Lookout for Glider Pilots

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  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    Gliding Federation of Australia

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    At approximately 1550 hours on Sunday 27 March 2005, two LS7s made

    heavy glancing contact at a height of about 3,000 feet. The canopy of XJJ

    was thrown open by the impact. The pilot was able to exit the aircraft and

    deploy his parachute; his arm was broken during the deployment but he was

    able to land under his parachute safely. The airframe of XRR was damaged

    by the impact. Its pilot was able to eject the canopy but could not exit the

    aircraft. XRR, with pilot on board, crashed in an open field. Assistance was

    available within minutes, but the pilot was pronounced dead on site.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    Mid-air collisions are an ever-presentflight hazard of which all pilots must beaware.

    The mid-air collision accident rateinvolving gliders has been of concern formany years and indicates that glider

    pilots should guard against this hazardwith particular vigilance.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    What is theessential Elementto achieving asuccessful lookout?

    An effective andefficient scanningtechnique.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    Be conscious of your Lookoutresponsibility 100% of the time.

    Set up your cockpit (instrument layout,GPS operation, map handling, etc.) tomaximise your time outside the cockpit.

    Good situation awareness is essential.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    Cruising Scan Forward conical scan - 60 degrees left/right, up

    and down.

    Full Scan Complete visible sky scan. Each side, above and

    below, behind each side round to as far back aspossible. Vital for situation awareness.

    Targetted Scan Used in specific circumstances. Scan concentrates

    on that part of the sky where the hazard isexpected.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    Use a scan technique appropriate towhat you are doing, viz:-

    1. CRUISING SCAN Straight glides

    2. FULL SCAN Cruise scan plus appropriatepriority to the flight situation (e.g. Circuit).

    3. TARGETED SCAN Cruise scan plus targetedpriority to the flight manoeuvre beforeinitiating (e.g Pull-up into thermal).

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    Flight ActivityFlight Activity Scan RequiredScan Required


    Constant Heading,Constant Heading,Constant attitudeConstant attitude


    Change Situation:Change Situation:E.g. Approaching aE.g. Approaching agaggle, aerodrome,ongaggle, aerodrome,onfinal glide, etc.final glide, etc.

    Ongoing CRUISING SCAN plus regular FULL SCANOngoing CRUISING SCAN plus regular FULL SCANplus TARGETED SCAN specific to the situation.plus TARGETED SCAN specific to the situation.

    Flight Manoeuvre:Flight Manoeuvre:

    E.g. Pull up, turn, etc.E.g. Pull up, turn, etc.

    Ongoing CRUISING SCAN plus regular FULL SCANOngoing CRUISING SCAN plus regular FULL SCAN

    plus TARGETED SCAN specific to the situation.plus TARGETED SCAN specific to the situation.

    NOTE!NOTE!The frequency of use of FULL SCAN andThe frequency of use of FULL SCAN andTARGETED SCAN in each Situation or Manoeuvre willTARGETED SCAN in each Situation or Manoeuvre willbe adjusted by your SITUATION AWARENESS.be adjusted by your SITUATION AWARENESS.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    Look in particular for turning glidersindicating a gaggle thermalling ahead.

    Slow down before entering an identified

    area of lift especially if it alreadycontains gliders. When thermalling at turnpoints and in

    the circuit, experience will readily dictatewhere to look for potentially conflictinggliders so use a targeted scan.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    When pulling into a turn, remember that youhave changed the situation significantly so youneed to take primary responsibility for remainingclear of other gliders.

    Scan back along the track direction whenentering a thermal looking for expected andunexpected gliders on that same track.

    Because gliders around us will sometimes beeasy to see and other times will disappear as welook, it is necessary to make a conscious effortto maintain situation awareness i.e. keep trackof the gliders around you and what they aredoing.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    Modern gliders have high energy - speeds arehigher than before.

    Height gain in pull-ups is significant and rapid.

    Hazards are greater on cross-countrycruise/racing, so stay alert.

    Increased stress at contest start points, gettinglow on track, approaching a turn point, navigationchecks, etc. force pilots back into the cockpit.

    Be particularly aware of this and force yourself tolookout !

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    Be aware of and allow for the effects of:- Age;


    low blood sugar; Dehydration; and

    mild hypoxia.

    If you have any of these be sure toconcentrate more than ever ontechnique.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    The table below shows the visual target size and timeavailable to avoid a conflict at various target distances.

    The visual target size is defined as the apparentwingspan of a 15 m glider subtended at 1 m i.e. armslength at the chosen range.

    Actual distanceActual distanceto gliderto glider

    Apparent TargetApparent TargetSize WingSize Wing


    Time to collision at closing speedTime to collision at closing speed

    50 kts50 kts 100 kts100 kts 200 kts200 kts

    500 m500 m 15 cm15 cm 20 sec20 sec 10 sec10 sec 5 sec5 sec

    1000 m1000 m 3 cm3 cm 40 sec40 sec 20 sec20 sec 10 sec10 sec

    1500 m1500 m 1.5 cm1.5 cm 60 sec60 sec 30 sec30 sec 15 sec15 sec

    2000 m2000 m 1 cm1 cm 80 sec80 sec 40 sec40 sec 20 sec20 sec

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    Image size of a glider (at arms length as above)at initial detection is rarely much smaller than 1cm so normal first detection range is ca 1500m.

    This means that, even at 50 kts, proceedinglonger than 60 seconds without a visual scan isequivalent to flying blind!

    Clearly, the high closing speed and small targetarea of head-to-head conflicts make suchconflicts more difficult to see than otherconflicts.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    Analysis of glider collisions tells us that one gliderwould have had a clear view of the other.

