orois u-.- -it devil ui-1 llie deepVs. ar. 1 fill i i f the one. it will run ':o!ei.tly downa ve:. pl-ie- inio ti.e t rher.

I tie Moirhern g vet ii'uei.t. it is sat-I- , intc n Is flyingi:s A", i.'f i a luii-i- n country.

;.ni I.l . K S in-- ' tn.Mi t iik iho lit luck, i

.1 luck i. r. et t MX o'cl-c- k m the morning;g i l l ies, it ji ti li 1 1 en.) a Miming a weeii. is tohve upon ricveri pence :ii I ave a penny ; g . 1 luckis t., fr.-ilhl- your he wit:, jn.ir on tit.,; ,....,. ,w, 1

!.-- t y.'iir iiei.'lili ir's iletu-- ; .u uato other people .is wewi-ii- i rhr-- id- ur.to us. Thry mut ii..t only pll.l.ur ptr-e.er- e. 1 ence irj'i-- t he t iken cire of leci'jethev vre Hit welol u'lincisi. 10 jret on in thesv.-i- l J. t'lev :init take c ire f r sFoe-- their owninrwriy- clean, try ami Indp oflier avi-i- i

temiitaii tis. ;:i 1 hive t ait fi in truth au i Gj-J- .

Ike w a reilinz t''e rvoiu-- i piper, wlien he sn-I-

ien!y p.d lime I. ..n tver !" an l rea l us fol-lows : "The sr-c- il police arresfeil rt ymin; nitn

-- ter lay for walk:n i n t'n borlers in the publicK ir len." 5Ir- - I'lrttntoii !. oke 1, up. " Well, it .Lm'tmizni'v iri'i'a wlure ?.nie i n!e Loinl. Lut I np--r---. the hfel must te tu'.l to ilej-le- t ton ifthey've C'-- t ff faking boar-iers- i in tnieh expose-- l situ- -nti ;i- - Mr. (iilrin. I.O ili tlbr. makes g.nl Le.Is tortheai in his . b-e- rv itoiy. llur wh-i- t Ji I tney J, withthe cilrrit?" "It Jon't mV replie.1 Ike. tut1 tic--s tliey male him tikeanoaih not to .1.. it:Uii:i,nti 1 let him e- - " Ike raise 1 llie Direr Iiefi rehis fioe. nu l c'iuj!..!. he nienta!lv AIaim.-.- l

li H thing cn the ci I I ly."



rRMIE IM)i:islfj ;KD. IIEfiS LEWETOa in t II. i., tin i th. a he is. fr..m this .l.tv-- Ir- -t ar-- .l t.,,v-f.i:- .- ..!: , r , r- - r It f Ultl Mi an-- I HRIs. C.A ." ; r.,rt.... l;.i'.is an I I'rtViti- - fiir.iu..- opi-.tr- l on n.osi with all ki'i.ls o F r- -: . h0- - ri...... Ko.-u.I-.. Amenc.i'i l'A TNI f.S ill great V tn. ty.''" "r I'--r "l prom, i!y a. i.de.i I i by

F. HoRN."rn- - r K;rj an-- Ma inak- -i s:r.-s- .

I. IVt, r iiriit;,- - J.-- ,,, r.tr.-i.- , 1; ai aiiii- - and P- has-- !. t. ..... ... 1 - J.

Blark and I'Lie Broadcloth.EXTRA FINE UIMI.ITV.

"f iVile ai4 !!.: MI I.CUKRs 1 Co '.

1:. lIOFr.MANN, M. I.,rhviicuui ari l urjfi.on. Miiir ' l'.l'-ck- . corner yue-- n an-- K.ta

Iijiiiiinu :t0-l- y


():T:f-- r in IJ..1-1-- . f.v- -r the Tost OSii-t:- . 3J0-l- y

O. F. EHLERS,I:il4r In Ii' ;! . illc-- i. V

.'iO'-l- Ki.rt Ftn-et- . Il ii'.lu'n, ..l,u. II. I.

HOOT iifi,l Sllt)KV.tK till, 1 1 .t.-- I .tr.-t-t- l.it-vee- Xnmnuill. 'I M tUtl'lni' i 're


Iir.l-.rt- -r of I'hina au l ;r - I. .- 1- 1'1- -r in siii trn. in .l-- . rie- -. fiiMiiu-t- , ,.c., on Kinj; street, next liur 10 -r.

fa l!e it C-'i.e-. Uoo-i-

f ALEX. CAMPBELL,MKICCM M- - r A I l.i 'IC. mi t Sir I!nre-- s Saloon,

K n- -' a Sir --t.Clo'h-- , f ii"iin r-- a:ul always oil hanil, sn! ch'tli--j

in ilia.!." li in t'.- - t ?tyl- -. JV'.i-- ly


! XOTAKY PL'DLIC,ii..)M i.r,

K- - f ,ih-i- , Jl.iH ili 111

IIOVOI.l'I.I! STKAM FI.OIJK 3IILI, Co.' Proprietors. O. V. Jl l'V. S. S AVII-liK- , an 1 C. II. LKWEHS

tt. P. .Ii nr.. t'lireh i' n.' A, nt.S. Svii...r. A''-i.t- .

f. II L;.n f.n-i- . Tre r. S191y

WILCOX, RICHARDS & CO.Ship f'h ai-- 1 ' 1:1 Men-liant-- , flealrr in r il

K- iT,t!y o:i Ii i'i I a fu'.lf ipercli.t.i'lie, lor l!.e upply of V hal-- rs l Merchant

Ai:xTs foij Tin:Regular Divpilch Lim of Pachcls,i";

HONOLULU & SAN FRANCISCO,Hark Coiim-- i ( iipi. .In- -. Smilli.

Sm iIi !l." apl. Ii.linnil !.. C'sl Ii. . Clatloii. ,

One of th. h'h.v- - ieS'. wih he everythree w.eks. or nf:-r- nr. I

I"r ijl.t an-- I I'., ssen-.- r taken at th- - tow.-- l rates. !

All of the a.ve vess is Inv-- sup-ri- or accomm.-latt-.n- s for !

l';.-- s tiir-r- s. f.-- whom every comt.-r- t will b- - a!T..r-l-d-

Thro'i-- li I'.ii!-- . I.ii.lin.'. will lie jriven at Honolulu, f. riner. han- - j

ili-- - lo Ne-- rk or th- - ir-i.- -nl . inir rohippe.l at tilI r.tnei '. ., on lirs; ii..-- - hoi.-r- s wuho-i- t ena e.i i.se

''."- -.. ...... , :

call lire ai i. or n-rt- . i'ir-u-- :

Pol. .i.i:-- '. f r liiiiht sl.ij via Sin I r.iii.-.se..-. of M. rs. I

(ih ld-- ;i ,V Wi'.ii mis. in. 1 M -- S W.T. t'nlelnan ,V I o., j

N rk ! "rs - Ams foriirp:it..l- - Line, at M.i 1 r.inci'co. 'Ji'7-I- y j

WOOli! '


ir.-- lo oo- - hn.i.tre.l and tw.-m- co.l, ..uiu!,can. Ii jl:l v I . y r.. Ir.-i.-- i l t. iy.-ar-ol.l. C : ) M"!'! ! ! !'


POWDER.KFf:s iiic:iii.i L.tzr.n nnviiKii,

C.iv.s lull. in K.tiv. I'owler,rp-.rii-

F".o- - sale ( U- in) f . i;ui:vf.K .t co.


I'llll Ml. . FA I It ISA N l S I LATrUK.M i

l.l, on whi !s I ir'e Me lat. Iv reeeiveil. i

tors.il- - by o'.l'.-:'.i- n ) I'. liKKMI.K i Ct).. j


ir i i c 11 1 1 ii I a I Ihi I c iu n ( s.j

RON I I.IIWS, HAY ITTTKRS.m okt -- . - d Plan:, r- -.

t Cane I'll' l'TS.i.ra-- ""r.olle. O.u-.b--

I'l ir.t- rs Hi s..'ultiv.t:-.rs- ' T .h, I irii

li tr-- 't U,ik s. For sal- - bvl.'-C- C. IlUttt Kit .C CO j


For Sn5i.KIVKI) AMI FOR SALE It Y)I'ST u:: I. rs.ned

7.1 IJb Is Hawaiian I?eef.Wvrr t''.t--I- . I'.tcke-- l .i-- l Cured i:i Turk's I'.itnd S lit j

ol oiu CIIAS. P.KKWKIt. 2r i

"" j

Siijrar and Svrup Siejxs. !


N'I S i; t i I'.MPTV KF.f.'s.J I . .i- - l.y . 1 . im ; f. i.kkwi.i: CO;

ClI-'M- r! nrT!li tl'C0 ! :1 1

"'B!t 11 ' 4 '' CKTF.K HAS HFKN" THIS ,

'' 'l!";U'11 l- -r i. r , ,.Ur h "- -. .... :

H nol.i'u. Ju'v 1. ls".. "Ji-.-.-'-

- .

Tire Hric'kS and Cement.

i o,ooo ,,R,r,, f,kk R("L"iO I $11- - OnuMil,

W trr.trittd the '"tst t'.e in.iri.- - t.F t s.i.e by

GJO-li- II. HAi'KKKI.D A: C'o.

(h)SonrwMl k I' Nil E Rs MJ V El O FFE It CO It s I. K

'" rr;v trm ( my A. Vi.i ..i.i lia:.c.sco, p..r larCu -nrt. J. :th, M.t'i-- r.

.TOO I)ilC olljll III' Olllllll"--

,M,l""f Tl'l 'AC I.l I.LI CV ,



-- -l orn At.t-KlUl- . HALKEIl A CO. !


UJ1 ALI'RIt ll. UAI.KKR & Co.


Hams ! Haiuv ! Dams !

SOME VERY CHOICE CALIFORNIAHams, ju-- t reci.e.l jt Ct.i.i.-t,- and for

at th-- Fttii.ly (Jr--- r and Fed More.A D CtRTWRIC.HT



fi,ok i:.s staim:miokst,A-- nt l!i-- : Itr-in- on an-- Ir--U-- lof All

awraptr claims 4 gainst t!i- - ?ait I 'mU-r- rit-- r. wournnir inor hImjui this Kiiifl'i-'iu- , will have i te certilicj l.im.


CALIFORNIAMutual .Marine hKiiraiifc Compaiiv,

j SIN Kit A C I XO.I rplIK.. l'MKKSIi: VKI IIAVI.Nfi JIF.KVj s t.uc- - ii.-. i'T 111'- - t li'l' ,v j

j inform the th- - punlic, Ih it th-- y are j t- - ae

M A It INK 1 N S I it A S C U I l t. 1 J I F.S j

on Carg , Fr--I:!- anj Treaur .

II. HACK KKLT) CO.lloriol iiu, Mareh, 16J. OJ-l- y

11 a i:irK; 11.1t u i:.m i:

FIUK INSURANCE COMPANV.rilHK I'N f th- - e Coiu- -

fl' puny, are prepared to insure riaks acuiu.'t tire in an-- I

ul.out IIFor particular apply at the office.

MKI.CIIK11S .t TO.Ilono ulu Oct. 1 1, 1SD7. JJO-l-



orriCI-:- : Soutlin rorncr of Wnshing. !

I Son and liattrry sirTt. j

'UIK INPFIlSIf; i:i A It F FltF.PARF.ni m 10 i'ii---.nari- 'ie iii'iira!ii-- j) - teii i iti re-po- n-

I fZitrl"l1f'' iVl'r aSi,S,"t i", own I,uu,e, oni. I others or any

lollV I'AkR-iTr- . .lAMK liS!!tK.. .IoIIV'oN, A I A .1 K. IJAr.KoV,

N. 1.1 SITIi, ,I.U1K' IITIS., .1 IMK Pile I IV, .1 wits I!. II ;i;:v,j Lafavlttk Iavsai:l, J. MmtA Me.-.-;.

AI.Mi It'll, WALK Kit & CO. A c- -t ts.oiS-l- y Honolulu, il.

National ilote!! j


WTIIK r.MIKUSKJXKI) II A V I i I.K ASKI)j ffQ the thove well known ami popular lintel, hai npeneU it j

"J. a. in the

j IT'iiv--it r.IiiBi !;I

I Asa FIRST ( .A!S IJOCtK.The lions., has .nt in repair. Tli- - ro'ir" and

, ami ma le as comf-rt- a- ;j l'uliJZj " ,, wil1 'vays Ih- - found the bet the tnark- -t a'T rds. ,

11- 1- I ropri-t- or is determined t e'-ii.- l such .tionsto those who v ill patronize him, as will jrive the w.i:io,t i.i.islac- -tiotl.

A. THOMPSON", Proprietor.X. I!. I.a.1i- - may upon Mrs. Tl II M I'SO.N -- riirinjl".u i" " il.j t.io

JOH ROOERIOK'S.!m:stai;ha3.'t :

.ANI.dining saloon,.1. ItOIIFKK'K lir.CS TO NOTIFVhis fi ieii.U :ip-- th- - public g-- ir rally that in ad.lt'ion

t his i.lr. a ly conv- :ii-- i.t and mmo.li-ui- nm- - j

1 in S;r-- t,

near to th- - I'o't oilice. he his now a.l led r-- tns I. r pi.vate j

i....rri.-4- . wb-r- e tb.-- lt- - orovi l with eV'-r- luxiirv the a-

.n ntT--r 1 at li- - most m.hlerafe l.i ie- - . As a well known oldpion-- er in his line ..f ihe Islan 's. h- - trusts that hi- - fri-u- us and ;

the public ! ii.u.- - t tavor bun with tl.eir usual .ataii'l wh.ch 1 will, by iitteiition, h pe lo merit theiraipr-b;it- i n. 011-ili- u

olice o Suar Planters.rfllir: I''lF.KMfJN'F.I. Af.KNT FOR I.


SUGAi: M.UVIIIXKRY,Well adapted to the w nits of p'anters on t!i- - Islands, would

nsict fully call the attention -- f all iu want of new Machineryt- th- - s line, as h-- is eotiti lent thill h- - can suoi.lv all oei.ia i.lsa? i.ric.s wbie . will i.l ie.- - su-'a- w rks w.'lmi of all. i

All M.ichim ry iiu-- l articles or.l-r.- -d throu-.'- him. will be puar- -and w:uri"fd "I th- - very b -- t jual rt v. ;in-- I having r- -

its . tel--ra- ph ord--r- s from San Kritiicisc-.- . rasta-d- ,(

th-- y Will I.,' f;ll- d in the short- -l p..- -, it.;,-tim- - un-le- Mr. M .s j!

ton own supervisi 'ii. terms of pavnient 111:1 - ea--

oU-on- i 1. l:llTI.KTT. j

i lie




nr f f !


A CHOICE LOT OF TEAS(.'oiin't" O..l,moj Tea,

r.isk. t ti-.- 1 IU.,Knlifi l.ri'akf.ist tea,'uri his l'rtikfat tea,i.i. nl in.-'liui- n

I'l.ipni .1 salail oil,Haiaaln i salail oil,

1 t !l IT.iC K"I,I 'ionic or lokr.

.s .daJonnv LinJ cakes,

("ream c!ucso.No. 1 Ciiina rieII unlin a-- r.akor.-- Oystera.Kxrra li.iviiiT tohacii , i

Kits No. 1 M .okcrol,tne talt.

lS-"- m A r. rARTWRItJIIT.Pii

PILOT & WAVY BREAD.IIAVD AND FOIt S l I.K, Frr.li l!.-.lt-- lON li i.e. and Nov lb a! ; S l.i. .".i-.r- . I: it:-- and Wat-- r

Cr ick-r- s. in v .pi inr.ty at. ! at tie- - h n-t rit.-s-

I" ir: prvi!:ria th-i- r Hour, w;i; it l.ak-- d upon Mr.a!,tn- - rr

r l :p br a I r a. 1. Mil IKK S HAKKRY, in: 1 c r r t . 1 Ui tr 1 trc



tieoF ALL TIIK the

Olsiimx Aav:i i11f Y TIIK I.IMI COM M isslON I N" OA III', i

SlM HAW MI. am KM U.one .;;me pr, ;J on. T ! .,oi a' ti.-- - oo;.-- - of t;i

ri6-'.t- n INTK'M'iR PKPAKllKNT.

Tamarinds Wanted !

1 i 4i POINDS TAMARINDS1 VFa9.Ft?t will be purcl-- I by th- - un.l-rsit-- ne 1.

F- r th s- - m th- - .!::. th-- y wdl t ay a . --r ;. vm l ; iiiioat ; 1Ithe '..:!. 5 c I ;s i. r iiound.

310- - tn FRF.Iir.I'.ICK HORN A- - CO.

PictureltE VINEGAR IN IMMKT IOTTLE.Ill in.i-- fi :i. P. ir.it:...- -. I v Mr- -, -. k iht.i.


f - e i ii4'J v Pjf .'ir. . I ! I t iiiin, I'T I ly i



N. B. Tre iv tcht-- p ar. 1 iu nr. ir.s ie bv Mrs. Morris, areiaei h :f: th m k"y ;r jo

ISLANJ)S, AUdUST II,Hwclliiuis anil ic;il estate.

Pleasant Slimmer 1'iidi'iice !

j TO LKT.TO I.F.T. Kl ItN IS KI. THE wholej or I'AKr if Man-- C t;. ootitaiiiiri; i r'ii.-- .

J Lniiuire m" Mks. Iiikcm. on th t-

T. . Til III M,.'JlS-'.'- At A. D. CartwrihtV Kurt Street.

TO LET.Tllo It KSI HK.VCH I N N" I I A X I 4 A I.-- j

f rm-ily e. ii.ieil tjy Mr. Kott-r- t I". Janion. Ki rI'articalars ai n y to AV. L. lilLKKN. i

JlJ-oi- n

oII:jc To I.t t !

I'l.F ASA NT T V it - II III) I K IMTIIK Ceutr illy ioat- -i on lou t -r- et-t. I.tt.-l- iru ieiltm-l- i l'o?se?yion u'iveii innn-iiiat-lv- .

Terms low ; nji ly to II M. WHITNKV.

to ici: i.b:t :

I 9 Wi I I i 1 1 f I ltlln I


Street, l.itt ly in eiipit-.- l hy Ca t '.in iir.-e- n ami hisI i ily, with or without the two cjitajies in front.

ALSOTh-- ' iipariim II e on Waikiki I'lains. lately

Mr. J.irietf. with it- out-lio- K ati l lar'v encloure-- .

Knfi-- iiiiine.liately. Apply to f. f. I1AKKIS.oJi ;;m Attorney at Law.


;k THK LA I) (INSISTS (IF TWOfcvr Tr-r'- -i r v.-r- ri.-t- . soil. Ii:il ni!f lli-r-- on ..'TJ' - - --- ' - . . .

. th.)i;s.ui 1 " 1

M '.'My in full hearing, ami proini-in- i: a heavy crop; also alarge number of

o ii a :n Cm- - i --r 1 1 i: s-- s :Al-- in '"anr,: the Hi;:lit having entirely ilisappe.ire.l fromtl'"'"- - Tl""' S l"' "ls, i--' : Kl,1;l

ALSO N-- itr the is a r r.n tli-m- mailwith a stone h'.ut.-- , a fr;iine hous- - an l . . I i r . tr a .m1 husi- - j

ness, l.eintr well locate. I in the center of the coif. - districts,r M.- - lo.llo-- u li.'iv kl.it.. o. til to or toiii llic ra i

be al.vavs made.ALSO

Throe II )iv LoU for sale !

The proprietor bein in ill health, is the only re isnn for hisWlst,j(l), ,., appose of some of the finest pr--p- . rty in South

f. .i r ., rtii-u'ar- -- in mire of th- - or n.rietor of this i,u,-- r.

r to fai.t. P. 'umminirs. Kealakeku Ilav ; or the uuderiiruvd.Ttrnis eav. and po. es-io- u eivt-- when desired.

J. LAZAKI S.Jliin iunau, South Koti i. II l.vaii, 1S0J. ol-i-o-



LOiBEB ! LUrtlBER!! i

just Received ex ''Comet!"Ah! for safe the Lumber Yard

( F- -


a . DOW SETT,raiU N" (i I'K I V-- 2KOOVKI IKIAKHS, '


sntritK uoAitns, amJni SUING I. F.S.


nioul lines au l r.iise.l oanvl. i

So ash Poors, as sorted siz-- sClIO pair Win. low Sah. ass- i t.-- siz--s- .

Jiill i.:.ir with i.o.l wirboiit swi.-l- s. n.s .1 sixes.,1 -- vt.r. '!v for i Lis an.l fm s.ile low l,v

loi.--.,." lil'iiinil.' .1 n".iVI." j


LUmBER. iUtYlSEn -I j

riiltll viiLiicvinuiuth lirnpuv1 pive notice to his an-- the public generally, that

is prepared to sell every description ot North Wes-- t lumber in j

ipia'itin . or by ma II lots. ;is cheap or cheaper than any other .

ers"ii in the market. In other words, he wants to sell, and i

won't be beaten. (:!20 :lm) ('. II. I.KWKlls. j


M SHAVED WHITE EASTERN300 si.incies, warr.inte-- i to cover luu mpaitre .eit tot'le M. j

A new of the favorite cottaire siilinir lxat Is.Pine clapboards, '..Meet lone and 7 inches wide extra lliick- - f


A small lot of pan-lie- d ceilm- - boams, . men, a new and very j R.,xdesirable article and

Jl'it ft an tixsortir.tnt of White an l Col' if Paints.l'-o- m For sal-l- .y C. II. LEW Ell.



J 4vu l .rs. iiil - s and kin. Is,--'no Win. low Sash, all kin is, j

loo j.air loin Is. all siz, s.12 (Has- - and Plin.'.i, etc.. com pi-t- f. !

For sale at th- - lowest market prices, byCl'.'-ot- C. II. l.KW F.R.. j



; erpi

jsv. sa:o. w. a olli.il.?.ifrrf;vfn!?" 'V'VJ'i1 ixe.r'in

j H

iii;)il-t- .

I II ui rn lrl n r, I

Mnniiiir.,M uic. !

Old Hooks. vVo.P.irt-.r- .ir afentiin piil to M ard c!,r.,.-- '

having h id many years evpern-i.c- iu boik-bindu- u inits s. I. .j- - . to revive a share of the bu-in- e ' and


- -r. f ..n t' - rt'.- - r i'l.tn -. should be ;.ccrtnpa;.i- - I withcl ul.ir dire-i.on- s. as to th- - stvle. and. if th- - work to

volumes previously l.ouu,, a simple should e sentj

be K ft nt tr,- - h k f --e of H. . Wh:tr-y- . a,I'.it.-lery- in ti e rear ot lUv. Mr. Clark's r- - si - i.ce.S: n- - "hi;r'-h- . wlT-oi- n




Next Door to the Post-Offic- e, A

Stair Over the Alvertirr Ollicc.


I.SOir!-e- j;: Rir.p5, l'.reast Tiiis. Ac .

