Ily Associated Press. Money for Murdered Mis* sionarlea Presbyterian Board Will Not Accept CANNOT PAY FOR LIVES it wns agreed by the ntate'B attorney nnd by counsel far Hart to leave the cnoe to Judge Barnes for sentence, but witnesses -were Introduced to show that Mart WHfl, not mentally responsible. Several prominent alienists, one of whom pronounced him a "high grade Idiot," declared that Dr. Hart was mentally Incompetent. » Judge Barnes took the rase under ad- vlKement, remarking that he would give his decision within n. few days, his plea of guilty he could be sentenced to. death, and he nodded affirmatively. Hoy Ny<\ an attorney of Alaska and son of Mrs. Annette Nye, Is visiting his mother. : The Pastime club of Duartc met Wed- nesday at tho homo of Mrs. Alice L. Costillo. The Young Men's Jolly club had ft pleasant social meeting at the home of Hugh Cross Friday evening. On this occasion a number of young ladles were Initiated an honorary members of the club and presented with Jolly club pins. On Tuesday evening the congreßnllon of the Christian church tendered a reception to the new pastor of tho church. Rev. C. H. March. At the reception of the Saturday Afternoon club Saturday, Mrs. Alex- ander Monerlcf of Duarte wan the hos- tess, and she was aoslsted by Mesdames Fowler, Shrode, Ottowny, Deurrislee, Fowler, Coßtello and Sarwlnn. The club house was decorated with yellow chrys- anthemums. Ten wns served. RANCHER FATALLY HURT Mr. Wllcox was thrown out, recerv- Ing injuries that caused paralysis of Iho lower hall of tho body, nnd tho physicians say he cannot recover. . SAN JOSE, Dec. ft.— William Wll- cox, a prominent rancher residing west of tho town of Santa Clara, was fatally injured this forenoon whllo driving In to town. On White street his horse whs frightened by a switch- ing engine and ran away and upset tho buggy. By Associated Press. Clara, Thrown From Buggy In a Runaway William Wllcox, Living Near Santa Window Minilra SliKhtly dnmaged shades, 280! our burlaps are licavlur than others mid can bo panted; 7(i-lnch (not 72) natural, UUf; KU-lnch 'dyed, IGo; 40-inch dyctl, 20c, just the thing between rlmir rallfi. MoldlnKS, 2c foot; best paint, Jl.liO pal- lon. 15ig redtiction In wall paper. Try our enamel, miikes things Hhino Uku a mirror: prlnzlnß and houso palntlns. WALTER BROS., C27 S. Spring. CHICAGO, Dec. 9.— Dr. Oliver D. Hart, who came to this city from St. Louis some months ago, pleaded guilty today to the murder of Irene Klokow. The charge against Dr. Hurt was murdering the Klokow girl, who was but 12 years of age, by tho administra- tion of morphine. He was left alone in the house with the girl. Exactly what happened hus never been known, but Dr. Hart called for another physician, who came and found the girl dying, and Dr. Hart vainly attempting to re- vive her. She died in a few minutes and Hart denied at the time and until his appearance in court this mornlnir has always denied that he gave the girl morphine In sufficient quunUtta* to cause her death. He was asked by Judge Barnes If he knew that under By Associated Press. He Killed Irene Klokow Dr. O. B. Hart of Chicago Confesses ADMITS GIRL'S MURDER Mrs. O. des Granges, assisted by Mrs. G. W. Sherwood, gave a surprise party Friday evening Inhonor of Miss Gregg, tho former postmistress, who returned Thursday from a ten months' tour of Europo. Forty people attended the party, which was a complete sur- prise to Miss Gregg. The Junto club gave a successful so- cial Friday evening at Masonic hall. - The engagement Is announced of Miss Edith Spencer, daughter of Mrs. M. A. Spencer of Orangethorp, and Mr. Arthur P. Mitchell, formerly of this place but now of Lns Angeles. The \u25a0wedding will take place early in the new year. Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Taylor returned Monday from Delano and Selma, whero they have been visiting for several weeks. Mrs. James O. Reeder of Columhus, Neb., is a guest of Mrs. J. F. Davis. Mrs. C. W. Frldd of Los Angeles la visiting Mrs. Geo. Ruddock. