1 Lord Grey News 16 March 2017, edition 11 LORD GREY CELEBRATES ITS FOURTH SPANISH EXCHANGE A group of Lord Grey students have just returned from Madrid aſter having spent a week with their Spanish partners. During their me in Madrid they visited important monuments such as el Palacio Real and la Plaza Mayor. One of the highlights of the trip was the guided tour of the world famous Prado museum. The weather in Madrid was very spring-like and the students made the most of the sunshine in the Rero Park by hiring rowing boats. The students were treated to chocolate and churros, a Spanish dessert that originates from Madrid. A visit to Toledo was a highlight, as it is a city that used to be the capital of Spain unl 1561. Miss Reynolds would like to congratulate the students on their excellent behaviour whilst in Madrid and she was pleased to see the students speaking with more confidence by the end of the week. A big thank you to Miss Vilanova and Mrs Stagg for their help with organising such a successful trip. Keep an eye out on the newsleer for details about our fiſth Spanish Exchange next year. PARENTS’ EVENING TONIGHT 16 March 2017 Year 8 Parents’ Evening 4.30pm-7.30pm 30 March 2017 Year 11 Subject Clinic

LORD GREY ELERATES ITS FOURTH SPANISH EXHANGE · 2020-01-20 · LORD GREY ELERATES ITS FOURTH SPANISH EXHANGE A group of Lord Grey students have just returned from Madrid after having

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Page 1: LORD GREY ELERATES ITS FOURTH SPANISH EXHANGE · 2020-01-20 · LORD GREY ELERATES ITS FOURTH SPANISH EXHANGE A group of Lord Grey students have just returned from Madrid after having





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16 March 2017, edition 11


A group of Lord Grey students have just returned from Madrid after having spent a week with their Spanish partners. During their time in Madrid they visited important monuments such as el Palacio Real and la Plaza Mayor. One of the highlights of the trip was the guided tour of the world famous Prado museum. The weather in Madrid was very spring-like and the students made the most of the sunshine in the Retiro Park by hiring rowing boats. The students were treated to chocolate and churros, a Spanish dessert that originates from Madrid. A visit to Toledo was a highlight, as it is a city that used to be the capital of Spain until 1561.

Miss Reynolds would like to congratulate the students on their excellent behaviour whilst in Madrid and she was pleased to see the students speaking with more confidence by the end of the week. A big thank you to Miss Vilanova and Mrs Stagg for their help with organising such a successful trip.

Keep an eye out on the newsletter for details about our fifth Spanish Exchange next year.


TONIGHT 16 March 2017

Year 8 Parents’ Evening 4.30pm-7.30pm

30 March 2017

Year 11 Subject Clinic

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Would you like to join our governing body?

Parent Governor Vacancy Do you enjoy a challenge?

If YES, please get in touch we would love to hear from you!

Successful schools need effective governing bodies. Skills learnt in the workplace can add real value to governing bodies. School governors are people who wish to make a positive contribution to children’s education. Governors are volunteers who work with our staff to ensure all students get the best education. We do benefit from having governors who represent all aspects of the local community and this is where you could fit in. In addition, you be part of a team and gain an enormous sense of satisfaction.

Would you consider joining our governing body and giving us some of your experiences?

Were you a governor at your child’s previous school?

Being a school governor has its rewards, and is an important contribution to education.

No previous experience required, you will be given access to training.


Please complete the application form

on the following page.

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Lord Grey School, like all schools, has a Governing Body. Governors represent parents, staff, local government, local industry, business and the community. The Governing Body’s main role is to work in partnership with the Headteacher and staff to develop the school strategically and evaluate its work. Readers will be interested in the overall composition of the Governing Body which is as follows:

LA Governors appointed by Milton Keynes Council

Parent Governors, elected by parents/carers

Staff Governors, including the Headteacher

Partnership Governors appointed by the Governing Body.