Jl.'-Ja- i II. I.. CilASK. !


otk:k : j v

i himIITOW OF' L A II A I X A IS M V nes

author. z- -d ai.-ei-it ar.J m,,l. l.OM'.

,21 x ( rf





Ornamental Foil Letterer,F01-- Sirci, ooilf Hit- - 0ll F'lloi.' Hullsjir.in

W. BENNETT,fS Boot and Shoe Maker, sfti

sJt Xuiianu S: , wes; si.le, ahoTe Hotel St. 'All Orler9 en'.rds't-- J to us will Ik- - atten.leJ to with neatness

ami sO-- y

HENRY A LLEN,Carpcnler, liuililcr. Fiulrrlakrr and


(a TOrr nT-- j '

Call and Fvnniiue my Stock, beforeIu rcli;ti iiir i:ieuherp, I

At my !ioi. optilr Ciirlu rihU F l Store,Foi l Slrri'l. S12 0ui j


cwn ..a j

11KCS I.F.AVi: TO INFO KMhi hit ii. Is an.l the public gem-rally-

, thatVv",""""Jr-li- liits oiM-i- il the almve hue of liusiiios.

an. 1 th'-- a sh;ir,-o- f i.nliiic natronaee.Fii-iiiliii-- of all kiinls ma.le, iin.l oM furniture repairel i

or I'leaticii. j

t'litlcrlii'tiii;; attetvleil t. with dispatch.Fi-'m-!- i an-- Vnriiih loli.liiiij; done in the tet

styi-A I.SO On IiiiimI

GOLD k KOA MOULDINGS,Suitahl- - for j.iclure and other frames.

Praclical House and Ship Plttniher.ft II VMIl.tl'l.ir ItAMS. l.lKTINf; Foree

Pumps. It i'U Tubs, Wash Water L'los-t- s, etc..fitted up in the best, manner. All work done at the

Very lowest rates an-- (.cri-c- i saw.siaci;on warrani.il.-- ii Km,? S;reet, in Same building with lleo. C.

Si.lcrs. olJ Gin

f. is. . srAn i:lkb:,Nuuanu Street, Honolulu,MANT'F K Tl'KKKS A N O DKALERS

iT' S I.-- Tin Elicit Iron, f'ntitii r Mini Zinc Ware.A I.SO

Li:.iD pipes mid i.mi iii:p.iii!i:i).2T Ship Work promptly executed. JO



JC TIIK I VDKUSICXKI) HFOS LKAVK("'j to state, that he has taken the shop fermerly orcupiedy by i- - Sid-r- s, and is reaily to execute all orders in

his line wilhneatti'-s- s un.l dispatch.p. si. Particular alt paid to rep:-irin.- ?ewinp lnch!ries

J A M KS A. HOl'Pl.lt,2S3-l- Kaahumanu street.



public that he is prepared to Manufacture

Turbine or miy oilier hind of Wnler Vlirel,and warrant them, at reasonable rates. Orders for any kind o;

31 i 11 wri t Workso!:cit--.l an.l promptly attemlcrt lo.

K"L'"' ct" U'



furnish IRON at d URASb CASTINGS, and all kinds ofMachir.erv and Smith "a Work at the Shortest Notice andCBKAPK'T Ratks........... ............ . . . ...... I


ITT CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A supply of Anvils. CrF,,re itaoka. r,.ain Stooir.. Sash Weights. Store Plate

I. initios, Dutn' liehs, kc, A;c., .Vc.2SJ-- H- TIIOMA3 HL'OHKS.

Honolulu Soap Works!


considerable improvements in the aboveb- -. 1. iv- - to aiinoiinc- - to his Cust m-rs and the Pul-li- inpei.eral, that he is to supply th-- tn with genuine


d, iT t S'lperi- - r to the b-- st imported.X. R SOAP tilt EASE WANTED.

303-l- y

Ai All A S 0 IP F A ( T (l IU !



B stock of ir. tt. ria'. is -d to supply his customersth- - with !- - Alllovv, lirown milWhitoSOAP. M.S- O-

I"T AI rIT SOAP,In 'artr or small rjuartiti-- s ro suit.1". S. S np aiv- ays want-.- t. TS-l-

Cabinet Maker and Turner.Ml E OLD STAND. HOTEL STREET, NF.AR

th- - r of Fort.Furti'tur- - of iill kit. .is tnad- - and repair- - !.On ha-.-- l anl sale. 11 K A D Y MI'K FI'RNITt'RF. K--

Hoards. .Ioit and I'lank; (.'e.lar. Iliac k 'Walnui and Cherryjards; R. s. w.i an.l Mah neeritie.

larje as .rtni-i- it of MouMinj, and lar.'e sir.e 1 Glass.varc ty ot R- i kin'. It n i livr, Othce and Children Chairs.

IMished Cotor.s oti haii-- and mi., to order. 320-- y

CooperinJ.13IES .1. BI DDICK ;


i his t C.....OoPKRAoiK on the.

KsplrmaJe,l s i' ? .' 1.Iljto fjF''. t st take? this ()f return-- -

'' - b'1 'ifcere thinks to his friends and thej -

r- pu' i" i ' i ine supi.n an.l patrona.'- - wh.ch thev have been rl-as- ed to irrant

f ir the past teu years. a:id ho-e- that by attention to nusi- -an-- promptness in the Ti f all orders intrute.l tohe wid m-- r:t a continu:inc- - of tl.-- ir favors.

11-- - has q.j hati l lor s.ile ui.a xaj t.1 11


SIX nill.I. 11S I'KR ANN'l'M.) VOL. VII. No. 1. 1IOI.I-- . No. JZO.






j II. II ART A: Co.!

nVAi ItKsi'KCTFILia TO INFO KMfrien.U un.l the pul-lic- , that they hav (hi, tly

couimLiu-e.- l the clothing huines4 in the tore formerly occupinll.y W. Ita-H-- they inteiul ke pin a rhoioe assortment f thenest cl.ithlnc miiH.rt.-.- i lir.-c- t Ironi the Kait-r-n Slate, ; frrrat

irchaser, ai.d hooe to merit a hbareot the .iil.hc p trroiiace.

' Honolulu. Jan. 9, l62. 320-Cr- n


KX I. AT AltltlVAI.S, AM) FOR SALKift the fheap f lothinK Knu.rium. a large variety of

Hats, fap?, HiM.ti anJ Shins an.l flothinr, iu a great variety.For oale ly

3J0-.1I- II ART t, CO.

i new TEAS! new TEAS !

i Jut Ifocciveu !


Vory Clioioe Oolong Toa, - 4Supvrior t.'uloiij; IVa, S

10Ciittios Htvakfast Consul, --


ir Itaj-kft-Ti'- - 1 IhVery Choice Jaji.tnmi Tea. uneoloml.(lood Medium 'lea, - - 30 lb. boxesCi)iniiKn 30 44

N. II. The attention of fonsiimerit is particularly railed tothe above assortment of very Hue Tca, for pale hy

f. SAVIIKJK,oJl-l- lort Stnrt.

isrni goods!FOR THK

FALL SEASON.The Bark " Laura &. Louise ! "

T I.KAVK II A MIll'KC; ON THKloth ot May, with a well selected cargo of Uood adap- -

kxpkctkdto akkivk ifk comet,VIA PANAMA.

hi.-- will be np-- n r inspection when received, and sulcimade to arrive, ty

:iin II. 11 ACKFEL1) ii Co.

Ilhlr,ioal Skins,T.i I low,

Old Copper nndCoinpowilion,

e jfik ii asfi at tiik iuuiifst marM. KKT I'KICK, by

.T 19 .tin C. IlltKWER ir CO.

Have Ji;st Received


checked prints,Bales purple prints,

Ilales fancy printa,Kak-- s printed regatta hirt,

Ilaie hickory shirts,Iialea prit... 1 shirts,

Hales pink shirts,Uah-- s white cotton shirts,

tales denim frock and paoUHales white shirtiiift,

Hales black an l id"? orlrans,Cas-- s Victoria lans.

Cases white mo-jki- n.

Cases cotton velvets.Case cotton pact stuff.

Caes Mack n. white linon tt.rtaJ,Flat pointed spikes,

French i.ails,Steartne candles.

Window glass.Zinc,

A.C- -, Ac, kr., Kc. 31-2r- a

mrHALIXtt CRAFT AND GEAR.T Cin-r- ' Tools,

I'Ht-- nt IHo.-k- ,

Tarr.il an-- Manila ordake.Hunting Powd- i , in and 1 lb. tins.Linseed Oil, in I'emijohns.

For sal- - at ( :i21-:j- m ) M KLCn F.RS V Co.':

IL A HC E FIRE PROOF SAFE.Two small Fire proof Safes.On- - Iron Moiiev Chest.

F-.- r saieat ( 52l :hi. MKLCIIERS fc Co.V

mriISKY. in IO KnllonCIC;.N'AC, in 10 and H jralloti k-- p.

J A M A IC A It I' M . in 5 and 10 gallon kf gs.I A LE A LE P.ass r Co.'s, in mtiru,

J. C. Man- tli Hon', inII. Deetjen's, in quarts,

A LCOIIOL, T0 percent., in d.rn j .tins."or saie at



M-- of Lamps, burns, with a

While ami Itrilliitul Lihl, niid rmlls mm

Smokr.In rpiantitics to su'.t, for sale at32i :?m MKLCIIERS r Co.'s.


"WATER SOAP.SALT " h:::n- -Match?,

HOLLASD GLVKF"or snle at

SlV2in MEI.CIIKR5 A. Co.'s

AM) PINK ORLEANS.BLI'E and blue silk for dresses.Black and color vi silk neckties.

Black silk cravats.Black il i umbrellas.

Black silk velvet.Black velvet ribbons.

Colored velvet bracelets.Colon. d velvet riblmns.

Asst. cotton s.iclt'and stockings,French sipndr

Page 2: l'uliJZ - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/36906/1/1862081401.pdf · Jvc-.-ioni- si:i in Virini imw t-in the rfi ii je f ihe li'it-Ii-e le i Wi--e


Tarn-- ; In I a r. f r :.-r-i :.! .I'.fl'.:' l!.- - .:tt '

t i. S'H.tn m t !'. --.::.! ! h r- - . .r ! y, 1 :

!. fr-- S- -n I'm. ' - -- . v I ir:.- -l tjr (' r II i'vt.i.O tr f t- - t y l.- -t ; I. t ir: r: ir t. Excr.arsvrr - t:-

t!...-;r- ar- - v; t.t'.y ery ut. 1. and I '.y tor.'i:.- -- : '.I '.!.- cu'att'ei i:. ?!! r The idwi.ce

V r V rk U a ei:ti:i..t, ,n. and i. tsiil pro! ably; ; : rti,.; ! as it r . Li-hi- p At Co. r- -r iv-- d

i - i': Vt..t-.:'- l.y '.i- -t v !. .!..: 1 Jiv V.'!. the fo'.loW-iro- r

ft '.r to "X- ar.d p- ! I :

"It it f- - r ' hni n X- - V ik w.l'i : r- Ik- - !y t . ruk--;

.vr r tu i r 1: t . .! I - .:. - !:.. A '' ': u.--

ia r. H'iT'i 1,. ,r,. n . - iv r i. r- ':: v. ' : -- it i 1 i n il i i v i r

V. c .1 .ubt if rf-- :..: iri -.- - ii- -; .i. 1. i

1.1 :ii i : t I -o aol I .r- l.a'iC' in v!uf f tollf !; tt- , I. .it ! :.- - ; ..v: in "f bullion rs

in :.:i, .11 wiih oi.r '.r t'. f t:.: or:. I .1:1,.-.- "

TT- .- t: r nr - I .r .ir : is i.st to r- - li.l th- -

fii'in-- v ,riUv !. ui-- 1.1 11 ivl I.H.1 .1.1 (.: 1 :ir--

'' - wr.i.tri u K'rt t:ii. .

T!.r .:ht-- r Jn '.. ! ':i .";f:ir I.iy la-- t f r .;tnFri:i' i -- , :iU'l tfi- - ir t ii t:.-.- - (.,n.i': talur- -

dy, a fu'l c-- .r .

try UMk ;riis.i. ;:i.; in liii.--i:- ! .;r:'i-- , .tii 1 a jwrf'.-c- l st:i-ri- ':'

:i f tr.-l- - j.r- - v i.ii.

ilnI'i mkmorm.lri N'T 1 .If r i. Itli Jain-- , 1 ij-.- 1; .uri: s I.l :it a n t .11

f.iil'i if.-- f ri;iinii :

vm. Ti.'.i..-- . .f N. I:., i ti I.- -, tV.'it l.'-- i.iv.-i--t

.ry, i.. W in . V :.rt, f r ; 1.?.; J..r.i.-- , f X. I; :l ai .itli.ir--- 1 "n.tn h r i -t

..y;i- -, . il.'-- t. . Jr., l- -r

?'..:, han lKr Trie.-- , i f X. S., 1U t- - f.. at I i - f. tri.--' 1 fr lar l:i't vr.v.ij."-- . In J'jiia ISmirii", Jr , f T . ;'.

: f.-- .f 1 .trk liraru, f N. i:.. J07 t'it.-- . a '.;.-J-.ai iv-'- l

frurri I ' r !.; vnuji'. .iri-- l I".:: r if f .r .1, t .1 dia ll'iin.'-- ,

Jr., :;t nl ' I :!.!.f Kalf f-r- y. f W. -- Ij.rt, ti.i.i. a

l nii ! r a:nl i" I.tiiu f .r I Jl. U.

ii .war I. -- t :.. . t ;li.- - rat.- - c J..."'J.

Mooii'k X'!i:ir til Honolulu, in ,tiX"'iy. It m.

I 11- -t lurii t- - r . ' U- - A. ! I.-- I .i:ru r..l' 11

rii: A 1 . 'J II 11 .. I .' M'. 11 -- t II J A

i,n iT imt. . i n.i-- . m-- .

f r.iii'-- ; I u!y J'". I. . ii, f ; l.if- - ISX-.- V rk.. ?uU" . i " t- - - r.liic . July In

' .. J l!y .i Ji Ut-.- l- -

Ta!.!'.i y. ii 1J I jj'li.' N- - J.111. ;

Nitit Mail.,svis Fcan ! i - r F.itur.l.iy.

riK !i M - r l.iini. i IliKit.'-- ,

I'.-t- : I.Aii mt K:i!ii' i, Kri-- i iy.

pout or iioiroLiLU. n.A llll I V A l.

A.: 7 Maria, frain-- . tr 1:1 I.-I- i w ith cor N1 tr.. Jin. I 1 1 .a 1. n- - r. j

i in. r r.ii. s..n'li. 11 l'r-i-- lf. 11 iliri fr. ui !

Sail If r.m 10.. iin.li..rl ml-:.!- -, f..k ..It. ... . . . . . . .- 1 t .1 . 1 : Iir.liHVH,.....n,M,-- , ...i ....r, ...... sa.n u.i.;.t...;in; ilay

' Si-l- i .' .VI" rrill, fi'i Ui!". jiu:tliieii.i ai..lj

U.i. iiii.i, i.li 41 I.:ii ; a'.ii. 'J l :i.' hirius "i.O'iIt, ri, ii ln..-s- . - ii rv .,' Ii'l!- - sii,;.ir-f.i!i-- , tti; , I

riu.l il 1 -- r.l ...ii r Ki..iii. :i. - ri ill. fr.'iu wimlwanl xirM. witli j

1I In! c i;l.-- . - li..- r- la 1 -- li i, ln ti-l-- .

il tfi-i- t '.ni. I l". I k z LuttT. 11f, ,. lirl ! t.it 'S'i tf.J f.iii.-U'- . 'SMO iiru.fs j

'i l.;- - - ar. k- lira;-.--. !(. furiiitari-- , 10.

JI ?i-- K.iiii' li: r. lia ! , Mi.rsf.fr.ua Navviiiwili, it!i l

l--'i e.ir.li uil ai..l ..i iiir. T-

ill S h l!.uir;ah. ril.mr, fr ui I!il. with IJlIcS .ulu. ;

11 .in. fu.ii.-j- 4, - It.-"- , mi I 15 j ri. '

11 ?.h Kniina Kiw-v..- W.tii.riy. fnnri Ha:.:il.i. witM-.- t

f ii.itiv." fr iirl.t 1 c.ii.iii ar.il la ilt W r- -. j

1 1 SV-l-i Xui-l.- i, trm KalrJiiii, with a fail ir.tr:"if BlllMt.

IJ S.-i- i Jraiiiultf, Ireeli. fi.i Ma'.iko. with 1T0 kff.s Mlar.j

IK!V ll ll lt KS.j

An 7-- S ii V U liWi. X;i.t l.. f .r K.d.u'.i'. j

7 eri Warai. k. J- - liii liii.l, l.r i...kai.H ?eh KaiiK.i. Mi-.it-- r Kitriama aa.l Kiihulai. '

y Aai Jurl'i Aim l lii, f ran train1. - .. l .,; t ( f.,r ..,.! !

11 sua!. ii r Ki.:ii;- - :t. I rrill,r r u.i, K'.na a:ul otli'Twit:. lvi.tr. I


1 2. S h N.-tli- f M- - rriit. lJ..rri- -. f.r Ii!.aina an.l Hil".Vi rrii K iUiii.i, Ui W, Inr Xailiili, Kul.ia .V Waan-a- .

1 J svh ll tiiii.tli, Aiit.in.-- . f. r liua. II ma anJ llilo.1J srh K.iiii.'liiii.'ha, M--- r . f.-- r llaiiaUi.l.i ?ch iUi, X.ii-Ij- , f..r j

13 Sch JiMiuictt., 'irt.-n- ( ,T .M.iliko. '


VKSSKLs IX I'OIIT-.- U (;i'M 7.I

II. 15. M. o uiaer r!iarli:s, ;... 1. K. jne.Am liiWk "n:i. t, Smi li. f..r San 1 r iiieire". i

Aui bark Yaiikt-f- . Tay'or, f- - r San Irniciseo.Ila. bark KatM- -. n, Vlnreliai.:, r ietori i. V. I.

V I K trl from t'uri-i-i- i 1'nrlu I


Am clipp r ship l it ins i:.i:! . n miiI for II r; due.Am sf ip Carriruti ii. ni : r 11 '... ' mi lue itimuC 'JOtii. j

Am. ship K liitn. It'ir.lit:. sa.!. d fr. in I;, -ti June 15, with air.'in.f a..rlfil im I . to ". I'w.r l"o.

Am. ship Kn.-- , J- ru an.sa.Utl fr"iu N r Ik'.li'.r.l May la, ui:ha full r:vn.' "if .! I ni.Ist-- . to W il.i.. i;;e!,.irils .V l'o.

ll.iw t h out r l..h-l;h- IUi-'- i. fr. iu I't.n'iiix r.lu- -.

Am lurk Xil- -. K'3 te, lr..ii Sydn. y Via l"!i.. .liv ovt r- -ilu- -.

Ihierh ship i'i!. i. K.h Ii. fr..m ni alH.ut April 15, with- td. car;.'!, t J.trii-i- . .V

Il.init'iirir birk .V l re-- e, M irk, to sa.! fr iin ll iinl ur- -May 1, ith nelsr o M-r- t. kf-i-.l A: lo.

!!. :it." bark Sytpli'.l-- . Ib.e- - iii.mii. 0 sail fr.-- Itrem.-- ab.nitT:iy I. ui ii. i .li.indi.-- t t" VI. r- - fr '.

! int i. t :nk I'tii'.rir. . Itrt-ii- ri Apr:! 1 t- - 15.tt.iti :. eari.-.- . o, 1 1 . IT hl.ic-- r .V Sl.ipi i I., t.

If. l Klil.iij V. . I.a,-- . ffio a criii-t- - .inn.ni: tie t'.-- ' liet.Vt r .12:--


A ioei-l- i war r -- p- rt I f. iu Ia: ..rua.

I t I'dK I Ss Ir.iMi.-o- i I'o. Y.inki. Ai...

A- -i I. . . . . J I! T-- e -- 'im s. k . ..1AU-p- .. . . b, ". It . I. .I ! I. t ....-- . .1Ar ii.e. k- - . . 4 r..k. ..1 la," ill ' . 1 le ii .No ..

1 1 Ir. n. bar. Kits JO:.-- . r. k 'i .....11 I . ..II. liar. . . . . . '.o

an. I -- hot . I ' Ir. i. ...f V. '

ly. ; ra-- '. . . . - 1 r. ri. -- In- t. I il-. . . ..Il:rosr . p I I. e.. I -- iiH.i.'.'y. I ui i -lin-mi- -. ! ...... . . 11 l.airp.l;r-a- .:, . , . 141 I'lpe, ( i. . .r.f 1 1. 1. ii- - .'. I III.- -. Ol -K.a.l lin- -' .'I t. r. ii.in.;;- -

:ri. i.. No 1.' ' I d. k

l.'ini!" r. r '..'.-'- . . rs.., ..l'J!!: -- ! . X" . . . . . . . .I-- ! ii.-.- . .i i., br! . . . "

T.a-i-. V !".. 'k. ...1W ITlil .lT- -. pkc- -. . Vta-!.r.- l.r ...1tit.'!.'. ...... -- ' :i'- -. s .lf

'.it err. pry ...... lis. "W. es

t'.:sf .....; i. l . . .I i.- - - ... fen i. ....1

4 "

i. . rs ........ . In I'.-k.'- . act I 1

-i in i. ......... 1 ! r."tar, 1. re. I ih . t l':;p r. r- - am I"1 lhit!.-- . ....... Z I'.ip- - r 1: oi rii"- -. c- - . 1

Ci'ltM, l ......... a I 'Ul'p. ........a 1

k- -- ........ ..I li.. Xit.. ........ . . . : -- 1

I r. k-- ry. ....... l r: i.e. j k- -. 1

'urr.'it-- . k- - ; 1 Kai-.::- .. i..i!fl'-.- .. ... f

W'l r. ......... 11 lint-- , mats. . . . ' i

l"r:is, j r .....1 K'l'.'-e- titles, b 11 . . 1

I'm.--, l ri- - rs. ........ 1

Iry .!- -. 1

lry t bat-- ...... 1 s. ..lr.r it.K i J i. I n- - ...i;K iney ti'-l- .. i ... ..........1 Sal l t re. ct ifanning taill, X-i- . . . 1 e I. yc Iih s ..v s. Xo z I

'l l, drum. ....... 1 ::.. .nery.cs ... iS iln.. :i. br!. ... .......I -- t S; eur, I. ilf s.iek . . . 1J" T ea. . 4

H.ur. ur " 40 r. il. -- I.' et. . ...1Klniir. r;.--

, ' I l oi. b..r ...1JU4riri. c. .........i rib.t'f., t"- -. .......liar 1 ire, e . . . .... ... le V.i.-.-., Xi) .... I t!

il.i., kts. W lie. '

I ., W J

ilo , i o I'l.ir.t.rI lain, br! i ao:. ri ! i. k' ;. .

