the content in the month. If tho e~nspe wss~ermltted~and aided bY the Demo=they stund, _)re_eueh~urle~tes in their way, the plun~ers of the meuld~ ~oug]t~D~_e~xzLnaLmn~" ¯ y, that.I give- r -- " either, or both, iu Oot’ober, tt will be, by no tlme. They made agrent eutery and offered a below a full dsscription oftkem. The rails bounot,’m~ein the latest Style. gvery part p d i of the soil.-. o~’:t: mc~ue, oonciusiv e thatlik0 result8 wilt follow ]argo reward for his renaptura, but that offer not attached to w~oden cross-tles, bnt to great with the. e~,eeptiun of tho lining i~, madeof But Wl~ew the joints a~e very ~bort 0ut them. " in I~/0vcmber. for the reason that therearecon, wsslong nince withdrawn, and all eff, rts square stcne)~ upon which are plaeed thin glass, and sO light, fleecy and’beautiful atetho wit,"IL~’ree cyss. TSe~ rosy ~- preserred in , , tr01il~g eauses wbrklng inrbehalf of tho Na- the part of the Ststo n~-e-ers to find his biding blocks of wood, ss" it was nomddered Unsafe in flowers and:~/naments on itrthat no oae would differentwayL’i You m~ F pack ~sm in boxes, i so~otent in favor " " ~hose=da)’e’qb-i’~laTun-~./igln~e~whioh weighed=9--ever-guese~f~hat~matsrlal "~’i~-t:lhd~-~-It-da-n- ~i~-vlih-~-d~-d p’J~.’]n~lia-~-, to he ‘.= . ¯ of the State tickets. On t~e contrary, If the in such efforts, whinh were "clearly made for )arts on rails aflfi~ed t¢, nuything so frail as be worn, b:m z~ot very comf6rtably,, nnd is kept modsr~ly moist; er, they mwy be kept in ¯ Republican tiokets ehould b~’triumphnntin 0o- effect. They dread his return to.day for the wood. The rails/sre much lightez.thszi those strong enou~ not only to bear’0rdina~ haU(t, ssnd,in boxe) kept nut of, d~ord-all win.ter. In . ¯ tober, it may bs Very safely ooncluded that ~.slhe reason that thc3deeired his escape then used to.day, wcrs ?oiled in Engla~l, and then ¯ ling, but lobe packed away for. trahsportstion aclimate wh~ snow usu~U~covsr~tbeground~ such rcsults will be followed by overwhelming snd th~Zt Is the fe’er thnt his puulsbment, if s hipped to_Am, erica at great ezpanse. The lo- in a trunk. ~’~ took tho workmewfour w~ks to: all ~iizteG wi~ but littlo rain, till. ~psing, mat- ¯ victories In November. continued will wear Out b|s patience, tnd that oom’niv% "John ]~ull,"’was btiilt in ~glnnd make it, and ia offered for sale.c~ $I59., There tings~ may bo llaid upon the grmind in o.dry " i Indiana Is now reprosmated in the Nsttonsl he Will clear his troubled Ccna¢isnne by a full in 1831, and tben shipped to Ameriea. On the ara a]so two.~orking glass ,mgiucs~? erie of placc~iu layer~, and eovo~ffiwitk, a4ry noll a, " | mpanions arrival bf-this-looomotive-st-Borde~town, -Pa.T Jvhleh-h=a_non.~¢ondenser~ -foot-thiok.-~ve~’-altrpsekjz~-the-em, t2a-firml ~ - ." " - ..... Y ............. :_:= :~_’:: =. ~Jg__d fins Republicans, Throe cannot be s doubt in iniquity.’. Such an exp0iur e on the-part~ of -it was trsn,ferred:from the Hoopt:on-whlel~ it den~er--T~o:0en-de"ser Worksa.?eunt£.u,; and b etwam each-ia.~er; bat in ~:clima~ where but ¯ tf the Rrpuhlieaue iu that State exer= ther6- Tweed would canset muchlgreator coe, m0tidn hod" been brought trom Philadelpkis~by.means pumps up wn4er whigh falls upon and ztens littlo-~rl~o s~Ts~ fells, thi~,tyttem is liable to " ¯ ~elvc~-, they can redeem three of the Districts awong the silisens of NewYork, and thecoun- of wagons to the onlyLpermauent tr~ok Of the glass water wtzee], while the. other engine fail to’,proserve theln, bcingrkept t©o.wot fro~ now mlsrepresen!edby Democrats, thus revers- try fouerally, tben @eneral Newton,) little at’- , Camden and Amboy’l~]~$ad 0ompany, thon works a w hol~gp_ng_gLglass r0ak’..drills~ frequent rains, In such Icce~ies ~he euttiugs a re to lag the political complexion of the present del-, . \ egatlcn. . .... in all l.robshllity, wouhi be very mueh the about one m)le.from.I~rdentown. The maehi- two life.sized ’figuros, ret)roseut~d"Joy" aod grow,.c0v~ing the uJ~Per b~ (’to ~,as:lefora ¯ Every outrage t~t. has beeii cbminltted in same. ]t would remove from power men wha, nery was th~n put ~Ogether, and a tender son- "Grief." "Jo3~’ is a little boy about two years state:l~near tb~- snrface el ~ t~e g~ound~r with the Southern State~ upon the unoffending vic- to-day, are occupying high positions, of trust strutted from a whiskey hogshead I hies4 oa a old, wil~h nothing ou but a ahirt that d0¢o no~ hay’or Si’ra~ to.protest thc~.: The wetn~s of rims of Demonratic p_er~ecutjqn l~_~le~i_e d by.i ia that great eommonw¢olth, who have been small 4 wheel ptatform ear, whioh had been reach:t° hi~ kn’ees. In his right ha~d" he is the soil tinny kittttlm lower.lmdsf but, that will . : the press of that party, no matter how well ’f6i a’,-~figtims farl~ore=~i~erouB~:tbe ship. ~ed bfti~ "~oniiactori {n tize e0nstru~on of ~]h~i~’g a ]iftIKbii;d i~ i ¯ ubsta~tlated bytrrefrsgiblo testimony. ’We of state than the r.oek, whioh the engineer rs:. the road. Tbe connoetlou between the pnmp his face is a plotare of merriment, and:]~ugh- seaso.~, The rules for manag~ggrapeouttings, . ¯aXo in poest.ssielz of a private letter, written by "moved, wns to the vessels nayigating the East of the locomotive aud the watcr tauk wasmade ter. "Grief" h: the same young=t~n~,~whe has as rog~rds their, presnrvaticr~$pply to-all nth- ! . whois reliaule in ievory sense_of River. ’It is stated among the knowiKg ones by means of ~ leather hose made suddenly wakened to the faet tbat he hss ers. T;, think. ~owever, Ibe nafest "way_ w0ul4 the word, which g|veo a brief history of a sin- lhat Tildenwill evon take the ris k of oxerci~, maker. This engino first bega.n to r~n, ln 1533, squeezed his liKle pet to dca~r at~d atand~ be to set the duttings in No-~.mhervery thick, / " :gle instance of murder and robbery, that may ing his ¯pardoning power, it" it o,a~es to the and took the place of horses) wl~ h~,been hol,lin~it d!sc3t~olately out in lai~-hand~,.whilb asolo~e as they oan be set, lb. trehcbes tempo. ’" : "~’ ’ ,be considered as n specimen of. the numerous wor-et, Knd free the prlsoner, as far as.possiblo~ usetl up to that.time. ¯ . ~";." ’ , w~epin~ bitterly, " rarily4ill’sprin~.end then sot.them,where/they" w%ongscommitted by ths Whiia Lisers of Lout- |rein the’trammels of the law. The Very men . The cylinders are ~l’innhes i~st~f,hove ." Another sh, t.aa reFresonts a ]i~.tlb crying are to-grow, or the frosts ofiwiote~:-~ight" llit nlana upo n political opponents. " ; " . who are Ioudsst i n their cries for rot’otto in the a 20"inch stroke, and are. placed underneath child, in a ver~short dress, Who otanda hold- them~p some if set permanmadly. ,The upper ~ The late Postn~aster’at Coushutta Chuto)La., nstionnl government ~ro 6qu~lly loud-mouthed tho front end of the boiler, xn bet~v.een the in g a ~poon in one hand, While hn,is, digging buds iu both oas&s ere-I~o be al~,ve gxound;aud is’u colored man. While he held that ofllce~ his in Ihcir indlgnent ht~wlings against’ the arrest tw.e front driving Whe01~. "There arc two pair the fi~t of- the.o~her into one of h’s.¢yes. At cove~l With hay or straw. assistant and five other Republicans (White of Tweed .Ihro’ugh the efforts of Mr~ ]~isb. It ~ofthese driving who)l%4 feet 6 inebe~ ia dis. his feet lies ~he fragments of a broken e~p that " Kg’E~.VlIG ClDgR ,~W~aTL. " "" , men) were arrested by a ylgilaues committee is, however;only she,her evidence of the sin- meter, .whi.c.b are not coupled together)eo that has fallen Irom~,his grasp,"et hine,illa ]eeri’ ~T~e~ following, method o~. keep~g eid6r, . - . - : of Southern gnntlemen (?) and lint in jail oority of their pretenstoos. - . the torce of tho o.teom oo tho piston is ezerted mac." Th!s:br~ken Cup is SO" pretti]~ fizfi.~hel, it ts 3aid, will keep it perfeotly, sweet for five i . o . ¯ . , prevent a war betwe(n the rucen. This nhivel. ~hs claim, w~ieh has been published breat’l, on thn rear pair alone. The now.eatoher see- ~nd so blghly p~lisbed, that it looks:aikt~gen- yearsl "Leach sea filter tbn aider.th=ougb 1mrs i ~/ rous comtniiteo souuded"tho alarm, and U horde eait, that jr’was throdgh tho nfrorts of Tilden sists of two long waoden beams, whieh hovn uine chin% instead of marble, sun:l).sl:ter It J~a~ worked and, f0rm~nted aad , of dirty i’ebcls took these lueareeroted menollt and his Dem0¢ratie Confreres that Tweed was thetr rear eude plvo~d- to the outs)do ends of I would¯like t,o hemps-0 the d!fft~exhibits bel’oxo it bee soared. I Put.~-a[o0h~] or other ":’’~" ;" ’ ~,.?, ¯ of prison and mur,lered ths,M. Four eolor0d cxpoen.1 and brought to punishment It a mo~t the shaft of the front pair of driving whcels, of statuary, but it .is ~o exceedioffJv hard to’ eub~encs~with it. Be sure’t-hat’th6 ~esaels yotl ?~ . i men were also killed--twr~ shot snd two hnng ridtcnlous epe, whenit Is well known that even while ths front ends of the he:~ms are sup’port, distinguish foreign from American w~zrk. For put it In sze pe."~et]y clean and,s~eet. After i-!i! }’ The Pt, tm,~ter lhd for his life, ood was i*n thd alierTweed’s rascolily was elderly demonstral, ed upon a special pah" of wheels 3 fees in’dia- iostnnce, the largest portion of tho.Iltdian col. tt is leached oz filtered, p~t. it~ia barrels or : ’!:i .... meter. Iu order is proveut this oatohor from ledtion ie seut hero simply for ssle, )~nd bare icae.ks filled Ieo~g no r0omf~r.alr, bgngthem . . /" "bush" iwe")v-nlee days. l[’-e h.use was twl0o ed thrdugh the Cffot:ts of a citizeu’s committee, raising upward ioo I:igh; it isheld down upon evidently 19een ~nrehosod by regulr.z~ deaiors itl tight ond keep it where it w~m’b~eeze until ~earcbe’,t, aed shod~)wed oil the Ihae. of which Samuel J. Tilden was not even a r:" .After the murder of the ussistant p~stmasier m~mber i.the Dem~crl~ynf NeW’York City re. the rails by a coiled spring.. There’in-no. cab mar]des f9 r that purpose only. ~’6r, ldl that id .Febrdary or Mr.)ch,then imtit.intt~ehampagt~l , I . ’: "I and th0 nloe others refer:eti to tho assassins elected the great plunderer to t~es,~tt~ Seeate fnr tho engineer a,d firomao, and the’ only known, th0 rely finest of theln ma r he Amori- bottles filled, d~ve the eorka, and wire them. " ,!.,. " app(dntedac,)mu)itieo to l ) the post .ofllce, frnm ~thich, throegk ltel)Uolic~n votes Mona protection whatnves given to thom, fzom tse "csn or English work. ’Italy has, however by Thebestciderislatemad%ormade’whon~ti~. "~’: They sam all tke stamps nnd stole the money be wt~ expelled, aud thq State eared, tbat ttr. cold, heat, wind, rain:and straw, is. that the fa~; the finest ~,nd i~rgest eoiiection, althoug~h as,sold as can be andnot f:eog~"’ ~ and oiher v:[luablcs found in or psp.,Ing through rible disgraes I.hh’li the ct’ty had atteml)t~l to fr0z, t cnd of tbo roof of the littlo teu, ler pro- some ef the Amerlcsn statues ara.as fine as " , i ’ jectS slightly oval the rear end of ths 10~bmo.-! any othor~.. . . __. . . :: . . ,. " " allrl]~lx Tnzi~ l"-.alrrr..’~s. ~’/ ~:: " ’ ’ tb’o office. ’l’he.e~-p,)stnrastor is a hard.work- phteo up,!n it, ,~ " ¯ tire. The fuhnlest feature is a covered seat, i , ~~ -. - The only ad’~a~lage tbatI;,.oe.a se0 in phmt:- " ’" ’i!,1¢, In tdligentl sensihl©mun; lie ida lover " Another of Ih~ groat rcformers ef tho pro. ~ueh as i"used On wagous, but oaly largo . Rural Topics.~. ,~ .eos, ae.,.in ,ho fa!l,’~,thot one h...or.,. ’ :, of’lew and .r,]er. lie is io couslant’danger ef SCtl ~. doy, tho’short,bairod, prize fightlug gao). 0hough fur one l)ersou, which is planed on the ~ .time te do tt.~en, and if Isft; till ~pring, |ftho trees sre not already.ell ..bMl~l~ poople ~’e apt ~. I q II behig ioitrdcrcd hy the sitnle liend~ whodrove hler, l~16rriesey~_19 nowString_through the ef-_ top-of the big eoveredq)ox thaiforms theten. " -ll}:D~trtIN(I.-IIUILI)IN6S) :~’t~;/ " t~ put the setting off for, want of time. Isis him outumi robbed his ollti~o; -:Thtsotatemcnt forts ef some of his newSiml)er admirers~o pol- der, nnd which soot is turned eo th~ the per- ,Notl~ing sbowi~ the lack of en,..~gy aud good to the interaml of nurser3meu te recommend IS, amlWellle ofSUlhenti°ated’l)emncratio andjustloemaYln Louisiaea.be tak,n aa l~h uphis past rn,~ord so ,ste makehis ref(,rul "son sitting in it leoks i~aek uvcr the traio.~ olamlgemont ef a farmer more thaa to find his f~ll l)lsntin~, as they ean.tlluk~ dispose of more It [sa fair answor Io the assertion tbst "the ch,raeter a little more cuaslstont.. Thoydeny Whatthat seat is for L,oannot lmogtsnl unless buildings le,.dty, and out of repph,, espoeially &c. In ali h " " tiog will da very well; but, la stiff eJsy seill, ia lishetl a genibilug h,,use io tills eliy and pro- tim cows, and to let thn engineer knew when instance, yoa stnll your eows, o:=en and horses elimetes where the grot~ad ta iubjcot to freel-i ltol)ubllcens is tho "caaso or tho restrletlon of sided over It ]lhuself when not engaged ut th0 they trero catching up, so that lle,~mhl go in a barn, the boards of which azs plsced ver- ing end thawing olie~, if sot in tho tall, the , hushlessand trado,"testnlethatthevoluntory Cul)itol" It Isa fact) bo)~ever, wdl kunwoto little faster, and thus prevcnttbeutfrnm wolk tieally, with.nobattnnsover tho orachs, which trees should bo wcll m~lohed. No trees aud retirement of tllo bank circulatlou slnco 187 a alil,ero, and to polltidans overywh*tre, thnt [rig[into tho rear end of the troin. The two sroabuuthall’an ineh whle. Yo~mlgbtahuoot sbrubs, however, should~boset’lnthefallwbora. antouuts to ,$28,000,000, n*u*l that tim voinulo such an estal)lishmout wasopetzed by that illus, ears ore escb abontl30 feet IOllg) eud Io(~ nlaro as woil leu’oi~ them cut of dcoxs) ao far of ourreney is sliil $14,1)00,000 larger than in, ’ "~ thut’thls e,)elraction was doae untier tho Free evory Inducementhchl nut te hla felh)w nlola. vcy prieonera from the difi’ereot ntutlon,, than requiro, ouo third Inor0 fue:t, to wi,tcr t, lO~ir" IS,~lJ&nLES. I)efs ta iI~veat their mnnay while enjoying his [ pussenger cars. Tho wimh)ws ure abt~ut 1.’2 stook in good o’ondition than :’~ would if youn Ne[Ihemcstl’le nor hor~a should ho stal]sd Jlsnklogz~otst) ciomornusl~ demanded Iwths * , West. Tilden’s linarmlal "roform" nlust theu, ohnlc0 wines auu elegant cigors. Wfiva ivo hlohes higb, by 6 Inches wido) are.not Inede to barn wnra built warm as tt t:hould be. Everlr lua dnr it etnble) as nll,auim.als roqukro Ilgh~in (and l[eltdrll’ks’ "rag cxu(latiolb") he ngMnst) know that It wos Ill groat I)art duo to Ibeeff.rts be raised or el)reed ~ nnd are f’arnlshed with anhnal will r(.quiro lit least¯ fivd~ dollars worl.~ the dayltlme. A horse kept far taooths in a. a3e t In ~ldtO of the Iluancial Jullgnlont of tim nf Morrissey )h.t Tihlcn ~ nn ho:ninoted it, tql, sll,lhig cart,des. Above cecil east In a l,entl" ’mere feed durhlg Ilia wlutcr.’In con,ae(lue:me *lark st.’tide would bali:tblo to becomeblind.~ Wo~t. Tim t]ernnuls arc all going for Ilayns l,nois, and that ttl.day lie ts .)no of his olosesl later ’2 feet long by 8 Inches whle, st) that eaei~ of the ~,pen cnmlithm o!’ the barn, whhe ’.~le In ’regaad to light in swine pens, ~.,writer say~ and,Wheeler, llnll nines trusU-’d-u~aat;6 and ss unothcr eel. ot~e pan venlllnts tar hho,elf. " , . entire t)vpense of nlsklng the whole heru W,*aUl t tet t’a~ sows hav[0g tt*)rs on the lStll and, / .. !1, 11. Chllllhl J; Co. have offered $1,o00 per deiteo Is added In the il~t to prt)yo teat the to I~Iothlnery llali there srn :Ibeul a doz0n slid eOn, fl)rhd)lo wuilbl I)nt s~l~.ll Iho loss 22d of, January, re.~oetively, were kept in two. fuut for hum in a certain Inenlity in Clfieagn. chief tthu el the Demeeruey In rchnm, Iluolly, loe.moth’us of all kiadn ttnd i~1:1~, silo ofwhlotl one sustalus lua single w!~ter with his a~ok dark but warts tampnrary ctieo,, and ht.dto, It It slt[,l that ’I’lhlon .Irere~l flen, Newton It lhokcs el)o’s hloed boll whhindlgnalhm to Is one )f sizteen i)urullased by Dam Pedro to sot i)rt)perly sheltered. 8upI)ose you plane octlu:.~ tbem until abeut, the m:.ddlo of April,. $10)000 to hoht his lloll ,;ute explosion h.ek Illlnh II, nt Ihe Penl)lO of rids gre.t! OLlatl[ry ,ire bo ecnt to llrazll) alnl Id l)PlOetl after hiln. ’1’ire etealn, eugino in a’warta eellur, oud a:mthe: wheu, h)r t, aoh sow with litter, ~,ae of the p~r- lllltl[ ufter tbc.N’vember eloetiool. Whatfed even Inv|t~d. to piece the gnvernulent t)l the h)enmotivvs built in I’Jnglamt and America dlf, like It out nt’ doors nn a cold wi.ter day¯. hi it mahout sties wr.s opened l)y sflling the uceU... ., pants. At that tlmotbo pigs which ho~bsu, Cl)amIKrlaiu) the Long llronoh gselblur, and houris nf Pnob luen I as rt, ft)rmers. Aluen wile fur principally in two 1)qrticulnre. ’l’h#,Anier. I,(,t ’~v, ide:lt Ibat It wtttll t require Inue~i, u|ero kel..t In ti)o darlt, temporurystt.s, proved to I~ one nf ’J’iltlell s ’huwers,’ Is wantednn a charge lies Ilvrd ullhl~ lifo Ill i,Imn defiance cf the Ic~uls Iduee lhelr cylimh~rs eolalde of tim drlv. fuel t3 get up Iteatu In ’.he boiler of :he out- ()t: eunnieil:g tit attd abelting tho rnbbery law, ond who le to,dsy liable t,) crlmil,ol prne. hlq wheels, whila tim l’h,glls!t piaec titnlrs ill door cngino thjtt| hi tbat ef tl)o oos Ill ~honel. iosa l!~ely than, and mueh .ht[o~’tor iu weight eenlhm far carrying on nnt only nee bot sere. ilotweeu thl~m, ullder the froeL, end nf tho boll. lar’," S,, it Is with yotut eattl% h()ra,.~, swine) and size lo tltase[of nn~y of t]la litters rMsed i~ t)no Thoman Ilihnn of ~10~tl0[I. Swoar It dawn, as ’l’lhlm~ did his luuoalo) and ItOXt time rot gsnd)lln k estaldl.hnnmts In va~;Ious i),rls er. ’l’ile Alncricons never u)e tlrit’htg wheCs $~. When kept warmtl, ey rmlaira t~t~ll lead tha lass Walm. butwell IIghled i)ermuasntstkm mv_ths_fi0Ter.cent,_penslty; of thu.cunulzy.~I.f amnn Is ulways lunged by larger thau-ah.ut-5 Laot. hl-diamater,-whilu-tha- -I’uvd) sod as-hay and--grohrnro-mn:loy;-every- 3t-~L~ltb~Attll(llllgJllaLlhLtli~en:lmnltL~Llmi---~ ’tim loteru.l lteveul)e returns or August ill e venipsny lie keeps) by what h,gh; o:,o Tll. English hav~alwoys elude i.lwn~ Ir.t. tl~ t. 1~.~ farlu*)r who neglects to provide warm, quurtore ~ry small, and ihut food and care l~ta hem show tin inermtl~l ,)f St)la,I)ltt) over |sine moilth den’s heal, sty nf i)urpese Le n.lahlishetl? Not Ires ht dlealuter. Ad long let the Creek Is per- for b.[s stock tlirnws :uaoey oway, , the same in eYnry resJ)eat. 0nn of the IItte.m ~born un th,* 15thof Junuery,~hich Led nod. of hint ytu)r, Olld yet Tlhlea wants a voturu to I)y his adn)lnlslretiou af tire ~tnto gnverno]ont, feotly ]erol) the*e Itnnlel,so wheels ere Just I.l:a~r linens, dentally ~s beat ligllt¢;I, sly) though situsle~. "the go.d old thoes of the 1)l:lnoeraey and far it is al,pl,rnnt to tits Iiioat careless .bsurvvr wiles is need.d, but .s s,;on ns gradon are eli. When It Illau alh)’es uny buihlh:lI te have in Iho noltllwesl) ahtl oooseqnently :eldest eel’. ¯ ’in[ore|," that fr.nl tile duy he w.u visored th)vuroor Ida cotlntored) tiley ol, ly hnll.e,le the i)rogrosd leak,V roof beyond Ihn" eulnlnt~rl months) h,I aer of’~e" frame buihltog, oxhibit,~d tbo me, i; Heott l,or,I Is ~gain en the ponitenlhd .ttn)l. vYery tl 9)’~ b ts heeu Inodo with Iho t ivw t~ tha trala~ itnd tha l’.’ngli,~ are m)w beginn’tll; ileetls I() hitvc a tr!lhtd’to give hh)~*t few worJ.n rapid I;rewth, a~d tht ilttor bon~ ou, tho 10tit lie ndtzllts Ilia.t, att.r v.th)g the inn Wt|ig rl,vuri.g the nou’thtetit)n and If l~nssible, Isis h) realho this, aud lira dlsoard[ng tin)no h[k. of g. nd edclea--tu tell him lion the hey tn kid of January) which had the durksdt styc, llldl. ttekot n.mhlated, aed I!el’,!re oonllng mlt for el~etlon ns Prcnldoet. Ilia Ii|Ousagos to tile measodrlvers end utluldblg the AmerlcnnItll~il IMtru Is being I)aAly Injured; h#whis carrklga inndolille poorest. ~latee llil~hts aitd rol’.ril b tilat he voted In ’511 i’hnte ],l,glshllure were rt’morkabh) dnctnacote, ()1’ .ever huvh)g thenl aver about 5 feet. ’lhl and hornuss are tin,ranged by a leak lu Ilia we- with the Know Nnlhlogs, slid shot Ill ’hi lie altd ,qtly rrtlolaed a nhouge uf dlrucllon h) be lbe Amerioaueare tlae sllnle or’ |lie Ihmsl end gon I.)use I how his he as lie lu the lub~, In I~aa SI, iVIN. ~", . voted aK,lnsl l|an, Illlm,n end l’anlnllll y,.-- reeogolzed all luessllges tn C,mgraes, ’l’h.y best Improveu)onts Io the h)comotlYe. America eoupequenee of it, leaky rt~ I and how his A c~rresl)ondut of the Nse York FarmsN" ,~. . ’. -..-. Nest ! treated fully nf llat[olu,[ efl’elrs, whllu ~qlate lie. b|lilt the "la)gust passellger eeg!~lo ubei, p unlfer ftsm tho drlPl)kags of water upon Club Kives his treatment oJ" a ca~e of bnne :,f. ~: ’fho oitl)orts dt, t.I]ed to nvorbaul Iho ac. metiers were almast uutlrel)’ Ignored, . made, aL~o, Ihe largest ct)tll~lvd ntiglnu~ hut ’the Ihool during "~ahi utornl% through the runt of u pavia, lie had two bnrset lame with thle nil- ’t tlt)llll|S st’ the Itcln,)erallo Coumlih of lhdti- h Is t, ul~y to nnllvrulattd wily the dish)y.I letter wasa t’atlare) i)wh)g Io the fa~tl tiiv~,ry th.lr nhods, lanrolers) nt.~l Is the I~ma Io at. meat, and hs used sb(,ut a bell plltt of oil . .. mere. rt’l*.)lt that Ihey liuvo fuund, Io nlany olumcnt .f the Hnutlbsuplmrt bile st) lally not. .n wlib¯ll It was built. As a gennrtd thing tile :cud to tltoee lual¢ y reefs, and also tu Iho uther splko Inr cash |lOrle, el)ldJing It ones In twel~ Illl, talltlep, ln.sl,lloable Ilents ill the aet?onuls, wIIbMending’hls sbalh)w pruleoslons) h,r It l’;nglt.h run tilelr earn fa.ter than Ihtl Aioerl seeded repair e, us lsaka lu all buildings cause ll)to e dajs wllh a swab, a large Ispupooe Will !1 ’~ ~ : mud the ~ell.,)l board aco,)aots hase opt b,,oa whhthole tt).d.y oule 18I:1, whenthey stWel,t cons, but tills Is owlpg to their I)~tter In)ll.utcd mnra ur leas d~,ay lit tkeir fraules, till In a fuw 0eel sin shunt tbs qulntlty fur eeeh upplil~-. " " - i~rlll)vlly kt)l,t: ’l’i, ey else fall ta ae(,oUl)t for ud (|r0dey, "anything tu heat the ILopot)ihuu~ r,)ed., and moreu.lfornl levelli. ~ks b.st wt)rk I )oars, n(,w ills.tes, slll~, .Co.,are inquired, ~t, ties. Tba horsa wee Isms h)r seems ur *"%’.. the freat delhdeecy In their city troa,ury. I)olty " ’]lat h.w the peal,h) IhrooKInn|t the q pul hy Au, orieees open thoLr eagiucs is vldy in K i)erL~p~ ten tLulss tim expsn~e or stuppIng months’ For the pest sia wwskn hs hu ~ To hollr Ihe i,ro~s.t ndloiulutratitnt drliotlno- N.rllt van be ©eptetv,I to endurse hha with sb..l rqual to Ihe urdhlary wark ef the l’:n K, i Iha lea.It:t, taken a la Ins step, being iu us. at all tlmlll ~, ed L,y the |l~motllaey far Its letolferelwe hi the their I)alLot., wheuthey know that by u,) thllag Ilsb, *)wing to lira fo~t that Iha I,’ulliluh have when needed,- " Ut)W re IdAMAae cUTrlSun, ’" q wandlle,hi..s stiiilldl strangely bl nile not Iliey hand lille V(,liittry .vertu Ihu lender mar in’liar ikilled wolklauU, Lid b.ltls ulahil lu Cllttlllgi of grape vlnul, eurrantl, goosebsr. ’lgill~ LATIENT &ND IlIIFd~T.-- sl,tl laUllihlr with the I,.~uiiaritleu tit’ tkat I,,~rty,-- ci,,s of ’rammaoy aud lile raml,ant ).,bel ale. wurk wi!h. There Is. daty of ; 3 par st, uS. oe rlt,~, quinces, die., sheuhl be cut la the fell, but lll~ Na...e be Klitdl~ Npolk(~. e~ They usy it Is till o ite(mblieau trieil, and trial n tlltl .f the i~t,tith is Dot It) |)hdn, It t, attntll hn, onlut0veu,I*ll| area II Ibll t’oty ware ruu)t)v, ii~,t till frl).ls liana eeuled Iho loaves to fell, iu A lh.ntl(ul t~oallal~d Chululi,$11¯i’¯lI~)k~lllllll il Is n luPuS uowarraotai, le piece uf Intpedenee I-’ pn)si|,lt, lilac tht,)’ will. e,I, the i’:n~lt~b sushi ~lod tie market ~u /.uP.t. I~ovelnher or lute lu t)etober, J[ left tLll Lha I~.t,i~lld los 35 atalmby W II lloa)r &t~. Mode l’ubllahel~ & D~cI~ h)r the natl,llial gveeroment tu Interfere In a "~’OLll’t~) Ill.IT dl., lea for their euglnus, uprJng) they are K, ss liable to grow) hans"so li~ t~vutant.~t,llqti~ /.

