. (Trota Crw Oriftm Dedta.J - ( I I A kUtlM ttiT. , ' J W'm yUa.ay' Ud U 'stcrvcf a lis. but tiJ jt' piv ail tl partirulara, and ia at ay ur nar Tativt at fault in ret-ar-il to . . 4 , . sf . .. a The part;ea -- twin arcvtsexi Mid aeetjseT wf up before r.arorcT LV.'ht. It ttiat the We jJTif out lau to decoy Vr. Ilosetitiial, wlv a.eeia store iu tire rear jwrtion of the city, Inta lit power trf 1U1 enemy, anJ thca make bun jar a prefy hiya ranio to get aut at" I'M WJiouli ajain." Mr. atife tf 'o itx, Iae;.. i a ivBrtecUU!e lauTu.res, and rcai fs kth her liuaband hi the c.asic crni.T. i'p t:reet. .. In horr.mlles through trot ctj i' Monlay lucirurg, in search of cloth- ing la ah, .e lapjH-n- f J ia at the store of Ml. Kwathal to are it he Itad any washing to elo. Tiia ahop-keep- ft 11 pasaionatelv in love vvjth th" at firt aight, ani aP.rr eome reversal .oa mh her, preset his twit so warmly tLai atM Iter alow eonsenl U an interview, l.a--ii aim her card, and tied the hour for them to "mM in I'hillippa" at 8 o'clock, in boroa n rewideric. Ponotiial to the moment lower, it ia aaid, genornlly are the cvla-- U4oii bit la. vat admitted to her precncc, bad pljk-c- 1.1a arm around her snowy .tack, and na altout to imprint tike first f ud kia of ko upom hrt ru'.'Y laps, sshen, r nt behind th feed, out aprarf the kuaUand is a towering rae, with a bue htt!e-ai-e or procer a hatchet in his uplifted hand. T'u wiie appeared con-faa- and the am" the hus-bat- awor .atha aa tam'.il aa thoae reoorJed aramat our array of i'landera," and threatened to kili the wiTe a n! lover with that aame Stitcher' hatchet, if picrrpt eraration for h;a vvtotiow were rot made, ai:d aonielhinp done to hia sVta.itiei honor. Tiie shojikcejicr wasooniplt'lelv aornenxi nd finding that money aa the only aalve required for her Husband' innsjinary wouade, gave that enraged individual what cah he bad aheut bim together itb b:a jewelry, amounting iuU to about 31; and then ha wm allowed to depart in peace. It ia quile evident that thia was apian Mncortad by the Luaband ard to fleeca tbeahapkeeper; and, accordingly, upon hia making complaint, the Recorder bad the. happy couple arregtrj. Yeatcnlay he required the hnr-ba- to famish t o"K) accurity fir bia appe arance to arer the" charge of ro'bcry failing in vL'.eh, h was sent to jaiL The wife was, bow-ave- r, raleaaed on her own recognizance. Thia ia the Crat cae of th s kind that has occurred in New O.leanai bnt aacb. decoys are frequently prscf.esJ in "ew York aad other Northern citias. Hew Kissakb was DaracTma. It baa been said thrft Kiaaane was detected jassi g counter- feit rooTirf . but tVis ia rot so. His detection waa aauad bj r wsirg aHerel bi!l, by which me.ir.s be mad eleven hundred out cf ten bundred bills. That ia. It would take ten twenty doVjti bills of i I I . V f v... . U,e aame nans, ana muc iiwui ct'H of a conibiuation. It is done this : Suppose we td take, tot tiaa.pla, a bill, and mark it inihistorm : 1 I I 10 "Ve t6ke the hrst hi I! up. and part No. 1 is torn oT and laid trine. The bM pasra. .t course, ss mta.y bills are lom by accident. " The second hill of ia torn uo to No. X and rrt No. 1 is paaleJ on. and this bill alao paas. The third Lilt is torn off at No. 3. and Nos. 1 and S. whkli is one piece, u than stuck on. By this means eleven bills are made aut of ten, ths eleventh bill having j- -t as twnch mmd no mare torn off it than the .rat bill r had.- - Jt is not obt busiaea tacxplaia tba combi nation, but Kiaaan ia an adept a this art. It ia nor thiLcult to detect a bill of this character than t eounterfat. The ere ret formerly was con ced to Kiwsane, Tinlay, swid Cole; others are ow in .(Ssewa f it. and the job'ie ahould in carrfmVy scan all such bifla, and, if there is any ds it, at once refuse thsm. " liis trial a as set down for tbe Cth inrt., but ba be n poaiponed another week. It will be a remarkably long trial .V. 1'. Police Je telle. ,15 Colled ion for the Patriotic Fucd contin-e-e to be miide in R of Canada. Not less tha"-t-h- l pr ten tbousanJ dollar wnl be raised in Tc.-jiiI- aLine. . It i more than proVbls that Ce.rada will tfct' le er.alilej to eRtrb.ile ano'.htr f 100,000 to tiiis fo&tL ., K s N ! ? s A MOST EPTRa.OKDlXA.RYCt RE OF COX CMPTIO.!! ' 8 Aa crU&a ar raralctaaa af Ciaciaaatl, T , . . a kWkeat aaaBaiatc. n'aoraa 4oJbt mick tt$tncmy1 t It ansa. Bass & CDer Sirt: TheeabEc geoerallv arc It'-'t- aaare of the thousands of rnie- - dia lav tiiwux aAnea, anarr wte siuea h minpi rilia. Pi is, riakters. Li:i)mcDts, Ac that arc daily btrh va then- - otxe threafh the siewspapars, ly rsy f avcruaiefita.- - itj oigect in anting this autbe sar publication, is t induce the Vubiic, or at least kiose who art sSieUd, (if they will o patent siriMiw) t hc oar last cantaina artitlca of real awe ia smliBobarr UtKes. 1 am conscious ihaUtn s'aiur 1 aia actiaf snost auiprofeMMonaJly.arid to im musenu of nW.cal science and Die snediewe. - r fnacuuoDersof Tbe ateCieine to which I refr is "DR. IlALL'r BALSAM FOIt THE'LUXCS." I have prescrioed ti li a bwfft number of raaes, and a!waj wan sue a. One caw- in particular, to whioh I wish now o refer, was frivn op by several physicians wbo bad ""be' en'.lrd in ronscltation wivh iryelf. Tbe patient bat all fVTnntomR af confirmed consumption, Fuch aa Colt N.trbt bwea. Hectic Fever, HaraMing Coozh. with sacUnued t u the lobe or tbe nf u lonr. attended wiJi aer fliarrba-a- ' He com Bseoeea tameoiav iy to an better, y ta ae 01 w. abara-aaate- d dw.ia- -, nd war soon restored to bis aal b 'fah! IfesvaauMifoa d Ir. Hall's liaiaam tse most vslaable Lxpe toraDt for brehking up di Ireswnf Coughs and Co l tSat 1 have ever .i.V. I). WK1G1IT, M. P. ' V0BE rxrrMciAxs'TrsTiviovr. . TTe. tbe Fl yaiciADS of Cineiuna'J Dr. Wight's sutetuenls are e1 tilled to the fulit cocfider.ee 01 tfce ruidie, sua we ea fully corroborsts wlmt be Ise mid, bavins nned DR. HALL S liAWAiia tnums or caes, wita in bar rkt effects I1 ' ' u14 ... J. B. LAVrSOX, M. IV, . - x "M. C. KMITH, W. D., . . J. Li J0UX6OX, M. D. Be sure and a4 far dTm"M. HALL'S BAIAM for the Lou if. G&uiue fcined O. iL BAKl'.It & ' CO. Fora-kl- y - . , n.13 uO-a- l ' CELL, TALB0TT CO. K EC EI TTS OF THE LrOUISYIlXE AVJltKlLV TCOURIEK, ttOSflt $TirilMUT TO TMI ltTH klAKCB. J K IT. 1intmrUt..i $1 s J M A'wt. Orc. ... , - t m it ka.ier. o..rpeu,w. U. . 1 w. T Kof,it. binm nrunt. la - I ft V M e,.intr. ha .. t M T fl'wuci.'aa. K.o- - , 4 Ml H B el:i. e.wpoai.,r..tij . t m jirlM, iTKIPl"..-.-..-- .. L a,-'-- l ''"' - W c H -- t, M "rnoith ( fn s ' - J 1 k. a nm.C. i- - ...... . ... m J b V. bfc ". ia 1 W) f Mtn fM enc I t T h HoU,la...., i f lr.M. ortr-- s f.. 1 w W twos:.. A U.oo i li 0 Yj W 1M ftrtl fcl,irllK.i..u. - CH N- -t I I LSI aer. flinwnf""-..- t ss J Potu aS V fclrorrr,?5 4 ot I r f. .oinn.uutm. ITi. .7 t n M,'iir.S i.' w. a... .. 1 u t,J raK.B. I uritlio....... ,.. t K W r.'r. -- r't ) j T,,ial. FiowiiKs....... i i W W.Jll. F.OT - - H M h- -- M - " W c aio'is-s- . ('Wruiillf r A h- -i r. w Cr..- - It t i F wv.- - e vi.'t Kaoh I If I. MmS, lt- - - i...... t jV.' ti .itv. imtiut.,v - 1 T S WUiU, f frk.i..w, J it Sf li bcu,o- - - I!" 4 A 1mtr. ... to (.iAMM, (Wit, I H :w.L, fs:l' OiOT ... 1 y MeLaa.K(E t'oiuB 1st J f.Tr. feoOflT ' Ot V h H.iuj. t'-- rroK(M I K ei M.a. ..i.i 1 (0 i f tMp r--- - 1 tXi IJlo-t..A- v- J w H t.'ti rrBiau. .... I MmrU. tn enara. ilardatowa..,. U (wr.r'-- a te),vu.Li.... t 1U 9 li.-- vUl o "B t St H l ynr. Im.ov,-- . r..,......... i 0 TV. OftiM 1 i ft O tirwo br.BteBbart.. i im F S. HwiVnr 1 c 0 .!.. 1 ;ilH.llt....ni I tot t . '.. iia . t v r Vmtmw. CVX''I IM Wp .t. i.cih( elrwtod 1 t T i :.. L t 1 M N.w. MaJuM. N e, i t4 1 Umi.ffiuiuni'. t (Kl J. 4kiM, . 1 M l M j a.iw . ... 4 im ek hmrxou. '.......,.., .. F VV -- ,,(-.', m 4 f hwrj, C uoui efo a 1 fit 1 h Hf (w.ulhf.lt , I TJ Pi) e iikrtwro. La.... I t J K M ,i ft. n..'S.T em 1) t4 i a i'.w, lea I i P 'i... f'no-- r ., lt... 1 ht T Maklli F'vai.a...- - t S ernC. 1j . - . 1 T h mu. ji.t . S It Jk fc''-- -. i trn"itutrn.. 2 Oi t H Hitmm. aSprit .14" i 1 S'.cvBMr.. jli,0........, .,.. .. 3 4 if h -- tn. Kiaur,Ti; . 1 Ct i W H"m ! r......u.- -. . 114 KP Mn,:ilk. ,. 1l T Prmiwrn. tiriri . . W Oroeo. It Mnl ioji... . a it J r, n.u.if.'-!.".f- . . It MH-i- Mirhil, . t f K hmnm. VerMil .... .... . . . M. . M i (Amiif'U L"J . T i.O PA hi'iru. - rnrrk. Mo.' .. r, pHiMit', M- fo n.ti"i',,l'oil.', I. CD e'. Pk. 1 - .,... 7i A t. I .mmi r Yi .1 f II t? Jnkn hf Amr an.) ab.Aaia t rk i I J r. fl i . ....... 1 e J K V . Pr .01.1 J i (II hi, Had'jraS ..... S r.d u Lift ....... ........... . I . V oi.r. Sen- - Vr.;.a. Ml P MWir. IS ... .. t Ot h tnarra. Co'" Ml 10 V I l .t.l.tun. rT ' rc t MwAM, Knntw.;ia ... t on y 8...r -- v.li Lj., 1 V. .hnt. Ittaa 1 M )ao Mk. teia.,v . .... i M T A A boof'ru . , 1 1 , Jl t.n.T "t--.-- to, 11 1 Ot ItMW. a .acevoor . . . ............... .... . t . h A.'ir;.-.- .. I ! fir. v .rn Jin ( nrntr. ...... .. r. F fc ei';".! Ja:?g I V ,rr. f fi Mn--t, J 3'mntwii.... Vr "' li. .. M M ""ml Cly V!iiMr Jf K. '.mwmr , .. A r.iu. t " w la J T hrn'on. i J Pfc. r.r...i wr1 V K rirt..H.'trnvr.. F i Tarp a. 4. i .!,. w a ,.n ,.P.na. JUtii.i OW tit it. F. J li S.- - o. VT Afi t nrl.ii. 1H I II I'm VwMH- - - .'C a . ... r r..t. Paaot ftkat , f S K- - , .... 1 Mtr I' ..r SI p A.iu, 'M.enowa. t r.'i t- -.- J 1 K'T K'MMIUjtMftv,...-....- e7 i t J Si hm. aVjMt, Si C. rE 1 LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COCRIER-r- A CUE AP PAPER FOR THE MAN OF BUSINESS, THE FARMER, AND THE' FAMILY CIRCLE. .BY. TELEGRAPH. aSPOKTEP IirSFJisLV ro THS LOUISVlLLr RIER. LITEST, rORUIttX XEWS ARRIVAL OF THE PACIFIC. KiwVok, March 14. Tli steamer raclBc has Mrrvedwith Iverrmol dotes o! VUu.kdny, tie .tit, ten cays later. f t.aA-Uu- e. Jltrltrt t.ruliain lia c resiiraod, Mid t:.e Miiitrtf? lits'tten re.ic rucu d. A lr.ittl.' U.i ,ceo fjUjiUt in Euatnr.a betircn Omar l'aha and Lipraiiili. The Kansiati were ro the iled. U A derates Mates that (iladutane. Ilerbart aiid Giaiiam rvkipwd feecuot liochock's ruotiim wim carried lor a committee of iuiiuiry into mi- - mHuaxerarja m tue r. Tiie CUm.t Ls rt nitje!e(!, bat tl'cre is no impor-- 1 tant chaiipe, except that Lord Jol.uKuell is Colo nial Sx!ctiirv. th J ovn'j Hume Is dead . The S'irjna CouretTne will be opened in a few ebivt. All partif profess anxiety for pence. fie It is ofiicisilv auoounceU by the Allies, that, on tla ?Ul tieiu lJfrauii, aith 0,0vXt IiuMiaus aud 70 gnus, attat kftd die Turks at hti; salons, rtnd'-- r Ouiar 'ia. ilic ta.t.e Jtt! ly.u hoars. I -- e Kuns.atis retiK-- witbab)ss of b'JO. ASair at Seva-top- are nnehanccd. l.ird R.tgl.in. it is reported, bs J. 1 Lnc.in lin bn ree .lied. TIm difres. in Kr.Utnd the severe winter w rreat. There bad been riots at and Loadvn. but lb weather changed, andAhipping was tow arriving. I he L ui.iu had srriveJ at towe. i lie Arrica and af S'lali Sand had Lot arrired. t Nsw YoKt, March H. V. Sf. Tbe Pacific saw a Cl ra:rer of! hkeirie's at one p. m.. on the 27th. win-- 1 po 1 10 be the Arixa. - I Iid r.ilniei-tJi'- miaMrr br.s fallen to nieces. I Orahsai. tiadstone. acd Herbert rosir ned osten- - biy on accouut of tho passage ot Roebuck's uiu-- iou. 1 lis ale kquabbits ia tue cuomet arc aiaa De- - keved to be the caue . Eonior savs that Eoebuck's psiiv will not rest satisfied without the ircpeachineut ef Rnglan, acd ne or two alry Lord Palmerswin is mucli troubled in tiist strncriuff tbe cabinet, wbicli is not fully completed. EaaeU take colons.1 accrt taiynliiu ssa stoii-ga- but completes bia wition to Vieuua. , i:ai;ior gives Lord lu.gUui a seat in ut (.auinet. The Eari f Carlisle is viceroy of The Lew ChanclUr of tbe Kschcqner, Mr. Lewis, k aa untried mac. " She Members of tbe Cabinet express bepes that the Vr. pendinp negotiations will lead ;o pcaca. : xuis xvapoieon stjeras aeiei ratueu to prweuru vu t Criiars. England and Austria advisd him to Tbe at borne. iituteia Las declared war aairst Sa'dmia. It is suited, but not confirmed, that Tuscany has daed tue allies, but Naples has not. 1 Kvll ) f,r -- '. nt Fnimtnri. on TtS not ten. Lii'randi, witha fnrce about euual to, of per- - kt'ii) a few thousand saperior to the Turks, sttack them, and after four hours fighting they retired beyond tbe ramr e of Hie sels from the Euglsa thiji. The Turks end nut pursue t' em. Omar Pa Cua commanded the Turks. Ljrd John Itus-ifl- l hrs published an addrfM to bU coiwtitututs di fbiing his position, and place this himself In deir Ta.ids as a candidate for a renewal their eotifide-nce- , On tb llrth the rovaj sssent was tmen to tue North American fbiherics bilk A convention be-- t wet West Britain and tbe Foite for the enlist-tue- of a Turkish contingent, a as ulao sigue-d- . An iEUrcstirig debute aioseuptn the ejnestion 01 iuz iutocaiiuuiuee on Uie arniv est:niate. Ere Lord l'ainjtrston coutendr a tnat tne Kuncnncs 01 the ermy ju the Cnmea arose f om carie in tlie power of ro roan to eontr 1. The uCerings were cot cnuhned to tbe British the Kussuns, s.ck and wounded, was 35,000. ' 1'almerston aiiaonnccd that Lucan was recalled c on of bis d Ccn-Lt- with Iiagian. the Lord 1 alrocxston said corapclsorv mea.-ur- mnsi of rtiiquesiionally be resorted to to 11 the nnksand eeivice. The richt of search vcas erred rs recesritv. In order ti prevent the Introduction of Russian goods tbe into Britain. - - r It deemed not advisable to lav before tbe bouse th correspondence betaecn Cireat Iliitaiu and the L usted states, on internauouol airaoge-men- u durinir the time of war. Tbe weawier is moCeiate at tct)aiUopoL liie Fnow na al:is.ot fitfappeiovd. Tii- - health of tl'.e army is be'tt-r- . The seiire operations sr prozressintf with tipor Orders were recem d at Constat tinople toprepara hospital beeh tor 5.000 men from which is iuferred tbat an aacit is t Jte made upon ttsvopi. The Laiiic fleet is to cousist of 53 war steamers can ying J.OCO guns, i huatia? Latteries, 63 guns, mortar ships H steam gun bouts, w guns, luuti, 10(1 h::g and 1,27 guns. a v httlier tne Lm per sr win rota the inmea is stTJamaUcrof question. It is said be has drawn up plan or a vast miliary strategy, wtnra ne wished ta superiuted. Encl-n- aud AusUia thinks be hud better h ave it with kii eenerls. Tbe Americans at farm eavt a crand nail in comnieniorstion of Vi'asiiinjtou'sbirth day. Neudy all ihe s of tl.e Diii.oina'.ic Corn--- i wed, b th meniUrs ol the Fieneb goTernnu-ii- t were present. f The French rarer mention tutu the city o Catans, llerv, was almost destroyed bv an earth- - onake. rsisi. llie committee td tne hacond 1 nain- - bcr at Berlin, resolved ta propose a note of the want of confidence in tbe numsle-na- l policy or Aus tria. YiEXXa. Tlie journals contradict the Teporttlut Austria Intends to ntgoiinte fifteen milion of a loan for Eudtrlanrt. The Imperial Palace at Prague, the reside iKe of the Ex Emperor 01 Aastru was ocstrcyed by tire. ' AKCIVAL OF THE ILLINOIS! New Yosr, March 13.Tbe steamer Illinois, with advices from San Francisco to tbe 1MU clt.. anived ft this port last meht. Wio brings ?l,160,0ex;ia gold oa txight and 300 nasactceia. Blie filled from AspbiwaTI na the 2J and iu the Gail pahfcd eeverai war steamers. The United States s tamer Fulton arrived at Aspinvtll on the 1st on a cruie westward. ilUMness was better at rtaa Framsro, ttiouch no rai of eonseeiarnoe had yet fallen ia the iu tenor. The (till continued to ballot for Senstor at inUa vio. The 50th ballot was taken on the 15th ult., resulting as follows: Gwin 41, Edward 30. Ewiaiii 10. hrodeiick 12, scatlf nuff 5. XUtes from Houo'.ula to Jan. V7 say that the annexation negotiations bad ceased by order of the Kincr! Dates from Melbourne to Nov. 11 sar the Aas-- traiian markets bad improved for breadstuffs and domtwtic produce. 1 be gold product bad lalien on 301 JXw ounces in nine months. H. 11. Fields came j'asM.nror in the Illinois, bearing a dispatch to the United States Government from tac Islaids. ' ' Eiertioa Ttews Disasters, Coscosr, March 14 The Democrats here cive up the electi'. ' Metcatf i probably elected by .000 m:joriiv. Three adnnnistratioa a. embers ot Cooirress aie certainly elected. lietarus tMm 1SI town more than three-qua- r ters of the htau show Mttvalf vote to be 27,031, Baker iLK-'i- , Bell 403, Fouler e:il nujouty for Melcalx, over all others, Z.tii. As far as heard from, th have eleev-- 187rtpreen- - tetivrs, the Dem'Krat 53, and the lS'higs 3. A large I -- mber of the Know .ot nines were elected by W z Free-- ll votes. Tbe tie t is proiiably a.1 ejected all uembers of Con- - and all of the Mate rkiuators ana thev wilb of coarse, elect two U. S. Senators. Letters from Mcrideth give awful accounts of the 'waster which occurred yesterday. Ja . W. Dar- - Geo. Clark, Nathan Nichols, S. M. Tuck and John O. M. Ladd have died of their injariea. Many others ar cot exptcteu to recover, urer ioo per- - aobs bad their bones broKen. Tlra, WAfwrsiOTosi, March 12 Th in Virginia held a convention at Winchester on Tuesday or edneaay to nosuuate a candieuite lor Covcrnr. New Orleans papeis v received. Extensive fins a!e prcvailinij iu the wooosin Fouth Csrolioa and Georgia. A dispatch from Co-- umbia eavs: "A tremendous Mr w rauiir all round us, and about Lcxingtou the housea, mills, uce?. tiud a vast amount ofpioperty lias been ilceUvvtd. At the la?t Recounts vhe toan itfeir was reat:i.ed wilh devtrnciion. On the C harlotte road tbe woode formsnr rules are on tire, and many saw mills and dwellinc "hr been bnrnt. The railroad jlf Ju 1. amine, and travel tat been interrupted On the Catrnlen railroad a number of bouses and leieFispb iHjies Uave bten CJ'n.umeiV thertty pre- - veuun'' wiui me ri.or.n icr touia. )f)u tiie C'aroliua load the wood on both feiJes of the track ce tait.iiig t A tT loaded WTt'a COttcn TrSS Consumed Bear I Gadflcii ycMcrday. it iLrt tlip trprk I WOtild Slso thre trC. T'.'.e woods are alto liUruiIig I n tbt tWeiivihe road. I bcre was a tremendous faleyevieTdiiy, tnd ail tlTorts to s'sy tae Ctmes vere fi r.lils. Tbe fiavannah papers also say the fir was raainir exttns vtly in t r e t ine woods be- - twrnl:fat eitratid Macuu. Jne was au mat dawiger.audco'.tua trains had ceased runnu-g- . The El Darndo Fired In. JCrttYoksT, March 14 The Crescent City has ferr'.e with Hsvaua dates ol tn M.i. 'i he LI Dorado irr.Ml at ilavaa . on the ftti rrn '" rej'or.ed that hhe w as Cred ct twice the fi i'le ltrrolo::n, cndconiiiel- - jV3 to sttp and exhi.rltlier p.rcrs. Oas shot struck Lhe wtt r alout twenty t uris from .be Kl Porado'e bow: the othtr jiaawsd miiT.euiatcly over tl.e wl.eel conse. The steamer l'rncttoa a ss in tue narnor or tit- - ana; into sue xi iuu v vnv- a oi w at rsiau auu liuzzard. The Cuban news U un Important. Papnrj were UDchfinred. Molaesc was Lrmly bell. Lxchaage was Tery duX . IVat line . front JMeiica- Vr i ii ban. March 12. Tbe Orliubia las ar rived v ith date frvm Mexico of the 3d, and Vcia Cna of tue ..... , tinnti Arna had eone cmin wnn uis iroops, icav- - biff butl,M) KbiHd. Theofficml papers say be has gone to ilitli?, lUt rumor snja ne u.ie nvtt Alvarez and execute a (ovp i'e'ai a aJVa- - A severe .loclt cf eaitbquaVe wst felt In Mexico on tbe S. ft. ClX1..MarThH.-pe'fi- on "'1. tcr.se. Dover elects a moderafar bv 215 r&abrity. Jiollingaford, Konimerfwonn, ana Newrr.ar!;ft sluo elect Know-ot!iin- moderalors ny Bostok, March 13. Tiier hare been numeroris e...,,n hv tlie late trades. On r iUT lutrUt, ofl I 'ape Cod.'t'.e sUp Had fro'O Kv.nnah, for IT-.a- i. went a.bora ou Brewater a tt.its. fcha had J frteit nf water la her bold yeeterday . it Teasel mil timbal.IV be tT(A Ou. ; In sehojoeir Jlukoak, from vorf lk for Boston, went aahore neur lUr 1'oinC AU bands were drowned rrsscl total los. - u ft 1 J i I at a (w i . 1 i (rat X' antral. Aw NtwTor.i. MarcJi 1C The funeral of William Fcol, to day, ff.r turf awed scythicr of the k:ud aioieksod ncre tor vtaiv. Tbe vroeetw&oii extended about luxe miles, counlKtirff malLly if citisi-n- ca ftxiV from hl to te-- sbit ast aad ueurl v one huulred tit cerrLi".-8- . Hroadwnj' was Eoed by a dcr.se mavi of panj 'c, Riia every KtanUing-ilae- and acvantagennx pnimlon wis occupied Tlie scitcmr.ut and feeing befors aud arter the f ineral Were .ntoaBe. Tbe rro- - eestiioa was b.caded by Doflswertli't! full ban.l of nfiy musicians. The various coaipanies of United Americans vrero cut in full fores?. The weather was propitious, and everything secucd to make thwone the graiidt-s- t and most injposaii? processioiis evef witnessed. Thf r ofRu tras sliroitde l in the A:neri-ca- Ca, aad the List wordi of thi decease 'I die tint- - American" jpe-aie- in lirge bold Ictlrrson f The lamaiiw were l: ken to Grecawood for i ij'.c.-n.tL- t. Ifema. N'rw Tor. March la. The Purserer of the steamer Kiwuoke.from Norfolk; Saturday afternooa, arrived here early this morning, and reports seeing 6teamer Illinois jrolng into Norfolk as he was ao coming out . Tho Illinois is iully tine here, with date to the ICth. of Vovernor Ma'.teron, of Illinois 1 now in thiscitv. has received full fceeuritv fir tie arnHnt of lnnds and su.ihii funds. Them was also a sufficient amount cf interest bind in the hi ls of VVoads- - worth i Sheldon at the timefcf their failure, to ena- ble to the trrimnrcr of Illinois, witli oilier provisions tade by the Legislature, to psy the January inter- est delayed by the failure of V & S. at the time. ; be next J uly interest n paid. 1 bn balance or the 1 u.ttr-- t fund" in the haudn of Wonipworth A Shel- don tn i smplv secured to the State Jy secnritia of our msds in the aRsipntuent tf Veftsis. W. A Arran?emeDts have been roar with the Ex- - ID chsnce Bank to act as transfer atrect for the stock Oil Illinois. lathe proceedings of the Fenate, towards the se of the sesoion, an error crej.t into the tclc- - rranh report, which made it appear that klr. fceW' ra opposea ise dm tor tot iraprovemeni or lyase harbors, whereas it slionld have been that he repor- ted tf that bill from the Committee on Commerce. anJ Declination. WasHixoToir.'JIarch 12. Tbe National IflMli gencer eif this morning contaius lien. MeCullough s refasal to accept the apnoii.tmet.t of Jlajir of Cav for the new regiment. He puts it on the ground lie is the only civilian appointed, una would be looked npon as aa intruder. Ashare. t're Bosto, HarcH 12. The ship at Scituato us tb Win. 8. Cooper, from Savannah, for lioston. went ashore Saturday, at 8 P. M . Capt. bcaiN, Grove, the third mate, and one eeaman were drovm"!, in attempting t reach the shore, having the volunteered to try and reach land for assistance. remainder of the srew were taken ofT by a life- boat. ter - Ths Pacific ITALirsx.NoT. 12. Tbo steamship Pacific has bee 1 beard of at this port up to the present time. The eteamcr Africa is now nine days out, and nearly due here. ' Explosion. WiLMiiCT0i, March 10. Thre buildincs, be- - to Gcra'sh's owdcr mills were blown up aftarnoan, instantly killing a man named Jno. Kane, and stnouwv wounding three others. The exploaion was terrific. The fchock being felt at a clistanc of several miles. Tlra. Pokt Chkstir, March 10. Tbo residence of Oor. Woodward, ia this village was destroyed by Inst night. The loss is 3,000. by at Error. . at Baltimore. March U!. Th Bteamcr Ixiuisiana. which left NorIoik Batuftsy cvaning and arrived litre yesterday, neither saw nor heard anythiug of Illinois; it is therefore supposed that the report her being there is erroneous. Arrests. New Yob a, March 12. Councilman Kurrigan.of at sixth ward, and Polieeman Lyman, were arrested y and committed on the charge of Ba- ker, who murdered Poole, Iu making bis escape. Items. New Yotx, March 13. The steamer Nashville at nas been chartered by the Coliias Une, to take the place of tbe racme. A JJoston uispatch irora Dover, n. li., eari that the throughout the State are car- rying bll before them. ' Kaow-Nethi- Cenvontlcn. Winch KSTis, Va., klarc'u 14. The Virginia g couveutioa is in session to nominate candidate fur Governor. There is a large atten- dance. Their doings at e secret. leetioa. Coxcosn, March 14. Pull retnrns from 102 towns, which is nearly af the Btate, shows JleScalrs vot to he 1B,G67, llafcer, 13,267, Fll 110,573, Fowb-- r 310. The representatives ore chuard thus: KnowOioihinrs 1 13, Democrats 29, Whigs 3. Xaraiaatlons. WiKCBBSTi, Va., March 14. The Know-Noth- - infra have noaiinated htunhon Flomroy, of Hali- fax, lor Governor, ti e lion. Xlasm of Mason, for Lieut. Governor, and Jno. M. l atum, 01 Hich- mond, for Attornx y General. They all ace pt. Brake a Shaft. Boston, March 14. The Csna-l- brck a shaft, and will be attained a cay or two for repairs. River xte a. PiTTtsraoH, March 14, M. Tliore an 11 Z toot water ia tbo elaaual saj ruiru. Tho weathar ai clear and mil. CisciNSATi, Jlarc'a 11, The r.ver bat tjtn 18 icelieo. Tat weather it mwerj. piTTsSttGU, March 14, P. M. Tboreare 11 foe S iucbos wa'or in tbo channel, aud aoarly ataataod. Tho woataoria cioadj anddajr. CiscilfHATI, Marth 14, P. M ThriTrhai tiara t fett bloc r.l.rdi. It baa ramed karaUdar. . "f ST. Alarrb 14. Thr nver ia rmlng fait, w:t! tea foet wi ter in the channel It Cairo, and riring rati. 1 bo L'ppor Miasiasipia and Mis souri arc alio r::u. Tflegroph MarVcca. CiscinsaTI, MaroU 14, P. M Fluor W,f aa Mali. Whiftky 14 5oiainf done in Provir.oai; the market it qaict. Groceries AcUto and firm. ClNCTXSATI, March 14, P. M Flotrr Firm at ST2X 'Wfcinky 34 Lard Salct of i t) tbli at 1 1.10 hhdl bacoa adot tr.ld packed. IjarmdOd $1N. Orocoiies 1W ttbda amraraoldiit i to iJ-- 4 for fur U prime, apdte for cioiee. Uulataet 14 Clnvercood Dull aiSt.40. Xr Tots, kfarcfi. 14, M. Floor Dull and iftciiairj: 11,000 bblt old, food Ohio at SMTaS tl. Eou .hera ia irrocular; salea at f 3,AbaO,31. Pork Vncaanrod. Beef Firm. Lard Uaaha'-geil- , witU bat a limited buiinem do:n(. Whiakj TJnckaafe-1- Kiv TfSK, March 14, P. M. Cottoo Vnchanired. Flour Unchtafed, with a modur-a-te demand; unlet of 3'0 bblt Ohio; flouthain irregmlar. Gra n Wheat B ra; Cora nominal; V es.ern mixed at 9r.a!iT Pork F.rm; taloa at and new at $14. Beef Firm with aalo of BOt hoa . Lard Rteadv. Wajakr SI. Oro- - enrt rirm. Liutotd Oil Firm at II t. 'Sr. Louts, March 14. Wheat Act. ve; sales of L5J0 bo at $1 tOal.SO. Corn la-- act, ve at Gta61. Oats Du 1 end declining at 40a4l W h'sky 21c. FroTisions Esquired for, but few sales are made. JVIesa Pork. $UJ0. Lard Prima 1 Hemp Dull; ao sales. Lead (l,lt. New Verk Money Market. Mw York, llsreh 14, M. V.s onered bearv bat closed firmer. Money s t)B- - changed. Er.s417-t- ; Ciereland and Toledo 72; Cumbor- - landMt-4- ; Reeding 13 lo. Cl Si Clevelond, Col- - umbut and Cincinnati lcl. Kiw Yosa, March 14, P. M. St 3ck Firm. Monev unaltered. Indiana I s8j Erie 45 Reading 21 Cleveland andTolsdo 7. ".Js1J4AS.,li. .M .1X1 HI ED. .v- - ...V . . , t T w n.ua M tr.-va- CtewamT and airs. MitT iilKIt; all ot tsiser.y. On the 4th isst .br I't. G. Gates, Mr. Wat. Tocnots aad Mrt. raxi.aTKA i,kioobt, oi jenersea eouaiy. o.w .... v. . a ir ar,.ri air Ww Ai.riAsna, of liurrodaburi, anil alias ElisaB&tu U. Eas- - rikLD, oi ta seiiy. III IIJIJXJMg-jaMy.l,W.- t DIED On the ti inst.. at his residence in Barren countr. Col. N. li KABRlSil, ia in.si-- i year oi nis age. ta a I n ations af lilt, be was an eremnlarvmas: kitcon- - rfvnl aa racuisttkl b Burs Dnociidas ol snoralitr Bud nil. (tun. As husband, fatnor, nrghi ir, at.d sns.ter, as wan - 2ectionats. Kind, . aaa mauit.at. ter man? years Col. Ftrr.il. had ken aai.n.ber t.f ths Cbrittiaa hurca in hit last il he cats eeidenee that he hal an abiilms tnirttniiod. ntu.tato bias e.ta w.Q.iati.-- fiom ,,s eouilicisof .inhloSrignUr and - ors glom.us sceas n the honse ot the b'eseed. i i.s stinks that cut h m d.iwn ws. frevious u be burn tr hie famiur aud rriei os. but thar shoa d reateniher tl.atl. e r.esiT.s Uie crown of tn.raor'.al ;os n fie boaao of Ms Fa' her. i n Base oiau more re loiieu oouc mire seioieu. ai'.iwl 8. Oa Suri'ST morn r.r. the IH'i in., of inflamrplM,n cf the ca n. W li Lin's. ,Lt..nl Kin .1 Wiloam arid Anna M. Drya-- lii, vra i .4 nionin.-- ai.n ii uays. In this citr. after a lineerine- - illness, Mrs. A. II. GRODT. Oi Uashiuaioa county, hueauyi-ln- . At her resid-Bc- o ns.r Cliarlxstowa. Injinna. on the U'.h MBS. ilasriAittr WALIf.K.ui tlie 47!hyear of Ler ee. (ib Taewtny.theS'b iBtt..at the residence of hit parents in l.iizahethtowii. Ki .sr, infant foii oi Iheodeie 11. aad fc.irh C. (.nuttri acd 1G luoains. In Cnicntwwn. Ky on tho 4th inst., Mr. StiivIS Tut- jo.NK, ol uus city, m me wiottir oi ms In Jacksonville. Eait Florida, on the 1st inst., Trrovis P. Fasorsot, soanf the la e Dr. Hieaard Ferguson, of this city, auer a prolractxd u.ar. In th ciT. o the fTnmr of the Sih init.. of pneumonia. 1re ATHt Eli. H rtm, m tae jti yesrot r.eraire. On ,caturdar l"t. March Id. at the revdea-- s of h'S broth' r. Farrar. rear Monti 8'erlinr. N triLI.S tT ll.SRT.ared 21 years. Bluest son f C 11. ar.JA. Heur,of 1 rinceton, Kenluciy. i "Le have their time to fall. And flowers to e ither at the north wind's breath. And k.a s to set, but all i lion hat all at suns for thins own, oh! death. ' Ta this eVr. Werinc-.'