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Deuel arc visit- ing relatives In Redlands. The engagement of Miss Stella. Lov- frtiiK, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. V. B. Loverliiß, one of the pioneer fam- ilies of the Btntf, to Homer Clever, h. popular young man who camo out here last year from lowa, -was an- nounced Wednesday. The wedding, which la to be a. quiet homo affair, will take place at tho home of the trido next Tuesday. Tho members of the Eucher club wero entertained Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Boucher. Mrs. X, K. Bonchley and daughter, Jlri«. J. It. Carhiirt, entertained twen- ty guestH Wednesday afternoon Inhon« or of Mrs. Clark, who will move next week to Loa Angeles. AVhlst was play. Ed until a late hour, after which dainty refreshments were nerved. ELSINORE Mrs. Rose Ward of Santa Ana, who jpent two months here last summer, arrived Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. DePlaa, who have been visiting various places of interest ir>. Southern California for the past week, returned homo Friday. William Blanchard and wife are here from Pasadena. ... \u25a0 Among Los Angeles people here re- gently are A. V. Day, J. B. Hoover, O. ! M. Hoover, Addison Lysle, H. Mc- i Cutcheon, James H. Hill. F. C. Pitman, \AI M. Jones, H. T. Coffin, F. L. For- rester and E. H. Parker. E. 13. Moore is here from Long Beach. J B. Coran nnd auto party were here this week from Long Beach on busi- ly ess. . Thomas Green of Kentucky is a guest at the Bundy. . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kont of Oeheye- don, lowa, are in Elsinore. Mrs. L. A. Perce has returned from Long Beach to her cottage in Klsinore. A. J. Visel Is here from Santa Ana. Charles Robinson of San Diego was a recent arrival. A. W. OUenhelmer of San Francisco is at the Bundy. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. I Mackwell "are here from Long Beach at tho Bundy. A company of high school young peo- pls went to Hemet Saturday to attend the debate held there between Elsinore 'and Hemet high school debaters. j Mrs. Ft. W. Stanfleld Is visiting friends in Los Angeles. Mrs. O. W. Amsbury is spending the week in Long Beach. Mrs. Hand of New York arrived on Thursday to spend the winter at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter Mitchell. Robert C. Hiatt is here from Whit- tier visiting his daughter, Miss Lydia Illatt. . Mrs. Charles Prince, who has ttpent some time visiting in Los Angeles, re- turned home Monday. SAN PEDRO Miss Jessie Carpenter arrived from a visit of several months in Arizona 'ast Wednesday. She will remain in San Pedro with her parents for the winter. Otis Dean, who has been visiting in Ontario the past few months, has re- turned to San Pedro. : Mr. Fred Hathorn of San Jaclnto Is visiting at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor on Seventh street. James Tousant, who has had charge of the Nelson AVard store here for tho past fix months, has resigned his posi- tion to accept a similar one in Pasa- dena. : The ladies of the Wednesday After- noon Whist club were entertained ut the last meeting at the borne of Mrs. E. V. Williams on Fifteenth street. Mrs. Williams was the winner of the first prize and Miss Blanche Gudgell tho second. The Cheerful Workers, a Presbyter- lan society, held a fair and sale of fancy goods Friday afternoon and evening with signal \u25a0 success. A pro- gram was given, consist ing of musical selection**, addresses and recitations. The receipts of the day were large. SAWTELLE . The Fraternal Brotherhool gave an rntertalnment Thursday evening, which included a character scene from ' David Harum," given by Lieut. Gen. O. 8. Adolph, Uniform rank, T. V. 8., who also gave a short address on "Prater- n.iliHiii." The large stage was used for Iho first time Thursday evening. After the entertainment dunclng was in- dulged in. Mtb. J. Colo, wife of cx-Benator Coif of Washington, wnti tho truest this week of Air. and Mrs. W. It Tucker and Mm. Kiln Clark. Mrs. Cole also visited her 6on-ln-law, Herbert I Bash- ford of Loa Aogcies. , Dana Hammond of Boston, Maaa., Is Inin visiting lilh uncle, Mr. Hammond. Miss Nellie Lummls of Los Angelea in the guest of Mm Darling- this week. John Duncan of Chicago Is visiting hi* mother, Mrs. MlKure, for a short time. Mrs. £3. L. Ou. Us of Lltchnelu, Mich., PART lit. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10, 1905. Mrs. Madden Is the guest of her mother-in-law this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Farley visited In Pnsndena lust. week. Adjt. Clark of the Soldiers' home baa taken a vacation of thirty days, which ho will spend In Ban Pedro and other places. 