luE Hous’oF nus nE * rOIN rS oF ID vANTA GE¯;...e~,eeptiun of tho lining i~, made of But Wl~ew the joints a~e very ~bort 0ut them. in I~/0vcmber. for the reason that therearecon,

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Page 1: luE Hous’oF nus nE * rOIN rS oF ID vANTA GE¯;...e~,eeptiun of tho lining i~, made of But Wl~ew the joints a~e very ~bort 0ut them. in I~/0vcmber. for the reason that therearecon,

luE Hous’oF nus nE * rOIN rS oF ID vANTA GE¯;IN THE PURCHASE

t" °

the content in the month. If thoe~nspe wss~ermltted~and aided bY the Demo= they stund, _)re_eueh~urle~tes in their way, the plun~ers of the meuld~ ~oug]t~D~_e~xzLnaLmn~"

¯ y, that.I give- r -- "either, or both, iu Oot’ober, tt will be, by no

tlme. They made agrent eutery and offered a below a full dsscription oftkem. The rails bounot,’m~ein the latest Style. gvery part p d i of the soil.-. ’ o~’:t:mc~ue, oonciusive thatlik0 result8 wilt follow

]argo reward for his renaptura, but that offer not attached to w~oden cross-tles, bnt to great with the. e~,eeptiun of tho lining i~, made of But Wl~ew the joints a~e very ~bort 0ut them. ’ "

in I~/0vcmber. for the reason that therearecon, wsslong nince withdrawn, and all eff, rts square stcne)~ upon which are plaeed thin glass, and sO light, fleecy and’beautiful atetho wit,"IL~’ree cyss. TSe~ rosy ~- preserred in , ,tr01il~g eauses wbrklng inrbehalf of tho Na- the part of the Ststo n~-e-ers to find his biding blocks of wood, ss" it was nomddered Unsafe in flowers and:~/naments on itrthat no oae would differentwayL’i You m~F pack ~sm in boxes, i

so~otent in favor" "

~hose=da)’e’qb-i’~laTun-~./igln~e~whioh weighed=9--ever-guese~f~hat~matsrlal "~’i~-t:lhd~-~-It-da-n- ~i~-vlih-~-d~-d p’J~.’]n~lia-~-, to he‘.=.

¯ of the State tickets. On t~e contrary, If thein such efforts, whinh were "clearly made for )arts on rails aflfi~ed t¢, nuything so frail as be worn, b:m z~ot very comf6rtably,, nnd is kept modsr~ly moist; er, they mwy be kept in

¯ Republican tiokets ehould b~’triumphnntin 0o-effect. They dread his return to.day for the wood. The rails/sre much lightez.thszi those strong enou~ not only to bear’0rdina~ haU(t, ssnd,in boxe) kept nut of, d~ord-all win.ter. In . ̄

tober, it may bs Very safely ooncluded that ~.slhe reason that thc3deeired his escape then used to.day, wcrs ?oiled in Engla~l, and then̄ ling, but lobe packed away for. trahsportstion aclimate wh~ snow usu~U~covsr~tbeground~

such rcsults will be followed by overwhelmingsnd th~Zt Is the fe’er thnt his puulsbment, if s hipped to_Am, erica at great ezpanse. The lo- in a trunk. ~’~ took tho workmewfour w~ks to: all ~iizteG wi~ but littlo rain, till. ~psing, mat-

¯ victories In November. continued will wear Out b|s patience, tnd that oom’niv% "John ]~ull,"’was btiilt in ~glnnd make it, and ia offered for sale.c~ $I59., There tings~ may bo llaid upon the grmind in o.dry "

i Indiana Is now reprosmated in the Nsttonsl he Will clear his troubled Ccna¢isnne by a full in 1831, and tben shipped to Ameriea. On the ara a]so two.~orking glass ,mgiucs~? erie of placc~iu layer~, and eovo~ffiwitk, a4ry noll a, "| mpanions arrival bf-this-looomotive-st-Borde~town, -Pa.T Jvhleh-h=a_non.~¢ondenser~ -foot-thiok.-~ve~’-altrpsekjz~-the-em, t2a-firml ~ - ." " -..... Y ............. :_:= :~_’:: =.