- sr sfternimn. Ms-e- h 7lh. If ATS Hoa- lo., wife of . P. Jams, k.M)., ia the 224 yenr of ber a. Oa the trS Mrs. rt.lT.AftTn MtCLrvrav.in the eod year of huaar. At kisreauleBca .a JeiTeroiml e. Ia .at lo'eloak. T. M..oa (he 7 h ., mot. . iieisi', sr., agea ta ytars. On Kundar niorrinr. tt.a 4'h int.. SaI.LT Aut infant daashter of L. P. aad Edrnoma 1L frentiiaw; ated ax tnouuis. ! OaTneodnTwiominc, Msrrh tTh, of Pnetimonia. Cals. aeed lytiart. tounrest rmid ot V irgil and Aaaie Al Kairiit SLEEP- - ttfKuXm, thaplra and the ball. I ( X The sw.id.the mire, the crown im;cr:l. The inleit ss 1 r4ie o sold bkI Tne fx rued tit ie rnnnire 'fire the kinr. Thethrene he sit. on, nor ths tioe of pomp 1 hat bes s uooa tne hix a shore of this wortd; ro, i ol a'l there trir.ee f orceons eetemomes. Not all lhea, laic in bed uajest eai. Cip I eep iJ sounJly as tl.e wretrhed t'.avr." Wh hit take a Frrini'e Pulmonic Wafers for a conr't or cold, which Umt lein re m a lew anautt-s- . Pn.n li cents a boiat n.ll H.tYaONDfc l'Alfr,N 'S. run sale. It' f. hve two larf- - Sbow Cmns for ta'e at a low p r.e II u,li..i.iio. nrwintHK prin o sooria. we tan f. li them wilh lone at.ilii s and Jewelry Iw the pr- - cnasvr, at most re "naM prict RAMSfY fc PROTHFF. Bit ikvlm' :Nc. 13 Fourth street. COMMERCIAL. OrriCS f TH E LOUISVILLE CrtU K 1 Wedncuat Lv.iku, Match ll'.h. TTio close of auolher ci.miiiare.sl wek line bronirlit 13 a very unporiant an.t tisfactory annunc: n.rnt, r.z: The commeicial dittreis that lias l loin rnvclupa I our fair city i l,;iclll, aad wa record actiTily, and industry aa tiia rulini; I itioa. Ue tre bow rvioie.nt in a risoiir, oaritabe river; mont y ia plm.ty (to satisfactory mnintif .) nnd a pir,tnl and buoyant urke,. The high latc-- of our previuua motion nsi'.in'io!i. have cf been more t!ie result a want of loufi.'enre than alackcl mecD,Bnd (I'lrmjall the ditrej tb:it hat enT0loeU the on laod ,t aiTiirdu us the hitheU pleasure to tiato tht our an uianifactnrem linvc runetlr met their ubiiuatiiins with commendable promptness, a stvte t dnco that the.r jud latwm is on a mbtaut:al ba s. The on 'Char ge the woek exhibit a decided improTement ia am aunt and prices. T!ie abundant supplies now ciminr forward, the mam be lure the auWui-- e below, eniblet oar ine.Tthauts to oiler superior topnrrhascrs from nrljo a.nx Duriiia our lumr toason of drouth we hae at tlemred a valuable trade from those ref.nn wh eh offer Kailroad intercoiiiniun.cation, and they hare contnbiitad m small tterrea to enhnnce aud t ista a the prosper ,ty and hapnim ts of this people. Thia has loas. been reci'irni'wl as one aud the moat important Pn Y sv:n markets in tt.t Union. We also rank amon(thefirst ia Grocer.es, while our imvnufactar-iruja- oiheruterests are steadily anil riraiyenlarfi&gtlisir produ:t:ous and are i of pitrous. requiring only a mere ax t:nde 1 know ledge of what we do province anil offur for sale, attract a tew, TomuneratiTo trade to our highly farortrd c.ty. By referr.ru to the following report it will bo more Rauerally known mat the Tobacco intervst of this f ily ia of real importanct, requiring tlie w r,l million, au 1 upwards express in dollars tbe amount of our year tntnmrtione L"UU.t,1. We have the plaasnro of luclnumj ia commercial colnn.a a new product of a maaiiiac- - tory in thai e.ty, reported thia week on 'Chane?, v.z: toua enow white Zinc Paint, wj.sh, ke tba Lms eJ niada by the same ptrfecs, it a h'trhly irnportant and nsefal interest, wliereby a large aramut of moaoy will be Jrtariy retained in Louisri.le, a.'i.nt to our nmuufartunnr; of ea!th, and the eatable pro;erty of the city. Ky Lite im. provement. in the menu art are ef th.s white, it can Don be JToiluord so that it has all tbe purity., brightasss, aud bwy the whites of lead, over which it poeceesas tho sucnur advsolajt of being perfectly pcruianent anderall the m.1uf boss to which putmsnta are aubjeo: in painbns, the no less important quality of not injuring nay other pigment by mixing therewith. It is also a valuable piirmeat, particularly in f irm.nr tints wnro not mnrh body n ice, m giatina. v lira itbecomes belter kaown it will be xtunjitely usciL The ac ranee previotmly noticed in CofTee, Sfgar, and Mo.ansos, ia wiainta.cml, w.th sa upnar firm- ness and prices rule a ghajs abort previous Quota- tions. 21 Kcceat slriee f. om Rio da Janeiro, k ndly foruihml to Merchants' Exchr.nge by Tiios. 8. Kemisdy. Esq., enables to ir.ve a few it--iu ut interest, endorsed by C'jluman, Gardner a Co. Ia Co3e, supplies were limitod in a great-s- r decree thea ttiual narmg tlie month of J ncuary, c- :rg lo rontmuai ra nt ia December, and csnieqv.tat bad state ef roads, t'p to the lllu int., thero was considerable and Si.tOu la were sold higher pners f' r thebeU kui.ls, the stock being reduced rtiy lovr , and that uf most inferior kmd.it then beoime v:ry flit, ascit'vdby discourag-i- a aocoantt from tht Vmttd fcuiles, but etery thing green $3 toon found buyers at very full prices. On the VC'.h tot every thief ihet was food, estahi.shing an alvance ea ths green qualities. The demand for Europe oiitiDues, and.wuh thelecieaiag rtks tbeie. we era ni t sanguine about tho redaction wo have long been a at There ia avery sirn of the war continuing, and largo armies aro (rent consumers of neceasar.es. Cotlce clonreU from 1st January to Jltt January, to the Stares, 40,tj; in 22 SM,Tl.t, 1U3, 1JJ .917; iiii, 71,781 ; ISil, 1M,U. From 1st July to 3ist January. l&t-t-t, i,41t, iiit-S-i, tUJSi; ID5!-J-3. 6W,S71; l(3l-- CU.CaC; lKOil, Ju64A Cons.der.ng the incleinsacy of the weather, the report s on 'Chaago show a brisk market. With ptjees generally and firm. Early in the wek the weather was most 8 love y and spruue-uk- and the Diaikct cheern.gly active, with heary trantactiocsin Grwccnes PruTisions, at flna 6 nadaJTaBCedprir.es. fur tne past tureedsys it fans ra.nsd violently a great portion of the iime,anu the weuiheris still uiitottled. . la Flour we are compelied to aga a lower onr quotations the quantity. Wi hear cf the sale of two lots to dealers fit iu for superfine. Dualers are selling by ths dray 1 oau $3 CO. Cho.ce brands at h.gher figures. Corn, Hay, and Uj i continue fj.m, the suj.piy and reefeipit are xeccerate. The iireris rising, with about scvoa feet water "in the pass," ujTifibls for laxe claas steamers, wh.th ia cheer- ing nes, aud vr.U impart a q'lickccuBj impulse to trade, and a .Turd ut ana mort faci.ues fur aa active river com merce. APPLES AND POTATOLS.-Sa- 'es af gTson f3 Oil to Si tu per bairel. Rulesuf prime autatoes at $25tl per buihch Pales of 1SU baneit I.eshanoct at $0 00 i baricL EEANS White beans are still scarce, with sales at J! 2S J 3USU IrbUiheL BUAS AND SKOHTS-- We quote from Crst hands iy and SJ tou; retail sales at au adraact. BAGGING AND liOTE Is su.l in very luuited request e.ulnl.on nominal at l'juiljc,aii.l ,bo. 3 JtAOeiiMG. Salea of ICO p.oces Bap gmf at 11c. 1 CES WAX We quote a. 2JrAt3c, from the country. KtXf EB Wc hear of titles to the trade this wuek at pries ranging froui.lS to 13 cuts for fair qualitisa, aud 27c 6 lor prime Uun.au. tb K WHEAT Sales tt $7 JCS$S CJ V huudrej. EGG Dur.nj ihv week tome US dozen Lavs bee j lu.tlo deslor,H'. 13c. lihOOAio Sales at (1 15 and JJ M per dncn for coat mon, and $- - 7ju$J CO for Shaker. CORN MEAL Tales by the quantity at 7Jcebt for yel low, and Poc bunliel for v.U te. COAL AKD WOO! S:ock of coal with retail tales at 13!4 eicUTorsd; wholesale at ltc for Fomeroy coal at 1;. W ood ranges frum $1 It tu H M V wnfcou load, tbent f4 01 cord seao: c3. CH EES K Sale for the week or Joo boxes of hue atd V. k.at lilllc Knglish Iluir at i;!ac. CANDLES. Ka.es of 00 boxesSiar Cfn -s at i,umi: disrouut, 7 per esn Uir.e a. id cisli. S;isrru CaiM'et 4 Commoa minliied et lc. COftDAO, ac.Vv t quota Manilla CordaTe at ltctt- Ipcuoe; raarkct birv ot Oiled aad.larrsi CenlBse. Sales of Buliut; lleinp Twine at UtlJc from s.ortt. V:. lug Twine we qU'ite at IMs'lOe. COOPtHAOE. Wtqioite tiercel at $1 JOafl 7J; pork barret! (1 (K1 10; laid ke;s to a 50 cents; Sjur bants M cents. t errON, Ac Pales of 47 ta es Eatmer MiUa at 8Vic; r.itl bs.es Canueitou kl.eetiugs at VUc; lot bales 1 atta.g a: i0; t eats. Sales ef it reels Cotton Cord at ltc; II Ligs Spu i Coiton (rouno) at t.c; 23 ba:et bulling at Mc; i bugs ea.st thain at IHc; Ut bag Coliob Vein, Kos. 3, 6 and 701. al 7'to3 lo traoe. Soiea ot 30 bales Aikwriht Shewl- - - ;j at a prise w e did not learn. Manilla Cordnja lias do cUncd to lCc. DoilESllCS.--Cannoito- Sheetingt, Wheeliur, Peun ittilis, Cauner Mills, and Auchoi erands, ail attVc. DK1EU FRUIT. email receipts, :.nu w quote appiet firm at $1 U5J1 71 tor bright quarter, from lbs country; il sales nt SI 9vJ U0. Pt a :hes aonunal at 11 KZfl i f bushel for M and fi 2i iti M for halves. FLOUR AND GKA1X Sales of ! .id barrels Kxtiaaud Sipc.i.ne riour at SB iJaJS Ou, ciurts: rlo.ed foi lit weu at MlSi "f. Sales of 70JJb Herein Cora at 73a73c; a lot of about 3Ubuihels at 71ti, deaieis aie paying ti'Uc; 3,;co bushels at Jlaijt; 3,7C(I bushels Meal at 7w.tUc, for yellow and white. Sales of Rye Flour at i 7 2i. Asa. col jDo bushels Osls at 4Hc, lo deaitrs; deovered ,u Louisville Wh.iut, the receipts cutn.ue l tl.t. and we quote at 1 7u f bustel. FRUIT tc Sales of Ml boxes Oranges and Lemons at $!; 2(Ki do M B and L Raitius a. $3 i$3 71; l.OeO fcmyr- - i.a F.ts at Lie; xu dozed fresh Tomatoes at SISlperdozen; Jl do do Peaches at ?:0, Ibbls tioily Almonds at 11c; 11 da do at UV, 1 do Cream Nuts at 11c; 11 do Fil borts at lCc, 30 do Pecous at 9c; ii boxes Naples Maccaroni at $1 p- boi; 20 do VermacilU at 1; lOdol gadonjars L'n dera ood't mixed Pic lesat $910perdoaon;ldo i( gallon do at $1 1C do; M do Pepper &auce at $1 61 do; 10 do Tommlo Catsup at $3 tt do; 40 Uuzenfresh Cove Oysters at $7 10 do. bales of U sacks dried apples at t- - 00, in halves; t sacks; tintd peaches at $1 10, in haie; 20 barrel! Jetneti. ap ples at f3 io:.l et, and 40 Uriels at li tMfi 10; 20 bar flua Pippin apples at fl CO; 10 bbls P. E. potatoes at $1 Ova "41 10; 110 barrels Nesliaaocs at tS 00; and 11 .i choice Lake potatoet at it 10 f barrel. FEATHERS AND GENSENU. Sales of 2,431 ls Feath ers at 32c; Ueuseng at llrwOc. We subjoin the sales reported at ths Merchants' F.xcluiuco for ht week, oudin; Tuesday, March 13th, in Groceries, Provwiona, Seeds and Tvbaoco: Wednesday, March 7th GROCERIES. 40 hhds commoa sugar at 4'c; 40 kbilx rictly prune et 4Tt-- 40 do do prune and pnnce at l4l?ac.. mall wiesexlra a' ic, 70 t erces K. II. rt.ir.eJ X.. at s fair and prune ct 43 . 100 baft Rio CoTee at loltc; 4!ldodost 1c1h.io:. 51 half bbls New Orleans mulasset at 26c; 30 bbls do at 23c; 30 do do at 31 Jiic country. Thursday, 8th GROCERIES Sales of 135 bars Rioeoffeeat K!10Jic- and 131 ba;s al llc; 10 hhds couimoa sugar a. 4Hc; loo hhu fa r aud pr.me(Ui;arat 431c; .0 hh.ls strictly prime sugar at aud 7 hhda reaped at 7c; 130 bbis Old uiolint.es at 23 haif barrels new at 26c, aaJ 30barroUi&ew .t 33c; 4 tie.-c- rice at Cc. F'ruiay, 9.h GEOC ER1ES Sales of ibi bays Bio corce at llcl,CtH) bags at 10H i, aud 110 b.li at IDS 10tailc; IS hhds fair so rter at 4c;CShhdtfair and prime sugar a; 4ll4c; Kihhdt y fair sogur at ic, and 21 hhda prime at llae; 31 b la St June'rsfioedatt.M9j;l0batrsliDew molaaset at itc; II tierces rice at l;a Sc. Saturday, 10th GROCERIES. Sales of 11 bars oom mon Coffee at lOVic (SI do Rio do a; H)o; 41 d J do do at 309 do uo do at ltle; 37 dodo do at lie; l i tierees E li rarineJ Sugar at 64c; 2 hhds refined do at 7Hc, U do do at 4Sc; 70 do l.ur de at 4 c; 13 do strictly do do at ",c; 111 do pr.nie d u 1c; 41 dodrf do at l!; 10S do fair sad prima at t'wlutllic; 23 bbls now Molasses at 24c; lOo do S H at 37c; 20 new do at 23c, 46 half do do do do at 26c; 271 bblt old do at 32c; 1 tiereet Alice at 1 Vc; X eo do al Sc. Monday, I3th GR. CKRIKS ?alesof 30 hairs common coffee at lOlur 100 bass K.o coilet at l(i?4 Allo; 171 bigs Rio at mVwlOV; lau ba, s at IU V; 10 ba;s at lUo; 14 b ins -- t 11c; 110 lihd: lair, strxily Island prmiesug.r at ijtj'c; 30 bbls St Jautcs' rshn d augar at itj'K; 10 t eres Elm Hall reiinsd t ui;ar at 7c, 78 barrels new ib .asset at 34431c, lo Urn conn lJOb'ols old moiusesat 2e; 71 bbls nsw at 33e; 30 half bit new al i'C. TnnsJiiy, GROCEKIS Saletof 119 buis Eioco2oa atlOc, ani 41b as at lie; 97 hhds str r.tly fa.r sugar atle;43 hhJs fair ugarat 4?c,i0 bblt old molases at 33c; 20 bill, new nio- - lasses at '44o,amall sales at aSc; 4J half barrels molaasos at 3'Jc; 3 tierces rica at 6;. AuoKiJl bags Cutfes; ltg hogsheads Snaar; 1,41.4 bsrrsls Molasses; 3o tierces r.ce. HAY Sales of 3,00 bales at $11 iCiilT 00, ft.ni store 430 bales br glit T.mo'.hy at 111 31, to tiealer at the l.ree; Dealers aro coutractms lur lots at (II 3CS$14 10; soats bid $11 00 forohj.ee. HEMP Raip'snf new crop from theesuntry.wikh salet st prcet ranging from $Ii)J to $110 per .ton, tt paid by Inannlactuiers. Genuine Russia lleinp sed is he'.d at $1 M iait COper b'lshel. We hear of two lot ai the e.lr of t- - locteuseeJ. 1UDKS AND LEATHER The eastern maikeU are firm, and p.icei hat a.lvunced in the raw material and c.si.y oss- - cr.pt.onsof tanned leather. A ust ef prices appear in on; summary. Saies or green aides at i cents; liemloc Tanned Sde Leather at 21c. per lb. Faltt ui prune Hint Lidos at lie. HIDES We qnoto Green slauxlit or ) cents ooiaioissions ailded Minouri Dry ....1CS1I cents DtySalted lOwl'-- cntt l)i y Flint MM centt 4"itvcnred dry. salt - all cents LEATHER We quot- e- Sol es, city tanned, at to 27 a uta Country do, at ...23 to 2 aenls. In the Eastern matketa the dema: d being good, and the arrivals inadquste; pricts of Dry Hides bava further ad- vanced on some descriptions, whi'e others axe held for a similar improvement. Western, dry, K2Uc; Western, wot salted, S'JIH.o. Biwnos Ayres, dry, 23324c; do we, salt- ed, li'Vallc; Porto Ctbello, 173 Se; Montev.do, 33a24c; Calcutta, tow, rrcen, ea.t pes, "95c; alausht.r $1 2C4 $1 :. LEATHER Pluladelphia and Palt.moie City Tarned CT 23c;do dry hide i4'2Gc. Bostoa red slanhter 21433 cts. Western Upper Lea' her, rough Ltht, SGa i2c; Upper roush, beay. 14'aPe: filaajhter Cpper, heavy rongh, t!2Je- GUNNY BAGS Sa'et at 13o. JEANS AND LINSFY Small sn! at 41 I2e for Jearta and 31 33c for Lin'-es-, lor nc- -r j w ear. LUMBER The dealers In ihie ttty ha.t tttablihed tht followms rttet: I'ine Lumber, cVar. . . $U M Do, 2Jra'e.. 30 do. Do. 3d rate. 3 do. Common Uianis., II uo. Third in' a floonn? 1.9 do. Keeoiul rate do , 40 A). No. 1 P.r.e Shmilea ... 4 do. l:tON. N'AILSt. AND LEAD Ve quoleby the quantity as fullnws: Kloneoal liariron 3Ve; chvroxl bar iron tc; all othir dexcriptionsat the usual ratss. N.iils 7 712J4 CO forlOd.tnd corresponding rates for other sizes. Terne.se $20 for No. .1 aad $28 for No. 2. Salet CD tons Brownsport No. 1 Pig Iron at $30; No. 2 at $3 0, months. Pig Lead nt7c; kar Lend Ha'aVJa cents. , Werloesday, Mar?h Tth- -1 ' , PROVISIUNS. 70 bbla west atd m. o. pork tt $13 7J-- $13 10; al bbis me.'t pork at 313 JO. T. ursday, l;h PROVISIONS Salet ef 3 casks bacon sides at V;1 ol casks shoulders a'IMc, packares extra; I,To3 p.eces ribbt d s, from salt, at ic; 20 casks clear sides at 7c. packa?s to extra; 30 birrels mess pork at $13 :0; 13 barrels M. O. pork to 13 n, 3.C0O pieces baron hums at 7 V, loose; 770 preces shoulders at 1'ie, loose; II barrel mess pork at Jill M. Fr.day, 9th PROVISIONS lesof 146 barrel Mess Pork at $13 10 II bbls a' S 14 0 0,cash;483 bbls old po.k at $ .1 31. aad "! bbis old at 13 00. A sale of the product of 1 til Iocs slaughtered at Lafayefe, Indiana 14 CtO bulk .houVsrs (jelivercd at Ktw Albany: 1.100 bulk s.dca; 1.7C0 bacon shoulders, ail at a prio we did net learn, amounting to about PatuBlay, loth - PROVISIONS. Sales of iM VU puma Lea Lerd at to. 18 per cant ta'e; pieces liiuwn Sn.iulJevs et J'i loose; l.luOdo do Ilauis at 73 do, fro.n smoke; ljHiiaMe?s I'orkRt iH at 00 days; 119 do dodoat $11 ca5h;CVals Pa-- co.i Siiou'.Ji rs at IJtc.ja. iiuj extra. Monday, l?th ,, PROVISIONS Sales cf R2.0C0 5.3 s'loulilers fmro tilt at a 63.0,0 ISshanu from salt at 6'fc, packed, eina! to rnsk; 3cek bacon harct a fc;3 ca.VscVtr sides at 7c, packages sxtrn; 17barrels mess pork at tt4 fO. A sale of the product 7 !! hoys preked at Lafayette, Indiana avenue weixlit, a iiett viz: 3ut bbis mees pork; 91 tierces lard; 8 643 pioois hams and sUonlders, m bulk ai a pr.t.s we did cot learn, aaioontinj t about J9.C00 OJ. LARD Sales of 80 bbla grease lard at 7 V', Amounting to about f ton, tio; CO. v FEED. 1 bids clorereed at fT; 17dodc 7. rt t. HEMP SEED. Genuine Ru,ia hemp is held at $ 1 S$8 per bnsiiol. Kei.ected seed, imported to introduce a sp lor g.alo, which is odered by kaldora at a shade sojtb lbs coat of imp.irtatiom. ... SEEDS Sakis of 13.5 bushels clover at. tt 7Wt7 31; 134 els timothy at $3 10, til bushels orr'uaid at $1 lit ft buihels herd's at $t i; 1119 bushels clennej bice fni a! JbJlO; I bushels tuperblue grass at $! Jri; 40 bu.he'.a strip ped bine graes at f 11; 20 bushels mtlleltat $2 00 miiloft henalMiiced, and is firm at $1 00: stock light 5 bmhsit hemp seed at $2 ; 37 biu'ieli top on on? at JJ 10: 7 baibel ' oion setts at 3 li'; 24 bushels Caage Orasge seed at $40 V bn;!iel. . . . SKED tales cf 14 bblt clover teed at p. . We quote a J5 71. SEKOS. S.ilesof7bMaCToTer5eed at t6 7.3g 191 bush- -' els cleaned Blue Cnss do at $1 40: CO do do dodo at $1 1"; 110 doOrcha"! Gras doat S17la$tCt; lido top Onions at 00; 30 do Herds Grass Jo at $1 W. SEED Fales of 31 bushels timothy peed at $ J 10; 6J bish- - els clover seed at ft 71; 30 bathes cleaned bine at $1 10; liihuaheis orchard gratsat i tr). The 70 barrels clover sood quoutJ yoMerday at $1 71, should tead $6 71 per bushol. SEED Sales of 171 bushels mille'.t seodat $3 03; 20 bosh- - el. orchard gra.sat $1 90; 40 iuihels clove- - teed at ii 71; bbls clover seed at ffi ii, i'amai;cd; 31 tb'5 clorer seed at private term... Upwards of 2,001 bushels for the week. ' TOBACCO. Sales at warsl ou?cs. Wednesday, Mreh 7'h, of 30 hhds., at pr.cee ranxin- - aa follows: $7 fO, ( 39 11, 10, t 70, i fi. 8 00, 1 a, to. 7 00, 3 13, i 8), ( Ju, U, 1 61. C 31, 5 71, 1 C, 7 11. 51, 7 60, 9 00, i 63, 6 10. II, 7 10, 1 71, 8 60, 8 0, C 0. TOBACCO Sale of 30 boiat Kentucky manufactured Tobacco at 16c. TOBACCO Sales at the warehouses Thurs.tr v. March rh.of 41 at ehe followics pneer: $0 93, 2J $6 10, ( 00. 01, 1 71, 1 73, I 21, C 31, 7 10, T 21, 10, 1 91 $8 71, 7 61, 7 10, 6 30. S 71, 7 31, 31, 10. I to, 7 11, 7 3d $7 71, 7 81, 10 (10, 1 70, i 80, 4 10, fi 40, 9 2.1, 21, K, 30 $5 CO, 6 30, 11, 7 SO, 10, 1 71, i 70, 6 30, 6 Oi, C 4u. TOBACCO Sties of 110 boxaa Kentucky aud Virginia manufactured To'ojcco at lSallc; 100 boxes 'E.iies' " manu facture at . on 4 m I.lhs. A private sale of 3 hhds na Cutting Leaf at 'c, to Detroit. One house in this city sold last tear $10,000 SO worth of Aobacoo to the citr of Ietroit alone. TOBACCO Salet Friday, March rh, at the Warehouses of 46 hogsheads, at prices ranging et follows: 1'6 So, I IS, $3 10, 6 00. 6 01, 1 71, i 71, I 21, S II, I 00. 7 10, 7 ti, C 3t $1 91, I 1, ) ti, 7 10, 6 ro, 1 71, 7 71, 8 41, I 40, 7 11, 7 30, 31. i 71, I tO, 6 id, 6 70, 8 00, 7 60, 7 10, C 11', 9 80, 7 31, $8 21, 8 31. S 75, 1 03, 6 70, i 83. 1 ), 6 11. 6 70, S 61. 3 1 TOBACCeV-!es- of li boeet J R manufactured Tcbac- - euat 3t(a'3zc; 32 do Kentucky do at 19c. Sale t of To&acio a, wirehouspt Sa'ardiy of ISlihds at 7 33, 61.711,9 1',19!,I3J,7 C?. 10, 00, 31, 1 fcO. S 31, 171. 61, 6 I0, 3 So. 1 70. i li, t 90, 1 81, C 7S, 91, 6 70, 6 4J, 00. 170,7al,C61,7t0,921.76i, 181, (41, 611, S W, 6 40. 173, 71,7 r, 8 21, 53, 8 73, 6 91, 8 70. Hi, 5 71, ISO, 1 10, 5 M 30,7 00,1 60,171,800,181,641, and two hhds net at 4 10 a:i4C(t. iOHACCO Sales of 75 boxes manufactured Tobr.cco at TOBACCO Salea at the warehouses Mondsy, March lilh, r.f 30 ho5tlif.adt, st prxot ranging aa follows: $1 30, $7 10, fi 11, S 81. S3. 5 71, 11, 6 01. 1 90, 6 00. t 10, 70 Si U, 6 43, 6 78. 70, 1 61, S 71. S ii, i t), 6u0, i 70, 7 81, $3 30, 7 30, 1 70, i 81, 5 U), 7 ea, 5 61. TOBACCO ta es at the narehonrei Tuctcay, Mart h 13th, of o7 hhds, ut prices rang-r.- as f Hows: $1 71, 1 Cl $3 90 , 6 31, i 71, 7 21, i 71, 5 CO, t 01. 5 81, 1 ill, I 03, i Cl ti S3, 7 71, 7 05, 7 73, 8 ", 5 SO, 7 33. S 21, i 75, S3, 7 6i 3 63, 6 90, 6 33, 7 21, 8 90 , 7 91, 3 5, 9 39. 9 CO, I 35, 7 Oil ti 61. 1 41. 7 31. 3 75, 5 61, 6 II, 4 90, 5 li, 3 75. 5 21. 75 $5 71, S 35, 5 71, 7 43. 6 25. 5 Gf. I CO, 7 it, i 65, 8 13, 3 78 Total SOI boxet and aH6 tuaheads of Tobacco. TAU Salet ef 10 this at $7 60, Wje barrels; 10 bblt at 53 00, .mall barrels. OIL Sa'es of 73 bbls Linseed Oil at 81c, to tlit trace from M.U. We quote Flaxseed at $ I 4C bushel. C: STOP. OIL Sales of 6 this at $ (10, oa 90 daya. SODA. Sales of 3 hhds Soda Ash at ic; 71 kegs Bicar bonate So.ia at PAINT Sale of 10 tons mow white Zinc 1'a.nt, to one psrty.at lrc V in mauufa.it urrd in Louisville. PAPER. Falct cf Louikville mannfacttired Psfer for the week. 48,000, Ibsat amount mg to $t.6. STERINE. We quote the market price at 5!r. SALT We" quote Kanawna tfltat 45 cents per bushel and ample supplies. Alum mil It, and Turks Island at 50c with a good stock oa band; Liverpool at $3 00 per ba;. TIN l'LATE We quote 11 753S13 per boa for I. C. $13 l.).o,$ U li Cut 1. X., and $13 0.1ft $13 25 for roof.nf. IMPLEMENTS Sales of 43 Eaufo.d Straw Cutters at $15330; 1?J 13 Subsoildoat $7 50 6 Steel Cu'.tivatt TS at $6; 6 Kentucfc t Corn and Cob Mil $30; 4 Dodge's Corn Plntiters at S:0, 11 We.tra Rot Corn Shelters at 3U; 1 Threshing MaehineB at $135; t Foidin Harrows at $lia$li. Aportioaof the nbore ta St. Joseph, Mo., and Arksoenn. Sules of 1 corn she .ler at $25 60; Istraw cutter at $11 U; 1 straw cuttor at $40 OS; t eera piaii'.er.at $11 CO; lOrlowsat $11 40 toMichiau. LAUD OlL Sales at 75c per gallon. NAVAL SlOliES. Oakum we quota at lOJjaila. Tar $4 ICail 00 V bbl. )os:u $3 504 $3 CO. Pitch $4 50. Tar- - pentine 10261 aents V gallcn WHiSKY Sales of raw at lfXeile. by the qnanhty. from first hands; new copper J5c; Bourbon SOo; tae old Bourbon $1 25. LIME. Sales at Cra35ri?Cc,ty tlie 10C bbls. LEAD AND SHOT Missouri Shot at $2 00 per bag. Pig Lead at 7c; Bat 7kc TALIOW We quote at 1!V . " STARCH We quota at IVi9n. ' SO AP Common Bar Seep at $1 71 j $2 $5 per hex. GLASS We quote country glass, in large lots, 8X10 at $4 0X12 at $3 75: and HXU at $4 21. RICE Sales by the t.cice at iQ$c. ' WOOL We quote in grease at 14c; pulled t'o; taV washed Kc. WOODEN WARE Tnbs, in nest, $3 12V, ianeit $7 UH: Mne anJ red Buckets $2 20; fancy Buckets $3 35, by thediay load. Z.nt Wathbcards, $3 41 V dozea by the gross. At retaU Washboar a $2 60 V dozea; Tuba.' (I ia ne.t) $3 40 V dozen; 3 in nest it 40; blue and red Buckets $2 21 per dozen; fancy Buckets $3 31, hoop Buckets $3 5t) a 75. FREIGHTS. -- Shipments to New Orleans, pound Jreisats 35 cents. Pork 53 cents per barrel. Wliifky 75 cents pT barrel. Tobacco $3 08 per hh'l. Cattle $7 $8 per head. Mulct and Hor.ee S7. Sheep 71 cents per head. To Nash ville 40 eeuts per hundred. Whisky $1 21 pet barre'. To Pittsburgh aud Wheeling 18'32fl cents for pound freights an advance is charged lor way f. eight. LOUISVILLE CATTLE MARKET. WEBSItotv. March 14th. 1115. BEEP CATTLE, SHEEP, AND HOG:J. "There is a Jtrm feeling for hogt" at tvaie. gros. Salea of II uoaao Cua Beaf Cattle at $8 60, aett; and 33 head at $8 41, natt; Kt head of fine Sheep at $5 25, wool el to ship. The market is lightly stocked in extra aud first quality Bccres, which command good prices. Qco'.at.cns ar noin nai, iuj the price is regulated by quality and demand for shi;ni.nt. The New Orleans ''Commercial Bulletiu," nnder dale t.f Match 1st, says: "Arrived 183 hsad of Western and Mississippi Cattle, 230 Hogs, 28 Cowa and 135 Calves and Yearlings; ' Bat few Sheep, with an ample supply of e.livx 'Mc'i,. The market it in fttor ef poichajers at our quota- tions, viz: FKit s. Beef Cattle Western fine to rhtiiee, !i l'Sl! Western rouen ami one, a i ll'erf Ordinary. t tb uet. 7at Hoit. nor It. net it 7X Shec.in lots, per bead... ..$4 l"f5 ofl ice.... .S4 4i 3, per head, ordinary $iC tk e 75 CO Cows. choteV. fc5 Calves and YeurLns. .$ 7 li 00 BANK NOTE TABLE. CORtiECTED WEEKLY BY UUTCHIN'GS A CO. Sicht and time Exchange for sn'e in sums to suit purehaa ir oa the piuiciple cities in the United SUttas. Rema'jtn- - ces niade to England, Ireland, nnl Siotland, in sums to Kent-ick- All Banks .par. lu.l.niu Mil and braucl.es.... .par l V i! . 1 10 i CilS. Ter.neitsee Old bank-- . !.. ew hanks 1 to 3 tiia. M.stoari S'aie Bank ..par. tllinoii All o!vent lisnk. 1 lo 5 fit. Ohiobl.ete Hunk and brunohes ..par t.i;tc,! cnt Banks ar to 1 At Virainna .lid Ba ,.pnr to d;i ow iiaukl. ii to i on New York e ily H.tatoii City . I iu.aiielphiu Ct' hr. Unit. uu.: t.ly..., Eastern Cou try note. ...par to I a s. .inna. till yohent cp.iks ..par. Aiabuina, I'ank of Mobile. 1 da. Bank ! AUn-iia- 1 d S'ate l ank and bracclies ... " to 5 (I Noitiiern Bank and l.rnnclies ... I to 3 it Norta ila'o inu, all .olt cut littnks. ... IS to 3 dut So ith I aroliitti, " " 1 di. Oturnii 1 di. v. l .in. ... 3 to 10 d 1 d 'ill. EXCHANGF. New York ii la prem htou l'lnls.lc!phia HaHunore New e'rleans.... to l'i prem TIIE MONEY MARKET. TItE soneral tt ne of the market .s iniprOTtnl, and Money is rondily obtained on paper at eaty ratal. Easrem sieht exchence, which inclti.tes Pittsburgh. Ttnlti more, Philadelphia. New York and Boston. al percent.; Kt, Louial percent ; Charleston 5; per cent; New Orlcsas 1 percent, premium; Momphis, par; Jasl,v.lle.i.ar. American Gold prem. Trtenlr rim.-- a S3 F0 Sovereiens t 13! Tea Thalers Ven Guilders U Stixaaj ol f The following Free Rank notes art receive! on depoeit by Messrs. Hutch-m;- . a Co., upon the same terms as the State Rejtks ef Tennessee, vizi Cotnmcicial Eink, Memphta; Tarewoll.of Tazewtili; Chuttanxa, of Cnattanoojn; C ai bornccf ClalboruB; and Nashville, ot Xtsliville. Rio Da Jaebio. Dec-!7- . (Isxwall. Wneht. it r. i r The sa'cs sn.C-- the Uth hsve been tO.Oiij tns .: a MM har fl.r ilie L'nitett state.. 2e.nt-- tMisr. to ti,. f Del.aitd tj.tvliibr. tor the hiediterraitjaB ai tflivtl 4a io lor met. lec'io sf.irthe ITn.tel Ma'el, and 3IK00 a 4nlii0 i lo.s, itocor.l.tMl to tooo eloOeatt ar pr.nc ,'.a.ly sootbt a t- -r aud are rota sca v.t'i nm. n a n.cc.iy, a.. sn.iill lals onlv. Ourq'tot-Utf- for gool hrst. antl snpfrmr miitl Mi.i bi ni.Ti..C. rvai.tiil one, or mr eni nt lots oniv. Wet; u He 1.00.I fl rat t and surirtlors 4.11'K'at IJ01. lots XI'loO, kreorJinrto qanlitv. Our luaiket haa been auiet durinr t be pa.t or flve'days. in caasttqusac of th holidays and afesecc of suitable quantities Important Ttclke! T.orwvir.LB, Ft1) S4'U, 1::IJ. BlB.EoiToa I svlinit for peroral a cae ef com pleated dee, winch, perhapa, aay aot be un ntersst . Tna nejro, Henry, who is wU knows ia t.. eity, ha beeBan.Ter-i- n far the Jtst eighteen months from sore of the mostui-vstera- te and pnr.fo.1 cha actor. Ite t.z ui i y beeoiuiaz mo-- e prostratad from the nroium J.cuTfe. The ulcers n- - niliug an-- eacht-fhe- Ii.nvmx a o'lgu--t aal horr bly pnirful sniinc". It n t ou'y a'.' a kei the body, but appeared en thef...e. aad was ratals t e'en ling to the tcilp.so moch to. tiia' bad it t'4 cuares- - tiou of lr brain aa-- del:r.mu mo- -t have en.U-- existence. Besides th.s, the entire system eympathrzed. Torch. Kight-tia- a! s and dropsy tet ia. 1 he surface of the bouy pesu'- - Ja yellow bright color. er.ilfciCu. di.ea.ed li.er. The IB rtsp .ration wa hurr.td ar d ei reused, m.i: ail outw d sraa apprnhehing dis50lut:on)i clearly rusnif-t- . D'nicj this p3ied he had the most able m'dlc:J alf .ee, beemed be fr .t rated, av d the fieor fei'ow . left w::hmt a hope. gradually perish. At t.nt time my attentica w. a d him. I reecininen eJ 6araDaril.av and ere maay dare lapse J, 1 ha l lUe ytatiueat oa of : :ai; a maraad lro. provemeut. Towards the ead ef the iceuavh uay -e ronrlt, and extreme prcstralioa had disappeared. The rated turftico pot on a healthy a; p'srance. The ei!u-.- .f er mi berjime dai'y less and at tl.e cx; irati- n of one mouth he wis in p rfect hraitrt, rnd coitiates a Bp to tho present tone. If. in brir.tine eae before the fuMic.I may benefit my fedowreitures. nnd be ti.e mea.i. re- placing n sickness by health, I shall bars :tt;a ued my ead. a J am yifur obedient rerv-aut- , rtl7wl 1HOS. A. HURLEY. FOR DnAl'Tin iSG THE HA III. T!!!Sprt ; aralioa is s'nly pen .r'ad; i gires to the 1' ur d irk, sof, cVis'y, tad live'y whicl be obtfpned from seyot'-.e- ar'ir.le. It sec'n i'ly ceanscs the Kilp from D.tndruT and Scurf, arid 'eee. the hend clean and healthy. It prsvents the Hair from tallmr olf or tnrn.n; grey.and inspires it wilhrew life aad visor, and while it aikla beauty, it will iLave pain, for it is almost a cartaia rcine.ljrforc'i'au.iudLseises.sirli aaScald llee.1.., Erysipe las, Salt Eheuin, kc.a'id w.ll a'so iivt.tn'lT rei.er : r yaipa- - icnt'ucttsof netsous aclsn lt heiut-- h. It is nnneces'ary for nt to ennmcrate the wonderful prop erties of this invaluable preonration, for its repn'a' lou liss already been shed st hamig no tnpenor. Medical , physicians, chemists of the hiThevt s'anln f. lad eaof fiaeat d.f riii.. nation, citirni from all preiessioct. tta million, of patrons. sn l tl.e learling joiirnalst'iro'i'-jtu.u- tiia and pr.mo'i-c- e it flu best prnparnlion the world has ex- -r prodr.c-- d. T.r it onre. anl yirt will neer be without it. HrRD'S OOLDKN CLOSS iw no in ry lnrre bo- - les, and sot J at tlie low price of twea'y-Uv- e een's by ail the prmeii al X tiers ui Drngs and Me.licii.ee auuly Fancr bnu Merrhant.i ihn.ur'uotit the w.Id. Choiux! jiiaiufsctJnn ( ocirry, Fr r.eto.