Parent Governor Elections Parents play an important role in the running of the school and we strongly urge you to consider standing for election yourself or nominating someone else who is interested. The questions and answers below give you more information. You may nominate yourself. Please return your Nomination Form to Dean Johnson, Director of Business, by 12 noon on 20 March 2017 via Reception. The school has an equal opportunities policy and the Governing Body is keen to have all sections of our community represented. We also wish to have a wide range of skills and professions on our Governing Body. Parent Governor Q1 Am I eligible if I am not the student’s parent? A1 Yes, if you are the legal guardian of a student who attends

Lord Grey School. Q2 May I remain a Parent Governor once my child has left the

school? A2 Yes, if you wish to, until your four year term of office

expires. You may also resign at any time during your term of office.

Q3 What would I have to do as a governor? A3 You would be expected to: A. attend one full Governing Body meeting per term at the

school; B. undertake some special tasks, such as joining a

committee or panel and linking to a class or subject; C. attend some of the school functions; D. do a lot of reading and learn about our school so you can

contribute to policy making and the evaluation of the school.

Q4 Will there be an election? A4 If there is one parent nominated, they will be elected

unopposed, but if there are two or more candidates for the one vacancy, a ballot will be held. If this is necessary, a further notice will appear in the Newsletter about the arrangements.

All parents whose child/children attend this school will be entitled to vote in the ballot and voting will be on the basis of one vote per parent/carer per place available. Before a ballot takes place, we will circulate information from the candidates to all parents. If it proves impossible to fill the vacancy, the Governing Body has the right to appoint alternative governors in order to fill the required number of Parent Governor places on the Governing Body. A person will be disqualified from election as a Parent Governors if she/he is:

An elected member of the Local Authority

Paid to work in school for more than 500 hours in a school year.

There are a number of other circumstances in which an individual is disqualified from being a governor, which include bankruptcy and criminal conviction. All newly appointed or elected governors will be checked against List 99, which details those people who are prohibited from working with children or young people. Proof of identity will be required. Should you require further information on disqualification clauses, please contact Governors Support on 01908 253614. The school also carries out DBS checks on its governors. We also have a vacancy as a Co-opted Governor, for this role you do not need to be a parent of a Lord Grey student.

If you would like more information, please contact Dean Johnson on 01908 626116.


Please return in a sealed and clearly marked envelope to Dean Johnson via Reception by 12noon on 20 March 2017.

I wish to nominate myself /the following person as a Parent Governor for Lord Grey School.

Parent Governor (must be a parent/primary carer).


Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Parent of: …………………………………………………………….…………... Tutor Group: …..……… Tel No:…..………..……………………..


Co-opted Governor

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Students from the Spanish set one class have been learning Spanish songs with Mr Calisto Cardoso. Mr Cardoso is one of our exam invigilators and he kindly gave up his time to teach and play a Spanish song with our students. We would like to thank him for giving our students an extra special Spanish lesson!

Comments from some of our students.

“Singing with Calisto is a fun and practical way of learning Spanish.”

“Thanks to Calisto we have been able to learn Spanish in a fun way!”

“I enjoyed learning the song because it was a fun way of learning Spanish. It is a unique way to learn songs in a fun way.”

“I enjoyed it because I get to learn about different culture and it is a nice way to learn the language.”

“I really enjoy my Spanish lessons. I enjoy when we sing songs in Spanish and we play games. I have improved a lot.”

“We have really enjoyed this lesson. It was fun and different way to learn Spanish.”

“I love singing in Spanish because I learnt more words in a quicker way.”

“I enjoyed it because it is a new and different way of learning a language.”

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Year 11 Prom

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Amongst our midst we have a champion or two and this week we are featuring Owen Alford. Owen is in Year 9 and a keen darts player. He enjoys playing in the Lord Grey Darts League on Friday lunch times with Mr Mort, but he is also a member of a league at Shenley. Recently he attended a televised international darts tournament with his Dad and managed to feature on the screens wearing a dart board! Quite a spectacle! Here is Owen with his most recent trophy at the Shenley Tournament. Congratulations Owen, proud to have you on the team!

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In the run up to the Year 11 exams, below are activities you could do with your son or daughter to help revise or practise their skills.

Subject: History

Exam Dates: Monday 5 June (Paper 1) and Wednesday 14

June (Paper 2)


1. Watch ‘The Butler’ – this film gives an excellent overview of the civil rights movement in America. Useful for

Paper 2, topic 7 (civil rights).