~Jg__d fins Republicans, Throe cannot be s doubt in iniquity.’. Such an exp0iure on the-part~ of -it was trsn,ferred:from the Hoopt:on-whlel~ it den~er--T~o:0en-de"ser Worksa.?eunt£.u,; and b etwam each-ia.~er; bat in ~:clima~ where but¯ tf the Rrpuhlieaue iu that State exer= ther6- Tweed would canset muchlgreator coe, m0tidn hod" been brought trom Philadelpkis~by.means pumps up wn4er whigh falls upon and ztens littlo-~rl~o s~Ts~ fells, thi~,tyttem is liable to "

¯~elvc~-, they can redeem three of the Districts awong the silisens of NewYork, and thecoun- of wagons to the onlyLpermauent tr~ok Of the glass water wtzee], while the. other engine fail to’,proserve theln, bcingrkept t©o.wot fro~

now mlsrepresen!edby Democrats, thus revers- try fouerally, tben @eneral Newton,) little at’- , Camden and Amboy’l~]~$ad 0ompany, thon works a w hol~gp_ng_gLglass r0ak’..drills~ frequent rains, In such Icce~ies ~he euttiugs

a re tolag the political complexion of the present del-, . \egatlcn. . ....in all l.robshllity, wouhi be very mueh the about one m)le.from.I~rdentown. The maehi- two life.sized ’figuros, ret)roseut~d"Joy" aod grow,.c0v~ing the uJ~Per b~ (’to ~,as:lefora

¯ Every outrage t~t. has beeii cbminltted in same. ]t would remove from power men wha,nery was th~n put ~Ogether, and a tender son- "Grief." "Jo3~’ is a little boy about two years state:l~near tb~- snrface el~ t~e g~ound~r with

the Southern State~ upon the unoffending vic- to-day, are occupying high positions, of trust strutted from a whiskey hogshead I hies4 oa a old, wil~h nothing ou but a ahirt that d0¢o no~ hay’or Si’ra~ to.protest thc~.: The wetn~s of

rims of Demonratic p_er~ecutjqn l~_~le~i_ed by.i ia that great eommonw¢olth, who have been small 4 wheel ptatform ear, whioh had been reach:t° hi~ kn’ees. In his right ha~d" he is the soil tinny kittttlm lower.lmdsf but, that will . :

the press of that party, no matter how well ’f6i a’,-~figtims farl~ore=~i~erouB~:tbe ship. ~ed bfti~ "~oniiactori {n tize e0nstru~on of ~]h~i~’g a ]iftIKbii;d i~i

¯ ubsta~tlated bytrrefrsgiblo testimony. ’We of state than the r.oek, whioh the engineer rs:. the road. Tbe connoetlou between the pnmp his face is a plotare of merriment, and:]~ugh- seaso.~, The rules for manag~ggrapeouttings, .

¯aXo in poest.ssielz of a private letter, written by "moved, wns to the vessels nayigating the East of the locomotive aud the watcr tauk wasmadeter. "Grief" h: the same young=t~n~,~whe has as rog~rds their, presnrvaticr~$pply to-all nth- ! .

who is reliaule in ievory sense_of River. ’It is stated among the knowiKg ones by means of ~ leather hose made suddenly wakened to the faet tbat he hss ers. T;, think. ~owever, Ibe nafest "way_ w0ul4

the word, which g|veo a brief history of a sin- lhat Tildenwill evon take the ris k of oxerci~, maker. This engino first bega.n to r~n, ln 1533, squeezed his liKle pet to dca~r at~d atand~ be to set the duttings in No-~.mher very thick, / "

:gle instance of murder and robbery, that may ing his ¯pardoning power, it" it o,a~es to the and took the place of horses) wl~ h~,been hol,lin~it d!sc3t~olately out in lai~-hand~,.whilb asolo~e as they oan be set, lb. trehcbes tempo. ’" : "~’

’ ,be considered as n specimen of. the numerous wor-et, Knd free the prlsoner, as far as.possiblo~ usetl up to that.time. ¯ . ~";." ’ , w~epin~ bitterly, " rarily4ill’sprin~.end then sot.them,where/they" ’

w%ongscommitted by ths Whiia Lisers of Lout- |rein the’trammels of the law. The Very men . The cylinders are ~l’innhes i~st~f,hove ." Another sh, t.aa reFresonts a ]i~.tlb crying are to-grow, or the frosts ofiwiote~:-~ight" llit

nlana upon political opponents. " ; " . who are Ioudsst i n their cries for rot’otto in the a 20"inch stroke, and are. placed underneath child, in a ver~short dress, Who otanda hold- them~p some if set permanmadly. ,The upper ~

The late Postn~aster’at Coushutta Chuto)La., nstionnl government ~ro 6qu~lly loud-mouthed tho front end of the boiler, xn bet~v.een the in g a ~poon in one hand, While hn,is, digging buds iu both oas&s ere-I~o be al~,ve gxound;aud

is’u colored man. While he held that ofllce~ his in Ihcir indlgnent ht~wlings against’ the arrest tw.e front driving Whe01~. "There arc two pair the fi~t of- the.o~her into one of h’s.¢yes. At cove~l With hay or straw.

assistant and five other Republicans (White of Tweed .Ihro’ugh the efforts of Mr~ ]~isb. It ~ofthese driving who)l% 4 feet 6 inebe~ ia dis. his feet lies ~he fragments of a broken e~p that " Kg’E~.VlIG ClDgR ,~W~aTL. " "" ’ ,

men) were arrested by a ylgilaues committee is, however;only she,her evidence of the sin- meter, .whi.c.b are not coupled together)eo that has fallen Irom~,his grasp,"et hine,illa ]eeri’ ~T~e~ following, method o~. keep~g eid6r, . - . - :of Southern gnntlemen (?) and lint in jail oority of their pretenstoos. - . the torce of tho o.teom oo tho piston is ezerted mac." Th!s:br~ken Cup is SO" pretti]~ fizfi.~hel, it ts 3aid, will keep it perfeotly, sweet for five i. o . ¯ . ,prevent a war betwe(n the rucen. This nhivel. ~hs claim, w~ieh has been published breat’l, on thn rear pair alone. The now.eatoher see- ~nd so blghly p~lisbed, that it looks:aikt~gen-

yearsl "Leach sea filter tbn aider.th=ougb 1mrs i ~/rous comtniiteo souuded"tho alarm, and U horde eait, that jr’was throdgh tho nfrorts of Tilden sists of two long waoden beams, whieh hovn uine chin% instead of marble, sun:l).sl:ter It J~a~ worked and, f0rm~nted aad ,of dirty i’ebcls took these lueareeroted men ollt and his Dem0¢ratie Confreres that Tweed was

thetr rear eude plvo~d- to the outs)do ends of I would¯like t,o hemps-0 the d!fft~exhibitsbel’oxo it bee soared.

IPut.~-a[o0h~] or other ":’’~" ;" ’ ~,.?,

¯ of prison and mur,lered ths,M. Four eolor0d cxpoen.1 and brought to punishment It a mo~t the shaft of the front pair of driving whcels, of statuary, but it .is ~o exceedioffJv hard to’ eub~encs~with it. Be sure’t-hat’th6 ~esaels yotl ?~ . i

men were also killed--twr~ shot snd two hnng ridtcnlous epe, when it Is well known that evenwhile ths front ends of the he:~ms are sup’port, distinguish foreign from American w~zrk. For put it In sze pe."~et]y clean and,s~eet. After i-!i!}’

The Pt, tm,~ter lhd for his life, ood was i*n thd alierTweed’s rascolily was elderly demonstral, ed upon a special pah" of wheels 3 fees in’dia- iostnnce, the largest portion of tho.Iltdian col. tt is leached oz filtered, p~t. it~ia barrels or : ’!:i ....meter. Iu order is proveut this oatohor from ledtion ie seut hero simply for ssle, )~nd bare

icae.ks filled ’ Ieo~g no r0omf~r.alr, bgngthem

. . /""bush" iwe")v-nlee days. l[’-e h.use was twl0o ed thrdugh the Cffot:ts of a citizeu’s committee,

raising upward ioo I:igh; it isheld down upon evidently 19een ~nrehosod by regulr.z~ deaiors itl tight ond keep it where it w~m’b ~eeze until~earcbe’,t, aed shod~)wed oil the Ihae. of which Samuel J. Tilden was not even ar:" .After the murder of the ussistant p~stmasier m~mberi.the Dem~crl~y nf NeW’York City re. the rails by a coiled spring.. There’in-no. cab mar]des f9r that purpose only. ~’6r, ldl that id .Febrdary or Mr.)ch,then imtit.intt~ehampagt~l , I . ’: "I

and th0 nloe others refer:eti to tho assassins elected the great plunderer to t~es,~tt~ Seeate fnr tho engineer a,d firomao, and the’ only known, th0 rely finest of theln mar he Amori- bottles filled, d~ve the eorka, and wire them. " ,!.,. "app(dntedac,)mu)itieo to l ) the post.ofllce, frnm ~thich, throegk ltel)Uolic~n votes Mona

protection whatnves given to thom, fzom tse "csn or English work. ’Italy has, however by Thebestciderislatemad%ormade’whon~ti~. "~’:

They sam all tke stamps nnd stole the money be wt~ expelled, aud thq State eared, tbat ttr. cold, heat, wind, rain:and straw, is. that the fa~; the finest ~,nd i~rgest eoiiection, althoug~h as,sold as can be andnot f:eog~"’ ~

and oiher v:[luablcs found in or psp.,Ing through rible disgraes I.hh’li the ct’ty had atteml)t~l to fr0z, t cnd of tbo roof of the littlo teu, ler pro- some ef the Amerlcsn statues ara.as fine as" , i ’ jectS slightly oval the rear end of ths 10~bmo.-! any othor~.. . . __. . . :: . . ,. " " allrl]~lx Tnzi~ l"-.alrrr..’~s. ~’/ ~ :: " ’ ’

tb’o office. ’l’he.e~-p,)stnrastor is a hard.work- phteo up,!n it, ,~" ¯ tire. The fuhnlest feature is a covered seat, i

, ~~ -. - The only ad’~a~lage tbatI;,.oe.a se0 in phmt:- " ’"’i!,1¢, In tdligentl sensihl© mun; lie ida lover " Another of Ih~ groat rcformers ef tho pro. ~ueh as i"used On wagous, but oaly largo . Rural Topics.~. ,~ .eos, ae.,.in ,ho fa!l,’~,thot one h...or.,. ’ :,of’lew and .r,]er. lie is io couslant’danger ef

SCtl~. doy, tho’short,bairod, prize fightlug gao).0hough fur one l)ersou, which is planed on the ~ .time te do tt.~en, and if Isft; till ~pring, |ftho

trees sre not already.ell ..bMl~l~ poople ~’e apt ~. I qIIbehig ioitrdcrcd hy the sitnle liend~ who drove hler, l~16rriesey~_19 now String_through the ef-_ top-of the big eoveredq)ox thaiforms theten.

" -ll}:D~trtIN(I.-IIUILI)IN6S) :~’t~;/ "t~ put the setting off for, want of time. Isishim outumi robbed his ollti~o; -:Thtsotatemcnt forts ef some of his newSiml)er admirers~o pol- der, nnd which soot is turned eo th~ the per- ,Notl~ing sbowi~ the lack of en,..~gy aud good

to the interaml of nurser3meu te recommendIS, amlWellle ofSUlhenti°ated’l)emncratio andjustloemaYln Louisiaea.be tak,n aa

l~h uphis past rn,~ord so ,ste make his ref(,rul "son sitting in it leoks i~aek uvcr the traio.~olamlgemont ef a farmer more thaa to find his

f~ll l)lsntin~, as they ean.tlluk~ dispose of moreIt [sa fair answor Io the assertion tbst "the

ch,raeter a little more cuaslstont.. Thoy deny What that seat is for L,oannot lmogtsnl unless buildings le,.dty, and out of repph,, espoeially&c. In ali h "

" tiog will da very well; but, la stiff eJsy seill, ialishetl a genibilug h,,use io tills eliy and pro- tim cows, and to let thn engineer knew when instance, yoa stnll your eows, o:=en and horseselimetes where the grot~ad ta iubjcot to freel-iltol)ubllcens is tho "caaso or tho restrletlon of

sided over It ]lhuself when not engaged ut th0 they trero catching up, so that lle,~mhl go in a barn, the boards of which azs plsced ver- ing end thawing olie~, if sot in tho tall, the ,hushlessand trado,"testnlethatthevoluntory Cul)itol" It Isa fact) bo)~ever, wdl kunwoto

little faster, and thus prevcnttbeutfrnm wolk tieally, with.nobattnnsover tho orachs, whichtrees should bo wcll m~lohed. No trees audretirement of tllo bank circulatlou slnco 187a

alil,ero, and to polltidans overywh*tre, thnt [rig[into tho rear end of the troin. The two sroabuuthall’an ineh whle. Yo~mlgbtahuootsbrubs, however, should~boset’lnthefallwbora.antouuts to ,$28,000,000, n*u*l that tim voinulo such an estal)lishmout was opetzed by that illus, ears ore escb abontl30 feet IOllg) eud Io(~ nlaro as woil leu’oi~ them cut of dcoxs) ao farof ourreney is sliil $14,1)00,000 larger than in, ’ "~

thut’thls e,)elraction was doae untier tho Freeevory Inducement hchl nut te hla felh)w nlola. vcy prieonera from the difi’ereot ntutlon,, than requiro, ouo third Inor0 fue:t, to wi,tcr t, lO~ir" IS,~lJ&nLES.I)efs ta iI~veat their mnnay while enjoying his [ pussenger cars. Tho wimh)ws ure abt~ut 1.’2 stook in good o’ondition than :’~ would if youn Ne[Ihemcstl’le nor hor~a should ho stal]sd

Jlsnklogz~otst) ciomornusl~ demanded Iwths * ,West. Tilden’s linarmlal "roform" nlust theu,

ohnlc0 wines auu elegant cigors. Wfiva ivo hlohes higb, by 6 Inches wido) are.not Inede to barn wnra built warm as tt t:hould be. Everlr lua dnrit etnble) as nll,auim.als roqukro Ilgh~in

(and l[eltdrll’ks’ "rag cxu(latiolb") he ngMnst)know that It wos Ill groat I)art duo to Ibeeff.rts be raised or el)reed~ nnd are f’arnlshed with anhnal will r(.quiro lit least¯ fivd~ dollars worl.~ the dayltlme. A horse kept far taooths in a.

a3et In ~ldtO of the Iluancial Jullgnlont of timnf Morrissey )h.t Tihlcn ~ nn ho:ninoted it, tql, sll,lhig cart,des. Above cecil east In a l,entl" ’mere feed durhlg Ilia wlutcr.’In con,ae(lue:me *lark st.’tide would bali:tblo to become blind.~

Wo~t. Tim t]ernnuls arc all going for Ilaynsl,nois, and that ttl.day lie ts .)no of his olosesl later ’2 feet long by 8 Inches whle, st) that eaei~ of the ~,pen cnmlithm o!’ the barn, whhe ’.~le

In ’regaad to light in swine pens, ~.,writer say~

and,Wheeler,llnll nines trusU-’d-u~aat;6 and ss unothcr eel. ot~e pan venlllnts tar hho,elf. " , . entire t)vpense of nlsklng the whole heru W,*aUl t tet t’a~ sows hav[0g tt*)rs on the lStll and,



!1, 11. Chllllhl J; Co. have offered $1,o00 perdeiteo Is added In the il~t to prt)yo teat the to I~Iothlnery llali there srn :Ibeul a doz0n slid eOn, fl)rhd)lo wuilbl I)nt s~l~.ll Iho loss 22d of, January, re.~oetively, were kept in two.

fuut for hum in a certain Inenlity in Clfieagn.chief tthu el the Demeeruey In rchnm, Iluolly, loe.moth’us of all kiadn ttnd i~1:1~, silo ofwhlotl one sustalus lua single w!~ter with his a~ok dark but warts tampnrary ctieo,, and ht.dto,

It It slt[,l that ’I’lhlon .Irere~l flen, NewtonIt lhokcs el)o’s hloed boll whh indlgnalhm to Is one )f sizteen i)urullased by Dam Pedro to sot i)rt)perly sheltered. 8upI)ose you plane octlu:.~ tbem until abeut, the m:.ddlo of April,.