Ilcllow w.ire, lli... I .ll.f.'l u..i. t - ...lo. Ii-, .. Is

V ih. il'.--Ol

iixriutrs. i

f ir SaN Ff!S'. - - r Ana i'.lU i. Au.: -. 5 1 .1.-- (..5.-J,.'-

it) paddy. US c .ils o.rd.ii:- -, .!- - I' ll- - r pe. 11 d . whale line,j

4J0O waprjr ltle. i

iaskxgi-:ks- .

i trim WivrW4P.i ktsj-- t Kii oin. A 1:3 i: v.- -

flalk ual wi.V. eha K 'iark. Mr-- T K r - .r. V.r- - l.-e- t, .Vr

O'N'eitl K Vib-hel- l. Jas i,.i.a la. Ibt.ry Atkin. Win l.u..- - t .

J M...r. T Hunt, r li rnb.11 -- nd a-- ei r- -.

1 . ..r.-.- r. I',.cit-i- ,rr Kilaui. An- -' 11 r and Mrsr. .

. .. .... ii .1.1..,, 1T 11 c j.r,..r f rhiUrra iirr .MIS- - i -

v .. .,.,. ,,1 Il.irris. 11 1

'11.. i

about 100 ilrv-- k pa. ..


Chatl M.ioRf-- In llonolu-.j- . Ansnt ?:h. l y ll--v. S- - C. j sor,aT0..ri, Mr. Aifre.1 Ch-it-- r l Mrs. -- ry M.kp. , l0

lUTrns :rLt A: lVi.il iku. Mam. Jury i nt.. i y 10 v. . ,

P. Alesan ler. .Mr. Willi n llaveP. w lis -- (i.,. l. ,

TH2 r.iciricCnmniem'al Advertiser.

iJU ii.sDA y. i ; n.In.. L 'Mature Mill h is uti,

flu ' f.nj.-thi- i tn J whi- - ii rvt.!-- K-a.- the:mli!iin.,'.'jf W'.irk. Ti.: lii im j -- i lx.X tiling

that the XoMes i.a'. il j 1 1 .j iuriii th.' v.c k, is tuI ast a hill t!i'.- - .ai- - t li'ju anvwhcrearid t vcrvM h'-re- , an-- J ati tlu r :HovIi. tin luunu-f- u

tr? of i? j i r i r - Jy v iy bJyh j - i t'j tak'.-- out a p iuiii. It h:i Lttin that

t!i -- .; twin iu'.-:iMjr.-.. J l..-- j.ut furv. arJ hy ar:i i r. i try wl:; - in jiathi- - s are 11 with ll.f j -

aii'l wli'j aj t ar t i have a j;i'Mt alalia frli'':ir, Wuicli ill .uiu; fjmi Vt In; tii-- ;

" a! fia aini onu i"' of all its aiui.s ; hut if rcve-ri- u;

is th- - o'lji-c- t f th'.ir jias.-a'- .', the NuMcihav.i ii'j Cn-titiui'jii- al rilit t riinate thtin,h jwcvlt sti oitgly tlii.ir t.istcs may run in thatJirctioii.

Tlieo lull-- j wcr.; v.- - h' li . , on Mon-

day, aii'I a simjilo txtiact from that j roj.r.vin (0litillir., will thow the roiui'I.s on

which t.'icy Ikim; this new '. 'J'iie f.'IIow-i- n

i- - it- -1 ruamltlo :

Win ni:- - the siil-j.-ot- s r f this Kin lorn J.j thelaws of nature tiit li'.t of ucquii :ng an 1 pssers-1- 1

R aaj the light of c-tit- i acting tngage-riif-n- ts

arittcMit to aoiiiaitioii ofan i in cm ri'hi.ratii.ii 1 f that 1 iw the ('..iisi:tutioiiof this King'l .iii. .i tiule 1st, pu irantefs tint riiiht,aii'I iJeci.iles His Maj-.'sty'- s tuj.rt3 "trie aii.leijuil, ai.J tii'J-yWc- J with certaini'hts, arai.11 which art- - life, liberty an. I the right

ot ucjuiiin, an 1 j iu'tctiiiij j ii'fi ty,"ati l in Article 1 1th, the King in his wi.vluin a'hrmsthat liht, therefore e cintiot U'j.-ri- the til j' Ctof liis 11 2 lit-- - :

Axu WMKiiKAS, ail .i ohihit ii tis sigahist the sulj 'Ctsof this Kin lurn, in the acijairing anil posses.--! 11 jjf f pr.p rty, are in contravention of the estahhslii'ilprinciples of the 1'eeliration of Kihts, alow aain-- t the orj: iiii'i Liwof the Ilvaha, an 1

the developenietit of tlie resources ot the country,tlierefi.ro, it tnictel, c, .vc.-- ccor-l;n t the reason i air advanced in this

j rcanihh', in rsirii-tiuii- s tin am l,u.nit .., callingor jiiir. nit that any one i;:;iy choose to follow,are " Coii.-tiint- in il." Accorilin to it. u manmay s lect the avi cation of a thief, a rlla r, aMiiulcr, k'"i-i'- of a hou- - t.f ill faiif, ami the('"ii.-titii- ti 'ii loihhls any tis on his occn- -

at ion ! This jin-aiuM- is ahont as fair an illus-

tration of the won.! rful talent of our House ofNohh-- s as coiihl l.e j ut int print. Our ootein- -


will !! (lolillt "it on l:is liigl.c.--t stilts andc,.,lf , t 4 1 f , 1 ! .1 , , ; , J t.- - (riiwu b ' 1 1 ji.ih 111 11:1 1 f t 1 iiiv. 1 - 1 i inthe law, and revile the commuiiors Id theyc im lud.- - th it its enactment had tt-- r he delayeda few years.

In the I.ov. r Ihaise, tl.e c.. litest with the lnin- -

or rather with tlie Mini.-ti-- r of 1'iiiiit.ce,has assumed a new pause. A our readers arealready aware, tl.e Jicprcsoi:latits have openly

n want of cmiiidence in the administra- -

tive cajiiit ity nf His Ex. laid I., (jre, :i:Jsupport their position with a'amdunt proofs.On the 1st of August the Minister sent to the

a revised or rorrect-- report ofthe iinanees of the Treasury I ) 'pai tnient, as theywere 1.11 tin? lilst of 3Iare!i, which report gives ail liferent face to the affairs of the department,from that lirst 1 resented. These statistics hacbeen printed by order of the K pr tsintativcstogether with the rep'.ris of their Finance C ui- -

uiittce. The reports will be found on our histpage, and si perusal of them is sufficient toshow that the finances have been most shame- -fully conducted, and that the head of the de- -

partment has domnnstrutcd I. is total unfitnessfor that olhee. Whateve r the public may havethought before coneornin this ministerial case,tin re can now be but one opinion that achange is absolutely demanded, and that thefiHuicr it is made, the 1m tter. I'ntil the reportof the Mouse's (.Yuiimht e appeared, soin" doubtswere entertained with many as to the ju.-tne- ss

of the complaints raised against the Minister.Hut that report removes all doubt.

There wore two ways for the House t proceed.in this case of ministcl ial delinquency one was i

. . I

to impeach l.iiu the other to 1 iv their coiiiphiintlefor,; His Majesty. 1 mpeaehiin nt, though pro-vided for by the ('.institution, is a new thinghere, and if formally instituted, must at best bea. long and tedious procedure, and more espe-


so fr nn its novelty. I ing new and un-


its result may h.iv. app'.ired d ;ih:fu!ti

and th- - ex-ns- e attending a prolong itioii of the j

. 'ssion. of itsi If si:gg.-t- e. a h -- s l- - .tioas alt. rna-ti- e. j

Again, the case, th'-ug- clearly tailing for j


but his hist- - r is not charged, imr do we think one

will be found to make the that theMinister of Finance is r has been elis!,(mst.His failings all know, and they may be summed

lip ill i " im i:j u 11 1 e' .' 'J'l- - whiilt If

In this somewhat anomalous state of thingsthe house deemed it nn re j rudeiit course tolay their complaint liii.ctly k-for- e the King,hoping by that less expensive and More speedyim 'do t j correct the evil ; and at its s. ssioti oilthe Ulh, adopted an addri -s to His Majesty onthe subject. Whether they have chosen thewi-- er curse or not. the public must decile.Tie-i- r language is mil l and unexe ptionable, amiseeks t leave tlie Solution of the dhlieulty withthe King. Tiie f Howing it their address ;

May ir Plkvsk Voir Maji-t- y : The lUpresen-titive- sof 3-- ur People, in I.t isl.itive f'o-inc;- :

i, pr.-.-y tn. u they may be permitted to present

tfoe your Majesty this their liuuib.e A Jdrcss, t'nich- -111: tne iiiteiests oi the nation.

l ciieve that there should be the utmost confi-dence among all classes that the finances of govern-ment ate i with talent-- , prudence" and indus-try; an 1 tint when such Cititi knee exists, the burden

ny tixitii.n i cheer fully borne, .and ouchfefls a f rid. in the maintenance the public

lienor. Aii I should it bee Hie neci ss ity to borrowliiont-- such a refutation r good m magement isequally necess iry a;i...ng capitalists th it the credit of

nation may le unquestioned.There has Kng au impress'un universal

thrk-tighou-t the Archipel tg-- , that the head if the

Dep artmt nt of Finance gave but little persi 1.1! at-- Iteratioii to his duties, and thit persons seeking to doLiusii.trs with him. Sin 1 it hnpes-ibi- e 1 11 account f.fhis intemperate habits, e ven in r ublio 1 .rices, to secutehis attention fr a suthcient leiigtii of time lor an

' intelligent interchange of ij as, and the accouq lish-- ij ment of business.

Eirly in the present se,;,,n it hoc line evident thathere were giave oners in His Excellency's Kcportto this lb. use; anvl iu seeking iuvt-ti- -

; gitions have been male, which have brought to lijghtthe fict that the public accounts have been cueKssykt.j,t 10 degree that it is impossible that a trial

ceuM have been taken tro.n the books for along time. .n 1 corrtsf onuence nas mauc eviuetuthat His Excellency disregards what we consider ourCoiistitutiotial rignts, his Constitutional duties.When we see so exeecd::.g1y blatr. ible a rej t.rt, and

great c.iitlessntss iu accounts, wc are Constrainedtlli,,k that the evidence supf-ut- s the Hceusutiou

c.Ijll(t l,,u j,.:ir L:iC the a. "ou.. ts of the varioud

c- iivijfiii z an 1 J ItLu i.g M'.-nT- s of t!.e pivert.n.etitare eipri.iy fiuhy, irri.-n.uc-h as c 1 it !es-:.t- ss an j in'g-iV'-!n- .--

in tl.e i.eil t f a ih p irtment jtcluoe I kefmi;- - iti iiis suhvr Jinatts, a:.'l is oahle tu tnocuiagoji-- hi :.e-f- y.

'1 he I!eprt-ei:t:i;ivt- ' of yrur IVi ;e pniyfurther tu he aliowo'l to say thit ti.e I .t thepf:-.-io- n ha now Le.-- tieiriy Jei ; that since thelUs 'uti-n la: 1 Letore yeur Maje-t- y ly t!;e .Spe.ikerof tiris I!. "i:e ou the ll'.'ih ult., we have receivedcoiii'iitinicatii ds from the .linifer, which line tiuths. i the tricot t.i reiiikpire i;s with ct r.fi Unct t r toinauce 11s to recoiisiJer our actii.u exprts?el in tiiitHesoiiitioii ; anil feel it to Le our duty, nut toour tiitituencies but to your M;'j sty to m ikekn' wii tli it we will be uii'thlo to met! tiu-- c Con tim-onc- Ls

with the ece-ar- y s, that publicnlf w ii; Vie well itdaiinistoi e 1, hul 1 it be y ur.Maj-?ty- "s piea-ur- e to ontiu.--t the nativti il tin-i- es tothe - hi." 1:1 uiiiinsi ili nest two yeais

Ue further pray that your Majesty may be as-ur- ed

that oniv the sense of duty induces vis tothis c uise; and may Le pleased to accept again

of hyalty and devcti. n which aoetiybeen twice conveyed to your .M ijesty during ther.r..i,t i.wi..ri Kt fl. ii fi . ." rT'f.'l 1 Ji 11 1 a il. s i.r t!liS i

I0U!!0.To the ahoe His Maj tv replied on M..ndav !

,fterno.-- as f dlows :

j Tu the II jit. Ilitu' 0' Il jjrcCjJutic(s :

iI have received, by the hand of the Speaker the

Ad Jrtss t f your H morabie Body, bearing date the; '.'tii in-r- ., in relation to the A iinitiistrulion c f the

Department of Finance.The I'ousiituiii 11 provides a remedy ngiinst all

ofaeers of my kiughnn, fur mis-Condu- and infjad-- :ministration in their t "icer; but as you have thoughtprof. or to present to me your causes of Complaint,you may re.--t that they shall lrne my eare--1

In! consideration, and that I shad secure such ann lmlni-tmtio- n of the tfiice as will ten ler safe thepublic faith and credit. K AMlill A.MK11A.

r.ilace, August 11, 18CJ.

The reply of the Kin;, though somewhatcpiivoeal, clearly takes tin; ground, which con-

stitutionally belongs to him. of doing in thepitinisis as it may ph-as- himself, yet impliesthat a change will be made. Tlie lloprcseii-tativi- .s

evidently desired a less ambiguous re-

sponse, which would intimate that their wisheswould be carried out.

Thus this matt r rests now. The public haverailed for a change in the ministry as un-

mistakably us it can be made. Vv'ere this callsimply the ebullition of partizan zeal, wereit merely the expression of an unauthorizedassemblage, were it only the public voice ntt-Te-

through or cndorsvl bv the press, there mightv t

then be reasons of state to counterbalance andpostpone a change. But such is not the case.The press, which feels the first throb of the pub-li- e

pulse, lias long been reiterating the prevailingsentiment. The proofs, presented to the Legisla-ture have carried a unanimous conviction in thepopular mind. And finally, the House of Kcpre-sentiitive- s,

the constitutional embodiment of thepeople, has, with a unanimity which is certainlyremarkable, uttered a full and unoouivocal eon- -

ilemuaiioii of the atlmhihlrafirr inmih of the j

Minister. .Never, in the history of this or any j

oth - nation has a verdict been more clearly ini

dica't'd, or a change more imperatively calledi

for. I nd'T these circumstances, we cannot be-

lieve that tiny interests of state can outweigh the I


arguments that have been brought forward todemonstrate the necessity of the change. And i

we firmly believe, that, as thej

have chosen to place this matter in the hands ofthe Sovereign, ho will d i what is right in the i

l.vciiiNes. and will carry oof- their wishes bymaking a change. Ib; has n.-v- - r yet betrayedhis people i r their interests, and he never will ;

and we recommend to the Kcpresentuiives toleave it in his hands, confiding t his honor; andtiiat they vote the supplies and close the sessionwith as little delay as is p issible the necessarywork being evidently completed.

Corie-- p .ad-a- e- of the I'.i.-ifi- v t'. i.iruiT.iAl Adit rtiier.J

1 1 Jul im in t'ji lifoni in.

Mn. Em Tor. : The Ilev. T. Starr King has, with-

in a month, several times deli voted a lecture on thenew nation to from the 'We.ch is stirring j

the patriotic heart of California to its depths. It is j

a production, in sever il important fiart iculars char-acteristic


of Mr. King's mind find heart. i

A series td glowing f let ures spat kiing with richrvrwilii. a:., I ivlltn i 1 i i f t t i. , . r..riti ti... .:. ).. P (Ik. '

1 J v " v

most oi ins iioiuies. tins tuie is no oxeeoiiou. j

Theie is a suSliciont nmntiut td historic fact to sus-

tain the interest, nnd a warm glow of enthusiasmi


that keeps hands and itet in constant requisition.j

Peals of laughter and applause are the orator's overlecuning No deep train of argumentativec.imax sweeps the soul to some hieji mount of visionand h. 1 Is it theie until pone; rated with a Inch sen-- e

of duty anJ lespoiisibility. It is rather a beautifulpngti.tthat passes, di lighting your So il am1 wartn- -

appropriate function, were he to attempt nnv thingmore. His clear ringing voice as-is- ts very material- - i

ly in imparting interest to the composition. Onealways hear., and that is a great point. There is awant of flexibility in his tones, and his manner isnot always most graceful; but his full glitteringeye. firm hard lips, clenched fi:t and policial defiantattitude, with his piercing deep uttoi anre of passagesof scorn or sum purpose, are mcst admirable. 11. srendering of Miln n's war j itehis seems to me very !

excellent; while his elocution in pisugescf a m.reoflierial and poetic cast grates horiibly at times. Iaa .void he is ehqumt, instructive, f itiog, butle t a model.

The " papers" will give you details of the patrioticexhibitions on the Fourth. A fine pn cession em-

bracing all the militiry, and a few of the tire com-

panies, v'h volunteers from v.aiioi s di.Icnnt tiades,p irticularly butchers and iiquer sellers, parade! tlieprincipal after which an oratit n was K!iv-eie- d,

.by tne of the heroes of the Mexican war, ofno re than usual merit. In the evening a boiutifuldisj hyof fireworks, costing 8- - ),';), was witnes-e- d

by from thirty to fifty- - thousand patriots.But to one who has not for eleven yeirs ming'ed

in such celebrations, ti e most unique and thrilling3"

feature rf the d ay was the dis; liy f bunting.l!i

"OH Glory" draped the city. It streamed frominnumerable poles over all tlie city--, from church,1k tel. theatre, and private Iweliing, and from alltiie masts ah ng the wharves an 1 in the h irb r. Ittlutterel from many a window, and wieuthed thedo.rs of many mansions. It hung iu immense un-

dulations from coi Is stretchei across the streets, an!glittered over the he ids of a greater number ef thehorses that that day appeared. Soldiers and boystore it above them, and girls pinned it in their be-

soms. Piatt's Hall where a splendid Pauorami isbeing exhibited, was gaudy with cue thousand tligs !

No possible place but "tiie red, white, and blue"appeared to make oiit's heart wild with t atiiotic j y.

Ou the evening of July lUth another celebration cf --ga patriotic nature took place over tiie passage of the f..r

tPacific Biilroal Bill. -- V torchlight procession near-ly :m hour long, was very inspiriting, and givegliuif scs of a glorious future for this city already sowon ierful in the rapidity cf its growth. 3f

Let lio one any more say there i not an Americannation. aie at last a nationality. This war is

a cii.mg.' of Minister1, may le t warrant a formal j ing heart, without deinun ling any stern th:i,k-impc.icl.i- m

nt, whieli implies nut im-rel- del in- - ing, or in any way taxing unpleasantly. Mr. Kingijiieney. rriiiiinti! ni'i.'itlu;iiit!rilfii. This would faii of purpose, and depart treniLit any



liivi-- .-

crsvii of










ripiliy ceineutin u- -. And as an evi of it,bat listen tu that ban 1 pitying (Jl. ry 11 il'.e'.nj ih."Vth meisurtd, determined, fral, the Aiuericin

ii 1 t : ri is 4mirchii.g (ti." liverv bolv sings thf--tthrilling cli.ru-- . lit a tr"t'r f rajedchildren, rnirc'iinjj in two's. A star panele 1 bm-ii- er

j rice Its. Srveial (f tl.e leaders are providedwitii h.. mis an! othet thin;s to represent a bind; therest troop on with srtn rods, crooked sticks, ovortheir shou! ler, f.-- gans. Two t r three girls brinjup tlie rtar. II--- it thrills to heir even thelatit Voices' "Glory H.iliclaj ih !" It istyp'.cd. It is Sigma. vinr.

San TrancisCv, July, 1&2

MiThS or tiii: WKIIK.lii'i-r.iP- Mhiim;. At the nueting held on the

21 itist . Jndje C. Harris was chosen chair-

man and I'an'l Smith, Secy. It was stated that thereh id been subscribed in Honolulu the erectiouof an Episcopal t'hurch and the support of the Min-

istry, the um of W2 oO. A vote of thanks was

adapted to Her Majesty the Q ieen and the ladieswho have been engaged in soliciting subscriptions.

M"9 H. ( Wyllie. tt. M. Il bertson and H. J. H

Holswotth were appointed a committee of receptionto wait on and provide for the Bishop on his arrival.The site sclecte 1 by the committee f r the erectionof a church is that donated by His Majesty theKing, lying between liiinui Place and Beretaniastreet. The following gentlemen were appointedcommittees to solicit subscriptions on the otherislands: lr. Hutchinson, for Maui; Judge Harris,for Hawaii; and Judge Hudy for Kauai.

A Missionary Yi:s.kl. We have received a circu- -

bir setting forth a plan for raising a fund in Californiaf r the purchase of a small packet for Micronesia. Itproposes to form 11 children's joint stock Company,to provide a missionary vessel for the Gilbert Islands,Micronesia. The children of the Sabbath Schools of

California aie invite! to form such a company '

to raise 8:1,501 , to purchase or build a craft, whichshall be called the Keening Sl.ir. The stock will

be divided into 10.0UL) th ires, of o cents each.Kich child who shall give 'J5 cents or moi e will re-

ceive a ceitificate of stock representing the share orshares taken in the vessel. 1 his ves.-e- l is not intend-ed to supercede the .Mruinsz Xtnr, but to be usedexclusively in cruising among tiie Gilbert and Caro-

line Islands, enabling the missionaries stationedtheir to visit there various Bel ls of labor nt all times-Th- e

visscl is to be about 0 tons burthen. In thecircular refcired to, a large list of gt ntlenien is given,and judging from their standing and it.uuonce, theplan will be carried into effect at an early day. i

Nkw Hawaii vx Pkimkk Mr. J . Fuller of the De-

partment of Public Instruction, has placed uprn ourtabic a copy of " A' JCumii mua a no Aom," being anew Cist Primer, of 18 pages, printed in Hawaiian, '

for the use of the Government schools. The workwas done in B. ston, the cuts used being very nice,and similar to those in tiie English " Progressiveseries" of Headers. This book cannot fail to be veryattractive to the young, and will be eagerly soughtfor by thorn. We trust that the higher readers in '

the series will bo immediately prepared and publish- -

od. It is time that good and attractive books were :

furnished to our youth, and every inducement heldup to the.n to acquit e an education. The Board ofEducation cannot make abetter application of a part j

of the school funds than by ordering tlie publicationsreferred to

Fktk Nai oi.i.on. This French anniversary occurs ;

on Friday next. A high m iss will be celebrated attl.e C.tl...l., obutolt .t lO V. M., nml in thu veiiiliIa ball will be given at the residence of Mens, de Va- - j

rigny. Consul of France. We may observe here, tocorrect any erroneous impression, that the loth ofAugust is not the anniversary of the birth of the ;

presetit Emperor, who was born April lit), lSits, tutthe birth-da- y ot Napoleon toe Great. It is also the ;

anniversary of the signing of the Concordat betweenthe Poj-- e and the Emperor, by which the rights ofCatholics in France were established. It has becomethe great national holiday there, as the Ith of Julyis in America. j


ITif' The heat of the past few days has been ex- - ;

tremely oppressive, owing to the light wind prevailing, j

We hear of more than usual debility and sickness iuconsequence. Quite a member of our residents areor have been oil on the other islands spending a vaca- - :

tion sea-o- n, and it Would be well if all could getaway. Some, however, nuts,' stand by tu " man the j

brakes," or feed the engine. August and September i

will soon pass on, when cooler breezes will return,to impart health and vigor to all.