2. Discuss and make links between the rise of Hitler, and President Trump. Elections, legitimacy, economic

hardship and people looking for ‘alternative’ leaders. Useful for Paper 2, topic 5 (Nazi Germany).

3. Compare the League of Nations to the United Nations – what lessons have been learned from the failures of the League of Nations, established after the First World War?

Subject: Health and Social Care

Exam Date: Monday 12 June - PM


1. Discuss the news focussing on cuts to health services. There are lots of useful articles under the ‘Health’ tab of the BBC news website.

2. Tell them to recall the term for each letter of ‘LASERCAGE’ and to explain how it affects self-concept.

3. Watch ’24 hours in A&E’ (Channel 4)

Discuss practical ways of reducing waiting times Discuss how a patient’s PIES can be supported or improved through their recovery Discuss how the patient is supported through formal, informal and voluntary services Watch ‘The Hospital’ (BBC2)

Discuss how the NHS could be improved. Give practical and realistic suggestions.

Subject: Languages

Exam Date: Spanish: Friday, 19 May - Listening and Reading

German: Wednesday, 7 June - Listening and Reading

Italian: Friday, 16 June - Listening and Reading


Use vocab express weekly at home for at least one hour to broaden your vocabulary. www.vocabexpress.com If you don’t know your password, please ask your teacher.

Use Twitter! Send a tweet to your friends in German or Spanish. Or follow a German or Spanish celebrity and see how much you can understand.

Label items in your house in the Target Language. Teach your parent or guardian 10 words from your Controlled Assessment.

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In the run up to the Year 11 exams, below are activities you could do with your son or daughter to help revise or practise their skills.

Subject: Business Studies

Exam Date: A292 - Wednesday, 24 May 2017 A293 - Friday, 9 June 2017


1. Read the Business section of a newspaper and discuss the stories, asking students how this links to the theory they have covered in lessons.

2. Watch a documentary that has a link to a Business topic and get them to explain how it relates to what they are studying.

3. Use the internet to research a variety of different companies looking at ownership, size, scale and identify the key stakeholders. Get them to explain the similarities and differences to you.

Subject: Citizenship

Exam Date: Monday, 15 May & Thursday, 18 May 2017


1. Encourage them to be up to date with what’s going on in the news.

2. Provide them with newspaper articles and quiz them on it.

3. Discuss current affairs with them and encourage them to debate. Play devils advocate to challenge them on their opinions and appreciate opposing views.

Subject: PE

Exam Date: Thursday, 18 May


1. Watch a professional game/activity (of the sport you are using for your AOP) and explain a strength, weakness and how you would go about (as a coach) improving that weakness. Try and link to principals of training, methods of training and key terms.

2. Prepare a dinner (with help from parent/guardian) for a specific athlete. You should consider macro and micro nutrients and the energy requirements for that specific athlete and the event.

3. Point to a part of the body and ask them to name the muscle and bone. Perform a sporting action (for example a press up) and ask them to explain what joint action and muscle contraction is happening at each joint.

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In the run up to the Year 11 exams, below are activities you could do with your son or daughter to help revise or practise their skills.

Subject: Geography

Exam Date: Monday, 22 May and Tuesday 6 June 2017


1. Ask your child to explain the current weather to you i.e. do they think it is being influenced by a high or low pressure system? Get them to explain why and think about the different conditions that high and low pressure systems bring.

2. Use maps as often as possible: as you plan outings look at maps (Google Maps is fine) and think about distances and directions from one place to another i.e. from named place A to named place B we will travel in a southerly direction over a distance of 20km.

3. When out shopping, think about the functions of different retail areas i.e. what is the purpose of the local shops at Whaddon Way? Who shops there, and for what kinds of goods? How is this different to the shops at MK1, or the Centre:MK, or a large city like London?

Subject: ICT

Exam Date: Wednesday, 17 May 2017 (AM)


1. Read and discuss articles on Technology section from the BBC news.

2. Visit technology shops and research models and specifications.

3. Play a computer game and consider the advantages and disadvantages of playing the game.

Subject: Media Studies

Exam Date: Monday, 5 June 2017 (PM)


1. Read a tabloid and broadsheet newspaper with them and discuss the differences in style, types of articles and the language used. Discuss how these elements attract difference audiences to each paper, and what these audiences would be like.