-s- , 2 '1 ltrnaun wj. New York. W.li.m.S'arbir.l St Smith, Lou. il, Ker.tutky; Park, Cincins'i :hio. US d.w6m 3" DON'T BE UtCEIVEDll We have obtained the Agency Tar the best Iluir Preparation in the World. Uny as other: we guarantee sntiifactiaai to t'.ia con. tinier. A TEA' CEUTiriGATES From Geniie-me- of the highest san'j tn faror of the Worli-rtr,cv- niRD'S HAIR PaESTORCR. Which will produce a new grcie!. oj Ilair oi . , any Bald Head.. New Ysrk. Dec. ?0 ItZl. tr. c. hbsdm. I wasbiai for t .rjniy-- f ur yenir. Your Hair r.estorer h: s prod'ieed a ne-- growrth of hair that rorers th entire hend I waa bald. - a J. D. PtPPAlB, N.K !5 Broome street. Na Dec. 2. 1C13. W. C. Hccd: Dear Sir YoarHair Restorer has produced growth of hair on my head, where it hat beeab lid for fire years. C FaSand. Da?jorreotTTi.t,3T7 Broadwuy ' ' New York, March !8, !?!!. W. C. Hcso: Afterabaldneiof :ht years, jour Ha:r Eestorer haatully let'orej hit h:ur. Wit. FiT57.io. 4 Eaat Broadway. hew York, D'C 10. li.'.i W. C. H"FD: I have thoroughly tested your Hair Re storer. It Lo magic, fur it ha? produced a now growU on every head where I tr.ed it. EtRNrT D. Ptf 2 ?.f D. Formerly ot the University of Berlin, Prussia. Boston, Jan. 2, 3811. C. IfVlD: Tiorei.ala.ly hvrn; with me tl,a had I oil most of her hair, and that remaining was fast falling o:T. Sb commenced nsiog your Hair Restorer, which nt once stopped its fjllin; off, and aichonxh the has bees usiugit but six weeks, a new growth of ha. r lias sprung up nearly one inch inlcl'.i. 11. TatL02, Jr. Mirciiaut.Sl Har.over st. Boe'o'i, Ja t. 3t. 1C.. W. C. Kvco: I was tronbljj t i h.;jn-- f. r t'nte years. Your Ha.r Restorer has t il'.y restored my Hair. J. ScarniNO, Corner Tfteid and Haot.Ter streets liurd s Hair Restorer is sold at One Dollar per Bottle, by ail tho priliciiiej deaiera in Drug! and and by Fancy Goods Slerchnnts t!iroui('atut the wo: :d. , Area's. V,':'.son,SUir'oirda Smith, Lousvtlla. Kentucky JoHa D. Park. C acinnali. ra-0- n6 oiwoia DURKEB, I1EATH& CO., 10? FOURTH STKEET, IiXP0r.TKK3 AND WHOLESALE AXD kETAIL DK.vLEi:S IN ALL KL1 DS UF SILICA, MAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, AND 1IOUSIJ AND STEAMBOAT FURNISHING GOODS!!! rE are now oar Ssoetc. wlii.:t, in ex'ent s t aal Tsnttiy, is by far ttie most cu apteW .f aay to be found in the West, ami se.in! to n.'.neii the EiH. OurCoretsti rocBsare reoo.ved diract tarnach our owa importations, aii our Anisr.r.an domestic tit was are etcl'iaivtii V of the mariStct jrers. wii.ch enables is to e.vr oiu entire stork of (.xws at vrie that cannot bo readied br any of our cnn.ne'.iiur. Mr. Hurke, toe ssruor partner, es tls in N.w T ri. ner.Hn .5 r, a s e time tile ear. kaeiag of our stork aiT.ng I '.a graatest aren lu d are4e Hie se:ect.oa ol e vary eiuaa ol aootis 10 as louul in immense st.. k. Our goods will ao told aicltisvrfy trca h. w th no de viation ia ; rxra. Ju our l.ral caameiat on nay De I junu Plnin and fancy Sil'aa. Ocr asortmot of S.lk is hy tar the iar of tij In be found in tbe citr. w include, evere airlB and OMautr inanniactured. A laFg lnw 01 the nio-s- su leriorqimLt es ui illit-- Si. will a.:i-'- se aent on tiank, wn . a w an tocemmend as ths best fithr.c ,al wlceh alrtatly have ti e aiguesl repu.atioa 01 any 51. as fcoi am s cu.y. Sprlnig and Sommcr Good. Plain and fancy Grenad' t e S iks; P am aad laney Mi'k and Wors.ed Bra?e.; Pia n and pr. n ed Jaconets; Rr.liiantine. and e'randie itlnsl.re: Lawn, of eveiv s'rle and descr n'ion: Tcget aer wh every other variety of dfltirable Press floooV stiitititle for tne sprine ana sucim.r tru.u. vopt- - 01 w tnelmla p'aia and printed Sw.s. Mints. Ind a Bonk Vi Muli Musl ns. V.nV.ria I awns, white and c. iurad Iarietoos, aeoao: Cawnrica, str.ped aa i oarrcd X is n s. .' Shawls u nil Mtk Mantilla. Ou- - stock of Shawls will embrace evere rnefr nivirte-- w th tperml sfft'Ka rs.-- to ooi s'ock ot while- - aai celcrad T.1.S'B ami amhro .! tte.l rn- e Sil.iw.a Ortraseortoient of Silk M Btnins will be foi.I temhre CTety vr.'T of elTie a a quality manamciored. Strict tentjon will be 0 to he purchase t.f all ti.e nttstst; of M.intillas to be fnucd ia Paris and London. Wnrated Geeda. Customer, will ala find a? onr stores a!! co'orsof Lnv n's Merrtn.ies and ail wool r el.amra.in-t- ng his dofh'a fold Bis IeLtiees and Fon.bez nes. whu li are s'iDenor to anr ot. er totals el tne k.nJ found in market. Aii".. evey eolo, ai.d q ia:.ty of Cotuoa aad Wool urotfn tor 1 ravel. ng ureses. GinghaiRa and Trints. Onr stock extntains every manulacture of Gingham to be I'in.t m htio ca. t resell sntl u tsbrirs. Our hue of Prin's includes every brand cf French, Er. sit and Amcr ran sijies. Lacet aad ICinliraiderles. ITon.ton. Mnlere. Gin.pur, and Vaienctea&es: Hot.. Ihrean.and Eie-s- linoi'.o Plattaml Va.eiariennes Collars; Cliezn relief, .Sleeve.; ITnnch embro.dcrc-,- .Vln-- l a Collars icd Sleeve.; I 1I0 Jaconet do do: White nndb'ack Caape Co...irsaa-- i S'ecvcs; Masltn Rands, Edr nis, lD.ert.iu;s bi d Transfer work; Jaconet do. do, tlo; V7 Itms e's. Ilomton aad Pi.-.- r.ae Ca;es; rlontton. rin'sscls s;inl Meckl'n Rtu!i.1 Ve Is; E iie Am it; no etui.rotdered Lie and Chencuia Evening lirefsts; Vnltn embro dered Evening Drev- - W'hitB t tlo da do; Embroioored an Jaconet hk.i's. Cloths, Co. iineres end Tsttiass. coristf.nt.lv , an asTrTn:eniof tlie bet TrTch. ua.uiiun. sni i rta.. e .otns, oi.tca aesain e aasimores, witii a f..!i assaitit'.-n- of i.'a.u and laicy f'uss.mers-- Tweet's. f'o't.ona l. s, L.nen Dr:L, wn.le, eoiored and fancy Marseilles V et.ng-- . llabertliislirrr. Onr stock in Ih l:ni will li clo-i- every vsre'r of Silk, L:le Tl.rea-'.ani- l Cot' on llo--e a'! se t. r in.1 e. a- ti penis; misses' no.! h t' wear, of the b. t Ea!ish manumc- - t.ire; oeeeher w.tu tu best 01 k.1.1. hi.k. L. tie Tore ui G ot o, to be found in the .. A1 to. a l l ew st ies ol 4'ctmhs. el the verv latest improved pattara. antl sola at ies man .(! ort prims. Carpet and Oilcloths. Wo have now ou ban a lame and well stock Carpets, embracing ail the manufactures of Scotch, En" i:it. aau Americttn var.siit s: Enrish. Kioileriu ocer. Ha.ifsx and Miactester; Wilton and Tapestrv elvet Carpets; English Xaoesirv Xtrnss.s d'; liucerint aud Ainercao l per ysri: Entiish and Anient an ingiaia a, l.aat quai.t- -, at 73 Srr.r h's atent Tapestrv Inrriiu Carpc.lt, fcr which re hsv the solo arency in lais city; t'nioii and tii.lt.n t ot; 4. 5. siid vard nla Venetian Carrtin;: Irerxnan Heoap do; .a. no. A:o. a eva vaiiety t.f Cheieil e. Vel-r- t. 1..ie! RntS tmfe n.r wuh evet-- tf Paiior and Doov , Tiib.e, otand, and I loor Dili intha. Iloaae and Steaaaboat l arniklilna Cootla The closest at'.ct.tioii will be pail .0 tn.s pnrt ofoir 'rvl as we teic.innJ.-n- w have a rtaay attror u tn cttbuot ttf ti e c mtttunitv in the sa e 01 our own miuortaTn.ua of I.ir.Tt.. hint wc knt.w to be uf ths most hrrrit a.,id in tots rtMinTy, uxiu.iir.e: R chxr-.so- at fe.n'saod V 111. tt.non a Sou. . of I'no e .iiul hrrt.n, t'ronti'i and l.inein of all widths ard or .: toeetaer w,th Pmow t.mt.ns. Hieacnetl aro t ii'i.iaruel I'owe inc.. N s k'lis, llovlit-,- anU Marsfiltee and I ancr.ster 4 pPB'ed'a'tl re.l l ab e. ( overs: Bl. ' 'a iu eo 'rs. ut.q'teanU rnmia.red iin.bru.tieratl Lat: Musi.a Cuitii.'i: Lrir.telii. S.ttm I'o a.ne-- ; l'n. on sr J l otion l;amk: Oil 'lae: colored l.it, usj t'ot'.a J and ll.nieies: Rt.us 4 of.. ices and I'nrUiiB taii.'e. slvo. every other ar.it .a kept in tlie v ty 01 ijuuttuf:.i. incGiMMl. VV KEL, HitA t li Jt CO. lull wain TAKE'S VP. BY WM. T. RF.I n. l,v nr oa th Headr roa.1. 3.- uoies soa'U ot F.t'.rriut, tu Jensrsoa conn a FA Y l.ORSE n'4 haas n ga I ar 10 years old: a blett.ua ia tae rtght v, a Ittt a . a tew wo tt ha s ;u bis t renea 1. aai a. too ail .ttn.!. At 1'f'j.i tii'ora r.B ot" iaausrT It. fiv,4 A. B. D. CAkPLM LR. J.P..J. e- i- AJIS.SOLLTIO.N OF COPARTNEiXMIIP. HE ooonrtnertir heretofore rr.tn unler tae Arm of tt ill front I' e eonrer it . - e.ifot fv.,m tiie dar of autisry lift. Ilia b.sinrsin li.11 setlKdby Jas. B. shtnvHier attd John S. t't ..1 tt r.ew firm of Manaht-- r. t arre.iter St l o. isa' the a..Bi of th old fiim iu. that ou. Jt P. ST..trr-HTr.R- , I LAi.KTl. J.SO.S. CAhrEMER. COPARTNERSHIP OTICF. B. SLAIGHTEH and 3 NO. S. CAltFEMl" R bare JAS. t Mr. Get.it.- ('. binnw: f r w.tli C., a, to t.tk etfect from the 1st tiny of Jaanaiy last, will ctt an tit. tianiwate busiurts at the uiu stau oi b anshier, C.a-- seit k Co., tinder the ft' mil a3w3 SLAl OUTER. CAI5PENTK3 ft CO. PILLS -- I et ail t .iinmHrl'l.t1! naM'iiti wtass. tea aur.t t I. 1'i.m dlsottses. 3ani..l.a t ky, Heatinclie II, .r' burn, I rita'v ii .ev-as- Man . r, I - Ht.nJ. . t..i.m. .. 1.1 t.rv antitaywiAiiit badec-vve- 4. PAI IF.N. ..i 71 Vonrli s ea, t. I'O.tOV.t PI.ASlLli.- -l ALICO'IKS Piaster r equal to sav i t.h..e.ii r.tll rr.uiiir ratrrttiv. tt. STe-- '. possess over all ottihf. h beintperftfut'd. Wrenra who.tue aieats for Kento. kv, ted harea isige lntonhand. . RAVMo.VD fc PA rjF.N. mil v 71 street. Is. D. SIAE'S TENTH MAMMOTH S?T ENTERPRISE. IHT BEAUTIFIL AJtD tHMri- - IsT PRIZE. to IinDHED CCLD 11D SILTES WITCHED tiihki: iiltndi:ei i0LTns - I. Aj1I!ICA. GOLD! In lLirfe Crad Prize of Cne Hun ire.I to!- - !ars Eac!i! LD. blNs. v,',:iaas..:rs. Iu fratads aad pBtresia h i Tsnta laraml aJt Em: w .,, r,.i .. i Cf ."fl SNA ft BO M..m!i, AirJ t. HIS, n.jiri oees- - sia Eight Hi.BOr.d kwaui.iul au rostt-t- .- ita wul a u.- - tr.tuie.i. among mki are iar i I)o..ar. ji ..,,e-i.ea- Gf.U,m three pnz.s of in H ni- -- l tv.'i-ir- eaeh: a w,oiib It aajr vamao Wato'ie.. Uor'Tut bpiucm O i', iria l.'lio l rtv, a.i ..ii..i J e; i .e 'st o i:i iiv. sn.l e . rtn : and ..sitt Wa:.ies,oitn from til lo J.O aai h. i warruit- - I to a i M.i--- ee; anJ a laipi of.tr 6.i a Kens.s sernteiisit n; Lul es tml ten ' rr.r,ins, .ar-- inirar-rni- kr,, Mwrvll f. am $ji to $.1 .n. ft. lit Hnno.ed Prize- i.i nil. va..i .1 at anUweit w.riB ard ti.e n t l.mited to .it t tousaud ioat harutrei, .re e tBBce ib iwv eornt tie rets T s u..f.bi":i.n of i:.e pries..! be en'.-e'- s ir.."er tiie itiol t.i a committee. aiin:ed h bet.r.:-tiu'e- r ire- - I, aa Lie vo.ntc m ty ial i.a.ur.l he eit-r- taitnt-alJ-- i ii siau.l .in sq.i..i i.i- -t are t r it. A.I b. oerMxia aut present w i ba s. t utoi a.iiof tadka.u. tree .i caA.ire. Am".!: aru w.l. be sent tj ill tiu 1 BB.li.ot IIHHal. Sjt.e vicaa'a. ti: s.x achats. $1: '.wsntt-i.-r- a I c is. f.o. ton :a.i r .'k. nil i i.. a f't.l - .nt na f t'.e iBMiiBr m imc. will n--. ui. tu aa -- e- lou it w.etner t.iay 3".!c.-i- je Lclet .1 ajk. TO AC EN 1 1.. ill paeon, w'.owiil act as a?er.s wi'! ;!cae ca: k n .miie.l..tvlr. and riT-i"- ,i .'pp wita wairver lumo-r- lu.a.ia 'i e.esas uop,Mta.a a:. aiio.l wa.it mi.1 il thsy or ler. t'le n: ....'...i un s run J r turnwt e on. bdra nr. A dian.wvl-- t BieJ OoU Pe. j U $ i be (iienianerr . wl sail f. ..v l.c-- aad tbe fl.'lee a ai:e'i3 vuo.i.i ths hiirneat a'wal.:r ..;' a. will esc J rece-iT- sprern uos. worth ir.en Hi t- All otders m...t b. ta L. D. Sl.iT. Ill 3' i. Cinetniati. f h o. in 17 g!js, DR. BLACKWELL'S SAilSAPAlliLLA VLltiilOU The Great Alttratirr mJ - TMTIITI.'IV.R tit.' T'lll." lit non XalooB.H rcouuneail tftit ewotta.i ft.r tba.eure ut nil t I tl.ses., oo: u r I'M .visia,- - from i i'.ur.t ... tne bi.x .t, ..w-- a ri.f.ua. D"oepsix tievmremrit el' fSe 4. ulaue.ia tiiwaaea. Ac. tor wn.ch we r.enu- - tI it n gerl f .i. r'.tt- - pttrucntjMoot n a cin-- nr. PrtDi.ieJ t . V Al i', MAN a KM.il.lR Wiittul. Laa.BT.l.s. ley. - l'ni;.'Hfll'ri!:t. 0?t i't'!r. t l'l'BUC XGXICE. RUSHTON, CLARK S6 CO'S C0DLI1CS OIL, For Coiisuniplioii. Scrofula, &f. vTHC fate firm, f R is..:.m, C.ark a Co. be.-- di. a tne of w. 1.. ltn. (the ar conn eled w J i tlie arwi.) l .eir levni' t'l LivtrO-- .areKe ; rrpn.e l nnlv bv II MAN. t I.. I i irviv.a partner- an 'ie sncceSMi.s. It woa tr. t'la- a who wM.t to ISewivnudiaed to soper.n'eBd ts Btan - :uc; and ne l.e only uru: '.t w , ev- wenl ' '.t. 0 ti teo sta.es tli:tt onrnose. aotl .a he will eonir.-- sui etvioisof luM biai.cit et ot.r oesaoss, viwi. wa.-n- onr O.I p'r s. d geniirfie. s;. m :tt use . eron its puntr, be rsr'.e.iWv to i'w of n.l l.iksl'.i., or K:.aoiua. (..ark a lo.. ts kf x itfeai.i bof.in. tiiad.-ed- of cera-- .it u.iJ tmen u. ne II.b Oil of oth-t- ai'tke. aoev" ... huve t- eu r'-- to aa tltu bv t. e eara ii ol 00 r atvo.cura. Ho ticn'-i- .n orJar'na ,0 (. a.lt A 'o.. as it v it.. Mr. ( ur.. not Rii,ton. wbo has nten.lad its maAufao.iL.e. aott nice Mr. Muatoa'B tia ra las eo a l.t-- i itoii i I. wi.c.t 3 ne a ar.r t .1 witii RiiBhtoa, Ciark V, t'ee. t e on1 v ihitf t.nu a..im ii.Gt.iAN. C L.tKS a e J. is la bv Wils.rn, S'.arr.'d Siitjiti..!. B. Wi .lerfcCo.. 3e rrer k Co.. J. 8. H jrr it u. R.,A. R nmswa a .';. oil nuomarv at tn, Het. IXtSott at tin EDWARD Tf ILSO.Y, FLO KIST. WALNUT ST., I.OUlSVir.I.K, KT., ttS lor a:e l4.pro poses, ia pet. or in ,1. '"'IV'H "''"ad. Thevars t Ihe h ist, s al a uny t,f thea a ,C tle l vare'.em. A wo. Gren li ju e. tt - b io..o,i. and B i b n Hc te-- t Fm t. "hs.ie iTT.vervreea Tree and shrtha. Msny vi tan s.ini! re and m e. sna ia. Uie i.rac. :m. e a t,i:ca.a bea-i- iful olant for CiUietenea, C'lDressu t'ne-- bria. the finest Cypress known, Anrvter.BB, aiitt Det.,.iB tt,;ha var.etv or V.BB'sior tejiBir t hwer Seer!. Sir. Cntaiogi'rsoiai bB eettauwd y af ply lag lo ml ...n.S-ali- E. 'Wfrorf JAMES SO.YI.M E II V ILLL', Mannfatiturer and Who esaie and l De.ler ia STOVES, CKATL.S AND CASTINGS, Copper. Tin and Sheet Iran Ware. TEA KKi 1L1 S.MlriONNCOK l r.l. Mllil.ci, nt ALI.N At.;.. S'lUTH S1ES .ma:. 3 llo. . o.r.3 I or StErVTTt LOLlVILLE, KY. JAMES SOMMERVILLE XTOl"LD ne.;fti.i.iilv inform ins a..J V pnV: be it ke has earned a str.rs a: 3M Maia street, wner he wdi henititewl t o eo anil aceouuimt.aie a., who may fsv.r nii'i w.U a call. He w .rr ints h work tibe a.-- goo I as anv inito the city. Terms raws atahh). N. U. It.rii.c aa.u aouscwoia gcas.ai utne w:ta neut-- t!: BY G0WDY, TERRY & CO First Iinre Sprinsr S:lr- - f Dry GooiK.if Auction, Catnloiio. ou Throe .uojjlhs I'rct;:!. Tctsilsv and Wedeevl iv, fit a an,: tt-- t, ve ON sen by eats ib '1. 600 sail its. el smi iitv tMia, o.r ct trutu th imoru-r- aasa m.m'ir.ciitrert, r.ms's;.ng in pan of reaca. t.n;i,a aa.1 titarCAS Clnras art, I rs. b own. h vd lanry Li lien If i Brown I. uteris, t alii.?. otiaties. I b, Jauns ait: liter's ijri.i.s o.ea he-- a. I ft own i . sr Pnl.t.'lii-en-t.- trt.nt var.eey, i hervs. vtrces, verre .rii.n. c.rtore : t atuttuica, attd al lae .cetariAa wantaa.. Al .! I'.lvV an.t fanrv Sdk .. efwiatinr ef G. O te RillH. f7iu..ie ssa.hs. wr.tue :t4saita Lttatrina: A.nca Lust- !:e. Bar. - in Lim-;- b .rejes. Pn.,ns, I .s.u a I. ne atsnrtu.ent. wiiatB.p 1. rttrw a a. I 1etSb.e cv L.rrss trtxaja; 4 iioa ut Jacoae's; S.vw. '.1 and M isiu..: Ltres. E .11.1r.mi r'es. 1 nfsand tlinSar... in new s vlea, I noire. im, tuv t. otas, li st ery, R.nboas,Coiu.sft, 1 arau., asrs::it: Tr n.ir.."-- s. Art.. Ac. will ba soar toreartvT tne sale wo ray tee ax le .ib els. over or. h inl-e- d .lo't-r- s. en.'r netea at thrB mouth. m Baiaic.or 1 per tteat. od Sums Dai..; s.'"ti.L-a- vtilno-- o.r luiit. raveg lonini S'. k Paris reve.I at par witb.iut dtacoui. ecolJ ciass at 9Jc. aad t MeMa all.ir.euls. . . .inrs nd w.l! Be Apr.I vno! ro. tio th'itt ti t a 1 tiu do Itthaiat tt.av Uof.iu.il uo d ti.t i ay Intl. Co t.fta do S d" lo lnr. do sixth So do do tio J'', GuWLtY. TERRY a f t LAVD TOa SALE. a.1 I ffer or n'a Thirt-thr- Aores of Ijinl. about ia wevv fr- ra I.ouisvil . ueif the r..uii. ani a part of tiie larsa ot teiix titun-- , detvaasd, .! e I,.i.,wal leruiit : Oita taod ctaa. and lie r m one an.l tw.tvears. wn'a ltterent. per-o- n - r 5. toputeuae will api'.ly ! H, V. t. AAR. near ths lari-- l wa. ri'ner initjorrmeii.. turn aioui s'"en ao-- ot natt rroer.d lad 1. App.y to A. L. t.A .3' iht.i VALlABLt FARM KK SALi:. TV va THE tin.lors irre.l hav.ng (Irttntml t 4.J'A'tsa.B3w o't.rs his F tra tor sal, ttruared eil I: .r. P 'ro'ul. t tni 9 rotn IttHvns sndl m.'e RitanoTi s tleToi. con'a aiaf I ! acres of Ija.I.ra a gooo siate o' coil vatioii aa wi loiprovea. Af.il . ot,. e.i:nr wtrn irur rn'iiti am a nan. a r 'i n . ise. and tn neeosaary ottr auiidirtTS. t nerw is aont.ihtaie of never r nooii ne uronwwa rojcv...u i. c the itch of V arch. Ki. For ftrtti-- v iiifoniat.. ear:.: ot the BuOBcriitBr.OB-toih- th oremra. I aavo also for s.!e a spleu ...i i m.oa M 1'or P n'tii'!' it e I a. a brecJe-r- , and one ot tre ' n;'' 1 a lioos 11 Kent'iciy. . W34. U. iAAav. :ii Copartnership ITotics. ic.er. r ia l h ive f .rru-- a orwraersu3. c H!er t'. THR I. a PKtRCH, 'iKfw.ir.sfinlr t oiiir'rv anil 3iscn.nenr b tttotes IB .l tta braocues. sl.i Komnciy Iroa aid R f in.!',- and .M uie 'i",i Mott-o- e street, betwea a Eleve.irii and l .tt. aa.l stsl.e.t hue ot r.ubi.c patitiaajB. ,l'VHt L.M', jllds. JOA Pt.A "XV.. REMOVAL. ontliwcstem S?rd anl .Urirn'.tnral WarrhoiiiC. PITKIN k CO. have rrmavo.1 tl -- rtYRVM. us recttntlv ocriii e.l Sv J r ,f.ro! 9 f.Mith side 01 Main siret, twt.wjen ia.ni aiat aoutt ir Ooors at. tne Lank of Lotus vum, hei s t iev v. L. I seo 'o meet their 01.I ft- ends itud c'ist..e-.- n to Wi t ivsiT KrxnrtirK. AT h. t"W sttirrt. Tio. TT arreei bt' ween .Main aol kaa tia a aad le.-- nt tmpt.rial.ttiis Gold f'hrononiatwrs. "T.nali.ti and Sw'ttw; 4'tU tlaaie Catvt Levers, wUtca may bo worm as H outer or at Gol-- Levtw.. wil'i M.a.atnre Csae roweale-- a tta, V C..Uiiint.Vi,er En&l.sa aud eieneva wale. .as. ef varx. vle4 nt niist harrote.l inttf tv mmn et wri ra are eioed ail warvaatad t grv SBliaiirta n; Chn ns, Seals, keys, Ac; limnon I'm, B art'oH.Tw R sn A ret eral as.trt4stt as Jevaa.ry at Ui'.esl s y.aa. butsr Ho sra; j IV---. .ets. raiuo.era,ijUU,SpootaVaaes,a. i Iat EoiVtLS xiu.tc. A'l voutls said are warraateit aa rnaTTt' , ed .oi l a T wjl. JiAvNDttle li rtt'cn'ioa to wo-- k. vl rt .ew I B I IT AN OrsNAMEiSTAL TREES. rVtOe...li.erller ofpr, f,..- - .ate at ''SiM s tie ST.... J. nesr l...a.-v- e. oa 'ha FMif an F.rrr Koad. s eo.lt e-- t on of In" rj. si of liu.t I rws. aa . stwne tar - of Ac. 2i !tri c .ai sis el -e 1 ,...- -. las' ' l.i ami iSptws 1 rees, A.,e site? 0 ; 3 - Trei-- , thn ataaltrJ and dwaa-r- ; ( tirrv Trees, do; tlo - do; 'yA Pntn Trees, d f, Anr.crts; Nectanaes; Qu no: ' K pr.tr! y Ca.t; btrs... ocrry Plaa'si .. ,r tto tt. an t Cut'.ns; t atrml ah-- ; X..rw ty ;r ..c; Hecdar rvniers snv if tne . ve m'A h afent'e.J 1 T'eea Kali Bar aett, it BBCSsaary, aad aui.aargo B.ade, aa.ess ten btivus are use.t. I utr.ioT ie. w ,i b fnrn.s'terl on t),:ca"1oa to A. O M'tr.n's V. areafis, Loc.avillo, c Ut ths :uer '.110 ita me ra. 0011.0, or oera-.- a. v. Sishop Spalding Jivekr.cj, WriRK p!iarly titer! to i t:mv I'lst isvna.T. ",Io.t -, ' r'oaipits.aj lvewt, kwtti am 1 to. .jr 1 ieo.. g ciu at.-- .tt ... ... ..e. ioe 'cc s, t.V M. J. SitV.dit-- . l. I'-- . Bishop of l.t-.vi-- '1 ite tij.8 e rvat nla sura ta ure.ea.iiiv t.n. lev b.Kta to the I'uM.r, huv.uv ever euoi.oel..-- Im t' alvt..' maet w.fh a r.vamen. .rate w th ts nii. lrur !i..rot..:.'.-- r..itv,Bt-c- l Ilia- is ta. ntte.t isuaUaae w.t-- a r..',' '.i.. t'ete an ' ts yet b. a ssnetl ft.o Caiito..: PrrsBof i I sited S'a. ti- ns, 4. itti f 1, ia a piatB, r.ruiH aitd oiaatttsl s itt a u. a innr ral ant.icct. if costrove.-- Ca 1.. sad otbera. wh. .ae Bw Bttaaio: taa oom.trv. nut ojia oaisusoutc stvkt.voit;aJjA.a-- e t pa larrse ocr .11 Ik Polaie to a, prt of the I vara.. ceets. Wl uo, bill, a L'.vhi.m (l4 iil ..'aia .rI.13l3JCTll (.UT LMElIFt'JISL'r TO B7. bRAWX AT COIVUMCI. 7.V.t.V4. Si.ooi) woutu or niiziis. est: tHANtx ton liVEr.Y a tk kej'. rrl' e ef TirVe aaly Tt I'ellrs. sr. un trr Ltiiiiteo ib tnrea t nonsauu r its in. no n.. Astcctrttt. a ofar. a Car.i'al Pr f riteeet o- - a THIS i. ia.l.eil 1. ...ra. tijew.i ftw. l.BLot ur- - Sil Ha.T-'- s. Ho lirtmew, il Gihil artU S.'r jrbtsa. Jew- - , p .ao ore. i a ui si. cab be so is. t d rr.e't l' toltiii-l-e- i. r ves by rtlw ..1ST. l.Oll.Y ti a: i It .. ..no. ir.as.r lKn.ii.No.tl 1 i.rj i i. l'ay.or.4. .H u s r ei. The l'. h...rssv fe-'- r ta r on Vi ivf Ca; of antrcia ra tne e at inatta. '1 .. w.oi.l .s i'it:l ot' . ai.il t.i. fa.t it.'.il.t or eo.. were'er er tt t)i- -i itrq ttiNi . .i str-- . aotia t rans au.. 11 .ur, O'l Mai Itaa.vv X Ur.. titer, oa "t, SI JJua sy- - dor. eWk ef the sv be e ej a.' - JAKitK rlAlKR MM WriCLElUE BLT.UL Confectionary S: Bakery, ' cor.yzu fifth a.sd jefflr v oa . H. C. KO.NKLIN, INi I'm annve has kom, aad etet ,r 1 H,r t - tivemen' ana Ben; stvia of aa-- ' ao..., i kitMl west , VMe ta..v.ni rs rs now to .. sil wh aiay ba otesi 10 ;.aw..-- ha. ui out a'l ta- - tne cars w; he ta4-i- to bieats, and l Isro.ttt a.. in a. B'.t wuat wtu ettsttre sacsfAC'..i,.i, tu.1 ae t o ; M . s " 1s- -. ' c r - every ttr.t of lua e e.'st tioi.arv enailvke' sa e Sr rp Son a A so. every var.tvt t t . Per. L ib tent, in . ci lm fes- - q"snty, aa It "i as r.n . salj aa lay a.-- A tint an-- reta L O.n reeaectf-all- salaStlaal and pvtenpt.'y fJtdl. an.Tfoa. ! - rat.'cJ. .1. It, WetUliiuts Part e ttd Strrr- -' n"Se-- ' - Oi.. st la and at 't. Aboitrsit Rotwrtt. . II. C klMtl IS. it dlinitwtia S.tti.h-w.- f -- ttrrtaf I nhai.lJ.j- - ROPK.-m- it .'iia.c antl Crauio iioa iort by TMOd. SMTTTt. Hurley's Sarsnjxtrilla. .itrwn'.rnar? kav-- 'ete4 a '. mi. a -- J. ai ltioca..l' f. and .uvela'ait' o ai meter. s.b .Kiiiia I'jr . . a. . o: r e,B v. ,.oJ. ..t..-.- t,rt. T e,.n.t ot..r t, aiet U.e fa-- .1) anil u w ' rl let v sifcma .Hoi to. uxfw, it raa ., exue .t. LSI n "B- - f oiaa.u; aa..t i. sa.t Pviwpi- - Clf -- Ijork.n a L Af-f:-e 'irit r.f tiw Bone. Syj.h- - iiia, Teii::.tv, l.'ilift.il C' .Tf-tea. Ps tii.iu.irY L) e. Liver Comp'tuat, F.l s. ftassue Irretr- - Ul.trit;.;, iir.tU.4V, SalJl LiartXi, KiitE'v. sail ss a sr.- at anel i.aw-.f.- .t 1 on o, t arifyi.-i-- r tj i.iot,i ar.fl tir j t:,c a ii 1 1 r e S;. rttiit. use j It he ard itiecat.ft- - ' ee-y- 7 l.T. .V. I. .OO.'l Ml' 't. triaa tBI'. tt it w., j,,. t j a .1 ii. aa-- i a.T at .miwc...t it. ,.i ,it coul-ie- 0. u. n.Ui rt im a.ia.-.- i to or . w.iat u'nii. 1 ..a to n . nott.e.aM if o.'.' rtll.i.,IJ. I tv ke Liu. a a . aiki h. .e .BibM .Brtlia.auo'ir an -- iw..'i. eat.r .ir.! 'l.ao e:..- - : . r.r' ar-- 4 aial ca u.j.11. c I " att'.e ef MlM.'tsiat i M ta S. ty. it isn.no of :h Ta,' its ta 'Aitrt'e4 . eartfti.y a.-- e;BoJ.et. runii , a t.. t.BicB iftr.Mi i,...i Lnojr rr:.ii.o-.- ? .ne iswt. pt M.n :. ;r t i..c "ie jte-.- . ..a t a; -- ca.: a o f:e enf pr-- a..c .a., er t'.n - !..tiiTtie nart.. a r.'l ar it .! Viv ivi.. f .c.ril rt at en s'rea... 7 a ,., .o y J ' ...na.-Te- , .. te a; I. .i. .W 1VJ . W. Mo'i.wBThT. .l.(f--t.- .at II I., .) W. W- -- .: . .. ?; .a. Li,: Hy f a t .iiot;. K.wxviie, Ie.os.; t D. H :. C K t.ler. r "r ley a, t 'rt. freewill; S. liWlS 'it. j Pt,t i hi H. rty-T- r. a Oe. l.,!7n.i's; J L. T td a -,- e ov-- e; C. A i.o., Ja. a .')!. Mi- - ; Jo, f a aar.Motua. A a.; ii - .as.-.ii- r. rna.v. Ky.; E. O. llranda, i.r.; u J W. at Ad bj o. u;;..;.- - .: :tte t aited Stat, and Caosoa Price 91 par hot e. m m:7 ta FINE GOLD WATCHES AND . Fashionable Jewelry. RAMSEY i IMif It 1. fr end. thanks for Ihe-- ..a y.i pau, now o .r T itirv at e r..ntttar,;.y rareiv t.r Gold aad Jtilvrv " ' rie-- t hltCiBt.tB. fu.:rpe.tett iVrWJ;' . ...' r ." I ever, Aac-iv- aatl Cy- - it.'jr Eva. omen. anrl sa.ut al UweBi ,r.ces. Breast Pin. Saw : 'e r. Tllo.iir. Mia.a'arj,ae.. Iu a:.d eX; f ChV!s; C Jot t ,xprtr'a) Atd. .a rt. every titi .g isi sot ia our ..as, at Sa- - Aito, a.'VMvsahTiil. talarst sloea af Clorke ia ka f Go..!b.iTi:t xa.'. m I j- - K.rt.c i aratiaj'it tan sail Repaina atSdaw 6l'SS EAti. 'r t'ft v n a"'I lor a a low Ay: w. a. R.r:iiA.-.aiito- s (nt evi a. el o.. f ytrAA,4,AAB B.irtMistlat IA. .as BBirt4- - a. litti Btauot. aAij'.t;u DAISGKIt IN THK DVRK;' LYTHKKMV. IAAC XLSO. Thls.V.n"! hd b b nubl shed !nt a swtt. ia 1. a. . 1... -- la e.i a, an.t J- te ae.lt.oit w n lo, unvt.. Fr-- ? ' e ! .Ait will :xr su.7-aa- tliat aay Aooat I6..SII3U .tr Aswk:. M.a' 1.- .- a iu 1 i.w of 'r'.DS aid e iS n the bstriH. otsof r.tttrance. I.I. tt wvtrk r nw:B vivhi aa.1 Busg pxH'U of ha'l i.iCtie K011M.1 m. m a.i .ta - .'lloe fe..urN. :k i. 31s tu'l l lernitl mitrrri- -. I.ia t" sl m suiictinaaua ot. aia a no.ia.i$ 1' u .no. it u .a a w trt. 14 tis iriL'tp ..Ml e- itf t m rt..tl h.an U.. ar;n-,- to . too ool.la.-t- il o ,r it be l.l.e ,.! t - "d el saaatns. vi.et bq.1 m.it'.e M' S race, wr.oatr.a ....1- - 'Oo ar-- t t it y. v rrt 1,1 ee iat i is .f ...ir .'..- Ke f.w.t la ,.jioc. ts part-- a ar. l.. aom-.- l L juu t.ie iu..ty V.a. . e.' ...t .w a twti-r- t t f v.l ar..l re r " r:"r-- '....r .ot r hi- - S ve.; I r :.Bl aa.t a ri'..i '. rvier!..i'ts of a ;'- C',n.iii aotl usp- - a v .ix.i w.t t b ,:n 4 al.. rt :.i. iw.tCA.J - t.n 30.1 "bo e.ra... "t tt.it vnT. 1 o Im ClA vaiaO m.na .a ft s i iru ... rar atr.ltet-i.iae- nt w - a Bifrr.- - n.'i. its tr.rts .ot u .intMl eviy e.aae of ns t" - y at fern that Press, bo'l tr a. .I it Ue.a it M" tJmo. lb.i :a btta.i-- -.l a ..a, i.;t bac.. . y w"l ma'-- to j.y prt- of "ie t a'e't .t..te. ia'1 sii tt. t. ;..:ai- - pa,oi. la.'.r uittt a, a... .. ti. "ti. K' t.Ctif. f.)'i C.v p..i)i.a ui M.C1- -. .atu ret. ( .ne.tfja.:, uw. Ot. 11. ir. Ki '.ist-v. ,t nae. . it. vj r.j iit.v.j ;at- 6 THXHS was v . :er .ta cosrat'i V a-- t Jsaaary. le. satl t re a. 'ss t ta. otw'i Ta.evjs. f V . Mai :a JJ. I il .etsc of iar or x ih. Brr caef.arv,t. a aei tr ta sa r ar a, .1 I lie .lastrasr-ii- n lorwa.d. btt.ta .rry aAt. ouvst or Ut siu ao d jw.t u .. Hjat K Trt e MAS. Jtfctvt.a SOTlf K- - woooieai;j.i. o. .a o ..t of janarw crs. sss TliKC jt oi .: ttr.l'-- ' t. aa t rsssasA t n it; wi. eat a .f veot. aw 11 m e 01 aaa. j a sa .t. aeaitt loo ..'. .u l Mni-e- 1- a.. o'c 1." e ne h' sn esiuie at Prssrist, ut...! Hera a eoun'T, K. . IM o : ba.y tvoatia:s. Ai.ol mo vi ..1 b atia.t w 'x sa Tia a", I. 'irifiHAs. S.0 itltol f J. Laraoti comiji. Xy. H U fl LEY '3 SAFlSAPAFtlLLA tn aeaitt. rni r tVataiu.-'- et 1 .. t.i sr.ry " r cv tr.l '.l .a b.tf ;..tlrei jf aJiaise Asa powe-i- B H a.car'. S.eu. t i ,' i.a t kw.'i:. ea ... .i i....-- 'hst. .1 a.a, I"-- .....rMi.. t'lt' r !).. niar.. 3,a-o- . aoj a a n aw ci t ft ot l.t WnK-.- i is soo ttt ..... at c... .A.. . njt i rtt - i.iii't'to'jtrBi eTed ttaxea.y wt'a a: rs tscal ar..ots. la v'-- aa a a. .1 a.n . tat ruV.u e.- -' n .!. or r- - w.t.i-- v aaw J tm artiai. tai.wat4.ai . aaawaa4 at 0..O.t 1 so..iJ.ft,r.i.4-'"i- a, rva 11 awl a te-- bvtt anTtect tt MI on er a 0' a.SOUStl- I, cttAOfSUttf Bl e sse, .t. ac stss a vii l.r .j jictvitst-- tae iai -- , n,a.:i.r e:r-- a. a.s raaw rtn.ty ajitiBoe-jsaai- atv sai- - l e r well t.t tVrts ti.aa (SrBi. ei rtv it. t at .1 tia.es. i'hs- - 0 r.aa... t a t.rr. on ;. wi -- e. ot jtn, : uinrriaa r. 13.0 JO YOlQ APT I f A'O PEACTI TS f a Hi. aAL el. fTeaa. ;it rtte t hss :iied to ta-- nam asa ut e y i t... ia rt...-- , t X . a. j... a v T v,ii.ps n." P i. aaal Ayj.a vet k .ar.etii s it tint w sw-- .. cottol. . li - ae si .1' t, .no li rt.v.n :or :i.j..- - . aatd k.a a.e-- at . a. ' w- - , a s. ' i ta ae s. ei a . .oar, t Bia a.'.o. 4 lorlla.ij. ww tBv ar eat-- at t sj; i..4 fi."t. f j wit. raret-Ba- awA hv. tt a ! ha tr s da. ana exaa-- .: a. ult at. T. A.i. iA.a rtiii sLr. JST. I .irri r'--r iu t.j ' 1 va.nsi) a tract tf Lar3. at...'., r..ou v Hy.. or va :.to..d aer a jieaTVa -- y.aa st.un-tsi- f t. ...is.- - g ) aa4 ba-- saaer, lu aor. iu 00. j J bni--- .i a. a itt u . . F S. H. DATl. WAKUIU:. i CIIIIJ), UGO.NDA ASIilflLTlIUL W.SSS, SPtUtGT.r.LD, OHIO. Vrw Yrs-- tt Kl P't, :.,r laS. with e krtrv'", w nVv.udi.aa, f.v lloJjw-t- j lra Cstxer V- - t or - i .n.er.ts. g'f Ad .etter-- ot iDuo.iy cromftly lad fnliy anawsaad. j.y ir ,rs lor a.atin.-- , ui ot ttl .a ear,..-- . 4 'I ' x rt ., .NOTICE. tiif t.r tcit..-rtti- i f ibvf?k 11 tl..rt.tl. I o. 3, laua, I vef.. o I on Satot, t. t'.. St.s aav tt Vsj ne neat, at f a 01 'kt L'i'i.u !sv uraliA-- eet B P siaaae-it- . ITsetrar au.l S Vtaua" i Com' a. J, W avrv K - '.I. eas ..e. ;tt a.v . . 31 U. r . rt: 4. TraBit.'r. . m. VAVlall . TlOtBtt VAUGHAN L D RO., VrViohsalc Druggists, iUMsia s. Ta1:?. siszsi, laoisvi.LB, sv. 'HVTrvna-t- 't y na aJ a full aad wi'ts a oaaer V ct A.:.s ae. IL.ec .e ifl tai.-- Ht o O s. e ra-.- s:t.-A- c s. gy Ve tp.Cli..r kial I AUBaMa.al l tM l.t sr jiax SB. a. - aTtiA" ro. rr-n- tbaibacr her. a XOA1 HOtsT. 14 sat co :r sijrt.t, aae t ii nr at it,:, raoaava I ftwat tr'--.:.,- e Kv..,.v U W (.AAA. av I tase... are. ir.CS At.aU.MS WAMSD. !i "K.a.'n r - e iru t a enr TO i ,',.. i .ar w . a..e---t srS tw rt r . Iv law- -' I ! t oa y a. T' FATlMavK. "ne si- -. e ... aaieg t. b cu.tvm,..oai e h"eR vi.: ' Httttl 1 :B i a "s g lO- -l o ooBt.ats ot un.n s.-- w ... .. or. Baa. to to f vine a o St'W oil.-- - ; p.ov-.- t 1 t :v 1. M O S a St. t ia vttr bt f r e. i'.- -t w.tJ at t lB. ... t eaieA. e eO o h. L o. .1 WAU.-siJi:- . , TilTiitst v ee d afl va'- - ; 1,. w .. tt .a t'o U.U4- s " t - - t.s i..v aisre. l!t :. a- ITS ..-- ofM t.t ae V.BO rtai it lib a rt. ..art., hettoos. Mar- - 11 j er iu. i ami.. I'Loi. i'. tai vat hy .r C ,..s. wh o .ew it roroa. 'V .fii'l V .... . tr tmitar.a J u.t- t. I .'.M. CAMP?!.!.!.. aw- - Vt M'41t to r novet w. I now ejor VvB ,'B i.l.'i r.tt', aio te..i ru:.-- a 2 fi liftr't KtStB e. IV C - M.tri t it'i ' at s a ae.ii(.a- - b.t e .1 11. ! c. a a. a I . Far ;ftrt.c y et t j DlltS. OM T- - v; f.T.1 o( M ifrH, ts.J. a nr-- B i i. h... : t... a . w.a "o.. 't ti t iayt 4 IjIu. rs w .. rt' ;. est, - I .T . - art .'1 ' ve . a e: c f t v '. .ttr. TH7 A.'o. ef aai; iim .tsob