Sif The steamer lies over next week for cleaning ;

her machinery, and resumes her trips agiinon the2oth. She burns wood exclusively now, which with ;

the changes recently ma ie in her furnaces, enablesher to make as much si- - am and as g 1 speed asformerly obtained, at a groat) -- reduced cost.

tj" The clippor Flying i or ship Currin g-l- n,

ought to arrive vvith n a few days with SanFrancisco papers to August 2, if not a mail. Wclook for tlie .' riu'.'r vessel .10111 ly.

For: the East. The C j.it t will siil ou Saturdaynext, t iking the American .and European mails.Files of tht; C.ii.i iiicrci d f r the pat few weeks caube had at the counter iu wrappers.

KK5;SAS6 UMi'.illTKOi.0.1. 11 .miiiiii .mi iv.hjie.i

Till: V KNOWN si IloOM It

.yrr,. IVAJjAJiA, rfe.W iii run :ny t t" al nvi. - rt. Km fr.-i.-- t

i.ieh Wiil l.e tak- - a ,:t 1 ra' si apply toK. M 1I.TKN0.

''.Z' ".ii At Th'-s- Kirve's i;7iee. f .. t ot Xuism.u -- t p et.

minimi- - t' QJi-JV.- "

a MM.r.xnm :.octavk !iuL i Cralid l'i.oi.i e.in I..- bad at I. -- too i.rie.- ofhi- - Jit- 1. 73d. Kl I.LKIt.

(ivn n ' 'r 1 1 o ; v. V! a v. Nine i: vti -, r. e. t.t'y it v. :.t. d. and g

"t? A 5s" '" ii. i""!: cf u'-eri .ri,i n iti r an I U tii- - Bty . f too-- . . tan - had ut a very l i'.v pr.e, . of "

um r- -.1. VI" Lb Kit


A (iliAM) I! A I.I. VII.I III (.iv i:.v4 AT Tin:Merchants' Exchange,

To-MO- ItoW LVKMNli FeteNap. !-.

rr st ppKiis fk r.Ki .rsN. 11. Aii W'i ionrs wiii he pert!:itt- - 1 to exrry tie-i- r JH

asHV. and etn- v it at t!e ir h.-- . p. r order ot theoo5-l- l loMMIl TKK OK AKKANO KM EXTS.


12 . 17xi:J. lSxl.". 21;. 21x2.X ? U o.J4. i'Jx'.j'j. 0. in.--: reCeivtil r 1 atul

s .0- - atoj MKI.fTIKKS .V CO.'S

LYlgian Wrought Iron! AAII.S A I SIMKKS. 2 1- -2 C, INCH.

Kri-li-"- nails, l ineli,Siieet .inc. :'.7 a. eh,

Ju.--t K e. e l p. r 1 1. an 1 for s i'- - atV". HIT.s A CIVS'

A Ni.w Invention. A most useful machine for

n.akiug f-- the chief article of Hawaiian food

has been invented an 1 manufactured by a young

Hiwiiian named Peter Kiehnmu 1. Several attemptshave Ken ma le by others, but they havealwavs filled. Mr. Uiehr.ion l's invention, however,appears to be a complete success; and we hope, hewill reip that reward which he richly merit?. Poi

beaters wi 1 no d u t nj .ice at the prospective ter-

mination of their arduous labors. If miw some onewill invent a machine to catch fish, without labor,the Hawaiian millennium will begin, when oil

kanaka lorn will have in thing to do but "eat andgrow fit."

rJ2f fan 1 the following item in the S. F. -

Icti i. By it, it .appears th it tlie Termagant musthave left Panama about July l'J :

I'ANAMt. .'illy 10. Tlie I". S. fri it- - "'ir.iri,ir is injHirt. Tlje steam frigate Tt rm-.it- j int will l.'ave in a ilayor two f r li: San.iit ii li l'..i:t.ls. to lake Mr. Synpf. UrUisliCi.miioSMniici'. wli.i iirrivtr-- at Aspar.vall ly the AtirfA 'fjr

igf The chorus of the Amateur Musical Societywill meet for rehearsal on Tuesday evening nest,Aug. 20th at the rcsiJence of Siml. H. Bowsett, Esq.

OFFlTCIAL.To tlie Fri t'ii ds of Education.

Till: I'LIU.IC AUK ai.i;kaiv awakkthat the j.rim anal luiiMin i f the Seminary at l.i!i:iiiialuii:l liasIven 1 Ly fire. Tin-r- e were also ilestrey.-.- l at the sametime a l'hilos ijihieal a i:i: auis an. I honks to the Sem-

inary. The s holar wire also sufferer. The estimate for erect-

ing suit. it. le liuiMings is JS.OOO. Tlie l.ei;i?lature has aiiiro-liriate- il

fiJ.Oti'l to he nprilieii I'm- - the ereetion of Imililintts, ami il

will reijuire iiHout $3,000 to complete ami furnish them for thetun-pos- of tli school, aii.l to furnish a Philosophical apparatuse.iual t tlie rue .lestii ve l airl to replace tlie hooks. And thelioar.l of Kilu aiion reanl it a duty to appeal to the w hole peo-

ple of the IsheuN I' r rontiilaitioiis to supply the ilftieieary, sothat this Ooll'-i;- may he put once mmc into successful

Tit re is now an opportunity fur the frieiuls of ulueiitionto ren.Ur ess. luial aid in a time of (;re.-i-t exipmcy to this insti-

tution, which has been, and, I trust, will hereafter he of greatservice 0 ail mir people. I would surest that tlie Supei ititen-tle- nt

of the seh-iol- in each disti iet. in conjunctim) with the Trea-

surer, slu u'.d take sucli a course as they may think most expe-

dient, to rai-:- e a subscription for the purpose. Whatever amountmay be collected can be paid to the Treasurer of each district, tobe transmuted by him to the under-lijiie- d .

M. KKKl'ANAOA.OiVn-- e of the Hoard oi Kdncation, Au;:. .", lilZ. nOo-l-

isf'S. f)(vN--' , yJ)'WtX ATTENDED TOCrji?

Vik l. ;" isA,v T: fi. oklarf' sJ w 1 --Saw

i ran113

dT'KKS IOK SAbK TIIK FUbbOWlXt;highly il' sirable Stock of Merchandise :

Kussi t t'rash. I'ain Killer,Hickory shirts.

lnlii s' ami I lentlenien's Handkerchiefs,Check and Stripe i'ai.t stuUs,

Wtstern l.oeks,tleatl-inei- rs fancy Siispeiid.-is- ,

11-- 4 a ml 1J-- 4 l.iiieu Siieetii.- -,

8-- 4 ("otloii do.,Manila rifrnrs.

White I'ottons." Shu tint's,

Hinck :iinl colored S"vin Silk,Warren's cee luated Telegraph Needles,

White Moleskin.White I' .ttun 1 11 lershirts,

White Cotton Uriils,lt!a k Crape,

ltro-au- s. Oxford Ti-- s,

tjoat ltrojaiis, 1 oaineled do.,Woineii'ii .1 liny l.iud liuskinst,ltroivu and blue li.iret;- -.

Fancy Hoiiuet Ribbons,Tooih brushes,

Seruiiliimr HruhesHair il...,

NaM Ihlil.ii'Kiiij.' do.,

t r.ruht's,W hiti iviish do.,

lleurth l'.rushes.Citrate of Ma-i.e- sia a refresliins summer beveraire,

V iolet IViwiier,Assorted Toilet Snaps,

I'll bin's justly cclcbrutctlJtIS Zzk. 3? O rJC !E$ , viz :

Knses if (teraniaui,ll .a liella.I'.u. l.i: i;l::i:i: I'iil.iee,Tuber ltnse,Sprii. r'ioM i i s,l.adi. ' I'ei Iiiliif,lOzeda.lti.uiju. t d'Auionr,


A ustriiliali YVallle,T. aJ'aletiouly,l.i.rus - lower.Verbena.Vr e:t,i IVrf.ime.doelo y oi,,'..Kl-- s - l.i. K.stol- - n Kis-.-.-- i. and l!o 11'.. Kitrs.

f'unuh I...Z- - :i'-- s,

Hon ltoiis,1 iisi-e- t I'- v 1 r.Cherry Tooth i'.i-t- e.

an 1 ( ;. re sup rior Hosiery,linovii, ohi. mixed and strip-- 1 Cotton half Hose, very

cheap.AV'ortieii" hose, cheup

1 i.-- i . white shir's, sup rior,W hit.-- , ealien and l.iekin-.- shirt-- ,ii!..-k- . bin.-- , ea at:d I ' d ai joi :cas.Hill- - fieilli .1 Iilp-ie- ...

1'ilaek t; 1:11 red atp.icca," m rim -- ,

I1!h- -bla k :ik,

l ot iiel ct'on h inilk- - relii. fs,Vanry d.,.,Mii'iin boiler ! do.,Hl.iCk sibi n. rl; do.,

Ithi'-- sdk ii'-e- .

Color- - d alii) fancy neck-tie- s.

Matches, ear 1 ar.d round li.,ho op paiN, .lack knives, I'.-- kniv.-s- , S'l'-a- ' !i knivep,

I.t a'.hi d tr tm:,s,Chin ",

Ne-ilh- -s and I 'ins,W role Ki uite-!.- .

T. lM--;- i -- b;W lulf and li! eott. n thr -- ad.I.::e-;- i tow I. vry se.p-nor- .

I.ISH SA I) IJ I.K's, olu-np- ,

UltlDI.KS.and wiii'" btanl.t-ts- .

1 "-- O ::u- -:;j and So hoop -- kirts,

ML.K VKI.VrZT K 1 11 ISO .VS. assort, d widths.. t. l iu Produce bought and

IGiTAIF, 1'STA lil.ISII.ni'NT O.VM i a.m- - sTiniii j', auovi: Ki.vr;.

stencil E'lntCM1 1 I'lfi Mt: it t 4 vr t 'i' i x--u .r'ni'Ti a:i i inner-- , col neai:y lo in any style

reipbri-.l- .

SoBtictSiitairrgniAT snot i.i i: Kitv stouf--o:,..-o- r mor- - . tlie ;i!ph tU t, in neil plates is very

!v. Cut to ..rd.-r- .

f'K- - 1.V.CA1. IMltTMKXTS, &.L COP-.'- Jli1 at short notice.

Os'ts.'iiiieia! Foil Si- -. iss. a u i: i Tiri t. Aitrici.Kfor VT IWi-f- itn-- nt Saloons, Hotel.-- CountitisrKoeras. rc U in farn-- vl-.-s.

VKATIil l.KTTKUKIl WITH VKI.VKTor el .th or p tinted.

.inr: oi r o.v shout xutich.I.I. WfHIU IX TIIK AlidVK MXKitll he d t.e ri the t mar.Ti- r and at prices suited to

thetim- - s. r b r- - from t country and other islands will bepra-.ipti- i.tt. tided to, I y

THUS. i. TflltfM,II; p. it the OdilS I! iw-

- IlHlt. K.nl'rei;


rV O A Tt Id I V TZ !


Tlie Cnru'O !OF THi: IIAMlUHiG lAliK




T Itlack and white prints, new styles.Fancy prints, new styles,1'ink and yellow prints, new styles,Two blue prints, new styles,Turkey red cottons, brvwu cottons,AVlnte cottons and shirtings, union cheeks,White cotton ami linen drills, tine linens.Fancy and mournitii; muslins.Tape cheek muslins, black coburs,Victoria, lawns, various ipialilie-i- ,

I'liioa laid cotton sheetings 11-- 12-4- ,

I.iueii and union tabl d.ilua-k- , white,ltrown, I U ached tin.l drab moleski.iItlack. plain and lltturtNl alpaca,

tiurisl alpaca, fancy cotton velvet',Superior black silk finish alpaca.Worsted l.istini;. black, blue and ereen,lllue twilled tlannels tiO-iui-

SuKiior while tlaniiels.Huckabuek and linen towels,l.int li c. onl. lie handkerchief.-i- .

Fancy printed cotton handkerchiefs,Printed Turkey red handkerchiefs.Muslin h.lkf-.- , fancy printed lhinler,ThiU-ts- , blue, roil, white and blue,lliack and bine broad cloth,A small invoice of black broad cloth, of very sup. quality

iminulaetiircd from Hawaiian wool.

(IdtiiiiiU, Sliirs9 Ilosit'iv. &c,Ked flannel shirts, hickory shirts.White cotton shirts, white linen I iii shirts,A lare assortment of fancy coUuii shirts,Silk and 1, mih's wool undershirts,A larce assortment of silk, thread, Cotlon stocking

and sucks,Children's cotton socks,Men".-- , rrey and white meritio Hocks,Checked Cotton pants,Monkey jackets.Pilot cloth panls,Moleskin pants,black iilpaea coats. Water proof coats,W hue liuirseilles vests,White linen drill ptint.

Plain black silk, figured eiimlets, tisst'd colors.black silk neckties and handkerchiefs,White cambric, silk handkerchiefs, printrd liorJcr,Alextindei'j kid ploves,lihick silk tuulm-llas- ,

black silk hat ribbons,r.'ack siik lace falls,

ISsfitis, A:x.,field's fl'irentine straw hats,eJent's Paris f. It hats,A l.i re assortment of ladies' bonni-ts- ,

Inlits' and children's straw huts, new styles.

cilery,Superior FaiKlUh hoskia saddlis, complete,I'uitatioii hoiiskiu saddles, complete,bits, worsted Mobile eirths,

8girijN, Wines A:e.,(leiiuin- - Moll;, ii.l (rtn, in baskets and case?,Claret in hosi.etids and cases, k C,.,Superior Loudon porter, in (its. and pts., (H ii kley Perkiii

bottled die in ipjarts and pints,Superior draught ale iu hog!u'iidj, viz: llass4-Co- .

mild ale, burton brewery Company, Jeffreys,Uum in c:i-k- s.

SBi4lrsBrc Cutlery, Ac.best English reliii.-- b;ir iron, round and flat,IVst Etiehsh hoop iron, , I and 1 inch,Iron tinned Saucepans,Tailors Thimbles,Sheet Zinc,Tin Plates, If, IX, I X YX, charcoal,Kazors, Sail Xeedles, Xeedlcs,Pen and pocket knives,Sailors' knives.Coco htmdli; butcher knir, 3,Knives and forks.Pins, Crochet Xeedles,Feneii-- Wire, No. 4, :, l C.

4iirocereCrushed sufr.ir, in hlf. harreN,Loaf sut;:ir,Olive Oil,Stearin (t.'indli-s- .

Vinefiar in Ileniij ihtiJ,Kaisiiis,Currants,Ohnco laf,

best Russia tarred bolt rope and cordage,Ivijrli h S til Twine,lioiisitie. Marline,

Si izitij; stuir,Spiinyarii. 'J and .'J thread,Sw.-di-- Tar, Coal Tar, pitch..Ib.il.-.- i l itis,-..- , Oil,Supr. EiiLoish white lead and zinc paint,black paint, Vermillion, ceJre--n, blue and yellow Paints,beit h' lnp canvas, Xo'.s 1 to 1.Itu-si- a heavy and lieht ravens back,1!I ,rU", o. ks thimbles,Paint Itu-?- k s,Vello'.v im bd and nails,Copper pump ta ks.

i'o!kiv A: dflseNMivsire.Wlnte frianiti; plate-- ,

' bowls and rhainbf rs.Cut bar tuiiil.I.-r- ,

" Col. s .and" Ch:iii.p.ij.'ne. and Clar' t and Sherry pbuses.

iSBi:ilres.bin- -, pr'-- and w'nite woolen blanket-- ,bu--i- a crash, b.-- Quilt ,10d pe,. heavy burlap-- , 40 inches,Lilian's Extracts, Macassar Oil,ISurTalo lr. combs,J vory tooth combs,

brushes.Mens' white Ilerliti Gloves,Crochet cotton,i'layiti;,' Cards,White Ui. en tape.White, brovn an 1 black line-- i thread,I!!ue cotton thread.A larce ( f Children's toys,Oi!t fi allied mirrors,1Mikitif Glasses,Paris Vans, .aili..s' reticules an 1 work -- baskets,Violin sa ii--

e tables and Piano covers,L.vli"3 emhd, skirts,Mother of Pearl buttoti-- ,black mi l white bone huttons,

" " " " iriimcJ.im ialA fmill ir.voic.' of oil Paintings and Engravinps in giUleJWattr-iii'itikey-

Hide Poison, (e'u e illons water tT 1 gallon poison)Print inir n- - r. n l i:ote paper,Steel a I pencil,French blacked calf-si- ; ins,Lasting gaiters,


Liverpool Salt in Oak Barrels !

BEST WELSH STEAM COAL,Honolulu. An.', 11. IS''..'.

Page 3: l'uliJZ - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/36906/1/1862081401.pdf · Jvc-.-ioni- si:i in Virini imw t-in the rfi ii je f ihe li'it-Ii-e le i Wi--e

THE PiiCII'ICCommercial Advertiser.

mti:s or tiii: uki:k.NV.v M; -- !. U't hve nrivt l fr tn the puMih

r. Mr. rir.-iy-. .f Sin i'r iiicli'-o-, a ww LV.lil, enti-

tle 1 .Ti . ... im-ipr-l fr the g ut ir anlplat.- -. iK- - nni'i': t,ii,? Ly Mr. J. T. livens, -

re I irelj our r si lents will ren.mLcr. Thislicitly vstcufe-- fj):o:!t.e: f riiu-.;- f irni'-li-e an-

other e i i uc' of t'ae which Cil'.fonii U

iu'.in,s t" r-- nr in n lent anl 'jj .portingro-it.v- ii. w r.. ti ;e th it this billi 1 j r rit.te l frotn

'jr.-'- , rcvlericg it much iieatt-- r thin if r.rititeJ tnith.gr;r'!i, as is l.ne at the Y.xzX..

Pk'.fit asu L-s- Were it allowable to report in

the pipers the Birth? occurring. we might recor 1

toly at let ix i rin; the pist week auutig ourfjr.-i- ji.p'ii ition. Mothers, however, appear to

have ;iri antipathy t t a puhlic "iliiiotiiiCeniel.t, ari l1 :n: jro-sl- p ni'ist supply the function of a ne7p .r.er.

Tha nit'.ve-- j h iv the f im-- j aversion t' pubiijif Jrth-"- , anl th'i. while the

nre r teoTfe-- v ry ne irly correct , the l it of birthis u. ji.tnpif-re- . Although births are requireJ by liwto b rrp-jri- i to th- - 'A v: itiu:il Iep:irttnriit, pru-briM- y

not t.i.t b.i'f if them are so reportel.

Jlf The Fii-u- l of this ii. " nth is an unu-u'il- ij

intrr-- f in i.urnher. givin a of the tJitor'atrip to fiwv.iii, written in hi- -

s'v'i, I liig full of inei Icnts :in ! i.i.t-i;- -

J t - cai.:"t f l inteii-i-- t in rca kit.

Zzf' Mr. J. V. King Ln ly reoptiit'l liis

phxt.igr ij'h rooi.t in the bail ling formerly f.i:cifjielby Mr. Iur m I, ;i lj ii:iing &ore of Mr. 1'iinuinJ,wlnn- - !n; is j rer .ire 1 to furnish pictuic in the bettty !e of ih ti t.

:r vit. 1'i.ATr. The attenti n of tr;.lers anl allether refilling marking pliU is directed to Mr.Thru:ii" notice in another column. The specimenfxi-cui- tl by hint area neat anl satisftctory a uuyHe hive initxrte 1 from abroal.

n-ri- si :i.v Tin? Schooner A'tliimn, whichfor a iig time Ins been employe. 1 in Tarioii txpe-l- i

rlori- - t f rein ha bi-e- l ii 1 ou a a c i liter,an I wilt hereafter run toiv iui, touching at Xiwili-wii- i.

K .! ; i an 1 U'.iinie.i. lie i one of our be.t anleai'ct i:!i'.ft"r.

I'll, r ...iiM'ii .i.i:i'M. Mr. 'h i3.? ha rc-iv- e l aT irirty f thee aibuinCjr carte ile vieite, wiiicli arewell worth tx itnining.


House of Representatives.Skvi.nty-Siyt- ii 1ay Jn.T 20.

Mr. liii lwin, f r the Committee on Illucation,intrti luci'l a resolution to iotruct the Committee onConference t in-e- rt in the Approj i iatiuii Diilthestiniof r7H.", f. i rebuiMing the L ihain a'uiia Seminarybui: lin. The as-- e l without pp.'itioii.

The Speaker announced a nie-sa- ge from Hi Ilscel-lenc- y

Mr. ire; in answer to the resolutionliini before the H.u-- e in whic'n he ilesire-- to

,M.tpuiie further hi appearance bef.-r- e the H.-u-e- ;

l.r the rea-.- n aMelel that the cletks of the otaces,were revising anl verifying important statisticaltable which be wisheT to submit to the House.

Thi c alle-- l forth the i esoluth ns against the Minis-

ter which were reported in our list week. issue.Tli-- --i'. r ariri' imet-.- l a idi-sm- v from the Nolile', tli.it ttiey

li.i 1 i t!..- - ii..:i.l-T- a Itill. tut J t" concur n idi thel. - in tli- - ''ill aiit le-n- iiv' tte Ucensiiii; of ilruirM..rr. ; an i ;.Ni tiiit lir.-;:- . Ui-l- i' , K WiLinai. Naha- -

! tu.i iti.'l Waal l .1, lia.l lr:i .iiMiut.:I a (a iiimitt.-i- uon t!- i- n ti r' liCiirr. re iti tti" A lri.ri:tt iofi ilitl.)r. Kihi Iti. Wii.;ni:inii, M"ku uu.l Kaajhi were

.1 a similar t'onniutte-- ' on thr :irt i t th- -

II... M'u-- e wi n! into Committee mi t!:e inH...-i- l A rtieU s ofAm-- ine it to tin" ' 'Me' J irst ami s'ermi.l Arti- -

I i.'.m -- l mia.iiniou-.l- : the Kirt. Am. U'lii Art. --.,of tl,. I 1 1 n. .i (.roVKlint; fr tli- - of ll.f throe.r ;t!..- - . l Aiii.anHriif Art. II a. r to Hi" u..le oi uirov-111- 4

lli3 l ij- - oft'ieiat aels. A.ij.'iun.l.S;:TV-Sk- v nt:I 1VY Il I.Y 30.

The SfK.-ik- er aniK.unceJ a iih from theMes. that in sreunl nice with the lesire expresse-- J

by the Houie, Mi- - Kxceilency Mr. firejrg lia l witli-ilriw- n

ir..iii the Committee of Conference, unl tiiatHi l Hihne?" I'rittce Kaiai-hameh- a haj bjenappointed in his) steail. A'ljoiiriieJ.