2. Listen to radio news broadcasts with them and discuss the order in which headlines are given – what type of stories tend to be first in the bulletin, and which come later? Discuss why this might be and get them to iden-tify the key features of the news bulletin such as the jingle.

3. Work with them to complete interactive revision exercises on the website: www.erevision.co.uk – they have each been given a user name and password and there are a range of activities from which to choose.

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In the run up to the Year 11 exams, below are activities you could do with your son or daughter to help revise or practise their skills.

Mindfulness & Wellbeing


1. Ask your child to practice a little mindfulness while they eat. Ask them to look at their food before the first bite, notice how it looks and smells. Ask them to note any reactions their body makes to the food. When they first take a bite ask them what it feels like in their mouth, what textures can they detect, what tastes? They need to really slow down that mouthful and experience it. (Obviously they don’t have to do this for the whole meal).

2. Practice mindful breathing. Ask your child to slow down their breath and become aware of breathing in; notice the air moving, is it cold or warm?, ask them to notice their chest and abdomen moving and their lungs filling. Slowly breath out and again ask them to take note of what this feels like, is it a different experience to breathing in.

3. We all live in noise environments and as a result we tune out of a lot of background noise. Ask you child to practice mindful listening. Ask you child to just sit and really listen to the noises going on around them. It could be hearing bird song or the whir of the fridge. What is it they can hear right at that moment. Ask them to try and not let their mind wander, and if thoughts come into their mind to acknowledge them but return to the sounds that they are surround by.

Subject: Drama

Exam Date: Tuesday, 9 May 2017


1. Ensure they are reading their script, over and over again. The more they familiarise themselves with the text and their character, the more sophisticated and natural their performance will be. They are less likely to forget their lines if they inherently understand the narrative and structure of their performance text.

2. Ensure you can hear them practising their lines. Are they experimenting with different ways of saying their lines? Are they speaking softly, loudly, with different emotion? They will be awarded more marks if they can convey variation in their voice. Are they sounding more fluent and confident the more they practise? Ask them to show you small sections of their acting. The more confidence they have in their ability, the stronger their performance will be.

3. Test them on their lines, particularly if they feel they are struggling to remember certain sections of the text. Prompting with just the first word of their forgotten line is really key in helping them to remember the rest of the line. They must be off text when they return after Easter.

For more information contact Mr. Simon Killen (Associate Assistant Headteacher and Head of Upper School Achievement).

[email protected]

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Lord Grey celebrated World Book Day this year with a day of events, quizzes and competitions all revolving around the stories of the boy wizard Harry Potter. We were raising money for the National Literacy Trust and already have over £1,000!! The LRC was suitably decorated, as Hogwart’s Banqueting Hall, with the added attraction of the potions cupboard. There was also a chance to see the Dursley Fireplace with the flying letters!

Many of the staff were in-volved in our regular ‘Hunt the Character’ competition which is always very popular! Staff wore character labels and the students found as many as possible during the day - this enabled some staff to access their inner actor and dress up! The fight to t h e d e a t h b e t w e e n Bellatrix Lestrange and the redoubtable Molly Weasley!

Watch out! Umbridge was about!

Students looked the part as well!

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At lunchtime excited Harry Potter fans were sorted into Hogwarts Houses by the Sorting Hat, and participated in a quiz in the LRC.

Hufflepuff House were the eventual winners of the quiz, but all the teams worked really hard and the results were very close. There are some true Harry Potter fans at Lord Grey!

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Finally, the day came to a close with an evening of entertainment including a Treasure Hunt, the Bertie Bott Jelly Bean Challenge and bedtime stories from Tales of Beedle the Bard, all washed down with hot chocolate (with cream and marshmallows!) and cookies. Students were also able to buy souvenir wands handcrafted by Mr Robin Thomas.

Winners of the Treasure Hunt

Vomit flavour or dog food anyone?!!

Peace at last!

If you judge an event by the amount of running, jumping, screaming and

shrieking that goes on then this was a very successful evening!!

