1 THE ANACONDA STANDARD: MONDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 20, 1890. TRAVELERS' CUlbE. TRAINS A Kill VS. fits A. M.-Krom Biitt^-Lwiven Butt* at *:*» A M., Kllvt'r lfciw »:19 A. M.,Stuart 8:46 A. M. 11,SO A. M.—Krom Butt* Mid tlsrrtvn- Vmrpt Unite at 10:M A. M., Stiver Bow 11 Ml A St., Btuart 11:32. A. M. Connect! at Ktuart with train whichli-awnilarrlaon al 10.A1 A. M. Dwr 1/xlp" 10:44 A . M. SiOO P. M.—From lhittr- l^vea Butt* B:» P. M , Silver Bow 51li •'. M., Stuart 11:40 P. M. lOilA P. M -From Harrison liavr liiirrlsoii 018:50 I*. M , IMT IxHlKe 9:12 P. M., Htliart » S! f, M. TRAIN* PKPART. ••OA. M.-For Uarrlnon Stuart 8 40 A. M., Deer 1/ HIK' A - M -< 4MmM at 10:00 A M 9:10 A. M.-For Butt.' Stuart at f»:4fl A.M., tttlvrr Bow W1X> A. M., orrtvliit! at Butte, Hl:ai 'A M ItAO l> M -F«r Butte and (!arrt«oti- I-e*ve Stuart at ? **• P. M., arrives In Butte at 3:«0 P. M., (Sarrtaon at 4 V. M. 7 : «0 P. M For Butte l .ave smart al . :40 P. M., arriving in Butte al * P. M. Arrival and Departure o* Malle. All* DFPART DAILY FOR IKWT liOdire, Helena and point* North and Weal or Helena »-» A. M. Butte Mi A - M - 3utte. Helena, llrcr l/xl^e, Stuart and Mlnnewta Ml P. M. Butt*, all points sontti. all Pattern State* ' ' JJ Orrotl «.<» P- M. OMe and Pvreneea, U.im A. M.Monday. Wed- nesday and Friday. MAIL" AKKIVRI>AU V FROM .' 9.0(1 A. M. Helena and I>eer I,o.U'e 11.IW A. M. All pointi North and F.a»t of tiarrlaon 10.15 P. M. AM potnti North and Weil of QMIMM 10.15 P. M, All point* South, all K»ttern Mates, and Butte 11-50 A.M. arrolt IJI A. M, Oahle and Fyren H, 4.00 P. M. Tun<!S)»,Tnur»- day, Saturday. All malli clone 45 mlnulei hefore departure. Time Schedule of the Electric Ry. Train* leave Carroll for city every W mlnntei between the hour* flirtl and H.oo A. M. and lie- tween .', :«• and r.::«) P. M. Remainder of the day each half hour. Train* leave city for Carroll every W minute* between the hour* 5 :4<i and IMA, M.and.V:m and fi :m P. M. HeiiiaiinlerM day on hour and half hour. Krrry r<>tt r lrhttht r fir n t/ixUrnl lust ymr </r n<>t mast mjisti r this ytar. This is a fluff MMO! shnalil lint In it, layul. Tin nnistry <>ffi<i is O/HH daily at I'tiknn r's rii/iir stun\ Main stint. THE WEATHER. The daily record <>f t h e thorniomoter in thin city is rrporlcil l>y A. T. Playtor, 1 r if t-> :. corner Main anil First afreets. The recortl for yestcnl.iv was: 7 a. in., 4fi Je(fre<** aliovc; 12 in., 74 ileirreea alxive; 4 p. m., 7H ih'Kreea alxive; S p. in., 112 ile- greci a'wire. ABOUT THE CITY. [)r. Mi Mrs. II. W. Stephens viaited Blllll yesterday. The iloetor lout a lieuii- tlfill r >ii |il-liiail,<l BAM on the trip. Mrs. Joseph KiehiinU ha* just retiiriieil from an extended visit nnioiiu relative* at Montreal. She hail a K M i-njnjahlr time. Peter Sehumaelier re turned ye sterday and atates thai he was unable to ifet a match with any of the llutte men hacked by Kvan Morgan. Any infornialioii of .laineH J. furry, who WUH in thia eily ahoiit a year ti |»o, will he ino«t thankfully received hy Inn si--ti r. Aildress hox 1177, Untie. Anaconda sen I a good delegation to Unite lo witness il,,' drilling match in that city jreatcnlay iM'twifii l'aife oT Butte and Alu aru of I 'olorado. Prod Sully, Waller Mciidenhall, I'etcr Uotlftof and I'Vank Smith compose n parly who expect to leava to-day for a hunting trip to the Hig lllnekfoot river. The funeral of the infant child of A. II. Devine, who died Saturday, took place yesterday. The child took a drink of concentrated lye from • can of the stulf Which stood in the yard near the house. W. H. Howies, the repri M utative of the Clara Morris company, which is toap|>car at Kvans opera house on Monday and Tuesday evenings of next week, is ill the city making artungciuciitx for the ap- p, arauce of that fatuous star. The nieeting of the Ihuiilioldt Scienlille aswM'ialion last evening was a most en- Ibuaiaatic one. The subject of electricity met w ith a thorough discussion w hich w as both interesting and entertaining. "The Silver System" w as CIIHM-II as the suliject of diKciiasioii MSl Sutulay evening. "The tlMlley Slave" T»-Mi ;l>t. At Kvati* <>|MTa house this evening that sterling play, "The Q*Uff Slave," will he presented by Miss Caroline (iage, sup- ported by a most meritorious company. The performance haa licen received with genuine cnlhusiasrn w herever it haa U'en witneHM'd, and llic press everywhere speaks of i: in terms of highest praise. Miss (iagc ha* a Hue reputa- tion aa a llin-be.l actress, ami her company is strong, even and effec- tive. K.vaiu Opera House should be crowded to-night and ulso tiemorrow night, when the same company w ill reap- pear in another |Mipu|ar play. t'otumcueing ID'llghl patrons of the opera house will receive a neat pr*>- f rainnte of the |>crformaiico. Meaara. 'oung and Walkup have aecunil the privilege and the programme w ill IK> ap- prex'iutisl. Mllllurry Opening. Mr». T. H. Mallory', opposite the Mon- tana hotel, will display a large and select atock of fall anil winter millinery from September 2!l to t Ictohcr 4. I.«*t. A solid gold-hcidcd rane with initials "H. W. S." on the head. Kinder will please return to Dr. II. \V. Stephens and receive $1U reward. Hretinan A (o-ttings will give daiicitiK lessons on Monday, Tuesday and Thurs- day ewnings of each week, and regular social every Saturday night. Eye, ear and deformities, Dr. T. J. Eaton, Windsor hotel, Butte, until Sci»- tenibcr 21*. Dr. EL L King of Helena, s|H-cialist on defective vision, will )„• al the jewelry store of J. Merrill A Co for three i |,,ys. IM- ginnuig with Monday, September 2». He •ure and see him if your sight is defective. < srd. Our drehsmakiug department is under the su|HTvision of Mrs. Hosfonl, Modiste, late of Dciiv,.-, Col. Ladies can now have their dresses and suits made in the most fashionable and latest styles. Perfect fit and satisfaction MajMat | 'I D. J. HKMNKSSY Mercantile « o A FREAK OF NATURE The Wonderful Mountain Cave at the Head of Lost Creek. C u r i o u s a n d M*nnif Icent Stalactites Depending From the Roofs of Mammoth Chambers Sub- terranean Phenomena. But little is known of the wonderful cave which was discovered about live years ago near the head of Poster and l."-t creeks, about fourteen miles from this city iua northwesterly direction. Two pros|M-ctors named Currity und Pish were looking over the country in the vicinity of this cave when their attention was at- tracted to a hole in tlx- ground too large for a gopher hole anil not large enough to admit a grown person. This made it all the more interesting. Not a handful of earth was to be seen near the hole, a circumstance that led the discoverers lo I«• 1 1 1 vithat something more than an ordinary |x>*tholc was their find. It en- tered the minds of these mountaineers that a cave or an extensive chimney, usually found in limestone formation,had la-en found, the extent of which they im- mediately proceciled to ascertain, t row- bars, picks, shovels and ropes were brought to the scene ami a cautious sur- vey of the surfac e immediately surround- ing the hole was made. By this time it had lieen found that the uir emitting from this cavity was such as to convince the men that it was an outlet to an immense chamber anil prob- ably the hack-hone of one of nature's aipiciiucts for a subterranean! stream, as more or less