Si;VKNTY-llir.!lT- Il lVV .li;V.-- T 1.

The House went in Committee to ilebate the pro-p- o

amen. Intent to the Constitution. The articlereii lering the King's Mini-ter- n eligible to the House.f K. pre-a'- nr itivo.. was after a Ions debate, reject el

by a v..f of 17 to G ; favore l by Mesr. Widemmn,U.io ! Webster. Kipi, K i iuwai, Kaipa. an l K

; oppose! by Me-s- rs Hitchcock, lowsett, Kaa-kti- i.

Nuuanii. and K auh ine.The article ipf Amend mont. li:niting the Cimpei:s-tio- ti

f liie llepre-en- l atives to tl'r" fr the entireterm of servic.". w i also rej.vfed by a large majority.

The article a!!.. wing the King to appoint membersf.r tin- - lloit-- e i f N b'- -. tor term not less thanlive yeirH. p .-e 1 1" to 7 ; supp-jrte- by Messts.Wi leai inn and Kipi.

Ti e Art:eie bi-in- g t!n IIprossiit:itioii of the peo-- rl

on liie otliji ii cen-u- - to be ascertained every. it:t ,' itr, instead of every fistli as now fixed bythe Constitution, also pis-e- l. 'J to o. A dj .un ed.

Si x rv- - in: :i Iy Arnrr '2.

The Speaker announce 1 the following messagefi. :u the Miui-tr- r ! b inai.ee.

lii pviirMKNT hp FiNANcr, Aug. 1, lSo"J.H.'V. Vk'n.nvi UH:.n.K,

'; ;'.. r 11. II. S,C. iC. Sir.S::t Iteforin t. our Conversation in the Hall of

the House i f N .ble o!i Motid ty la-- t, I have the honorlosiy.thit e at rytf.is out the ii;estion, I then un-der-t- o-

d y u to approve, I v v the . iti.-fac- tu n oftr ir.niitt inn a revised statement ma l up from theTreasury l k by Stephen Sjencer. Hwj., and M ij.J. . 1 n. tiist both exiierk-nee- ncfountaiits.

I 'he it.-ie- ii e of Mr. Ch ipm.in.ou account t f illnes's,was. tejrret to s iv. c. r.- -i dcrably ret ir lol the pre-pirt- to

ti i t the- - m w table- -. They will, upon theirfie", I am e-- ili l.'tit. atlord speoirtC answers to in. sti f the tn'err.'g ifort.-- t whica my attention h i beenlii Ctal,

I am a- - I ev.-- r h ivt bien.ieddy to meet every eon-s';:u:i-

i! in regird to explanation-- .

All I h in- - to tbat I tnzy have the chance i farrmin my vp iniri n-' in such a t rm a- - siti-f- y

in the b.-s- t ri in:i r the requirements' of the Hotise of

Very iL: r .

I. L. tiKK.ii';.

she Sj.r.iker referring to the a'we eonitniiuicationfrom the Minister of Fin ir.ee stated with reference tohi- - ooters itton with the Minister in the IKu-- e ofNo-'i- that hi recollection of th-i- t con ver ition was

iv.- f Hows : Mr. tlreff. state 1 to birn that he did notthink that he woul 1 be ready to appear before theH iue of Korre-entativ- c- on Tujdiy morning givinga a rriion that he wi ctting ttp the tal :e of hislep- - rt afresh He (the Speaker) asked Mr. tlrejrgwheriier he tin Ier-fo- od the purport of the Ueolutieiithat hal been ent to hirn Mr. tireng replie 1 thathe did. but that not being ready he di 1 to t think hewould Come, but wen I write in the morning statingw hether he would eotne ,r not. To this the Speakerrephe 1 that if be did not come, he had better be pureto writ. The Spekor never in. asined that he h lany iniwer cx tlicij to und ) or alter anything thatthe H u-- e ha ! d tie and he certainly did lo t sayanything to the Minister implying that he had. orsupposed he ha 1. th at power neither di I he thinkit nccos-ir- y to state thi to Mr. CJregi, knowing himto le woil acq'ninfe-- with Parliamentary u-a- e.

Mr. K laku i move I to table the uewrfp.irt. on t!ie ground that :i the Minister had pre-viously made hi lleport to tiie Legisliture, theHouse had no authority to receive anew lleport.

Me-sr- s. Wi 1 einannati l I'jwsett thought the Hotiseshould receive the uew statistical tables on the groundof their being the custixlian of the I'ublic moneys,and should know the true state of the Public A-ccount. The new tables were by motion, of Mr.Dowsett referred to the Committee on Finance.

Uy motion of Mr. Wilemann the bill authorizinga loan for 100,0):), wn taken from the table, and

for Comicittce of the Whole.

lhe HvU-- e in i ' rmniitte itbite l the Ai tides ofAn.en l:i.er;t to the ritituti. u.

The Artio-I-e r '1'iiring a j n j erty qualification oftl'.j'l, or an annual inc .roe of at least ir'J'VJ, fr theli pre-.-- nt of the I'd pie, j.a-.-- e 1 11 to 10:f ivore 1 by Me.-.--i. Vi i leiaiiU, Kipi, Kaiuwai, an 1

Kahalcw ii.The Article allowing only th-.- . " who can real,"

to be elector wa rej-.-cte- by a laree majority.The Article a't en-bri- r Article i of the Contitu-ti- tn in reference to the number of the JuJici iry Cir-

cuit pi-.- "l !ni't un miino'ily.1 ue Article, t- - ti lering l;-tri- ct Jutic subj.-c- t to

renrival by tiie Cuuit,n- - well as by the'irou'.t ',,urt-- , ai- -i ii-re- l a la'.re majority.

Mr. 1I ri leil th- - fir.--t tuiie a bill to amenJSecti-r- i Iujj mil llt'Jof the t.'ivil CVle, relating toCivil tuitr. A lj jiirne-l- .

IllOIl ril.Ti! I'AV AlGlST 4.Mr. Wib riiinn, in the Sp? iker'.-- chair, announce!

a 1'itig cornmunic I'in tr.jin the Mini-.e- r of Finance.The letter was rcferreJ to the C'oruinittee of Finance.A lj mrueJ.


t- - - r ...V. ' Y V


The clipper ship S-it,- ti Yo.-- , Howes--, an ivedon Satutdiy last, en route for Hongkong, fur whichpo-r- t she sailed again the same day.

I5y her we have later t.ews from Washington,bringing our date down to July 'Jo.

'I he rebel ram which recently ran outfrom the Vazoo Kiver and passe 1 down the Missis-

sippi through the entire fleet of Federal gunboatsunharmed, is retorted a captured. This i probablyso, a- - Coin. Farr agut had a fleet sufficiently largeto t ike hr and a dozen like her.

From Noi'iiern Virginia, the accounts indicatethat (Jen. Pope's advance South wi'l be prompt, andlapid. The plan i to move in three divisions ofabi ut 2.,,,, men in each one through the Shenan-doah valley, one through Warrenton and the thirlnear Fredricksburg. This army will probably notlie two months in-- even one in reachingthe vicinityf.f Jlichnn-- i, which is its destination. There i evi-

dently liveiy Work ahead for both Federals andRebels.

A treaty has been entered into between the UnitedStates and under which negroes capturedfrom slaves or "contrabands" taken at the South,are to be colonized as free negroes in the island of St.Croix, (pronounce 1 Santa Cruz.)

Fx President Martin Van Huron died at his resi-

dence in Kinderhook, July '21. He was about 7--

years of ae.The canal intended to isolate the city of Vick-bur- g,

ha been completed, an I the beseiging forces wereotily awaiting a rise of the river to fill if. Itis the Mississippi may by this canal open anew anl permanent channel, which will locate V'icks-bur- g

permanently on nil island.The interna! tar bill goes into force on the 1st of

September. The new tarilf went into force August1st.

The following interesting summary is from curlatest papers :

Nkw Confiscation Onntits. The following orderswere issued by the War IVpaianient, July 22:

'that .Military 'oiiim mdei s within the Statesof Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Ala-bama, Mis.-is-- ij pi, Louisiana, Texas and Aikansas,shall, in otditiy ii.anmr, seize for the use of thearmy, all property, real and personal, which may benecessity or Convenient for their several commands,for supplies and oth r military purposes; and whileproper for military objects, none shall be destroyedwantotilv-- .

'2l Military and Naval ( mmanders shall receive,a labor, within sail States, as many persons ofAfrican descent as can be advantngifaisly used forliiiiit uy and naval ;au pi ses, giving them reasonablepay for the la', or. Accounts are to be kept, showingfrom whom prnjerty and laborers are taken, in orderthat Couq etisation ca- - be made to the pn pt r parties.

Was:iim;to, Jul; '2.1. The following order liasjust been published:

Ilxt'CfTivi: Mansion, July 11.It is ordered that t ij llalleck be assign-

ed the command ;' the wtioje land forces-- of theL'u it ed States, and shall be Cieueral-in-Chi- -f , andthat he lepair to the Capital so si on a lie can withsafety to positions. Operations within the I'epart-inei- .t

are now under his sptcial charge.AnilAIIAM LlNC-.LN- .

Tm: Pi isi:ur's visit to M'Ci.i i.i.vn The cor-respondent of the Ti::ns learns that on the arrivalof the Prc-- i lent at H trris,.:i's Landin;, McClellanwith several tther (ietieials visited him on boaid,afier which the President and the General held aprivate ctoiferei.ee of half an hour and then proceed-ed to Su er's , where he then tooklu rse an I vi.-i-te I the entt cnchiiients. The Presidentbriefly addressed the soldiers, and said he had cometo know the siru-itioi- i if all airs, and that he shouldgo back satisfied. If h i I b. en reported that theyhad been whipped, but it was tn.t so, and he knewthey Would prove equal to the task before them, andnever give up without g ing to llichmoiid. He hadbeen unable to sNep, lor anxiety; but after what hehad seen he would return to Washington satisfiedthat all was rij;ht with the army f the Potomac.He declared his court lence in the army and it" corn-ma- n

lor ai:k' He continued to ride until o'cloekin the evening, having bi en in the sa l lie for sevenhours.

The Il'ir'. gives a stitemont from a trustworthyI'ni. n man, recently fr. m At ilanfa, (la., to the elleetthat ti.e - ;nt c I the South is utterly broken; andthat had the battle before Richmond resulted in rebeldefeats, the rebcll;, n would have been ended. Healso says that comparatively little c tton has beende-troy- as liie pi inters d ) what they can to saveit; also, that the wheat crop is an utter liiiure. Ifcorn also failed, famine wt ul 1 be the fate of theSouth.

A rebel dispatch says that the I.ritis'i steamer..f.rw t7)f,r,', in g ing into Wilmington. N. C.,en the -- 7th June, ran ashore. She hal !,) tonsof gunpowder, which was wret to prevent an explo-sion by Federal shells. The blockading fleet wisunable to reach her, in c. of the proximityc f Fort Fisher.

From Corinth, July orb, we learn that ten thou-- sin 1 rebel triw ps are reported at Mobile The in-

habitants are sanguine the place cannot be taken.I t tif.caf i .f,s were c tumenceJ some months ago.Hrazz i al-- o reported in command of 41' men .tTupels. P.reckinridge had left there with o"'Xtmen destination ii"t known. The rebel troojs weresiu rt ef provisions and clothing.

The Fourth was appropriately celebrated at Mem-phis. Sfxtches, music and toasts; salutes were alsotired morning, noon and sunset, trora the batteriesand fleet.

Lord Lyons has departed for Europe, and will per-haps lo t return before September. Ilis absence meansa vast deal politically. It means more than his cele-brated dispatch in the Trent case, and the me tilingis this : that the iclatioiis with Kuglaud are so entirelyamicable so perfectly free from complications pre-sent or po--iM- that the Fnlish Minister findsx.othing in American alTiirs to demand his attentionor bk.-l- ti- - require his service; and therefore heseizes the opportunity to leave his post for a holidaysummer in ling! and. And as Fnglaud an l Franceare one, in American atliirs, his return home meanscomplete amity with France as well as with Fngiand.

The llichmonl I)ij':tr.h if the Sth admits that j

McCIellan ha secured the safety cf his army in a mostrnosterlr manner. !

Kh-iimon- The fall cf Riclanu nd, says the Char-leston .1ircnrj, w( uld indeed, be a heavy blow. 1:is d.fficult to estimate the vast quantities of sKrcsanl public works which must be destroyed tr aban-doned iu the event of such a disaster, 'lhe captureof the seat of Covernu.eDt wuuld sadly shake theconfiience cf Kuropc iu our ability to achieve ourindependence. We see it stated that the ucoliicialadvice iu a friendly spirit to gentlemen of high posi-

tion by Count Mrrcier, during his late visit, wasnever to surrender the capital.

lilt, happily, the wealth and the strength of thisconfederacy do not reside iu its cities. We havecea-e- d to hope for encouragement or aid from thePowets of Furore; and the rebels of to-da- y, relyingonly upon themselves, will yet show to the world thattheir spirit cannot be broken by reverses, and thatthey are no degenerate son of their lathers therebels of our first Revolution.

To give an idea of the obstacles Gen. McCIellanhas to overcome, a sutler states that with a slightwagon and one horse he was fourteen hours in goingtwenty-tw- o miles. The teamsteis go in bodies auihelp each other. When a mule gets buried in themuJ, they all hitch chains wi the unfortunate beastand haul it out. These wagons do not average overseven miles per day.

Lord Clyde. (Sir Colin Catr.pbell.) the highestmilitary authority in liurope, pronounces Gen.McCIellan a splendid strategist and an able leader.

Knropcs.it.T lei;rnIiic DiiIm r- - to Jul 1 o.

In the House of Lords, the African slave trade billhad been read a second time. Karl Derby expressedhis fears that unless a treaty was made with Francelike that with America, the putting of a stop to theslave trade would be inetlcctual. Kirl Russel saidthat France had declined to enter into a similar trea-ty, but he believed would offer no objectiuus to theexercise of its provisions.

Lord Palmerston confirmed the statement of KarlRussell that the Government had recognized Italy.He sai l that he believed Prussia would do the same.

There are rumors that France will back out fromthe Mexican expedition. The Const it utitwtlle says,the glory of French arm once vindicated and moneymatters settled with Mexico, proceedings against hewill terminate. r

The recognition of the kingloru of Italy by Russiahas been telegraphel to Turin.

The H'lily .Mies editorially denounces the sar-casms and mischievous malignity of the Time forits pharisaical and ill-tim- ed alluaions to America inher hour of trouble.

The .Mitrrtin; Star also denounces the Times for itsattack on American sensibilities on the most sacred ofall days (July 4th) to the American people ; and hopesthat Americans will treat the insolence of the uu-L'ngl-

writer with disdain. It also says that thewriter is not more an enemy to their country than adisgrace to his own.

Lord Palmerston, in Parliament, reiterated his dec-

lamation against the feasibility of mediation in Am-

erican atlairs, at present; he contends that what iswanted, is that each party be brought to apprehendits real interest; when that is seen, nothing will pre-

vent a conclusive peace; but every word spoken inhigh places, tending to foreign intCi veutioti, delaythis coiisumtna ion.

Special Jlotitts.

Ir. lOSTCTTHirsst'DMACIl 1JITTKKS.The sti'iiKich is the fountain head of scores of diseases which

infest the human sysO in. Indi-emion- , had enough yrr se, gen-

erates iliarrho-a- , dysentery, faintne-s- , vertigo, jatiitatioii of theheart, general dehiliry, Ate. (let rid of it. then, tit once, l.y goinirthrough a course of Hr. 11 l)ST KIT Kit's. STOMACH lilTTKUS,a p.ilatal.le and refreshing irciaralion, whieli us surely relievesall cminlaints of the stomach and it ie. a the sun-slii-

the snow. A course of the iiietlicine may not ierha.lie nece.-sar- y. One tx.ttle fre.U.-ntI- accomplishes a completeCJre. Sold ly ail bni-ryl-'t-

s anl dealers everywhere.32J-lii- i

TIIK i:.VIKUSI.VKI ISXOW l'KK.I'AK- -El to fill all order from STKNCI I. 1'I.ATKS, for Kiruis, Mantations, Kice 'Srower., &c, on short notice.

Miwic, beifal docutneiit?, &c, copi.-- d neatly. OrnamentalFoil lifTi'.S on jrhos, a heautiful article fur decorating Refresh-ment Saloons, liar Uooiu. &c., up in F.IMCY STYLES.

ItilU and locouuls ma leThe public are respectfully invited to jive mo a call, a 1 will

do ail wuri; in the a'ove line, at prices suite.ltn the times.Orders from the country and other Islands respectfully

solicited.T1MMAS C. TIIHl'M,

Cl-Si- u Fort Strett, opposite the O ld Fellows' 11 all.

o A. I'. Jw. A. M. I.K 1'BiMai.s DK L'Oc kan-I- l.o nr. K

No. Ut, under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Coun- -

eil of the (iraud Central Ko.l.'e of France, workine in

the ancient Scotch Kite, holds its regular meetings on the Wed-

nesday nearest the full nmon of each month, at the old I.odceK. vnii, iti Kiuit street. Visiting brethren respectfully invitedto attend.

August 1. loJl-r-in- V. C. JON KP. Secretary.

LUMBER!Just Hcct'ivcd per " ViinSit'c !''

A M POK SAI.K IIY TIIK IXDKIlSlfiX- -il. ed a suM-rio- lot of



Do ilo !- - 11 "Do ilo di) 1.,

T')NT.'1 i r.ROOVD Jo 1


It ED WlXiD CLAI'IIOAHD.c. n. i.r.wF.i;?.

iJMt Fort and Kin? Streets.

A Kccfivi'd per " Yankee.''t r.!:it i.AKi; c iif.ksk,s . '") tish, ie-v- cr ip,

rii r Oi sm- k-- il

loo sa-k- s California iats,Ca es fr sh sair--- , in irias:',

in ul is- -,

r i iri 1 cloves, iu fl'a-n- ,

caro. soda, iu 1.1 is- -,

tap;oc;i.Canary seed,s i.la cra ki-r- ,

I'. crackers,ov-- :r

af T hre.i 1,

Jennv I.:n 1 cik F .r sal ? bv.4:ni S SAVIM.K.



via rati FraneisC".Na'ive spn I 1 hal. li-- H mud point sp.ni.

j.cr- - r;v- - ;s :; !.. .:v and itie h.mda'4,S.ip.-ri.- flin' s. Ip'rn

Pi .o r' ! rnat 1 wat r pt--- , IT ;np twu..-- .

As-.'.- l sle-ars- Fai'.Tyltri-- s urs, slc- - tfina l.

Fit::mr thread, Sa l ii- - r's awl?,lii iCKSiuith-.- ' lielioWS, cal- - N anis,

i. caj'S, (iu.it' s,Shi-- p sh- - ar. Axles,

Iron lunts j V ta oil t'"nes,t'o.1 liii'S. II - t

Wool cud-- , lti .I.iunr knives.l'.rass wir- -. C ' it's revolver t.iples,

W.-- nl s.uvs and s, lv.-r- carv. is.H -- a and eyes. Iron chain.

l' t tapes, I',, wire.Heavy pi r. Ilritaunia lamps,

11 rs.- - so- - nri:. Carriage lMts,Men'- - and n's la;s, M.itSoc'm,

TitiK-- j ur. c,F- r sale by

oJ4-2- t W. N. LADD.

Sugar and Molasses !

From the Hantaticn of J. MAKEE,

ilST TlZ .Xj X !C HOP OF l$ii'2.

For sale C.t:-0t- n C. HKF-WE- & CO.


B ;;osl I'a.t Iv, i cents junnd fruni tuis di!.-- . in cash.ei. I. Jl Mi.S SAVIlniK.

Iloi .vo.. mjv iv.j 3U-- n

rias: sts:ajii:i:

'' " "'. -- . - -. , .

AVill l'H-- I Ioiioltilit


AUGUST Monday, 25thSEPTEMBER Monday, 1st, 8th

15th and 22d.N. H The Klt.Al'KA leaves Honolulu fr K na ami inter-aieiiia- te

por.s V.IKHY MOM HAY n- -t quarter, except Mon-

day AagiM IS, on which week she lay up- - Saie will leaveKoal.ikeku.i on tVe Jm-s-lav- an. I on Tl.urMlaj.arriving at Honolulu on Saturday- morning.

J ANION, UUKKN i, Co.,Honolulu, Jane. lt'i. ;317) A sent H. S. N. Co.

S$-s52:- 6f Ii'p:tlel lineroit


C omet ! MJ A M F.S SMITH Master,

la now receiving; freight at Market Whaif. and wi'.l have quickdispatch for the ahove port.

TT For freipht or apply toU1LCO.V, KICIIAUL'S & CO., A cent of

Sii3t Keular lispatch Line of I'acket.

Regular Hilo Packet!XUY. SCHOOXKR

Wottio 3,Ioi-i-ili- .Will leave Honolulu for II ilo.

JM'fU LAIiLY r.VElCV WEEKCAHIN' J." ASS AW K to or from Hili S"

aiO-.'.i- a S. SAYIIHJK.

Lumber! Lsimliei!!




I FT. XOIITH-XVKS- T IitAl)S,120 12 M ilo-i- f K.tttens.Ml M Assorted Flank and Scantling,Is M Feet On-L'n- Pine Hoards inul Flank, from

1 to 3 i:ieh.33 M Tont-'ue- and Orooved Flooring--

0 M Pickets,Which, together with a larue assortment of Lumber, Shinuh s,

Hardware, Faints, Oils, ami ltuildiiij; Matei ials, are oir.-rc- l nt


Kini?, Fort and Queen Streets.323-- 1 m C. H. LEWKHS.


X A X Y O. I' A XT IT V TO SUIT l'l'KCIIAS- -I ers, and ot superior quality, byi. V 1 LII r.l.l,

22'2-oi- n Corner Hotel and M.Aiinakeii Streets.

VIEW3 OF HONOLULU!I'KKSOXS VISITIXCJ OK KKSIDIXO41.1. these Islands, should not fail to setnl a st of t- -. II.

I5nry.' Virw !' 1 1 oikiIii I u to their friends abronii,as they will eivey by far a letter idea of the Scenery, Habits,Customs, et' if this place than :mv" works or prints ever pub

is!i-.l- . To be had of K. IJCliCKSS,3'JO-o- in Fort street.

II r 16 I i- - - TS'J Pkai.i.hSPIRITS,

ALK ivn IMRTKR,Honolulti. 325-l- y

c. ijui:avi:k i,General Merchant and Acent for the sale of the products of the

Itrewer Plantation. 325-l- y


KING STREET,ex Door to l. Diiuond & Son.

rjMIH rVDKUSIflXF.I) IIAVIX RKCKIV- -1 ed his NliW PllO l' 11 A i'H 1 (" APPAKATIS. has en-

tirely refuted and renovated the Kooi.is f'.ri;i-ri- occupied byII. Stan-enw- 1. M. 1 , (more r cently by Mr. K. I'. Iuirand,)and ho.es, by strict att. nt imi t ti e and tanoies of his cus-tomers, to receive a snare of tie- - public palronasre.