A huge thank you to everyone who took part during the day.

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Many congratulations to all the students

who have received a

Headteacher’s Reward.

Very well done and keep up the

good work!!

Form How many Vivo Points

River Burnett C02 1 5

Lilly-Rose Jackson C06 1 5

Callum Watson C10 1 5

Katie Appleton E14 1 5

Abidah Uddin L01 1 5

Ollie Simpson L09 1 5

Ema Lapatinskaite M09 1 5

Wesley Wildsmith U13 1 5

Krisha Rana C07 2 10

Felicity Downing E01 3 15

Courtney Macpherson E02 1 5

Poppy Hughes E09 1 5

Abidah Udin L01 1 5

Amber Hogg L04 1 5

Katy Austin L09 1 5

Kiera Goyen-Murray L14 1 5

Elisha Townley M02 1 5

Weronika Baczek M04 1 5

Larina-Andreea Sava M12 1 5

Madi Bulmer U08 4 20

Luke Roberts-Priday U06 1 5

Naimi Sayed U11 1 5

Luke Muggeridge U12 1 5

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Humanities Faculty Update


Year 9 - Have been looking at the Triple Shift – who cleans the loo(s) in the average house? Is it the male or the female? Who looks after the children? Who cooks dinner for everyone? Are jobs really equal between males and females?

Year 10 – Are exploring crime and its role in society. They are exploring whether the death penalty does actually prevent further crime in countries where this exists as a punishment.

Year 11 – We are linking our knowledge of research methods to investigations in our pre-release paper. We are practising exam questions in timed conditions always attempting to improve our answers. Using mind maps and flash cards to help us remember key concepts.

Year 12 – We are discussing childhood – is there such a biological state? Should Madonna’s daughter wear make up and have her own line of make-up at the tender age of 14?

What have we been studying recently? Star Students

In Year 13, Barbara Naughton Ammon and Amy Woodall are consistently high achievers in essays and in classwork. Megan Whitefoot is demonstrating a really good understanding of general concepts. All of our students are able to work on both theory and practical aspects of sociology.

Our star student in Year 12 is Jasmine Morris, who has always given of her best and who even managed to complete her homework and to email it in on time on the one occasion when she was absent with a really nasty bug.

In both Year 12 and Year 13, question/answer interactions are important, and both Shannon Bavister and Jessica Turp have shown themselves to be outstanding in responding to and in raising questions and points in class.


The election of Donald Trump as President of USA

has provide YEAR 13 with wonderful opportunities to study both the Media and Crime and Deviance in practical contexts, so, whatever one may think of his politics and his personality, we appreciate his contribution to our revision programme. We use his chauvinism and behaviour to women to revise Feminism; his somewhat broad approach to the truth (more accurate’) to study media manipulation; his phone hacking charges for cyber crime….and so much more. Thank you, Mr T.


Useful websites for revision:





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to your FIRST examination ON 15 MAY 2017.

Don’t forget Revision Classes are happening

during lunch, after school and at HALF TERM!!!



REPORTS All student reports will only be available via INSIGHT,

unless a specific request has been made for a paper copy.

A text message and/or email will be sent explaining that the report is ready

to access.

Please contact the school if you would prefer a paper copy, and please endeavour to keep telephone numbers and email addresses up to date so we

are able to get these messages home.

Mr R L Page, Deputy Headteacher

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GCSE Science B1, C1, P1 Wed 24 May pm B2, C2, P2 Fri 9 June am

GCSE Additional Science B3, C3, P3 Wed 14 June am B4, C4, P4 Fri 16 June am

GCSE Further Additional Science B5, C5, P5 Mon 19 June am B6, C6, P6 Wed 21 June am

Science Year 11 Exam Focus

Websites to use …. http://revisionworld.com/gcse-revision/science/ocr-gateway-science http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/ocr_gateway/ For past papers—http://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/gcse-gateway-science-suite-science-b-j261-from-2012/

TIMING AND THE DATA QUESTION During the trial exams, several students did not complete the data question on the unit 2 paper. There will be data questions, worth 10 marks on paper 2, paper 4 and, for triple science students, paper 6. It always appears at the end of the paper, so there is a danger that you will not leave enough time to answer it. You should allow yourself 25 minutes for Biology, 25 minutes for Chemistry and 25 minutes for Physics. This will leave you with 15 minutes for the data question. But consider doing the data question first. Your calculator is essential—if there are numbers in the questions you must do a calculation. If you are asked to compare information, make sure that you use the information in the question to help you, and be specific about the information in your answer.