dampness could be felt in the air which came (in. By reaching down the lengtliof the arm, and feeling for the sides, it was seen that it widened out to several times the size ol the mouth directly beneath the grass roots. The excited men placed MM* selves a few inches farther from the hole and began their work with picks, reach- ing at arm's length for the edge of the cavity, which was now fast crumbling away, and exposing to their eager gaze a hole large enough to admit of the head and shoulders of a man. Now a long pole was thrown across the opening ami MM of the men put his weight on it and let his body hang down, ami with the aid of a candle be got an idea of the course of the drift for alsmt t, n feet. It was per- is'iiilicular for the lirst four or live feet, then pitching toward the hill o'i an angle of iilsuit thirty-llvt degrees f «r a distance of seven or eight feet. At the end of this in- cline the cave widens to about teu feet, then closing up again to i two feel. Here is the cutnanci' to a chamber fully Ml feet from ceiling to Hoof and of an average wullli of 4H feet, and in beauty bOJfOM description. It must be seen to be appreciated. The discovery of this wonderful group of caverns, chutes, chambers and cells once made, it has draw n Hot a few to the locality with a vi< w to making a thorough exploration of its wonders. To give the n ailer an idea of the dangers attending a inn to the bottom of the lirst large chamlicr, it may IK- well to give in- scription of the maimer in which the HiMir is reached. A party of gentlemen visited the cave on Monday, and another parly made the trip yesterday. A heavy IQpa is fastened to a tree near the surface entrance and lowered to the bottom ; an- other one is made fast around one's body. The rope down which one slides is so piaead around one leg and under the foot that, by crossing one 's ankles the rope parses over otic and under the other foot, thus forming a brake that maybe effect- ivcly applied on the descent, in MM one's arms are unable to hold one's weight. The rope around Hie body is held by men at the entrance, thus making safely a~ sure as one could expect on such an exploit. Still another maimer in obtaining an BOtrance lo the wonderful cavern was ti n d by the party yesterday, who con- sisted of Messrs. H, It. Brown, t.. Wel- come, f, W. I'eckover, W. Mcn- dciihall and a KTAXDABD reporter. This entrance proved lo be still more dangerous than the former. A Pope ladder had been brought into use but it proved to be too short and a rope was fastened at the boltom of the ladder III ik- ing i l a liaml -ovc I II.IIHI task to peach (ha bottom fur the last 211 feet. A rope was again fastened to the trunk of a lice growing near the aperture leading to tlic Hie, and each man worked his way to the bottom, leaving nobody above. This manner of descent is anything hut a good MM, owing to ths fact thai the rope ladder swings to and fro. Beaching the bottom ill safely a won- dering stare is east upward to the spot whence the descent was begun and afler a sigh of genuine relief the attention of the party is turned to the wonders of the cavern. Here we are oil the lloor of dome-shaped chamber with walls and ceiling of the purest white, with uiiiiimcr- ahle little shelves and recesses, half hid- den from view bv folds of lace formed into stalactite by drops of water thickly Impregnated with lime sediment, and leaping with tireless regularity for ages. Standing with your face toward the hill you see two passage ways, run- ning nearly at right angles with each other. The one to the right is not of much importance, as it dually connects with parts easily reached by traveling through the one to the left. Now yon begin a steep descent over huge ris'ks, forming here und there ., Might of steps which rival in construction and grandeur the work of the most skilled mason. Slow progress is made on this trip through the magnificent halls, as the wonders re- vealed w ith every step arrest the atten- tion of the explorer. Now you arrive at the sacred chancel. To the left in this spa- cious nsim stands out prominently the Pope's pulpit, under its canopy of silver, held in place by miniature pillars of crystal, with here and there countless fibres of lace, forming a fringe more ••Mtlful in effect than any made by the most artistic and delicate hand. The t ;raiideur of this work of nature is en- luin cil by the millions of crystal lingers hanging from the edges of the canopy, the point of each holding a spark- ling drop of water, which when s. . ii though the dun light afforded by candles,brings the admirer to a slate of imagination never cX|M rieiiced oulv w hen Is-holding something of magnificence which Itcggurs description. Grand, simply grand, is the one and only word which is suid on leaving this chancel for a descent further on. Down, down, the journey is made, over ns'ks, down chutes, over lieiielies.throiigh narrow spaces with walls of adamant and deli.,HI as the rock II|HIII which the wise man built his house. Here |>cdcatriatiisin ceases. To go further. ro|H's must furnish traiis |Mirtatioti. A rock is dropped to give you an idea of the depth of this cavern. Breathlessly you await the signal. What is that'.' water. Il may be a surging river. Tin- link has revealed the awful truth that you are on a precipice overhanging a subterranean wab rway. ljirge or small, significant or insignificant, your courage sharpened by past exploits successfully carried out prompts you to allow yourself In he placi d ut the mercy i f the ro|s< in order that curiosity may be satisfied. Here a chapter in the history of the ill- fatisl Clcoputra is forcibly brought to mind- that part when- Harmaclus and the piccii go to the tomb of the sacred Meiika- r.i to secure the treasures burrtl in his bosom. The secret of its whenalsmts was known only to liarmachia. These treasures he promises to give her if she will wed him. When they reached the sarcophagus she experienced the same feeling that overcomes one on seeing the water of this cave a linn and well-de- lined desire to immediately reach ihesur- facc. However, here you are 1,2U0 feet from the mouth of the cave and under as many hundreds of feet of earth Is'tween you and the surface di- rectly alaive. But tjhe scene is none the less entrancing. Sitting on the edge of this lake you look across a distance of IK) feet to the op|s>site shore of white marble. It may at first remind you of an immense porcelain wash basin, tilled to the brim, uwaiting its owner's coming to perform his morning ablution. About 15 feet from its edge is an nhlong-sha |>cd rtH-k pro- truding utsivc the water's surface about 12 inches. Its top is hollowed out to some extent. It is probably two feet wide and 111 feet long. A second hs>k will convince you that you are looking at something that resembles to a marked degree a gum tree canoe. DpjM OtOSaT iDepactioO you see two lingers or points on each side of what may lie called a ixmt. These are Is ing formed Into rowlocks by the con- stant dripping of water from the ceiling, carrying with it the sediment which has formed the many beautiful sights which therein abound. Further progress is checked. The cave no doubt extends, but the crevice is too small to allow the bisly of a man to pass. Therefore the return trip to surface is the next consideration. That is made with no new discoveries. Surface reached, a long breath of relief is drawn. The sights and wonders of that mammoth cave designed by nature furnishes material for conversation on the long and tedious ride to the city. Webster nor Worcester have not coined words to ex- press one's thoughts on In-holding that cave. Advertised Letter 1.1st. Letters remaining unclaimed in Ana- conda postoilice for the week ending BapMaabw 27. ltf»u. Andrews, I, J, 2 Mark, Andrew AlDslee. Hoio MeAuler, Arthur Blase, William McKlnzie,CoUuo Howers, Henry McUivern, A Hamburg, Baa S Ah y i s, I homa* Itiighiini, Fred MoaB, Herman i 'hnsntan, Mm tens- n, t'hrlst Cross, Rsmest Ahuaud,.) »' I'.iiin, .1 C MoiTlaM. Petri U-gnir,.1 il Mesonce, Air Ifcibe, Jean Baptlste IVBrian. ltdward IIII|M>ri,i. \a\ie: . 