Mr. Butler, who played the accom- paniments, contributed a great deal to the success of the recital. He knows how to sustain a singer and his touch is delicate. * The large audience that assembled In Doblnson auditorium la«t evening to henr a song recital by the pupils pt Mlsu Elizabeth Carrlck enjoyed an artistic concert instead of a muslcale by amateurs. All tlft singers shnwed the best of training. There were no forced voices and It was evident that the method of tone production dM not sacrifice sweetness In producing volume of sound. Miss Mildred Anderson was the star soloist and her five appearances were the signals for long applause. Miss Anderson has a contralto voice of beautiful quality— a voice flexible, resonant and wonderfully sympathetic. It Is a voice well placed, true and pure. In the Rossini aria MJss Ander-. son showed dramatic feelingr and in all her songs her Interpretation wan ex- traordinarily good. Her other solo, Schubert's "To Be Sung on \u25a0 the Waters," was a fine number. With Mrs. O. J. Ramsey she sang a duet and with Miss Edith Knox she wa« heard In Schumann's "Landllches Lied." One of the best numbers on the program was the Chamlnade duet for contraltos sung by Miss Anderson and Miss Juanita Eagon. "Constancy," the solo by Miss Edith Knox, had a twofold Interest, far the composer, Mrs. Monlmla Laux Bots- ford, Is a favorite In Los Angeles so- ciety. It is a song breathing real sen- timent and the setting Is admirable. Mlbs Knox, whose voice is of good compass, limpid and brilliant, gave a charming Interpretation ot the song. To Miss Rebecca Lee Dorsey, who made her first appearance on the stage, fellunexpected honors. Miss Dorsey Is the baby of the class and she chose for her debut, "Mighty Lak' a Rose," a Btlectlon which delighted the audience. In a soprano that promises much for future years this dainty maid succeed- ed in touching her audience, Inasmuch as she has temperament and real fjeel- ing. An encore was demanded and after a little hesitation a second song was Bung'and the young singer capti- vated all who heard her. Miss Louise D. Schmidt made a good impression. At first a bad tremolo was noticeable but toward the end of the program her voice was smooth, sweet and well controlled. . Mrs. Ramsey was one of the fa- vorites. Her solo at the end of the program awajcened genuine enthusiasm and her duet with Miss Louise Gude was a noteworthy number. Mlsa Oude sang an aria from Meyerbeer with a finish that must have been most en- couraging to her teacher. - Miss Eagon's Carmen solo was ' another red letter number. Miss Eugenia Montgomery's "Dost Thou Know That Sweet Land?" was sung most effectively. The concert closed with a trio from "Carnien". sung by Miss Eagon, Mrs. Ramsey and Miss Gude. Makes Hit by First Appearance Miss Mildred Anderson's Contralto Solos Delight a Large Audience, and Miss Rebecca Lee Dorse/ LOCAL STOCKS AND BONDS . Monday, ' Mar 92. T,aur* B. Lee and Edward W. Le» to Thorn** Rattrsjr—Lot* and 17, Tef«*a tract $l o Jostah J. Thresher and A. B. Thresher t>> William Chltlett—Part lot 36, Turnef ft OarMitt'* nub. \u0084.....,,... $10 William Chlr.letU and Catharine F. Chla- lett to Joslah J. Thrasher and A. B. n. Tr-rasher— Part of lot 15J, Lankershlm K. U A W. To $10 Robert V. Mllner to Joseph Blsehof— Part of Inta 13, 13 and 14, block 3, resilh' of block* 10 and 11, Hollywood Ocean Vl«w tract $10 O. W. Bouthwlok and Cynthia C. South- tvlck to Mottle Vail— Lot* 11 and 14, block D. Manzanlta Height* :...$lO Francis A. Banborn to Mattle Vail—Lot* 1.1 nn.l 14, block I>, Mamanlta M«ltht*..slo Mattl« VAII to Margaret 11. MatthtiwiM- l.nt» 13 and 14, block D, Mmiznnltn Heights ;......... $10 Marrniret R. Matthew* to Clara D. Wat- son—Lot li, block !>. *am« trnct. ...... .$lO Myrtle Gallman and John J. Gallman to Robert H. Wlllion Lot* 13 and 14, block J, Raymond Villa tract No. 1 .' $10 George E. Kennedy to Royden L. Forsyth —Lot 14, block A, Central tract $10 Anna O. Gregory to A. E. Pool— Lot* IT and 11, block 17, Charles Victor Hall trt.sio Hattle M. Llndenfeld to Mrs. Eunice Cy- renlus Lot 9, block 11, Homestead tract ot Pioneer Bulldlns; Lot A«nn $10 R. Colyear to Mr*. B. L. c:yr#nlu.i—Snme.ilO Eunice Cyrenlu* to Patrick J. Jink* and Mary Jinks—Lot 9, block 12, Pioneer Building Lot Assn. tract ot B. h. A...52i0» Mary J, Jenney and Irving B. Jenney to Jame* V. Hamilton— Lot 19, block 15, Charle* Victor Hall tract $>00 Jacob Smith and Maria Smith to Louis Brand Portions of lot* 1 and 2, block 4, Greenwell tract \u25a0 $10 Margaret E. Perklnson and A. V. Per- klnson to Perry B. Wilkinson and Addle M Wilkinson—Lot 70, J. Marlon Brook*' sub $10 Lucy H. Wheeler to Dr. R. W, Morrl* Lot 20, block 27, S. half ot West End Uni- versity add $10 Helen A, Morrlll and Geortt K. Morrlll to R. C. Wiedeman— Lot 13, Conant's subdivision of part of lot 6, block 73, H. B $10 F. F. Cross and Lulu F. Cross to Mary M.. Mote-Lot 4, block U, Harvard Heights trt $10 T. I,ft T, Co. to Freeda Keener— Lot 5. block 11, Huntlngton Park Annex $10 Eva L. Humphrey* and Jasper N. Humph- reys to Frank C. Platt Inve»tment Co.— Part of lot 44, Orange Villa tract ....$lO H. H, Welch and Adelaide B. Welch to Carrie A. Rlley—Part lot 3, block 2, O. W. Chllds* tract $10 G. Maurice Bartlett and Minerva E. Bartlett to Merton O. Randall— Lot 11, De Frlei tr ..$lO Frana Kern and Knthnrlna Kern to Alpheus W. Redman— Lot 1and part lot 8, Garey tract addition }io Park Land Co. to J. B. Whlttler— Lot 20, block 3, Huntlngton Park ...$U> May F. Clapsaddle and Peter A. Clapnaddle to Isaac A. Lothian— Lots 4 and 6, Mitchell tract |io John C. Bent* and Louise B. Bentz to Calvin S. Nyce—Part of lot 1, E. B. Allen's sub ....$lO Jean 8. Jnmiaud, Anne Adelald Jnssaud (Ann* Adelaide Jauscaud) to 1* A. Gas & Eleo. Co.— Lots 1 and 3, block C, Allso tract $20,000 Francis O. Blrge and Eleanor R. Blrge to Jchn A. Harris—Part block 89, Providencla Ranch landi $800 Annie E. Canneld, guardian of Frank S. Can- field, minor, to Olof Oleson— Part of lots 1and 2, block 6, Urmston tract $1a33 F.mlllft L. Garbutt and Frank A. Garbutt to W. I. Holllngsworth and Robert Marsh— Lots 23 and 24, subdivision of block 18, O. S $10 Ferdinand Wheeler and Susan Morrison Gor- gas Wheeler to Gall E. Moon—Lot 3 and south 2.7 feet lot 2, Osborne tract $10 ' Gall E. Moon to Alfred U. Maeder and Henry J. Maeder—Lot 3 and part lot 2, Osborne tr $10 Flossie Summers to Frank E. Maly— Lot 6, block B, Ela Hills tract ;....$1 Richard F. Bennett and Mary Bennett to Robert Knappman— Part of lot 5, block 77. H. S no Gideon Potter and Emily Potter to Elizabeth 8. Carr—Lot t, block 66, Alamltos Beaoh tofn- slto $260i) T. I. &. T. Co. to Flora M. Wagner and Charles F. Wagner Lots 1, 2 and 3, block M, Crescent Heights tract $2550 Maggie Kirk to L. Wllhelm— Part Sec. 22. 2 S., 14 W $10 T. I. & T. Co. to Charles Clifford"Conroy Lot 30, block 2, Venice Park tract $10 M. E. Hammond and Marguerite J. Hammond to Parley M. Johnson Lot 12, block 24, Huber tract $10 , Estnto of Thomas E. Short, deceased Order confirming sale to Clara E. Cameron, lot 10, block 64, Pomona, and to C. K. Short, lots 2 and 3, block 46, Pomona. s22so Sarah Short, W. M. Short, C. K. Short, G. H. Short, Sarah C. McDermltt, J. L. Short, R. C. Short and Oullford W. Short to Clara E. Cameron Lot 10, block 64, Pomona. s22so Annie Coll to J. T. Price—Lot 6, block X, Monrovia $1 Emma M. Moulton and Louisa Berry to Truman Berry Lots 7 and 8, Morgan Villa tract $10 Edward Strasburg and Estella E. Stras- burg to Herman Strasburg Lot 9, block 5, Alamltos Beaoh townslte $10 David W. Permar to Mrs. Augusta Snider —Lot 13, block 12, Adams Street Arlington HelgUs traot $10 T. i. & T. Co. to Mrs. Augusta Snider Lot 14, block 12, Adams Street Arlington Heights tract $10 A. S. Koyer to Elizabeth Gelger and Henrietta I. Gelger—Lot 8, block C, Bon- nie Brae tract $10 Harry D. Tower to William M. Caßwell— Lot 1, block A, Rlvara & Vlgnolo traot.. slo William Gordon to Lewis W. Andrews Lot 23, block Q, Cable Road tract $10 D. L. Peters and Jennie M. Peters to W. M. Dutton—Lot 82, block 5, Highland tract add. No. 1 .'. $10 Fred L. Baker and Lillian T. Baker to Miss Lucy E. Wheeler— LQts 106 and 107, block A, Meade & Dal ton tract $10 Robert McAdam and Mary E. McAdam to Charles B. Croner Lot 6, MoAdam trt.. slo J. L. Packard and Marian Packard to J. C. Floyd—Part of Ro. San Rafael $8600 Charles B. Ingram, May B. Ingram .and George H. Brlggs to Frank E. Gregory and Adelaide M. Gregory—Lot 8, resub of Tur- rer tract $10 Harriet C. Collins and A. W. Collins to May F. Chandler—Lot 17, Collins traot $350 Jane C. Orr to Sara P. Rhode Lot 4, Hollywood Grand View tract ..• $10 Mrß. M. D. Marsh to Mrs. Mary J. Thompson —Lot 13, block DD, addition No. 1 to Mon- rovia $10 Redondo Imp. Co. to L. J. Baumbach Lot 36, block 180, Redondo Beach $650 Same to Nettie A. Hutchlnson— Lot 79. Ocean Beach subdivision $700 Alice R. Schlernttzuuer and Joseph A. Schler- nltzlauer to Lizzie Haley—Agreement to con- vey lot 13, block E, GlasßeU'a subdivision ..