A data question for you to try at home

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GCSE Science B1, C1, P1 Wed 24 May pm B2, C2, P2 Fri 9 June am

GCSE Additional Science B3, C3, P3 Wed 14 June am B4, C4, P4 Fri 16 June am

GCSE Further Additional Science B5, C5, P5 Mon 19 June am B6, C6, P6 Wed 21 June am

Science Year 11 Exam Focus

Websites to use …. http://revisionworld.com/gcse-revision/science/ocr-gateway-science http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/ocr_gateway/ For past papers—http://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/gcse-gateway-science-suite-science-b-j261-from-2012/

TIMING AND THE DATA QUESTION During the trial exams, several students did not complete the data question on the unit 2 paper. There will be data questions, worth 10 marks on paper 2, paper 4 and, for triple science students, paper 6. It always appears at the end of the paper, so there is a danger that you will not leave enough time to answer it. You should allow yourself 25 minutes for biology, 25minutes for chemistry and 25 minutes for physics. This will leave you with 15 minutes for the data question. But consider doing the data question first. Your calculator is essential—if there are numbers in the questions you must do a calculation. If you are asked to compare information, make sure that you use the information in the question to help you, and be specific about the information in your answer.

A data question for you to try at home

Answers next week ...

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Science Year 11 Exam Focus Exemplar answer to last week’s question

There are three parts to this question. You must answer all of them to access all six marks. First thing to do is to identify all of the parts of the question—you could underline or highlight them and then tick them off when you have answered them. Remember that you only have six minutes to answer this question unless you have saved yourself some time elsewhere. Part 1. What problems does this give for the manager of an oil refinery. Answer: Ten tonnes of gases and 30 tonnes of petrol are needed but only 5 tonnes of gases and 10 tonnes of petrol are produced. The same amount of gas is produced as is required. More naptha, paraffin and fuel oil are produced than are required. (If you don’t write anything else, this is worth 2 marks). Part 2 Explain how cracking overcomes these problems. A. Cracking breaks large alkene molecules into smaller alkane molecules. It requires the use of a catalyst at high temperature. (if you only write this you will get two marks. If you include this with the answer above, you will get three marks). B. The large alkene molecules where more is produced than is required such as fuel oil and naptha can be broken into smaller alkane molecules such as petrol that are in high demand. (This statement is needed to access 5 or 6 marks) Part 3. Include an equation for cracking. C12H26 —> C4H8 + C8H18 (You must include a correctly balanced equation in order to access 5 or 6 marks, if you try to put an equation in but you don’t balance it correctly you will get 4 marks if you also included the answer to part 1 and part 2A.)

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ESSENTIAL: all students must have a school bag, carried daily, of at least the size to carry an A4 book/folder.

Pencil case including

Ball point pens, at least two. (Black ink) Pencils, at least two.

Exercise books/resources needed for the day’s lessons (e.g. worksheets, completed homework, PE kit).

Planner. Maths Calculator.

Reading Book. Highlighter.

Ruler. Purple pen to respond to teacher’s marking.

Campus Card.


Pencil Sharpener. Felt tipped colouring pens.

Colouring Pencils. Glue Stick.

Scissors. Rubber.

Compass. Protractor.

Purple pen to respond to teacher’s marking.


Mini Stapler. Pocket Thesaurus.

Pocket Dictionary. Mini foreign language dictionary.


Tippex is not allowed.

All these items can be purchased from Student Services at very reasonable prices.

Only pens with black ink MUST be used for all examinations.

A PE kit must be brought into school for every PE lesson.

Cooking ingredients for Food Technology is by arrangement.