1 Pierre, St Prtiilltipi KriVkaun.t hris I'eiter, Willi Kslrfleld, Kd Potters A G Finn, i hinmthv Parkinson, .Ins Hass, Mlsi Viola Itxsigr, Oeorgt Hammoud, T 11 rYovoot, baas Hers T Hogrrs. Patrick Henzel, Albert Kyan, .lohn Headline, loins Itunkskavaa, K I! Hjertgvist, II M Ninth. Mrs .loin, sun. i liartei smith, < has | | .loliansno, I' Siinpsiin, Algoma Joyce, Joe Hoei L Fred Keppler, Mrs Kate KhWds. P H,."> Kelly, John Wafonl, Din l\n \, Knot Hunraaaa, .lohn Krlly, W II small, Isa P l/ing, Alfml Vale' tine .his i: N-inmmi, S Y. \ "llnicr, .laeo'u l .ailie. Ilapllsle WSSMS, Mg III calling for these letters the applicant must call for advertised letters and give date of this list. One cent will Is- col- lected for each letter. If not called for within two weeks they will IM- sent to the dead letter office. J. C. Ki i'Pi.r.R. P. M . The Urd l.lun. Superintendent J. ('. Bidden came down from the Bed I.ion mine Saturday, bringing with him a chunk of bullion of the value of $1,4*10. the result of eleven days run at the Bed I.ion mill. Affairs at the mine are in a nourishing condition ami the stockholders are greatly encour- aged. Ten more stamps and a tramway are to he added to the plant. To Contractor*. Bids for the construction of the M. K. church building will be received at the parsonage, corner of flak and Third streets, where plans and specifications can be seen. Bids must be in by Tues- day, Uspiatuber SO, at _' p. in. Tin- trustees reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Smokers of the celebrated and original "Cuban Blossoms" will in future find every cigar and every box branded "L. Mills." All others are counterfeit. L. Lillis, l .L'IU Second avenue, Nc.v York, I 'or Sale. Fine buggy team, impure at McCallum A Clout ier. "BIG AL" RELEASED. tor Sale. A new lot of household goixls, includ- ing an upright piano. Inquire of C. Baker, corner Bircu and Seventh streets. Wauled. Bright, active honorable boys to deliver the morning SI AMIAKD. Also Uisprightly boys to make street sales. Apply to STAN- I* A lib office over Clark Bros, bank, Butte, Montana, al from H:i<0 a. m. to 7:110 a. in. Go to Keefe's ami get fresh oysters by the dish, raw, stewed, fried, broiled or pan roasts. e ——— -lohn Barkovic has moved out of the Milwaukee Beer hall into his new place on Chestnut street, Is-twccn Second ami Third, and will Is' glad to see all his old friends and supply them with ice cold Milwaukee beer. Devine Bro.'s have removed from Park avenue to First street, between Cellar and Cherry, and continue to keep a flue stock of family groceries, California w ines,Ken- tucky whiskies for family use. Call and sec us. I. O. G. T., King bodge, No. 17, meets every Friday evening at Mattie Block hall. Sojourning members cordially in- vited to attend. A. J. BjJ x, (\ T. W. N. TenF.yek, secretary. He U Not NM Man Want.,| for the Mnr- ilrl Of Mr*. Do Mil. By the Standard's Sisvial Wire. BLTTE, Sept 2t*-"Big A l " Van Leuven eame back from Helena to-day, where he and young Jack l).»wd were taken by of- lieers. Van Leuven was ius|K-cted of l M>ing the man who had s|>ent Hat last night with the murdered woman known as Mrs. Jack Dowd. Two French women had seen this man und lieforu them Van Leuven was taken for identification. Tin y immediately exclaimed that he was not the man. The man wanted was not so tall ami had very heavy hair falling low on his forehead, so"BigAI" was immediately released. Young Jack wus not so fortunate, however, for he is still held in custody. Van Leuven said to- night that without doubt Jack could prove an alibi, as he |>ersonally knew that Juck was in Butte the morning the murder was committed and learned of it by telegraph. The telegram was read to Jack by the pro- prietor of the hslging house where he slept while he was still in lied. Jack's grief at the death of his wife was very marked, although she was known to IKI a woman of the town. Tan LeUYen complains that he was shabbily treated by the Helena oflicials, claiming that they would not give him a chance to get some money previous to leaving Butte, and that when he was discharged they would not give him a cent for eating. Harvest Mxcuraluna. On September 9 and 23 und October 14 there will ne excursions via the Union Pa- cific from Kastern points to Idaho, Utah and Molilalia. The fure for the round trip will lie one single fare. EVANS OPERA HOUSE THREE NIGHTS Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday SEPT. 29, 30 and OCT. L RETURN OF THE FAVORITES! The ( lever, Versatile and Finished Young Artress, -SUPPORTED BY- iagc, HARRY F. KEENE'S COMPANY OF Pl.AYKltS. Opel in;; Muinlav BMBtag in liar ley Campbell's beautiful Keasty Play, Galley Slave. CHANCE • O F • PLAY NIGHTLY Seats on sale at I'laylers's Viu* Store AT THE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT OK 0- SAYARD, FRONT STR6ET. lias just ben rwahreiataresatrekat Mini Winter Omuls. Tbe tarsi nbeot Panlalnonlng and SiutiiiLrs, nlm Ii will be made by only the In st of SHUHI at MNwratC pl ires, 0. SSVHRD, Grand Central Hotel, - Front Street. BUSWELL Tin-: At the I'.l-K 11IVK. FIRST ST., ANACONDA Sewing machines for sale or rent. J. C. KEPPLER Anaconda, Montana. Watchmaker and Jeweler, Dealer In DIAMONDS All Urades of Watches, Clocks Jewelry, Op- tical Goods. Silverware, Etc. The • Smith • Drug • Go., DRUGGISTS. DF .AI .KKS IN- '0 III ^ ( l i m iiiv/un invifj I mill!', VIIUJ MIIIUVM uiuwut WALL PAPER, TOILET REQUISITES. AGENTS FOR OXZYN BALM and POWDER. BREAD'S OLD STANDS Main Street, Anaconda, Montana. V HNHCONDH BRHNCH. When you come up town step into our Store. You Cannot fail to find Money- Savers all over the IIotis e. A visit will con- vince you that your Dollar will purcJiasc more goods than Two Dollars will elsewhere. Special prices to parties furnishing houses and parties pu chasing large bills. r- TENTS, WALL rAPRH, CARPETS, LINOLEUMS. SHADES AND BEDDING. EXPRESS CHARGES PHID. D. J. Hennessy Mercantile Company LOSEE & MAXWELL. Are \ye going to be lost in the shuffle, or soaked in the Soup? Not if we know it. We are after the Shining Shekels and expect to get them by giving value for them. COME HND • S E E • US. and you'll find us death on the dicker. •f OUR LINE CONSISTS OF DRY +GOODS Men's, Children's and Ladies* Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Hats, {Gaps, Etc. We will see any price that's made elsewhere,'|and go it one better. Come and size up our pile of goods and you will see we are fixed to stay in the game. No fakements with us. A fair deal to all is our motto. LOSEE & MAXWELL. N6XT DOOR T O P. O.