$650 Joseph F. Nadeau to Miss Mary Sweeney- Lots 16 and 17, block X,Edgewood Park ....$lO Roßedale Cem. Assn. to Charles Mottahed— Agreement to care for east W of lot 20, sec- tion X, Rosedale Cemetery $75 H. B. Plnney and Laura A. Pinney to Judson S. Pelton—Lots 86 and 87, Park tract. Long l<each : \u0084...$lO Mark Bird Seal and Llda Hester Beat to Charles E. Byrklt Agreement to convey part stctlon 71 S 13 W- $1750 Hermosa Beach L. & W. Co. to C. H. San- born and W. J. Sanborn— Lot 2, block 1, Her- niosa Beach $10 H. E. Bunger and Ruby !•). Bunger to Subuarban Inv. Co.—Lot 5, block 27, Hermnsa Kiach J7r.il Jtimes Oakley and Frank Oakley to Mrs. Car- rie Whaling—Part lots 107 and 106, Wilson trod $10 Kate Bassett to 11. W. Basaett-Part Farm lot 213. Alamitos ract $10 It. W. Bassett to Kate Bassett-Lota 1 to 23. blffock G, Bay View $10 R. C. Regllen to Ida Llversldge— Lots 6 and 8, block 2, Highland tract addition No. 1 ..SISOO Gussle Egelhoft to Anna T. Glllon—Lot 273, block 5, Golden Bay tract $10 United Land & Water Co. to G..W. Allen- Lot 2, block 183, Sierra Vista townslte ....$lO Alamltos Bay Co. to J. J. Jenkins— Lot 9, blcck 51, resubdlvlslon of part of Alumttos Bay townslte $10 Geo. If. Peck, jr., and Alice M. Peck to Gicomo Benlvetto— Lot 1, block 0, Peck's sub- division of blocks 6 7 8 and 9, Carolina trt $100 Martin Stoll and Matilda C, Btoll to John C. Jcrgenaon— Lot 4, block A, Hollywood Home- side tract $10 L. A. Bldg Co. to George P. Thresher— Part REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS lo* 1. nil lot t null p«ft lot 4. bio** 7, Wild* * Strong' * (uMlvimon Fmnk 8*blchl tract: p«rf lot M, Ollvnr O. Hrynnt (Met;lot* 1 and 3, Mock B, Newell & Under'* mihrllvlnlon of Cecil Vln. tract; lot 6, Nlcn tract; lot «, No*-* B, Obear tract j lot 23. Oliver C. Bryant tract; lot 1«, block B, obMF tr«ct $1'» U A. JIM*. Co. to Oeor«« P. Thr*sh«f—Lot 5, Kennedy tract; lot 4, Mock 17. (larv«n*» addition No, I; lot 80, Oliver C. Bryant traet; portion of lot «, ii \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• i mi, ;lot 24, Mo K K. Mcilnny tract; lot 11, Oliver C. Bryant trttct $10 George <'nt« and Mnrv R. Cat* to Eliza- beth AcIhiiih Lot 7, block JOS, Hedondo Beach $10 .1 II. <'svannh and Ltirene Cavnnah to Eva 1,. Allen—Lot 2, block 1*3 Redomlo Beach 110 Hnnin to John J. Allen— Lot 3, block 193, \u25a0am* $10 M. N. Avery and Sarah a. Avery to Oeorga 8. Smith—Lot '*.-.. Southern district Agricultural park $10 Richard iMinnlmtn and Maria t. imnnlunn 1.. B, F. llurkhart—Lot* (, I and 8, bloek 1, Meadow Ulen tract $37R ' T. 1 A T. Co. to m 1. Wlcki—Portion of Sec. 9, i *. is w $10 M I, \Vlrk.< to .Charlea M. Sllmson— Lota 200, 214, 21*. 216, 21? and 227, Green's Central Avenue tract, add $10 A. H. TlrrirUamp and Katie A. Brocamp to Rtephen Flulir 1. \u25a0>!\u25a0<. I and 1, block A, Thill, Weber A Brocamp tract $10 li. TV Allen and Mary 0. Allen to Har- riet A. Heath—Part Sec. S, I S., 12; lot* 9 and 10, block R, Wotkyna A Martin «ul>.$10 A. W. Johnion to Francis B. HtltehllH Portion of lot 5, block 7:. II. B $10 Adell B. Raymond to E. L. Harvey Lot 12, block A, Button tract $10 Emm* B. Gunnett to Mary O. Barmora Portion of Ho. Los Alamltos $1 Anna I,. Heron to Emma B. Ounnett Same property \u25a0\u25a0 above $10 .B. K. Mcllhtnny to Albert Mercer—Lot 24, block 6, Now Vernon $10 Mary Montgomery and J. W. Montgomery to Catherine Abbott Turk—Lota 43 and it. Park tract $300 William Pitman to IaAbella F. Pitman- Lot 10, block 18, reauli of Hroadacres. .$100 Stephen II. Moore and Mary B. Moore to Cynthia L. Sterling—Lot 37, Hose tract. $10 John D. Hlcknell null Nannie Blcknoll to E. H. Matney— 27, 28 and If, block 36, A*usa $1"3 Mutual Realty Co. to Edward Llebacher— Lota 28, 29 and 30. Interurban tract. ... $300 John H. Norton and Mary F. Norton to Mftttlton 1). Jones— Lot 4, »lock 9, C. V. Hall tract $10 Mary Elizabeth Hagadorn to Orlando Moor 0, Lincoln Avenue and Fair Oaks Avenue tract $100 George H. Peck, and Olive M. Peck to C. A. Carroll and F. D. Carroll—Lot 13, block 10, Peek's Grand View tract $876 Alice A. FlUirerald to Grace Olive Cook- mar.—Part block 2, replat of Lattln tract $4000 L. C. Brand, Mary Louise Brand and Hunt- Ington L. & Imp. Co, to May C. Church—Lots 10 and 11, block 7, Olendale Boulevard tract $600 W. 8. Phllp and Minnie K. Phllp to W. 8. Miller-Lot 5, block 17. W. Adams Hts $10 Same to Maria A. Heacock-* 6, block 17, same tract »... ' $10 Lula Bullock vs. Ilnell Hlgglns, John Doe, June Doe and Richard Doe—Decree quieting title In plaintiff to lot 79, C. A. Smith's third addition Clinton eath, administrator of estate of Lucy B. -Mallott, deceased, to Joseph H. McKee— Pert lot I, block 10, Compton; part lot 0. blcck 10, Compton $930 James B. Proctor and Mary A. Proctor to Pac. Elec. Land Co.— Part of lot 8 K 1, Temple & Gibson tract $10 Carpenter & Biles Mill& Lumber Co. to A. L Carpenter and Elmer E. Biles— 153 and 254, Goodwin tract $1" K. F. Holman to Florence K. Holman— 47 and 48, Bowcn & Chamberlain's Main St. Boulevard tract $19 J. A. Oagood and C. L. Osgood to RoBCoe A. Kimbn.ll— 11 and 12, block A, Cook's sub- division $10 Katherolne Duncan Lewis to Thoma* A. Lewis-Lot 1, block 4, Washington Hts tr $10 H. D. Vandeveer to Louis Henry—Lots 1to C, 9 to 15, 19 21 23 and 24, block A; lots 1 2 3, 6 to 12, 16 18 to 24, 27 28 3133 to 37, block B, Lewis tract, Qarvanza $10 Mrs. Mary D. Goss to James Gosb—Lot 1. block 120, L. A. Olive Growers' Assn tract $1 Combination Oil Co. to Thomas F. Brown- Lot 2, block 4. Ocean View tract No. 1 $10 David Lewis Burke, Claudlne Weaver Burke, James King Burke and Wllletta Burke tit Charles C. Kastner and Salesa. A. Kuatner— Lot 248. Burke Bros.' addition No. ito FIk- ueroa St. subdivision $250 John J. Charnock to J. W. Rogers— Lot IS, block A, Soto St. tract $323 Addle Johnson to Claude F. Hale—Lot 12, Shafer & Lanterman's resubdlvlslon of Dlmlck tract $10 George R. Crow to E. M. Crow to Walter C. Reynolds—Lots 1 and 3, Robinson & Bralc- erd's subdivision $10 T. J. Hampton and Annetta A. Hampton to Charles C. Thompson— Lot 2, Macpherson's subdivision $10 T. M. Farrand to Henry Holbrook and Rose A. Holbrook-Part lot 6, all lot 6, and part lot 6, W. W. RDoollttle's subdivision $10 Arthur 0. Tubbs and Cora B. Tubbs to Valentine Ulrlch— of lot 2, block C, San Pasiual tract $10 Abbott Klnney Co. to Virginia Crafts- Lot 27, block 3, Golden Bay tract $10 Same to same 29, same tract. .$10 Joe H. McKee and Georgia McKee to William H. Corbln—Part lots 5 and 6. block 10, Compton $10 C. B. Casey and Ida M. Casey to Vernon A. Chalker and Millie Chalker—Lots 6 and 7. Helar tract $10 Vernon A. Chalkor and Mollle Chalker to Ida M. Casey— Lot 8, block 6. Covlna $10 Benjamin Viler and Luelia. B. Viler to Joseph B. Durand—Part lot 24, Bull trt.$10 Mary R. Darling to Ruth M. B: Williams Lot 47, block 2, Atlantic Avenue tract.. $10 Helen Davlssoir and B. R. Davlsson to James M. Jones Lot N, block 11, L.. L. Bradbury's add to Monrovia $10 Mary Sullivan to C. A. Wlllard Lot 11, block 3, Atlantic Avenue tract $10 Max Bridges to C. A. Willard and Llzzio Wlllurd Lots 22 and 24, Bridges sub.... $10 Mt. Lowe Hotel Co., by W. A. White, sheriff, to Julius Enert—Part Sec. 3. 1 N, 12 W $630 Sumo to same Same property ad above $2347 Mrs. A. A. Lambert to J. J. Maxey— 7, block 66, Manhattan Beach $10 Henry Clay Breedcn and Josephine B. Breeden to R. K. Culver and A. C. Dodge— Purt of lot 10. block G, Golden Bay tract. Jl R. K. Culver, A. B. Dodge and Corlnns L. Dodge to Mrs. V. M. Part lot 14, block 6. Golden Bay tract... $10 Mrs. V. M. Smith to Blanch S. Boone— Part lot 12, block 6, Golden Bay tract $1 C, L. liundy. Nellie Allen, John A. Stan- wood, Individually and as trustee, to Joseph II. Schiller— Lot 20, block P. Ocean Park Villa tract No. 2, and lot 18, block I,Ocean Park Villa tract *10 Walter 0. Johnson to Ruhamah Smith—Por- tion of lots 10 and 11, F. D. Lantermun's sub- division (10 T. I.& T. Co. to La Verne J. Hathaway and Hose M. Hathaway— 19, Bowen & Chamberlln's Main & Flgueroa St. trt No. 2 $10 Faequul Arlsco and Annie ArUco to Jumei Crldel-Lot 1. block I,Kla Hills tract ....$90U Aliimltos Land Co. to A. A. Kuder—Part ol block 64, In Ro Los Alamltos $10 Co-op. Sav. Bank to Mary H. Twltchel— Lot 7, block 17, West Adams Heights .' $10 Thomas E. Fentress and Josephine A. Fent- ress to S. II. Streeter— Lot 16, block 5, Green- well tract »Hi James F. Harmon and Eugenlt A. Harmon to'Adriana C. Speck-Lot 20, block B, Avcry & TiiRifiirt'H subdivision ... .".'.' ., ' $1(1 Ettu. C. Arhogast and J. W. Aigobast lo Adriana C. Speck— 294 and 295, Kdendale tract , Mil Isabella Kiayei- to Jennie E. Lewis (nee Jennie 13. Prayer)—Lots 13 and 14; also lot 1 »nd 9, Wright & Johnson's subdivision ....