11. C. Hosensteln of Clnrdena has re- moved Into the house vncnted by Mrs. Webb, who has gone to I.os Angeles. Relatives of Mrs. Charles Howard are visiting here from El nio. Mrs, 8. j. Russell spent last week In Santa Ana as the guest of Mrs. Martin. William Clark spent last week In Gardens, where he has purchased a walnut grove. O. P. Waterbury of lowa Is visiting his siater-ln-law, Mrs. Waterbury of this place. who It touring California, Is th« guest for a few days of Mrs. Martin. Mrs, Morrla of Whlttler has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Maaterson, this week. MONROVIA I Mrs. Charles Hldd«n, «r. at the new home of her ton, Oeorgt Midden on At* lantlc avenue, Saturday evening. About thirty old time frlendi and neighbors were In attendance to congratulate Mrs. Hidden on her 80th birthday, and to pre- sent her with Rifts. The little folks who nsolsted In servlnß refreshments were: Masters Loyrt Hidden, Fred Cram and Noyes Thompson, also little Gertrude Hidden. Arthur nrooks was summoned to his old home In Pennsylvania on Saturday by the dangerous Illnens of his mother. Mr, nnd Mrs. .?. 11. Yerkes had as their giients over Sunday Mr. and Mrs. A. Adam« of I,os Angeles, E. J. Oallnrd of Kan Jose was a recent visitor at the home of I'lerce Coy, whom he had known In lowa. Mrs. J. W. Smith Is spending a. few weeks with relatives In Los Angeles. J. 11. I'ii.tleo, accompanied by his son Fred, has returned to Highland from Montnouth, 111. B.'Alnslcy of Coachellfl, but formerly of Highland, was visiting old friends last week. Ed Verbaum has with him his father, .Tacob Verbaum, and his two brothers, Clarence and Leslie, all late arrivals from the east. The Knights of Pythias will confer the rank of esquire upon Frank Tuttle on Monday evening. FULLERTON N'KW YORK, Dcr. fl.—That tho Chl- npßf! Rovprnmput will not l>e requlrod to pay punlttvo (lnmogeß for Hie lnur- flor of novernl forolfcn mlsßloiiHrlcß of Ihc. I'rosbytrrlnn Imard of forotgn mlH- olonH at LlenchaUi Clilnn, noverul wt-pks rro hua bron decided no far as that bonrd Ih concerned. It«v. I>r. Arthur J. Urown, secrptiiry of tho hoard, stild toriay that tho board haJ decided that If It accepts any lntlnmn- Ity at nil for the murders It ulinll bo only for tho actual cost of replacing tho prnprrly diimager or destroyed by Iho niurderern and that tho botml will refuse to accept indemnity for the dead. 3 RHEUMATISM Cured Without Medicine by the Robson Fusion Light and Meat Mftrvelouft results are being obtained ,by this new dlncovery. Severe pnlns I are relieved nlmost Instantly. The Health Culture Inntttute. 807 Mason HnlldliißC, Fourth and Brondwnr, gives free treatment to Illustrate the won- drrful curative power of this new i device. =5 Christmas Shopping by Mall Is Easy, If Ordered Here & |Ville^fe|Parisi 5 317-325 South Broadway Extending to 31 4-322 South Hill Street | The Spirit of Christmas Permeates 1 | Every Corner of This Big Store | 3 Every department is splendidly equipped to supply the 5* 5 immense demand of the holidays. By shopping early you 8*" 5 Will save a great deal of annoyance and be better suited. 3E Ij By all means take advantage of tomorrow's special J& Sjjj offerings. . md, I EcYSTsSH^ lm rted E^lusive I I Spring 1906 Dress Patterns | ' U/aictc Tn 1" c w ? 01 . and silk and i Miirt Waists -°;= o «^ a «£ p Our buyer was fortunate In securing them very desirable for cholcfi the samples of a high clnss New Xmas gifts. Priced from $10 Z- York waist maker at a DISCOUNT to $35.00 each. 5* *g OP ONB-THIUD. As usunl, we give •._ ; \u25a0 . •<. JSi our customers the beneilt. Every Fflfiri/ 2? Jsl one to be sold at special low prices QllvJ OIIIVj 3" Monday. Remember they are NEXT Tn wn ut \u0084,ti..^.. i.!,^ , ml g SEASON'S STYLES. Don't n,!.. It. up Tn'l^Chr.LS B' b'ox' 5 25 £A Hft Sill ready for presentation. In all Sj JJt.VU Ollft tne lates ' weaves and color- «C 5 •/. - « r Ings. Priced from $3.50 to JlO | Kimonos at $3.25 npattern % I fl tlp\ c L v r 8 !lk. 8 n h K father Hand Bags | 35 scroll deßlgns: tight fitting: trimmed r__ C\,m\r*+-~.~~ 55 s * with bands of plain silk. Only $3.23 TOr iJliriSTnidS «5J Monday." '.i*v mi « o . i . /> P," r varlet >' f » shapes and JS ShftrWK 111 Illir klnds of lenthe r la ulmoet OpCtldlO 111 UUI endless. Prices range from 3F" 3 Bargain Basement Kc^rv $5.00 S f S'eX?SJ%Sr»;,...79c -?S.s7STo,»'v^ | -m ISc heavy Persian f -y r | n the assortment up to $7.50. s=- 3j Flannelette '^ Your choice Monday at $5.00; jj* 3! 