The Salt Water Flush ©skinnybitch.net Lose 10 Pounds in 4 Hours Ready for a 10 Day Whole Food Cleanse?

Lose 10 Pounds in 4 Hours - Get Your Skinny On · PDF fileIf models were salt water flushing to lose weight, I wanted to know ... If you’re having problems with constipation or don't

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The Salt Water Flush ©skinnybitch.net Lose 10 Pounds in 4 Hours

Ready for a 10 Day Whole Food Cleanse?

I first heard about the salt water flush in an interview with model Shelby

Welinder. She was talking about doing it as a weight loss cleanse before

fashion week. Apparently you can lose 10 lbs in a day. I was instantly

intrigued. If models were salt water flushing to lose weight, I wanted to know


Turns out, the salt water flush is everywhere. Juicers use it to crap. Detoxers

use it to cleanse. Body builders use it to look as lean as possible before a

show. Ultimate fighters use it to drop weight and qualify for a lower weight

class. For others, a salt water flush is a natural way to deal with intestinal

issues and constipation.

WHAT IS THE SALT WATER FLUSH A salt water flush is one of the more unpleasant things you can do in the

name of a diet or a detox. However, you get quick and dramatic results,

leaving you with no question as to whether or not it worked.

If you’ve never heard of the salt water flush, it’s exactly what it sounds like.

You ingest a large quantity of salt water (no iodine in the salt), which flushes

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out your entire digestive tract over the course of the next few hours. Gas,

bloating, water, solids and not so solids exit the body with efficiency.

The salt water flush became well known alongside the master cleanse and

the juicing cleanse. As it turns out, both cleanses are so unnatural that they

halt bowel movements. In other words, you need a salt water flush (or a

laxative) just to take a crap on those diets.

It might seem as though there’s a ton of salt necessary to achieve these

ends, but oddly no. You drink 2-3 teaspoons of salt dissolved in 4 cups of

water, on an empty stomach and bam. The shit show begins about an hour


What to Expect from the Salt Water Flush

Here’s what you can expect. A nasty drink; a mass evacuation out your ass;

a lot less bloat and noticeable weight loss for a couple of days. Plus, you’ll

feel lighter and energized once it’s over.

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A salt water cleanse works fast but it’s a short term solution. The only real

For most people, this flush is rather unpleasant all around. You’re not actually

sick, so you won’t experience excessive cramping and certainly not aches or

a fever. It’s just water rushing through your colon.

The upside is how quickly it’s all over with and how fast you see results. If

you have bloating due to constipation or gas, or you need to drop some quick

water weight, a salt water flush can help.

Believe it or not, the worst part is not the colon blast, but drinking and

keeping down the salt water. It’s disgusting. You will gag. You might dry

heave. We have some tips to ensure you don’t vomit.

You’ll likely start having stomach sensations within 15 minutes of drinking the

water and your most significant bowel movement about an hour after. You

need to stay near a restroom at all times and you may be darting in and out

for the duration of the second and third hour.

Try to hold it at least a few minutes and go as infrequently as possible, so as

not to irritate your anus with all the crapping and wiping. What ever you do,

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don’t let yourself fart. If something’s coming out you can’t be sure it’s air. This

is no time for chances.

As the trips to the bathroom progress, things will likely become less solid and

more watery, but it’s different for everyone. You could be the opposite. If you

feel like taking a shower, even multiple showers, go for it. Whatever gets you

through. Just remember, it’s only for a day.

When you’re done, you can expect to weigh less, look less bloated and feel

refreshed knowing that you just removed a lot of waste. Some of it had

probably been in there a while.

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The body mechanics are actually quite simple. Downing a couple of big

glasses of warm salt water creates muscle contractions in the digestive

system that move everything out—top to bottom. You essentially activate

your body’s own ability to cleanse itself. The flush is a complete clearing. It’s

got to be the most effective and efficient ways of cleaning your entire

digestive system, totally naturally.

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Ready for a 10 Day Whole Food Cleanse?

The salt in the water matches your body’s saliency so the water doesn’t

actually get absorbed. It’s a true flush. (This is why sailors will die from

drinking salt water—the body won’t absorb the water—and it triggers an

inadvertent “flush”.)