LOSEE & MAXWELL. · 2017. 12. 13. · weight. The rope around Hie body is held by men at the entrance, thus making safely a~ sure as one could expect on such an exploit. Still another

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Page 1: LOSEE & MAXWELL. · 2017. 12. 13. · weight. The rope around Hie body is held by men at the entrance, thus making safely a~ sure as one could expect on such an exploit. Still another


T H E A N A C O N D A S T A N D A R D : M O N D A Y M O R N I N G . S E P T E M B E R 20, 1890.


TRAINS A K i l l V S .

f i t s A . M.-Krom B i i t t^-Lwiven Butt* at *:*» A M., Kllvt'r lfciw »:19 A . M.,Stuart 8:46 A . M.

1 1 , S O A. M.—Krom Butt* Mid t l s r r t v n -Vmrpt Unite at 10:M A. M . , Stiver Bow 11 Ml A St., Btuart 11:32. A. M . Connect! at Ktuart with train whichli-awnilarrlaon a l 10.A1 A. M. D w r 1/xlp" 10:44 A . M. „

SiOO P . M.—From lhittr- l ^ v e a Butt* B : » P. M , Silver Bow 51li •'. M . , Stuart 11:40 P. M.

l O i l A P . M - F r o m Harrison l i a v r liiirrlsoii 018:50 I*. M , I M T IxHlKe 9:12 P. M . , Htliart » S! f , M.

T R A I N * P K P A R T . • ••OA. M . - F o r Uarrlnon Stuart 8 40 A. M. ,

Deer 1 / H I K ' A - M - < 4 M m M at 10:00 A M

9:10 A . M . - F o r Butt.' Stuart at f»:4fl A . M . , tttlvrr Bow W1X> A . M., orrtvliit! at Butte, Hl:ai

'A M I tAO l> M - F « r Butte and (!arrt«oti- I-e*ve

Stuart at ? **• P. M. , arrives In Butte at 3:«0 P. M., (Sarrtaon at 4 V. M.

7 : « 0 P . M For Butte l . a v e smart al . :40 P. M . , arriving in Butte al * P. M.

A r r i v a l and D e p a r t u r e o* Mal le .