Louisville weekly courier. (Louisville, KY) 1855-03-17 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt74b853fx80/data/0044.pdf · fleeca tbeahapkeeper; and, accordingly, upon hia making complaint, the Recorder

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Page 1: Louisville weekly courier. (Louisville, KY) 1855-03-17 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt74b853fx80/data/0044.pdf · fleeca tbeahapkeeper; and, accordingly, upon hia making complaint, the Recorder

. (Trota Crw Oriftm Dedta.J -( I I A kUtlM ttiT. , ' J

W'm yUa.ay' Ud U 'stcrvcf a lis. buttiJ jt' piv ail tl partirulara, and ia at ay

ur nar Tativt at fault in ret-ar-il to. . 4 , . sf . .. a

The part;ea --twin arcvtsexi Mid aeetjseT wfup before r.arorcT LV.'ht. It ttiat the

We jJTif out lau to decoy Vr. Ilosetitiial,wlv a.eeia store iu tire rear jwrtion of the city,Inta lit power trf 1U1 enemy, anJ thca makebun jar a prefy hiya ranio to get aut at" I'M

WJiouli ajain." Mr. atife tf 'o

itx, Iae;.. i a ivBrtecUU!e lauTu.res,and rcai fs kth her liuaband hi the c.asic

crni.T. i'p t:reet. .. In horr.mlles throughtrot ctj i' Monlay lucirurg, in search of cloth-

ing la ah, .e lapjH-n- f J ia at the store of Ml.