$10 Mary Maud Kehlenbeck (formerly Mary Maud Shattuck) to If. M. Hicks and Marlnda E. Hicks-Lot 280, Url.lcr & Xl)i»w'« seubdlvlsion of UrlHwalter tract $1(1 Oliver Cunningham Logan, Jr., and Minnie B. Lcg&n to John Arthur Logan-Part lots lit and 20, Watts subdivision $HM C. L. Bundy, Nellie Allen and John A. Stanwood, Individually and as trustee, to Mrs. Dora Dowden Lot 14, block Q. Ocean Park Villa tract No. 2 $10 L. A. Land Co. to Kern River Co.—Por- tion of 123.69 acres described In deed from Huntlngton Land & Imp. Co. by deed 1777-99 , $10 Cahuenga Water Co. to William O. Kerck- hurt—All lands own.d by party of first part within toundarle* of lots 216 and 243. Lan- kerbhlm Hunch Land & Water Co.'a «ub..$l Curl John Zawatsky to Carl John Btrang- man—Lot 16. Rlndge tract $10 T. 1. A T. Co. to William H. Ross and Lona E. Rons— Lot II, block 6, Wilming- ton Harbor 1'nrk ..' $10 Joseph W. lteed and Alice B. Heed M Joseph J. Midland—1. '' 11, block I, U. W. Morgan's Sycamore Grove tract $600 George A. Howard and Hester Howard to F. G. Calkins—Part lot 9, Irrigable lands of Hunter Highland View tract $10 T. I. & T. ( '•>. to Almeron C. Hathaway Lot 20, Bowen & Chamberlln's Main and Flgueroa Street tract No. I $10 David Lewis Burke and Claudlna Weaver Burke, James King Burke and Wllleltu Burke to Rose K. Taylor Lot 160. Burke Bros' add No. 2 to Flgueroa Street sub. 110 Same to Mrs. Kate Burke Lota 204 and 106, same tract $100 Frank Brings and Jean Briggs to CarrU llawl.lna—Lot 28, block 4, Georga Dalton Br. tract $10 Joseph II. Robbing and Sarah J. Hobbins to Jennie K. Wood— Part lots 1. 2 and 4, all lot ( and part lot •. Valley View tit.. II Edward James and Ellen James to Leroy 8. l'ulU«—Part block li, 1'uililo Farms tract $1000 . . \u25a0 # \u25a0 » Notice to Holder* of Herald l'lioto Ooupoms Holders of Herald photo coupons on Jtainett ft Bou'i atudto, wishing silting! on ttunday must make engagement several day* in Ad- v«uc«. Allcoupon* must prueuUil before May 25. U0». \u25a0>.. ., \u25a0 * « * It soothe* the nerves. Lai Palma* clgara. AididM^aAn*ftlMSMMiMJtiubt',fL¥.^,.4 J ft, ;.*i Th» simple life—Doing your own work. The streuuous life—Doing some other f«l- low'a work. \u25a0asjs/sktMa^ijuMMMlk^ The modern life— (Jetting some ether fel- low to do your work June Smart Set, Definitions Bank Stock* . Bid. Asked. American National 116^4 11714 Broadway Bank and Trust Co. .. 140 147 Central .*. 180 Cltlzenß' National 170 Commercial National 101 103 Dollar Savings Bank 120 130 Equitable Savings Bank 130 ... Farmers and Merchants' National 238 ... X I ret National .' 338 German American 363 400 Home Savings Bank ot I*A 60 Los Angeles National 195 200 Los Angeles Trust Co 104 112 Merchants' National 310 Merchant's Trust Co 104*4 110 National Bank of Cat lcs 200 Seourlty Savings Bank 250 ... Southern California Savings 230 Southwestern National 110V4 116 State Bank & Trust 100 West Side Bank 103 110 Union Bank of Savings 830 United States National Bank .... 127 Bond* Bid. Asked. Assoclted Oil Co S7"i »9 California I'aclPo Railway »5 100 Corona City Water Co 101 Corona Power and Water Cv 100 Cucamonga Water Co WO 103 Home Telephone 94 95"; Edlbon Electric Co.. Con »9 101 Los Angeles A Hedondo Hy. Co ... Los Angelen 'st Con. Mtgs 101 Mission Trans. & R. Co 01 li »5 Pacltlo Flectrlo Railway Co ins UOtt Mt. Lowe Hallway Co 80 n% Ontario Dom. Water Co »B 103 Paelno Light Power Co 101H 103 Trmeocai Water Co ... United Eleotrlo Q. & P. Co 98 101 Pomona Con. Water Co m Illveralde Light & Fuel Co 100 San Antonio Water Co 100 lot Santa Barbara ISlectrlo Hallway.. 70 101 Seaside Water Co M Phoenix Light and Fuel Co 100 Pomona 4 Ontario L. & F. Co lot Vlsalla Water Co. 97 100 Union Transportation Co W(i 98 Edison Electrli, old Issue 100 103 U. S. Long Dls. T. &T. Co. pfd.. 75 85 Prices Include accrued lntererL Oil StOCkt Bid. Ask»d. Associated Oil 41T4 AY,' S Fullerton Cot 33 Fullerton Con :if"i Continental 25 .25% Olobe 03M .0614, Home (Whlttler) 20 Mexican Petroleum 34' i Reed Crude . .21 Ollnia Land Co. oavi .0314 Union 88.00 United Petroleum IW.OO 143.00 Whlttler Con. Oil 01 ,U% Puente Oil Co *5 West Lake Olii Western Union 200.00 Central ej Mining Stocks Bid. Asked Blsbee West Co 02 .03Vi Butt* Lod* 20.00 Z7.OU llufa M. & M. Co 82 Uoldnn Argus 14-00 Z6.00 Oreen Con TIM M.OO Jesse Bell 05 Nevada Chief 0814, New Era OJJfc .08 Nevada Keyoton* M Peninsula M. U M. Co 01 .OS Quartette •• ».M ... Searchlight M. ft M. Co 40 .SO Verd. Kins r U% Los Angeles Bank Clearings Exohu-g** for the banks comprising the Loa Angeles CUnrlng hou* are s^ toUows^ May tl $I,«M,W.H 11.0M.1M.n | ItV.tM.M LOS ANGELES HERALD: TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 23. »9<>s. BEAUTIFUL VOICES HEARD IN PUPILS' SONG RECITAL GIRLBINOERS*PREBEm" ARTISTIC PROGRAM k. 9 k. TOR SALE . 'Suburban Property TOO BGB Otlß TWO . him tracts' at huntinoton park, ' largb lots. mttlk rmcrcfi. FRKB TICKETS POR THB ASKING. PULL INFORMATION AT OUR OFPICB. BOSS * LIND9EY, PHONE SUNSET MAINilt2. IIOMi: 7062. -,' V BOOM 814 11. w. iu;i, i.man ntiMUNi*. DOLOEVILLD. ~ THB MANUFACTURING AND ALSO ONK OF THB FINEST RESIDENCE SUBURBS INLOS ANGELES COUNTY. Offlc* on the tract, or Putt* 416-417, Pacino Electrlo Building. B. J. WHITE & CO., AGENTS. Suburban Property— Hollywood TIIK PRBACHBR'fI COIINKR MUST CIO lIHI-'OIIK WKDNKSIIAY. A beautiful corner lot nonr center of Hollywood, fronting east 100 fp«t on Whltlayavwnue. fronting north 188 feel on* Franklin; very near car. See It and you willbuy. WRIGHT A HAMMERS, Sole Agent*. 820 Byrne Hldg. Home 61100 ;Main 6911. NICK LMVKb I*OT. MxHB, WITH CMMBNX curb*, graded atreets and sldawalkc conven- ient to *chool, church and car line; located Prlo* MO; $2t caah, $10 monthlr. CUA3. B. MANN. >1> Went Fourth "I Beach Property FOR SALE TF-CK'S \u25a0,-•\u25a0-'\u25a0 MANHATTANBEACH TUACT THE FINEST BEACH IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. R. S. SAUNDERS. SOLE AGENT. 412 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. Orange Groves "THE FOOLISH DO IN THE END WHAT the wise man doe* In the beginning." Now I* the time for the wise to buy orange groves. If Interested, I'll tell ynu -why. See L. M. PRATT, 608 Laufthlln Bldg. "Hcadqusrterß for oranga groves." Hotels and Lodging Houses . FOR SALE-LODGING HOUSE. On Hill street, close In, nicely furnished, JO-room house. Will sell very cheap. Nice lease. Investigate. R. A. ROWAN & CO., M 0 H: W. Hellman Bldg. A SNAP INA NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM- Ing louse of 20 rooms, centrally located, for sale. Ch?ap rent; long lease. Inquire of WILL METZQER, 610 South Main. Flats PICO NEAR GEORGIA. on the south side Pico, close to Georgia ' street, lot 63x127 to alley; rents for $80 per month; cost $8000 to build; price on this prop- erty for a short time Is $15,000. Lot alone Is worth close to $10,000. W. H. OBEAR. 402 Johnson Bldg. Stocks and Bonds R. w! POINDKXTER. Broker, 409 WILCOX Building, deals in bonds, mortgages and ether ilrst-eIHKs securities. Reference: First \u25a0 National bank. Live Stock Horses, Mules, Cattle JERSEY FAMILY COWS; INSTALLMENTS or cash. NILES. .460 E. Washington. Miscellaneous i . FOR SALE— LUMBER— BY THE NATIONAL COMPANY. Try the big new yard, 20th and Alameda streets; clean, new stock and plenty ef it. Come, we'll show you both quality and price. Large stock of sash and doors. The best of mill work at the very lowest Le NATIONAL LUMBER COMPANY, 20th and Alameda streets. FOR SALE—GREAT CUT PRICE SALE OF household goods. $2.50 Smyrna rugs, $1.60; carpet sweepers, $2.25; box mattress couches, $2.60; couch covers, $1.10; lace curtains, 650 pair; washtitands, $2.50; 6-plece toilet sets, $1.75; small dressers. $3.75; 9x9 granite rugs, $3.60; portieres, $2.00 pair; treasure kitchen tables, $3.60; 2-burner hot plates, $1.90; llno- n leum, 600 yard; sanitary couches, $4.50. J. M. OVERELL. 662-654 S. Main st. __ . PIANOS—ALL YOU NEED TO PAY US IS $6 wh«u you pelect your piano, then $6 monthly. We won't charge you any Interest. W* positively guarantee the price we ask to be the same as asked in New York, Boston or Chicago. Remember the old house of FITZGERALD when you want a good piano. 113 S. Spring street. I , NEW DISCOVERY Our enamel finishes things like a mirror; none better; big cut In wall paper, best valuo In U. S. ; 78-ln. burlap, 20c; 3<i-In., dyed, 15o; best paint, $1.50 gal.; table oil cloth, 20c; shingle stain. 76c; opaque shades, 25c; lino ' finished molding, 2c. Send for samples. WALTER BROS., 627 S. Spring. FOR SALE—NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables. Bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. Send for catalogue. THE BRUNSWICK-BAEKK-COLLENDER CO., 620 S. Broadway, Lob Angeles. FOR EXCHANGE :,;::\u25a0 Real Estate FOR EXCHANGE— , 'I. J. SILVIB & CO.. . FIRST-CLASS WALNUT GROVE NEAR ANAHEIM, 36 ACRES; WANT LOS AN- GELES OR GOOD EASTERN INCOME; $22,600. 