$10)000 to hoht his lloll ,;ute explosion h.ek Illlnh II, nt Ihe Penl)lO of rids gre.t! OLlatl[ry ,ire bo ecnt to llrazll) alnl Id l)PlOetl after hiln. ’1’ire etealn, eugino in a’warta eellur, oud a:mthe: wheu, h)r t, aoh sow with litter, ~,ae of the p~r-

lllltl[ ufter tbc.N’vember eloetiool. What fedeven Inv|t~d. to piece the gnvernulent t)l the h)enmotivvs built in I’Jnglamt and America dlf, like It out nt’ doors nn a cold wi.ter day¯. hi it mahout sties wr.s opened l)y sflling the uceU... .,

pants. At that tlmotbo pigs which ho~bsu,Cl)amIKrlaiu) the Long llronoh gselblur, and

houris nf Pnob luenI as rt, ft)rmers. A luen wile fur principally in two 1)qrticulnre. ’l’h#,Anier. I,(,t ’~v, ide:lt Ibat It wtttll t require Inue~i, u|erokel..t In ti)o darlt, temporury stt.s, proved to I~

one nf ’J’iltlell s ’huwers,’ Is wanted nn a chargelies Ilvrd ullhl~ lifo Ill i,Imn defiance cf the Ic~uls Iduee lhelr cylimh~rs eolalde of tim drlv. fuel t3 get up Iteatu In ’.he boiler of :he out- ’

()t: eunnieil:g tit attd abelting tho rnbbery law, ond who le to,dsy liable t,) crlmil,ol prne. hlq wheels, whila tim l’h,glls!t piaec titnlrs ill door cngino thjtt| hi tbat ef tl)o oos Ill ~ho nel. iosa l!~ely than, and mueh .ht[o~’tor iu weight’ eenlhm far carrying on nnt only nee bot sere. ilotweeu thl~m, ullder the froeL, end nf tho boll. lar’," S,, it Is with yotut eattl% h()ra,.~, swine) and size lo tltase[of nn~y of t]la litters rMsed i~t)no Thoman Ilihnn of ~10~tl0[I. Swoar It

dawn, as ’l’lhlm~ did his luuoalo) and ItOXt timerot gsnd)llnk estaldl.hnnmts In va~;Ious i),rls er. ’l’ile Alncricons never u)e tlrit’htg wheCs $~. When kept warm tl, ey rmlaira t~t~ll lead tha lass Walm. butwell IIghled i)ermuasntstkm

mv_ths_fi0Ter.cent,_penslty; of thu.cunulzy.~I.f amnn Is ulways lunged by larger thau-ah.ut-5 Laot. hl-diamater,-whilu-tha- -I’uvd) sod as-hay and--grohrnro-mn:loy;-every- 3t-~L~ltb~Attll(llllgJllaLlhLtli~en:lmnltL~Llmi---~

’tim loteru.l lteveul)e returns or August ill e venipsny lie keeps) by what h,gh; o:,o Tll. English hav~alwoys elude i.lwn~ Ir.t. tl~ t. 1~.~ farlu*)r who neglects to provide warm, quurtore ~ry small, and ihut food and care l~ta hem

show tin inermtl~l ,)f St)la,I)ltt) over |sine moilthden’s heal, sty nf i)urpese Le n.lahlishetl? Not Ires ht dlealuter. Ad long let the Creek Is per- for b.[s stock tlirnws :uaoey oway, , the same in eYnry resJ)eat. 0nn of the IItte.m

~born un th,* 15thof Junuery,~hich Led nod.’ of hint ytu)r, Olld yet Tlhlea wants a voturu to

I)y his adn)lnlslretiou af tire ~tnto gnverno]ont, feotly ]erol) the*e Itnnlel,so wheels ere Just I.l:a~r linens, dentally ~s beat ligllt¢;I, sly) though situsle~."the go.d old thoes of the 1)l:lnoeraey and far it is al,pl,rnnt to tits Iiioat careless .bsurvvr wiles is need.d, but .s s,;on ns gradon are eli. When It Illau alh)’es uny buihlh:lI te have

in Iho noltllwesl) ahtl oooseqnently :eldest eel’.¯ ’in[ore|,"

that fr.nl tile duy he w.u visored th)vuroor Ida cotlntored) tiley ol, ly hnll.e,le the i)rogrosd leak,V roof beyond Ihn" eulnlnt~rl months) h,Iaer of’~e" frame buihltog, oxhibit,~d tbo me, i;

Heott l,or,I Is ~gain en the ponitenlhd .ttn)l. vYery tl 9)’~ b ts heeu Inodo with Iho t ivw t~ tha trala~ itnd tha l’.’ngli,~ are m)w beginn’tll; ileetls I() hitvc a tr!lhtd’to give hh)~ *t few worJ.n rapid I;rewth, a~d tht ilttor bon~ ou, tho 10titlie ndtzllts Ilia.t, att.r v.th)g the inn Wt|ig

rl,vuri.g the nou’thtetit)n and If l~nssible, Isis h) realho this, aud lira dlsoard[ng tin)no h[k. of g. nd edclea--tu tell him lion the hey tn kid of January) which had the durksdt styc, llldl.ttekot n.mhlated, aed I!el’,!re oonllng mlt for

el~etlon ns Prcnldoet. Ilia Ii|Ousagos to tile measodrlvers end utluldblg the Amerlcnn Itll~il IMtru Is being I)aAly Injured; h#w his carrklgainndo lille poorest.

~latee llil~hts aitd rol’.ril b tilat he voted In ’511 i’hnte ],l,glshllure were rt’morkabh) dnctnacote, ()1’ .ever huvh)g thenl aver about 5 feet. ’lhl and hornuss are tin,ranged by a leak lu Ilia we-with the Know Nnlhlogs, slid shot Ill ’hi lie

altd ,qtly rrtlolaed a nhouge uf dlrucllon h) be lbe Amerioaue are tlae sllnle or’ |lie Ihmsl end gon I.)use I how his he as lie lu the lub~, In I~aa SI, iVIN. ~", .

voted aK,lnsl l|an, Illlm,n end l’anlnllll y,.-- reeogolzed all luessllges tn C,mgraes, ’l’h.y best Improveu)onts Io the h)comotlYe. America eoupequenee of it, leaky rt~ I and how his A c~rresl)ondut of the Nse York FarmsN",~.

. ’. -..-.Nest !

treated fully nf llat[olu,[ efl’elrs, whllu ~qlate lie. b|lilt the "la)gust passellger eeg!~lo ubei, p unlfer ftsm tho drlPl)kags of water upon Club Kives his treatment oJ" a ca~e of bnne :,f. ~:’fho oitl)orts dt, t.I]ed to nvorbaul Iho ac. metiers were almast uutlrel)’ Ignored,

. made, aL~o, Ihe largest ct)tll~lvd ntiglnu~ hut ’the Ihool during "~ahi utornl% through the runt of u pavia, lie had two bnrset lame with thle nil-’t

tlt)llll|S st’ the Itcln,)erallo Coumlih of lhdti- h Is t, ul~y to nnllvrulattd wily the dish)y.I letter was a t’atlare) i)wh)g Io the fa~tl tiiv~,ry th.lr nhods, lanrolers) nt.~l Is the I~ma Io at. meat, and hs used sb(,ut a bell plltt of oil . ..mere. rt’l*.)lt that Ihey liuvo fuund, Io nlany olumcnt .f the Hnutlbsuplmrt bile st) lally not. .n wlib¯ll It was built. As a gennrtd thing tile :cud to tltoee lual¢ y reefs, and also tu Iho uther splko Inr cash |lOrle, el)ldJing It ones In twel~Illl, talltlep, ln.sl,lloable Ilents ill the aet?onuls, wIIbMending’hls sbalh)w pruleoslons) h,r It l’;nglt.h run tilelr earn fa.ter than Ihtl Aioerl seeded repair e, us lsaka lu all buildings cause ll)to e dajs wllh a swab, a large Ispupooe Will !1 ’~ ~ :mud the ~ell.,)l board aco,)aots hase opt b,,oa whh thole tt).d.y oule 18I:1, when they stWel,t cons, but tills Is owlpg to their I)~tter In)ll.utcd mnra ur leas d~,ay lit tkeir fraules, till In a fuw 0eel sin shunt tbs qulntlty fur eeeh upplil~-. " " -i~rlll)vlly kt)l,t: ’l’i, ey else fall ta ae(,oUl)t for ud (|r0dey, "anything tu heat the ILopot)ihuu~ r,)ed., and moreu.lfornl levelli. ~ks b.st wt)rk

I )oars, n(,w ills.tes, slll~, .Co.,are inquired, ~t,ties. Tba horsa wee Isms h)r seems ur *"% ’..

the freat delhdeecy In their city troa,ury. I)olty " ’]lat h.w the peal,h) IhrooKInn|t theq pul hy Au, orieees open thoLr eagiucs is vldy inK i)erL~p~ ten tLulss tim expsn~e or stuppIng months’ For the pest sia wwskn hs hu ~

To hollr Ihe i,ro~s.t ndloiulutratitnt drliotlno- N.rllt van be ©eptetv,I to endurse hha with sb..l rqual to Ihe urdhlary wark ef the l’:nK, i Iha lea.It:t, taken a la Ins step, being iu us. at all tlmlll ~,ed L,y the |l~motllaey far Its letolferelwe hi the their I)alLot., wheu they know that by u,) thllag Ilsb, *)wing to lira fo~t that Iha I,’ulliluh have when needed,- " ’Ut)W re IdAMAae cUTrlSun, ’"q wand lle,hi..s stiiilldl strangely bl nile not Iliey hand lille V(,liittry .vertu Ihu lender mar in’liar ikilled wolklauU, Lid b.ltls ulahil lu

Cllttlllgi of grape vlnul, eurrantl, goosebsr.’lgill~ LATIENT &ND IlIIFd~T.-- sl,tllaUllihlr with the I,.~uiiaritleu tit’ tkat I,,~rty,-- ci,,s of ’rammaoy aud lile raml,ant ).,bel ale. wurk wi!h. There Is. daty of ; 3 par st, uS. oe rlt,~, quinces, die., sheuhl be cut la the fell, but lll~ Na...e be Klitdl~ Npolk(~.e~

They usy it Is till o ite(mblieau trieil, and trial n tlltl .f the i~t,tith is Dot It) |)hdn, It t, attntll hn, onlut0veu, I*ll| area II Ibll t’oty ware ruu)t)v,ii~,t till frl).ls liana eeuled Iho loaves to fell, iu A lh.ntl(ul t~oallal~d Chululi,$11¯i’¯lI~)k~ lllllll

il Is n luPuS uowarraotai, le piece uf Intpedenee I-’ pn)si|,lt, lilac tht,)’ will. e,I, the i’:n~lt~b sushi ~lod tie market ~u /.uP.t.I~ovelnher or lute lu t)etober, J[ left tLll Lha

I~.t,i~lld los 35 atalmby W II lloa)r &t~.’ Mode l’ubllahel~ & D~cI~h)r the natl,llial gveeroment tu Interfere In a "~’OLll’t~) Ill.IT dl., lea for their euglnus,

uprJng) they are K, ss liable to grow) hans"so li~ t~vutant.~t,llqti~/.

.... ,%

Page 2: luE Hous’oF nus nE * rOIN rS oF ID vANTA GE¯;...e~,eeptiun of tho lining i~, made of But Wl~ew the joints a~e very ~bort 0ut them. in I~/0vcmber. for the reason that therearecon,

D "


I~¥e,. Lows is ol~er than his birth--

So a loving poet sung.How ~ he be co old, so younli,

,Born every hour throughout the eliitii?¯ Hearts grow cold, !. .

: .’ " And bells are.toiled ;i f. ¯ $ ’" ~ "’ His heart hae never oetmod to boat ;- still ~ feet are dancing YeoL ̄

Bluing in his. strong right.hand: --Is--t h~--y~e-n~i~ [o i’b h; ......

¯ ’ He lighis the bridegroom from the porchTo where the prie~te and aitare stand ;

Leada the mild,Who, unafraid,

Passta then from maid to wife---Kuow~ the sseret of her hie I

~neir rich pldleco ire hk ;o They ware, and are not, bDt he ts. " "

He sere gloat emplIea rice and fail,.Fall and flee,With equal eyes ;

Nothihg~~lspy-r61gn,Be oilr Idsdog Hps remain¯ ¯

When you press your llpe to mine,Whir -- "" - -- ~-

--~ul_me_~, or waitFor a moment loM divine,

Heart to heart, ~ ": We cannot part ;

Henceforth we breathe immortal breath--Love is mightier than death¯


John (]lady was sixteen¯years old/.tsll, for his age, very thin, with red hair andpale blue eyes, and .altogether hada

:... - . -- weak-and sinkly appemance. From.thetime he could remember, he had Hvedwith his undo,, who was a drugsist¯Left an orphan at a very early peril! inlife, his kind hearted relative had ta-ken

- enough he was setto sweeping the shopand running errand~’. He increased in

- altitude so fast that his uncle, who was¯ . a short man, was a good deal bothered

-.. in malting his wornont pantaloons fit~--- .-- = -~ - " the10ng legs of thegrowingyouth, but" . he had an ingenious housekeeper, who

..... discovered the art of hiaking a passable. pair 0f p~ts0ut bf two old ones¯ To.... b~-uie, t h-e- leg s -did not=always-bar-

, ’ - monizo in color, but the difference was- ." ¯ . ¯ so trifling that it: was expected John

./_ . Cad~ would never be the wiser of it.¯ ’ - John, at the ago of sixteen, slept in the

’ shop. Perhaps that was the reason, the" poor fellow’e~yeballs were yeilowinstead

¯ _ ~f white, mid" his complexion anything¯ ¯ but that of health.. -" Every Thursday afternoon his uncle¯¯ permitted-him: to have a~holiday; the

- rest of the weei~ he .was expected to¯ . ¯ Work w/th the patienee~and regularity of’ " u l~ule in a ..treadmill, aiid never com-

plain, evenit he went to bed hungry,,. " - His uncle maiiagad .his house upon a¯ plan so frugal that nothing was wasted

¯ " that could possiblybe eaten and digested¯ ’: ¯ by man or beast, i

Poor John (]lady had manyheartaches.¯He used to watch the boys play, but

: . never found time to join in their sports.Gradually he became a quiet, melan-choly-youth, and. grew;up with littleidea of how he was to ma~e his mark in

. the world. In the winter months hie- unclesent him to night school, and by

this means he acquired all the educationhe ever But he was honest,

and notwithstanding the

ever was conscientious i~Like all boys, he had his dreams. His

uncle could not de pleasure

structures John reared while he per-formed the drudgery of the chop. Inclarions wa~ys, however, he had earned, alittle money, which he had hoarded up,until the sum amounted t9 about fliftceudollars. This wealth he had

milkman wholmd taken pity upon the unfortunateyouth.. By his advice John Cmly haddemanded a salary from Iris uncle, whohad promi,od to give him two dollars aweek and hid board’@ben he should beHovetit0on years old, John never forgothis frieml tim milkman for putting himon the road to forttlno; and ̄ s it wantedeight mouths of the time when he

,. should receive pay for his services, helooked forward with the eagem,~sa of ¯

. ohihl to the coming of the happy duy.It w~m a clear, cold afternoon in Sop.

tember that John Cady stood at thecornorof the street waiting fpr the earnto take ~ out to G towii¯ . He hadan old maid aunt who lived there, andhe occasionally made her u visit. When

: the car came alohg, John euseonced-- -htmself-/n-a-ecrnerseak-, and-gave-him-

self up t<~ ca~tle building. Pretty soonthe ear stepped to admit an oM gentle.man, who took ¯ seat directly along,ide

" our hero. He wan a man of somb sixtyyears, dressed in dark brown clothed, thepattern of which went oat of f~htenabout the time John (]lady was ushore,!into life. A ht~vy gold ehahl, with an

.lelmmepse eerneli¯n seal, hnng 011 his’ watch foI), and u wliite fur hat stilE¯

nlounb~d Ills white baits. No role)literhml he l~lken his seat than he took out itwell stufled pocketbook, and begancounting the .nOted it coulmiued

Just at tills moment Johnhis eyes, lind coming ha~k to

....... of the worhl, gazsd at the old man withnudisgnised a~tonishment. The pocket.beck’was crammed fall, and the noteswere huadn, ls, live humlreds, end eventhon~ml,hl. Certainly there mu~t haw~been 1120,000 in that wallet, ¯nd the ehigentiemml thumbed them over so care.leesly that John Cady was snro that liehad tbousmnbl more at the bank of them.lie api,armltly ramie no mbre aoootistof his wealth than Johu ,lid the seventy-five ~euta stowed away in ,ha oornnr ofhhlv~t pocket. ’lhe longer our herogucd upon thoold goutbman, tim more

¯ nnoomfortable he began to loci hi the

per~en, who could sportin such a .manner.

sense he had of, between a

seventy-fivepractical danger i.

closete exposed Wealth.. Thebook by mistake might get int, hisipocket, a note might get ,.ntangled inone of the buttons of hi~ ~,mt. the oldgentlem~n might conceive hehad beeu

suspected aud accused. A. shiver passedover hlm as he thought of these things,and he.. hastily changed. his seat ~ ~tne poor by

He awakened with other : ...............Sid~ of the car. A a shiver, for .the .window was Open and ,, ha s an an el’e hand -smoothed. Per p .g

looking woman, who was it was gettinglight. It wastoo soon for down has gray locks aa tile da.i~pness ofside of the Old the shops tO open, but he .hurried .0n death gathered on his ~d~kled fore-

and had been his clothes and ran over to his .