Kwathal to are it he Itad any washing to elo.

Tiia ahop-keep- ft 11 pasaionatelv in love vvjth

th" at firt aight, ani aP.rr eome

reversal .oa mh her, preset his twit so warmlytLai atM Iter alow eonsenl U an interview,l.a--ii aim her card, and tied the hour for themto "mM in I'hillippa" at 8 o'clock, in boroa n

rewideric. Ponotiial to the moment lower, it ia

aaid, genornlly are thecvla-- U4oii bit la. vat admitted to her

precncc, bad pljk-c- 1.1a arm around her snowy.tack, and na altout to imprint tike first f ud kiaof ko upom hrt ru'.'Y laps, sshen, r nt behindth feed, out aprarf the kuaUand is a toweringrae, with a bue htt!e-ai-e or procer a hatchetin his uplifted hand. T'u wiie appeared con-faa-

and the am" the hus-bat-

awor .atha aa tam'.il aa thoae reoorJedaramat our array of i'landera," and threatenedto kili the wiTe a n! lover with that aame Stitcher'hatchet, if picrrpt eraration for h;a vvtotiow

were rot made, ai:d aonielhinp done to hiasVta.itiei honor. Tiie shojikcejicr wasooniplt'lelvaornenxi nd finding that money aa the only aalverequired for her Husband' innsjinary wouade,gave that enraged individual what cah he badaheut bim together itb b:a jewelry, amountingiuU to about 31; and then ha wm allowed todepart in peace. It ia quile evident that thia wasapian Mncortad by the Luaband ard tofleeca tbeahapkeeper; and, accordingly, upon hiamaking complaint, the Recorder bad the. happycouple arregtrj. Yeatcnlay he required the hnr-ba-

to famish t o"K) accurity fir bia appe aranceto arer the" charge of ro'bcry failing invL'.eh, h was sent to jaiL The wife was, bow-ave- r,

raleaaed on her own recognizance. Thia iathe Crat cae of th s kind that has occurred inNew O.leanai bnt aacb. decoys are frequentlyprscf.esJ in "ew York aad other Northern citias.

Hew Kissakb was DaracTma. It baa beensaid thrft Kiaaane was detected jassi g counter-feit rooTirf . but tVis ia rot so. His detection waa

aauad bj r wsirg aHerel bi!l, by which me.ir.sbe mad eleven hundred out cf ten bundred bills.

That ia. It would take ten twenty doVjti bills ofi I I . V f v... .

U,e aame nans, ana muc iiwui ct'Hof a conibiuation. It is done this : Suppose we tdtake, tot tiaa.pla, a bill, and mark it inihistorm :

1 I I 10

"Ve t6ke the hrst hi I! up. and part No. 1 is tornoT and laid trine. The bM pasra. .t course, ssmta.y bills are lom by accident. " The second hill

ofia torn uo to No. X and rrt No. 1 is paaleJ on.and this bill alao paas. The third Lilt is torn offat No. 3. and Nos. 1 and S. whkli is one piece, uthan stuck on. By this means eleven bills aremade aut of ten, ths eleventh bill having j- -t astwnch mmd no mare torn off it than the .rat bill rhad.- - Jt is not obt busiaea tacxplaia tba combi

nation, but Kiaaan ia an adept a this art. It ia

nor thiLcult to detect a bill of this characterthan t eounterfat. The ere ret formerly was con

ced to Kiwsane, Tinlay, swid Cole; others areow in .(Ssewa f it. and the job'ie ahould in

carrfmVy scan all such bifla, and, if there is anyds it, at once refuse thsm. "

liis trial a as set down for tbe Cth inrt., butba be n poaiponed another week. It will be a

remarkably long trial .V. 1'. Police Je telle.

,15 Colled ion for the Patriotic Fucd contin-e-e

to be miide in R of Canada. Not lesstha"-t-h- l pr ten tbousanJ dollar wnl be raisedin Tc.-jiiI- aLine. . It i more than proVbls thatCe.rada will tfct' le er.alilej to eRtrb.ile ano'.htrf 100,000 to tiiis fo&tL .,


CMPTIO.!! ' 8

Aa crU&a ar raralctaaa af Ciaciaaatl, T, . . a kWkeat aaaBaiatc.

n'aoraa 4oJbt mick tt$tncmy1t It ansa. Bass & CDer Sirt: TheeabEcgeoerallv arc It'-'t- aaare of the thousands of rnie- -

dia lav tiiwux aAnea, anarr wte siuea h minpirilia. Pi is, riakters. Li:i)mcDts, Ac that arc daily

btrh va then-- otxe threafh the siewspapars, lyrsy f avcruaiefita.- - itj oigect in anting this

autbe sar publication, is t induce the Vubiic, or atleast kiose who art sSieUd, (if they will o patentsiriMiw) t hc oar last cantaina artitlca of realawe ia smliBobarr UtKes. 1 am conscious ihaUtns'aiur 1 aia actiaf snost auiprofeMMonaJly.arid

to im musenu of nW.cal science and Diesnediewe. -r fnacuuoDersof

Tbe ateCieine to which I refr is "DR. IlALL'rBALSAM FOIt THE'LUXCS." I have prescrioedti li a bwfft number of raaes, and a!waj wan sue

a. One caw- in particular, to whioh I wish nowo refer, was frivn op by several physicians wbo bad

""be' en'.lrd in ronscltation wivh iryelf. Tbe patientbat all fVTnntomR af confirmed consumption, Fuchaa Colt N.trbt bwea. Hectic Fever, HaraMingCoozh. with sacUnued t u the lobe or tbe nf u

lonr. attended wiJi aer fliarrba-a- ' He comBseoeea tameoiav iy to an better, y ta ae 01 w.abara-aaate- d dw.ia- -, nd war soon restored to bis

aal b 'fah! IfesvaauMifoa d Ir. Hall's liaiaamtse most vslaable Lxpe toraDt for brehking up diIreswnf Coughs and Co l tSat 1 have ever

.i.V. I). WK1G1IT, M. P.'

V0BE rxrrMciAxs'TrsTiviovr.. TTe. tbe Fl yaiciADS of Cineiuna'J

Dr. Wight's sutetuenls are e1 tilled tothe fulit cocfider.ee 01 tfce ruidie, sua we eafully corroborsts wlmt be Ise mid, bavins nned DR.HALL S liAWAiia tnums or caes, wita inbar rkt effects I1 ' '

u14 ... J. B. LAVrSOX, M. IV,. - x "M. C. KMITH, W. D.,

. . J. Li J0UX6OX, M. D.

Be sure and a4 far dTm"M. HALL'S BAIAMfor the Lou if. G&uiue fcined O. iL BAKl'.It &

'CO. Fora-kl- y - .

, n.13 uO-a- l' CELL, TALB0TT CO.


J K IT. 1intmrUt..i $1 sJ M A'wt. Orc. ... , - t mit ka.ier. o..rpeu,w. U. . 1 w.

T Kof,it. binm nrunt. la - I ftV M e,.intr. ha .. t MT fl'wuci.'aa. K.o- - , 4 Ml

H B el:i. e.wpoai.,r..tij . t m

jirlM, iTKIPl"..-.-..-- ..

L a,-'-- l ''"' -W c H -- t, M "rnoith ( fn s

' - J 1

k. a nm.C. i- - ...... . ... mJ b V. bfc ". ia 1 W)

f Mtn fM enc I tT h HoU,la...., if lr.M. ortr-- s

f..1 w

W twos:.. A U.oo i li 0

Yj W 1M ftrtl fcl,irllK.i..u. -CH N- -t I I

LSI aer. flinwnf""-..- t ssJ Potu aS V fclrorrr,?5 4 otI r f. .oinn.uutm. ITi. .7 tn M,'iir.S i.' w. a... .. 1 u

t,J raK.B. I uritlio....... ,.. tK W r.'r. -- r't )

j T,,ial. FiowiiKs....... ii W W.Jll. F.OT - -H M h- -- M - "

W c aio'is-s- . ('Wruiillfr A h- -i r. w Cr..-- It ti F wv.- - e

vi.'t Kaoh I

If I. MmS, lt- - - i...... tjV.' ti .itv. imtiut.,v - 1

T S WUiU, f frk.i..w, J itSf li bcu,o- - - I!"4 A 1mtr. ... to(.iAMM, (Wit, I

H :w.L, fs:l' OiOT ... 1

y MeLaa.K(E t'oiuB 1stJ f.Tr. feoOflT ' OtV h H.iuj. t'-- rroK(M IK ei M.a. ..i.i 1 (0

i f tMp r--- - 1 tXi

IJlo-t..A- v- J wH t.'ti rrBiau. .... I

MmrU. tn enara. ilardatowa..,. U(wr.r'-- a te),vu.Li.... t 1U

9 li.-- vUl o "B tSt H l ynr. Im.ov,-- . r..,.........i 0 TV. OftiM 1 ift O tirwo br.BteBbart.. i imF S. HwiVnr 1 c0 .!.. 1 ;ilH.llt....ni I tot

t . '.. iia . t v

r Vmtmw. CVX''I I MW p .t. i.cih( elrwtod 1 tT i :.. L t1 M N.w. MaJuM. N e, i t4

1 Umi.ffiuiuni'. t (Kl

J. 4kiM, . 1 Ml M

j a.iw . ... 4 im

e k hmrxou. '.......,.., ..F VV -- ,,(-.', m4 f hwrj, C uoui efo a 1 fit1 h Hf (w.ulhf.lt , I

TJ Pi) e iikrtwro. La.... I tJ K M ,i ft. n..'S.T em 1) t4i a i'.w, leaI i P 'i... f'no-- r ., lt... 1 htT Maklli F'vai.a...- - tS ernC. 1j . - . 1

T h mu. ji.t . S ItJ k fc''-- -. i trn"itutrn.. 2 Oi

t H Hitmm. aSprit .14"i 1 S'.cvBMr.. jli,0........, .,.. .. 3 4i f h --tn. Kiaur,Ti; . 1 Ct

i W H"m ! r......u.- -. . 114K P Mn,:ilk. ,. 1l

T Prmiwrn. tiriri . .W Oroeo. It Mnl ioji... . a itJ r, n.u.if.'-!.".f- . . ItMH-i- Mirhil, . tf K hmnm. VerMil .... .... . . . M. .M i (Amiif'U L"J . T i.O

PA hi'iru. - rnrrk. Mo.' ..r, pHiMit',M- fo n.ti"i',,l'oil.', I.C D e'. Pk. 1 - .,...

7iA t. I .mmi r Yi .1 f II t?Jnkn hf Amr an.) ab.Aaia t rk i IJ r. fl i . ....... 1 eJ K V . Pr .01.1 J i

(II hi, Had'jraS ..... S r.du Lift ....... ........... . I .

V oi.r. Sen- - Vr.;.a. Ml

P MWir. IS ... .. t Ot

h tnarra. Co'" Ml 10V I l .t.l.tun. rT ' rc

t MwAM, Knntw.;ia ... t ony 8...r -- v.li Lj., 1

V. .hnt. Ittaa 1 M)ao Mk. teia.,v . .... i MT A A boof'ru . , 1 1

, Jl t.n.T "t--.-- to, 11 1 Ot

ItMW. a .acevoor . . . ............... .... . t .h A.'ir;.-.- .. I ! fir.v .rn

Jin ( nrntr. ...... ..r. F fc ei';".! Ja:?gI V ,rr. f

fi Mn--t, J 3'mntwii....V r "' li. ..M M ""ml Cly V!iiMrJf K. '.mwmr , ..A r.iu. t " w laJ T hrn'on. i

J Pfc. r.r...i wr1V K rirt..H.'trnvr..F i Tarp a. 4.

i .!,. w a ,.n ,.P.na.JUtii.iOW tit it. F.J li S.- - o.VT Afi t nrl.ii. 1H

I II I'm VwMH- - -

.'C a . ...r r..t. Paaot ftkat ,f S K- - , ....1 Mtr I' ..rSI p A.iu, 'M.enowa.t r.'i t- -.-

J 1 K'T K'MMIUjtMftv,...-....-e7 i tJ Si hm. aVjMt, Si C.





PACIFIC.KiwVok, March 14. Tli steamer raclBc has

Mrrvedwith Iverrmol dotes o! VUu.kdny, tie.tit, ten cays later. f

t.aA-Uu-e. Jltrltrt t.ruliain lia c resiiraod,Mid t:.e Miiitrtf? lits'tten re.ic rucu d.

A lr.ittl.' U.i ,ceo fjUjiUt in Euatnr.a betircnOmar l'aha and Lipraiiili. The Kansiati were ro the

iled. UA derates Mates that (iladutane. Ilerbart

aiid Giaiiam rvkipwd feecuot liochock's ruotiimwim carried lor a committee of iuiiuiry into mi- -

mHuaxerarja m tue r.Tiie CUm.t Ls rt nitje!e(!, bat tl'cre is no impor-- 1

tant chaiipe, except that Lord Jol.uKuell is Colonial Sx!ctiirv. th

J ovn'j Hume Is dead .

The S'irjna CouretTne will be opened in a fewebivt.

All partif profess anxiety for pence. fieIt is ofiicisilv auoounceU by the Allies, that, on

tla ?Ul tieiu lJfrauii, aith 0,0vXt IiuMiaus aud 70gnus, attat kftd die Turks at hti; salons, rtnd'-- r Ouiar

'ia. ilic ta.t.e Jtt! ly.u hoars. I --e Kuns.atisretiK-- witbab)ss of b'JO.

ASair at Seva-top- are nnehanccd.l.ird R.tgl.in. it is reported, bs J. 1Lnc.in lin bn ree .lied.TIm difres. in Kr.Utnd the severe winter

w rreat. There bad been riots at andLoadvn. but lb weather changed, andAhipping wastow arriving.

I he L ui.iu had srriveJ at towe. i lie Arrica and afS'lali Sand had Lot arrired. t

Nsw YoKt, March H. V. Sf. Tbe Pacific saw a Cl

ra:rer of! hkeirie's at one p. m.. on the 27th. win-- 1

po 1 10 be the Arixa. - I

Iid r.ilniei-tJi'- miaMrr br.s fallen to nieces.I Orahsai. tiadstone. acd Herbert rosir ned osten- -

biy on accouut of tho passage ot Roebuck's uiu--

iou. 1 lis ale kquabbits ia tue cuomet arc aiaa De- -keved to be the caue .

Eonior savs that Eoebuck's psiiv will not restsatisfied without the ircpeachineut ef Rnglan, acd

ne or two alryLord Palmerswin is mucli troubled in tiist

strncriuff tbe cabinet, wbicli is not fully completed.EaaeU take colons.1 accrt taiynliiu ssa stoii-ga-

but completes bia wition to Vieuua. ,

i:ai;ior gives Lord lu.gUui a seat in ut (.auinet.The Eari f Carlisle is viceroy ofThe Lew ChanclUr of tbe Kschcqner, Mr. Lewis,

k aa untried mac. " SheMembers of tbe Cabinet express bepes that the Vr.

pendinp negotiations will lead ;o pcaca. :

xuis xvapoieon stjeras aeiei ratueu to prweuru vu

t Criiars. England and Austria advisd him to Tbeat borne.

iituteia Las declared war aairst Sa'dmia.It is suited, but not confirmed, that Tuscany has

daed tue allies, but Naples has not.1 Kvll ) f,r -- '. nt Fnimtnri. on TtS notten. Lii'randi, witha fnrce about euual to, of per- -

kt'ii) a few thousand saperior to the Turks, sttackthem, and after four hours fighting they retired

beyond tbe ramr e of Hie sels from the Euglsathiji. The Turks end nut pursue t' em. Omar PaCua commanded the Turks.

Ljrd John Itus-ifl- l hrs published an addrfM tobU coiwtitututs di fbiing his position, and place thishimself In deir Ta.ids as a candidate for a renewal

their eotifide-nce- ,

On tb llrth the rovaj sssent was tmen to tueNorth American fbiherics bilk A convention be-- t

wet West Britain and tbe Foite for the enlist-tue-

of a Turkish contingent, a as ulao sigue-d-.

An iEUrcstirig debute aioseuptn the ejnestion 01iuz iutocaiiuuiuee on Uie arniv est:niate. EreLord l'ainjtrston coutendr a tnat tne Kuncnncs 01

the ermy ju the Cnmea arose f om carie in tliepower of ro roan to eontr 1. The uCerings werecot cnuhned to tbe British the Kussuns, s.ck andwounded, was 35,000. '

1'almerston aiiaonnccd that Lucan was recalledc on of bis d Ccn-Lt- with Iiagian. theLord 1 alrocxston said corapclsorv mea.-ur- mnsi of

rtiiquesiionally be resorted to to 11 the nnksandeeivice.

The richt of search vcas erred rs recesritv. Inorder ti prevent the Introduction of Russian goods tbeinto Britain. - - r

It deemed not advisable to lav before tbebouse th correspondence betaecn Cireat Iliitaiuand the L usted states, on internauouol airaoge-men- u

durinir the time of war.Tbe weawier is moCeiate at tct)aiUopoL liie Fnow

na al:is.ot fitfappeiovd.Tii- - health of tl'.e army is be'tt-r- .

The seiire operations sr prozressintf with tiporOrders were recem d at Constat tinople toprepara

hospital beeh tor 5.000 men from which is iuferredtbat an aacit is t Jte made upon ttsvopi.

The Laiiic fleet is to cousist of 53 war steamerscan ying J.OCO guns, i huatia? Latteries, 63 guns,

mortar ships H steam gun bouts, w guns, luuti,10(1 h::g and 1,27 guns. a

v httlier tne Lm per sr win rota the inmea isstTJamaUcrof question. It is said be has drawnup plan or a vast miliary strategy, wtnra newished ta superiuted. Encl-n- aud AusUia thinksbe hud better h ave it with kii eenerls.

Tbe Americans at farm eavt a crand nail incomnieniorstion of Vi'asiiinjtou'sbirth day. Neudyall ihe s of tl.e Diii.oina'.ic Corn--- i wed,

b th meniUrs ol the Fieneb goTernnu-ii- t werepresent. f

The French rarer mention tutu the city oCatans, llerv, was almost destroyed bv an earth- -

onake.rsisi. llie committee td tne hacond 1 nain- -

bcr at Berlin, resolved ta propose a note of thewant of confidence in tbe numsle-na- l policy or Austria.

YiEXXa. Tlie journals contradictthe Teporttlut Austria Intends to ntgoiinte fifteenmilion of a loan for Eudtrlanrt.

The Imperial Palace at Prague, the reside iKe ofthe Ex Emperor 01 Aastru was ocstrcyed by tire.


ILLINOIS!New Yosr, March 13.Tbe steamer Illinois,

with advices from San Francisco to tbe 1MU clt..anived ft this port last meht.

Wio brings ?l,160,0ex;ia gold oa txight and 300nasactceia.

Blie filled from AspbiwaTI na the 2J and iu theGail pahfcd eeverai war steamers.

The United States s tamer Fulton arrived atAspinvtll on the 1st on a cruie westward.

ilUMness was better at rtaa Framsro, ttiouch norai of eonseeiarnoe had yet fallen ia the iu tenor.

The (till continued to ballot forSenstor at inUa vio. The 50th ballot was taken onthe 15th ult., resulting as follows: Gwin 41, Edward30. Ewiaiii 10. hrodeiick 12, scatlf nuff 5.

XUtes from Houo'.ula to Jan. V7 say that theannexation negotiations bad ceased by order of theKincr!

Dates from Melbourne to Nov. 11 sar the Aas--traiian markets bad improved for breadstuffs anddomtwtic produce. 1 be gold product bad lalien on301 JXw ounces in nine months.

H. 11. Fields came j'asM.nror in the Illinois,bearing a dispatch to the United States Governmentfrom tac Islaids.

' ' Eiertioa Ttews Disasters,Coscosr, March 14 The Democrats here cive

up the electi'. ' Metcatf i probably elected by.000 m:joriiv. Three adnnnistratioa a. embers ot

Cooirress aie certainly elected.lietarus tMm 1SI town more than three-qua- r

ters of the htau show Mttvalf vote to be 27,031,Baker iLK-'i- , Bell 403, Fouler e:il nujouty forMelcalx, over all others, Z.tii. As far as heardfrom, th have eleev-- 187rtpreen- -

tetivrs, the Dem'Krat 53, and the lS'higs 3. A large I

-- mber of the Know .ot nines were elected byW z Free-- ll votes. Tbetie t is proiiably a.1 ejected all uembers of Con- -

and all of the Mate rkiuators ana thev wilbof coarse, elect two U. S. Senators.

Letters from Mcrideth give awful accounts of the'waster which occurred yesterday. Ja . W. Dar- -

Geo. Clark, Nathan Nichols, S. M. Tuck andJohn O. M. Ladd have died of their injariea. Manyothers ar cot exptcteu to recover, urer ioo per- -aobs bad their bones broKen.

Tlra,WAfwrsiOTosi, March 12 Th

in Virginia held a convention at Winchester onTuesday or edneaay to nosuuate a candieuite lorCovcrnr.

New Orleans papeis v received.Extensive fins a!e prcvailinij iu the wooosin

Fouth Csrolioa and Georgia. A dispatch from Co--

umbia eavs: "A tremendous Mr w rauiir allround us, and about Lcxingtou the housea, mills,uce?. tiud a vast amount ofpioperty lias been

ilceUvvtd. At the la?t Recounts vhe toan itfeir wasreat:i.ed wilh devtrnciion. On the C harlotte road

tbe woode formsnr rules are on tire, and many sawmills and dwellinc "hr been bnrnt. The railroadjlf Ju 1. amine, and travel tat been interrupted

On the Catrnlen railroad a number of bouses andleieFispb iHjies Uave bten CJ'n.umeiV thertty pre- -

veuun'' wiui me ri.or.n icr touia.)f)u tiie C'aroliua load the wood on both feiJes ofthe track ce tait.iiigt A tT loaded WTt'a COttcn TrSS Consumed Bear I

Gadflcii ycMcrday. it iLrt tlip trprk I

WOtild Slso thre trC. T'.'.e woods are alto liUruiIig I

n tbt tWeiivihe road. I bcre was a tremendousfaleyevieTdiiy, tnd ail tlTorts to s'sy tae Ctmesvere fi r.lils. Tbe fiavannah papers also say thefir was raainir exttns vtly in t r e t ine woods be- -

twrnl:fat eitratid Macuu. Jne was au

mat dawiger.audco'.tua trains had ceased runnu-g- .

The El Darndo Fired In.JCrttYoksT, March 14 The Crescent City has

ferr'.e with Hsvaua dates ol tn M.i.'i he LI Dorado irr.Ml at ilavaa . on the ftti

rrn '" rej'or.ed that hhe w as Cred cttwice the fi i'le ltrrolo::n, cndconiiiel- -

jV3 to sttp and exhi.rltlier p.rcrs. Oas shot struckLhe wtt r alout twenty t uris from .be Kl Porado'ebow: the othtr jiaawsd miiT.euiatcly over tl.e wl.eelconse.

The steamer l'rncttoa a ss in tue narnor or tit- -

ana; into sue xi iuu v vnv- a oi w at rsiau auuliuzzard.

The Cuban news U un Important. Papnrj wereUDchfinred. Molaesc was Lrmly bell. Lxchaagewas Tery duX .

IVat line. front JMeiica-

Vr i ii ban. March 12. Tbe Orliubia las arrived v ith date frvm Mexico of the 3d, and VciaCna of tue ..... ,

tinnti Arna had eone cmin wnn uis iroops, icav- -

biff butl,M) KbiHd. Theofficml papers say be

has gone to ilitli?, lUt rumor snja ne u.ienvtt Alvarez and execute a (ovp i'e'ai a aJVa- -

A severe .loclt cf eaitbquaVe wst felt In Mexicoon tbe S. ft.

ClX1..MarThH.-pe'fi- on "'1.tcr.se. Dover elects a moderafarbv 215 r&abrity. Jiollingaford, Konimerfwonn, anaNewrr.ar!;ft sluo elect Know-ot!iin- moderalors ny

Bostok, March 13. Tiier hare been numerorise...,,n hv tlie late trades. On r iUT lutrUt, ofl

I 'ape Cod.'t'.e sUp Had fro'O Kv.nnah, forIT-.a- i. went a.bora ou Brewater a tt.its. fcha had

J frteit nf water la her bold yeeterday . it Teaselmil timbal.IV be tT(A Ou.; In sehojoeir Jlukoak, from vorf lk for Boston,went aahore neur lUr 1'oinC AU bands weredrowned rrsscl total los. -



J iI ata (wi

. 1


(rat X' antral.


NtwTor.i. MarcJi 1C The funeral of WilliamFcol, to day, ff.r turf awed scythicr of the k:udaioieksod ncre tor vtaiv. Tbe vroeetw&oii extendedabout luxe miles, counlKtirff malLly if citisi-n- caftxiV from hl to te-- sbit ast aad ueurl v one huulred titcerrLi".-8- . Hroadwnj' was Eoed by a dcr.se mavi ofpanj 'c, Riia every KtanUing-ilae- and acvantagennxpnimlon wis occupied Tlie scitcmr.ut and feeingbefors aud arter the f ineral Were .ntoaBe. Tbe rro- -eestiioa was b.caded by Doflswertli't! full ban.l ofnfiy musicians. The various coaipanies of UnitedAmericans vrero cut in full fores?. The weather waspropitious, and everything secucd to make thwone

the graiidt-s- t and most injposaii? processioiis evefwitnessed. Thf r ofRu tras sliroitde l in the A:neri-ca-

Ca, aad the List wordi of thi decease ' I dietint- - American" jpe-aie- in lirge bold Ictlrrson f

The lamaiiw were l: ken to Grecawood fori ij'.c.-n.tL-t.

Ifema.N'rw Tor. March la. The Purserer of the

steamer Kiwuoke.from Norfolk; Saturday afternooa,arrived here early this morning, and reports seeing

6teamer Illinois jrolng into Norfolk as he was aocoming out . Tho Illinois is iully tine here, with

date to the ICth. ofVovernor Ma'.teron, of Illinois 1 now in thiscitv.

has received full fceeuritv fir tie arnHnt oflnnds and su.ihii funds. Them was also a sufficientamount cf interest bind in the hi ls of VVoads- -worth i Sheldon at the timefcf their failure, to ena-ble


the trrimnrcr of Illinois, witli oilier provisionstade by the Legislature, to psy the January inter-est delayed by the failure of V & S. at the time. ;

be next J uly interest n paid. 1 bn balance or the 1

u.ttr-- t fund" in the haudn of Wonipworth A Shel-don

tni smplv secured to the State Jy secnritia of our

msds in the aRsipntuent tf Veftsis. W. AArran?emeDts have been roar with the Ex- - ID

chsnce Bank to act as transfer atrect for the stock OilIllinois.

lathe proceedings of the Fenate, towards these of the sesoion, an error crej.t into the tclc- -

rranh report, which made it appear that klr. fceW'

ra opposea ise dm tor tot iraprovemeni or lyaseharbors, whereas it slionld have been that he repor-ted

tfthat bill from the Committee on Commerce.


WasHixoToir.'JIarch 12. Tbe National IflMligencer eif this morning contaius lien. MeCullough srefasal to accept the apnoii.tmet.t of Jlajir of Cav

for the new regiment. He puts it on the groundlie is the only civilian appointed, una would be

looked npon as aa intruder.

Ashare. t're

Bosto, HarcH 12. The ship at Scituato us

tb Win. 8. Cooper, from Savannah, for lioston.went ashore Saturday, at 8 P. M . Capt. bcaiN,Grove, the third mate, and one eeaman were

drovm"!, in attempting t reach the shore, having the

volunteered to try and reach land for assistance.remainder of the srew were taken ofT by a life-


- Ths PacificITALirsx.NoT. 12. Tbo steamship Pacific has

bee 1 beard of at this port up to the presenttime. The eteamcr Africa is now nine days out, andnearly due here.