20 acres fullbearing navel oranges, Rlir- | ersldfl; good house and barn, Gage water system; willexchange for good eastern or Los Angelea city; prlcv $20,000 FIRBT-CLASB PHOTOORAPir STUDIO IN CITY; WILL EXCHANGE FOR CHICKEN HANOI! OR SELL CHEAP FOR CABH; $1800 CLEAR. 10 acre* Fine home In Pomona, 6-room modern cottage, good barn; % mile to P. O. and depots; Is ready for HubdlvUlon; half In oranges, half In walnuts; want smaller property near Los Angeles; will trad* right; $12,600. 40 ACRES IN RIVERSIDE, $6000; BUB- MIT AN OFFER OF SOMETHING. Two modern cottages and one business hulldlpg, Pomona, to exchange for Lus Angeles; will pay cash difference; $10,000. •WB HAVE A 600-ACRE STOCK RANCH IN OREGON: GOOD BUILDING AND A FINE PROPERTY; WANT ORANGE OU WALNUT OROVE; PRICE $11,000, MTGB. $4225. WILL PAY DIFFERENCE. I. J. BILVIS & CO., SOS Mason Building, Cor. Fourth and Broadway TO EXCHANGE— IF YOU WANT TO GO KABT.mul wish to exchange property for fin*property In ORAND RAPIDS, Mlc.'Hl- ' GAN, I will tsivo good trade. Health ' compel* my remaining here. Want good property, I.v* Angelea or vicinity. Ad- dreßS owner, DWIGHT BROOKB, 1223 Ar- nold St., J.na Angeles. TOR MXCHXNUH— BY HEN WHITE. >M lunches. $600 to $100,000. 100 hou*«o and lot*, $1064 to $50,000. 100 orange and lemon grove*, $2000 to $100,- « W. . (000 miscellaneous properties. To buy. Mil or trade property go to BUN WHITE, 304 lirynon Block, td and Spring street*. KpR EXCHANGE— MOUNTAIN HOMK, Us acre*; 10 aore* barley; fruit of all kind'; good 6-room house, barn, chicken bous», line sprlns;, horsu, wagon and all farming Implement*; $:000;cT<'iir, W*.nt ralUKu or rooming house. HcFATUIDGD UKOH , tila- Uprluv »'• WitiEr mo. miHiNEss coM.rcaß. Ms tJbSj IV. Seventh. riMiiillfnl lmni«i iMSEm mrrnnndlnfcH, <1«y »"M evening ft Mlortfl. CAll, writ*, phone. r. BB6WNSBF.RGFIR, Bu«ln*3» M<n»K«r. NO SUMMER VJtCJtTIOH But ttudents* vacation made up. Attend the Urged and most influential business train* In* nchool In the aouthwest. Inquiries In* rited. 809 South Hill St. B. B. Inane*, Pren. AND CftAMAM SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND, «MJ ont.NO AVC, tOt AHOCLSt, CAW K;«KRbB COLUtKHf IS A riAFB AMDI** »W.W BfWlftK HIJSk m*m*mm. HI W. m. FOR EXCHANGE Real Est?to FOR EXCHANGE 7-room house, also 5-room cottage; lot BOxlGo to alley; Grand View aye.; ex- I'OH EXCHAn'oE— ' 8-room' house, S. W. ; large lot; fine lawn; house in goodtrepalr; large rooms; exchange for small acreage; willassume mniillamount: $3600. FOII EXCHANGE i Fine sightly location for flat*, one block from court house; 16 rooms, well rented; will add cash to match exchange for close In lmpro-rod; price $12,000. \u25a0.<./., ;.;.' FOIt EXCHANGE^ ' ' $8000, $10,000. $15,000 and up to $65,000; all clear, In Lincoln county, Idaho, on Or- egon Short Line; Improved; (Inn for stock, alfalfa and grain; good climate; a fine water right; will trade one or alt to- gether for Southern California, city or country; ownor here for a short time. If you are posted on Idaho you know the Snake River country Is a fine country. J3MO0 50-acre walnut grove at Rivera, the home of the walnut; 80 minutes' ride nn electric or steam cars; 10 miles from Los Angeles. Will trade for Los An- golcs; $6000 Mortgage $2500; a new, modern and up-to-date 8-room residence, popular S. W. ; large lot; trade with cash for close-In Los Angeles property. $4000 Clear, a fine 6-room cottage; beamed ceilings, handsome combination fixtures for lighting; dining room stained oak; walls burlapped; chambers all four coats white enamel; lot 50x1 3D, on 30th St., near Maple avc.; will trade separata or together with one, two or three othor 6-room cottages, for close-In Los Angeles property. $6000 to $60,000— A1l clear, with Btock and machinery, one of the finest orange propositions In Southern California; In the orange bolt, 36 miles from Loa An- geles; abundance of water. Will trade for Los Angeles. $3500 2-story modern 7-room house, near Vermont aye. and 29th St.; take lot or lots. $5000 Clear, 2 business lots on Central avc. and Jefferson St.; trade for close-In Los Angeles. , $35,000 Mortgage $17,600 A 52-room new and elegant hotel on 6th St., near Flgueroa St.; rents $250 per month; trndi ;or city or country If clear; might assume on city. $16,000 A business block, new, on 3d st., close In. .well rented; wiir trade for other, nlty property. - .-.-\u25a0; $3000—On Kansas aye., near 29th st.; trade equity for vacant. $10,000 Equity In an apartment house, new; newly furnished; occupied; 48 rooms, modern and up to date; well located; trade for clear lots, cottages or ranch. $6500— Clear, 0-room house and recep- tion hall; modern; large lot, near W. Adams and Hoover sts.; will take well located, clear, unimproved lots for % or more. 16500 Clear; 2 vacant lots In the "West- moreland tract; trade for house and lot. BOWEN & DOLTON, L. A. R. B. 439-40-41 Douglas Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE— A 4-lliit building for smaller property or vacant lots; a 20-room apartment house for grove In Riverside at a sacrifice, or will ec- cept city or beach propurty. J. A. MORLAN & CO., 412 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE— 4 GOLD CLAIMS IN A proved district. Will sell cheap or exchange Owner not able to develop them. J. A. MOR- LAN& CO., 412 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $1000—FOR EXCHANGE—GOOD WHITE »tftam automobile for city or country property. BEN WHITE, 308 Bryson Block. MAXON WILL EXCHANGE YOURPROPSR- ty, any location. Large list to select from. MAXONREALTY CO., 114-115 Stlmson. Bide. BEN WHITE WILL EXCHANGE YOUR property. 808 BHYtiON BLOCK, Second and Spring sts. Member L. A. Realty Board. .BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ~-"karber shops barbhr shops' 3 chairs for $175.00 5 \u25a0 " " 250.00 8 " " 1000.00 15 . " " 4000.00 RESTAURANTS. THE NEATEST LITTLE ONE. 4TH AND BROADWAY. SEATS 50 PEOI'LIS, FOR $800.00; $400.00 CASH, BALANCE EASY. THIS IS A SAMPLE. WE HAVE THEM ANY SIZE AND LOCATION. CONFECTIONERIES. THE LARGEST AND FINEST ONE IN LOS ANGELES. THEY HANDLE MORE CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAM AND MAKE MORE MONEY THAN ANY TWO IN CITY. $15,000 HANDLES IT. WE HAVE THEM AS LOW IN PRICE AS $200.00. BAKERIES. BAKERIES WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR THEM. IK YOU WANT TO GET LO- CATED IN ANY LEGITIMATE BUSI- NESS, SEE US. OLD BETTLERS INVESTMENT COMPANY, 601-603 GRANT BUILDING. OIIJKAP l-'OK CAR 11. GROCERY BTOCK WORTH $2700. OR WILL TAKE BOME GOOD CITY PROPERTY INPART TRADE!. A riJSK (iIUMIKKY STOCK, WITH GOOD ESTABLISHED CASH TKAUII. NEW STOCK, INCLUDING FIXTURE! THIS IS A SNAP FOR SOME ONE. Hl'UO US QUICK. WB HAVE) SOME CIOOD TIUYS IN OCEAN PARK PROPERTIES. A. 1 \u25a0'. W X BUT Klt * 00. SO j MASON BUILDING. HAVE YOU ANYTHINGTO BELL? Do you wish to buy anything? Do you need money? Do you nued advice? Do you iiuod an Auctioneer? Be* ELY STERN, Uli South Broadway. FURNITURE UTOItU FOR BALE. Prlca $800. New and Moond-band fur- niture, and stock of hardwura and tin- ware, and fixture*. Flu* locution, vlo*« In. Doing good buslnrvs. Rent $90 mo. B«* *010 •(•nt*.JONES & RYDICK UNO CO.. ill Went Third *t. Bu»ln««* opportunity UeiHirtiiitut. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOH EXCHANGE— $17,(00 STOCK DRY GOODS AND MEN'S FUHNIBHINGK. 6-YKAR LEAHIS. BEST OUTStIDK TOWN NEAR LO3 AN- GELES. ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS. AGE NBCKBBITATKB RETIREMENT. WILL EXCHANGE FOR LOS ANGBLJS3 INCOME PROPERTY. TWO FIRST-CLABS WALNUT RANCHES FOlt BALE! OR TRADE. 40-ACRB ALFALFA RANCH NEAR DOWNEY. IMPROVED, FIRST-CLASH STAND. FOR BALE Oli THADK, $11)00. 45 ACRES INBAN FERNANDO VAL- LEY. UNIMPROVED, FOH EXCHANGB OK BALE!. OLD SETTLERS INVESTMENT CO., 601-603 GRANT BLDG. FOR BALBJ tt INTEREST TO MAN WHO can invest $250 withservices. I will take you lv a* partner and teach you the business; you can make about $40 per week. I want sober, honest muu. This Is clean, easy, agreeable work. Bee O'OON- NELL, Room 1. $65 a Hill St. ' RETAIL BAKERY FOH BALE. Price $»00. This 1* a flrst-clau place, doing a Mne business. Large brick oven, nsw cash register; building 90x60 feet; long lease, clove In. Bee Buslnes* oppor- tunity Dept, JONES A KYDBK LAND CO., iilt Went Third at ' $72.50 Chicago And Return c/4nd correspondingly low rates to many Eastern points, cTWinneapolis, Kansas City, St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans and others. Tickets on Sale May 27, 28, 29 June 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 July 4, 5, 6, 24, 25, 26 Via this Good for Ninety Days With Liberal Stopover Privileges These Tickets Are Good on the Famous California Limited,... AsK E.W.McGee,C.P.ST.A. 200 South Spring Street Los Angeles

Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1900) (San ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042462/1905-05-23/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · how to sustain a singer and his touch ... At first

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Mr. Butler, who played the accom-paniments, contributed a great deal tothe success of the recital. He knowshow to sustain a singer and his touchis delicate. *

The large audience that assembled InDoblnson auditorium la«t evening to

henr a song recital by the pupils ptMlsu Elizabeth Carrlck enjoyed anartistic concert instead of a muslcaleby amateurs. All tlft singers shnwedthe best of training. There were noforced voices and It was evident thatthe method of tone production dM not

sacrifice sweetness In producing

volume of sound.Miss Mildred Anderson was the star

soloist and her five appearances werethe signals for long applause. MissAnderson has a contralto voice ofbeautiful quality—a voice flexible,

resonant and wonderfully sympathetic.

It Is a voice well placed, true andpure. In the Rossini aria MJss Ander-.son showed dramatic feelingr and in allher songs her Interpretation wan ex-traordinarily good. Her other solo,Schubert's "To Be Sung on \u25a0 theWaters," was a fine number. With Mrs.O. J. Ramsey she sang a duet and withMiss Edith Knox she wa« heard In

Schumann's "Landllches Lied." One ofthe best numbers on the program wasthe Chamlnade duet for contraltos sung

by Miss Anderson and Miss JuanitaEagon.

"Constancy," the solo by Miss EdithKnox, had a twofold Interest, far thecomposer, Mrs. Monlmla Laux Bots-ford, Is a favorite In Los Angeles so-ciety. Itis a song breathing real sen-timent and the setting Is admirable.Mlbs Knox, whose voice is of goodcompass, limpid and brilliant, gave acharming Interpretation ot the song.

To Miss Rebecca Lee Dorsey, whomade her first appearance on the stage,fellunexpected honors. Miss Dorsey Isthe baby of the class and she chose forher debut, "Mighty Lak' a Rose," aBtlectlon which delighted the audience.Ina soprano that promises much forfuture years this dainty maid succeed-ed in touching her audience, Inasmuchas she has temperament and real fjeel-

ing. An encore was demanded andafter a little hesitation a second songwas Bung'and the young singer capti-

vated all who heard her.Miss Louise D. Schmidt made a good

impression. At first a bad tremolowas noticeable but toward the end ofthe program her voice was smooth,

sweet and well controlled. .Mrs. Ramsey was one of the fa-

vorites. Her solo at the end of theprogram awajcened genuine enthusiasmand her duet with Miss Louise Gudewas a noteworthy number. Mlsa Oudesang an aria from Meyerbeer with afinish that must have been most en-couraging to her teacher.

-Miss Eagon's

Carmen solo was 'another red letternumber. Miss Eugenia Montgomery's

"Dost Thou Know That Sweet Land?"was sung most effectively.

The concert closed with a trio from"Carnien". sung by Miss Eagon, Mrs.Ramsey and Miss Gude.

Makes Hit by First Appearance

Miss Mildred Anderson's ContraltoSolos Delight a Large Audience,

and Miss Rebecca Lee Dorse/


. Monday,'

Mar 92.T,aur* B. Lee and Edward W. Le» to

Thorn** Rattrsjr—Lot* 1» and 17, Tef«*atract $lo

Jostah J. Thresher and A. B. Thresher t>>William Chltlett—Part lot 36, Turnef ftOarMitt'* nub. \u0084.....,,... $10

William Chlr.letU and Catharine F. Chla-lett to Joslah J. Thrasher and A. B.n. Tr-rasher— Part of lot 15J, LankershlmK.U A W. To $10

Robert V. Mllner to Joseph Blsehof— Partof Inta 13, 13 and 14, block 3, resilh' ofblock* 10 and 11, Hollywood Ocean Vl«wtract $10

O. W. Bouthwlok and Cynthia C. South-tvlck to Mottle Vail—Lot* 11 and 14, blockD. Manzanlta Height* :...$lO

Francis A. Banborn to Mattle Vail—Lot*1.1 nn.l 14, block I>, Mamanlta M«ltht*..slo

Mattl« VAII to Margaret 11. MatthtiwiM-l.nt» 13 and 14, block D, MmiznnltnHeights ;......... $10

Marrniret R. Matthew* to Clara D. Wat-son—Lot li, block !>. *am« trnct....... .$lO

Myrtle Gallman and John J. Gallman toRobert H. Wlllion

—Lot* 13 and 14, block

J, Raymond Villa tract No. 1 .' $10George E. Kennedy to Royden L.Forsyth

—Lot 14, block A, Central tract $10Anna O. Gregory to A. E. Pool— Lot* IT

and 11, block 17, Charles Victor Hall trt.sioHattle M. Llndenfeld to Mrs. Eunice Cy-


Lot 9, block 11, Homestead tractot Pioneer Bulldlns; Lot A«nn $10R. Colyear to Mr*.B. L. c:yr#nlu.i—Snme.ilO

Eunice Cyrenlu* to Patrick J. Jink* andMary Jinks—Lot 9, block 12, PioneerBuilding Lot Assn. tract ot B. h. A...52i0»

Mary J, Jenney and Irving B. Jenney toJame* V. Hamilton— Lot 19, block 15,Charle* Victor Hall tract $>00

Jacob Smith and Maria Smith to LouisBrand

—Portions of lot* 1 and 2, block 4,

Greenwell tract \u25a0 $10Margaret E. Perklnson and A. V. Per-

klnson to Perry B. Wilkinson and Addle MWilkinson—Lot 70, J. Marlon Brook*'sub $10

Lucy H. Wheeler to Dr. R. W, Morrl*—

Lot 20, block 27, S. half ot West End Uni-versity add $10

Helen A, Morrllland Geortt K. Morrlll toR. C. Wiedeman— Lot 13, Conant's subdivisionof part of lot 6, block 73, H. B $10

F. F. Cross and Lulu F. Cross to Mary M..Mote-Lot 4, block U, Harvard Heights trt $10T. I,ft T, Co. to Freeda Keener— Lot 5.block 11, Huntlngton Park Annex $10Eva L. Humphrey* and Jasper N. Humph-

reys to Frank C. Platt Inve»tment Co.—Partof lot 44, Orange Villa tract ....$lOH. H, Welch and Adelaide B. Welch toCarrie A. Rlley—Part lot 3, block 2, O. W.

Chllds* tract $10G. Maurice Bartlett and Minerva E. Bartlett

to Merton O. Randall—Lot 11, De Frlei tr ..$lOFrana Kern and Knthnrlna Kern to Alpheus

W. Redman—Lot 1and part lot 8, Garey tractaddition }io

Park Land Co. to J. B. Whlttler—Lot 20,block 3, Huntlngton Park ...$U>May F. Clapsaddle and Peter A. Clapnaddleto Isaac A. Lothian—Lots 4 and 6, Mitchelltract |io

John C. Bent* and Louise B. Bentz to CalvinS. Nyce—Part of lot 1, E. B. Allen's sub ....$lOJean 8. Jnmiaud, Anne Adelald Jnssaud (Ann*Adelaide Jauscaud) to 1* A. Gas & Eleo. Co.—Lots 1 and 3, block C, Allso tract $20,000

Francis O. Blrge and Eleanor R. Blrge toJchn A. Harris—Part block 89, ProvidenclaRanch landi $800

Annie E. Canneld, guardian ofFrank S. Can-field, minor, to Olof Oleson— Part of lots 1and2, block 6, Urmston tract $1a33F.mlllft L. Garbutt and Frank A. Garbutt toW. I. Holllngsworth and Robert Marsh—Lots23 and 24, subdivision of block 18, O. S $10

Ferdinand Wheeler and Susan Morrison Gor-gas Wheeler to Gall E. Moon—Lot 3 and south2.7 feet lot 2, Osborne tract $10'

Gall E. Moon to Alfred U. Maeder and HenryJ. Maeder— Lot 3 and part lot 2, Osborne tr $10

Flossie Summers to Frank E. Maly—Lot 6,block B, Ela Hills tract ;....$1

Richard F. Bennett and Mary Bennett toRobert Knappman— Part of lot 5, block 77.H. S noGideon Potter and Emily Potter to Elizabeth8. Carr—Lot t, block 66, Alamltos Beaoh tofn-

slto $260i)T. I. &. T. Co. to Flora M. Wagner andCharles F. Wagner

—Lots 1, 2 and 3, blockM, Crescent Heights tract $2550

Maggie Kirk to L. Wllhelm—Part Sec. 22.2 S., 14 W $10

T. I.& T. Co. to Charles Clifford"Conroy—

Lot 30, block 2, Venice Park tract $10M. E. Hammond and Marguerite J.