John (lilly. ¯ him: money, and women who had"When the old gentleman finished news. His frielhand.warmly and. him. They knew that he was old Andcounting his notes, he took ¯ small his good luck, they hadnotthoughtmemoimldum book from "I hope uncle wilt give: me this whitefsne’shookedmade ̄ note of something, John, "for I must go had not etopped to think

attend to that," ger and bittoI poverl~iin ite place, anda few minutes later ;he milkman, rllsco yourman’~heart was like a flint. Hedidcrammed the pocketbook .ip his poexe~ and explaiu matters¯

and called in not seem thanldul for the .good given¯ "How ~ood you aro,"answered John. him, and sometimes he was harshto the

’~Wo’ll t~lke milk from y0u--that is, ~hildxen as they blocked his path: But,when.. I- m~-~--7~dr~-Parsoils’l~daugEter, when-men- and. women-and omldrsRwoman, and

seager:left. He the May. Oh I we’ll be good’cnstomers,.in- .walked softly in to look upon the dead,across;the street until he was lost to deed we will." .¯ they forgave him everything, forgotview, amid the crowded pavement, and The mi -lkn~n saw_~ Cily~ ~ everything, and said:then settled himself for another effort at and made matters sa easy " He was a poor old man,. and wecastle.building, when his eyes were aa¯ asked it sorrow that his life was not full of sun-tracted by something lying in the straw .shine." - .....beneath where the old gentleman had iJalm of "his hand; with il It was not stnmge that the face of the

to spend toe much money.been sitting. ’ "John’s heart almost leaped into his O1il how wildly John Cady;e tieurt, deed wore ¯ smile. When the huanmheart has been imbitterod agail~t the

mouth; he trembled from head to footthrobbed as he got into the street car world--when an old mali- has been

with agitation, and h0 felt a momentaryand begun his journey to. G ~ town. wronged by men, tpllowed by hungerfaintness, it was. the old genflemau’s Three o’clock found him standing nn and driven to despair, he cannot die

pocketbook. John Cady :give a-quick Pb.inea~ Parsons doorstep. Was May .with the burden nn his soul. Heaven’s

look at the conductor, He was gazing expecting him ! & servant opened-the gates, must -be0pened a littlo-to--l~t

in another direction, and, with a niuid door; John entered. The odor of a fine the’glorious light of panidias shine intosnatch the predous wallet was in John’s dinner pervaded the house¯ .Mr. Par- th0 dying and soften his

¯Ahundredthoughtep .a~ed

sons-Was wsiting dinner for him. What heartnntil : "Man have

What should he do with it ~ Should he Walking into th0 parlor, ~vhieh was

give it up to the conductor ] Should he beautifully fnrnished. John carelessly

call a policeman I Should he keep it and threw himself 0n a eherryeelored brocao

advertise it, or wait mifil it was adver-tel eofa, and begum’to bfiild castles.

tised, and thcuobtain thorswardl While Presently the servant returned.

-thesethoughtspassedthrongh hj’s mind "’Are_yon_the .boy from Last_’s,.the=bootmaker l" she-asked.

a sudden impulse ~eized him to get out, John waned to brain her on the spot,and he sprung from the ear.

"PerhapsIcan find thb old gentle- buthedidnt daredoit. " :

man,", he thought, and he forthwith "The what 1" John cried. The blood

d~hed Mona the street.. Pede~txial~ flew to his face--be was getting, angry.looked at him as he fl0w on -his way," He who had found e fortune and return-

and no doubt-thought he was crazy or ed it to the owner, been invited to hisin a-hurry. Fax and wide his eyes wan- house evidently to dine, and ultimatelydered to discover the owner of the to receive his daughter in marriage, waspocketbook, but the old man was no- mistak~-ffb~-~ervant for a shcomaker’swhere in sight¯ After a half:hour’s apprentice t Oh I this was:too much forfruitless search he" happened to cast.his human endurance. Gathering himselfeyes across the street, and perceived Up to his full height, and extending histhe old gentlemau standing on the pave- long, lank arm, he replied, with wither-

meat i~xamining his pockets, .while hising acceTlt : "Woinan, g~o and tell your

face e~hibited much dismay. He hail master that’ it "s the gentleman who,discovered hisJoss... =~ . . yesterday, fonnd his pocketbook’;’’¯ ,

. ,,I found lt---I found itl eiqed Jo.hn. The~ he threw himself bac~Oh t~e-

as he dashed ul~ to the old man-and ex- cherry colorad brocatel sofa, and gazed.tended his treasure, after the retreating servant with ¯ so-

For amoment neithe.r spoke, lawns vere but - triumphant " expression of

astrangepieture, the old man hd~’mg countenance. By degrees the indigus-his recovered pocketbook, ann eden tion of John Cady became appeased;Cady~ all eagerl~css. and out o! breath, and when he heard a light footfaU on the

from the haste in which he had:been Stair and the rustle of silk~ he was surerllnning. The old fellow at length that May was coming to take him up toopened his arms, and ̄ John fell plump her father.

trite them. The embrace was short, Gliding into tbe room came a younghowever, for the old gentlem~n immedi- woman with hair as red as his own. Herately b~gan to cOUnt his notes. When face.was thin aud pinched, and she had

he had satisfied himself they were all evidently had the erysipelas in hercorrect, he spoke : . nose¯ Her voice wassharp andweak, and

"Worthy man l" he exclaimed, she was cross-eyed even if she was robedin silk.

grasped a handful of notes¯ Then he

~aused, as if a new idea had struckam. "No,"he ej

dollars. I can never repay you. Suchconduct as youra is hot to be measuredby money. 1 ithail never forget you.]~ere,"¯nd he presented his card, "comeand nee me to-morrow at three o’clock.

three, remember--I’m

fellow turned away to hide the emotion .......... A eorrsspondent of the Leaden 7~le-which wrm choking his utterance ....... meat. Uel)rived mm o~. ~ne crash gives an interesting ’account of a

speech xiio young laity -- -John (]lady gazed at tile oird¯ It was ’X" ....... Waterloo heroine who r~Jently died.inscribed PhineasParsous, N---- street, ~omc,unng in his nana ann pl Mrs Wilhelmina Giles wan a native of(J town¯

¯ loll cue room. ~ ’ . ......It wa~t quite clear to John" Cady that . He ln~t Ilia hand to his forehea{, like ~:l:~tz~l:,i:~.~le c~; wl::s ’llT:si:~v:iiltiyTl~

Olle awaKonnlg Ires a slrange dream n ~ rhis fortnno was made. Ilere was an old ,.~, -. ...... ’ ,~ ireach ills assailanl~ Innasiled eve y-oeulienlali ovidentl,, of -rear wealth ix) 11#~. novt,4-KlleW now lie ionnti nlllttlOll . . :’ . # .. , ¯ -- -~, - ¯- . ., r~ ’ - , . . ¯ i_ ¯ t e i ¯ .iO thlnff In her iallter fl llousei mill /lyonOIIt el tloOrtl nll~ Ill tl no gel, ou ~ilwiles he hag restored a large auiount el . , ’ ..... ~lt.ac,~,l,d a mlmrecliaum DiDO out Of hismonqy. Tho old man wan grateful, p{tv,~nentnoexaml{ma, me, reward.given n~>~h’,declaring that it ~vaq too good

S | ulln lly l~lt I-arson S llallgnter 1c was i, "there wa-q no mistakt It lout that, for was .... ~" .... ¯ ¯. ¯ for a i)l~ of a Prussian lIer lliirontal’e not eli the -Ioiut of "ivin- him a lllty eell~l In irac~lOUat currency. Alas I . . " ..... ’ ¯ .1 ’ .t 8 iS ’ ’ ¯ t tlietl soon citer tu(1 s|t’gel anll tile girlithl~ I for the VllqOliSOf youth, i his I forhaodfnl (if noix:stly way of rewiu’d~) l[tt ¯ . ......... ~nt to live with her aulit. I rivals¯ e l~tlea built In itlr’ ailll.i I i ir IAiO twel¥O ....... ,WaS g,llOg ix) do-better, no doubt, lie ..... , ,., /lth,. of ~OlOlUli Macdonald e ltocket

¯ e hi " his card and ii to, " ilOlnirs lilieot In n,Iw ClOLnOM. " ...... ’hallglv a m lvi I liiin ¯ Tree i was billeted eli them, snd h,ll in,, JI,lili O I ly was buthuma I liumiha | ’to his hou/~, Come illid elte niil to- ’ ~ : ¯., " lee0 with lmr. kttill ite,u)nil)ituh~d lior(s , , flail alld auger took p ~sls~lon o[ alia,morrow’ til’, o w irds ralie iu Joli’n S " ~ - , , liiltl]ilinll to Ell laud liiitl wllen th. wltr

ears, au~l ho’couhi thh,k of ~lthiag sis,, ~;I ’d i,i. f~co be<"~.7’" al~e,l ,;,t i,i, ,t?ir. ii~o~{; out w,,ngwith" ili,n to ihdgi,,,a., ll,s aZOl U On llll calla tlltl ,sit1 ii liHe dida t go alld Sl~ lii~l ~Ulit tlit~t day’. g P ’ ¯ , At Waterloo she was llolttlld with tile

I,n ,,o,,liln t Tris heart WaS ice ¢.tll .".¢ small stone Arennd this lilt)De lie .’’" "" . .t " "% ..... ’PC.t, ~ *** * ~. -- ~ ill** ~,i * , I)ll gage I1,~ tll(I rear o[ Lee nriu~y. A -o o o o wra i d tha fifty ~nLunte, and tittd it guuuttornbMj y4 ru-o mm nplaco-visit .f 13o ,- . . ’ ,, ,-. .- - -W~aNI-tll~-eloso-of-the-day she-went for-

~- - -elativl, lie turned back *,"’li., with a ineee el stri,~ wnme ue nalllleU- - .........c,ty, ,,ud w,,,,t tea ol.,,,p,r,,,ta,,ra,,t t,, ’"’ t,: :,,,h,.

this dinnl,r He liadli t I el , gOOIl lUln i1~ Life Illlllt r wmtlowtt, aatt singo " . nu lli I lit- " gnnnor, fiee|llg her, udvi:led her to lit-next molnllnt thllre eluue a co|aid Of t o earria o andtits, iiowevt~r, aud be eoou was at t,l. .......... taeh the animal to h .~, .orasulu Ills Its denn uatly LtOnU lull el ecsatht hnlhling ngahl, No, it wssn b g.,g¯, ’ . ¯ , mount un bv timside ef |lira. "JAilS l

"olu4tht bniidiug this timit I it wire elllml,

Page 3: luE Hous’oF nus nE * rOIN rS oF ID vANTA GE¯;...e~,eeptiun of tho lining i~, made of But Wl~ew the joints a~e very ~bort 0ut them. in I~/0vcmber. for the reason that therearecon,







4 .

.. I




nent, and the permanency of the otherszhould be secured, especially the blain:Bulldifig, and it is generally hoped thatthe efforts uow beitig putauc~e.ful.

Col. John W. Fornoy, under the head

lk Little, B~t ]~ Seato,

tax ~tioa which, there a~ here anti every- p.i.L Tnt,m alld A. G. Clark ve~ fine thlg~r Bi~te’

where else, largely exceeds both SUite " h, Montr~rt. L~st Onluns.

-national tax-together~-Gov.~Iayes.- D, L, Potter, Thce. rioters, L, lhtll, ILI. leelrr|a~Jacob Muhl. P 8. Triton, p. II, Brown end M, D.

perei~tently pressed this ~ubJect ~+~i,t~y. mwle a remarkably fine show ef Sweel

upon thc Legi.lature, nn,1 has thus suc- l.,,tato..c#2ede,l in e11’ecting a reduction ofthu to-

~’. ii~,w~, lhrst Turnli~,Best dl~plny nf ilard~,n V,’Ketibl~l.

l~fess, in speaking of Geo. W. Bancroft, ofntore than $t7,000,000. Through his dl.pl.y of White l’otatoe~, -

the statesman and hlstoriau, who has lnlluenee the rule has beeu estahliehedx, l’irkhnut exhlb!ti~l n~lUld~of Nesada Ry,,.

The v, hole exhibit In thll OIsaS WSa remarkably finemade Washington his winter llome~ ends that loc:dauthori-tic" ,hall not make any and ~m.letful c,,nsl,I,,ring no ettenth,u w,. Imht In

truly iJeantiful reference to thifi nan, hlrgu expenditure without the sanction gn)wi¯K their arth’les f,,r shuw. but w.s gathered

¯ whom our government has, on several of thu popular votel and lie Illt~ fnrtherhMtily and without much If eny t.hanre fur good

oceasl0ns, delighted to honor, In the fol- ~ecu~ti the passage of a law wlllc|l pro-s,l.ttlo¯,, tt~t~.~tfully Y,,urs,

--- A, ~’h,14 ees+t,

]owiug elegaut ttud eloqueut language : ventfi nttmicLpaLLtle~ from incurring tl~bts wn.I" U,tt~.aa.lUV,,+.l’aes,,I,eev,On Ids sevenl;y.fiixth birthday he has

g.ot~d reason tobe proud of fine healtll~ acomfortable eolupeteneyt and th0 su-pr~lne m~tasfactinn titat crowns a lilY’sworkwell done, And torouud thelogicvfhifi great llfe, lie is to-day an earnefita~d a radical ltepublican. I can con-

beyond ’the amount actnally In their.reasllries.~Alban9 J~’venin9 JottrnaL

An Interesting Doou.aont.

A very interesting circular Is helngdistributed anitmg the Inlth(ui ill thuSouth whui’ein [t iS fihown that Jf .DClU-o~ive nothing more enviable than a pub-

lie man closing hl;t career in ’the capital curate "in tllos-~ States In which ulnveryof lit, country, cgpeclally~lnee thateap-ital has keen sadie wort~ly of its fouuder exlet~d nt the contmcnccnlt’nt of the

clvil war" are trne to tltutn~dves, Til-and has Imen fiolidly sealed to its choficn~-~~ff~..-f-tl~t-.6Ci~ty -de’u it~it)Tbe~’.(ec~ d-~{ti Itl s--p~ullii~r r~=tad near a national library destined to form intr<~lueed hi illttiOllltl nllitir~ ;be one of the flne,t lo the world. Suchaman ~ George ]laneroR may, in thu "every l~uthern ~tate must be COl’fled

~iftertlOOtl of Ills fife/look out IIFIn thu at all llaz~trds t" "Tim ntlnlhllstrttiontdowing horizon of hlfi evunlng, hi tht hits oct enough troops to t~xt:cnto itsi[rltt itt¢.~urance that the .tars tliat willhhlnu over Ills nlght, will forever .hlg thrdats~tt’ arc alaong ’the chtht:e m:ntl-fiwcetly m honor of* hl. Imperishable nlents of thls deleetabh~ l)rothlethm’.

