LPE 4th Quarter

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Live Performance EvaluationThe concert I attended was a live acoustic performance by two members of the Arizona Songwriters Association. It took place in the Glendale Foothills Library. The concert featured Lon Austin and Andy Hurlbut. The concert featured vocals, guitars, and a mini-acoustic guitar. The concert featured the life and adventures of Lon and Andy in their country life. These songs varied greatly in their styles, and length. Both men introduced themselves with a short anecdote and then began. While the concert started off in an extremely slow manner, these men had great liveliness, expression, and originality. The songs that the performers played were of a folk nature- they heard it from someone or made it up a long time ago. The men did not seem to have rehearsed any of the songs, yet they did not make any mistakes. Most of the dynamics were around mezzo forte. The tempo was always the same from the beginning got end of each song. The guitar, was very heard well due to the mezzo forte. There was no form because each song was unique to one another. However, the songs had a mood depending on the story told in front of it. Some of the songs featured the smaller acoustic guitar which was used in sadder moments because of its higher pitch. In my opinion, the performance was very nice in many aspects. First, the performers put a lot of emotion into their performance. Also, since the songs were original, Lon and Andy could almost interpret the songs better. But most impressive was the fact that the performance did not bore me- I don't like country music in general. The performers frequently spoke to the audience and in one song even relied on a little kid. One song was an animal song the performer suddenly decided to play; the little girl would have to make a sound that the animal made every time it was mentioned. This made the audience laugh and gave the audience a connection with the performers. Many of the anecdotes they tol were also interesting and kept us interested in the performance.The acoustic guitar performance had many great musical aspects. However, the personal touch they put in the performance made it one step better. The performers dressed formally, and much of the audience was senior citizens. The program was funded by the Arizona Songwriters Association. In general, the performance had a happy tone and by the end of the song, there was some resolution to the mishap. I enjoyed the musical performance and will continue to see more Glendale Library performances.Pranav Narnur