20c Ladies' Embroidered IE- leather or Bilk lined, with card ml \u25a0£ Handkerchiefs.. •oC laßo and coin purse. g I &*!fe»£ 79c Special Back Combs | S ra 2 tS brOlderCd Wa ' Bt $1.50 H-B0 value at $1.25. Iridescent g *V»V -U'" r . VI#UW ->r plain gold finish with fan- S. "55 J1.20 Flannelette Dressing OQr ;y jewel settings. A splendid 2* 2j Sacques OyC j| ft f Or Xmas. BULL FROGS Boys and Girls Draw bullfrogs. Town lots will given en premiums for tho best draw- ings. Bto tho Murnluy iwpers. - Herald "Want Ads" Bring Returns We Insure... Our patrona against loss on anything they buy from us. And we also assure prospective customers that there Is no graft of fancy Balarlett puld to drones hidden In our murglno. Quick tialea at reasonable profits we think pay better than holding goods over and then spending the profits ad- vertising: so-called special sales. As Chrlstmus approaches so does the dealro to remem- ber friends with a gift. What is more ÜBeful or more en- during than a piece of furniture? Broadway Drapery and Furniture Co. 447 South Broadway JVot in the Furniture Combine ' . DO IT NOW!! linystork In the Mesa Qrando Tour- maline (Jem Company. Ilctter than a gotd mme an Income (or life. 6OUTIIU r..VI THIN HIiCUHITIIi!"! CO., 603 11. W. llcllumn Bldf. I.ONQ HIJM'II-*\\ I'nUKO INIVIIIt il a ii iioh 'in Ai: r *^ l.(iis 9200 UP. Send for map and dencrlptlvo matter. III.TTKHS A I'AUI, IXVHSTMIiM' CO. 215 K. Ocean Aye., Long Uencli. Gift Furniture iO^H of High Degree^™ iilj j A Magnificent Stock From Which Appropriate and Particularly m j Choice Holiday Selections May Be Made '^$3) i if In the selection of furniture for gift purp oses it is quite important that the article Cv> ' 3 chosen should be above the ordinary, both in quality and style. In this connec- W Ption we are able to serve you to better advantage than any other firm in Los An- jj(k geles. Quality is a foremost factor here, and every piece of furniture in our splen- Jm' didly complete showing has the mark of superiority upon it. It does not follow that (C&7 this furniture is necessarily costly, for we have many handsome and beautiful VuV pieces most moderately priced. We also display a representative line in the «nr^\w! '•* very finest and most elaborate productions of the cabinet maker's art, which ,^X23pK!?W embrace the choicest examples of old time modern styles. "^T^^ffl?!/'^ f These for Christmas Favors ,^^MM^ There are so many articles of furniture, which would prove suitable /»''^sm' Mz'-&WittiJ%i^?& for Holiday giving, that it would be difficult to name them all in small k^^'^HaM'^^i Fißfirir space, but there are a number which appeal to popular desires, »|Pi^BjMS^F f^ Morris Chairs Easy Rockers Ladies' Desks Music Cabinets Work Tables 4^S^H ju Parlor Tables Cellarettes Shaving Stands China Cabinets (§§ jyL Davenports, Leather Chairs Gold Furniture Wli JfCS H /Wj Cheval Mirrors Dressing Tables Tabourettes Bookcases \ )m |j«vH Couches Library Tables (f Jg, J^^ u^^^^-/gp\ Hall Clocks Oriental and Domestic Rugs Etc. Etc. W UvM I 7/ IBW/r n cac k °^ t^ ie a^ ovc nnes we have an extensive variety and you \u25a0 I II llJvlsv can rest assure^ t ' iat ur selection will incorporate the best l| II L*g< **S. of good taste, that the article you choose will be in good qual- _^^V^r*s^ I II ' tv> an(^ tnat t^ le va ' ue w '^ c *h e very best for the money that . il II can secure(^ anywhere. It will be a pleasure to show you jj »,*___— ff^-^^!*. )Mi U jP^-O^^' A t< . w^ a *- we have, and we feel sure that your pleasure will be equal ff/ \lfff, filiW^t^^^?^ in v ' ew ' n S our superior furniture display. (( li I^<*'~~< i T:*^- s s^ 7 [mm os Angeles ; \) f { 1 631-633-635 South Spring Street . - .'\u25a0 ',^i'3i«J a ~ On West Side of Spring, Midway Between Sixth and Seventh Streets Most remarkable millinery movement ever held in Los Jk flll /j& Angeles coming as itdoes at the very height of the (fXs/r ( ' season it's a matchless money-saving opportunity! hM l^^ p Everything is included handsome pattern hats, \\ h FxICC smart tailored hats, untrimmed shapes absolutely yl Salp nothing reserved, but you'll have to hurry. The sale will be at its best tomorrow morning. Come early if Flowers you can. Fancy Feathers *% #% *-». « m w^ _ Laces, Malines t2OOO Ostrich Feathers ornaments cnitions At Hnlf PrirA vemngs- Jr\U null r I li/C Nothing We've just purchased the entire Reserved stock of one of the largest dealers in ostrich feathers on the Pacific .^^"^^P A^ A Coast which goes on sale tomorrow f A^^^ A&^ * A^*^ A* morning at exactly half price! J>*~~Av \a^^w]/A^Jf . That reductions are genuine, the C^^s4l*S^/f~*^^>S*-S^'*'~~) name Scofietd is sufflcent guar- _^tfl t^W^J^^^i^^m^f^fffi^imal^ 549 TO 553 SOUTH BROADWAY A BUY A PIANO VI V Ou Our liasy Payment I'lao « C Metropolitan Music Co. \ f :\-i% W, Hftb tit. ! lt> ' J \u25a0

Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1900) (San …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042462/1905-12-10/ed-1/seq-17.pdf · Hart, who came to this city from St. Louis some months

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Page 1: Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1900) (San …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042462/1905-12-10/ed-1/seq-17.pdf · Hart, who came to this city from St. Louis some months

IlyAssociated Press.

Money for Murdered Mis*sionarlea

Presbyterian Board Will Not Accept


it wns agreed by the ntate'B attorneynnd by counsel far Hart to leave thecnoe to Judge Barnes for sentence, butwitnesses -were Introduced to show thatMart WHfl, not mentally responsible.Several prominent alienists, one ofwhom pronounced him a "high gradeIdiot," declared that Dr. Hart wasmentally Incompetent. »

Judge Barnes took the rase under ad-vlKement, remarking that he wouldgive his decision within n. few days,

his plea of guiltyhe could be sentencedto. death, and he nodded affirmatively.

Hoy Ny<\ an attorney of Alaska andson of Mrs. Annette Nye, Is visitinghis mother. :• •

The Pastime club of Duartc met Wed-nesday at tho homo of Mrs. Alice L.Costillo.

The Young Men's Jolly club had ftpleasant social meeting at the home ofHugh Cross Friday evening. On thisoccasion a number of young ladles wereInitiated an honorary members of theclub and presented with Jolly clubpins.

On Tuesday evening the congreßnllonof the Christian church tendered areception to the new pastor of thochurch. Rev. C. H.March.

At the reception of the SaturdayAfternoon club Saturday, Mrs. Alex-ander Monerlcf of Duarte wan the hos-tess, and she was aoslsted by MesdamesFowler, Shrode, Ottowny, Deurrislee,Fowler, Coßtello and Sarwlnn. The clubhouse was decorated with yellow chrys-anthemums. Ten wns served.


Mr. Wllcox was thrown out, recerv-Ing injuries that caused paralysis ofIho lower hall of tho body, nnd thophysicians say he cannot recover.

.SAN JOSE, Dec. ft.—William Wll-cox, a prominent rancher residingwest of tho town of Santa Clara, wasfatally injured this forenoon whllodriving In to town. On White streethis horse whs frightened by a switch-ing engine and ran away and upsettho buggy.

By Associated Press.

Clara, Thrown From BuggyIna Runaway

William Wllcox, Living Near Santa

Window MinilraSliKhtly dnmaged shades, 280! our

burlaps are licavlur than others mid canbo panted; 7(i-lnch (not 72) natural, UUf;KU-lnch 'dyed, IGo; 40-inch dyctl, 20c,just the thing between rlmir rallfi.MoldlnKS, 2c foot; best paint, Jl.liO pal-lon. 15ig redtiction In wallpaper. Tryour enamel, miikes things Hhino Uku amirror: prlnzlnß and houso palntlns.

WALTER BROS., C27 S. Spring.

CHICAGO, Dec. 9.—Dr. Oliver D.Hart, who came to this city from St.Louis some months ago, pleaded guiltytoday to the murder of Irene Klokow.

The charge against Dr. Hurt wasmurdering the Klokow girl, who wasbut 12 years of age, by tho administra-tion of morphine. He was left alone inthe house with the girl. Exactly whathappened hus never been known, butDr. Hart called for another physician,who came and found the girl dying,and Dr. Hart vainly attempting to re-vive her. She died in a few minutesand Hart denied at the time and untilhis appearance in court this mornlnirhas always denied that he gave thegirl morphine In sufficient quunUtta*to cause her death. He was asked byJudge Barnes If he knew that under

By Associated Press.

He Killed IreneKlokow

Dr. O. B. Hart of Chicago Confesses


Mrs. O. des Granges, assisted byMrs. G. W. Sherwood, gave a surpriseparty Friday evening Inhonor of MissGregg, tho former postmistress, whoreturned Thursday from a ten months'tour of Europo. Forty people attendedthe party, which was a complete sur-prise to Miss Gregg.

The Junto club gave a successful so-cial Friday evening at Masonic hall.-

The engagement Is announced ofMiss Edith Spencer, daughter of Mrs.M.A. Spencer of Orangethorp, and Mr.Arthur P. Mitchell, formerly of thisplace but now of Lns Angeles. The\u25a0wedding will take place early in thenew year.

Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Taylor returnedMonday from Delano and Selma, wherothey have been visiting for severalweeks.

Mrs. James O. Reeder of Columhus,Neb., is a guest of Mrs. J. F. Davis.

Mrs. C. W. Frldd of Los Angeles lavisiting Mrs. Geo. Ruddock.

Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Deuel arc visit-ing relatives In Redlands.

The engagement of Miss Stella. Lov-frtiiK, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.V. B.Loverliiß, one of the pioneer fam-ilies of the Btntf, to Homer Clever,h. popular young man who camo outhere last year from lowa, -was an-nounced Wednesday. The wedding,which la to be a. quiet homo affair,will take place at tho home of thetrido next Tuesday.

Tho members of the Eucher club weroentertained Thursday afternoon byMrs. Boucher.

Mrs. X, K. Bonchley and daughter,Jlri«. J. It.Carhiirt, entertained twen-ty guestH Wednesday afternoon Inhon«or of Mrs. Clark, who will move nextweek to Loa Angeles. AVhlst was play.Ed until a late hour, after which daintyrefreshments were nerved.