A salt water flush can’t clear fat, but it does clear water weight, which can be

significant (up to 10 pounds). More tips on maximizing weight loss are

coming up.

Consuming salty foods makes us retain water the next day, but downing a

glass of sea salt water (no iodine) can release fluids along with everything

else. Why?

When you have diarrhea or rapid bowel, part of the body’s mechanism

includes pulling water from other areas of the body into the digestive tract to

help get things out. This is a critical way the body detoxes itself when you’ve

eaten food that’s rotten or spoiled. It’s also the reason you get dehydrated

after having diarrhea.

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Ready for a 10 Day Whole Food Cleanse?

As a bonus, the salt water flush uses sea salt, not table salt with iodine. This

means you get a bunch of supportive minerals like potassium, magnesium

and calcium in the process.

IS THE SALT WATER FLUSH DANGEROUS? HOW SAFE IS IT? We ingest salt every day. We need it to live. Some days we have more than

others because it tastes so good. Your body requires salt for electrolyte

balance, so there’s no harm in drinking it for a cleanse. You can’t drink salt

water for hydration because your body won’t absorb the water. That’s what

makes it perfect for a flush.

The salt water cleanse is perfectly safe when used in moderation. If you have

an underlying health condition or other health related concern, you should

check with your doctor before doing it. Conditions that include high blood

pressure, digestive disease or edema are of special concern.

Otherwise, if you’re relatively healthy, the salt water flush is just a very

thorough colon cleanse. Gross, but not dangerous. Occasionally people have

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Ready for a 10 Day Whole Food Cleanse?

reported feeling ill afterward, but who doesn’t feel a little tired after

evacuating their entire digestive system?

The salt water detox should not be used as a weight management tool.

Repeated use will overwork the digestive system and leave you dehydrated

and possibly even dependent on it for pooping. Everything in moderation,


COLONIC, ENEMA OR SALT WATER FLUSH? All three use a natural, non-chemical approaches to the colon cleanse. What

we like about the salt water flush is that it moves through your body the way

nature intended things to move through your body: In through the mouth; out

through the rear. This makes it far more natural and peaceful for your body

than shooting water up your butt. Additionally, because the salt water flush

starts at the beginning of your digestive system, rather than at the end of it,

you have the opportunity to cleanse the entire system. Colonics and enemas

are not a complete cleanse because they address only the last stage of your


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Your body is great at detoxing itself when you simply give it the right food, or

drink in this case. The salt water flush is much more than a colon cleanse. It’s

a whole digestive cleanse.

SIDE EFFECTS OF THE SALT WATER CLEANSE The most obvious side effect is diarrhea, but that’s not really a side effect,

more of a desired effect. It is advised to do the flush on an empty stomach,

such as first thing in the morning. If you can do it on an empty stomach after

a bowel movement, even better. There will be less in there to deal with.

Many people feel nauseous immediately after consuming the mixture and

some people can’t keep it down. Gagging and vomiting are not uncommon,

and we have some tips that will allow you to circumvent this problem as well.

You will also feel very thirsty afterward. You can drink more water and suck

on ice cubes to offset the uncomfortable dry feeling in your mouth.

The salt water flush certainly has fewer side effects than a chemical laxative,

and it’s totally natural.

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BENEFITS OF SALT WATER FLUSH Most of the benefits of the salt water flush have been covered in previous

paragraphs, so I’ll sum them up briefly.


Your body will be as clean as it has ever been, from the start of your

digestive system all the way to a final colon cleanse.

Your stomach, small intestines, large intestines and colon will each benefit in

their own way from the flush


Some people use the salt water cleanse to create a new start before they

embark on a whole food diet. If you haven’t been eating well, you digestive

system is likely backed up. A whole food diet will clear this problem on its

own, but some people want faster results.


A variety of problems with our diet can cause belly bloating. Even healthy

diets can cause bloating from time to time. The salt water cleanse will

remove air, liquid and solids to flatten you out.

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Ready for a 10 Day Whole Food Cleanse?


The weight loss from a salt water flush is noticeable (expect 10 lbs), but keep

in mind that it’s temporary. We have some tips below to maximize weight loss

on this flush.