• A l l * D F P A R T DAILY F O R I K W T liOdire, Helena and point* North

and Weal or Helena » - » A. M. Butte M i A - M -3utte. Helena, l l rcr l/xl^e, Stuart

and Mlnnewta M l P. M. Butt*, all points sontti. all Pattern

State* ' ' • JJ O r r o t l «.<» P- M . O M e and Pvreneea, U.im A. M.Monday. Wed­

nesday and Friday. M A I L " A K K I V R I > A U V F R O M

.' • 9.0(1 A . M. Helena and I>eer I,o.U'e 11.IW A. M. Al l pointi North and F.a»t of tiarrlaon 10.15 P. M. AM potnti North and Weil of Q M I M M 10.15 P. M, All point* South, all K»ttern Mates,

and Butte 11-50 A . M . arrolt I J I A . M, Oahle and F y r e n H , 4.00 P. M. Tun<!S)» ,Tnur»-

day, Saturday. Al l mal l i clone 45 mlnulei hefore departure.

T i m e S c h e d u l e of t h e E l e c t r i c R y .

Train* leave Carroll for city every W mlnntei between the hour* flirtl and H.oo A. M. and lie-tween .', :«• and r.::«) P. M. Remainder of the day each half hour.

Tra in* leave city for Carroll every W minute* between the hour* 5:4<i and I M A , M.and.V:m and fi :m P. M. HeiiiaiinlerM day on hour and half hour.

Krrry r<>tt r lrhttht r fir n t/ixUrnl lust ymr </r n<>t mast mjisti r this ytar. This is a fluff MMO! shnalil lint In it, layul. Tin nnistry <>ffi<i is O/HH daily at I'tiknn r's rii/iir stun\ Main stint.

T H E W E A T H E R .

The da i ly record <>f the thorniomoter in thin ci ty is r r p o r l c i l l>y A . T . Playtor,

1 r i f t-> :. corner M a i n an i l First afreets. T h e recortl f o r yestcnl.iv was: 7 a. i n . , 4fi Je(fre<** a l iovc; 1 2 i n . , 74 ileirreea a lx ive ; 4 p. m . , 7H ih'Kreea a lx ive ; S p. i n . , 112 ile-g r e c i a 'wire.

A B O U T T H E C I T Y .

[)r . M i M r s . I I . W. Stephens viaited Blllll yesterday. The i loetor lout a l ieui i-t l f i l l r>ii | i l - l i ia i l ,<l B A M on the t r i p .

Mrs . J o s e p h K i e h i i n U ha* just r e t i i r i i e i l f r o m an extended visit nnioiiu relat ive* at Mont rea l . She hail a K M i - n j n j a h l r t i m e .

Peter Sehumaelier re turned ye sterday and atates tha i he was unable to ifet a match w i t h any of the l lu t t e men hacked by Kvan Morgan .

Any i n f o r n i a l i o i i o f . l a ineH J. f u r r y , who WUH in thia e i ly ahoiit a year t i |»o , w i l l he ino«t t h a n k f u l l y received h y Inn si--ti r. Aildress hox 1177, Untie.

Anaconda sen I a good delegation to Unite lo witness i l , , ' d r i l l i n g ma tch in that city jreatcnlay i M ' t w i f i i l 'a ife oT Butte and Alu aru of I 'olorado.

Prod Sul ly , W a l l e r Mci idenha l l , I 'e tcr Uotlftof and I'Vank Smi th compose n par ly who expect to leava to-day f o r a hunt ing t r i p to the Hig l l lnekfoo t r iver .

The fune ra l o f the in fan t ch i ld of A. I I . Devine, who died Saturday, took place yesterday. T h e ch i ld took a d r i n k of concentrated lye f r o m • can of the stulf Which stood in the yard near the house.

W . H . Howies, the repri M uta t ive of the Clara Morr is company, which is toap|>car at Kvans opera house on Monday and Tuesday evenings of next week, is i l l the c i ty m a k i n g ar tungciuci i tx fo r the ap-p, arauce of that fatuous star.

The nieet ing o f the Ihu i i l io ld t Sc ien l i l l e a s w M ' i a l i o n last evening was a most en-Ibuaiaatic one. The subject of e lectr ic i ty met w i th a thorough discussion w h ich w as both in teres t ing and en te r ta in ing . " T h e Si lver Sys tem" w as CIIHM-II as the suliject of d i K c i i a s i o i i M S l Sutulay evening .

" T h e t l M l l e y Slave" T » - M i ; l > t .

At Kva t i* <>|MTa house this evening that s te r l ing play, " T h e Q*Uff Slave," w i l l he presented by M i s s Carol ine (iage, sup­ported by a most meri tor ious company . T h e pe r fo rmance haa licen received w i t h genuine cnlhusiasrn w herever it haa U'en w i t n e H M ' d , and l l ic press everywhere speaks of i : in terms of highest praise. Miss ( iagc ha* a Hue reputa­t i o n aa a l l i n -be . l actress, ami her company i s strong, even and effec­tive. K.vaiu Opera House should be crowded to-night and ulso t i emorrow night , when the same company w i l l reap­pear i n another | M i p u | a r play.

t ' o tumcue ing I D ' l l g h l patrons o f the o p e r a house w i l l receive a neat pr*>-

f rainnte of the |>crformaiico. Meaara. 'oung and W a l k u p have aecun i l the

pr ivi lege and the programme w i l l IK> ap-prex'iutisl.

Mllllurry Opening. Mr». T . H . Mallory ' , opposite the M o n ­

tana hotel , w i l l display a large and select atock of f a l l an i l winter m i l l i n e r y f r o m September 2!l to t Ictohcr 4.

I . « * t . A solid go ld -hc idcd rane w i t h in i t i a l s

" H . W . S." on the head. Kinder w i l l please re turn to Dr. I I . \V . Stephens and receive $1U reward .

Hret inan A (o-tt ings w i l l give dai ic i t iK lessons on Monday, Tuesday and Thurs­day e w n i n g s of each week, a n d regular social every Saturday n ight .

Eye, ear and deformit ies , Dr. T . J . Eaton, Windsor hotel , Butte, u n t i l Sci»-tenibcr 21*.

Dr . EL L K i n g of Helena, s|H-cialist on defective vision, w i l l )„• al the jewelry store of J. M e r r i l l A Co for three i |,,ys. IM-ginnuig wi th Monday, September 2». He •u re and see him i f your sight is defective.

< srd. O u r drehsmakiug department is under

the su|HTvision of Mrs. Hos fon l , Modiste,

late of Dciiv,.- , Col. Ladies can now have their dresses and suits made in the most fashionable and l a t e s t styles.

Per fec t f i t and satisfaction M a j M a t | ' I D . J . HKMNKSSY Mercant i le « o

A F R E A K O F N A T U R E The Wonderful Mountain Cave at the

Head of Lost Creek. C u r i o u s a n d M * n n i f I c e n t S t a l a c t i t e s

D e p e n d i n g F r o m t h e R o o f s o f M a m m o t h C h a m b e r s S u b ­

t e r r a n e a n P h e n o m e n a .