Mrs. Rose Ward of Santa Ana, whojpent two months here last summer,arrived Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. DePlaa, who havebeen visiting various places of interestir>. Southern California for the pastweek, returned homo Friday.

William Blanchard and wife are herefrom Pasadena. ... \u25a0

Among Los Angeles people here re-•gently are A. V. Day, J. B. Hoover, O.!M. Hoover, Addison Lysle, H. Mc-iCutcheon, James H. Hill.F. C. Pitman,\AI M. Jones, H. T. Coffin, F. L. For-rester and E. H.Parker.

E. 13. Moore is here from LongBeach.

J B. Coran nnd auto party were herethis week from Long Beach on busi-lyess.. Thomas Green of Kentucky is a guestat the Bundy.. Mr.and Mrs. J. H. Kont of Oeheye-don, lowa, are inElsinore.

Mrs. L. A. Perce has returned fromLong Beach to her cottage in Klsinore.

A. J. Visel Is here from Santa Ana.Charles Robinson of San Diego was

a recent arrival.A. W. OUenhelmer of San Francisco

is at the Bundy.Mr. and Mrs. C. A.IMackwell "are

here from Long Beach at tho Bundy.A company of high school young peo-

pls went to Hemet Saturday to attendthe debate held there between Elsinore'and Hemet high school debaters.j Mrs. Ft. W. Stanfleld Is visitingfriends in Los Angeles.

Mrs. O. W. Amsbury is spending theweek in Long Beach.

Mrs. Hand of New York arrived onThursday to spend the winter at thehome of her daughter, Mrs. WalterMitchell.

Robert C. Hiatt is here from Whit-tier visiting his daughter, Miss Lydia

Illatt. .

Mrs. Charles Prince, who has ttpentsome time visiting in Los Angeles, re-turned home Monday.

SAN PEDROMiss Jessie Carpenter arrived from a

visit of several months in Arizona 'astWednesday. She willremain in SanPedro with her parents for the winter.

Otis Dean, who has been visiting inOntario the past few months, has re-turned to San Pedro.: Mr. Fred Hathorn of San Jaclnto Isvisiting at .the home of Mr. and Mrs.Taylor on Seventh street.• James Tousant, who has had chargeof the Nelson AVard store here for thopast fix months, has resigned his posi-tion to accept a similar one in Pasa-dena.: The ladies of the Wednesday After-noon Whist club were entertained utthe last meeting at the borne of Mrs.E. V. Williams on Fifteenth street.Mrs. Williams was the winner of thefirst prize and Miss Blanche Gudgelltho second.

The Cheerful Workers, a Presbyter-lan society, held a fair and sale offancy goods Friday afternoon andevening with signal \u25a0 success. A pro-gram was given, consist ing of musicalselection**, addresses and recitations.The receipts of the day were large.

SAWTELLE. The Fraternal Brotherhool gave anrntertalnment Thursday evening, whichincluded a character scene from


Harum," given by Lieut. Gen. O. 8.Adolph, Uniform rank, T. V. 8., whoalso gave a short address on "Prater-n.iliHiii." The large stage was used forIho first time Thursday evening. Afterthe entertainment dunclng was in-dulged in.

Mtb. J. Colo, wife of cx-Benator Coifof Washington, wnti tho truest thisweek of Air. and Mrs. W. It Tuckerand Mm. Kiln Clark. Mrs. Cole alsovisited her 6on-ln-law, Herbert IBash-ford of Loa Aogcies. ,Dana Hammond of Boston, Maaa., Is

Inin visiting lilh uncle, Mr. Hammond.Miss Nellie Lummls of Los Angelea

in the guest of Mm Darling- this week.John Duncan of Chicago Is visiting

hi* mother, Mrs. MlKure, for a shorttime.

Mrs. £3. L. Ou.Us of Lltchnelu, Mich.,


Mrs. Madden Is the guest of hermother-in-law this week.

Mr. and Mrs. John Farley visited InPnsndena lust. week.

Adjt. Clark of the Soldiers' home baataken a vacation of thirty days, whichho will spend In Ban Pedro and otherplaces.

11. C. Hosensteln of Clnrdena has re-moved Into the house vncnted by Mrs.Webb, who has gone to I.os Angeles.

Relatives of Mrs. Charles Howardare visiting here from El nio.Mrs, 8. j. Russell spent last week In

Santa Ana as the guest of Mrs. Martin.William Clark spent last week In

Gardens, where he has purchased awalnut grove.

O. P. Waterbury of lowa Is visitinghis siater-ln-law, Mrs. Waterbury ofthis place.

who It touring California, Is th« guestfor a few days of Mrs. Martin.Mrs, Morrla of Whlttler has been theguest of her daughter, Mrs. Maaterson,this week.


IMrs. Charles Hldd«n, «r. at the newhome of her ton, Oeorgt Midden on At*lantlc avenue, Saturday evening. Aboutthirty old time frlendi and neighborswere Inattendance to congratulate Mrs.

Hidden on her 80th birthday, and to pre-sent her with Rifts. The littlefolks whonsolsted Inservlnß refreshments were:Masters Loyrt Hidden, Fred Cram andNoyes Thompson, also little GertrudeHidden.