Hammond to Parley M. Johnson—

Lot 12,block 24, Huber tract $10, Estnto of Thomas E. Short, deceased

—Order confirming sale to Clara E. Cameron,lot 10, block 64, Pomona, and to C. K.Short, lots 2 and 3, block 46, Pomona. s22so

Sarah Short, W. M. Short, C. K. Short, G.H. Short, Sarah C. McDermltt, J. L. Short,R. C. Short and Oullford W. Short to ClaraE. Cameron

—Lot 10, block 64, Pomona. s22soAnnie Coll to J. T. Price—Lot 6, block X,

Monrovia $1Emma M. Moulton and Louisa Berry to

Truman Berry—

Lots 7 and 8, Morgan Villatract $10

Edward Strasburg and Estella E. Stras-burg to Herman Strasburg

—Lot 9, block 5,

Alamltos Beaoh townslte $10David W. Permar to Mrs. Augusta Snider

—Lot 13, block 12, Adams Street ArlingtonHelgUs traot $10

T. i.& T. Co. to Mrs. Augusta Snider—

Lot 14, block 12, Adams Street ArlingtonHeights tract $10

A. S. Koyer to Elizabeth Gelger andHenrietta I. Gelger—Lot 8, block C, Bon-nie Brae tract $10

Harry D. Tower to William M. Caßwell—Lot 1, block A, Rlvara & Vlgnolo traot.. slo

William Gordon to Lewis W. Andrews—

Lot 23, block Q, Cable Road tract $10D. L. Peters and Jennie M. Peters to W.

M. Dutton—Lot 82, block 5, Highland tractadd. No. 1 .'. $10

Fred L. Baker and Lillian T. Baker toMiss Lucy E.„Wheeler— LQts 106 and 107,block A,Meade & Dal ton tract $10

Robert McAdam and MaryE. McAdam toCharles B. Croner

—Lot 6, MoAdam trt.. slo

J. L. Packard and Marian Packard to J.C. Floyd—Part of Ro. San Rafael $8600

Charles B. Ingram, May B. Ingram .andGeorge H. Brlggs to Frank E. Gregory andAdelaide M. Gregory—Lot 8, resub of Tur-rer tract $10

Harriet C. Collins and A. W. Collins to MayF. Chandler—Lot 17, Collins traot $350

Jane C. Orr to Sara P. Rhode—

Lot 4,Hollywood Grand View tract ..• $10

Mrß. M.D. Marsh to Mrs. Mary J. Thompson

—Lot 13, block DD, addition No. 1 to Mon-rovia $10

Redondo Imp. Co. to L. J. Baumbach—

Lot 36,block 180, Redondo Beach $650

Same to Nettie A. Hutchlnson— Lot 79. OceanBeach subdivision $700

Alice R. Schlernttzuuer and Joseph A. Schler-nltzlauer to Lizzie Haley—Agreement to con-vey lot 13, block E, GlasßeU'a subdivision ..$650

Joseph F. Nadeau to Miss Mary Sweeney-Lots 16 and 17, block X,Edgewood Park ....$lO

Roßedale Cem. Assn. to Charles Mottahed—Agreement to care for east W of lot 20, sec-tion X, Rosedale Cemetery $75

H.B. Plnney and Laura A. Pinney to JudsonS. Pelton—Lots 86 and 87, Park tract. Longl<each : \u0084...$lO

Mark Bird Seal and Llda Hester Beat toCharles E. Byrklt

—Agreement to convey part

stctlon 71 S 13 W- $1750Hermosa Beach L. & W. Co. to C. H. San-

born and W. J. Sanborn— Lot 2, block 1, Her-niosa Beach $10

H. E. Bunger and Ruby !•). Bunger toSubuarban Inv. Co.—Lot 5, block 27, HermnsaKiach J7r.il

Jtimes Oakley and Frank Oakley to Mrs. Car-rie Whaling—Part lots 107 and 106, Wilsontrod $10

Kate Bassett to 11. W. Basaett-Part Farmlot 213. Alamitos ract $10It. W. Bassett to Kate Bassett-Lota 1 to 23.

blffock G, Bay View $10R. C. Regllen to Ida Llversldge— Lots 6 and

8, block 2, Highland tract addition No. 1..SISOOGussle Egelhoft to Anna T. Glllon—Lot 273,

block 5, Golden Bay tract $10United Land & Water Co. to G..W. Allen-

Lot 2, block 183, Sierra Vista townslte ....$lOAlamltos Bay Co. to J. J. Jenkins— Lot 9,

blcck 51, resubdlvlslon of part of Alumttos Baytownslte $10

Geo. If. Peck, jr., and Alice M. Peck toGicomo Benlvetto— Lot 1, block 0, Peck's sub-division of blocks 6 7 8 and 9, Carolina trt $100

Martin Stoll and Matilda C, Btoll to John C.Jcrgenaon— Lot 4, block A, Hollywood Home-side tract $10L. A. Bldg Co. to George P. Thresher— Part

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS lo* 1. nillot t null p«ft lot 4. bio** 7, Wild** Strong' * (uMlvimon Fmnk 8*blchl tract:p«rf lot M, Ollvnr O. Hrynnt (Met;lot* 1and3, Mock B, Newell & Under'* mihrllvlnlon ofCecil Vln. tract; lot 6, Nlcn tract; lot «, No*-*B, Obear tract jlot 23. Oliver C. Bryant tract;lot 1«, block B, obMF tr«ct $1'»U A. JIM*. Co. to Oeor«« P. Thr*sh«f—Lot

5, Kennedy tract; lot 4, Mock 17. (larv«n*»addition No, I;lot 80, Oliver C. Bryant traet;portion of lot «, ii\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• imi, ;lot 24, Mo KK. Mcilnny tract; lot 11, Oliver C. Bryanttrttct $10

George <'nt« and Mnrv R. Cat* to Eliza-beth AcIhiiih

—Lot 7, block JOS, Hedondo

Beach $10.1 II. <'svannh and Ltirene Cavnnah to

Eva 1,. Allen—Lot 2, block 1*3 RedomloBeach 110

Hnnin to John J. Allen—Lot 3, block 193,\u25a0am* $10

M. N. Avery and Sarah a. Avery toOeorga 8. Smith—Lot '*.-.. Southern districtAgricultural park $10

Richard iMinnlmtn and Maria t. imnnlunn1.. B, F. llurkhart—Lot* (, Iand 8, bloek1, Meadow Ulen tract $37R'

T. 1 A T. Co. to m 1. Wlcki—Portion ofSec. 9, i*. is w $10

M I, \Vlrk.< to .Charlea M. Sllmson—Lota 200, 214, 21*. 216, 21? and 227, Green'sCentral Avenue tract, add $10

A. H. TlrrirUamp and Katie A. Brocampto Rtephen Flulir 1. \u25a0>!\u25a0<. Iand 1, block A,Thill, Weber A Brocamp tract $10

li. TV Allen and Mary 0. Allen to Har-riet A. Heath—Part Sec. S, I S., 12; lot* 9and 10, block R, Wotkyna A Martin «ul>.$10

A. W. Johnion to Francis B. HtltehllHPortion of lot 5, block 7:. II. B $10

Adell B. Raymond to E. L. Harvey—

Lot12, block A, Button tract $10

Emm* B. Gunnett to Mary O. BarmoraPortion of Ho. Los Alamltos $1

Anna I,. Heron to Emma B. Ounnett—

Same property \u25a0\u25a0 above $10.B. K. Mcllhtnny to Albert Mercer—Lot

24, block 6, Now Vernon $10Mary Montgomery and J. W. Montgomery

to Catherine Abbott Turk—Lota 43 and it.Park tract $300

William Pitman to IaAbella F. Pitman-Lot 10, block 18, reauli of Hroadacres. .$100

Stephen II. Moore and Mary B. Moore toCynthia L. Sterling—Lot 37, Hose tract. $10

John D. Hlcknell null Nannie Blcknoll toE. H. Matney— 27, 28 and If, block36, A*usa $1"3

Mutual Realty Co. to Edward Llebacher—Lota 28, 29 and 30. Interurban tract. ... $300

John H. Norton and Mary F. Norton toMftttlton 1). Jones— Lot 4, »lock 9, C. V.Hall tract $10

Mary Elizabeth Hagadorn to OrlandoMoor

—0, Lincoln Avenue and Fair

Oaks Avenue tract $100George H. Peck, and Olive M. Peck to C.

A. Carroll and F. D. Carroll—Lot 13, block10, Peek's Grand View tract $876

Alice A. FlUirerald to Grace Olive Cook-mar.—Part block 2, replat of Lattlntract !» $4000L. C. Brand, Mary Louise Brand and Hunt-

Ington L. & Imp. Co, to May C. Church—Lots10 and 11, block 7, Olendale Boulevard tract $600

W. 8. Phllp and Minnie K. Phllp to W. 8.Miller-Lot 5, block 17. W. Adams Hts $10

Same to Maria A. Heacock-* 6, block 17,

same tract »...' $10

Lula Bullock vs. Ilnell Hlgglns, John Doe,June Doe and Richard Doe—Decree quietingtitle In plaintiff to lot 79, C. A. Smith's thirdaddition

Clinton eath, administrator of estate of LucyB. -Mallott, deceased, to Joseph H. McKee—Pert lot I, block 10, Compton; part lot 0.blcck 10, Compton $930

James B. Proctor and Mary A. Proctor toPac. Elec. Land Co.—Part of lot 8 K 1, Temple& Gibson tract $10

Carpenter & Biles Mill& Lumber Co. to A.L Carpenter and Elmer E. Biles— 153 and254, Goodwin tract $1"

K. F. Holman to Florence K. Holman—47 and 48, Bowcn & Chamberlain's Main St.

Boulevard tract $19J. A. Oagood and C. L. Osgood to RoBCoe A.

Kimbn.ll— 11 and 12, block A, Cook's sub-division $10

Katherolne Duncan Lewis to Thoma* A.Lewis-Lot 1, block 4, Washington Hts tr $10

H. D. Vandeveer to Louis Henry—Lots 1to C,

9 to 15, 19 21 23 and 24, block A;lots 12 3, 6 to12, 16 18 to 24, 27 28 3133 to 37, block B, Lewistract, Qarvanza $10

Mrs. Mary D. Goss to James Gosb—Lot 1.block 120, L. A. Olive Growers' Assn tract $1

Combination Oil Co. to Thomas F. Brown-Lot 2, block 4. Ocean View tract No. 1 $10

David Lewis Burke, Claudlne Weaver Burke,James King Burke and Wllletta Burke titCharles C. Kastner and Salesa. A. Kuatner—Lot 248. Burke Bros.' addition No. ito FIk-ueroa St. subdivision $250

John J. Charnock to J. W. Rogers— Lot IS,block A, Soto St. tract $323

Addle Johnson to Claude F. Hale—Lot 12,Shafer & Lanterman's resubdlvlslon of Dlmlcktract $10

George R. Crow to E. M. Crow to Walter C.Reynolds—Lots 1 and 3, Robinson & Bralc-erd's subdivision $10

T. J. Hampton and Annetta A. Hampton toCharles C. Thompson— Lot 2, Macpherson'ssubdivision $10

T. M. Farrand to Henry Holbrook and RoseA. Holbrook-Part lot 6, all lot 6, and part lot6, W. W. RDoollttle's subdivision $10

Arthur 0. Tubbs and Cora B. Tubbs toValentine Ulrlch— of lot 2, block C,San Pasiual tract $10

Abbott Klnney Co. to Virginia Crafts-Lot 27, block 3, Golden Bay tract $10

Same to same—

29, same tract. .$10Joe H. McKee and Georgia McKee to

William H. Corbln—Part lots 5 and 6. block10, Compton $10

C. B. Casey and Ida M. Casey to VernonA. Chalker and MillieChalker—Lots 6 and7. Helar tract $10

Vernon A. Chalkor and Mollle Chalker toIda M. Casey— Lot 8, block 6. Covlna $10

Benjamin Viler and Luelia. B. Viler toJoseph B. Durand—Part lot 24, Bull trt.$10

Mary R. Darling to Ruth M. B: WilliamsLot 47, block 2, Atlantic Avenue tract.. $10

Helen Davlssoir and B. R. Davlsson toJames M. Jones

—Lot N, block 11, L.. L.