' Explosion.WiLMiiCT0i, March 10. Thre buildincs, be--

to Gcra'sh's owdcr mills were blown upaftarnoan, instantly killing a man named Jno.

Kane, and stnouwv wounding three others. Theexploaion was terrific. The fchock being felt at aclistanc of several miles.

Tlra.Pokt Chkstir, March 10. Tbo residence of

Oor. Woodward, ia this village was destroyed byInst night. The loss is 3,000.

byatError. . atBaltimore. March U!. Th Bteamcr Ixiuisiana.

which left NorIoik Batuftsy cvaning and arrivedlitre yesterday, neither saw nor heard anythiug of

Illinois; it is therefore supposed that the reporther being there is erroneous.

Arrests.New Yob a, March 12. Councilman Kurrigan.of atsixth ward, and Polieeman Lyman, were arrestedy and committed on the charge of Ba-

ker, who murdered Poole, Iu making bis escape.

Items.New Yotx, March 13. The steamer Nashville at

nas been chartered by the Coliias Une, to take theplace of tbe racme.

A JJoston uispatch irora Dover, n. li., eari thatthe throughout the State are car-rying bll before them. '

Kaow-Nethi- Cenvontlcn.Winch KSTis, Va., klarc'u 14. The Virginia

g couveutioa is in session to nominatecandidate fur Governor. There is a large atten-

dance. Their doings at e secret.

leetioa.Coxcosn, March 14. Pull retnrns from 102

towns, which is nearly af the Btate,shows JleScalrs vot to he 1B,G67, llafcer, 13,267,Fll 110,573, Fowb-- r 310. The representatives orechuard thus: KnowOioihinrs 1 13, Democrats 29,Whigs 3.

Xaraiaatlons.WiKCBBSTi, Va., March 14. The Know-Noth- -

infra have noaiinated htunhon Flomroy, of Hali-fax, lor Governor, ti e lion. Xlasm of Mason,for Lieut. Governor, and Jno. M. l atum, 01 Hich-mond, for Attornxy General. They all ace pt.

Brake a Shaft.Boston, March 14. The Csna-l- brck a shaft,

and will be attained a cay or two for repairs.

River xte a.

PiTTtsraoH, March 14, M.Tliore an 11 Z toot water ia tbo elaaual saj ruiru. Tho

weathar ai clear and mil.CisciNSATi, Jlarc'a 11,

The r.ver bat tjtn 18 icelieo. Tat weather it mwerj.piTTsSttGU, March 14, P. M.

Tboreare 11 foe S iucbos wa'or in tbo channel, aud aoarlyataataod. Tho woataoria cioadj anddajr.

CiscilfHATI, Marth 14, P. M

ThriTrhai tiara t fett bloc r.l.rdi. It baa ramedkaraUdar. . "f

ST. Alarrb 14.

Thr nver ia rmlng fait, w:t! tea foet wi ter in the channelIt Cairo, and riring rati. 1 bo L'ppor Miasiasipia and Missouri arc alio r::u.

Tflegroph MarVcca.CiscinsaTI, MaroU 14, P. M

Fluor W,f aa Mali. Whiftky 14 5oiainfdone in Provir.oai; the market it qaict. Groceries AcUtoand firm.

ClNCTXSATI, March 14, P. MFlotrr Firm at ST2X 'Wfcinky 34 Lard Salct of

i t) tbli at 1 1.10 hhdl bacoa adot tr.ld packed.IjarmdOd $1N. Orocoiies 1W ttbda amraraoldiit i toiJ-- 4 for fur U prime, apdte for cioiee. Uulataet 14

Clnvercood Dull aiSt.40.

Xr Tots, kfarcfi. 14, M.Floor Dull and iftciiairj: 11,000 bblt old, food Ohio at

SMTaS tl. Eou .hera ia irrocular; salea at f 3,AbaO,31. PorkVncaanrod. Beef Firm. Lard Uaaha'-geil- , witU bat

a limited buiinem do:n(. Whiakj TJnckaafe-1-

Kiv TfSK, March 14, P. M.Cottoo Vnchanired. Flour Unchtafed, with a modur-a-te

demand; unlet of 3'0 bblt Ohio; flouthain irregmlar.

Gra n Wheat B ra; Cora nominal; V es.ern mixed at 9r.a!iT

Pork F.rm; taloa at and new at $14. Beef Firmwith aalo of BOt hoa . Lard Rteadv. Wajakr SI. Oro- -enrt rirm. Liutotd Oil Firm at II t.

'Sr. Louts, March 14.

Wheat Act. ve; sales of L5J0 bo at $1 tOal.SO. Corn la--act, ve at Gta61. Oats Du 1 end declining at 40a4l W h'sky21c. FroTisions Esquired for, but few sales are made.JVIesa Pork. $UJ0. Lard Prima 1 Hemp Dull; aosales. Lead (l,lt.

New Verk Money Market.Mw York, llsreh 14, M.

V.s onered bearv bat closed firmer. Money s t)B- -changed. Er.s417-t- ; Ciereland and Toledo 72; Cumbor- -landMt-4- ; Reeding 13 lo. Cl Si Clevelond, Col- -

umbut and Cincinnati lcl.Kiw Yosa, March 14, P. M.

St 3ck Firm. Monev unaltered. Indiana I s8j Erie45 Reading 21 Cleveland andTolsdo 7.

".Js1J4AS.,li..M .1X1HI ED.

.v- - ...V . . , t T w n.ua M tr.-va-

CtewamT and airs. MitT iilKIt; all ot tsiser.y.On the 4th isst .br I't. G. Gates, Mr. Wat. Tocnots aad

Mrt. raxi.aTKA i,kioobt, oi jenersea eouaiy.o.w .... v. . a ir ar,.ri air Ww

Ai.riAsna, of liurrodaburi, anil alias ElisaB&tu U. Eas- -rikLD, oi ta seiiy.

III IIJIJXJMg-jaMy.l,W.- t

DIEDOn the ti inst.. at his residence in Barren countr. Col. N.

li KABRlSil, ia in.si-- i year oi nis age.ta a I n ations af lilt, be was an eremnlarvmas: kitcon- -

rfvnl aa racuisttkl b Burs Dnociidas ol snoralitr Bud nil.(tun. As husband, fatnor, nrghi ir, at.d sns.ter, as wan -2ectionats. Kind, . aaa mauit.at. ter man? yearsCol. Ftrr.il. had ken aai.n.ber t.f ths Cbrittiaa hurcain hit last il he cats eeidenee that he hal an abiilmstnirttniiod. ntu.tato bias e.ta w.Q.iati.-- fiom,,s eouilicisof .inhloSrignUr and - ors glom.us sceas nthe honse ot the b'eseed. i i.s stinks that cut h m d.iwn ws.frevious u be burn tr hie famiur aud rriei os. but tharshoa d reateniher tl.atl. e r.esiT.s Uie crown of tn.raor'.al;os n fie boaao of Ms Fa' her.

i n Base oiau more re loiieu oouc mire seioieu.ai'.iwl 8.

Oa Suri'ST morn r.r. the IH'i in., of inflamrplM,n cf theca n. W li Lin's. ,Lt..nl Kin .1 Wiloam arid Anna M. Drya--lii, vra i .4 nionin.-- ai.n ii uays.In this citr. after a lineerine- - illness, Mrs. A. II. GRODT.

Oi Uashiuaioa county, hueauyi-ln- .

At her resid-Bc- o ns.r Cliarlxstowa. Injinna. on the U'.hMBS. ilasriAittr WALIf.K.ui tlie 47!hyear of Ler

ee.(ib Taewtny.theS'b iBtt..at the residence of hit parents

in l.iizahethtowii. Ki .sr, infant foii oi Iheodeie 11. aadfc.irh C. (.nuttri acd 1G luoains.

In Cnicntwwn. Ky on tho 4th inst., Mr. StiivIS Tut-jo.NK, ol uus city, m me wiottir oi ms

In Jacksonville. Eait Florida, on the 1st inst., Trrovis P.Fasorsot, soanf the la e Dr. Hieaard Ferguson, of thiscity, auer a prolractxd u.ar.

In th ciT. o the fTnmr of the Sih init.. of pneumonia.1re ATHt Eli. H rtm, m tae jti yesrot r.eraire.On ,caturdar l"t. March Id. at the revdea-- s of h'S broth'

r. Farrar. rear Monti 8'erlinr. N triLI.S tTll.SRT.ared 21 years. Bluest son f C 11. ar.JA. Heur,of1 rinceton, Kenluciy. i

"Le have their time to fall.And flowers to e ither at the north wind's breath.

And k.a s to set, but alli lion hat all at suns for thins own, oh! death. '

Ta this eVr. Werinc-.'- sr sfternimn. Ms-e- h 7lh. If ATS Hoa-

lo., wife of . P. Jams, k.M)., ia the 224 yenr of bera.Oa the trS Mrs. rt.lT.AftTn MtCLrvrav.in the eod

year of huaar.At kisreauleBca .a JeiTeroiml e. Ia .at lo'eloak. T. M..oa

(he 7 h ., mot. . iieisi', sr., agea ta ytars.On Kundar niorrinr. tt.a 4'h int.. SaI.LT Aut infant

daashter of L. P. aad Edrnoma 1L frentiiaw; ated axtnouuis.! OaTneodnTwiominc, Msrrh tTh, of Pnetimonia. Cals.aeed lytiart. tounrest rmid ot V irgil and Aaaie Al Kairiit


ttfKuXm, thaplra and the ball.I

( X The sw.id.the mire, the crown im;cr:l.The inleit ss 1 r4ie o sold bkITne fx rued tit ie rnnnire 'fire the kinr.Thethrene he sit. on, nor ths tioe of pomp

1 hat bes s uooa tne hix a shore of this wortd;ro, i ol a'l there trir.ee forceons eetemomes.Not all lhea, laic in bed uajest eai.Cip I eep iJ sounJly as tl.e wretrhed t'.avr."

Wh hit takea Frrini'e Pulmonic Wafers for a conr't orcold, which Umt lein re m a lew anautt-s- . Pn.n li cents aboiat n.ll H.tYaONDfc l'Alfr,N 'S.

run sale.It' f. hve two larf- - Sbow Cmns for ta'e at a low p r.e

II u,li..i.iio. nrwintHK prin o sooria.we tan f. li them wilh lone at.ilii s and Jewelry Iw the pr--cnasvr, at most re "naM prict

RAMSfY fc PROTHFF.Bit ikvlm' :Nc. 13 Fourth street.


Wedncuat Lv.iku, Match ll'.h.TTio close of auolher ci.miiiare.sl wek line bronirlit

13 a very unporiant an.t tisfactory annunc: n.rnt,r.z: The commeicial dittreis that lias l loin rnvclupa I

our fair city i l,;iclll, aad wa record actiTily,and industry aa tiia rulini; I itioa. Ue tre bow

rvioie.nt in a risoiir, oaritabe river; mont y ia plm.ty (tosatisfactory mnintif .) nnd a pir,tnl and buoyant urke,.The high latc-- of our previuua motion nsi'.in'io!i. have

cfbeen more t!ie result a want of loufi.'enre than alackclmecD,Bnd (I'lrmjall the ditrej tb:it hat enT0loeU the on

laod ,t aiTiirdu us the hitheU pleasure to tiato tht ouran uianifactnrem linvc runetlr met their ubiiuatiiins

with commendable promptness, a stvte t dnco that the.rjud latwm is on a mbtaut:al ba s. The on 'Char ge

the woek exhibit a decided improTement ia am aunt andprices. T!ie abundant supplies now ciminr forward,

the mam be lure the auWui-- e below, eniblet oarine.Tthauts to oiler superior topnrrhascrs fromnrljo a.nx Duriiia our lumr toason of drouth we hae attlemred a valuable trade from those ref.nn wh eh offerKailroad intercoiiiniun.cation, and they hare contnbiitad m

small tterrea to enhnnce aud t ista a the prosper ,ty andhapnim ts of this people. Thia has loas. been reci'irni'wl as one aud

the moat important Pn Y sv:n markets in tt.t Union. Wealso rank amon(thefirst ia Grocer.es, while our imvnufactar-iruja-

oiheruterests are steadily anil riraiyenlarfi&gtlisirprodu:t:ous and are i of pitrous. requiring only a mere axt:nde 1 know ledge of what we do province anil offur for sale,

attract a tew, TomuneratiTo trade to our highly farortrdc.ty. By referr.ru to the following report it will bo moreRauerally known mat the Tobacco intervst of this f ily ia of

real importanct, requiring tlie w r,l million, au 1 upwardsexpress in dollars tbe amount of our year tntnmrtioneL"UU.t,1. We have the plaasnro of luclnumj ia

commercial colnn.a a new product of a maaiiiac- -tory in thai e.ty, reported thia week on 'Chane?, v.z:

toua enow white Zinc Paint, wj.sh, ke tba Lms eJniada by the same ptrfecs, it a h'trhly irnportant and

nsefal interest, wliereby a large aramut of moaoy will beJrtariy retained in Louisri.le, a.'i.nt to our nmuufartunnr; of

ea!th, and the eatable pro;erty of the city. Ky Lite im.provement. in the menu art are ef th.s white, it can Don beJToiluord so that it has all tbe purity., brightasss, aud bwy

the whites of lead, over which it poeceesas tho sucnuradvsolajt of being perfectly pcruianent anderall the

m.1uf boss to which putmsnta are aubjeo: in painbns,the no less important quality of not injuring nay other

pigment by mixing therewith. It is also a valuable piirmeat,particularly in f irm.nr tints wnro not mnrh body n ice,

m giatina. v lira itbecomes belter kaown it will bextunjitely usciL The ac ranee previotmly noticed in CofTee,

Sfgar, and Mo.ansos, ia wiainta.cml, w.th sa upnar firm-

ness and prices rule a ghajs abort previous Quota-


Kcceat slriee f. om Rio da Janeiro, k ndly foruihml toMerchants' Exchr.nge by Tiios. 8. Kemisdy. Esq., enables

to ir.ve a few it--iu ut interest, endorsed by C'jluman,Gardner a Co. Ia Co3e, supplies were limitod in a great-s- r

decree thea ttiual narmg tlie month of J ncuary, c- :rg lorontmuai ra nt ia December, and csnieqv.tat bad state ef

roads, t'p to the lllu int., thero was considerableand Si.tOu la were sold higher pners f' r thebeU

kui.ls, the stock being reduced rtiy lovr , and that uf mostinferior kmd.it then beoime v:ry flit, ascit'vdby discourag-i- a

aocoantt from tht Vmttd fcuiles, but etery thing green $3toon found buyers at very full prices. On the VC'.h

tot every thief ihet was food, estahi.shing analvance ea ths green qualities. The demand for Europe

oiitiDues, and.wuh thelecieaiag rtks tbeie. we era ni tsanguine about tho redaction wo have long been a at

There ia avery sirn of the war continuing, and largoarmies aro (rent consumers of neceasar.es. Cotlce clonreUfrom 1st January to Jltt January, to the Stares, 40,tj; in 22SM,Tl.t, 1U3, 1JJ .917; iiii, 71,781 ; ISil, 1M,U. From 1st

July to 3ist January. l&t-t-t, i,41t, iiit-S-i, tUJSi; ID5!-J-3.

6W,S71; l(3l-- CU.CaC; lKOil, Ju64ACons.der.ng the incleinsacy of the weather, the report s on

'Chaago show a brisk market. With ptjees generallyand firm. Early in the wek the weather was most


love y and spruue-uk- and the Diaikct cheern.gly active,with heary trantactiocsin Grwccnes PruTisions, at flna 6

nadaJTaBCedprir.es. fur tne past tureedsys it fans ra.nsdviolently a great portion of the iime,anu the weuiheris stilluiitottled. .

la Flour we are compelied to aga a lower onr quotationsthe quantity. Wi hear cf the sale of two lots to dealersfit iu for superfine. Dualers are selling by ths dray 1 oau$3 CO. Cho.ce brands at h.gher figures. Corn, Hay, and

Uj i continue fj.m, the suj.piy and reefeipit are xeccerate.The iireris rising, with about scvoa feet water "in the

pass," ujTifibls for laxe claas steamers, wh.th ia cheer-ing nes, aud vr.U impart a q'lickccuBj impulse to trade,and a .Turd ut ana mort faci.ues fur aa active river commerce.

APPLES AND POTATOLS.-Sa- 'es af gTsonf3 Oil to Si tu per bairel. Rulesuf prime autatoes at

$25tl per buihch Pales of 1SU baneit I.eshanoct at $0 00 ibaricL

EEANS White beans are still scarce, with sales at J! 2SJ3USU IrbUiheL

BUAS AND SKOHTS-- We quote from Crst handsiy and SJ tou; retail sales at au adraact.

BAGGING AND liOTE Is su.l in very luuited requeste.ulnl.on nominal at l'juiljc,aii.l ,bo.

3JtAOeiiMG. Salea of ICO p.oces Bap gmf at 11c.1CES WAX We quote a. 2JrAt3c, from the country.

KtXf EB Wc hear of titles to the trade this wuek atpries ranging froui.lS to 13 cuts for fair qualitisa, aud 27c

6lor prime Uun.au.tb K WHEAT Sales tt $7 JCS$S CJ V huudrej.EGG Dur.nj ihv week tome US dozen Lavs bee j lu.tlo

deslor,H'. 13c.lihOOAio Sales at (1 15 and JJ M per dncn for coat

mon, and $- - 7ju$J CO for Shaker.CORN MEAL Tales by the quantity at 7Jcebt for yel

low, and Poc bunliel for v.U te.COAL AKD WOO! S:ock of coal with retail

tales at 13!4 eicUTorsd; wholesale at ltc forFomeroy coal at 1;. W ood ranges frum $1 It tu

H M V wnfcou load, tbent f4 01 cord seao: c3.CH EES K Sale for the week or Joo boxes of hue atd V.

k.at lilllc Knglish Iluir at i;!ac.CANDLES. Ka.es of 00 boxesSiar Cfn -s at i,umi:

disrouut, 7 per esn Uir.e a. id cisli. S;isrru CaiM'et 4

Commoa minliied et lc.COftDAO, ac.Vv t quota Manilla CordaTe at ltctt-Ipcuoe; raarkct birv ot Oiled aad.larrsi CenlBse.

Sales of Buliut; lleinp Twine at UtlJc from s.ortt. V:.lug Twine we qU'ite at IMs'lOe.

COOPtHAOE. Wtqioite tiercel at $1 JOafl 7J; porkbarret! (1 (K1 10; laid ke;s to a 50 cents; Sjur bantsM cents.t errON, Ac Pales of 47 ta es Eatmer MiUa at 8Vic;

r.itl bs.es Canueitou kl.eetiugs at VUc; lot bales 1 atta.g a:i0; t eats. Sales ef it reels Cotton Cord at ltc; II LigsSpu i Coiton (rouno) at t.c; 23 ba:et bulling at Mc; i bugsea.st thain at IHc; Ut bag Coliob Vein, Kos. 3, 6 and701. al 7'to3 lo traoe. Soiea ot 30 bales Aikwriht Shewl- -

- ;j at a prise w e did not learn. Manilla Cordnja lias docUncd to lCc.

DoilESllCS.--Cannoito- Sheetingt, Wheeliur, Peunittilis, Cauner Mills, and Auchoi erands, ail attVc.

DK1EU FRUIT. email receipts, :.nu w quote appiet firmat $1 U5J1 71 tor bright quarter, from lbs country; il

sales nt SI 9vJ U0. Pt a :hes aonunal at 11 KZfl if bushel for M and fi 2i iti M for halves.

FLOUR AND GKA1X Sales of ! .id barrels KxtiaaudSipc.i.ne riour at SB iJaJS Ou, ciurts: rlo.ed foi lit weuat MlSi "f. Sales of 70JJb Herein Cora at 73a73c; a lotof about 3Ubuihels at 71ti, deaieis aie paying ti'Uc; 3,;cobushels at Jlaijt; 3,7C(I bushels Meal at 7w.tUc, foryellow and white. Sales of Rye Flour at i 7 2i. Asa. coljDo bushels Osls at 4Hc, lo deaitrs; deovered ,u LouisvilleWh.iut, the receipts cutn.ue l tl.t. and we quote at 1 7u fbustel.

FRUIT tc Sales of Ml boxes Oranges and Lemons at$!; 2(Ki do M B and L Raitius a. $3 i$3 71; l.OeO fcmyr- -i.a F.ts at Lie; xu dozed fresh Tomatoes at SISlperdozen;Jl do do Peaches at ?:0, Ibbls tioily Almonds at 11c; 11 da

do at UV, 1 do Cream Nuts at 11c; 11 do Filborts at lCc, 30 do Pecous at 9c; ii boxes Naples Maccaroniat $1 p- boi; 20 do VermacilU at 1; lOdol gadonjars L'ndera ood't mixed Pic lesat $910perdoaon;ldo i( gallondo at $1 1C do; M do Pepper &auce at $1 61 do; 10 do TommloCatsup at $3 tt do; 40 Uuzenfresh Cove Oysters at $7 10 do.bales of U sacks dried apples at t- - 00, in halves; t sacks;tintd peaches at $1 10, in haie; 20 barrel! Jetneti. apples at f3 io:.l et, and 40 Uriels at li tMfi 10; 20 barflua Pippin apples at fl CO; 10 bbls P. E. potatoes at $1 Ova

"41 10; 110 barrels Nesliaaocs at tS 00; and 11 .i choiceLake potatoet at it 10 f barrel.

FEATHERS AND GENSENU. Sales of 2,431 ls Feathers at 32c; Ueuseng at llrwOc.

We subjoin the sales reported at ths Merchants' F.xcluiucofor ht week, oudin; Tuesday, March 13th, in Groceries,Provwiona, Seeds and Tvbaoco:

Wednesday, March 7thGROCERIES. 40 hhds commoa sugar at 4'c; 40 kbilxrictly prune et 4Tt-- 40 do do prune and pnnce at l4l?ac..

mall wiesexlra a' ic, 70 t erces K. II. rt.ir.eJ X.. ats fair and prune ct 43 . 100 baft Rio CoTee at loltc;

4!ldodost 1c1h.io:. 51 half bbls New Orleans mulassetat 26c; 30 bbls do at 23c; 30 do do at 31 Jiic country.

Thursday, 8thGROCERIES Sales of 135 bars Rioeoffeeat K!10Jic-

and 131 ba;s al llc; 10 hhds couimoa sugar a. 4Hc; loo hhufa r aud pr.me(Ui;arat 431c; .0 hh.ls strictly prime sugarat aud 7 hhda reaped at 7c; 130 bbis Old uiolint.es at23 haif barrels new at 26c, aaJ 30barroUi&ew .t 33c; 4 tie.-c-

rice at Cc.

F'ruiay, 9.hGEOC ER1ES Sales of ibi bays Bio corce at llcl,CtH)

bags at 10H i, aud 110 b.li at IDS 10tailc; IS hhds fair sorter at 4c;CShhdtfair and prime sugar a; 4ll4c; Kihhdt

y fair sogur at ic, and 21 hhda prime at llae; 31 b la StJune'rsfioedatt.M9j;l0batrsliDew molaaset at itc; IItierces rice at l;a Sc.

Saturday, 10thGROCERIES. Sales of 11 bars oom mon Coffee at lOVic

(SI do Rio do a; H)o; 41 d J do do at 309 do uo do atltle; 37 dodo do at lie; l i tierees E li rarineJ Sugar at 64c;2 hhds refined do at 7Hc, U do do at 4Sc; 70 do l.urde at 4 c; 13 do strictly do do at ",c; 111 do pr.nie d u 1c;41 dodrf do at l!; 10S do fair sad prima at t'wlutllic; 23

bbls now Molasses at 24c; lOo do S H at 37c; 20 new do at23c, 46 half do do do do at 26c; 271 bblt old do at 32c; 1 tiereetAlice at 1 Vc; X eo do al Sc.

Monday, I3thGR. CKRIKS ?alesof 30 hairs common coffee at lOlur

100 bass K.o coilet at l(i?4 Allo; 171 bigs Rio at mVwlOV;lau ba, s at IU V; 10 ba;s at lUo; 14 b ins --t 11c; 110 lihd:

lair, strxily Island prmiesug.r at ijtj'c; 30 bbls StJautcs' rshn d augar at itj'K; 10 t eres Elm Hall reiinsdt ui;ar at 7c, 78 barrels new ib .asset at 34431c, lo Urn conn

lJOb'ols old moiusesat 2e; 71 bbls nsw at 33e; 30 halfbit new al i'C.TnnsJiiy,GROCEKIS Saletof 119 buis Eioco2oa atlOc, ani

41b as at lie; 97 hhds str r.tly fa.r sugar atle;43 hhJs fairugarat 4?c,i0 bblt old molases at 33c; 20 bill, new nio- -

lasses at '44o,amall sales at aSc; 4J half barrels molaasos at3'Jc; 3 tierces rica at 6;.

AuoKiJl bags Cutfes; ltg hogsheads Snaar;1,41.4 bsrrsls Molasses; 3o tierces r.ce.

HAY Sales of 3,00 bales at $11 iCiilT 00, ft.ni store430 bales br glit T.mo'.hy at 111 31, to tiealer at the l.ree;Dealers aro coutractms lur lots at (II 3CS$14 10; soats bid

$11 00 forohj.ee.HEMP Raip'snf new crop from theesuntry.wikh salet

st prcet ranging from $Ii)J to $110 per .ton, tt paid by

Inannlactuiers. Genuine Russia lleinp sed is he'.d at $1 M

iait COper b'lshel. We hear of two lot ai the e.lr of t- -

locteuseeJ.1UDKS AND LEATHER The eastern maikeU are firm,

and p.icei hat a.lvunced in the raw material and c.si.y oss- -

cr.pt.onsof tanned leather. A ust ef prices appear in on;summary. Saies or green aides at i cents; liemlocTanned Sde Leather at 21c. per lb. Faltt ui prune Hint

Lidos at lie.HIDES We qnoto

Green slauxlit or ) centsooiaioissions ailded

Minouri Dry ....1CS1I centsDtySalted lOwl'-- cnttl)i y Flint MM centt4"itvcnred dry. salt - all cents

LEATHER We quot- e-

Sol es, city tanned, at to 27 a utaCountry do, at ...23 to 2 aenls.

In the Eastern matketa the dema: d being good, and thearrivals inadquste; pricts of Dry Hides bava further ad-

vanced on some descriptions, whi'e others axe held for asimilar improvement. Western, dry, K2Uc; Western,wot salted, S'JIH.o. Biwnos Ayres, dry, 23324c; do we, salt-

ed, li'Vallc; Porto Ctbello, 173 Se; Montev.do, 33a24c;

Calcutta, tow, rrcen, ea.t pes, "95c; alausht.r $1 2C4

$1 :.LEATHER Pluladelphia and Palt.moie City Tarned CT

23c;do dry hide i4'2Gc. Bostoa red slanhter 21433 cts.Western Upper Lea' her, rough Ltht, SGa i2c; Upper roush,beay. 14'aPe: filaajhter Cpper, heavy rongh, t!2Je-

GUNNY BAGS Sa'et at 13o.

JEANS AND LINSFY Small sn! at 41 I2e for Jeartaand 31 33c for Lin'-es-, lor nc- -r j w ear.

LUMBER The dealers In ihie ttty ha.t tttablihed thtfollowms rttet:

I'ine Lumber, cVar. . . $U MDo, 2Jra'e.. 30 do.Do. 3d rate. 3 do.

Common Uianis., II uo.Third in' a floonn? 1.9 do.Keeoiul rate do , 40 A).No. 1 P.r.e Shmilea ... 4 do.

l:tON. N'AILSt. AND LEAD Ve quolebythe quantity as fullnws: Kloneoal liariron 3Ve; chvroxlbar iron tc; all othir dexcriptionsat the usual ratss. N.iils

7 712J4 CO forlOd.tnd corresponding rates for other sizes.Terne.se $20 for No. .1 aad $28 for No. 2. Salet

CD tons Brownsport No. 1 Pig Iron at $30; No. 2 at $3 0,

months. Pig Lead nt7c; kar Lend Ha'aVJa cents. ,Werloesday, Mar?h Tth- -1 ' ,

PROVISIUNS. 70 bbla west atd m. o. pork tt $13 7J--

$13 10; al bbis me.'t pork at 313 JO.

T. ursday, l;hPROVISIONS Salet ef 3 casks bacon sides at V;1 ol

casks shoulders a'IMc, packares extra; I,To3 p.eces ribbt ds, from salt, at ic; 20 casks clear sides at 7c. packa?s to

extra; 30 birrels mess pork at $13 :0; 13 barrels M. O. pork to13 n, 3.C0O pieces baron hums at 7 V, loose; 770 preces

shoulders at 1'ie, loose; II barrel mess pork at Jill M.Fr.day, 9thPROVISIONS lesof 146 barrel Mess Pork at $13 10

II bbls a' S 14 0 0,cash;483 bbls old po.k at $ .1 31. aad"! bbis old at 13 00. A sale of the product of 1 til Iocs

slaughtered at Lafayefe, Indiana 14 CtO bulk .houVsrs(jelivercd at Ktw Albany: 1.100 bulk s.dca; 1.7C0 baconshoulders, ail at a prio we did net learn, amounting to about

PatuBlay, loth -

PROVISIONS. Sales of iM VU puma Lea Lerd atto. 18 per cant ta'e; pieces liiuwn Sn.iulJevs et J'iloose; l.luOdo do Ilauis at 73 do, fro.n smoke; ljHiiaMe?sI'orkRt iH at 00 days; 119 do dodoat $11 ca5h;CVals Pa--co.i Siiou'.Ji rs at IJtc.ja. iiuj extra.

Monday, l?th ,,PROVISIONS Sales cf R2.0C0 5.3 s'loulilers fmro tilt at a

63.0,0 ISshanu from salt at 6'fc, packed, eina! to rnsk;3cek bacon harct a fc;3 ca.VscVtr sides at 7c, packagessxtrn; 17barrels mess pork at tt4 fO. A sale of the product

7 !! hoys preked at Lafayette, Indiana avenue weixlit,a iiett viz: 3ut bbis mees pork; 91 tierces lard; 8 643

pioois hams and sUonlders, m bulk ai a pr.t.s we did cotlearn, aaioontinj t about J9.C00 OJ.

LARD Sales of 80 bbla grease lard at 7 V',Amounting to about f ton, tio; CO.