The Vurtr de Cuiti iu either plain or fancy styles, put upueatlv and with

J. W. KINO."24-Ji- n Kinjr troet, next dour to H. liimond & Son.

LIES Ar CO.,ImporlerM acid t'ommiioii

.llcrc!iaijt,ST.lNE STOKE. K A A 1 1 1' M A X I" ST., CORNER

AiiEXTS Foil TIIKIfAMPeKOH-1'HFMK- FtKS. Issr iiASCF Co.PioNHit Ft. t K Mills, Sin Francisc-i.-S.il-- of As:: .t T .c Kn.iHi:nt'i Salt liH K,

of siiAi:. M'.iA-M.- s and Oihui Hawaiian FhonrCB.

Consisiinietits reiei-ti'u'.l-y so'.i ite l. and al! orders from the

Otl'e-- islands and abroad, promptly ex-c- 1.

(it STAV C. MH ( HUES J. !. Wn KK. F. A. PCHAEFFR,I'.rein-- . n. Honolulu. Honolulu.

3J3-H- -



mill: im)kusk; . ki) wm i.D kfsI inform his fri- - nds and irenerally that,he H n- luiu Meam t : i

u t H ik-r- t inc in-- in fullh- - is prepared to furni-- h I'il and Navy br.ad, Water Crack-ers and other descriptions of

All of su; ri' r ijuality and at

Prices to defy Competition !

FartitS furnishnic their own t'mir f .r ship bread, will hive itmade up at the lowest po-si- rates.

SHIP BREAD REBAKED.Orders fro iu the oth-- r islands jrrniptlv attend-- d tn

KuUKKT I.OVK,Nuuanu Street.

TT Orders in Honolulu f.r shippinir to be left with Messrs.Wilcox. Ki. har is i Co.. yueei. Street. Sii-Or- n

Tsit 1 5si- -

OR SAI.K AH.OCT I OOO KAI'AI IAIEF i.l suljstantial Mat Iia-'s- f- r Mi.-a-r or Salt . at0 v.-.- x IIOI.T ii HKfCK'J.

11 V II. tV. SllVllK.VNni.


THIS DAY!Till RSDAY. Mil 21, ;

At HI o'clock. A. M.. til Niili-- Kooiii.Will tH- - .d :

GentM'al rcioli:nilixo !Ccus.stiiiii in part of

Dry r;ooI, C'lothitiu.Clrocerie, Inland Itutter,

I.ard iu tins, t'anl .Hatchet.,; lionise v Frocks, Manila CigarsSperm CuinUe. Adamantine do.,

Ilf. A: tjr. Itoie Kai-i- n

1 fittrge Koa Liquor Case,1 California Saddle,




1 Top Hnggy,1 1'ancy I)g Cart, entirely new,1 i'ood Saddle Horse,



i At 12 u'rlork, !., on I lie l'rt-uiiMO-

AVill he sold, the! THREE HOUSES!; wSrri'.lTI'.l) OX Kl.VU SI KKKT. XK.Ul; the corner of Kini; and Alakea Stru ts, and known asI ,"i B. Xos. 2, 3 Hiid 4.'" KiiIk iI's How." The lots uieuun

10 feet l.y CS feet e:ic!i, and the dretnises with some repair, wiilfurnish ple.-.sati- t resid-iuv- for small families.

Sale positive. For lurther pirticulaes, npplv toII. W. SK KltANCK, Auctioneer.

ALDRICH, WALKER & Co.Have Just Received per bark

nilE FOLLOWIXt (;noi)s WHICH willL - disposed of at a small ulvaiiee :

1!U achislHickory stripe,v hite blankets,lilue niankeis,S InKip pails.Saleratus in 12 lb Imxes,Haiiihliu - Maker's oysters,California lime,ltedwood dressed siilinR rsiiw-rio- r article,)10 M ivdwood shinilles, "Turjiciitine,lin y llaiiuel overshirts,K- - etinn jackets.Hickory shirts, 322--

E. 0. HALLOtlers For Sale

j jNTevr Groocls,In Store, ;iikI Just Received by the

fcfczuTiYi rsn 77wi i

iiab-siwai:i;- , Ac,Irf-n- piiH--, sluet lead, solder, tin, sheet iron, nail rods,

; Norway chapes, cast steel, German and spring steel,Tweed's iron, wire, powder, shot, percussion caps.Safety fuse, jipples. flasks, shot punches, lanterns,Force and lift pumps, ho-- c, patent oil lamps,lilass and Britannia lamps, (ierman students' lamps,Britannia tea and coff.v pots, boxes glass, wiekintr,folar chiinnies, nails, spikes, screws, pocket Knives,Files, C. S. shovels, alarm clocks, black and white paint,Buttons, atate buttons, locks, butts, bolts, saucepans,IVplier boxes, grates, ejrir beaters, FikeKhaves,SiK ket firmer chisels, srwinn machine neislh-s- .

Telegraph needles, line combs, bnthiii); sponge,i I'ep and sewing awls, shoemakers' wax, pliiiies, saws,

Squares, bevels, brass cocks, auei bits, augers.Ship carpenters' adzes, slicks, broad axes & 2 tongue bevels,Pick handles, market baskets, door mats,

i I'reservincr kettles, enameled duck, corn mills,; Corn shellers, hay cutters, boring machines,

Urind stones, crank and rollers, fryinir pans,; Bake kettles, p ows, chains, tubs, wool cards, hoes,! Kak- - s, SpanlitiiiK's glue, mucilage, twine, lieeswax,j Borax, grain shovels, bush hooks, dog chains,

Trace chains, mule chains, wood faucets, mortars,Hulling pins, fli-s- and horse brushes, sheep shears,Faint and shoe brushes, hair and tooth bruhes,Tinned spurs, ade, sledge and Hii-'.- -r handles, whips,Traveling bags, blacking. W. W. brushes. Rash touls,Awl ban lies, picks, handled axes, sho; nails,Tacks, breast tbrills, bow pins, bed cantors,

piillies. sash sheaves, assorted hooks.Knobs and clothes hooks, assorted planes, mallets,Clamp screws, b. nch screws, hammers, glue,Boat nails, clinch nails, (iillot's jietis, pen holders,

j Pencils, enwloKs, paper, ta" measures,j j.uil ears, kc , A-- &c.

! lMlr CJOOIS.Ann-riea- prints, French prints, shirting prints,Linen napkins, table damask, assorted flannel,Biinity, cte-c- cambric, paK r cambric, piano covers.Shawls, oiled s;!k, Italian se i:ig silk, jaconet cambric,Alpaca, table velvet, brown and green barege,Mourning prints and lawns lys' hose, zephyr wool,

merino and Cotton hose, linen and cotton thread,Spoo I cotton, assorted riblioii", thread edging,Klastic braid, ruffling. r"'w hair I raid, lasting,Italian cravats, searsiic.Ker, nankim tt-- , nankin,Fancy cas-otne- i s, assorted quilts,Plain and tiL'ur-.- figured goat's hair,Kolie. summer stutT, gr--y wool shirts, fancy shirts,Chambray, Russia crash, blenched sheetings,Bl. ai'h' d cottons, blue drills, hickory shiits.Bl- - ached j- an-- , uio,.(uito nettinir. worste 1 damask.Cottoiiadi s, Marseille, brilliants, linen bosom shirts,Lining cambrics, dotted Swiss ll.ll-lili- s. crinoline.Bu 'le s. ho ip-.- skirts, carpet binding, dimity band-1- ,

Mits, t;ipi ?, toweling. ve , Kc, Kc.

FALTS, OILS, Arc.White lead, zinc white, Venetian red, yellow ochre,Ked lead, Prussian blue, Paris green, chrome green,Verdmris. utnbi r. drop black, chrome yllow,Ter.a de Menna. Imperial gret n, lioiled Iniseed oil,Coieh, Copal and dainar vainish. cartuui, whiting,

; Putty, ground and lump pummice stoue.

; rxiKii:s.Han 1 carts. Cart boxes,

Wheel barrows. Cayenne I'liper,Bamei's flavoring extra' ..--. Black pe-- , i.er, ground,

Creim tartar, A rrowrrxit.Fountains S'la,

Tomato ketchup, I:iiry salt, kc.


NEW GOODS Shortly ExpectedBY THE

"Southern (tons" and Saracen,"Via San Francisco, and by the

, 6" ErioM and ITa-a-upm,'- "

Iiirtx--t from I5osn.n.3i0-'2-


NOW I'llEIMKEDTO FCRXISI1 Rt'ILD-i:i- gIS Material of every description at the lowest Marketrate.

Ord.-- r from the country, and other islands solicited.Lumber Yard on corner of lueen and Fort Streets. 3 23-S-


.J and envelop- - 'ust received and for sale byII M . WHITNEY.


n Y J. ii. coi.i:.


OX TUESDAY!Aiasr '9- -

Al in o'rloik, A. M.. nl SnXrm Uoia,Will t old.



SOII AT I'CHLIC Al'C- -MTION. (.of which due notice will he pt vrn.) uul.'

dispoiu d of l.y private contract. TheHouse and lot at pn-scn- t occupied by Mr.. Colt, niloatcit on

Keretania street, nearly opile the AmericanThe h use Ix-e- newlv shingled, and the lot has a fnmta of

40 feet, and is 100 feet iu depth. W ith watr from the Ootctu-nie- nt

ii'a lai l on.

Lr Title Fee Simple.At the same time, will ! sold, the 1 loiisehol.l Fui nitur,1, iu

part of llnreau. Side lt.ird. KininK laLle,Sette. Looking (llasses, Um kin Chairs. Cane iat (. hairi, IrvuB,Mste.id, lUth Tub. M. Safe, Stor.-s-, fcc.






AM) MANILA. CORDAGE,nF.MF Falls,Whale Line, Hatlin dd Stuff,

Marhne. Spunyru.Hone Yarn, CuUiin in 1UkU,

Patent nnd Biislifd UlivWs, a"rled.Mincing Machines Try Work Gear,

Try I'ol, Cooler,,0,g Iron. Ijinie.

Copper I'uinps, Shiwvci,

I'.rands Whalinir (lun and Ijince,Ship and Uoiit Coinpnuses,Sieual and Itortt Ianierns,Ships lit ad and Tank I'limp-'- ,

Lar'C and small Force I'mnps.Topsails, T. U. Sails, lloyals. paiWer, Sta.v.iil,Two Kan and Topmast Uiiritiiic, nearly new.

Chain Cables, Fluke and Fin Chains,Head Straps, H""! 'run,Cotipeis Kivets, Hammers and Drivers,Conju-rs- ' Ai Carpenters' Tools, One new hale JWial,

Anvils, " T'l!:,,,vHooks ami Thinililes, Can and Boat H.viks.Jil. Hanks, C.uur-siti-on Nails,KiKging Screws, lloiit tJrapnel. 3.1-..I- H

Krull's Dairy Butter!fKtr THE SI'PERIOR Ql'ALITV tr--

thi lil'TTFIt. is now generally arknowletlfrcil inthe comtnuniiy . i ne rare nun t,ieuiiiiiieo mo.

ts workine and paekinn is well known.


Ueceived by every opportunity from Kauai, and for iale at thFamily (Ikoi lky asi Fkkd Stokk, by


Teas ! Teas ! Teas !


" Comet" Oolonp." Comet" Choicest Breakfast Souchong,

SulH-rio- r Oolong-IVuchonf- r.

Choice Basket Tea, 1 lb baskeU.A variety of good Cheap Tes,

At the Family Urocery and Feed Store.3213rn A. D. CAKTWRI0HT.

Cheese ! Cheese ! Cheese !

CALIFORNIA CHEESE. PERCIIIOICE at the Family Urocery and Feed Store.321 vn, A. I. CAKTWRI0HT.

Crackers ! Crackers ! C'rackers !


Soila.Boston Crackers,

Jenny Li nd Cakri,At the Family (Jroecry and Feed Store,

a21.3m A. V. CAKTWRIUI1T.

Bacon ! Bacon ! Bacon!rillOICE CALIFORNIA BACON, AT TIIKnj family Urocery and Feed Store.


Cider Vinegar! Cider Vinegar-- !

4 SCPERIOR ARTICLE OX DRAUGHT,J at the Family (irocery and teed Store.


Oysters! Outers!f f AMIJLEX 4i HAKER'S OVSTERS.1.1 Tomato Ketchup.

Sago, Kc. kc , per " Comet,"At the Family Oroeery and Feed Stons

32i-:ji- n A. lb CARTWRIOI1T.

BEST FIREWOOD!Const smtl.v on I IsiikI.

FROM MALI AM) KAlrA,LfUF.CEIVEI) of the undersigned, and for ale byyjiKjni von H'H.T & lltlC'.

UTAI V A II HE,Agents for the Sugar Plantations of Aiko.at I'apnkoa, and Iw,

at Pulo, Hilo; Import) rs and Wholesale ami Retail Dralers in China O'Midr ; have on hand, for sale, at their emwb- -

ments on King street, Honolulu, and at Lahmna, .Ma4i,Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, Tea, tuSin, and a largevaried assortment ot general luercuainuse.

Honolulu, August 7, liaT.

ISOOT A: SIIOi:l. U 1? V O T O Y I

T II V. I' X I E R -signed would respectfully m

iniorm nis irienun nnithe public generally, thathe is prej ared to

MANUFACTURE BOOTS & SHOESOf every description to order, in a thorough wfkmanlike man-ner. Having just received, and made arrangements fir a con-

stant supply of the liest French calf skins, ami ovtry therdiscription of material necessary for manufacturing tbe litarticle, he s confident that he can give go.l satisfaction toall who may favor hnn with a call.

CK"t6F CL.VRK,323-oi- n Hotel Sir-ret- , North West ol Nuuanu.

I'ropoalN Wanletl I

miiK fmeksk;f.i). in hehalf orA the Honolulu Sugar ManufiM-t-arinir- , and KeHniag Co,

will rwive proposals lor lurnishii. the said Company willFirew.Hid, at the rate of IS conls per week, delivered ou thepremises, ,.r the wharf adjoining the old Custa Uouac Ui

lloriolulu.Proposals for smaller ipiantitie we-k.l- will also be receive.!

but all prr.ivisals must sK-eif- tie- - kind of wood which it i eil

to furnish, and the number of -i-ks they will undertaketo snpplv it, and be presented on or before th lith Aurunxt. L BARTLKTT,

Z12 it Treasurer U. S. .H- - k C.

JOHN THOS. WATERHOUSE,Importer asid Dealer in General Merchandise Hoehtru, II. I.

REH31ENCESHis Kx. U. C. WvLLtt, Honolulu.B. F. Ssow. KsoC. Williams A: In.,ClIAS. Bkkwkk. Fj').,Wii.eov. Ki HAKli-- S

A; Co.,HlMiiSD k Son,Thos. SpKKrER, Fl-- Hilo.II. Dn aissos, Esq., Lahaina.B. PlTMjlS, Ks.J., San Fmocisoo.Mc'Kl'KB & MlIHKIl L.C. W. Bbdoks A: Ci.,G. T. I.IWIOSi Fsq.,Tiibim, Bhos. .t Co.FlKI D .t Bll'K, . - New Vcrk.

2T6-- 1 y


Page 4: l'uliJZ - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/36906/1/1862081401.pdf · Jvc-.-ioni- si:i in Virini imw t-in the rfi ii je f ihe li'it-Ii-e le i Wi--e

, , 1 --ji - rv t- - T"t?iJi iiiii.ii i i'iii i "TT""

PAcinc( ommoreial Advertiser,

-- i f August, the M.r.:.-r-i - i f t.t.atcerr--:.t- e i t. fi.e II is- - tf ll - rwr,!'i:!u- - i Lr

re v--d ' ! :' r.he f ti,. r- - ,,f the Treisjry, - tL v

of Miic!;. I:..r-- r ris f tne F.n ir.i C mrii'.tHe tf. the JI jsc, ti.e

--; ar. aeeoil ni.'.st I(tH cf ti.e Mit.i-lfr- f.

i.t ' --J-

- ?, Fr t!

' r. i

i e nf l I J

t J e t.


Report of Finance Committee.

Mr.. h ."if ri : V. ur f .,n:n.;-i- - f 1 r.-f t- -

"l. ru w k r.-rr--1 t'.c - t'-- r of il.e ?! r.i.-t.--r fI. ir.'- - f Ai i- -t 1- -f, ti--s Ij r :t : 'I ii it (!. v '.- e

:r.it.y ii. i.- - i it. it .J c'i i.r, tii it tl.y, w.f.rr, j. t.-.- t t,:.l in i: .ti : i!i..( ietrii. iif-r- j tfe

'ii i -- UK :w.vi t:.;- - 1 1 a-- : a,u-- i ti.e Ml'.i-:.- T

t f t ir f'.e.Tit.-- M:.-.If-- in if. t!, i'i'.,r'j 'ti:. hirn

1V t..-- I i ; y r,-- l'

i: !f t t "...jt,.;,;- - i . ly, r'.-- -

kX.tij; ! ti.- - t j. f . i.tur-.--- ) f.r . r .1. Ii , i mia-plo'..!-it.i

. II - k n't ret urn t I'l.Iir. 1: H ii.it-i-- ,

thi II-- 'j e I. - r f k'-f- i fxc--.ti-.n- f . tt.e . j"i'iricf M i M ij.-- ry ir, I'rivjr Vui . i!. I I. .s Jt'-?- .,

r ! i.l. i ti.e fj; tht-- c! ii n ' f i. II. p.ki:", tut l a- - a tt..e y.u'r ?,. 1 i'- - 'n.-ri.,- uf . ut'ltr j . f t:jty i I t:.- - M.iii-- tt r c I'if. tJiC, illI ' ! l T.rt-- r. !. f t. i!j ? ki...wl- - 1- - . f t:.v Lev-is' irnrf, :r tt.- - ;i!y i!

"..ir f. f.r ti- - , f'i-t!- .r ie:r--tit tt j u t i r.Iy .f ijjf .Mini-- r i'i leir.r wj.: e I.ef iki f " J ' I liiitt. 1 r ii:e r ll (fair

rrit-ii- t :i ! lime l mi t tii-i- r cvi.vt-i.i.-i.- i - uii 1 l.iaii'.i if t . .. in the i.ii'.ri of V' ir ..

it i: ii ;.! hfii c.nti.i.-i.- t to iult !.-- ,an I ;n this-- II si- - h :t! lys -- !.) i a r. .t 'lV-ix--.

aii'J ev-t- i :iiix"e' ! rec- - ive c iiiiiui.ic .ti- i". 1

int' .rin it. it fn in the .Miiii-t- r. it n.'i-- t hie ir-t- i them. rifi (f ili- - M:u:-- r r th it re tr.fe 1 hiui fioiu :

g ii. th- - II n-- e if i.niti .n.Truiy 'ii-- t ih-.-- e r.'.v t:- hive Lvti, :

ti.-- y ti-- i t :ii! the Mini-:-- -r i- - ari-- v r, f f! J iy,the 'i ' -t- :o-i-i c lit line I in the !eif r of thi 'h:i: :i.mcf it i Co in of June the Gih. 1 j. iii'.l!y 1 1- -

If i:- - Iii. h of Urn un 1 --J-ll of Jur e, m l u.--1 n

rvitrr ifi in f ';e 'I'tiois ift.J to the Miis-irre- r,

r, the I.lrh ot Juiy 1 .7 ti.e ?'(e.iker of thi-- ! II ..'i-- -.

(.ur To n,!.;: rice, v Liittly rc-'jm- e, arc of j ::jiuu :

I. 1 Ii ii tlie M'rii-'e- r of Firi itue f ;! 1 to .Io lii.--1 .lutyin ti'-- Ity:ii fore the IvNl-it'ji- the rif . iryinf rf.iafi- - ri. af-ou- t the tx; 1 1: litur- - f.r Sir J. Ii w-i:- t;'.

.'ii -- ;.. ii. i.ii.J ti.e f ot .". I f j kiTfut the Mii.i-- t. r cf F;mfice I. is r.cre I c- - ;iti ny

t i it'i -- .t. I .j f r. pr uti..ri I:. I 1 : n !

lui-.;t- i the ! ii iitur j fir Sir .1. I; .viiti'j-r:- i

i'.-- nti 1 fhe of . i. II j Uiu-1- , with' utcoriiiri t t f 1 llvtiic nirh a h::l if in lem t.ity.

C Ih it the Miniiier tf Fiii'.c? ve:t-- :u hisiib!itful cur-e- , infi-.iin- z lij.or. hi le:ng j iviSeJin iihiir-i-- . the itove tuentioiit-- l esju.-t- i I.tur-- . --i aiii? ii. 1 1 tii. t:i.

4 Tlia? the Mifji-f- r tf Finai.ce fiiit l to Io l,UInly :w ia S;vt. 0 l f Ann d Jmenf-- ! f.j the t'onsfi-Itiiio- ii

pr. vi. I.j.I in ik. t laying htfore the l.eg:--iafiir- e

a rrrt rerrt tf the tran-J.ictioi- is arilhu-iiie- -s it hit Lh-- j irttsunt irithii' vi" afterthe 1. j filing of tlie I.'-gir- ! iruie." The revi.ltttefllellt un le up fii.rii the Treirury .Y.,a hav-

ing re-e- 1 this IIm'i-- v on tiie 1- -t t'i hiee siofitiu after the opening of the Legi-- l itare.

ine .l:ni-te- r coi.ti iry to tax-"- . iin.re import- -f the ..li-tiru- ii, r..y refn-i- n, :ii;oe, .N t.-.- rteT first

ipi-.-i- cl orice, an I lirtve-- a i firm-- , t .ippearLjl.re f !iis lloii-e- ; tht-ie- i y at nottiit theIinify f this II. .ti an-- the au'.iiority cor.f-ri- el

,t f.y theAi. i ih. refoie f e no rtai-.- for rece lit:- fi rm the

opini' ti expre el ty this Iloti-- e in t'.t tt? ,'..jti i.spaa---- l i n the '2 MU of July.

H t ott a l. ptt 1 t y the IIoUe.

Il purl of I lie t'ttiniicr Coi-.tm- i r.

Ma ?r::Kr.p. : Your Committee h ivinrz exifii:r:',.ltlie nlwly r.tr utiu accounts of ti.e Mn.i-t- r cf i "i- -r

iij-.i-, an-- ;ofii; Iere J the c niiui'ir.ic itii-n- s of tire

Minister referre-- l t tli-m- , in connection with the tis

t eg to report : lint ther tin 2 the corcrnt.-n-n-t

I etflttilre. ItoW l at r''7,?-J,- i il.s'e.l l i fisl.b-- 'l 4S. h'.inz a ili.F. ren.re in I m.r of ihe c,v-friniK- Ui

of 2,'H 'Ji, so th it it is r.t-c- iry to rh:r'ein tii new li lrs as ovrrj.ai 1 ly the I re isurer, t;.erum f I- - SJ, iri-- fe i of ,"- -7 1 a- hef .re, te page

of U p"H.) lour C .rii.'iiittte expre-- s tin i:i iesunali e t- - 1 Uk theie w ii lu-.r- . i.tthan w s reeeiti. It k.iuM be thought that a themm exiienJe-- is so njrich !. s than at fiit rep rtel,tntrre I I.e sa-pl'- is in the trei-ur- y; whichw ai! 1 he the fi:f, were it n.-- t th it th ; rcjeip', in-sfe- al

ot ii'iiounnrg fo i im. e- - UI.'JI 13Ie.-- Z') I'I l:r: reporte I. actu illy ori'y rrt.oi;nir) loS07.al' Ori ho:.ig a leceipt of 2,'sf) U itrs th mat first repvrte.l.