Bradbury's add to Monrovia $10Mary Sullivan to C. A. Wlllard

—Lot 11,

block 3, Atlantic Avenue tract $10Max Bridges to C. A. Willard and Llzzio


Lots 22 and 24, Bridges sub.... $10Mt. Lowe Hotel Co., by W. A. White,

sheriff, to Julius Enert—Part Sec. 3. 1 N,12 W $630

Sumo to same—

Same property adabove $2347

Mrs. A. A. Lambert to J. J. Maxey—7, block 66, Manhattan Beach $10

Henry Clay Breedcn and Josephine B.Breeden to R. K. Culver and A. C. Dodge—Purt of lot 10. block G, Golden Bay tract. Jl

R. K. Culver, A. B. Dodge and CorlnnsL. Dodge to Mrs. V. M.

—Part lot 14,

block 6. Golden Bay tract... $10Mrs. V. M. Smith to Blanch S. Boone— Part

lot 12, block 6, Golden Bay tract $1C, L. liundy. Nellie Allen, John A. Stan-

wood, Individuallyand as trustee, to Joseph II.Schiller— Lot 20, block P. Ocean Park Villatract No. 2, and lot 18, block I,Ocean ParkVilla tract *10

Walter 0. Johnson to Ruhamah Smith—Por-tion of lots 10 and 11, F. D. Lantermun's sub-division (10

T. I.& T. Co. to La Verne J. Hathawayand Hose M. Hathaway— 19, Bowen &Chamberlln's Main & Flgueroa St. trt No. 2 $10

Faequul Arlsco and Annie ArUco to JumeiCrldel-Lot 1. block I,Kla Hills tract ....$90U

Aliimltos Land Co. to A. A. Kuder—Part olblock 64, In Ro Los Alamltos $10

Co-op. Sav. Bank to Mary H. Twltchel—Lot7, block 17, West Adams Heights .' $10

Thomas E. Fentress and Josephine A. Fent-ress to S. II. Streeter— Lot 16, block 5, Green-well tract »Hi

James F. Harmon and Eugenlt A. Harmonto'Adriana C. Speck-Lot 20, block B, Avcry& TiiRifiirt'H subdivision ... .".'.' .,


Ettu. C. Arhogast and J. W. Aigobast loAdriana C. Speck— 294 and 295, Kdendaletract , Mil

Isabella Kiayei- to Jennie E. Lewis (neeJennie 13. Prayer)—Lots 13 and 14; also lot 1»nd 9, Wright & Johnson's subdivision ....$10

Mary Maud Kehlenbeck (formerly Mary MaudShattuck) to If. M. Hicks and Marlnda E.Hicks-Lot 280, Url.lcr & Xl)i»w'« seubdlvlsionof UrlHwalter tract $1(1

Oliver Cunningham Logan, Jr., and Minnie B.Lcg&n to John Arthur Logan-Part lots lit and20, Watts subdivision $HM

C. L. Bundy, Nellie Allen and John A.Stanwood, Individually and as trustee, toMrs. Dora Dowden

—Lot 14, block Q. Ocean

Park Villa tract No. 2 $10L. A. Land Co. to Kern River Co.—Por-

tion of 123.69 acres described In deed fromHuntlngton Land & Imp. Co. by deed

1777-99 , $10Cahuenga Water Co. to William O.Kerck-

hurt—All lands own.d by party of first partwithin toundarle* of lots 216 and 243. Lan-kerbhlm Hunch Land & Water Co.'a «ub..$l

Curl John Zawatsky to Carl John Btrang-man—Lot 16. Rlndge tract $10

T. 1. A T. Co. to William H. Ross andLona E. Rons— Lot II, block 6, Wilming-ton Harbor 1'nrk ..' $10

Joseph W. lteed and Alice B. Heed MJoseph J. Midland—1.

'' 11, block I, U. W.Morgan's Sycamore Grove tract $600

George A. Howard and Hester Howardto F. G. Calkins—Part lot 9, Irrigable landsof Hunter Highland View tract $10

T. I. & T. ( '•>. to Almeron C. Hathaway—

Lot 20, Bowen & Chamberlln's Main andFlgueroa Street tract No. I $10

David Lewis Burke and Claudlna WeaverBurke, James King Burke and WllleltuBurke to Rose K. Taylor

—Lot 160. Burke

Bros' add No. 2 to Flgueroa Street sub. 110Same to Mrs. Kate Burke

—Lota 204 and

106, same tract $100Frank Brings and Jean Briggs to CarrU

llawl.lna—Lot 28, block 4, Georga DaltonBr. tract $10

Joseph II. Robbing and Sarah J. Hobbinsto Jennie K. Wood— Part lots 1. 2 and 4,

alllot ( and part lot •. Valley View tit..IIEdward James and Ellen James to Leroy

8. l'ulU«—Part block li, 1'uililo Farmstract $1000. . \u25a0 # \u25a0 »Notice to Holder* of Herald l'lioto Ooupoms

Holders of Herald photo coupons on Jtainettft Bou'i atudto, wishing silting! on ttundaymust make engagement several day* in Ad-v«uc«. Allcoupon* must b» prueuUil beforeMay 25. U0». \u25a0>..

.,\u25a0*« *

It soothe* the nerves. LaiPalma* clgara.AididM^aAn*ftlMSMMiMJtiubt',fL¥.^,.4J ft,;.*i

Th» simple life—Doing your own work.The streuuous life—Doingsome other f«l-

low'a work. \u25a0asjs/sktMa^ijuMMMlk^The modern life—(Jetting some ether fel-

low to do your work—

June Smart Set,


Bank Stock* .Bid. Asked.

American National 116^4 11714Broadway Bank and Trust Co. .. 140 147Central .*. 180Cltlzenß' National 170Commercial National 101 103Dollar Savings Bank 120 130Equitable Savings Bank 130 ...Farmers and Merchants' National 238 ...XIret National .' 338German American 363 400Home Savings Bank ot I*A 60Los Angeles National 195 200Los Angeles Trust Co 104 112Merchants' National 310Merchant's Trust Co 104*4 110National Bank of Cat lcs 200Seourlty Savings Bank 250 ...Southern California Savings 230Southwestern National 110V4 116State Bank & Trust 100West Side Bank 103 110Union Bank of Savings 830United States National Bank .... 127

Bond*Bid. Asked.

Assoclted Oil Co S7"i »9California I'aclPo Railway »5 100Corona City Water Co 101Corona Power and Water Cv 100Cucamonga Water Co WO 103Home Telephone 94 95";Edlbon Electric Co.. Con »9 101Los Angeles A Hedondo Hy. Co ...Los Angelen 'st Con. Mtgs 101Mission Trans. & R. Co 01li »5Pacltlo Flectrlo Railway Co ins UOttMt. Lowe Hallway Co 80 n%Ontario Dom. Water Co »B 103Paelno LightPower Co 101H 103Trmeocai Water Co ...United Eleotrlo Q. & P. Co 98 101Pomona Con. Water Co mIllveralde Light & Fuel Co 100San Antonio Water Co 100 lotSanta Barbara ISlectrlo Hallway.. 70 101Seaside Water Co MPhoenix Light and Fuel Co 100Pomona 4 Ontario L. & F. Co lotVlsalla Water Co. 97 100Union Transportation Co W(i 98Edison Electrli, old Issue 100 103U. S. Long Dls. T. &T. Co. pfd.. 75 85

Prices Include accrued lntererLOil StOCkt

Bid. Ask»d.Associated Oil 41T4 AY,'SFullerton Cot 33Fullerton Con :if"iContinental 25 .25%Olobe 03M .0614,Home (Whlttler) 20Mexican Petroleum 34' iReed Crude m». .21Ollnia Land Co. oavi .0314Union 88.00United Petroleum IW.OO 143.00Whlttler Con. Oil 01 ,U%Puente Oil Co *5West Lake OliiWestern Union 200.00Central ej

Mining StocksBid. Asked

Blsbee West Co 02 .03ViButt* Lod* 20.00 Z7.OUllufa M. & M. Co 82Uoldnn Argus 14-00 Z6.00Oreen Con TIM M.OOJesse Bell 05Nevada Chief 0814,New Era OJJfc .08Nevada Keyoton* MPeninsula M. U M.Co 01 .OSQuartette •• ».M ...Searchlight M. ft M. Co 40 .SOVerd. Kins r U%

Los Angeles Bank ClearingsExohu-g** for the banks comprising the Loa

Angeles CUnrlng hou* are s^ toUows^May tl $I,«M,W.H 11.0M.1M.n | ItV.tM.M






k.TOR SALE .'Suburban Property

TOO BGBOtlß TWO. him tracts'at huntinoton park,


largb lots.

mttlk rmcrcfi.





IIOMi: 7062.

-,' V • BOOM 814

11. w. iu;i,i.man ntiMUNi*.




Offlc* on the tract, or Putt* 416-417,Pacino Electrlo Building.


Suburban Property— Hollywood

TIIK PRBACHBR'fI COIINKRMUST CIO lIHI-'OIIK WKDNKSIIAY.A beautiful corner lot nonr center of

Hollywood, fronting east 100 fp«t onWhltlayavwnue. fronting north 188 feelon* Franklin; very near car. See It andyou willbuy.

WRIGHT A HAMMERS, Sole Agent*.820 Byrne Hldg. Home 61100;Main 6911.