FEED. 1 bids clorereed at fT; 17dodc 7. rt t.HEMP SEED. Genuine Ru,ia hemp is held at $ 1

S$8 per bnsiiol. Kei.ected seed, imported to introduce asp lor g.alo, which is odered by kaldora at a shade sojtblbs coat of imp.irtatiom. ...

SEEDS Sakis of 13.5 bushels clover at. tt 7Wt7 31; 134

els timothy at $3 10, til bushels orr'uaid at $1 lit ftbuihels herd's at $t i; 1119 bushels clennej bice fni a!

JbJlO; I bushels tuperblue grass at $! Jri; 40 bu.he'.a stripped bine graes at f 11; 20 bushels mtlleltat $2 00 miiloft

henalMiiced, and is firm at $1 00: stock light 5 bmhsithemp seed at $2 ; 37 biu'ieli top on on? at JJ 10: 7 baibel '

oion setts at 3 li'; 24 bushels Caage Orasge seed at $40 V

bn;!iel. . . .

SKED tales cf 14 bblt clover teed at p. . We quote aJ5 71.

SEKOS. S.ilesof7bMaCToTer5eed at t6 7.3g 191 bush- -'

els cleaned Blue Cnss do at $1 40: CO do do dodo at $1 1";110 doOrcha"! Gras doat S17la$tCt; lido top Onions at

00; 30 do Herds Grass Jo at $1 W.

SEED Fales of 31 bushels timothy peed at $ J 10; 6J bish- -els clover seed at ft 71; 30 bathes cleaned bine at $110; liihuaheis orchard gratsat i tr). The 70 barrels cloversood quoutJ yoMerday at $1 71, should tead $6 71 perbushol.

SEED Sales of 171 bushels mille'.t seodat $3 03; 20 bosh- -

el. orchard gra.sat $1 90; 40 iuihels clove- - teed at ii 71;

bbls clover seed at ffi ii, i'amai;cd; 31 tb'5 clorer seed atprivate term...

Upwards of 2,001 bushels for the week. '

TOBACCO. Sales at warsl ou?cs. Wednesday, Mreh7'h, of 30 hhds., at pr.cee ranxin- - aa follows: $7 fO, ( 39

11, 10, t 70, i fi. 8 00, 1 a, to. 7 00, 3 13, i 8), ( Ju,U, 1 61. C 31, 5 71, 1 C, 7 11. 51, 7 60, 9 00, i 63, 6 10.II, 7 10, 1 71, 8 60, 8 0, C 0.

TOBACCO Sale of 30 boiat Kentucky manufacturedTobacco at 16c.

TOBACCO Sales at the warehouses Thurs.tr v. Marchrh.of 41 at ehe followics pneer: $0 93, 2J$6 10, ( 00. 01, 1 71, 1 73, I 21, C 31, 7 10, T 21, 10, 1 91

$8 71, 7 61, 7 10, 6 30. S 71, 7 31, 31, 10. I to, 7 11, 7 3d

$7 71, 7 81, 10 (10, 1 70, i 80, 4 10, fi 40, 9 2.1, 21, K, 30

$5 CO, 6 30, 11, 7 SO, 10, 1 71, i 70, 6 30, 6 Oi, C 4u.

TOBACCO Sties of 110 boxaa Kentucky aud Virginiamanufactured To'ojcco at lSallc; 100 boxes 'E.iies' " manufacture at . on 4 m I.lhs. A private sale of 3 hhds naCutting Leaf at 'c, to Detroit.

One house in this city sold last tear $10,000 SO worth ofAobacoo to the citr of Ietroit alone.

TOBACCO Salet Friday, March rh, at the Warehousesof 46 hogsheads, at prices ranging et follows: 1'6 So, I IS,$3 10, 6 00. 6 01, 1 71, i 71, I 21, S II, I 00. 7 10, 7 ti, C 3t$1 91, I 1, ) ti, 7 10, 6 ro, 1 71, 7 71, 8 41, I 40, 7 11, 7 30,

31. i 71, I tO, 6 id, 6 70, 8 00, 7 60, 7 10, C 11', 9 80, 7 31,$8 21, 8 31. S 75, 1 03, 6 70, i 83. 1 ), 6 11. 6 70, S 61. 3 1

TOBACCeV-!es- of li boeet J R manufactured Tcbac- -euat 3t(a'3zc; 32 do Kentucky do at 19c.

Sale t of To&acio a, wirehouspt Sa'ardiy of ISlihds at 7 33,61.711,9 1',19!,I3J,7 C?. 10, 00, 31, 1 fcO. S 31, 171.61, 6 I0, 3 So. 1 70. i li, t 90, 1 81, C 7S, 91, 6 70, 6 4J, 00.

170,7al,C61,7t0,921.76i, 181, (41, 611, S W, 6 40. 173,71,7 r, 8 21, 53, 8 73, 6 91, 8 70. Hi, 5 71, ISO, 1 10, 5 M30,7 00,1 60,171,800,181,641, and two hhds net at 4 10

a:i4C(t.iOHACCO Sales of 75 boxes manufactured Tobr.cco at

TOBACCO Salea at the warehouses Mondsy, Marchlilh, r.f 30 ho5tlif.adt, st prxot ranging aa follows: $1 30,

$7 10, fi 11, S 81. S3. 5 71, 11, 6 01. 1 90, 6 00. t 10, 70

Si U, 6 43, 6 78. 70, 1 61, S 71. S ii, i t), 6u0, i 70, 7 81,$3 30, 7 30, 1 70, i 81, 5 U), 7 ea, 5 61.

TOBACCO ta es at the narehonrei Tuctcay, Mart h

13th, of o7 hhds, ut prices rang-r.- as f Hows: $1 71, 1 Cl

$3 90 , 6 31, i 71, 7 21, i 71, 5 CO, t 01. 5 81, 1 ill, I 03, i Cl

ti S3, 7 71, 7 05, 7 73, 8 ", 5 SO, 7 33. S 21, i 75, S3, 7 6i3 63, 6 90, 6 33, 7 21, 8 90 , 7 91, 3 5, 9 39. 9 CO, I 35, 7 Oil

ti 61. 1 41. 7 31. 3 75, 5 61, 6 II, 4 90, 5 li, 3 75. 5 21. 75

$5 71, S 35, 5 71, 7 43. 6 25. 5 Gf. I CO, 7 it, i 65, 8 13, 3 78

Total SOI boxet and aH6 tuaheads of Tobacco.TAU Salet ef 10 this at $7 60, Wje barrels; 10 bblt at

53 00, .mall barrels.OIL Sa'es of 73 bbls Linseed Oil at 81c, to tlit trace

from M.U. We quote Flaxseed at $ I 4C bushel.C: STOP. OIL Sales of 6 this at $ (10, oa 90 daya.SODA. Sales of 3 hhds Soda Ash at ic; 71 kegs Bicar

bonate So.ia atPAINT Sale of 10 tons mow white Zinc 1'a.nt, to one

psrty.at lrc V in mauufa.it urrd in Louisville.PAPER. Falct cf Louikville mannfacttired Psfer for the

week. 48,000, Ibsat amount mg to $t.6.STERINE. We quote the market price at 5!r.SALT We" quote Kanawna tfltat 45 cents per bushel

and ample supplies. Alum mil It, and Turks Island at 50cwith a good stock oa band; Liverpool at $3 00 per ba;.

TIN l'LATE We quote 11 753S13 per boa for I. C.$13 l.).o,$ U li Cut 1. X., and $13 0.1ft $13 25 for roof.nf.

IMPLEMENTS Sales of 43 Eaufo.d Straw Cutters at$15330; 1?J 13 Subsoildoat $7 50

6 Steel Cu'.tivatt TS at $6; 6 Kentucfc t Corn and Cob Mil$30; 4 Dodge's Corn Plntiters at S:0, 11 We.tra Rot Corn

Shelters at 3U; 1 Threshing MaehineB at $135; t FoidinHarrows at $lia$li. Aportioaof the nbore ta St. Joseph,Mo., and Arksoenn. Sules of 1 corn she .ler at $25 60; Istrawcutter at $11 U; 1 straw cuttor at $40 OS; t eera piaii'.er.at

$11 CO; lOrlowsat $11 40 toMichiau.

LAUD OlL Sales at 75c per gallon.

NAVAL SlOliES. Oakum we quota at lOJjaila. Tar$4 ICail 00 V bbl. )os:u $3 504 $3 CO. Pitch $4 50. Tar- -

pentine 10261 aents V gallcnWHiSKY Sales of raw at lfXeile. by the qnanhty.

from first hands; new copper J5c; Bourbon SOo; tae oldBourbon $1 25.

LIME. Sales at Cra35ri?Cc,ty tlie 10C bbls.LEAD AND SHOT Missouri Shot at $2 00 per bag. Pig

Lead at 7c; Bat 7kcTALIOW We quote at 1!V .

"STARCH We quota at IVi9n. 'SO AP Common Bar Seep at $1 71 j $2 $5 per hex.GLASS We quote country glass, in large lots, 8X10 at $4

0X12 at $3 75: and HXU at $4 21.RICE Sales by the t.cice at iQ$c. 'WOOL We quote in grease at 14c; pulled t'o; taV

washed Kc.WOODEN WARE Tnbs, in nest, $3 12V, ianeit

$7 UH: Mne anJ red Buckets $2 20; fancy Buckets $3 35, bythediay load. Z.nt Wathbcards, $3 41 V dozea by thegross. At retaU Washboar a $2 60 V dozea; Tuba.' (I iane.t) $3 40 V dozen; 3 in nest it 40; blue and red Buckets$2 21 per dozen; fancy Buckets $3 31, hoop Buckets $3 5t)a 75.

FREIGHTS. -- Shipments to New Orleans, pound Jreisats35 cents. Pork 53 cents per barrel. Wliifky 75 cents pTbarrel. Tobacco $3 08 per hh'l. Cattle $7 $8 per head.Mulct and Hor.ee S7. Sheep 71 cents per head. To Nashville 40 eeuts per hundred. Whisky $1 21 pet barre'. ToPittsburgh aud Wheeling 18'32fl cents for pound freightsan advance is charged lor way f. eight.



Jtrm feeling for hogt" at tvaie. gros. Salea of II uoaaoCua Beaf Cattle at $8 60, aett; and 33 head at $8 41, natt;Kt head of fine Sheep at $5 25, wool el to ship. Themarket is lightly stocked in extra aud first quality Bccres,which command good prices. Qco'.at.cns ar noin nai, iuj

the price is regulated by quality and demand for shi;ni.nt.The New Orleans ''Commercial Bulletiu," nnder dale t.f

Match 1st, says: "Arrived 183 hsad of Western andMississippi Cattle, 230 Hogs, 28 Cowa and 135 Calves andYearlings; ' Bat few Sheep, with an ample supply of e.livx

'Mc'i,. The market it in fttor ef poichajers at our quota-

tions, viz:FKit s.

Beef Cattle Western fine to rhtiiee, !i l'Sl!Western rouen ami one, a i ll'erfOrdinary. t tb uet. 7at

Hoit. nor It. net it 7XShec.in lots, per bead... ..$4 l"f5 ofl

ice.... .S4 4i3, per head, ordinary $iC tk e 75 CO

Cows. choteV. fc5

Calves and YeurLns. .$ 7 li 00


Sicht and time Exchange for sn'e in sums to suit purehaair oa the piuiciple cities in the United SUttas. Rema'jtn- -

ces niade to England, Ireland, nnl Siotland, in sums to

Kent-ick- All Banks .par.lu.l.niu Mil and braucl.es.... .par l V i!

. 1 10 i CilS.

Ter.neitsee Old bank-- . !..ew hanks 1 to 3 tiia.

M.stoari S'aie Bank ..par.tllinoii All o!vent lisnk. 1 lo 5 fit.Ohiobl.ete Hunk and brunohes ..par t.i;tc,!

cnt Banks ar to 1 At

Virainna .lid Ba ,.pnr to d;iow iiaukl. ii to i on

New York e ilyH.tatoii City .

I iu.aiielphiu Ct' hr.Unit. uu.: t.ly...,Eastern Cou try note. ...par to I a s.

.inna. till yohent cp.iks ..par.Aiabuina, I'ank of Mobile. 1 da.

Bank ! AUn-iia- 1 d

S'ate l ank and bracclies ... " to 5 (I

Noitiiern Bank and l.rnnclies ... I to 3 itNorta ila'o inu, all .olt cut littnks. ... IS to 3 dutSo ith I aroliitti, " " 1 di.Oturnii 1 di.v. l .in. ... 3 to 10 d

1 d


New York ii la premhtoul'lnls.lc!phiaHaHunoreNew e'rleans.... to l'i prem

TIIE MONEY MARKET.TItE soneral tt ne of the market .s iniprOTtnl, and Money

is rondily obtained on paper at eaty ratal.Easrem sieht exchence, which inclti.tes Pittsburgh. Ttnltimore, Philadelphia. New York and Boston. al percent.; Kt,

Louial percent ; Charleston 5; per cent; New Orlcsas 1

percent, premium; Momphis, par; Jasl,v.lle.i.ar.American Gold prem. Trtenlr rim.-- a S3 F0Sovereiens t 13! Tea ThalersVen Guilders U Stixaaj ol f

The following Free Rank notes art receive! on depoeit byMessrs. Hutch-m;- . a Co., upon the same terms as the StateRejtks ef Tennessee, vizi Cotnmcicial Eink, Memphta;Tarewoll.of Tazewtili; Chuttanxa, of Cnattanoojn; C ai

bornccf ClalboruB; and Nashville, ot Xtsliville.

Rio Da Jaebio. Dec-!7- . (Isxwall. Wneht. it r.i r The sa'cs sn.C-- the Uth hsve been tO.Oiij tns.: a MM har fl.r ilie L'nitett state.. 2e.nt-- tMisr. to ti,. f

Del.aitd tj.tvliibr. tor the hiediterraitjaB ai tflivtl 4a io lormet. lec'io sf.irthe ITn.tel Ma'el, and 3IK00 a 4nlii0 i

lo.s, itocor.l.tMl to tooo eloOeatt ar pr.nc ,'.a.lysootbt a t- -r aud are rota sca v.t'i nm. n a n.cc.iy, a..sn.iill lals onlv. Ourq'tot-Utf- for gool hrst. antl snpfrmrmiitl Mi.i bi ni.Ti..C. rvai.tiil one, or mr eni nt lots oniv.Wet; u He 1.00.I fl rat t and surirtlors 4.11'K'at IJ01. lots XI'loO,

kreorJinrto qanlitv. Our luaiket haa been auiet durinrt be pa.t or flve'days. in caasttqusac of th holidays andafesecc of suitable quantities

Important Ttclke!T.orwvir.LB, Ft1) S4'U, 1::IJ.

BlB.EoiToa I svlinit for peroral a cae ef com pleated

dee, winch, perhapa, aay aot be un ntersst . Tnanejro, Henry, who is wU knows ia t.. eity, ha beeBan.Ter-i- n

far the Jtst eighteen months from sore of the mostui-vstera- te

and pnr.fo.1 cha actor. Ite t.z ui i y beeoiuiazmo-- e prostratad from the nroium J.cuTfe. The ulcers n- -

niliug an-- eacht-fhe- Ii.nvmx a o'lgu--t

aal horr bly pnirful sniinc". It n t ou'y a'.' a kei thebody, but appeared en thef...e. aad was ratals t e'en ling tothe tcilp.so moch to. tiia' bad it t'4 cuares- -

tiou of lr brain aa-- del:r.mu mo- -t have en.U-- existence.Besides th.s, the entire system eympathrzed. Torch. Kight-tia- a!

s and dropsy tet ia. 1 he surface of the bouy pesu'- -J a yellow bright color. er.ilfciCu. di.ea.ed li.er. The

IBrtsp .ration wa hurr.td ar d ei reused, m.i: ail outw d sraa

apprnhehing dis50lut:on)i clearly rusnif-t- . D'nicj thisp3ied he had the most able m'dlc:J alf .ee, beemed

be fr .t rated, av d the fieor fei'ow . left w::hmt a hope.

gradually perish. At t.nt time my attentica w. a d

him. I reecininen eJ 6araDaril.av and ere maay darelapse J, 1 ha l lUe ytatiueat oa of : :ai; a maraad lro.

provemeut. Towards the ead ef the iceuavh uay -e ronrlt,and extreme prcstralioa had disappeared. The

rated turftico pot on a healthy a; p'srance. The ei!u-.- .f

er mi berjime dai'y less and at tl.e cx; irati- n of one

mouth he wis in p rfect hraitrt, rnd coitiates a Bp to thopresent tone. If. in brir.tine eae before the fuMic.Imay benefit my fedowreitures. nnd be ti.e mea.i. re-



sickness by health, I shall bars :tt;a ued my ead. aJ am yifur obedient rerv-aut-


rtl7wl 1HOS. A. HURLEY.

FOR DnAl'Tin iSG THE HA III.T!!!Sprt ; aralioa is s'nly pen .r'ad; i gires to the 1' urd irk, sof, cVis'y, tad live'y whicl be

obtfpned from seyot'-.e- ar'ir.le. It sec'n i'ly ceanscs theKilp from D.tndruT and Scurf, arid 'eee. the hend clean andhealthy. It prsvents the Hair from tallmr olf or tnrn.n;grey.and inspires it wilhrew life aad visor, and while itaikla beauty, it will iLave pain, for it is almost a cartaiarcine.ljrforc'i'au.iudLseises.sirli aaScald llee.1.., Erysipelas, Salt Eheuin, kc.a'id w.ll a'so iivt.tn'lT rei.er : r yaipa- -

icnt'ucttsof netsous aclsn lt heiut-- h.It is nnneces'ary for nt to ennmcrate the wonderful prop

erties of this invaluable preonration, for its repn'a' lou lissalready been shed st hamig no tnpenor. Medical

, physicians, chemists of the hiThevt s'anln f. lad eaoffiaeat d.f riii.. nation, citirni from all preiessioct. tta

million, of patrons. sn l tl.e learling joiirnalst'iro'i'-jtu.u- tiiaand pr.mo'i-c- e it flu best prnparnlion the world has ex- -r

prodr.c-- d. T.r it onre. anl yirt will neer be without it.HrRD'S OOLDKN CLOSS iw no in ry lnrre bo- -

les, and sot J at tlie low price of twea'y-Uv- e een's by ail theprmeii al X tiers ui Drngs and Me.licii.ee auuly Fancrbnu Merrhant.i ihn.ur'uotit the w.Id.

Choiux! jiiaiufsctJnn ( ocirry, Fr r.eto.-s-,2 '1 ltrnaun wj. New York.

W.li.m.S'arbir.l St Smith, Lou. il, Ker.tutky;Park, Cincins'i :hio. US d.w6m

3" DON'T BE UtCEIVEDllWe have obtained the Agency Tar the best Iluir

Preparation in the World. Uny as other: weguarantee sntiifactiaai to t'.ia con. tinier.

A TEA' CEUTiriGATESFrom Geniie-me- of the highest san'j tn faror

of the Worli-rtr,cv-

niRD'S HAIR PaESTORCR.Which will produce a new grcie!. oj Ilair oi

. , any Bald Head..

New Ysrk. Dec. ?0 ItZl.tr. c. hbsdm.

I wasbiai for t .rjniy-- f ur yenir. Your Hair r.estorer h: sprod'ieed a ne-- growrth of hair that rorers th entire hend

I waa bald. - aJ. D. PtPPAlB, N.K !5 Broome street.Na Dec. 2. 1C13.

W. C. Hccd: Dear SirYoarHair Restorer has produced growth of

hair on my head, where it hat beeab lid for fire years.C FaSand.

Da?jorreotTTi.t,3T7 Broadwuy' ' New York, March !8, !?!!.

W. C. Hcso: Afterabaldneiof :ht years, jour Ha:rEestorer haatully let'orej hit h:ur.

Wit. FiT57.io. 4 Eaat Broadway.hew York, D'C 10. li.'.i

W. C. H"FD: I have thoroughly tested your Hair Restorer. It Lo magic, fur it ha? produced a now growUon every head where I tr.ed it.

EtRNrT D. Ptf 2 ?.f D.Formerly ot the University of Berlin, Prussia.

Boston, Jan. 2, 3811.

C. IfVlD: Tiorei.ala.ly hvrn; with me tl,a had I oilmost of her hair, and that remaining was fast falling o:T. Sbcommenced nsiog your Hair Restorer, which nt once stopped

its fjllin; off, and aichonxh the has bees usiugit but sixweeks, a new growth of ha. r lias sprung up nearly one inchinlcl'.i. 11. TatL02, Jr. Mirciiaut.Sl Har.over st.

Boe'o'i, Ja t. 3t. 1C..W. C. Kvco: I was tronbljj t i h.;jn-- f. r t'nte

years. Your Ha.r Restorer has t il'.y restored my Hair.J. ScarniNO,

Corner Tfteid and Haot.Ter streetsliurd s Hair Restorer is sold at One Dollar per Bottle, by

ail tho priliciiiej deaiera in Drug! and and byFancy Goods Slerchnnts t!iroui('atut the wo: :d., Area's. V,':'.son,SUir'oirda Smith, Lousvtlla. Kentucky

JoHa D. Park. C acinnali. ra-0- n6 oiwoia








rE are now oar Ssoetc. wlii.:t, in ex'ents t aal Tsnttiy, is by far ttie most cu apteW .f aay to be

found in the West, ami se.in! to n.'.neii the EiH.OurCoretsti rocBsare reoo.ved diract tarnach our owa

importations, aii our Anisr.r.an domestic tit was areetcl'iaivtii V of the mariStct jrers. wii.ch enables is

to e.vr oiu entire stork of (.xws at vrie that cannot boreadied br any of our cnn.ne'.iiur. Mr. Hurke, toe ssruorpartner, es tls in N.w T ri. ner.Hn .5 r, a s e timetile ear. kaeiag of our stork aiT.ng I '.a graatest arenlu d are4e Hie se:ect.oa ol e vary eiuaa ol aootis 10 as louulin immense st.. k.

Our goods will ao told aicltisvrfy trca h. w th no deviation ia ; rxra. Ju our l.ral caameiat on nay De I junu

Plnin and fancy Sil'aa.Ocr asortmot of S.lk is hy tar the iar of tij In be

found in tbe citr. w include, evere airlB and OMautrinanniactured. A laFg lnw 01 the nio-s- su leriorqimLt esui illit-- Si. will a.:i-'- se aent on tiank, wn . a w antocemmend as ths best fithr.c ,al wlceh alrtatly have ti eaiguesl repu.atioa 01 any 51. as fcoi am s cu.y.

Sprlnig and Sommcr Good.Plain and fancy Grenad' t e S iks;P am aad laney Mi'k and Wors.ed Bra?e.;Pia n and pr. n ed Jaconets;Rr.liiantine. and e'randie itlnsl.re:Lawn, of eveiv s'rle and descr n'ion:

Tcget aer wh every other variety of dfltirable Press floooVstiitititle for tne sprine ana sucim.r tru.u. vopt- - 01 wtnelmla p'aia and printed Sw.s. Mints. Ind a Bonk Vi

Muli Musl ns. V.nV.ria I awns, white and c. iurad Iarietoos,aeoao: Cawnrica, str.ped aa i oarrcd X is n s.

.' Shawls u nil Mtk Mantilla.Ou- - stock of Shawls will embrace evere rnefr nivirte--

w th tperml sfft'Ka rs.-- to ooi s'ock ot while-- aai celcradT.1.S'B ami amhro .! tte.l rn- e Sil.iw.a

Ortraseortoient of Silk M Btnins will be foi.I temhreCTety vr.'T of elTie a a quality manamciored. Stricttentjon will be 0 to he purchase t.f all ti.e nttstst;of M.intillas to be fnucd ia Paris and London.

Wnrated Geeda.Customer, will ala find a? onr stores a!! co'orsof Lnvn's Merrtn.ies and ail wool r el.amra.in-t-

ng his dofh'a fold Bis IeLtiees and Fon.bez nes.whu li are s'iDenor to anr ot. er totals el tne k.nJ found inmarket. Aii".. evey eolo, ai.d q ia:.ty of Cotuoa aad Woolurotfn tor 1 ravel. ng ureses.

GinghaiRa and Trints.Onr stock extntains every manulacture of Gingham to beI'in.t m htio ca. t resell sntl u tsbrirs.Our hue of Prin's includes every brand cf French, Er.sit and Amcr ran sijies.

Lacet aad ICinliraiderles.ITon.ton. Mnlere. Gin.pur, and Vaienctea&es:Hot.. Ihrean.andEie-s- linoi'.o Plattaml Va.eiariennes Collars;Cliezn relief, .Sleeve.;ITnnch embro.dcrc-,- .Vln-- l a Collars icd Sleeve.;

I 1I0 Jaconet do do:White nndb'ack Caape Co...irsaa-- i S'ecvcs;Masltn Rands, Edr nis, lD.ert.iu;s bi d Transfer work;Jaconet do. do, tlo;V7 Itms e's. Ilomton aad Pi.-.- r.ae Ca;es;rlontton. rin'sscls s;inl Meckl'n Rtu!i.1 Ve Is;E iie Am it; no etui.rotdered Lie and Chencuia Evening

lirefsts;Vnltn embro dered Evening Drev- -

W'hitB t tlo da do;Embroioored an Jaconet hk.i's.

Cloths, Co. iineres end Tsttiass.coristf.nt.lv , an asTrTn:eniof tlie bet TrTch.

ua.uiiun. sni i rta.. e .otns, oi.tca aesain e aasimores,witii a f..!i assaitit'.-n- of i.'a.u and laicy f'uss.mers--Tweet's. f'o't.ona l. s, L.nen Dr:L, wn.le, eoiored and fancyMarseilles V et.ng-- .

llabertliislirrr.Onr stock in Ih l:ni will li clo-i- every vsre'r of Silk,

L:le Tl.rea-'.ani- l Cot' on llo--e a'! se t. r in.1 e. a- ti

penis; misses' no.! h t' wear, of the b. t Ea!ish manumc- -t.ire; oeeeher w.tu tu best 01 k.1.1. hi.k.L. tie Tore ui G ot o, to be found in the .. A1 to. a l

l ew st ies ol 4'ctmhs. el the verv latest improved pattara.antl sola at ies man .(! ort prims.

Carpet and Oilcloths.Wo have now ou ban a lame and well stock

Carpets, embracing ail the manufactures of Scotch, En"i:it. aau Americttn var.siit s:Enrish. Kioileriu ocer. Ha.ifsx and Miactester;Wilton and Tapestrv elvet Carpets;English Xaoesirv Xtrnss.s d';liucerint aud Ainercao l per ysri:Entiish and Anient an ingiaia a, l.aat quai.t- -, at 73

Srr.r h's atent Tapestrv Inrriiu Carpc.lt, fcr which re hsvthe solo arency in lais city;

t'nioii and tii.lt.n t ot;4. 5. siid vard nla Venetian Carrtin;:Irerxnan Heoap do;

.a. no.A:o. a eva vaiiety t.f Cheieil e. Vel-r- t. 1..ie!

RntS tmfe n.r wuh evet-- tf Paiior and Doov, Tiib.e, otand, and I loor Dili intha.

Iloaae and Steaaaboat l arniklilna CootlaThe closest at'.ct.tioii will be pail .0 tn.s pnrt ofoir 'rvl

as we teic.innJ.-n- w have a rtaay attror u tn cttbuotttf ti e c mtttunitv in the sa e 01 our own miuortaTn.ua ofI.ir.Tt.. hint wc knt.w to be uf ths most hrrrita.,id in tots rtMinTy, uxiu.iir.e: R chxr-.so- at fe.n'saod V 111.

tt.non a Sou. . of I'no e .iiul hrrt.n, t'ronti'i andl.inein of all widths ard or .: toeetaer w,th

Pmow t.mt.ns. Hieacnetl aro t ii'i.iaruel I'owe inc.. N sk'lis, llovlit-,- anU Marsfiltee and I ancr.ster 4

pPB'ed'a'tl re.l l ab e. ( overs: Bl. ''a iu eo 'rs. ut.q'teanU rnmia.red iin.bru.tieratl Lat:Musi.a Cuitii.'i: Lrir.telii. S.ttm I'o a.ne-- ; l'n. on sr Jl otion l;amk: Oil 'lae: colored l.it, usj t'ot'.a J

and ll.nieies: Rt.us 4 of.. ices and I'nrUiiB taii.'e.slvo. every other ar.it .a kept in tlie v ty 01 ijuuttuf:.i.incGiMMl. VV KEL, HitA t li Jt CO.

lull wain

TAKE'S VP.BY WM. T. RF.I n. l,v nr oa th Headr roa.1.

3.- uoies soa'U ot F.t'.rriut, tu Jensrsoaconn a FA Y l.ORSE n'4 haas n ga I ar10 years old: a blett.ua ia tae rtght v, a Ittt a. a tew wo tt ha s ;u bis t renea 1. aai a. too ail

.ttn.!. At 1'f'j.i tii'ora r.B ot" iaausrT It.fiv,4 A. B. D. CAkPLM LR. J.P..J. e- i-

AJIS.SOLLTIO.N OF COPARTNEiXMIIP.HE ooonrtnertir heretofore rr.tn unler tae Arm of

tt ill front I' e eonrer it . - e.ifot fv.,m tiiedar of autisry lift. Ilia b.sinrsin li.11setlKdby Jas. B. shtnvHier attd John S. t't ..1 ttr.ew firm of Manaht-- r. t arre.iter St l o. isa'the a..Bi of th old fiim iu. that ou.Jt P. ST..trr-HTr.R- ,



JAS. t Mr. Get.it.- ('. binnw: f r w.tli C., a, to t.tketfect from the 1st tiny of Jaanaiy last, will ctt antit. tianiwate busiurts at the uiu stau oi b anshier, C.a--seit k Co., tinder the ft'

mil a3w3 SLAl OUTER. CAI5PENTK3 ft CO.

PILLS -- I et ailt .iinmHrl'l.t1! naM'iiti wtass. tea aur.t t

I. 1'i.m dlsottses. 3ani..l.a t ky, HeatinclieII, .r' burn, I rita'v ii .ev-as- Man . r, I -

Ht.nJ. . t..i.m. .. 1.1 t.rvantitaywiAiiit badec-vve- 4. PAI IF.N.

..i 71 Vonrli s ea, t.

I'O.tOV.t PI.ASlLli.- -lALICO'IKS Piaster r equal to sav i

t.h..e.ii r.tll rr.uiiir ratrrttiv. tt. STe-- '.

possess over all ottihf. h beintperftfut'd. Wrenrawho.tue aieats for Kento. kv, ted harea isige

lntonhand. . RAVMo.VD fc PA rjF.N.mil v 71 street.




tiihki: iiltndi:ei i0LTns- I. Aj1I!ICA. GOLD!In lLirfe Crad Prize of Cne Hun ire.I to!- -

!ars Eac!i!