Bowel movements are part of the body's built-in detox, and necessary for

basic health. If you’re having problems with constipation or don't go on daily

basis, the salt water cleanse is a natural way to solve the problem without

even leaving the house. In fact, you won’t want to leave the house.


Water and juice cleanses eliminate fiber from the diet. Without fiber, part of

the digestive system shuts down and the body’s most natural form of detox

shuts down too. You can’t crap because there’s no fiber. Such cleanses

require a laxative and the salt water flush is the most natural form.

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SALT WATER CLEANSE FOR WEIGHT LOSS You can lose a surprising amount of weight on this thing. Ten pounds is not

unusual and twenty pounds is possible when you use some of the tips

provided in this section. The weight doesn’t stay off long, especially if you

resume your normal eating habits right away. For weight loss, the salt water

flush should be done a day or two before the event you’re attending.

Our bodies hold a lot of water because we need it to survive and feel okay.

Shedding a bunch of it for just a day won’t hurt you and it could be the

beginning of a healthier lifestyle.

As we mentioned before, weight lifters, fighters, models and other celebrities

use the salt water flush to lose weight all the time. Here’s what they do to

make the most of a weight loss salt water flush.

In the week leading up to your salt water flush, avoid sugar, flour, rice and

fruit. Go heavy on fat and protein.

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On day 2 or 3 before your flush, start drinking tons of water. A gallon a day or

so for a couple of days. This is far more than your body needs and it will send

a signal to your body to start dumping water. Because it takes a couple of

days for this mechanism to turn off, you can trick your body into dumping

even more. Here’s how.

Remember, when you do a salt water flush for weight loss, the water is not

absorbed by your body due to the salt. So it moves right through. No

retention. Throughout the day of the flush, limit your water intake to just a

couple of glasses. You will find yourself still going pee all day even with the

limited water intake because your body is still in water dumping mode.

The following day (the day of your event) only sip on water up until your

event begins. Once you’re in the clear, you need to start hydrating right away

or you won’t feel well.

Warning: Don’t combine this approach with alcohol. You’ll look and feel like

complete shit and your event will be ruined.

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HOW TO DO A SALT WATER CLEANSE An effective and easy salt water cleanse means doing as much as possible

to ensure things go smoothly. The timing, recipe and supplies all play a role

in your success.


You’ll want to schedule your flush for a day that’s not too demanding. Most

people want to be at home for their cleanse, though seasoned flushers will

just spend the first couple of hours at home as long as they have access to a

bathroom at their next location.

Women, do not do the flush near your period. Your body will need it’s full

strength for the day, so save it for the middle of your cycle.

An empty stomach will greatly reduce the likelihood of vomiting when you

drink the mixture. It will also allow the salt water to work more effectively

because it won’t be competing for other resources required to digest food.

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First thing in the morning is an ideal time, though anytime 2 hours after your

last intake of food will work. Starting after you’ve already had your daily

bowel movement will mean you have less stuff shooting out your rear.

I recommend at least four hours before leaving the house, but some people

need more time. A lot of people don’t like taking a big loose crap in a public

place. Model, Shelby Welinder said she doesn’t leave the house the entire

day. Just makes a day at home. Near a toilet and a shower.

What You Need

What You Need: The materials are cheap and simple. You need water and

sea salt. Note that sea salt is not the same as table salt, which is stripped of

minerals and contains iodine. You need pure sea salt. White, grey, pink; it

doesn’t matter as long as it’s sea salt. Himalayan will do as well.

Ideally, you want purified water, but in our recipe you boil the water to ensure

the salt dissolves, so tap water is fine if it’s what you’ve got on hand.

You’ll need plenty of toilet paper and a good functioning toilet. If not, make

sure you have a plunger. The last thing you need is backing up your toilet at

a time when you won’t be able to hold your bowels.

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Ready for a 10 Day Whole Food Cleanse?

Lastly, you should have a comfortable place to rest. A couch or bed will be

inviting if you don’t feel so great in the first hour or so. This feeling passes,

but you want to be gentle with yourself while you give your body a treatment

as intense as this one.