But l i t t l e is k n o w n o f the w o n d e r f u l cave wh ich was discovered about l ive years ago near the head o f Poster and l . " - t creeks, about four teen miles f r o m th i s ci ty i u a nor thwes ter ly d i r ec t i on . T w o pros|M-ctors named C u r r i t y und Pish were l o o k i n g o v e r the coun t ry in the v i c in i ty of this cave when their a t ten t ion was at­t racted to a hole in t lx- g round too large f o r a gopher hole ani l not large enough to a d m i t a g rown person. T h i s made i t a l l the more in te res t ing . Not a h a n d f u l of ear th was to be seen near the hole, a c i rcumstance tha t led the discoverers lo I«• 111 vi• that some th ing more than an o rd ina ry |x>*tholc w a s thei r f i n d . I t en­tered the minds o f these mountaineers that a cave o r an extensive chimney, usual ly f o u n d i n l imestone fo rma t ion ,had la-en found , the extent of wh ich they i m ­mediately proceciled to ascertain, t row-bars, picks, shovels and ropes were brought to the scene a m i a cautious s u r ­vey of the surfac e immedia te ly surround­ing the hole w a s made. By this t ime i t had lieen f o u n d that the u i r e m i t t i n g f r o m this cav i ty w a s such as to convince the men that i t was an out le t to a n immense chamber an i l prob­ably the hack-hone of one o f nature's aipici iucts f o r a subterranean! s tream, as m o r e or less dampness could be f e l t i n the a i r which came (in.

By reaching d o w n the l e n g t l i o f the a r m , and fee l ing for the sides, it w a s seen that it widened out to several t imes the size ol the mouth d i rec t ly beneath the grass roots . T h e exci ted men placed M M * selves a few inches f a r the r f r o m the hole and began the i r work w i t h picks, reach­ing at arm's l eng th fo r the edge o f the cav i ty , which was now fast c r u m b l i n g away, and exposing to the i r eager gaze a hole large enough to admi t of the head and shoulders of a m a n . Now a long pole w a s t h rown across the opening a m i MM of the men put his weight on i t and let his body hang d o w n , a m i w i t h the a id of a candle be got a n idea of the course of the d r i f t f o r a l smt t, n feet. I t was per-i s ' i i i l i cu l a r f o r the l i rs t f o u r or l ive feet , then p i t ch ing toward the h i l l o ' i an angle of i i l su i t t h i r t y - l l v t degrees f « r a distance of seven or eight feet . At the end o f this i n ­c l ine the cave widens to about teu feet, then closing up aga in to i two fee l . Here is the cutnanci ' t o a chamber f u l l y Ml feet f r o m c e i l i n g to Hoof and of an average w u l l l i o f 4 H feet, and in beauty bOJfOM descr ip t ion . I t must be s e e n to be appreciated.

T h e discovery o f this wonder fu l group of caverns, chutes, chambers and cells once made, i t h a s draw n Hot a f ew to the local i ty w i th a vi< w to m a k i n g a thorough exp lora t ion of its wonders. T o give the n a i le r an idea of the dangers a t tending a i n n to the bo t tom of the l i rs t large chaml icr , it may IK- we l l to give i n ­scr ipt ion of the m a i m e r in which the HiMir is reached. A party of gentlemen visi ted the cave o n Monday , and another par ly made the t r i p yesterday. A heavy IQpa is fastened to a tree n e a r the surface entrance and lowered to the bottom ; an­other one is made fas t a round one's body. The rope down w h i c h one slides is so piaead around one leg and under the foot that, by crossing one's ankles the rope parses o v e r otic a n d under the other foot , thus f o r m i n g a brake that m a y b e effect-ivcly appl ied on the descent, in M M one's arms are unable to ho ld one ' s weight . The rope a round Hie body is held by men at the entrance, thus m a k i n g safely a~ s u r e as one could expect on such a n explo i t .

S t i l l another m a i m e r i n ob ta in ing an BO t rance lo the w o n d e r f u l cavern was ti n d by the party yesterday, who c o n ­sisted of Messrs. H , I t . B r o w n , t . . We l ­come, f , W . I 'eckover , W . M c n -d c i i h a l l and a KTAXDABD reporter. T h i s entrance proved lo be s t i l l more dangerous than the former. A Pope ladder had been brought into use but it proved to be too short and a rope w a s fastened at the bo l tom of the ladder I I I ik­ing i l a liaml-ovc I I I . I I H I task to peach (ha bo t tom f u r the last 211 feet. A rope w a s again fastened to the t r u n k of a l i c e g r o w i n g n e a r the aperture leading to t l i c H i e , and each m a n worked his way t o the bo t tom, l eav ing nobody above. Th i s manner of descent is any th ing hut a good MM, o w i n g to ths fact thai the rope ladder swings to and f r o .

Beaching the bo t tom i l l safely a won­der ing stare is east upward to the spot whence the descent was begun and a f l e r a sigh of genuine rel ief the at tent ion of the party is turned to the wonders o f the cavern .

Here we are o i l the lloor of dome-shaped chamber w i t h wal ls and ce i l ing of the purest white , w i th u i i i i imcr -ahle l i t t l e shelves a n d recesses, hal f hid­den f r o m view bv folds of lace fo rmed into stalacti te by drops o f water t h i ck ly Impregnated wi th l ime sediment, and leaping w i t h tireless regular i ty for ages. S tanding w i t h your face toward the h i l l you see t w o passage ways, run­n ing nearly at r i gh t angles w i t h each other. The one t o the r igh t is not of much importance , as i t dua l ly connects w i th parts easily reached by t rave l ing th rough the one to the l e f t . Now yon begin a steep descent over huge r i s ' k s , f o r m i n g here und there ., Might of steps which r i v a l in const ruct ion and grandeur the w o r k o f the most sk i l l ed mason. Slow progress is made on this t r i p th rough the magn i f i cen t hal ls , as the wonders re­vealed w i th every step arrest the atten­tion o f the explorer . Now you arr ive at the sacred chancel . T o the l e f t in this s p a ­cious n s i m stands out p rominen t ly the Pope's pu lp i t , under its canopy of silver, held i n place by min ia tu re pi l lars of crys ta l , w i t h here and there countless fibres o f lace, f o r m i n g a f r i n g e m o r e • • M t l f u l i n effect t han any made by the most ar t i s t ic and del icate hand. The

t;rai ideur o f this w o r k of nature is en-luin c i l by the m i l l i o n s of crys ta l l ingers

hanging f r o m the edges o f the canopy, the po in t o f each ho ld ing a spark­l ing d rop o f water , w h i c h when s. . ii though the d u n l ight a f forded by candles,brings the admire r to a slate of imag ina t ion never cX|M r iei iced oulv w hen Is-holding someth ing o f magnif icence which Itcggurs descr ip t ion . Grand , s imply grand, is the one a n d only word which is suid on leav ing this chancel fo r a descent f u r t h e r on .