There Is no nttonipt hi tii.gulst~ what Isfll.nlP,

’ ...... urelmst;tl. Democratfi ill thu l~)uth.are, It may he well to remulnner utat mr. ~tdv~md to uno forco If liecu,mtry. " IL

llanerofl bdougud to the ])elnocrntie Ifi nt,+l~’mmtry for tim Soilth to Ol’gltliiZer, rt till fmad and corruption therdn~ and kuep tho carput.baggers I’r, lln ’hi..i . .Y,

di all Its beet IliOn, from thnhlating~ the negrPmn tilt ult~etl~tll day."dtovo!ttmas, lt d . . " - _o If the ~utlt "orgalllz~.,"lt, thl~,:lrt:u.-it, and wlto lloeatne eomponeut |fitru¢. ,°l lar Lellh it tot there’ will nut +be "t,nong, ltth<l great llelluhllcl~a partyl auti wuo troolis for the ~dnihiistrltthili ttl carry

l~ lind enSuItn tt Ililr elttt:an till earnefi~\l~ep~blicanfi, out lie threata " ¯ ": " ’"

’ It - ’ ’ ~ V, tin. SUC a tlocnul I~ tt t, till. In ll~t................... ~ ...... If h ,.L:Z~T~NNt4I+ Jr’gAit. ll~70.--Thc whole, filltl}elent tt) open the eyed of tiros:, con=

’\ w~rld !~ lnvlted’to’nuh:lw, ee truukl~, hag., [ i~rvatlvlis whtt revlln the letlggt..t*tlon el, ~i"l’l~,~;hawl, eho’uld~rand trutlketntPltl ftathl or force hi tile South, they, Inllst

trOD the Urlental Trunk FifteEn,, ~l~ ] be bllng indeed. ’rhtl ~outll !!,tks Ibr-Market atret’tl gouth sltlo, her. rAglitn | ward tort lkouloeratle triulnldi tllln yt.ar,tmti Ninth strcetg, Pldlade|iihhi, WhOte-| as thu Walldun~rs thl fur tire llrtllnllceti

tm~t, a.d rll+dl, +Fimt dt~g ~t~.~ ,it iu~ I land.-- Com. Adtzriie~r.l~rl¢c~t and ~,lmiriut promptly litine, "t



subseribers~keep con.tantly: ~i

on hand a general as- "+

sortment of goodsin their line ..~

comprising nearly everything .’!iusually called for in Ik ii

country Hardware oi !iFurniture-Store ........... +’7,

Wo ~ipropose ,’

hereafter to :’i’

sell our gOOdS lit :!li

the lowe.t Cit.h Prices, i:and to enable us to do ~o, ’+

we must ,ell for ready pay.. i;

Tlmnkful for lllt, t favors,we ~olicit a cotitinu- , !

anco of the Sltlll(! iliberal patron- /

age thatwe hay0 had in tim p~.t,

M,’D, & 3, \V, DePuy..Di.tr

nn, ,1, II11,

Game Pioteetlve 8oclety~ laboring, ben been trnrelleg|if lho ilol’thwesl~ ISeuilnl 01~uea for tUatlPmtlon In’South Imd Wmt JermtY. Theee Which havn nlready

hive been heard"frnul as "do*

log wi~ll/ ~fr.A.H. Rlchardlla maklng¯u effortto¯. ss have Suother lot of black I’~S plneed in our lake.

4[ iI R~nole which wereplffued In Wmi~ Mlii River, are8rowlng sod mnltlplyl¯s mpldly.

t =9_Notloes la Lcetll Column, tO OENTS FER. i~lit ialm-room, Mr. A.O. Olark keeps ,s fresh snd

LINE, ea0h 16ser lion. ©holce MmrUnent of good~, wh|eh nre being sold at lo~tcosh prtem.

t~F’-Neaxly~¯hundred aud.itf~y ticketsLOCAL+ MI8CELLANY.


+ GHJ.RLE8 W. MTLZS, Prop’r.

"i~" l~v, Mr. Balinu win preach in__~nlouHtn, to*morrow, aL2 o’clock P. H, ̄ i.

I~" Rev. Mr. Wetherbee, ef Haine,’will pre~h.ln the M. ~ Churcht to.m0rrow. Servicescommence at 10.30"A. M.

--- -~- - ~ The Democt~tl of the Countyholdthet~conventlen,_~’~k~P-~

I~r A new and ehoice lot o~ Confec-tionery, Jolt landing from tile Great ]geatero, et


The :report df the County S. S.I~nventlol~re, me t~ late for this week:

i Teas and Coffees at+ P. S.~rtlton’a. .

The M. ~ Church people havebeen palnUng nil I otherwlee Imprnvlng theft church.. , ? .

Groosries,.Flour, Feed, &,c., at;-A.~"IaTR ’ii=

Hill and Frilled were sentenced byJudp Reed to be hung oh the 2"/th of thil month.With thole men out of the wey, ¯nd Dayton lu pilleD,tha gang of outllws who have eo long Infe~ted ourawampe,’are broken up,

I~" Bargains can be had tn. Clothing,at P. S. Tilton’~.

IM" Sheriff ~d~ms took Dayton andthred other i:ouvlcill:to Trspten,-0n SaturdIT IMLDayhm for.20 yeire, the others for 2 years. . .

IIt~" Choice Tell~ and bow prices, atHate’S Tea Storm.¯

I~" The County Repubhcan Conven-tion will be hrld thll P. ~ll. at Egg IIIxb~r City. Wehave only ¯n Anlemblynmn and Coro¯ers to nomlnete.

tust received, ~ choice lot Of iiiceeating AI,ple~ Delaware and Concord GrnIK.~, Che~t*uuli, Almond& Coeoanut~, Orallgt~ lion¯nan, Lemons,lt~, Baishl~, Dates, &¢., &e. nt i’¯cker~l.

Our former townsman, Capt. ft. C.nr~nnt and wife, returned to He’mmonbon for a.short¯ i’lllt, after nn abeenee of six }¯ears, lle exprealed greatsurprbe at the Im_lrewmente mwle sleee he lefi, and

" - w~ delighted at whir he caw. . . .

" " ~ I~"-F~nc RUssiaI~ther Pocket Books,~Adlelf i Work ~llk~a and Boxes. fine. French Note

Paper, and n geneeal al~lrtment of Stationery at n, M.Trowbridgv’s, In the CoMt Chick, 2t

~ Those who use those wh¯lesomeaHtelea of food. Arena, or cracked deUl, thtt Meal,er~:ketl Wheat, Ilomluy, &c, wlll find them freeh, aud

¯ fthe b,ll qunllty nt P. 6. TIttu¯~e,

I~" LosLA I,rtllllll~lrY note for forty-five dollars, dated .liUg

|5111, IST01 81Veil by J. I1. Nortli to F. P. Cah+. +%11.llerlOllt are ea¯ltolte.l uut to ~urchase or neguthite saidnote, a~ I~yulelit hns beeu stoplH~ ....

F, P. CtLz,

--Excursion--were sold nt our Station on Thursdsy,

ca. make as good a record. The sale ef": tlcka~ ~ been largo tilrOUgh file whole ~e~n. 0ut"

people look upon the exhlbiUou asan excellent echoolaud they want and h_fivo hst~ 1he Wivantage of It. Ithim also broughthundreds of eteangere to llamme¯ton,who come, see, Dad are cooqnered, convinced that wshave nu tmummlly |titenigent people, au exeenent eli.mate, and a sell capable of geawtng &nythlng that will

groW In this Idfltude. ~ ’- . - .

For Hotmekeeping Goodg of everydescHpti0¯ In the line of the tr~de~ De Pay’s Is the

pllca to go."

~td slxyean exlm enHe’n~-ui74er "he Czunsv-~m~ot -b;b[tig "~tlsfied with~ the result,"wd

propoee to adopt the exult Svsta~, on ’and after No*vember 1st, 1876, when we will eel1 only for CMh or ItSequivalent.

To these who are owing ~ we would uty that n red-.noble time will be given them to lm~ their btlh, andIf they are not paid at’ the ex plratlon of wsahall be uompelh, d to pla~e thelr accounta lu a collee-

-tor’s handn.for’o~lleetlom--Our-exporienco to.thee nltllat the Csah Sptam Is the only trne way of doing bus.Incus, and we propole to glva our patrons the advan-tage of what we now Ioee by the er~llt aystem.

Thankful for ~ lltcouage, we ~olieit n contl¯uanes

oflhe ease lu the future, guaranteeing prices as low~ti~e~wed K

~eepect fully, &e,,8t M.L. JACKSON.

. ~ Lxc~ssz on No L~z~s~l

our cltizenl. Mr. Mills, of thn l[ammontoti Houee,applied to the Cotincil for a Ilcenee to keep alcoholicdrink~. WO nnderstand the mutter was reforrc~l to thevoters {if the town, at the next Town Meeting. It isonr opinion that It woe the duty of the Councn to have

-mid.yes or no, anti-that the+nledoriry of our voters wlll-~y rid, dec|dt~lly.- We have" mid, I~rivntely, thatwoldd not nbJect In hl~ hav lnt the llrlillege Of kcepln1tnd iUplllilng hll translont patrons, but to his keeping

on open bar~ we are opposed; ind have said so repe¯t-edly. nut we did not feel dlepoled to apeakpaper until It was made a puhlie matter. The question

.hsa beeu well canvamed, end we find ¯ decided oppoel"tlun, as there hal alway| been, to grentiug a liceas~.--But ~ we todd at first, we believe It the duty of theCouncn to take the reapon.lhllLty and say+ l[cecee or nolicense. That la what theyire pot In the Council for~te dlclda such qneetioos. We have It good oplnhui of-H,. ~illl~, and bdleve If grouted n lh’enee to keep andmlpply tilde stepphlg at his own hnnle, he wouldstrlclly adhere tu tile eontulct, nut. this he could dowithout ¯ license. And welro forced to confess that,a license to eetl v~ky, Would nut be a~y Wot~e thtnt}le illl~ea where It can I~and’ta obtained, erery"day

’elamtesthiely, and baring It thrown In y~ur face every

hour Ill the d~y, by thole WhOIt, aud all they want.. Yet we dr’f3Itun’worse thall wed().

Orphans’ Court Busiuess.Tbe following Eseeutws’, Administrators

sod Ouaidianl’ aocounta were examined addallowed by the Court :-- "

Wm. Moore, Elecutor of Robert.Love, de-oexeed.

Enoch Cordery, Admlnlelralor of J, l|. Vail

+ Snun~ deo’d.J. Ii. Noirn.

D~ted/Sept. 26, 187t%

_Aohborn,_the pain~r: 0f Elwood.Iq dolog some ~l,h, ndhl work¯ Ornltnlelllal I house andmlgu I,ntntlng dent I¯ the umitl~t num~¯ ud lrltnspltreln’lea, pll~liled with edm[eabll, aeCllracy~neatueli alnl deqlat¢li¯ Addrem J. W, Ashl,orn, El.w~.l, New Jerwy.

I ~j~ Per everythiug-ln the ghape afllardware, uiually kept In ¯ country~:,’torl, go h, lieI’al.’t.

I. it not time for’the ItopubllcaltaOf Ilal¯nlonto¯ t,i furln a IItyea l.Whv~,lor

I (lay attd happI is tho man whohas ll|,’llly lif I,uminl~s, nnd knowl h,ixl tli Ill+ill t Ill II,/% ah~,tt li~tlurn In Ilut itoea uf .tl. tt i’iilik ~lll elltlll~hill on. Ilml lie is the mall.

I~" Clill at l[art’s Tea Store, attd seethe Imtent I,ro¢¢~ or|wes.rYhlg freit,. It looks tmott~arid tet~tn~ tht, Ilaturll eolor~

One of the bo~t little paporg--liilUdlunl In p*lT~l~l--III |hl~ i~:~lol)lI ( htiIFC~i alld".~t~ll~, liI~ a gm,d, IOUlill Juunial f, lr rhlhlren hlrgP i,r i+llllll|alnl lluli Oil,! ,I,,llar a l,’.r. I’ull Ished iy II. Ih Ctlw.pi,r i I1~1 NuiIh i~hllh iilll,¢lo

For CutleryI go t~l M, D, & J: M.lil+l,ny~l--tli~ old lllllld. Eii, l’Ibt~ly kliottll Ihu llhire.

1Tho liluiling of iilU lintl l,’nllen

lllll i., thinl+ i~lh’ell.ly at Mlyls imnilhig. .41 ltllll tllhtllli,~ i+lltes will IH, errrled lUl Iha illlrlh ihte nf llis4 ~iill I Illlli#~, III ~all Ibrnllllii iiui, alll% high eiu~ugii lupw~e!!l+ !hl~ lllt~!l~fl~/l!t t llnllseiig+tkn acluio, tiiHy Ihe-’idlhl+ili, and Ilillm~ lieFl,lliir~f Io Ihil llllk t111 hu lid.nilih’,l.

Reubeu Adams, E~ecutor of ~aik Adams,deo’d. ’"-. Davld.S,-Adems,-~Admlnistrntor=of-- NoabAdome, deceued.

ski, dec’d.Israel Smith, Admlnlltrator of Isaa0 Smitk~

dce’d.Aunlo l~vins~AdmLnlatratrii of James Erlns,

dee’d.llosea F. Mnddon, Executor of Samuel KID-

ble+ dec’d.

Exeoutors of Wm. II. Co~o’ver.g. J. Wnolloy, Executor of ~ueau C. Ellis,

dec’d.Ilerr[et J. Bsbevek, Iluardlaa nf Joseph It.

Babcock nnd llarry S. Bnboo0k, minors.llavll Garwuod, ttuardlau of Lawis (turwuod,

u luu,tlo.Lattera oSlluardlanlhlp granted to--

Aallie [~vint., lluardlsn of JMines, Margnrel,

Sltuuel, l~lunie and Ella 1,:vine, mluore.

Order t,, ,ell land Krented ,e-

L. Colinverl J. llabuuek, und Fred. C. llole%

C<,mmilsionero ol the edal¯ of Noah Adams,

dso’d.Thn fnl|oWlll I lalea ¯f Isnd wereonnt}claeil--

h,i’, Moildoii, Adnlhllilriicl nf Fredorlek

b, llelhtlnul deo’d, ’+

l}!lvll (tarwood, Itultrlllan of I.Iw|s I]srwuod,--P,|ary-Oulltgani {tuarntn+l-uf MaTy," Wllllliln.suJ Elli Culllg~n, u+lncra,

Itnle hi shnw osuiograolell ,io A, ~2, Wether.

Thui.*hly II~l+l. Thu I.,.Ida +if the t~,lllnl} , ~liollld duJill Ihi’y i.lln lii i+Ulqlorl lillil liel.ll ull Ihl~ i*lil,,rllll~i+,-’l’hl~ I. Ih,, .iu,llliil IGiIr ill Ihl, (+Oulil$ hgi’|l’lillural ~i.slli’lillliill. Ih~id llio llllll, rll~Plii~iil,

, fir (:Oll~ht Ihiilritt~litU~Sl ~glhlllii, or¯ su# h i Ihllhln i*[ Ih~l Thl,tl lit IIr, liivh I~1 Till,,,., n iii l,i

I, i,v ,I lly IlilslliK lit I Ii.,’14 t I’lll Pllllli’ 11 liSlflll¢,d lllillitliliill, fipi.liiinlii.llll it It, "~llllr Ilhlllil enilI’i,,lilhle~r. I lllil’ ll,nNlllli kl.elt II, I’llc,, 7,’i i’l.llll.

2tihn I)liyt01i, who hul Imnn OOil.

llfii+,l lu J.II llir ll4illie liuli+ |-t au llUelli.P PllmnilllP41tlilil~ )ell+i lill,i llllli lip| it III,eit) un i’rld~y lul.Ihll ll~hllil li~lnll~ Iol lilil ill Ihil rullll iioli~t, yal~l im-[lil’ll li. lee ll.-itrfvllell, lllid aKein shat uI, ttlr hlllrliillellenilili+d I*l hi,ink Jtll I,# illligllill a llilli, hi Ilil+ Illllll| i,’,’ll I. gel llil,i Ih~ c~ll llllh Ilill llid FnlleliI

lillh ihl, Ililtllll,i+ll,I ~l,lllil~ Ihi*ni hi ei¢’tlllt, Ilu t+,mhlhilly lii~ t i,l*l,.*l bid lul lllll+,l# ,lilt UlVl.i,

Established in 1810.

dr. tuw.¯ Jones,8~ North Fro~t St.e Phii~.

Dye Silks, Woolleng and- Fan0y Goods ofevery desel~iption. Their superioritt" of dye-ing L~dies’ and Qentlemen’s garments ia widelyknown. Crape and Merino Shawls dyed themost brilliant sod plain oolore. Crape xnd Me-

G e n t I ejaeil~l~ .p~tei,__l) re dyed. " Kid 01~ves oleanled or dyed to lo¯klike new. Call aiid lo!!k nt our work beforegoing eleewbere.Branch Office cor, 9tb ̄ Vine Sis. 89-47.

; JOs. H. Shinn -.

Atlan£ic ~ity, N. ,1.

Risks taken l#lrOW/wltt the County.

F XI7.3~I !OIRARD of Pbila., As~etspver $1 ,COO.COOCONTINENTAL+ ~. Y. nearly I~geOOOt OOO

MUTUAL BENEFIT, nf Newark, N. J.Assets over Wal,OO0,OOO

Send forlist of rates before insuring elsewhere.

T -ees !+. Trees_! ! :;Trees ! I II have the largest varlety and beet assort-

aent of Shade and Ornamoutal Trece~ Ever°reena,’Hedge Pldnts, dhrubs, Plants, Bulbe,

&e., in Atlantio Co.- Also, Apple, Pear~ Pe~oband Cherry Trees of the beet varietiee. All of

I" offera~piices a, low ns any in themuntry. .

Call and examine mY stock."- ....... " W hi. F:BA~SETT, :Bellevue Ave, Nurseries, Hammonton, N:J.

WI aPLEWOOD INtITITUTEForboth SexeD, at EOnc~l~lvlll~, Delaware Co,, Pa., onPhlla.audlk~It. Centnd R.n. English Branchee. N&t-untl E~lencem and Mathematics recede special attention.