HACKING THE SALT WATER CLEANSE: GETTING IT DOWN AND NOT VOMITING If you have incredible focus and can go to your happy place, your best bet is

chugging all 4 cups at once, while holding your nose and looking in the

mirror. This provides enough brain distraction that most people can get it


If you’re like the rest of us, you need all the help you can get. We have

several tips. You’re sure to find at least one that will work.

Address The Flavor. Some people find it easy if they re-imagine the flavor

or if they change the flavor. Picture yourself drinking hot broth, like you do

when you have a cold. Chicken broth without the chicken is essentially hot

salt water. And it feels nice on the throat.

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Ready for a 10 Day Whole Food Cleanse?

Change the flavor. Suck on some strong mints or gum immediately before

to retain some of that taste while you swallow. You could even brush your

teeth or use mouthwash. If you chug the water, most of it won’t have a

chance to interact with your taste buds anyway. Remember college parties.

You can also add just a bit of lemon juice to the mixture. It won’t affect your

results and it might make it easier to swallow.

Change The Process. Instead of diluting 2-3 teaspoons of salt into 4 cups of

water, dissolve it into 2 cups. The flavor will be worse, but the volume less.

Immediately chase it with the other 2 cups of regular water. It can even be

cold water if that helps. Just be sure you consume a total of 4 cups.

Use a Chaser. If you’re really worried about vomiting, chase it with a

spoonful of honey or bite into a lemon or lime—like with tequila shots

How ever you manage to get it down, you may feel ill for a few minutes. Lie

down or get some fresh air and the sensation will fade. Before you know it,

you’ll be passing so much out of your ass, you won’t remember the nausea.

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SALT WATER FLUSH RECIPE 2-3 teaspoons of Sea Salt (no iodine salts) 4 cups of water 1. Add water and salt to a pan and bring to just under a boil. 2. Reduce to steaming, stirring until salt is dissolved in water. 2-3 minutes. 3. Let cool to a drinkable temperature. Should be similar to drinking warm broth. 4. Pour into a heat proof glass or pitcher that you can chug from 5. Drink the whole thing in 10-20 minutes. 6. Within an hour, you’ll be heading for the bathroom. 7. After your first bowel movement, start drinking pure water—at least another four glasses over the course of the day to maintain hydration. After a few hours, feel free to eat if you feel like it. No dehydrating beverages for a few hours (caffeinated or sugary). 8. Rest and be easy on yourself for the remainder of the day. 9. If you’re not getting results, you need to move your body. Walking, dancing or stretching will help to get other things moving.

After the Flush

Eight hours after you down the salt water, you’re ready to move on. You can

resume normal eating and drinking habits as you wish. The flush is finished.

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Ready for a 10 Day Whole Food Cleanse?

If you’re in the middle of another cleanse, continue as directed. If you were

dealing with constipation issues, now is the time to introduce lots of fiber and

whole foods into your diet so you don’t have to do this again in a month.

If you were using the salt water flush for weight loss, keep this one in your

back pocket for really special occasions when you need the help.

Congratulate yourself on your freshly cleansed digestive system and

recognize your own ability to intervene and take action when it comes to your


HOW OFTEN SHOULD I SALT WATER FLUSH? A safe frequency will depend on the individual. People who’ve had long term

constipation or a seriously toxic lifestyle can do 7 days in a row. Most people

use this detox only once or twice a year. You need to listen to what your body

tells you. It knows what you need and don’t need.

If you do not get a bowel movement on the first day, try again the next day.

You have to use the recipe exactly as described to get results, but even then,

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some bodies are more stubborn than others. And some people just don’t get

bowel movements on this flush. Who knows why.

One approach is to do the flush enough days that the fluid leaving you,

becomes pretty close to just being water. You’ll know you’re clear when it

comes out fairly clear. For most people, it’s only a day to get the system


Do not use more than 7 consecutive days. Most people couldn’t imagine it,

but a salt water cleanse can become part an eating disorder of binging and

flushing instead of binging and purging. It’s just as dangerous and will

eventually harm your digestive system and your overall health. To

compensate for everyday flushing, your body will stop doing its own digestive

work, leaving you dependant on laxatives just to emit your daily waste.

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