Down, d o w n , the journey is made, over ns 'ks, d o w n chutes, over l iei iel ies. throiigh narrow spaces w i t h wal l s of adamant and del i . ,HI as the rock I I | H I I I wh ich the wise man b u i l t his house. Here |>cdcatriatiisin ceases. T o go f u r t h e r . ro|H's must f u r n i s h t rai is |Mirtatiot i . A rock is d r o p p e d to give you an idea o f the dep th of th i s cavern. Breathlessly you awai t the s igna l . What is that'. ' water. I l may be a surging r i v e r . Tin- l i n k has revealed the a w f u l t r u th that you are on a precipice overhanging a subterranean wab rway . l j i r g e o r sma l l , s i gn i f i c an t or i n s ign i f i can t , your courage sharpened by past exploi ts successfully carr ied out prompts you to allow yourself In he p lac i d ut the mercy i f the ro |s< in

order tha t cur ios i ty may be s a t i s f i e d . Here a chapter i n the his tory o f the i l l -f a t i s l Clcoputra is f o r c i b l y brought to m i n d - tha t par t when- Harmaclus and the • p icc i i go to the t omb of the sacred Meiika-r . i to secure the t r e a s u r e s b u r r t l i n h i s bosom. T h e secret o f its w h e n a l s m t s was known on ly to l i a rmach ia . These treasures he promises to g ive her i f she w i l l wed h i m . W h e n they reached the sarcophagus she experienced the same fee l ing that overcomes one on seeing the water o f th i s cave a l i n n and well-de-l ined desire to immedia te ly reach ihesur-facc. However, here you are 1,2U0 feet f r o m the mouth o f the cave and under as m a n y hundreds o f feet o f earth Is ' tween you and the surface d i ­rectly alaive. But tjhe scene i s none the less en t ranc ing . S i t t i ng on the edge o f this lake you look across a distance of IK) feet to the op |s>site shore o f whi te marble. I t may at f i r s t r e m i n d you o f a n immense porcelain wash basin, t i l l ed to the b r i m , u w a i t i n g its owner ' s c o m i n g to per form his m o r n i n g ab lu t i on . About 15 feet f r o m its edge is an nhlong-sha |>cd rtH-k pro­t rud ing utsivc the water's surface about 12 inches. Its top is hol lowed out to some extent . I t is probably two fee t wide and 111 feet long . A second hs>k w i l l convince you that you are look ing a t something that resembles to a marked degree a gum tree canoe. DpjM OtOSaT iDepactioO you see two l ingers or points on each side o f what may lie ca l led a i x m t . These are Is ing fo rmed In to rowlocks b y the con­stant d r i p p i n g o f water f r o m the cei l ing, ca r ry ing w i th i t the sediment which has f o r m e d the many beau t i fu l sights which therein abound.

Fur ther progress is checked. The cave no doubt extends, but the crevice is too smal l to a l low the bisly of a m a n to pass. There fo re the r e tu rn t r i p to surface is the next considerat ion. T h a t is made wi th no new discoveries. Surface reached, a l ong breath of re l ie f is d r a w n . The sights and wonders of t h a t m a m m o t h cave designed by nature furnishes mate r ia l f o r conversat ion on the long and tedious ride to the c i t y . Webs ter nor Worcester have not coined words to ex­press one's thoughts on In-holding that cave.

A d v e r t i s e d L e t t e r 1.1st. Letters r e m a i n i n g unc la imed in Ana­

conda postoilice f o r the week ending BapMaabw 2 7 . ltf»u. Andrews, I , J, 2 Mark, Andrew AlDslee. H o i o MeAuler, Arthur Blase, William McKlnzie,CoUuo Howers, Henry McUivern, A Hamburg, Baa S Ah y i s, I homa* Itiighiini, Fred MoaB, Herman i 'hnsntan, Mm tens- n, t'hrlst Cross, Rsmest Ahuaud,.) »' I'.iiin, .1 C MoiTlaM. Petri U-gnir,.1 i l Mesonce, Air Ifcibe, Jean Baptlste IV Brian. ltd ward IIII|M>ri,i. \a \ ie : . 1 Pierre, St Prtiilltipi KriVkaun.t hris I'eiter, Wi l l i Kslrfleld, Kd Potters A G Finn, i hinmthv Parkinson, .Ins Hass, Mlsi Viola Itxsigr, Oeorgt Hammoud, T 11 rYovoot, baas Hers T Hogrrs. Patrick Henzel, Albert Kyan, .lohn Headline, lo ins Itunkskavaa, K I ! Hjertgvist, I I M Ninth. Mrs .loin,sun. i liartei smith, < has | | .loliansno, I ' Siinpsiin, Algoma Joyce, Joe Hoei L Fred Keppler, Mrs Kate KhWds. P H,."> Kelly, John Wafonl, D i n l \ n \ , Knot Hunraaaa, .lohn Krlly, W II s m a l l , Isa P l/ ing, A l f m l Vale' tine .his i : N-inmmi, S Y. \ "llnicr, .laeo'u l .ailie. Ilapllsle WSSMS, M g

I I I c a l l i n g fo r these letters the appl icant must ca l l f o r advert ised let ters and give date o f this l is t . One cent w i l l Is- col­l ec ted f o r each let ter . I f not called for w i t h i n two weeks they w i l l IM- sent to the dead letter office.

J . C. K i i'Pi.r.R. P. M .

T h e U r d l . l u n . Superintendent J . ('. Bidden came

down f r o m the Bed I. ion mine Saturday, b r i n g i n g w i t h h i m a chunk of bu l l i on of the value of $1,4*10. the result of eleven days run at the Bed I.ion m i l l . A f f a i r s at the mine are in a nour i sh ing condi t ion a m i the s tockholders are greatly encour­aged. Ten more stamps and a t r amway a r e to he added to the plant .