Arthur nrooks was summoned to hisold home In Pennsylvania on Saturdayby the dangerous Illnens of his mother.

Mr, nnd Mrs. .?. 11. Yerkes had astheir giients over Sunday Mr.and Mrs.A.Adam« of I,os Angeles,

E. J. Oallnrd of Kan Jose was a recentvisitor at the home of I'lerce Coy,whom he had known In lowa.

Mrs. J. W. Smith Is spending a. fewweeks with relatives In Los Angeles.J. 11. I'ii.tleo, accompanied by his son

Fred, has returned to Highland fromMontnouth, 111.B.'Alnslcy of Coachellfl, but formerly

of Highland, was visiting old friendslast week.

Ed Verbaum has with him his father,.Tacob Verbaum, and his two brothers,Clarence and Leslie, all late arrivalsfrom the east.

The Knights of Pythias willconferthe rank of esquire upon Frank Tuttleon Monday evening.

FULLERTONN'KW YORK, Dcr. fl.—That tho Chl-

npßf! Rovprnmput willnot l>e requlrodto pay punlttvo (lnmogeß for Hie lnur-flor of novernl forolfcn mlsßloiiHrlcß ofIhc. I'rosbytrrlnn Imard of forotgn mlH-olonH at LlenchaUi Clilnn, noverulwt-pks rro hua bron decided no far asthat bonrd Ih concerned. It«v. I>r.Arthur J. Urown, secrptiiry of thohoard, stild toriay that tho board haJdecided that If Itaccepts any lntlnmn-Ityat nil for the murders It ulinll boonly for tho actual cost of replacingtho prnprrly diimager or destroyed byIho niurderern and that tho botml willrefuse to accept indemnity for thedead.


RHEUMATISMCured Without Medicine by the

Robson Fusion Lightand MeatMftrvelouft results are being obtained,by this new dlncovery. Severe pnlnsIare relieved nlmost Instantly. TheHealth Culture Inntttute. 807 MasonHnlldliißC, Fourth and Brondwnr, givesfree treatment to Illustrate the won-drrful curative power of this newidevice.

=5 Christmas Shopping by Mall Is Easy, If Ordered Here &

|Ville^fe|Parisi5 317-325 South Broadway Extending to 314-322 South Hill Street

| The Spirit of Christmas Permeates 1| Every Corner of This Big Store |3 Every department is splendidly equipped to supply the 5*5 immense demand of the holidays. By shopping early you 8*"5 Will save a great deal of annoyance and be better suited. 3EIjBy all means take advantage of tomorrow's special J&Sjjj offerings. . md,

IEcYSTsSH^ lmP°rted E^lusive II Spring 1906 Dress Patterns |'

U/aictc Tn 1"c w?01. and silk and

i Miirt Waists -°;= o«^

a «£ pOur buyer was fortunate In securing them very desirable for cholcfi 2»

3» the samples of a high clnss New Xmas gifts. Priced from $10 Z-York waist maker at a DISCOUNT to $35.00 each. 5*

*g OP ONB-THIUD. As usunl, we give •._; \u25a0 . •<.

JSi our customers the beneilt. Every Fflfiri/ 2?Jsl one to be sold at special low prices•

QllvJ OIIIVj3" Monday. Remember they are NEXT Tn wnut \u0084,ti..^.. i.!,^ , mlg SEASON'S STYLES. Don't n,!.. It. up Tn'l^Chr.LSB'b'ox' 525 £A Hft Sill ready for presentation. In all Sj

JJt.VU Ollft tne lates'

weaves and color- «C5 •/.- a« «r Ings. Priced from $3.50 to JlO| Kimonos at $3.25 npattern %I fltlp\cLvr8!lk.8nhK father Hand Bags|

35 scroll deßlgns: tight fitting: trimmed r__ C\,m\r*+-~.~~ 55s*~» with bands of plain silk. Only $3.23 TOr iJliriSTnidS«5J Monday." '.i*v mi« o . i . /> P,"r varlet>' f» shapes and JSShftrWK 111 Illir klnds of lenther la ulmoet S»OpCtldlO 111 UUI endless. Prices range from 3F"3 Bargain Basement Kc^rv $5.00 Sf S'eX?SJ%Sr»;,...79c -?S.s7STo,»'v^ |-m ISc heavy Persian f -yr |n the assortment up to $7.50. s=-3j Flannelette '^

Your choice Monday at $5.00; jj*3! 20c Ladies' Embroidered IE- leather or Bilk lined, with card ml\u25a0£ Handkerchiefs.. •oC laßo and coin purse. gI&*!fe»£ 79c Special Back Combs|S ra

2tSbrOlderCd Wa'Bt $1.50 H-B0 value at $1.25. Iridescent g

*V»V -U'"r. VI#UW ->r plain gold finish with fan- S."55 J1.20 Flannelette Dressing OQr ;y jewel settings. A splendid 2*2j Sacques OyC j|ft fOr Xmas.