Page 24: LORD GREY ELERATES ITS FOURTH SPANISH EXHANGE · 2020-01-20 · LORD GREY ELERATES ITS FOURTH SPANISH EXHANGE A group of Lord Grey students have just returned from Madrid after having


Spanish GCSE Revision Sessions With Iván

Improve your skills: reading listening controlled assessments

Achieve your MTG Every Wednesday lunchtime in L03,


ENGLISH REVISION WEBSITES SEE THE LINKS BELOW http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/subjects/zr9d7ty http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/subjects/zckw2hv http://www.englishbiz.co.uk/ http:://www.samlearning.com

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We are always looking at ways to help you achieve

your full potential. Lord Grey has subscribed to SAM

Learning which is an online learning package which

has materials for SATS, GCSEs and A Levels. The

resources available on the system are very good, and

have the advantage that they can be accessed

anywhere where there is an INTERNET connection, at

home, in the LRC, public libraries as well as in lessons.

Independent research shows that provided students

use the materials for more than 10 hours in total then

it will boost SAT and GCSE grades.

So how do you get started?

The Web address is: www.samlearning.com

Every student has a unique user ID.

To discover yours follow these simple instructions!


USER ID: your date of birth followed by your two initials

e.g. the user ID for DAVID JONES, born on the 1 August

1985 would be 010885DJ

PASSWORD: This is the same as your USER ID but you

can change this once you have logged on for the first


The system is not meant to substitute the work that you

do in class with your teacher, or homework that has

been set by your teachers. It is meant to complement

and enhance your learning and revision skills—by

completing exam style questions you will get better at

exams and having to mark your own work will help you

understand exactly what the examiners want in an




t of th

e web

site sho


g so

me o

f the

activities you

can access.

If you do not know your login or password or are having any problems accessing SAM Learning please go to the SAM Learning Clinic with Dr Nourshargh on Tuesday at Tutor Time in the Science Office next to S04.

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25th January 2017—30th June 2017

Lord Grey is once again collecting Sainsbury's vouchers to purchase vital equipment for

the Food Technology rooms. Last year we purchased a range of replacement

equipment for the rooms include sieves, measuring jugs, mixing bowls and a selection of

baking trays for KS4 practical assessments.

The collection box can be found in reception.

All vouchers need to handed in by 7th July 2017

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Page 29: LORD GREY ELERATES ITS FOURTH SPANISH EXHANGE · 2020-01-20 · LORD GREY ELERATES ITS FOURTH SPANISH EXHANGE A group of Lord Grey students have just returned from Madrid after having


Page 30: LORD GREY ELERATES ITS FOURTH SPANISH EXHANGE · 2020-01-20 · LORD GREY ELERATES ITS FOURTH SPANISH EXHANGE A group of Lord Grey students have just returned from Madrid after having


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Dates for your diary

16 March 2017 Year 8 Parents’ Evening

17 March 2017 Career Workout

30 March 2017

GCSE PE Practice Practical Moderation

30 March 2017

Year 11 Subject Clinic 4.30pm-7.30pm

30 March 2017

A-Level & GCSE Recital Evening 7pm

3 April - 17 April 2017

Easter Holidays

Our Core Values:

Ambitious Determined Independent Respectful Successful




CONTACT YOU. In the ever changing world of mobile

phones it is important to have good

communication between home and

school. Could you please ensure that

you keep us up to date with regards to

any changes to your mobile and home phone numbers as

well as address and email details, plus any

updates on medical information.

You are able to do this by using your son or

daughter’s Student Planner or by contacting Student Services

on 01908 626176/626157 or emailing

Student Services on

[email protected]

Get all our latest news instantly on Twitter

Join us now – Lord Grey School is on Twitter! We are very excited about this and hope it will provide an additional network for the school to communicate to the wider school community. We are slowly incorporating social networking platforms

within school to give instant information and many tweets will be just simple reminders and diary dates. Our account is strictly monitored and our Social Media Policy is in place and will be posted on the website in due course. If you have any concerns or indeed suggestions of what you would like to see on our Twitter feed, please email us: [email protected] We do hope you find this a very useful addition to our communication channels. Happy Tweeting.

[email protected]

Lord Grey School, Rickley Lane, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK3 6EW

Telephone: 01908-626110 ● Website: www.lordgrey.org.uk ● Email: [email protected] ● Twitter: @lordgreyschool