    The picture we see in our brain is not updated

    by any automatic process.

    It is all too easy to look without seeing.

    In order to see the small target provided byanother aircraft we need to make a consciouseffort to see when we look 100% of the time.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    Focus on the horizon and notice somedetail.

    Examine each section of the sky with theeye focused on infinity and stationary fora short period of time before moving tothe next segment.

    A moving eye will not see any detail.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    Consciously retain good situationawareness by being aware of the likelytraffic patterns and any known aircraft in

    your vicinity.

    Target the scan to the areas of potentialhazard.

    Think of the possible even if unlikely.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    Where the traffic pattern is random (lonecross-country or local soaring)concentrate the scan on straight ahead

    and then to about 60o

    to each side.

    When flying fast, concentrate more onstraight ahead.

    When flying slower expand the area ofconcentration.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    Regularly do a full scan to the side and asfar back as possible, especially where:- Slowing;

    Weaving; or to achieve situation awareness when heading

    off from the top of a thermal or approachingthe airfield.

    The highest risk of collision is glider-to-glider, cross-country flying.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    The area within 5 miles of an aerodrome isusually a high traffic area with random traffic.

    This is particularly dangerous airspace and

    lookout needs to be excellent.

    High speeds in this area are not appropriate.

    Flying pre-start in a competition is aparticularly hazardous situation.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    Beware of gliders on reciprocal headingswhen flying in streeting conditions oraround turning points.

    Gliders on a reciprocal heading are verydifficult to see.

    Avoid such circumstances and where thisis not possible take special care.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    When gliding in a group or on a set task,much of the traffic will be on a similarheading.

    Head-to-tail conflicts are easily avoidedbut gliders doing a pull-up, weaving,turning or backtracking provide an

    ongoing hazard.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    Do not fly in another aircrafts blind spotby following directly astern and higher.

    A glider doing a pull-up can be in adouble blind situation there is noobvious fix for this so prevention is theonly defence.

    Be predictable!

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    When weaving or entering a turn make sure yourlookout goes as far back as you can see.

    The responsibility for clearing the air remains withthe turning glider for at least the first full turn.Subsequently the responsibility may be sharedwith other aircraft.

    Look over your head to see traffic conflicting withyour turn particularly back along the mutual track.

    If a conflict is likely, roll level to allow theconflicting glider to pass in front before re-enteringthe turn.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    When following gliders, particularly if youare higher than the leading glider, thepilot must be aware of the likelihood of a

    turn associated with a pull-up and beready to take appropriate action.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    Situations where the following glider is afew hundred feet above the leading gliderare potentially dangerous.

    Avoid double blind situationsdeveloping.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    Be particularly careful when back-tracking (in lift) as this creates a head-to-head conflict.

    Other areas where there are obvioustraffic patterns are:-Turn points;

    When final gliding; Within 5 miles of an aerodrome; and In the circuit.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    Flight SituationFlight Situation Specific Scan RequiredSpecific Scan Required

    Start PointStart Point Full scan. Up/down. Left/rightFull scan. Up/down. Left/right

    Turn PointTurn Point Full scan. Up/down. Left/right. Check opposing,Full scan. Up/down. Left/right. Check opposing,crossing tracks. Into and exit from Turn Point.crossing tracks. Into and exit from Turn Point.

    Approaching AirfieldApproaching Airfield Full scan. Radio alert. Check crossing tracks.Full scan. Radio alert. Check crossing tracks.Approaches and DeparturesApproaches and Departures

    Final GlideFinal Glide Full scan. Radio alert. Watch for finishing gliders.Full scan. Radio alert. Watch for finishing gliders.Circuit traffic.Circuit traffic.

    In the CircuitIn the Circuit Targeted scan. Radio alert. Watch for power aircraft.Targeted scan. Radio alert. Watch for power aircraft.Watch for modified circuits.Watch for modified circuits.

    Receive radio call fromReceive radio call fromnearby aircraftnearby aircraft

    Full Scan. Target traffic location.Full Scan. Target traffic location.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    Flight ManoeuvreFlight Manoeuvre Scan RequiredScan Required

    VeeringVeering Prior to veer, scan in direction of veer including behind andPrior to veer, scan in direction of veer including behind andup. This is more than clearing the airspace you are about toup. This is more than clearing the airspace you are about toenterenter

    TurningTurning Prior to turn, scan in direction of turn, behind and up andPrior to turn, scan in direction of turn, behind and up and

    down. Continue to look through turn. Look for followingdown. Continue to look through turn. Look for followinggliders.gliders.

    Pull-upPull-up Prior to pull up, look each side, and behind each side andPrior to pull up, look each side, and behind each side andoverhead as high as possible.overhead as high as possible.

    Approaching a ThermalApproaching a Thermal Full scan above and below. Look for thermalling gliders andFull scan above and below. Look for thermalling gliders andapproaching gliders. Look for opposing gliders leaving orapproaching gliders. Look for opposing gliders leaving ortraversing the thermal.traversing the thermal.

    ThermallingThermalling Maintain 200ft horizontal and vertical separation. Look forMaintain 200ft horizontal and vertical separation. Look forgliders joining.gliders joining.

    Leaving a ThermalLeaving a Thermal Full scan. Look down. Commence cruising scan plus full scanFull scan. Look down. Commence cruising scan plus full scanprocess.process.

  • 8/14/2019 Lookout for Glider Pilots


    A presentation byA presentation by

    Christopher ThorpeChristopher Thorpe

    Chief Flying InstructorChief Flying Instructor

    Beaufort Gliding ClubBeaufort Gliding Club