BULL FROGSBoys and Girls

Draw bullfrogs. Town lots will b«given en premiums for tho best draw-ings. Bto tho Murnluy iwpers.


Herald "Want Ads" Bring Returns

We Insure...Our patrona against loss on anything they buy from us.And we also assure prospective customers that there Is nograft of fancy Balarlett puld to drones hidden Inour murglno.

Quick tialea at reasonable profits we think pay betterthan holding goods over and then spending the profits ad-vertising: so-called special sales.

As Chrlstmus approaches so does the dealro to remem-ber friends with a gift. What is more ÜBeful or more en-during than a piece of furniture?

Broadway Drapery and Furniture Co.447 South Broadway

JVot in the Furniture Combine' .


linystork In the Mesa Qrando Tour-maline (Jem Company. Ilctter thana gotd mme

—an Income (or life.


603 11. W. llcllumnBldf.

I.ONQ HIJM'II-*\\ I'nUKO INIVIIItila iiiioh'inAi:r *^l.(iis 9200 UP.

Send for map and dencrlptlvo matter.III.TTKHS A I'AUI,IXVHSTMIiM'

CO.215 K. Ocean Aye., Long Uencli.

Gift FurnitureiO^H of High Degree^™

iilj j A Magnificent Stock From Which Appropriate and Particularlym j Choice Holiday Selections May Be Made '^$3)i if In the selection of furniture for gift purp oses it is quite important that the article Cv>'

3 chosen should be above the ordinary, both in quality and style. In this connec- W

Ptionwe are able to serve you to better advantage than any other firm in Los An- jj(k

geles. Quality is a foremost factor here, and every piece of furniture in our splen- Jm'didly complete showing has the mark of superiority upon it. Itdoes not follow that (C&7this furniture is necessarily costly, for we have many handsome and beautiful VuVpieces most moderately priced. We also display a representative line in the «nr^\w! '•*very finest and most elaborate productions of the cabinet maker's art, which ,^X23pK!?Wembrace the choicest examples of old time modern styles. "^T^^ffl?!/'^

fThese for Christmas Favors ,^^MM^There are so many articles of furniture, which would prove suitable /»''^sm' Mz'-&WittiJ%i^?&for Holiday giving, that it would be difficult to name them all insmall k^^'^HaM'^^iFißfirirspace, but there are a number which appeal to popular desires, »|Pi^BjMS^F f^

Morris Chairs Easy Rockers Ladies' DesksMusic Cabinets Work Tables 4^S^H

ju Parlor Tables Cellarettes Shaving Stands China Cabinets (§§jyL Davenports, Leather Chairs Gold Furniture WliJfCS H/Wj Cheval Mirrors Dressing Tables Tabourettes Bookcases \ )m |j«vH

Couches Library Tables (f Jg, J^^u^^^^-/gp\ Hall Clocks Oriental and Domestic Rugs Etc. Etc. WUvMI7/ IBW/r n cack °^ t ie a^ovc nnes we have an extensive variety and you \u25a0

IIIllJvlsv can rest assure^ t'iat y°ur selection will incorporate the best

l| IIL*g<**S. of good taste, that the article you choose willbe in good qual- _^^V^r*s^I II '

tv> an(^ tnat t le va'ue w'^ c *he very best for the money that .il II can secure(^ anywhere. Itwillbe a pleasure to show you jj»,*___—ff^-^^!*.)MiU jP^-O^^'At<. w a *- we have, and we feel sure that your pleasure willbe equal ff/ \lfff,filiW^t^^^?^ in v'ew'nS our superior furniture display. (( liI^<*'~~<iT:*^-ss^ 7[mm

os Angeles ; \) f{

1 631-633-635 South Spring Street . -.'\u25a0 ',^i'3i«J a~

On West Side of Spring, Midway Between Sixth and Seventh Streets

Most remarkable millinery movement ever held in Los Jk flll /j&Angeles

—coming as itdoes at the very height of the (fXs/r ( '


it's a matchless money-saving opportunity! hM l^^ p •Everything is included

—handsome pattern hats, \\ h FxICC

smart tailored hats, untrimmed shapes—

absolutely yl Salpnothing reserved, but you'll have to hurry. The salewillbe at its best tomorrow morning. Come early if Flowersyou can. Fancy Feathers

*% #% *-». « m w^

_Laces, Malines

t2OOOOstrich Feathers ornaments


At Hnlf PrirA vemngs-Jr\U null rIli/C Nothing

We've just purchased the entire Reservedstock of one of the largest dealersin ostrich feathers on the Pacific .^^"^^P A^ ACoast

—which goes on sale tomorrow f A^^^ A&^* A^*^ A*

morning at exactly half price! J>*~~Av \a^^w]/A^Jf. That reductions are genuine, the C^^s4l*S^/f~*^^>S*-S^'*'~~)name Scofietd is sufflcent guar-

_^tflt^W^J^^^i^^m^f^fffi^imal^549 TO 553 SOUTH BROADWAY

A BUY A PIANO VIV Ou Our liasy Payment I'lao «C Metropolitan Music Co. \f :\-i% W,Hftbtit.!lt>

'J \u25a0