To Contractor*. Bids fo r the const ruct ion o f the M . K.

church b u i l d i n g w i l l be received at the parsonage, corner o f f l a k a n d T h i r d streets, where plans and specif icat ions can be seen. Bids must be in by Tues­day, Uspiatuber SO, at _' p. i n .

Tin- trustees reserve the r igh t to reject any o r a l l bids.

Smokers of the celebrated a n d o r i g i n a l "Cuban Blossoms" w i l l in f u t u r e f i n d every cigar and every box branded " L . M i l l s . " A l l others are coun te r fe i t . L . L i l l i s , l . L ' I U Second avenue, Nc.v Y o r k ,

I 'or Sa le .

Fine buggy team, impure at M c C a l l u m A Clout ier.


to r Sale. A new lot of household goixls, inc lud­

ing an upright p iano. Inquire o f C. Baker, corner Bircu and Seventh streets.

W a u l e d . Br igh t , act ive honorable boys to del iver

the m o r n i n g S I A M I A K D . Also U i sp r igh t ly boys to make street sales. A p p l y to S T A N -

I * A l ib off ice over C la rk Bros, bank , But te , Montana , a l f r o m H : i < 0 a. m . to 7 : 1 1 0 a. i n .

Go to Keefe's a m i get fresh oysters by the d ish , raw, stewed, f r i ed , bro i led or pan roasts.

e ——— -lohn Barkovic has moved out of the

Mi lwaukee Beer ha l l into his new place on Chestnut street, Is-twccn Second a m i T h i r d , and w i l l Is ' g lad to see a l l his o ld f r iends and supply them w i t h ice co ld Mi lwaukee beer.

Devine Bro.'s have removed f r o m Park avenue to First street, between Cellar and Cherry, and cont inue to keep a f lue stock of f a m i l y groceries, Ca l i fo rn i a w ines,Ken­tucky whiskies f o r f a m i l y use. Ca l l and sec us.

I . O. G. T . , K i n g bodge, No. 17, meets every Friday evening at Mat t i e Block ha l l . So jou rn ing members co rd ia l ly i n ­vi ted to at tend. A . J . BjJ x, ( \ T .

W . N . TenF.yek, secretary.

H e U Not NM M a n W a n t . , | f o r the M n r -i l r l Of M r * . D o M i l .

By the Standard's Sisvial Wire.

B L T T E , Sept 2 t * - " B i g A l " Van Leuven eame back from Helena to-day, where he a n d young Jack l).»wd were taken by of-l i e e r s .

V a n Leuven was ius |K-cted of l M >ing the man who had s|>ent Hat last n ight with the murdered woman k n o w n as Mrs . Jack D o w d . T w o French women had seen this m a n und l ie foru them Van Leuven was t aken f o r iden t i f i ca t ion . T i n y immedia te ly exc la imed that he was not the m a n . T h e m a n wanted was not so t a l l a m i had very heavy hair f a l l i n g low on his forehead, s o " B i g A I " was immedia te ly released. Young Jack wus not so for tuna te , however, f o r he is s t i l l held in custody. Van Leuven said to­n igh t that wi thout doubt Jack could prove an a l i b i , as he |>ersonally knew that Juck was i n Butte the m o r n i n g the murder was c o m m i t t e d and learned of i t by te legraph. T h e te legram was read t o Jack by the pro­pr ie tor o f the hs lg ing house where he slept wh i l e he was s t i l l in l ied. Jack's g r i e f at the death o f his w i f e was very marked , a l t hough she was k n o w n to IKI a w o m a n o f the t o w n . Tan LeUYen compla ins tha t he was shabbily treated by the Helena o f l i c i a l s , c l a i m i n g that they would not give h i m a chance to get some money previous to leaving Butte , and that when he was discharged they w o u l d not g ive h i m a cent f o r eat ing.

H a r v e s t Mxcura luna .

O n September 9 and 2 3 u n d October 14 there w i l l ne excursions v ia the U n i o n Pa­c i f i c f r o m Kastern points to Idaho, U t a h a n d M o l i l a l i a . The fu re f o r the round t r i p w i l l lie one single fa re .


Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday S E P T . 29, 30 and OCT. L

RETURN OF T H E FAVORITES! The ( lever, Versat i le and F in i shed Young

Ar t ress ,


H A R R Y F . K E E N E ' S C O M P A N Y OF P l . A Y K l t S .

Opel i n ; ; Muin lav BMBtag in l i a r ley Campbel l ' s

beautiful Keasty Play,

Galley Slave. C H A N C E • O F • P L A Y • N I G H T L Y

Seats on sale at I ' laylers 's Viu* Store


0- SAYARD, F R O N T S T R 6 E T .

l i a s just ben rwahreia taresatrek at M i n i Winter Omuls. Tbe tarsi nbeot Panlalnonlng and SiutiiiLrs, n lm Ii will be made by only the In st of S H U H I at MNwratC pl ires,

• 0. SSVHRD, • Grand Central Hotel, - Front Street.

B U S W E L L Tin-:

At the I'.l-K 11IVK.

FIRST ST., ANACONDA Sewing machines for sale

or rent.

• J. C. KEPPLER • Anaconda, Montana.

Watchmaker and Jeweler, Dealer In

D I A M O N D S All Urades of

Watches, Clocks Jewelry, Op­tical Goods. Silverware, Etc.

The • Smith • Drug • Go., D R U G G I S T S .


'0 III

^ ( l i m i i i v / u n i n v i f j I m i l l ! ' , V I I U J M I I I U V M u i u w u t


BREAD'S OLD STANDS Main Street, Anaconda, Montana.



When you come up town step into our Store. You Cannot fail to find Money-Savers all over the I Iotis e.

A visit will con­

vince you that your

Dollar will purcJiasc

more goods than Two

Dollars will elsewhere.

Special prices to parties furnishing houses and parties pu chasing large bills. r-



D. J. Hennessy Mercantile Company


Are \ye going to be lost in the shuffle, or soaked in the Soup? Not if we know it. We are after the Shining Shekels and expect to get them by giving value for them.

COME • HND • S E E • US. and you'll find us death on the dicker.

•f OUR L I N E C O N S I S T S OF •

DRY +GOODS Men's, Children's and Ladies*

Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Hats, {Gaps, Etc.

We will see any price that's made elsewhere,'|and go it one better. Come and size up our pile of goods and you will see we are fixed to stay in the game. No fakements with us. A fair deal to all is our motto.