GeralD, French, Spanish, Sic., are mnstltetes r~<lueed--~t per week for

Turin colnnlenc~ nloth me,

nun. Wtlhlngton T0wnlend, We~t "C~n~ter, Pi:~’~ays:-~’*As to the progi’~ of my late ward, who w~l uuderyo¯r care aiad tuinou for eyrir two y~ro, 1 -,rs,~ w0UImttsfied with the ~ool, IUI nrrangvulonta nntl -dls~l"l,llne and tile progretm Ill knowledge he made whilstunder your b~struetlon.~ -

Send for CirCular to JOSEPH snOnTLIDGE, A,~..~

PATENTS.Per aous deslrhig to tltke out Patents, or de-

slrinl, information from the U. S. Potent 0diceshould eontmlt F, A. LEH]IANNv Soti©i-tor of Ameriean sod Foretgn Pateots, Weshing-tnn, D.C. ExemLnatious free. dO PATENTNO- PAY. Send for C~roelnr.


And Wholesale Dealers in Fruitand Produce¯

No. 24:~ Nnrth qVhmrves,PIIILADELPIIIA.

All those who eonslgn fruit or produce of anykind to thin houeo san rest aesuredattention and qulok returns.eau be obtulned

y.returns will be made, 22..’18

S00ond Annual Exhibition--- OF TIIE


Agricultural Associa’nWILL Og HELD AY

¯ A.I]I~I~CON’< IN’. J%--eM--

Wednesday & Thursday, Oct. I1 & 12

P,emhlml for Frnli, Seed, Vcgetablee, mid allprolluetlons of Ihs Farm and Dulry ; Agrl0ullu-rel Implemel~ts~ nod ef Ihr l’llllllu Depsrhnent.A .~]JPERIOR !1^I,P MILI.~ TItACK FOil


"l Hlln~monton, ~V,3, ---.Flrs~ Door above Rutherford’~ Photo. Gallery

¯ __Ta_E__D&Y .... _,+ ...........Pik~’drlw~ nod speclfleolions furnished wheudesired. " ....

...... JOB BI1MC~ __

.....On Wednesday. October llth,

I,I.ut thllno who have aii hlteroet hi beo, Admhl]slrninr of Esm Moulloo, deo’,l.

Tiiwn ilr |J+dllily F#lrl t rl,nirlnlwr Ilio t’+dr at ~llm~,¢l,li I .....................................l,

) Collniy Itnoe fnr ell horaceil A.M.~ lhnt novAr ilittsd hi a rune.

J No l’remlum2 1’. /d. / F,r all Onunty h+lrl0s that

have Do reoord. No Pretalum.

,:30 I’. M, J Por aS1 h,lr*es Ihai hlvn nnrnc.rd bntter lhao 31~0, NoPro Ul [ ula.refining, l,y It,,v. -- r------, Mr, Illli’l,lli ihliklll Jr.

llf Allaiitlo I,I y, iI ~lt .I E vlnt B lit. f Tn’kirtonN.J, ’ ’

IIOWKN--FENTIIN--At Ihn lit, E. |iillttlliStKl% t,yIllo lily. W. S. Zaiie bit. JO|il llowe i hi M Si i~iu iiI¢~ lu i, all uI +litlalllli+ t’iiy N, J.

I OAKI’Y--I’EKlli4+--At Ihe llaPItllutlt% I’l~sntsll ,,,y Ihll fil,v, J, W, Melllnsl h , Mr, i’h,liiial It~kl.y,Jr.I I*l Mi. Mary I,; I,+,l~l. I all ,ff Allauliv t,liy, N. J,

New Advertisements..

HORSES FOR sALE.-TIIItEI IIUNlinlli IltillMgs ANIi MAllioi,

Fillt SALE--II.InlI Phllllltls dlul’k plllcbased fur OIll-tanulat put i~llm.

Aplil# al i’hl~dunl aall W~ alll liliNi II+11, i’ll

iitl. aed ¢ IIg~TNIIT ltTkggTl, rk lld.tilkla.

Thursday, Oetobor 12th,

i }0OUlity, 1)OUhlO Tolllil,4, I I A, MNo I’remlum.

) l%r ull horliei |hit havo ao¯ 2 II, M. ~ re~er,l bitter than l:b0.

I’rnlniuln I~0.

0. i:.’10 p. M. 1 Free hlr ell. Preml.m IIO0,

J Four to eater, three Io Ilart.ADMII1SION, . - ]5 eeatl¯Chlldren under 10 years, free. CarrlqN 15e.

Entrlse tu eleee (lel, ~, nt li A, tll., llld lube sddrelssd Io Abel llabroek, Abele in# ~l J.

C. ~. R~I’I~ ~e’y.S*pt. Ill, IBIS.


Store open during the-.w¢ck from 7 A.tf. to 9 P.~ a Specialty. end prumptly otteude4 to. OrderSuudayt fred 8till 10 x,u. and 3 ttl ! 6 p.ll. -- I~ft’withTAt~dersnn Ilros, an’d E. Dnvwtn.

Pers0~s l~iebing preberipti0ns or medioioe in Shop on Central Avenue opposite hOtlSe-¢.f--the~ightl or at any other than business hoursMr. B. Oliver. " ........................will be nocomlhodated by riffling at his rest- " - "dencnon Bellevue Avenue. 17-tf

a¯DR. G+F. JAH-NCKE Th.undnr~ignedhlls ope~eda’BarberSl~0p t, ll

Havlng permanently, looat;d.in llai~a-~>a ton Bellevue Ave,effera his profeseional Eni’vt=es to ~itt who inkycall on him. Persona at n distance applying ~nd is prepared to Cut Hair, Shumpoo: "Shave

ptutrel~-- -& c.,--i Wt he-bost-m aim or:.tieD. Most 0arefui and partioulsr ¯ttcntion __A.(~lean_~Towe#_to_Every-Mantj.

-glven-to-all-dleealc~-0f wdlnb~-~nd ~bll rd~ff.- -0dice athis residene corner of Vine Street

and Central Avenue, opposite Union I[all.

{OPPic~¯ Hours rl o. 8 to ]0 A. M. )rao~4to 8P.b[.

EDW2MP, D Zq’ORT~. ~. D,,

HAMiONTO~, ~ o, " ,Reeldonee on Railroad Avenne~ nexi

to the Ha_m_~0_nt~mJ~uee._ ¯

}HARLES WtilTNEY, urveyor and 0i l Engin0er.

ELWOOD, N. J.Any eommunioation from ]]ammonton for

~erl’ices in the profeesion will receive immedi-"ere at t en H0-n i f]~fCa-i "t h~ 8~ o~-~{F~-i%-V~n de.veear. 37v13.1y

THECOLONNADE,PACIFIC AVE NU~_?.. =Between Railroad Depot and tbo Beach.

IN FULL V1EtV OF THE OCEAN.Atlantie ~lty, N. J.

J. HENRY HA’~’ES, Prop’r.


And Counsellor- at - L~w,Solicitor ~nd Master in Chancery,



Open. ovcry day. " On Sunday from 7 fo I0the morning.

+JOSEPH COAST.Haminonton,+May,’72. ’ 15 tf

- , +




P2x.I NTEt-t,PAPER HANGING, &e.+ ~ke.. "

Ha]nnion torl, 1%7". J.



Custom Work promptly untended to.

GERRY VALBNTIN, L:,Undertaker,

Earing sold ou.t’his wheelwright brsloc.~s hasover the Blaokemilh Shop~ and

Axn L~x~s. h coffins with Plates, Hand-" - Ins and Shrnuds, lai’ge a~d small, neatly trlm-

Collenting, Conveysu¢ing, the exnention of rood and furnish’ed i~ black walnut or olotbsPension-Pspersi and-all -legs i -fr ore- t h e~plulttes t~to~tbe~nost-vrname~lTtuese pr0mpt]y attended to. __ " " " ¯ "




; Provision Store.

The undersigned respectfully announce to theestizene of Hammonton ~nd vicinity thilt theyhave opened a store on’the oorner of/0entra]add Bellevue avenues, where thee will keepfor+ eele



.FISII, BEANS, ON[0NS,and garden truck generelly~_whioh will be soldat the lowest market price


0urwagon runs ta all purta of the town.


and GENT~I

Furnishing t0re.The undersigned re+peotfully announces to

his frlends~ed the public that he hns. routedthe store adjoining J. Coast’s ehepl and willkeep for eu|e a choice asaortment

AT IT AGAIN.H. T. Pr~ssey’s Carriage" Shop~

are again open for business,Wood-work, Blaeksmith~

ing and Paintingdone in the "best mauner and at-prices to.suit

X-I A.lt ]r.~ TI~VIE ~l.




DEEDS,. BONDS, MORTG/(~ES, (10N-TRAOTS, and alL writings relating to Rel


W00LLEY, @DEALER llft..

Fancy Goodset tbe lnweet cash prices.

The etook will compriseHOSIERY, OLOVES; SHIRTS,




add s large vsrlety of other Fancy Oood e.Tha bus[nes~ wl!l be ennuueled ou a purely

OASH ]Basis,and ss only n reasonlblo proAt will De chargedon the goude iohl, I eollelt cud she|l hope tur0o01.ve a Ilbernl.petfuu~gc.

II. ~,l. TROWBItII~C~E.llammucton~ N, J.

:i~.lL__._..._____._Sautha,lste|de nf.l~ellcvne_~il.

Watchess ilJleoks dl Jewelry,

Reign|ring of all ktnd0, In bls liD6, done wlltllneatne,s and dispatch. Batlsfeotion gives imdlpt cos as reasonable sa at soy other plnel.

¯ ~pec~ai attention 9ieeo te re~ulriay Jl’l’naWA ’l’Ol~,~. Aho, dealer In

rBOOKS & STATIOA:EI~:I"of all kinds.

TOYS, NOT[O ~, FARe. ~RTrChg.~,

il0~IRRYi GLOVES, &o,, at hi~

eLI) f~TA1ND,



OnUltantly 0aud. Ale+o

PRIME YOI-2K BUTTEI:LOur wason runs throush the town Wednesdays & Satudej%

¯ "r!



Page 4: luE Hous’oF nus nE * rOIN rS oF ID vANTA GE¯;...e~,eeptiun of tho lining i~, made of But Wl~ew the joints a~e very ~bort 0ut them. in I~/0vcmber. for the reason that therearecon,

FAH. ~ARDEI A.O HOUSEHOLD. h the-~-0ut-~m ~aasw’er well. cut ~: THE HELL G~TE BLAST. lies still mad ~lent---a me~ and sIthasTlte lmC01°r°Ll~en’8~ tt~-tlm. Imet~4mtsEYeS" "t : , ¯¯ - , and s~t~ng,:and place mis end ̄ . ..... ~. ",.../,i.~: i pro~ ~, .~he as..ooud g~L2 iS m~. at ¯ " ......̄ .... " : -

¯ "- - ¯ l~ome=tloRe~ll)e~ : !’,’ h~t~:tbe hole Of the borer, so t~aat &Tldnmvb.oSBdeeee_r.TbeObatrnettenato ton ~athhismmistanta are still busy ¯t .moo~ showstlmt’ tb~,~ true in.a g~e-at " .

: Kmtkrsa l/ares Am) ’ BAooz¢,~A good t abe will be nearly perpendicular to . " Nmvllatloa .Blow1= Am. ..... - the. bombproof. : There;;is. no undue ’measiire, and to show that .it may be put- -.:- ...Ws~ to keep baceu clean aud good after

t tee, F~stan it in this position, by : - ~ ...... ............ ~ -

it is smoked mad bof0re the flies andmeans of grafting wax, or ar~ything ira- ’ k victory for EMndrai John A.-Newton: haste;_ eVetTthing has bison Calculated down as aR- lmi0m., .flail the i~st shots -. ¯

other insects appear lathe spring, is, topervious to water, and :’fill it with Wry ,ater I;hma any he achieved in wax I A mad fforetimed;/ The crania are turned .have light o#es. The I~ishmea’havo two " ’

dip it in boiling molasses; let it ’drop, strong soap suds. No matter how iilee for commerce I a triumph. I)b0ve completing the hatte~.., The bombproof men,;Word und~ Dy_a% ,,w.hoee~ eyes see

and dust it well with black pepper, thencrooked the path of thebe~er, or whether for science i The se_ven years"toil door/is betted; the Htfle whim launch rather dark, but Ward s are hazel, a -- ..

- ~g itin’~a ti!T,cool Phce.~ =- : .- - it runsup or. down,-tha soapsucls will drill and t~e blast on Ha!lett’sl Steams strenuously, away to the firing .good .color" among, riflemen,.and:Dyas; -: ....reach the end of it, : . . .

Hell Gate culminated in"’a: pnint’a tiny hut al0ng thbshbre, ¯even ha~. dark gmy.~ The rdst of tile team, .which was sueceSsfu[ hundred feet fromthe mine. :The hearts have bhie0r gray’eye#, LIouL~’enton,:

. -~ To KtmP Mn~o.m.~z. AT.~Mincemcat,’ . Pl6klmtFratr~ .’¯’-’.prepared at euy time of the ,year, m~

and in the full aooom- of-the thousands are fluickening, and who made’atotal of 211 out of ~25, ’has~

- be kept perfectly s=eet for months, t In pie’king fruit the grower r~ust t of all the.results expected of silence reigns everywhere... " f’" h~sh’ blue:" that e~m s~o won-/ ": paskiag.it:inlston.ojarsand coveringfl know the p_~uliarities of each., andS.without a single disaster to. hu- Iu the .qttle hut a iwee, small

¯ surface with an inch of le! Z s-om-o ~u~-be ~ld~t-oii~b, llmb. Begun upon a care- Scot*h -team, if Boyd be-ex-to eat a few weeks after carried on with the on. a cepted, "and ibis are dark ~gray. I)r:a layer of hrd. , .others keep into’ early persistence of "set: thinks it is fine fun. Mitchell, of the team, gives if’as his ox-

or winterkindsshould long labor of demolishing~the ton, thogenerM’~ child. .... the’best shots haw’: "RE~ ~0h SAtm~oz.--To’ninc~pouudg of meat: take one and one:halpounds of salt, 0ne,half pound of blackpepper, one ounce

- - = tom of=~ ~p0, tad-of. ̄ .- ~ . those who desire a highl3

(do, take this : To fifty pounds of meatadd two and one-half ounces allspice,

’ . . twenty ounces salt, three ounces black¯ " - .L~"~dpper, two teaspoonfuls cayenne pep-

" ~J~ i~er, t~o a~d one-half omzcss saltpeter,:-- : - ’ : onoouuceSage. : ’- . "=: -

: - COLD CATsm,.~Half a peck of ripe’ ~ ’ tomatoes cut fine, two roots of horse’

¯ radish grated fne, one sm~ll teaenpful.

- seed, mixed; two tablespoonfuls blackpepper, two red popper.*, without seeds,

¯. three stalks celery cut flue, one cupful’ of nasturtiums, one te~spoonfa} ground

doves, two of .cinnamon, one teacupful¯ of sugar, onequart of cider vinegar.

-Ho~To~£L~su~me’toes, scald them suflisiently

¯ the skin’s to bc removed; then" " stand a day cove, ed with salt; Strain¯

them to remove the seeds, and to everytwoquarts add throe ouuces of cloves,

: two of black peter, two nutmegs, anda very little" eayem’no pepper and salt.

’ " ]Boil for half an hour, J~heu_:let it Co01and seLfish:add s pine Of cider vinegar;

¯ " bottle, cork tightly and keep iu a coolphce. : .....

¯ ’ ter sweet until it is remedy for¯ that is necessary is to -keep it cool mad¯

from contact wire the air: To do this¯ pli~ in a jar and make a brine of pure

salt and water strong enough to bear au:’; .... i.:_= egg; cover the but~er-completely.~ith

¯ " it, place over all a cloth, and keep in acool place. By this means ibutter canbe kept all winter, andin spring is near-ly equol to fresh butter; retaining theflavor perfectly; " -

¯ GRAZe’me Wax.--One part beeswax,- -.--~ two oi_tatlo~-and four of rosin. Melt

-~-~ all together, :stirring well; pour inkcold water, and. when cold,

~: work it with th~ hands. This wax

¯ - not crack with the cold nor run’ with the¯ - . . heal ¯ . . ¯ . ....

: ..... ~---- -- --~ - 1)Ink|nit-an Oreltara=- ---;

.!" Some.eight years ago.Mr. J. H: Boy~’ . ton, of Biddeford, ~e., ~ys the _Parm.~ er,.commenced to (dears p~eco of land: ’ ’ " consisting of twelve acre~--sorockyand

broken that~uothiug:would grow onit- . ¯ .... but har.cl-bsok~ and junipers.. After.