Tne first items of 'iiireren.i-- e in espen liture, are inthe Civil Lisf.viz. rlhi7M .lae II. II. II. theI'rince of II iwaii.an i .? 1 17.0 ) .Joe H-- M ij.-ary- sec-ret iry, be;iig in ail I'hr.ie. items were re-po- rU

l a p iii in the first 11 p.irt. but its they werein point of fict not pail, new appropriations will Le

tecesirj f. r the auio'ints.The 'iepartrai fit of the h;terior new reporte 1 as

':::ig expen J-- 1 !i I Vj."22 infeil of, as in thereport, r ll" Ssj7.1I'", an 1 this l::rert:j.;e of

i?l2 ) will he foiii. l - jit'jieiifly l for inthe if? ii tf the (toverii r of M iuis s !iry. There

et-- s to fmt one other trr.-r- , un ler this he i I, inthe puicuaie of Taccifie mat tt-r-, at fir- -t l.iAt). I now 1,"-31- , which is evi lentiy a misprinr, asthe column correctly, ty subitiiuring t .t- - -' f. rthe 4.

The Ivparfm'-n- t of Fort: n AJi'rs is rtn..rtc-- l r..was bavir g expen le l yHJlo 41 imtea I of IriJ 77f'lowing a (Itileri-n-- fr. in former report in favor of

' Govern meat cf : 131 ) o' the fiirt error lei:jg in stu-jn- e

that the King"-- . L'harg-'- - nt hn iui ft is bi-.--

pui'l ;lfj"", wlnie the ecni rep.rt shows oniyap ii lthat furictivi.ary. '1 he t i n. ris in t i:i! tn it i"?ii 77 Ins been p ii 1 f r :i :eexperifstf '.reign agents, t..-t-it atel stntioDery ,whereiS, if appears by the i u-- report thi r-- ,- -1

13 II ere pai.I. f r tline t.l yc'- t:.ti we tte tfiatthere w is repr-ite-- l as p ai I n.ore than was acr- -

iliy p ai l to the 1 h ar-.- -, J ar.T as being p ii lJess fhfi w is piil, "'.) i for l'ottage, tic. ub-tr-- et

'ii" fro-t- i the other, ol Co.The ex of the Fin-mo- department vns

reportel, (?ee pige ISith) at 7" ?, but if oi.ewi'.i tr.-uiil- himself t a IJ the Column, be wil! fir: I

that the total as rrji-ite-- I ..!.ou',J le - 7 1 ,i loTlie S'.con l ter rt t--7 1 . 1 7 1 '." tluii ii .i:f-feren- ce

of irl.Ul b2, if rte ! ok to the .-- im of theColurtiiii r.s set J'.'.vn The first error lite tie

V.Iectt ral's t.'ictk, put Jown nt 'j4-- , iu theSrat rej ort ar.-- lb-'- in repot t. The next

is in the I puty VI lector's s .! iry which by 1streport ii pi ice t as having un appropi i Hit n tf iro,-M- j,

an 1 an ex pen liturc tf ir'jK wliich the i.t-- v

report t rrtc:s pi g both appn-pi- i iti.ri ai. 1

exjen lifuie at o.il-Y--l liiusc ire-ting thet-.xp- t n re

iu fivt-- tf (lotrriti.ti.t, Cj 07. Toe in-x-

error we observe is the I'ust-.-n- i II. .use iu rl. whichwas rcportt 1 a fii I, wLtrt.i.s by the svetn 1

11 p rt we tin I tiiat the wh.-l- appr. iti.n i f --?J"'J2 tr.i spc ,. Tlie next item is in the piy t faCssor, fermerly rep.rteJ flo,"--'- ! 71 nw

1. makiiig a JiiKr-n.-- e ngiinitof rllo71. The r.ext irem is fit! n ry,

repcrteti tt first 7I'.'J3. cirfctel . -- 741 73 dif-

ference agiimt the povernmen. 22 ''. The cor-rect't- ns

agi:nt g.ivei nn.ent are three, ami Tintii.g t ji7'jl 4'.'. an I in favt-- tf govtiiimtnf, two, am .u'.t-in- g

to rr 1,'2'jO '.7, wiitg a Jtifr-reiie- ia favor ofg..t-rr.n.cn- t rf r 17" IS of amount of txren liture.

The error in summing the Column of expenJif ure?which is lo'), with the corrections fir? enumt r:i-te- -J,

acco tnt for all the errors ualer this hen J,In the ilepu trnent of I'ubiic Instru titi thtre are

btit tw.j crr.-rs- . The I'reii leiit's sai iry wis ri l

hs Ir.iwn. up to ?','l . which left a n!ir.te.ftne appropii aiion of r'.'"3l, whi! t accor iing to theeorreceJ report the I'lesilent Lai Ir.nvu -- 'j,'.l; lileaving a bal mce of but o.) ol.

The other item is un ler the Leal f Hngii-- h fJwUacc-i- r llr.g to the oil t, r'3.'.7 weretxpen le-1-

nc- -' to the correne 1 rep i t ro,0"7 were sien-- A

vo'Jing to the f!l rep. t there w aVft of fl.S'JS, acc- -r Iin to the ne tf


ibe expen liture rf the l.iw Department f o:-u- p

b7 the first report zHJ.KlS 57 ; r ? fcecnJ report

SSi.8rJ ' Uiaking a tliiFerence of o rJZ. The

.rems of Jifr-Ten- re are

O'.' U'nrt.

. t I t ii

K . I. '. J ' ): tf. K . i. i,io

Ji ...... :.i .. ;.-- - o-- i

II :- - jA". i-- ) )

A:: r:.-v- . lit.'.. . t rt

.!' R'


' .J

T.' trior lii all this-.- ' ittms ar. e iiviii L',! Iic!a-i'li- jf

t ti. fitt rij;t t!.e re- - - pr. j ri iti. ri- - p ii Jo-.-

'. J r U!jtici'j J Jc ti.effi f r rcrv:cc- - i'c:j Jt-rt--J jre-- it ' i- -t .ij.j r. j.r i .it!. r.

I f l: m f IiiJfroveiiitM?, ti.e item' f :jj.,r t r witcr-- rk- - is i n.irr riut t. r

as will atrir t.:t:i.g Up t:.e CoiJUili, J

(.'..ir i- - i i: i ,c i :i.tr itht ui Irr this Lei J, iz . :

t ;e lie lin of II .:io.'u.'i H irir c.'i ir-- ; : u! ylO, --

W, (- -e ai?: ifcp.rf, fie -- ') hic:i shiuM Le

chirrl it "?., VO"; ,i ii:ilt.rtr.ij-.- - tf r C'.The M i llir.e. j- - t sj-- ri i.ijrf Is.i up in t.'i- - fir-- t

i, 1 7"?. -''-J ii, in ri.e --- j. i. J i- -. it, 17l!,6'J.jeii : liiilt l'J.. i.

'li.v ittn.s cii J aie --! f..!.o'.v? :

(l ilt.;,. .. ft.,-.-. . -

l:-- : t I'-- : y 1 -- . . .. .i fl. ,ji

7 oi i 1.7'";Kk. 1; 'Uts a:.'! r . ;.j.,k) w 7'j.Uv'" '"J ;J00

l'..-- 7 I'JI: :. a i t. !...rj- - , ..., J. .; 4 --i

l 1 I.. 1 -- . ' t. ti. '.7 0. i i L)I : -- j t'77 i . I n j.'.-j- : 4.;

-- 4 7 j j I i 0

.!.:..':.- i f...---,! jrj it-- , ti.9 I., t

I it r- - ;l t:.-r- -.' in e. : ' v'. 1 K- - j. rt


: ;

v u-- l p i tinerit, O.-- liaiaiice, 6 1 .5 1 SilS. chargc J

:! ii i tut in 11 r rt, ii. t t:. iri-- i in thisi'ay of ciJ 110.71. .Ntw rp rt

1.0 CTiiirge.llj 1 1 tuisors, o!J , i.C Ci. rt-r-

Lo ciure.Uills C, oil rtjort, CO. New rtj ort,

U'l t'h ii y.Sniiii.t?, o'.J re rt 1G1 7 New rt joi t, no

charge.IJ i.an-.- f f a! at ics uiif.alJ, c!J refcrt, 1,'Jil.CI. j

Now ivirt, ciiarge.I; iinii i ati .:.

I'ift more t. j , Ji. si ri. .i Hi in r.i.I. !.:; :i t: t. . i.'.i.i

I t.--i ; i'Hiii Ii.'-.n-- , ".a.'.j JLW ar laA- -, w.n j I 7 :

. I rv:- -. r. .i4k.vii. I'. Ii, '". ii )

.!. ir- - - 4 'I : ( .IJ -- a!a ;..i

7.i77 4

i i, 11 'JiN. H. There is an trror here of t tie dwliir which

the C' ftitli'f rei.- - Late Lot lii.ie to illVttiiaU'.The appr.piiiit:-- ii trie wafer funT ir-- fcet 'lown

in thi t il.'e in the rtr.--t itp-.r- t at ltj,.,,57 hut in the '

itj n 1 at 1 o,'22'J V 1 . Uat a- - in is item neithtr a:Itctiteceipfi tr ii is a m uter of Lo coiue- -piiice t: the Ilouie, further than to iiow the ii;ocu- - j

i icy t f statinz the ta'.'es, :in 1 ihe leis-.- why theut!peiit is js. ia the iic.-u- J repori, anJ ,

Z'2,2, J '2l in the fir. '

Tnii tf Kpr rt is ir the ejqeii '

.i 1 e low I to t 1 lni LilZtl.i..e the f,h,.f receipt.. The fi.?t e. l0 II

in the r.ist report on this hea l is only one .loll ir in:jiif 01 acte-- I l.i' .voii 1 ern.r H i,I j

Art. o- - i v!n-- re- - i!nc ."eir-c- ti - ifpi at J,- -




is-- G











441, l ut in trie -- eto:.J at r2,CiiJ If, making an iu- -fie:i-- e of 1 i 6 .

ioi-riiiiieti- t Ilea!: iti' ns are set Jown in ih first21. l.i tiiereport. itl report, 57,-2J- k

43, thowii.g a diileitin v tf ,i:7 81.

O'l ,'.. V ir lltp. Ui T. i:r: lif.. in on f: rt, rii..Oil 14 JJJtliT i j.Oa'.Sii.,.-- r hml... Il.'i it'll 14.:.;.". 7.1 Ji,

ml- - K- - 1 ."..lt'l ft :'. li 7 oo.:-.- . I... r i' la '.".' 7 I 1 i.77 2.1-.- 7f

"ii. tr,-- - l.J.si; ..ji ii. f oj;- -Ma I . .r: i i

lla.v.i.i, . . . . '.o 3

Showing two item iu whic!i rtire has been reciv-e- ithin first leportel, viz.:

j 0"j 7S

anl f..ur ijetos in . hich less his been recivtl, viz.:V.. - r Fu-.- l. -- 2

s:- -i -- r I'de :.,vi!r:. . j 7 S

;...!( u..vr, llt-,ii- ,-" i .f.T!0 hi. i

S ii-t- : act tiie u; f t r from ihe lowt-- r an i there will1 e a l.'b rt:n:e i f r3; 3'-'- tl, if.stt-a- j of, as meni!' n- - ;

eJ above, in tiie first act ion of the t' tils of t ie :

two reports of" 3.1.i7 bl. Hut by -- iiuiining tiiecolumn in the iii- -t report at pice lii, it will hefoiin I

that the looting nhouM be "i J.,0.'"J 21, ii.sttaJ cf ;

V'.72 21 as thtie stitt.l. I

L'n-le- the h'-- l of Mi.-ct--ll meous, there wiil be'

I'hnitv Lan Isf. ui.J Lut two errrors, namtiy, Fxchiij-ie- r C,oi l re;-.i- t, s? 1 u' : new itpoit, 0. Ii.ciitUer Utll ;

II. oil , new reptit, '.:.. An 1 itr. iil be coserve 1 that the excess of the one bal inct--s

tiie un JersLttement tf the otfitr, it is thcicfote ar.i ifier of co firtiier interest than to show the imc-curac- y

nitii which the ac. un's were male up. 1 het ii'.y other matter w riiiy of uienti' iiing un ler thisbeaJ is four charges not im at Lio.il in the first rc-- p.

if, lut iiieiiticne.l in ihe secon-I- , the lesult of .

w hich seeuts to be Slo'J &j, to the etc lit tf this uc- - i

count.Thus we liivij )- -f. re. Ih- - Oi N tw-e- n

the tir-- t n:ul o:i i ri .Tti. I : w i.l o.- -.t t!:.;' tie r are.. in tiie tir-- t r Ihat ia th- - firt - ..r: in.-ii--

ii i!"i."--- -l it- - h:tv iti ' ten ri y, ihi''h U'it tf't hi t rt J"ifdnl ; an. I ere I.tt as hitvn: Oe-- n rec iv-.- i. vhirh hu.l wt t" i ti

n ct ii t l. 'I i ti ftut-- f 1 re .r t: ij. I -- o in it -- utn- - t n.on yr a I iti'-- r I tl.V fi i.t wl.-.- t ti:. y r ; an 1 til- - n:u t lalof - i ttr.r trly - t . M- n- - y !i ts le i: on-- He l to oett-- : n h. j.i ia:-..i.- are i.- -t .1..-1- ,

ai.-- i trie J. ahhci; is i wr.:.-l- y -t .t- - !.

I It Ii .i th.- - lii.-i- ti.at K TI -- xiti'i-.i. inl ...in :: lav oirrct-- .l .i'V- - m., si I - ar I'ait th-- nat .i

I'.ir.tuay it it an of the e. f it. Ihe J.iooi- - ol ytir -

Mft in t oii.i:,: ' an I ih . lii-o.- en

3 vt 'ti ii ree rt- i uni i. tit ia iti i. i'itr- -, a:. l w!i'i-- t w foil- -..'rata', it- - th- - country, th-- r - - .x a c rr-- ct a. . rir.l In-;.- , re ! ji'ir.th- - iic. aii'l tli it it ii Vi I i,t thai 'ul-i:- nioia-- h 1 ,ck- t lev- 1

sat. it K- - i't. an I I T the ?ikii i.!y, e Iv- -I it ourI'ity t ti at it' -- i t t ;.- - t a.--. ::.a: tl:-- (in !:- - aeeoijots Ii tve- i in. -- t c tr-l- -. iy, ti e of th-- .! !

!! l it'-- r.- the li 'l-- l.i a ir. ..::'.. r iiiut in t ti.ev. r -- t C"ii''e lilii .ii'-li- . lu tv-.- I't.in. that ch lo

tiief.i his attet.'.i .11.

V, .tr t'oiser. ::- -- that th- r- - .iny irnputatr-.n- . !

t !.;-.- : an ot.- - . ir. ; tr- - le ti !:i - imirt- r. in.-- a vie; an uj-- i

ie -- r .. T, wr iiL'? rf.i-i- ' - .1 or are to I.e aveti,- - -- l." an.l '

fit ( r !. ir.r. !l - ii .aware, tii .: - f ai y ivr- -i toii' a I nt aver- - tii it lie ha- - y to .io !u .I.;:y ; an I

we ine i ).:..' t to ti,- - e ti;. try oi lii it .ssu-- the U--

c . .. r he T.orly - re u. N-- i y.'tir '!!. luitt-- e

'.'.i.,i. thit an t. nt ; t, t n tiie J'.iri of the m-i- nl - of"ii - to .! I'- - ir .i.ity. I.y i :.z whether I 'l'-h- ;

! av- - .h it- - t,t ir- -, -- an fairiy oe " .o'.it.-- ai ; .

ti"f:" -- f atry "tie.'

Ii- - f rrint i II 1 Kx- -t of An.-u-- t t, r-- a.l I.yth- - on M n Uy, wv I. tr t- - ty :ii ,t with r- - jar I to the"tit I " u.aKr .tr" :m I - ti:.. we it-- not rvcoittrz-- th- - .I f- - I

- ! it tie in. t.ir ...in e i y. '.thi.-T- i was l .a;a.l the j

t.ri-.-.-- .. .I . . - tl it . l ......!., 1. .1 .1 . .. . .i

to vl


l.i-.- ,"' Iy rt- -r T any nc . Ue. Lut y-- jr f..i.-.rs,:tt-j

think tint lit- - I. v-ii-a- ey har iiy ratl.t i i ii; sao.'i harshr. -- -. ii ; when Ii". ia Comniiinicat ii.it with the . f i t. s I

t limit til-nce "f tiieir LK1.. tr that wii..;!,L. -- . an.l u l.tei, w in th- - .:- -t of t!i.. .r Ti ourt" n ni.tr t!.:r,s tii- - . f th- - .!::T. .,f th.- itr f rn of




OiS Pffl 'EBMi'T!'


Superior Kitom'uc Oil

Knnosr.NF. siii: and

ki:r()si:m: iiam la..iisr.vNcv siiaii:s



ol.,ervahie "XI,CC!a i!l.'i('',oTiinu yi:ssi:ls


L:ir;c Superior


tl irt-nI- )


FVfil.liII, K.NC'II



selrcle;! assoitment




Coiamunicati-.n- .





,,a:l- -av-.- i

tKma-rc.- ?


.:- -a-- . r.a'keti..it.-ht ha-'- -.

..n.n,Cre:iiii-r.- "

!l .r:,V

l- -i

c - f r I'nn.-- tin.1 liaf ur, t;-- . !- ,- thi.t

i r.- - i, .1 .. . oi thi- - la.t-t-- up l- - ti.-.- tune m '

ir. r- t. ; .r h h tn -t Hi- - j

- 'i -- t .. r r h..s any one. a W-- -f.r-.--ii i.expr. I a i ti. .t the p.yinei.t of th- - p is

Mr. II pains. .n t tv I. f ..u.-- i,i;,y.r. y .x; r -- i a t.'.-- ;.-i,-t that Mr. II .pi 1 ha l vtii.v.-.- i :r,e

i r a i ti.e f h.i -- : enay th tit at p l.t! t!.- - p.Veriiu,-.-i.- l Woj.11 lei v... 1." a: 1 ;!ie -- i.ari t pr.

ft r a i..p-- - .: .xt ;i ' ir.. I.y j.vi-.j- a . f ia -- v ti'iit.: I la.' i: 1 r :V- - i. -- t -- ttie ..f pi--..:- ;-

tr. - ti ! Mr. II .irk..::- r ;.i.i t-- r

i for y ) -- is 'ie1 1.' -- e th.-- i :n:i : viz.. iiu th- - c t- -

the Mi-- -i 'ii al-'- r- -f l r- - a to ti.- - ..i-- a a - f ihe Ii p t.-

iit f Wir.; tit.il in .n-- y h i i ien pai l wlm.i ha- - Hot ri

piil: an 1 the ! oe 1 r a', up; r I ay .ttin : m " Cf v v i ", ! r..-h-t t- - i

t,--. jm't'f rri't'i'U. anen tii v ti no v-- r on-- - '.t. I

J - a l. iy tiy -- p r . Ai.-- l y.:.::. .:t . pinion. t.h- - ll-'t- , in-- re

i .r e tii pi irnt. 1. u; -- ti r:;in.ri;..-..- t r. f An,."K J


1- -:. wh:-- ft av.-ttip- : ri.itt ly pr-c- e ei..- -l p.L.e. th.r 1 ) Vot-.- r t' h..ve i.l-r- -.l

pre -! i.: - a:. 1 VMai:.- - .1 ." .:!.. 1 fit.. I thai they j

I y no lti-a- ns i iu:-- t- th-'tu- :f they i. I

they mi.I he .ii-r- ec .rJel hy tl - since it ii .i :ty t- i

..-.- .p-,- -r ';.... 35 it t'.tlto

t .1 at r.J.w. 1 fu cw i Mr. citf.JI v ' - M r. -- .: ...1: y pr, it-- . ..... Tv! i:i

- r :t '!. . A:..! t!...t t:; loJ!..... r -- ! . I .. t;.- - i f :!.-.- - r:.-- - f li.ii.i- - i.i; :. ; 1 of tf.- - r- - :.- - f r :'i- - M!..ii; - ;: Ii. KiV

- .ur- -- 1 l.; :. : ' t'r ....) '.

-- i.il ! t. L -i .i':r-- , an. I aa .ij :. i r!..:i n if r '!i ! ifif ... Ar: i :! :!.-.- - 3 -r- -- ttkt-:- i

r t Sr. II j k:i - ; -- -- . .ir (.' ;:.., :.-- . !. - ivt:.; " ! i: ' ":.. -- 1 f- i u. j b. i; k- :u a-- i i I'rru.:.-I- v

C t'. t a- y i::.. ui t f ! ., y . .

r :r.-- r .ij ; r r: it. :. t:. w .. k

J( tii-- r M. .i:-- r J.a-- a-- .- 1 a a jr..i;,jjf r t:. I 1: v. .u; i.avr I r. a a.i ri.!;:. a- - Ki- -:! J Iv ! .t !'i t . s f jr ti ,:.',; .ave

-.' .'i lir-u:- :.! 1.1 a i.l e.f : :: i :;i ; . y r . w.khi. i ui: ' j o:i .!. 1 tit L' ji i.til j m- -t "tn i.s- - ! a

vi r. or l. n:r i t . it a. ! r ':; . .r ,i t . t . j t;i. !.:.:. 'y 11. t-- . i :.v ' a r i ir..-- - J t . i i.:-:- -r fk rin. i.y t'j- - ! i.rt-.a- a f :.: i. ...-- . tie

..j it riwt-- 7. i.i'jll foH:: ..y tf. i ::.:! r. 1 J. ic ..t. y a.-- : d a h.-:.- t ; f firs

li- - .1 . r.':rt: ) A titil a-- 'f it l"iu-- : ! rcl t: ,,t in c. r. - '.;

"U Uii M..j--;- y f e K.i. a...-- . NVitU-- t'.c i:-- i- lati n i:. f.-ii-y C :r..-.- . r '.:-:- ':. -. r J ,trn t,..u:. ... in to

:;.: C":...-ia.-.:- i f i i . M '. . in I'. r- - -


W- - i. IV- -


i'i r fliL-L:"- it ij'Zry notr !.-- u:. '. r- -' .. I.- - i.j. a c '.ate

i..--r- of c..v-r- i rn.-r.r- . h c. i. that the Ktn-- i . nothnt "- - M .:.:-:- !: arf r.-- i- .t (. -

(a., Ait...-!- ...'j:'. , If - li I t rrv.i fr- n iit!fu : i r. a M r lv . in'. 1 am ouiv a.--, t.:. tin.- KititfII I I . r. y ,1 i . I w - : ! I . .y-l li.y we

i:. ..i w-- .l .'.! v i'r. .,T..-i- it it. l M.!.-i--

f .rt'.-.:'.- . i: i: I t i. t. : I -- t r f ;!..,. ;! :..,t u.c -- rfi nI" th-.- - K t .'. i;:... !. l ot t:.- - r.;-..- -f ti.it: is tl... r.a''.!--c- t -:.

t'.i- - ii. Aii-- tf.at i -- .li r thv K:n- - t.- r tr..- -

K.tr.n a ir:.-.- a. .: r - I !. f o .! r i f t K.-.- l :: ,' ti - rei:i : ii. t:,:i r. r- -j r that, a . II. s theIV r.c at. ! t?.- - -- r.- ai Ic f r it. v- v- L t t,-l.'- .iit

t - c i.--- vv.,u; 1 ! a, alt-- , t l.r., w- - I .t; 1 a t-- . s Kx.-- . ..rv, it. n.! lrthe i .tk- -r f a, f r- -t' tl.- - r..k- - s fit: . t. t.!

ar.1 .lu:.es. .,-..- : r h t t- v, var t . !. - ir. arnl: !.. ! t- - Int ..1 thi a- -- .Ur-.-- :-. ti.e

j'.ak-- r : a to ti.-- - fan i: tk- - u ia y!:.!.:. T.i.-r- - .' r- ;t . ai: ii: ii- - no ..:T-- : t... i u-- e

ni.at ::- - tt ',. .o-U.- i f.t- i'!...ir. k-- . a- - I as- t t h::n. :n t - oai i.y f f the U u.--e.