LD. blNs. v,',:iaas..:rs. Iu fratads aad pBtresiah i Tsnta laraml aJt Em: w .,, r,.i .. i

Cf ."fl SNA ft BO M..m!i, AirJ t. HIS, n.jiri oees- -sia Eight Hi.BOr.d kwaui.iul au rostt-t- .- ita wul a u.- -tr.tuie.i. among mki are iar i I)o..ar. ji ..,,e-i.ea-

Gf.U,m three pnz.s of in H ni- -- l tv.'i-ir-

eaeh: a w,oiib It aajr vamao Wato'ie.. Uor'Tut bpiucmO i', iria l.'lio l rtv, a.i ..ii..i J e; i .e

'st o i:i iiv. sn.l e . rtn : and ..sittWa:.ies,oitn from til lo J.O aai h. i warruit- - I to ai M.i--- ee; anJ a laipi of.tr 6.i a

Kens.s sernteiisit n; Lul es tml ten ' rr.r,ins, .ar--inirar-rni- kr,, Mwrvll f. am $ji to $.1 .n. ft.lit Hnno.ed Prize- i.i nil. va..i .1 at anUweit w.riBard ti.e n t l.mited to .it t tousaud ioat harutrei,.re e tBBce ib iwv eornt tie rets

T s u..f.bi":i.n of i:.e pries..! be en'.-e'- s ir.."er tiieitiol t.i a committee. aiin:ed h bet.r.:-tiu'e- r ire--I, aa Lie vo.ntc m ty ial i.a.ur.l he eit-r- taitnt-alJ-- i

ii siau.l .in sq.i..i i.i- -t are t rit. A.I b. oerMxia aut present w i ba s. t

utoi a.iiof tadka.u. tree .i caA.ire. Am".!:aru w.l. be sent tj ill tiu 1BB.li.ot IIHHal.

Sjt.e vicaa'a. ti: s.x achats. $1: '.wsntt-i.-r- a Ic is. f.o.ton :a.i r .'k. nil i i.. a f't.l -

.nt na f t'.e iBMiiBr m imc. will n--. ui. tu aa -- e-

lou it w.etner t.iay 3".!c.-i- je Lclet .1 ajk.TO AC EN 1 1..

ill paeon, w'.owiil act as a?er.s wi'! ;!cae ca: kn .miie.l..tvlr. and riT-i"- ,i .'pp wita wairver

lumo-r- lu.a.ia 'i e.esas uop,Mta.a a:. aiio.l wa.it mi.1il thsy or ler. t'le n: ....'...i un s run J r turnwt e on.

bdra nr. A dian.wvl-- t BieJ OoU Pe. j U $i be (iienianerr . wl sail f. ..v l.c-- aad

tbe fl.'lee a ai:e'i3 vuo.i.i ths hiirneat a'wal.:r ..;' a.will esc J rece-iT- sprern uos. worth ir.en Hi t-

All otders m...t b. ta L. D. Sl.iT. Ill 3' i.Cinetniati. f h o. in 17 g!js,


The Great Alttratirr mJ -TMTIITI.'IV.R tit.' T'lll." lit non

XalooB.H rcouuneail tftit ewotta.i ft.r tba.eure ut nilt I tl.ses., oo: u r I'M .visia,- - from i i'.ur.t ...

tne bi.x .t, ..w-- a ri.f.ua. D"oepsix tievmremrit el' fSe4. ulaue.ia tiiwaaea. Ac. tor wn.ch we r.enu- -

tI it n gerl f .i. r'.tt- - pttrucntjMoot n a cin-- nr.PrtDi.ieJ t . V Al i', MAN a KM.il.lR Wiittul.

Laa.BT.l.s. ley.- l'ni;.'Hfll'ri!:t. 0?t i't'!r. t



For Coiisuniplioii. Scrofula, &f.vTHC fate firm, f R is..:.m, C.ark a Co. be.-- di.a tne of w. 1.. ltn. (thear conn eled w J i tlie arwi.) l .eir levni' t'l LivtrO--

.areKe ; rrpn.e l nnlv bv II MAN. t I.. I iirviv.a partner- an 'ie sncceSMi.s. It woa tr.

t'la- a who wM.t to ISewivnudiaed to soper.n'eBd ts Btan -:uc; and ne l.e only uru: '.t w , ev- wenl ' '.t. 0ti teo sta.es tli:tt onrnose. aotl .a he will eonir.--sui etvioisof luM biai.cit et ot.r oesaoss, viwi. wa.-n-

onr O.I p'r s. d geniirfie. s;. m :tt use .eron its puntr, be rsr'.e.iWv to i'w of

n.l l.iksl'.i., or K:.aoiua. (..ark a lo.. ts kf xitfeai.i bof.in. tiiad.-ed- of cera-- .it u.iJ

tmen u. ne II.b Oil of oth-t- ai'tke. aoev" ... huvet- eu r'-- to aa tltu bv t. e eara ii ol 00 r atvo.cura.Ho ticn'-i- .n orJar'na ,0 (. a.lt A 'o..as it v it.. Mr. ( ur.. not Rii,ton. wbo has nten.ladits maAufao.iL.e. aott nice Mr. Muatoa'B tia ra las

eo a l.t-- i itoii i I. wi.c.t 3 ne a ar.rt .1 witii RiiBhtoa, Ciark V, t'ee. t e on1 v

ihitf t.nu a..im ii.Gt.iAN. C L.tKS a e J.is la bv Wils.rn, S'.arr.'d Siitjiti..!. B. Wi .lerfcCo..3 e rrer k Co.. J. 8. H jrr it u. R.,A. R nmswa a.';. oil nuomarv at tn, Het. IXtSott at



ttS lor a:e l4.pro poses, ia pet. or in ,1.'"'IV'H "''"ad. Thevars t Ihe h ist, s al a uny t,f thea

a ,C tle l vare'.em. A wo. Gren li ju e. tt- b io..o,i. and B i b n Hc te-- t Fm t. "hs.ie

iTT.vervreea Tree and shrtha. Msny vi tan s.ini! reand m e. sna ia. Uie i.rac. :m. e a

t,i:ca.a bea-i- iful olant for CiUietenea, C'lDressu t'ne--bria. the finest Cypress known, Anrvter.BB, aiitt Det.,.iB

tt,;ha var.etv or V.BB'sior tejiBirt hwer Seer!. Sir.

Cntaiogi'rsoiai bB eettauwd y af ply lag loml ...n.S-ali- E. 'Wfrorf

JAMES SO.YI.M E II V ILLL',Mannfatiturer and Who esaie and l De.ler ia

STOVES, CKATL.S AND CASTINGS,Copper. Tin and Sheet Iran Ware.

TEA KKi 1L1 S.MlriONNCOKl r.l. Mllil.ci, nt ALI.N At.;..S'lUTH S1ES .ma:. 3 llo. . o.r.3 I or StErVTTt


JAMES SOMMERVILLEXTOl"LD ne.;fti.i.iilv inform ins a..J V pnV:b e it ke has earned a str.rs a: 3M Maia street, wner

he wdi henititewl t o eo anil aceouuimt.aie a., who mayfsv.r nii'i w.U a call. He w .rr ints h work tibe a.-- goo I

as anv inito the city. Terms raws atahh).N. U. It.rii.c aa.u aouscwoia gcas.ai utne w:ta neut--



First Iinre Sprinsr S:lr- - f DryGooiK.if Auction, Catnloiio.

ou Throe .uojjlhs I'rct;:!.Tctsilsv and Wedeevl iv, fit a an,: tt-- t, ve

ON sen by eats ib '1. 600 sail its. elsmi iitv tMia, o.r ct trutu th imoru-r- aasa

m.m'ir.ciitrert, r.ms's;.ng in pan ofreaca. t.n;i,a aa.1 titarCAS Clnras art, I

rs. b own. h vd lanry Li lien If iBrown I. uteris, t alii.?. otiaties. I b, Jauns ait:

liter's ijri.i.s o.ea he-- a. I ft own i . srPnl.t.'lii-en-t.- trt.nt var.eey, i hervs. vtrces, verre

.rii.n. c.rtore : t atuttuica, attd al lae .cetariAa wantaa..

Al .! I'.lvV an.t fanrv Sdk .. efwiatinr ef G. O te RillH.f7iu..ie ssa.hs. wr.tue :t4saita Lttatrina: A.nca Lust-

!:e. Bar. - in Lim-;- b .rejes. Pn.,ns, I .s.u a I.

ne atsnrtu.ent. wiiatB.p 1. rttrw a a. I 1etSb.ecv L.rrss trtxaja; 4 iioa ut Jacoae's; S.vw. '.1

and M isiu..: Ltres. E .11.1r.mi r'es. 1

nfsand tlinSar... in new s vlea, I noire. im,tuv t. otas, li st ery, R.nboas,Coiu.sft, 1 arau., asrs::it:Tr n.ir.."-- s. Art.. Ac.

will ba soar toreartvT tne sale wo ray tee axle .ib els.

over or. h inl-e- d .lo't-r- s. en.'rnetea at thrB mouth. m Baiaic.or 1 per tteat. od

Sums Dai..; s.'"ti.L-a- vtilno-- o.r luiit.raveg lonini S'. k Paris reve.I at

par witb.iut dtacoui. ecolJ ciass at 9Jc. aad t MeMaall.ir.euls. . .

.inrs nd w.l! Be Apr.I vno! ro.tio th'itt ti t a 1 tiu do Itthaiat tt.avUof.iu.il uo d ti.t i ay Intl.Co t.fta do S d" lo lnr.do sixth So do do tio J'',


a.1 I ffer or n'a Thirt-thr- Aores of Ijinl. aboutia wevv fr- ra I.ouisvil . ueif the

r..uii. ani a part of tiie larsa ot teiix titun--, detvaasd,

.! e I,.i.,wal leruiit : Oita taod ctaa. and lier m one an.l tw.tvears. wn'a ltterent. per-o- n - r 5.

toputeuae will api'.ly ! H, V. t. AAR. near ths lari-- l wa.

ri'ner initjorrmeii.. turn aioui s'"en ao-- ot nattrroer.d lad 1. App.y to A. L. t.A

.3' iht.iVALlABLt FARM KK SALi:.

TV va THE tin.lors irre.l hav.ng (Irttntml t4.J'A'tsa.B3w o't.rs his F tra tor sal, ttruared

eilI: .r. P 'ro'ul. t tni 9 rotn IttHvns sndl m.'e

RitanoTi s tleToi. con'a aiaf I ! acres of Ija.I.ra agooo siate o' coil vatioii aa wi loiprovea. Af.il . ot,.

e.i:nr wtrn irur rn'iiti am a nan. a r 'i n .ise. and tn neeosaary ottr auiidirtTS. t nerw is aont.ihtaie

of never r nooii ne uronwwa rojcv...u i. cthe itch of V arch. Ki. For ftrtti-- v iiifoniat.. ear:.:ot the BuOBcriitBr.OB-toih- th oremra.

I aavo also for s.!e a spleu ...i i m.oa M 1'or P n'tii'!'it e I a. a brecJe-r- , and one ot tre ' n;'' 1 a

lioos 11 Kent'iciy. . W34. U. iAAav.:ii

Copartnership ITotics.ic.er. r ia l h ive f .rru-- a orwraersu3. c H!er t'.THR I. a PKtRCH, 'iKfw.ir.sfinlr

t oiiir'rv anil 3iscn.nenr b tttotes IB .l tta braocues. sl.iKomnciy Iroa aid R f in.!',- and .M uie 'i",iMott-o- e street, betwea a Eleve.irii and l .tt. aa.l stsl.e.thue ot r.ubi.c patitiaajB. ,l'VHt L.M',jllds. JOA Pt.A "XV..

REMOVAL.ontliwcstem S?rd anl .Urirn'.tnral

WarrhoiiiC.PITKIN k CO. have rrmavo.1 tl --

rtYRVM. us recttntlv ocriii e.l Sv J r ,f.ro!9 f.Mith side 01 Main siret, twt.wjen ia.ni aiat aouttir Ooors at. tne Lank of Lotus vum, hei s t iev v. L. I

seo 'o meet their 01.I ft- ends itud c'ist..e-.- n to Wi t

ivsiT KrxnrtirK.AT h. t"W sttirrt. Tio. TT arreei

bt' ween .Main aol kaa tia a aadle.-- nt tmpt.rial.ttiis

Gold f'hrononiatwrs. "T.nali.ti and Sw'ttw;4'tU tlaaie Catvt Levers, wUtca may bo worm as H outer

or atGol-- Levtw.. wil'i M.a.atnre Csae roweale-- a tta, V

C..Uiiint.Vi,er En&l.sa aud eieneva wale. .as. ef varx.vle4 n t niist harrote.l inttf tv mmn et wri ra are

eioed ail warvaatad t grv SBliaiirta n;Chn ns, Seals, keys, Ac;limnon I'm, B art'oH.Tw R snA ret eral as.trt4stt as Jevaa.ry at Ui'.esl s y.aa.butsr

Ho sra;j IV---. .ets. raiuo.era,ijUU,SpootaVaaes,a. i

Iat EoiVtLS xiu.tc.A'l voutls said are warraateit aa rnaTTt' , ed .oi l a

T wjl. JiAvNDttle lirtt'cn'ioa to wo-- k. vl rt .ew

I B I IT AN OrsNAMEiSTAL TREES.rVtOe...li.erller ofpr, f,..- - .ate at ''SiM s tie ST....J. nesr l...a.-v- e. oa 'ha FMif an F.rrr Koad. s eo.lt e--

t on of In" rj. si of liu.t I rws. aa . stwne tar -of Ac. 2i !tri c .ai sis el -e 1 ,...- -.

las' 'l.i ami iSptws 1 rees, A.,e site?

0 ;3 - Trei-- , thn ataaltrJ and dwaa-r- ;

( tirrv Trees, do; tlo - do;'yA Pntn Trees, d f,

Anr.crts; Nectanaes; Qu no: 'K pr.tr! y Ca.t; btrs... ocrry Plaa'si ..

,r tto tt. an t Cut'.ns;t atrml ah-- ;

X..rw ty ;r ..c; Hecdarrvniers snv if tne . ve m'A h afent'e.J 1

T'eea Kali Bar aett, it BBCSsaary, aad aui.aargo B.ade, aa.essten btivus are use.t.

I utr.ioT ie. w ,i b fnrn.s'terl on t),:ca"1oa to A. OM'tr.n's V. areafis, Loc.avillo, c Ut ths

:uer '.110 ita me ra. 0011.0, or oera-.- a. v.

Sishop Spalding Jivekr.cj,WriRK p!iarly titer! to i t:mv I'lst isvna.T.",Io.t -, ' r'oaipits.aj lvewt, kwtti am 1 to.

.jr 1 ieo.. g ciu at.-- .tt ... ... ..e. ioe'cc s, t.V M. J. SitV.dit-- . l. I'-- . Bishop of l.t-.vi--

'1 ite tij.8 e rvat nla sura ta ure.ea.iiiv t.n. levb.Kta to the I'uM.r, huv.uv ever euoi.oel..-- Im t' alvt..'maet w.fh a r.vamen. .rate w th ts nii. lrur

!i..rot..:.'.-- r..itv,Bt-c- l Ilia- is ta. ntte.t isuaUaae w.t-- a

r..',' '.i.. t'ete an ' ts yet b. assnetl ft.o Caiito..: PrrsBof i I sited S'a. ti-

ns, 4. itti f 1, ia a piatB, r.ruiH aitd oiaatttsl s itt a u. ainnr ral ant.icct. i f costrove.-- Ca 1.. sad

otbera. wh. . a e Bw Bttaaio: taa oom.trv.nut ojia oaisusoutc stvkt.voit;aJjA.a-- e t pa

larrse ocr.11 Ik Polaie to a, prt of the I vara..

ceets. Wl uo, bill, a L'.vhi.m(l4 iil ..'aia

.rI.13l3JCTll (.UT LMElIFt'JISL'rTO B7. bRAWX AT COIVUMCI. 7.V.t.V4.

Si.ooi) woutu or niiziis.est: tHANtx ton liVEr.Y a tk kej'.

rrl' e ef TirVe aaly Tt I'ellrs. sr. un trrLtiiiiteo ib tnrea t nonsauu r its in. no n..

Astcctrttt. a ofar. a Car.i'al Pr f riteeet o- - aTHIS i. ia.l.eil 1. ...ra. tijew.i ftw. l.BLot ur--

Sil Ha.T-'- s. Ho

lirtmew, il Gihil artU S.'r jrbtsa. Jew- - ,

p .ao ore. i a ui si. cab be so is.t d rr.e't l' toltiii-l-e- i. r ves by rtlw..1ST. l.Oll.Y ti a: i It .. ..no. ir.as.r lKn.ii.No.tl

1 i.rj i i. l'ay.or.4. .H u s r ei.The l'. h...rssv fe-'- r ta r on Vi ivf Ca; of

antrcia ra tne e at inatta.'1 .. w.oi.l .s i'it:l ot' . ai.il t.i. fa.t

it.'.il.t or eo.. were'er er tt t)i- -i

itrq ttiNi . .i str--. aotia t rans au.. 11 .ur, O'l MaiItaa.vv X Ur.. titer, oa "t, SI JJua sy- -

dor. eWk ef the sv be e ej


Confectionary S: Bakery,' cor.yzu fifth a.sd jefflr v oa .

H. C. KO.NKLIN,INi I'm annve has kom, aad etet ,r 1H,r t - tivemen' ana Ben; stvia of aa-- ' ao..., i

kitMl west , VMe ta..v.ni rs rs now to ..

sil wh aiay ba otesi 10 ;.aw..-- ha. ui out a'l ta- -tne cars w; he ta4-i- to bieats, and l Isro.ttta.. in a. B'.t wuat wtu ettsttre sacsfAC'..i,.i, tu.1 ae t o ;

M . s " 1s- -. ' c r - every ttr.t of lua e e.'sttioi.arv enailvke' sa e Sr rp Son a

A so. every var.tvt t t . Per. L ib tent, in . ci lmfes- - q"snty, aa It "i as r.n . salj aa lay a.-- A tintan-- reta L

O.n reeaectf-all- salaStlaal and pvtenpt.'y fJtdl. an.Tfoa.! - rat.'cJ.

.1. It, WetUliiuts Part e ttd Strrr- -' n"Se-- ' - Oi..st la and at 't. Aboitrsit Rotwrtt. . II. C klMtl IS.

it dlinitwtia S.tti.h-w.- f -- ttrrtaf I nhai.lJ.j- -

ROPK.-m- it .'iia.c antl Crauio iioa iort byTMOd. SMTTTt.

Hurley's Sarsnjxtrilla..itrwn'.rnar? kav-- 'ete4 a

'. mi. a -- J. ailtioca..l' f. and .uvela'ait' o ai meter.s.b .Kiiiia I'jr . .

a. . o: r e,B v. ,.oJ. ..t..-.-t,rt. T e,.n.t

ot..r t, aiet U.e fa-- .1) anil u w 'rl

let v sifcma .Hoi to. uxfw, it raa., exue .t. LSI n "B- -

f oiaa.u; aa..t i. sa.tPviwpi- - Clf

-- Ijork.n a L Af-f:-e

'irit r.f tiw Bone. Syj.h- -

iiia, Teii::.tv, l.'ilift.il C' .Tf-tea.

Ps tii.iu.irY L)

e. Liver Comp'tuat, F.l s. ftassue Irretr- -

Ul.trit;.;, iir.tU.4V, SalJl LiartXi,KiitE'v. sail ss a

sr.- at anel i.aw-.f.- .t 1 on o,t arifyi.-i-- r tj i.iot,i

ar.fl tir jt:,c a ii 1 1 r e

S;. rttiit.use j It he ard itiecat.ft- -

'ee-y- 7 l.T. .V. I. .OO.'l Ml' 't. triaa tBI'.tt it w., j,,. t j a .1 ii. aa-- i a.T at

.miwc...t it. ,.i ,it coul-ie- 0. u. n.Uirt im a.ia.-.- i to or . w.iat u'nii. 1 ..a to n. nott.e.aM if o.'.' rtll.i.,IJ. I

tv ke Liu. a a . aikih. .e .BibM .Brtlia.auo'ir an --iw..'i. eat.r .ir.!

'l.ao e:..-- : . r.r' ar-- 4 aial ca u.j.11. c I "att'.e ef MlM.'tsiat i M ta S.

ty. it isn.no of :h Ta,' its ta 'Aitrt'e4. eartfti.y a.-- e;BoJ.et. runii , a t.. t.BicBiftr.Mi i,...i Lnojr rr:.ii.o-.- ? .ne

iswt. pt M.n :. ;r t i..c "ie jte-.- .

..a t a; --ca.: a o f:e enf pr--a..c .a., er t'.n - !..tiiTtie nart.. a

r.'l ar it .! Viv ivi.. f .c.ril rt aten s'rea... 7 a ,., .o yJ ' ...na.-Te- , .. te a;I. .i. .W 1VJ .

W. Mo'i.wBThT. .l.(f--t.- .atII I.,.) W. W- - - .: . .. ?; .a. Li,:Hy f a t .iiot;. K.wxviie, Ie.os.;t D. H :. C

K t.ler. r"r ley a, t 'rt. freewill;S. liWlS 'it. j Pt,t ihi H. rty-T- r. a Oe. l.,!7n.i's;J L. T td a -,- e ov-- e;C. A i.o., Ja. a .')!. Mi- - ;Jo, f a aar.Motua. A a.;ii - .as.-.ii- r. rna.v. Ky.;E. O. llranda, i.r.;u J W. at

Ad bj o. u;;..;.- - .: :tte t aited Stat, and CaosoaPrice 91 par hot e. m

m:7 ta


. Fashionable Jewelry.

RAMSEY i IMif It1. fr end. thanks for Ihe--

..a y.i pau, now o .r

T itirv at e r..ntttar,;.y rareiv t.rGold aad Jtilvrv

" ' rie-- t hltCiBt.tB. fu.:rpe.tett iVrWJ;' ....' r ." I ever, Aac-iv- aatl Cy--

it.'jr Eva. omen. anrl sa.ut al UweBi ,r.ces.Breast Pin.

Saw : 'e r. Tllo.iir. Mia.a'arj,ae..

Iu a:.d eX;f ChV!s;

CJot t

,xprtr'a)Atd. .a rt. every titi .g isi sot ia our ..as, at Sa--

Aito, a.'VMvsahTiil. talarst sloea af Clorke ia ka

f Go..!b.iTi:t xa.'. mI j-- K.rt.c i aratiaj'it tan sail Repaina atSdaw

6l'SS EAti.'r t'ft v n a"'I lor a a lowAy: w. a. R.r:iiA.-.aiito- s

(nt evi a. el o.. f ytrAA,4,AAB B.irtMistlat IA. .as

BBirt4- - a. litti Btauot. aAij'.t;u


Thls.V.n"! hd b b nubl shed !nt aswtt. ia 1. a. . 1... -- la e.i a, an.t J- te

ae.lt.oit w n lo, unvt.. Fr-- ? 'e ! .Ait will :xr su.7-aa- tliat aay Aooat

I6..SII3U .tr Aswk:.M.a' 1.-

.- a iu 1 i.w of 'r'.DS aid e iS n the bstriH.otsof r.tttrance. I.I. tt wvtrk r nw:B vivhi aa.1Busg pxH'U of ha'l i.iCtie K011M.1 m. m a.i .ta

- .'lloe fe..urN. :k i. 31s tu'l l lernitl mitrrri- -.

I.ia t" sl m suiictinaaua ot.aia a no.ia.i$ 1' u .no. it u .a a w trt. 14

tis iriL'tp ..Mle- itf t m rt..tl h.an U.. ar;n-,- to . too ool.la.-t-

il o ,rit be l.l.e ,.! t - "d el

saaatns. vi.et bq.1 m.it'.e M' S race, wr.oatr.a....1- - 'Oo ar-- t t it y. v rrt 1,1 ee iat i

is .f ...ir .'..- Ke f.w.t la ,.jioc. tspart-- a ar. l.. aom-.- lL juu t.ie iu..ty V.a. . e.' ...t .w a twti-r- t t f v.l

ar..l re r " r:"r-- '....r .ot r hi- - S ve.; I r :.Bl

aa.t a ri'..i '. rvier!..i'ts of a ;'- C',n.iii aotl usp- -a v .ix.i w.t t b ,:n 4 al.. rt :.i. iw.tCA.J -

t.n 30.1 "bo e.ra... "t tt.it vnT.1 o Im ClA vaiaO m.na .a ft s i iru ... rar atr.ltet-i.iae-

nt w - a

Bifrr.- - n.'i. its tr.rts .ot u .intMl eviy e.aae of

ns t" - y at fern thatPress, bo'l tr a. .I it Ue.a it M" tJmo.

lb.i :a btta.i-- -.l a ..a, i.;t bac.. .y w"l ma'-- to j.y

prt- of "ie t a'e't .t..te. ia'1 sii tt. t. ;..:ai- - pa,oi.la.'.r uittt a, a... ..

ti. "ti. K' t.Ctif.f.)'i C.v p..i)i.a ui M.C1- -.

.atu ret. ( .ne.tfja.:, uw.Ot. 11. ir. Ki '.ist-v.

,t nae.. it. vj

r.j iit.v.j ;at-

6 THXHS was v . :er .ta cosrat'iV a--t Jsaaary.

le. satl t re a. 'ss t ta. otw'i Ta.evjs.f V . Mai :a JJ. I il .etsc of

iar or x ih. Brr caef.arv,t.a aei tr ta sa r ar a, .1

I lie .lastrasr-ii- n lorwa.d. btt.ta .rry aAt. ouvstor Ut siu ao d jw.t u .. Hjat

K Trt e MAS.Jtfctvt.a

SOTlf K- -

woooieai;j.i. o . .a o ..t of janarw crs. sssTliKC jt oi .: ttr.l'-- ' t. aa t rsssasA t n

it; wi. eat a .f veot. aw 11 m e 01 aaa. j asa .t. aeaitt loo ..'. .u l Mni-e- 1- a..

o'c 1." e ne h' sn esiuie at Prssrist,ut...! Hera a eoun'T, K. . IM o :

ba.y tvoatia:s. Ai.ol mo vi ..1 b atia.t w 'x sa Tia a",I. 'irifiHAs.S.0 itltol f J. Laraoti comiji. Xy.

H U fl LEY '3 SAFlSAPAFtlLLAtn aeaitt. rni r tVataiu.-'- et

1 .. t.i sr.ry " rcv tr.l '.l .a b.tf ;..tlrei jf aJiaise Asapowe-i- B H a.car'. S.eu. t i ,' i.a t kw.'i:. ea

... .i i....-- 'hst..1 a.a, I"-- .....rMi.. t'lt' r!).. niar.. 3,a-o- . aoj a an aw ci t ft ot l.t

WnK-.- i is soo ttt ..... at c... .A.. . njt i rtt -

i.iii't'to'jtrBi eTed ttaxea.y wt'a a: rs tscal ar..ots. lav'-- aa a a. .1 a.n . tat

ruV.u e.- -' n .!. or r-- w.t.i-- v aawJ tm artiai. tai.wat4.ai . aaawaa4

at 0..O.t 1 so..iJ.ft,r.i.4-'"i- a, rva11 awl a te--

bvtt anTtect tt MI on er a 0' a.SOUStl- I, cttAOfSUttf Bl

e sse, .t. ac stss a vii l.r .j jictvitst-- tae iai --

, n,a.:i.r e:r-- a. a.s raaw

rtn.ty ajitiBoe-jsaai- atv sai--

l e r well t.t tVrts ti.aa (SrBi. ei

rtv it. t at .1 tia.es. i'hs- - 0 r.aa... ta t.rr. on ;. wi --e. ot jtn, : uinrriaa r.

13.0 JO YOlQ APT I f A'O PEACTI TS fa Hi. aAL el.

fTeaa. ;it rtte t hss :iied to ta-- nam asa

ut e y i t... ia rt...--, t X . a. j... a v Tv,ii.ps n." P i. aaal Ayj.a vetk .ar.etii s it tint w sw--.. cottol. . li - ae si.1' t, .no li rt.v.n :or :i.j..- - . aatd k.a a.e-- at .

a. ' w- - , a s. ' i ta ae s. ei a ..oar, t Bia a.'.o. 4 lorlla.ij. ww tBv ar

eat-- at t sj; i..4 fi."t. f j wit. raret-Ba- awA

hv. tt a ! ha tr s

da. ana exaa-- .: a. ult at. T. A.i.

iA.a rtiii sLr.JST. I .irri r'--r iu t.j ' 1 va.nsi) a tract tf Lar3.

at...'., r..ou v Hy.. or va :.to..d aer ajieaTVa -- y.aa st.un-tsi- f t. ...is.- - g ) aa4

ba-- saaer, lu aor. iu 00. j J bni--- .i a. a

itt u . . F

S. H. DATl.


SPtUtGT.r.LD, OHIO.Vrw Yrs-- tt Kl P't, :.,r laS. with e

krtrv'", w nVv.udi.aa, f.v lloJjw-t- j lra CstxerV- - t or - i .n.er.ts.

g'f Ad .etter-- ot iDuo.iy cromftly lad fnliy anawsaad.j.y ir ,rs lor a.atin.-- , ui ot ttl .a ear,..--.

4 'I ' x rt .,

.NOTICE.tiif t.r tcit..-rtti- i f

ibvf?k 11 tl..rt.tl. I o. 3, laua, Ivef.. o I on Satot, t. t'.. St.s aav ttVsj ne neat, at f a 01 'kt L'i'i.u !sv uraliA--

eet B P siaaae-it- . ITsetrar au.l S Vtaua"i Com' a. J, W avrv K - '.I. eas ..e. ;tt a.v

. . 31 U. r . rt: 4.TraBit.'r.

. m. VAVlall . TlOtBttVAUGHAN L D RO.,

VrViohsalc Druggists,iUMsia s. Ta1:?. siszsi,

laoisvi.LB, sv.'HVTrvna-t- 't y na aJ a full aad wi'ts a oaaerV ct A.:.s ae. IL.ec .e ifl tai.-- Ht o

O s. e ra-.- s:t.-A- c s.gy Ve tp.Cli..r kial I AUBaMa.al l tM

l.t sr jiax SB. a. -

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