¯ de¯ring andburning off this. aspen fit-’ . able growth, he put it out to fruit trees,

¯ . " " wherever he could fin~nough.:. -’Mr..Boston defies the State to show a

¯ : better growth on trees of seven years¯ ¯ ’ old--some of them measuring nine

¯ " inches in diameter, and. !fairing well.i ..this year. Mr. Bestonsays he never

lost a tree.. He has.some four hundred:: . - fruit trees, consisting of apples, pears,

" cherries and plums, Where he Could} not set a tree he has grapevines in andi -~ around the rooks-~-their bcautifnl foli-i " and fruit carotin the great

I " land he has; ¯ and .where$

{ .: the improved varieties. At the foot of! ~ this romantic garden is a trout brook,

.’ which Mr. Boston intends to dam and" stock with epeeimena of the speckled

? ~t~h, affording some of the sportsment, with hook and line an opportunity toi enjoy the fun of hauling the little fel-

wiU make quite an addition toof this¯ romantic little i)isoo, besidesbeing a source of profit,

fleef ¯ la lll~dt~

Bocfa/a mode, hot and cold : Take, u piees of rump beef weighing about

’ twelve poundS, cut it in two, lard it withaslt pork screened with allspice andchopped p~ralsy; put it in a saucepanwith fear ounces of butt, r, fry it a ~icecolor, drain the gre~o off; ’add to it

:... one quart of water, a pin,of white wine," ’ - two-gl~ Of braudy’~wo quarts of

i beef broth and four cMv~)a’ feet, bonedand blsached; it little salt, a g~nishedbunch of parsley, eight largo carrots, sixcloves stuck in.an onion, and cook slow-

for four bourn." When done take¯ " off the beef; carrots, ealv0n’ feet and the

Fd_Ol~ o_uL_oL_ths :g_m_~,_~_:g~avy-through a fine strainer. Serve

t o~o piece of beef on a dish, garnish, . symmetrically with half the carrots,

’ " trimmed and out the size of a cork, half’ of the calves’ fm, tent in picot% come

glazed onions, ~ half o~ ~e gravy¯ poured over.

- To ~erve cold beef a la mode, takehalf er the preceding prel)aration andput it in a large salad bowl g~nl~dmdwith tim r,.i.~t of thl, vegetables, emcee’feet attd graVy. This.when cold andturn,~d ow,r in di-h, will make a goodanti sub~hntiM dh0~ for It ~d dl~er.

¯ ~rae na~.One remedy for thl~ ’hme~t la to m-

mov,i the earth Ior ¯~1~| two I001~II indepth ahout the trsea, m an to find thepath of tim I~ter. Probe the holes witha pleoo of wire or whalebone, and’crushthe maggot; wrav the low,,r lmrt’

"~ trunk iu tarredplace j~ho soil .[he worm t~nnot be 3sashed by thinmethod, and the uem of the chisel or

knife will entlaugt~r the lifo of the tree,the folluwiDg plan i~ given : Take atube ¯ foot in length, ¯ pL~oe of alder

be left on the trees until there is dan;.

more togMn by hanging. No wore

well as-~ss0rti~g the fruit afterA few poor apples will spoil thegood ones; the ’whole Will be judged bythe poorest. Winter fruit should bekept in a cool cellar;as cool as posMblewiflmut freezing. Pears need morecareful attention than appled.-~-Halfbarrels, lined with White 16sper, with the

h ~e~aeked in by hand, are t o’ nll kinds except, fine "

singly ,_in. soft :~ingle layer ; in Sl t

¯ Recipe rot Oherl~lom "

:Made" in seven .days; flint day washthe cueumhers in cold Water azid place

make a brine of one:quarter

water; scald, aud pour over; kee, p them,d6wn with a plato and cover tight; sec-ond aud third days seldd the ~me brine;fourth day drawoff th0 bdn~ and makea weak alum wa~er; scald and pour over;use alum size of a hick’ory slit; fifth day,draw off:alum water; stew small quanti-ties of garlic, m~ce, eiunamon, allspice,andblack p e3)pt’r mixed iia. one pintofVinegar, until" black, and pour ¯over thepickte~ jest b~fore yon pour on two gal-lons of sezldmg vintgar; sixth day scald

before you pour in th.- seahling vinegarfor the ’l~t timc, scatter, ov.ex the top ag0o~l ]mudful of sugar, ono-qnart~"pouud.0f white mustard seed, and twogreen peppers; _if kept, in a c.ool place:will keep years; use pure eider vinegar.

Early Cut Gra~s Beat.

The Gozman papers publish details ofa series of experiments carried on at thengrieul~q~ral schools ia that country fortrio purpos0 of testing the nutritiveproperties of grass and hay at variousstages..By an elaborate series of unaly:sea it is shews why young grass is morenutritive thau. ma~.t~re~gmss--’The pi~y-

experiments show that itThus

gh coat~insmore aibumenoii

which is six inches high, and tenof "crude fat.’, The maturegrass

¯ cen~ains more Woody fiber and less fleshforming matter than the .young grass,and. beside this, it is found that the nu-tritions albumeh6idsexist in less solubleform in hay than in young grass. Hencethe diffe-renco of nutritive vMue and di-gestibility. AutumuM hay was foundto be more nutritious than summer hay.

Best l~Iaterlal, lor ~t¯ble Fl’oors.

This was the subject of an Ohio farm-er’s paper before the farmers’ club. Hedoes not advocate any of the moderndevices, such as flags,, cobblestones,asphaltnm, sawdust, c0al ashes, sand,etc, Neither does he ,e of clayfloors, but stands up ask floor-ing, iueliuln! little rear; with

aid voidisgs. This flooring, ’

and mosteconomical; i~ i~ easiest cleaneff enddoes not give any chance for accidentsas do movable

Page 5: luE Hous’oF nus nE * rOIN rS oF ID vANTA GE¯;...e~,eeptiun of tho lining i~, made of But Wl~ew the joints a~e very ~bort 0ut them. in I~/0vcmber. for the reason that therearecon,





¯ CI-II!Ilt/IICAT. IaxiI %T?


EDWIN HAL L,M̄arket Street, Phila,

Tin and Sheet~Iron ~’are,of our own mak In great variety.

ot a/l sizes, aonsta t, on hana.

-- =TIN -ROOF-[NG ....

ii’obbin - iu ou-liue promptly attended to.


If an asses~l~’ut bad to be mode~f five pacent. nuty, tw",ou within t¼e ten ycl[rs foi; whichthe.policy is lssuad, tt wouhl yet-be cheaper toth~omb6ra than un~y other ineurance offered.Aud that large am.ouut of money is saved tu

-tha_m~ ut 1~ omo. ]So " asssss-mcnt harirg ercr bee~~ morethan thlrty ycara, that saviag wouldamount tomore th.n

!Pad" 7~Oii#0+ilt~ -Dollars

Where the plliport~ is not Set ori fire,. I’elnglesakJhan one cent per year toeach:mcmher,are paid without-extra charge, and extended.so.

to cover all policll~s +that are Issued und but-standing¯


PRINTING INKS.(Book and Newu Blaok a .Bi3ecialty.)

lliwoolt ......... ~..:... 1 2 I 9 ~$[0 091 ¯ ~-~mgg ttarbor ......

" ’ ) 0II0 0010 211Pomona ............... " 2 ~25 10 20[~t 401Absenon .... "... .... 3 il II0 24.1,~111 s .Atlantio,arrlve_,~+.. 3 3 ’I0. ~0 I 7 08 I


=rcem--x6mr--~’~ra~¯ LEAVIS. IA.i: A,i.,iOon

Atlanllc~Lo.o.; ..... .. [ ]611111i 3~ 00 "Ahsenon. .............. 6 9811 ’J(}b - -

.Egg H~rbor ............ " 6 52~ 1 00 4.45Elwood..;. ........ .. ..... " ’ ~(13/ 1 2G 4 56DaCosta ...... l!’131 ] 4~, 510IIammenton.. " 16 0017 191 2 051b 15Vino|aad Junctlen I0 0517 281 2 1015 34Wiuslow,., .... ¯ l0 hl~7 301 2 8010-89Ancora ........... . I0161735f ~45

Atco ............ ~ .......... 12 30]I1 11217 b21 600Ilerlb3 ................... i 12 4216 4017 1,91 $ 60] 6 I)gWhite H,rse....:.~.. 112 5816 5sl 8 121 4 2(,] 6 20Ashland. ................ " 1 04 7 04 8 .’0[ 4 21PI~ 9filleddonfield ............ I 1417 1518 301 14 6hi0 ~llKalghn’s Siding ....... ICoopcr’a Point ........ ! 4017 4018 b21 5 8516 ~4Viue St .......... ; ....... lfi~7 5010 0b! 56017 0~

Haddonfldd Ace,strands ,,..--Leaves-Vine St.Wharf9 O0 a m, 2 00, 5 00,+7 00.und ]] ~0 p Ifsand ]luddonfield 6 ~0~ 11 00 a re, and ~ 0~ 60boudl0 50 pm.¯ Traiue lea~e Egg-|[url~br C|ty at 10 12 a.m.

0 05 p.m. Leave Hay’e Landing 6 40 a.16~3 40p. m.

J, l!IO UTliERN 11.¯ lli. ""80UTHERN DIVISION:

+~olnlmemelng 3une 611K 1876. ..... o

Passeager train Icavcb ~’cw Jork at 9.45 a.m2;34 p¯m ; N. ]lammont<,v , 2.D2 W/oalow

2.58; Cedar Le~e 3.14; Landiuvllle3.27; Vipcland, ~.44t ar, ivil/g at Bayaideat4.45p; in. Returning leavcs Ee’i’aiae at "6.45 "

m.. Viu~lond 7.45 ; Lsndisvllle, 7.~8, Cedar~tion~.40~, -Ndtata~--~ ....

montun, 8.34; Atslon S.M, arrivlog in ~cwYork at 1.20 p. nL

Mixed train Ioav0s lgew York at ~;00 p. m.,Atsien" 7-53; lq. llammenton 8.15; Wln slowlunota6n 8.35 ; Cedar Lake 9.02 : Landlsviile

9.19; Vineland 9.50;. srrlvingat]loy l~ldo at1’0.40 a. m.. |tetorniilg leaves ]lay S tie at

¯ 2.30 "p. "hi." "3,~ih~liiffd 4.~. 0"fT.-fi/fdisvllle’ 4:~2̄ ;Cedar Lake b.08. Winal,w Ju~etlou ~,"4:N.llammonton 5.4~; Atelun 6.14 ; WhitlngsT.39;"~N’ew York 2.00 a. m.


MILLVILLEMutual Ma’rine and-Fire

Id roapeethi]ly ini+tle i, ltljfLyb![tlng thoclty to examine our stock, conalsllng n part of

:BLACK SILKS of tho best maizes which̄ wo guarantao, - For th-e:Thro-at-and-Lungs:COLORED SILKS of the newest and most desirable shades.¯ ANCY SILKS at vor~ lo~ prices.]3RESS GOODS, ombzaoing all the now fabrics.

SI~2J.~VLS, CLO.~I~:S, ,~mo.DItESS MAKING iu all its hri~ncl|ea, Lltd|ol huyiog the materl~l of ua can have It made up

¯ i~,(,.i fimhh+unhle monn,r at Ihe shortest notice.

IVonderlul Dltlt.oYery ofUnc ~) ge.

It will sland on lt,~ .wn Iniirlts. Thc llealirgllahu,[~ eonlpoLlniled lroul Nature. It can betltkon lly the y,lungosl to lliC ehloat wK’h par.foct I+afety. All wo ask of the i,ubllo iu te glvsit a Irlal~ linll we llelleVo the ory will llo Ihnlihe }loll Ihl,< oover hevu hlld of Ihe woedertulhoolhig llrupertlesthat h~lolig lo thellealiiitt

Tile lulxlnro is pilt up hi 5tl sent snd $1 IIII


The alure is uccerslblo from all polntu by 101reet Cars,




IVlil4’l’N t PilIIION ~ Orglllllq.

Wlih,l~’ ~iiw ~l,lllo lllolloll [lliVC pui, il[[srIngril.--N, Y . Tfihilllll.

’," Tile tullll ill Lhe IVstl, r~~ ll[illlii id tie’ , mellowlilill +l ,ll+iriilil. Thiiv pllillilffl ~rl,a[ ¥o’nllli I illsi’illlill’ lllll| Ih. i..lli]liOilllon fil + #i)ned llr slli~l,il~[illl.r iN t,lll4 e[ Ihulr uiiill lilill+ited i+o.lhlrl~l.--~. Y. ’l’ti|ll~.,

~ViilerN’ tJiilll,l~ll¢i ()rg,ill IH ill ¥|liPeil illl Illhiivl~ ii Inlii, ]ikii u fl|ll rl,’h ll]iil lllh,ii, IIo~]iul,hi[~¥ hllllillll In ll,+ IllliO I illll¥11l~ll] Jill SlYltl~l~t.r+~-t~.w-l’~.r k~,r, L/_l~ ._


A Groat Dlnoo.vory,0

Ily lllo uss of tl}|i,,h .very filniily t.ay glvsihsll l,hiou thol brllli,llll poll.h pieulllr I,~Ilul |lUl|dr) arlllk. P41ivillg lliilu llliil hillill" IllIronhllt, li|iife thiu Ila ~nlho eqll. %~’llfrilaleil.Aik Iol li.hhh|a’¯

D011111Nl:lI ll|t0 & CU. Ill iN. tlh el¯, l’hlla.



0aunty of Lan0ast0r, Pa.ThoBost and Choapoat Lifo lledt-

¯ anco in the World.

~vsryh,l, lv een milko I,rovi~iou |’ t’ille of death.bTitlcTl,¥ MIITtl.4L0 CilA ETi~ il.

Pi~ii.ulcr llA L.

llqulrl of It, & W. II. TiloMAS.J[ammentouI ~’i, J.

Rakldcnoe un

WH|TN£Y,md 0ivil Bngineer,

co’mmu~lleatiuu from ilammonton furthe professiori.wlll reecivu immedi-

, attontion if left at the etdre of.P: P. Vande.oar. 37v13~ly


Betweeu Ratlroad Depot Imd’tbe Be/leh.. +0Reu every day. On Sunday from 7 tO 10

V1EIV O’F THE OCEAN, tho morping.JDSRptt COAST¯

¯ Athtmtle Citys N~ 3°:. IIammonton, May,’72. 1.5 tf" ~J. HENRY HAYES, Prop’r. ::

’~,. D~R~T~7~T,, It’g-Z), SMITH,

D R U G G I S T, HOUSE & 81GH PAINTER,." Hammonton~ N, 3,

rfurd’a Phot& Oallery

,on driving thc week from 7 ~..l(. to 9 P.Ufrom 8 till 10"A.E. and 3 till 0.P.i.

night, or ony other thau buulsesl houraby callin.g a.t his reai.


J. li W, JOne,!b

G.F, JAHNCKE CARRIAGE &Ioeated in Hammon tou

profcssionaleervi~estoailwhumay -" PAINT.S-

him. Persons at a distance applying p&lPlgli II&NGING, &:e., illc.II treTl’tTfie~t will reoeive promlft attcn-

Mo’st earoful and particulaL~attcntlanai di~easer of womeu ahd %llildrlin.ai hie resideue oorner af Vilte l~troet

Central Aveuuo%opposlto Union llall.

Orrtcu HOURS r.oli 8 :u10 A. M. I. -raov4to 0P. bI,| .

OUl%ia li el%O,I~RODU~E

N, DoIawaro Ave, Market,(Foot of Vine Street)


a Stloehiliy; Falr’dcallng end prompt

Ha+ Vigor,

its natural Vitality and Color.A dressingwhich is ~t onceagrceablelhealthy, and ef-fectualfor pre.,erring t.hehldr. Fadld9ray hair i, ~ooa~r¢~tored to illorificial color;.dth ths 91osl

Thin hair iechecked, and baldnees often,

ing can rostoro t hair whero thefollicles arc destroyed, or the glanddatrolllttetl and decayed. But simh l/’remain call |)0 HiWtlti for nsefiihic&lby this ltllplication. ’ Instoadoffold2ing thtt htur With tl l/~sty sediment, i~will keo1) it clcau and vlgorotm. Its’oceasioiml use will prevont tim hairfrotti turning gray or falling o~ grid.cotiStrlllently prevent bahhtt, as. l,’mfi’lilili + thoso ilch~tm’imls ~ii|lStglit,~’

which Ilttlko ~+OltiO prellal~tloli,+ <lmi.~oroiill I tlllti injlirioult to lliti h’tir, tho

Yi~tlr can oilly benl+iil, but not |l:lrrait. If w:lnted triorcly for a

HATR DRESSING,imtliin I elsv can b~ foand so detih,-

s ....atlk,, {lllitlllliili~ lii~Itllt+r ~Jl nor ~

dyt’t it ’,l]OVa IIt)~ I~ )i! ,~sdiito.cml!briclanti )’tlt lit~ hln!~ oil tho haLrl givl nl~it a rich, glossy’lustro aiit| tl griitefl~perfunlc,

Pr0pared by Dr. J, C. Ayer & Co,tl’rli¢llcal llail Analltil’al t~hlalilelJ~