. !'i.ir !..it-- v r fa-!- ". !.-- . ty . iv-- i.. - rt .v r.. , f. ,.r ,,m.iy 1 ..v- - .!..::- -. y, an ;!. r .it have ti.iii .ft inn

With h-- - ! r i:.::-..- i...e n tiit- actioiti or i:.i-.ii- i

any ia. n.!- - r.I!.r it may jt.-- ie atni-- i 1 1 'i!. that th - la t- k

in. t . wit. th- - a.!. iC t I'li-- y f Uii to the K tii- -. half-- 'i tit.:y r- -- 1 i.r: I aj.iT .v- - 1. ,; . ,v- it i i.t t-

t. r,,i.,.r ti, ..rlii.-i-- ;i. ri ..f th.- Mill . f i .r,- -:

' f i rfortiii.. hii j,u .iu:i--s- ; h:...wti hisilt r- -; at i.l hi-- own .;iiii n- -, ai j -. .r ei-a- ri in:: '..I.


A lot of !


oiland AM nx- -

the f li- -tur tite o Lciriit ; j note xarn- - ' '

t.r ,






am via saxr it a mi

A ry mid .Imo rtiiienl of

:willi rare lur liiii iinu ktl,

i .v itn r orFit A XI) M KRlt'A X"

MJ I'ri.iis. IivLiiik-i- .

Kiiirli-i'-i- Fr--:- li a.--. 1 n.u-ti-

1'a.r ce LiiK-ii-

(.1. I". .nn-- ti

H.ay a-- lif-i- t

Vats U;:. !.!:VviViN lhitt'.rti

Vrinr-'-- i iii!; an I lar-- tat Hiicn U?tri'.--t fvatlivtrs

an l t- Iv. t trin:iioii- -

W Lite ;i.i ' tloii.l White an.l Mack rucli--V!..- te,

jr.';. an-- I: - !:::.-Cl- .;s

I'ii.sti.it ari'l rul ho kit:4

t ri-!r-- t ii. iiesli'. e.lles

Corl. t.if-t- -l aril la-rf- i.l m-t- s

A hit- - c .1 or-- .i

thr-a--l i;!',i.i X..pe ti iiiiOiliiL'Si". v. l.i

bail,. '! ii s k i r r S U:-Ti- .rs

t'h i i la! isI.in-- n atil fottoti 1 ant s'.ttTi

A fin- - 'fttn-t- it of la li-- s" an.i liiis-'e- s' ara; sh.-e- s

f v pain of iie?" I'. tiiu. r.il I

bice ati l u:.h!. ai-li'- J 4-- f'".t'r.3AC, 6.C., .VC, .VC.


A fine and well ofHar-b- r..--

ylita- - ware

tin i.'ilit: vi,--

tit'f'n 'arei'aiiit. anil

Tiii-.-,- 'tii- -

pjrt or

rui;.I v. ry rii!- - ",

si, iv-'-.

Ar-- ! t- - ! Cl

ii... rTap. r, flit an.l I i.'f-r- . r.o-- f.! ,

ISrac-- at I tuts.Nail -- t.

hio- -i,

t'i.p arnl letter J r,liri-- f !

Moii.-r- . in.T'O V-iri- l.

l'en-- . per cii",Kuvel p -. i nhb.-r- . fcr..

Tmn'-l- r- -. -- I - :.--.

.uail stlasi Imv. pi,A- -- --1 k. r- - htrr;---

t'! iii.-- rhri-vi- . .Vc.,' f S -- p"i t .

rii..,; l,..c4. vok- si:...v.i,

rakt- " ....ii ., , ...... . t ith- - iv.rl in.y la.-oe- -n tiiat..-t-.-l " make 11 a:" ' :''

,'we n..t -- ire of that, 5.t a, II:- - itr rr': I it.-- It 1 Oil' it I 1 .ill--. I. . t.i'...' . u'.i.i.. i a w... . .... .i


ittt-- r.


Manila , inrh.r.ii:-"- .

i:p ami Tarii tre-- n,


V hit- -Wl.iio

t .- -i .n t - un-- . r.ti :. 1 in. r iy ti;e'.ii..T: it. f u'tVti f:''!,.. y pr- - :...! iiii-aj.- jr h- - a.i I n. i,ot.-- ti.at - r- - tiai imj.a- - f :rl ''."" '7mt..i. i , tnav . If le.. ' 1 ' "- - u llh

' ak- - cap, -- fcnnm-rsi hn :.-- . :.- - Mir.t-t- - r of tr s to m:. ; ,, .r. a ) paaf

apl-- fe n I :i:-t:- -w tl th- - Ii u- - in t tiie it-- ms Milk pa-.- -,. . tr.iir:.-- r .' h-- i I! v t r. I r-- rt tit.'y i.pr-li-!.- .s ti.e i LulT p "!.

;-.ti I i'.ii. i -- f a.--jf .kT-- f thi- 1 i . ar, I t- - theory j Ilinch .mI I'.- - - v. r:i:..--n- : r rise t.-- tr- - rii- - 11 :.1 I 1j..v- -j

:f !.- - tr. tVy ,l;. it-- U!..I. .:. T!.- - II u . an l a- - 'M:trk- -t

r r a- - t I ' tt ..re a .ir- . a: y in i .v: lu tl ..f the t '! ti. - I

I..:. i ir v r th it th- - a; I nT.i. i.t . f .1. .!:nr.r an 1 tii-j- .r ,Vi i.:ir: i tit-- p .yrne:.: . f t S -i - of ; fil mm

i.i- - f.r-.- - w.t. a .y i r"j r - ; i . that th-- i -- x-'- I in -- f th- - of Au.",e. t lt Mr. Ur-r- ; v"hir I. Curs an 1 .aaccr..

.wr 11. II. II. K i.aur t : r.r. iy r.,-.- . ha- - ir.t.tt: l

at..' - .1 ik- -th- - l!..h!i- - is t re- -

' leiii--;- , . N h ivey j

-".- I n - ..u.-h. . r-- a-

t u i ! vrrcitni-- : ri - . rt -.f r-. an.lti .:

oe . C- j ,:ui .

c titne . i. : ;:.try.

in. it,are . 'a- - in 1

a:.. -

in is", c prt e.i.-- Ii'r. :i:.. i

.rt .ve rh-'i-it

p rf irr-- . t ur I

e - t" th- - I :' i, stiili jii.l - I t'-- ?

to tl.: "(- -.

:. .. ii.n.it:-e '.het- - 1, t an

o-- out I'e- - r" eirse, .li-- !. II our

i w i.i ll



y l!.e

i i.c;.i-- I lj


I -

. a

- ir:

a,ii: :.


, K

htIi. to t






thi "

Au a'l-- i

th- -n kl:on i

h-- - c n...


. .

-:- l.;- -

't-- ' r




i!'- -i




A hi


Iha:- -


-'- .t-i




rey- -.

' .






-- .

( .




t'lOi.t nte


Z tiC.



ltw'.s, .

IhP'h'-n'- .

t i.iimi" r- -.

.M J1.U. L oil.

Tiii-p-nti- r

- - ne o'l.Tolar oil

l"ru-- ! m l !u,li..i k.

t rt.nii'.i r,,

-- t I r.s. rar'-'T- t r ti.olive ..ih

car'. '.

Cru-i- i l -- u- ir,t a.hit. i

rsj!:r.-tr- -. r - k .it. Bura-t- 's entries,W.i!cli-"t-r- "- No. 1 l.p .vn -- oap,

ti .v- - - r a t p. ri. '..:t . .

sj ; i. tartar.- i. i -- la f r tva-hirt- r.

J w v . : ; . At.'.. AC


.t eh .or orJayiH' Cch'hratcil Me ilicinc.

w iim





MVWiM tilll 'IV



AMON'i-- r which arkDry 'oo(K.

Tanoy Prints uf a re;it variety of sty Ie ana color--

Mouiniii,; Prints.Two-blu- e Prints.

InJij-'-i P.lueJveJ C'tt ns,


; Minute Pattern Turkey rod :ml yellow PrintsYhite -rr--iuii'l Mnslini, small j itteiin,

liio.iiuin "P.rilliant.-sma- ll ;in-- l iii' tiium patterns,Ulack utiJ White tajf check MiHiins,

j Plain Turkey Pt ! Cloth.j Cotton llaimk rchiefs

Cott'-- Sheeting,"White Cotton Drills,

VictoriaP..-ltio- ki,

Drab Moltkiu.

A rgreiit vtiiiotv of Cotton Trow?.. rin ts.

Plain Klack Silk !

Fancy f.tir--.- ; s.lk-- ,

lh;re SiU H i,vik..rcli'e!".

frrewii ir Silk,

linihroi.l-rt- .l -- i'.k t-il Alpicas

Fine K.:ok Alpacas,

l.!:o.-- ar.i col-r- ed iiurel Luitres.

I'laiii c iior-- il Lustres,

StipcrSne M ick atii Line Cloth.

Sajierfin- - Mack Cassiwere.

Tiain l.iue Fiannei,

liiack Satinett,Common Mack ar.i Mtie Cloth.

Black an.l fancy I'm sloui ani niixoJ Trowserings

Wliile U'.anket.-- , ail sizes,

I!lu- - Ilhinkcts, ail siz-- s,

Scat let Dhmkets. ai! sizes,

Illanketi. for iiorie cloth,

ErusseU an.l Velvet Carpeting,

Kailway Kugi,

Velvet Ku-- s,


t 7"vi7"r teirTir,ir"rrixrnM A i-- M k JL J. Jlrf M. A M m.

Iiackal'i.ck T.nvels ami Towel-ir-- ,

Linen llan lkerchi- - f.--,

I'lain white ani faney Linen Drills,

Iironn ni.

Clotliin;, SJiii is, Shot's. Arc.Ulack Cl-.t- Pants, best Pilot Jackets, common do.lJIue serge Shirts of all qnalitirs,Woollen L"u leishirts, worsted blockings ,

White Shirts, assorted; Ileg-itt- Shirts,Assorted qualities tf Felt Hits, i

Ladies Hiding Hats. Oxford tie Shoes, j

Children's Duets and Shots, Crimean Loots,Sup. cottou h.tif he-se- , tuibr. cotton Ovvrshirts. '

tirovvriv.lirown soaji, I'ick!-- i. Tie Krai:- -. ?.u.-e.-- , Mjftar.l, Saiad Oil, j

Scotch Oattneai, fancy lii.-- ai:-'- . t'iives. Capers, J.u-.is- .


Cau ltei, can li-- .l IVil. 111. -- iter I'a.-t-e. tahl- - Salt, Carrie IVwii-- r.

Tj O T.-2-Z M7 13 ICit-rii- i's Hiue, e larch, Matkiiv Ink illitz 1'owJer.

It st r.i.trlisl. . nr. '. ... nn Ku.-n- ,

Linste.i c tion tu.l! 1! -- . Silk I'lnt ieliai, i

Hughes &. Jones' Perfumery,i

Mu.ik, K nc- - ! W...o 1. Win i. -- r

5arn.ipari'ii.i, o. ris Tu' i, F i:e:n Wire, Hoop lr-r-


Anchors and Chains,liar Ir i. ?- rt.- - l: Itoi. r I'tar. . Iron safes. Crow liars.

Tin Ihitt- -, 10 an I IX. hrih: Ir-- i. Wir. Sht. t -l

Gets Sugar Pans,N'oi.!. - .t : ! Varni-i- . i. i

U WATOIir.5. c.ii.l .!' i sii-.-- r.

P.ottle'I Ale and Povti-r-, various branOs,

Diauglit Ah: in hods.,

MarteH's Traudy, in qr. casks,

Diiin lv, in or. casks, i


Otard's lira rid v, in nr. casks,

Coranv-- IJrandy, in qr. c;i.-k-s,

Cases Cognac,

Cases Ginger Prar.dy, j

Ca-e- s .Scotch Whisky,

lCornep Sacramento Sts.,Cas.c--

Cas'hs (.ilonlivet Whisky,

The celebrated PALE ORAXGE

Cases Duff rlord.-- Sherry,

Cases Sut. Pah Sherry,

Cases- - Port,

Cases Champagne, Forest h-- r Fils,

Ctisos Cliirr-t-. Chatoaux Miirgaux,

Cases Claret. St. Julien,Ca-- f Al synth.

.v:iic.Wliito Granite Dinner sots,

Whit- Granite Tea s.?t:-- ,

Dishe. Plates, .his Mu-- r.

Metal covered Ju j0,Rn akfa-s- t Curs and Saucer.-- ,

Rowli, Chiimh' rs.Ewers and Rasin, Cover Di-!- i. .

V 1 1 w X a r i , Tea y' t -,

X". II. This Earthenware, is now o "ii, and isolf.-r'-- d in 1 its t" suit families, at unj reti deiited.Iy low rates, to cl'i.--e sliij

4. -'.I

. . . .CT .HI. .



r rut: r v- ' ' i ..- - V L

a:: "! I' A i' I 'l.K a:.i sfilt.Wacrrsj l.ii-- - '.N !"A Ll.. .

e ..f N,- - iii.ns tu:;-f- . .wi-r.s- l o:.m l A 1 fit i

. i'-- . r.isi- -- - r t, . r..;- - r. ai; ', ci. j i. tc : tr ?t..rv i rojr.i'tiv t: i :' l

Avi.ir:I'.. ?UTiN I'A KRY.

21 Cav.r.i-!- MiW, L, ;i.l..n, Kr.lar. I

SAN FRANCISCOCordiirii I.'K'l 1A'

CO U I) A ; K O F KV K KV SI i. K M AM FA C-Hi- a.li

to . r it r. ",.i.:a;.t:v n hani. a iar-- e aMf .V.I.V..I lit. M I' UOJ 'K. va'.l siz-s.- ) Uaie

K-p- e, Tc lane. Oakum, c. I t sale l vTriilis A-- C.,

lo.l Ff i.t Stitt.:, S,.:i Francii o.


FRENCH CHINA.j A FI LL ASSORTMKXT OF TIIK AIJOVKi " goo-lic-- i.statitly iu Store an.l f.r ia!e at lowest market rates.


; ZVoav Iliivoii Cos'.j Miiiufactun. (formerly the Jt.KoMIi Co..) f- -r which we arc

Sole Agents for California.j A compl-i- e assortment always on haiul.

HAYXliS .V LAWTOX,. 1 G Sauioino M. corner of M rilm n 1. 51G

SA V Fit A X CISCO.314-?-




mini mm mum




A X I.






A. C. IIAVDEX, A cent,

Cs Royal Highland Whisky, j

and MontgomeryOIJ Turn Gin,




j -- 05 6m SAX FKAXCISCO.


1 - rtViI(




,i zJ-r .w

The ?i!cii(li(l new l)ulc!i Clipper Ship

"GALILEI !"Tl'' ton prr Itriri-tr- r. vva. to leave


ASOItT.MKXT OF GOODS,fl'i-!uli- ri' n-- ar a-- i 1 jr -- tvit-i of I'RIXTS.)

Jamon. Green & Co. ! nhiMtrket.r imj.;. s ' f itivoie sit rt y xpecte.1 via the. Isthmus of



Panama, when l! u.- - iuh.i - arrive hv tie- - unil. rirti.l.ilS J ANION. i;!;l i: A Co

foreign H'triismunls.

FIELD & RICE,XIKZ COMMISSION MERCHANTS;. t.i rii , it it stki:i:t,


a. i.Commission Merchant

VlfTOItIA, V. I.

KKKLKKNOhMcs-rs- . Mi'Krm Mkhkm i,r. w. un... k.1 is CoHis Kx. K. l W VI l n:Messrs. Ai toil. k. M ai io.h A Co.,

I5. K. Sv.w. K-- .,

J . C rAl I'l.s.i, L-- w ,

S. GRirilTTS Mi'Ri.iS. c. .1. HATHAWAY.



JIOIKMN, STONi: & CO.,,7v.

Comnti'-io- ii ani Forwarimp Mtrt-- l Hun, Saa Irancjeo r.Kl l K M t -

T. rs. Hathaway Knq , ,

T. .V A. H. NyeS ltt A -

.V fo New Y,,iJohn M. Fori.. Ks., u sl( '

A; N,,'',,.C. Waterman j lluti .iulu.


CHi-i- . SKi'. It , W. riilNK ! IIP F. Jt- -


(1oiniiiissiii HrcliaiikSansoine Strcrt, I'liiiit iseu, ca

fA ItTICI'LA II ATTF.VTION (:V1.TShipment an. I Sale . f M. t. l, at, .'. ; lo j,an l of ; the 1 'hart, run: am)

ol ; the supplting of halt-ship- s ; ai i the Ntatutm'timiof is'- -.

ICxchinge on Honolulu in pui:is to


H. F. F- -j , HonoluluC. ,; Co., ".1 WaI KKIl, "II. IIa xi ki f A-- Co., "







Mes-r- s.

Terrylirinnell Minttiru

Messrs. IVrkins SmithDauai

VU'lioIt lAt'P, Uill,


12J San

I'tircha-e- .war.lintr Tran-- h ipment li.a.ls

Vessel- -Kxcha





29)-- lr

KLFLKIai IIixmwhi, Il.'-- n.

HfSKV I'Mhl't,I'm. t

ln.itm. I'm.. nam A Fot

Scttos Co New York.Shot A Aiia.x, New lV.liV.r.l.


D. C. M KI tR. J. C.

Ooiiiuifssion I(T('IiniltS

ai cteoe;i;i:s,AOKNTS OF TIIK

Rcgvlar Dispatch Line of Honolulu licLts.TT- - A'o t arriviriL' in transitu the San.lniih

iviil reeeive.l itmi fortvar le.l I.y the "li.:u:..r l'ifp..te!i Lint-- '


I'artii'ular att.-i.ti- . .11 pai.I to f .rwar'tiit.' nii.l transhipn nt ofmerchaml i'- -. sale of halemett'i hills, anl. th-- excl.siie.-- . inurane- - f nierchan.liie ami sp'cie ler open polit ien, suppv

rig whalesiiips, rharterinir ships, etc.117 and 110 California street.

fit! I.R TO :

t aptam n V. ssow, iMessrs. C IIkk w kk J







Gr Tt AV Tt ,sax riiANcisro.

IITKDDI.VR. VISITI.Vf: I V I Iirsi.VK'vsT T Car.ls, Seals ai..l otlu r enjri aviii rut to or ler.IlTAc-n- t in I'r. SMITH, Dentist, where pri'r. . n,l

fjieeinn 11 Car.l- - imiy I.e wn. 31!l-l- y


I imIM TIME VI)ms '





" Wostenholm's " Pocket Cutlery.


.0'A ClE.t;n.lL ASSOHT.VK.ST.

FANCY GOODS!Con-tant- 'y haml arnl in receipt I.y cvitv I'a-k- et.

j 30S B ATT KK 1' STKKKT.Snn Fmu.i-ro- .:50I--

.1. .1. SO 5 Till; ATI Co.Impurtors & Cnii!iissicfn Mrrchaiils.



. MKS-P- H. llAt l."' .V Co., If.tiikers, Salt k r.i'l." I'AMU ;:i!B ".-- Co, V

j " C. A. I.w A Co, Fran. i,.-,i- .




lnC K i. A-- Co.,h II .kk- - hla a k A TiriiNn-n-- i, H'.i.ohilo.



irr. II VF JI ST KF.CKIVKI). DIRKC'Tr from N-- w V. u. an will eontin'ie t I v eervsteam-- r, a iiumht-- ' f our


.Silk. Needles. Cot (on. e(e.i

Tiie preat ilemati l f r th-- e Ma. h;n" s has It t in ir :!,!j a sh. rt tiui- - la-- k. a.i'l e w ii. i4..- - to int .i in t,',;r f ii"j toni-- r- anil th- ith-.- unal le to -- jj.r.'n iihj tie-- that we have u.it.le sueh arrant na-ius a- - will I.i clu.I- - th- - .f our l einp Kn tutiioiu Nt .Ii-o- r

j M s.From tii- - er- - at nnmh r of C ee Mafhi!ie an.l th- - ut -

j vernal satisfaction fiver. I.y th. in wherever Used, we Jo net l.t- -

j itate to prontjuiice thtru superior in; SI'IiKI),j DFRAIIILITV,i axi) ;otn i:xi:( TTiox or allj KINDS OF WORKI TO ANY MACHINE NOW DEF0RF TIIE TUDLICI

I We e- - eri.tlly r- - ti.l tie-i- ' Itan-h- ei ami situ ai '.r.s r- -. mot.- - from t"vu, as t!.-- v irive u trouiilc r itit.oy;tni-- jjetliog

r ut of or it r.

Our Manufacturing Machinesj Always o:. han 1. Machines fori UOOT FITTIXf'.i UAiriift A.M M ATTRFSS ijixni.Nf;.! I!AKXT:ssa.M I.F.ATHKIl WOKK.j C A H It I A ti K T 14 I 1 M I N li .

(iUIVo MAKI.Mi.Anl nil !. ranches of manufacturing where r?ewinp Mnchinfiil e .l.

We invite Dress, Cloak, and Shirt Makers - f- -

atnine our

31.ACIII'ES.I). V. IMtODr.niC'K, Asrnt,

133 Montgomery Street,jtW-.Ja- , SAX I'R A X f 'I FO.

) 4