NICK LMVKb I*OT. MxHB, WITH CMMBNXcurb*, graded atreets and sldawalkc conven-ient to *chool, church and car line; located

Prlo* MO; $2t caah, $10 monthlr. CUA3.B. MANN. >1> Went Fourth "I

Beach Property


TF-CK'S\u25a0,-•\u25a0-'\u25a0 MANHATTANBEACH




Orange Groves

"THE FOOLISH DO IN THE END WHATthe wise man doe* In the beginning." NowI* the time for the wise to buy orangegroves. If Interested, I'll tell ynu -why.See L. M. PRATT, 608 Laufthlln Bldg."Hcadqusrterß for oranga groves."

Hotels and Lodging Houses .FOR SALE-LODGING HOUSE.

On Hill street, close In, nicely furnished,

JO-room house. Will sell very cheap. Nice

lease. Investigate.

R. A. ROWAN & CO.,

M0H: W. Hellman Bldg.

A SNAP INA NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM-Ing louse of 20 rooms, centrally located, forsale. Ch?ap rent; long lease. Inquire ofWILL METZQER, 610 South Main.



on the south side o£ Pico, close to Georgia'street, lot 63x127 to alley; rents for $80 permonth; cost $8000 to build;price on this prop-erty for a short time Is $15,000. Lot aloneIs worth close to $10,000.

W. H. OBEAR. 402 Johnson Bldg.

Stocks and BondsR. w! POINDKXTER. Broker, 409 WILCOX

Building, deals in bonds, mortgages andether ilrst-eIHKs securities. Reference: First

\u25a0 National bank.

Live Stock—

Horses, Mules, Cattle



FOR SALE—LUMBER—BY THE NATIONALCOMPANY. Try the big new yard, 20th andAlameda streets; clean, new stock and plentyef it. Come, we'll show you both qualityand price.

Large stock of sash and doors.The best of mill work at the very lowestLe

NATIONAL LUMBER COMPANY,20th and Alameda streets.

FOR SALE—GREAT CUT PRICE SALE OFhousehold goods. $2.50 Smyrna rugs, $1.60;carpet sweepers, $2.25; box mattress couches,$2.60; couch covers, $1.10; lace curtains, 650pair; washtitands, $2.50; 6-plece toilet sets,$1.75; small dressers. $3.75; 9x9 granite rugs,$3.60; portieres, $2.00 pair; treasure kitchentables, $3.60; 2-burner hot plates, $1.90; llno-

n leum, 600 yard; sanitary couches, $4.50. J.M. OVERELL. 662-654 S. Main st.__ .

PIANOS—ALLYOU NEED TO PAY US IS $6wh«u you pelect your piano, then $6 monthly.We won't charge you any Interest. W*positively guarantee the price we ask tobe the same as asked inNew York, Bostonor Chicago. Remember the old house ofFITZGERALD when you want a good piano.113 S. Spring street.

I , NEW DISCOVERYOur enamel finishes things like a mirror;

none better; big cut Inwall paper, best valuoIn U. S.;78-ln. burlap, 20c; 3<i-In., dyed, 15o;best paint, $1.50 gal.; table oil cloth, 20c;shingle stain. 76c; opaque shades, 25c; lino' finished molding, 2c. Send for samples.

WALTER BROS., 627 S. Spring.

FOR SALE—NEW AND SECOND-HANDbilliard and pool tables. Bar fixtures of allkinds; easy payments. Send for catalogue.THE BRUNSWICK-BAEKK-COLLENDERCO., 620 S. Broadway, Lob Angeles.


:,;::\u25a0 Real Estate



20 acres fullbearing navel oranges, Rlir-| ersldfl; good house and barn, Gage water

system; willexchange for good eastern orLos Angelea city; prlcv $20,000FIRBT-CLASB PHOTOORAPir STUDIOIN CITY; WILL EXCHANGE FOR


10 acre*—

Fine home In Pomona, 6-roommodern cottage, good barn; % mile toP. O. and depots; Is ready for HubdlvUlon;half In oranges, half In walnuts; wantsmaller property near Los Angeles; willtrad* right; $12,600.


Two modern cottages and one businesshulldlpg, Pomona, to exchange for LusAngeles; willpay cash difference; $10,000.•WB HAVE A 600-ACRE STOCK RANCH


I. J. BILVIS & CO.,SOS Mason Building,

Cor. Fourth and Broadway

TO EXCHANGE—IF YOU WANT TO GOKABT.mul wish to exchange property forfin*property In ORAND RAPIDS, Mlc.'Hl-'GAN,Iwill tsivo good trade. Health'compel* my remaining here. Want goodproperty, I.v* Angelea or vicinity. Ad-dreßS owner, DWIGHT BROOKB, 1223 Ar-nold St., J.na Angeles.

TOR MXCHXNUH—BY HEN WHITE.>M lunches. $600 to $100,000.100 hou*«o and lot*,$1064 to $50,000.100 orange and lemon grove*, $2000 to $100,-«W. .(000 miscellaneous properties. To buy. Mil

or trade property go to BUN WHITE, 304lirynonBlock, td and Spring street*.

KpR EXCHANGE—MOUNTAIN HOMK, Usacre*; 10 aore* barley; fruit of allkind';good 6-room house, barn, chicken bous»,line sprlns;, horsu, wagon and all farmingImplement*; $:000;cT<'iir, W*.nt ralUKuor rooming house. HcFATUIDGD UKOH,tila- Uprluv »'•

WitiEr mo. miHiNEss coM.rcaß. MstJbSj IV. Seventh. riMiiillfnllmni«iiMSEm mrrnnndlnfcH, <1«y »"M evening

ftMlortfl. CAll, writ*, phone.• r. BB6WNSBF.RGFIR, Bu«ln*3» M<n»K«r.

NO SUMMER VJtCJtTIOHBut ttudents* vacation made up. Attend theUrged and most influential business train*In* nchool In the aouthwest. Inquiries In*rited.

809 South HillSt. B. B. Inane*, Pren.


K;«KRbB COLUtKHf IS A riAFB AMDI**»W.W BfWlftK HIJSk m*m*mm. HIW. m.



—7-room house, also 5-room cottage; lot

BOxlGo to alley; Grand View aye.; ex-

I'OH EXCHAn'oE—'8-room' house, S. W.; large lot; fine

lawn; house in goodtrepalr; large rooms;exchange for small acreage; willassumemniillamount: $3600.FOII EXCHANGE


Fine sightly location for flat*,one blockfrom court house; 16 rooms, well rented;will add cash to match exchange forclose In lmpro-rod; price $12,000. \u25a0.<./.,;.;.'


$8000, $10,000. $15,000 and up to $65,000;allclear, InLincoln county, Idaho, on Or-egon Short Line; Improved; (Inn for stock,alfalfa and grain; good climate; a finewater right; will trade one or alt to-gether for Southern California, city orcountry; ownor here for a short time.If you are posted on Idaho you know theSnake River country Is a fine country.


50-acre walnut grove at Rivera,the home of the walnut; 80 minutes' ridenn electric or steam cars; 10 miles fromLos Angeles. Will trade for Los An-golcs;


Mortgage $2500; a new, modernand up-to-date 8-room residence, popularS. W.; large lot; trade with cash forclose-In Los Angeles property.


Clear, a fine 6-room cottage;beamed ceilings, handsome combinationfixtures for lighting; dining room stainedoak; walls burlapped; chambers all fourcoats white enamel; lot 50x1 3D, on 30thSt., near Maple avc.; willtrade separataor together with one, two or three othor6-room cottages, for close-In Los Angelesproperty.

$6000 to $60,000— A1l clear, with Btockand machinery, one of the finest orangepropositions In Southern California; Inthe orange bolt, 36 miles from Loa An-geles; abundance of water. Will tradefor Los Angeles.


2-story modern 7-room house,near Vermont aye. and 29th St.; take lotor lots.


Clear, 2 business lots on Centralavc. and Jefferson St.; trade for close-InLos Angeles. ,


Mortgage $17,600—

A 52-roomnew and elegant hotel on 6th St., nearFlgueroa St.; rents $250 per month; trndi;or city or country If clear; might assumeon city.


A business block, new, on 3dst., close In. .well rented; wiir trade forother, nlty property.


$3000—On Kansas aye., near 29th st.;trade equity for vacant.


Equity In an apartment house,new; newly furnished; occupied; 48 rooms,modern and up to date; well located;trade for clear lots, cottages or ranch.

$6500— Clear, 0-room house and recep-tion hall; modern; large lot, near W.Adams and Hoover sts.; willtake welllocated, clear, unimproved lots for % ormore.


Clear; 2 vacant lots In the "West-moreland tract; trade for house and lot.

BOWEN & DOLTON,L. A. R. B. 439-40-41 Douglas Bldg.

FOR EXCHANGE—A 4-lliit building for smaller property or

vacant lots; a 20-room apartment house for

grove In Riverside at a sacrifice, or will ec-cept city or beach propurty. J. A. MORLAN& CO., 412 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.

FOR EXCHANGE—4 GOLD CLAIMS IN Aproved district. Will sell cheap or exchange

Owner not able to develop them. J. A. MOR-LAN& CO., 412 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.

$1000— FOR EXCHANGE—GOOD WHITE»tftam automobile for city or countryproperty. BEN WHITE, 308 Bryson Block.

MAXON WILL EXCHANGE YOURPROPSR-ty, any location. Large list to select from.MAXONREALTY CO., 114-115 Stlmson. Bide.

BEN WHITE WILL EXCHANGE YOURproperty. 808 BHYtiON BLOCK, Second andSpring sts. Member L. A. Realty Board.


~-"karber shops barbhr shops'3 chairs for $175.005 \u25a0

" "250.00• 8

" "1000.00

15 . " "4000.00



















HAVE YOU ANYTHINGTO BELL?Do you wish to buy anything?Do you need money?Do you nued advice?Do you iiuod an Auctioneer?

Be* ELY STERN,Uli South Broadway.

FURNITURE UTOItU FOR BALE.Prlca $800. New and Moond-band fur-

niture, and stock of hardwura and tin-ware, and fixture*. Flu*locution, vlo*«In.

Doing good buslnrvs. Rent $90 mo. B«**010 •(•nt*.JONES & RYDICK UNO CO..illWent Third *t. Bu»ln««* opportunityUeiHirtiiitut.






601-603 GRANT BLDG.


tt INTEREST TO MAN WHOcan invest $250 withservices. Iwill takeyou lv a* partner and teach you thebusiness; you can make about $40 perweek. Iwant sober, honest muu. This Isclean, easy, agreeable work. Bee O'OON-NELL, Room 1. $65 a HillSt.'

RETAIL BAKERY FOH BALE.Price $»00. This 1* a flrst-clau place,

doing a Mne business. Large brick oven,

nsw cash register; building 90x60 feet;long lease, clove In. Bee Buslnes* oppor-tunity Dept, JONES A KYDBK LANDCO., iilt Went Third at



ChicagoAnd Return

c/4nd correspondingly low rates to manyEastern points, cTWinneapolis, Kansas City,St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans and others.

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Los Angeles